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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
V hi VOL XXXIV Eater eC Ike Pest Je at tlbaar. e)r. a Becand-ria Mali Mailer i ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20.1899 V RCTTlgfi PablUkcr nasi Frrltr NO 24 hjMaSAsnsv3IlI JtNbfexmticmior As similating toffoodandRetfula' Bagthfiflmimrivtnnri Bowels of Rtmwtearl5eseon.ChceifuI tieasand&BtContalns neither OpuaCMorphine nor Hmeral. ItOTNiBCOTIC. WU.3W- w'h'"""las'rili ApefectKesnrdy forConstipa 6oa.Sow5tsinacfi,DlacrhDea, WorHXxnviilsions,FavErish ngyandLossorSlXgB Tac Sinai Signature of rTEW "YDHK. rr2l.'M-.- cf ' ; : EXACT COPT OF WBAtPEB. TRY MORMOX BISHOP'S- PILLS for all disease arising from dissipation, self-abuse, excesses or cigarette smoking. Ia um over 50 year. Brings back your Manhood, curea depleted worn oat men, makea rich blood and tissue. Cares wasting and all loaaea, makea yon lastingly; strong, cures im potency, Joat power, emissions, loss of memory, bad dream, shrunken organs, despondency, sleeplessness, asrtoceele and constipation, add? to the eye, atop nervous twitching of the evelios. Makea life living. A boon to yoong or old. MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Stops all ses by day or night. Don't delay. Price within the rrtcii of .11. Guaran teed to care. Price a box 6 for i-'.50 bv mail. Send for free circular. Address BISHOP REMEDY CO., San Francisco. Cat. For sale by Foe- IjfSa Lay 4 Mason, Albany THEQTJESTION OF THE DAY. Where to get best Furniture at the lowest prices. Wc have it for everybody Rockers for the babies and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Foot Stoule, Parlor Table. Exten sion Tables, Carpet Sweepers, Sofa Pillow, (pure down) Bamboo Furniture. Lounge. Couch s. Bedroom St-ts (nice ones) Bedstead, Dresser and Commode $13.50) White Iron Beds, Rugs. Lace Curtains, Ease's, Screens, Picture, Frames and many o her attractive thing. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Hasonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. Oregon Gas Light Heating Clisap Light For Cheap Heat Tor Cheap Powe Jor V Correspondence Solicited. DR. F mn, Pres. Preparing For the Battle of Life W here shall it be don?? CeraioIy wa -rn sn College has claims in this direction that vail for closer invstiiM'i n. A Full College Training f ji ir !t i tii r. dtt 1 1 ban r also cSerj a siipin ir V .it i' ''3aro and iaa4 CjileaCaiM ih is inferior to noui in tie state. Orra-t ondt-nce invited tircn o? jo i Sipt 29, 1833. fLwValiace Howe Lee, A. M., . President CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLLEGE, George A. Wirtz, Director. Abtisted by 'Mrs Cora A. Wirtz, and other . Branches Taught Piano, Orgin, Violin, Guitar, dolin, Voice Culture, , Sight Singing, Chorus and Quartet Singing, Harmony, History Counterpoint, Composition and Band Instruments. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J Joseph. Proprietor Patronise home industry. IE For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years M I m and Power doipaay. tech Eohsb and B?sl Churcli. Eoolb ani Hiuu Anything ani SYerjtMiig A, P. pgEEKSSS, IV ten but proDin'.mn o i,i b hvi AW hi THURSDAY The Legislature A motion to adiourn this mouth wan. of course, voted down. In the senate forty clerks were voted at $3 to $5 per day "besides six stenog raphers aud one typewriter, and the house did about as well. Anions new bills of general interest are the following : S.B. 82, Mackay, to create ths office of tax collector in Mulnomah county. S. B. 29, Brownell, to abolish office of proseuting attorney and create office of ounty attorney in each county. S. B, 32, Daly of Lake, aiithorixing county clerks tocertify pension vouchers without compensation. S. B, 33, Kelley, for county game war dens. S. B, 3-1, Selling, creating a trust fund for Multnomah county. S. B. 37 Kuykendall, provijirg for a school r capita tax. S. B. 38, Haines, to amend mileage aw. S. B. 39, ProeWal, to prohibit use of "slot machines." 8. B. 40, Morrow, to change compen sation ot county officers and fix certain fees. b. B. 41, Brownell, to provide for lo cation oi county teats, and regulate elec tions in regard thereto. S. B 42, Bates, regulating fraternal Denenuary corporations. S. B. 43, Kelley, to amend certain fees and compensation of certain county offi cers, . S. B. 43, Adams to provide for taxa tion of dogs. 8. B. 51, Daly of Lake, fixing compen sation of state officers and clerk of su preme court,- b. B 22, Adanis, repealing the office of me second circuit judge in the third ja dicial district. U. 1. 8. harrell. to provide for the compilation, purchase and dis'nbution ol tne laws of Oregon. Office! t Installed. On TuesJav evening Mrs Amy Livine stop installed the following officers of r air vse i ircie. .o 1 Ladies of the G A K: President, Jennie Brown; S.V. P. Florence Quimbv; J.Y.P., IUchel 8yl vester; Chsplaio.' Ethel B-av: Conduct or. Pearl Livingston ; Asst. Conductor, Phoebe Evans; Guard, Lizxie Meranda : rws ... ireasarer, Jianua rusiey; Secretary, Emma Strahle Alter the initiation a sumptuous lunch was served in which Miss Martha Hiale did splendid service as Mistress of cer emonies, assisted by MLss Grace Living ston. Speeches were made l,v Vn tmv Livingston, Mrs Jennie Brown and Com rades Torbet and Palmer. Mav Come to lbaxt. When tlie Na tion Editorial Association meets in Port land next June or JuIt it is nrjlable that a trip will be made up the valleT to Albany and back on the west side to Portland, arriving here at noon. There will be about one thousand in attend ance, and if the trip is made Albanv peo ple will be expected to rive them a nonn day feast or barbecue of some kind, and will no doubt be eoaal to the occasion Frank Lee, treasurer of the State Poul-i try AssociaUon, of the Pacific Farmer, is presenting the matter our for considera ion. Will Bb Depicated. The Democrat U informed by high authority that tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock the new ait fng room at the C & E depot will be formally dedicated under the auspices of Agent Turner, who in his address will take bis text Ir.m William Penn. " A contest has already arisen between the Governor and the Senate. The Gov ernors has ordered revoked the numina- nations recently- made bv Governor Lord of C. A. Dolph, Judge Bean and II. n. ivincaio: as regents ol tlie state urn- versttr. and .3 H. Holt as trustee of the soldiers home, and the senate baa tabled bis order. Some of them have declared, according to the Oregonian. that the Governor intends to run the whole bus iness. There promises to I an interest ing time. Geo Weller died at Salem yesterday. T L Paegez. of Independence is in the city. J. D. Linn, postal inspector, was in the city yesterday on aa insiiecting trip. C. l Beniamm. editor rf the Rose- burg Plaindealer, died last night. Mr. John Beek. who has Ixvn assist ing the S. P. agent in this city, lor a few wcexs past.ieit lor Albany, rndav nieht. Ashland Tidings. The tax levy cf Clackamas county baa been placed at 23 mills. The Ux levy of Marion Countv has been placed at 21 mills. The item for general county expenses is about three times the size of that of Linn County. Lots of pen and penci' tablets, en velopes, office books, pencil, etc. JuBt received by W K Blaix. F A Burkhart has purchased the fine Buff Leghorn cock, that took first pre mium at the show, of Mrs L B Witze! of Tangent. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union at its regular mating Tuesday afternoon decided to bold a Memorial ervic for Mis Wiliard on the eve of Feb. 17. Call for Linti Co. Fair Convention . 4 mars meeting of the peonle of Linn county is herr by cabled to meet at the court house in Al' any, on Friday, Fe 3, 1899, at 10 o'clock a m for the purpose ol organlxi' g a Linn County air Association, np.m a bmtis to be deter mine i by said convention, and arrang ing for s roumy fait to be he'd in Linn ounty in the fait ft 1899 and regtuarly an iUHity thereHf'e'. All citizens inter etel in this moven.en', ale members of tie iK'iili v ot tlie Oregon agricultural college, are .(.rdiully invited to attend this convention. J. ft. Whitney, G. L Rem, Sec. Chairman, A new and tine thing, shre i,ed whea buiscuits.rtt Parker Bros. Try some. Look Around. Tbomas Brink has received souieof the nicest wicker and spring rockers that ever came to Albany Give him a call and see for yourselves. Get the best fiour. The Magnolia Refuse any other flour, except the Magnolia. Flour 85c per sack. Try it. The Maanoltn. If you want a good and clem .uoke buy cigara made bv our baiiv clear mct'rv. DIED. evening, Jt. 12. 1899. after an illne of some time, Mr. John Harder, near Albany, at the age of 42 rears. The deceased was a prominent and thrifty farmer residing a few miles from this city, and a man of excellent reputa tion He was a member of the Wood men of the World in good standing. Among his sisters were Mrs. Henry Broil er, and Mra. John Meinert. The f aneral services will be held at the learce Memorial chorch tomorrow after oon at 1 o'cleck to which all frien da of be deceased are invited. HIE PRIZEWINNERS. Messrs Roberts and Downs, the com -potent judges at the Poultry Show finish ed their labors this forenoon, and blue, red and yellow cards ere now seen on the pens of the best fowls. Following is a list of the winners : LIGHT BRAHMA. All to E. Carlisle, Portland. Ore. PAKK BRAHMA. 1st Cockerel, F O Powers, Albany. lAKTKltHiK COCHINS. 1st Cock, Frank Hulburt; 2nd C S Shedd. 1st Hen, Frank Hulburt. 1st Cockerel, C S Shedd ; 2nd Frank Huiburt; 3rd C S Shedd. 1st and 2nd Pullet, Frank Hulburt. 1st Pen, Frank Hulburt; 2nd C S Shedd. BLACK LAMOtiUAKS. 1st Cock. AW Blackburn; 2nd and 3rd DO Woodworth. 1st Hen, F Fenwick; 2nd and 3rd A W Blackburn, DO Woodworth, a tie. 1st Cockerel, A W Blackburn ; 2nd F Fenwick ; 3rd E J Ladd. Pullet, E J Ladd. A W Blackburn. D O Woodworth, a tie. 1st Pen, A W Blackburn ; 2nd F Fenwick; 3rd E J Ladd. SILVER WYASUOTTE. 1st, 2nd at.d 3rd Cock, D O Wood worth. 1st. 2nd a-jd 3rd Hen, D O Wood worth. 1st and 2nd Corkercl. D O Wood worth ; 3rd Mrs E A Pierce. 1st and 2nd Pullet, I O Woodworth ; 3rd Mrs E A Pierce. 1st and 2ud Pen, D O Woodworth. GOLPES WVASDOTTEK. All to E A Iiercc Br WTAXUOTTEa. 2n 1-Pullet. Mrs L B WiUell. WHITE WtASDOTTES. 1st - Cock, A C Chrisman. 1-t and 2nd Hen, C D Bates; 3rd Mra B J Sharp Ht Cke. t, Fiank Hulburt; 2nd C D Bates ; 3rd Frank Hulburt. let 2nd and 3rd Pullet. C D Bates. 1st Pen, C D Bates; 2nd Frank Hulburt; lird C D Bates. BARKED PLTMOtTH BOCKS. 1st Cock, Downs A Son ; 2nd AlJen S Hulburt; Srd-J W Uoo.-k. 1st Hen, J W Houck; 2nd and 3rd L D Mulkey. 1st Cockerel, Downs & Son; 2nd J W Houck ; 3rd Iowns k Son. 1st Pullet, L D Mulkey; 2nd and 3rd L D Mulkev and Robinson Bros, a tie. 1st Pen, Downs A Son; 2nd L D Mulkey; 3rd Downs A Son. wurrK piv mn Til bocks. 1st Cock. LW Ross. 1st Hen, W J Hulburt ; 2nd and 3rd C E New house and W J Holburt.a tie. lt Cockerel, A A Hulburt; 2nd L W Roes ; 3rd-C E Newhouse. 1st Pullet, Mrs B F Allen ; 2nd W J Hulburt. 1st Pen, A A Holburt; 2nd L W Roes; 3rd W J Hulburt. BLACK JAVA. 1st Cock, Grant Thompson. 1st Cockerel. J LHoekins. 2nd and 3rd Pallet, J L Uoekins. 1st Pen, J L Hoskins. BLACK SPASISH. 1st and 2nd Pullet, Aug Hockstein. aSDALtMASS. 1st Hen, Paul Kiingele. 1st Cockerel. Mrs L B W itxell. 1st Pullet. Paul Klinge'.e; 2nd and 3rd Mrs LB Wiueil. 1st Pen, Mrs L B Witxell. WHITE LECIIORS. 1st Cock, Ja. Pogh; 2nd A A Hul burt; 3rd L BChipman. 1st Hen, A A- Hulburt; 2nd and 3rd Jos Pugh. 1st Cockerel, Aug Huckstein; 2nd L B Chiomon: 3rd C D Bates. 1st and 2nd Pullet, A A Hulburt; 3rd C W Vunk. 1st L B Chipman; 2nd A A Hul- buti. BROW LEUHORX. 1st Hen, Robinson Bros; 2nd Wm J Johnson; 3rd Robinson Bros. 1st Cockerel, W m J Johnson. 1st Pullet, E Dow; 2nd Robinson Bros. 1st Pen, Wm J Johnson. Bi rr LBGHOB.. 1st Cockerel, Mr L B Witxell ; 2nd Amna Wilkinn- "?rsl O P ICniirht 1st, 2nd and 3rd Hen, Mrs L B Wtts 11. 1st Cockerel, Mark Holburt; 2nd O P Knight; 3rd Mra L B WiUell 1st Pullet, O P Knight; 2nd Mark HulDurt: Sri Mrs L B Wiull. 1st Pen. .Vark Hulburt; 2nd O P Kttight; 3rd Mis L B Witxell. BLACK MINORCA. 1st Cock. T F Bennett; 2nd J L Hokin. 1st and 2nd II n. J L Hopkins and T F Bennett, a lie: 3rd J L Moskina. 1st Cockerel T F lennett. 1M t'ullet. J L Hoskini; 2nd T Bennett ; 3rd C D Bates. WHITE MINORCA All to T F Bennett, a. . HAMBCRU. 1st Cockerel Wheeler Bros; 2nd Leon Davidson. Is and 2nd Hen, Wheeler Bros. let Cockerel Leon Davidson; 2nd W heeler Bros ; 3rd Wm Hand. l i, 2nd nnd 3rd Pullet, Wheeler Bros. liit Pi n. Wheeler Bios; 2nd, Leon Davidsoti. RFD CAPS. All to C S Shedd. . 8. B, RED GAME. 1st and 2nd Cock, D M Kerby; 3rd Geo r isher. 1st Hen. Geo Fisher. lt and 2nd Cockerel. Geo McKnigbU 1st. 2nd and 3rd Pullet, Geo Mc- Knight. B. B. R. BAKTANH. 1st Hen, Ed Lenning. 1st and 2nd Pullet, Ed Lanning. riT GAME. 1st Cock, Geo Fisher; 2nd and 3rd Reint Ackerman. 1st Hen, Geo Fisher; 3rd Reint Ackerman. 2nd Cockerel, T Smith. 2nd Pullet, T Smith. 1st Pen, Geo McKnight. CORNISn INDIAN GAME. Ail to Wm Dysinger. PKARL GUINEA FOWLS. lt-Mrs L B Witxell. WHITE GUINEA rOWLS. 1st Mrs L L Whitcakcr. peki.v dlskm. lat and 2nd Young Drake, Robinson uros : ard 1 1 v eBt 1st Young Duck. C D Bates; 2nd Robinson Bros. BOLES DUCKS. 1st E J Ladd. TOt'LOCSE GREBE. 1st Old, A C Miller. 1st Young, Mrs L L Whlteaker; 2nd AC Miller. MAM. BKONZ1 TURKEYS. 1st Cock, Dug Wassoin. 1st and 2nd Hen, Dug Wassom. 1st cockerel, Dug Wassom ; 2nd i J Walker. 1st and 2nd Pullet, Dug Wassom. Large crowds continue to attend and great interest ia manifested in the ex hibit. The show will continue till clos ing time Saturday night4 with special attractions every night. fM. .1! i m 1 Tmiutav iid unun nuib ui vunria i againrt Annie Wheeler was partially :'.".""' ?""u m., w heard.and waa continued for the purposa i " , i"" - " Vl" i-i"- At A 1r ninlnn tnalliA antlanna I lia tr snta were married at Corvallis, Or. 1894, and deee. tion ia charged to have ccurad in September,1897. Oregonian THE MOOKKCASE. Ail InterestliiK l etter from Mr& Judge ctrui.un in Reference to the ('.use. Atlanta, U:i , Jan. 4, '99. Epiioh Democrat: From your issue of Dee. 30, under the heading of the "Moore Trial" and NineteenlYeara," the types make many errors in dates and the unjnst inferences and general summing up of the dates. I do nH hold you responsible for the mis takes, 'tis the N. Y. press from which you draw information. The X. Y. press is moved by the District Atty's office es pecially Mclntyre, who seeks to draw crime out of the most innocent facts. In days of yore I believe the press aimed to be a reliable vehicle of truth, but recent events persuades mo that evenafiavoroi truth shall not go in if it, in the least, spoil a dish of sensationalism. Of course, f the press refuse to see the "Moore Case" through any but Malion lenses, and he be a moral leper of most festering taint, who, time and again perjured him self while ott the stand, then the public must remain in dar-ncs. But there is quite a large minority who knows tlie truth and this minority will ever con demn the press. I believe all who know me give ui9 credit tor the truth. The principle of honesty is the one I have cherished above all others, and if there be one person in all this nmon who rn successfully contradict this Ktatement, now is bis or her time to speak. Xow aa to facts : My daughter never left Atlanta with a man by the name of uyan. Jlr. ttyan is a gentleman who has resided in New York tor a number of years, an J a member of a family of prom inence aud weaitti, w no are pionevrs of Atlanta He has known my little girl from childhood. The billiard story is a mere canard. Mr. It van was an ac- auaintanre of Mr. Moore before mv augnter had met him, and was a wit ness to tho marriage in l-t. Matthews church. My daughter went toNew York with an eld-.-rly lady friend who prom ised ti l a mother to her. 1 was on the train with them till it pulled out of the deput, Tnree weeks later I went to New lork and was layne till the mo ment of her sailing to Europe. This same chaperon accompanied her through uio w note tour from dock to dock and 1 i stale unqualifiedly, there was no man in it. I went to N. S". for the purpose of going wun r syne airai. put was over come by the intense beat and found my self unable to endure further fatigue. The report that an entry in Mrs. Moore's diary gave evidence of iniimaav with Kliu, the Cuban. As I remarked in the li-tfinniug. I hold you blameless bscauM: the report was directed by Mclntrie in this assertion. But I say onto you that Uiere is not one wrntence in her diary to connect her with any improper intim acy to anyone, ravcea ruruuse in keping a diary was s.mi lv -to re.-ail datesnd names of persona 'horn she'd turn abroad and in -New crk, wishing to bring me exact news of her journey ing. Her mem ry for date and namrs was defective. There never was a more dastardly act one far beneath the cloth of an bonewt prosecutor uub that of Mclntyre taking the child's iaoffenively kept diary into court and making a fiend ish efiort to establish her Built before a jury that wis eating in a robbery case. And were u not a lamentable fact that Recorder Go:7 teems raied bv the I'is- tcAUy otfice, it would not have been allowed. The proaeculor.McIntire. had his purpoie in placing an evil c clrurt ion on everv a. I oi Sin. L.,re ht Just remember he is raid to convicu And also, that "evil is to whom evil thinks " Doubtless he has bad a career. Mrs. Moore's diary is an innocent mem orandum which anvone mav examine. The report further stated lhat"Gofl took into consideration Moore's character and criminal record, the fact that his profes sion was that of a gambler, a card sharp, banco steerer, bigamist and general aii round scoundrel ; and douhtieae Uo the manner in hich be used his young wife. the weak and fascinating Fayne Stralian, in the accomplishment of bis base and criminal designs." Xow, I would ask. who (knows Moore s criminal record? There was to evidence introduced to show it. The woman Gaw, who swore falsely out of revenge and w hose tes timony was stricken out, certainly could not be considered. Moore was never married to that woman's daughter which can be easily proven when Moore is given tne enadow ol a chance, it is tne . . i . press which haa biased the minds of the populace till 'tis next to impomibie to get an unprejudiced jury. All these stories of "Count Ie Xovaek, "Brook lyn black nail" The Johnson woman's false testimony, etc., arc absolutely false without a ahadow of foundation in fact, and investigation is invited. Fayne Strahan has inherited the gift of honesty and it cannot be tampered witn. Mie is broken neartea at tne way the press has tried to make her a base criminal, when her mistake was simply that of being mtsieac by Martin Mahon, who was old enough for her father and who should have honorably protected the fatherless stranger in New York in stead of taking the advantage of her childish confidence. Call her "wek" or what you like there is a touch in na tare which makes us ail akin, aud w hen men grow sotliciently strong to control that weaknee. then we shad invite one of their member to cast the first stone. But don't go dodging around Eve with fine airs of ( urity till you cease to make women, even children, your victims. Were it not forthe demon aleshop which come between Mr. and Mrs. Moore, and the advantage Mahon took ef the situa tion, there would have been no beating and signed confession that night at Hotel Grenoble. Mahon should have been with his wife and children whom he always denied living with when re presenting himself to Mrs. Moore. The slimy cieature has tortured facta into a misshapen mass. The ghouls (detectiv es) work well for gold! The gallows frock Is too good for one who would ar rest his own innoxnt victim. These are facts. Mr. Moore had a confession from Mahon and Mrs. Moore. He had nlnceJ the confession in the hands ot his lawver. Of course that meant civil act ion lor divorce and redress. Mahon knowing thiB sent detectives to get the confession. They did not go to arrest, but Mr. Mooro not knowing they were detectives (no badge in sight) regarded their approach intrusion on his home and struck the intruder. Of coune they arrested him at once. Mrs. Moore had just reached the hotel for the first time since tho night of the 4th in order to pack her trunk aod come home. They had designed a achemo to make them (Moore's) blackmailers if tho con fession could not bo secured. Of course, Mrs. Moore mitBt be made a party to the scheme to make it look at all tangible. I am not much acquainted with Mr. Moore but 1 know Fayne Strahan quite well, and can say of a truth, she would rather give ttian take-is strictly nonesi. This is clenrly the opinion of any w ho know her, either white or colored. It is a source of much comfort to mo to be hold my table covered with testimonials to her honesty; 'tis only) atrangera who would doubt for a moment. The report said : "If she gains her immunity from punishment as predicted she probably will owe much to tho in fluence of the Si. i . press, which ia un derstood will get in and help her case.' Truly my friend, the clove is on the oth er hand, l he JN. x . press owes that ae fense'ess child more than it can ever re pay for its libelous attitude towards her. Knowing the facts aa I do, I presume the mistake Mr. Moore made was in not shooting Mahon (though I am glad - , . , ... ' i... 1 f,,,,i m uuvivi y yuv wv , in treaties are heard, the merciful are danger of wearing a convicts garb. They I mav send Mrs. Moore to Sing Sing; Intyre and tho press have done their beet, but if they do-remeuiher it will be because she, line a N. Y. Mayor, who was promoted to the presidency "Told the Truth." Twice her liberty was of fered her but she would rather take her chances on the convicts garb than go free under the horrid shadow of a lie. Her att'ys say they have rarely seen such bravery exhibited. If Recorder Goff look Moore's charac tcrintoojiisidcration without it being attacked in court, why did he especial ly charge the jury in Mrs. Moore's case that they were not to take Mahon's char acter or his intimacy with Fayne Strahan Monro into consideration? Mr. Hill said it was the most infamous charge tliat lie had heard delivered. S. H. S. Fit ID AY 3. Y W. C. A. Entertainment. The Young Woman's S Christian Association of Albany Colleges w:(t give an entertainment in the college chapel this evening. An admission fee of 15 cents will bs cnarged. The following program will be rendered. Instrumental duet, "It Trovator." Misses Sox and Bsumgart. Readiog, ' The Martyred Mother." Mita Anna Marshall. loHtrnmental solo, 'The Alpine Storm" Miss Vide Maston. Address on the Y W 0 A work Mita McCoy. Vocal solo, selected Mrs O A Wirts. Readiog, The Forward Dutler, Bur-d.t"-MiasOrah Haikness. Ladiea Sextet, "The Tide of Life" Misses McCoy, Poshsy, U. McCoy, Sox, Stewart and Marshall. Recitation, "The Engineers Signal" Mia Jennie Freerkaen. lustrnmental solo Pres W H Lee. Fares: "Lost I A Letter." CAST Or CHARACTERS. Mrs Brown Miss Mary Stewart. Manon Brown ... .Miss Orsh Harkness. Msude Brown Miss Mida McCoy Bridget Miss Frances French. Mr Jauiea Brown Clyde Bryant Mr Charlie Robinson (Mr Brown's ward) Owen Beam. Tom Smity. a young minister James Thompson. Carpenter Joseph Balaton. The program will be followed by a so cial. Cocoa aod cake will be served. Let everyone attend. 'Alabama. ' Jodging from the criticisms and re ports of the newspapers in various i places, the coming visit of Mr. Henry W Laugeaour'a Company presenting "Ala bama," will be one of the theatrical treats ol ite season. Everywhere the pies has accorded both the play and the players the motl nattering notices. Perhaps no plav of the prevent fenera tion baa now the bold udm pub ic favor as ha this beautiful creation cf Augus tus Tbomas For three years, without break. It held undispaud sey in Xew j York City, and twice has it made the circuit of this continent, everywhere meeting with the most pronounced tno ceta. To those who have never eej "Alabama." it is aa a beaat.fol revel a lion, while those who have been fortu nate enough to see it before, it comes sa welcome as ao old friend. "Alabama" is an emotional comedy drama, ilsoch a domestic incidents cf pathetic and ab- j sorbin interest. Tbiougb it runs the delicate inreads of a most ingeoioos plot aod two pretty love stories, one of which i a f j : 1 of romance as it is of patboa. Comedy of the purest and mot enjoy able kind is p'.eniifoUy scattered through- oot it all. It is a play that ia the bands of any bot competent people would prove a fsilnre. and tbe many good notice that this company have received else where beepeak their competency ani worth. Mr Laogeooor has a particular ly we'd selected company, and our theatre-going public may make arrange (Lenta for an annsually good entertain ment. One performance only is given, nexi luee'ay nieht. Jan. 17th. Reserv ed seats now on ! at Burkhart A Lee a. Hops. Faber & Neis write from Albany to an eastern paper about the Oregon hop crop aa follows: Stock in growers' hands in Oregon is now considered reduced and oot over 2,000 bale ol '98 crop remain onsoid, of which a verv email percentage are of real choice quality. Beginning of the season there were nearly 6.000 bales of 1SS7 in dealers' and growers' bands in thi state, which have all been eold with tbe exception of about 30C bales. Moat of these nope have urougoi irom o u o,-c net to growers and only a few very mooldy lots were sold for I- ss. The market continues nrm out ouiew Several bigger lot have been sold this week at from 14 to ic.1, ce nis Becoming to quality. Growers whiih have their hops on haad jet do not eeem to lbs scared as I hey are all holding for fall value and expect to realise mots for their bops alter the holidays. r 1 g3 03 F for Fhen the children ret their feet wet and take cold give them a hot foot bath, a bowl of hot drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and put them to bed. The chances are they will be all right in the morning. Con tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few days, Ufitit all cough has dis appeared. Old coughs are also cured; we mean the coughs of bron chitis, weak throats and irritable longs. Even the hard coughs of consumption sre slwsys msde essy and frequently cured by the continued use ot Every doctor knows that wild cherry bark ia the best remedy known to medical acience for soothing and healing inflamed throats and lungs. Put one of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your tungs Tne BsW Mmt!loml W now hy omet lh mt. nont phyikclaa In ! CnltoS OUHofc ISuiuiiAl opiwnunltle ana long rl. w mlnently Si them '"M""! V! niwtlcikl advice. Writ tntij U be , , in Mo flyer's Cherry pectori SUCCESSFUL SHOW. riietlreion Stain Fnnltrr ,1hn rnn tinaea to be a great tneett, being more 1 1 i i . - ; I ' a . I vuau Buii-suaiaining irsia a nnancia" standpoint and muchmore from an in oustriai view. Una' woman wno came through the rain more than twenty miles got ner money s worth. Tomorrow will be children's day from v a. m. to 12, a hen children will be ad milted to: 6 gents. At noon tomorrow Prof. Chambers will by poolings, young man and put him to sleep in.jue snow room wnere he will be during tt'4 afternoon. He wiil be awak ened ot 8:20 o'clock Mosi by tbe Simonton band. The 'esociatioo ia fortunate in baying some first-class officers. Mr. Bates, the auperintendent, is efficient and alive to i tie needs cf tbe occasion. Mr. Fenwick, the secretary, is faccommod.tiog and is the right man at the desk, Mr. Lee, the treasurer, aoesn t stop witb holding tbe purse, but takes a band wherever need ed, and a large force of assistanta are very active. in me pen awaras toe nigbest score was given Mr. Carlisle', light Brabmas, lbs.1. Oley Woodworth was next with Ins pen of Silverlaced Wyaoaates.lSSont a possible 100. Mr. C. D. Bates' white wyandottea were next with IS74. G, W. Downs hatred Ply month Rocks were given aod Hulburt Brothers pen of Cocbios, tne blithest score of any single bird was that given a partridge Cochin millet uwdou oy rrini nuiourt, jo;,, A cock erel owned bv G. V. Down, meomi h ,1 t - . .. i. . -. . . Mr. Robert was eiveo 94'i. Mr. Down paid for it in Eugene As tbe scor ing of Mr. Roberta was very cIom thi ignifles a good deal. He cut several points below the figures at Portland last year. Mr. Roberts probably does more jadg iog than any poultry man on tbe coast. rretn A bany he .will go to Arizona to score a big poultry ehow. The present show has been to satis factory tuat there is ta'c o! holding next years show in Albany. The association will u.eet next Saturday night in their annual meetirg when the matter will be decided. Albany's location makea it a splendid place for the meeting. Thet e is a fine display of dressed fowls and egiu, on which tbe following pre miums were awarded : Best dresjcd gooee, AMen S. Holburt. dock " " male chicken, A'den S. Hulburt. Beet dreeeed female chicken, AldenS. HuSburt. B display dre&ied poi'.try, Aldan S. Holburt. Best doteo brown egg, Robinson Bros., barred Plymouth Rocks. Second, Ans Hulbort on Hod Wyandotte. Beet white ggs. Austin Haibort. Buff Leghorca. Second, An tin Haibort, Brown Legb3rre Doxen heaviest eggs, J. W. Houck, buried Pivmootn Rocks, weighing 3Com. fcood. Auun Holburt, Buff Leghorns Best coiiectioo ot egg. Austin Hel bort, presenting 12 vane tier . Msck J Mooteitb is in the city. Jbdge Flinn returned this noon from Portland. Ex-Soperiotencett Irwin waa in the city this noon. Mr. Pollock las been visiting friend in Ibdrpeadence. U. G. H was in Engene this week os a visit with Li. brother Judge Hale. Mr. Frank Midd'.etoo, ot tbe Oregon ian. a legislative clerk at Salem, was in the city last night. Mr Alfred Holman is reporting tbe leg islative proceeding for the Oregenian at Salem. He has a trenchant pen. Mr. and Mr. Witiiam Faber and Mrs. M. M. Uendrex left on the overland iast night on a trip through California. Mr. and Mr. W. S. Toole are in the tiy from their farm for a weeks stav, and while here their many friends will find them at the Revere House. Mrs A S McDonald who has been in Brownsville several weeks visiting re'at ives, has returned to her home this wees. HW Corbett ha sutceeded James Failing as President of the First Nation al Hank of Portland, receiving a larger salary than he would have received as U S senator. Mr CF Burgrafs plans for the re modeling ol the court house atRoaeburg, recently burned, have been accepted. Mr Barggraf is not onlv a competent architect but is also a rostler. Mrs. Wm. Marks has received two let Isrs from her son, Lnther A. Wilev. who is now st Manila. Mr. Wiiev's friends ware glad to learn of his safe arrival; though at the beginning of hia voyage he had the mitforiuoe to Iocs bis new gold wstcb, which felt from his bscds and was lost in the ocesn. Criterion. Rev. Hartman preached hers Sunday, aoth morning and evening. Us preach sd quits an interesting mule sermon Hie tsxtwss, "And the Mule Went On." Hs told about the different kinds of moles that church members snd preach ers were riding, and that one wasn't very pleasant to ride, eepecally if the rider had no saddle, Soda ville Cor. Cri terion. G rover B. Simpson, baa been promoted to tbe position ot auperintendent of Welle, Fargo A Co 'a express at Chicago. Mr. Simpson ia an Oregon boy, a son of Ben Sidipson, now a resident of Georgia. as stanea as a messenger boy. air. C. B. "Winn of this city received his ap pointment aa Albany agent uodor him. . At a mseting of the members ot the Congregational church this week a call was ordered issueu to Uv T W Parker, ot Salem, as pastor of the church, and the eame w ill piobably be accepted. The church elected the following officers: H tl Hewiit deacon, G W Wright secre tary, Q E Propt fin. sec., C C Hogus, D Busar J and Q E Propst trustee. Mr. Lonner Ralston, wife and three children arrived in Albany last night from Olex, Or., and mill make Albany tbe'.r tome, Mr. Ralston loft Albany for Eastern Oregou about eighteen yeareaeo. and bniU up a large properly'at Olex, where he has tire thousand acres of land, besides town vropertyand whest. He desirta that hia children shall havs ths excellent sdvantages of our schools. The two Woodmen of the World's lodgss last evening held a joint installs tion of the new oiticeia, that waa one of their most successful gatherings, and tbey never do things by halves. Alter the newothcers had been put in with ths pretty installation ceremony a pleasing program waa rendered, among tbe leat nrei being ths songs ot the high tcr.ool quartet, a vocal eolo by Miss I Ida Elkins snd readings by Miesrs Millie Goilieb and Bessie Cameron, This waa followed by a delicious lunch. Wheat 50 ceuU. The people of Lelanon recently voted to license saloons, and at tlie first rueet- ini of the e:tv council a licenM was granted at $7C0 a year, giving it a mon I ojioly, Charles Thompson the Cobweb saloon w ening on two charges by Mershal Stiles and was given until 3 o'clock this after noon toeuter a plea. Guard. Mrs Hoxterlleic. Mrs, M. . Iloxter, lepresenting the Florence Crittenden Refuge Home locat ed in Portland, was present at ths last mseting ot ths w. V. T, u. l be mem. her ware gratitied to learn ot the con I tlnusd auccess of ths gooit work carried Ion by that institution. In conjunction I properly filled by Misses Mary Stewart, with the castors i ot the city arrangements Or Harkness, Mida McCoy and Frances are being made for a union meeting ui lumntt vi iui uuui, Sakah Pearson Adams. rress tteporwr oi v , v. . w . Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards tlie food against alum Alum baking- powders ar f&e greatest c to health of die sreaeacday. Tbe Legislature Gov. User aubmitted tba following nominations: C. A-Dolpb, R. 8. Beao and Senator Wm. Smith, aa state uni versity regents: and S. H. Holt as mem ber of soldiers' home board. Ail were prompMy confirmed by the senate. among the new bills of general inter est are tbe following: In the senate. Clem, to provide for deduction of in- dahtednee from asseaiment. Loeney. to prohibit aellins- or civics- of eigarettea to boys under 18 years of age. faty , or Hen ion. to prersnt person from running pnah ear ot band ear upon railroad tiacka. Batae, to Ux narrow tired wagons. Looney, definicg naea of public school boose , and prohibiting naa of same for danciog. Brownell, to provide fir election o! ra- pervikore. Miction, to increase ths number of lat tice of the supreme court to five. belling, to repeal tbe aoproonation for tbe stat fair. Fulton, to appropriate. 123.000 for fiib natcbenet. Hartnoo, to amend law relating to pre-1 parauon ol assessment roll, providing uia raBiT ciarxs soouia resort onlv summary of same to ths secretary of sta'e. In ths House: HGrsy, requiring tha doors of pablie caitaings to opea oaiwara. Curtis, requiring municipal charters to bs submitted to a vote of tbe peonis. rrovKiiDf ior two additional mstiee n - . ... of the supreme court, was called op ty Moody. Wbsiley relating to county roads sad providing for a stats road engineer. Flagg. for tbe protection o( wild docks making it unlawful for any person to kill more than twenty is one uay Flagg, to provide for a separate board for the transaction of county besiness in at anon county. Lsvu, to amend the Sunday laws so as to require the closing ot barber shops. rumer, reducing maximum contract rate of interest from 10 to 8 ner cent. i oang. nrobibitins- ths killina- of dr ior it years Whitney, to provide for ths oneninv of drainage ditches tbrooah the oremirew of objectors in the eaoe manner aa pnb- uc raaa are esiaousnea. Moody, limiting appeals to the su preme conn so cases invuvi&g loUO or mere. Topping, to oroviie for healfi officer at Gardiner, Yaquina snd Bandon. tort;, to provide for an annual license fee oo ail mercantile bootee in tLe state- varying irom iu to situ n bitney. to amend tbe charter cf Targent, in Linn county. m nitney, to create the oS o' county prosecuting attorney. n nitney. to tax mortnm. Whitney, tor election of road i a pert is- i or. Palmer, prescribing manner appropri ating state money. Palmer, kilhns of came birds. Whitney, amending charter ot Albany. sortie, appropnatidc 133.000 ner an-, nam ior tne propagation of salmon. Aiorton. to protect human lit from earless hsnditog of firearms. SATURDAY SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. J W Senft went to Portland this on bounces. noon Mr and Mrs Henry McHwain returned this morning on the overland from a trip to tan rranxisco and other places. Mrs. C. B. Bellinger, of Holladav ad dition.who has been seriously Ui for some, is ripidlyfimproTing. Tunes. Dr . Davis, of Albanv. was called hare Monday to see Mrs. Minor Jackson, who is very tiL browosvilie rimes. W H Warner, of Albany, a lecturer of ths AO L W lain tbe city. He is affabls gentleman. Engene Guard. Social dance at the former room ot Tomlinson A Dubrnille just east cf the Dahocsat office tonight. Ko disreptu able persons admitted. Rev W V McGee has returned to Cot tsge Grove from California, and will again serve as pastor of the C P church in that place. Ex-Chief of Police Dilley ot Salem has gone to Fresno. Calif., for hia health, in tending to remain during the winter. tie was accompanied by hia daughter. Tbe funeral ot John Harder was held thi afternoon and waa largely attended. Mr Harder was a member of the Macca bees instead ot the Woodmen of ths World as stated by the Dkxocbat. Private Fred Fox of Battery M 3rd TJ S. heavy artillery of San FraacisccvJias heen in the city on av-tcrTouo. He in the midst of the fight at Santiago, and knowasrhat it is to be under tire, the bottett of the war. Oonnty School Superintendent A S Mo. iKMiairt met the teachers oi Lebanon and vicinity at the public schoul building in Lebanon, for the purpose ot organ ising a permanent local teachers' matt tute. Msyorsnd Mrs U B Montagus left Wednesday evening tor Newberg and Dayton to pay a visit to Dr Clara vidson and Dr Courtney and famil Montagus will soon go on to Salem ask the legislature to make some ea in oar city charter. Lebanon Miss Fsnnie Griggs came down from Junction Tuesday to visit relatives for a short Urns. The Junction public school ha been closed tor a week on account o' diphtheria, although there are only three cases in the city, and those all in ons family Lebanon E A. Tbe young ladies ot the Y. W. C A. of the college last night at the college gave one ot their best entertainments, enjoyed by a larjs audience, the receipts uetng more than the amount required. A pro- - j pram ol nietit was rendered. It consist- I ed of a well rendered piano duet from i. the proprietor of 11 TrtAr, F-ST fas arrestel last ev- th- recital ot the 'Mrtyred Moth . h m.i,.i Km., er" with excellent effect by Anna Marshall, a piano solo, well executed by Yida Maston, the recital ot ths duster story by Miss Orah Uarkness in her in imitable style, a song by the ladies sex tet. Misses McCoy, Foshsy, McCoy , Sox, Stewart and Marshall, a recitation by Jennie Freerkseu, "The Engineers Sig nal," a pleasing song by Mrs. Wirts, aod tha presentation ol a farce. "lost, a Let. ter." The parts of Mrs. Brown snd her daughters JJ ri n and Maude, Bridget, - Mr. lirown.Mrs unariea Kootnson, kst. i Tom Smtty and the carpenter, were in I French, Clyde Bryant. Owen Beam, I Ijsmes iBvuinaa mu iiumuiwi, social followed niivned by game. MURDER AT LYONS. James Lyons Shot Througl ( Window and Insta..tly Kill Last iiigbt at Lyons, ju.t after! James Lyona, a prominent citixeu c place, was tbot by some one fror side, through the window, of bis ence, the ball striking him in thej A man at Lyons got on a veloc and went to Mill City, where be graphed Coroner Norman, of this last night through tbe Western Uni flee at tbe depot, tbe rezuUr office clostd and tbe Coroner ief: oti tbe cf ing train for the place to investigate matter. At Mill City the p-rtrc other than atated were not known ai there ia no office at Lions it ia pro': thep cannot be obtained ontil the arrive tonight. There has bee feud amono- ae of the residents of Lyons for some ti na i inoagni tne mnraer is s r of it. Th report indicates that murderer wiil not be known, tbe DeiDgaoneinthedark.bat it is prf Die to ere win be snap cions aa to parties. James Lyonr, Jr., a son of tbe ri dered man, was in tbe city atnd stenography with Mr Freerkaen, and eeived notice of themtuder this mora jurt in time to catch tbe train for hcl Mr. Lyona waa about sixty year! age. lie leaves a wife and six child toor tone and two daoghtere. A gentleman familiar with affair Lyona says he conid name three who will be aneoected of the crime. Sheriff Mankere and Deputy Proee ing Attorney Whitney left tufa noon Lyons on a railroad velocipede to invt ugaie tne anair. THE LAST DAT. This ia tbe last day the roosters have to crow in Albany before leav for their homes in different rsrt of state. They have bad s fine time in baav and will leave with iK twt (or themselves and their owners. K six days we hare bad sometbitg to s ana iai aooat. f There has been a big attendance di HI tht dlf . 1 Ium nnmhr nf fmmA and their families going to see what ad veiopment there can be in fowls. I Tonight bendea the buds there will I s stereoptuon exhibition of some splef aia view, many oi local interest, I Messrs. George Aebieonand Ed Bio sett, ol this city, and aa exhibition hypnotism by Prof. Robert Chambers. There abon.d be a big fare welt reeep After tbe poo 'try ehow last mzht Vie President D O Woodworth gar a bal quel to tne o nicer, executive icmmilti and Portlasd newepaper cen thai i as great a success snd full of cackle the show itself. The spread was an eM gant one and the ben men were eompd tent jnlges. After the teas' remark! were called for and made by Jodge Ro'ci erts, President Robinson, Mr Wood worth, ur uoodnoe of tbe f ooitrv Jon na!. Mr Loomis of the Poultry Faacie xr Eaiiey ot tne Kara! Spirit and M Lee ot the Pacific Farmer. Besides mentioned there were present Secret; renwick. C b shedd. S E Young. L V Boss and A W Blacabarn of tbe live committee. Religious J-ervlccs. Presbyterian church: Morning vice at 10:30: Sabaath school at 11:4s Junior Endeavor, 3.3C; Senior Endeav or, 8:30; evening service, at 7 iSO. Sub-f ject ol Koraing sermon, "Ueatn Aboi isred. baoject ot eveninz sermon Faith's background of Cnfaitb." Al cordial welcome i extended to ail to ai4 tend all the services. Cumberland Preeby terian : Preach ing Sandav morning snd evening. Morn ice topic. "Use BnastpUte of Kight-t eoosaeia. ' Lvenutg, "Com acd feee. " Snaday school. 10 a. m. ; Junior Endeav or, 2:30 p. m. : Seoinr Endeavor, 6:30 p. I ia. x on are invited. Baptist church: Services ss usnsl object morning service, "What Shall We Do With the Islands." In charge of a- . timer, ot Los Angeles. aic church: I'rescnmg bv tbe pas tor mom;og snd evening. & at 1 Jrand Intermediate League at 3:30, tpwortn League at e .SJ. MVW iks, Pastor. United Presbyterian church: Mora st services at 10:50. Subiect of eer mon. "Seeking the Lord." Sabbath erhool, 11 :5; Junior Endeavor, 3:30; Senior Endeavor, 6:30; evening service, 7:30: subject. "The Jndgmect." Ali are cordially invited to attend, these ser vices. ChnsTitn chnrch : The gospel mee ings conducted bv Elder D. C. Keilemc in continue throng n tne next week. Elder Kellem is drawing large crowds and will occupy the pulpit n.crmng and evening tomorrow, see his subjects else where in this paper Tour Wheat. Call at ths otfice ot Curran A Monteith if you wish to sell your wheat and gc the highest cash price. List of Patents. Granted to Northwest inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C. 4 mair, opnngaie, ian.. bibkiiti; tannin extrrcts: J Gerstite, Portland, Ore., ore grinder and amalgamator; W D Plus, Kamer, Ore., door. For copy of any patent send 10 cents in postage stamps with date of thi- paper to 0 A Snow A Cow. Washington, D C- he ncEiBXE of suit of nss is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Caurojutix Flo Svbup Co. only, and we wth to impress upon all the importance of purchasing- the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs ia manufactured by the Caxiforxia. Fio Stbup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding- the worthless) Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Caxi sOBJtia. Fio Stbvp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far ia advance of all other laxatives, aa it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial affects, please remember the same of . the Company CALIFORNIA FIG STRU? CO. a i slaw FBLASCUOa. Cat. lasnariuav k. sEWTtwa.B-H 3 fmS i in a 'iiw m i 1 1 mm-