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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1899)
. It U the easiest thing In the world to nave LUMBAGO OR LAME BACK, (JJJtf Jt M easy ais-si1 ST JACOBS OIL. IT RELAXES THE bTIFfENEO WUBOUtw. be ctat "ST ll'li". w mil j-l.litlL J 1 L I'Je ril I 4 ? il ni l-i.i'ninin in i AnlngenluB Boy. Ml s-rlh ii f "V&J 1 TRY MORMON BISHOP'8 PILLS for all diseases -rising from I iW-ii dissipation, self-abase, excesses or cigarette making, in use 1 V K.T r.-: ! i . Kr.rhwl. cures depleted worn nTea.rriTd indi Core. . i ,. ... . unntmr. Inst riower. amissions, wese. rnaxe you in-uugiy. "rT. y'.A-,. a eenleasnees. lustre to the eyes, atop nervous inngun las of! memory, bad dreams, th run ken organs, avanoccroto etna cvp'rhuui - - .-.-w - . , , oi the evelios. Mse uieionu ". RtODa all iSSf0? d orVihtfV 4. within Jh7 hrGuaran 'eTtocare Price tXx 8 for' 12.50 by mail. Send for Iree circular. AddreS BISHOP ETA REMEDY CO.. San Francisco. Oal. For sale by Foe- irfrU hay & Maaon, Albany. . SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, uepanment o; ; LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foshay A Maaon block. J R N Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. tf Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearc block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. . Kelly A- Curl, bank building. L H Moatanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. 0 E Box, PO block. L L Mrann, Bank building. H 0 Watson, bank building. , WeatherfordA Wyatt, Baok bnildlng Whitney & Newport, Cuwck block. Q W Wright, P O block, Lebanon. 8 II Garland. , ; Brownsville. A A Tossing. Scio. TJ Wilson. SATURDAY NIGHT I'llOUGIITS. In Oregon tbe slate legislature con'ln ues to hold th- Ion-tic Sou.e ot the member seem to be running a race to to see who can introduce the most fool bills. Ihe whole legislature though should lot be condemned on their ac count though for mixed np with them are some members o -olid character who know ti e diff-renc between an op ossum and an elephant lisd the l-kie-lature just met,pa-ed n appropriation bill and adjourned it 's ' ie Democrat's opinion it would hav -eeu the best thing for the statu R, l 'here is no thing before it that ardent except to the gratters that are trying to get the bill through. Three are limes when we need men who will work lor ih- state as srd' uously as they will tor themselves. The rule though seems to be, get all the spoils " t v -or plaintiff wa W Stinnett and M.ii-.a RitL his wife. George Stapple insight. There us whose appar and Malinda Stapple. his wife.Arthur Mor- I eat policy is to rob the state in an hon- gan and Margaret Morgan. nis who. i ble act. A man d not hve to go fceginald Hastings and Lelia M Hastings, k k tQ wnioi.tolJ Ul b . .utearo.u. he can' be one right ai home. It is the bia wife. Anderson Messinger, A R Os born and 8 A Osborn his wife. Minnie L Mesainger, W W Jacobs, and Nancy Ja cobs, bis wife, Mida A Mfssinger and Warren Mesainger, a minor, defendants. ' To Georire Stapple. Malinda Stapple, Ar thur Morgan, Margaret E Morgan, Ander sen Messinger, Minnie L Meaeinger, Mida A Messinger and Warren Messmge-, minor, the above named def endauta . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK Oregon : Yon u1 esh of you are hereby nnninui to innw and be in the above en titled court to answer to tbe amende! corn- way he conducts bim-eli, whether as common petafogger or in a lofty .digmn d manner. OUR CAPACITY ii Unequnled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpa!-" In Oregon. 7e have the best stock u wt irnm and our prices tro always the lowest, quality conRMlered SMILEY, A ii, i... The Printed ... ' In a good many states in the United States there have been contests for U.S. senator, puehing asid all oiher interests in their intensity, except in a fsw cafes where tnere was practially no contest. U.S. senators should l e elected by the plaint of the plaintiff against jw on file people and ot bT th i,igiatutes wbote oaoor'eSbllu Jusine,. it is to p. law, needed for the of this sammons upon yoj, which period beet goTernnwnt of the peop e. Bach of time is seven weeks from the date of the elections are disturbing affairs, and first publication of this enjnwons, ana sua hhoa)d Dever b in legislative bodies, last day of publicaUon wiU he the 30th day ol December, 18WJ. Ana yon are further norineoinat u you Graft is somewhat ol a new word, but fail. to so .appear nndanawer ths rplaaiUff si.niacant. It means cone!d. UlappiytotnecounioruieTOcnijw - - . I mM MimnunL to Wit: for Il'tium. pivuiicrs i uromnHii. dectee eorrecung the desenpuon coaiaiaea noxious a a certain deed executed and delivered by patr;j Josiah lie bora ana otners 10 nows as tmsts if it cuui.uuee to grow . . j j : Duk gomery which aeea was recnueu m w .-n .1 Rinte nf Deeds for Linn County. Oregon, at rage 737. on the S3rd day of October, 1878. so that said description will read as follows: Beginning at a point 1 8.8J chaina K and 5 chaises trom we About the worst reputation a young person can have is that of rnnning the streets. Tba practice never leads to any good, it isn t the way acccee.iul men corner of tie D L C of Josiah Osborn. it I and cultured women build np their rep ntations. It is tbe downward way, not an upward way, that is the street run niog that la done merely for pastime. h.;n Plum Not. No. 2611 and Claim lno. 53 in lp. 14 8 R 2 W and running thence . i - i u t? QQ Ad "V, jina tKMM 3 72.50 chains, thence W 41.68 chains, thence N 67 SOchaiaa, thence E 2 chains to the place of berinning.eontalnin 304 acres jcceiesMwuvouiivj, Aad further decreeing that plaintiff is the owner in tee simple of all the following described premises, towiit inniBg . i (f j, around ,dA Dvedt Slacking from . Trrmri i In tNml j ...f in mohA nh.l.nv and U Ii U 01 JOtUW USWJTB UU WHO, ' ' 2611 aad daim No. 53 in Tp. 14, 8 R II flank movement, wiui ia-ltn cons and W of tbe Willamette Meridian in uu tbousand pounders, by a nnion ot forces :Pn9n'UnS.1!f t!Z from all quarters., ii everybody would leave tbe devil alone he would die An evangelist this week baa been tell ing about the devil, hie origin, etc. It la enough for tbe Dcmockat nun that be - v BE RIO GRANDE RAILROAD Tljc Scenic Line 01 tlje Wotld Weekly: Iicmioiis m To The EiSf la through tourist cars without change. MODERS . v ... UPHOLSTERED , TOURIST SLEEPEK3 tbeN W coma of said D L C, and run ... uim 8 St decrees 30 minutes W 5 2S chains, thence S 53.63 chains, thence I from inaction and the niiileniom would IT 90 .hiiiii tlrace IN 2U cnaina. umw & I ha hr 21 68 chains, theno N 38.63 chains w we Nm. KM nf said D L C, thence West 39. 68 chains to the place of tinaioB con- am mm mnr or tees. Ana or- creeing that plaintiff's title to raid land be nnintad. aad eniining tbe defendants herein, ana eacn or utem. irum mt.. ... kicks' kr Htl tWltta. "J - . .. .. - The date of the first pooiicaiiom x io snmmona w the low aay m. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Geo. D Barton, County Judge in and for Linn County, Oregtn, made at A I buy. in said county ana euie, uus iva day of November, 1893, AUorney for plaiatiff. From the Corvailis Times. It is Strang's st.Ty if genius that comes from the bills of southwestern IV k munty. There, at Lewiston, a ybt ot reveuteen years has produced, withouo parallel, an engine and boiler tbat works perfectly. Concerning the material and too a used in i tie construction of this curious machine, Rev. P. A. Moses; In a letter to the Times (ays : The fire-box is an old five gallon coa' oil can, with one side cut out and set on the ground with a door fixed In one end. The fire.urate is made of old files. The boil) r io a galbn syrup .an, with other pailaaa ws Steam dome One-fourth pound bac Ing powder can. Water tank One gallon syrup can. Valves Out of an old syringe with syiinge rubber tubes. Cylinder No. 12 shotgun cartridge shell. Steam chest 7 wo rifie cartridge shells No. 47, 70. Cylinder and steam chest are connect ed with two No. 22 cartridge shells. Piston redt Two of bis molhet's knit ting needles. Pitman rods The two metallio lining! from an old pocket knife handle. Drive wheel The large wheel v. rrooot apple pealer. Ax'ein drive wheel Fart of rod an air gun. The eccentric-piece shoigun shell, leaded to fit rod. Slides Made of tin with pieces cartridge shells to play npoo them. Meara pipe Made oi tin rounded on the handle of his mother's cake tnrner, and then soldered. Water gauge Neck of four ounce bot tle. Throttle Piece o! a spool, Cisrke's O N.l'. xatetv valve ;ork with a small car tridge ball attached. histls-A small cartridge shell. This ergine, though rude in appear ance, rune with pertoct regularity aad is under perfect control. It ahistles clear and perfect. Tao hundred revo lutions is the ordinary speed, three bun dred when In a bnrry. A small wood- saw is attached. The youth who is compelled to resort to these different things to give visible expression to tbe workioge of bis miod must be eodowed with a taleot beyond ! the ordinary. His tools were an axe, aw, hammer, pocket knife, an old aol dering iron, and whatever he coa Id util ize from ihe culinary department. He has nver been with or ma chinery If all his latent genms force should be developed to their uttermost we believe be le destined to add to the accelerating forces of tois projreteiv age. From the Salem Independent. When a motion was made In the sen ate giving every committee a cleik, Sen ator Selling and two or three others rose in their places and notified tbe senate tbat they did not want them nor would they have tuum. &nuh action on tbe part of Mr Selling should have brought the b!ueb of shame to t!.e faces of those who voted for tbe motion. Senator 'Selling of Multnomah is the economist in tbe senate, lie holds that body down with a grip of iron.and what U more, he is In earnest. Next to him, perhaps, is Mnlaey the brainy little man from Polk, who is unquestionably one of tbe ablest men in the legislature. Joe Kiincfi dot not appear to b stir ring t!.e maters to aoy exteul la Wash ington, lie probably gone beood is depth. of a from ol a oi Uenerel Shatter baa returned to San ranci .t-j after an absence of only nine months. When he left for tht eskt nine monthe ajo bis name was hardly known and in fact most people knew nothing a- bjut him. Since then be has been tbe center of attraction In tbe greatest war for several years, and hie name has been a regular foot ball for the players of tbe world. His f-ice is familiar to every body. A current picture suggests that it will be necessaty for women to wear masks protect them from tbe kissers of the world. Ibis suggests a field for come of tbe fool bill introducers. Tbe introduc tion of anti-riising taws would be fully as sensible as that opossum bill. MISFITS. fswt. t . a.. . i ue uouie tnaae lite uiaal order far a Uy caleoder, ai roach needed ai the. mi ll tWIlAAl tt a sssnrtn Kn ' w wanwui au si vsjo ivuniv had euongh character to reject It. Telegraphic. lapyreatrlattow BUI, Washington. Jan. 20. The river and I. . . I A. ' I L It Charley Fulton stand, by the tlJ tallica pi;wtuuii.'. )on't make morel Mi anrreeatibg $12,503.1 lution. Ha aava; Dnn'i judges but diminish litigation. Journal. " men suggests mat a man may go wild one day and be sensible the next. As a joke a bill was introduced in the house for the protection ol angleworms. ii was just scout as sensible as several bills that hsve actually been Introduced. ULuKUuYEAns CURED BY CU"0CURA. Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain in a speech In J-.agieod exp.essea Him self in favor of a community of interests between toe Aoglo Baton speaking peo ple of Ihe world, the suggestion of an al liance. The tendencies are that way. Time locks bsve always been supposed to be absolutely burglar proof, but a few days ago in Lima, O, one was opened by burglars A Chicago bank preaident wboeawthe account took a common slick of wood and himself opened tbe time lock In bis bank to tbe consterna tion of everybody . It has been an eye opener. The following bill by Representative Palmer has merit: That each and every claim for tbe payment of money by the state of Oregon shall be incorporated in a separate act of ibe legislature for that purpose, and tbat each and every act appropriating money out of tbe state treasury shall have but on object sta'ed therein ; provided, however, tbat salari es and other liabilities established by law for the support of tbe state government may ne incorporated in the same act. One of the cheekiest propositions be fore the legislature is that asking for 150,000 for the O. A. C. Railroad style in order to get tbe bur In ess through tbe people of Oorvallia have invited Ibe whole of both bouses of Ihe legislatuie to visit the u. a. u. and receive a banquet. The legislature should be above accept ing such invitations. The college baa just received 133,000 and that is enoogb lor one year. Perhaps the most interesting tenatoi- al 'battle in Ibe United Stale is tbat in Pennsylvania where a man indicted tor perinry ie being run with a good chance of elect! in. In tbe mean time tbe pent- entiary la facing him. People though familiar with the politics cf the country know very well ihatwith bl' poH"tber is no danger of bis conviction though tbe preva lieg opinion Is that it would be only deserving. The United Putea need an attorney- general who wilt enforce the trust law. As it is tbe trusts do business with open doeie and at will, regatdleesof law. The Loris Johnsoo.of Engene.arnved horn yeelerdsy from Mtnila. When be wanted to come he remembered tbat be was only sixteen years of at and Urns secured a discharge. He auirted homo w itn eighteen castes and two mockers Tbe cane were etolen on board and the monkeye died. Tben he bought a funny looking pug dog at Yokaboma, which h got home alive. On of the roenke- - was on Dewey's dag ship hen the Span ish fleet was sunk and would have Inn a decided curiosity bad it rearhe I gon alive. Back in New York elate two lawyers named Shove and Locke have been em played to proaecate the canal thieves, which has suggested to some on that the case will be shoved along and the ! ra'cala locked np. Perhaps 1 cal year aggregating $12,503,138, and in addition to this continuing contracts are authorised aggregating $16,791 '658. Oregon Lower Willametta and Col umbia rivers below Port laud, $100,000. . Two existing appropriations are re peated, both in Oregon namely, Yaquina bay, $1,000,000, and the balance ' unex pended on the Columbia river at Three : i f 1 1 1 . .'1 I Tl, mile rapiua mnwjr iruui aiic Dalles rapids to Celilo fall-. The rasri Jaea Mobile, Ala. Jan. 20 Tbe government steamer Pansy touched at Biloxi, Miss., this afternoon, and reports finding on Breton inland a part of the stern of the naphtha launch Paul Jones. The launch exploded, they sty, on or about Jan. 6, near Bird island,, and everything goee to ehow that all on board were killed at once or drowned soon after. fl.T 1 . fV Tom OH Tt. . UAH aaivaiA, mmu 1 lie wen bound Sunset limited train ran into a light engine which was standing on the siding at, La Costa, 30 miles west of San AJitonia, this morning, shortly after 3 o.clock. Fireman Miller was killed out right, and Eneineer Nicholson, of the light engine, was so badly scalded tbat he died within two boors. AMaHae-eese San Fa ancisco. Jan. 20. Central Pa cific railroad stock, which less than three months ago, was quoted at 13. has advanced to 48. Mrs. Stanford owns 33.333 shares of the stock, and at 13 it waa worth $433,329. At vh present rate she might sell It for $1,599,984, and it is said she has received even a better onr, laaawrtaaiOale) Wasbisgtos. Jan. 18. F. W. Vaile. of Oregon, 'who, on the acquisition of the Philippine islands was dispatched to Manila as the U. 8. Postal agent, to be in charge there, will shortly toe appoint ed director of tbe post for tbat arcbipei pelago. with function similar to that of an asiumt poctmaJsLer-grneral here. My mother bag been a vice to Blew fross vaitoos veto tat tttrty-ft Ela of thm terrlbla mim hm nlstSl om ttsu o ttwBmbattMted. KieroeUUnfpmin nd inVmam al(artiicwmHlaid,wtthslno(railUw on trial sad nsBbsrfcMS phrstoaas aaiia and BnaerlDdona hhiIM. all wlia M BUla At laas tba remedial asoi war toon ta Ccm. com, wblea surety prorad w Ma weight la gold, allaelattBg pais aad o4f baattag pro. rnaars tn r rt sil T 1 '"y tkrnccBA Boa- la alaanafrs. ppjiytas, and baa j. Ing la tta atnra, praela IwU awet exaallaa and vsleabie auxiliary to Corn as (ointment). March IS, USS. W.T.MOgjg, Cabot, Vf. ae-Wa-a WfWwuA Cmxrmt r.imattMila' tac -ma c-noca. CA. grmt &m cf ar C a-uUMthaaS 114 Saw afOcnccat awnwai mmt etHeat rntmmU tiummmm. Sw jaala 8-M Bmuh-' Skaw-ld. lwwg.C-ia.Ciii-, Baarea7a-iaa. - How (.. J H-. trm. SAVE BrUH w TC,.1 AST AND-SOU 1 AHA8TA ROUT OF THE if OUUkuciu a aviuv CaJKorala txfnm Tntm laaee rarwaaa alii 1 AL . 40 A a I I S it I At raruaad Albaav lit AT Ar I feat a US79S Above trains stop at stations b ween Portland and Sales Tat jer. Mai-os, Jetlfnon Alban i lanirent. Sbedd. HaUey tag en Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakiaad and i tattoos tr'ta Boseburg iwn to aao -lading Ashland. .a Its roruaaa At- 4 Sire lt:traL AlbMS h,(,Hti IAr lusiia-e t"""". Ua. Albm-T fcr L-fcMM-i ,i2tl Arrtr. at. Albaay traai I abaa aa 1B Uerc Alb-r tor Ubaaoa j?'" 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS Salem, Jan. 18. Although the bill to inarejj the membership of tbe supreme cocrt its not yet reached the stage of fi nal .ction in the senate, it fate is practi- ! filly sealed. This siternoon the judic al cuoimuK-, aikcz iuu nnwwiMiuu of it, determined by a vote of 4 tc 1, to report it adversely. Twe Orewa BUle Washinoton, Jan. 18. There are now on the calender of the committee of the whole of the house, which practically means the bouse cal en 4 at, two bills, and one joint reaotulioa relating to tbe state ot iiregoo, and note ol which, owing to limited time, will be reached this session. They refer to tbe Crater Lake and land patents. Thomas Brink ffie DlJest FiMtiire Dealer ia tie Btj He has one of tbe Fiue.l Stocks of Furniture in the ralley and his PRICE 3 are the Lwest. Give him a call acd tee hia goods and learn. 11 new goods and of the best quality. FEUIIAI ESFm SLEEPER. DiBinsr Can on 0gdn Route SECQHB-CUSS SHOTS MM Attack) so ail TTarasw Tralaa crwBsa nnuit a ef Att i aaavv ah,a SHERIFF SALE There are counties in Ol00 behind on tNeir warrant a much as ten years, tbat is, the warrants of 1SS9 are just be ing paid. Could a man do business that way, no, except with the newspa per. He has to pay his debts as be goes or assign, if hi tosiueie of importance. It is time tbat the policit should be fol lowed tbat municipal c-otporalioos pay aatbey go. It is time individuals did the same. Th man wbo pay his debts as be goes is a pretty good citixe even if he ha some bad habis, at least compared with tbe peeon wbo professes much and ia on all tbe d beat lists. a- mi.tmm nf an Maentioa and order cf sale, issued out of tbe circuit court of the stat of Oregon for tbe county of linn, to me duly directed, delivered aad data. 20th day of December. 1838, in cerUio ta ihaagB of Expeiiencsd ccniiiC" I Building and lo Assoaauon p1-j- I tim 9Tin TltYrtpra ItiS and Henry a. vrowaer ; WJrS ailll purUJrs lCrowder hUwife, 8 W. Crower and L. kl Crowdec bis wife, W. H. Pnoe and To Kansas City and Chicago I RODaon partners doing busines on- ttaio ana uortoo i j tv - fir um. of fnce Kooson, MONDAYS withoo etange,yU St Lake Miav.eri Pacihe and Chicago ft Altoe. Railroad To Omaha, Chicago, EatTsIo TUESDAYS Bon, without ehaaga, y-a 8alt Lake and Chicago, Kock fc Pacific Kv Ta St Joaeoh. Kansas Citv, were deft ndnns, la which siid suit tbe said plaintiff recovered a jodgment on the 16th dav ot November, 1898. against tbe said defendants Henrv A- Crowder and Ida M. Crowder for the sum ot $1102 90 with interest thereon at the rate of eight cer cent per annum from tbe 25th day o AiM-nat. 1KHK- ABU I DO IKruei iuiu ut WET1N3DAY8 AStUua.-vV change I , -it,-,, (m with coats and dis via Salt Burling borsemenis taxed at $15-00. ordering, ad toast ' - ; jooiBB; and decreeing that the real prop To aosss City aad St Lotus ' deicribed in plaintiffs mortgage and THURSDY3 withoat chAfg-, ia 8al uint towil: XDe Ewt half of the , - Lakeaod Hutn Paciiio Ry N X Nt auarter ot block Bumbe one- A day stopover arranged at Salt Lake I duodred and twenty eight (128 ia Hackle the fasaoos Colorado d Denver A Rids through For rates sod information inquire of 0 E &N a -id S P aents or addreaa K C Nicbou Gas Agt, t K Boobm, 0251 Washington s'ree, Denver, Portland Oregon Cilondo. YAQUINA ROUTE C0S7ALLIS & EAS RAILROAD ' Connecting at YAQUINA with th .. AQUINA BAY STEAM ' SHiP COMPANY STEAMERS Hrst-class n every respect. One of tbe above steamers is due to sail from Yaquina about ever rive days. Shortest rout between valley poinU rcHan rranctsco. Fare: Albany 'and point west to San Francisco Cabin $10 00 Round trip 17 00 For sailing days apply t Edwih 8tox, H. L. Waldi . Manager. T.F.AP.A. J. Ttjaxxa, Agent Albany, Or. HEW' T JEaciu VORK WORLD Thricr-a-Week Edition - v 18 Page a Week . . . " : . . . 156 Paper a Yeat For One Dollar r nbllAkedcTerjr Alternate Car exeavt fit The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Thb Nkw Iorx Would is first among- ail "weekly'! papera iu aiibo, unjucut: uuuuuuign and the freshness, accuracy and variety ol its contents. Ithtsallths merits of a great $6 daily at tbe price of a dotlu weekly. Its political news is prompt, com plete, accurate and impartial as all its reads era will testify. It is against the monopo lies and tor the people. STREET TJULWAY KOTISE. The motor on the Albany Street Railway will connect prompty with all trains to av from tbe depot, day and night. Special trips will be made at sped j rate. B. Moorc,. Conductor. man 'a addition to the ci tr of Albany in Linn eooaty .Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment and decree. Therefore I will oa Saturday, January 28th, 1899, st the hour of One o'clock p. m, of said dav at the front do r of the court bouse in tbe city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, offer for sale at poblic auction, to the highest bidder for cash in band, subject to redemption according to law, the real property abo-e described to satisfy said judgment and decrrea and all costs. Dated this 21st day of December, A . O. 1898. . ' I. A. aiCRKXlta, Sber'ff of Linn county, Oregon, OREGON VIAVI COMPANY , Cor. Morrison A Park Sts. LEWIS.BU1LDING. 1 it'l l d . .iKRHT HAT102I AEi BASH, or alajt,oio i-ruini MOW" .S. W. LABOIK)S Pmldaat.. -tcarnaUant. THAK-ACTS a OUBfcALbaaUagtnetaess aablact to aaaoa. I09T K1CHAHOI and Mafrapht traaaf-r. ACOOUKTS KEPT aablact to a Ha fork aa laelaoe.caieago aaa r--- tiVJTIOllS SADSoo (a.orabls Urma. saaoroas! S E 'on I W Laost os PAOooavra, t. tymm C. flora. ... ..ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL ST7FR Largest stock " Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. Bryan on Exp -ion. At Denver recently iu an adJresi W. J. Bryan said: . Tbe Bible tells oa thai At.ab, tbe King, wanted the vineyard ot Nabotb, and waa sorely grieved because th- owner thereof refused to part with the inheritance ot bis fathers. Then 'tloed a plot and else charges were preened against Na both to furnish an etuis r gettiog rid ot bim. "Thou ebalt ..m ovet," "Tbon shaltnot bear (alt witnrw," "Thou shalt not kill" tire 4.ommaodments broken, and still a lounh, "Tbou shalt not steal,' to be brosra m order to get little piece of ground And bat waa tbe result? When the Ka.g went forth to take possession of E ijati, tbat brave old prophet of the ear y ds, met bim and pronounced against lam tbe sentence of the Almighty : "In b- place where th degs licked th. blued cf Xaboth shall dogs lick Ihr blood, even thine." - Mr. Bryan applied the story of Nabotb to the Philippine 4 Jeetion and argued tbat a war ol w uid be wrong in principle as well as extensive, and as harmful to th people of the TI oiled State a to tbe Filipino. He Jipoke a considerab'e length and concluded as follows: Imperialism might expand the Da'.'on's .... . territory,-Dot it w-i.iu tract the na tion's purpote. It is no a step forward toward a broader desi in 1 ; it is a atep backward toward tbe narrow views of Kings and Eniperors. We cannot afford to eut-r upon a col oniai policy, ihe theory opiu which a government ie built is a mailer of vital importance, ine national ioea has a eootrulliog infloence ppon tbe thought and the character of tbe people. Ourna tional idea ia sel.'-sovernmert, and uo leas we are ready to abandon that idea forever we caonot Igoore it in dealing with tbe Filipinos Other nations may d em of wars of conquest, and oi distant dependencies governed by exterior forces; not so with the United States. Tbe fruits of imperialism, be they bit ter or sweet, most be l-ft to tbe subjects ol monarchy. This is tbe one tree of whose frolr tbe ci'ixc ol a repubilo msy not partake. It 1- he voice of th serpent, not tbe voice of Ujd, that bids' ns ea. About Everything Gen. Herrilt wears a seal ring which baa been worn by tbe eldest son of tbe family for five geaeratices. Th Detroit city council has adopted a resolution urgiog t taxing of all church property m excess of a valuation of $10 000. A millionaire who died in Boetoo a few days ago directed in his wdl tbat no one owing h'a less than t,0C0 be required to pay. Twenty five year ago the United State prod need 70 per cent of tbe cotton of tbe world; today she produce SS per cent of the world's cotton. Robert Taylor, the sbeep raiser of Grand is and, owns more sheep than any other man in Ihe country. Inc'oding thoee on his Wyoming ranch be baa 90.000. Parisian barber are legtdly compelled to wash their hands after attending to a customer and before waiting oa another. They must us. alto nickle plated conba price ef nails two dollars a ton. Tbe Oregoniao adrct-a tbat tbe tariff law permit, this. This is just what a tariff ia f ir. th increasing of price for th benefit of the truer regardleta of tbe of pocket book o th people wbo have to bar Ibe goods. Tbe onee who are protected are tbe trusts and monopol'es, not the people. Wby not bave trust some day in th interest of tSs people wbo foot the bill. Water seek its level and tbe maree are tbe one. w ho bave to D.l lb. pocket of tba trust that lbs doctrine of protection way be enforced. Tbe man who borrowed money to loose at poker might be said to be an oddity, bat there are plenty wbo let their families go impronded for and in vest their money in chip. s If the crawfish bill is passed it will lead to many flagrant viola tors of the law in Albany when the water is let out of the ditch in the summer. Tbe attention of the legislators is called to this side of the matter. Tbe beet way to advertise the country is to send your local paper East. II everybody in Linn county were to do this it would be the biygeet advertise- tueot fur tbe Willamette valley possible 10 suggest. 11 ta ue regular issue 01 pttpvr in com moo every day clothes that count. rirteea S. Grant Jr.,' is oat of tbe race for U. S. Senator from California. He didn't pay $730 fur vote; bat it ha lsS a a I Ar Oar-aaaa l1tm Kiwiaai Traia Paay(MPt Say eBi hi Portjaa Ar 1 - A Tr Ar MdSn-TtB 'flsjSan tr I ir 1Ma . BMatasaasaa raia. ' ' anS U aianni daaa. tatetoaia 'kaafar Katas aa tlekets ta ea-w-w -wa aa4 or-a toiAPAV. CttlJlA, HOSOWJUU aa Ac.imj- AlnW r C sVbi CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. On. ol th most important bi ls intro duced in Ibe tegisUture eo tar. is tbe Torreos land title hl'.l prsmted by Sen ator Kelley of thiaconaty. II peered it would cbao.e tbe system of tbe slate entirely. Coder it a trarsfer of titl to property is mad. by an entry in the rec 1 been coo'idered about the same thing. rA ,ui i k. . A:A. and I II doeen't Uke much to down some men nn- AixraXAXD. New Zealand, Jan. IS. Samonn advices just received here aaa that Chief Justice Chamber, on DecT31 declared Maiieloa Tanu to have been elected kine in aocce ion to tbo late King MaJietoau Tba chief iostice also Anoooced tliatTamaaeee baa been elect ed rice-king. Chief Mataaf waa dis qualified. This caused trouble and a bat tle louowea . Mataaia'a loss waa 61 men killed and wounded, and Slalietca Tanu lost 12 men killed and woandod. Msai weecaw's r CHARLcrroar, W. Va., Jan. 18. The political sitnation baa aeeomed a eerioos aspect, by reason of tbe refusal of Gov. Atkinson and the senate, which is repub lican, to formally recognise the house. Though the governor has been notified tbat the boose is organized and ready for bonne, Vie governor has not trans mitted hi message, and there ia no indi cation as to when he will, do so. ORTHERH PACIFIC P. K, TJ o o DR. J. L; HILL Physicii 1 and S.irgeon, Ertray Notice. I took nu on my farm two mites north' west of Harrisbure, in Linn county, on the 3rd day of December, the folloi ing described steer: Color, red with whit under the tollv also white snot between hips, marked witu crop off right ear: age, about 3 years : weight, about 1206 pounds. E. L. VAor, UamsDurg, Lino' Co.Orrgcn Miles raid about Egu : Ills Uoguage Is fit only lor tbe slum-, Not many yeais since bs was sourtmartialled (or an of feoee ss disbursing ofBi-er . : He wss In trouble on another occasion while com- mbsary of subeistsnu H- forgets that be wears tbe uniform of tbe United Slat' es Army, acd lost tui o unity should carry with it the ins.iuct o a gentleman. If any one thinks I u ft Ug in the air be will find bimsell uii aken. Egan eaidoIMil-s: lie ij wilfully. He lies maliciously. Hi - anient is a libel. Shi-uld be .rr-d t.o.n decent so ciety. H bit foul.d li s o n nest. Us should be drummed ou of ths eervice snd sent to prison. He H leb as Hack a heart aa the mau woo Mew up th Maine possessed. Deserves to be known a ths colossal liar of lb nineteenth cen ts y. We, t Virginia is beiot stftUt-d with ai bold-op nearly as bad as tbat ia Oregon. Hold-ups are always to be regretted. arraegeneot i so that eirch ol th title i.don. away with. It is somewhat Cam pie x ia its character, an J jet when once established, the system is said to be vtry s:niple. Sacb a law operates in Australia and England, beside in a lew p'aceaio tbe Coitad -.ates. Mr. UeKinley is already U)ing his plans to eecui New York atate in the n.xt national republican convention. Perhaps Chauocey Depew will make Ihe nominating speech. Ths legislature, as a whole, is consid erable of an opoesum affair. Since the first day tber have been mora fool tit! Introduced tban in any legislature in Ihe tittory of the slate. Tbei will be a record made, but it will not be one tbe atate will be proud of. Tbe most pleasiog feature about the present legielstoi is that there has been no election of a C. S. senator. Ths special session was held tbst there misht be one tltcted so tbat the busioei cf tbe state might be attended to. It is being done with a vengeance. The bill providing for two extra judges of ibe soprene court baa been defeated 10 tbe committee. This wss proper. Tbe manner in which it was railroaded through tbe I ouse is a good example ol tbe calibre ol some ol tLe member of tbat body. Two things the people want and no representative ol tbe PEOPLE can af ford to go borne without getting It for tbem : 1. fetter public roads. 2. Better and cheaper public achr-ol books. Journal. There has to be a war aomsa here in the World. Just now tbe Samoains ar having th honor or dishonor of furnish ing Ulk for ths blood-thirsty A smal war Is rsging on th islsnd, and several bave been killed, nearlv enough (or a skirmish. . Beginning the Year With pure, rich, healthy blood, which may be bad by lakiog Hood's Sarrap. rl'la, you will not oeed to (ear attacks of pneumonia, bronchitis, fevers, coWs or the grip. A lew bottle ot tfci great tonic and blood paritler, taken now, wilt be your best protect ioo aast eprirg humors, boils, eruptions, that lirec feel ing and serious illness, to which a weak and debilitated system is eeperiall liable in early soring. Hood's Sarsaparilla eradicate from tbe blood all scrofula taint, tone sod strengthens the stom ach, coresdyspepsi.rbeumat sm, catarrh and every ailment caused or promoted by impure or depleted blood. Wbea you ask for t)e Witt's Witch He el Salve don't ace?, a counterfeit or ia a'.l ) 1 . Tbere art snire cases of Pile be i - ! by ta4. tttia ail o.b:rs com. el I A. Camming, agtnt. How SluLU Her Work. Shedd, Oreg.. Kov, 1893. Mrs. Nettie 31. Carothers of this place states that she was so severely afflicted with rheumatism that she waa obliged to ait down to do most of her work. Hie bean taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it cured her. deal to lower Quavof Pennsylvania, who, thoogh Uer indictment, noids the reins. teveral big legislative gaits down at Salem should be SaoUagoed. Cont:pa.;on prevent, tbe body from rid ing itaelt ot waste math r. De Witt's Lit tle Early Risers will remove the trouble aad cure Sic Headache, Biltoasneee, In active Liver aod clear Ibe complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. 4. A. Cumuiing, agent. What UShiloli? A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold and Consumption; need through th world for half a century, has cured in numerable cases of incipient con sump tioa and relieved many in advanced atages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 ct., 60 ct. and $1.00. Wheat. We will pay the highest market price r wheat, see us ociore you ecu. x CvaRAN & Mont Senator Hoar aays in an anli-.xpao- sion speech, referring to the republi can parly, tha i". atood In a bumble cap acity by Its ';l.e, and that he does not mean, If he cap Ltlp it, lo follow Its bsaise, meaning that the present imper ialistic policy of the party is liable to re quire the net d ol a here in tbe near futuie. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, Tha Kind You Hats Always Bought Bears tha Signature Notice to Uox-IIolder. - MARRIED. MONTANYE 8ILVERNAGLE On , '. " ;, ' January 4, 1899, at the home of the All box holders are hereby notified bride's mother at Cheshire, N. Y., that In pursuance of the regulations o( the; Mr. Merton E. Montanyte and Miss P. O. Department, I wili call all keys Nettie Silvernagle. iseued. All keys must lie returned on or ; The groom is a prosperous farmer of befoie the 6th day ol February, but none Bristol Center. N. Y.. and the bride is will be received before Jsnusry Hi, 181)0. All boa-holders must bring in ail keys and all receipts (or the 20 c. nts deposited for such keys. T. J. Stijbs, Postmaster tbe daughter of Mrs. G. L. Blackman, for -many years a resident of Albany. Mr. Ulackman is in the hospital at Wil-lard.N.Y. TICKETS To all point East via Great Northern Railway. For rates, folders and full information call on or address H. F. Mkrrii.l, Agent Albany. A cough is not likf a fever, it does not bave to run a certain course. Cure it q ickly and effectoallv with Ooe Winute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for tbe most severe esses. We recom mend it because it's good. J A. Cutn mlng, agnt. You Try It. IfShiloh's Ooueh and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 60 els. and $1.00, does not care take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over filty years on this guarantee. Price, 25 cts. and 60 cts Much in Little Is especially true ot Hood's Pills, for no medU cine ever contained so great curaUve power In so small space. They are a whole medicine Albany will have to take an extra dose of economy for a few rears, in order to nav tbe interest on the big mortgage 00 our tarni. The man wbo introduce one good bill in the legislature is entitled to more credit than the man who introduce a docen poor ones. The prophet have again been fooled in Oregon. They predicted a snowy, blus tering, nam winter in this vai:ey but it has not ceme so far. Already it is observed that forty day will hardly be enocgli for oar repacioas legislators. If eighty days were the limit they would use it and cry for more. There will come a day of reckoning with the members of the legislature who vote for useless and extravagant appro priation a as well as with thoee who in- troducef iooopoesum and like bills. "Ob. ajr, Will there ever come a day When they Will lay Quay Away?" There is so impression tbat th Tor- rens land bill Introduced by Seaator Kel. ley'doe swsy with th necessity of hav ing- abstract .to title. A a matter of (act it will make lota of business for ab stractors. L nder it when a record is mad there most be clean title np to that time to secure th remitter of tha title under tbe system, and it will b vol notary with property owners whether they bave the record made. When th titl is one recorded with a clean record all further trouble and expense In mat Ing a transfer is done away with aod tbe same record is nsed. This th wsv .1 Wfc 1 . I - u abmuckat unaersianaa it. The Washington correspondent of th Seattle P. I. gives th following intereet- ing item : William A. K. Mocre, who ha lately been convicted and sentenced to nine teen year for badgering Martin Mahon, develop to be a cosmopolite. On) of the interesting pa-ts of his history ia that In 1889 or 1800, or about the time of th fir in Seattle, be located what he insist was tn most prontabl gambling house in ibe part of th country. Moor went by bis nameth reand wasjwell knows by the sporting element. An interesting episode connected with hie being tn Seat tle has developed at the war department. An officer connected with th Fourteenth infantry, tben stationed at Vancouver. wa induced by the asusl "friend" to enter Moore' gambling bouse and pa ucipaie m toe usual certain thing: tie did, and was $500 out of pockst and his wsy pledged to a friend. Subsequent re sults caused bim to be removed from tbe post to a distant place upon tbe plea of the condition ot his health. Moor ba begun to give out tt liet of hi vktim now upon th theory that tbe wotm will turn. Kldls chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat. Istaotoryi prevent a eold or fever, core all liver Ills, sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. Sfie. Tbe only PllUto Uke with Hood's Darsaparllla. Pills Young Mothers. Crouo ia the terror of thousand of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Bhiioh's Cough and Consumption Cure acta like magic in case of Croup. It ha never seen known to (ail. i lie worst cases re lieved immediately. Prices, 25 eta,, and 60 rt. and $1.00. Albany Market Wheat 6 ?ents. Outs 30 Eggs 25otsnts. Butter 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cents. Hams 11 to 13 cent. 8ids 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 tc 7 cents. WAsarsorox, Jan. 19. In the senate Tnrner took the floor to address the sea- 00 the aati-expantnon resolution of Vest. He opposed our acqutnnz tbe rhilip- pinc aad said the noble ship of state, it chart baring been torn la Utters, was now dn tung whither she wotua on a wild and on known sen. This daazooas condition, be said, was being forced opon the people bp tbe pretense that itoyt- dencw ba ca-t upon oa new responsibil ities which we may not ah irk. swaa la a lanlera Sacbamx-tto, Jan. 19. The fit st break in the eenaloriAj deadlock waa madeoa the twenty-second ballot, when Bulla gained four rote and Earse one. Th force of Grant and Burn stand firmly by their reective candidate, tbe gain that went to Bulla and Barnes coming trom the leaser light of the senatorial contest. a Aiaaay ta It Washingtos, Jan. 19. Representative Tongue today stated that Chiton Mon- gaa Butler, of Albany, had passed the beet mental examination of all the can didate for apt, ftment to vtest Point, bat that be was BughUy deficient phrsi callv. Thomaa West Ham mood, of Ashland, eased Um bee -physical examination, with good mental examinations. Al though the appointment of cadet was not mad today, Mr. Tongue expect to make it tomorrow, in which extent Butler will receive the appointment, with Hammond as alternate. Should Butler fail physi cally, Hammond will receive the cadet ship if he can pass the academy examination. av-waa'a taaa Wasrixtoox, Jan. 19. General Eagan was served with legal notice of the or dering of a court-martial for bis trial rast before th close of office hours today. This notice was delivered by the messen ger of the adjutant-general in the nsoa course, and bad the effect to relieve Gen eral Eagan of hi duties aa oommisearv general of the United Stateg army, pend ing the cooclnsion of thecourt-tnsriial. AalsSartasMll W ashisgtos, Jan. 19. Senator McBrkle today reported the bill which be bad pre viously uuroauccu, extending iu. privi lege ol immediate transportation to the port of Astoria, Tbe bill extends the privilege of the immediate transporta tion act of June 10. 1880. to allow the shipment of goods in bond from Astoria instead of going through the Port of t'oruano. A Pleasant, Simple, but Sale and Effectual Cure for It. Catarrh of the stomach, ba long been considered tbe next thing to incurable. Tbe usual eymtoms are a fall or bloating eeneanon alter eating, accompanied sometime with boot or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing preeeure on tbe heart and lungs and duBcolt breath ing ; headaabe, fickle a petite, nervoaa- ness, ana a general played oat, languid feeling. Tbere is often a fool taste in tbe mouth, coated tongue and if tt interior of tbe stomaca could be sees it would show a slimy, inflamed condition. Tbe core for this common and obstin ate trooble is found in a treatment which cause the food ti be readily, thoroughly digested before it baa um to torment and irritate tbe delicate mucous surfaces ot the stomach. To secure a prompt and besuuiy cugeetxm is tbe one neuieaary thing to do and when normal digestion is secured tbe catarrhal, condition vnu bave dU-appeared. According to Dr. Harianton the safest aari beet treatment is to uw alter each meal a taqlet, composed of Diastase. As eptic reps in, a little ux, uouien bal and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name 01 Muart s AJyspepsia Tablets and not beinsr a Detent medicine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that health ypaetite and thorough, digestion will touew their nae alter meal. Mr. ". J. Booherof 2710 Dearborn St-, Chicago, 1U write: "Catarrh ia local condition resultinsr from a nesrlect- ep cold in the head, wberebv tbe lining t -r.i.- 1 . - , 1 memmin ot we ooee oecomea uraamexi and the poisonous discharge therefrom passing backward into the Uiroat reaches the stomach, tbo producing catarrh of the etomach. Medical authorities pre- rabed ror me lor three Team tor tarrh of the etomach without cure, but today I am tbe bappiest of men after us ing only one box of Stuart's Drtpepeia Tablets. I cannot find appropriate words to express mr eood feeling. I have found flesh, appetite aad sound rest trom weir use. Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet ia the safest preparation a well aa the amplest and most convenient remedy for any form oi indigestion, catarrh of atomoch, bilious ness, sour stomach, heartburn and bio tnr atttr meals. Send iur little book, mailed free on stomach trouble, by adJree-inz F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. The tab let can be found at all drug stores. F oilman Sleeping uars, Elegant Diniig Cars, Toiiris" Sleeping Oar- at "aai a,. aaewjo lis Dnloth Fargo, fO a rand Corks Crookatoa Wutnipa Helens ana Ba'.U TXROUGM TICKE. TO -nieao Islington Philadelphia Sew lork natoaaadal. Points East aad South Ttoough tiekata to Japaa and Cai Tacomaud 8orhera Panic atnaaauui 0o sa kmeria hae- For infermatioa, tdm cards, eaapa aa tkkeU caU oa or writ C G Ba.khart aseat, A lhaay. Or. A D Charltoav. To Portiaad O CXPtRAeE. .'llrt. TV ADC SSAKKS, MtftailsTL- ' COVICMTa Ae. Ak-a sewWiia a Wntiw as4 -aaiwiiMi any Swki- wxraiK. ftca, wkMr aa la-aoUoa ia araaaoir aaMKtsM-. Owawmina awi eoaSO-ntial. aawocf Urttmrnt -aMnai 1 A-Mnew. W. ha-w a Waiaiactoa oak. Patent- taken tama ataaa A Oa. cwsalv laotaeaiata. SCIENTIF1D AMERiCAM. wwtlaMT Ita-nM. Hra-wt rroucw ct Kalar lo-raai. wT-Ai-.ta-anSSja a yaa. Viii nxoxbiL sreim-w oopi-a aad liAA tK-Mt 01 rTEr a-nt rrA. A4dreas ML'N'N Ii -X, SUMU8XS. In tbe Circuit Court for Line county. State ct we goo; Halli H. Cooper, blaintiff vs. Edward E. Cooper, defendant. 10 hdward b. Cooper. deiendanL Is the name of the State of Otenoo. too are berebv reouired to arnear and anawer th. complaint of the above plaintiff 4a the above emitted court, by the um day ct the next regular term of tbe above entitled court to be begun and held in the city of Albany, Liaa county, Uregoe, on Ue KUh day of March. 1599. andiou are serebv notified tbat if you fail to appear and answer said complaint aa hereby required the plaintiff will ask th court for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now eiiating be tween tbe plaintiff aod defendant, aad for a decree giving the care and custody and control of the defendant and -Jaintiff's minor child, Hila Cooper, to the plaintiff and for such further order a may be proper. This summons is published bv order of tbe Hon. R. P. Boise, judge of tbe above entitled court, made at chambers in the city of Salem the 16th day of January, WaUTHKRTORD 4 WTATT, Atfjs for Plaintiff. Oliver PlowsNew fi iOPK-lta 3K0$ Agents, Vlaaay, Oregon, Aiiver gars the woM th chilled p , And it has saved mom tconey ti the farmer of America than any other implement ever procucea Genuine Oliver chilled are tbe best e earth. The Oliver is a promoter of happh nees on the farm, and the daaler who sells it knows he is fcandlinar tha beat. Look out for imniUations and touch nothing but the genuine goods, mad only by Olive Chilled plow works. South Bend. Id.. F a. a. GOOD INSURANCE OB NONE. If you want nothing for your mcoey get "Keuei," but u you want "Mails taraBce'1 " have vour pronertv insured by the 1 eat ing agent of Albany, in companie that have ben in bnsiness for years, and that . . . . . i . i neve money to oara iceir oongauoas You cannot get a good article of , kind for nothing, and when you want la sorancs get "Insuradce and not "K l." M.SENDFRS. "lusuianee, Hay, Grain and W xil.j IS JllllffQ 1 1 i ili urauwuiu Dealer in :- " Hardware. Crocltery. Glass ware, Groceries and all goods' kept la country store. ; I WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH As Low as Anybody; Country produce and egg taken in exchange 55 forgooods. ariiuiiiiaiuiiimiuiuiiiiaiu 153 C S00 PACIFIC UIE. J Ttt AllPciiitalait. . Solid -eatibaie trains, eonnsting ot psj -ace sleeping cars, loxa ion diaiaat ear, ategaat day coacbea, -aaai5cea J00 cars i ad free eotoaist sleepers froia th Pa dSc to tbe Alias lie witae-t ehaaga. corr DiaxcT avo cKXArrsrr aotm t Itoolcnayf Sllninsr District f "j- j nOO-XAXD AkO AH points in tbe Okaaag-a Cooatry. Ge a ramphlet giTing a full leacnptiei of this wonderful country. Ask tbel for a copy of the saiaiag laws of Bntiar Columbta. Lowe rate o aad fro ETJBOPiU t Atlantic ateenathip iaea. Canadian Pac.Ry. Oo-'s Royal Mail Steamship! line to China and Japan cawatuax AUsraAUAW STSAaxa 111 TO aOXOLCLC, TUX AD ACSlaAXlA. The shortest lioe to tne Colooi-.. These rtesjners carry an experienced tn-dicai taaa, and a stewardess oa every voyage ror time table pamphlets, or say ie ormaUoa, call oa or addresa. s r srsLS k co. A-..Aror KJOJTUS. Ag't, US Thirl St.. P : and. Or. - -QEO. McU BROWN. D. P. A-?aaeover ' aaanaBHBaBawawAwaB-BaaaBnwwaaaaaann Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Fat Mail Worth. Omaha. Kan- Mail 3 pm City, St Louis, :45 p Chicago and Eaet. o v- CnnV. RnokaBes Flyer ane. Minneapolis. St Flver tQ p m Paul, Duiutft, mu- o: " a : wauxee.nicago, . 1 East., - f.' 8pm OCEAX STEAMSHIPS 4 P j For San lfacico t Sail every five day ft m OOI FMBIA EIVER 4pm RxSnndav - STEAMERS, ixbonday, Saturday To Astoria and Way lU cm landings. It am WTTJLaMETTE RIV. 4:S0pm : ExSun. Oregon City, Kewb g. Ex Sua. Balem A W ly-Land's Tain WILLAMETTE AKD Tuesday, YAM HILL Kiv . Thurs,, Oregon City. IJaytoa. and Sat. and Way-Land. 3:30 1 I Monday Wed. i aod Sat a . xvTT T.AMETTEKIV. 40 a aa Tneaday Portland to OorvallU rneadayj , IV 1 una Tan- ( iBur , anu " e- "b t--Y and Saw , andbu.P Lv Biparia - LvLwiioal 4 l4Sam 8AS.K KlVfcK 0 :4o a m . . Mon. Wed Riparia to Lewiston Sun.Tue andFri. and roar W.H.HTJRLBURT. Ga,Pasa A sent. C.G.RA.WUSGS, : Portland, Or. Agent Albany. UNH CO ABSTRACT COMPAHIn t - ! . , AIlMnv ,0rern- OSoea, Baak of Oregon Hail ding Oaly set ot Abstracts of Liaa Coeaty. Complete set ot maps and pints. 1 .- -i A 7 0 '