The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 31, 1899, Image 3

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Foley, of Lebanon, is visiting
, Mrs. L. C. Marshall.
College Notes.
John Myers entered college March 21.
Miss Zua Skeels, who graduated from
t he normal department last year, was a
visitor March 23.
F. A. McFarltind has 'been sick the
past week.
The term examinations will soon be
gin. The term ends April 6.
At the meeting of the A. G. L. S. Sat
urday evening the program consisted of
songM Albany College quartet; im
promptu, J. L. Acheaon; essay, C. M.
Butler; impromptu, William Moehnke;
comic declamation; J. G. Swan; ad
dress, G. D. Byera; reading, C. A. Mul
key. The debate "Resolved that the
city of Albany should own and control its
own electric light system" was won by
the affirmative. Affirmative, J. H. KaU
ston and Clarence Cameron ; negstive,
B. N. McLean and V. L. Marks. J. G.
Swan, C. C. Bryant and J. K. Tyreo were
selected to represent the society in the
debate with the Monmouth Normal
school. The following officers
elected to serve for the ensuing term:
' President, L. B. Speer; vice-president,
J. L. Acneson: secretarv. Chan. Srm.
berg; treasurer, M. H. Acheson; attor-
ne y, j. n. Kaiaton; critic, J. U. Swan;
m arshal, J. E. Tyree.
Served Him Rig'it.
An Oregou volunteer, writing to a
friend in Ashland, tells the folio wing :
"The ex-corporal, a member of the Cal
fornia regiineut, who married a Filipino
, woman last October and then deserted
the ranks two days later to join the
iiiaurgenia wnere ne received a com mis
lieutenant, is
Mrs. Dr. Fole
her sister,
Lawyer Henry Conner, of Portland,
spent Sunday with Albany friends.
A. J. Jarnisran of of Linn
j county's pioneers, was in Albany today,
j Mr Charles Cusick, druggist at the in
sane asylum, was in the city over Sun
day. "Dr." J. R. Wilson, the expert pave
ment maker, wont to Corvallia today on
Mr. L. Viereck has moved into the
snop recent'y vacated by F R. Caw. on
Second Street, where he wM t foani
ready to serve the public tousorially.
Angus Graham left last Saturday night
for San Francisco to report to the gov
ernment for service. It is probable that
he will be mustered out.
Galbraith & Lewis is the name of a
successful dental firm at Lewiston, Id
aho, both former pupils of Dr. Adams ol
this city.
Prof. Martindale and Misi Ilda Elkina
of the public schools both have a birth
day together, and today is tne day.
Some of their friends will enjoy it with
them this evening.
Mrs. Rev. W. W. Reid, who has been
in Portland with her husband several
months, is in the city, at the home of A.
R. McCoy, and will remain here until
her health is sufficiently restored for her
to join her husband at Paris, Penn., tor
which place he will leave Portland to
night. Rev. Ferguson, who U to take
charge of the Portland U. P. church,
was to arrive Saturday evening
Speaking of the marriage of Mr. En
yart, of Medford, and Miss Cannon, of
Albany the Medford Mail says: The
groom has been a resident of Bedford
for ten years and during that time has
been engaged in the banking business,
nmcii uuainess ne will continue and ai
soon as the new bank builiiinir ia mm.
plt-ted and the Medford hank in lannoh.
ea lie will assume chaive- thereof a
cashier and manager. His career as a
business man in Medford baa been a
very successful one and he has proven
himself WOrthv Of all enpfi.tnnr. haatA.
ed. In a social war ha haa hmn nn. nt
sion as lieutenant, is now Ivincr Hp,h
shot by the Kansas boys. Thev had him I the most nrominent of on- i;.an .n.t
spotted, and if he should show himself. " every enterprise tending to the good
ne was to receive a cold reception. A
dea.rter and traitor deserves no better
iaie. lie way he came to his death was
in this manner: The insurgents were
pretty bard pressed, and seeing that he
was in a bad position, he made for the
American lines, yelling for them not to
shoot. They did not shoot his body
bad only something like 86 boles in it.
lie was buried with the rest of the insur
gents that fell. No stone or slab will
mark where he fell. Such is the fate of
deserter and a traitor."
la Meiuoriaru.
Willamette Chapter No. 30, O. E, S.
Shkdd, Ore., March 22.
Whereas, God in bis infinite wisdom
has called our sister, Mrs. N. J. Githens
from her earthly home to her home
above. That home not made with hands
eternal in the heavens, and
Whereas, in the death of car sister
this Chapter loses an esteemed member
and efficient officer. Therefore be it
Rbsolvcd, That while we mourn the
loss nf our sister we bow in humble sub
mission to the will of llim who doeth all
things well.
Resolved, that we extend oar warm
est sympathy to the bereaved husband
and relatives and that her chair (she
was warder) be draped for thirty days as
a tribute of love ana esteem to the mem
ory of our departed sister.
That a copy of these resolutions bs
spread on the records of our Chapter, a
copy sent to the bereaved family and a
copy to the Albany papers for pnblica
tion. Cuhistia B. Carpenter,
H. B. Sprexoek,
J. R. Davis,
oi our town be las always given a halo
ing hand. The bride is the daughter of
one of the most prominent farmers of
Linn county and was socially held with
out a peer in the citr, Albany, in which
she resided. Being highly accomplished
her acquisition ta Madfnivt
looked upon with pleasure by those who
viuiuurvenurciea. in groom had,
previously to the wedding, fitted np his
ucu, corner oi a ana Mxta streets,
in ood taste and the happy couple are
now housekeeping therein.
money-back tea and
baking powder at
Your Grocers
A Chief of Police with I oU nf Sand
Cuief of Police Lee today received a
letter from the chief of police New
Westminister, B. C, telling how became
out with Rev. Harris and Edna Lesr.
He says he had a big row, but gained tbe
victory, so that Miss Edna was willing to
go with her mother, bnt not back to Alb
any. Mrs. Lear said she would go to
Skagway but had not lha means and as
he was in the fight he was not going to
be beat by Harris, so ha went with them
to Vancouver, furnished what money
was wanted, with flit cabin for them.
The fare was fifty dollars, and he saw
them off on tbe Danube never leaving
the wharf till the boat lelt.
He held a warrant and bad Rtv Hairia
followed he would have locked turn op.
"He ia a scoundrel of tbe blackest type
and if ha comes in mv way i will bruise
the head of the rascal. We took Mss
Lear to be a fine voting lady brought to
ruin by that scoundrel. If there is a
hell Rev. Harris should he there, and if
none tbere should be one expressly for
him. He rot an attorney to slight the
case and I got one, bat both were on my
id. I think Miss Lear will now give
Harris op. I think Harris has left. H
said be would get even with me. Well
if be is wise he will keep out of my way.
Joii-i Cabtt.
Real Estate.
The double birthday party ofoerpiSn
ten lent Martindale and Mies lldalkinsn
of the public school at the central uild
ing last evening was a dlight(ul affair,
greatly enjoyed by the ieter teachers,
directors aud thuir fatuities and a .few
other educators present. The comb'ned
age of the two is threw score years, and
one is just twice ths number of days
the week older than the other. Prof'
Martindale was preiented with aa oil
painting if Mt Hoo.. anda slotv book
which he began reading when a boy and
never finished, and Mies Elkins with a
beautiful breastpin, attesting to the
high esteem In which they are held by
their sister teachers. At 8 o'clock a de
licious and splendidly gotten up banquet
by Mosier & McKillop. was served in the
supeiintenpeut's study, at the close of
which wuh Mayor Burkhart aa master
of ceremonies remarks were called for
ana mace by Director Wtathertord.
Prof. Martindale, Miss Elkins, President
i.e. Director Curl, County Nunerintend
ent McDonald, Miss llulse, Mrs Thrall
and Mr. Nutting. Th ae present were
2Jayo'r and Mrs. Burkhart directors
Carl and Weatherford and clerk Parker
and their wives, President and Mrs. Lee,
Miss Fosbay, Mr. Nutting, Prof, and
Mrs. Martindale and son, Misses Uulse,
Whitney, Warner, Crosby, Simpson,
Ward, Alleu, Chance, McCullo gh, Will
iams. Fortmiller.Radfleld. Mr. and Mrs.
Thrall, Mrs. Hammer and Mrs. Anna
Albany needs more houses,
Who will
T haded Pbopbktt. For several weeks
past there has been a real estate deal
pending between J.L. Wigle, of this
SI ace and V. G. Dan forth, of Detroit,
regon, but not until yesterday were
deeds exchanged. Mr. Wigle has traded
to Mr. Dan forth his residence and laun
dry property in Medford and thirty-eix
acres of land just outside the incorpora
tion line on the west, value of proierty
placed at f 4000. For all of this Mr. Whrie
gets froui Danforth hotel and store prop
erty at Detroit, valned at $2o00. The
botel ia furnished and is being rented for
(20 per month. Mr. Danforth will move
it Medford sometime daring the sum
mer, and Mr. Wigle oxpects to move to
Detroit within a short time. Mail.
Ecgexe's New Boat Eugene City's
new steamboat which has attracted some
attention on account of being built in
that city, was being loaded with wheat
today, and tomorrow or next day will
start on its first trip to Portland. Capt.
Smith has the boat in charge and will
select his own crew, and Alfred Kirkland
will act as purser and E. C. Smith as gen
eral freight and passenger agent. Alb
any people will be out ao1 sit on the
wharf and see it go by. Its anccess will
be a fine thing for Eugene
The Dkmocbat is under obligations to
Ex-Secretary of State Kincaid for bis bi
ennial -report for the two vears ending
Deo. 31, 1898. It is one of the best got
ten up.and published books ever issued
from an Oregon press, and is full of in
formation besides the regular financial
Statistics of the state government.
The net gain in membership of the A.
O. U. W. in Oregon over all deaths, sus
pensions and losses of every kind for
1898. was 669. making a membership in
good standing of over 7000. By a large
increase in young members the average
age was reduced two y..irs in 1398. Sev
en new lodges have been organized since
" last grand lodge.
N. Eager contracted for something
over 1000 head of cattle to be delivered
at1helaiiea next June at about me
following prices : 26 for cows and cal
ves, tla 'or dry cows, $23 for two year
old steers, $18 for earhng steers, $18 for
two year old heifers and $14 for yearling
heifers. Prineville Journal. .
Hiram Lampman, who was reported to
have levanted laat week with Miss Anna
McAvinney, has not yet reported to his
family in South Portland and his where
abouts are not positively known. Miss
McAvinney, however, has come back,
bat she has nothing to say about the
m.iicr xcDt to deny that she had any
intrigue with Mr. Lampman. Portland
Judge Boise's court will convene in Al
bany one week from today
Mr. Julias Gradwohl baa begun receiv
ing material for his Second street brick.
Albany and Pendleton have tbe same
number of school children drawing pub
lic money within a few.
A bicycle repair shop baa been started
next door to Gotlieb's second hand store
Albany now has four shops.
A man with a crutch and a cane was in
the city today begging. The general on
inion was that he had no use for either
Tramps are swarming through the val
ley by the hundreds, laiv. hnnerv.
thieving fellows, that is most of them.
Look out for them.
Contractors are grsat figurer The
bids lor the Dallas court noose varied
near.y $20,000 from the highest to ti
lowest, the fo. mer being nearly doable
the latter.
Not being in a position to have sea ser
pents they report from Dawson city a
prehistoric monster weighing thirty tons.
Evidently a Dawson lie.
The Portland Sunday Mnera are hav
ing their hands full keeping track of the
ministers who have been miner wrnnv in
Oregon recently. One of the papers
writes up nve in a single column.
The Salem Journal will . nblish how
the members of the state legislature vot
ed when the journals are ready for it.
The Democrat will give those of particu
lar interest to oar readers when given.
v ood men of the World will give a big
entertainment Wednesday evening.when
: 1 1 i 1 . i r' i
uu, fivicraiu win miuerea memo
ing an address by Mr. Wheeler, of Calif
ornia and a banquet g:ven.
Tbe remains of Mrs. Albert Hnnt were
brought from Scio to Albany last Satur
day evening and buried in the city cem
etery. She was a member of tbe Rebek-
ans, who conducted the services at the
War has been Declared between France
and Germany in Albany, fortifications
nave been erected, batteries set and the
indications are that tbe struggle will be
long. Saturday the cable was cut, and
txact information cannot be secured of
ehe progress of tbe contest.
Will of Christina Zytett convey iog
property to heirs $
John Zysett to Samuel Zysetc, 200
Addie McHargue to A A Tussiug,
70x105 feet and 1 lot Brownsville
Anna M Smith to G M Weelfall,
Int in Lebanon
J E Berry to J J Gilliland et al
piece land Sweet Home
Estate J J Show to J T Hunt,
int in 4 acres
JJ Dubruille trustee eta! to O E
Krause, 27 acres aod Maptewood
E E tlammacr. to J M Settle, 30.02
P L He!e to Frank Skipton, 44
feet front 2nd St
John Beard to A O tiadton, 1 lot.
L J Honck to A A Hudson, 3 lots.
David Smith to Albany Farmers
Co, t acre, at Tallman
Waller W Crabtree to P P Crab
tree. 60 acres
P P Crabuee to Waller Crabtree,
to acres
Thos Reily to Thos Cunoiff, 80
acrrs.12 w 2
J E Stewart to J M Settle, 80 acres
and to Albany
O A Wheel-r to'V Pietrocb, 824
Albany Building Association to J
Gradwohl, 60x54 feet
J W Scanland to Mattie Currie, 3
lots Lebanon ...
W J Tur nidge to A Reicber, 40
acres 1 E
J A Bilyea to John Sbiodlr, 351.
1 cres
3. TO
The Irait growers a- bav io tbeir
orchards and frnn present sppearances
til ere will be a fair erop ot trait.
Smith has continent! to make
Council Proceedings.
Tuesday evening, March 28, 1899.
Present Mayor, recorder, acting mar
shal, street sjperintendent aod Council
men Galbraith, Dannals, Pfeiffer, Send
era, Richards aod Graham.
The following bills wereoidered paid:
IODicke; $1,60, U O Harkoe $1.60,
Van Wink; and Redfie'd, ex erts. $30,
Sam oin $S, Etec'rio Light C. 1142.65.
Second street betweeo Montgomery
and Lalmyecte was ordered graded and
graveled as petitioned fur.
QTue alleys were ordered cleaned and
oilier iiDpruvHQisoU made.
further lima wss granted the ordi
nance com cui (tee in the preparation ot
tne proposed ordinance on business li
A new sidewalk was ordered on the
eootu Ptde of 5th street between Jeffrr-
sou ami Ibor-t- n
Petition of Davis A. Callavan for privi
lege of erecting a corrugated iron abed
in lira limits was referred.
Upon motion ol Councilman Galbraith
the report of the expenaoo the acconou
of tLe city officers waj referred to the
committee on waya and means.
ornrmi naewaig improvements were
oraerea made '
I. K Weatherford on behalf of a pro
posed company of local and eastern capi
talists asked for proposed franchise for a
woras company liicu pro-
prmmm 10 D'ing aome pure waivi from one
of the streams ot tbe North Santiam. A
com mi tea consisting of Messrs Sea leri,
Galbraith and Uraham waa annointatil m
confer with tbe men- bers of the prop-
d company in reference to tbe franchise.
Cfoo motion of Councilman Galbraith
a committee was appointed to confer
with the holders of the ciiv bonds iobm
if a redaction in interest cannot be secnr
ed. Committee. Galbraith. Pfeiffer r,H
Upon motion of Councilman fieiflsr a
commutes was appointed to sonfer with
the Electric LLjht Co with a view to ob
taint, g a redaction in the price of lights
Mr. V a-on, of tbe corn-any, aa present
aod spoke on the s object to tbe effect
mat present price waa none too bigu.
Killed by Her Husband.
A strangeragedyloccurrbd in Tacoma
this week that will be of particular in
terest to old Albany people, tbe victim
having been a teacher In our schools fif
Ule?. f5n,T ,e'r" K0 I)u'iK the
night Dr. Charles R. Corey took his re
volver from nnder bis pillow while in a
nightmare and shot his wife twice kill
ing her. Tbe coroner's jury foaud this
to be a fact, and the neighbors swore to
the happy relationship of the couple, so
IhM there was no doubt of the troth of
tne nuBoaoa s story, in hisdrfsm torey
saw some one louowing bis wife trying to
oiau ucr, wudu uv iuqi me revolver and
nreo airecuy into nis wile's head. Mis.
Corey, a leader in Tacoma society, was
formerly Miss Cans, teaching in the
schools of this city, while bera boarding
at the home of Mrs. Dr. Tate, sotno
Dkmocrat is informsd.
A Spring Song.
Robin I hesr vour morning song ;
It sounds liks the music of spring
Trill out your notes, trill loud and long ;
They surely will your sweetheart bring
What makes our heart so light sod glad
Is it the tresses of tbe sun f
Or can no heart of bird be sad,
Witn such a mate as you have won?
But now sweet bird I think again
Perhaps it is tba pretty noers,'
That swell your heart to i hat sweet strain
Aod ks you twist tbe April showers
. H. C.
- Sodsvitla, Ore.
Letter List.
Following ia th lint of letter remaiuing
in tbe rostoffioe t Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Mar. 28 1899. Persons calling
for these letters ini,t give the date on which
Ally, W nibell, Mr Charlie
Coltie. Mr James Dillon, B
Hulben, Mr W J Jones, bamael S
Parklnn, Mr W fciodavi, Mr John
Vneler. M D Woodruff, J W
Waits, Mr Dennis (dead letter)
Ward, W 8 (retornsd letter)
Witenstiiroan,Mr Fred (German letter)
People ot high and low degree, busi.
nets men as wall as others, should re
member tbat revenue stamps will not
py pMiageoa iwiers. I ou lose your
Mu,pa idu yonr letters isu to go, by
placing them thereon.
S. S TaAijr, P M.
llOOHewartl 10U.
The readers rf this paper will be
pleased o learn that there is at least one
dreaded deseaea that science has been
able to care in all its stsges, and tbat is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la the on
ly positive cure known to the medical
fraternity Catarrh being a constlta
tionsl disease, requires a constitution
al treatment. Hali'i 'Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, acting directly upon
tbe blood ind mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the dinease.and giving tbe patient
strength by building np tbe constitution
and assisting nature In doing its work.
The proprietors have so much fsitk ia
its curative powers, tbey offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any case tbst it fails to
cure. Send for list of testionsls.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co,
Sold by Druvgisis,75o. Toledo, O.
Hall's Fsmily Pills are the but.
Call nt J. G. Crawford's Studio,
on 2nd and Lyon s' reels and see new
and latest styles of Photos. He has made
a new series of views ot Albany, which
are (as his work tlways is) the best ever
made of this city; he has tbe latest
lenzes and best view outfit in the state.
When you want views made sea him.
Photos are finished in Plato, Water aad
Oil cu'ors. lbs time will expire the 1st
of A ril for free sittings to members of
secrt t orders.
The Photographer
Now makes the Large
O 11 . lit
auu omaiiesr, rnoto2rapns in
town with all the popular
stA'les and sizns between
Small eize Photo for
50, 25 and 15 cts.
per dozen.
Firet quality Gloss aad
Platino cabinets at regular
Next door to Postoffice Albany.
Photos, 15 cents per dozen to f'X at
Tinkle and Daaaon.
Stamp photos 100 for $1.09 at the new
studio opposite P. O., Tinkle & Dawron.
We boy, sell and store grain.
We make Magnolia Flour,
Also whole wheat. Patent and germ,
The Magnolia MilU
Another Burglary.
What nobler, better ambition can a young
couple have than to live loving, belpfid
live and then, in a green old age, look
back over a life that haa been mutuaHj
elf-sacrificing, useful and successful? Th
one great stumbling-block that stands be.
tieen most married couples and this ideal
Xuried crr U ill-health. If both hu
bind and wife would take proper care of
their health, there would be more hale,
hearty and happy old people in the world.
If when a man 'suffers from the little ills
of life, he will resort to Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, the chances are that he
will avoid the big and fatal illnesses. This
erest medicine gives a man a healthy
tungV? facilitates the flow of digestive
Juices, invigorates the liver, purines and
enriches the blood and builds firm, muscu
lar, healthy flesh tissue.
It is an old saying that women are hard
to kill There is some truth in this, as far
as the majority of illnesses axe concerned.
Tbm U one class of disorders, however,
.i... nnrl ermine auv woman s gen-
Vtal health; No woman can retain her
strength who suffers from weakness and
. ... t .- . . MMH tmnnnonr or.
qiseasa qi me acuuvc -
vans that make wifehood and motherhood
7.;m. tw m.nvi, TTsvorite Prescrip
tion is an unfailing cure for all disorders
tnis oesenpuon. ll acx oucvuy "
aensitivrOrgaus concerned, in a natural,
sooth inr, way. It makes them strong,
healthy and vigorous. It prepares them
to bear the burdens of maternity. It ia
the greatest of nerve tonics. The woman
who uses it will bear healthy, happy child
ren, and live to a ripe old age.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate the stomach, liver aud
txnrela, Vy all medicine dealers.
One to Malolos.
A Webfoot day.
Simonton's splendid band was out last
evening serenading with come choice
Salem stores will closa at 6 o'clock dur
ing the sumaier beginning next Monday,
except on fcatu'dsys.
There is a railroad rumor at Bosnbnrg
that the local will b extended to Bedd
ing, which would make a day train from
Portland to San Francisco.
City Cou-cil tonight. It is probable
tbe business li cose ordinance will be
pieeented and continued until tbe next
Some one haa figured oat six marri
ages among rromioeni young people oi
Albany that will take place within a lew
Tbe Ladies ot the Maocabees will give
a social aod entertainment at their hall
Friday evening March 31. Tba public
cordially iovited. Admission 10 cents.
ChaDlaia W. 8. Gilbert. iiU the Ea
gene Co. at Manila, bas filed an applica
tion lor similar poeiuon in too navy
Chaplain Gil bait is all right.
Tbe contracts for carrying the mails
wss let yesurday afternoon to Wren C,
Stellmacber at 120 a month, and tbe
mails will be carried by bim in bis de
livery wagons at fall speed .
Mr Ralph Ohling. who bas been in
hardware stores at Albany and Eugene
for ten or niteen years, bas rented tne
tore adjoining Crawford's gallery and
will open a hardware store wunia a snort
Attorney Gensrsl Blackburn bas given
an opinion tbat an insurance agent may
uuder tne naw law. take insurance in any
part of tbe state, a question over which
there bas been considerable dispute.
Wm. Faber, of the Albany Brewing
Co., bas purchased tbe Beer Hall of
John Von Peas I aod will take possession
on April 1st. John McCurdy and Jacob
Uutiweiier win nave charge ol tbe place.
uoseourg Keview.
A Salem dispatch says that Attorney-
General Blackburn, in an unofficial opin
ion, rendered at the request ol Sberin J.
A. Hunsers, ol Lino county, in coustru-
ing section 2341 of Hill's annotated laws,
k;-.fl.;. .i.A.m ... it .
week lor prisoners sna fa a week wners
tbe number exceeds lour, ssys tbe pro
visions of the section are so clear and un
ambigious tbat they need no construct
ion, qaoting as bis opinion its provisions.
Albert Shaw, the trick Rambler bi
cycle rider arrived in Albany this noon
and will give an exhibition tt tne vance
ball tonight, to which there will be no
admission fee. Mr Shaw has been here
before and is one of tbe beet riders on
tbe cosst.
Mr. E. A. Paiker is confined to his
borne with pneumonia.
Thomas Holman and daughter, of
Q. 4.. ... A
1 O CUI , u.i !' r,UUVU IIVUI IIU
tended trip through tbe east.
William Cook, one of tbe boys killed
at Manila, was a resident ol Junction
Snme of the old e:lri went t
cemetery last Thursday evring io pr-
torm th laat aci of kindne-e to the re
mains ol Mr. John U. Sberer. We
learned from hia brother tbat the de
ceased wss 7a' tears old. We feel sire
that there is some mistake in the Ore-
gooians account ol this eccentric Ciart
Slterer waa visited on'v once. Io tbe
koowledged ot te aarlum officials by an
outsider." Dr. T. f. btniili, wto wss
one a neighbor ot coherer, was a vtai'or
at tbe asylum in tbe fall of 1873. Hs
waa there to see other prties bat Sberer
recognised bim and calling him aside
asked bim many quest tens at out bis
friendsand especially hu' family Hr.
8. was among tbe first settlers of this
J sines Morgan went to Corvallia last
week which was all right, bat te care
ful James.
Mr. Dane, nf Peoria, called on na laat
Thursday evening.
George Stockton would like to bsve
soras woo) grafted on to tbe backs of bis
goats these frosty mornings.
Mr. D. E. Jonkios is breaking "bunch
grass" horses lor Geo. St "c Hon. Mr.
. Is an expert with tbe wild horses.
Oakville can boast of a tall flag pole.
a snagaains) dab, three of the handsom
est ladies in tbe state, two ol tbe faatest
walkers, four of tbe best marksmen, one
of the oldest rotten bridges in the state.
Littl Ross Btrc.
The burglars are around. Last night
d rirg tne abseuce. of Miss Bertha Ellis,
in Corvallia, a bt rglar entered hrr room
at the residence ol Martin Payne, on ibe
tir.t floor, getting through a window,
which was not fastened down. a.d optet
all the JraeranJ every thing e'ewia U
rooo. in a manner to show tbat ha waa
..... efur mocey onlv, nsing matches for a
l!... 1 1 . I u I . i . .
j iku. ur m-vrm yjo 10 run oeiongiog
t j otbe thnm Muei-al Cob. of which
e:;M E-ii;. .k. ..... . a . l.
notbiog e:e.
A Big Thing.
Pats Moobis Cass, A New York
dispatch says tbat Mrs. Fayne Moore
wis discharged upon ber own recognis
ance by Justice Forsmsnn in tbe ta-
preaas coart, anier tbe charge ol "bad
gering" Martin Mabon She war, bow
ever, held in $1000 bail on the charge ot
steal '.nt silverware from the Waldorf-
Astoria botel.
Considerable interest is being taken io
tbe proposed new water a or ks, for ti.e
first time made public last eveoing by
Hon. J. K. Weatherford bef x tbe Jty
council Mr Weatherford ai l not at
lbs pr at nt iime make public the DinM
of tbe promoters of tb enterprise, bat
l her hp men with plenty ot capita- lor
ti.e eoierpn e 111 proposed to I
tbe atr n in pipes, lis the Boil
Rati wslr of P-riiad, so that we will
be incurrd of b ii ig pure drinking wa
ter. Tba fraacbtse will no doubt be
Bangle bracelets, 23c to - 00 a
French's Jewelry store.
For spring novelties in jeaelry see
French's show window.
Cyrano chains, tba litest fad, 23c, 60c,
and 75c at French's Jeaelry store.
Ladies Saabs and Saab Baeklaa all
styles and prices. tea tbem at Frem-h'a
jeweiry sure.
A big crowd saw Albert Chaw nf Ramlm
do a eerie of fine trice ridin Ihh .
the lUmbler.attbe Vancahail last night.
ouaw u one oi tne neat ever in the city.
It is Said that Ealrjh if. Davi,tiirn a
prominent .young man of Corvallia will
be assistant warden at tbe state nenit-
entiary under Superintendent Lee.
A dispatch from eastern Otma ilia
of a tbriuiag experience by a brother of
Mrs. U. O. Coatee, ot this citv, ia wbich
hs waa draped by a botes', narrowly
scaping death .
Charles F. Kilpatrick. a fortaer North
west drummer, ia nnder arrest in Chica
go for etnbexxUog 115,000. It is charged
tht Kilpatrick was too food ol tbat
game which is tba enemy ol too tusy
drummers, poker
Mrs. Bev Harris bas arilten from
Missouri asking about her bosbaod who
baa not yet been poatad recently ol hia
doiogs. She i:i bs notified, and j i
poasible will learn what a raa. a tbe ia '
lor a bml'ind. Poor woman.
so highly aod justly prised, are assured
bv tbe use ol our ALLEXS TOOTH
POWDEK, which prevents all accretions
nnder the Oentsl surfaces and keeps tbem
Oar, clean, and natural in color. With
regular spplications ot this powder the
teeth will not decay aod tba aonovsnce
ol sn esrly resort to tba resource o I den
tistry is avoided. Keep yonr teeth as
long as natnre will rverrait. Uaing our
too to do this. Price only 15 cents pr
C. E. Brownell's...
Petite Prone $ OiVf
Te Silling, fins flavor Ti
Starch, per lb oft
Minced Clams, (large canal 90
Bostcn Baked Beans U
16 os. cans Good Pakii-g Powder. . 14
7 cans Sardine. 24
5 can Mustard Sardines 25
3 cans S agar Corn 24
2 81. Pail Light Syrup 83
nalnle, model 1899 $ "5 00
Vhainless, model 1808 65 CO
Ouain, model 1899 SO 00
Chair, modal 1893 45 OO
Raur, model 1898 40 00
Hartford, Pattern 1899 35 OO
Hartford, Pattern 1898 30 OO
vedette. Pattern 1819 ; 25 OO
EjBT" For 23 yeara the Colombia line of
bicycle have been the best, and now,
saving been rednced so low in price,
on t be satisfied with something "just
good," bat come sroand aad get tba
snuine srticl.
ANTED Severs good second-hand
icyclea in trade for Co! am bits.
Thee are ail first das goods
guarantee satisfaction.
aod mt
second sr.
At liubrult: HarncCoV
Moskr McKUlop. Proprietors
leu ill find tbe bxrgeaf sock of trgV
andr'otbtharnt-ia.hev.iset, Mj . rfoni,,, ,..;, ,llkboor,. F.eshoys
o net a .ten set in tbeeaH-e ots hundred ters in style drsired Serve luncl es fcr
set, fcvery set wameted t j K a tk a banquets on t bort notice
ba g-aia as ay factory kirnswa nad. v I
m ke ad oar b arses i, alo a f ( jvl er - I
ruiretop. !
W a
....jusi openea a
new line of Rugs,
Portiers and Lace
W offer nice button bcie
st iched edge Lace Curtain
yyC pair.
Very nice Pcrtiers, C .
9199 Pir
And grand bargains in new Spring
Pattern Kogs.
fiem-mlr we are at oar TEMPOR
ARY Lccaticn 4 doors sen ai d on op
pisiie of street from old roou,.
Oosfag Out Male. j
Having decided todiaeoafinneanrbaa. !
io bmg j i'e-. e will do oat our stock of gro-
c ne- at educrd price Consumers
sbootd avail theuitelvee c( this opportan.
ity to parcbss good goods at low price :
before it is loo 1st.
Kc!rrox'sa Stoat,
A Saw Ivct satob. M'. Bates baa a
fin locubstor, bat be will have to get a
rustle oo to f-est a coop'. of womsnjacros
tbe rivet. Recently on of tbeir hen
wbich was silting oo thirteen eggs desert
ed th oect and the eggs biearn did.
Tbe womeo tooa tKem, put tbem in -bot
water and then well covered in a basket
aod went to bed with th egg betn
them. By minting tber a ere twelve
floe chickens chirping under tba cov
e's. Tbe ladies cesir that tbeir names
be not gives.
i and was the first Lao county soldier to
l.ll ! k.llln
Aeeesior Stafford will assess Albany
this year himself. He will be assisted
tbrouttli the county by M'ssrs. Vsn
Winkle (I. HO. Bramwel!. Tern leton.
Star, Thompson, Orandall, Wbitcomb,
Hennens, Carlton and L. Thompson.
ProL Lantz, formerly! of th Albsnv
college, is now residing at Marion, Ind. I
Aa a lai inannfaprnrn(7 Vtiti im tart
TV UVI V V m"m f""aew I
or ten hands, a-'
Two California bovs ran awav from
home to see tbe world, passed through
Albany this noon on tbe break beam of a
passenger car on their way home. Tbey
bad had enough experience roughing it.
Charles Markbart, of this city, and L.
T. Dans, son of Jonas Davis of Sbedd,
sr reported to have arrtvtd in San
Francisco yesterday on tbeir way bom
irom Amanita, lorn wey were uiecuBrg
d on aocouot of illness.
Ubbe Peters. W. Oberinger. Aug.
Llnch and wife, Daniel Frey and wile,
and Mrs. Welsh, all or Albany, wjnt
home todsy after attending th German
eapust con is ren ce. xney were an en
thusiastic over th way tbey were enter
tained at Salem. Salem Journal.
Henry F. Temple, of Dufar and Miss
Bessie Circle daughter of Vine Circle of
Jtseaver Creek, who has relative in Al
any, were united in marriage on March
Tbe Camera Club will meet at tbeir
room in the Batlimore block to-night.
All interested and expecting to continue
tnair mempersnip are requested to be
present, i (me :w o'clock.
"Every Well Man
Hath His HI Day'
A doctor's examination
might show that kidneys,
liver and stomach are normal,
tut the doctor cannot analyze
the blood upon 'which these
organs depend.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalise
and enriches the blood. It cures you
when "a bit off" or when seriously
afflicted. It nevtr disapvointa.
Dyapepala-" My husband had dyspep
a and Hood's Sarsaparilla cured him.
Our little boy was nervous and the baby
bad ulcerous sores. Ji curea ooui. - a,
Kmna Bibs, Portage, Pa.
lndlgeatkn-HI could not eat tor some
monlbs on account of distress and Indiges
tion. Hood's BarsaparUla cured me so that
1 nan eat and alMn well." M BS. Q. A. GUNTZ.
Taylor and Walnut Bts., Wilmington, Del.
Sam Dogger, ot Independence, is in
tbe city.
A.J Aolyo and family bav mov d
fnm Han lord, Calil., to Uuerisey, relii.
Miss Mar ba Risley left this moraine
for Portland, where b will reside xitb
her sister Mrs. K key Willis
Miss Cora Ah xander, on ol the coun
ty's m"t successful teachers, ill open
school next Mouday at Kellogg. Hoso-
burg ttviw.
Tbe Y M C A. of I he ColVge. have ar
ranged to have a stt roplicun lectors
given upon the evening of April 28. Th
views srs prtncipaiiv mwiss. vt aun lor
lurlber annooncsments.
A floe birtbdav party was given yes
terday afternoon at th bom nt E.
Thrall in honor of the eighth birtb.lay of
Florence i brail, uames wer plsyed
and a delicious lunch was served.
Frank H . Thompson, who enlisted at
McMincville in H Co.. aod who received
a severe injury in his lac in one of the
contests nesr Manila, is a son of R. V.
Thompson, for many years a prominent
Brownsville merchant.
Grand Lecturer Wheeler, of tbe Wood
men of tbe World, arrived in Alba&y
this noon aod a ill apeak at the bail to
night. Mr. wbeeler Is a geoial gentle
man and is said to be a On spesker. He
carries a bsnd lull of rule with wbich
to get into th hearts of th newspaper
men. A balloon win go up at 7:30 o -
clock bnt Mr. Wbeeler will not bo in it.
All Woodmen and Invited guests will at
tend free.
The Dimocbat bas received a ropy of
tbe announcement of the Dental Depart
ment oi tne nortnwestern university ol
Cbicsgo. one of '.he nestest things seen.
Th graduating exercises will take pi see
on xbursuay, April o, at z p. m. in th
list or grauuates is the name of Andrew
Jackson Hodges, of this city, who will
itnmodiaiely start for home. He ia al
ready a member of tbt nrm ol Collins A
Hodges of this city. Jack bas stood
among tbe highest io bis class snd will
return bom wall equipped lor tbe bus
In the engagements yesterday at Mna
lift, or near it, tour uregonians were
killed, H. B. Adams ot Co. B, William
Cook of Co. D, and Charles Herbert and
Guy Millard of Co. L., and thirty flight
I were wounded, only one being from I
Co., Corporal Uantenbein. Brady Bur
i nett.of Corvallia of.M. Co, was injured in
toe snouiaer.
Th Vodern Vv
Commends itaell to th well-informed, to
dop.eaaanuy and effectually what was
formerly don in the crudest manner and
disagreeably as well. To cleanse tbe sys
tem and break p cold, headaches, and
fevers without no pleasant after effects,
use the delightlni liquid lalativ remedy,
Syrnp of Fig. Made by California. Fig
Syrup Co,
Hamlin's Wizard Oil Company
Wih comment. a terse ol popular en
tertainment in '.be Armory Hall Mon
day night April 3rd aad we can assur
our readers a first class show ta every
respect. Tbey carry a fine male quartet
ol v.a1its, a good company ol specialty
artists and give a show equal, if not bet
ter Hian many similar attractions on the
toad d arning five times tbe price they
do II yoo enjoy gcod singing and want
to laugh go ami se tbem Monday nibt
nd bring tbe Isdiee and children. Tue
sd .station is only 15 cent.
Three doors east of tbe D cm oca-T office
has money to loan on fsrm security at
low rate of interest. Also small loans
made n personal security .
City, county and school warrants
boo t hi. s
Collections made.
Rents collected. Fir In
surance written in th following larg!
and reliable compeote: HUM e. INS.
CO., of New York. PHOKXIX ISS.CO..
Hartlord. Coon.. LIVERPOOL. LOS-
DON, end OLOBE INS. CO. ol Ksgiand
Diseases of Women aad Children.
Phoo 66.
Post office Block AlKaav. Or
Graduate of Lenox College 1SS5, Chi
cago Homeopathic Medical Col lege 1S90
Rash Medical College 1S32.
fwccdale Block. AlHny. Or.
Residence oo 3rd street,oatfi side be
tween Brjadalbin and Ellsworth.
I bar sn noiimiUd amoQnt ol money
to loan on Farm Secori:y, or on bnetces
property in Aibaov, at SEVEN FEB
CENT INTER tST. the inter! payable
bnt one a year. For information and
blank applications cat' on or aJJree
C... BrskHAST, Albary.O-.
For Bargains
In Farm lands. Timber Lauds and
City Property, call on or write
Albany, Ores n
rhysiriia jnd Snrgecn.
Hill Block - -3-D- Albiay.Or.
Pbysicisn and Surgeon
Phone So. Postofhce Block.
Albany, Oregon
in fhis cily bss seen tb advertisement of tbe famous R AG
f orset in tbe Ladies Home Journal, Mansey's, Delineator or
some other March Magazine, and knows, therefore, some of
the important facts about "ibecorget that does not stretch."
W e have in stock a good bos of
and sill be pleased to show tbem tothe"one women inseveo"
and to tbe other six women also.
The new KsG number 397 tb sbort-loog corset, is one of
oor most popular styles, and sells at th popular on dollar
S. E. Young & Son.
Cash Store,
Portland Packsge coffee, per lb
Schillings Mocba & lava - "
Rio or Costa Rica Roat " "
Fancy Mocha & Java coffee, per lbs
Mcllwain' No. 1 Mocba & Java, per lb....
Lion Package coffee, Ilgc or 9 for
Arbuckl Package coffee, 12e to 8
Broken Koast coffee, 12 lb
The best and cheapest coffees fresh
from the roasters at
Linseed Oil Paints
i) J?JS 11?' -I fded to ocr eomplet line of mized paints,
Jilf T CD wmposed ol Pure Whit Lead, Zinc and Unseed
l' m"de byJooe of 'bee' manufacture, in this reentry,
hrn,rmntedJ cct satufactlcn or yoo get your
a7s! vTrni.beiBdrcr,, C"'
ou will find car prices correct.
Burkhart & Lee, Druggists.
At The Bazaar.
An assortment of sprirg sty:, i
the much favored
These the purchaser will find sat
isfactory in fit, finish, Tabric and
Sp as. 'I ircdnesa is different froa
th weariaea caused by labor. Tbe lat
ts cored by rest; tb first requires a few
bottles of Hooc"s Sarsaparilla to care it
That diatress after eating is cored bj
Hood's Pil.r. They do not gripe. 26c.
Vanl Littler,
Notice is bereoy given tbat lands ar
on hatid tc pay city warrant No?, ill
to inclusive ol th issue of ISftS. in-
J fj. J teres ion a.d warrants will cease with tb
uw nt lull uvwiv.
lnaav Ur.. Jan. 9, 1893.
h. A. Paacra.
City Treasure'.
Our Opening of Spring Millinery....
s ill lake place Tbarsday. March S3, and will be continued over Fri
day and Saturday.
For this Drrartment we bare secured tb service of an peri end
Trimmer. ' A complete line of up-to-date Millinery Materials and
Novelties, red numbers ot Pattern Hats and Bonnets ot choice
L. E. & H. J. Hamilton.
Ground Flocr
Dental Office i;
Iiroadalbin, St.
OR SALE. Household furniture o
all kinds. atCheadle residence near
corner of First and Baker streets.
For bargains in
Ladies and
Gent's Gold
Watches see
French theS
Odd Fel.ow'e Tsmple, Albany, Or.
All work carefully dt r.e order lat
Vicrecks Shaving and Hair Cutting
Parlors 2nd street, neitdoor 10 Sietters'
restaurant. Shaving. 10c: baircuitinr
15c ts; bath,15cU. Clean towels to every
chickens at Albany
cannot b
Cash paid for
Dressed Beef Co's.
Our csrrlsg trimmings
beaten in tbe stats.
v carry no eastern harness. We
make our bsmsrs.
DiBuciu-s Uaaasrs Co.
r The Albany
our two vears privet "plants, before
putting out that hedge The Albany Nur-
Diamond photos SO cents per dozen at
Miss Longs.
A lew Evergreens, Nut, snd Shade
trees left at The Albany Nurseries.
Miss Longs for first class photos.
Staudsid of tbe worMit The Petal
nmalncubatr. C D. Bates agent, Alb
any, Ore.
Represents tbe leading Fire aoc t
Inruracce Companies.
Wholesale dealers in Wheat, Oals, hay
land Wood.
Cormp-jndence solicited.
OMr Plows hew nn
For a good hand msds Harness go to I
Ketchuoi's Harness 6tore, Broadalbib,
between 21 and 3d streets.
OPS..NR 3KOS Agents.
Ai3any, (iregou
ne is manuiactunng nis paten
avmo lug. with eight or ten Hands, a
mong Whom is Mr Henry tronk Of this BoeS's Fills ear. Ilw IIU; th. aoa-lrrtatlng aa
1 ocly cataartla to taka with Mood BaraajpartiliC
Tha state far board wasorgniid via
terdsy at Salem, with W. 11. Webrnng
I as president and C. ). Uabrielson eis
treasurer. It took eleven balldts of tb
, nve directors present to elect a presi
dent, 'ins oat oxed lor tbe fair waa
Oct. 6at6pm t)Octl3at 11 pro. Th
me memDersuip or tne old society will
d recognized.
u"ft'C3 any other flour,
except tb Magnolia.
PRETTY HAN. In Oakland, Calil., on
March 8, Mr. David Pretty man, at the
age of 68 years.
Mr. Prettyman was for many vears a
resident of Marion county, and beca me
noted as a collector of grains and frnit
lor the lailrosd, stats islr and expos!
tion. and in fact was probab y th best
tba state ever had.
olivet gave the wot1! tb chilled p
And it has saved mor iconey
ti the farmer of America
than .tnv other implement ever produce
(ianuine uitver cnuiea are tn nest a
earth. The Uliver is a promoter of happi
noas on tbe farm, and the dealer who well
mknows be is handling tb best. Loot
Ct for invmltations and touch nothing but
ha aenuin goods, mad enly bv Ultvt
Chilled plow works. South Bend, Ind.. t
3 A. . .
TOR. SALE. Twelve shares of tb
r stock of the Sugar, Pin Mill and
Fixture Co for sal cheap. Call on Mrs.
Rachel R . Sylvester at th residence of W
Jf Hammer or i. tt lontanye at nu ottace.
CLOTHING for men, youths and boys,
A fine line ot SHOES, none better,
Slylish HATS and CAPS for men and boy
Latest novelties in Furnishings.
The best quality and low prices