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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1899)
Tt'-aa... tmtmt MONDAY. FOR TWO CRIMES. Homer Mills, of near Lebanon, re turned last night from trip to eastern Oregon. Ho was accompanied by Sher iff Munkera, who hail been after him to Arlington, where be was arrested. Milis was indicted by the last grand jury joint ly with his brother Sarn, for rape ou the Osborne girl, and getting wind of the proposed prosecution skipped out. He ik a married man- ram Mills it will be remembered was tried tor the crime and the jury disagreed. Homer Mills is also arrested on a warrant charging him with stealing at tle in connection with the theft for which Charles Duncan is serving a short sentence in the county jail. A lUUlllll. From tie Oregon ian. A doctor residing at Lebanon, Linn county, Das an order froru London to ship three hundred tons of chittitn bark, the price to be paid being $tfO pr ton at the railroad warehouse in Lebanon. The men who cut the bark are to receive 2 centa per pound; The trees fr.m which the bark is taken are about inches around. They are girdled, an I if the weather is fairly dry the bark cu'ls bo that three dys after girdling it comes off jiuiie easily. But it is death to the tree. 'Ihe lands on which these trees grow most abundantly belong to the Willam ette Valley & Qfucade Mountain Wagon Road Company, and Colonel K. W Mitchell, the company's agent, is going to see to it that none of the company's property is used to cure London, unless a fair fee is paid the rightful owner of lite medicine The woods are full ol j these trees, and as they are not nmHwl for shade, they might as well be bring ing in some revenue as touting around all day in the woods. The Business Tax. The committee on licenses have com pleted the draft of the new business tax ordinance which is causing so much dis cussion. It is substantially as hereto fore given, except that every st re carrys . ing two or more kinds of stocks of good taxed shall be-considered a general mer chandise store and taxed !20 where the saiea do not exceed f lO.OUO.between tl wu ana i-JU.OUO the tax to be $30 and over $20,000 50, under which there can be only only one tax on a single business. Licenses cannot be transferred, they ex pire on the first .of January and the first uwoiitnauiMt te taken out for the iuu six montns at the beginning but pro rata for the last of the half. Notifica tion snail Da made by the 23th of Dec ember and June of tax and a license must oe securta oeiore the 4th of next.month. Two or more boarders constitute a hoard ing noose, -tne tax will raise about $?, 600 if all pay doing business in the city in addition to what is now raised. Prob- aoiy an additional revenue of $2,0CO can be counted on if oar business men should accept tne situation. Oakville. Fish ate plenty and theyonng people have plenty of time to catch them. Mrs. Mary E. Smith, of Tacoma, is inning witn ner parents. Easter was observed hereby the small Johnnies. Tbey have been swiping eggs for the last month and many of them had more than they could devour while na older bovsjiad to do without. Miss Mand Froraan, of Albanv, was visiting friends here last week. The rainy weather has detained the fanners with their spring work. Some have not sown any spring wheat and but few have planted their gardens. Mr. Bartons hen that lays two eggs is taking a vacation. Spring term of scho d commenced last Monday morning. Martin Forrester, of Tangent was in our town last week looking for a road grader. Martin is in too much harry. We don't expect to work the roads for some time. LiTTLK Rosa Bcr. Wizard Oil Co. Here. The Wixtrd Oil Co. are in the city and will begin their Albany engagement to night with a first class troupe and a fine program, in fact they give a "5 cent show for only 15 cents, which yon pa at the door. That program is a clean one and ot a character to plea-e everybody l he press where they have been, speak in me nignest terms ot the troupe. . At the armory. TzuPLE Cosmandbuy Xo5 K T have elected the following officers for the en suing yer: C'ommandsr.Frank J Miller; generalissimo, inward Washburn: capwn general, ii u waiden; senior warden, E J Seeley , junior warden T J .uaiier. -Prelate, D. P. Masn-i ; treasurer. E. W Langdon; recorder. E. D. Cnsick, stand ard Dearer, Sc. t,. H am mack; sword bearer, W II. Bilyeu; warder, W. E. frailer; sentinel, W. K. Baker. Attorney-General and Mrs. Blackburn came up from Salem this noon. m DON'T PAY GOOD MONEY for east. ern made harness when yon can get a Deuer set irotn tne uaDruiiie .Harness Co. for the same money and every att made at borne and warranted. Qnr carriage,, trimmings cannot be beaten in the state. Dubkpiixi Haaxass Co BORN. BDLLIS. To Mr. and Mrs W. C. lis, on Saturday April 1,'a son. Bui- According to the nartU of Richaraaon and his con temDorarie. in tne olden day men nsea to admire women who acreamrd a pan the least provoca- . r i r. . .1 n uun uu lauiKU vn au Dnortonitiea. Kick ardson's heroine were alway toppling out of tbetr cnair. fall ing in a "dead (mint" in their lover' arms, l having their tay cut and their band slaooed. their tent. 'plea batked and their nose smelling. aalted. Both the women and tbe t men have changed radically since those days. The modern nan does wot admire the fainting woman, neither does he marry her. If by chance he doe, he ia only a man, and live to regret it. There is no reason why any woman should be a faint ing woman.- General bodily weakness and nerronsneM in women are due to weakness or disease of the delicate, special organ of the ex- Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription is a cientific and unfailing remedy for all disorder of thi description. It imparts health and strength to tbe sensitive and susceptible organs upon which a woman's ' general health is largeiy dependent. It quiets and tone up tbe nerves, retote the vigor of youth, round put the emaciated form, impart the glow of health to the mmnlezion and transform weak, sickly. nervous invalid into new, healthy, happy women. It fit for wifehood and mother hood. "Word fait to describe my onring before ualng Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescript ion." writes Mrs. Sallle Key. of Tampico. Granger Co.. Term. "I had inflammation, irritation and profuse owing and waa very nervous and aulTered tern ki. . Til Mv feet and limbs were cold. I - had palpitation of th heart, and roy back was The thought of food sickened me. My kidneys were very badly affected. I had been down six jnomna. 1 couia not Sleep n.Rnt. ot mj given up all hone. My husband got me some of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took it tor five months and st the end of that time could walk a mils sod do all my own housework. I am surs I would be in my grave if it had not bees for th ' Favorite Prescription-' " 8eed to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V., for a free copy of the " People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. ' For paper-covered copy enclose n one-cent stamp to cover mailing only. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. mi m Aa-aT X. ,a 1 mb 1 V ? 6 CIRCUIT COURT. The second department of the Circuit Court convened this morning with the veteran Judge Boise in charge and the Albany bar den In attendance. The following business was disposed of : J Porter agt John C Elder .partition. Continued. W T Cushman agt John Cuihtnun, foreclosure. Continued. In the matter of the assignment of F M Kizer, insolvent. Final account filed. In the matter of the assignment of A M Hammer, insolvent. Continued. Mrs C W Rodmra auk Jane Woody et a', fort closure. Judgment by default. MiltOn Hal aat Tha Fii-afc Vatinnal Kink of Albanv t al rvortitiin IVilltin uea. TUB Srhnnlmo .. P A Rnwliml l al, partition. Contiuued. In the matter nf t ha aaaimimant f T O onaver. .final imiiint Ii ml. I)isLnbu tion ordered. Silas Reynolds agt David Dealer, et al u qu.s title. Judgment by default. Board of School Fund Commissioners lma H Monteitb et al, foreclosure. Judgment by default. ueorgiana Stone, divorce. Referren to u s ituford of the Dalies to take testini ooy. Martin M Fry et al agt Olney Fry et al partition. Oontinued. , 1 F Wyatt agt R Stinnett, to correct ueeu. ionunued. JAW arner agt W B Barr et al. Dis missed. Aiex Bernstein agt Thomas H Mc- viuw, foreclosure, (settled. iv i ,v cao' "-na Uommissioners agt H loung et al, foreclosure. Judg- TJ I fa . . iHwr.1 -?oJiool Fund Com. agt Lee Mill- -i ':joBure. Judgment by default. Thoa Allison agt Jos L Peaslev, fore closure. Judgment by default. W W Ilowae aut Dunial Ka.l ...I r..k . . o ...i mMM a. &a & - nima, lorecioeure. Settled. 4et.n ?,v1n8 Trust Co. as Rich aras ruuiips, foreclosure. Judgment by default. Addie Powell agt Richard M Powell, divorce. Gran red. R Davis agt J R Round, foreclosure. ConUnued for service. w,V.VL? f. 0 LHJd. "junction. mito rnuaj al a, m. CMrngt?LTinB- et ', confiimation. Sale confirmed. etilfi ' Mc.9,rtney Levi Douglas et al, confirmation. Sale confirmed. G R Thomas agt William Rnstin, con firmation. Sale confirmed. ' The Albanv Bnildinir T.n tion agt Henry Crowder tion.- Sale confirmed. ' S F Bilven act J;. t;i j: Granted. J"u Albanv BL A mtrt T..w ti.: feale confirmed oooc pro tunc D M Jones art P P rv,!. r sherifi to make deed. Uraoi. John J Jones agt J n . motion for sheriff ti tn.t. a. i r- - u9w. urui First KaUonal Bank of Albany agt C II loghead et al. fr-i,., fMri for plaintiff. 8 J Elder mat J OT "ir.-n.: i. Oontinued. Ja Nannev atrt Ivni9 D cuttian,;.. partition. Continued. Laura Caldwell art FH C. r.un oartition. UonUued ' HalUeM Cooper agt Edward Cooper, divorce. ContinnaH Ida Mnmv mat T i u Granted. ' - " "TOraf- Geo W McCannev rt xr.r. M!.n ney, divorce. Granted. Lowell a me agt Marv E A rim. A i. force. Fonn- X. .U-. wingmg suit waa insane ao1 not com petent to bring same. W H Goltr , P nr twti . .i BrmaUon. (J ranted Fred Olsen and Sil r.l. . resident of Newport, are in'the city. x. i. w. Harris formerly of Albany, heejjeea nomininaUed fir mayor of fcu- nftle Klllay la Ol Ulm his horee-raddish. Secure some 5 with yon warn auy. it is hot stuff. Asocial will be gives at the First rresovterian ehnivk ev;.- :i 1 1. Other annonncementa will follow. u- :. C' - Harmon and family of woodbtira i are in the city, the gneata of Air. ..1. Bryan, falharnf U II..- v F w. M.a. auuuhu. Mr. Hnh. Tim.t rendlctonand Bakarrst. , .i fire loetes for the McMionvUle compaay. hia first mp to those cities. ' E. G. Caneron. for many var nmmi. nent as a foot racer, baa settled down to ousines. and is mania a harness shop in Union, where he is doing well. E. W. Beeman, of Albany, the C. A E. yard master, came down yesterday, after an absence of nearly three months, due w -itaueae in us lamjly. Yaqoina Tug. Vr. Tbomaa Hpffrrm a tii. n i bany, left this momui for Lew art on. i i ' w ,ere he "'pods to work . on the railroad, being bnilt there. Mr. John Usher baa reaiff-nad him m. siUon as head i.urse of the poor farm and is now in th- city. He is contemplating entering the auiidrs home in Sacramento, Calif. ' Wavne Bridmfnnl aiwt Taank here, who are preparing themselves In the Portland medical college to have the title of M. D. attached to their names, nave returned home for tbe summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McCoy and son arrived from Albany Saturday ni ht. Mr. McCoy is artinir Im-al urtinn foreman during the absence of S. A. Fruetv Yaquina Tug. Mr Jerry Sullivan, tha little man, who has been lamiliar to Albany people for s number of years, was seen on our streets loaay, and will appear tonight with tho Wizard Oil Co. at tha armor. Jan- ia all right and is worth seeing and meet ing. L. B. Moss, of Lake ennntv vhn hna two baods of sheep on the old river bad ior tne past two months, was in town last Monday after supplies. The recent Dad weather baa been very severe on his sheep, but hia losses are light. Prine- Tiua neview. Prof. Angnst Stark has rntnrnAi! from Portland, where he ha been attending tbe medical college to perfect hia pro fession of optician, and ia now better equipped than ever to fit the eyes of his .... a rrt . " ... yavroua. x nose wno nave been waiving will be pleased to know of bis return. He will be here six months before com pleting hia last year. We understand that a new racket store will be opened on in this place in a abort time. j. au .rol.oclc and tl. nl Warner. of Albany, are tbe gentlemen who wUl engago ia me enterprise, xney nave been here to look the field over and are very favorably impressed with the out look. - They have an option on tbe room in the hotel block which will be vacated by the Caldwell racket store. Junction City Times. Mr. Charles Markh-rt. of I Co.. who enlisted at Albany with tbe Albany boys and wss mustered in at Portland, has arrived home, from Manila, which he left on February 21. being discharged on account 01 illness. He was accom panied home by Capt Pickens, who gave up bis command on acconnt of illness. Lieut. Merrill Philllips waa in charge of I Co.. and will no doubt receive a com mission in due time aa captain. Tha in surgent war had been it progress over two weetas when they left, so that they got, a amen ot powder. From the Medford Mail: Mrs. E ouem wit jueoiora last Thursday eve ning for Yaquina. Accoin. anving her was Master Lloyd Pruett who baa been livine; with the family in this city, but whose txther resides in Yaquina. From Yaquina tbe boy will be accompanied by his father to Portland where an opera tion will be performed on his - leg. The young man waa unfortonate a few years ago in having bis leg taken off and every few months since the amputation it has been necessary to cutoff the bone. which in its growth pushes through the flesh and becom.a painful. Tola will be the fourth operation of that natore. Cash paid for chickaaa Dressed BeeJ Co's. . at Albany . I 1 1 ' . . . . Pure Tea in packages at grocers' Schillings Best Del Norte at Pendleton. Geo. D. son of Del Norte, Chehrlis' brother, now at Froome's livery stable, was taken out by C. E. Barrows for the inspection of Tendleton admirers of fine horseflesh this morning, ihe young Biauion is inree years oiu mis soring. Del Norte was also taken by Mr. Bar rows, and exhibited to about two dozen admiring horsemen. The stallion proves in bis appearance that "Diood tens" and that good breeding manifests itself in horse as well as in man. Iel Norte and hia brother, Chehslia, are the two fast est brothers in the world E. O. The armory has been greatly improved oy the introduction of raised seats. Mrs. Brenner is greatly improving her residence property at the corner of Ferry and Third streets. The loss on Willamette grange hall. destroyed by fire in Benton county has been adjusted at 700. Mr. Frank Wait, of Douglas county. paid Mack Porter, of Corval'is, Oregon, 1150 for a two-year old Polled Angus bull a few days ago. Northwest Farmer. Bullock eountv. Ala., mar be aaiJ to be strongly democratic. At the last state election in Alabama there were 1,122 democratic, 5 populists and no re publican votes cast in Bullock county. Mr. J. C. Devine has sold his feed store just east of the Democrat office t Mr. A. B. Griggs an old and reliable citixen of this city, who may be depended upon for good treatment and fair dealing. Several members of the A. O. U. W. visited the Jefferson lodge last Saturday evening, where tbey were given a tine banquet, ihe evening previous tbev were at Crabtree where a new and pros perous lodge was recently organized. Lane county is with reason building great hopes on the Bohemia mines. A prominent miner recently sold good properties in tbe Washington mines around Spokane for Bohemia property and says it has the prospects fot a per manent and rich camp of any in the northwest. A man and his large family were in the city today on their wav back to Dakota from near Toledo, complaining that they had been induced to go there onhe representation; of people there that it was a farming country, they had found not to be the case. There IS sever anything made in misrepre- sen'atioo. .TUESDAY.. Condemned. Vbere, It is currently reported that the management of the Oregon Agricul tural College allow the buildings to tbe college to oe need for the purpose of danctaj. Therefore, belt RxaoLVKD, That, we, the members of tbe Linn Co. Business Council, condemn tbe action of tho managers of the college for allowing dancing in any of the build ings belonging to tbe s'ate, a improper and entirely oat ol place, acd wonld re spectfully aak that tbey ducootinue any socti amusement In any bniiding under their charge. Mra. Ellen Pperger. of Watertown, Wis., is in Albany the gw st of her son, air. r rang bperger, ol tbe 1" i .5, . a.arner' De ?f l,t ! lfV ,n?1i" a,K. "W i to W- . Yates of Corvallis f..r The Salem Journal aava that Attnrn Genera. Blackburn seem to lie an official who ia not afraid to do what he thinks is right, Ir. W. A. Cusick, broiher of J. W. Cusick. of this city, bas been appointed phyaican st the penitentiary at a sal ary of 75 a mootb. Nat Galloway, the popular lineman and expert bowler, waa in the city to day previoos to leaving for Missouri on a aix weeks visit with old friends The following were ele.led at Eogene yesierdav: ,eror. T. W. Harris: coon, Luc key, AbramssnJ White; re corder, B. V. Dorrit; treasurer, George K. Craw. Ciarles Burygraf. of Salem went to the Bay this noon, tie reported that Welch Brothers wonld be in Albany nest Mon day ready to proceed with work on the Ooart boose. Mr. Mack Monteitb ia in the cdy after a trip th.t,ugh Cell fori n a, north of San Francisco. As soon as be struck the country immense rains began to fall Webfoot wonld not have been in it. j Mrs. fames L. Cowan ia over from Warm Spriogs attending at tbe bedside of tbe editor's wife and daughter, wno I are both sick tbe fatter ia very low wi h pleaTo-pneomonia. Prineville Review A good sized audience attended the first entertainment of the WUard Oil Co. last evening at tbe armory, and they goeraJy speak in high terms of the pro gram presented. Mr. lxnner Kalston oo home with turn a line silver set. Tbe Simonton Concert Band held a meeting last ever ing and elected J. R. Williamson president, Loyd Irvine vice president. D. C. Bnrkhart tecretary and Oliver Rowell treasurer. The band afterwards gave a fine street concert. A dispatch from Hndson.IU., received this morning, acnoanced the death of Mr- Sam'Lewia, ancle of Mrs. Ueor .e Hocfastedler, of this citv. Mr. Lewis spent several weeka In Albany about seven years ago, and will be kinlly re membered by a cumber oi our citixen. Tbe room in the Salvation Army block owned by Mr. Vance has been rented to a man Irom East Portland, who will open a boot and shoe store in it. The 8. A to day moved to tbe room next to tbe Last Chance saloon. Aa Ezra Taaia. There is talk about aa additional train between Albany Salem and Portland each way daily. If it goesoa it will be done before April 10. Tbis local ia to reach Salem Irom Albany, at 7 a.m., and from Portland at 6 p. m. One car ia to be cut out ot the overland, vbich will only stop at Salem, Wood' bora and Oregon City, end will reach Saiem at 6 .30 in the morning and at 9 :30 in the evening. Journal. Berviees in the M. E. cbnrch Soub A cordial Invi- very bight this weet. tation to all. 44 No Eye Like the Master's Eye.9 Yoit. are master of your heatth, and if you do not attend to duty,the blame is easily located. Jf your blood is out of order, Hood s bar- saparilla, will purify it. It is the specific remedy for troubles of tbe blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. Klrinevs " Mr kidneys trouoiea me, andra advice took Hood's Karaaparilla which gave prompt relief, better appetite. My sleep Is refreshing. It cured my wile also." Micnx Boyl. 8473 Kenny Btreet, Pittsburg, Pa. 8GfUkUS Humor-" 1 wa. In terrible condition lrum tbe itching and burning of scrofulous . humor. Grew worse under treatment ot several doctors. Took Hood's larsapartOa and Hood Pill. These cored me thoroughly." J. 1. Lrma, Fulton, N. Y. Moods Samfawk ' ' . - a I Hood-a nils ear Uvsr II U i th. m-lrrltatlng and yjgy"esthsrqe to uks with Hooa'a SarMparllli FROM MANILA. An Albany Boy Telia About the Insurgent War. Mahila, P. I., March 1, 93. Editor Democrat : As yon sem to have no regular car respondent here I will endeavjr to giva you gratis a few points that ill prob ably be of some interest to the loIVs at home. As you are already aware on tbe 4tn of Feb. the Insurgents, wl o couh no linger couirol tbeuiselves, at taeked our ou pout near the water works which was tbe farthereat extended out post of tbe American lorces. This is seven miles from Manila. This post was immediately strengthened by tbe Nebraska regiment end aloiott sioui taneously all the Ameiloan posts were attacked but all the pools held their gr und until reinforcements arrived. I ne 'mailmen's kept up a b t fire all niwht. The Amaricos did not return the tire until they could do so with good effect. Tuey held tbe positions they bad taken earlv in 'he evening until daytreak when the Americans dea't, out a little yankee style of fUbttng, i . I cn.rgeo mmr puamona "P"'""' repeatedly 1 urvvaiucu .r"?"'.: ih. i.dH those terrible American- right behind, playing b little game of nip and tuck and it xras rus l" the natives that got the "tuck." The h ret battle the American took ever thing in front, advanced their lines bout fire miles into the Insurgents ter- n:orv. cap' several neld pieces, a quantitv of aiamunit on and about 2000 prisoners, ourn d about seven eight native to n. in lact laid watte lo every thing in shiht. This one battle com menced Saturday night al 9 o'clock, con tinned ait Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday uight np to Monday at 12 o' clock. This waa cootinnal fighting with out eves stopping tor food. Then fight ing resumed all tbe following week The loaa cannot be estimated accurately for tbey take as many of their dead and wounded from tbe field as tbey poseiby co - ut their I we in the oret name will reach in the neighborhood ol 5000 to 000 and in the recent skirmish they have swelled their loaa up to 12000 We have nor lines so far extended at present I that it is impoaaible to a J woe farther. vtenow have 28 mites of front o it is impo-ibl for us to do any thing bat boll ibe Bring continues Irom the insurgents near'y ail the .ime. Al night the, ai - tack the line in some position hut al- wavs gt the wors, of it, Tne Tennessee and the lSth 0 S infantry with .he Srd IT M a.lilla. anJ latl a.i r. cero, oi i-ewey s n i, are tiitiwing L , a. . a ; diuifii poiui. ur iu vu irima ! ranay. 1 nev are doing excellent ori with very little loss wMie the insurgents loss is as u.oal. very xreat. One lia'tal ion of the 23rd U 8 ijiantry have em barked for the Island Cebu. Know ooth ingot The nativeeon the Island of Negos baveraiwd ao Am ericau Sag and asked for American pro tection. It ia expected that troops wi.l next oe sent to ibe Isle of Mtoiodoa. There will be plenty of fighting there Tbe Spanish could never control this Island. I will now endeavor to give y-o a few items ol interest about Manila, which ia controlled by tbe 2nd Oregon Vols, the 23rd U S regulars and 13th Minnesota Vol, under the commani of Provoet General Hughe. Tbe above mention ed troops do the provoet gnat) doty of both the old an 1 new town and it is con sidered by the military orticlal tbe moat impanant duly in the Philippine All galea and entrances to tbe city are very closely ausrded no upicicui per mm or armed Dart lee are allowed to en' ter, all streets are patrolled", e'l public bnitdings are guarded snd everything is : ooaed to even ro-re eareiany man oar cities of tbe U 8 by their police. No per sons sre slloaed on tbe si reels alter 7 j ibe morning, all persons of Manila have I to lake oat identification papers of tbe j o clock in tbe evening on ill ft o clock in U S ifoveioment. so yon can ee for voo rtrlret that we Save it to a very fine point Tbe insurgents made threats some time ag- that thev w old burn tne ritv ol Manila over our beads, and on 'h ..UU, ,1 HUIHIIUU ainuu.f a. aaar II ia; 3 . V3 I at" a. . ftft..4a. a. -a a. a to carry it into effect Toey eurreed-d infSrin, the town in aev-ral d.fle ent i place, in two difierem places Ibe fire j : a ...ii- ,t.Z k.i.i; pieau ii i J laptuij .uv u.-uii i -wv very ory ami wjaoe, oioara wooa n , tooaeonsioeraoie i.meiogei oooerjoaeetin PorUand io July. Uoriog the i conuol. Co I.of Albany, and Oregon mee iog an -icarsiao will be had np wity and u L. of Portland, were dis fturoogb the valley as far as Euvene. I paul.eJonadooo.eqaickiofire, wbe.eiIOpp.n,tA,bM,. The PorJand eo-n. ; we ent si il i b a deterov nation lo hcUtee wish to know if Albany people de- getitoodercomr . Thfirenw tov- aire loen.ertaio them This wlU be an erei aooni six o-oca. n s no naa in six o'ock. v e soon bad ets or seven stream piayiog oo ii.e ore ana ; HUUICIUIII afin an a a a .a. aa asartas aiw; Va.i. ...... a. . .. .1.1 doing good, work It was pretty warm. work out the ii sorrecto wen making it : Knir., Th. tia.1 rnneaalata! thamairaa ' behind 'be fire and were sending ballets all around, -ouie of tbem come a liliJe to close for comfort. A boa' 9 o'clock in tbe morning we had the fir reduced to a few piles of coals. We bad pot in jnst 10 hours ol good bard ttgbtiog. ne than returned to quarters and Oo M, of Woodborn and Uo i. ol rortiand with two Cos of reg lars and two of I3tb Mioneaxa were sent after tbe insurgents wboftedon es while figbliog tbe firs. I bey were known to oe aooot ouu in number. Oor fnrcee , were under com mand f Major Willis.' They succeeded in driviog tbem from their position, killing IdOand capturing 250 and burn ed all booses in sight and claaned that neighborhood of insurgent. Since we have not bad so much iron ale as before. Yon can tight these people all da t and kill one half of tbem and at night the firing line will be just a strong as it waa when you commenced for two men io every set ot tears have wooden guns while the otber two have either a Maus er or a Ketniogton rifle and aa soon aa a man falls one that bas no gun grabs at it. Some times they have a regular scrambls togetooe It pots one in mind ol a loot ball game, l ae general impression is that they are running short nf ammunit ion. There is a powder worss at fcalo los, their capitol, but tbe powder that is made there is much tulerior to our black powder. Some even go so far as to claim thai the back bane ot tbe rebellion is broken. Tbe insurgents have 6 Ameri can prisoners. We have about 7000 and could get more but won't take tbem. We take their arms and kick them out side our lines. Alt tbe boys from Albany are well ex cept one or two and they are rapidly on tbe mend. Wa have only fonr men on tbe sick report, tbe least of any Co in the regiment. Our uapt has ooiaiued bis cite barge and will leave for home in a few days and than we will bail our favorite Lieut as Cant M O Phillip We bsve a puute tbat we would like the people ot Albany to answer. Why is it tbst when tbe second call for troops wss msde tbat only five oat of tbe small number 13 could be furnished from Al bany and tbey had io fill their quota Irom other town. Yon can ssy for tbe boys of Albany at Manila that we are pioud of our native heath w ill e ose hoping tbat all are well at borne, and you can prepare for us about Jaly. Respectfully, Bili. Ktkbs, Co I, 2nd Ore. TlMTEBAKClTlCKIT WON. At BlOWni- ville yesterday there was a live contest in tbe city election over the license ques tion, resulting tn a victory lor the Vimp. erance tic et by a majority ol iZ, tbe en lire iicaei wing necieu witn me except' ion ot councilman from the third ward. Tbe lollowing ticket was elected:- O. Stanard, mayor. J. R. Pearl, 1 N. Warmouth and i'. H. biewicn, rounciimen. F M. Brown, recorder. F, M. Pow II, manhal. j J. H. Glais, treasorer. There is to be a cracker trust on this coast. The worst blizzards of the year la some parts of the east. A good deal of wneat froten out in Umatilla county is being mown. Ws carry no eastern harness. W make our haraera. DUDBCILLk HatBNKrS Co. The Grangers. The Linn County Council P. of H. met last Saturday with the Ilalsey Grange. ' President Scott was In the chair and Charity, Grand Prairie, Ualsey, Har monv, Oak Plain, Tangent and Baatiam granges were represented. Agent L B. Luper reported progress in tbe matter of prices forsuppllts. k com mittee of ana from each grange was ap pointed to meet with the agent in Alb au to make arrangements for the same. The resolution sgaintt dancing in the O. i. V. wasordeied published :n Ato ny and Corvallis papers. Pinner, and a noe one. Hon. J. Giero.L. B. Luperand Thomas Froman were appointed a committee to outline work tc be presented at the next state grange. Mmes. Andersor, Swank and Walker tee appoiired a committee to make ar rangements (or tlit purchase of millinery ad ilrefB gnod. Dis"uaioii f the expansion subject n postponed. , "V ,y has woman suffrage made such hIow progress in this country," was dis ;cuKsed by Mrs. M. J. Anderson, O. 1 i Walker, Mrs. Cower-, J. Clem and II tFreeiksen. I The questions selected f. r tho next 'meeting were: "Which is the best I method jf Canning frnit," with Mrr ruzer, L,uie uona sou i;iara 1VM as , leaders "By whom was the order of P. ol n. founded?" assigned to Mr.. Kizer. ' y whom ws. the suggestion made that ladies be admitted lo lull membership?" Mrs. Lauboer to answer, "tiave re ceived tbe full benefit from the order that the founder expected?" Hon. J. Clem to answer. C. II. Walker presented the matter nf he pro csd county fair urging the grange to action. The next meeting will be with Charity Grange, City Council. The adjourned meeting of the city council for the purpose c( considering the &e business tax ordinance held last erectng. Councilman Galbraith, chairman o'j the ordinaoce committee formally intro-l oucea the ordinance, which was read twice and conl.nued to the regular mei- uk iur aiiirnunirni. I e vera I criloiM being ordered, providio. that n, license shall be for less than previo. term, licensing hi c-cled-alereaiaKaodga. fitting con.-i via luui.iui nu panics the same as electric ;ight com-1. v r,, . . , L" i'i'T ' r' 'V T Z'?mlm UOT "7fSL? VI "itt " 'I'TJL - fSTK L01? poo ,0 lUk" 1 - .... -1 ij.uu mirn. lege nirriiiiunoi r.mii .lter lor n-vi I pu ling wafer trvanUioon R k. i er trri was referred. t n notion ol Uownriiman Galbraith ti:ecty re;order was atitbotued lo sd vrlie and Sell property for delinquent taxes. PetiUon lor grading and graveling Ala.llSoO Street 5th to Blhalrala . '",rd I w.?.iilf?n btUb 'H 7. lor leJing pneoftets in Hiy ltUatacott ol not exceeding 15 cents. Ibe matter ol lumber fur th city mat referred . Real Estate Sale. F B Prater U Mary E Caldwell, lot 4, W2S. H's 2nd ad $ J M Ralston to A B Camming, 4t feet, lot 7, bl?, Albany.... ... . . T F Hickman to 8 E Young. 80 acres. 13 w 2 Lime M Tbotnpenn lo M Uerman, 1003 2000 I 100 1 Heury Nave to N 8 Nare.&J aer-a aiary isaitmarsb et al to W E Yatea, !ot I. bl 7, Albany Business Men's Meeting j At tbe council chambers tonight lb. re! U' be a meeiin. f k..; ' ... !ciivtorakearrn-..-,... . " ence with the board of eoinneer. snoot m- ' r iqainauay. It is very 1 i. ... : . - . ' ' Mu,.. ..U. tnsi ii,er oe eiven slati.tira . - , " , ,m,.7'm ?' improve V1 .,0.'h Viej. acd Albanv should I,.,, J V 'lr sitend. Let' btie iocs tren gecer-' By resuest ol tbe Mavor. Tbe National Editorial Aiisoeiatloo will ODnoriiiaiH imi nf.. ...i .j t,a. 0iSr valiev ... - . "fa " """' ' .WEDXKSDAY Medal Contest. following i the program of the gold and tilver medal coolest to beheld at ! omill. and the second Clyde Asbby, , a . ,-,.. o .- . . . , . comber 29 and 30. indicating that Cor- tbe Oak Creek Baptist cburcu on ibe bicydia!. b,d 00t beenvery fast to evening of April 15, 1859. 1 get tfceir tags. Music Orchestra. j , Giand opening march and hoop drill Mr 3 Gradwohl informs tbe Dmocsjit The clarw in costume. J tbat eugar ie new down to $6.75 per 100 ocal mnsic Tbe Thompson, Baker i pounds, but is liable lo go op and now qoartei. ia tbe time to boy. He bas a lei ge stock Recitation, "Lssca" Contestant No 1 on hand and will sell as low as in the ong, "The Little Slo'hers-- Fairs city, and Beatrice Thompson. , - Recitation, "The Vagabond" Con- Mra. Livingstone Last Sat unlay even tests nt No 2. ing at Salem organized a Circle of the Solo Prof J L Baker. i Lediea of the U. A. R., with Mrs. Finley Reriuiioo. "How Ruby Played -Perrine as president. CootesUnt So 3. j - .. Poe!-MrandMrsWS Thompsof.. 1 Wheu Traveling KeCllallOn, 'TOO Polilh BOV' C U- IMIIDt SO 4 Music Orchestrs. lieciution, "Mother and Poet" Con testant No 5. Vocal Solo Prof Carl Baker. Recitation, "TLa Christ-nina" Con testant No . Ladies' Trio Misses ' Thorn nsoi and Allt-n aod Mrs Thompson. Rectutlon, "The Maiden Manvr" Contestant No 7. Vocal Solo Mr W 8 Thompson. Recitation. "How Salvator Won" Contef tant No 8 . Mus'c Orchestra Comic quartet, - "O P R A" Thorn p- j son. Baker quartet. j Presentation ol tbe Medal I'rol Cart Baaer, of the Lebaoon Schools. Music Orchestra. Grand closing tableau By the class. Good Night. Admission, l-" cents. Chil-'ren 5 cents. Gaat.voa Kktsbiaismsst There will be an entertainment at the hall of Grand Praire Grange No 10 on the evening of Friday, April 14, 1S99, commencing at 8 o'clock under Ihe auspices of said grange consisting ot dramas, recitations, songs, etc. Admission to cents. .Ladies bring- ing lunch baskets admitted tree Lunches will be paid for by gents oar' taking of the same. By order of the committee. Do Not K Fooled With (he idea that any preparation v ur dropgmt may put up and try to sell you will purify your blood like Hood's Sar arilla. This roediciie baa a reputa tion it bas earned it record . It is prepared under the personal supetvis ion of elucated pharmacist who know . tbe nstnre, quality and medicieal ef fect of all the ingredient ured. Hold's Sanaparilla absolutey cures all firms of b ood disease when other medicine fail to do any good. It is the Worlds' great Spring Medicine and the Ooe True Wood former. At Dtibrulllc Harness Cob. Ycu will find the largest stock of single and double in ihe valley, and not one eastern set in tbe entire one hundred sets. fc.vry set warranted to be as sood again a any factory harness made. We make all our harness, also hbggy and car riage top. , YAQUINA MEETING. There was a good attendance at the Council chambers lact eveniog for the purpose of acting in connection with the investigation of Yaqoina Bay soon to be made by tbe government's -board of en gineers appointed for the purpose. Mayor Burktart tu elected chairman and i. a, Whituey secretary. After explanatory remarks of the situ ation, Hon. J. K. Weatherlord moved that steps be taken to secure tbe proper statistics and facta showing our business intt rests in Western Oregon, etc., for presentation to the engineers. Carried. The date announced for the engineers to meet at the Bay is April 20, Manager Edwin Stone reported a con ference with Ma r Hart of tbe Board who informed him that tbe board would consider all facts in connection with the advisability of tbe improvement. Upon motion nf C. C. liogae a com mittee of ti?j was appointed to cooler with other valley committees to make arrangements lor the work in connection with sect ring the project. Committee. W. O. Tweeuale, ti. A. Dawson, J. N. Duncsn. J. J. Graham and J. W. Cusick. Upon oioiion of J. K. Weatberford the lolloati.g commaltee waa appointed U prepare statistics of resources, business, vetc.. f r presentation to tbe engineers: C. C. Hogoe, L. Flinn, 6. E. Young, S. N. Steele, C. 11. Stewart, A Hacklemao, J. E. B.own, J. K. Whitney, J. K. Weatberford and C B. Winn, and tbe matter waa quite generally discussed by several prtsett. Upon motion of L. Flinn tbs commit tee on conference wss directed to obtain from other valley committees summaries of their report for use. This committee waa also directed to learn of Maj. Hart if he wonld meet at a dale convenient to him in tbia city to bear the report of tbe committee. Tte autistic committee elected L. Flinn tha rmao and C. C. Uogae secre - tary Nothing will be left uodore to present matter to the engineers in a manner to show tbem tbe value of tho improve ments oroposed to the stale Of Oregon and Northwest generally. Lebanon. ' From tbe Semi-Weekly E. A. j Thos. Reidy. who sold hi. farm beloa .u I ,i LT-LTuru ' "CLV ! ,7 trVT n j V .V,1" '. "e paper! I .t lalvufi Ih . ......J 1 ... 7. """a" . biaiiinkr wn 1 is nrnrtani inm linn r - . " ivmr peupie incia:iEg I e Uixiit water . .wer. hut not tbe machinery ft man ia ihe Ifjme Ufe ine. Co.. and oo is ruo.or.1 that ii.e firm will lot np a ! one ocsion del.vered a ratthn tmper l.t p.aomg mill and iron foundry on the f anee ed l.eae. O'M-l ev alie.warJ mmi prai-nj. . ilrt Ansrralia, where ie is r,r. a roster orr.s & M.'tmanh, propr.eloii of tbe u-ianoo stone q-jarrv, shipped a !n O1 in. ir stooe, ny rati, to an Ai'.my mar ; bie firm balurjay. -lioma (. from Ibis quarry is lo be n.ed id tw funnda- ! tion of tho eo.ioly court houe. j Soiday after noon Rev W p E mrre a H rra 1 1 t I a I Ik. aia m K ,,.m .a i j tnenioo, in to cunl, to nine persons ah hul nniKrl .ilk Ik. It. nti.i -.....-.. to tbi city. KirkpauickACooeyhavebeflght tbe farm olB A Coopei. consUUnTof 120 aiMilnilMn,tnfM.n T.. .,;i ese it a a stock ranch. Mr Cooper and family will soon wove to Idaho. The Lady Maccabees gave a reception las: Friday evening o celebrate tbe event of receiving the etaie banner, which has again come to Bina M Weet hire No 1 on account of having tbe larg est number of beneficiary members of ar bive in tha state. Ihi witi be U.e second year in succession thst this hive hss beid tbe banner A large number ol Lady Maccabees, hir Koight of tbe Max-abeee and invited frieoda were present. A fine program waa rendered. 2025 followed by a banqaetaod a general o 400 ! cial tune. Tbe following ladies from Al j bany were pteeeni: Mra Craw, Mra COOO Parker, Mrs Uardmso, Mra Archibald, Mrs Willis and Mia Terhooe. The Mines Uase(1 , ... ... . . The lease of the Albany mines to T. J. (Belcher, tbe mining man, baa been iBd and placed ia the hands of W. E Yale, ot CorlIi, who holds a power of attorney from Mr. Belcher, wbo is now in Alaska, where be will be two or three month. The contract waa let ve:erdav bf Mf," T" WP1 ior ofk ln lowrr l0001. Bi,b?. V11 returns. The lease has dense which " it practically a rale so faraa Mr Belcher 'a concerned. Tbe lessee has plenty of morey with which to develop tbe mine. The trill has been insured lo llO.OlM. . i eoDold GoJowskr. oaa of the woild's beet pianists, will be in ealem on April 11, at the M. E. church. "It wi.l be one of the groetett musical treats in tte bit lory of Salem. Toeadcnisaioo will be II Tbis will be the nearest point lor Albaoy people t ) bear the eminent pianiet. Tbe sheriff of BentM county began is suing bicycle tag Monday morning. Tne firet Albany man to get one was Jack ! Uh-lk.. Aa nlaaann. hant n u hnmimm hin. Ull.nfi.rf.,..! tiM a it a ta mot p-eaat!y and effectually oa the kidneys, liver and bowel, preventing fevers, headache, and other form ol sick ness, roraal in ou cent bottle by all leading druggist. Manr-factured by tbe Ca ifornla Fig Syrup Co. only. Hood's Pills cure biliousness Maile for cent by 0. L. Hood A Vo , Lowell Man Ninety per cent of the people have some kind of humor in tbe blood, and this causes many disease. Hood's Sanapari'la core tbeee diseases by expelling the hainor. place -ro BUY Vour Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Brs. Everybody knows where tbeir place ia. Tbey keep a liesb stock of erocerii. produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, ail alike. Yon may regret soms step a you taks tn life tot none taken into iua store of Parker Broa. It ia a great tning to be well fed. Par ter Bros keep good groceries. A toal of bread is not much ont yon want it well made. TryParker Bros Letter List. aaMaaaaasa Following is th list of letters remaining In the PostoQice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, 1899, April 4, Persons calling (or tbeee letters must give the date on which advertised : . A'lison, Mr B H Christen, Mr J E Games, Mr Will tlammor, S L Kinney, Miss Anna Monese, Miss Anna Kobe .1. Bert Boeman, Wm Foster, Mr Jasper Grseel, Mrs James lohnsoo, JR Mesienger, H 0 Nemlow, W O Veeman. W M Ruppenthal, Fredk Wiixel. MnLB Rutherford, Mrs M E Simons, Mr Frank S. S. Tbain, P. M. DAVIS. In Kansas City. Mo., this morning, April 5, 1899, at 8 a. ni. Uer a short illness of spinr.l tnsnioge tis, the little son of J.N. and Iisie Geisendorfer Davis. UltU. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Marshal Leo is on the streets again. E. E. McKinney, the wbent man, is in city, Itev. W. W. Diivis of Brownsville, "hps u njeciiy. C.P.Crawford, advance agent oflthe I ay Train Co. was in the city. Jake Streitel.of the governmeut works ctew at Ft. Stevens is at home on a viif. Mis Alice Brenner left on last night's overland on a trip to California. Mewrs. Booth A Ke'ley f,f the Grants ras Sugar Pine factory were in thj city today. ' License has been issued for the rnar Jf'geof Edwin Chandler and Nettie Pugh. W'W- Howes, of Fotter is the city with a couple of spans of mules which be wishes to sell. A. M. Reeves and four other Ilalsey men came down to Albany today on their bicycles in a couple of hours. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society a ill be held st the residence of Mrs. L. E. Blain oa Thursday, April 6ib at 2:80 p. m. Prof. J. S. Smith left for La Grand where he has goue to sccept a position with Richer and Kiinball.Suinuierville Cor. La Grande Chronicle. ' Dr. Boland Grant, formerly of I'ort land, and 23 Bcston friends will .nke a tr;p througu the Northwest in Ju'y. Dr. Grant apoke in Albany several lime. Editor Phelps of tlieScio News, wax in the city todav. He reports boal'ng as the rage an hat city. Mr. Jos. Weeley is champion and recently male the very large sOie of h i. Oregon young men continue to be at the top. Dr. Geo. W. Cheadle, of Lib snonjirsduated from the Baltimore den tal college last t nday, in a class of sixty 1 seven, of which I.e was valedictorian He rill locate io Portland. i mi. . ii. wiDD, ior several vars teacher at the reform school, has a tuc- ceeanr mere unaer tne new management, and has moved with his family to Port land lo reside. Pof. Robb aatatone time superintendent o! the Alr.mnv ; schools Mr. ?ery Conn, of Conn fc Huston rr. turned la.t evening from f?alem, wrn.r j be had lea to make arrangement, lor i the opening cf a a-icg macr.ine and b: tycle store, ender I tie Whi e Co., wlncn .. .. l" " f .7" S?" .!!J,,'3" , Houston ol will cofilini e in s . .... .,. u.e Air.aoy ,wre Albany people rernem br King u ' who insnred a good niany Al- i - . .w I artun.ent and is t,nh o0 (),fK0 Farmers Institute. As previously aano j-r,. the iottitat- was held st Tangent Grange hall Mar. " '- - - v MrJU Scott was elected ana L B La per secretary. Tbe program openej with ct.aira.aa music tv tna choir. Address of welcome by chairman J H Scott, responded to by Ur. WiihycouiLe. setting forth tbe advancement made in agricultural science. Mr and Mrs W S Thompson favored tbe audience with ooe of their excellent daeta. Prof A B Curdiey preeeated tbe sub joct of garden peeu by requeuing ail to ask for information. By request of Mr Bievine, Prof Cord ley gave history and remedy for squash beetle. Remedy Protect plant with screen or spray with pari green . Remediea were given for the following petti : Tomato lire, spray with par. greeo ; cabbage worm, ose 1 part pans green to 100 flour and dust p'ant till white. He sai l there was to from poiaoo if used ia the above propor tion. Codling motb. after first f rar ing, spray no more till Jaly 1st, Aug Ut and Sept 1st. If spray is waited oi bv rain repeat the operauoc. Many other j pests were described and remark given ; which were of interest to ail present. ! Solo Mr Thompson, "Never p't'h u man wbeo he's going doan the Lt'l." Mr W P Anderson gave his exper. eoae ia farming from earlv dare lo the present and wantel to too if oor would wear out or need rest. Dr. Wiibvrombe stated that Und lacd oa.d wear out but needs no rts.- Mnsic by choir. Adjourned till 7:30 p. ni. W edaeedsy 7 :30 p m. Marie by choir,"ionider the Li'ui-js." Ir. Withycomhe muoduced the snb jectof legaminout crop in ahicb be de monstrated by pereaoal exper:e3ce tbat old worn out land cooid be returced to its orig'nal fertility by growing ciorer and fertilixing crops. He practices sow ing clover in Feb.,oo fad wheat harrow ing with light barrow. Doea not rec commesd plowing under, bat using as forage and bay. Recommenda keeping sheep, cattle, etc. boto Mr Thompson, "rather wont you stop your drinking " Song hy Mr and Mr La per. Recitation by Mra Thompson Duet by Mr and Mrs Thorn peon. Adjourned . Thursday S o'cloct. Music by Orchestra. Prof R Lake introduced tbe subject of fruit tree and in reply to qoestoos the object was made very plain ia re gard to culture ard pruning climatic condition, etc. Dot, Mr aad .Mrs Thompson. Music bv Orchestra. MrWS Thompson gave his experi ence on artificial iucubatton and hand ling chicks, etc. Music by orchestra. Adjourned. Thursday evening. Mnai: bv orchestra. Trio Meesra Thompson, Jenks Loner. and f aper on "uomeeuc s.'ience oy Prof Margaret Snell. Duet by Mr aod Mrs rhompsoo. Recitation by Eunice Luper. Song by Edith Soangier. Recitation by Mrs Thompson. Solo by Mr f horn peon. Duet by Mr sod Mrs Thompson. Song by choir. Adjourned. Tbe music bv Mr and Mrs W S Thorn p- aon and Mis Edna Allen received hearty encores and were the lite and enjoyment of the institute. BIG STOCK OF NEW GOODS CLOTHING CO'S. CLOTHING for men, youths A fine line ot Slylish HATS and CAPS for men and boy w Latest novelties in Furnishings. The best quality and low prices 1 i pscksges Portland Roart Coffee. fmck Best flonr 3 cans No. 1 Tomstoee ioj!. ping P.sttle Ax Tobacco.... 14 lbs. Bent granulated fngar lbs. Mocha A Java Coffee Pail Choice Syrup Mcllwaie's Pure Linseed Oil Faints We have recently added to our etock a complete lice of mixed paints, the test money can buy, composed of Ppre White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil. This paint is made by one of tbe beet manufactures in this country, and every can i guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or yoo get yonr money back. Floor Paint, Wagon Paint, Buggy and Carriage Paint, En auieU, Varnishes, and Brosbee. Yon will find oar prices correct. Burkliart & Lee, Druggists. At The 'iff i Our Opening of Spring Millinery.... will Iske place Thortday, March 3, and wia be continued over Fri day and Satordav. For this Department we have secured the services of an Expenencd Trimmer. A complete line cf npto-date Millinery Materials ard Novelties, rrd combers of Pattern Hats and Bonnets ol cbcire detigce. L. E. & H. J. Hamilton. CLOT 1 1 - i ti.'-Ttn-:. This is tte Ticket on the 3'.eeve of.eva.-y Girm?n' A Complete Line oi celebrated Chas. P. Keilogg: Co. Silk tsewed Cloth ing. The Best Msde, Trimmed and Fitting. Clothing in the United States. Equal in Style. Fit aad Finish to the Best Custom Tailor Made boo.! Don't take ocr word for it, bat come in and examine them. Sew how well and honestly ibev aire made. Try tbern on and see how perfieetly tbey fit. Examine the Prices and see how much cheaper they are than inferior made Ooode. We are here to stay aad we want the clothing trade of this com munity, so we have secured this line of unequalled clothing, knoa icg that whoever boys one snit will be so well satisfied that he will thereafter bay only of as and advised their tr ends to do tbe same. Come in any time, we are glad to show them to yoo, snd you will be equally p'eaaed to see them. ' S0LDBY W. R. BLAIN, Albany, Ore. f HE CRACKERJACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR Opposite Masonic Temple. Full line of standard groceries and conotry produce. No single leader, but everything a eaderat bottom price. Wagoue run in the country selling gro- aerie and collecting produce Money saved by trading at tbe Crack- lack. at the B SHOES, none better, iPEClAL... 2't 70 25 35 1 CO 1 00 60 Bazaar. An assortment nf spring stri-s tbe much favorerl Tailor-made Suits. These the purchaser will find sat isfactory in fit. CnUh. fabric and price. a . HINQ Just Receiwd-r ISTew,xNobby, Stylish, Durable SEEDS We put op oor own gsruen reeds Tbey are all Northern grown seeds , They are absolutely tree to name f hey are fresh all grown ia 1S98, Tbe packages are full weight. Price, two papers for a nickel, e alto have them in balk. and boys, A IN