Ml VOL XXXIV Eater kX tie Pot entee at tlfcany. . at BeeeaaVCIss Mall tun ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 14.1899 0 36 V .IITTIVU I illtbsr a fraarleiar It MP J i ! W AsW mmi I IB The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, - and has ji&Jti aonal r"C'COsVfcy Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are hut Ex periments that trfT.o with and endanger the health of Infants and Children experience against Experiment,1 What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I Af ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. vs etimo. commit, tt uaiu imii, mrMM err. FLOOR COVERINGS. f ULLY DOUBLE the amount ever before shown by nf , consisting of Carpels, Art Square. Co'tace Art (a new and sttrtctivs goods) itat tibee, L'noleum and Oil Cbth. We are a'so well supplied with Lace Curtains, Portiere, Shades and kindred goods. Piece goods in Cnrtain material and coverings. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. i BIGGIE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical. Cp-to-datc Concise sod Comprehensive Haal somely Printed and Eeautifully illustrated. By JACpB BIQQLE No. 1 BIQQLE HORSE BOOK All about Hones a Common-Sense TrMtiar, with rrtx 74 illustration ; a standard work. irkc, Ccsta. No. 3 BIQQLE BERRY BOOK Ail about giow nig Small Fruits read sad Vara how ; contains 43 colored hie-like irprodocttoasof allleadms; varieties and lco other illustrations. Price, jo Ccsta. No. 3 BIOOLE POULTRY BOOK AH about Poultry ; tbe beat Poultry Book in existroot; tells ewrythme ; withjj colored lifc-likereprodnctions of aU tbe principal tared; with loj otber illustrations. Price, S Centa. No. 4 BIQQLE COW BOOK Ail about Cows and the Dairy Basil : bartng a great " aale; contain a colored life-like reproductions of each taxed, with 13a other Illustration Prior, 50 Cent. No. 5-BKXILS SWINE BOOK Jnat oat. AU about Hoaii Breed inr. Feedinir. Butch ery. Diseajes. etc. Contain over 60 beautiful ball tones and other engraving. Price. 30 Cent. The BIQQLE BOOKS are unique .oriirinsJ.naefiil m never aawanythingliketbem so practical, aoarsgible Tbey are having an euuiinou sale East. West. North and boatn. livery one woo Keep a tiorar, vow. not or Chicken, or grows Small Fmft, ought to send right way foe the BrOQLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL I your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is years old; it isthe great boiled-down bit-the-nail-on-tne-bcad. Cjuit-after-you-have-Mid-it, Farm and Household paper in tbe world the biggest paper of it size in tbe United State of Asnerica having over a million and a -bail regular readers. I Any 0XE of tbe BIGGLE BOOKS, as. tie FA3M JOURNAL ' 1 YEARS (remainder of l8o, noo tool, o any addrea. for A rAfelLL. f.j.rfHva jtiijatiivi.ajiacirciuarncac'-aJMia piuvu nuvumt. wtlke Triicow. . CBAS. JUIKUia. Address, ehzjz TKY MwBMON BISHOP'S. PILLS for all arieint; froo, oisipation, sell - atoe, escesces or cigarette smoking. In use over fW yearr. Briogs back yoor Manhood, cures det-leted wora out men, make rich blood and tissce. Core was'iogs and an losses, snakes yoo lattrtmgly strorg, cores impoteucy, lost power, emiaaiunn, loss of memory, bad dream, shrunken .organs, deepondeory, sSeepleasoees, Tarioceele and constipation, adds las.r to the eyes, stops nervous 'hiDini of the evelio". - Mse life wo.nh living. A boon to yonng or old. BOBBW BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Stops all losses by dav or mgnt. Don't delay. Price within the reach ofall. Guaran teed to cure Pnc r-rry a ln.x 6 for $.50 by mail. Send for tree circular. Address BISHOP t'1'1 REMEDY CO.. Han Frapcisco.Cal. -For rale br h os-hay & Mason, Albany ' . . . 20 Years in W OMRS BR NK I the Olde t Fornitnre DeOer in the city ind ho keeps a complete Us Foroiture and Hedin' and if you want good goods cheap give trim a oa'l. Ha doein't intend tA be under sold. In a rect-i, t ha! io ?, ltcH INCUBATORS. WJHLla iThla muchine haa bwn dvnonstrniM to be as near ftl Wt.jX lui .71 w.r.1 inn m can be atuintod. The reKulatLon of heat. .vfff . 19Ui . rT.uu Vksw.n nrnvnn ..A 'J mil" a ill I IlJITVtll v a . . . ' tsay and other unproremeiua. w tot sai ii) C. D. BAT. Albany. Or. vio.uu ruuibrr.rarni Bam,les can be eeu at F. 3 .Powers' Poultry Dpot, Albany. o LB ANY C5IGAR FACTOR Y v; J. Joseph. Proprietor Patronise home jndustry. .: I Lru Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of been made under his per- supervision since its infancy. lift Ana flAMitvA vnn In Ha Signature of 190a ana 1903) win be sent By mail m FARM JorRMAI.- Fhii J Business. c .nt vit in which there wero over 400 trial the u 0; per cei.t. in l'Jcaaos Willi rworffW.. iwwr.iirnawwfv ps irwlil Caiaicgus Fra. "v ,C.A - . , -" - ,i ,(. . iiti.iiiij THURSDAY CIRCUIT COURT. Mary Whitney agt J F Whitney, di vorce. Granted. Custody of childrvn swarded to plaintiff. Mattie Cruson agt Allien H Cruson, divorce. Will be tried Friday at 2 p. m. l. Anna M Houck agt Robert Crawford. suu ior roaavsay. t-etuei. First N Bank agt Emma Harder, et al, foreclosure. Continued. Adjourned to Friday at 2 p. in. O'MaiTeysRise. Old limes are recalled to many Cor rallis business men by the presence in town of W. H. Duttphy, raciBc Coast manager of The Home Life Insurance company, of Sew York. The initial visit of Mr. Dunphy oocrrred twe've years ago. With him was Kin O' Mid ley . popularly known as "The Wild Irishman." The two, in a two weeks campaign, insured no leas than sixty Corvallia-business men, carrying awnv risks aggregating $200,000. Among those insured waa President B. 1.. Arnod s.10,000 Dr. J. M. Applewhite, I 0H0 and Philip-Weber. S2.000, whose policUv at death were all promptly paid. O'Mallev. sometime after leavimr Cor vallia, retirei from the insurance I usi ness, and went to Australia. Id that country he prospered, and is now said to be worth ab"t six millioa dollars. He is s member of parliament for i-outli Adelaide, and in that capacity 1ms e- cured the passage among other im - ant measures of a bill for the construct ion of a railroad, which with con net: t ion, has a mileage of about 2.000 miW O'Malley had atrong convictions on the subject of tern neran.e. and in Vmallia delivered s lecture to an- imtnenxe ence with Prohibition for a text Cor- vallis Times. Dr. UmbersotVs Bark. From tbe Criterion. -- Mr. Mitchell ii nndoabtedly trrine to P'ay "aolid" with his company and thru hold hia job bj making them believe that he ia Terr watchful of their inter- eetev- Tha fact b the ehittem bark from tbe road company's land haa all been stolen off years aeo and there is but liltle left on the compasy's land. The bark' Dr. Lamberson will get is purchased from individual land owners, and the maiontY will be booeht on the troe and then peeled by the doctor's men. When ur. Lamberson goesgnnmn generally cera bark Mr. J for bark be litchell -ill probably be able to hold hi job while big order. she doctor proceeds to fill h Mrs Marv E Rajnr haa appoint- P M at iaara to sacoeeil II D Baily, Miss Ray Toole recenflr retained ome from a trip to San Francisco and euiora. I Mrs. Ed Zevss started on! Wedneeday she expects Ior Lew is ton, Idaho. wherl to remain for some time. I Mr. Brewec of the IndiaS school took home two boys alio enoayK-il week or two ago. They reached iJome all ri:ht. KeeMr. Al Bienickeiof PorUand. has been in tbe citv on a Jirit. She was married in Portland a fewlmontlta ago. Mrs. J. P. Jones retutned home to Albany today aftgr a h-rt visit with Mrs. Van Wilson of tliielcitv. Eocene Guard.; I Last eveninpi' Telegram say that John Toshoy. ol Aitian is a guest at the rerkus. Ihis referst to Mr. John Foshay. J. K. Chamberlain, of 'ortland, is in tne city, and win assist hi. brothers on be brick work of the cou t house this gammer. L. . Gray, of the AlbarfV waUr works who has been seriously nik for several ays past, is sioaly recovlenng, i ut is nable to ait up yet. I Mrs. Dollarhide, of Duismuir, Calif., in the cur, called here by the illness her daughter. Mrs. Jotfn Lhtsve 1. ir.. no oieu mis morning. Mrs. Charles Roth, a ttoneer resident Orevon. recenrr dietfi at Harrisbur td as bnr.ed in the cemetry nesr oddy. She wasrs'.ejrr.eilsnd respected tw all knowing her and her death is cen- erauy regreueo. U. A. Archibald received a letter from bis sister in Ohio stating that the settle ment ot the large estate, mention of e-bich mas made in these columns a few aresks sgi, is Bearing an emi 1 he Ar- chibald heirs will receive etijut $30,000 c;ach. Jnnctioo Times. Mr. Archibald was ktone tin-e Singer sewii p machine agent At Albany. B.lly'bmidt has returned fromSkag y, havtfig sold out his inu rests llieie and thoee of bis father, (1 -iichmidt. Lafe Wi'ion and BenOls n liad ja t ar rived thire when be I ft andjWere taking survey of tlie situaiioii. Ifartless, rbayer and McLaao had befn emplo -ed much of tbe time since their arrival Out they bad not entered intV perman ent bnsinees for tbe season. rr!y thinks now of going to the Buffalo WuUip min ing country. Corvallis Time. John Usher will leave tomorrow morning by boat for Sacramento,1 Calif , where be win enter tbe sailor's home. John came to Albany niapteea years ago, and has been a good ami peaceable citizen, and he will be missed by ; many. tie went on tne sea at tne aire ot four teen and sailed the main for- thirty or forty yeara. Tbe best wishes of Albany people will go with him. ! The Decree of Honor last even me cave another of their popular entertainments sitn a program prepared uy Mrs Hocoe's side, which tbey declare about the beat yet given. It consisted of reci tations by Jessie Cuiton.BosaliSbrenoz, Mies Bentley of tbe public schools. Miss Grace Payne, Bessie Cameron Ad Isaac Butler, solos nv Koavrt efson, vira Stuart, Emma Warner, Mrs. Van M in kle and Anna JUcCauley. a duet by Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Van Winkle, a drill by seven young ladies, seven tableaux, rep resenting, "sent .bv Exprees," "Dis- content.'V'An Old Man's Darling." "An Eclipse of the Son," "The Young Man's blave," "The r light of Time and Wo man s ' and club swinging by John Talt, Balem contractors are decidedly in the swim. Welch Hroiuers are doing me work on tbe Albany court house, Ii Snook on the Roseburg court house and Erb&Van Patton on the Maues court bouse, white Mr. Burgraf is the principal architect. Salem men also propose to build the new government building at tViat nUv w TheOreeon Presbvterv of theC. P. church meets at 7 :30 this evening in tl. v. a vuurcu ui villa viit. ajt iuuuw., Rev. Dr. Bond, of Sodaville, Ore.,' will preach the opening sermon. J. A. Lokobottom, Pastor. Parlies in Albany desiring to attend the concert of the famous pianist, Oodo waky in Salem on the lltn can secure tickets of Prof. Parvin now in the city or 75 cents. I be regular price is $1. Hood's PHio Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and while eentle are reliable and efficient. They Rouoo tho Liver Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. frepar ed by C.I. Hood Co.,Lowell, Mass, COUNTY COURT. Resignation of P ? Crab ree sup. ditt. 3, accepted and J L Croisant appointed. Application of N 1 Mor Iran et al for r nioval of obstructions taken u jder ad visement. Also petition ot McNeal et al for tailing roads. Lottie Waller allowed to redeem land on pamei tof $3 as la J Finder on payment of $17.94. Acid cation of J O Maver fur rvh.twof wa ior iovo, aiaaiiowed. Application of inia Monttilti for bate $14 on us. allowed. Petition for removal of H A W Hen- aerm, of Brownsville, taken under ad viseicent. Petition of T J McCtary for transfer of ta leitiucate granted Petition of J M Lindley et at for coun- ir roaa, granted. P tiiiou . uU Clifford et al for county road, grunted. i eution ot W R Kirk ft al forriiaight eii'iig Ctiiupooiaon Mcalt property uk- -n r Muvi-emeui. t i I F Wat. ma it al M fouu iy r kHiiUxl. lie urn ( Mieiiff on tax robot .iu7ap .Liters directed to mak de- lli-qiu-nl ion ti . uei. in sia'eaml grand jury i ' " r H.iKint en ni S ''" -f t auiceed ET T isher, k..- .4 ae i --f I. mi e-i .n - ! . !.! as tim e-ui V a-' 'e of lb tl'S- . tf n.''e it- .o'n-t-i' ' nuni a on if t f e . n o d iiii.e t i it T A r ,0 . . p . i. e I ing the offic. oaarking hat the M , -a i .yi-. ni.rtr a puh blgh - wersj not sr'ed upon. BILLS ALLOWED. JU Kr Ha 'lMl .. tlCO 00 I um S l-i ff It . r , l-k f re . 6fl W . 60 00 ISO 50 00 83 S3 60 0U . 60 00 3 00 5 CO A 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 . 500 5 00 . 5 CO S 00 5 00 4 00 6 00 . 4 00 ! .-Doi.ald ' Tr-mrrf l,k De. nit C erk MonUgoe.' .11 Deputy Sheriff Lewelling Aid Mrs Hinae " Mr and Mrs Bernard. Ill "'Mrs Horkenbury " ' Stellmsrh-r " " HsrryMyers. .1...1H .. .'. I '' od wife.. .. " Sstooei Keith " M Jansios ; Henderson "H :: int!f r.i;;:;.i iiiii " " Koker minor " Dinah Mosicr " Jas Larew ACCOCST PCX. a N Drummond, supt poor farm Margaret Mills, poor farm Alb Dress eef Co, poor farm F E Allen P W Spicka " 1"1 Bostos Shoe Store " H" Stewart A ox " NDGmn, rent ... .11" R A Bamiunl, acct poor farm ... . C O Le, two lares to r ortland. . . O E Simmona, aid Nancy Sim mon C L Heed. a.d Vinson A TyWr. aid Mrs F Peters . M llodicii. srvt poor farm lii ket. . w lu-ed ai.d aife J L Carter, aid Kiicgs J H Cunt ad Aid W I VII nuer 23 00 4 15 1 45 10 20 23 82 8 65 11 f 2 50 3 110 3 0 5 00 15 00 10 00 7 50 3 00 10 00 1 00 5 00 5 v0 5 00 IS 00 S50 10 00 Aid Kl.e Hrav " K C Mc 1-in . . BFrUmp Mrs Kauiiignri, rent E F Truax. farm BO AM AXD BAM DOSS. LCTrah & Cu PWs-einks A I Dovro UD Barton. Frank Mi ler Davis & Cslavan , 2 (jQ 11 12 75. 4 10 5 Oil 9 50 . xiscaxLAHBors N A Blodg-t, fuel ) Electric Li Jits Tei. Co. , . CHI roker, stationary .... Inquest Joel Carey C E Taylor, tountv J M Owen, fuel " Ore agt E A II rria Ore agt Ellie Allen Ore a st i liajry Haley Ore avt Jas Uptiam Ore agt i ii klorria I A Munkrr . iKwrd prisoners... A S Mi'lMmaiii. ac't eupt . Sniilev tie prut r, aUtionaiy. . Bronaviil Ti.nea, pr.nung John v stun, j-o tor .Chester Skeeia. tuel t. . B A Stafford, acc't assessor T M 1'osrtl, -put sheriff. . . . Mrs i tinker dep'-.ty sheriff.... I A M linkers, ex ense bill ... . O tJ 580 00 la 00 38 00 t 4 poetace .. ij vo ' B Montague, acc't present own ership book ..- M li. rtou, acc't assessment E E Moiitayue, acc't assessment 100 00 6 00 14 OH 48 00 20 00 66 PC 7 85 8 35 7 49 , 13 00 U D Monugue fcwC't assessment Herald, printing bnet " J C Bilyeu, deputy sheriff , Pred Dawson, acc't poor " ationerv D L Curl, commissioner DCSrsn, Lebanon. From tbe Criterion : Dr. Foley informs os that he will be required to pay the M broker's license because of having bought a few city war rants since July 1st. w W" fi Ia . ati moved to town Isst week and is now Io- cated in the Aioncn dc use in uio east . ii it. . part of town. Mr. and Mrs. . u. Hickck will leave this evening lor a three month' visit to tne eaau iney win viai in several an- ftrentsutes and no doubt will greatly i enioT their well earned vacation. W. S. Dunn, of Woodburn, has Ukenl charge ol the 8. P. Co' business at this place and cm continue in that capacity until Mr. llickok returna from his eat- erntiip. Born, to the wife of Solon Faulkner, at the family residence five miles north of t;wn, on Monday. April 3, loWha daugh tur; to the wife of Henry bylvester at the family residence, six miles east of thia place, on Bunds v. April 2, 18iW, a boy ; to the wife of W. H. Klepp r, in this citv, March SO, 1899, a boy ; to the wife of M. D. Wheeler, in this city, on Sunday, April 2, 1899, a daughter. t. JL.V 'ueick has purStmscl the Georu Htimphr reuidence, into whkii be will soon n.ove. Claud bran tonTThe Lane county mur derer, haa been sentenceJ lo-bviiBriged cn t ridav, may VZ, ler tne murder John A Linu on June 15, 1808. The Eugene people are so jubilant ov r t eir new rteamer that it is asserted that it can run on a heavy dew. As a matter nf fact eleven inches are given aa tbe figures Conn & Huston, of Albany, have opetieo at 223 Commercial street, Just south oi tbe Ladd 6c. Bush bank, an ex - c ueUe depot for the White Sewing Machine Company. Mr. 8 0 Sweetland Is lousi manager and baa had a great deal of experience with the White machine, which he considers the best now on the market and he will bo glad to demonstrate this to anyone on earth. Salem Journal. . , ... ... Albany uamp meats tonight at 8 o - dock sharp. A class of five will be In- itiated, after which a social session will beheld. All members are requested to be present. Visiting neighbors welcome. Spring Time. Hark to the song that the sweet birds singl Now they kuow that smiling spring has come ; How they make the fit Id aud groves to ring, They dance for joy in their forest home. is beautiful spring they seem to say, When the bright eyed morning aun awakes, ' And opens the rosy gates of day, And through the Heavens his journey caaea i Then waken thedrowsr eleepera up. lo walk in tbe garden, grove and lain; r"0'1 "ODjeci ti i. u .ii u le reflection thrown out on s osck- Health off- rs to all her welcome cun. Where the sweet birds sing st early lawn . J. H. U. Sol, avilla, Ore. McClains Suit. The plaint Cor.ailis Times civet the com ot W. A,. njifl hi sui strains lit Corvailis latru as lol- fo: He al eves that on the 17th day Nov ember HWrJ, lie was i-mpjoycd in it-moving obetf ici-n troin the ra ka. road beds and over which ilelen.lann raiiroad Uai.. iats. and that on the Said day, plaintiff an I oiIhth were working Oi a raiiio-. tiridire acuw the u h fork ol -." (imi river; that without fault or ii-)th ,iiLVu(p:aiii'iff, and with out an wro ngor not neation, the de- lenuant causal to be run an nmne with car auaciiol Qpa and ajfainet the flam uit win uett !uro and vnilenre I bat plaintiff w knovked down uun and thtow fr ni i t mo-iitvt eniin, a dii Un.e ol 2'i ritst r niur,il-n to an ui on a n k taadLion at the baae of the pier of said bridge. Pl.ji.tiff -ays his right lv was "aJlr cm ird and broii-n '! ihf knee; that be aai i lernai y : tuj rei ai.d that bis Ileal i wax bslly iruised, lacvratd aud fcirn. to he plain- i na a injure and damage in loss ol time and 'sprO'l! mon-v to the imu nt oi 1.000. I'la nuff furtnr alteaes that he h a . iff rva mentai angaisb, bxlslv pain aud distress to tne additional amount of $ 10,000. He says that defend at t waa grossly careless and negligent in tbe manairement, operation, conduct and control of its rmgirieaa, in that no rules were eelablisnerl or adorned for the op eration and control of engines and cars, wnue passing npoa or over its tracks, roadbeds or bridges, upon which em ployes, including p aiotift was engaged in wor k. FRIDAY Dr. and Mrs. Wiouard have bean In rortiaod. W. W. Rowell s io Port'and yester da oo businesi Mrs. Milton Hale is srriouslv ill st her borne near this city. Laur Thompson came over from Mo- Slinavilleoa bis bicycle. Hoo. A. J. Johnson, of tbe stale fair toard, sum the city todav. L. M. Curl left yesterdav tor Sherman count en legal business. Tbe eocsgement ia annoonced of Miss tvoae tilorb. the lamous Portland air.eer. aou w r ue u u. tiauer. A Mani!a correspondent in the Ore- Bi t.iao says that Private Perry was till sua- nng somewhat from the erTerts of heat ar,d smoke Thr e Bilb'l revnlar meetine nl IIP E ks ton l, t tbeir baU. Itttulla ik of liicrrs and one candidate to be t.iiiUNi Ay order E R. The Statesman aav that I' l:. Jobnny fKigan the plumbers, a ho have neen in ?an rraocuco tor several rears esict t return to SoJem to leaide. Rer Sneer of the - Warm Snri agency went to Uaisev this noon, where be will preach nest Sabbath. Be was eccomi anied from Albany by his son of the c- liege. R-er.tlv in aa Iowa town where the tniHi-b. III.. Gla C'nh aane the fnl !olng i'a.e. appeared on ibe i.otel rea- Jwer: S E. IrwiAe pessimist aod leader I of cbeider's ba d. P E. Dori snake 1155 'ei'er from Dawson, under date ot S3 60 U"'' 6 ', Albert Griller and 28 80 hr'ereo are now on their way 50 " " "r ",,, mf eooa be ex- " gQ j ! df to arnva in oalem - Salem Jocn S 65 4 30' rer.d M -a George Land ret b arrived 31 So Newjori on tbe Isst steamer from & as, t ahlornia, aod Mr Indreth will pro 17 75 : 'a"'' "pe" a barber abop there. Tbey 68 00 rl iidensof Albany lor a few years. 316 50 larir f.- e at-out five years sgo for 82 45 i Cshrrn . 50 Of ibeori. insl trustees ol Alhscy col 20 00 lees, eerted in the spring ot 1867, onl ooeisn w a reaideot of ibis c tv. Mr. lsrth Non vies, bo uhrcrMd .XK) to warrls the original building Of the eleven truMeee eWht a dead tbo esar- v rir heies Mr N.rcro, Joho Conner nni v n rsrrltb. Mies Sarah Francia. of the Salvation Army, is Urn? dsncerousiy ill at the home of Mr. Ed lioins. with .whom ehe has resided for several rears Mr. Francis of Eugene, her father, haa been in tbe city. Mr. Francis was a resident of Albany for several years previous to 1887, working in tbe Red Crown mills A boy riding a bicvele reckleet'.y ran io to a young lady on a bicycle at the Ckarles Kieter corner, this noon, knock I ing ber off, aud not only breaking tbe I froot wheel of her bicvele. bat badly ' bruising her fare. Boys ought to be j made to know tbat the sidewalk is no place U api inline. Complaint la n.ade lo tbe DKaocaaT uf several particularly. - J. B. Mollay, tbe well-non deputy Internal revenue collector. ba lust turned from a trio to California. Oneol LS ".l .7,. mvi me siuv vi sue mwiiw !"., , 0.,, ,,M t,,, lhe iUlM wM dried op snd esscked while the Oreson .Mraa tv.ah and moist. Mallrv has . bt-n celeated to make a trip to Diwion citv ratnrnlne bv ibe Yukon. I ' "Tub Pay Tsais "a.big aeenic comedy dram will be presented at Arjoory ball on Frjay night, April 14 An exchange .. .,. nu,hi Mananer Waterman I of the Auditorium put one more feather ; in his csi wh n "The Fay Train" was presented U standing room only. There - 1 it not the least abawow of a do' bt aa to I its deserting ttie title ot the greatest railroad play ever antten." Admission, 50 cent; cbildien, 2a cents. Coi rt reconvened tbis morning snd bessn tbe trial of the Scio esse of D.. Prill set Dr. Uvde, whea tt waa diecov ered tbat 'here was a defect In a de- rrintinn of B DtCCS of prODaitV Dltl ti Led In tbe complaint. Tbe plaintiff was allowed to ammo upon payment of cos's, and tbe case will not come up un til t e next term of court, ol I Hi- divorce case of Mattie E. Cruaon att Albert tl. Cruaon wss being tried 1 this afternoon, and tolly contested, . ' ; Ral..iii contractors continue to leai'. The contract tor tbe new school house at Irflerson has been let to h. A. Stan ton for 14.637. Tha highest bid was $S. 7un h W. O. Heekert. ol Corvallis. Welch Bros, bid $5 242. Not an Albany man bid. Arrangements are being made to run ..iMn.rfrom Portland Saturday eve- Portland t:.- ... nines direct to toe nav mo me niffoi, switching to the O & E at Albany, at least this if one oi the rturoaa report!. Ia tha supreme court it was ordered n mntlnn of Attornev-General Black- , burn that tbe case of tbe State vs I . . Grtuli be advanced ior nearing otitoi i regular order , : . - The Universa:Bolter makes good Hour ' ' The Magnolia. A Heavy Paper. Mr. Jones, editor of the New Dispell. saticn, of Gorvallis, was Id the city to day 1 lie paper is s reform Journal, and the editor declares gets sold out of the dirt. The paper deals in heavy subjects, and it takes a tiained mind like that ot johl d,,,!...., (or iniUncs. to uo- deratand and appreciate Its density. We give s few examples: Heaven is the microcosm, tbe con-deou-d, sublimated and purlflfed eseiice of Being and Soul of the world. Hell is groond of outer darkness tery buman mind ik s medium inrouKii which an i ritual troth ia trns twitted more or Isca imperfectly. Ac- cording t the grossness or purity of tbe mind is iu capacity for beiog illuminated ' and transmitting truth with clesrne. All dresses bo b individual and social, now as in tbe time of hritt, are canned by svil spirit, t be spirits of arvd,slfib neas, bats, bigotry, prejodiee, fear, av arice, et-oanaiitt MisasevisDea at boe genus omne, e..e isllj IGNORANCE ami M vr K! ALUM. bvsinloity I toe religion cf th indlv dual body. So ioiosy Is t a teligtoa of rii- bodv. Meispbsics is tbe -.h-m e of individosl ruind sad soul; Euiic the acienec of the eoileclvs mind aid sua!. These sciences will be lbs Us and reunion of tbe new era, the wsy of if dividual and sor-tsi salvation. a are in state of anarchy. Every- mi"g i- open toqaestioa. Doctors ds sgiee. Lwvers, politicians, ecsnomisu ai-l j in. i. it,ff.r and dispute Divines fiirl t like ilerua. The whole strife, dis mrd n.'. unreal nf the aorld idue tothe ft.- i,. i i.e hkwi VI AL que lions are ! thai empirits (qiack) in "f -' I-- ia a rule th wiid Obituaiy. Hunt Hodah R Borcb was born Auy. 28, 1849 io Borcbville, St Clair county . Mich. Oo Sept 12, 1831 in JeweU Citv, Kansas she married W II ureeawooa aou tbey ailerward ram to Albany. Oregon, and in 1832 having lost ber hoehood she became) tbe wile of A bert Hunt and in thia marriage iouod the happiest years of hsr life, nia was a true wife and constant friend, an eameet christian and ber fault in tbe love ot tier Heavenly rather sustained her in ber illness. She was almost sa invalid for years. AU that kind friend " a loving btubend aod father could da for ber as hers lo the last. A failb lul I r lend and ueirhbor Mrs K niter rsro i ior nr to id last, not earth I r love and care could not keep her here; ber gen Me tpi-it rad to tbe home be yond March 24, 1899, 'raving a sad home ior oer nosoaad. uoly last aulumo tbey moved to ibeir new bva near Snn Or. She waa buried from tbe M E church at Albanv, her oastor Kev ii. C. Wire odtciaUog. bwolah Rebwkah Lxlge I. O. O. F. took chart of the serrire at the ce meter? and oo a beaotifnl Pahhath afterooon they gav to rsrth ail tbat was mortal ot i heir beloved sister, leaving her err ve with hearts bono J closer ia F, L sndT bo-ins to meet a nnited harwi io oar Heaveoly home. apnie. ia K.B. M. Scio. V-otn lbs News: Mises Com Sbope. ol Albany, is visit ing in Srio this seek, the l nest of Urs. Geo W. Phillips. C. H.Stewart, of tha fi-m of ritawart A Sox. Albany hard war merchants, was a oo tax i?aiurasy tssing rano larm machinery with some of oar people. J. N. Marrie shiDDwd a carload of bows to f s Portlsod mart-et Tuesday. There were aoocl 200 nne porkers in the car. Wm. Brenner's barn which stood on the hank of Tbomaa creek, jot back of T. S. Coffes't harness thop, mas de stroyed bv fire Moodsv mornioe a boot t o'clock. The Oreson leleobooe Gomrenv in stalled their inetrameat in thia city on November 28. 1898, si DC which oste the receipt have amounted to $135.45. sad we doubt if there ia a town in tba vallev anywhere near tbe population of Scid which can show a tool a record. Mir Mauds Cvras who ha b-jn ill for several weeks pest, is sot improviog.a.04 her case has become a serious ooa. Ob Vtednesdsy ol this week I. Hyde, the attending physician, called Dr. Davie, of Albany, as oanc I with him on tbe CoIIef e Notes. Miss GrifTotlir. of tbe 0 A.C. waa a visitor April 3. Tbe second term exsmiostions were ended rhuitdsy. Tbe third term begins AprU 11. Mrs. Buhl, of Lebanon, ws visitloC here aith ber sister Mi s Smi b. Thnra dav. Prof Martiadale. ot the public schools. meJs us a visit April 0. Tbe Library ia in a floariahint: con dition. Beside coo tain in over 2500 volumes it baa a gieat many of tbe lead ing magaxines aad newspapers. several of the stodeo's went home to spend the vacation of four daya before the besinning of the tbiid term. A C ooley, r H McFerland and C G Snyder went to Brownsville, J W Gaines and E U Myers to Scio, G T Pratt to H sissy, C A Mulkey to Meheme. Miss Pet bm'lh to Lebanon, T W Zimmerman to JeBer- son and B N McLean to Portland. Real Estate Sale. W H Pearl to Silaa A Pearl et al M interest iu 80 acres and 4 lots llal-ey I 43 O P Coebow to A F Yallrath et al 1 block Brownsville 100 C r Hancock to F H Weber, S lots Brownsville Jamea Nannev to Archie C Miller 40.10 acrea II W4 loto F B Prater lo Joseph J Kendall. 1 lot blXl li s 2nd ad Aloenv..... 1W Robert Crawford to Anna M Houck right of way on fair ground pro perty,.... 1 There we'e 81 deaths and 94 births in Portland in a. arch A sngar war In San Francisco resulted in a cu; of a cent a pound. F. G. Powers has purchased tbn Lan- ning residence in tbe third ward, and move x in'o the same. Tbe Albany Farmers Co. are building a twenty toot aaauion to tneir ware- bouse at Tallman, the business demand ing it. Mr. R. N. Morris is making arrange ments to run tre warehouse at t rabtree Hits year, taking possession in time for tbe fall business. The funeral services of Mrs. John Chiawell ir ., were held at the residence of Mr. P. C. Anderson this afternoon at 3 o'c:ock, and the remains ware buried at thia city instead ot being taken to Dune- muir, as was at Drat intended. The Rock Hill correspondent of the Lebanon Criterion says: Linn county cattle buyers are quite numerous hare ay? aney arwoiienng iw so io i ne haaii lor calve, and Irom sail to esn r - - i.C ' V' Jrr,. r for cows with calves. Prosperity has truck o.d Oregon in dead earnest at last. Eugene Larimore, tbe Unseed oil man. of Portland, formerly aa Albany painter and le oau piayer, nas returned from Mc - California and the east, and ssys bs will a . a t III I L. A B ni run nis mui aj uu nigut, ami win j want all the flax seed raised in the North- west. He wants sixty thonsacd acres ot flax seed.-where he has contracts for only '30,000, ASSQLVTESX Makes the food more de,cious end wholesome $vyvat fwrnaa SA URDAY. RELIGIOUS. M. E flitirrh: Services at 10:39 a m and 7 -30 pm. Rev. C. M. Bryan will have charge of both e-rvii'es snd will five a chart Bihle rracinsoa the Mas of Salvation, ia the morning. Su. day school at 12 ni. Junior Leseoe st 3:.'J0, Ep worth and lulermrdiaie ltaitu- at 6:;',0. Everybody invitrd to tlitee ser vices. Pres tbirg at the M. E. church Siuth n.ornins; and evening by the pas'or. Sub- jeet of morning sermon, "The Good Sam eiitan. Uoffed Presbyterian church: Morn ins; aorriiipat 10:30. sutjt of sermon, "The Seven Grace " r-aobatb echool at 1 1:45, Jnnio Eodeavcrat 3:.'J0, Senior Endeavor at 7i0, eveoinr rrvue at 7 :30. Suhiect of sermon. ' In Need ol a PbTeiciao." Atl sre cordially invited to. attend.! beae services. i Presbyterian church : Mornir.g wor-l sblpat 10:30, subject ofteimto, 'Mir aclea of Grace." Sabnatb school at 11:45 Junirr Endeavor t 3:30, rieoior Endeavor at 6:30. e run id if worship at 7:30, snbjecto eerm in, "Born Anew." A cordial i. viiaiion is extended to all to stteod all tbe services. Coegregstionsl church: Services as nsual at tbe Congregational rhnrrh Sohjert ef morning sermon, "Rest and Pain." Snoday acbool at 12:15 noon aod evening sermon at 7 :30 p m A l no a! teoding lseabere aie cordisiiy invited to tbe ahov- services. Lebanon. i From the E. A.: Walter Worrell aas over from Albsn n . j . . . nsuurauij iosr a sit a irtena. u Mrs. Cbss. S o t and children, of Alb-f any, are visaing Mrs. H. G. Everett. The Wizard 0! company will give a performance in thia c ly every night next week. Mrs. Tapper and three children ar rived here last evening from Nebraska, and Mr. Tapper will arrive todav. Or e winter in tbat state was enoosh for tie Two Nebraska men are corn it g ailh Mr.; tapper. Another tnasi meeting was he':J )es lerdav to consider the advirabiUty of e tabluhiLg n skimiuing station or cream ery at this place. A good crowd wis out and tbe question was prritv reueraiiy dlCUf ed Sonw larore-i- a creamery, and others a skimming station, hut a. I present seemed to be highly in favor of one or the other. It was decided lo leave the committee of nine e'.iH io the : field, snd also to appoint another com- 1 mil lee of ive to sscertsin the ro-l of a creamery .a akimmicg tatioa and a soil-' able location. Toe lol:oine were t pointed as toe new committee: C H. Vooog, M. A. Mi;r, C B. Monttne i n . . . a . - - . , I o. Durieueuaw aca ti. i . b.iti.p.r!cs. ; Both committees are to rei-ort SaturJsy, i April 15, at 2 o clock p. m., st which time acotber mui mee'ii e is ralie d.aed at this meeting it wiH decided which we are to bate a creaxerv or a rk'm- rniog atatioo. The New Time Table. The new iiu.e table on the Southern Pacific will go into effect tomorrow even ing at S o'clock. The overland from Portland, which will be known as No. 6 ill arrive at 10:55 and leave at I. o'clock. The overland, from San Fran cisco, whith vill be known ss No. 5 will arrive at 4:10 and leave at 4 :20 Tbe Rosetorg local No '7 beresfter be known as No. 7. and the loai from ibe North aa No. 8, but there will be no change in tbeir time of running The change wt.t be a great inconven ience to railroad men and others, bat time, tide and railroads ait fr no man. four grocer keeps it. The Magnolia Floir a r . n . rt. k..rltl, ftri. 1 ... T , ' bo had cone toa.r is the river A h ant Archibald are taking after their father, iDg ply ,a( arn,ej aod a large eiowd and already display a liktrg for tbe began a search. The Jhilds tracks were smell of powder. Yreterdsy sfterncon, finslly found and traced along the loaa during tbe sr-enceof tbeir mother st Sr'reevllere' rv r'--Li!0! wsVgtr. 'haHI .oflo W T. , tl.a. m lUaleUI, A ft UUIBI W ST J nt tha .kawrtr.l Ivi- hornioir It snd U19 ww v t- hair seriously. His eyesweie close and it is probable he win a. ways have a scarted lace Ircm it. ir. wai- lacb was sent for and relieved the tut- ferioga of the boy. Tbe oSjJ-at boy ran was aiso atorvovu. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Would you feel relieved if you could raise something? Does your ' cough annoy you at night, and ,tlo you raise more mucus in the morning? Then you should always keep on hand a bottle of . If you have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it. ir ..icr's Cetrri Ptctwi! rustcf Bfttccts t&t loess Irwa ci4$. Help at Hand. If you have any complaint whatever and desire tho best medical advice you can pos sibly -obtain, write tbe doctor freely. You will receive a prompt reply, Address, DR. J. C. AVER. , Lowell, Alass. j fliers Cfecrrg Mini ) &UCE y.,jr m . new topw. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Ren Ross is quite ill tt the boms of his psrents on 6th street. ' Governor Ger passed through Albany yetrasy for Roseburg to view the sol diers home. . . -, . i ,, Marios Leo Teutscb. wl! known in Aioany, and alia Kate McMnihn were married in Pendleton on tba 6th. ; Mr. 5 Price has returned home from California, where be (pent tbe winter with hi daughters. Mi. Horace Powell at fianlBernardino. and Mra. LafaPett at iteasina. , Mr, John Simpson, who has heea ia the hardware business at Corvallis for tweuty years, has sold his interest in ti e store ol Simpson & Huston, to Mr. Bogre and the firm will be Boston & Bogne Mr. Ernest U Lee and Miss Bertha K. Washburn, both of Junction City, are lo be married at the home of the bride's parents next ttfdnetdsy Mr. Lee is a i brother ci Mrs. rrtd Fortmil'er. Loi. Vootseue, oi Lebanon, is io (be city. He r torts treat intiest tbe-e in tbe propoeed tfciairnicg station and Ya- qnina luiprovt-rrent and a combined (neeiinc will I be d next Saturday io consider them. Mr. J. A. Weaver will open a branch store n (iroantv lle sbout the 15th, to be knoanas the Tbe Fair. He baa se cartd Mr. Ravmond lffonv m' r-v.t. H s, to take ctarge of same. Os account of tha etrious il!an of her mother at Ptiil- math Miss Jolis Tsylor bss been rompe led to resign ber position in tbe school ai Toledo, and move to Philomath. Tbe Villawe Orcbessra" will make tbeir firtt appearance in nobhc Fridav evenii g. April 140. at tbe W. O. T. C ball at the sociable a-iven bv the ladies of the First Presbvterisa church. Do not fail to hear them. L. W. Devor. formerfr of Elk Citv. but now of Mvrtle ooioi. Coos eoontv. dropped into town Tuesday mo ruin. He ia traveling for tbe Black & Devoe pystem of aook-ksepine snd is makine raies wherever he stops. Tbe method is one of bis own invention aad natseted -Toledo Leader. Tbe Albany MnaiealClnb gave a mu ral last evenina at tbe hrme. of S. F. Young, greatly eooyed by a large nom ber of friends. "Music is not merely a etudr," aaid Bryant, tt is an entertain ment; where there is mreic there is a throng of listeners" This was so on (his cccaeioi. The excellent protram consisted oi Wsrner-overture. Tanhau rer, performed t y Uves Hopkins and Vance, a lri -Lift thine eves " from Mendelssohn's Ll jau, by Mmes Witvt Nelson snd Lsncdon ; a pinoa3io,Marcbe to net re, Chopin, by Miss ISurtneeer; a v.sJ solo "too Juan." Mczart, by Hiss EtU, a piano ro'.o 12' h Nodmme.Chopin, byMiaacce; " With Verdure Clad' from tbe Creation, by Mrs. Lsngdoo; a dart, I woold that my lore" by Mrs. . , ..... - - . .eison ana m ss c:is; a piano diet. from Hsy-n. by Him Burtuesrer and bye," by Mr. Ne;n, Mrs. L?e, Mrs. 'loong and Miss Eilis, a v-xal silo by Mrs. Wirli, a piano aolo, Va!e im proasoto." a la Trrolienne. br Mies i Hopk in, a vocal solo, "To vao and but to you, by Mrs. Nelcn: a piano solo, ".Mendelesoho's Eocdo Cspricoeeo." by Mrs Vonng snd three songs br the Club, "Lady Bird," "By the Sea." and "Wel come pretty pi imrvnje." Neat programs were prevented showing the loltowint active members of theC'ob: Miss Barm ester president, Mrs Pa Young vice president. Mis Kl'is secretary and treas urer, Urs H A V.eon. Mrs Wins. Mrs Langdon, Mrs Wincard, Mis W H Lee. Mrs NntttncMmlrvine.Miss Vance and Misa llopkii. A Lcsr Child The people down in the Bend bad a live bunt last night site a lost chi'd. ITie two year old son ci WIHiam Leveredge, who lives near the river disappeared about twilight probab ly leaving home about ax o'clock sal r'' raiur a a.-mm suu jvwrvu Pt tH0V. Ot telUS Old i . . . . . J. s.W k arnS Btl ,Vj. I-a. t . ' I r-w4l SB tesrsn ' has war at at tm a. at a r. ear ISawn found al U':."A) o'clotk. I A t.ono Piv. Next Fridat night our iii1M, tl htre tn, plM,reof nnn,n. Ri.i-.'. c. drama. Tha Train" ami as it ia ! B h A K mah.. .1 ... .. .k. . .... i. . I house should be well packed, ibe play is far in advance ol the so called com d iet of the dsy. It contains a very pretty story, a clever plot and many ex i'ing sitoatioos. A company of excellent players appear in the different parte.and a first clses poiformsnce is given. Mies Oliis Hartford, a very clever artrrss is st the hesd of this attraction and her artis tic singing and dancin . will no doubt make her many friends here A racked hoase shot Id greet " To Pay Train " A'fmission 60 cts; children 23 cis. VSLXOkTBa E lkvtko. At 4re recular meeting ol Beulah Rebekab. lorge So S5 1 O. t F. held last evening th follow- ing delegats, to the State Rem-kah s- wn,M.r..l.h- Wn T J Stir., The eemtily meets in $ales May 15th, la view of one of the circuit court rases the following from the 'effersmi Review is of particular interest: Dr. F-. O. Eyde, ol -cio, wss in oor city a few hours bundsv. enr.'Ute to Alhanv The Dr. reports a flourishing practice at our sister city. The "entinel says that Attorney lien eral Blackburn is a shoulder striker ahen it comes to rendering opinions He s icks to the letter and intent ot the law. WhatisShiloh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold and Cousumption ; used through th world for half a century, has cured in numerable cas'S ot incipient cousump tion and relieved manv in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund Your moiiev. lrice 23 cu., 60 cts, and 11.00 " Viorecks Shaving aod Hair Cutting Parlors 2nd street, next door o Stette's' resuurint. Shaving, 10c; baircuttiog, 16ets; bath,15cts. Clean towels to every customer. Notice. The highest cash price paie for poultrv eKS ud veal at F. G. Power's Poultry House. Go to Yerick'a shaving and hair ent itle g parlors , for first class work. Hot j and cold baths. Clean towels to every customer. Whv not replace your Ueiid roses now, with strong field growr plants from The Albany Nurseries. I our osrriage trimmings cannon be beaten in tbe state. I - DCBHCtLLB HaBNKSS Co. Cash paid fochickens at Albany Pressed Beef Co's. HOME AND ABROAD. Cash hardware. R.K. Ohiicg. Garden toola at R. K. Obling's. Builder, hardware at K. -K. Ohlings lee cream bsi put In an appearance Lawyers WatsoD and Cat non mnrr doing lefcalboain s in Corvs lis yester- lsy. , The formal opening i Eauene' 73.. 000 court bonse will h- bad on Ma I. It will be made a big affair The Eocene, havin bev-n inspect' o and passed muster, will leave Port and for Eugene next Wednesday. Mr. Gradwohl is hanr? ih- t--haoled for bis seiv.nd ttr. - ,, is a thorMKh Albany u i A u i--u lor nearly half a eentnry. The trial of the esse o Carrie. act A H Crosoo. before J n i.K e- completed last evening, re; tii in Ijadgment of divorce for "e r.iinff Court was then adjourres uni ( .l 1 24. when tbe busineetof i prt t il i will be completed. Ice f.oge e t-us, a u ; of eosce to ,l,e proposed lu. p:,rni e. re to be made bv tl e booth-Kelly Co., r.i. tbe Mobawk river in Lane crninty, smong otber things a bg mill, They have aires iy bought p'op erty and are lookins for otu r The rgbtofwayon the M.-baatt.t teen serorwl in Lane rooDty , aud a week tuere were eev.ral pttuion b. rrre b Linn connty cort Hx the ao e ihro sb this ceanly, toe river direrir,. in this county. Ve-rrs Booth and K-!S sere tyjth in tbe city for the pnrpt ef. List of Patent Granted to Northwest Icveowr this week. Reported by C. A. fcnrw A Co., patent attcrneys. Waebinzu b. D. C F M Brd, Wenatches, Wh. line, gnard for vehicle-poles; FJ i.ra- Si -tie. Wash, barb-tab; J J -Und, Ore, Kar-cocpiirg; F land. Ore, toy b. rae; t J S -- Wash, pnniiae-teiearspb; H K W . - v Spokane., " ato. whitfu-trte d it tachment for vehicles. For copy of any paient send 10 postaee stamps with dste of i to C A Snow & Co.. Washibetor.. t .ft -i- fs : - r Strict lv buqDor French the iewekr. Oreeoent Skycie, Hopkins brotsrrs, aebta. Beat Bicyde for u e rcor.j Will t Jtark, jewe'er. Crescest burveies at Hotrkio. H -er for ooJv 120. (30, 135 ad C B Winn, citv ticket agent Ticket to all points ia the east. Be rare and aee the and ru-t tnware at flopkia Bros, will las a fr'etime. Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho tographs, and do not 'orget to tike along the money. For a quick remedy sad oee that is per fect! safe for children let es recommend One Minute Cough Core. It is exreiieat for croup boaraeoeas.UtHiuR ia the throat , and comrht. Foshay & Masoa. For frorf bites, boms, indolent core, ec xema. ski a disease and eapecialiy piles. De Witt Witch Bazel Salve Wanda first aad heat. look cat tor dithoaest pop who try to imitate -and cciEtrrfeit it Its their endorsement cf a good a 'tie e. Worthlesa good are not rsiiatcl. tlet De Witt s Witch Iliie: Sat re. Fnhiy Jt Hason. To Cure a Cold ia One lay Take Laxative Bro-co Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the mocey if it fal'a to core. 2, Tbe gen nine has L. B. O on each taulet. TICKETS To all ooir t East via Gret t Northern Railway-. For 'rates, f iders and roll information eaU on or add -esa H. F. Mi-Rwm, AgentAlbanr. X-rsr? are not ia U with ocr n w sts teru. " Long photo Col FV ur SOc per sack. Trvit. tie Maeolw THE HOMLIESTMANIS ALBANY As well as the BnIorot- and others are invited to call on anv drc.igi-t aad get FEES atrial bottecf Km.pi Batoam for tbe Throat and Lac,s, a nemedy tkat ia gnaraa'red to cure and reiieve ail Chror ic and Acute Couarfas. .isthnu, Broaccitis Consort, ptioa. . Price 25c. and SOc - a 3- 5 UL .a An Excellent Combination. The pleasant metlnxl arn. l-enefieial effects ot the well kno.v ivinedy. STRrr or Fiosk manufaetnne.i bv the Cauforsia fie Syrvp Co. ,;'.trate be ' t-ner -the It " iixa ro ti&Uy, the value of obtaiair.g- tae ! tive principles of pianis kr roeaiciaaiiy laxaure ar.a , ''Tf 5,55' ff'? AVirr3 th is the one pcrfeot Mrcoh. dispelling; colds, hcacachf :nl fevers gently yet promptly and enahiioffone to overcome habitual const:iuen per manently. Its porfivt fisdom fivra every oojectiouable on-.iV-.-y ami sub stance, aud its aetiir on lue kljneys. liver and bowels, witi.out weakemng; or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figa are used, a thev are p!eant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities! the remedy are obtained from sonna and other aromatic plants. ty a method known to the California Fio Stkip Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the foil name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FBAJTCXSCO, CAU XAUTSYtlXX. IT. HSW TOi t K. tot aal by all Druggist. Price Sc per bottle 130 Cords of Wood Wanted Notice ia hereby given that sealed bids i aill be received oy Sibor-l Uistrict No 5. ; Linn Countv. Oregoi.. op to tne 15ib day , of May, 1S99. at tbe hour of 1 o'c'ock p. i m, for contraci for furnishing IU- c wds of ' seasoned sruh oak wood, and I0ords body , tir.otk wood to be not le aan locnea in ji,,meter at smalleof end, 4 feet long, atisight.sad free from limbs, fir o be split from lame trees, tree from knots aud hark. Alt w od to be delivered at oh.l buildings in slid district may he mree.vd o r before Angus' 13' h. 1S93, t irsetj tvnl tida will be teceived for all of l-e w,ki, orlu lo of nor less thR 20 cr s li ted tbis 23rd day Mr- ' !. ViRon. Pabibr, School Ctera. H F. nerrill Insuranee aud Collection Agot Monej ti .'o. warrant bought Utce in the Dxmocbat buiWiug , ' .