The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 07, 1899, Image 2

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the undersigned, Administrator of tbe es
tate ot Deborah Ewing, deceased, will at
he hour of 1 o'clock p. m., ot -
Saturday, April 1, 1S99,
sell at public auction to the higneat bidder,
for cash, at the north d or of the Court
Louse in Albenv, Lion county, Oregon.the
following described real property, vis:
"The north half uf the north-ea8t qnarter
Uf) o' the north-west quarter () of Sec
tion (31) thiriv-cne; in Township eleven.
South Ratine (3) three, West of Willamette
Meridian, containing twenty acres, more or
less, in Linn county, Oregon, on a public
road running along the north aide of said
Also the r ght of way foi vehicles from
the northwest corner of said premise west
to the county road running from Albany
to Tangent.
There is a farm dwelling, a good barn,
and u young orchard of six or seven acre
of bearing fruit trees on the place. Situ
ated about four miles south of Albany.
Oregon, and is to bo sold under and by
virtue of an order ot the County Court of
Linn county, Oregon, made and entered of
record Dec, C, 1S9S
Date! Feb, 24, 1899.
Thom H. Median,
Admic'mtrator of tne estate of Deborah
Ewing. deceased.
tbe undersigned bas been by the
County Court ft Linn county, Oregon,
duly appointed administrator of the estate
of Nancy J. Gilhens of Linn county,
Oregon, deceased. AT person having
rlaims against said eatatt are hereby re
quired to present the same to the nndet
signed at Peorta, Oregon, properly verified
as required by law within six month from
this date.
This tbe 30tb day cf March. 1899.
Att'js for Administrator.
the county court of Linn county. Ore
goo, has appointed the undersigned as ex
ecutrix of tbe last will and testament of
Adam Settlemier, deceased; any and all
persons having claim against said estate
are b refy r quired to present the same to
the undersigned at the office of Kelley
Curl; in Albany, Oregon, with proper
voucher, therefor, within six months
fiom tbe date of this publication.
Oated at Albany, Oregon, this March
23th, 1S9D.
Kmxt & Ctrl, Executrix.
Attorneys for Execolrix.
IN tte undersigned a the administra
. tor with tbe wilt annexed of the estate of
Melissa A . Burkrart deceased, has filed his
6nd account with the County Clerk of Linn
county, Oregon, and the County Couit has
fixed Monday, May 1, 1899. at the hour of
one o clock p. m. ct said day. lor tbe
hearing of said account and the final settle
ment of said (stale. Any and all persons
having objection to the same are nertby
notified to be present at the County Court
room at raid tirre ana make tne same.
Dated this 24th Day of March. 1S99.
Adm'r with the wil' annexed.
WcATHtnrcBD & Wtatt,
Attj'a for adm'r.
IN the undersigned, the executrix of the
last will and testament of Ei'saheth Ram
baugh. dececsed, has filed ber final account
in the Count) Court of tne the state of Ur
egn. fcr Linn county, and tbe court has
appointed, Monday, the tint day of May.
1S93, at the boor of one o'clock p. m. of
said day for bearing object iocs thereto,
and take settlement thereof. All persons
having objection are hereby notified to be
present at the date assigned.
Dated Match 23th, 1899.
L. H. RuitBicen.
Executrix of the last will and testament
of Elirabeta Kumbingb, deceased.
in pursuance of an order of the Cir
cuit Court of tbn stile of Oregon for the
county of Linn duly made and entered of
record in tnat certain suit wnere in Sarah
J . Elder and Isasc Elder her husband, E.
M. Millard and John A. Mil ard her bus
band, Mary A. Crawford and khn Craw
ford her husband, and Sarah McBride and
Laura HcBride were plaintiffs and lohn A.
fcoride.Anna Aiotfnde. tl race McKnde,
Mary McBride. William Walter Me Bride,
and Myrtle Mctsnde were defendants, ap
pointing the undersigned a referee to make
sale ot tbe real premises hereinafter de
scribed and report tbe same to tbe above
entitled court, tee undtrsigced will, on
Saturday, the 22od day of April. A D .
1899, at tbe north door of toe county court
bouse 10 tbe city ot Albany, in tbe county
ana state aforesaid and at tbe boor of one
o'clock in tbe afternoon of saio day. sell to
the highest bid ler for cash in band all tbe
rigbl, title, interest, estate and claim of
wnatsoever kind the parties, plaintiff and
defendant bad it the dare o' ai1 decree in
and to the following deec ribed premises,
to wit:
Tbe southeast quarter of section twenty
six, and the northeast quarter and 'be north
' half of the southeast quarter of section
thirtj-five in 'to b chip twehe, south of
range four, west of the Willamette Merid
ian in l.inn Connty, Ores on, containing
focr hundred acres, excrpt therefrom the
following described premises, to-wit: Be
ginning ol- tbe half section line at a point
fifty five rods east of the northwest corner
of the soetbeast q tarter of section twenty
six in townihip twelve, south of rnge four
west of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn
County, Urtgon, and tunning (hence east
twelve rods and ten feet; tbeoce south
twelve rods and ten fee.; thence west
treive r'orti and ten feet, theme north
twelve rods and ten feet to tbe place of oe
siouieg. containing one acrt deeded to
School District No. ?0 in Linn County,
Oregon. Right to reject any and all bids
Uated at AJbacy,Jregon, th;s 20th da
of March, 1899.
J. A McBbids,
the urdersigned has by the County
Court of Linn Couuty.Oregon, been duly ap
pointed administrator of the estate uf Har
riet Foi'er, deceased, and bas qualified
such administrator
All rersocs having claims egainst the
estate of said dt ceased are here! v r nnired
to present tbe tame properly verified as bv I
law required. 1
This the 20lb day of March, 1899.
Administrator. '
Notice is hereby given that tbe annual
meeting of the Albany Mining and Mill
ing Co. will be h M at tbe office of C. G.
Burkbart on Apri' 27. 1897 pt 4 o'clock p.
m. of said day for tbe purpose of electing
7 dire tors t.ieei vfl for one year and tbe
transaction of such other business as may
legnlly come before the meeting. By order
of tbf. board of directors.
C E Bbowbell, C U Borkhabt,
Sc. v Pres.
HAY FOR SALE, We will sell at our
warehouse during this cek cheat
1 ay $7 6(J per ton, No. 1 timotb) (stTittly
i boice) $9 .00. M. Sf.ndkhh & Co.
Albany Oreeou.
Offices, Hank of Oregon Building.
Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. ,
womp ete set of maps and plats.
FOR SALE. Household fnrniture of
all klmls, atClieadle residence near
orner of Fim and Haker ttrteta.
Jaily Democrat, ao cents noi
W.00 per advance, SO pi wrl
not in advance. By carrier, lOo pei
week. 10 per cent added if allowed c
run over months. Single copies 6c.
Weekly, 11.25 In advance; l.50 at eno
)f year; 11.75 for second year; $2.00 fot
Jhird and proceeding years, when not pais
in advance. Clubs of five pew subscribers
at $5.00.
Press Comments.
From the Eugene Journal.
The Willaniettte valley Is perhaps the
finest spot on the face of the earth to live
In, taking into consideration the soil, cli
mate, scenery, health and everything to
make life attractive. It is limited in
area. Tbetefoie, the land is now a val
uable as land in Ohio. Indiana, Illinois
Iowa or any cf the Middle Western
States, and mnst in time become the
moat valuable on.the western continent,
equal to tbe soil of Italy near Rome
worth hundreds, in many places, tbon
sands of dollars per acre. People who
have not sense enough to see and under
stand this, who think land in the Will
amette valley ought to bs a great deal
cheaper than the grasshopper plains of
tbe cyclone belt east of the Rocky moun
ains, which was not settled till long after
the mossback bad taken up all the land
in the Willamette valley, should not
come to Oregon, for they will nit be eat
fid if tbey do co n e.But who
know a good thing when they see it, and
will be satisfied to work lor a living wil
find plenty of room and varied opportu
nities in any patt of Oregon, and a very
pleasant country.
From tbe Jacksonville Times.
There has been considerable talk to
the effect that the S. P. Co. will make a
continnons system ol ' the local trains
which run as far as Rose burg on one
end and to Redding on tbn .other, and
give northern California and southern
Oregon.two passenger trains tally. This
wsuld be quite a convenience. However
it is doubtful whether we will be thus
be favored, a the railroad company is
not given to affording tbe people such
luxuries unless there is big prcfit in it to
From the Pendleton E. O.
There are already 300 new saloons in
Manila. Imperialism and 'expansion
promise to do a great deal for the liquor
business Suppose the 9,000,000 of tr il
pinos take to drink.
Col. Jim Smith, of tbe California .vol
unteers at Manila appears to be trying
how many kinds of a douk?y be can
make of himself. He takes his men out
to attack the inanrgenta where there are
none and whtn be finds them, or they
find bim some here else, be retreat
and sends back for reinforcements and
tbe Washington boys on one occasion
came near being wiped ont through his
ack of military knowledge. Yrt the
California papers are booming him as a
second Stonewall Jackson.
Fro mine La Grande Cbrouide.
The Torrena system of registry of land
titles is fairly in opera! ion in Massachu
setts and Chicago. It bas been sustain
ed by tbe courts. In Chicago about tfty
applicants have been filed under tbe law
watb the recorder, who with tbstxami
ner constitute tbe new land court. In 8
case decree of title have been entered
and the realty involved cu be trans
ferred from tbe owner to a purchaser
with an insured title as easily a a load
of potatoes can be made to change bands.
From the Portland Dispatch.
All over the country the papers of the
National Editorial Association are De
voting hundreds of columns to advance
write-ups of Portland and Oregon, in
connection with tbe greet congress of
editors to be held here next Jo y. is) far
as'we have seen, nearly all their sketches
ot scenery, climate, resources, and ad
vantages and attractions la general, are
taken from Colonel Pat Dooaa'a book oh
Oregon, Washington and Idaho, which
was issued by tbe Oregon Railroad and
Navigation Co., and a copy of which
was sent some time sgo to every member
ot tbe Association.
From the Astoria II raid. .
Each Scholar in a high school in this
state cost tbe taxpayers 94.50 a year and
each criminal costs them r150. The
more high scholars there are tbe fewer
criminssl. The lesson in economy to be
learned is very simple. Yet, if tbe
criminals were made o work tbey
would be more fitly punished and less
The Albany
Represents the leading Fire sni?
Insurance Companies.
Wholesale dealers in Wheat, 0J, nay
and Wood.
Correspondence solicited.
Oliver Plows Kew to
-OPS..N.- 3flOs, Agents,
-Uany, (Tegou
wiivei gave the voi'd the chilled p
And it bassuveu iuori u.oney
.- t,,ne 'armer of America
v. itry other implement ever proojot.
wouus wiwr cnuiea are tbe beat ea
serth. The Oliver is a promoter of bappi-
aw on ids inn, ana ine dealer who -M
utknows he is i.andling the best. Loot
Ct tor imniitatior' and touch nothing but
be genuine goods, made rnly by Olive
Chilled plow works.' Sonth Bend, Ind.. T
S A.
Noti is hereby given that funds at
on hand tc pay city warrants Nos. Ibl
to i98 inclusive of the issue of 1898. in
terest on laid warrants will cease with tk
date of this notice
41rany Or., Jan. 9, 1809.
E. A. PaBKik
City Tressnret.
Ground Floor
Dental Office J
Vard Littler,
Broadalbln, St.
Albany, Oi
Dentists. .
Odd Fel.ow's Temple, Albany, Gr.
All work carefully denenoder lata
M iss Langs far irst class phetes.
The Filipinos are raising the white
flat all long the line, but so long as
Aquinaldo Is left there will be fighting.
He will bushwhack from the jungles in
the furthest corner ot the island.
Those people who started back for Da
kota yesterday tram this land of superior
climste should read the d'spatches about
tbe furious snow storm that is raging in
that state. Had thev had the judgment
to locate in a farming section like this
valley instead of in a section that has
few qualifications for good farmiog tbey
would have been a contented lot of peo
Now it is plain enoigb that the United
States, which set in to tree the Cubans,
will always retain its authority over the
islands, and it is very doubtful il tbs
Cubans ever do form a government that
will be recognized by us. If it should
happen, a is evidently beiiig planned,
that tbe U. 8. will annex tbe island, and
govern it we will never be as bad a tbe
Spaniards were, and yet we have office
seekers almost a rapacious a some of
tbe Spaniards, some who wonld ss soon
rob tbe people under them in order to
fill their own pocketbooke.
In the Associated Press s re
frequently eeen now
of increase of wages in easier n factories.
To judge by this news one aonld corns to
to tbeconcluelon thatbu,m ss is booming
in the east and all tbe factories are busy.
The truth is, wages are being increased
in only some instances mostly bv the
fusts, which have, at the same time,
reduced their fores, simplv increasing
the wg. s of tbe csmparative few re
making iu their employ. High wages
for labor have s-en their beetdavain
this country lor many srars to come.
K. O.
Tbe Pendleton E. O. continues to ob
ject to debt and says :
Debts sre being u.d quite rapidly
.these days. The volume of debt is on
tbe increase. Tne harden ot interest ie
therefore becoming heavier and heavier.
Eoormous capital s ion does not mean
good times. Greater tbe returns upon
capital sooner the house tt cards, sop
ported by tbe Institution of debt, will
tumble. Nios men rut ol ten should get
out ol debt and stay ont. The one man
makee it a business of ge-ting ont of debt
when he sees nine getting in.
. The weakest argument in favor of ex
panaion is one made by some religions
journals, that the arqoisitioo of these irr
lands will sooner christianize tbs inhab
itants . If there is any I Ling in tbe argu
ment then it is onr busineee to annex all
the islands of tbe seas and tbe Pagan
lands of tbe world. But the fact is the
gospt-l can bedspread without owning the
county into which it i taken, and no
better wben owofd. Tbs Philippine is
lands is a (ample. Far aheai of tbe
missionaries there are already in and
around Mani'a three bnndrtd new sa
loons, and it is said that ot tbe young
men who have gone there as soldiers and
otherwise from this country, fully 20 per
cent have contracted loathsome disease,
Tbe ccnUminaling influence of such
people will do Christian!! v more barm
than good. Tbe idea of conquering a
people by warfare in order to christian
ixe them is a foolish one.
W. T. Haines, Attorney-General of
Maine, eays:
1 expert to see tbe greatest panic the
eonntry ever saw, in lass than 5 years, a
a result ol trusts. All kinds ot proper
ties are being sold to trusts for twice
wbat tbey are worth, upon which stocks
sad bords are being issu-d, and tbe in
credulous public aie inventing their
money in tbe same. Genaral bankruptcy
and panic will soon r or later be the re-
su't of these great combinations.
And A. A. Goddard, Attorney General
of Kansas said :
Another and very serious danger to
this country growing ont of the forma
tion of;trosts sndTenmhinrs and one that
may strike every business and every sys
Urn in tb country. U i t-ndency to
create these cirp' i i.s itb stock
based upon fictitious v!ue. thereby io
creasing speculation, which may take
the form ot the Booth Sea Babble end
result in a general panic and a period of
financial trouble rod depression through
out tbe country.
Both Mr. Haines and Mr. Goddard are
From tbe woild
More industrial trus's nd monopolis
tic combines weie lor ait d in 1S98 then in
the entire quarto of a ceotory since the
! Standard Oil Company, patent and pat-
' . I . ' I A .
tern oi Ao-ericao monopoly, nrsi oegan
to destroy competition in illuminating
7 be total ot industrial trust stock and
bonds sutbortxed in the first two months
of this year wastl,106.X).O0O,a against
a total of 9I6,IT6 for the 12 months of
Tbe Financial Chronicle estimates
that tbe total aothronx-.l output of In
dustrial trust eocnr-iti frlgJ9 will ix
ceed K000.000.003. Tl''' " rxeioslr of
such transportation combines si the
coal trust.
All of these roahioationshavsae their
objects tbe creation of a monopoly, tbe
limiting of production, the control of
prices both for raw material and fin
ished product, tbe crippling or if possi
ble, tbe destruction if eompet'itioo, aod
tbe payment ol dividend on a largely In
fisted capitalisation.
Xs often a warning that tbe liver Is
torpid or inactive. More serious
troubles may follow. For a prompt,
efficient cure of Headache and all
liver troubles, take
Hood'o Pillo
While tbey rouse the liver, restore
full, regular action of the bowels,
tbey do not gripe or pain, do not
irritate or inflame tbe Internal organs,
but have a positive tonic effect. 25c.
at all druggists or by mall of
C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
A Rare Bargain.
For sale, a house and lot in a favorable
part of the city. House is a two story,
eight room building in good condition
Good well aod city water. Will be sold at
a rare bargain. It mist be sold so do not
miss this chance.. Inquire at the Daao
rat office.
H. F. Herrill
Insurance and Collection Agent Money
' loar. warrants bought Office in the
Dsmocbat buildJna , .
Cor. Morrison & Park Sta.
Portland Oregon
sTiriiiMi.ii ""J. mem
The New York Bun says : "All bail to
Oregon, the stoutest, the bravest, the
most famous it the nsvles of tbe world.'
Correct, and what Is the matter with tbe
great state ot Oregon, as strong and brave
as the battleship.
Mayo: McKlsson, Mark Henna's can
didate for Mayor of Cleveland, went
down to defeat with a Urrtble thud
back in Cleveland, Ohio last Monday.
McKlsson represents that class ot politi
cians who are discredit a to parties and
it is very preper thst the people should
rhe up against him.
During March there was more wheat
hipped from Portland than any other
point on tbe coast, a fact cf importance
to the state cf Oregon generally as Port
land Is tbe shipping point for the state,
which that city represents In tbe euei
nets. Miss Fsir, who now Mrs. Vander
bilt. wss piesenUd with a SM0.CO0
engagtnient ring. Tbe rbancea are
judging I rem the history ol tbe Vandber
bilt family, that their love will be in tbe
reverse order, after tbey have been mar
ried a ytar or to. $40,000 on one's
finger Is a good deal wben there are
thonsands'wt.0 are crying fcr 40 cents
with rich to buy something to eat.
Tbe nee. game warden Is going to
make a campaign against tbe destroyers
otsorg birds. Tbe chances are that all
tbe office will amount to will be a cam
paign against tbe destroyers ot Portland
song birds. This game warden business
will no doubt provi about as big a graft
as tbe railroad commission.
Gen. Miles performed the bravest act
of bis liftwbenabs denounced tbe poison
ous stuff issued to tne troovs under the
nameol embalmed beef. He bas lbs
greatest trust and tbe administration
agalutt him and taro investigating com
mission wreorgau'S'Hl to down him.
Only poblio opioion and support can
save him yst. Kx.
The supreme court of the U. B. baa
held the war tax to be toaetitutiooal.
Certainiy. A government is justified in
doing roust anything in time cf war, and
the way tbegevernment was being run
it was neevsaary. A matter of fa-t though
I ad the government done as ao individ
ual would have done in each a case It
would have cut off from the annual ex
pense enough to have paid tbe cost of
the war, aod could easily have done so,
for there has been an extravagance tbat
has rarely been equalled in the history
of the world.
From tbe Portland Commoner.
A striking Illustration of the greatness
of this conn try of ours is presented la tbe
act that a man can be simullaaeoasly a
candidate for the United States senste
and tbe state penitentiary.
Rockefeller was once a working man,
and Harvey beolt claims be wss o-cs a
laborer, bot they must remember Judas an apostle and the devil wss
once in heaven.
You isn't tell how much a bog a ill
weigh by bearing htm grun, neither can
you estimate tbe worth of a man by tbe
toise be mskes.
The bunting season will shortly be here
and ibe man who can borrow a gun and
eteal a dog feels justified in buying a bos
of cartridges-
Probably no man in the United Sutee
is more capable of foretelling wbat the
fate of trusts wUl be than Chauocey af .
Depew, tbe New York politician, orato
aad ficaacier, for he baa beeo engaged
in making trusts a good many yeara
Aad in an article written for one of tbs
Eastern magasioe be adatts that tbe
are bad tbiags; tbey are more numer
ous aad dangerous to individual enter
prise jost now than ever before, and thai
there mutt inevitably be a reckoning
Mr. Depew asyi there mnst come
a time when these enormous concerns
must go to pieces, and aire tbe smaller
a chance. Depew has confidence in the
ability ot the American people to eon-
ia -!. ... . .... .t... .v.,...!
www w ma m m. mu,1. i . . , H.-nicvp
their interes'a.
Albany Market
Wheat 47 -enta.
Oat 34
Efrg IS Cents.
buUerltol7 cents
1 Potatoes 75 oeaU.
Hams 10 cats
Sides 8 cents.
Shoulders 6 cents
flOORewarU f lOu.
The readers r! this paper will be
pleased to learn tbat there is at least one
dreaded deaea that science has been
able to cure in all iu stage, and tbat is
latarrn. Hairs Catarrh Cor ia the on
ly positive cure known to the medical !
iraiernity vaurrn being a const it u
Uonal disease, requires a constitution
al treatment. Hall's Oatarrb Cure
is Uken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and muroue surface ol the
system, thereby destroying tbe lourula
lion of the disrase.snd giving tbe pstient
strngth by building up the constitution
and assist iog nature in doing its work.
Tbe proprietors have so much tiitb i.i
Its curative powers, tbey offer One Hun
dred Dollsrs tor any case that it lailr to
cure Send 'or list of testiooals.
Address, r. J.CHENEY & Co.
Sold by Drorglsts, 75c. Toledo, O
Hall's Family Pills sre ths but
We bay, sell and store grain.
We make Magnolia Flour,
Also whole wheat, Patent and germ,
The Maguolia Mil'a
Tinkle & Dawion for photos.
See our two years privet olants, before
putting out that l.eke The Albany 'ur-
A few Evergreens, Nut. snd Shadu
trees left at The Aloany Nurseries.
Staudatd of the world!! The Prtal-
I nma Incubator. C. I). Bates agent. Alb
any, Ore.
Diamond photos 50 cents per doscn at
Miss Longs.
Get the best hour.
The Magnolia:
Music Miss -Milarea Burmestei
eacber of piano or organ. System tbs
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P ehuicb.
for Infants aad Children.
Tbs Kind You Ha.8 Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
K. O. T. M.
every Saturday evening at X, O. T. ft
ball. Visiting Knight Invited.
H M Newport, Com marsder.
; I
Portland is trying to get a battleship
tor a 4th of July celebration. Tbe gov
ernment should le above permitting
anything of tbe kind
A Portland paper says lottery tickets
are openly sold in that city. Uncle Sam
had better open his eyes.
The members of the'Methodtat church
of Golf Hill, Oregon, have presented
their pasfr with a bicycle, a new feature
of church work. . But it will lo a fine
thing for making nantoral calls over the
Gold Hill.
Last Saturday Mr. Byron Milluy, at
his store on Second street was fooled In
a very neat manner. A couple of boys
entered the store and one of them asked
for two bits worth of candy. Bryon did
up the candy and handed it to one of the
boys, who pulled two horse bits freut bis
pockets, threw them on the counter, and
skipped. Hie situation was appreciated
and accepted.
The Portland Mercury has a column
devoted to tbe saloon men personally and
otheiwlso, In their interest. Hers i
one: "Some people know when they
get enougn ; otners wnen tncy get en
ougli don t know anything." Here is
another: "Excessive indulgence in in
toxicants is frowned down by all reput
able saloon keepeis." Why so many
o( Keelcyito goes insane this week. If
too present rate keeps up Mr. Keeley
ougbtgto'be compelled to maintain mad-
house annexes to his institution."
The Rural Spirit of Portland says:
"The At bam y Creamery association baa
made a gratifvine success of tha rrpint.
ery industry, and the business is eteadilv
growing. i be association bas found that
it is more p rob table to conduct skim
ming stations at various points which are
tributary to the creamery than to try to
erect a number of small creameries. The
Albany creamery, recently established a
skimming station at Shedd, which has
proven a great success ,anJ now it is pro
posed to establish similar skimming sta
tions at Lebanon, Brownville, Craatree
and Gates." The Albany creamerv is
one of the best sdvertised of any on the
I J " . , n inuuiiKB
. . ' good treatment are fulfilled, are inducing
APortland paper doubts the reported i lheir 'Ut'-vc to "turn to their home,
killing of his wife by a T acorn a man! The Enemy,
while in a nightmare, and savs what is ! MMtA, April 3. A cavalry recon- i -no
doubt trim- ii'm,,,,.!.;. ! ranee north of Maloloe todav disclr U a
nuirof . i7
motion nr M.f,ini .n, .'. Li: n'es northeast of Malolos. A t-.iruimli
:sttp sr ac.n 7it"ire,uWin ,1,e r1 of
touch drive, off the incubus and brings j lhe l!,P,no-
bim to lua senses." it further says that Ohio Flection.
It cannot be attributable to Mininam. r-.v-iw u.:iti..-i .: :
boliem. The Daxoc-aAT bas heard things
privately that makes i. believe tbat the
sbootmg was not an accident. Never -
tbeiees the coroner s jury said it was nn-
doubtedly as stated by the man who did
the shootiog. The case sboold be invest -
Igated. As tbe victim was a former Alb-
- v. wv- .uKtwi,
Tbe Dxmocsut this mornicg received '
in tbe mail from Manila a couple of lead
pencil pictures displaying considerable
genius. One represents an old lady ap-
pealing to Mf Kiniey, who is stsndiog on ! utmost good fwling prevailing throagh
Ihe Manx marked "Protection." The, out. The ticket repraenting the friends
woman says: "Ob, str, I lost my bus- - of tbe charter, was eiertel bv a great
band in 61, my son in this war, and 1 1 majority,
am tts-vlng. will you protect me? ' Me-. , c ,
elioley saya: "No. I am feedicg slarv- A iiplQf Eastern Wcihcr.
log Cubans." On the wall may be seep ' Orrrnwa, la., April S. the heaviest
tbe picture ol Mark Hanoa with tit1 now Tr known here in April is falling,
dollar marks and Washington weeping. Kaiiroade and strwtcars are operated
Tbe other picture is Msrk llanos on a : ilh difficulty. 15 inches of snow since
pile ot boxes labeled soldiers bacon, to- ' Tburslay is the record,
matoea and beans mad io Ohio, tripe Gal Fnonch of It
canned goods. Klondike boxed, etc..! Ool r.noagh or It.
with Mr. McKioley i-ihdi ircm April arrival of Col.
behind the pile, while a U. S. soid. J"' nwmberof the American
ier.stao.l na- in front with nointed fin rr 1 1 hlif.pine.comn.iSHn, bus decided tbe
savs: Tbooart the man." V ho the
artist is Ibe Daisoaur does not ktow.
A Utile mashiaebasTjeen invented aid
bas been io nse for a vera) veara wh'ch
cbionicies the exact number ot tons of
eunshine. It dooto't lie
like Californ-
ians and some others who say tbat it
rains thirteen months in the year la Ore -
son. Tbe record last year tor tbe l"n -
ted States as kent in orominent cities
seatiered over the country .bowed an
average ot 2 .839 hours of irtn.l
The record for Portland, Or., was 2,:i$5
boors, aod for Alhaoy it would no doubt
DCDigner tnan that Tbe 'nstrumeat
doe not record partially cloudy overrent
ealber. only the ccmplete sunshioe.
'Tbe record at Boston. Ma., was im
(than at Portland. 5 S IS r sss In t hi
Portland varied very little frooi the
' northern citie geoerailv. the record of
the socthero cities hnncin lh in .
- f -
Cash hard ware. R. K. Ohiiog.
Garden tools at R.;tv. Ohling.
Builder's bardwaret It. K. Ohting s
The M E paraooage is being rebuilt.
Foster is to nave a store ruu on to
mutual plan,
Tbe Dawson Tea Co. is in Junction
City this week.
The ice works will start up tomorrow
for the season.
The Lebanon Exprese-Advance is now
a semi-weekly the size of the Dailt
Keptrl from tbe county generally con-
tinue to be tavoraole to tt.e fruit crop.
Prune are said to be in excellent condi
tioo with very. few exceptions.
C. A. Hsrrisoo, of Seattle, has leased
the Perkins hotel of Portland, a popu'ar
resort lor Albany peoplr.
A couple of youn men last evening
while fouling broke a seven dollar win
dow at Conrad Myers store. Fun comes
liigri tometiuies.
722 votes were cast in the Eugene elec
tion last Monday. The new mayor, Dr.
Harris, wss a resident of Albany for sev
eral yearsjeaving here fir Eugene aoout
seventeen years sgo.
W. A McClain, ot the police force, has
sued tbe Consllis & Eastern for l5,noo,
on account of damages received by ao
accident on Nov. 17, IS96 at th bridge
over tbe bsntiam, suit for which wss
heretofore begun in this county, but
The Fair.
....Just opened a
new line of Rugs,
Portiers and Lace
We offer a nice button hele
99C pair.
very nice fortiers,
PI. OO p,ir.
And grand bargains in new Sptlng
rattern Kugs.
Rem mherwe are at our TEMPOR-
AKY Location 4 doors west and on op
p3slte of street trom old room.
Pf openli and an Abiinflant Harvest
sr. miirnl only to Hiom who OPK TESTED
SEKOS Hnl rxi turoiir liliMiratnl Ca
alogit. wis wiv. niun.) by Hiruhuinjr trom Hi. '
WMU. tiul Retail Mni
TS I.TO JAI. aatiraaseata, ral.
l,L SKK08 ulil .1 lowMt prion Avnt. Wn
Llberml dbcounta, but NU-iEKDb sold ou t
Cnr Cao.tlpaclon rarvv.
Take Oaacarata Candy Catbartl Klo or Ha
tl C. C C iatl to ob- s""uit ircar1 "tons'"
I-ntc News Id Short Form.
A stiight Contest.
Manila, April 4. Gen. MacArthur re
connoitered in force this morning with
Montana regiment, f he 4th cavalry and
two guns of the light artillery as far as
the river north of Alalolos. The recon
nois atice developed that there are about
1000 rebels armed with Mauser rifles,
preparing for defense, t-bots were ex
changed, but there was no general en
gagement. Making a Stand.
Manila, April 5. The insurgents are
massing strong forces north of C'alumpit
and according to the observations of the
nenn loitering parties, they nave in
tendments there. It is expected that
haidfl Ming will lie necessary to dis
lodge them.
HarriMon Re-elected.
Cuicaoo, April 4. Carter H. Harrison
wa re-elected mayor today by a fvote of
146,914 against 108,304 for Zina R. Car-t-Tthe
republican candidate and 45,401
for, J. P. Altgeld the independent demo
cratic candidate.
Havana, April 4 The Cuban military
assembly this afternoon voted to disband
the army and dissolve. The voting wes
21 to 1 in favor of it. The muster-rolls
were left in possession of giLe execntie
cornmitte ot tbe assembly.
4 Per Cent Enough.
S.u gv, April 4. After the result of tbe
recent election authorising the iseuan-.e
of 10,000 bonds to refund city warrants
and interest was announced at the city
council meeting tonight, the ways and
j means comuitte was insu ucteJ to pre
pare an ordinance for that purpose, stip
ulating that tbe!bonds shall run 10 veara
and be in denominations of fj'-O to 500
and shall draw not to exceed 4 per cent
j interest
Change of Bsj.
Hono Koso, April 3. Aquinaedo has
been advised by his envoys Lerw to move
his rebellion '.to Midnanao and other is
lands sside from Luzon. Arrangements
are being made for large sbipmeuts of
supplies, !ood, arms, etc.
Returning Home.
Manila, April 3. The natives contin
j coming in aU along the American lines.
iiml im;. iK.
ue vj mum w uieir Domes, i bey are
- Ohio todav were genri for municipal
; and township officers J j
1 AtlCieveiand there was a decisive'
democratic victory on the Lead of the'
s ticket onlv.
S At L"rtna, the "election resu'ted in
overwhelming victory for the democrata !
. ti fcuv um ums in yeatv.
i I n the smaller cities, as well as in the
rural districts, the republicans claims
WooUburn Election.
WooDsrax, April 3. The city election
the tir.t for otfioera under the new
charter passed off quietly today. The
"""mission to iae a proclamauon to j
ret ' ' cvnums oo reter- j
;ence whatever to inJtpendence, and calls!
, tor an nncoediUdnal surrender of Aquin- S
' aldo and bis form. !
All round Maloice while flags are Ulna
: waved by gronp of natives and deserter
trom aquinaldo S army.
Reevtfngat .Malolus.
' MuKtu April 2 The Americun troops
! under lin. MacAr..ur are stilt at Uaio-
!. here every wh-re has been quiet to-
Hoftilitiea eUewbere, ao far as
.omciallv retMrled. have been limited
dunng the lart 2t bour to an occasional
J "change of shots.
Quite a Change.
PosTuijtD. Atnl 2 By a chance of
ttme the Southern Pacific train for
i n Francuo til leave Portland at 7 P.
M" inled of 6, a at present, and will
"c rrancisco at a. M.. ut-
Tbe north bound train will
i leave 8an Franciscu at 7 P. M. instevd of
f &, and reach Portland at 8 A. M. instead
j of 9.30. Inning cars will between Ulen
jdale, Or., and feedding. Cel.. and tbe
1 eating stations at Ashland ami Sissons
will be discontinued.
j Blown Up.
i Sarrut, April 2. A PosUlnteliigencer
special irom fcwrett, wash., says:
A powder car, belongitg to a Great
Northern freight train, blew np this
morning, killing one tramp and wound
ing two others who were riding in an ad
joining car.
Fig Losaca,
Cmroo, April 2. The Itecord'a Taco
ma, Wash, special, says:
Foreign business houoes lost over I,
0X),0CW by the destruction of lloiloby the
Filipinos before Oen. Miller captured the
'nainlese, model 1899 $ 75 OO
Ohainleee, model 1898 65 CO
Chain, model 1899 SO OO
'hair, model 1893 5 OO
laur, model 1898 40 00
Hanford, Pattern 1899 35 OO
HartforJ, Pattern 1898 30 00
iVlelte, rsttern 1899 25 00
CT For 22 yeara the Columbia linsof
bicycle have been tbe best,' and now,
navingbeen reduced so low in price,
don't be satisfied with something "just
s good," but come around and get the
snuine article.
A N'TED Several good second-hand
icycles In trade for Col um bias.
A Big Offer.
Subscribers paying np and one year in
advance, to the Dicmocrat, will, npon re
quest, receive the Wbsjclv Dkmockat lor
oue year, and t' e farm Journal ot rbtl
adelpbia, for FIVE years, for the price of
the Dkmochat alone. Subscribers to the
Daily can have the privilege by paying
Six months injadvance.
This la limited to one Hundred sub
scribers. First come, first served.
Tbe Farm Journal is a 24 para baser.
sometimes larger, full of live farm news.
A copy way te seen at this office. .
In this cify has seen the
CorBtt in ih l .A T,Zll'i"""l'.ul'" we lamoos K St U
rset in tbe Ladies II
some oth. Tm.,Tk ."':' L'uurD' delineator or
the I
R & Ci
!l!.dniJ 'til hf.Pl?!!,M'd f0 ,how ' hem 10 the " women ir.
and to tbe otber aix women ain
h number 397
1,1c PVPUl" ly,e, 'Dd
S. E. Young & Son.
"Silver plate that wean.
mark IUT
on spoons, forks, etc, is m. guar
antee of quality the world over. ,
The prefix 1847 insttrestiiegea-
nine Rogers quality.
The Old "Reliable"
Albany Nurseries
Offer tor Spring ot IS99. a very complete list ot standard varieties of
Fruit, Nut Shade and Ornamental trees, Erergreera, Flowering throbs.
Climbers, Small Fruit plants ete.
Roses, '
We invito esoecial attention to onr iiet ol Noveltire which ioc!ade the
celebrated Lambert Cherry. Winter Hart let I Pear, Elberta Pech, Imper
ial or Giairac Mam, Giant, Willamette and Pad 5c Prunes, Logan berry,
Himalaya, Giant Blackberry. Maroon Straw nerry, etc., etr..
we aim to grow tbe beet stock possible aod sett it at a reasonable cgnr.
Late keeping Winter Apple a specialty. . .
Visitors made welcome at our gioonds.
Albert Browne.!, Albany, Or.
$40 cash $40
For the Best Wheel Ever Built
Fitted With Special Heavy Tread G. A J.TISE?.
Next to the Rambler io quality and prtce is the .
FredT. Merrill Cycle Co.
The Photographer
Now makes the Largest
and Smallest Photo:raphs in
lown with all the popular
styles and sizns between
them. -
Small fize Photo for
50, 25 and 15 cts.
-per dozen.
First quality Gloss aad
Platino cabinets at regular
priefs. .
Next door to Postoffice Albany.
For Bargains
In Farm Lands, Timber Landj ami
Cllr Iroiertv, call on or write
" S. S. STEELE & CO.
Albany, Orcea .
Second Street between Ferry anc
Wholesale Retail
Pore Drags and the finest snd I ry
Stock of SUtioosry and Boos.
n the Market.
- I'nequaled
In the Valley.
la Un9urpH.!N
lit Oregon.
i have the lest stock li
) select from and our price
8 1 o always the lowest, quality
cntilered : .
mi r .
i in seven'
- th'e short-long corset, i. on. f
" Popular one dollar
Also a fine line of
and many Xuveliks
, 1C7, IC9, 111 Sixth f-U, Port and, Ore.
Geo. E. Fish, Agent,
Albany, Ore.
A fine new stock
Tor Sale By
- F. H. Pfeiffer.
r . is
OR RENT.- The e or room oow oc
cupied bv J M Po!lock. alter stay 1.
Oil n Charlee fteitter.
Feed Store,
Just eatt of tbe Democrat office.
Wil! keep on hand a eood stock ol feed
ot all kinds, flour, etc., which will he sold
at reaeonale prices.
130 Cords of Wood Wanted
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids I
will be received oy Ssnol Liatnct Mo. 5,
Linn Couatv. Orejrot. op to toe 15th day
of May, ISSil, at the bour of 1 o'clock p.
ui, for contract for t arnithing 1 cards ol
seasoned grub oak wood, and 10 cords body
nr, oik wooa to oe not iea man 4 laceea ta
utameter at smallest end, 4 feet lone:
atiaiybt.aBd free from limb, fir to be split
from Isrne trxs, tree from knots and bark.
All rod to be delivered at school buildings I
in sitd district as may r uirected on or
before August 15th, lSaJ, closely corded,
"ids will be teceived for all of the wood,
or t a lot ot not ies toaa so cores
Oi text this 2&d day of March, 1S99.
VlROlL Pskkcr,
School Clerk.
T70R SALE. 4. yearling, Jersey bull.
L full blooded, from soleadtd stock.!
Ptir only CIS.
tall on William Peacock,
of Clovcrdale.
Thrice-a-Week Edition
18 Pages a Week . . ,
. . 156 Pa pen a Yeat
For One Dollar
i nltaaied very kllerwate kay earept s a a
The Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tan sw
Toax World is first among an "weekly 1 j
pacers in sise. ireouencv of vubimatioa
and the frevhLMis, aoeuracy ana variety ot
moov.ienia. it nas an tne mmra ot s
W9 wmhw.
tuo i i, tterirreat H daily at the price of .a dolla
waekty Its political newt is prompt, eooa
Removal Notice.
The photograph gallery in tbe Krorxaa
Block on 1st street that has been nn.
going repairs is about completed and wid
rie occupied by Miss Long who will move
ner studio from 2nd street during the
present week. Miss Long will have one1
A the finest studios in town.
Dill Pickle.
Soar Pickles.
nn d goods first c'ass in every
Teas, CofT.e and epf cs a full line
Middle Store Baltimore BlnocG
FOE SALE Twelve shares of tk
stock of the So gar, Pice Mill and
fixture Co for sale cheap. Call on Mrs.
Rachel R gylveer at the 'residence of W
F Hammer or L H Mootanye at his office.
rOBSALh. Tbe sewion laws n. lh-
at of Ortrgoo tor 1816. '68. "70 12, 74.
78, 78. '80, '82. '85 ,89, 91. 93.
tei.ate Joornals-l&ec, '70, 'Tl, H, 'SS.
87, 'SS.'iB. '
Hone Joomais 1S66, '63, 72. 74, '85.
'87, 89, '93.
Wilii.v-i or Real I'tcperty. Tyler's Law
Glossary, CfaittjV i'leadiags. Vol. L,
Boovier's Law piiooery 2 voiame.
Bioom and Madley's t.oatnwataries 2 rob
omes. frice for the lot, $15 Call at the
Okmoc&at office.
LOB 84 LK. Fifteen acres in Ataeav,
M. wunaix room hoa. a I Birds.
small fruit, trees in beaneg. c nse to grist 1
miH, i mne from f. u iceoue cr write
to rs. K. B. Bentell. Lyons. ir.
T70B SALE. A store and HO acres of
J lan-?. 30 in crop, poet office in store
in the inidst of good farming community
. v vci uix w Ii. CSDLBBIIX.
Victor. Waro mi'r. Or.
Closing out sale at KentonsOaeh store. v 1 1
a; itu. 10 noy a smalt ti
1 ...
.anu near Aioany or xangetit. improved
ur ouiiDproTa. oiaie joem Jon, su
of acres, and price.
Address I. W feaft. Albanv. Or.
HAY. GOOD TIMOTHY, at 8 00 and
18 SO iu tOa. and eorty (red pota
toes. Biiggs. at 6"c ithd 75c per boihe!.
Call on r. H . Uugtonti, or write, at Alb
any P.O.
Millinery Opening.
On March 28th and following days, I
will display tuy fin line of pattern hats
aod o br voods. A special iavitatioa ia.
exien-ird to rh Udie of Albany.
make a speuiltyrf trimmed hu
Mas. E.M. Farg
Three doors east of tbe Dnocsuroffic
has money to loan on farm security at
tow rate of interest. Also small loans
made6a personal eeenritv.
City, county and school warrants
CoilectioBV made.
Kent col acted. Fir In
surance wntrea ta tbe followlac rare
. n4 vJthl - u.. w.-c
! CO of New York, PBOEXIX lN-.CO
uMiwu, tnsn.. LIV i.KruJL. LOS
DON, and GLOBE INS. CO. of England
C. E. Brovneirs.
Petita Prune $ 02
Tea Sifttags. fine flavor Sz'
Starch, per lb Oft
Winced Clans, (large cans) SO
Boatra Baked Beaais ; 1?
16 ox. ib Good Eakiog Powder. . 14-
t cans sardines 25
S cra Mustard Sard cea 25
S cans Saear Corn .
S gal. Pail Liht Syrup
These are all first class goods and we
eoarantee emiefactioa.
SECOND ST. - - - - - AL3AXY"
MoUr A
rrompt meals at all boor. F.-eab oys
ters in style desired Servw iunctes fcr
banqneu oa short ooticc
T70K SALE A 200 gal.
1 and lift irst das.
tub for sale cteap.-
lieuire at
arur snap.
so higbl v and lost I v nrisetf. are aaannul
by the osa oi oar ALLEN'S TOOTH
POVTOEK. which ere reals liliMntinn.
under the Cental surfaces and kwn thm
e'ear. clean, and natural ia color.- With
regular application ot this nowdsr tK
teeth will not decav and tha an
of an early wort to the resource of do
tistry i avoided. Keep your teeth as
Ions ss nature will permit. ring oar
vou to do this. Price onlv 15 r.m. n.
I have an nntimiUd amonnt d mm..
ta loan on Farm Security, or on haste
jperty In Albany, at SEVEX PER
CENT INTEREST, th in tenet payabl
but once a year. For information an
blank applications call oa or addreee
U. v. Bntun, Albany, -
KiUcaI aQl CureJ to Oregon.
Mce IUm Baoon
1 ry a Cottage Ham.
Mkkllc Store Baltimore Block
rhjskian sad Surgeon.
Hill Block - - - - Albany. Or.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 56. Poetotbce Block.
Diseases of Women and Children.
Phone 66.
Postoffice Block Alhaav. Or
Graduate of Lenox College 1S85. Ckl
caito liomeopathio Medical College 1S90
Kush Medical college lbvs.
rwccaalettloek. Alb nr. Or.
Kesidence on 3rd street. south aide be
tween Brjadalbin and Eilawurth.
NOTICE. Have you a farm for sale
or rent or do you know of an Mr.
ton ho'ding lands that they wish to dis
pose of. If so please write to lit auent
of the O. R. A, N. Co- and he will send
yon a circular which will interest you.