, . .. . ' ..... TERMS. Jailt Dimocbat, 25 cents per month 93.00 per year, in advance, 80c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c pi week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran over month. Single copies 6c. Wbeely, 11.25 In advance; (1.50 at ene f year; S 1.75 for second year; $2.00 for third and preceeding years, when not paid in advance. Club of 6ve new subscriber at $5.00. 'batnlees, model 1SS9 9 75 00 Cbainless, model 1898 65 CO Obain, model 1S99 60 00 .'bain, modal 1893 45 00 4or, model 1898 40 00 Hartford, Pattern 1899 35 00 Hartford, Pattern 1898 30 00 fedette, Pattern 1899 25 00 LCT" For 23 years the Colombia line of bicycle have been the best, and now. saving been reduced so low in price, ion't be satisfied with something "jnst 0 good," bnt come around and get the snuine article. ANTED Several good second-hand icycles in trade for Columbia. - STEWART & SOX HDW. CO. Don't Forget that SuLZ SHOES make Glad Feet also Glad Purse. J. A. WEAVER. NOTICE OF F1XAL SETtTf MEN1. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe undersigned as the administra tor witb tbe will annexed of ibt estate of Melius A . Borktart deceased, has filed bis 6nl account with tbe Connty Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the County Couit has fixed Monday, Hay 1, 1?S9. at the boar of one o clock p. ni of said day. for tbe hearing of said account sod tbe firs! f-ettle-roentof said t state. Any and all persons having- objections to tbe same are nerbby not; bed to be present at the County Loon room at said titre and make tbe same. Dated this 24th Day of March. 1899. R. L. BcRKHaRT, Adm'r with the will annexed. Wf ATHERFOBD & WtaTT, Atty's for adm'r. KCTICE CF I INAL SETTLEMENT TVT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 the undersigned, the executrix of tbe laat will aad testament of Elizabeth Ran bauab, deceosed. has filed her final account in tbe Count) Court cf tne tbe state of Or egn. fcr Linn county, and tbe court has appointed, Monday, ibe hint day of May eVr9, at the boar of one o'clock p. m - of aid day for hearing ol jrctiors thereto, and take settlement thereof. All persons having ot jeclions are hereby notified to be prent t tbe data assigned. Dated Match 25th. lfm. L. 11. EuMBACon. Executrix of the last wil and testameit of Ei:7abetnRumbaugb, deceased. REFEREE'S SALE. "NT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 l in pursuance of an order ot tbe 1 lr- ' cuit Court of tba state of Oregon for the connty of Ltan duly made and entered of record in tnat certain tuit wcere in Sarah J. Elder and fsaic Elctar ker husband, E. M. Millard and John A. Millard her bus hand, Mary A. Crawford and John Craw ford her besband. and Sarah Me Bride and Laura Mc Bride were plaintiffs and lohn A. Mcbride.AiiDa Mettnde, Horace Mcnride, Mary McBride. William Waiter Mc Bride, and Myrtle McBride were defendants, ap pointing Ihe undersigned a referee lo make sale of the real premises hereinafter de scribed and report tbe same to tbe above entitled court, tbe undtreigced will, on Saturday, the 22nd day Of April, A D., 1899, at the north door of tbe coonly court bouse in tbe city of Albany, in the county ano state aforesaid and at tbe hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of saia day, sell to tbe highest bidJerfor cash in band all tbe right, title, interest, estate and claim of wnatsoever kind the parties, plaintiff an J defendant had at the dare o' said dec ee in and to the following deec ribed premises, to wit: The southeast quarter of section twenty six, and the northeast quarter and the north half of tbe southeast quarter of section thirt)-five in to ship twelve, sruth ot rane four, west of the Willamette Merid fan in 1-inn County, Oregon, containing focr hundred acres, tic pt therefrom tbe following described premises, to-wit: Be trinning ol- tbe bait ei tioo line at a point fifty five rode east of tbe northwest corner of the aoutheat q tarter of section twenty six in towoiMpi welve, south of r-nge four wert or tbe W illamette Meridian, ia Linn County, tirrgon, and tunning thence east twelve rods and ten feet; tbence south twelve rod a'.d ten feet.; thence west' twelve roils and ten feet, thence north twelve rods and ten 't t to the place of oe a inning, containing one arrt deeded to School DiKtrict No. fQ id L:nu County. Oregon. Kiht to reject any sod all biJ-. reserved. ' Oated at Albany, Oregon, th;s 20to daj of March, 1890 ' J A McBrio, Referee. ADMiXlSTKATOR'S NOTICE. "NTOTICKIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 X Ibe nrdermgned has by toe County Court of Linn County .Oregon, been duly ap pointed administrator of tbe estate of Har riet Fuiler, deceased, and has qualified such administrator All persons having claims sgainH tbe estate of said deceased ate hereby r. quired to present tbe same pioperly verified as by law required. This the 20th day or March, 1899. ' 8aiiuax Mav, Administrator. WEATHEkrOBD & Wtatt. EXPERT BICYCLE REPAIRING 1 pal BlacMtMng HORSESHOEING. Second Street between Ferry and Broadalbln. MILLER & STEWART A Manila Letcer. Manila,?. I.. Feb. 26, 1899. My Dear Folks : Your letters of Jan. 8th and 2Ut ar rived Fr.day, Feb. 24th on tbe fccendfs, etc. 1 hinga are about the same here since ths fight started . Have a scrap nearly every day. Hardly a day passes withoo some regiment has a Utile skirmish, hot n every case the insurgents nave to turn their heels and make for the woods. Tbe20lli Infantry came in on theScadia which will help ns ont a ir-eAt deal They were i r ?ered cut io H e front yes terday. 1 ha intorgents have tried two or three times within the last wee k to bum Ma nila. Tbey have succeeded in destroy ing a great deal of property around tbe outer edge of the new town. Wednesday night (Feb.:23d) tbey set fire to son. native huts in tbe Tondo district, on ot the wortt rtlacea in Manila. There was a strong wind, so tbe fire spread rapidly Our regiment was turned ont . Our Co. and Co. L. were ordered to go over and Bgbt.fire. as lack would have it, 1 was the adjutant's ordeily, and had to . stay here. The companies left her at mid nigbtand did not get back until seven o'olock in the morning. They were fighting fire all the time. Borne ot the boys tcld me that every once in a while they could bear bullet sip through tbe air, bat fortunately no one was butt. When tbey were relieved tbe fire was under control. That dav, Thursday, Co. Mani Co E ol our regineut were ordered to go to the same place to drive the natives out. Two companies of Minnesotar, two of the 23d and our two companies were after them all day. Bad a pretty nice little scrap. There were about 150 natives killed and quite a somber of prisoners taken. So that put an end to their burning Manila for a hit any way, until Aquinaldo can send some more men down from Malolos There was not a man killed on tha Amer ican side and only two or three wounded. Every time any of our regiment has been ordered to do any thing, l.k tbe other night at tbe fir, our colon 1 has always received a compliment Irom the general, for the way the men conducted them salves. So you tee we are alright wbeo they give na a chance to do anything. Gen. Hugh said th night tt tbe fire, tbat he uever saw men that Sought fir lilt tbe Oregon boys did. tba boys showed what tbey had been doing the next morning, when tbey raine io wet and black as "niggers." It is prttty hard to tell wbn tha insurgents will get enough. 1 hardly think it wi'l be loos though. When Malolos, the capital, if taken, they will he pratty well cleaned out. I bop it will not be vry long. It is getting monotonous staying here ic quarters all ot the time, ready to fa'l ir, any lime. But a person can't ttll what will be ext in the ariy. I am musician of tbe guard today. Have to go on eveiy other oay, euner musciau oi the guard or or derly . I blew church rail this morning at 10.12. It is the prettiest call of alt I am getting along fine with ny bog'. I can blow as good as any of them. The adjutant said th other day tbat the busier in I Co. was all right. He said. "Wtfen be blows a call, I can tell what it is," and soma of tbem be couldn't tl what tbey were trying to do. I have just sounded first sergeant call. They now go to tbe adjutants effice and get their morning report, and derails for to morrow. I think there will be a gd man) hearts leap for joy when the order comes to set tbe 2nd Oregon ready to sail fo borne. Her is one tbat will be happy, I ean?aaeur you. I only weigh 145 pounds now. When I enlisted I weighed 158 pounds. I am glad Roy was not old enough to join tbe army. Your boy, Edwix L. McFablaxd. On every steer slaughtered at the bit stock yatds the profit on the by products. socb as hair, bones, bides, entrails, plood iov er $50. Not a ibin is thrown away. Ill meat affords a profit of HO. Here. then, ia a profit cf over 90 drawa frem one average steer. But so insatiable tb horrible irsane thirst fcr more and more that rage io tb meat monopoly, not content witb that, it corners th feed market and cattle market to the al most otter rnin of ths millions of farmer wbo venture to f ;edand ebip to Chicago or elsewhere. If th poor dvilwbols cot io th' ring and get no secret rebate get boine ttjm tbe market where bebas taken' his cttle wiibt-ot loss he ir luckv. The uonopolishwho make such awful profit will baggie and get thv last half dollar. Ex. The Albany Insurance Agency, Represents (he leading Fire an ' Insurance Companies. Wholesale dealers in Wheat, Otis, nut aod Wood. Correspondence solicited M.SETNDER3&00 Oliyer Plows-to p "- , Agents, -any, ttrenon olivet gave the wot'd tne chilled p And una save! more iconey tome farmer of America tba;i .my other implement ever proajce Genuine Oliver chilled are tbe best t earth The Oliver is a promoter of bappi anss on the farm, and ihe dealer wbo eil niknows be is handling the best. 1I Ct for immttationa aud touch nothing bm be genuine gords, made rely tt Ulivi Chilled plow works. South Bend, ii &.. T 8 A. SETEH FEB CPT LOANS I have an unlimittd amount of money to loan on Farm Security, or on business property in Albany, at SEVEN PER CENT INTEREST, th interest payablo nut once a year, tor inlormalion and blank applications call on or address O. G. Bchxhaut, Albany, O- "FOSHAK & MASOK Wholesale Retail DEUQQIST8 AND BOQKSEUIU -AUBAST, OKMOM. Par Drug and tb finest and frvrf 8tock of SUtionary and Book in th .Market. - Among some reasons why a boy and a bicycle are alike, au eastern paper says that both need blowing up sometimes. Quite true, end there ate others besides boy. Au Atlantic oat paper, which does not propose to have au thing to do with the press convention to be held in Port- and, Or., asks ' Where is Pottland, Or , anyway?" Just a little sarcasm in that Prosperity has struck Io t a d with a vengeauce, but il i principally tbeOtc ffoniao ofhVe, which publish, tweiilv live page of deliiQmnt luxes. Il it -lira's thai .everul ih u-i d penile r ni ahls lo pttv their taxe. In I lie death ot JuiUe Field the Unitrd States loses one of i:e mod p'otnineul judges, a man a lio bap u.ail - record on the supreme bm.cl that is lii.hly credit- ablt. While hn was not a Maishall lie was a man of stt-riiuii leal aHammei to, aud his opinions prs-esa breadth and Strtngbt. On would think to read Dunu'a and Bradstreet's reports that things went a whooping all over lbs United States, but tbey do not give th kind of figures that always count. It te si terestiug fact in connection aith pr0fc.j perity talk tbat the boards of quite a number cf churches are unable to keep all their mis.ionarUa in the field and will have to bring some oi tbembome on account of a lack of fund - hub d by hard times. ' A great man) of the accidents tbat occur in different pans cf tbe country from day to day, it will be noticed are do to carelessness. This was peculiarly tha case in the drowning of two men at Roteborg in tbe Umbqna. Tbey were warned twice tot logo mrere iheydid as tbe river was dangerou. art yet in the face of it they proc- l i their way into the jaws of deatl . In with fami lies have no right to run any risks in each things. It pavs ' be careful, and fortunate is the man aim a big bump cf raolion io all lbius periaioiog lo the baaards of life. Admiral Dewey ay- b is a sailor, not politician, and will not ran lor the presidency. A a tuat'rr of fact Mr. Dewey has no police a nearly a can be learned, but bekn to the U. Il is reallv very pieasiu to find a man so smineut woom all par les en claim Tbat is be belongi lo the peoj le, and no one party can caim l.itn rxclueively, as i too often done. It to be tiopd that tor the good of our ronmry Dewey can not be run into politics, and that tbe oavy at least shall he sept entirely out of polities. Th army aonld be moie ;fcient were it also. Tbe editors who come to Oregon ntst July should be we'.l treated. Tbey wili te men interested euoi.gti io our wlule country to come out here and s e what a have, and then tbey aid 111 about it in their journals, tl-ai : some of then will. It is also undoubtedly a fact tfaa a good macy of them w i'i not be editor at all, but just friend cf editors wbo wilt pass tbemselvee ctf as such by conniv ance with tbe editors in order to v:e our country aud perhaps a ith a view ol locating here if tbey see what tbey like. In any event whatever tbey will he men and'women and a such regardless of their business they will be wotlh eonrt- ng and using as a medium for spreading the news about our country so that none of them will ever ask n: "Whore is Portland, Or .anyway?" At a business meeting io P.jtuoi.lb enorco, rirookiyo, resoiuiion wer adopted providing for toe appointment of a committee to report whether it i expe-lunt to lake any action ;n conneet- ioa with any otbe- Christian church "for the purpose rl remonstrating against any policy by which the Umted State eral enter into or continue upon tbe conquest or forcible aoorxatiooof otbsr eonniriee. and especially to eon-oV tbe duty ol Coristian churches .n respect to the wsr of subjugation no goi at on io the Phil ippine islaode." Tb soHj-ct is one which churches may we'l consider. Il CMiainlyie time for Christian people to express themselves againtt onchrislisn methods io dt a ing with other people and oat .on s. A man who f und several thcusaad dollars in San Framisco, and then re turned it to its owner and teeidesrf fosed to accept a rea a'd as he had done only what was right, i referred to as a mirac). - Such mn ate considered rare. That Is, it s'euis to I e tii sentiment of many tbat ll!re nr lmoet no abro lutelj honest men, si crmpte:ely honest that tbey a ill do tight ho it iscertam ihey wcnld not be found out if they did wrong. Nj man should Vrr want any thing he is not enti' ltd in. If there ia a royal Americaa'privtl'ge it is to stand on one'l own feet ao v.o- In dependeul Upon dishonest method to make a liviog and savs scmeihipg Lr a ra ay day, M n should be so bom-sr t!.a- ihey mi I not only reta.n to its owner money found. but if tbey are handling other people's or public funds, they will keep it abso lately separate and tui n over every cent wiilioo' a quibble. Tnereshuuld .be no cre.fil for being honest but discredit for being diehonert. Vineiks Shavtr and flair Cutting Parlors 2nd street, next. door lo H tetters restaurant, Shav'ng, lUc; hairuing, 15cta; bath, 15cts. Clean towels to every customer. Oaxooa Fotxrav Farm Rkhkuikk Grit, Roup cure, Digenfectaut, Lice Killer, al Oregon Poultry Farm, also sold by F O. Ftwer, Albany. DR. J. L. HILL. Physician and Surgejn Hill Block - - - - Albany, Or. II. E. BEERS, M. D. , PhTSicisn anl Burgeon Pbone 64. Poetofttce Block. Albany, OVcrou DR. OLIVE K. BEERS.' Diseares of Women and Children. -Paone 66. Poatoffic Block Albnov, Or N. E. WINN ARD M.S. M. D. Graduate of Lenox Collepe 1885, Chi Cairo Homeopathic Medical College lS'JO Rush Medical College 1H92. . Fwcedale Block. Alhony, O-. Residence on 3rd street.south side t tween Bradalbin and Ellsworth. JVC LITTLEK'S Ground, riou. , Dental Otflc J Vard Littler, Assistant. Broadalbln, St, Albany, O Vif sYrrf2i lie Kicked Righteously. A correspondent in th 8L-ro Senti nel, a republican r sper rays : As a general thing i am not a klcrer Before coming to Oregon ' tears ago I aas a lepub'icanfor a quarter of a cen tury aud no man was mote loyal to party than tbe nnderigtud. I was one ot the buys who voted the ticket straight nary a tcratob. ben I cast my lot with web foot land I naturally fell light into tine aud voted at republican primaiy rue Mono noil for the repnbdran nominees a llu'i'ile I star ltd in t vole eiraiglK, but s ! it !on in dh t ovrin tbat te publi. unit tn in Oft-yon aas r t hat 1 th-ohr itHS 1 t idti'l idhi out lo In- what 1 thonvlit it li.jul I b- Tline was loo mud IcatiU'lii to mil nie. The lit g rule oet.t aiiaiiiot the gratu I tout d loo runch nl l M th- y n l the "puli, and the same pnsb wa always in control. Tbe ah diitaini flmold go to the convert ions. Thiymade the noruioa lions and hacdlrd tbe sasg. In short, tha uominstiuns tre rut aid dred months btlors hand. Tbat sort cf busi nes cured me of voting straight, so I got to scratching. l hn t!ie parly platform rUclgnl all nciuiDbes to "retrenchment aii reform " I S'ayed failhful to tie 'i' t and the day after el.ct.on an era ri extravagance and tnieiu'e aas inau gurated tbat sent taxes bouncing up. And again I tcraiched my ticket In the blessed hope ot oettering conditio. Last year the pledges ot my part plat form were ior a "new deal.' Tbat bad the right ring and I get it once more and helped along the glorious victory. But unless I etc misinlormed, the new deal is already proving a misdesl, and I am once mote ail at sea. If a new deal means the retaining of all the old clerka and officers snd the putticg in office of al! cf tha relations of the state officers ij don't wsnt aov more deals in mine. I saw enough of nepotism in Oregon poll-! tics during the Milird regime lo eatis fy me during the ret of my life And 1 dun't I ke io see tbe administration soi ronodiig itself with men who are not its' friends. Tb is is no time for Lord mrs to hi.U office. I was al tbe stats house during the session and taleJ with Sec retary of Stale Dunbar, a bo spoke nicely about the new dea and then appointed Giltner, Lortli, Haas. Vole'pool and others t Poe p'arrs. These men have been fn offif aoolt a few years from C to 12 and one of tbe posh informs me ihey sere ail anli-Geer men a year ago at the primaries. And then the is Cvffey. another Lord nan. wbo wa transferred from a olee p'ac at tbe pen itenteniiary nsder Lord to a fat job at tbe reform school. Bi Over, wbo gets ihe bat effice in tb st tte, is a cousin of a governor. Simeral, aoother Lord man, gets a pace at the reform school. The new warden at th prison i Goer's brother-in-law. Ross 5i oores is posh man. If this s a nsw deal, Mr. Editor, 1 would like lor yoa to explain to your reaJtris what an old deal is. All Sorts. . Tbe Tartaran alphabet contain 9)3 let teis. teirg tee longest in the wor'd. Una Ki-.tridg ol Belfair, M , holds the world' tteord for fine wriung ty placing 46.000 words on an ordinary post al raid. Al iota, ns , tot other day a bail was given in order to raise money witb vhicb lo buy a cork Irg for a legless ard indigent cilixeo. A Prospect ( Me.) man La a pair of boo! s mhich he oonbt in Scotland for 22 biUtngs.acc though b sstt bebas worn them tseoty-tao years ibey appsreot'y are as good a ever. Fw people probably koow what eoormons qoaaiity of old iron in tbe shape ft anchors, chains, ate, , is annually escned from th sea. During ten months aa much as 13) tjrs weight as dredged up on the easuoast of Kagland alone. Witbin tUibt more ceniorira trap sear will have become a rehc tf th present 'ime. by tt-al liuie Ui extra elevsii days lost to mak up tb changes from lb ohi Julian calendar to that of lb present day will all have been duly ae eooniea lor, and (be world will rua around io just 365 days, aod no mot. An experiment io sionog eggs was recently tried at Leitb, a her some 50, COO Scotch, Irish and Daotsb g were sealed io ao apparatus for four months. after which ouly a small proportion of ibem were found addled. To ir In tb store is cooled and allowed to circulate freely round the eggs, which ai turned periodically to keep the ylk surrounded wilb albumen.. Tbis is done br median Ism. Beware of Oint ncnta for Catarrh that Contain Hcrcury. as n-eicorj will surely destiny the seoce cf mnell and completely derange tbe whole ajstem when entering it through tb ran oous snrfaoes. such article snoald aevei le ued except on prescriptions from rep uralle phyicias, a tbe dam e they will do i ten fold to ins gnod tou no poesil-!y ilerive fn.ru tbem llii' intarrb Cure, ruaoutactured by F. J . Cheaey k Co . I'o I do, 0:, contains no mercurv. an ia taken ii'ernaiit, acting direUiy upon ihe blood aud - uiucout surfaces ot tbe system, lo outing flail's Catarrn Cu.e b sure vun ni the genuine 1; is tateu interoa'ly. and made in Toledo, Ohio, by If. J, Cheney k Co. Testimonials free. Sold by orupiciats, prices 75c per botile. Hall's Fauiil Pills are the beet. rut PLACE . roBuy four Voccrlea and Baked Goods' laat Parker Br-ie. Everybody knows where their placa ia. They keenalreeh stock of grocerit, produce and baked goods, of all inds, sell at reasonable prices and treat then-customers well, all .iike. ... You may regret some steps you take In life Lui none taken into u store -A Parker Bros. It is a ere it thing to be well fd. Pai er Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of broad is not much but you ant it weil made. TrvParkrtr Bros Cash piiid lor chickens at Albany Dressed Beef Co'. Get the best fiour. The Magnolia Selling Out at Cost. Now is the time lo buy a supply of Gruceries. We will begin today sellins ont at cost .We have, a large stock of goods bought befoie the sdvsnca in prices, snd will close out the entire line. We are goinj to engage io another bus-, iness and all goods must go. Come at once nnd get your summer supply. . Albany Trading Go. Baltimore Block MISFITS. Pr.se Oghten come and go, but John L. Sullivan now in Portland In tbe eyes of tb people is the greatest of all ol tbem. ust look at tbe sis of his neck. Rev. J. L. Kt rat ford, of Jacksonville, pastor of the M. C. church at Jackson ville, ha resigned his position to help run tbe Koseoorg riaindeater, a marked change in the life of a minister, particu larly into such a contentious field. Capt. Leary has been appointed to govern Guam, on of our expanded is lands, situated off some here so far that vessels 'ouch it only al out om-e a month Tb Dcmocbat man had rather be the tail of a lion than the head of su.h a r.t. H ere inej he other hart rs ia Corval lis. bit outside of ihe city the only one familiar to the people is Jesse b'peacer who for tears bas persistently advertised in tbe local psprs. One of Spencer's latest ia tbst "Alger will resign i.is posi tion, but Spencer w'll teniain, both ac tuated Dy tbe demands of tbe p. op e." Our Oakvil.e correspondent tel'a th following: A man who bad served his eountry fmr yeats In the capacity of a starp shoo'er tried three shots at a China pheasant and missed each titn This mad him desperst and he threw down his rifle and took bis ax aud went in quest of game, lie hadn't gone far wbeo a pheasant assaulted him whereat b fired his ax and took off bo to legs of tb pheasant He did this in tell de tens for tb pheasant made the attack and he ussd th ax in self deleoee. A poet says it will be a great relief because the birds, which are now sing ing, do not know any coon s ngs. N President McKinley has been invited to visit Portland at the time of the meet ing ot the editorial association there. If he accepts, and be probably will not, he will be the second president to visit Ore gon during his term of office. Tb Governor is looking out for tbe Geer faoi'ly having appointed a brother a memrwrof tb state board of borticult ere. Next The number cl ftuit tree to bloom in Albany and through tbe county general ly indicate that it aas all a scare aot Ibe loss of th frnit crop, it is coming a blooming and there wi'l be all we cao nanuie ot everything but f eaches, aud laer will be peache also. Don't jump in tliedark. The Prine- viile Review says that 11. L. Pointer, of London J Kan., who took the Prinevilie Mitchell mail route, at 1906' a rear. three rvuna irtp a weea, commence. I carrv ing the mail himself hut Monday i-. ' xpresaed surprise that sub-con Uartors were not begging for tb job, but noe hi first trip on horseback through four feet of snow hi surprise baa changed lo chagrin. Attorney General Griggs make all hia decisions just to suit himself and friends. H ha been for some time in tbeclutch- a oi lb trusts sd now b ha tramped op a version ol tb anu-ranleen law to oit himself, and tb president teems to eorfors it, st least hasn't time for ao aadienc on tb subject- Laat Saturday night twnty-on blood ed Leghorn aad Wyandotte aer stolen from Mr. Ward rear Salem. Mr. Ward bad the satisfaction of finding some of tbair bead and feat b era errand lb res taurant, but lb ideolidratioo wa only complete in bi owa miid. Frank 8. Da! loo, Portland lines man, ba returned from tbe Klondike aith 1,500, the reu!t of two rer work .her. Though he mad t2.250 year be says it is worth tiO.OCO a year tor a whit man, used to decwot living, to stay ! iitviv , iiii iu dto ntie iiiLt dab loee it in on pro luctive prospecting alter sometbiog better. Tb Eogea Guard ssys it U a good thing tbe National Editorial Association do not meet ia Portland while tb Ore gon in is rnnniog tbos 18.5 columns of delinquent tax sale. Figure speak. Bv tb way there is no ese of the Oregon ian coding th papers with it in outeid of Maltoomah cojatv. Th newsbovs ar kicking. INTENSE SUFFERING FEOI DTSPKPIIA AID 8T0IACH TROUBLE Icatantly Relieved and Ferman ently Cured by Stuart Dja pepla Tablet. A New Discovery. But Not Patent v Medicine. Dr. Redwell relate an interesting ac count of what he consider a remarkable cure of acute stomach trouble and chron ic dyspepsia by the use of the new dis covery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. II says: "The patient was a man who bad suffered to my knowledge, for years with dyspepsia. Everything he ato seemed to sour and create gase m the stomach; he had pains like rheuma tism in the back, ahoutder blade and limb, fullness and duare after eating; poor appetite and Ice of flesh ; the heart prame auecion, causing palpitation and sleeplessness at night I gave him powerful nerve tonic and blood remedies, but to no purpose. As an expenmontl final! bought a ti ft v. cent package of Stuart's Dyspedsia Tablets at a druf store and gave them to him. Al most immediate relief wa given and af ter b had used four" boxes he wss to all appearance, fully cured. There was no more aciditv or sour wat ery risings, no bloating after meals, the appetite wa vigorous and be bas gained between 10 and 12 pounds in weight of solid, healthy flesh. Although 'Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are advertised and sold in drugstore, vet I consider them a moat valuable ad dition to any physician' line of remedies tney are perfectly harmless and can be given to children or invalids or in any condition oi the stomach with per fect safety, being harmless and contain ing nothing but fruit and vegetable es sences, pure pepsin and Goldn Seal. Without any question they are the safest, moat effective cor for indigestion, biliousness, constipation and all de rangement of the stomach, however slight or severa." btuart s Dyspepsia Tablets are made by tb F. A. Stuart Co., of Marshall, ai ten., and are sold by druggisti every where at fifty cents cer nackaire. Little book on stomscn diseases mailed free, addrets,F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, alien. Do Not Be Fooled Wilh the idea that any preparation your drupgist may put up and try to sell you will purify your blood like Hood's Bar ariila. Ibis medicise bas a reputa tion it has earned its record . It is prepared under tbe personal sup?i vis ion of educated pharmacists who know tbe nature, quality and medicinal ef fect of all the ingredients ured. ' Hood's Karaaparilla absolutey cures all firms of b ood disease when other medicines fail to do any good. It it the Worlds' great 8priug Medicine and the One True Blood Puri&er. CITYtTBEASUXER'S N01ICE Notiue is bereoy given tbat funds . on hand tc pay city warrants Mos, lol to 198 inclusive of the Issue of 1898. in. teres ton laid warrants will cease aith tlx date of thia nolle. Alneny Or., Jan. 9 , 1899. . A.Paacnt, City Trcasurst, , ' i i . TELEGRAPHIC. Late News in Short Form. A Night Attack. Manila. Anrii it 4i., :.i..,,.v,, tbe rebels CUL the telmrrali Una .( I eral places between her and Malolos f .i vi- emmy attacked the outpost ot 1 " i'limicsoiaretiiment. at Knwen K. gaaand ltocave,5 miles south of Malolos miiing s men and wounding 14. biimiltaneously, the outposts of the Oregon reiment at Manlao the nextsU tiori on the way to Manila, were attacked with the result that 3 Americans were killed and 2 wounded. Toe loss of the enemy whs 10 men killed and wounded. The Americans captured 2 p- ixoners. M Co in It Mamla. Atril 11. Co. M, Snd Oregon t ihe brunt oi the fighting today south of MMltilos and togttther with companies C and 1), 13th Minnesota, Inst 5 killed and It wounded. It i iniprmijib'e lo gel tho list of dead and wounded. Trilble Wreck. Malta. Anril 11. The Uritah steiuiei Kingsweil, Captain Humphrey, arrived here today, and report being in collision with the Greek steamer Maria in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Tripoli Tbe.Maria wa sunk, 45 persons going down with her. Importaut Appointment. Washington, April 11. Bellamy Stor er, now U.S. minuter to Belgium ail' be appointed minister to Spain. Mr. Stor er's selection for the Madrid mission ia a kistioct promotion in the diplomatic line. The new minister to Madrid will have very important duties to perform, in cluding the early negotiation of a general treaty of trade and comity. Mr. fetorer ia a Catholic. .Moved to Portland. Salsm, April 11. The oih-w of the state board of horticulture ia to b moved to Portland, where it is thought th fruit interests of the slate can be best looked after. As a consequence of tb removalw lion jonn aiinto, wbo baa served aa secretary for several years, bas tendered his resignation to take etiect imme liato A Eig Victor) . Manila, April 9. Lawton's command captured r-aoia Crux,tbe chief city of La- guna ua Hay, this morning. Our casual- tie Were six wounded. Tbe insurgent troona a ere driven back, leaving 68 dea-t on the field and a number of soiml A considerable number acre cti j. La ton wilt push westward. O i. Its Effect Manila, April 10. The r-spture by I Jim ton of Saula Crux s (i immense strategic importance. It i Hie key to Laguua de liay, and cuu off Aquinaldo from the troop souUi of Manila. As the wire are cut. he cannot communicate promptly except wilh the troop he baa aiUi h:m. A Big Trial. FiiiLADELruiA. April 10. The trial of ex-l'nited Sun ixalor Quay and hi piracy in the misuse of tbe fund of the People' bank of this city was begun this morning of quarter seaaton. The DrovvocJ Men. KoKBCiM, April 10. It wa reported this morning that the buat used by Fiah Commiioner McUaire Salodar wa found I'dgad about four mile below the scene of tii accident, alo McGuire coat near the I'mpqa ferry bridge, 12 mile distant. - The search fur the hodie con tinue without success. A Deaply Riot. Pas a. III., April 10 A dea Ily riot, the most serious disturbance thai has occured here since the unsoa miners instigated th strike in April, 1SS, was enarteJ to day, resulting in 7 being killed and V wounded. A Railroad IIkuo. Daixas, April 10. J P Talbot, presi dent of the tat:s City railroad sara tbat today tbe eagtaar-ra will aet the grada siake to Itallat, commencing where work was hit off laai fall. Oradiog snd tieing will follow imtnediatelj- Justice Field PcaJ. Washisotox, April 9 Jastice Stephen J Field, of the I". S. supreme court, re tired, died at hi borne on Caoilol liiil, in t hi city, at 6 -.30 o'clock this evening, of kidney com plication. He bad been unconscious since Saturday morning, and death came painlessly. Al Manila. Washwotox, April 9. Tbe war de partment authorities look for important new from 3Iani a tomorrow announcing in all probability the capture of tbe city of Santa Cruz, a leading town in a coun try asyet untouched by tbe American force, and now in the hand of the Fili pino. A V. S. Battle. YsT Patsr, April 9. A fierce lialtle occurred at Highland Fall al a late hour last night between candidate for admis sion to West Point as cadeu, on the ooe side, and bovs of the village on other. Tnere wer about 30 cadets in tbe fight, but they were outnumbered 3 to I by tie I bovs of the towm. Several of the candi- ( etlat were more or lees injurrd. j Funny Aquinaldo. Mapbik, April 9. The following di , ut.k f. il - - :i- : .u:.ki v. . L, Aquinaldo issued a decree direct'nz that Spanish shall be ihe office language J throughout the archipelago, and protest- ' ing against tbe American pretension to . frirr. 1 1 turn tt Ivnclith nti fth tiAliir-M who d) not know it. i A Big Time. I Salsm, April 9l)rJU the First M. F, 1 church thi morning-was cel-brated th 6lth anniversary of the beginning pf the j work of that church, in Oregon. Rev. i Parsons corduc ed the services. The ! subject was, "Th Oregon Mission and i the Work of God." Nothing. In It. WAsnixGTos, April 9 -The proposition lo exchange the Philippines for the British "est Indies ia confined to one New York paper for some roason. "No one takes aay slock in it, and least ot all Great Britian. PEARLY TEETII. 0 highlv and justly prised, are assured bv the' use ol our ALLEN'S TOOTH POWDEK, which prevents sll accretion onder th Cental surfaces and keeps them dear, clean, and natural in color. With regular applications ol this powder the (eetb will not decay and th annoyance 01 an early resort to tbe resource of den tistry is avoided . Keen your teeth ae long as nsture will permit. Using our ALLENS TOOTH POWDER will enable you to do this. Price only 16 cents per V)X. J. A. CuAIMIKU, ALB1NY LUNCH CODSTEB, Moaiir & McKlllop, Proprietors McKlllop, Prompt meals at all hours. Fresh oys ters in styles desired. Serve lunches for bsnquets on short notice. COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fel.ow's Temple, Albany, Or. All work carefully dene order 1st methods For Bargains la Farm Lands. Timber Lands an City Property, call on or write Albany, Oregon At The 1 Our Spring Millinery.,.. For this Department we have secured the services of sn Kxpcriencd Trimmer. A complete line of up-to-date Millinery Materials and Novelties, nd number of Pattern Hats and bonnets ot choice design. L. E. & H. J. Hamilton. CL OTHINQ r: SIlKSi This is t' Ticket n ths B'ev of every Uarjieat A Co mplet Line of celebrated Chas. P. Keilogg Co. Silk eewed Cloth ing. Tb Beat Made, Trimmed and Fittinc Clotbing in the United State. Equal ia Style. Fit aad Finish to tbe Beet Co torn Tailor Made Good. Duo't Uk oar word for it, but ccm in aod exam ins them. e bow well aad honestly ihey are made. Try tbem on aad see bow perf.eeily ttey fit. Examine th Price aod sea bow much cheaper I bey are than inferior made Gooia. Wa are her to e:ay aad we want tbe clothing trade of tbia com munity, so w have secured this line of ooequalled clothing, knowing that whoever boy one suit will be so weil satisfied that be will thereafter boy ooiy of us aad ad vised their fr ends to do th same. Com ia any time, wa are glad to tbowlhem to yen. and you will be equally p'eased to tee tbem. SOLD BY VV. R. BLAIN, Albany, Ore. 'Silver pUU iLu wean." 1847 oa spoons, forks, etc, is a guar antee of quality the world over. , The prdix 184 7 iasares the gua nine KcTrs quality. " The Old "Reliable" Albany Nurseries Offer fr.r Spring ol 1899, every complete list of manda-d varieties of Fruit, Nut bade aod Ornamental ttees, Evtrjreei, Froaering shrub, Climb-e, Small Fruit planta etc. Rose, . We invite esoecial attention to cur list Ol Nnvehie which ioc'odes tne celebrated Lambert Cherry, Winter Bartlett Pear, Elbeda Teach, Imper ial or Clairac Mam, Giant, Willamette a)d PsciSc Prune. Lcg berry, Himalaya, Uiant Blackberry Mapcon Straabeny. etc., ti We aim to grow tbe beet stock possible and sell it al a rasooab Egure. Late keepina Winter Apple a specialty. Viaiton aisde welcome at our giounds. Albert Brovvnell, Albany Or. $40 cash $40 (For the Best Wheel Ever Kuilt Filled With Special Heavy Tread G.& J. TIRES. Next to the Rambler io quality and price is th IDEAL With G.&J. Tires Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. a 1 :bei: Spokane, Taoorrs. Svelte. f HE CRACKERJACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR Opposite Masonic Temple. V Full line ot standard groceries and eountry produo. No single leader, nut cmytblng a ader at bottom priee. . Waoooa run in th eountry sellins ero- eerie and collecting produo. Money raved by trading at tba Crack, 'lack. Bazaar, 0 An assortment of spring st tb much favored n Tailor-made Suits. Time the purchaser will find sat isfactory in 'fit. finish, fabric and price ... Just Received- New, Nobby, Stylish, Durable AT IxTtlg WILL 4 STARK'S. AUo a fine !in of Watches, Clocks Ringii auJ manv Novel tits 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. 25 30 in 105, 107, 109, 111 Sixth St., Portland, Or. Geo. E. Fish, Agent, Albany, Oi'e. SEEDS We put up our own garden sdc They are all Northern grown seed, Tbey are absolutely true to nsms They are fresh all grown In 1898, The packages are full weight. Price, two paper for a nickel, r also hay tbem in bulk. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1 1" TASTED, A girl lo do eeneral V V housework, of P. D. Gilbert. Call at tbe residence HAY FOR SALE. We will sell ai our warenocse during this week chert bay $7 O per ten. So. 1 timothy (strictly Tooice; sit ,w. au OEjroERS tc vo. .OK REST Tb e orw room now oc cupied bv J M Pollock, after Mav 1. Call n Charles Pfeiffer. ?OR SALE. A 200 gal. codar tank and a 8 ft. first dam. enameled bath tub for aale trteau. Inquire at Vereick barber shop. FOR SALE. Twelve shares of th - stock of the Sugar, Pino Kill ani f Pixtuie Co for sale cteap, fail -MnTS Rachel R Sylvester at tbe re.idescc of W - I Haiutrxror L H Vootanje at bu oEce. FOR SALK. Tie se-eion law of tb aU of O.tgon tor 16. 'C8. 70 "72, 74, 16, '78, 80, '82. e5 K9, l. t3. rebate Jonrosl. lft, '70, 2, It, 85. ' "87 '&9 '83 lloose locrna 18C, '68. "72. It, "85. 87. '93 . Wihia-if op !;! Prvperty, Tyler's Law Glossary, Ctiii.i"- Pteaoinga, Vol. 1. Bcuvkt's Law Dictionery 2 vofames. Biootn ad Hadby's Connx alaries 2 voi omes. frice for tbe lot, $15. Call at tbe Oimockat office. FOR fiALK. Fifteen acres ia Alsea. ' with six room bou. a I snad el small frnit, trees ia bearing, e'ose to grist mm. i mile from r . u. lcomre or writ io Mts. . B. HenteH, Lyooa. Ur. F UK SALE. A store and fcO acre f .( lana. 30 in crop, poet office ia store, yS in the midst of good farming community, j For terms write to 3. K. Uxphhiix, -J V ictor, w a co tCo., Or. WASTED. To buy a soawlt tract ol land near Albany or Tangebt. improved or unimproved. State .oca ion, number of acres, and price. Address I. W Seeft. Albaoy, Ore. - . X J OTICE-Hare on a faim lor aa!a f i or rest or do )w know of any per-1 4 ron ho'ding Isnde tl at ibey w.sb to die- pose of. If s ptmee write to iy jent ot tbe O R A N. Co aad he will send V yoa a circular ahirb a ill interest yoo. T?OR SALE A veMriua;. Jevse ball. 17 fall blooded; from sokwdid stock. Piica only $15. of Cioverdale. Call oa William Peacock, HAV. GOOD 1IMUTHT. tt8 00x4 r8 !" in lo. and early fed pota oes. Hri.e a 6UC aad 75c l er bobel. Cil oa F. H. Bogbsoa. or write, at Alb any P. U. LINN CO- ABSTRACT CJMPANT Albasr Orecoa Offices, Baat of Oregon Baildina' Oaly set of Abstract of Liaa Coos.ty. Comp'ete K 4 maps aad plat. J M RALSTOls, Three door east of tbe DxvocxaT office ha mosey to loan oa farm secarity at low rate of ieterect. Also small lean made c a personal seearitv . City, county and school warrant bought. Collection made. Rests col ec led. Fix In surance written us tb following large and reliable companies: HOME INS. CO., of New York, PHOEXIX ISS.CO, Hantord. Cocav LIVERPOOL, LON DON, end GLOBE 1SS. CO. of EegUad Ucaic. Via JS iwrea our meter eaeber of piano or orjran. 6yiem the Maaon touch aad technique. Beidaca Sifth su ee t, opposite U P cbmcb. C. E. Browne. l's... SPECIAL UST. - Petit Pro new $ & Tea Sifting, fine flavor.... ti Starch, per ib 06 I Minced Clsma, (large cans) SO ' . 1 .A swcb Dura owbi . 12 16 os. cans Good Baking Powder.. 14 7 can Sardine 25 5 cans Mustard Sardine S3 3 can S agar Cora 24 2 gal- Pail Light Syrup 63 Tbece are all first ciaa good and we gnaraatee satisfaction, C. E. BE0W5ILL SECOND ST. ALBANY 0 N 4 ..1 A Long Photo Co. In From an Brick. The leading galler ot Aloany. The onlvMip-to-date first class studio in town. -All work to please. MAK1E LONG Porp A. B. GRIGGS Feed Store, ' t . Jnst east of tbe Danocair office. Will keen oa band a rood stock ol feed of all kinds, flour, etc., which will be sold at reason ais price.. Millinery Opening. On March SSth and following days, I will display my fine lin of pattern bata and other voods. A special invitation is xtended to the ladiee oi Albany. I mak a specialty ct trimmed hats. Mas. M. r in Removal Notice. nh rallerv ia tb From an m,w.v 1., rt that liaa been under going repairs is about completed and will be occupied by alias Mog " m" her studio from 2nd street during the present week. Miss Long will have one Of tbe finest studio ia town. STOCKHOLDERS MEETlSO Kotie is hereby given tbat the annua! meeting of the Albany Mining and Mile iag Co, will b held ai the office of C. O. Bark hart oa April 27, 1897 at 4 o'eloek p. m. of said day for tbe purpose ot electing 7 directors tj serve for on year and th transaction of such other buainess aa may legally com before the meeting. By order of the board of director. O Bnowxxix, C G Bcxxxasr, tke. ru. t J I -4 1 1