The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 27, 1899, Image 3

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During January Only.
lne end of one years business and lie
opening of another we make
on every article in our
An excellent opportunity for any nr
chases you may wish to make in
Ladies' and Children' FurnisSng
Goods I
Knit or Muslin Underwear,
Hose, Shoes, Umbrellas,
rt?. Undera
Ladies' Hats. Children' On no.
Tailored Suits, Jackets, Capes, :
Ladies, Misses and Childrens
Outing Flannel Gowdb,
Ribbons, Laces, Fancy Goods
Albany, Oregon, Jan. 2, 1899. ' J
And Hartford
are more favorably known throughout
the world than any other wheels.
Columbia Chainless
..$40 and
75 00
50 00
35 00
Columbia Chain...
Vedettes 25 and 26 00
Keep abreast with the Units and ride
a Columbia.
New Features. Correct Lines.
Beautiful Finish. Popular Prices.
...MONDAY ....
A Would or Information-. The Db
x rat has received a copy ol the World
Almanac and End yclopedia for 1899. 1 1
is an annual affair. This almanac has
kept growing until it ia now also an en
cyclopedia, and there are 578 pages in it,
and yet the price remains the same, only
25 cents. The information given is up
todatethat ia to Dec. SO, 1898. It covers
the whole field, and if you want to know
anything send 25 cents to the World,
Sew York, N, Y. and get a copy and get
posted. JJo other encvcopediac almanac
approaches the World's. It is on top.
Oratorio Wokk. The music loving
people of Eugene will be glad to know
that word has been received from Al
bany promts ins co-operation in a music
al festival to be had some time in the
spring. This makes it especially i esir
able that our local oratorio society be
7i vn Averv rmsBiihla nivn-arMm.kMfr
The society will meet to reorganize next
Wednesday evening at the Baptist
church at 8 o'clock. Let every singer
whether formerly a member of the so
ciety or not, plan to attend. Guard.
WoiXD-wiDi-HosoB given the Geo. S .
Parker fountain pea. judge Day signed
the treaty of peace at Paris with a
"Parker" pen furnished hint by the De
partment of State, Washington, D. V
cor sale by French, the Jeweler.
e ire Alarms. An alarm of fire was
made Saturday evening on account of a
chimney burning out at the stables of
Frank Ekipton, and another rne yester
day forenoon on acconnt of a fire in the
roof of a bouse owned by Chas. Kiefer
near the corner of Lyon and Seventh
street, which had caught from the de-
, fective terra cotta flue. Five buckets of
' water extinguished iU
Dim Nrar Lebamo.v. Mrs. Samuel
Picken died at the home of her daughter
Mrs. William Temple, five mile east of
Lebanon, Saturday morning, at the ad
vanced age of 90 years. Her husband,
Mr. Samuel Picken, died about three
years ago. They were old pioneers of
this country, having located hero in
Oak Creek Literary Society. ?
Oak Creek, Jan. 23, 1899.
The people of the neighborhood met at
the school house last Sat. eve to listen to
the program rendered by the Literary
Society. -
r i. . . ... . .
iHucn interest scemea to be taken m
the meetings by the people, as long be
fore the hour appointed the house was
filled to its utmost capacity. The dis
cussion of the question "Resolved that
capital punishment should be abolish
e4 , proved to be a warm contest before
the conclusion of the argument was
reached. A number of speakers re
sponded, makinir irood rvoints on both
stdo8, the argument being so evenly con
tested it seemed hard for the judges to
make up the their minds an to which side
had fairlv won the niwvstinn. whinh at
last resulted in their decision being 2 for
the atlimative and 1 for the negative and
yet many of those present declared that
tho negative should have been given the
decision. However all resulted in peace
and good will asalways prevails among
the people of OaTUreek.
ine usual m minutes of recess was
given for social conversation which is
always enjoyed y the jolly crowd.
After recess a number of recitations
were rendered by members present, and
Mr. D. S. Smith was cailed on to relate a
Butter story which w as quite comical
being much enjoyed by the crowd which
greeted him with great applause.
Mr. W. S. Thompson, tho critic, re
ported. The subject for discussion at the next
meeting will be "Resolved that air wave
theory of sound is incorrect.". The chief
disputants on the affirmative will be W.
S. Thompson, negative J. L. Baker, who
will each have a nnnjber of .col'egues
i -All persons wishing to hear the; dis
cission of this quession, also to spend a
social evening with the people of the
Oak Creek Society are cordial I v invited
to be present on Sat. eve Jan. 28, 7 :30.
Public SchoofMatt rs. .
The term examinations are now being
cjosed. The graduating exercises of the
winter class will take place at the armory
" jrriuaj evening, January z,to wnicli
the admission will be 10 cents for cur
rent expenses.
The civil government class will take in
the legislature on Thursday, going down
in the morning and returning at nicht.
Special rates been secured, which others
man students may have advantage of on
mat aav.
L. C. Stratton and fnrnilv.of Millers.
have re urned from their eastern trip.
Mr. Sam Mav and daughter Miss Am
elia, of Harrisburg, went north on the
noon local.
Rev. Doug Hamilton, of Scio. the cel
ebrated victim of jokers.-is in citv.
ready for all bomers.
Mr. E. L. Bryan received a telegram
yesteraay announcing the Dirth ot a son
to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Brvan in Colo, on I Mi n;-k .mono ih& . t i.-a ;
Jan. 22, 1S99. . Khe vallev. The funeral aril hi.l tw
- -
Mr .baas rau inner, one oT Linn cos bm morrow.
ij a puiumrut uLucim wis ia uia ciiy
today. He has not yet secured a wife.
ho wants a husband.
W. H. Rayaaood, the insurance man,
ia in the city.
G. W. Harris returned this morning
from ten days work in Eugene.
conductor at! Hon. WKi,k Price, of Tolo, Is in the
way home from a tnp to
LC 1
tend to a prominent case on trial the:
Mr J R Moees has sold his bran
store at Tangent, to Stephen Archi
Samuel Moses and probably F B Couev
win move irom that place to Albany on
account of the change.
QL A. Jordan of Los Gatoo, Calif., ia in
uie city looking alter his Albany prop
erty, consiiting o several pieces which
be traded his Los Gatos farm for with
Wai t Mead and others. Mr. Jordan does
not intend to locate here yet.
Owing to the illness of Rev. D. V. Pel
lng.paetor of the Coneremtional churl-h.
inepuipit win De occupied by Ke
a. uray, of Portland, former paste? of
the church in this city. Saturday's The
uaiies i. ai.
A letter to relatives from Crook coun
ty announces the dangerous illneBS
rs. sax raraer. uauenter ot Mr. lA37ve
Richards of this city, and a former resid
ent of Albany, where there are many
friends who will regret hearing the news.
Mr Welch.of Welch Brothers, the low
est acceptable bidders on the courthouse
improvement contract, is in the city
making arrangements to give his xnda
in the same, which will probably be in
a few days. It is reported that H C
Chamberlain will probably have the sub
contract lor the brick work.
A committe from the state legislature
will be in Albany this week to investig
ate the offer of the Orphans Home at
this city to turn over the property and
$1,000 to the state, the institution to be
run by the state hereafter. A subscript
ion ia being raised to giro them a recept
ion when here.
Elder Kelleros tonight will discourse
on "Jonah and the whale; tpmorro
night on the "Rib Story." All I are,
vited to hear him at Pearce S?!Corial
church. Special singing.
Thepoesofficeia now in new quarters in
the Wallace block on First street, where
the patrons are getting need to the new
sombinations and situation.
The big Irish thow is now in progress
in Portland, and is proving a great suc
cess. . :
' A patent has been issued to Erastus X
Thomas and G. L. Thompson, of Jetier
son, for a fruitdrier.
Sure to relieve, this and more can be
truthfully said of Dr. Lowe's glasses.
Take your eyes to Dr. Lowe.
From the Rural Spirit.
Case Bros, have Allane, by Cumr d
Alne, and are looking for something to i
mate him with.
C. A. WestgaU5, the wheat buyer, has
secured from K. O. Kiger a good busi
ness horse and a good looker.
C. Crandall is driving a roatchod pair
by Multnomah that can pace a mile in
3 :00 and are fine lookers.
E. W. Langdon bought for Mrs. L. a
larce bay gelding bv e son of Maxim
that will be used for a family horse.
J. A. Cumming, the popular druggist,
has his old stand-by, Black Jack, and
the pacer, Dellwood. Here is a good
horse, large and fine looking.
Pete Rilev is pinning his faith to the
heavy breeds, and has three good bay
Belgian stallions in his barn and expects
to do a good business with them this
It is the opinion of many that E. A.
Shiftier has about the best road horse in
this vicinity. His sire was named The
Goat, but his horse has been named Go
'"J.W. Shannon is located at the track
and is working eight head, all good look
ers and all in good condition. II is stable
contains the blood of Cu?ur U' A lone, Al
tago and Del Norte.
Dindinger Bros., dry goods dealers,
have an inbred Altamont, being by A! la
ment, and his dam (Mary A.) by Alta
mont. This is a young andgood-lookiug
animal and will learn to go fast with
proper handling.
The farmers of Linn county are Ulk
ing strong of holding a county fair tbia
fall. The business men in Albany will
work hand in hand with them, and at
the present time everything looks favor
able. A meeting has been called for Feb
3, for permanent organization.
P. C. Anderson, the blacksmith, has
a pair that make a good team. One is by
Rock wood and the other by Dick Flar
ity. P. C. did have what he and'" his
friends considered a fairly good race
mare. They entered her in a matinee
race some time ago,and she has not been
seen since.
- At Albany is to be found manv a lover
of a good horse, and many good horses
are to be found here. One of the best
lookers we have seen is the black colt
Linndell, by Del 'orte, dm by Mult
nomah. Tir's aristocratic fellow is own
ed bv A. S. Hart, who is watchin? his
development with much interest. Unn
dell is an individual worthy of his rich
sold only in
A PiosxiR'a Dxath. Mr. W. II.
Bnrmester .father of .Mrs. Cbris Houck.of
this city, died at his home near Scio last
evening, January 23, 1899, at the age of
nearly ninety years, tie was born in
Uermany and cams to the United States
hen young.and finally to Oregon in the
early days, takim up a farm in the foot
mils, at a time wbn be might have bad
Mrs. N. J. Henton has iust received a
dispatch announcing the death of her
brother, W. K. Cole, a
hicage, of pneumonia. ci.y oa-trta w
K. Weatherford returned this noih LpafTlaud.
from the Bay. where be left J. R. Wv&MTl Anfernn I r.inn t,.. -.n-i k:.
H. C. Watson and A. H. Freerksenoal- law office into the Cnsick block, where
he will haxe an office with N M Newnort
Mock, of San Franciwo. a former
'orva'lit and Salem merchant, was in
the city today.
J. K. Weatherford, I. T. Appersoo and
William Galloway went to Oorrallis to
day to attend a meeting oi the regents of
theO A.C.
The stated communication of Barxillai
hapter No. 16 O. E. S. will be beld this
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the
Masonic Temple.
Ficsfvnd Second Lieutenants Sears
Bloom of the old F. Co. have re
ceived canes from Manila from their
former captain, M. D. Phillips.
I. R. Borum retorted las'. evening from
Salem, where be bad been, by request. to
appear oeiore the committee to whom
war referred the barber's bid. The com
mittee will report favorably upon it.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Casey arrived in
Albaty this morning from Arizona,
where they have been the past year.
Tbey will visit Albany friends and relat
ives for a few weeks.
Isidor Fox recently died at Munich,
Germany, at the age of 67 years. He
was a brother of I. Fox of Ibis city, and
at one time resided in Corvallis, after
wards in Portland. He went to Germany
in 1S95.
Clifton Butler of this city received a
dispatch yesterday afternoon that be had
been appointed cadet at West Point frcm
Oregon, be having passed the best ex
amination tn the reeent contest. He will
examined at Vancouver in March,
and if he passes latisfactorilv in all the
tests will go to West Point. The ap
pointment s a good one. tonog Butler
dasteol our public schools and ia
ow a student in the college. He is a
member of the Simontoa band and is well
ked by all knowing him.
Clem.' Bill -.
In the House:
The Myers resolution donating 12500
worth of books to members was rescind
ed, and indefinitely postponed.
New bills:
Williamson, to amend the Australian
ballot law so as to permit voters in coun
ties having towns of uot over 1000 popu
lation to vote anywhere in the county
for county officers.
Flagg, to require sheriffs to let tax sale
advertisement to lowest bidders.
McClure. to increase the salary of
county clerk of Marion county from (1250
to $1809;cau;ty judge, S00 to 12K;1
treasurer, SU0 to ilOOO; recoider. 1(300
to 1800, and assescr deputy allowance,
270 to 13000.
Whitney, to require tellers of mer
chandise in bulk to eive the purchasers
names and addresses of creditors before
receiving payment,
Hll, to authorise and require cities of
5000 population or over to ettatilih free
ibraiies and levy a tax of one-fifth ol a
mill for the support of the same.
Gray, to require doors ot public build
ings to open outward
Morton, to proriue for the dissolution
of municipal corporations upon the pay
ment of all outstanding indebtedness.
Freeland, amending the code relative
to attachments to as to obviate the nec
essity of posting notices on property at
Jo the Senate:
Fulton's resolution recalling from the
secretary of state tr.e resolution for a
constitution! amendment for woman
Sdffraire, pasaad in 1895, was adopted.
Vroehetel, makina it unlawful to es
tablish a factory for manufacturing cfg
a ret tee in Oregon.
The largest mortgage ever filed in
Wasco county has been filed by the Co'
utnbia Southern Railroad company. It
was given to the New York Security and
Trun Co., the consideration being $2.-
100.000. (272 000 ia to be issued at ooce i
in bends and then in (10,000 amounts
until the amount is taken and the road
Tuesday evening, Jan. 24, 1899.
Present Mayor, recorder, chief engi
neer, etreet superintendent, acting mar
thai and councilmen Galuraith, Dannals,
fielder, Senders, Richards and Graham.
The Mayor read his annual message,
showing the following:
To the Honorable, the City Council of
Albany, Oregon:
Gmiuhh:-In obedience totherilv
chatter, 1 submit for your consideration
the general condition of the affaiis oi the
city as the same appears from the reports
of the officers, which w is submitted for
your consideration at the last regul ir
meeting of this body.
From these reports 1 find that the total
indebtedness of the city on the first day
In Januarv, alter deducting the cath in
the treasury, was as follows: Bonded
debt, (95,000: floating indebtedness,
(11,604; total anbt, lest rash in treasury
of (U0t, is (105.&04. This ir an increase
in the debt over lst, ear of 4.rtl.
This increase in the debt has in a
measure been caused by the building of
the Third street water supply line for fire
purposes, which has cost the diy (12J8.
The repairing of the enginea and appar
atus of tun fire department at a eo.t of
about (MX), and the rebuilding of the citv
ia l at an expense of (561.80.
The receipts of the city from taxes the
past year is (1000 less than the receipts
from the same source ior the year 1897.
The delinquent taxes now amount to
about (5500. The comparative state
ment of the current expentes ot the city
for the past year shows that tbe cost ot
maintaining the city affairs, was (2197
more than for 1897, while tbe receipts
from all vources wss considered lets than
that of 1897.
This and the increased expenses as en
umerated above is tbe cause of the lu
cres e of the city indebtedness.
The amount neceary to meet the
current expenses of the city for the en
suing year, is estimated about at follows :
Police department and city offi
cers (
Fire department
Street lighting
Sewer work and repairs
Printing and stationery
Mater rent
Meats for ci.y prisoners and va
grants Other sundry expentes.
Interested on bonded debt
Rev. Thompson, of Brownsville,
preached here four evenings last week to
targe and attentive audience.
Mr. Stevecton, of West Virginia, aad
Mr. Bray of Albany, made a business
visit he.-e last Wednesday.
Mr. Hamill recently killed a chicken
which had gold in its giuard. Now we
are aware that gold is plenty all around
us but we don't want our fruit funns all
turned upside down oo account of a litt'e
gold for there is more to be made out of
prnnes than all the gold mines in Oregon.
The MaganixtClub met last Wednes
day evening at Smith's store and elected
officers for tbe year. A Y Smith was
elected rreeident, W E Smith, secretary ;
Geo. Stockton, librarian ; Maud Wade,
assistant librarian. Committee to draft
uj laws,W E Smith. Geo Stockton, A Y
Smith. This club will pay pottage on
any old magazines that may be donated
to it.
"Home Sweet Horn" and ".miinM
Riber" played on a harmonica on a Mill !
night delights the bearer.
We noticed in the prcceediogt of tbe
legislator a hill to protect toipe. We,
favor that bill for we sympathize with
the snipe and we are well acquainted
with a few snipe that bare grown old
and blind watcbie and listening for the
hunter. We don't know how old tbey
would get if the hunters wouldn't snoot
at them, and we feel sure that oce shot
io five hundred hits a snipe. We
wouldn't like to be a snipe.
Lrrrut Rosa Ben.
The estimated revenues for
period is about as follows:
Tax of eight milit on Ibe attests-
able property of the city (
From delinquent taxes, about
From license and other source. . .
Lawyer McFadden returned this noon
from tbe Bay.
George W. oung hat told his Benton
county farm to H. Rickert.
Watt Monteitb, of Portland, is visiting
Albany friends and relatives.
Albany has tbe reputation of having
fie best looking lady clerk of any town
inithe valley. The P O clerks not except
ed. Mr John Nash, mail clerk .Jund Miss
Edith Basset were married in Halsey
this week. They have the best wishes
of many.
Wolcb Bros, have made arrangements
for bonda on their court house contract.
and the same will probably be filed dur
ing the week.
Senators Daly and Kelley and Repre
sentatives wtittney and aicuonrt ot tbe
special committee of the orphans home
came up tbe noon and visited tbe or
phan's home. Mr Moody, a member of
the committee, was unable to be present.
Miss Ellen Strong, a returned mission
ary from Seoul-Cores, will speak upon
Cores, its needa, its possibilities andiier
life as a missionary. All are cordially
Invited. Sabbath evening Jan, 29, Fiist
Presbyterian church.
Mr George Rogers will delivsr a pub
lie address at tbe Woodmen hall tomor
row evening at o'clock in Uie interest
ot the W of W. There will be a good
program and an interesting time to
which all friends of the order are invit
ed. The installation of the new officers o
tbe Lady Maccabees last evening at the!
ball was made an event of much socia
interest. Tbe installation waa conduct
ed by tbe ?ast Lady Commander Mrs
Craw and the floor work by Mrs Stite.
This was followed by a pleasing program
consitting of a piano solo by Mrs Frank
Ketcbum, a tableau, "ye or no," a vo
cal solo by Grace Livingt'.one. a tableau,
"Joan d'Are, a recitation by Oran Hark
neae and a tab'eta "Roek of Ages," all
excellect. A fine banquet was spread.
The novel decorations received many fa
vorable comments.
Tbe members ot Linn Eugin Co No 2,
at their ball last evening, gave a success
fot social an 1 entertainment. There waa
a large attendance and a display of spirit
that speaks tor tbe future of fire depart
tnent social matters. With Ex-Cbief
Eogineer Media as master of ceremonies
a fiue program waa rendered consisting
otasonebv the a a arte t Mr and Hra
Medin, Mies Palmer and Mr Junkin, en
cored ; a guitar solo by Henry Morgan,
encored : a recitation bv Miaa Martha
. .( 13,774 1 Ri'ley, vocal solos by Ben Clelen and Mr
th. ..m. ",n,,D o instrumental duet by Mrs
i Medin and Mr Leo Powers, encored;
reading oy xise Ada riickinger, a aong
by little Grace Clelan. music bv tha
:t0(v) ' tramaphone and a solo by tbe inimitable
; followed and a nice lunch was served.
Total (15.000
Frcm this eaiimale mutt be dedated
the cVlinque:.t tax of this Tear, which
mill in ll .M.h.liihlB tmfinnl Irt At
(2500, leaving the available resources of
(12.500. which is short (127S of tbe es
timated expenses of maintaining the city
government for the ensuing year.
In making this estimate ot the ex
penses, I have not taken into account tte
purchase of bJi feet of boee as recom
meied by ti e thief ot the fire depart
ment. Tte condition of tbe treasury at
tbe preteot time 1 do noi thick justice
the city in making this expeoditare, es
pecially when tbe city bat about 1100
feet of serviceable boee in the depart
niebt. Tbe expenditures mast be kept aiib'n
the reveooee ot the city, and the only
wav this can be io econ
omise in ail tbe departments of the city, i
and unless this is done city warrants will
eo beeeloe on oar streets, and Uie city
like an individual, bankruptcy
Innately be the result.
I he Lcglalature
Considerable basinets was done in tbe
reading of bills and reports.
Joeephl's bill to reform tbe system ot
management of the state insane asylum,
patting the institution in the hands of
tour trustees appointed by and to act
with the governor, was patted by the
senate this afternoon by a vote ot 21 to 6.
la tbe bouse, six bills were passed
A bill to appropriate (35,001
for buyiog an J operating the flax
mill at the penitentiary was introduced
The fea;ore of the proceedings were
the killing n the Curtis anti-department
store Dill and Farreli't bill providing tor
the todificatioc at state laws by Joseph
Io the Senate there were introduced :
Barer, to rive Oregon baildic mater-
lT 1 1 i . -1 - . . . .
mMt uw pn-icrenre construction OI
I pumic uuua-ngs in me state.
; u --1- ...
Saturday Afternoon Market.
Beginning next Saturday afternoon
Jannaiy 28, at 1 p. m., the ladies, of tbe
M. E. church will have home-made ed
ibles io tell at Cummings' Drug Store.
There, each Saturday afternoon until
further notice, you can buy cake, cook
iet, doughnuts, pies, baked chicken,
beans, hominy, bread of various kinds,
and other things that will add zest to
your;bunday dinner.
Junt fur Fun.
I wish it clearly understood, that
will duplicate any proposition offered by
any photographer of this town, no matter
how big or how little. I don't stay be-
iimci any one on free photos. I will even
go inem one better if necessary.
i tor ,M,(,meM anI first class plio
IIakikii th Photographer.
Crtwlord, the photographer, is havlrg
wi none in on and water
He has a first class workman.
Ir Lowe the optician will remain in
Miner a nice a short time longer.
The Weather.
Tonight and Thuwhty fair stationary
temperature. I'.iver 1 1 feet.
F. M. Fbench,
If you want a good and cleat
.uoke buy ctgara made by our AI'
na n y cigar factor?.
CLARK. On Sunday, January 22, 1899,
saucy, to air. ana wrs. fcugene
Clarke ten pound ton. All doing well
ibe lather, who is in the city today,
atys tbe boy has already begun fingering
ui vj iv writer Keys.
y -
Long Photo Co
Tbe lUh priced photographers all
wont strictly first class and nptodale
era too and pastel work a specialty. Eats
(35,000 relief photos the newest thing out.
Beach. Ut e re home Modoeti and
borne manufacturers preference in the
purchase of supplies for public insuta-
. Kxichts or Pythias. Regular meet
ing this Monday evening at 7 :30 work in
tbe Third Rank. A full attendance is
While handling a shot gun at - Stay ton
Friday night, Gilbert Stayton was soot
in the hand. - Amputation will probably
be necessary.
' ' Governor Lord granted 53 full pardons,
65 to restore citizenship and commuted
23 sentences. . .,
Which RMm
When a man is sick lib
work rides him instead of
be riding his work. His
daily taak instead of being
the means wnicn supports
and carries him on to com'
fort and prosperity
becomes an over
whelming burden
weighing mm
down. tic Has
no strength, no
ambition. - He feels
that there it noth
ing left but for him
to stagger along un
til the awful pres
sure of disease and
trouble at last
...... u - t,;M .
Mjf- earth. , .
The prosperoes
Y& man it the one who
, keeps the upper
Linn Engine Co. No. 2 tomorrow even
ing at their hall will give an invitation
social with a good program, a firemen's
The Portland agricultural papers speak
in high terms of the state poultry show
held in this city, and tbe splendid treat
ment received here by the editors.
The Nicaragua Canal bill passed the
senate Saturday afternoon. The bill
provides that the United States govern
ment is to contract with citizens of the
United Stales for the construction, com
pletion and equipment of the canal with
in six years. at a cost not to exceed (115.'
Kuntifenint: A. W. 15 a.:kburn is
quite elated over his success as a Lang-
shan breeder. He has added new blor d
to his flock and expects to continue to
win with the black beauties. Mr. D. O,
Woodworth sold his entire flock of
Black Lansshans to Mrs. J. B. Stump.
of Monmouth, and she will devote the
entire rani;e of one of the beat farms in
Polk county, to their comfort and pleas
'because he is strong,
Yi capauic uu cnci-
y. sretic. Dr. Pierce's
X Cnlden Medical
Discovery hat
brought the beat
kind of' prosperity
to tnovsands ot
sreighed-dowrB, over -burdened men and
women by giving them' the physical
strength and stamina to carry on their work
forcefully and easily.
" For the last three years," rsMr. J. C.
Morgan, of Monoog ah, Marion to., w. va in a
letter to Dr. Pierce, " I have been a constant suf-
tmr from indirestioB complicated wim com
nlalnia ihni r!ierallr accompany such cases.
.i . -a r.. . i - turm wnuid be a formation
of rs and a heavy load in my stomach. 1 would
belch up my food after eating; bowels were very
IrrenuUr; I would Imagine 1 saw objects noatiDg
i befora my eyes. I had Bain across my back.
About December, 1896, I brjran feeling much
rarae than usual and waa beginning to think I
would hav to aiirW fth remainder of my trie.
I waa rmllv diarnuratml I dracribed B1V Case
to Dr. tierce's staff of physicians snd they di
rected me to begin at once taking lhe ' Golden
Medical Discoverr iflnrilinv tA directions. I
did so, and am happy to state I experienced
most grat! lying results, aa ail the unpleasant
feelings bar entirely Uft me. I have now
' a very good appetite, relish my food, and am
pleased to say I feel once more like my former
Self. I recently walked a distance of one hun
dred and tea miles in about lour days,"
No remedy relieves constipation so
quickly and effectively aa Ut, Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets,
What UShiloh?
A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold
and Consumption: used throush th
world for half a century, has cured in
numerable cases of incipient consump
tion and relieved manv in advanced
stages. If you are not satisfied with the
results we will refund your money. Price
25 cts., 50 cts. and si.uu.
Senator Clem of this county recently
introduced three bills aa follows: A bill
to limit the rate for charging passengers
to three cents per mile, no ticket to be
limited to any given train, tnd the t'.cke
holder shall have the right to ttop at any
station along tbe road, the ticket Jo be
good for a passage for six yens- Not to
apply to excursion ticxets. a phi io
make tbe employer responslb'e for dam
ages caused by accidents to employes ai
the result of tbe negligence of employes.
giving the emplove injured the same
rights as if not in the employ of tbe
ra:jroad or other corporation or person.
A bill requiring a railroad doing a busi
ness of (2,000 a year at a star ion or side
track upoo application 01 two or more
person to erect a depot for the conven
ience of patrons of the road. Penalty
Popular Concert.
Prof. Parvin and his pupils assisted bT
Mrs Viola Holland, of Salem, soprano.
and Mr J R Parvin, solo cornetist, will
give a popular concert at Grand Army
Hall, Tntirsuay evening "i
the benefit of tbe Ladies Relief Corps.
Admission 15 cents, children 10 cents.
Oet tickets from members of the Reliel
T)r Tiw's classes are wondcrfu l!y len-
efical to tired, over worked broken down
Mcstc Misa Miiorca riurmester
teacher of piano or organ. System tns
There bat been the wont epidenie in
and around Tangent of the La Grippe
that we have ever witnessed. Nearly
every one hat bad it and others are just
taking it.
Only a few days more than a month
00111 our public school will be out. Prof
W L Jackson and bit ewtimable wife are
giving general satisfaction.
Mr IV J Smith was seen in Tangent
last week He was visiting at his tooth
ers, Mrt Grandma Werts; she is over 80
years old and cao get up a meal of
victuals quicker than loU of the girl.
A peanut social was beld at tbe City
Hall last Friday for tbe benefit of the
Lpvortu League, of tbe tenth church.
A good time was had. The proceeds
amoontej to (6.70. A bushel ot peanots
were need at tbe social.
Mr R J Motes has sold bis entire
Merchandise store and goods to bis
hrother-in law Mr Steven Archibald.
Vt Sam Moses will move bis family to
Albany 'o reside and it is more than
likely that Mr E BCouey wiU be com
pelled to move to AIT any. The Cracker
Jack must be doing a rushing business
to keep so. many men employed.
Yorm Axsaici.
the ameodiieotoi tbe charier aa pro
posed by the council will reduce the ex-
.-&Huh aama n,.i;t.MlJ Knt if . M
doubtful whether the bi!l cao be passed j 7 , ., . . ,
by the legislature in time so a, to oe oP- "''or. "P1 ,?"'ioort
era.te until next year. j ot3000 .ndfWoffiee ex-
Geoilemeo of the council. I sincerely I J " ,'200' , . ,,
hope that by bringing to bear our orited j k'T,to amend the charter ot Albany,
efforts, wewillatthedoseefourterfaof j
otJice, leave tbe finances ot the cur ol , Y" uiaiicngc Acccpica.
Albauy in a more satisfactory condition ;
than they are at tbe begianiog o; me Tess
year, and 1 most earneeviy as a your co
The Photographer
operation in every measure tenJiog to
the bettei meat oi me city interest, no
ancially and otherwise, and at tl.e tame
time administer tbe affairs of the city
that our acts will be approved by our
fellow citizens.
O. G. Bcsiirr. Mayor.
Tbe following billt were ordered paid :
I. L Swann (
Jan. 24. 1999.
Hon U W McEilmurry and E D Will
iams, respectively pre . and tee. ot the
Oak Cieek Literary Society.
Esteemed Sirs: We wish to inform
you, by virtue of the authority vested in j
us by the Tenn. Literary Society, that j
our society accepted your challenge by j
mouoo, uu jan. zi, isw. -provtdea
that a tunable meeting place can be
m - I w at- . ii
llAkia Rma "1 w ,v" vyvu uv uisiig sxacivue, ana
Kr-..::::::::::::: rsrl'
p a'J' 7 jnamed byyoor tocitty with tbe above
ChaVrteTfier MiT'!' Teon. retains the negative
I s i'Vn-A f S t'de of the question, namely "Keaolved
A,rJ.?.and -water reS ! . naifp, Md. .hoold IN an-
the purchase ot C50 feet of
In order to add to bis great stock of
negative, be will make a negative aod a
Cabinet site photograph free to every
Old Pkaeer, who crossed tbe plaint
with an ox or horse team.
Be free to call at the
on First street.
and nave a negative made.
Multnomah tax payers will be afflicted
with a 32 mill lax levy, the result of
mismanagement of affair.
F. M.Relfieldaud J. S. Van Winkle
are expertiog the books of the city ofli
cers, by ord;rof the city council at tbe
last meeting.
Elder K'lleme continnes to draw
crowded honses each evening at Pearce
Memorial church. Hit topic this eve
ning will be "The Great Rib Stoty of
the Bible" or How ud took Adam's
rib to make Eve- All invited.
rhe appropriation for the Yaouina im
I rovement has been left out of tbe ap
propriation bill. There was every indi
cation that it would be left out. All this
calling for bids etc. it looks very much as
if it bad been more for politics than any
tning eise.
E. R, Case has rented part ol his build
ing recently purchased on hirst streat to
August Kroeschei, who win open a con
fectionary store io it. Ti e other half
will either be rented or occupied by Mr.
Case. The building is being generally
M.onn touch and technique
Viftb street, opposite U P
No l't hote.and reported that tbe Cbetn
ical Login did not bt-loog to the citv
and inetelore Uie city could not pay aoy
experte connected with it lontioueu.
Several t ice walk Improvement were
recommended by tbe ttnel superintend
ent. Referred.
Petition of S S Train et al atked for
privilege of riding: bicycle be poit office
officials and messenger on Ferry street.
firnt to second to exoellte delivery ol
mail. Referred to committee oo ordi-
Bids were openei and read am. con
tracts let:
Lumber. Htrriiburs Lumber Co(i..j,
O B C, continued ; i ity p-iuUng, 1ko
chat at 3c per inch.accepted ; feeding and
keeping estrays 35c per day. accepiei,
gravel, ic per cubic yard, r u ruco, c-
License to seli U iuor was granted
W Rows!..
Adjourned until Monday evening Jan.
nexed fo th U 6." with C D McKnteht
at chief disputant, assisted bv Jat Q
Blacklaw. Chtt V and W ill B Rot.
Accept ot our beet wiahee tor your
future welfare and believe na to be.
Your very good friends,
Taos. E. UcKKiGarr, Sec.
Gso.C. Davia, Pre.
Tenn. Literary Society.
College Notes-
Is ing Tombs Yr. Mrs. lulge
Straban failed t secure (1,000 bonds for
the release of her daughter Fayne Moore
pending tier trial, and she will remain
in New Ywk citv dntll he cae is dis
posed of. Assistant District Attorney
Mclntvre refused to have the bail re
duced, but said in case of conviction that
he woud do bis beat to secure the par
don ef Mrs Moore. Fayne though abso
lutely refused to plead guilty io order to
secure anv kind ol terms. Moore was
taken to Sing Sing handcuffed to two
duty looking highwaymen,, attracting
general attention. Though his sentence
is for nineteen years he may by good be
havior get out in eleven years and seven
months. Mis Moore's second trial will
probably be early In t-ebruary. .
T W Zimmerman. W CHusk.F H Mc-
Farland and Roy McLean are back in
school again htvicg been kept out on ac- j
count of sickness.
Herbert Gaston, ot Tscoma, Wash.,
was a visitor Mondsy.
We enngraluiate Cliton M Butler, one
of the Sophomores, wbo has received tbe
appointment of a cadelajip at West
Miss Mianie Easton has recovered
from her sickness and it back in school
At the meeting of the Y M C A Jan.
05, the subject will ba "Safety ot God's
Children." Leader C C Bryant.
Wire-netting baa been put op over the
gymnasium windows so the indoor base
ball team can use it to practice in.
Tbe trees that were sec out last sprlog
on the campus are growing nicely. Ore-
gen weather has a good effect on trees as
well as on everything eite.
Ow Undivided In terra t on e states,
Real eetaie on Probate. -
Reversionary and Life lntereeta'on Real
aad Persona! Property.
Annuities and Leeraciea.
Or will porches outright it so desired.
Life Into ranee Policies Bought or
Loaned oo Patenta sold on fayorab'e
terias and capital procured to devel
oped perlect meritorious inventions
or ideas.
Amounts from
$10,000 to $500,000
Available tor investment on mortgage
ot Revenue Producing Securities.
tor terms and particular address
131 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal
AXDERSOX BOND. At the St Charl
es Hotel, in this city, on Sunday Jan.
22, by Itev. C. M. Lane, Mr. George
Anderson of Knappton, Wash., and
Miss Claia Bond, daughter of, Albert
Bond, of Knox's Bat to.
The groom is a prominent lumberman
of our sister state, and the bride is one
of Linn county's fairest daughters.
BARNES. At Wells, January 15, 1899
of diphtheria, Lilly, little daughter 01
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Barnes, age 5 yrs.,
4 months and 12 days.
SMITH. Oo Tuesday morning, Jan. 24.
1899, in Oakville, the three year old
daughter - of Mr. and Mrr, Money
Smitn, of pneumonia.
Back to Health
After Long Illness Hood's Sarsa
parilla Restored Cood Health-
No w as Strong as Ever. '
M After an Illness ot two years, during
which time I underwent several surgical
operations, I at last began to improve, but
my improvement was to slow that I be
came discouraged. I was very much run
down and I did not have any appetite.
I did not care to live. One day I met a
friend who had taken Rood's Sarsaparllla
and who urged mt to try it. I consented,
and after 1 had taken a few doses I began
to fuel Letter and had a better appetite.
I gained from two to three pounds a week
and (Tew stronger every day. I took two
or three bottles ot Hood's Barsaparllla,
tnd am as strong as I ever was in my life.
Rood's Sarsaparllla has brought me back
to health." Emily Biixikoeb, 10 Grand
I Avenue, South Portland, Oregon.
I R fl CSnrceiai
Is the best tn fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all drugguisU. i j six for IS.
Hood's Pills
take, easy to operate. 25a.
The recent warm weather in connect
ion with rain caused quite a rise in the
Mr. Groehong thatmet with an accid
ent a short time since which caused the
necessity of an operation is getting along
quite nicely.
Mr. John Rainev and wife, of Oregon
City who were visiting relatives in string
town ior several uavs returned home
Wednesday of last week going by boat.
We underetand Ren Schmit. of Jeffer
son, left an appointment for the oeonle
of string town and vicinity to meet at
the school bouse nex t Sunday, Jaa. 29th,
ior tne purpose 01 organizing a Babbath
school. All interested should turn out
and help In the good work.
And each day and night during this wetk
you can get at any druggist's Kemp's Bui
tam for the Throat and Lungs, acknowl
edged to be the moat successful remedy ever
sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asth
ma and Consumption . Get a bottle to
day and keep it always in tbe bouse, to
you can check your cold at once. -Price
25c. and 50c. Sample bot:le free.
Annual Meeting and ttanquct.
The annual meeting and banquet of
tbe Linn County Prohibition Club will
Im held at the WOT C Hall Albany.
commencing at 1 1 o'clock a m ; banquet
at 12:30 pm. All Prohibitionists are
cordially invited.
X. f. hacklbman, rresiaem.
J. E. Bkow.i, Secretary.
Following a. e he officers of a new
grange just orgauizoa on ponp creea:
W O lOUllinoun , iu, u usrris v, iv n
Williamson; L, E A Blake; 8, W E Wil
ton ; A S, A B Williamson; C, Miss Adua
Hecker; T, A intirsion; secy, uuuiey
Gilson ; O K, Miss Fanny Reed ; P, Mist
Iva Hodges; T, Mrt Ijllian Wilson ; C,
Mrs Liwie Ilarris; L A 8.
Glllett s Pepper box Bluing
at O. E. Buownkll's
Donaca Sentenced.
WII Donaca, tbe 22-year-old post
master at Sweet Home, who embeuled
(1237 postal funds, was sentenced by
United States Judge Bellioger this
morning. He was fined (1257 and sen
fenced to six months imprisonment in
the county jail.
It is alleged that there are some miti
gating circumstance enveloping this
tteft, to which, however, no publicity is
given. The young man is married, and
Bis wife was in tbe courtroom wbta his
doom waa pronounced. Telegram.
ng Sal
1 lb r. Pride ot Albany Coffee. . ..( 10
Vflb Fresh Eastern Rolled Oat. . .
Scan trintr Beans
3 Tomatoes S3
S Com 23
S M BestOvsters 35
16 lbs Best Cane Sugar 100
1 lb Good Gun Powder Tea. 35
Prices good tvr stock on hand.
Albany Trading Go.
R. N. MORRIS, Manager.
Baltimore Block, next door F.ast Lunch
Grand Reopei
of :1;
..The Ii. F. Mcllwains Cash Store..!
Monday, Jan., 23rd, 1899.
New Stock.
Latest designs and our PRICES the LOWEST for High Standard
Qualities. ; f f a i
A complete General Merchandise stock. ' J
Old and new customers one and all Invited to call and exame our stock
and get our prices. They will astonish you and will save yon ( $
Cobot W. Muslin, per yds,
dieaium prins,
German Blue Curper Ribbed Overalls', per pair..".
Lion Coffee, per lb
." gal. Keat Uoal on (Bring your can)
Iti ox. Battle Ax Tobacco, per plug
." ZVi
... 35
... 10
... m
... S3
Quaker Botanical Herbs.
specific for the kidneys, liver, stom
ach and all poisoned, altered or changed
conditions of tbe blood. Three months
treatment for (1 Of. . We bare the com
pleteline. Quaker Botanical Herbs ......... r 1 00
Oil 50
Coogh Care 10
" " Catarrh..... M
Belve 25
" " Soap io
. J f -f -j. jai(
Also a fine !in? of
'Silver piile ihat uxors.
on spoons, forks, etc., is a guar
antee of Quality the world over.
The prefix 1847 insnrestiegaa
sine jujgers quauty. y
, Clocks.
and many Novelties
For bargains in
Ladies and
Watches see
French the
Jeweler. J
Strong; taaty.'darable, stjlUfl, new line of
, luioil
At a great sacrifice
Also hats, shoes,iiuder wear
new lines of stiff bosomed col
ored shirts.
Toe Wtwt and exeov3 designs. CZ2 , ,. ,
At, new line of nig" robes, while shirts, collars, caffs, faecy negligees, Urte
assortment ef silk haedkerehieft, rte. etc., "
1 am DECIDEDLY the CHEAPEST, values considered.
He put the pries"dovm.
Mcllwain Block
George A. Wii'tz, Dii'Gctoi'.
Assisted by Mrs Cora A. Wirtz, and others.
Branches T au ght Piano, Organ MolnGaitar, dolin.VoieeCnltare,
Sight Singing, Chorus and Qustet Singing, Harmony, History
Counterpoint, Comooaiuon and Band Instruments.
TVith tbe memory of aching eyes still
sfresh in your mind Dr Lowe would like
to talk to yon regarding an improvement
. .: . : v i.w TW T ..1
in your vision. .o wiui xv uuivr.
Sick lUadaches,
The curse of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surely cured bv Karl's Clover
Boot Tea, the great blood purifier and
tissue builder. Money refunded if not
satisfactory. Price, 25 eta. and 50 cts.
OliYer P1owsmei m
sOVKJai 3110S., Agents,
Alaany, (iregon
stiver gave the voild tbe chilled p .e
And it has saved more woney
ti the farmer o! America
tbati any other implement ever proaacoa
tienuine uuver cnuea are ui oest cs
aarth. The Oliver is a promoter of haDDi
nest on the farm, and the dealer who sells
it knowt be it handling tbe best. Look
out for immitations aud touch nothing bul
the genuine goods, made enly by Olive
Chilled plow works. South Bend, lrd.. F
8, A..
X-rays are not in it with our new sys
tem. Long photo Co.
We buy, sell and store grain.
We make Magnolia Flour,
Also whole wheat, Patent and germ.
i ne magnolia wnia.
A Fina stock ofj
at GEO. E. Fish's,
at the lowest price. Will keep
stock of the best goods.
a Ir
Great Bargains m
at the BLAIN