Ohalnless, model 1S99... Ohainless, model 1898.. Chain, model 1899 Chain, model 1893 Raur, model 1898 Hanford, Pattern 1899.. Hertford, PattrnlS9S.. Vedette, Pattern 1899... $ 75 00 65 CO 50 00 ..... 45 00 40 00 35 00 30 OO 25 00 For 22 years the Columbia lineol bicycle have been the beat, and now, having been reduced to low in price, don't be satisfied with something "just as good," bat come around and get the genuine article. WANTED Several good second-hand Bicycle in trade for Columbii s. m.- STEWART & SOX HDW.CO. BADLY BURNED. .TUESDAY. John Marshall, who resides in the Forks across the Sant'mm from Lebanon inet with a seiious accident either Sat urday night or Sunday morning. He was found in his small house, where he resides alone yesterday morning in a critical condition, lie had evidently lain down by the fire ptacc, and getting 1 noar the fire been badly burned 1 the flames, for one aide w as found to bo in a serious condition from burns, and atterwaras crawled into his bod. tor was sent for and reported it iui it ne coma live. YAQUIXA. I There is a ray of hope In a dispatch i from Washington, which states that Mr. Heyworth, of Christie, Lowe & Hey worth,the lowest bidders on the Yaqutna mntrm-t. iu thnrs read to norlorni the I - . . , ... . i . 1 .:!. .1. a H A.L that the contract had been signed and the bonds irn.de, but had been returned a i on account of an "and- being left out. doubt- To1,y Mr Tongue and other members of our ueiegniiou we e to gu ueiura luq arc matter a per It is to Xf.mh.n ha! h,t ).; .i,. ni .:f. retaiy or war ana nave me tune. Years ago he was froien while in I "ralghtenej out Heyworth is the mountains, as a result losing an arm 1 f00' tn of fcwretary -'Ke and havinsr both teet crnn e i. He is i '"" wall known in Albany. Made ir Oregon Fed in Oregon Kilted and Cured In Oregon. Moe Hams Bacon "Irv a cottage Ham. ALBANY TRADING CO, Middle Store Baltimore Block. Dill Pickles. Sour PicRles, Cann .-d goods first c'ass in every respect. Teas, Coffee and spices a full line. Middle Store Baltimore Blnck. ALBANY TRADING CO. Yard Littler, Assistant. J. C UTTLSE'S Ground Floor Dental Office Broadalbin, St. Albany, Oj MONDAY... THE LEGISL ATUK E. Oa Saturday evening fourteen.billa had been approved by the Governor. Of these ten were charter bills, one author ising Antelope to borrow $o,000,one mak ing beach in Clatsop county a public highway, one authorizing Jefferson in stitute to sell to school district and the other creating the office of state biologist. Seventeen have passed both houses, twelve being charter bills, the other as foilows : Harmon, to provide that summaries onlv of county assessment roll be trans mitted to secretary of state. - Judiciary committee, to provide cler ical aid for judzes of the supreme court. Hill, to regulate pilotage on Columbia and Willamette rivers. Sherwin, to regulate and fix the salary of the aseetsor of Jackson county. Williamson, to redistrict the state! for senators and representatives. TREATY-RATIFIED. The United States senate today by a ota oi o to n raunea the treaty oi peace made at Paris between the the Un ited States and Spain some time ago, af ter a debate that has created general at tention. This will now bring the matter of the government of the islands np for disposition. The Court House Improvement. Last Saturday evening the Welch Brothers, of Salem, filed their bond on the court house improvement contract . and let the sub-contracts -o Hopkins Bros, for plumbing, etc., Chamberlain Bros, for the masonry work, the buear Pine and Fixture Co., for mill work, J C Goodale for lumber and the painting will go to Salem, Welch Br; s. doing their own carpentry work. Christmas Day in Manila The following from the Mauila Soldier :,given as a letti-r lione from one of the soldiers, and is quite suggestive : Dear Moll It's Christmas day, But you wouldn't think it to see the way These native dress on a winter's day, It would make you shiver if I told you now But 1 wouldn't do it as I don't know how, I couldn't explain in the proper form Without you'd see the way 1 was born. I can see you all at the old home there, Eating the turkey and even my share. But I blame you not for your appe tites fine, As I know how it was, ence on a time. i can stay nere and stay nere, as long as they wish, But when I get home, I'll not again be a tish. So here's to you all, with a moral you know, Stay home while your there and you'll ever eat crow. Jack Allphin. of The Oregonian publishes a picture Jack Allphin, of Toledo, well known in Linn county, and gives the following sketch of his life 1, M. J. Allphin was born in Franklin county, Kentucky November 27, 1828. He was a bushwhacker in the Indian wars of 1847-48 and 1&5. He was a dele gate to every democratic territorial con vention held in Oregon. He always takes an active part in politics, but has never been a candidate for office. He is now a gold-standard democrat. He was in Hancock county, Illinois, during the Mormon trouble in 1847, and was pres ent when Joe and Hi mm Smith, Mor mon elders, tried to make their escape from a log jail, which resulted in their death. Mr. Allphin. although 70 years of age, is as hale and hearty as a man of 50. He has a great memory, and his tales of pioneer life are interesting to his many friends. Winter Doings. Yesterday was devoted almost tntirely by our citisens of all ages to skating, part ies were formed, going to Monleith's pasture and to Thornton'g lake across the river, where the best ice wat found. Last evening large crowd gathered on tbe Monteith pasture ice and spent several tours in the most invigorating sport known. Skating is a rare thing in this valley and when it comes it is quite nec essary to make it a business while it lasts. Ice I rose n in many and picturefque forma, in tbe rear of the Msguolia mills has attracted attention and Mr Lorenzo Grey as guidd has had his hands full showing visitors 'he scenery. In other places there have been presented some pretty scenes. Home excellent photo graphs were secured and will be I ept as mementoes ol this cold snap that Hopped over tbe mountains into this warm val ley. Several eleiahs have been kept run ning ana many have enjoyed rides over tbe bumpy roads covered with enough snow to tall it sleighing, much prefera ble though to wagons. There are froten pipes all over the city and tbe thaw means manv bursts. A Chinook struck Albany this morn ing and the snow that began falling on Wednesday of last week is fast being melted from the face of t!;e earth. SIIFDD TO NEBRASKA. George W. T. Pierce writes from Ver don, Neb., in poetry, giving an account ' of his trip to that state from Shedd. Fie made the trip by the Central and Union Pacific, past the Devil's Slide and the many scenes f.unihar to travelers, until he reached Kansas. As h's manuscript covers sixteen pages we can only give the , ..WEDNESDAY. STATE LEGISLATURE. The aoll-slot machine bill passe senate. A resolution urging the return Oiegon Volunteers was tabled. In the house the Whitney m tax .law wss passed the Looks dith-L - The present skating has brought np the question of how fast a man can trav el on the ice. One young man had a relative who waa reported to have skated twenty miles in half an hour. Inasmuch as the record for twenty miles made by A. D. Smith is 1 hr., 6 min. and 3d 2-6 sec, this waa indeed fast. ' Tbe record lor one mile was made by Tim Donobue in 2 min., 12 3-5 sec. with the wind at his back. Last Saturday at Xewberg N. Y. Donohue skated 2 miles in 90 minutes. Revival See vices. At the Cumber land Presbyterian church, beginning te night, Monday, Rev Samuel M. Wood, of Dayton Oregon, will conduct the ser vices. Come and hear the gospel preach ed after the manner of tbe Holy Ghost. W. C. T.U. The "regular meeting of (he W omens Christian Temperance Union will be held in their ball Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 7, 1899, at 3 o'clock. A fuH attendance is desired. The Oregon boys were not in the fight near Manila veaterdav. Tbe reason is that they had been assigned to garrison duty and were inside tbe city. Death of ben. Mills. Mr. Benjamin Mills, a resident of Tan gent for a good many years, ano well known through the county, died at the home of his father in that city yesterday at 2 o'clock p. m., at the age of thirty eight years. He was a carpenter and a young man of excellent habits. Mr. Mills was taken with grip recently. It run into spinal meningitis, from the effects of which he died. Mr. Mills was one of the Democrat's oldest correspondents, writing for the paper fully fifteen years, last vear send ing some interesting letters here from Los Angeles. The remains will be buried at Sand Ridge tomorrow, tbe procession leaving Tangent at 9 a. m. Dr Lowe leaves Saturday. Mrs. M. A. Dorria is visiting ber son Lake in Eugene. Ed Snow, recently with the 14th regi ment, left Saturdav on a trio to South ern Oregon. . Rev. Cain, of Amitv. was in thecitv on his way home after preaching in Corvsl lis yesterday. Grand Master Woraman D. C. Herrin is in tbe city and tonight will meet with Safety Lodge. Let all attend. Sheriff William Fraiier, oVPortland, is in the city buying horses. ItSs as nat ural for him to buy horses as forttucks to swim. Kejtniar meeting of the Manzaftita Circle tonight, initiation and business importance to come np for disdussion, By order of Guardian Neighbor. Dr E.J. Sommersville, the well known East Ender, intends sonn to move to Pendleton, where he will build a fine residence. Weston Leader. Prof. Mitchell's intelligent bird dog, "Pete," nearly lost bis life from poison last Sunday. He was saved only by prompt and generous doses of lard oil. Weston Leader. The event of next week will be at the M. E. church on Tuesday evening to cel ebrate the liquidation of the church in debtedness. M. C. Wire, D D.o'. Albany, win give dis entertaining lecture entit led -ways mat win." A social hour will follow; Jefferson Review. treorge k. i-aati. who. when c.tv re corder cf Pendleton, was convicted of tbe emDezziementof between 13.000 and 14. 000 and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary, waa released recently from the penitentiary, his term having been! nortened by good behavior. No. l'a firemens entertainment to be given at their hall on tbe 17th promises to be a very hne aflair. Invitations are being sent to former members when ever their addresses can be found. It is to be hoped ex-Chief Jos. Webber is in duced to be present. He can infuse more fire spirit into people than anv one in the history of tbe Albany department. me following irom me urceonian is about two former Albany people : vt. a. Lm. rord warren leit lor rew York City last Monday evening. She expects to be absent from four to six weeks. Airs. Urpha M. Wheeler return ed on Thursday last from Port Towns end, where she has been visiting for the past two months. Oak Creek Literary Society. Society met last Sat. evening Feb. 4th, but owing to the weather there were not to many out. Tbe question for debate was: "Resolv ed the Philippines should ha annexed to ibe U. S." After hearing from some of the disputants on Jie negative of tbe question, tbose on the affirmative all be ing absent, it was suggested that tbe question be given the negative. The question chosen for Sat. eve, Feb 18 is: "Resolved that the n.lnd of man Is strorger than tbit of noronn " AI Grmative Amos Wickeixer, W SThouip sod, H Perry, J Wickeiier and L Baker. Negative-Lewis Churchill, H McElmnr ry, Esther Hatching, E D Wil'iams and Jennie Hensbaw. Tbe remainder of the program U consist of tbe following: Music Recitation Esther Hutcbics. Dialogue Recitation Ina Smith. Music. Death of Mrs David Froman. Mrs. Jennie, mile cf David Froman died at ber home in this city lsst night from puerperal convulsions, the news of which has caused general regret. The deceased was born in this county Janu ary 24, 1S6S, and spent ber life here. She was a graduate of Monmouth Nor mal school and taught in tbe Albany schools for several years She was a memoerot tne Baptist etinrcii and was beloved for many noble traits of charac ter. Besides ber mother, Mrs- Blount, she leaves a sister Miss Mary and two broth ers, Fred Blount of this city and Oscar Blount of Ashlan I. Tee funeral services will be held at tbe residence of tbe husband of tbe de ceased on Third near Jeffereou at 2 o' clock tomorrow afternoon, to which all friends are invited. W. B. Glass, of Crawlordaville, waa jn the city today. P. Y Duncan and family recently in business in Sauta Ko Calif., bave moved to Campbell, anla Clara county, Calif. Levi 8. Harper, of Jacksonville, who served noder President McKinlev in the army, has been granted a pension of (3 montb. r. J. 8. Yan Winkle has accepted tbe position of bead clerk in the Albany post office under a. $. Train, a Lo sill take charge of the office on Feb 13. Miis Itha Cbeadle bat just completed a successful term of school in this county near Jefferson, and bas been re-engaged by tbe same district so satisfactory Las been ber teaching. Every one who is interested io Albany College should attend the Loral Oratori cal contest, Friday, Feb. 10. 1899, 8 o clock p. m. in the First Presbyterian church. The pension of Peter Chance of Brownsville bas been increased from $6 to $12 a month and that of Sylvester Church of Gates from 8 to 1 10. part referring to the end of his trip. is as follows: At last I got to St. John after dark. I went up to the central park. 1 see a young man or a hired hand, that lived out on the sandy land : I told him where that I was going, while the wind was blowing, he told me bow to go, two miles north-east riylit down the corn row, but I started rr , t a ways and on tbe sand hill I did t. nd there came a terubU hrttcs, a . all at once I began to sneese lor I thought I would freese. I got to where I was a going and the wind kept b'o;iug. Ka sab was so cold. I bave of ten been told, that it would fieese the coal, or freese in the north pole. 1 bad to put r.n all my clcse, and thea I veary near frose ff my heeli and toes, and you might as well suppose, I all most frose mv ears and nose. I went to Great bend to go to Sterling. I got on the freight, and went just a whirling. It was the worst ride I ever had, because they hurt rue verv bad I.was standing look ing at a grove and the train started up and throned me over on the stove. I got up as qu ck as I could, ti.be burnt to death t was afraid I would. 1 stayed at St- rling a few day but there was ooihing her to pay I didn't like sa I made a strike o Yerdon. Nebraska I did go leaving KanskS far below for it was the coldest country I ever wss in, hope I'll never see it again. I like this county better here l-r there lives mr dear, she with dark brown hair no other girls can com pair, with a heart's that kind and true if anvenimeis they are few, with hands so little and white in m hand shs squeeze so tight, T.ssie is her name Though her name it may be hanged b-tt she will be anown just the same As she sits by my sida she wiil oon be m bride. As the wrd are veary scearse I will ine my name. Ukosoi W. T. Pubi c. THE LEGISLATURE. Resolutions were parsed in reference to the war. In the senate Josephi's insane asylum bill assed, said to bi a big saving to the state. lk-siJcs charter bills including Leban on's one wss passed giving soldiers and sailors preference in public service, one making Multnomah county take Fort lands leas? on stevl bridge and one in re ference to reporter's notes as evidence. In the bouse the district attorneys sal ary bill was pissad. In this district it is fixed at j,oU0, also Fiagg's hove bill requiring executions in tbe penitentiary, Moody's limiting appeals to the supreme court to matters involving 200, a bill empowering clerks of school districts to bid 'propersty in on taxes . Beach pro hibiting adulteration of candy, Whitney prohibiting running of band car on the railroad without consent of owners, Max well appropriating 15,tX0 for brid.-e 1 over .Neha.enj, Topping regulating travel over county bridges, Iavis salary slicr iffof I.incon countv tlSOJand clerk 1.- 200. Klagg reuuirinif titmaturea of hoii. 1 . m. hnl,t i r.,i... ;-..i , , J rues i rabtree legal voters. Hill prohibiting the sale of li-juor in private boxes, Thompson re quiring license far sale of liquor in anv quantity. strong vote of M to It), Judge Whitney of ttili city making a strong plea in iti fav i or-, ably seconded by Flagg, Ford, Cum- mings, Carter, Mctjaeen and Stump, and opposed by W bailey, Moody, Reeder, Uoss. Morton, Williamson and Roberts. All the Linn county delegation voted lor tbe bill. Those opposing it were all re publicans. In the senate the Brownsville charter bill was passed, Harmon piotecting fieh in Curry county, bufur regulating juitiee court proceedings, iLe Marlon county salary bill. The apportionment bi!i was filed with out the governor's signature and thns be comes a law. The governor signed the folio sing bills : Relating to preparation of assessment rolls; to provide clerical aid for justices of the supreme court; chirter ol Mon montb; chatter of Lakeview; charter of Grants Pass. House bills: Salary as sessor Jackson county; charUr oNGold Hill; charter ol Marehfield. In tbe afternoon Helliog's sheriff fee bill in civil cases carrying (12 per day for 'ury fees passed, also Mu'.key's mak ing governor.secretary ol state and treas urer a board of equalization, Joserbi' boa'd of park commissioners, Keller's road tax bill alleramendment.Brownetrs -thou! lund bill making interest 6 per cent butauttioriziogS. In t'te house eleven bil's were passed io the afternoon: Hill s regulation bill, it permits a strict party vole, other Ue being regular Australian ballot law.Mor ton protecting Iruit an 1 hop Industries, Flagg, reorganizing state board ol agric ulture, Young protecting jacksnipe, eic , Moody's trout bill. Maxwell's adulter ated food bill with I1CC0 for a salary of commissioner. Hall for registration of births and deaths.Reeder's surveyor bib, Woiiocott in reference to viewers. A bill by Kiuse lor appropiiaiingM.500tor a fish ladder at O-egon City waa com mottled. Williamson's oill for $1000 lor a monument in memory of volunteers killed in war was introduced read and passed in five minutes. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL, E. B. Tabler, ol Toledo, was in the city today. G. W. Simpson came np from Portland tins noon. Capt. and Mrs Movs went to Corvallis this noon to assist in services tonight. rof. Straub, of the state university. eetgJigeJ waa in the city yetenlay. by tliB"T jQjin n0jn,an returned this noon from Sitlem. where he bas been ill for several days. Linn Engine Co. No. 2 will give an other of their popular sociaU and entei tafnments on the 28ih. Yesterday President Chapman of the state university formally tendered bis resignation as president to take effect Oct. 1. Rev. L. B. Fisher, formerly of Albany has resixned as pastor of a Portland church and In a tew weeks will leave lor Indiana to reside. Rev. T. J. Wilson, of Eugene, who bas been assisting in a series of meetings at Oakville, waa iu the city today previous to returning to his home. The Telegram reiers fo JJr. Jones, af this county, as the "lethargic member from Linn county, who asks lor (1.00C with which to improve the soda springs in Southern Oregon." There is nothing lethargic about the Dr. A social and entertainment given bv the Home Forum last evening waa great ly enjoyed. A fine program was render ed consisting uf well rendered piano solos by Flossie Koecbt, Charles Cuodiff and Bessie Swann, vocal solos by Grace Livingstone, Cbarlea Knecht and Loren zo Grey, a duet by Mioses Stewart and Lewis, a recitation of the Lord's prayer in tbe mote language by Miss Viola La Porte, recitations and reading by Oliver Wagstaff, Mrs. Howard, Conrad Meyer jr., and Effie Lewis, and the address oi the evening by Dr. J. L. Hill in his in imitable style. Partners were fished lor oy tbs ladies and a delicious lunch served. TO i NIGHT AND TO' NIGHT MORROW ounly Fair Committee. In acco'dance wi.h a resolution pass ed at the Iat meeting of the Linn Conn- ty Business Council. 1 will anmint tt; following committee irom the different.' Uranus in Linn countv mat in at i bany, reb. 18th for tbe purpose ol con sidering the question ol orgsnizmg a county lair: Cnarity-F M Kizer, It G Wigle, Jode Peail. Ilarrishurg-g S Train, E E Upmeyer, A L Morris Haley II Freerkeen, II C Davis S Z Tsylor. Oak Piain-S S Myees, II B Springer. W M l owers. Tangent J E Oanbey, L B Luper, A L Bridgeiarmer. Utand Prairi C II Walker, T Frc man, G L Re. Harmony J W Props!. S A Djxsm, I. Komine. fr-antiam Frank Crabtree, II Cyroi, Obituary. At his home in Tangent on Sunday Feb 5lh, Benjamin S. Mills, died of some i nd of brain trouble, aged about 33 years, Bennie, as be was usually railed, hat lived in Tangent lor a number of years and was well and favorably known at lebaoou as well as st tbis place. He has been correspondent (or the Dem.x aT lor many years known to iu readers as Young America. He will be sad.'y missed by bis many friends and much more so bv bis old i father, who is now left entirely alone, be j baring buried bis wile Dec. 27, 1S9&. He has the vmnathv oi thu enlir neighborhood in bis sad aOi ctioo. A FatasD. Linn County Counc:l. There was a fair attendance Ust Sat urday at Harmony Grange at tbe month ly meeting, ootaithstandiog the co d. In tbe absence M the presiding officer Bon J Clem filled tbe chair. Five granges were representsd, Graod .'and Ridge Jas W fcwank. P Parker, M tnyder. J fcojir. Pres. I low tu B jy a Scwiog Machiue. College Note. Mr. Dummct, Traveling Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. was a visitor Jan 30 and made a ta k to the students. His visits are always appreciated. Io tbe "Teiescope." a paper published In this city, is a department headed "Cclegs Chips." Tni is not published tin t!ie perm i ah on ol the lacoltv. aa Prairie. Harmony, Snd liidge. Tangent ( they recognize tbe lact that it is a die- j Above all things do not bay from an agent who makes It a practice to peddle ibem through tbe country. There are hundreds ol cases where the peop'e wbo patron. tod thea paid Irom f 10 to 2S more than tbev could have bought Ibe same machine Irom E. U. Will at Albany. No machine canvasser works for less than $10 on a sale besides his travel ing expenses, which amounts to about 4 more on every sal. Tbose woo patronixe them pay this extra profit. A ! machine tby ask tK lor you can buy j lor 1 10. It is astonishing that parents do ) not teach their children this simple fact i bow to bu'. Tbe firm wbo ciuplcys a 'canvasser necessarily inflate their ware- rcom Mice to protect tbeir canvasser; tbe canvasser cannot make bis profit il bis employers undersell nim. From the fsjtegoing it is evident that vcu aboujd j patronize E. U. til of Albany wbo bas ; oo agents and who will tare yon from j tlO to 139. Wo sell a standard machine i lor tZb with !teat improvements and at- uchments. n arranted lor five year. And eoc'a day and night during1 this week sou can get at any druggit's Kemp's Bal am for the Throat and Lurgi. acknowl edged to be Ibe most succestful remedy sr j sold fcr Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Aith- ma and Consumption . Get a bottle to- I A. .J -I nuu aecp it wwii iu me uuu'c, av you can check your coid at on e. Price 25c. and 50c. 8ampl bottle free. The Aroma Of Good Coffee COMING 4 TffEY 4RF P lf$ mm wf Tbe supreme court has decided In tbe Witt ease that the grand jury that in dieted Mr. D'Arcy and others in the election fraud cases, wss a legal one. The general appropriation bill has been introduced in the house, and it wiil be seen to be full of item that should lie eliminated. Knork out the grafts. Hang up your skates. and oap Creek Tbe president was authorized Io ap toint a commutes of three from each grange to alien! te county fair meeting to b held it ':any on Feb. IS. The usual See dinner was s-rad. Toe regular program was postpone I until tb next merting. Gianges were requested to make up tbeir liau ol twioe lor the coming year. Upon mocicn representative were re quested to vote agaicsi tbe Joepbi medi cat bill. Hon J Clem gave an outline ol the doings ol the slate legislature. He was lollowei by speeches on legislative mat ters by J W Propst, J M Settle, C L Sbsw, A P Alterniatt. J II McKoigbtun. D McGregor, C H Waiaer and Harvey Eo '..u-. Tbe next meeting will be I el J a Sbedd, when delegate to the state grange wiil h selected. Tbe usual good oill was displayed in ttie meeting and those attending were well paid Ivr braving tbe weatbtr. lira n ton Converts J. Fram tbe Guard: Claude Draut,n, tbe convicted mar- dererof John A Linn, was jesterday baptised in tbe county jail Tbe religi ous rite was performed by Rev Patter son, of the Divinity school, assisted by Kevslliseand Matlocc. tbe prisoner has tbe a pearance of one repeutant. The ceremony lok place within the steel csge out of which Braotoo bas not been allowed since his conviction. Ouaid vV B Andrews. Deputy Sheriff lay and sheriff Withers were present during tbe ceremony. grace to tne institution. I). Welter Wigtt, i tutt.ei Irvtu Manila, Feb ti. bo recenl'y re entered college Angus Shaw is out of school oa account oi sickne. W. M. Perry writes from Manila that all tbe coliege b'js are well except Uan ea, w ho bas torn dtseao in bis feet. Tbe following program will be rendered at Ibe text mee:mg ol lt.e Enxlelp.'iiao socie y: Essay. Grace Bennett and a da Mocbnke; recitaUoos, Lucy Bioore and ttd:e Chamovriin; impromptc, OraO Harioes; rvadtog, Fraoces Marpuy ; farce. Kn h Fiino. Nellie Foshar, Bessie MerriU and Emma Sox. The Philosophy class under Prof. Tor be'., wat examined Feb. 7. A Big Suit. Anthony J. Antelo, of Philadelphia. I. as sued tbe Farmers Loan and trust Co., lor a targe sum on account of Ore gon Pacific and Willamette Valley and Coast Range bonds issued to bim in tbs sum oi fot.GOO and to otbsrs in largo amount transferred to bim probably lor the purpose ol tne suit, being part of 15,0.0,000 in bonds issued for tbe build iegol the road, to be expeoded at not more than $25,000 for eacb mile. If the suit is prosecuted to the end it ought to be somewhat sensational. I En.ix' 'Diutu. -It is believed that John Martha!!, woo met a horrible death in his house a few mile frcm Lelnon stated by tbe DEMocair io it Mondsr iae, wss intoxicated when be !sy down by tbe fire, bis clothe catching and burning alnocl entirely from l ii body when be arcce and got in hi bed, shortly alter a neighbor cowiing io and extinguishing the lire tbat bal startfd in the floor. Wivi Decs HrsnsG. Mr Chris Vandraa returned this morning from a dark hunting expedition to Coborg. He sent come forty-one jeterdy and brought borne several more today. He found plenty of them. Though be went after dock be alo tot a docking, failing tn tbe Willamette, b-t losing nothing hot his gun wiper, getting out after a abort effort. Give zest to the morning appetite? How often bave yon left tbe breakfast table feeling oot of sort because you have forced yourself to partake of a cup of so called coffee? Some people will tell yon that gennine Mocha and lava coffee doe not come to tbi market. Don't you believe it. Come to os and we will show you some genuine Mochas and some genuine lavas ol a superior quality aqnalitv that is kept in Albany only by os. Give ns tbe chance and we'll build a new eoffee annetite in von and it will stay as llong ss you use high grade conee. F. E. Allen & Co. REMOVAL SALE "TheFair" On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 6, 7 and S. we will cut tbe price ol every shce in the bonce. Our spring slock bas srmsd and tb:s means a treat ior you. Kecp'clfeny. J. A. WEAVER. p.s. BOOKS less than tost. Blanc Books for merchants at cost, J. A. W. The English and German Expert Specialists, Five Physicians atil Surgeons, all Oradoates from tbe Medical College in the World. lararswrateat aaaer Ike law of ' urrU far StSSv. EataMlsberf X years. A part of the staff of the English and German Expert S Dec La lists ami Dr. Meyers it Co., will make their regular monthly visit to Hjgy Saturday, Feb. 25 th, T :- ' Revere Hotel, CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. AMONG THE AILMENTS CURED BY THE ENG LISH AND GERM AN EXPERT SPECALISTS ARE THE FOLLOWING: P.rii?hts Diseaseand all other Diseases of the Kidnevs: Diseases of the Ela- der. Urinary Organs, liver, fcpleea,Spine, Bowels, Heart,Stomach, Eve, Ear, Skin and Nerves. Also Impoverished lilood. Blood Poison and scrofula; Catarrh, Ton ilitia. Consumption, P.roncbitir, Asthma, and other Throat and Long troubles; : Tumors. Deformities, Insomnia, Melancholy, Paralysis, Kupure, Dvsentery, lryw- pepsia. Neuralgia, Kceumatsm, btia and bwotlen Joints ;t female lompiaints, including Ovarian troables; Piles, Fistula. Obseity, Ring Worm and Goiter; To bacco, Opium, Cocaine and Liquor habit; Headache. Erysipelas, Gout, Tape Worm. Biliousness. Dropsy, Gail Stone, Eczema, Freckles, Blackheads, Cancer, etc. and Chronic Diseases generally. UK. M tttttS LU. core nervous temuiy, uaa. atantiooa maa iu in Diseases, J ncloding contagious blood poison, quickly and permanently, and at reasonable rates. sfm&A Tbe English and German Expert Specialists an Vr. 3 levers & t-o. are not on ly competent and reliable, bat are responsible, being backed by ample capital and ably managed. .... U.sea.- wtiica nave wkw tae saiu w ocuer paysicians waa. nuuuuruij ic fnseI to vieldto ordiaarv medicines, methods and appliance, are quickly sub dued and mastered bv these successful doctors. They have the largest and best equipped medical institute in America. Can oa tne uoctors wnea tney come. a a suing peopie dou-i m me English and German Expert Specialists or Dr. Meyers k Co. if possible. A friend ly talk, which costs absolutely nothing, is bound to result in a great deal of good whether treatment is take nor not. HOME CL ft ES While it is preferable in many instances to see a patient. the English and German Expert fcpetialij-ts have cured thousands of person whom they have never seen. If roi cannot see the doctors write the Some office for question list. Advice in regard to your ailment, book for men or women and treatise on any disease ALL FREE. Correspondence and other dealings with patients or prospective patients sacredly confidential. TERMS -VXD PRICES YI miN THF REACH OF ALL. ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIALISTS 731 MAR KET ST. SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. Special Prices Strong: tariy.'darj'oie, Hjiis'a, w hoe o1 P The Photographer BEFORE BrYISG Photos, Views, Crayons, M 0 Olothms At a great sacrifice Also hats, slioes, underwear new lines ot stiff bosomed col- The ditch ovearlowed last night inuci ating the seutheast end of the ciir. A fine "Uaine Bros." mabogany case, secotd band. Upright piano ior sale st E. U. Will's Mus e s'ore. On sale only three weeks. Call quick cr you may be too late. rhnrXthan ever tc or, cr erst class work and frame. The cf!er to Pioneers w ill conUce in- rt to tne ew loswuitv, ruai Street, Albany. The.Universa' Bolter makes good flour the Jlagnoiu. Lxttsr List. When we read of an elephant hunter wbo naa been tramnled to death in the wild of India, we wonder at the foolhardineas of a man who will travel round tha world and endure all manner of hardabips, ia order to court death in a tar away jungle. A man doea not have to make a journey to India in order to court death in a manner equally foolhardy. Thousands of hard working- men are daily courting; death in a much more certain fcrm, without ever leaving- their native vil-la-e or cities. They are the men who Def lect their health. They are the men wbo court death from consumption, or some other deadly disease due to improper or insufficient aouruhment. The man who who baa a weak atomach and an impaired Aitiaa. who haa lost the power to eat: rest or aleep, and who fails to take prompt. curts qB per cent, of all casea of bronchial, throat and Uryng-ial affections that lead up n wmmmniliHi. It soothes th couarh. facilitates expectoration and restores the nnstio It mrrecta all disorder OI tbs digestion, makes the assimilation of h lif.-a-Win inntB of the food oerfect. It invigorates the liver and purifies and en. nchea ta blood, it is tne great mow n.lr Amm, K.. i. rCu- ..n. nnl Btld ft. atorati've. It la tha oeat of all known me& icines for nervous disorders. Dealers sell it and have nothing els "just as good." ' 1 had a bad sough and got so low with it that I could not sit up," writes Mrs. Mittie Cray, ot Hew London, union Co., Ark. "Our family phrdcUa tola my husband that I had consump tion. 1 had paius through my chest and spit up blood. 1 took your ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and st cared ase. It saved my liia." Last Saturday afternoon two bovs rode their sleds into tbe Calapooia river from a small hill near it. They got out with out any trouble. There are now thirty one men in the state penitentiary for life, including C. C. Cunningham recently sent there from umauua eounty. ine loiiowing are Irom Linn county : Emma i. Hannah. imprisoned Nov. 30, 1895. F. S. Ingram, juarca a, ys&i. Senator Adams bas been unfortunate with bills. His dog bill was kil led. Hi warehouse bill is hung np to dry. His bill to abolish Judge Boise had not one hearty supporter in the senate, and has come near abolishing Adam. Journal. Oar citizens have bad an abundance of skating, an advantage of tbe ice has been taken night and day, regardless of days. In the Monteith pasture there bas been some, while others have gon further and used Thornton's lake, reputed to bave no bottom in some places. Over onebundred are said to have skated there yesterday. Joseph S. Purdom. an old-time nrinter and telegraph operator, was with the Kaletn excurtionista last Wedneseav. Some yeara ago Joe went to Boseburg to "ii tuo uuaiuon oi local aoent inr tne n. P. Co. ; was soon afterward elected sher iff of Douglas county. When Allen fc Woodward took charge of the W. U. T. business in Corvallis away iq the dim iow, oe came in irom Albanv to teach mem wiegrapriy ui u now the senate' sergeant-at-arius. Corvalli Time. For a New District Following i tL lixt of letters remaining in the Postoffice t Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Feb. 7 . 1899. Person calling for these letter mit give the date on whicb advertised Abbey, Ed J Adam, Mrs Lyddia Hall, Mr Harrv Hamilton. Mr W i Kialey, Mr Wm Keioolt, M is Stevens, Deuel Tate, i L P Tennessee Gathering Tgs., Feb.e.lSW. Tbe eutcrtainment wbicb was spoken ol in my Ust communication wiil take on Saturdav, Feb. 18tb at 7: 'j0 p. m. Limine tbe week tbe vicinity has been isited by a terrific blizzard which bai proved verv distressing and uncomforta ble to every one. Nevertheless tbe "boys" bave succeeded n. vp;uring sev en coons and aie alter more. Tbe Tennesse Literary society elected tue following officers at their last regular meeting Saturday evening: rresicant. C. D. McKnigbt; vice-pies;dent, Jas. tL Blackiaw; secretary, ibos E. Mo Knight; serei-ant-at arms, Ellis Allen; critic, Anuie Blackiaw. The society will not meet again till Feb 25 ahrn a good program and debate w'll be prepared. AUK. We didn't have all the fun in Oreua A Minnesota paper says: Frozen hyd rants, bunted pipes and iced electricity have furnished the tribulations during the past week.and all tiecause the dealer in weather got on a "high inks"and tried to show just what he could do Not long ago we had Florida weather in mid-winter. Last Snnday and Mondav we had a taste of Alaska. Sunday min ing the thermometer registered thirty two degaeea bvlow zero, and on Monday morniog one decree lower. The range ol Mineeota i great. Among its varied productions it iurnislics about mates of the world. all thecl!- Do not fail to bear tbe orator Friday Feb. 10, 1&I9. Gsneral admission 2jc Recent comers to this country should remember that E. U. Will cells the best musical instrument and sewing ma chines, also trim mm? for the same, at lowest prices in this state. Soare deal ing without misrepresentation . in all transactions. Come and bear the wioulng Orator at the fust Presbyterian church, Feb. 10, 1839. II yoursewing machine need repairing take it to E. U. Will' sewing machine depot and get the wore done reasonable. Don't wait until soring when the rash of work is on ns, yon may not get the work done so prompt in the spring. All work guaranteed. Lemons, Rocellal Smith) Talialero, Fred McEaen, Mr P H Voigt, A J Ponel, Mrs Bell Waldeo.Mr A F T. J. Stive. P. M. MARRIED. SOUTH PEEBY. On Sunday, Feb. 6, lfeW, at toe borne ol the bride a par ents in Scio, by Eev W p Elmore, Mr W R Soutb and Mis Ethe Peery, both oi L.inn county. They bsve the best wishes ol many. HORN. BOSS. On Saturday evening Feb. 4th, 1899, at tbeir bome near Albany to Mr and Mrs LW Boss, a son. All doing well. MARSHALL At bis home in the Forks ol tbe Saotiam, a few miles from Leb anon, on Tuesday morning, Feb. 7, 1899, from tbe effects ol a burn re ceived wbils lying beside bis fire place, as ststed in yesterdsy's Demo cbat, Mr. lohn Marshall, at the age ol about sixty years. There is one expansion we are alt op posed to regardless of party, that is the expansion of ice in our water pipes. -Notwithstanding contrary reports even tbe plumbers do not enjoy working on bursted water pipes. TbeOregon state Intercollegiate ora torical contest will tin yesr be held at MeMinnviile, on Friday evening, March 10. Preliminary contest in Albany, ren 10, of tbi wetk, at tbe Presbyterian church. Revival meeting are in progress at the Cumberland Presbyterian church, Cor 4th and Main streets. Subject for torigbt, "Where Art Thou." Bev Samuel M Wood, of Dayton, Ore, Is con ducting the meeting assisted by tbe Pastor, ah sre coruiauy invilea to at tend tbe meetings. Ther is talk in Baker Cil7 of paving six blocks ol the Main street ol tbat tewn with the Nicholson style of pave ment, compc sod ol 8-inch Or blocks, set in end on packed gravel and sand with asphalt poured over tbe surface and into th a chinks between the blocks, toe cost ol every titty-loot I rontsge, on an eighty-toot street is placed at f 200. A bill In the legislature calls for a tenth Judicial district, which If formed would consist of Yamhill. Polk. Tillamook. Benton and Lincoln counties, while tbi present third district would consist ol i Marion and Linn counties and the second district would be (mailer by the loss of i Bentoo and Lincoln counties. TTndr it ' it is understood that Judge Bosie would1. uoujojuogeoi me new district. Will tbe Butt bill passT MOIST. Near Lebanon, on Tuesday morning, Feb. 7, 1899, alter abort illnes, Miis Carrie, daughter ol Mr. Frank Moist, at the age ol about six' teen vears. Her death 1 regretted by a large circle of friend and relative, ol whom many are resident of ibis city, where Mr. Moiot and lamily formerly resided. To Cnr Constipation Forever. Take naseareta Candy Cathartic. lOeorO It C C C. (all to sum, deUu refund mone'- DIED. DRAI3.-AtQaton Feb. 5,1898, of pinal meningitis, the infant ion ot Mr. T. Z. Draii. Harry Tracev, a notorious crook last night in Portland, wss lleeing from a de tective, wbo was firing at him, when he boarded a southern facitie engine and ordered the engineer to start the train. which be could not do on account ol tbe tirade, and Tracev !umnd irom the en gine and lied. Albert Wey, a boy, took in the tituation and shot bim in the ear i with a Winchester, and he wa captured To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine. Tablets, All druggist refund the money if it fail to cure. zoe. me genuine has l. c. y on each tablet. Hooks Worth Havlns. R. F. Derrick, of this city, is canvass ing for some books that are worthy of a place in everybody' library. The Brightest Gem of Poetry, Prose and Song is a fine thing full ol splendid artic les and well iilnstrated. The Pictorial Atlas Illustrating the Spanish and Am erican War gives the whole situation in an artistic and correct manner. He also has other booka of a high character. Don't inrstsubstribing. Senator Driver is getting warmed up and is frequently heard Irom nowadays, thus endargcring his rccord.for the more he tlk8 the less he w thought of a a legislatcr. AlUny Democrat. If the Democrat had beard Dr. Driver cut the tail off of a dog Ux bill jvist back of the ears in a five minute talk he would think better of lr Driver. Salem Journal. Strong, steady nerves Are needed for success Everywhere. Nerves Depend simply, solely, Upon the blood. Pure, rich, nourishing Blood feeds the nerves And makes them strong. The great nerve tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Because it makes The blood rich and Pure, giving it power To feed the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures nervousness, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, . Catarrh, scrofula. And all forms of Impure blood. Come and hear the orator Friday eve ning, Feb. 10, 1X39, in tbe lstl'reebyter ian cburcb. General admission 25 cent. Th Modern Way Commend Use I to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably a well. To cleanse the sys tem and break np cold, headaches, and fever without unpleasant after effects, use the delichuni liquid lalative remedy. Syrup of Figs. Made by California Fig Syrup Co. Excellent Graham Wafer at 0. E. Bkownill's. Frames. ored shirts. The latest sod ei,-aivc dasiges. , Ali, new line of nig'ct robes, wbi'e shirts, collars, cuffs, faccy tegigtsa, larce TwortcwBl of silk batnJ kerchieft, etc ec ftrmi i"F ft TZLVZteSJ' I If bU If 1 I Hand MANHOOD rs,r immtrarr. Xiirht Emissions and , ii wast In? diseases, au cnetw abuse, or excess ana inum cretion. A nerve tonic and l.lnnrl huiliicr. Brine the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fre of youtn. Bv mail 50c per box; O boxes I for ft 'JSO: with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tne money. NERV1TA MEDICAL CO. Linton & Jackson Sw CHICACO, IU. Dawson, Druggist, Mvllwain Block WRBLAIN. He puts.thcpriccs dowc. For sale by Fred Albany, Oregon. The I'mbrUla Stock is larger than usualt this time of year and e want to clean oar racks of Umbrellas. Notice th lollowing list of price and then come In and look at the Umbrellas A great variety of stylish handles to to choose from. A Steel Rod Paragon irtuie Gloria umbrella, $1 00. nnl.rtl BO vrades at 1 S3. The lines of umbrellas at the following price are worth every eask for them, 1 S5, U T5t2 00 and 2 44. cent Albany Market Wheat 48 ent. Oats 30 Kbits 25 cent. Butter 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cents. Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cent. S. E. Yoiiiis & Son. Oratorical ecu .'est, Friday evening. Feb. 10, 18W, First Presbteran church Pride of Albany Soap, weigh 20 ounces, and i high grade, for sale by C. E. BsowNsi.t.. Gillett Pepper box Biuinn at C. E. It now null's WhatlaShlloh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold and Consumption; used through th world for half a century, has cured in numerable cas of incipient oonsump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 eta., 50 ct. and $1.00. MtLLiN-siiY. Ladies who are lata pur chasng thoir millinery call and see my new goods, bometning new at tnoj Alif- nery car. Shine, ' Shine, Bliino. in all colors, at Combination Barber Shop. Ladies work a specilty. Vour grocer keep it. The Mtgnolta Flu-ir Flour 80u per ack. Try it. Th Magnolia. Get the beat fiour. The Magnolia Great Bargains in OVERCOATS and MAGKINTO at the BLAIN CLOTHING GO'S. SHES