The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 03, 1899, Image 1

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VOL XXXIV :- - . MHHt, .,.,,..... , ALBANY, OREGON, FR1DA MARCH 3 J899 pwm. : XO
I Didn't Feed Trampa. " F5IIAY " i3 ' Waoted I - . - , ,..
- THURSDAY ,:L :J - ;;: wd' SATURDAY , , ,.. . , I
. ' VS. THE POUNDMASTF.H i ' ." ' Feb. 18th. 1899. J
I - """"-ss.J"" J ""N r"l ' r""""J J ra ta I . ...rr. Vandran returned liiet night on the I . f
r" I uyw1 t j y
! v n 1(11 Yi I . J fS Poundmaater Davidson Una Trou
ftimnma PHyUJIlttllM '"tdJVard
if , - "" - -. 1
JelaUeReparationFor As
similating tScToodandRegula
Hng Hm Smmnrhs ami IViwpI rf
DessaDdEtetContalns neither
OpunCMorphine nor Mineral.
Not. Nabc otic.
XoofectGemcdv for Cons tiaa-
Worms JConvulsions .Feverish:
TacSunue Sifnalureef
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
th ecwravw eoMiirr, mrw
Where to get best Furniture at
the lowest prices.
Wc have it for everybody Bock era for the babiea ahd the
Grandmother! and Grandfathers. Foot Stouia, Parlor Tables, Exten
sion Tables, Carpet Sweepers, Sola Pillows, (pur down) Bamboo
Furniture, Lounges. Coacb , Bedroom Sets t nice one) Bedstead,
Dresser and Commode $13.50) White Iron Beds, Rofra, Lace Curtains,
Ease's, Screens, Picture, Frames and many other attractive things.
Masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or.
Yes'.erday afternoon about 5 o'clock
Poundmaater Ed. Davidson had a very
live experience in the third ward. He
was out on his horse after stray cows
when he discovered the cow of Otto
Hiatt hitched to a stake on the street
near the creamery, the Democrat is in
formed on the south side, just outside
the city limits. He proceeded to take
the cow up, when the twelve year old
son of Mr. Hiatt appeared and, objected.
Davidson drew- lis revolver on the boy,
bat the boy cut the rope, letting the cow
loose. The animal fled upon a lot form,
erly rented by Hiatt. Mrs. Hiatt ap
peared and followed the cow to catch it
A man who saw the affair says Davidson
came near running over berln his chasa
after the animal. It is also alleged that
he struck her over the head with a rope.
Policeman McClain, who resides near,
appeared and stopped further, trouble.
He took Davidson's revolver and placed
it in chargeof Recorder ilentnn. who
says Davidson is not authorized to carry
a weapon by virtue of his office, and be
naa no special permission. The affair
caused considerable excitement in the
part of the city where it happened.
John Fletcher Mo s was born in Char
lotte County, Virginia, on June 2nd,
1S23, died at Crawfordsville, Oregon, on
February 19th, 1S99, aged 75 years, ?
months and 17 days.
He married Miss P. A. Williams of
Lunenburg County, Virginia, on Decem
ber 18th, 1849, who with one daughter
survive him.
As a son be w as obedient 'and dutiful.
To his brothers and sisters he was a
brother indeed: as a husband he was
true and loving, and as a father he was
kind and affectionate to excess; as a
friend be wss unwavering in l is fidelity.
and as a neighbor he was accommodat
ing, benevolent and charitable. He was
a pious and tealout christian, a member
of the M. E. church ouih. All who
knew him intimately will feel his loss.
He lived the life of a christian and died
as he had lived.
W. W. Howell, J. Turner and Casper
Vandran returned liiet night on the
steamer from a trip toBuena Vista.rnado
in a row boat. They arrived in Buena
Vista about supper time, and inquired
for a place to eat. A pUce was pointed
out as a boarding house. Turner was
appomted spokesman ,and rapping at the
door asked the old lady who appeared :
"Do you feed people hereT'
"No, liO, gt away," cried the old lady,
"We don't 'eed tramps In this bouse?'
Nor would s!.v feed railroad agents and
hotel men for any price, and they went
without theii tanner The drug store
and grocery store cloaed at 6 o'clock, and
they wer obliged to take a seat un the
side walk and railroad track and hang
their feet off and wait in the cold for two
hours for the W-amer to arrive.
Happened In Salem
The Statesman declares this happened
in Sa'em at the P. O. :
One day recently Miss Zadie Palmer,
the ever-obliging and accommodating
clerk, was seated at the delivery window,
when suddenly a freckled-faced girl pre
sented herself at the window, and in
"Anything tor the MurphysT"
"No, there is not."
"Anything for Jane Murphy?"
" Anything for Abb Morph V
"Anything for Tom Murphy?"
"'Anything for Bob Murphv?"
"No. not a bit."
"Anthing for Terry Murphy?"
"No, not for Pat Murphy, nor Dennis
Mur: hv, nor Pete Murphy, nor Paul
Murphy, nor for any Murphv d ad,
living, unborn, native or fon-inn, civil
ised, savage ar harbarinna, male or fe
male, black or white, franctiat-d or 'is
franci ived, naturalixod or other i .
No; there is positively nuthinn for an of
the Murphi 'a, either 'in.iivtJ. llv. joint
ly, eev-rallv. now and 'ort-ver. one and
"I'm jtin looked at Mie clerk fj a-t ir
ishmen t. and said : "P ea to iooft r
there i anything (or Clarence Muroy."
The Oregon Society of the Sons of the
American Revolution baa just awarded
prises for the best eesavaoo -hre de
signated subjects. William Finley, of
Portland, received first, Edith Mitchell,
of McMinnville second, Mildred Lister,
of Eugene third. There were thirty-one
competitors, among them being E F
Smick. one of th nmtMiinti in IK m.
The grand jury haa been practically ! cent cratorical contest in this city. E.
abolished. A law passed by the recent I -ll)n- J " tal Huiveraity, a fomi-
l','.i kii. iiauoii i a una aiy. received
. . . hAfutr&lklj. mMiliAn
grand jury shall be convened only on
some very imnortant case, and then nnl
j .i - -. - r J I nu. i .i. . n i
ut wuer vi ue cuvuii loan Dam nnivr I uwwiwi fwmi uiq n imui
showing being made by the prosecuting I horseshoe bill passed in the iateiest t f
attorney. The law will not go into effect I mS11 prices.
Upon complaint of Un. M, E. Hiat
Poundmaater Davidson was arretted o
the charge of carrying concealed weap.
ons. Constable Brainey served the
' warrant, ar.d the case was called before
Jnstice fowsll at 1:30 o'clock today.
The defendant plead not guilty and the
trial of the t-ate bofore tha justice and a
Inry was set for next TaMuay at 9 a. m .
i in reported there will he aaoiher com
plaint, na rouoomasier uaviasoo ssys
he will have the H alt boy arretted for
cutting the rope. He also declares that
be did not draw a revolver on the boy
and that the cow wat inside the city
limit. !
Iiaac' flyman's Suicide.
New Grand Jury Law.
A widow sixty-eight years old, living In New York Cl:r. bai been Ooarag for Bias years.
nut i eotutantlr troabled !ib pains on ber ncnt side, wLi'-li w-fmtd to lie oana ovum
l.w. I'dih but Jnz m -be had been treated bv a number ef uhvsleiaoa. on of wboa l.l
ab bad caiarra l trio romica; anouicr aiatea uu n was ordinary ayapenaa,
miutlr Dranoonced it lil'l.rv cal'-uliw. or aail atones, for which be tiUd hm
tnonliM wilhotrt good results At times ihe pains were ao severe that bypodermie tajeetlaae
of morphine wers rasorted to.
and bad very little appetite.
A ft-- Kiln, ttwra two wat-kl
k entirely ataappearea. i ue i
The uatf-ot weicbed lis) Doanda : was complete! v nut don. .
i anv in jum a neifftioor tnancea ner w cry tun
eka the nsins and bloating of tba stomach aBaTaelie
id. The patient had practically recovered by BeiHnnhar litJa. Sfaa)
bod aalned elevea jwtuada, and could est baaed Deans, anions, outer dlaaa, WIUMW Ui IS1IIIH.
I until 90 days shall have expired and
hence will not apply to the next court
to be held in this county being Macrh IS.
Jury List.
Following is the list of jurymen drawn
for the Circuit Court which will convene
in Albany on March 13.
Albany John Propst. ,
Sodavilli Wm. Inerani. Hosue Par-
; riah, B. F. Simons.
HolieyJ. N. Wright, J. A. MaUock.
-Sck-j. W. Arnold. Wm. May.. A. T.
Powell, C. D. Compton.
Tangent E. D. Barrett.
Brownsville T. C. Iaom. Geo. Fry.
Crocket laom, W. B. Blanch ard.
biieiburn U. Wash barn. A. C.
Chriaman. "
Harris burg P. W. Starr.
Plainview Georee Wheeler .John Gal
Uakvule D. A. Wade, t baa. Patter
Bhedd F. Acierroann.Walter Barton.
San liana A. C. Guyier.
Crawfotdsville Wm. Ireland.
Lebanon Chas, O. Smith. D. W.
Hardin, W. F. Moist.
Halsey M.Cooo. .
Sweet Home J. P. Hopio.
A DiscovKBT. An Albany "bicycle rider
has discovered that nnder the new bicy-
I cle law passed by the recent legislature
unn county is exemrt, while Benton
I county is not, and that according to tbe
I provisions ol toe law if a Una county
rider gets caught in that county without
a License he can be stopped and his wheel
kept until tbe license is taken out.
I Therefore Albany riders wishing to go to
Uorvaliia will nave to nave ncnae, which
when once secured will of course be eood
anywhere in Oregon. '
Colcbtbia Bictclbs. It isn't just
people here in town that are making a
run on Columbia bicycles. Yesterday
I Wm. Harris, Eq., that handsome
I young Lebanon baker, came in ana
bought a uoiamoia, ana ai loung, a
prosperous young farmer out on Crab
tree Creek, carried off a Hartford.
Thb Tkacbbbs I.vrrm-TX. The local
teacher's institute will be held ia thU
city Friday evening and daring Satur
day. On Friday evening at the Preiby
teriaa church the teachers of tbe county
and our citizens generally will be given
the privilege of bearing tbe new state
superintendent for tbe first time in a
public levture, though be baa been iu
our city several times, and once assisted
in an institute. Friday will be devoted
to special work according to the program
heretofore published. Tbe attendance
of Albany people will be appreciated.
Isaaa Uy man, the. well known San
Fraocisto clothing inso. com silted sui
cida Mooday rooming at his room In
that city He itiiffei the doors and
windiwt and wrenched the. chandelier
from the gat pipe tad the gat did the
rest. Hymaa was fif'y lb tee years of
age and it was thought poor health was
the cause, aa be bad just coute frim the
hospital For thirty years ifyman came
to Aloany twice a year, and as almost
as well known rere at some of our oa
reaMeota. was a fV dver hut wat
a genial a an ai.d was popular among
ihnre with 1 1 o he dealt tad bit troth,
er dtumm.ra.
K ioi'B Th second
stereo ti o i eutertainment of Kleppin , actiool tb t day
' ' Feb. 18th, 1899.
Albany Democrat;
.;. - Please publish the following,
Another undertaker's shop is badly
needed in Corvallis.
' , A Commercial Tbavklrb.
Fobmbb Albaky Pbiacbxr. Tbe
eeattle Jr. I. of Feb. 23 contains a very
interesting sketch of the life of Bev.
John F. Devore, the Methodist minister
who die J a few years ago, with several
incidents and sketches. Among tbe io
itidents are those of his hiuliog enough
lumber to build a church in a day and of
bis thrashing a masaflsr taking off bit
coat and stove pipe bat, plasiog them
ou Ihe ground, and saying, "lay there
Methodist minister." The article it
beaded "A man of individuality." De
vore was one of tbe early Methodist
preacbeis of Albany, while here display
ing a healthy muscular christlanty that
many admired. ,
College Note
C. U. Br van t. G.D. Bvers A. M. Dirk.
:nson. O. A. Mo'.key, O. T. Pratt and L
a. Spear went over to Corvaliie Bundsy
afternoon to aid tbe Y. M. C. A. of the
0. 1 . C. in a prayer meeting.
Emma Brenner, Nina M . Cline, Min
nie K. Merrill and Frank Williamson,
who graduated fro-n the High achoo1 in
January, entered college tbie week.'
The political economy claat, was ex
amined Tuesday.
As Weanreday was the anniversary of
Washington's birthday, there waa no
latt m ii at ike i. A. R. ha I waa great
ly "inreiii. Tbe views were np-io-
Jaif -n rxt-rUent ones welt presented.
Mr K'epi. p ie reliable gentleman and
give a (fmci sliow.
A ilirve A
e . l
tb- n
r-r- . - L
N.ierstatv convention of
. C. A. 'a bexrxn in Bah m
Oo Sainrday af'ernooi
wolspeaaon a rompsrl
L I- -iiit
Vurk of 92 "99. and Lvte B
-r-olleia.e rvtatioos Pies
m a of the college coinmit-
I m
N-w School Lnvr
i ef bad haaaa the 1
P-A win anc b-ivSt.
v.. M aaiiin tlnrrl r - -- r' " IWIMnuoUU. R IP-A k, atari ema. m MM
W rmii. Ml b. hwl mi all aracai.wba an wll ins li.Ui mmmtmM wWrlae at a I 1 1 1 1 Ii I HI,
(ua ia h4 pvluof alf, fiwmtmileC V aar ttrtH aa aaatah acaajaaaaaast
For the Battle
of Life
p a
From the Cr.terion.
F. P. Hansard left Mooday for Walla
Walla, here be will engage m farming
tor tne next year.
Wm. KaX-ton, of Albany, was looking
after propertr interests at this place the
last oi the w-rk.
Ubbe Peters, a farmer living near Al
bany, preached on our streets Saturday
Clifford Davenport left last week for
Seattle, where he will learn the machin
ist.' trade.
It is expected that a large number of
Maccabees from this place will go to Al
bany Saturday night to visit their breth
ren at tbat place.
Mies Pet Smith came over from Al
bany Satarday and spent Monday with
her sister, Mrs. Hkkok.
Mies Uda Elkins cameont from Al
bany Friday nigbt to make her folks
visit. She returned Saturday.
Bert Davis left last Wednesday to join
the Weber dramatiu company, which
waa then at Tangent. Just w at part in
the performance Bert will take is a pus-
xie te Lebanon people.
Mr. Hughes has the new system o
electric wires about completed, and the
street lights will tie started up lust as
soon as the new lamps arrive, which will
not be more than a lew days.
Guv Farrington, of Watervi'le, Minn
and frill Dickinson, of Waseca. Minn
cousins of M rs. C. IL Young, arrived
here last Friday and . after making Mr.
Young's fa-nily a short visit went ont to
bis farm at Lacomb. These young man
will probably buy larms in tins county,
in which event they will not return to
the east..
State Sunerintendeat Ackarmau gives
the oilowing synopsis of the new school
"1st Qualifications for voters at tbe
erhool n-eetiotS and for school officers
resale a prescribed at the Special ses
sion. '2nd There ia n? emercency clause to
tbe Daly Educational iilL
"3rd There ia an emergency clause to
the 'Reed Bib which allows a school
district to re aia th amount oa hand at
tbe annual school meeting op to and in
el-xiieg aSO.
"4th-Tbere is no ensoge ia time of
the annaal achoo' meeting."
Fair Committees.
Chairman G. L. Reece, of the County
Fair meeting, bas appointed the follow
ing co turn it tee to solicit for life certifi
cates at $10 each, it being desired to be
able if possible ,ar the adjourned meeting
to present five bond red life certi Scales:
Albauy Pbil Goodwia, W. R. Bilyea,
sol J M. Ralftoe.
Eat Albany thoe. Froman, C. H.
Walker sad C. L. Shaw.
We t A:& nj G. W. Cline.gaa Gour
ley and C. D. tiaiw.
North Browusv lie Dr Starr, A. W.
Sie&ar. and W. T. Cochran.
feootia Brownsville J IVCoo'ey, Hen-
y B aketj and Uiyde r oster
Leoier A Eraadoa. A
Scott ard
Crafof(iaviile Robeit Glas. Robert
Most and Geo. Fiadley.
roe er a. tl. lost. Jerry bLay and
O Jl Gatsead tier.
lox Valley Heorv LroQt.Stlb UUeb-
ei and w. rotter.
rVxith Harrwborf; Sam M
Whi'e and harvey Summervilie,
orth Harrisburr E. E. Lnmejcr, r.
M. Kjaerand Wm Hanson.
Haley C. H. Davie. C. C. Jackson
and W. J. Ribelio.
Jordan L. L. Tra-k. Beoi. Jordan rnd
llamau hbeltoo.
Nort'j Lebanon Geo. Clark. U.
Caofield and Lee Gaines.
Sootb Leban o C B. tf ontague. M
A. Miller and Dr. Lembersoo.
Orleans Arch Miller. Austin Hulbnrt
ano uenry Mone.
W. Propst, J.
Tbe Brownsville boss are beginning to
prscuc - for tbe purpose of playing a
game of base ball with o.
Oliver Hlckey is sick this week.
Tbe class in Caar was examined
Thursday. .
tfeessmsa, E. S. I
v here snail it be uOU3? Certainly whnre tb j Unt preptration can b)
aa College has claims in this i'teclion thatcall for closer investigation.
A Full College Training
i ,-. -. i ir. ,1 it tibia r a'si effers a suDriir Normal Course, and i
i f i 1 iri th i is iaftjrtor to nous ia taesU'e. Corrssp ondence invited
Wallace Howe Lee, A. M.,
Every cough makes
your throat more raw
and irritable. Every
cough congests the lining
membrane of your lungs.
Cease tearing your throat
and lungs in this way.
Put the pans at rest and
give them a chance to
heal. You will need some
help to do this, and you
will find it in
ywRMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising fro
w Moo, asii-abuse, excesses or cigarette amonng. in net
ieeloatiyesrs. Brings back your Manhood, cures depleted worn
nt men, makes rich blood and tissue. Cures westings and all
you lastingly strong, cures impotency, lost power, emissions,
orv, bad dreams, shrunken organs, despondency, sleeplessness,
constipation, adds to tbe eyes, stops nervous twitching!
a Makes me wotn living, a. dooo to young or oia. . auKuua
'tTT.T.u. strengthens and restores small weak organt. Stops all
n, nieht Don't delay. Price within the reach ofll. Guaran
RTHOp 1Trt box 6 for ti.50 by mail. Send for free circular.
' b Fo- pIM BEMEDY CO., San Francisco. Oal.
"j-"- hay & Mason, Albany.
J. Joseph, Proprietor.
Patronise home indMstry.
From the first dose the
9uiet and rest begin: the
ckling in the throat
ceases; the spasm weak
ens; the cough disap
pears. Do not wait for
pneumonia and con
sumption but cut short
your cold without delay.
Dr. Avert Cherry Pec
toral Plaster snoull te
over the lungs of every per
son troubled with a cough,
Write to the Doctor.
Vansmal eeeertonltle sad Ions
freslf all tbe prtltalr tnvoar ciue.
tall a what voor eDerfeia has
ban with our cherry FsotonU.Vou
Wll caeetvs a prompt rllr. witbuol
'AAAra.nB.1. O. ATXK. S
, Dr. Mackey of Ilarrlsburg ia in tbe
city. "
R. H. Coshow of Salem ia reported
seriously Hi witn pneumonia,
N Steele will go toTheDallet tomorrow
when tere will be a reunion of the la
W F. Read and T. J. Belcher return
ed last evening from tbe Santiam mines.
Tbey found a superabundance o'. snow.
win W. Hampton . of H Km., wat
killed at Manila yesterday, being the
first Oregon soldier to be killed iu the
war with the insurgents.
Frank rrisbv. of Ualsev. hat been an
pointed engineer at the capitol building
in balem and will move to that city
Two of the Democrat man's old east
ern friends, Mist Burt and Mist Jones,
are in the city on their way home by
way oi California.
.The ladiee of tbe Congregational
church will give a Philippine Island So
cial Marcb 3, wbicn wilt consist oi an
excellent musical ana literary program,
t rrof. Holland's dance last night a
new feature was inlrod uced.a cake walk,
in which several participated. Tbe cake
was won by Doc. Holmes and Mist Maud
By request Miss Mabel Johnson, of
Corvallis, will give a musical at tbat city
on Marcb 18. iler friends are confident
sbe haa a voice of unusual merit and
they desire her to train it in one of the
best conservatories in tbe country and
will make this a benefit occasion.
Weaie glad to announce that Mr.
Clifton Butler, '01, has successfully
passed the competitive examination for
a West Point cadetahip. Mr. Butler
passing the highest physical and mental
examination. Without doubt be will be
at tbe bead of bis classes in West Point,
because Oregon boys always go to the
top of the ladder. College Student.
Mr W B Stevens, the new merchant
who recently went east to buy goods for
W. B. Stevens & Co.,our new merchapta,
bas returned home, and tome of his
goods have already arrived. The fine
store room in the Baltimore block are
ready for occupancy and it will be only
a lew weena netore mis big store is
open to tue puonc.
Those speaking at the Prohibition re
union yesterday afternoon were Rev. El
more, C. H. Walker. Rev. E. A. Harris,
Rev. J. A. Longbottom, Mrs. Sarah Pear
son Adams, Mrt. 8. H. financier, Uev
On.nlA A Vk TTn I. TJ . W A
Baker, while tho musio wat furnished by
the quarter
Btdaeata Tear tVawets Witn fssareisi
Candy Cathartte, cure onstlpetloo foreve.
id Henry
Price J
Jl. Settle.
Rock Creek W. H
CbaseandE. Hena
Syracuse Jobs Corner. Isaac Meeker
ana i v. bir ttoa.
Bodaville Ralnb FUber. D. M. Jones
snd W. W. Parritb.
Scio A. J. Johnson. S. P. Monkers
and Ira Pbwot.
tjweet uome A U ISuck, U. ri. Kos-
u ana 4onn urcnam.
Sbedd-Seal Shedd. Hrnrv Snrencer
and B. Fieerksen.
Kantiam John Mevera. H. Cvrns and
i. u. reery.
bbeiburn Giif Kina. S. A. DeVanev
and Benj . Monkers.
Tallmao Geo. Mi Knight, W. W.
Crawford and H. Parker.
Tangent Bird Looner. John Scott and
Geo. Cochran.
nateikm M. A. fitzirerald. Chaa. Di
vine and T. L Rice.
Fiom tie Sews.
The Quaker Medicine "o. are aivina- a
tiriea ( entertainmenta at the city ball.
rs. S. A. Fleener wss a visitor at Al.
bany over Sunday, the gnen ol her
aogbter, Mrs. L A. Munken.
J VS . Games, Jr.. wbo la attending
college at Albany, came over Wedneeday
for a few days visit with friends and rel
atives. Thirteen oi Scio's bowlers have formed
themselves into a club and purchased
the bowling alley. Tbey will now bowl
to the full limit, and it will not be so ex.
pensive for them. Ia other worda they
have formed a little trait."
J. L. Calavan and Miea Cora Alexan
der, two of Scio's popular yooag people,
were man ied at the home of Mr. and
Mrs W. M. Bilyea. in Jefferson, Wed
nesday, Fehrnary 22, 1S99, Rev. Bagley
In this poshing, bustlinj age, people
forget to-morrow what happened to-day.
It it only by constant ham
mering day alter day, week after week,;
moniD a ner moo to tnat one may expect
to keep ia range ol Ibe pub ic eye. More
advertising battles are lost by "letting
go" at iaopoonune momenta for a lew
weektora few months than from any
other one cause. At tbe boll-dog's grip
tightens when his antagonist ia npper
most,so one's advertising crip should be
come firmer aa one sees the wave of boa-
iaete deprwira towering above. Key-
stoor-f-niiaaeibia, ra.
The Magazine club will meet tomor
row afternoon with Mrs A M Cannon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Everett left latt
night for Sapa, Calif , where Mr. Ever
ett bas a poaitiow ia the wo ilea mill.
. E. S went to Portia ad this morn-
mr oi legal bo.ineea He will be admit
ted to practice in the D. S. courts.
R. I Carroll, wbo came down from
Berrx last mcbt . rerxirta two inchea of
anow having fallen at that place the
night before.
Ueaara. Pratt. Balaton. Sneer. Smick.
Th ompson. Achiaon and others of tbe
c liege Went to aalem today to attend the
intercollegiate Y. M.C A. convention.
Male bapenntendeat Ackerman ar
rived in the city this noon and will lect
ors at tbe Presbyterian charen lonie ht.
Our citixens generally should hearhinf.
Mr. John Holmaa retnrned this noon
m Comstock. where be secured a coo
tract for tbe machinery for the new mill
to be erected in, place of? one recently
Tbe Ladiee of the Grand Army will
give a social at the OAR Hall on Tuee-
lsy evening the 2Stb . There will be
program and lunch. Admission 25 cents,
including one chance ia a red, white and
bine quilt, which will be oa exhibition
in tbe window of M;sa Hudson's Studio.
It Is expected Mrs. R. E. Wands, oi ba
tern will address the meeting.
Tbe revival meetings by Evangelist
Lane at the First Cnrtstian church con
tinue with increasing interest. A large
audience wss in attendance latt night.
The Revs. Sea. Cheatham, of Otympia,
J. Young, of Everett and 8. H. . Lincen-
The Albany institute opened latt night
aim to address at the Presbyterian
cburcb by State Superintendent Acker
man. There was a larire attendance.
vii oupermuniiieDi Aiartiniaie pre-
The high school quartet. Misses Cline,
Breuner, Uowar. and Bluett, a ere beard
in a song tnat pleased all.
superintendent Ackerman then spoke
vfu uj auu.ecir no mo puoiic SCtiOOlS
meet our expectations." The eddrett
wat one that felt a strong impreseion on
those bearing it of tbe importance of the
public school in the nation, a ereat fan.
tor in our civilisation, the hope of our
Misses Stuart anJ Brenner vara i.ar1
in a duet well song, snd Mi tees Crosby,
w arner, fclkins and Stuart 10 a quartet.
This forenoon thirty live. rroreiva
teachers met at Ihe central building and
spent several bouis profitably. It waa a
debating crowd and every question was
waruny aitcussed. Mies Ethel Redfield
opened the subject oi mental arithmetic
with aa excellent paper and a fast dis
cussion followeJ Tbe subject of school
discipline wat started by 8. K. Titns.
and this is something that always brings
out a good many sugestiont and sever
al maue tceir ontntoua knawn. Mrs.
Annie Williams give a fine paper on
"Nature S'Udy" that waa frnitln) in the
ideas brought out
So prolific bad ben the thomrhta nre
tented that an adjournment was bad
with tbe program ooly half exhausted
Abisaiternonn at 10 tbe work was
resumed and it will be necessary to hold
late in order to finish tbe woik mapped
out. Papers were expected Irom Mias
Warner. Mis Collins. Mica Wkiinn
Prof Martlndale, Mitt Unite, Prof Baker
Mrs Adsmt and Supeiintendant Acker
man, fallowed by a general discussion
I rot. Ma'tindale. president of tbe
tstocistion, presided in a very satisfact
ory manner
Makes the food more deKcious and wholesome
Miss Tempieton Happy.
From tbe Statesman.
Miss Ira Tempieton, for wboee relief
the legislature appropriated 15.000, to
repay her for injuries receive ! by fall
ing through a bridge in Linn county a
number of years ago, came to Salem yes- j collage.
'DvTB. F. Fuller isfin tbe city. !
Ed. McClannahan, the Kamiier, it in
the city.
T.J. Wilson, teacher an J
Scio, bat been in tho city.
Dr. Trimble Is out after a several days
confinement to Me room with the grit pe.
R Rhrt McLean, of Portland, wa
in tbe city today to tee bis sod a ol the
terday. She called at the staie depart
ment during tbe aftercocn, and tbere
received her warrant for $5.0CO and sbe
was, by reason of this fact, one ot tbe
bappieat woman in Sslem yesterday.
Miss rempleton, wbo was injured in
Linn county in tbe early part of tbe
present decade, baa attempted to secure
recognition of tbe justness of hr claim
by four or five successive legiala: urea.
and a bill for her lelief wss passed in
1893, bat Governor W. P. Lord vetoed
tbe measure Sbe never gave up hope,
however, and finally, at tbe recent sec
tion, a bill was introduced by Senator P.
Ii. ui Linn county, and was en-
Rev. P. A. Moees, of Polk county, was
in the city today the guest i bis eon
Sam. .
C. II. Dalrvmple and Mrs. Fannie
Birdaevof Gold Hill were in Jackson
ville yesterday. Jacksonville Tim s.
Mrs. Hitchcock, of the Viavi office l
Portland, ia in the city on butim-ae. and
will probably open an Albny office
Mrs. Pickens, of Oregon City, bas re
ceived a dispatch from Manila that her
hatband, tbe taut, ot 1 Vo. wui come
William Toner, the Wells Fargo mes-
teneer. recently returned frcm a trip to
Religious services.
United Presbyterian: Morning ser
vice at 10:30. Habiect.of the sermon.
'Opinions of Jesus " 8 8 at 11 :4o. Jun
ior at 3 :30, Senior Endeavor at 6 --30. No
evening service. Ail are cordially invited
to these services.
Presbyterian: Morning worehin at
10 -JZO Subject of sermoo. "The Lord of
Jesus." S S at 1 1 :45, Janior Endeavor
at i :30 ; Senior Endeavor at 6 US), even
ing worship at 7:30. Sobject of eermcn,
The Parable of the Tao Bovt." A cor
dial invitation to all tbe services is ex
tended to all.
Congregational: Preaching at the
Congregation al church as usual. Morn
ing service 11 a m. Subject, "Tbe Bleat-
ingsoi porgeuuinees." Evening service
7:30 p m. Subject, "Tbe Second Com
mandmebU" Sunday school 12:15pm.
All not attending elsewhere an cordially
invited to the above service
F. W. Pabcx.
Baptist cbarct: Services at ocas
boor Preaching both rooming and
evening by Rev. A. A Williamson of
narsaw, Ind. Cbioese miction at 3 p
Junior B Y P h at 3:30 n m. B Y P
U prayer service at 6 :S0 p m. M id-week
prayer meeting Tbureda y evening at 7 ;3C
p ra. A cordial invitation is extended to
all to attend these service.
M E church South: Special meetings
will be begun in the M E chorea South
Jtonday evening, Feb. 27, at 7 iJO by tbe
pastor. A cordial invitation to ail.
CaaaberlaBd Preabvterian : Soadav
Sciaool 10a m. prearbioe service! 11 a tn .
Junior Eadeavor 2:3J p m, Senior Eo
dtaror 6:30 p m, preaching services 7. 3
p ra . Topic far morning. "The " ter of
Life." Topic for evening. "A Perfec
Role of UU" All are cordia'.lv invited
to attend tbeee erv:c
acted into law, Uoveroor wrapswovBsanu Barbary. Calif., where be lett Mrs
EZ1S Dill. Im
Hiram Parker went to Portland this
noon to consult with Dr Brown in refer
ence to one offhia eye,the sight of which
be is about to lose it ot attended to, uie
emit of eryf-Jipeia.
A New York dic&atch of yetterday
states tbat tbe eecend trial of Mrs r ayne
Straban Moore was begun today before
Justice Fnraman, in Ihe criminal branch
of tbe supreme courU
A lettel received by Dr. Wallace this
week from Southern California announ
ced the dangerous illness of bis brother
T. L. Wallace, formerly ot this city. He
waa expected to live only a few days.
Several davj sgo it waa reported that
Miea Zella Daaiela. dausfater cf Mr.
Thomas Daniels, of CioverdaSe, bad died
of pneumonia in Portland. H'ua Dan-
le's waa til aa fci:e but sbe is tot dead.
Instead tbe ia now at work in a restaur
ant in thateir.7.
In the debate last nigbt between For
est Grove and the elate university the
latter won, taking the affirmative of the
question that it would not be for the best
interest ot tbe innted fctatea to bold tne
outlaying colon "tee. Good for Eugene. W
1. biUieaey, .Bernard Jakway and U
Galloway, wbo represented the team
passed tbrotgh Albany this noon lor
feller, of the Central church, took part
in tne services. vativ lacome Ledger.
Rev. Lane waa recently in charge of the
Christian church at this city.
Mr. Lyman Smith manufacturer of the
famous Smith-Premier typewriter, waa
recently in tbe Northwest, while here
investing (360,000 in Seattle property,
returning east by way of tne Southern
racinc. Nr. Hmtta la now about forty
seven years ol age, and it worth several
Died ia Indiana.
Mies Anna Whiliog.daughter of Julias
F. Whiiicg, tor many year a resident of
this coan'.y, died in Wabasb, lad., last
we--k, alter a abort illne-s. Mr. Whiting
was in the city. The Times devotes sev
eral columns to the matter including a
Statement bv Mr Whiting that he had
nx neglected bit children as had been
reported. Mrs. Wbiting, bU second
wile, residing in ibis conn y, has begun
a snt for divorce aaainat Mr . VY biting in
the Linn county coons.
At a meeting of the directors of tbe
First National bank, ot this city, held
yesterday, It was decided to merge the
bank into tbat of tbe one known as the
"Ladd & Bosh ." It waa started in l&i
the first president being v N Ladae.cow
a resident of Minnesota. A few years
ago Mr Ladue's interest in 'he bank was
purchased by A Bush and s.nce then
A Bush and A N Bush have been the
controlling stockholders. Statesmen.
That Eioica Taxy Under tbe J pro
visions of tbe bicycle law7instead of con
tributing to bicycle paths in Linn county
we will have to help other counties or
else remain inside of tbe county, which
few will do. The tax ia on each and
every bicycle in the county not excepted.
Tbe abaenea of the bicycle tax tag from
a wheel shall be prima facie evidenea
that tbe tax baa not been paid, and if a
bicycle ia taken op without a tax it will
cost 1 additicnal. Quite a number of
Albany riders say the will apply for a
tag. .
A Big Casi. Tbe elect. on fraud cases
at Salem are attracting a great deal of at
tention. The cases will be fought fierce
ly. Tbe first case being tried u tbe one
against 8. T. Richardson. The attorney t
for tbe state are District Attorney Hay-
den. Deputy McXary and W. IL Holmes,
lor tbe defendant A. &. Bennett ot tbe
Dalles, Henry McGinn of Portland. John
M. Gearia n Portland and George
Bingham, P. H. D'Arey, and J. A . Car
ton of Salem. Tbe jury bad not been
oktaioed last nigbt.
FoeeUl ia the county seat of the new
county of Wheeler.
Tbe nickle in-tbe-slot biil has been
signed by the Governor and it a law.
The Oregon hat arrived at Honolulu
on its way to Manila,woich it ia expected
to reach about March 10.
While ia Portland yesterday Mr. C E.
LSox for Hewitt t Soa filed petitions in
bankruptcy for L. Viereck, J. E. Cyras
ana W. T. PItchford.
Tbe college e'nb last evening at the
armory defeated a picked club 23 to 6 ia
a fast game. Next week tbe eo'lege boys
will play either Corvallis or Salem.
Tho Junction City Bulletin haa ap
peared wan J. a. Lawrence as ita editor.
It is a newty, well gotten up paper, aad
prom lees to be a credit to Junction.
Tbe fruit crop altogether it cot seri
ously injured, according to reports from
different orchards. Peaches though are
undoubtedly damaged so badly tbat there
wm be r; radical. y none.
A goo! many Manila letters and pack
aeesarrived in' Aibanr this morning. A'
mone other things were some Philippine
biscuits, odd looking things, as hard as
To Cure a Cold in One I ay
Tate Laxative Brouso Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 2. The genuine bat L. B. Q,
on eacb tablet. -
You Try It.
-From tbe Timet.
Born, On Tuesday. February 21. 1S99,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Fuasiog, of this
city, a ton.
Druggist Fred Daweon. proprietor of
tbe Medicine Show nuw in the city,
lame over from Albany last evening to
'take la the tbow.
u Shilch's Couch and Consumption
ure, wnicn is eoa lor me tnuut price o
za a., so c. ana 1 i.oo, does not cur
take tne botue back and we will reran
your money. Sold for over fifty years o4
nis guaraatee. t'rice, 2j cts.and ouc
Pride of Albany Soap,
weighs 20 ounces,
and ia high grade, for sale by
C E. Baowsaxx.
is due not ocJy to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, bat also
to the care and akUl with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the Caxjfcesia Fig Snscp
Co. only, and we Ktsh to impress upon
all tbe lTrrinrfaRi' xit. jjun-hyartgr tiie
true and original remedy. Aa the
genuine Syrnp at Figs is mannf axrtared
by the Cauvoksia Fio Sxbtt Co.
only, a knowledge cf that fact wil!
assist one in avoiding' the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing- of the Cjlli-roasi-A.
Fin Stkcp Co. with the nedi
sal profession, and the satisfaction
wliich the genuine Syrup of Figs bas
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of Us remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the IdJneys, liver and
bowels without irritating- cr weaken
ing; them, and it does sot stripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
As well aa the handsomest, aad others are I
invited to call oa any druit aad ge I
i Kr.K a trial bottie tf hemp s Balsam fa
tne t croat and lab, a remedy teat
guaraatred to care and relieve all Ckroa
aad Acute Coughs. Asthma, Broacait
Conscription. Price 25c. aad 50c
Sick Headaches.
The curse of overworked womankind .are
quick I v and surely cored bv Karl's Clover ;
Root lea, the great blood purifier and
tissue builder. Money refunded if not
satisfactory. Price, 2 cts. and 50 eta.
Soma Interesting Figures.
In tbe bonae 384 bills were introduced.
186 patted the bouse and 75 of them the
senate and became laws, of the number
2t being charter bills. Curtis intro luced
tbe most bills. SO. Of these 11 pasted
tbe boat and I became laws. You ng
wat next with 23 bills, 8 patting the
boost and only one; a charter bill, the
senate. Moody had 20 bills, 16 pausing
tbe bouse and only 4 tba senate r ugg
bad U bills in the air, a passing the
bouse and only 1 tne senate. Jones in
traduced 1 bill, which passed neither
h use. Palmer bad 6 bills, S passing tbt
house, none the senste. Whitney had
12 billa, 7 passing tue bouse and s oi
them the senate, 3 being charter bills.
W bailey 'f record was 14 bille, 7 passing
the bouse and not a out tne senate mak
ing 14 fruitless and useless efforts at legis
lation. 24 members do not have credit
for a single bill passed. but tbey no doubt
may have made an in good voting and
work against noor bills. Two members.
Conn snd Smith did not Introduce a bill.
Wants Xbw Blood. For Heaven's
sake. Mr. Gear, infuse a little new blood
fresh from contact with the producers
and taxpayers, into your appointments
Don't rjeroetuate the entire confratcr
nity.of profestional office- holders. Four,
six, eight, ten or twenty years is long
enough for any man to pun at trie pub
lic teat. Tbey deserve a breathing spell,
a rest. All but Phil Metscban. He
should be allowed to stroke hit beard
forever at a high salary
million dollars, made mostly from bis f We learn that President Hugh Fields,
typewriters. He belongs tn a large fami
ly and believe in doing something dur
ing life. Sometime ago he presented
each ot two titters with 150,000. One
brother manufactures the Smith gun.
some ol wbicn are used on tba coast.
The Smiths had tbe advantage of having
been Dfougnt up in tne tame netgfiDor
hood ot the Dbmocbat man, tome of them
attending tbe tame school.
Wednesday night at Tba Dalles. Otit
Patterson of the land office and Posmatt'
tar Crosse n bad a fight tnat nearly ended
seriously. Patterson, who baa been try'
Ing to htve Oroasen removed wbile in a
saloon attacked tbe latter and drew hit
revolver on him but did not thoot. Pat
terson, who ia known by a good many
alieny men, was arretted.
Senators Records.
In tbe senate 337 bills were iotrod need
25 patted the senate and 92 the house
t'jus becoming laws. z3 were charter
bills. Fultoa introduced 28 bills, IS
nasaine the senate and 15 the house.
Mnlkev wat next with 16 bills. 5 passing
tbe senate and turee tne House, juaior
introduced 13, 8 passing the senate and 4
the bouse. Daly of Benton introduced 8
bills. 7 nesting both hortee. Driver in
traduced 2 bills, 1 passing ootti nouses.
Clem introduced 3 bills, none passing
either house. Kelley 8 bull, 0 passing
tbe senate and 3 tbt bouse. Harmon in
traduced 8 bills and 8 became lawt.
Every member introduced at lean 2 billt,
of the Epgte Woolen Mills-has porcba
ed tbe interoeU of air. w. K. Kirk in tne
company, involving about 1 10 ,0c).
Mint Listie Hunter has purchased tne
millinery store of Mrs. Maude Coshow,
and will take charge of the same about
tbe middle of Marcb. Miss Hunter is a
milliner of experience, having worked
in Albany and Portland, at present being
engaged at tbe latter piece
Principal W. A. Calde'. of the North
Side public school has resigned bis posi
tion as principal, the same to take etIVt
on March 3rd. and the reeignation has
been accepted by tbe board, air. uaia
rr will leave soon alter school closes on
a trio to Chicago to attend to business
which requires bis attention.
Word hat been rtceived that W. C.
McGee. who it with the California vol
nnteera at Manila, bat bad a stroke of
good fortune. He and the S. F. Exam
iner't correspondent at Manila have
grown to be good friends, and after Mc
Gee gets discharged from the newspaper
man It going to taae cidi on a trip to
Europe and the Paria exposition as his
assistant. Lebanon &. a.
A cough is not hkf a lever. It does not
have to run a certain course. Cure it
q ickly and effectually with One Minute
Cough Cure, tbe best remedy for all ages
aad for tbe most severe cases. We recom.
mend it because it'a (ro"d. J . A. Cum
ming, agnt.
If you want a aooa and cleat
uoke buy cigars made by our Al
bany cigar factory -
Strictlv business.
The remains ot David Bonner were
brought from the Summit this noon ac
compained by Dr Winnard and Lore d to
Grey, who went after them yesterday.
tne former to iuae tue neces
sary certificate of death. Bonner was
an old soldier.
Salem Jour I and all got billt through but two.
Blumbcrg Block Sold
An expectoration ordinance went into
effect in Salem thit morning, r ine f I to
110. Albany men going to baiem win
take wamtcg.
One year ago today tha Blumberg block
wat told at public tale to T. M, Witten,
of Jefferson. Tbere wat a year In which
A railroad down the north bank of the 1 to redeem it by the former owner. Yes-
Columbia ia being proposed. terday the money wat presented tbe
Dr. Norman Lee, of Junction City, it
visiting relatives and old friends in Leb
anon, tie reeiueu nere a goo many
years ago. He was called io Albany to
see his father-in-law, A. B. Griggs, who
is very ill. h. A.
The managers ol the Albany creamery
regard to having a skimming station, at
this place. If wo can't have a creamery
in this community, we should at lenst
have a skimming station, wherever
French the jeweler.
CTeecent Bicycle,
Hopkins Brothers, agents.
Bet Bicycle for tue money.
Will A Stark, jewe'ers.
Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers
for only fcS). $30, 135 aad 50.
C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets
to all points in the east.
Be sure and see the anti rqst tinware at
Hopkia Bros, will laa a ufstime.
Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho
tographs, and do not :orgct to taae aiong
tbe money.
Soothing, healing, cleansing. I s Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve ia tbe implacable ene
my of sore, burnt and wounds. It never
fails to cure Piles, You may rely upou it
J. A. Cummmg. agent.
What is Shiloh
A grand old remedy for Ocugh, Oold
and Consumption; used through th
world for half a century, baa cured in
numerable caasa of incipient con sump
tion and relieved uiany in advanced
stages. It you are not aausneu witn uie
results we will refund your money. Price
25 eta., 50 cte. aud tl.00.
Many a household is saddened by death
because ot the failure to keep ca Band a
e.fe and absolutely certain cure for croup
such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that
your little ones are protected against emer-
I . :
gency. J. a. -uluuiiuk, agcuw
The Universal Bolter makes good flour
The JUngnolla
SaW Mill It, Kf. 1W TQan. tt-W.
See Locals, on every page.
Wheat 48 ceata.
The Parker fountain penis a "cracker
Jack." French the iewler sells them
Alaise and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn dc Huston's. the viis
When yon want a choice steak, a nice
roast or meat of any kind, call on henry
Jroders. He keeps the best.
Old bachelors acd'oli maids not under
99 years of age can get their phototrais.
taken at Miss Lonjrs.nroviUiiig they nave
the money to pay for (them.
Miss Long will be p'essea to niase tee
fotografs of all the grand parents of old
pioneers also ot tbeir ox teams, it tney
will only call at her a'udio on eecood and
Ferry street.
Go to Verick's shaving and hair cnt-
Urg parlors for first ciass work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to
The best meats of all kinds aad good
treatment at the Albany Dressed beef
Company's market, just djwn Secon!
treat. Uood weugnt and prompt attend
Prof. Holland's social dances will here
after be given on Saturday instead of on
Friday evening.
II your sewing machine needs repairing
take it to E. U. Wills tewing machine
depot and get tbe work done reasonable.
Don't wait until spring when the rx:h ot
work ia on us, yon may not get theesork
done so prompt in the spring. All a oik
Late to oea ana early to rise, prepares a
man for his home in the skies. But early
to bed and a Little Early Riser. thepiU
that makes life longer and better and wiser.
I- A. Camming, agent.
Gillett Pepper box Bluing
at C- E. Caow Knit's
tt w.- -Tn .k. nMi. sheriff and the nroperty pasted from the 9P"B!.eBS" . "wuc'
.J?.'??rr'"r-V:ZZ K.,Uf U,. Vfttin haeV IaUi. Rlnm-' lor tarmeiB. lAluauuu .
ttate printer Leedt it at least $20,000 a
year, and tbe recent legislature guilibly
endorsed it.
There will be a special meeting at the
Salvation Army Hall Saturday night
conducted by the children consisting of
recitations, tonga nd (tableaux. You
are invited.
bars-, who told the property to Mr. W.
H. Goltra, who it now the owner of the
At the property wat held by Mr. Wit
ten in the Interett of tbe Corvallit A
Eattern it it reported the company will
nrobablv move their offices into another
J block when secured.
At the meeting of tho city council
Taeadav evening, the recorder was or
dered to assess the city. The council is
stSoumiz.NO Kaw Vapor anJ hot
tieain hatha regularly at the Combine
on BM-ber bbop.
Recent comers t this country should
.Vf VVUUMI IB , . . , . . ,, - , .
considering the matter of levying and reiuenioer umn v. uiw u
ll.4X.t aaa !. vfonw If 4 Kftw Ha.w t VliUHlCllA JUDMUUIWItO wntUK
LVUVVWHM wa- - J - V - 1 A. 2 ;
cide to do so, our cititens will have two
year's taxes to pav thia year, aa tho 'l
taxes (levy &si nuns) win i couecte-
by tha sheriff. Lebanon L. A.
Cuines, B.1BO llliuiiu)(a w ui. wiuv. .
lowest prices in wu aiaw. ciunrv u
Mcsic. Miea Milarca nurmester
teacher of piano or organ. System iht
Mason toucn and technique. Kesiuenre
Fifth street, opposite U P cbaich.
A fine "Haines Broj." mahogany can a
secocd hand. UprUht piano lor ealeset
E. U. Will's Mus e s ore. Onsileonly
three weeks. Call quick or you may be
too late.
ivarcame evil witn guou. r,mw.
voor cough and told with OneMinut
Cough Cure. It is o good eb,;,, cry (0
it. It cure croup, bronchitis, pneumo n
la erippe ana an uiroat and luag diajaJ'
J. A. Camming, ag .nt.
To all point East via
Great Northern Railway.
Forjrates, foldeia and full inforiuaiion
eall on or addre
H. F. Mebetix,
Agent Albany.
ing without
all Flour 80e per sack. Try it.
The Magnolia.
SW.SM. u uu.u.iau.oriuigiataraiunei
February 17 & 21 , 1399