The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 27, 1899, Image 2

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Daily Dmocrat, 25 cents per mouth
13.00 per y ear.ln advance, 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added II allowed to
ran over months. Single copies 6c.
.Wuilt, $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end
of year; S 1.75 for second year; $2 00 fat
third and preceedinir rears, when not raid
in advance. Clubs of five now subscribers
Thomas, Or., Jan. 25, 99.
Editor Democrat:
"father arctic" could not Ion hold
way over Oregon climate. She is too
settled in her way to allow any meteor
ologist to control her atmoepberio
changes. Our weather is warm, grass is
growing and the ground is in fine condi
tion for tali sown grain to thrive
La Orippe has been a constant enter
tainer in one or more families at a time
for several weeks.
Frank W. DeVaney, Who was huit
soma 15 weeks ago, is gaining slowly but
may have almost stiff leg.
Jno. Dsyle is back again in the land
of peace and plenty, and it at woik for
A. N.Gein.
The Gaylord Bros, from McDowell
Creek, are catting wood for A. J. Fuller.
B. P. Hansard expects to maks a trip
into Washington daring the coming
spring, visiting and teeing the country.
The debating society of Munkeis is in
a flourishing condition and at its last
meeting had a splendid debate, the sub
ject being "Resolved, that one may
learn more by study and meditation than
by travel and observation." The affirm
ative won by force of argument and log
ical method of argumentation.
mere appears to tie quite a utile in
tercet in the working and teaching of the
Linn County School Journal
printed at Albany, Oregon. Our
peeple believe it is a .pioneer and a
leadtr in the right direction.
mere eeema to be a determination on
the part of oar people for better roads
A general and free discussion of the sub
ject of "better roads" is now npou us
And much good is pare to emanate from
the agitation produced from the awaken
ed lethargy La to which the people seem
to have fallen. Put forth the exertion
which all trasOregoniana 'can without
fear or trepidation, grasp the subject in
its merits, hurl the monster "bad roads'
into oblivion and tht living shall enjoy
the blessings due them . It is not like
planting an orchard, which may not ben
efit the present generation, but the next
one, Good roads are a blessing to the
entire community,. With bad roads
what pleasures.caa the people have who
live in the interior of a neighborhood
even? Many nake a great bugaboo ol
road wore. We cannot think of the great
expenditure!! necessary to make good
roads. It wonld bankrupt the county
or state to do any thing, the moss back
ays, in the way of even making a pass
ably good road, it is not to be thought of.
put it off until next year. Yes, that is
the usual way of the enemy of improve
ment. I may in the near future effsr
soire figure as to the cost of road making
but it is to be! hoped some one better
- verted in roadmaking may take it up
and save me the trouble. Let us bear
from every road dut, ih Linn county be
fore time to begin work.
There will be a union Bonday School
organised at the DsVaney scbuol bouse
the 2nd Sunday in Feb. by B. F. Scott,
musionsry Baptist minister.
W beard two sermons last Sunday in
our school bouse.
At 11 o'clock a. M. one by A. F. Scott
was timely and was well listened to, and
was iuu or in spirit oi uoa irorn a rea
sonable standpoint. The Elder will
preach again tbe 2nd Sunday of Feb
M o'clock, A. M.
The afternoon services last Sunday
were conducted by Elder Anderson.
Evangeli.tie minister from Jefferson and
though of a revival nature It was spirit
ad and strong deserving of merit.
D. E. Lav
All Sorts.
Experts say tbe electricity in a light
ening flash is not very great, but tbe
voltage is enormous.
In Russia if a man marries an heiress
he does not get control ot ber money.
There is a marriage settlement, and tbe
wife controls her property as absolutely
as tbe spinster.
When tbe German emperor travels on
German railways, a detailed bill is made
out of for every engine and car nsed and
for the distance traveled. It is estimat
ed that be pays tbe Prussian railways a
bout 125,000 a year.
Many birds vary the composition of
tbe outer layer of tbe nest according to
tbe circumstances. If the nest is locat
ed among growing leaves, tbe outer lay
er will be made of green moss if on a
dark branch, of natural coloied lichens.
The Bank of England notes are made
from new whits linen cutting, never from
anything that has been worn. So care
fully is the paper prepared that even tbe
number of dips into tbe pulp made by
Acb workman is regirtered on a dial by
Tbe deepest bole in tbe earth is near
Kettctan, Germany . It is 6735 feet in
depth, and is for geological research on
ly. Tne drilling was begun in 1880, and
stopped six ears later because tbe eng
ineera with their instruments were en
able to go any deeper.
At a certain church near Ledbury Eng.! sermon is presched against
the vice of dueling. TLii is done in ac
cordance with the will and testament of
a damsel whese rival lovers died fighting
for her hand.
Israel Zangwill eats he ouce sver
heard some Jews discussing bun; He's
not clevsr, said out) of them. He is one
of us and knows all about ns. Of course
faeeaa writs of us.' But there's Betsnt
He's written a hook about ns and doesn'
know ns at all- That is what I call
Soldiers are dddred in China. They
belong chiefly to the coolie classes. Tbe
German officers engaged some time sgo
by the Chicese government found that
tbelr most importint task was in over
coming the sjlJiars' own feelings that
they were not a lower class of beings
than other Chinamen.
In Servla there still survives a wond erful
old Institution known as tbe Zd
ruga. It is lbs living together of a whole
tribe, numbering sometimes as many as
100 persons, all urder absolute authority
of one chief. He keeps all money, makes
all purchases, and decides tbe minutest
details of family affairs.
O A Brad dock Pa. physiciao who li In
terested in stat'stcs of Amerian hero
worship Bads that he baa personally
nshered Into the world five Dtweyi,
three Schley and one Miles
and that in the houses of his patients
twenty dogs, seventeen -cate, and nine
goats answer to the namie of the heroes
, 1899.
Bute officials should receive a reason
able salary and thsn if there are any
perquisites let the state have them.
A bis man back east ca Halt "the ex
pansion erase,'' and a very good nams
for it, as the future wilt no doubt leveal
Mr. Ai red Holtoanol the Uregouian
staff is saying snie things that are hurl
ing, but the truth often pricks. Mr.
Bolman has been striking from the
shoulder in a way that attracts attention,
heand has been saying some things that
need to be said even though polticians do
net like the saying of them.
Calling anti-expansion pessimism is a
very poor way to get votes. There is
notbirg peseimestic about it. It is
rather optimistic, for it is for the good'of
our country., A love for our country
should induce every loyal cititsn to take
a stand against this imperialistic policy
hat haa been the curse of so many coun
1 tries. It is not democratic but means
danger, ons that n e should guard against
There is a picepeat ol the Nicaragua
canal bill passing. This is a contuui'
mation the whole Pacific coast is inter
ested in seeina it so through. But it is
not a matter for the coast alone to be in
terested in, for the whole United States
will be benefitted. Particularly it we are
to be an expansion country, which will
mean continual strife, we should have a
big ditch fcr the passage of our battle
ships from the Atlanta to the Pacific and
vice versa in the shortest possible time
The expansion policy is a war policy.
The Christian people of the world
should oppose anything that works a
gainst the peace of the world, as this
policy will and always bar. There was
a time whsn the United States bad to
reach oat tn its own continent in order
to secure the natural territory for such a
government as we desired to eatabrab,
and we should devote our effort at dVv
elopment of our now large and exten
sive country, without adding undesir
able territory that means continual con
tent ion, the avoidance of which should
be the aim of all coootiiea. .
It is time the people rose up against
this extravagant practices under our laws
of state officials, under which enormous
salaries are obtained by men who under
ordinary circumstances could not get
much oi a salary. Tne fees of Ibe state
printer are enormous, made so by out
rageous prices sanctioned by the law.
What is our state legislature for if not
to prelect the interests of the people a-
gainat unjust laws. What basinets man
would do things as lbs state doss. It
would bankrupt tne best man in the
The beet sugar bill is dead, as it ought
to be. Such graf:s should always be
knocked in the bead. One of the argu
ments in favor of the bill haa been that
if passed there would be three other fact
oriea In the state at an early dale. This
is probably not true, bat in any eventit
is a matter that bas nothing to do w-ih
the province of a state in ruch legislat
ion. It is the business vf a slate as a
government to provide for the proper
sunning of the machinery of govern
ment. It is the business of the people
of the state as business men and citizens
to do the rest.
Some one haa figured that it will cost
nearly $200,000,000 a year to garrison and
keep the Philippines. 1 be greatest ic-
I come underiSpanisb rale was $13,000,000
I a year. It doesn't take a very old per-
I son to figure oat that there is nothing in
1 it financially. Nor is there anything in
tbe proposition anyway yon Score it
Besides we have our bands full of a race
problem right at borne without going
away for troable. W have the eie
pbant on our hands and are in a pickle.
What can we do? We should never allow
Spain to regain the country, nor aoy
other country to take possession of it.
We sboald allow tbe natives to form a
government of their of owe, perhaps un
der our protection, and though tbey are
not a capable of running their own
affairs as tbe United States, they are as
much so as many other natons. Tbe
United States has not tbe autbori'y to
settle the limit of self government.
John Carlisle on tbe Philippines says:
Such an acquisition would not streagtb
en ns. On the contrary it would be a
constant drain on our resources without
any substantial compensation for tbe
outlay. Even when not In a state of
actual insurrection the people are turbu
lent, cruel and unmindful of tbe rights
o! persons and property, and it will re
quire a mo t vigilant administration ol
tbe law by boneet and cabable officials
to preserve order among tbem, even in
tbe most enlightened parts of tbe islands
while in some parts it is at least doubt
ful whether tnis can be done at all.
Spain Las tried it tor more than three
centuries and has signally failed. Mill
ions of dollars bave been expended and
thousands of lives bave been lost in a
vain effort to enforce obedience to the
laws. If we acquire the Philippines we
will find it more difficult to defend them
against any great European naval power
thai it will be to defend tbe wLole coast
oi tne united Mates against the same
power. They will "add comparatively
nothing to our strength cr prosperity in
time of peace, and they will be a positive
weakness to ns in time of war.
$100 Reward f 100.
Tbe reader of this paper will be
pleased to learn lhat there is at least one
dreaded desease that science hss been
able to cure in all its stage, and that is
Uatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on
ly positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitution
al treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of tbe UUease,and giving tbe patient
strength by building up tbo constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors bave so much faith iu
its curative powers, tbey offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure Send 'or list of teetionsls.
Addrees, F. J. CHENEY it Co.
Sold by Drut-gists, 75u. Toledo, O.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Rheumatism causes more acnes and
rains than aoy other disease, it is doe to
acid in tbe blond, and is cured by Hood's
Saraparilla which neutralize this acid.
flood's Pills cure biliousness Maile
for 21 cents by O. L. H-od & Uo., Lowell
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining
In tbe Postoffice at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Jan. 24, 1899. Persons calling
for these letters must give the date on which
Budges, M Colie
Cox, Wm
Civehlaw A
Gillespie, Marcellua
Hadden.T) A
Houck, Mrs L J
Lee, Mrs R A
Luder, L 8
Keinam, Mrs Ella
Khodes, Mr Ira.
Smith, Mr C A
Warner, Mr Jag.
T J Stttss P. M.
Flour 80c per sack. Try it.
The Magnolia.
Washington Letter.
(Jrvm Our Regular Correapomleut.)
Washington Jan. 16th- 1899.
Secretary Alger is oflaring as great an
insult to the country, by protecting Com
mlSBary General Kagan.esEagan offered
to Gen. Miles, by his blackguardism in
calling him numerous kinds of a liar, in
his testimony b(ore;tbe War Investiga
tor?. If Alger thinks that the people
will allow.tbie disgraceful affair to end
with Eagan's revision of his testimony
he will find himself much mistaken.
Kagan deserves punishment, just as Al
ger does, and if they don't get it, to
much the wor-e it will be in the end (or
the administration.
Representative lieiry, ol hy in a
speech on the Naval Bill, took occasion
to administer some sharp and deserved I
raps at the Navy department clique,'
which has so persistant tried to de
prive Schley of the credit due him for the
destruction ol Cervera's fleet, in order
that it might be given to Sampson. Mr.
Barry said: "There is no doubt in the
minds of toe American people who is en
itled to the credit ot that victory. But
there are peopls who are trying to sttal
away from Schley, the credit he won on
he 3rd day of Julr, ISl'S."
A funeral Is always sad, but a fur.eral
in the capitol always seems saddei t an
it it were held elsewhere. Two weeks
ago funeral services were lielj in the
Senate Chamber over the remains of the
late Senator Morrill ; today, tu the houte
of Repreeentalivts, over tne remains of
the late Kepretentative Dingtey, of
Maine. Mr. Dingley resembled Mr. Mor
rill in sonie respect ; he was always a
partisan, but never aroused any personal
animosity on the part of his opponents.
Senator McLaurin, of S. C., made a
strong speech against colonisation and
imperialism by this govern which
he referred to the change of 'position on
the part of thoee reoatore who are will
ing to control colonies without allowing
the Ignorant natives t .u. He was
referring to Senator Piatt's eprecb,
when be said : "The Senator from Conn
eclicut bas most amply vindicated the
South, perhaps unintentionally, but we":
thank him more heartily for his com
plete announcement of the divine light
of the Caucasian to govern the inferior
The aatl-imperialism ttnuors support.
ed the motion of Senator Berry to consid
er the treaty ot peace in open executive
sessions ol the Senate, bot they couldn't
carry it. The treaty will be considered
to the usual way. An attempt is to be
made to put lbs Senate on record, either
by an amendment to the treaty or a ret
oloiioo, against the permanent owner
ship of the Philippines by the U. S-, be
fore tbe treaty is voted upon.
A delegation from tbe National ' Civil
Service League threw away eome time
by appearing before the House Census
commit tee, to advocate tbe placing of
the Census Bureau employes nnder the
Ctvil Service Rules. Congress is hungry
for tbe pstronage of tbe Census fcurean,
and no power on earth could nuke it
give op its expected feast on official pap,
even if there were aoy real advantage in
having ibeCsntus Bureau employes put
under Civil Service Rules.
Aichol's Alphabet
A stands for alcohol ; deathlike its grip;
B for beginner, who takes just a sip.
C for companions, who urge, him on ;
D tor tbe demon of drink that was born ;
E for endravor be makes to resist;
F elands for friends who so loudly insist ;
Gfor Ibe guilt that be afterwards feels;
H for the horrors that bang at bis beels;
I bis intentions to not drink at all ;
J stands for jeering that follows bis fall ;
K for bis knowledge last be is a slave;
L stands tor liquor bi appeute craves ;
U meetings so gay;
N stands for no that he tries bard to ssy ;
O for tbe orgies that then come to past ;
P stands for pride lhat be drowns in his'
Q stands lor qutrrels that nightly occur;
R stands for ruin that hovers around .
S stands for sights that Lis vieion be
T stands for trembling that seizes his
U for bis nseiullnets sunk in the slum ;
V stands for vagrant he quickly becomes;
W for waning of life that's eooo done;
X for the exit regretted by none;
Y outb of this nation, such weaknets is
crime !'
Zealously turn from the temtper in line.
In a recent contribution to the North
American Re lew, Dr Crros EJison,
health officer of New York City, gave
ibis alphabetic rhyme which he learned
from one of his patients. Wbiie reciting
it, be erys, the tears would roll down
the young man's cheeks ss he described
tbe different stages ot his own career.
Your Groceries and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros Everybody ki,owa
where their place is. They keen a fresh
stock of groceries, prodoce ana baked
goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
price and treat their customers well, all
You may regret some steps you take
in life tut none taken into the store at
Parker Bros.
It is a great tbing to be well fed. Par
iter Bros keep good groceries.
A loaf of bread is not much but y
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
Excellent Graham Wafer
at O. E. Buowkkll'b.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
your coughfi and colds witb One Minute
Couch Cure. It is so good children cry for
it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia,
la grippe and all throat and lung diseases.
J - A. Gumming, agent.
Millin'erv. Ladies who are late pur
chasnz their millinery call and see my
new goods. Something new at the Mil
nery Car.
Get the best flour.
The Magnolia
Vour grocer keeps it.
Ttu .VI n
Refuse any other flour,
except the Magnolia.
a Parker fountain pen and be
For calcium carbido go to the office ol
Oregon Gas Light Heating fc Power Co.
Words of 1'raine bestowed upon
Hood's Sars tparilia by those who have
taken it indicato that it is returing health
to thousands of poop e, and tbat it will
belp you alio.
Caveats and Tra1a If ark obtained and all Pat;
ntlmiineu conducted f'r Moderate Fees, i
Sendmodel.drawlngorphoto. WssotimH
patentable free of cbargo. On r fee not du till
Dalentlaaeeurod. A tamohlet "Ilow toOb-
htin Patents." with coal of same in ths C- ,J
auuxunjjpi wwiuiNHUbirab jma
a A. SNOW & CO.
fO. r'mWTOrnot, WAVHiNOTOff , D. C
W4WWWVmW wy s,vaWlna,y
Plundering the legislative halls at the
end of the session of the ink stands,
waste baskets, etc, may be a small mat-I
r of only five dollars to each member,
but there is a principle in it that dis
plays the workings of legislative bodies
in the interest ouuiemseives-more vnau
in the interest of the people.and it is time
there was an example set in such grafts
The bill calling for $25,000 to be nsed
for the propagation of salmon passed the
houso yesterday 35 to 22. Judge Whit
ney ot this city brought down a storm of
abuse from the opossum representative
atvi shouting Curtis because he termed
it a graft. The senate should take our
reDresentative's advice and give it a sol
arolexua. as it is undoubtedly a graft.
The Columbia is a government river and
the government propagates salmon, it
is time such measures were opposed by
every representative working in the in
terest ol the people.
QRev, I. D. Driver is making a'good rep
utation at this session of the state legis
lature by remaining silent.
Owing to the heroic effort of chief
Turner of the C A E R R fire department
the tire of yesterday morning was
promptly extinguished.
"Man is but dull"
But know thou dost,
, He's got to duet
To get the dust.
it is a verv peculiar thing to ask con
gross for aid for people in Dawson City in
the province ot British Columbia, under
the dominion of Queen Victoria. Daw
son has shown pretty conclusively that it
is able to take rare of itself. lib. an
outout ol over 110.000.000 lit is not nec
essary for the U. 6. to send aid, and
when the real facts are learned it will
probably be found unte-eesary. If
started "in the government's red tape
style it would not reach there until after
needed. I-et's have no more reindeer
The Portland "Telcgraav" of Tuesday,
nienUoning the arrival in that c'.ty of
tbe versatile ex railroad commissioner, J
B Eddy, says: "Tbe Colonel is devoting
his attention to farming and is located at
Trepans, on the Willamette. Before
leaving borne the Colonel gave the begs
two days' swill and milked the cows one
day ahead. He haa many new ideas
about how a farm should be' run."
On Saturday night 443 bills bad been
introduced in both bouses, tor all imsg-
inary Ills, to protect everything in sight
and secure the rights ot everybody and
everything. Less than one hundred ol
tbe bills will probably pass and many ot
those are charter bills whose passage is
a mere formality. There is nothing to
be proud of in the record.
In connection with tbe defeat of tbe
appropriation for Yaqotna it is sn inter
esting fact that tbe tncceasfol bidders for
tbe work at the Bay bave never signed
the contract for tbe work, and a'eo that '
their bid, tbe lowest, was made with
practically no previous inveiuatun, a
man having been at tbe Bay for lees than
two days, then getting few if any prices.
There are tbo who doubt if there was
ever any intention ol tbe on tract being
put into effect.
C. H. Dodd.of Portland, who during
tbe campaign made a few speeches i n
which he told his bearers that he wss
not an office seeker bat a busicese man. is
in Salem filling a legislative clerkship,
"lis ever thus.
One ot the freak bills is that of Ford
ney, requiring an affidavit before marri
age that tbe bosband bas not smoked a
cigarette for three years pieri-xie. While
such a bill would undoubtedly be a good
thing lor future generation it is a freak
and doesn't help tbe anti-cigarette cauee
Mr. Flagg is waving in the right dir
ection. He baa introduced a resolution
in tbe legislature providing for the re.
tent ion of waste baskets, spittoons, ink,
stand, etc. at tbe end of tbe session. It
should pass. At the same time it is a
? treat slam on the tbeaiber of the
egielature. A man intelligent enough to
be elected to tbe legislature u?ht to be
above such smallneee without any reso
lution. Representative Morion, of Wesco, bas
introduced a bifl that should pet. It
make it a misdemeanor tor a person to
mistake another for any kind of rame
and provides for a fine of 2oC to f -W0 or
tnprisooment in the county jail for tbr
month to two year .in case a fine is paid
the tame to be held in trust for tne in
cred person or alii Leir.
Many a hoaaebold in saddened. It death
because of the faiiare to keep on band a
site and absolutely certain cure for croup
such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that
yrur little ones are protected against emer
gency. J. A. Cammine. agent
Chair Cars.
Comfortable upholstered revolving
chairs.obeervation ends, attractive smok
ing rooms, first class in every particular,
25 cents Portland to Salem, 50 cents
Portland to Albany. Car on rear end of
train. These cars will be ran through,
out tbe entire session of the legislature.
In Olden Times
People overlooked the importance of pet .
tnanently lieneficial effects and were sat
isfied with transient action; but now
that it is generally known that Syrup of
Figs will permanently overcome habitnal
constipation, well-informed people will
not buy other laxatives, which act for a
time, out finally injure the system. Buy
the genuine, made by the California Fig
of Syrup Co.
Coastipa.ion prevents tbe bdy from rid
ing itself ot waste matt. r. De Witt's Lit
tle rJarly Risers will remove the trouble
sod cure Sicx HeaJache, Billouinew, In
active Liver aud clear tbe complexion.
Small, sutrar coated, don't gripe or cauna
nausea. . A. Cummin j, agunt.
Mnny a l-ovcr
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purilies the breath
by its action on the bowels, etc., as noth-
eiae win. oomi lor years on absolute
guarantee, frice Zo cts. and 60 eta.
A Rare Bargain.
For sale, a house and lot in a favnratiln
I part of the city. House is a two story,
eight room building in good condition.
Good well and city water. Will be sold at
a rare bargain. It mast be sold so do not
miss this chance. Inquire at tbe Dsmo-
bat omce.
Spectal School Meeting.
Notice is hereby given to the legal voters
of School District No. 5, Linn county, Ore
gon, that a special scnoot meeting ot taid
district will be beld at the Central school
building on tbe 28th day of January, A
U 1890, at tbe hour of 7:30 o'clock fur
tho purpose of levying a tax on tbe taxa
ble pioperry of Ine district to support the
public schools ror tbe enuing year,
Dated this 13ib day of January, 1830.
. E Ami. Chairman.
every Saturday evening at X. O. T. Mt
ball. Viaitinir Kntgnt invited.
W, A. Cox, Commander,
Calma Caaala Triable
Havana. Jan. 24. Should Cuban sol
diers take to the woods and turn bandits
the U. S. military authorities will know
what to do. They will be followed by a I
force of cavlry and persistently pursued.
The same general nieuioa win ie oi-
serveu as una utc'i iumuwu nw ucuux
With the Indians on the plains and
mountains of the est.
ery 4'lsae
lyoBTOi, Jan. 24. as the senator
f UUn presents useii tonigtit, when
the38r?ilIot i token tomorrow N. B.
Scott, the repuonc eaucus nominee, win
have 47 votes, or two less than necessary
tdelect him, and John Mctiraw, the
democratic candidate will have 40.
There are 4 other votes.
Stewart alerted
Carson. New. Jan. 25. The senate
met today and voted for a IT. S. senator.
William M. Stewart. A. C. Cleveland and
W. W. Williams were placed in nomina
aion. Stewart received fl votes, Uleve-
landS and Williams 2. In ttie assembly,
htnd 3, Mtwn 3 and Woodburn 1.
Krpalille mt Nalalsa
Chicago, Jan. 24. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says:
The government has been notified that
Anuinaldo took a decisive step and pub
licly proclaimed the republic of the Phil
ippines. The ceremony took place at
Maloloe, and was witnessed by the mem
bers by the cabinet.
A BtaTimrt
ArorsTA, Jan. 24. A bill has len in
troduced in the legutlature by Mr. Man
lev fUVAngusta, authorizing' the incorpo
ration of the American Ice Company,
with a capita stock of ti0,000,0u0 one
half of which is preferred and other com
mon stock.
t'a'berMa Elected
Acbtih, Tex., Jan. 24 Governor G.
A. Culberson was today elected by accla
mation in the legislature to l U. S. sen
ator, to succeed ItogarQ. Mills.
tp Tiaae
M.MiiiiD, Jan. 23. Premier Sajraista de-
cUrea that AquinalJo has made the lib
ration ol Spanish prisoners in the Phil
ippines con ji iion 1 upon Sdain recogniz
ing the Philippine republic, and allying
herself thereto. Aquinaldo, it is added.
bas similarly demanded the vatiacn s
recognition of the Philippine republic
A dispatch from Manild savs, "Time in
which insurgents have allowed America
to recocnize their independence expires
tomorrow, and hostilities are expected to
What's Ihe044
Washinotox, Jan. 235. The cntired
excutive suasion of the twnate today was
devoted wholly to the discussion of the
promotion ot Admirals Mmpon ana
Schley and other naval officers enpged
in the Santisgo campaign, over the heads
of orlicers who were their snieriorain
rank. -The controversy was then post
poned 20 days.
caviars faCMaatl a
Sis Frayi-isoo, Jan. 23. The Twenti
eth I mted States infantry, en route to
Manila, is expected to arrive here eome
time tomorrow or edneaJay morning.
The men not go into camp here, but
will cross the by on the ferry-boat anp
march directly to the transport Scandla,
which is to convey the soldiers to the
ttmm4f mt Imi4
C8vij4. Jan. 23.J. H. Wilnoo re- !
turned Ust night from Sngar Loaf, where
I he was called on account of reported dis
i coveries which it was alicged threw some
lightontbediftappearanceof his father-in-law,
A. K. H andv. The spot of blood
and tracks reported found, and on accont
of which warrant of arrest were sent out
from Pallas, turn out to have e?ia bitched
nothing concerning the fate of Handy.
u away tanS
II tsmnut i.. Pa.. Jan 23. The tilth
ballet fur United Slates senator today
showed no change in the sanation. Sen
ator Quay still leads, with 12 votes short
of the necessar y number to elect. Peter
wener, the traction macoato. received
2 votes tod from anli-tuay members.
la CMtceeaa
WismsoTos, Jan. 2. The fact that
the anti-scalping bill was made the untin
ushed business of tbe enale be Satur
day's vote does not neocenly insure Its
immediate consideration. Tbe general
understanding ta that this but wiil wait
upon the peace treaty ace thaappropna
tioo bills, and that the Indian apppopria-
Uon bill will be the brrt to measure to
receive the attention ot the senate dur
ing the week. The diplomatic and pen
siia appropriation bil',a may also be con
sidered during the week.
Nrw York, Jan. 22. X mass meeting
of citizens was held in tbe academy of
, music louight, under the auspices of the
Continental Leagne. for the pnrpoee of
protesting against the policy of impe
rialism 'and entangling aliianceswiUi Eu
ropean power."
The meeting was attended by a great
crow l. Long before t he doors were opes
ed.uOOO people were clamoring for ad mis
aton. Many speeches were made.
teaaaUawal Bar
Seattle, Jan. 22. A race against time
from Seattle to Dawson for a purse of
t'iCW began at 12 o'clock tonkht, when
Richard Butler, a wealthy Klonkiker,
started for Itowson on Use steamer City
of Seattle. Joe Barrett, another wealthy
Klondiker, bet Butler 12000 that hecouid
make tbe trip from Seattle to Dawson in
25 days or lee, and tlOOO more that he
could not make it iu less than 20 da vs.
A Kataare Ball rue
Denver. Jan. 22. A specia!;to
new from Wallace. Idaho, savs:
It is announced here on what Is seem
ingly good authority, that there will be
a line built from here to connect the Ore
gon Railroad A Navigation Company with
the uurungton road, i tie latter com
pany is to build from Billings west, while
thc.Oregon Kail road ft Navigation Com-
pauy builds outward from here. -kl
14 la a Hlae
BAxrt Cm Jan . 32. S. W. Johnson
was instantly killep by a premature blast
ol giant powder In the .May ljueen mine,
near the tied Bov mine, today. Johnson
was aged 47 years, and late'y came from
inoians. miwiiuisai me amy vueen
so highly and justly prised, are assured
by the use ol our ALLEN'S TOOTH
POWDER, which prevents ll accretions
under the Cental surfaces and keeps them
clear, clear;, and natural in color. With
regular spplications ot this powder ths
teeth will not decay and tbe annoyance
of an early resort to the resources of den
tistry is svoided. Keep your teeth as
Ions ss nature wilt permit. Using our
you to do this. Price only 15 cents per
Notice is hereby given that funds ai
on hand tc pay city warrant No. 161
to 198 inclusive ol the issue of 1898. In
terest on mid warrant will cease with tbe
date ot this notice.
Albany Or.. Jan. 9
i oon
E. A. Parksk.
City Treatnrei .
rionev to Loan.
We have a block of $40,000 to !or.o os
good fnrnia in Linn and adjoining oounU
if jou have good security and pwfecl
title, we can furninh you the coin without
Jelay, as we make our owu examination ol
' fall or us or write
8. N. Steele v ,
Albany, Oregon
doratsYonr I.,.. ie t.-i- CMneitracs.
Candv Cathartic, cure con at I nation forsre
Ute.ia. It U a. t. fall. druaaiKih rffuml aioiin
See Locals on every page.
Wheat 60 cents.
The Parker fountain pen is a "cracker
Jack." French the iewler sells them.
A larire and fine stock of clears and to-
bacco at Conn & Huston's,
see tne om
Go to Miss Lone for hiirh priced pho
tographs, and do not forget to take along
tne money.
When you want a choice steak, a nice
roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry
3roders. He keeps tne best.
Old bachelors and old maids not under
09 years of age can get their photografs,
taken at Miss Longs.nroviding they have
the money to pay for them.
Miss Long will be p'easea to maae tne
fotograta ol all the grand parents oi oia
uioneersi also of their ox teams, it they
will only call at her s'udio on second and
Ferry street.
Late to bed and early to rise, prepare
man for bis home in the skies. But early
to bed and a Little harly Riser, the pill
that makes life longer and better and wisei
. A. (JutntBing, agent.
Go to Verick'a shaving and hair cnt-
tice parlors for first class work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to
Soothing, healing, chanting, L'e Witt s
Witch Hazel Sale is the implacable ene
my of sores', burns and wounds. It never
fails to cure Piles, You may rely ojoa it.
J. A. Cummin g, agent.
The best meaU cf all kinds and good
treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, just djwn Second
treet. Good weight and prompt attend
W. J. Bhipley bas been appointed to
succeed Commander Byars of tbe So'.di
ers Home.
At tbe concort at tbo GAR hall to
morrow night Miss Marguerite Aldersoo
will be beard in a ao'.o instead of Mies
Holland who is at her home in Salem ill.
W. II. Byars, commandant of tlje ol
dicrV Home at Koacburg haa been given
notice of his dismissal, to take effect
Feburary 1st.
A young soldier wss in tbe city recent
ly going by ibe name of Krd Fox. It
transpires lhat his real name is Fred
Garrison, being recogoiied here by a man
from Texas who knew him tSere, and it
is said he is probably doing th north
west without tbe consent of Uude Sam.
The evangelistic services at the Pearee
Memorial church will continue each eve-
nirir rinrino tht week KMer K!l'!- -I
has recovered from bis attack of the trip
and is now at bis beet. Come out and
hear him tonicht. He will haudls a
New Testament theme for Ho next
night or two. Special music each ser
ce. SUHM3MS.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Linn county,
ri 11. Denoia. plaintiff vs lofaa Weiss,
Nancy Aon Wia, Wuitam Perry Wtias,
Uargsretba t'ttertoa and . Mayers de
To Nancy Ann Weta,Margaretba Peter
son sod " . Marer three of the abov
named defendants
In the same of tbe State of Oregoa yoe
and each of yoo are hereby required to ap
pear in the above enutied Court tn answer
the compiamtof plaintiff filed in this ciese
agaiaxt yoo, oa or before the but day ot
toe time prescribed in ths crder for tbe
publication of lha aamoioai. which period
of live is - even wek from tbe date o tit
first publication of this sum noes ; said
bnl date of publication u tbe day of
January I and the U-t day of tptblica
Uon is the Ifrb day 1 Mare'i lSJej. Aed
you are nctiaeJ that if too fail to appear
and arswer said conp'aiot, the p'aioUff
wiil apply to the Cojrt for lbs relief prat
ed for lo bis taid icnptaint. to wit:
rbat tne defevoaaU Jtarsaretba Petenon
and N Mayer becwtnjWiied to come into
Uxrt ae 1 set out tbe amounts due on tbeir
several mortgage and tbeir interests
tbe therein described land if any.
lhat the onieyaeoe of John Weiss to
Nancy tra Weisa daW August 14. 1396
to tbe follow iug described Property, all the
certain lot, piecie or ptrce s of land I nag
being and matted is the Claim No. 68,
voootv ot Una. State ot Oregon and de
enhedaa follow:
Coumeociog at the N W corner ot
Claim Nj 64 and Not No 1673 the cce W
45 1st. tirence N 3S ika, there E 13.17 ch.
tDeace N 2$ cVgreea i ana W It rha, thence
W 1.40 chains, tfceace N 23 degree 45 mis
2 chs thence X 75 degrees E cbs.
thence 57 degrees 24 sota L 250 cb.
thence N 28 degree 57 mtn W 10.56 eh,
thence N 39 decrees E 10.63 cba.tbeaae N 79
oe,s W 13 55 ch,tbecc N 17.19 cht.iteai e
E .$4 che.tbeoce S 6 degree E chs,
thence W 4--S9 ch,to ptao of beginaiag,
containing 150 acres more or ia Claim
No. 68 Not. lti.71 ie Tp 103 R 3 W ie tie
Willamette Land Dutrict, Linn County,
Oregon, be declared void aad of no effect.
And tnat the conveyance of John Weiaa
to William Perry Weias dated September
23, 1" to the tdllowiag deacribad prop
erty : A part of the D. L. C. ot Abianaat
Miller, Jr. tat wife Not. No. 1671 and
the C'aim No. la Tp 10 S ft 3 W of the
Willamette meridian ia Linn county, Ore
gon. Bearianing at a atone which ia 27 73
cbs S an 1 9 10 chs E of the N W corner of
said D. L O. running thence S 35 degrees
45 min E 37.70 cbs, tbe nee S 63 degree
SO min E 6.96 chs, thence S 21.91 chs to a
point ii3 links due N of the N W coiner of
the D. L. C. of Joba Meeker and wife,
thence N SJ degree 06 mm E 14 72 cha,
thence N 24 d-gree 03 min W 11 cha,
tnence W 1 43 cbs. tha- N ii degree i to
min W 2 cha, thence N 73 degrees 6 chs,
thence N 57 degree 21 min E 2.50 chs.
thence N 23 degi 57 min W lO.coa thence
N 39 degreas il 10.65 chs. thence N 79 de
greee W 13.55 cha, tbeece N 16 ch more
or leas to a point due east of tbe pla-e of
beginning, tbence west to tbe place of be
ginntng, estimated to contain 100 acres
more or lee all ailoatafd ia i.iun county,
SUts of Oregon, be declare 1 void and of
no effect.
That p'aintiff recover bis costs and dis
bursements and that such other, further
and general relief he given a to tbe Court
may rem equitable,
Tti is sumuioas is published bv order of
the Hon. lieo. I). Barton, County Judge of
L;nu county, Oregon, made at Albany,
Oregon, this 25th day of January. 1&9.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit (Jour! of Ue Stale of Oregon
for L-lnn county.
Silas Ktynolda, plaintiff vs. David Dealy,
Mary Jane lHaly, William T. Moore. Win-
nafred A. Uoore and Francis ."ellinter,
To David Deatv, Mary Jane Dealy. Wil
liam T. Moore and Winnafrod Moore four
of the above named defendants.
In the name of tne State of Oregon you
and each of you are hereby acquired to ap
pear iu tne above entitled court to answtr
the complaint ot plaintiff filed In this cause
against you. on or before the last day of
tbe lime prescribed in the order cf publi
cation of this toinmona, which 'period of
time is seven weeks from the date of tbe
first publication ot this summons: said
date of first publication is the 27th day of
January, 18119, and the Ust day of publi
cation ia tbe 10th day of March, 1899 and
fou are notiSedtuatif you fail ta appear
and answer aaid complaint the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief prayed
for in hi said complaint, fowit:
That the defendants above named he re
quired to answer ana et up and d lactose
the estate or interest c'aimed bv tbem or
each f them in the following described
Beginning at the S W corner of tbe or
iirinal 1) L Oof William T. Moore and wif
Not. No 2510. Claim No 43 beiocr parts of
Section 25. 26, 35 and 36 in Tp 12, SRI
W of Willamette Meridian and running
thence N iU2 chains, thence E 46.75 cha.
thence S 33 12 chains, thence W 46 75
chains to the place of beginning, contain
ing 13o acre all in Jr.nn county, uregon.
, That the claim of said defendant and
each of tbem be decreed invalid and of no
effect and tbat plaintiff title to said pre-
mitei be forever quieted and it be decreed
tbat the plaintiff is tbe owner in fee simple
of said premises and ths whole thereof free
from the claim of said defendant and each
and all of them and tkat defendants snd
each and all of tbem be perpetually enjoin
ed from hereafter asserting any claim or
interett'ln said premise or any part there
of and for tuoh other, further tnd general
relief at to equity may seem meet,
f bt summons is published by order of
ths Hon. R. P. Boise, Judge ot tbe above
entitled court, made at the Chambers at
Albany, Oregon, J oly 27, 1898,
H, 0. Watson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The Remedy That
WellPaine' Celeiy Compound.
F&W v.V
In every eivUixed country rich a ad
poor alike bave lound restored health i
and new vigor in Paine' celery com
"Hard-working people of oidlaary
means are to be congratulated," say an
English writer in reviewing tbe scientific
work of the last quarter of a century,
' upon having so easily within tbeir
reach today a remedy which the wealth
iest and most influential percoo suit
tbemwlvee tbey would get the beet
that modern meoical skill offer. Paine'
celery compound prove that tbe science
of medicine bas kent pace with thavwoo-
derfol pro gre which eharacterizH tbe
lue ol the present generation.
The eatonibtee reputation that this
most wonderful of all remediee bas ac
quired ia principally doe to Ibe word-ot-
tBOOin recommendation and endorse
ment ot men and women of the highest
businece and naal standing, aa well
of tboee in humbler bat no let import-
- : . : . 1 -1
ant ponuons woo una iuru.Kiici u i-
.r4 itm mar.,a
Adeline, Coonteee Scbimmeimann,
whose portrait it here given, in n leeent
letter to tbe Well A Richardson Comp-
.nxkanf triMa cj hra m hn hara
h twfitt.i i.a Pain a -', rv mm-
ponnd, and who firrt advised be to rec-
mend it lo ner aica tnence.
... .,, . .
prominent member of tbe D-Bieb, court. '
1 De monies, at i we.i a now n, is
The I'mbrxlia Stock is larger than nsnal at thi time ol year and
we want to clean our rack of Umbrella.
Notice the following list of price and then come In and look at the
A great variety of stylish handles to to choose from.
A Steel Rod Paragon frame Gloria ombrel!a, $1 00.
Regular f I 60 grade at tl S3.
Tbe line of umbrellas at lb fcUowing price are worth every cent
we ask for tbem, l $5, tl 75, f2 0l and 2 44.
S. E. Tonus: & Son.
F . E. ALLEN & CO.
TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS tor all disease arising fro
aitsipauoa, seu-aouee,
over ou year, brings beck your Manhood, cure depleted worn
out men, make ricia blood and tissue. Core waatinn and all
oesee, mate you lasuogiy. strong,
ice of; memory, bad dreams, shrunken urgan, despondency, siepieeaneee
anumis auu v.---,u,
oi ice evsiios. inv wo.-u iiviog. A ooon IO young or Old.
BISHOP'S PlLLa strengthens and
ose by day or nignu uoa t delay.
ed to cure, rnce ii i a box for bv mail. Send for tree circular.
Address BISHOP Mil REMEDY CO., San Francisco. Cal.
For sale by Foe Iffi,.! Lay & Mason, Albany.
partnership nnder the firm name
of Power Sprenger, dealers in poultry,
ha been dissolved, Mr. Sprenger retir
ing. Tbe business will be continued
permanently by F. O. Power at the
present place in the rear of M. Stern
berg & Co',
-Wholesale Retall-
Pure Drug and the finest and Largea
Stock ot Stationary and Book
in the Market.
Second Street between Ferry and
H. F.rierrill
Insurance aud Collection' AgentMono
to loan, warrant bought Office, in tbe
Dkmocrat baildlui
OR RENT. A well located dweUieg?11 oa F- tc'iajl' A;biny-
noose, van on ii, r. ucuvtu.
Make People
Her coming; to this country ha been
much talced of. Her reel object was one
of charity, for she is naing r-er great
wealth and isSoence tots wirter tn
sisting the Danish people in tne western
state, fchei stopping In Chicago. a!
from there write her straightforward i
d"rement of Paine 's celery compound.
Women who are easly excited, eno
waste energy worrying over trifle, who
are often uff?rer from tick headeche and
nesvoufneas. should reac the p'aia. na
biased atateoeuU of what Paine' celery
compound haa done for other women.
Anion thediseaae that eanaen vaw
amount of needless sufferiag that may be
readily cured by rVne'a celery totnpoo?
are biliousness, torpid titer, headache,
sleeptewinees. dimness, constipation,
dyspepsia and general nervousness and
No man cr woman "vbo is continually
ail in? can snceeatfuhy cairr on bn tineas.
or be of much real comfort to the boose-
I kyilj
i .....
I And only a tboroueaiv ntwrtobea eoay
i that na ait me oaeu-np, ana ueewn
harmful, material promptly removed frost
ibe blood and itstaes can be nealthy.
I w hea either ! taete vital condiUoea of
adeooate mir or elimination are incom-
ptetely done, the organs need each
i - j vi . , .
tAsnv. Soother remedy it to vmioabte-
, fl , w.. i,. , ,-:uj
Pinec celery com pound will aocceed.
A Cosy Spot.
Cold eeaiber and winter wind arena
noticed when warmed with one of our
air tight beating stove. It ia a cy n ny m
for good cheer and its economical use oi
f net make a happy household.
We bave also just received a large
shipment ot Tinware direr from aa east,
ern factory w bich we are abKe t-- sell at
very low 'price. Call and psice these
goods and be convinced that we are of
fering BARGAINS in these good.
excesses or cigarette smelting. in can
cure im potency, lost power, emission.
im, eyes, stopa nervou iwticmngs
reetore email weak organ. Stop all
Price within the reach of ,11. Guaran-
J. X. Hoffman, Lessee.
Work done In first class manner at
reasona! be price. '
Prompt attention paid to all order.
Ertray Notice.
I took np on my farm two miles north
west of Harrisburg, in Linn county, on
the 3rd day of December, the follov ing
described steer: Color, red with white
under tho belly also white spot between
hips, marked witu crop on right ear;
age, about 3 years; weight, about 1206
pounds. T E. L. aaaoy,
Harriaburt;, Linn Co-Oiegcn
Albany VOrecon.
Offices, Bank of Oregon building;. '
Only sot ot Abstracts of Linn County.
Comp'.ete set of maps and plats
Notice 1 hereby given that there ar
funds on hand to pay city warrants No
V to ISO incluiive of tbe year 1S93. In
terest on said warrant ill cease with
the date ot notice.
Albany, Oregon, Dec. SO. 1893.
E. A. Paaxaa.
City Treasurer.
FOR S LE..V span of good driving
horse, weighing t)00 to 1000 pounds.
Three door east of the DkmocbaT office
bas money to loan on farm security at
ww raw ox interest. Atso small loans
made on personal security ,
City, county and school warrant!
Collections made.
Rente collected. Fir In
surance written in the following lnt
and reliable companies: HOME INS. i
CO., of New York, PHOENIX 1N9.CO., .
Hsrtiord. Coon.. LIVERPfiOT.. LON
DON, tnd GLOBE INS. CO. of EngUd
Opposite Masonic Temple.
Full line of stwlard groceriee and
oawtitry prod ace- -
ro aingle leader, bot everything a
eaderat bottom price.
Wagon ran in tbe country telling rro-
eerie and collecting produce.
Money saved by trading at tbe Crack-
ProL Holland's dancing school will be
open every Wednesday and Friday ev
ening, in- the Vance Hall. All person
desiring to team to dance should attend.
mvate leesos at any time to suit pat
rons. 1 OST. A fine bird dog, yellow.
-i"g a collar marked L.W. Roes, to
whom Rtnra the doc and receive re
ward, answers to the name of Doc
WOOD FOR 8ALE.-Good fir, by G
W Howard at 2, g2 50 and S3 a,
cord. Inquire at L'Mocaar office.
FOUND. A bird dog, brown need
and ear, white spot in forehead,
jtaiaa brown body, brown leg, short
a-hite tail. Owner may have the do by
proving property ard paying all charge)
ind applying to
W. L AwDansow,
Jefferson and Water Eta.
near Lyon street. Albany. Belle Chi
- seee medirine, Chinese rice.- Chinee
tee, and nit oil.
iJ. C.Devine
Socec eeor to N. Southard .
J oat east of the DswocaaT office,
Dealer In ,
Hay, Oats, Hill Feed, Chop. Pou'tryy
etc. - j -
Give him n call. Good treat ease t as-
j c Limm
Ground Host
Dental OfBct
See I
Yard littler,
A distant.
If you tiave a badly de
cayed tooUi remember a
new crown can be inserted
by Dr. Adamd as Hlostrat
Odd FeUon'a Temple, Albany, Or.
all week carefully & ne seder late
' Physician and Surgeon
Phone S&. Poctomce Block.
Diaeate of Women and Child ran.
Phone 66V
Postoffice Block Albany, Or.
M.D. j
ISS5, Cfeij
Graduate of Lencx CoUeee 1SS5,
apo Homeopathic Medical College l&Xi
Rush Medical College 1SS2.
Tercedale Block. Albany. Or.
The Albany
Agency 1
Rpreseats the leading Fire and Acsidea
Iararance Com pan ie.
Wholesale dealers ia Wbeet. Oai.
aad Wood.
CoTTespandence solicited.
h Julius
i Gradwoh
g Dealer in 3
Hardware, Crockery, Glass-
fr- ware. Groceries and aU good
fc kept is country store. ;
frr run 3
& As Low as Anybody.
Country produce and egg
taken in exchange
for gooods.
! il
Ia the Circuit Court for Linn county, State
cf Oregoa: J
Hallie M. Cooper, plaintiff v. Edward f
E. Cooper, defendant. J
To Edward E. Cooper, defendant. I
lathe name ot the State of Oiegon, yoo are I
hereby rrquirwl to appear and answer tbe I
complaint of the above plain tiffin, the above i
entitled court, by tbe first day ef the next
regular terra of tbe above entitled court to
be begun aad held ia the city of Albany. V
una couDi, vreguo, ca tr ictt day or i x
uarcn, anu jou are aereoy sou bed
tbat it you fail to appear and answer said -complaint
as hereby required the plaintiff
will ask the court for a decree dissolving
tbe bonds of matrimony now Misting be
tween tre plaintiff and defendant, aad for
a decree giving the care and custody aad
control of the defendant and ?liahff,s
minor child. Hila Cooper, to the plaintiff
and for such further order a may be
This summons is rabliahed bv order of
tbe Hon. R. P. Boise, judge of the above
entitled caort, made at chambers ia the
city of Salem the 16th day of Jaaua rr.
Wkatekkfokd TVvarr,
Att'y for Plaintiff.
3 til
8 ft!