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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1899)
UUMMttIf 1T It is the easiest thing in the world to have t SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS. LUMBAGO OR LAME BACK, tfJ2 " No remedy has made surer CT lATHR OH and quicker cures than O J1V.VUU VIE- IT RELAXES THE STIFFENED MU80i.ES. nn To) irdo Ifvnu want a aooa ana citei .uoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory For a eood hand made Harness ro to Ketchuru's Harness Store, Brosttalbin, between 2J and 3d atn ets. Fast Salt. Lake, Denver, Ft .rest . Mail Worth. Omaha. Kan- Mail 8pm eas City, St Louis, 6:45 p n; Chicago and taeU Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane Fiver ane. Minneapolis, fct Fiver 2:10 pm Tumi. Duinth, Mil- 8:30 am wsukee, Chicago, A East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 p w. For San Francisco ' "- " Sail every five days ?pm COLUMBIA RIVER 4pn ExSunday STEAMERS. ExSunda Saturday To Astoria and Way- lOpm landings. 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 pm ExSun. Oregon City, flewbenr, bxbua Salem & Wiy-land's 7am WILLAMETTE AND S :30 p Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monda Tours.. Oretron City, Day tea, Wed. and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat Sam WILLAMETTE RIV. 4 :30 p a Tuesday Portland to Corvallis lueslay lour., and ay-Landings. uur v and Sat. and Sar LvRiparia LvLewistoa 2:30am SNAKE RIVER 12;00 Daily Riparia to Lewiston Daily W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent. C. G. RAWLINGS, Portland, Or. Agent Albany. East South VIA SHASTA ROUTE OF THE outhern Pacific . Oo. GalUnla express Train ieare Ponlane Dally Sooth J . e.oote. . I L Mill L lUt B Ar Albany Su rrunsttca Ar 1 B Su . At I 6:&6 a Lv&M UaDDV is the man or woman who can eat a good hearty meal without suffering afterwards, it vou cannot ao u, ie Kodol Dyspepiia Cure. It aicsu wnai von eat, and cures all form of dyspepsia and indigestion, i oshey Msaon . If ion have a cough, tboart Irritation weak lings, pain in ttu oheit, difficult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let ui iug get One Minute Cough Cure. Always reliable and safe. Foehay A Mason. TWnre the discover v of One Minute Cough Curt, ministers were trreatlj dis turbed by couroidit congregations. e excuse for it now. Koshay A Mason. Give mt a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." said a genius. The drus gist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Utile fcarly Kisers. me lamous uuie puis. Foshay & Mason. J . Sheer. Sedalia. Mo., conductor on Ik trie street car line, writes that bis little augbter was very low witb croup, ana ner ea alter ail pnysiciana uau laiieu using One Minute Cough Curs, s Mason j See Locals on every page. Wheat 47 cents. The Parker fountain pen is a "cracker Jack." French the jewler sells them A larire and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the dis play. When von want a choice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Jrodere. He keeDS tbe best. The best meats' of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Bee! Company's market, just dawn Second treet. tjooa weignt ana prompr awau ion. As the mm of the vear when pneu monia, la srippe.eore throat coughs.col Js, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing "is a tmesuo stitote," wist "answer the purpose." or is inut a vand' as Una Minute IAUIIO ure. Teat is the one infa'hbie remedy for all nncr throat of bronchial troubles. Insist iirorovslv npoa nsving it lr "eomwoiuE e is offered yoa. Foshay A Mason. The Phil ppine war continues to be the central new item of the world. Tbe j p -ogress is watrhed with pi eat Interest 'and va-ying eraut'ons Ketorta of the t killed snd eouaded a e scanned for the names 01 relatives ana menus, in many places with results that cease sorrow. Thrwsr is being puih. d vigorously, and were it not tor the sneaking tactics of tbe Filipinos would tuou be ended. As they know the conntry and are following a Fabian policy tlu-re in no telling how lo ig tbe contests mav iet. Washlaictou Letter. Above trains too at stations be tween t'or.Un I ni Salem Tur ner, Marion. JeTrwi Albany Tangent, Shedd. Hlsey La?ea- Cottage Grove, Dra, Oakland and it stations (ton RoaebiTr j-ia' ti to and la clading Ashland. SIcfc Headaches. I The rnrae of overworked womankind.are quicklv and surelv cored by Karl's Clover Rnrvt fM. the irreat blood purifier and tisane builder. Money reiunaea 11 not tatkfactorv. Price, 2a eta. and 00 eta. SiSOau I Li li.ttr I L ;t'U Ar Alb ) at 4 sr .L I IIM'I mum .xck Lwi CB for Labuxm AniT a 4BT from Ltbun 8-10 a for teuton V J from Lebanoe ' 4ior Tsvft f PULLUA BdrFET SlEEPERi. AHD SEC0N0-CLK3S SLELHH6 CARS Attached I all ThrcaafcTrala SITtSKKiS lsKTLASS ASS fastVAlltl M kVL ra S4Ut KcosptSBao! aaanirae buvaii.t What la Shiluh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold and CnnBnmDtion: OSOd throUKQ in world for half a century, bas enrea in nnmorahlA CSSSS of inclDient C0Q8UU1P tinn and relieved many in aavanoea auges. It you are not sausneu wivn vue vaults we will refund vour money. Price 25 eta., 60 eta. and $1.00. AVhr not reolace vonr dead rosea now with strong field growr plants from Tbe Albany ursenes. This campaign a. well as tbe Cuba campaign, has deumn t'hisd tbe bravery and fsarlefsnesiiees l the United States volunteer. Better rolri-ra never faced an enemy. During the week S nator Hoar has written a letter pro't sting against tbe trampling under (eet f the tights of tbe nativea. Theoteiicary the position of Senator Hoar is probably corrct,bui the eirenstances have tvtn p.cnliar, and undoubtedly there 1m been bad faith and poor judgment on the part of tbe Filipinos. The United States though should not be oppressive and should not ake away the liberties of any peopl without' their consebt Whenweion eider our own start the situation ahou'id be plain on this point. The United Stat ea should be the tne-rf f the oppressed, and it Is to be regret it that circums tances have arisen that should place our beloved country in a lyht that was pro bably ntver intended, ib-ugh now open ly advocated by aome imperialists. We are in it though now, and cannot back down, and moat stand tv the flag in the fight against one A ;he lowest and most degrsced people on the face of the eaith When they have been conquered though tbe United States ehouid arise equal to tba occasion and suow Let self above sordid policies, at least giving tbe in habitants of tbe island l.oae rule. While there baa been snow ia some sections of United S.-.s east 01 tbe Rockies we have beeo t ving salubrious weather in this vlie for tbe aea some rain and some sunibiae, a comor- nation peculiar to this country, and which baa given us many seasons at big crops, we may aisj rt-joice in mat our neighbor sooth of baa bwe having aome rain tbat haa done woitd-ia to revive the spirits of tbe inhabitants of California, regular webfoot weatbr tbat we can al ways depend 00, but wbich tbey are for tunate it thev ha re once in four or five years. Get the best fiour. Tbe Magnolia X-raro are not in It with our n. w syS' tern. . Long photo 00. tTmm Our Kfulr Oorraspoodsot.) Wasiiimotom Feb. 2Jtb. 1899. -Whew I SuoU a rumpus has not taken place during the present administration as is now raging around the head ot At torney Generel Uriggs. It e all sbont a etter that Grisgs wrote about truita containing opinions that the remainder of the administration ae airaid to stand for. Some of his fellow members of tbe cabinet have eaid a few things to Griggs but it ia understood that their remarks will be entirely forgotten when Mr. Kin ley returns and empties the vlale of bis wrath on him. 8ome ot the admlnistra tlon hangers-on say tbat Griggs was bun coed Into writing tbe Utter by his cor respondent, who asked for the informs tion, stating tbat be waa a republican; and tbat he would not have written it bad be supposed It would be published, Of course, everybody knew that the ad ministration waa uot unfriendly to tbe trusts, 1th which Boas Hanna has ancb close business relations, but, in deference to voters who do not share In tbe profits of tbe trusts, it bat been understood' by those who are close to tbe throne tbat ao anti-trust plank was to be inserted in tne next republican platform, meaning less of fouree, to bead off tbe democrat ie claim tbat tbe republicans are responsi ble for all tbe trusts. Mr. Uriggs must have known thia. Yet, he wrote as fol lows, to a correspondent unknown to bim personally, concerning trusts: Ai a mat tar ot tact, all ot tbe eompaulee which you refer to ae now organising for the purpose of eecnriog complete or partial monopoly of different brancbee of tnsnu- facture, are similar to tbe eager comb.. nation, and are not within tbe Ijariedic tion of tbe Federal courts. If amenable o any law they are amenable to tbe awsoftbe respective states. But tbe following waa tbe gem of tbe Utter BnvcolSaaipleencc. From the World. Every trust that is organized inserts in its propectus tbe familiar pretense, misfits. Telegraphic. Governor. Geer's appointments sre not suiting tbe Journal, snd they don't seem Do not lose sbht of tbe fact that morrow will be April s tool day. I be fool killer is never around on tbat day, and everybody is allowed to be a foal without any penalty attached to it. that Its parpose is not to raise prices, but j to secure "economy in production." . 1 he cheapness of Standard oil is often oiled as sa ('lustration of phiUntrophic mission of the trusts. But inasmuch as ball a dosen men have nmde fortunes aggregating (our or five hundred millions out of illuirinating oil, is it not evident tbat oil might have been sold mucb cheaper at a reasonable profit ? The current cases of trust benevolence afford a timely lesson, This Is from the Philadelphia Ledger, an independent n publican paper: TbeDuncansville Nail Works, recently sold to tbe American Steel Wire Kail Co , ia about to suspend operations, de priving a large force of workmen of em ployment. Tbe Nail trust bas made ax- other advance of IS cents a keg, so that small lots are quoted at 2 30 a keg, or $46 a ton, an advance of 123 a ton since December. Tbe Leduer also Bays that Prides of tin nlste are soaring, and have risen to such an extent tbat, accord log to tbe information received in Pikts burg, a New York dealer bss ordered 120,000 boxes from Wales, which he can afford to sell Id competition witb A ro er ics 0 product. Inasmuch as the tariff on tib-plate is! bfgbly pioiertive the trust has snnarentlv gone to extremes in its exaction upon consumers. Our conservative contemporary de clares tbe trusts are but carrying ont tbe purposes for which tbey are organised namely, to constitute a moooply, to re strict production, to d'spense witb tbe service of labor so far as possible, to an bancs prices and to pay dividends on in- gated capitalisation. The remedy suggested is a suspension or removal ol duty on all srtides coo With reference to thee large combine-1 trotted by a trust or other monopoly Tour grocer keeps it. The Magnolia Flnur lit a I Ar Paniaae C)TT.ile Ar 1 1 LtI 1-iOra F- ur 80c per sack. Tiry it. Ibe JHsenol". KxpcMsTraia Pail (except nwiar 440 f a 1 L T SOrni Ar 830 r a Ar Pnrdaad -McMinoTille Icc'aa deoca ?V I " LTWaa tts'ntfi ticksts oa s1e biwtn P rtlin4. Iicn- BnrtnHii K.iirii". 7 flrat dan and Sll aoond . , lecper R KOEULKb C H MAKKHAM. iMaaacar Sen F PA Portland Oraeua Poniaod Ritet tni ticket te ea-Ura points aiad rtnropt toJAPA. ACSTR- LIAeta be ohuined tram C K. FtSIa. Afrai AJbaDj ott'i wia a Albany Market Wheat 47 ents. Oat 30 - - Eygs 25 cents, better IS to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cents. Dams 11 to 13 c-nls. Sides 10 to 11 cents. . Shoulders U. ? costs. JiGWlR TO"G CO., Second ar i-soa jtrest . Albany. Sella C e ma'.cine,.-C linese rice, ) bin and aitoil . . CITATICM Uirrjtrr t; oobt cf THifcTATsor Usegok, for Linn Cor jr. r. In tbe matter of tbe esta'e of lames 5Jc- Mahon. To William H. McMahon. Mury Drink ard, James Stefart McMshon, James Drinkard, George Drinkard, Clara Drink ard, Lena Drinkard, a illiiu McUahon, Catherine McMahon and all other persons interested in said estate. gretinir. IN THIS NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby cited and reauire to appear ia tbe Countr Court of tbe state of Ureeon, for the county ot Linn at tbe court room thereof, at Albaov. in said county, on the 1st day of May, 1899, at one o'ciock in tne atur noon of tbat day, then and there to show cau-e if any yon or either of you may have wby an order should not te made, directing, authorizing and requiring William b. McMahon to dis tribute the money in bis bands as executor of the last will and testament ct said de ceased, according to tbe residesry clause in said will between the said William U. Mabon and Mary Drinkard. Witness, tbe Hon. Ueo. D. barton, j'jc'ire of tbe County Court of tbe state of Oreeon. for the Count of Linn, witb the seal of said countr all ied, this 4th day of March, A. D.. 1S99. Attest : Fbahk Csabtrkk, Clerk. By li. B. iloKTAOus, Deputy. 1 Julius afc - I Gradwohl :- Dealer in - liardware. Urockerv. Ulaaa- ware. Groceries and all gooda LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyu. Foshay & Mason block. H Bryant. P O block Anderson Cannon, PO Mock. J N Duncan, P O blow. T P Hackleman, Pearne ' lock. Judge H U Hewitt, P O i.lock. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl. Dank building. L H Montane, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. C E Sox, P O block. . L L Nwaon, Bank building. H D Watson, bank building. Wentherford & Wyatt, Bauk bnilding Whitney & Newport, Cusick block. G W Wright, P O block, Lebanon. M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tossing. " 3 3 atafttvft mntttrw atfnavaissl awva'ta aa vwuuu j vivws esawaj I W1XL 3 B SELL GOODS g FOR CASH 3 g As Low as Anybody. SZ Country produce and eggs 3 taken ia exchange for gooods. tss . . g aUlilUUliislUUiiiiUmm Sme one was looking around for a boy who could be dspeoded noon. There ceie plenty around but aone avc Uab:e of tbe character deetred. So it is toe world over. There are places fr all ro lirb'e people, in fact there ie a demand rtbem. ' Tne present spetnlatlve Wall etrt boom, which affords occasion to a groa showing cf proepeti:y, on paper, baa no jonlerred any beoefi'i avro Urm ers.lsb -rers and small bosinere men. One rtad ng the metropolitan dailiee would be M believa tbat tbe bol tog of monopoly tocks and the orgaaislioo of boge in dustrial trusts i a ct boon to the til ler cf the soil, out invertigatioo lails to how Ibis to be lti .ruf . Tbe Drmocrsts ot lici gaa in con re a lion assembled gav- a "rong personal In lorsement to Mr B - hut better still. -hey declared the'.r iu - isuh and bills in the Chicago platJo-m nd especially ia ts most contested pai; -sph. These a ( bat (trews wbici f'.int the wsy to the oreeidenlisl canteat ! next year, when Ainericsne will seek tj raeovsr tbsir con stitutiooal rigbt-Atlaaia Onatitntion. at !-. t - W I I uvhi w wptti, wuicu ai V nifw luriuiug my own judgment ia tbat tbe danger ia nut ao much to tbe community at Urge aa it ia to tbe people who are induced to put their money into the purchase ot the stock. Beni Stewart, of Nevada, ?wbo never minces words, when be expreesea an opinion, aald of Col. Bryao's refusal to ! attend tbe Bslnioot-Jsflersoe banc us t: Bryan made tbe bit ot bia career when be refused f attend tbe Bismoat $10 dinner. Not one ot toe crowd would ever vote tbe democratic ticket aaybow . Byaaa position brings him elossr to tbe people. Consorting with renegades woold estrange them from bim. He will certainly be renominated ia 1900. The Chicago platform will be re-affirmed and the democracy will win. Ifiod,"ald Sen. Mason, "a pro nounced change of sentlmanlamong moo with whom I talk. Suostaotial business men who three months ago were red bot for expansion, bow say tby have bad enough of it . I aak them bow about tbe prestige derived tram cooqoeriog each men, oat list the taxes roeoltiog are hat tbey fear. The idea of calling those Filipiaoe rebels as some of the papers persist ia doing is uajoet. Tbey have mw taken tbe oath of allegiance ta the U. 8. Tbey anted Independence lrm tiie start and tbey eaid so. Tbey will always bate as aad nothing is to be gained by conquering theou. Kvco it sre do tbey will lura about and poison o r people. I have learned from tbe Surgeon gsaeral that XI per cent of our men tnere are afflicted with a loathsome disease. This is a bad begiaaiag for our army. The Army Broken. Manila. Mar. 31. Aouinaldo's aroiv is broken. There are many deserters and I that means that bia power is gone. The I rebels will now become bandite, fighting tO-1 iriinrrilia warfare from the mnuntiiin.. The American troops are ia tine spirits in spite of the terrible heat. They are resting today st .Maloloo, previous to pressing forward. There was a decided long sod short of it at Hcio, recently. Jesse Beard, 6 feet 4, and Robert Brock, 3 feet 6. had their pictures taxen together, one worth see- ng. Dr Annlee Jeffreys, of Eslem.says that the woman's suffrage amendment will carry. As a matter of (act, regardless of the Dsmocbat man's opinion on tne sub ject, the probability is that the amend ment will not carry. The Journal says the stste putb do not have Attorney General Blackburn well In hard. Tbat is good. Here ts another: Attorney lienersl Blackburn may be a little raw tsl but his opinions seem to be fired regardless f who siu at the bull's eye. Salem has four millinery stores. Abl- any leada with J ix. There ia some style to Albany. Even down in Texas there has been a killing frost that baa done great damage. This has Deen a season of bad weather in most places in the United Mates. After all Oregon bas fared better than any sec tion o! the country according to tbe pres ent chronology ol weather events. The Situation. Washington, Mar. SI. It is said at the war department that lien Otis will not make a campaign during the rainy sea' son, nor is it believed he will at present present chase the Filipinos into the mountain fastnesses of Luzon. Oflicials considering it evident that tbe fight that wag in AuinalJo has been whipped out of bim, and he cannot hold the ilipioo army together much longer. A Terrible lJisaAtcr. " SorrnAMPTox' Mar. 31 The passen fier steamer Stella plying between this port and the Channel island crashed tin on the dreaded Cawjuet rocks, near tbe Aiaerney island yesterday, n a dense fog, and foundered in 10 rain. Her boiler- exploded with tremendous reports as ne went aown. It is estimated that 130 nereons were drowned. A Hifth Commission. Washington, Mar. 31. A ioint bieh commission to settle tbe entire Samoan trouble has been practically agreed upon oy tne umiea diaies, tfntixu ana tier- man governments. J. sterling Morton is organizing a party lack east. We already have en ougn parlies, and it is not orobable tbat the new party with all its proposed conservation will cut any great figure though one might think irom the boasts that it was going to sweep the country ana was like a newspaper, going to bit long felt want. Bot fancy a republican congress doing this! Where woold the campaign con tribotions come lion. ? A ret her Westerner recently remarried hi divorced wifo. Hiram Burt was mar ried before the civil war. He enlisted and lost track of bis wife, who read that be was killed. Both secured a divorce ajd both msrritd othT mates. Both other mates died. Hiram Burt accidentally me. his wife a year ago ia tbe East. A second courtship besan and thn Tnilowed tbe sec ond marriage out at Cuser Lake, la., wit nessed by a grand daughter of tbe old couple. CRAZY WITH ITCHING Eczema on Head. Got into the Eyes. Dootor A Institutes Could Not Cure. Cured in 2 Months by CUT1CURA. I had eczema on tha tup of toy bead orer two year.. It ttcbed, something fleree. My doctor treated me for six months, with failure, ao I triad mora doctor, and a Sew York iaaUtuta (or six mouth., bat could Dot Machacjrfurtherthaa theraau I had It won than at tbe start, aa It commenced to gat ia my eyas, aad Dearly sol me crazy with Itching. laoUcadyoDradrerttannent la the N. V. World, end Uoufbt I woold try CiTlctTBA remedies. In Wo mantiuf Urn I did not know Vmt J had any trombU at ait, aad I feel Ilka a sew man. ALVUKD MgItfgL.2W.48li ft, S.T.CHy. aw Warm fceni. wW CcrmpaA So-.-ea. aaelaS. In,, vttfc CtTu.1 , ik. era -km mum, aS I aff awBllll,.-a4artlSilu,,,afCviCT--aawairy,Ki-al t ot -mi1S.r.l4,hTm Jil I.,, awo. bM Mffrrlacalram aea-wwef -heaabij nad MS.rn-.airUiliiorl-n-.eeaaiiii,lliiillll MdtbrtmtfitottfhmwmM. rvmt1.mCCotr. Fne,ifcMie. UwlalmtntllkaSiia,-m, 8AYE YOUR HANDS ""l&ZZ&Z- lllURTHERfl ail pacific r, a Hieep ars Elegant Dinig Cai louiifct Bleeping Ci r at I'stt. TmTZZZ- in i tU Lnie;r ro drsrc )- Crwy . a sVinii.i Relrc- r" ButU TiaOUQH TICK F TO J. The approaching census of tbs United Stales will doubtless lornisb aome soi- priainglnguna. According to recent e- Umatee nf growtti ia popniation, the cen sus will show an increase ol 30 tr cnt without coo o ling the recect additioce of territory In orber words the ropiia Uoo bas grown from 62.SJ1.W0 in r90 to 79 266,082 ia ly00. The greaUst surprise however is the fact, as it probably will be, tbst ibe United tales ia tbe richest sat on m the world, lesdtpg Gieat Brit ain ty several billions. Etc. The deficit initt e 8. Tres'ury for (he preeeot fircal year ia stout f30 000, 000; this too, with .be reveeoe prodae iog Dipgley bill in force, and the war usee in force, aad the SrOO.tOO.WO war loan msde. Tbe oollook for tbe lul- urels not bright lor oor tea burden d people. Siar Press. Albany is liable to bare p'.euly of wa ter according to reports. Now i tbe railroad company will please extend tneir line into eastern uregon ana a lew i other enterprises will start op Albant ' wilt be decidedly in the swim, and ev- 1 now our city is full with more busr -5 houses ttian ever before and pracir-Uy every habitaSle residence occupie. I. A subscriber writes from C.tiorui: ,' It has rained and I will pay my sub scription which is very su.estive and we congratulate our California fi lends 00 their ood fortune in having it rain in time to save their crops. If Oregon subscribers were to come in and pay up every lime it rained the Oregon editor would he continually in clover. A Big One Xbw Yowt, Mar. 3L Tbe Commercial Advertiser sas : Articles of tncoraoration will be filed in Trenton and Jersey City tomorrow for the Kej ublic Steel A Iron Co. of this city who a capital 01 w,lwo,ouu wtncb may possibly be increased to JIuO.OOO.OOO. Anti-trust Suits. Lrrri Root, Mar. 31. Attoniey-Geo-eral Iavis taday tiled V2A suits against the 63 fire insurance companies doing muuneea in Araansss, ana as a conse- qoense every foreign company has sus pended buaicess in tbe state. These suits are broaght under a new anti trust law. Malolo Taken. V .sila. Mar. 31. Malolos is ours. M;. Arthur took it. He advanced from ' tiguinto at 2 -J30 this morning. The Filipinos found resistance futile and Bed, after attempting to tire the city I Urders have been .eceived to go on to Calumpit, 6 miles beyond Malolos. The I movement forward will be alow. There , are many rivers, and it ia a rough coun try, and resistance is expected. Killed aad Wounded. Washwotox, Mar. SO Undr this date Gen. Otis forwarda tbe following list of additional casualties in the 2nd Oregon. Killed Bert J. Clark. Wounded Capt. Harrv L. Welis, Ser geant W. Wilson, Charles K. Roberts, Frank E. Adams, Benjamin F. !milh. sr. i,. u. vvKuian. inomas 1. loswni 15D S90 PACJFIC LINE. To AU Points East Solid vestibole trains, consisting of pal ane U-D;nz cars, laso'ious dining carv elegant day coaches, magnificent touris csrs md free colonist sleepers from the fa il fic to the A tl antic witho-t change. COST'DleRCT A50 CflftAPKST BOtJT f hlcago fVaahicrtoB fhiladelphia Hewxork 'I Soetoo andal. f PoinU East and fVmtb I Tbroutrb tickdts to japan aihJ (Td ca. m Tacomaaad Nortb -rn Pucic -tt-ambit I Co., aa Americaa l-e For information, time cards r. ap. n" bekets call on or write C 'in.kl.r, Albany, Or. AUUiaritom. At 1 , Portlsnd O Kootenny M iad ins District HAKCSr, sew iBaa, SLocAU err-, KKLM1. KAUX, TSAIL, EOS4UISD AKO All ocikta in the Okanik-an ' czr'rr Ge a pamphiet giving a fu'.l iescnptioi of this wondertal cmntrT. Ask tbe aires for a coot o' the miniag laws of Britial Colombia. Lowp rabe o and frtin EUBOPE Atlantic .teamtbip ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Lo't floyal Mail Steamship line ta China and Japan CASADtAS Al'TTKAUAK STSJUIaa u BOKOLCLC, mi AD ACSTaAUa. Tbe shortest lioe to toe Colonies. Tbe jt earners carry aa experieaeed mdica man. snd a stewardess on every voyage for time tables pamphlets, or any ia ormatton, call oa or address. -3S k :). if. 1 . V m EJOifL?. Kf.. UI Ctrl i Or- GEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A.. VajKonver KOTICE OF F1IAL SETTLEatEXr v Nstice it hereby given that II Cuu lifer ham. the admtoMnitor A rb .i.e o fbirnas Boacb. deceamd. b his dsv fi ed ta County Court ot Line eucnty. Or yua. his final aecooLt a auch adminisrra'or and said court bas fixei tbe 1st day 01 Mar. i 153, at tbe hour of 1 o'ciock p in of tid lay. at the eooit boue at Allan. f-eucm. bearing objections 10 saio accnoot asvi attUDgtbeasme. March II, 1899. M CrxKuroBBT. AdminUtraUr of Tbona Baach. da laeased. H. C. Watsos. Attorney for Advimsta oi. ADV.IXISTRMuB'S UOTICE Kotice U b t!- T-.n tba t 1 aer tigaed Has tv a t 1 n Coast Co .r. 1 Lutn Coon . Uiryo dsj p inri -a-miatatrat r with :b wilt aeiiexe if tbe estate of W. . Meilkis U-eot H.rris oorg, Oregoa. deceased. A 1' rm s aav tag claims arainsr said es'a'e sre ' ereby required to preaeut the rame proper eeri 6ed b. ttie DBbrrtBd at bis reaideacsv ear La a-son. Linn Coooty, Ureiron, with ia ss mottles trow this dale. Tais tbe 6cb day of Mar;b. 1S33. laJSta . Swam, Admis'rator with the will annexed of W.J. UcMeekia. deoaaed W CATS' SRI-OBD A WtATT. Atty's for adm'r. asaaaaaast a . The death list from tbe Phtltownes is i dnl Jaca'. Krank C. Woodruff, E 1 1.1 t .1 1, u. inornton. considerably larger than we like to see. I In some respects it is presented in worse I Want AquinatJo. manner tban in the Cuban campaign I . r-vr' f, " . against tbe Spaniard. It is uot pleas- ' TY-"P- i w.Vne. ,ef?i .m i hr, v,.m., r,. . !'or 2 o clock that the American held ibem Ustrre u protect, but me ure in it J uu law wsi'i uwuu umi , aa a iAv'ws vruai The nickel ia the slot aacoinee bave reached Dawson, bot where do tbey get i their five o-nt pieces. ew Orleans Tiae-Dcmocrat : The oae rirt in the eovelop rg is tbat tbe or eTtns of bigb profetssu- are beginning to see and to admt that o h extreme high tariffs as thoee -ia - 'cKinley aod Oingley laws are nr .q j..ed to protect home manufacture. Tne breaking of this light upon tbe high tariff organs is productive of hope tbsi ,bs era of trust may, after all, soon be determined. Another little Insignificant istaoa. Samoa, hardly worth tbe powder to blow it np, te causing a great deal ot trouble. Whr will men fiiht over hairs split ia two. doan fighting men thevernmeoCent a.paxcn concrmmg the .. . T . r. oesi su mmrtil lniU i. 1 War are msd to cease hcULtic ana peace once more reigns in the iViiipptnea with their undesirable cit xens. Four tbwga a man most learn tr do I! he would make bie record I rue ; To think, without coofos;on, c.eatly ; To love Lis fellow man tinrerely ; To set from hocest motins purely ; Totroet in God and heaven securely. Th wooien treat will not not np tbe price of tbe product, bot it ' will pot op tbe price of woolaa goods bought by the people. The benefit will be all w ttb the manufacturer aod not witb the pro ducer. TJ Wilson. Sclo. ty,syeVaavSA0vSVOV ind Trade 'TarVol)Mre4 and allPLtl lenfl contlnrtnd t'tr Stoderrte Fees, e odM.drawlnitorphuto. Weavtiielfj efr.-aof cliaivo. onrfe not due till i Caveats font buHlu Pendmod i natenUM lp.teutli.eMired. A Homo !i let "Uow WOb-) lull fateota." with saiaoln the -Ki I aad f jrc-ibn conutrlo. scut free. la.. a a. swov & co. , LlfiuE m TO LID On Undivided Interests on estates, Real estate on Probate. Reversionary and Lilelnteretts'on Real and Personal Property. Annuities and Legacies. Or will purchas outrifcbt if so del red. Life Insurance Policies Bought or Loaned on Paten ta sold on fayorab e terna and capital procured to revel op and perfect meritorious inventions ideaa. Amounts from $10,000 to $500,000 I Available for investment on mortgsge at Revenue Producing Securities For terms and particulars add rets R. GOULD, Montgomery St., San Franciso Co Vicrecks Sbavms and Hair Cntiina Parlors 2nd street, neat door to St et tees' restaurant, fihaving. lJc; bair cutting, 15cu; bath.lScts. Clean towels to every vuaiumer. Tbi vVeather. Tonight and Sundsy, occasloosl rain, .la.iuuarj icmperaiure. ttiver, i.i a. F. M. Fbkscb, Duplavmaa, Wa carry no eastern barnese. W make our bar net s. Dr-BBcau Uaksws Co. There ie n bigger demand lor good horses than for years. This is - as w anticipated by tbs Dkxocbat several rears ago- The horee market ia now a good one, and a man with good boreee can dispose ol them easily. A man who was to beiaogedJia Vfise- ouri today eaid a few daye ago that be could hardly wait for the time to come. aa be was anxioue to bare it over, that tbe suspense waa greater agony tbtn the execution couia pcesioiy be. lo our I every dsy lives this auspenee ia aome times a burden of great weight. Go to enck's shaving and hair ' cue ting parlors for first class work. Hot ana cola baths. Clean towels to customer. every LINN CO- ABSTRACT CDMPANT Albany Oregon Ufficea, Bank of Oregon Building. Only eet of Abstracts of Linn County, Oomplete set of maps and platr. Obegos Pocltby Farm Ran koiKSGrit, noup cure, uisemectaut, Lice Killer, st Oregon Poultry Farm, also sold by F. O. rearers, Aioaoy. -Mcsic. Miss Btiiorca Burmeeter eacher of piano or organ. Svttem the Mason touch and technique. Residence , filth street, opposite U P church. CASTOR I A For Infants and CMldren. lbs Kiflii Yon Hate Always Bcsgtt tSgaaturo of fiJfffifeZfifrt An Albany man saw a stranger on tbe atrett whom he knew bad beeo ia tbe lts penitentiary severs I years, aod bs made the remark : "Sow look out, thare will be a bone burglarised," and tbers was, tbe tame night. Varv few cenvicts are evsr reformed, though tome are. Tbe story of a Tacoma man el ooting hie wife. whlls ia .a nightmare really sounds fishy, though it is declared tLat it waa probably all right, and tbat It oc curred. Anyway a revolver la a veiy dangeroua thing'underjonee pillow, and ia a risky thlngf to bave around anywhere. The plot to gobble Cuba aad make it a V' 8. colony is going right alocg to wards successful coneommalioL time i all thst is rtqql'ed to mike it a fixed fact. Ex. There is nothing like hfe in a country town. Our corrrtrondeM at Oakville gvU poetic as lo'loas: As we were in the ruids' of oar r.octur nal slumbers Hast Friday night.sod whi we were dreaming of the MtUes of tbe past these came "a gentle tapping as if sum one rM-in. cs; ping at my kitchen door." ni tl.ooi;:.t it was some mifgnid ed Johnnie p'attoz some trick as bad twen done beiore, "but some voice, fe male vxHces, rauaed me to arise galore." A match was soon awtied to our Umrj an l then w opened wide tbe door. Our late visitors were SI see titie Ihllev. of j rSodaviile, and ber brother, Mr. Basaie Uiliey, of (tatee, accompanied by Mtss Slella HautmilL After spending all their small change for candy and nuts snd aa i hour ta oruu coaverestiou ther bale us good nlsbl. Call again triends ! department and other pove nmest offi cials were disappointed in the escape of aquinaiao, aa his capture woold have ended the revolt. College Notes. There ia one sore aad certain rtmtdy to rare the people of tbe ilte thev sutfrr under be reason of Trusts, Monopolies and Combines, aud.inat is to rtuiov the protective tariff from ell articles cuntrod. ed or manufactured by three greedy cor porations, and place all such articles oo tbe tree) Let. To permit the organisation of tresis aod toe a protect themiwbiie ,' they rob tbe people ie criminal idiocy. Star Prtse. At Mf.iV.u, , a Mr Tapp is a can didate for mayor he ia a man of wealth a member of the church and a leading cltiieo. He ia making bia race cn a plat form wDkb declares: Tsa dollars fine for any girl wearing bloomers oo the street. Any policemen heard ssesriog will be discharged, acd all ars required to ctrry bibies. Religions rervicee will be be!d twice daily in the city budding. Free street car servise wiil bo given on Sunday morning to all church goers. Sandey theaters and baseball games wiil be forebldden. ' Spitting tobbecco juice on thealdt. walks wilt be a finable offense. Miss BeseieGjttard bee tn sick, but is sole 10 be ia school agaiu. Miss Nellie Ilogoe.'wAS a visitor at SbapeJ March is. Ndmbrr i of the Pari fie North et yaaneriy. parer poblislied bv the exec utive comhiittee ol the V M. C. A. ol tbe raci.ic .Northwest, bss a picture of Pres. W. H. Lee on tbe back cover. In the paper vre repoita Irom tbe rollege Y. M C. A's. alt over the state. It has the fol lowing concerning our society: "We have belj fourteen meetnn this nnin.r twelve regular prayer meetings and two special one. The average attend ance bss been a boat tarty, a good in terest is msotfested in all departments. Oor Bible study class contains fifteen members, all christians. Two personal workers' classes have tieen formed witb the object of doing more definite w rk for tbe cause. We eeot fourteen deleg ates to the College ron erence at Salem. A 1 pedal open meeting was held Sunday afternoon March ft. to hear reports of! thoee delegates e wi 1 trv and nre- eerre the inspiration received at tbe con ferea.-e." Miss Crabtree eoteied College Wed needsy. Miss Smith, ol the O. A. C. has been msking a visit with some ot her friends here. THe ErodelphiaD society met March ItyAir.Hcat., Mar. 30. Govwnor-Genere! Brooke has aimost made np his m.nd to snd the 3,000.1X10 Uck to the U. ., if tbe Cuban military aruil-!y does not give np the artnv rolls. "You may as well do so and not tri fie much longer," said Secretary ASger. Bunds Voted S.l u. Mar. r. Tl.e taxpavert of Sa letn, at a fji-iai election today, author iad. by a vote of 154 to 25, the iseiaRce of 0.O drasing cot to exrteC 4 pei cent intt-rest, Vi reiond tt,(0 woAhoi cuutan-iing warrai-ts drae in per cent on which there is f 16,000 mer est dec. Fired At. ATjkJa, Msr. 30. IVputy YlfU Com misioDer Cathcart was fired' upon twice last tight while patnuJiiRg the river near Banier. He found sever a! Iwu in th sloughs around Utere but was unable to I amest any of tiiem as th? fighermen got mmo too wau-r tor tde pilrol toate. Oose to Malolus. ' Mas tVAm Afar. 2 Th inatirwnla tiiv. i lost aith in Aquinaldo, and be, with his family, are prepared to flv from MainW The American troop, in advance today,.! iuuuu iumt nauvea w itu tn-ir throat cat from ear to ear, thought to I a pun ishment for refusing to tight. MacArthar is now witlisu 38 miles of Matolos. Will Cctiic Home. WaaBneoTox, Mar. 3. The Oregon wounded wiil t trougt home as soon as posnble from Manila. They will come oa first ships designated for that purpose by Ure war department. As there are plenty of transports, tbe wounded men can come home at an earlv date. Those able to travel will be immediate'y pot on board. Sonic Shooting. Apia, Semoan Island, Mar. 23. The troubles growing out of the election of a king of Samoa have taken a more serious turn and resulted in the hnmhantmont ot native villages along the shorn bv the L. S. cruiser Philadelphia, Admiral Kautx commanding, and the British cruisers rorpoiae and Kovausu BlbGLE-BOOKS a i A Farm library of cacraallcd vaiac 'fractical. Cp-m-datc. Concise aad Cotcracastve Eaad ionjcly Prtnica xjU "tcantiftUy UlBStrucd, By JACOB B1QQLE Nov 1-BKKJLE HORSE BOOK HHtn el riiam s rnaiaiiie fiaai Titalan aricheeer 34 lilaatmrnTa ; a 8laaUrd arora. Ftkx, ysCcsak. No. a-CsfJOLE BERRY BOOK All abooa gTOra Sanaa Fraaa-rad aad tears fceer; mriaM4juiaiMi Mr rilrr 1 1 iiimlin laiaai-r'TT tra TsrirTars ml iim mfcrr illaatmiiaM mccjaCcaaa. No. 3-8KX1LB POULTRY BOOK AHaboe - -p-y - rra'Tij THina eniejSia i . tcilttj fthtmf : aritfcsj corarrd aat-likr rnnxiBctieM M.TtSoL1 hreC5; wts e)CTiBaasieie-J No. 4 BSOQLE COW BOOK AH sheet Cww ad the TOairy Ti us -. fcnais asreat sale: csatasaa Scoemd laac-tike leraeWaeasefeackt brad, aritk 13? other iflaeUaUueai fT, yCcata No. 5 BZOOLB SWCVE BOOK Jaa oat. An etnas Has- tuto.. .dl. BbScb xt. lweii 1. etc. Cnwatae cer fie braaunl Sell twcaaadataacscTavaexa. rnce.saCeata. TbcBKWLE BOOKS are eaaxraejBrisiaeartal ) a.artamtlikerhne eo praoical.ogeAlr. Ttarv rejkavnit aa cswraaassi saJe-Eaet. Yen. Nortk aad iiwtls. Eatrroewwmo keeps a Hone, Cs. Bog or Cnera-ew. or grrm SeaaJI PraitB, eaeai te acad rwBA awaTtetaere4MUBOOTte FARM JOURNAL byeavpe.acaaeavveaaaelaate seidtt. Ufa a years ced; at m the f ' 1 tft a ait tier aaifi Tie aiail. faa-eAer-yoiaeaJ-. Farm aad Boaar&aM paper ta tie wortd-ttw baRot paper of its sue ta the raised States QtAamfca aavtaaeassfflCTSaaaaatateaaga. Any GXE of tbe EIGGLE B00XS. ail tie FASH JOCS51L siap ot FAJcJS JOCKXAX aarf cnra2aroarriirat: BKKHJE BOOU are. AAjress. a?AJUf JorSXAt wttaia arcrsreoar. .juaors. Preparing For the Battle of Life A here shall it be uou? Cer smlr v't.ra tbs Uet prepiraUoa caa 03 a College hat claims in this d-reciioo I hat call for cioeer invrstiahon. d. A A Full College Training fiERViTA FXKMT a.TIOJAL BARF, or auaary , oaaaow '',e eaeMeeeaes - a. etaasrweaee ssn 1 r 1 Isf LIWB rieePreaUeat .,. K,TOrjNO Shier mmmm. W. LAJIODOM TUSACTa A Htntiil tisnHinftinslsssi AOOOtlMTS K BPT eablect to ekeck. latTRXOSABaa andtalafraphts Sraaefer, sold a Stw Vork aaa rtaaelaoa.OBlease aad tti Uaa .COTIOHS dAOgea faeorable tsrsss. staaoroRs) a C Tooss' a w Lisssos . P Ooeswrs, L. luaij C. . Fuss. fis VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Nlcbt Eralsslona and wasting diseases, all elTccta of aelf-i '"JllSft cbiito, cr csceca and indisv Wood Zcr. Uriors tbe T.'nk u'.uv. .. t cheeks and ffSrt restores s'-e Cr.; of youth. ; ny man riife p-r box; o boxes for ?.ZOi vrlth a vrrlMfn gruaran. mq to cure or rcfcn'l tlie money. NERVITA MCL'.CAL CO. riirton & Jackson Stt n CHICAGO, ILL. For salo bv Fred Dawson, Drrtjjle Albany, Oregon. Teas the tariff oQ sue a rtiJe manu factured by the treat and the trust woold be "hosted" very quicklv. If it is res 11 y ! desired to solve tbemstter tiiAt is the way. Let us bave a tariff f. t rev nn. but where men combine sgeinu tbf peo pie knock tbe high tariff prop from ttu m and tbe people will reap ths ben- fi. Werejths cowardly Filipinos to fight in tbe open there wooldn t be a thing lef oltbsm. Tbsy are mere bushwhackers" and aa ornery a pe ple as Inhabit the' globe, Lit us wash our hands ot tbs in just as soon as potaible. n7 STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice is hwby givei th it tbe annual meeting of the A'hany M minor and Mill ing Co. will bi hll t the office of C. H Burltbart on April 27. 1W7 st 4 o'clock p. m. of sul day for the purpose cf electing1 7 dire tors t serve lor ne ypar and the trans iRtion of such other !uiiies as mav lecrnllv coni hefore ib meeting. By order of th. Iiourd of director 0 K liitDWNKLi, C ti BunKriAvr, 6 c Pres. i envelopes... Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. The Indications era from the way f h: matter has starts I out that the nest etata fair will be the save old 'chestnut . It will practlcailv be ran by the push that baa msde It a fsl'nrs lo the pst What was needed was some new and vigorous blood that would run a stats air on up-to-dats lines. The mtoss;e- ment evidently wish it Continue a Marion county fslr ALL COLORS ALL SIZES Largest stock SMILEY, Palnea Celery Compound was adver tised laat year to aa extent ooattnc Its owners 800.000, and it paid, as live Jodlclona advertising wiil alwar pay. John Wanaroaker spsads a ho a I3C0.009 ysarlv in advsrtislog eseb of bis big stores and bs hss kept It np for years reaping a vast fortune by it He never stone in lively or dull limes. Tbe role Indigestion. Hearthnrn. I nn.t.l.l, ,t i. ..--j ffite fo percent olb. aether reaulteof imperfect digestion. Krosa recslpU vertislng r.iur.u ... Vm uteitl SI M CQICOgO. Itsrtlflc!allvdli?estthefoodanrt trla 'Fiture in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or i gana. It ia the latest discovered digeat ! ant and tonic No other CreDaraUon a . e iwu iiiiiiuiKuit iu cuioieucy. lb ID- LOWCSI nriCeA anyreueres ana permanently cant a A'vniM'usia, 7 he McKinlsy wave of prosperity li ill Hweeciegon. Around ibe gates of the fAClories in the cities everr morning are found scorn aad hundreds of men begging for emt. lot ment, who are turned away with the sterol y acd, -'No wort'O ie fourtii of the popolat 'on oi ?fse York city sre sabjeel if Charily 1 Tlie lest wii.t i woman dis guised tbsmsslves to roeb's c'othinit ar.u sought woik on the sir -ets of New York in shoveling snow. Sad wlieu d s?hareed bv the forsmao when their sea as dis covered, tbey erled bhteiiy and beaged to be a 1 wed to re-nsin and work, dec laring tbst their families were starving. In Cincinnati ever 4,000 persons siplied ! 'or aid in December an; January Io NAsbvllle,Tcnn.chitdiea am worwio; in cotton factoilee for five oats a dsy of twelve or thirteen boors . One child re - eeived City Ore cnts for thres weeks work, and one family of sight workers average scarcely 130 a month . Talk ol McKinley prospe ty I 10 01110510110 ley's bonis the head center cf prosper, its there are I$3,v60 people being fed by charity 1 "So bnger the man hunts the Job, but the J ib now hunts the men, is a sentence coined by McKinley, and yet la the face of in the Waehintoo Post re cently eontsined an appeal in behalf of discharged volunteers of ths District reg iment now out of employment and des titute! This, ooder the shsdovr of the dome oj ths nstfonal capltol at the portals ot the Whits House. Prosperity of this kind is foutd all around the eouotry, but !t is a kind that rqtifrea a great deal of nursing by the followers of McKlnl-y.-Ea. Terrible Disaster. - Sr. Locis, Mar. 29.-A special to tbe neputUic Irom Aew Madrid, Mo., savs xoe steamer Kowena Lee, with about SI passengers, and crew, exploded oppo site Tyler about 4 o'clock today, and im mediately aanK, mitn all on board, ex cept Copt, George Camll and one of the crew. There Will Be Light. FRIWIHYl Mm K! Th fall j ys that Ciaus Spreckels has decided to . -5! I establish in this city an electric plant that will be without a rival in the world, and wilt furnish to the Jsan Francisco people light, Leat and power almost at coat. A Big One. Titos', X. J., Mar. . The Ameri- can V w!ti f fi i )ui n i" uiili . ..t .. . . f"J t .iu.ia.tuilU- J tion of ,65,000,000 was incorporated this afternoon. t -t.i'ir. Jil Ubtar a'ri effan a sap-Tiw Nxravl Cmtss." aaa ;ri- t iij ia m iti a. Oirriip oaioce iavited. en SSit . ";-!oirta iof sra .u $?p; 2J, tS93. s V . i v1 Wallace Howe Lee, A. President XT'S JUST IiIKK TIKIS' . - S ! iw A Two thousand five hundred Italisna recently landed at New York and will epread on l over the country. A very un desirable addition to our population, not much better than Filipinos. Long Photo Co.. In Froman Ilrick. The leading gallery of Aloany. The onlv-np-to-daie first class studio In town. Alt work to please. MAK1E LONG Porp GARDEN FLOHAL GUIDE .eaaTfaaaWfea. a W M M W mm "aawa- m m ij-r Ths i Golden WcaVtins eaaSBW' JWU TVT4SS in tMISini"' pae lithographed in cul; Editfcw to fvlcbrale ua r.-rkef art. ,4 acerly aeBaes filled wih r,ci !..,. aiufc traiioot of flower., Vctistablei, Flanta, Fruits, etc. It m tuoexpenuve 10 girearay Indiacrimiaately, but we aar.t everYon uaw ed la a guoa j.ulfn to hive -rpv, there "r will Mod u1.r of the Ggids with a Due Bill tor sj esau' i B -t We have a worth ef seed for only it vio. , pUaof seUing vegeteWe eeeO., giving nvre fur your money than any eceuVm.11, nnd ! ichnm firing creOit for the lnlf amount f your pur. chae to buy other food.. Hun t fail ta at our catalogue, It will pay you. Vtcka Little Gem Catalogue frae. VJCk'a Btagadne, enlireed. improred, and tip to date oa nil lubiect, rcUiin to iprar Ins I oc. a yer. Special jBqa oSer the saaaastne t year, and ths Guide for S5C S JAMES VICKS SONS, "W"! 3 it4fa4ssssefes$ llo Cripe VTln yoa take Hood's Tills. Tbe bis. old fash, looed, sugar-coated puis, wbleb tear you all te pieces, are not In it with Hood's. Easy to tak oodls and easy to operate. Is true ot Hood's mis, which are fS 1 1 up to date ta every respect, i i"" I I et Sate, certain and sure. All druggists, sse. C I. Hood & Oo towell. Mass. Ibe only fills to take wita Hood's Kai-s&MUiiW 60 YEARS nn ru V EXPERIENCE 1 Trtaoc Maaaa 1 Dcaiorsa CoVRioHTa Ac AnTonaewidtng a kele and dwacrtpttoo ay quietly aaoertam oar opinion free whether aa Invention U pmbebly patentable. Coainianlce, tloo atrtotiy onnSdentlaL Handbook oo Patents aent free. iTideM aeooc y tor wrunne patent.. fu.nta taAen throafh Munn & i.0. reoalva ajMctai aateas, without charce, ta tha .Scientific Hmericait A handsoraaly lllnirlrated weekly. Jju-etirt nr. ton or any eetetiune wurnw. i mi., e. a ; four uontha, ti. Sold by all Bewedoaiare, ,4. - enlaUon of any eetenuee ournal. year : four uontba. Si, sold by all Bewedoaiare, l.UNN I CoV!Tirt New Tori; Utanc CSJoo. C36 V 91, Wa.hlr.gton. U U . A tood arttchi is wort a more a poor one. EVER ONE KNOUTS THAT . . ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. will outwear a doaen cheap ne, therefore cheeper tn the end. treet Toeaece 6eU sad aaseae tevx asss awas. To quit tobaeei eaatly aad forever, be me, setle. full ot Wa, nerve and vigor, take No-To Mae, tbs wnnaer-worker. tbat makes weae soes dtrona. All druSKiata, too or SI. Cure ruarao teed. Booklet and - sample free. Addreaa rlls B'waedy Ok, Catea ja Mt York We bsve u!c!:ines ia sock as lo w as.. ....... $10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox for Machines that ALBANY S CIGAR FAOTORf J Joseph. Proprietor Patronise home industry.