I From hard work or outdoor exercise ; Soreness Dd Stiffness I sets in. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison & Park Sta. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland Oregon East South VIA SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Oo. OaUlornla tipri Train Ian roruaaa Dally Bout i ot t?M r. a. 9 49 a I 8 It a) Portland Albany San Franclaea Ar:Ma Ar S:M a Lv8:00 Ar Above trains atop at stations be tween Portland and Salem Tar ner, 3Iarloa, Jefferson Albany Tangent, Shedd, Halsey Eagem Cottage Grove, Dra'c, Oakland and alt stations from Rosebud eouth to and In eluding Ashland. :S0a I lit Pofi.' n4 Ar tfcttralLv Alb J LTli.Wra srtttm Ar Bo urg 'i TSfaM ' LBBaHOB lSOfc Leavt Hh 1 tor Lebanon 8:10 AB Arri Albany (rom Labanoa lOriO aa Lea V t tot Lebanon ataors Arrlr at A a- j from Ubanon T1V6 a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPER. AMD Dininar Cart on Ogden Route SECONO-CLaSS SLEEPING CARS AttaeheS t. all Tnraagk Tralae Va act. MtIiIm. BTWBBS rKTLAB ARB COBtAlXI Man n SUIT EieaptBaaaay iniKfM tib.aan.v :J0B If, ldt a a Ar Portland CjrvaiUa Lvll-tora ExproasTraia Daily (rxcspt otulay I I Portland McamoTill Idl w dam at : TSOml Ar SSOra Ar J.t t iS a a Lt40b RoSata tickets oo tla baiwaan Portland, Sacra nmtinHu rViv- Narueii Brat etas and 111 aaooad . Including lecrar B KOBHLBU C H MARKHAM. Maoa(ar Gen P PA Portland Orago Portland Rate an 1 ticket lomlwn point and Borop toiAPA. CtttN . H MOLUliU atl AUTB. LI A ra ba ontainM from C tBSS, A(at Albany or C S WISS ENVELOPES... ALLCOLORS ALL SIZES Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, HEW MK WORLD Thricr-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week . . ... 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar rabllaaedevery AHerwaBj ezrepttaa S The Thrice-e- Week Edition of Th b bw York World is first among all " weekly 1 papers in sue, treqoency ot publication and the fresh r. 38, accuracy and variety oi its cot. tent. It bis all tbe merits of irreat $8 daily at tbe price of a dot la weekly. Its political news i prompt, cooa ADMINISTRATOR'S K0T1CE Notice ii hereb gi-en that tbe under signed has been by the County Court for Linn County. Oicgon, duly appointed ad mimstrator with the will annexed of tbe estate of w . . McMeetin late of liama- bor?. Oregon, deceased. Ail persons bav wg claims against said estate are hereby required to present the rame properly veri fied to the undersigned at his residence sear Lawson, Linn County, Oiegon, with in six month from this date. This the 6th day of March, If 93 IAMBS VV. S WAX K, Admistraior with the will annexed of W. J.tcMeekin. deceased WXATHKRPORD A WXAIT, Atty'e for adm'r. - F HWMT I1TIIUAI. BAmt. OV A LB AWT, OUSO PfMldaat.. VleaPraatdaat QhU- .. ... ...LPi.nni . a B,Youa W. LAXODOB TSABRACTS A "--" "-i IhtaliltS ACCOUKTB KEPT aa' la to.aaci. KWT BXCBANOB at i t;trapl traaaiar, a Maw York Sa rraaaUoo.Cblcaa'e aad Fntla r.?TiOl aADCot ta.orabl I aa WBBOVoaa i B Yooa B W La am P K Ooobwi. I. u', C S. P:.ar. $10,000 DOLLARS, STOCK $10,000 a Consisting of Clothing.Gerits Furnishsno; Goods, Hats, Caps, Neckwear, en and Youths. Clothing.Trunks, Valices, -Grips, ete. HE ENTIRE STOCK MDST BE CLOSED ODT BY APR 1ST WITHOUT RESERYR Sale eveiy day at 2 and 7 p. m. until th entire stock is disposed ot. - Commencing March 10, '99. J.M Ptivate sales at all times at Oposite Cumming's Drug Sore.' St. Jacobs Oil will CURE it after a few applications, and make the muscles limber and strong. Nary Department cfficials say that ar mor for our warships cannot be bought (or $300 a ton. tbe limit act by tbe last Congress. A statement made before the House Naval Committee shows conclus ively that it could be if there was not an armor trust, formed to bleed the govern ment. One of the members of this trust old Russia three thousand tons cf tbe same armor for $240 a ton. It was claim ed by a representative of that Coin pan v that 140,000 was lost on that order, for the purpose of introducing their armor in Europe. This claim was a direct ad' mission that the armor only cost $255 a ton; yet, the trust got tbe price fixed at $550 a ton In the bill at first passed by Congress. The reduction was made by the Senate. That is tbe sort of business that makes rich trusts and disgusts those who believe in old fashion honest deal bag with the government as welt as with individuals. I! the trust can make ar mor for $255 a ton, which its agents say it can, it can certainly afford to sell it to tbe government for $300 per ton, but of course, that is no reason that it will. It will probably prefer making the next Congress raise tbe price, and the next Congress, being republican in both branches will probably be easier to control than tbe last was. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it tails to cure, 25c. Abe genuine baa l D. U a, seen tablet To Cure a Cold in One lay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. iv.. lne genuine baa 1. B. Q on eacn taoiet. WbatlsShiluh? A grand old remedy for Couch. Cold and Consumption: nsed throaeh tb world for half a centurv. has cured in numerable casts of incipient consump uon ana reuevea manv in advanced stages. If yon are not satisfied with the results we will refund vour monev. Price 23 eta,, SO eta. and $1.00. Beginning the Year With pure. ricb. health v blood, which may be bad by Ukiog flood's Sartap ri!la. you will not need to fear attacks of pneumonia, bronchitis, fevers, colds or the grip. A tew bottles of this great tonic and blood purifier, taken now, wiu be your best protection against spricg humors, boils, eruptions, that tirec feel ing and serious illness, to which a weak and debilitated system is eeperiall liable in early soring. Hood's Sarsaparilla eradicates from the blood all scrofula taints,, ones and strengthens tbe stom ach, cures dysoepehrbeumat am, catarrh and every ailment caused or promoted by.impnre or depleted blood. X-rays are not in it with our n. m sye- tem. lnz photo Co. Get the best fioar. The Magnolia r ur 80c per sack.. Try it. The Mae nol1. i The Universal Bolter makes good flour I he Magnolia. Cash paid for Dressed Beef Co's. chickens at Albany For a good band msde Harness go to Ketchum's Harness Store, Broadalbib, oeiween za ana oa streets. If any a household is saddened ur death because of the failure) to keen on band a i.fe and absolutely certain cure for croop L r a,; n r oca a. vsno aiuiuie iougn cure, see to at your little ones are prouvted against emer gency. J. A. Camming, agent. nappy la tne man or woman wbo can eat a good hearty meal without aafferina afterwards. If yon cannot do it, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests wnat you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia and indigestion. Km bay & Mason - kf yon hire a cough, thoart irritation weak Inngs. pain in- tb ctaeit, difficult breathing, croop or hoarseness, let us sug gest One Minute Cough Cure. A I way reliable and safe. Foshay A Mason Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Core, minis tersi were greatly dis turbed by coughing' congregations. No excuse for it now. foshay A Mason. "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world," said a genius. The druggist htnded him a bottle of DeWitt's L-ittJe Early Risers, tbe famous little pills. Foahay A Mason. J. Sheer. Sedalia, Mo., conductor on electric street car fine, writes that bis little daughter was very low with croop, and her ife saved af'er all physicianj had failed Inly by using One Minute Coogh Cure Faosny Mason Sick Headaches. The curse of overworked woiuankind.are quickly and surely cured by Karl 's Clover Root Tea, tbe great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price, 2o eta. and 60 eta. AUCTION I Boots, Shoes, Mackintoshes, Child . Chase, Auctioneer. Clujumj Ratks. Weekly Dkmocbat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week. World $2.00; and Republic $1.75 : and Oregonian $2.25; and Ban Francieco Weekly (Jail a.'.UOjand Haiom weetiy Journal 2.00. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The insurgent war, tlie leading event in tbe world, continues In the Phlliplne islands. Our soldiers are slapping it to the barbarians with teliing effect and it certainly can be onlv a tew days before tbe insurgents will bave no resort left bat to surrender. We are bound to make them American l itnens whether tby wish it or not. It is a gocd thing that tbs matter is being brootibt to a fo cus, for it is not very pleasant to see a war waged against a people whom we started ont to defend from the rapacious Spaniards, and yet they deserve all they are getting, viewing it from a general standpoint. They are a barbarous, treacherous, sneaking, bushwhacking people. This again reminds n tbat they are a very undesirable people for eitixens of this glorious land ot the free Several more trusts bare been formed in different parts of the U. S . and if there is anything that Isn't in the grasp ot a trust, it would be very pleasing if it would raise its hand so as to be counted. We would like to pat it on tbe bark. The octopus has hold of the people. Who ever pots the trusts down will make a home run tbat will be cheered from the Atlantis to tbe Pacific. Linn county is making ao effort to bave a county fair, but tbe effort is not very hat. It takes money to hold coun ty fairs, and iust now it is not jumping ahead with tbat alacrity tbat should characterize money when there is an en terprise ahead tbat will woik for tbs benefit of tbe county. If we are going to do anything let ns give a whoop and go ahead, if it is to be a halt hearted affair like tooth pullinj M drop it. What is the use ot go:n; ino it unless it is to be made a howling success. A poor fair does a community more harm than good, and tbat is a fact demonstrated over and over again. We bave again this wvk been showing i the world what we can do in toe line of weather, presenting t o or three after noons of ideal weather. At tbe same time reports came from the east of bor ribla blixsards and storms. Puriog tbe week tbe Dbmocrat man paw a very bright man who had rained himself by tbe drini hab't- Once be held a very responsible and lucrative position, but. ttok a sip occasionally and finaiiy it came so frequently tbat he lost bis place and was eons ont on the world with nothing to recommend bim but bis past record. Every paper tells of a case almost of the same character. If a an an wants to go sown grade iestead of op grade, a good way tar him is to be a moderate drinker. If he could stay with tbe moderation he might remain oa -a level, bat ss sure as tbe worm rota tbe apple, if oe keeps at it be will not be a moderate drinker long. Tbat ie Malory. During tbe week Circuit Court has been it session, doing tbe business of tbe term in abont four day. No eases of sreat importance were tried. Tbe lead ing event ot tbe week was tbe indict ment of an ex-coonty treasurer tor tbe embezzlement of county lunds, a very serious affair, for there is no ertite of tbe present day that deeervee more prompt and vigorous prosecution than that of taking mon.y belonging to tbe public, nor one which a mre emphatic example need to be set. It is due to tbe defendant though in such cases tbat tbey be permitted to make their defence before being convicted by tbe public. Several crimes had been committed in tbe eonnty for which indictments were antictpatrd, among them being a mnrder and the ruination of a young girl by sev eral young men. It is very doobtfal if there was safBcieot evidence in eithe r case for tbe grand jury t) make an in dictment. Since the last Saturday night thoughts a minister of the gospel or one professing to be, has skipped out with a young wo man and left this part of tbe country. Tbeie is ro greater rascality tn the social world It is time the stranger was not trusted promiscuous until be has shown his worth. It pays to go slow. An in jury is being done to an entire commun ity when a place of trust like that of pas tor ot a cboTch is given a man without characterises known by indisputable eideoce. TICKETS To all point East via Great Northern Railway. For'rates, folders and full information all on or address H. F. Mxaanx, Agent Albany. auction price Good humor will help a roan in any tinainoa. It oava to treat people court eouslv. II We take some one else's word for tbe fft-t tbat the hustler is always kept bus during tbe doll months. Put this fact in your bead and keep It there. A good law has been introduced in Alabama. It provides tbat when m newspaper apologises or retracts a state ment within five days there shall be no gcr t rds'cr M r'- San Lois Obispo, Calif., and one or two other places bave met with misfortune in the failure of sevetal banks, doe to poor crops, or no crops at all on account of the drought. Live towns bave live newspapers Stand by your papers it they behave themselv'S. Don't expect everything Juet to suit )ou, but be content with slice of satisfaction once in a while. Great minds run in the same channel. Hon. D. P. Thompson says there should be but one normal school in Oregon, which should be run in a creditable manner. This Is wbat tbe Ukmocrat said also- Yaquina Bay is to be examined by men already in the Northwest. This i good, though we bave already bad an experience in this line, all that can be asked though is tbat a fair investigation be mads and a report in accordance with the actnal finding be made. A British syndicate is organizing to fight the Standard Oil trust. That is good, if they will only keep it np, but abont the time the ajodicale Is running the chances are that it w ill be bought by Rockefeller or frozen ont . Cyrus A. Dolph, a em ot the late J. N. Dolph, has been appoint! a second lieutenant under the new bill, dne no doubt to hie political standiog and rela tionship, though we are glad to sea th. statement that he Is a competent young man and already bad experience In Ma nila A bill baa been passed in Missouri permitting iasurerce companies to insure against lose ot things by bnrglary, a new way ot maxiog money, though it will open tbe field to plenty of rascality. Perhaps no more though than fire Insur ance. A great many fires would never occur bat for tbe Insurance on tbe prop erty, and it will probably follyw tbat there will be a great many bnrglariee hat would have not occared hat for the burglar Insurance. Tbe Peoples Press man didn't vote and this Is tbe way he feels about it: "At tbe School election Monday Bon. J. K. Weather ford was elected directo., and Virgil Parker clera. two good men. The editor of this paper is act rich en oogh to vote at school eleetiocs in this, "land of tbs free and tbe home of the brave." Neither waa osr county school superintendent, superintendent of city schools aad a score of other good mn ; bat then brains don't count any more.it the almighty dollar." WO almighty dol lar uoiortunately stops tome splendid men frost voting. TH E COUNTRY NEWrfPAPEK The country newspaper ! life without yoa would bs a dreary waste. Yonr weakly visit is anxiously awaited, and should tbe mail carrier fail to bring It tbe day it ig ajepected, my heart is aad. Fifty-two times in a year yon bring me all tbe news from home. Yon faithfully chronicle tbe deaths, births and mar riages of tbe neighborhood. Yoa keep me posted on parties, church socials and village gossip, and yua tell me what tbe proa pec Is are for rood or poc " crops, as tbe ease may be. II a family romea into town or one mores away I know It tbe next week. If farmer Jones on tbe Ridge road brings in a prise pamkio to yonr office I know it, though hundreds of miles awsy,s soon ae some of bis neigh bors. Yon keep me informed oa tbe improvements that farmer Brown oo tbe Lake road contemplates making, in tbe suture, to bis barn. And wben farmer 3mitb started a ebeeve factory on Kid der's Corner I know It tbs day after pub lication. O.eonatry newspaper! Well mav I say itat lite without yon would be a dreary waste. Once a week yon are to me an oasis in the dreert of ray. herly-bnr'y life in a great city. Tbe city wbo dots not take bie 'home' paper, providing be was reared in tbe country, dose not know what real enjoy ment be misses. The news I get out ol one Issue Is worth my yearly subscript ion. I devour every line of local gossip and neighborhood eorrsepoodencs, aad when I lay the paper down I praise tbe country editor for giving m this privil Lettets frombomiar e very welcome but oae doesn't get as moeb news from a bandred letters as be does in one issue o the borne paper. And letters are so un certain ; ton bave sometimes to wait six months" for a replv lo tbe last one. Bni if you are a subscriber to th county pa per it comes to yoa regularly every seek rain or abins. Yoa may be a little io ar rears, but tbe country editor sends the paper along with tbe hope tbat you will sons day settle op matters. Press an-t Printer. While lbs friends of Gen. Mile do not go so far at to maks the direct charge tbat tbs canned meat furnished our sold iert in Cuba and Porto Rico waa horte meat, although labeled "Roast Beef," tbey. do not hesitate to say that suspic ions strongly points that way. It is known that 350,000 cans of the meat was bougbt in Europe, where it had been shipped from this country. Tbe labels on the meat said packed loCbicage.bat the firm alleged to bavs packed it - "Tbe Prairie State Peeking Co." - it said to be unknown either In Chicago or to the weolesale trade of tbe country. That horse meat it bei-g canned in Chicago aad shipped to Earopt it known, and persons whe ought to know have declar ed tbet ho meat in quetlion wat horte meat. If tbe Military Court of Inquiry really with to get at the bottom of this butlncat, It ought to be an eaty matter, j Tbe contractors who supplisd this meat could be mads tell wbo canned it and where it was canned. The Court la al j ready accused of failure to call witnesses known to bave information tending to prove Gen Miles' contention, and if it membereare not careful their rprt will meet with the tame reception the coun try gave to the Alger Whitewashing Oiimmlaslon. K. O. T. M. even Saturday evening at K. O. T. in. ball. Visitine- Knights invited. (I M Newport, Commander. The short cut to wealth organize a trust issue twenty million dolllara in certificates againtt property worth five million dollars sell ten millions of the common stock pnt th rash in your pocket retain ten millions of preferred stock, control the business and absorb! the dividends. You can now pity Vnn H. tin- nil. IK. 1 poor fellows you will Bad pouring over the twelth census wbo will be shocxed to find that the men of ronrlcrate fortunes bavs disappeared while millionaires bave been multiplied. Watchman. The president of the Trench republic receives a fixed salary of $125,000 a year and hit allowances of one kind and an other are fully as much more. It It wa proposed to pay the president of tbe U. 8. as much there wonld be howl from one end of the land to the other, and a righteous one it would be. Tbe man who tela too much of tbe people money never makes proper ote of it, and, at the time, robs bis countrymen while occupy ing a position which should alwsys be above tbe plane of a thief. Ex. From tbe Tiaies. A good many people have never seen a drummers car. Tbers is nothing es pecially attractive about its appearance, but tbe fact that a single wboleeale house can send its samples all over the country in a special car with a dozen cr 15 attendants. Is calculated to awaken some rurprise. Soch a car was brought up from Albany Saturday eveningby tbe Cascade train and remained over Sunday. It waa in charge ot Spencer K. Carr. wbojrepreeents John Miller and Co., extensive clothing manufacturers of Chicago. Mr. Carr has betn making semiannual visits to Corvallis for some time and heretofore baa arrive.! In tbe ueoal way with eleven trunks filled aitb samples. Since bis last trip tLe house fitted up Ibis car and it serves as freight ear, sample room and hotel. Betides tbe talesmen tbete are aboard a number of others who serve as cooks, waiurs, etc. bereral tons ol sample are cart ied. This plan ot placing goods before tbe trade is adopted, first, in order to display a larger variety, and second, from , con sideration of economy . Tbe clothing company's contract with tbe ra.Iroai companies include a permit to carry filteen persona in tbe car. Tbs subject oi woman suffrage will be befo.e the people. It is alaaye ioterett ing to read what is said on toth sides of promoeot pobjrctf. Tbe Hillsboro Ar go sets tbe bail rolling as follows : The people tf Oregon will have an op. portunity to vote, at tbe next election. an expression wbstber or not women eball be allowed tbe right of snff age Theoretically, woman suffrage is correct. Ia practice it might be different. But so far at tbe argot is concerned, it wants to set women; hare tbe right of fratcLie every ;t!ni in preference to giving that right to tome big burly ignoramus wbo doo't koow bacteria from bolbe. or po! it:cat economies from Cod Liver OiL Give woman a chance at tbs poll and tbs will study tbe question ot tbe day aad nine times ont of ten ess amors in lligenl vota than tbs bar room bam, or tbs brats wbo tells tue snff rag for s pint of boose and a pat on tbe back. It It nselaee to say that 'woman doesn't know anything about politics.' Ot coarvs tbs dotsn't. Wby tboaid the? Give her a chance aad tbs wilt do mors to purify politics in co year than men will do in twenty. Tbs Argot it entirely wtiling to bavs Abigal Scott Duniwav take it bv tbs nap ot tbs neck acd throw it into tbs firing lins for tbe light of woman snffrage and while at it, will belp fight to top free tbs vote of every mti abo sell bis right tit a few drinks of bag juice. Bright Saying. Swallowing sage tea ia tone stay to drink ia wisdom 'Tbs pace tbat kid it often a "fixed running race. tf it wasn't for the grip the rsble roadt would bs doomed. A Ktotnckiaa tars waterproof coatt era all right tor stomacbt. Tbs best it tb cheapeat bot the cheapest Un't always Ins btst. Few men can keep their goad revole tioc and a dairy at tbe same time. It's difficult tor rets to check their ex pontes nntet tbey bavs s bank balance ' People wonld bave fewer troubles i tbey spent 1 time is U'king about tbem. It's a poor atod of repentance tbat doesn't iotore against a teptthion of tbe offense. Wbat a Jolly old world tbia would be if everything on earth would be as at tractive a the shop window. A fortune awaits th inventor ot s Dickie which dropped ia tbe slot will make a cable ear appear. of a man, but coating bone pats as much of it in him again. twice Tbe fight with the inturgsnts I now tbe hottest. The war ia being pushed with vigor and it certainly cannot lat long, if outside aid can be kept from the Filipino. Tbe'bashwbacking style of liglliog may do with tbe Spaniard, bat t sill not do with the troops of the V. S. If 7,000 Spanish soldiers con Id sub ject tbem certainty tbe brave men tbe TJ. S. bat on the Islands can make short wore ot them. Proceedings are being watched with great ioterest for our citi zens bave brothers and tone in tbe thick ot the contest, yonng men wbo will do their duty. Now we are to be struck by a big oicj ete trutt. Will the price ot wheels go up? Perhaps tbers will be too many rat concerns tett to permit It. At a matter of fact tbouab the rata get their stuff from tbe big factories and put it together which may give the trust a practical rnonopolv. ' BORN. LONG. On March IS, In Albany, to Mr and Mrs W A Long, a boy. All doing well. y- MARRIED. ENYART CANNON. On "Wednesday evening, March 15, 18SW, A the resi dence of Mr. Anderson Cannon, in Al bany, by Rev. H. L. Reed, Mr. J. E. Enyart, of Medford, and Miss Lissie I, Cannon, of Albany. The ceremony was performed in the nreeence of a few relatives and invited friends and was nicely carried out in very pretty surroundings, the rooms being handsomely decorated for the oc casion. After tbe ceremony a delicious wedding repast wat served and the hap py couple left on the overland for Med ford, taking with them the best wishes of many. MISFITS. fealem merchants are entering into an agreement to close their stores during; tbe summer at 6 o'clocx. Only twe bold - ': , """f, "E"f do not last very ions, some one dia .lav V V." " ing baa taitb and breaking the combine. Provisions are reported cheap In Daw son Cit. Following is tbe latest list: Butter is $1.25 to $1.50 per lb. Gran, potatoes 50c, sugar 50c, tomatoes 60c per can, peaches, pears, etc., $1.00 per can, St Charlea Cream 75c, tinned meats 75c to $1.00 and soon down th-list. Bacon and beans are very cheap, 2fx and 10c respectively. all tbe grocery dealers of La Grande bave entere 1 into an association for ma mat protection, it is stated by a pro moter of the organization that the anion is not formed for tbs purpose of demin- ating prices, bat for protection in the matter of extending credit to those wbo do not pay their bills. All tbe grocery brms bave united and say tbey will stand together on this proposition. La Grande Chronicle. One is needed in Al bany for protection against several dead Ixats. The citizens of Fairmoont evi lently did not get into Eugene to vote at the recent school election, for only 64 votes were cast, Albany has been peca'Urly favored Recently when there were eizht inches of tnow on tbe ground at Roteburg there was uoi a flake on tbs ground at Albany only a few miles apart. Tbe Salem Independent mn tayt be it not competent to say whether money talkt or not a he ba not been on speaking terme witb it for soma time. A good i j . . . I "'; vuuuia bu uuuui can say tue came. Moral. Pay up. i There not being a single arrest at Fos sil during tbe peat yesr the city council cut off the pay of tbe marshal and be immeataieiy resigns... Tbe town ie to moral tbat it doean't need a marshal. Great baa been the change in eastern Oregon morals. Tbs Stickeen River Jouroai of T Wrangle, accuse Judge F. Page Tti fa ot grafting, tbat is of chargiog more ie man tbe law ailosa. Tusun we a . ...at of Aibauy s good many ye--t g-. Tbs Journal saya that Alaska ..em t be lbs damp pus oa wincj Orevon dumps the worn oat and ut Ires rubbiah. Tbe Journal accuses tbs Statesman tt being tbevileet and most mercenary push that ba ever bled a city, eonnty, state aod nation ia tbe interest of party p-jlitic, dictatorial, abosive, corrupt, unfair, aojaet and un-crapulous. Tnis is certainly bot stuff, and ws are won dering if tbs Statesman bas as big a vo cabulary. Jrnalitm in Salem ia cer tainly fall of interest. O-ir people are now tnfficienUy educa ted so tbat tbey should no longer tract itinerants going through tbs coontrv taking ordett and receiving money in advance, A person wbo ia so credulous deserves being btiaed once io awhile as a teseoa. la Lane county recently a man took order for ballon photograph couexi log in advance, and secured plenty oi eucaers. "My trade is getting very bad," Says the man without an aJ. Sometimes it looks as if law didn't amount to much, particularly vben the manner in which trusts are winked at is considered. enly money is King. Tbe new wide tire law under which tax is reqairea on au narrow urea is cauring considerable "cussing" among tarmers wno are not prepared to ba wide tires yet. In the long run thoag! the law will probably prove a blessing. Jow is a good time for Albany to get inland rustle. There is unquestionably going to be s big immigration to Oregon this year and Lun county wants its bare, the garden spot of lbs world. Mrs. Frank Tillman, residing at Front aad bi leaker streets, Portland, is said Ut be heir to sn estate ot to.000.000 in Belgium. The IhtsoauT would not give her fifty cent for what she will ever A Methodist revival in a North Caro lina town ia advertised in a big half page display advertisement, with the bead ing: "Where Will yoa spend Eternity?" Almost tnytbing worth doing is worth advertising. Years ago when the grand jury was in session it was said of tome of the young men of the city that they were away taking a vacation. Old times are being repeated. Several Albany yoang men are said to be off on a vacation! this week. Due to divers rumcra about what the jury were investigating. The very fishy story comes from San Diego, Calif., that "Soapy" Smith, who waa killed by Frank Rcid. at Skagway, last October, is. now alive and at that city, and stopping at one of tbe fashion able hotels there, where he was rey nized. It is declared tbat he did not deny bis identity. The story is of coarse a lake, as mere was no question as to the death of Smith. Homer Davenport la remembering his Oregon friends in great shape. J. J. Dalrymple, ol Salem, yesterday received from him a bull terrier pan. white as snow, the son of Sir Brice and Co-n pas sion, a registered dog, wbom Davenport says ought to make a grand dog. The DxiioaiAT man won'd not trade the car toon book sent him by the great cartoon ist for all tbe pupa and game roosters sent to the state. AEGE W TO LEND On Undivided Interests on estate, Real estate on Probate. Reversionary and Lilelnteretta'oa Real and Personal froperty. Annuities and Legacies. Or will purchaa outright if so denred. Life Insurance Policiee Bought or Loaned on Patents sold on fayorab e terms and capital procured to devel oped pertect meritorious inventions ideas. Amounts from $io9ooo to $500,000 Available for investment on mortgage st Revenue Producing Securities. For terms and particulars address R.GOULD, . Mutgomery St., San Franoisco G ADMINISTRATOR S NOTIC ixotice is herehv 1 si von that the nn- aersigned has been appointed by the aonntv court of Linn coontv administrator of tbe estate of J C. Lyous deceased. All person having claims against said person and estate are hereby notified to present the tame at the office of the undersigned ia Lyons, Or., within six months from the date hereof, wltb pioper vouchers. Dated. Lyons, Feb. , 1899 . II Oft. I HONS, ministrato' . DR. J. L.HILL Phyticli a and Surgeoc, Telegraphic. War Will End. Washixotoh, Mar. 17 Advices are re- ceivd from Manila which indicate that the climax may occur at any hour. The officials bere are well pleased with the condition of affairs, but will not at pres ent discuss the details of tbe dispatches. Tbe indications are that hostilities will end in a very short time. Gomez for President New Yobbt, Mar. 17. A dispatch to the Tribune from Havana says : Wednes day night's popular demonstration in honor of Gen. Gomez at Quints de los Molina seems to bave been turned by tbe anti-assembly leaders into some- thinir of a presidential boom for tbe "grand old man" of Cuban politics. Most of the speakers insisted on proclaim ing the general-in-cbief the sole guaran or of insular independence and the inev itable head of the still unformed Cuban republic. A Fatal Fire. New Yoke:, Mar. 17. Flames whic originated from the igniting of a lace cur tain, burst forth from the second Moor of the Windsor hotel at Forty-seventh street and Fifth avenue shortly after 3 o clock this afternoon, spread un u the building was burned. Probably 15 lives were lost within a ball-hour and 4o or :) Demons were injured in jumping from windows and in rushing through tbe roaring flames in the corridors and stair ways. Many who were injured died lat er in pearbyby residences and at hospi tals. The Treaty Signed. Madrid, Mar. 17r Tue queen regent has signed tbe treaty of peace. It will be forwarded to tbe French ambassador at Washington for exchange with the one signed by President Mckinley. No decree on tbe subject will be published in the otlictal gazette, In Eastern Oregon. Asteups, Mar. 17. For the past tw days this section of Oregon bas expert creed the worst spell of weather of the searon. Tbe real bad weather began Tuesday night with a snowstorm snd by the next morning the enow bad drifted so as to make tbe roads almost impass able the drifts being from three to five feet de- p in some places. The Fight. M asila, 18. The first bsttaiipn of tbe ,.U infantry regiment has aJvanced torn Patig. clearing the country to '. Cainti, a well-defend-d vilbtgi of 700 in habitants, o miles northwest oi tbe foot hills. The rebels ket about 100 men and tbe American loss wss about 12. Frozen to Death. Sbattt-b, Mar. 16. Tbe steamer Excel sior, which arrived tonight lrom tbe mouth of Copper river. Alaska, brings news of freezing to death of six men. on aides glacier. Ail tbe bodies except Dr. Logan s were recovered and buried at Y aides. Ehr- hardt. Miller and Aueman were mem bers of the Scientific Propecticg Com pany ol ew i ork, Casualltie. WasHBOTojr. Mar. IS. Gen. Otis re ports the following casualties from Ore gon: Mar. 14 fcecond Oregon. u. t, rn-1 vats Walter Daran, eyebrow, slight. Mar. 15, near Paterae Wounded : Sec ond Oregon, Co. E, Private Edward Oesch, hip, slight. A Deadlock. Sacra Exto, Mar. IA. The senate has accepted the assembly eoacarent reso lution calling for adjoornment at mid night, Mar. IS. This leaves but two dart more tor balloting for U. S. sen a tor. The result of today's balloting, however showed the deadlock no nearer txoken than it waa eix weeks agx Fatal Shooting. Hot Springs, Mar. 16. A shooting affray occured here at 5 :30 o'clock this afternoon which resulted in the death of five men and eerioos wounding ot two others, one of whom is not expected to live. On Its Last Legs. Mixxturous, Mar. 16. U S. Senator Kyle of Sooth Dakota, said bere today, while en route home, tbat President Mc Kinley bas tstely received private ad vices to the effect that tbs Filipino re public is on its last kg. Big Bicycle Trust. Nbw York, Mar. 15. The Herald to morrow will say : Makrtt of bicycles have arranged the details of the formstions of s trade com bination that will involve capital to' tbe amount of $50,000,000. It is -understood that 10 of the leading firms bave entered the combine. Regardless ot the Assembly. Havaxa, Mar. 15. Gen. Gomes has decided to proceed with tbe plane agreed upon for distributing the $3,000,000 to the Cuban troops disbanding, as though the military a -mb y did u t exist. lie conferred two bujrs i-iay with tienera Brooks regarding deui.a. Branron'a Case. F.IGXN a. Mar. 15. Judge Hamilton today adjourned court until Aprils when it is expected that Claude Bran ton will bs resentenced to death for tbe murder of John Linn. Tbe mandate of the su preme court ia Bran ton' case will be re ceired in a few days byjthe count clerk. After the Filipinos. Mamla. Mar. 15. Three thousand in surgents moved down last night to tbe tosna of Pasigand Patero oa the shore ot Laguna de Bay, fronting Wheat on 's troops on the Paaig river line. By heavy fighting W be ton has dislodged and driv en tbera back, taking 400 prisoners - and lumcuuK ceavy losses in siuea ana woanded, He reports his knees only moderate. He now occupies these towns with sufficient force to bold tlem. Otis. Big Atlantic Storms. New Yoas, Mar. 15. The Tribune taya: it is now practically certain that 10 freight steamers have been loet on the Atlantic in recent storms. This in volves tne sacrifice of more than 300 lives and $2,500,000 capital. Of course, there yet remains a sum chance lust some ot she crews may haveibeen picked up by tlowgotng sailing vessels. Calnti Captured. Mamla, Mar. 15. The strongly forti fied village of Cainti, northwest of Pasig was capthre today after a desperate fight by the 20lh regular infantry. The Americans lost 17 wounded, while the rebel loss was heavy. Linn County Fair Meeting. Tbe farms of linn county .and all othen interested ia tbe proposed Lino County Fair, will please take notice that the next meeting for the purpose ot perfecting tbe organisation ot tucb fair association will be held at the court house in Albany on Friday, March 17, at 1 o'clock d. m.,at which time the report ot the subscription committees will be read. It it hoped a large attendance will be present. .G. L. Rsis, J. R.WntTNXV, President. Secret! y. V DDR CJPAOin ts I'oequaled Injthe Valley. OUK WORK UnsurpAAiCU In Oregon. Jo bave the best stock ic 8uloct from and our prices ro always the lowest, qualitv cmftulered SMILEY, A ii.'ttty. The Printer HONGWAHTONG CO., Second 8 near Lyon street, Albany. Sells Ch sees medicine, Chinese rice, Chin e tea and nit oil. BLIND WITH ECZEMA Three Children Afflicted 20 Months. CURED BY CUTICUBA Mr second child got ecxems when seven month old. Three months later my first child got It, and following bim, the last one, two years old. For twenty month tbey anflered fearful agony. Their whole bodies, especially their faces, were so sore and raw that tbey were bllod half the time. No words can describe the (offering of my aeoond child. whose whole body waa on. bloody mat, us was constantly crying, otrald get no simp, and be actually did not look, bumao. I tried doctor after doctor without tbe slightest relief. The first application of CcncrsA brought relief in each ease, and after fourteen days treat ment with CtmcuBA Soar and CtrnctraA (ointment), th. worst caae waa cored. Has. AXSLE RING, 515 K. 13th St, 5.T. City. Suae M Snf-TiBTun B.arasaaaiwtforBm G)n la a to talk wtih Cmmi Soar, mm a Sati applliHn f Cmccu (Oatawal). a af aainilirnn aaa atta eaiaa. au Umwfc-xrt ttu St PlBM EASTS SKIN ft. FOTTKK P. ATf C.COTT-e - Hw ft Cetrw f ci . to. akUtXr k4 flat BaassjUAskA fty Ct7TccB Soar. g Julius aS i Gradwohl F. a - -:-Dealer in-:- jjX Ilardware, Crockery, Olaes-- ware. Groceries and all goods : jp- kept Is country stores. i E I. WILL B- SELL GOODS B FOR CASH As Low as Anybody. Coontrv pro-Jo e and egg taken in exchange for goooris aiilUiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiAaiaiiilir, YAQUINA ROUTE bWALUS & EASTEB" RAILROAD LXmocting at YAQCINA wi;b tht AO JIN A SAY STEAM SHIP COMPANY STEAMERS Grace Dollar and Havarro firtt-claea tn every respect. One of tbe above steamers is doe to sail ..from Yaquina about ever tire days. Short eet ronte between valley point! San Francisco. Fare: Albany and points west to Ssn Francisco Cabin $10 00 Round trip 17 0 For sailing daya applv t) Eosrur Stojtb, EL L. Waldx. Manager. T. F. A P. A. J. Tcaxxs, Agent Albany , Or. - ADMIXISTSATOS'S SALE NOTICE IS 3ELIEBY GIYEX TEAT tbe nndersigoed, Adminutrator of tbe Ute ot Detairah Ewing. deceased, will at be boar ot l o clock p. m , or Saturday, April 1, 1S99. ell at public action to the hignest bidder, fcr casb, at the north d ior of the Court Loose ia Albtav. linn county, Oregon.tbe to towing describe! real property, riz: "Tbe Berth bslf of the aortb-east quarter (l4) of tbe DOrtb-weat qaarter ( ) of Sec tion (3!) tisirrv-coe; in Townvhin eleven. icuth fiake(3)thre,Wetof Willamette Meridian, contusing twenty acres, more or less, ia Linn eousty, Oregia. oa a pebf e road running along the aorta side of tsid place Also tbs r gbt of way for vehicles from the northwest corner of said premise west to the coutity road ruBBiag lrom Albany to i asgent. There is a farm dwei'iog. a coed barn. and a jouag orchard of ix or teres acre ! of bearing trutt trea on tbe place. Situ tared about foar miW coat a of Alhanv. Oregon, aod i to be sold asder and bv virtue of aa order of tbe C-osai enrv (mart of Linn coanty. Orvwon. made and entered of record Dec. 6. cord Dec. 6 Datei Feb. i. ls). Th a H. McChbb. Administrator of toe estate of iVborth C-iag. deceased. A Rare Banrain. For tale, a house and lot in a favorable part of tbe city. Honse is a two story, eight room building in good condition Good well and citv water. Will be sold at a rare bargain. It most be sold so do not miss this chance. Inquire at the Dxao bat office. ITS JUST LIKE THIS" WW..11 . "Jt"' ". jfc jo JB We bavs machines in stock as low A3.. $10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines and fire- rlocc ronairiMv S a VIMa7a7 a VpUll gll tewart 44Headquarters SEW." 20 Years in W 0MR8 It the Oldest Furniture Dealer in the eity and be keepa a eompleta line of Furniture and Bedding and it yoa want good odt cheap giva him a ca'l. Us doesn't intend to be under sold. FMIORTHERII IU PACIFIC R, a D (5 Q Puilman Bleeping t'-ars, Elegant Dining Car3, Tomis? Sleeping Ca i at Pan! " JMinnep!! Dolutl Fargo, TO Grand -..ft Cronkf t-r Wicl'ip-s Helec Batte TXaOUQH TICK . , TO Chicago Washington rhiladelpbia Hew K ork So too and al. Points East and Sooth Throurit tickdU to Japsw af t, a. Taomaand Northern PaclSC -teamai Co., an American line. ri.tAn,.iinn tiinsetnl vapanc tickets call osor"' M U. ....V."-' ag.at, Albany, Or. A U V-ner!U Portland O- ph S 30 PACIFIC LMEs if, I . To lUPcinulait 2 Solid vestibule trains, e wasting of pel J ace sUrping cars, luxo too dining ear. ."V elegant day oracbea, ma oi Scent totrris cars 1 ad rreeeotoetai steepen iron toe r-, rise to the A tissue wuhr. ?baa;e coTitcr avo tasAPSvr bouts r Itoolcs.il sasrar, rw ! vca rrr i - IWUIbi Hi ciin it !ltricf All point ii tif 0as- Ge a pamphlet kivib. a fat ecriv of tbia wonderful eoostr A-t tne -for a copy of the miaiag law tA Krvt Columbia. Lowe rate o aqd ferns ETJROP Hi Atlantic taamthip iaee. Canadian Pac. Ry. Oo-'a Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan" CAXADtA AdrTBAlXaH STXaWXS LOT BOSOLXLT, FIJI D AtrSTStAUa. The shortest lioe to tne felonies. These earners carry aa experienced medical id a stewardess oa every mage. For time tables pampsJetB, or say ia ormatios, call oa or address. EJ Jrc. VtX tt tx rl -t .. aad. Or. GEO McL. BROWN. 0. P. a. Vascoateg HEHVITA fcasae-VTTAUTY. LOST VIGOR ANOMANH003 Ceres Lapp tency , Night Fm i ss; cms wasting d'-seases, aU effects ctf abuse, or excess and cretioa. Anerietoak blood baiidcr. Brings pink glow to pale cheeks u- restores the Cre of youth- i By mail 50c per box: 6 bow for a?.30; with av vsrttteti guaraavl tee to cure or refixad Ute mauey, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. ' Casnton at dadraon sis, CHaCACa,tU. For sale by Fred Dawson, Drnsstt Alb any, Oregon. ' K0TlCOFRSAlSaTtLBIXr Xotice is aeteoy given that M. CVsaiaaT ham. the admiaistrator of tne estate Thomas Roach, deceased, baa tbia day iied m Coanty Court ot Lisa coanty, Oregon, his final accoost aa dash adaaisutralor sad said court baa txei tbe 1st day of May, l!$9, at tbe hoar ot 1 o'clock p. as. of said lay. at the court boas at Albany. Oregon, beariag objectioas to raid acccant aad ettlisg toe ame. March II, 1S99. M. Cirxswesuw, Adnuautratw of Tboasa Roach, de eeafed. H. C Watsos. AUorrey for Admiaiatzstot. SHEET EAILWt.Y K3TICE -. - The motor oa the Albany Street Ran way will eowaecf prompt, wit all train to a from tne depot, dty and aicbt Special trips will be made at snecs rote. R. Moobb,. Ceadactor. A A good article ia worta more a poor one. t EVER ONE KNOWS THAT.. - ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE.. will outwear a dozen cheap onf, therefore cheaper ia the esd. & Sox Co. for Machines tha 1 1 Business. BRINK t f i I L ( If f r