The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 13, 1899, Image 3

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During January Only.
At the end of one years business and the
opening of another we make
on every article in our
An excellent opportunity for any pur
chases you may wish to make in
Ladies' and Childrens Furnishing
Knit Or Muslin Underwear,
Hose, Shoes, Umbrella,
Wrappers, Dress Skirts, Underskirts,
Ladies' Hats, Childiens' Caps,
Tailored Suits, Jackets, Capes,
Ladies, Misses and Childrens'
Outing Flannel Gowns,
Ribbons, Laces, Fancy Goods and
aL. E. & H. J. HAMILTON.
Albany, Oregon, Jan. 2, 180!).
Death of N. Southard.
Mr. N. Southard died this morning at
the borne of his daughter Mrs. S. N.
Steele in this city, at the age of 79 years,
after an illness of several weeks.
The funeral services will be held at the
residence of S. N. Steele at 4th and Vine
streets, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock,
w w mtu ui menus oi me deceased are I
The deceased had an eventful career.
tie was born in ermont, afterwards
going to Whitingsville, Mass., where he
engaged in railroading. From there he
went to Columbus, Ohio, which were
his headquarters ior twelve years. He
was agent, then conductor and finally
superintendent of the Columbus &
Cleveland road. He moved from there
to I acroese, Wis., where he engaged in
milling, from there going to Logansport,
Ind, thence to Moran, Kan., thence to
Dakotas and afterwards to the North-w-st
in ISIK), where i.e lesiJet at Ta
couiaa .i tilwnv uii'H his dt-at.i. lit
was a strong Sunday bcnoul man, am;
organized several in places wi.ere there
were none.
He leav.s four daughter, Mr.. S. X.
Steele of this city, Mrs. D. 0. Wade
worth of Tacoma, who is here, Mrs
Frank Norton of Whitingsville, Mass.
and Mrs. W. A. Roes of Moran, Kan.
Rev, D. C Kellens is drawing large
crowds of interested listener- to the
Evangi lietic services at the Christian
Church. He has a very striking way ol
w resenting grert truths. His difccoaree
tonight will be founded on Isaiah 28, 20:
'For thebed is shorter than that a man
can stretch hsmself on it; and the cov
ering narro er than that he can wrap
himself in it."
W C T U. The regular meeting of the
W C T U will be held in their Hall Tues
day Jan. 10 1899 at 3 o'clock. All inter
ested are cordally invited.
The remains of Mrs Mackey were
brought fiom the Bay this noon and
buried in the Masonic Cemeterv, where
services were conducted by Rev. C. M.
Walla. WaDa is to have a $63,000 hotel.
Flans are being drawn for the same by
Architect W J Bennett, of La Grand, at
n e time a resident of Albeny.
A Treat to the Art Loving People
of Albany.
Mrs. T. H. Barch ns, one of Portlands' 1
most popular artists, has opened a studio
in the Cusick block, where the public is
invited to call and view her paiatings
kite baa a fine collection comprising
scenes from the Yellow Stone National
park. Colombia river and all the princi
pal snow capped mountaina of the Pa
cific nut. Mrs. Barcbus comes well
recommended as aba has exhibited her
work in the National Academy of Design i
in New York City and received (ha goU
medal at the Portland Art exhibit in
1887, and baa sold paintings of our west
ern scenery to tourists from almost every
part of the globe. She is making a tour
and aa ahe wishes to make the most of
her time will give lessons in landscape
and marine at greatly reduced
rates. The paintings are also on exhi
bition in the corner show window of
BurkhanA Lee.
All are welcome to visit studio at any
time during the dar. See the pain ti nut
and enioy a treat.
List of Putcnts.
Granted to Northwest inventor
this week. Reported by C. A. Snow &
Uq., patent attorneys, Washington, D.C.
E S Baraee, Mlnto, Ore., doable-acting
pump; T A Noble, Seattle, Wasb., cyl
inder balanced gate-valve; J Wright,
Roelyn, Wash , ron'e. i
For copy of any patent send 10 cents in
postage stamp with date of this paper
o O A Snow Jc Co.. Washington, D C
Commission Rbckivco. Mr.
Trajo yesterday received big comniiteion
. at post masteclof Alb-iny. lt is neat
document signed byWilIiam McKinley
president of tbe United Stater, and pro
vides for the filling of the office for the
term of foor years or until bis successor
Is appointed. Arrangements bave not
yet been made for the taking possession
of the office, bat probably in a few days.
Oh, what a warm wel-, .V,.S
come the first little traveler If, A K Ta
whom Heaven guide to;
the door of a woman's
heart receivea from the
happy mother. Every
thmtrht and care is riven
to the comfort and well
being of the new comer
after it has entered into the
n ... . : t a ...
place ax ut umnj
Yet durinir the
time when baby ia
few wom
an do- tU
should to
the little
one's constitutional
and vigor.
No anoth
er wants
to bawr
a puny,
wklv. aicklv babv vet unless she herself
is entirely healthy in the special, delicate
fracture which makes motherhood poasi.
ble, tbe baby is Certain to suffer' la some
m,uw far her weakness or neglect.
The surest way to avoid this ia for the
mother to reinforce her own strength bf
the use pf Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion during the time of anticipation. It
will make her perfectly healthy. It wll
lighten and trighten the time of waiting.
It "will make the ordeal of motherhood ab
solutely safe and comparatively free from
patn anu win insure suuuk, mwui;
Ititntion for the baby.
dreo I euffered from female weakness. I tried
. ",-! i.u .nil. when I last became
rithchild I aaw the vertiKmenV of Doctor
SI.., pavorite Prescription. I bought two
and I2ok.ordlai; to directions. When
aby was born I had a Yry easy time and have
rat euflered one hour einoe, from female weak.
nesa. Babv la as W and heaitny as can uc.
Prospective mothers should send to th
World's Dispensary Medical AaaociaUon,
Buffalo, N. yT, for a copy pf Dr. Pierce's
Common Sense Medical Adviser, which
will be sent ret on receipt of pi one-cent
tamps to pay the cost of mailing only, or
Si stamps for cloth-bound copy.
FOUND. A bird dog, brown bead
and ears, white soot in forehead,
bluish, brown body, brown legs, thor(
White tail. Owner may have tbe do by
proving property and paying all charges
ana applying to
T W. I. Andzbsow,
Jefferson and Water fits.
fll V.t?l!
- U " . IT
The State Poultry Show a Loud
Success. A Big Display of Fine
Cock-a-doodle-do. -It
is a big thing.
The state poultry shop down in the
Vance brick at the corner of Second and
Ellsworth streets. The largo room is
packed full with' the finest lot of fowls '
ever gathered together in the state. The
sight is one worth going mi'es to see, of
fering the best exhibit e-er seen in our
There are buff and partridge Cochins
weighing as much as 12 pounds, a lovely
bird, stately black and white Langsbans
weighing aa high as 10 pounds, light and
dark Brahmas, lustrous in their beauti
ful plumage, an immense number of
Plymouth Rocks, barred, white and
buff, the elegant Wyandotte, speckled,
goidon, white and buff, the striking
black Java, the proud Leghorn, white,
brown, black, buff and speckled, the
princely Minorcas, bla.k and white, the
game cock, guinea fowls-JJ-v. and
other ducks, Toulouse geeseTTronie and
other turkeys weighing as higa as 34
pounus, ran Dir. 8, guinea pigs, canary
birds, etc., a show our citizens should
ste several times during the week. '
There will be several electric lishta
during the evenings, making that an ex
cellent time to Bee the forwls for those
who cannot attend during the da
l ntil after the fowls are judged by the
expert?, jl,. u. rtooerts, oi franuiego and
Geo. W. Downs Sr.of Portland there will
be no nam?s of owners on the exhibits,
but the fowls are there in all their glory,
with their class and weight given in
plain figures.
Following is a complete list of the ex
hiDttors, most of whom are in the city
with their birds. There are from 1000
to 1500 birds in all entered for the prises :
Mrs. B. F. Allen, Halsey.
R. Ackerman, Shedd. ..
A. W. Blackburn, Albany.
C. D. Bates, Albany.
L. K. Bennett, Eugene.
J. W. Brown, Silverton.
C. F. Butler, New berg.
L. B. Clingman, St. Johns.
A. C. Chrieman, Stay ton.
Ed. Carlisle, Portiaud.
Downs & Sons, Portland.
Clarence Dubruille, Albany.
I -eon Davidson, Salem.
E. Dow, Shedd.
Wm. Drsintrer. RoM-bunr.
Frank Francisco, Corvallis.
Geo. Fisher, Eugene.
F. Fenwick, Portland.
!. i. liixidiiue A Son. alem
Wm. Hand, Albany.
Aug. H- chetein, iilem.
Alden Huibtlrt, Corva.lis.
J. L. Hoskins, Newber.
A. S. Hart, Albany.
J. W. Hoock, Jefferson.
A. A. Hulburt. Cvrvallis.
w. J. Hulburt,
Mark Hulburt, Albany.
A. T. Jack, Albany.
Mrs. J. Johnson, Portl.tnd.
Paul Klingell, f-alem.
O. P. Knight, Brownsville.
.D. M. Kirby, Bellville.
Ed Lanning, Albany.
G. E. Lum, N. Yamhill.
A. E. Ladd, Portland.
E. J. Ladd
A.C. Miller, Albany.
Geo. McK night, Tallman.
L. D. Mnlkey, Amity.
Mrs. B. F. Moody, Salem.
L. G. Newlin, Springbrook.
C. E. Newbouse, "
Col. J. Olmsted. Salem.
Mrs. E. A. Pierce, "
G. B. Pugh, Shedd.
F. G. Powers, Albany.
Jaa. Pugb, Oakville.
L. W. Roes' Albany.
L. W. Ross, Albanv.
Robinson Bros., Da'llas.
Mrs. B. J. fc-harp, Salem.
C. S. Shedd, Salem.
Frank, Smith, Salem.
Edwin Taylor, Coburg.
John Turner, Shedd.
Giant Thompson. Shedd.
H. Strickmier, Albany.
C. W. Vunk, Albany.
Due Wasom, Harriaburg.
.i. i aiker, caiem.
Mrt. L. B. Wiuel, Tangent.
Amoa Wilkins, Coburg.
Mrs. Whiteaker, Monmoub.
Geo. Washburn, Albany.
D. O. Woodwortb, "
Wheeler Bros., Pleasant Hill.
F. B. West, Jefferson.
F. A. Welch Salem.
Y. W. C A. Entertainment.
On Friday evening, January 13. the
Young Women's Christian Association,
of Albany College will give an entertain
ment in tbe College Chapel. A grew
deal of time baa been spent in the pre
paration and a very amusing and enter
taining programme bavbeen arranged.
It will consist of music, both vocal and
instrumental, readings and a very laugh
able farce "Tbe Lost Letter." A small
admission fee of 15 cents will be charged
to assist in carrying out the state work
of the Y. W C, A,
Everyone should arrange to a tend
and spend a profitable evening.
Want toko t ,est Point.
e following twelve young men were
at Salem Saturday taking tbe ezamina-
ion aa candidates for a vacant cade tab ip
at West Point:
Clifton Morgan Butlec Albanv : Edgar
Frances Averill, Brownsville ; Emerson
Baker, Greenville; Jacob kelson Nye
Kern, Kernsville ; James Walton, Salem
Henry Oliver Paddock, Clackamas;
Frank Oliver Bort, Cauby j Archie Clif
ton Fries, Central Point; William Daw
son Johnson, McMinnvuie; nudie
Adolph Schramm, Salem: Rufos Lee
Martin, Hopewell: Thomas West Ham
mond, Ashland.
State Legislature
Tbe state legislature convened this
afternoon. The only business to be
transacted was to be the formal c lunting
of the votes. The old organization will
remain excepting sergeant at arms of the
nouse, woo will probably be changed.
The formal inauguration of the Gov
ernor will take place tomorrow at 14 o
clock wben Governor (jeer a address will
be read.
Chaster Mgerrso. There was a fair
attendance at the charter meeting at the
court bouse last baturdav evening. Ma;
or Burkhart presided. The pro
menumenta, providing tor the collection
of taxes and assessment by the county,
aod tbe holding of the office by ne mar
shal and treaaurerior a term. two years
id stead oi one aa now were discussed by
Messrs. Hotchstedler. Galbraith. Sch-
loeser, Senders, Ruhardu.Crabtree, Wat
son, Wallace and others. Upon motion
itwas voted as tbe sense of;the meeting
that the amendments should be made to
tbe charter.
Ikckeaskd Travel. On account of the
increased amount of travel and the de-
sir of this company to give its patrons
. . i . . I .i cj . 1 ri : n
ins oent oi service, too oouuioru raciuc
will commence with train 17, Monday,
Jan. Stb, put in service a new and el eg'
ant parlor car to run on train 17 and 18
between Albany and Portland. The
charge for this extra service will be 25
cts. for 40 miles or under and SO eta. for
over 40 miles, for each seat. It is to be
hoped that this service will meet with
tbe approval of tbe public as its contin
uance depends oq the way tbs crs are
Letters poh Masila. It Is an import
ant fact that letters for Manila with a 2-
oeot sUmp go only on tbe government
transports, which leave very irregularly.
But witb a 6-cent stamp, marked via
Hong Kong a letter will go by tbe next
mail steamship, wblcu talis about once
a week from either San Francisco, 8eattle
or Vancouver, on leaving Seattle to
morrow, San Francisco Jan. 17 and 25
and Vancouver tbe 33tb.
The Mad Boa left this? morning with
B) luti i;icif ui uivu iui vui t a. iiv, uinau'
ing to return this evening. Perhaps,
Ed Schmeer and child of Toledo arein
the city.
Y. W. C. A. entertainment Friday
January 13,899
Remember the College entertainment
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller Morgan returned
this noon from a trip of several
Portland. )fs
C. Y. Benjamin, editor of the Thin
dealer of Roseburg, has been stricken
with paralysis and is lying dangerously
Mrs Ernest Fuller, of Pocatello, Idaho,
arrived in Albany this noon on a visit
and ia the guest of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Cherry. y
A surprise; party was tendered Miss
Bessie Beam a the home of her pwrtits
in the third ward, when a delightful time
was had by the live crowd of young peo-
pio luriuuaie in Deing present.
Letters were received Saturday from
Wiley, Purdom and Markhart, theiut of
the Albany bays to go to Manila.where
the arrived Nov. 23 safe and sound af
ter a five weeks journey.
Is a letter to friends at Lebanon since
arriving at Manila Prof. Wiley referred
to Sergeant Frank Stellmacher as among
those who had been ill. This was no
doubt an error, for a letter receive! Sat
urday from Mr. Stellmacher stated that
he hadjiot been sick a day since leaving
Lee Travis, of Eugene. w ho has recent
ly returned from Manila, will lecture in
Eugene on the Philippines, the proceeds
to go for a benefit for Hon. Chas. Wilk
inson, who is in Colorado for the benefit
of his health. Why not have same talks
from the Albany bovs on the samo sub
The winter class of the Albany Hi
school will graduate on Jaruiar
wnen me exercises win be heat aVfotne
place to be selected. The clasjl e6nsists
of Misses Nina Cliue, tmmaBrenner,
Kate Merrill and Abbie Hyde and Mr.
Frank Williamson.
Ed Snow, of the Hth reg. U. S regu
lars, who recently returned from the
Philippines, brought with him one of the
finest collections of curioa in the state.
He was in the midst of the fight and had
a fine opportunity to get some of the best
things to be secured. It is io be hoped
Ins collection and others in the city are
given a public exhibition, as it would be
a privilege for the public to be able to
see them.
Mr. Will Keiner has returned from a
ten months trip to Southern California,
where he w in Los Angeles most of the
time. Mr. Ed Quinn formerly of this
city, is working in a plumbing' and tin
ning shop at Riverside, a suburb of Los
Angeles and is doing well. Mr. J. O.
Writsmau is runninir a shoe nhon mh
bling, and is doing well. H. J. Cbrk
has ruovtd to San Joe Maj. Canter
bury, who waeat a Angeles, for a-.m
tiin.-, is now a resident t .VcMinnviile
in tins state, where he is running a
L- ren Laugheau is home from a trip
to Seattle.
G W Harris went to Eugene this noon-,
on orainees.
J W Xye left today for hishome at
Clem, Eastern Oregon.
W t'arker, a leading cithten of
Astoria died yesterday.
F T Peebler of Portland and Minnie
Miller of alem were married in Salem
Mr Mat tie Crasoo has brought suit
for divorce against her husband Albert
tl Crueon.
Miss Grace Stafford, of tbe Harritbarg
echoola, is at tbe borne of ber parents, ill
with inflammatory rheumatism.
E W fanvttnn J A fnmminw mwA
j Manager Ed Stone letnrned todav from
Seal Rock, where they secured some fine
baskets of kelp off the rocks. They re
port a fine time.
In the Statesman's list of tbe noted
men attending the legislature are the
name of Ex-Senator S A Iawson and
Dr J L Hill middle of the road candidate
for congress.
Mr. Charles Younger, who has been
with the Salem Woolen Mills for some
time, has accepted a position with tbe
Albany mills and has moved to this city
to reside.
Captain Richard W. Price died t eater
day morning in bis borne cn East Eighth
and East Oak streets, after an ill nee of
two weeks. He leave a wile and a son,
U. W. Price.of Pullman, Wash. Time.
Mrs. Ora Copeltnd. of South Beach.
left Wednesday morniog for Westport,
Vtaah., to join ber husband, who ia con
nected witb i he life saving station at
Gray's Harbor Yaqu'niTng.
Frank Wood, of Albany, has erected
two monuments at Prioevilie One ia
over the grave of Mis Anna Holman io
the anion cemeterv and lha otber one
over tbe grave of tom Barnes in tbe
city cemetery. Mr.' W ond is a firat class
workman and any one isbieg any thing
in bia line would !o we'l to ante him.
He will soon place a fine monument
over tbe grave cf Mr. M. II. Hodges.
Attorney-General DUN Blackburn
also went into Qtfice yesterday, aod as
i1) noo formerly occupied by Mr
Blarkborn'a predecessor has been turned
over to J net ire F A Moor for a ttndy.
the attoroey-generar'a office fix tores
were placed in ibe state ibrarian's pri
vate room in the northwest corner of tbe
library, wber- Mr Blackburn will r.ave
bia office) temporarily Salem States
man. New Episcopal Minister.
Rev. Oliver H, Murph-, who hat been
rector o! Coventry Point, in Somerset
county, since 1883, left January 4 for Al
bany. Or., where he has accepted a call
to oecom tbe rector ol St. Paul's church,
Albanv, also of tbe Epi'copal churcb. at
Corvallis. Mr. Murphy was born ia
Baltimore, In 185d,aaye a Priocess Anne.
Me., special to llie Baltimore Sun.
Shortly after bis birth bis family re
moved'to Talbot county. He graduated
fiom Washington college, Cheatertown,
in 1878, and entered Berkley divinity
school, Midd let wo.Oono., aod "was or
daioed to the priesthood jrf 1883, Im
mediately after bis ordination be became
recldr of Coventry paiieli, which at that
time was one of tbtmallest parishes in
tbe diicete of Eaetoo, but under bis rec
tors hip has stsddily grown.until it is now
the fourth pansb, in point of commun
icants, ia-tfie diocese Mr. Murphy bat
been dein of tbe southern convocation of
of thafdiocess oi Easton for I i.e past 10
years, and also a member of the standing
committee ol the diocese, ana nas twice
represented the diiceee in general con
ventions. Wheat.
We will pay the highest tnarltctjprice
or wneat, Bee ua oeiuro ju
Curra A Mostrit
.menca s Lireatest.
Medicine is
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Which absolutely
Cures every forn o(
Jriipure blood, from
The pimple on your
Face to. the great
Scrofula sore which
Drains your system.
Thousands of people
Testify that Hood's
Scrofula, S alt Rheum,
Dyspepsia,, Malaria,
atarrh, Rheumatism
' And That Tired
Feeling. Remember this
And get Hood's
And only Hood's.
jldul lings
mon ey-backarnd
bakjpgf powder at
Men who have attended the previous
poultry show say that this one far sur
passes any ever held in Oregon, f he
exhibit is an immense one. of as fine a
lot of birds aa can be gotten together.
The Linn county exhibitors are conspic
uous for their fine fowls. The Hulbuit
boys have nearly 150 of different kinds,
Mrs. Wiuel of Taugent has aome fine
Wyandottes, Leghorns, AnJalusians,
turkeys, etc., C. S. Shedd has a fine dis
play of Plymouth Rocks, Cochins, etc.,
Aich Blackburn's Langsbans are fitie
ones and bold their own with the Ladds'
of Portland, D. UWaodworth's black
Langsbans andrslTverd laced Wyanjottes
aie elegap'"' bird6, Reu Ross's white
Plymouin Kotks are full of points, C. D.
Batgr.'tlie accomplished and accomtuod
aLrifg superintendent, has several var-
etesof aristocratic fowls. Claud Vunk
and A. S. Hart have soae pretty wid e
and tilver laced Wyandotte, Ed Lan
ning is proud ol his game birds and there
are others. .
Several piece ol ailverware trophie
for differ-. nt prizes are io the window at
J A. Cam .'. The exhibitor secure
lbs tropi v a three winnings.
The show is fortunate in having two
splendid and coo-cieniioot j dges, L. L.
Robert) of San Diego, Calif., and Geo.
W Do ns ol Portland. They bave the
matter down so fine that counting the
poima ot a f iwl is almost like reading a
paragraph in a newspaper.
On Fuday night Messrs. Chamber
and Tan will give an electric Indian club
swinging exhibition, and on Saturday a
young mao will be put to sleep aod left
during the day in a store window and
awakrned at the show. Every night
there w II be mutic by the Simontoo'
Legislative Doiugs.
- rr . rrfinifd eted.i
I l- )! rMt'l. I -ra-.
r'ut Hi f lii.iii.
i.e tired of the da-key
.'.rd l.tut doao ior Beo
ureltt . a t tu.
rd auclioi.rer
...ioru Astoria politician
a resolution p ese toe hoaae providing
Ay ''fc"d lortr-three. Ic tbe senate
rin.teoa.01 Krlle offered a reeolultun thai
tUe-f.uo U-r be limited to forty. It should
have pas eJ, but the not yet
been settled.
The governor was for Jiaily inaugurated
this noon, wben be read his message,
commending oar prosperous times aod
leaving most of tbe matter for legisla
tion io tbe bands of the two house.
Several bills that will come op will
give opportunities Ior some long tights,
among others the school Law revision
bill, th siate fair bi 1. the normal school
bills, sugar bonoty bill, Portland pilot
age bill, bill regu ating tbe salaries of
county officers, a bill by Flag? creating
a commiasiooera court.takmg all author
ity oat of the ban is of the judge and
placing it in the bands of three commis
sioners aod having the office of probate
judge filled by a la ;er, being patterned
after the Multnomah eouoly ull that,
pat ea ti.e special aeeeioo.
This iricg Mr Charles Pfeiffer is tu
rect a one etory brick on bis aecond
treet lot. to be used aa a sample room
or drummers.
Matbew Carey Cbambeia died Dec 23,
1S98, sged SI years aod 4 months. Born
in Bridgeport, Vermont, Aug. 23d 1817
where be spent bis boyhood days. About
the year i840 be followed bis parents
who bad previously removed to Gale
burg, Knox Co., 111., where be made bis
home un'.il the first day ol April 1847
wben wi'.h Mr. Asbby Fearer, now of
Albany, Oregon, Mr. Powell, Mr. John
Louderack, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Wm
A.t-l.ia and tbeir families began their
perilous journey to Oregon arriving at
St Joseph about the laatof the month
where they replenished ih-ir saprlie
and cn the first day ol Mar again start
ed on their loug. weary journey a c roes
tbe plains braving narration and such
trials acd dangers that of this genera
tion would be appalled at. Arriving in the
Willeme'te valley early in the forenoon
of Sept. 5tb of tbe same year wber they
retted tbeir worn oat teams until tbe
next day, continuing their joorney to
Knox Bu'.le which they reached about
the 12th and -t. led lor the winter. In
the spring of '48 witb a number of other
-rmed a company to protec: emigrants
from Iodians in the Waila alia coun
try, happily their services were not
oeeded and he returned to Knox Butie
the following fall. In the spring of 49
be went t California for gold bat met
witb indifferent saceest as a miner and
gain retnrned tu Knox Batte ;n the fall
of 1800. March 27ih 1851 be nnited in
marriage to Ma y Margaret Knox and
fie fol'owt,g Oct with bis brido settled
on hisdunitiiorla'm where be hat re
sided continuously for the past 47 years
enggtd in the quiet pursuits of an agii
cultural life.
To Mr and Mrs Chamber t 13 children
were born, 8 sons and 5 daughters. An
aged wife, 7 sous, 4 daughters, and 4
grand children survive him. Tbe child
ren were all present except ooe son, in
Hollieter, Ua'if., wben bis spirit took its
flight to a homo beyond the grave, bail
and farewell.
Galesberg, III., nn-t f n 1 nendence.
Kantst papers please lopy.
Tennessee Gatherings
, and Chinamen and Niggers and
a paradise for cts, all jumbled up to
gether in the tnow and rainy weather;
then tbe crowd honored "fake! fake!!"
The social then resolved itseli into what
the author styled a "jim iam high ole
time," enjoying the wholesomeness of
the repast, f 12.35 was realized from the
proceeds which ss stated before will go
to tho benefit of the Literary. Some
body proposes another social. Nit,
At a meetimg of the tax-.navexa of this
district Mr. J. Q. Swink was elected su
pervisor to suooied Taylor Evans.
W. W. Fronk and Ed L Umphrey re
turned from Grant's Pass last week,
Tbe Misses Linnie Baltimore and Amy
Collins, of Albany, were yisUUm in. Tenn
last wee a.
Born, ta, the wife of Mo Wallace Dec
19, 18U8 a boy. (Omitted in last commu
nication.) P. M. Scherer U on tho Wk list, but it
is hoped that may soon recover.
Election of Literary officers tonight
8 to 1 on Davis for Fret.
In Olden Time a
People overlooked the importance of ner-
manently beneficial effects and were sat
isfied with transient action: but now
that it ia generally known that Syrup of
Figs will permanently overcome habitnal
constipation, well-informed people will
not Duy other laxatives, which act for a
time, but finally injure the system. Buy
the genuine, made by the California Fig
of Syrup Co.
Letter Ltt,
Following it the list of letters remaining
In the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Jan. 10, 1899. Persons calling
for these letters must give the date or which
Brldgis, Mr Oolie
Gloom, Mrs Sarah
Erlne, S J
Luhrman, 7 G
Meianer. Mr Joe
Miller, Delvin
Martin, Mrs II
Weltner, Mr John
From the Portland Times.
Mr. J. 8. George, cousin of Jude M,
P. George, of this city, arrived from Ya
quina bay today and is staying at the
"I talked with Mr. Hclconib, the gov
ernment engineer in charge of the Ya-
quina harbor improvement, just before
letving home, Air. George said this
morning, "and he informs me that the
contract has been let to Chicago parties
'or the improvement of Yaquina harbor,
as contemplated iy tho government, and
ttiat the lionds of the contractors have
been approved The appropriation for
the extension of the jetty 1S00 feet on
one side and 1 Uii on the other side of
the channel, together with the excava
tions to be made, amounts to 5U,0U0,
so you will observe that quite a sum of
money is to be expended in the neigh
borhood in the immediate future. Ex
cept for the bar at its mouth we have an
elegant harbor at Yaquina, the average
depth of wrter being thirty-one feet.
Tho bar mentioned and the jetties com
pleted wi'l make the place one of the
argest shipping points on the North Pa
cific coast.
"As a summer resort Yaquina has no
peer anywhere in the West. There is no
undertow in these waters. The vast ex
penditure of government money there
this summer, and the natural increase of
trade due to better times, has evolved a
buoyant spirit in our town. Our people
are feeling good."
Mr. George is 77 years of age. vet a
youth in manner and detriment. He
is as jolly as a boy. He ia thoroughly
familiar with ever section of the Pacific
coast from Arizona to the British pos
sessions. THE FARMERS
The i golar meeting of the Linn Cuun -
iv fVmn,.il p nf if i,l.t u.t
' - J
iih C.n.l !;,! .-
President Rees presided
Retolntiona were acoDtrd favorino- a
roadlawprovidiogforadays work for cense-Richards, 8endera and Dan
each 500 of Propertv instead of each $1,- rM chief reported as follows :
000 at now, aod in favor of a game No. fire daring the year 8, lots $7r
la preventing the kiliiog of Deoney 0tV&0. insurance (3,095 60.
pheasants between Jao. Io and Oct. la
and a strict privi-ion against banting n
other people s propertt. uur legiriator
were or.-eret lostrmteu to vote ageins -
any bill providing ior the bondiog of ,
counties tor road work. j
A fioe dinoer.
Harmony grange was chosen at the :
next place lo-meeting. )
l r f. owing officer were electe.1 I
' .. .. 1. 1. . j r Scott; vice-preaidetit. Hi-
..-; etr'iary, II O Poaeil;"
i... . . ivrry Parker; gaieaeeper ,
v e tr-. keen , cba-lain. C H Walker; i
ru'i t r i Kiw and II U Paimer:
KnaeietaaaLSS a.rxat M R G naeh n tt aktF ramnrls)!
tor the couu-il, C H Vt aiker. i
Kcooumv it the boose was dieaaed
by MraC it Waiker Mr H Parker aad
othe s.
"It it the best interest of Lion eounlv
t have a county fair," waa difcaed by I
Hon U M Paimer, Mart Miller, tl C
I'oael , J BCnrnett, A L liridgefarmer,
J il Scott, J W Propet. Hon j Clem aod
S H K reei keen, all favoring a genome
county fair and not bor race. J H
Scoll, G L Here and Martin Miller weic
appointed a committee to call a eonven
tion for th organisation of a coooty lair
aseociatioo, who are also to confer witb
the county court to secure atetstauce for
the purpose.
Ibe tax-payer protective association
reported abosiog tbe total ateeeameot
on money in tbecoonty to be $'j5,sy.
wbiie tae depoeiu in one bank alone in
Albany were I A 1.000 subject to check.
It wat recommended that a tax-payert
meeting be beldpf one eraon from each
Tbe tutjectt fur the next meeting will
1. "What is tbe beat breed of bogs,
and how it the best plan to cte tbm
with profit to the farmer." Leader, J
W P-ow, Martin Milter aod G L Ree.
2. "Extravagance in Ibe borne."
Lea-le-. Mrslsmee Romiue, Laara fro
man aod il B Sprenger.
Another Oregon boy has passed a a ay
at Manila, Lee K. Mor-e, of Portland. '
Iietween Cow Creek canyon and the
Dalies aoout 21 inches of snow has ial
len. Tbe Junction schools hsve been closed
on account of tbe diphtheria, several
case prevailing
Armour & Co. bave rented a building
and are preparing to start a branch (jack
ing house in Portland.
A wheelbarrow and boys wagon stol
en from Sopediotendeot McDooaid on
Ifalioa ecu bave never been returned.
Tbe thieve will cooler a favor by giving
information leading to tbeir recovery.
Mi. Frank Elkios and others are in
teresting themselves in the matter of the
purchase of a hook and ladder truck.
Oar basinet men tbould subscribe tib-
eratly to this land. Printvil'.e Review.
Eagene has organised a camp of Na
tive Soos of Oregon. A O Woodcock ia
the past preeiJeot, I'r Koykeodall pre
idont, and among tbe other are I L
Campbell, of tbe Guard, and Prof E II
McAllister formerly ( this city.
The Mad lien yeeterdav made a trip
np the river to Corvallis, where arrange
meats were made ' for tbe building
of a new boat by Mr McDonald. The
launch reached there about 1 o'clock,
and they left on the home trip between
5 and 6 o clock making a fast run borne.
At Lebanon last evening at a big pub
tic meeting it was voted as the sense of
the meeting that the charter be amend
ed 10 permit a tax of 6 milla iustead of 3
mills as now and that the collection and
assessment be by the cits.
Hairisbcru Elcctioh. The election
at Harrishurg on Monday wat ooe for
license or no license. The license ticket
wat elected ty a big majoiity, and ia as
louowt: ly 11. Lassen, mayor, j. .
Itham recorder .O. P. Hyde treasurer, T.
J. Stephens marshal, M. W. Canter, D.
8 Buaey, T. J. Anderson ,D. C. Holt, W.
T. Porter and T. T. Kotch councilmen
Tbe elextlon waa precre led by a hard
contest and considerable feeling pre
vailed among the voters.
The manner in which California
people lie about Oregon was illustrated
a few days ago. An Oregonian return
ing from tbe east beard a Calilornian
say that the Willamette river was fro
en oter from one end to the other and
that there was fourteen fee: of snow on
tbe ground at For. land.
Ox tub Rivkr. Tho steamer Wm. M
Hoag, Cap. Raabe, leaves Albany at 7.30
a. in. on luesuavs, inurauays, aod bun-
days, arriving in Portland at 4.30 p. m
leavea I ortiana on Mondays, eanes
days, and Fridays, at 6 a ni., arriving in
Albany at au p m.
Tut Moors Cask. The Democrat bat
received lrom Mit. S. II. Strahao, moth
er of Mrs. Fay no Strahan-Moore an ac
count of the now celebrated Moore case,
about which several ilema have appear
ed In the Dkmocsat from the New York
papera and the dit patches oi the day.
As it ia a vindication ol one ot Albany'a
former citiaena, it will be read with great
interest It gives facta in a manner that
cannot be obtain 1 from the sensational
press of the day lrom whUh moat of tbe
past Information has beau aocured.
Btiyuio Lumhkr Land. Mr. Marvin,
represeuttag a big Wisconsin lumber
com oft nv is up the Santiam insnectine
the lumber of that district with a view of
purchasing large tracts, and eventually
the establishment ol mills. One nf tbe
possibilities is a taw mill in connection
- ... . 1 . . .11
WIVtl twe inuumry at aiuany.
R hcumctlsm causes more acnes and
pains than any otber disease. His due to
acid in tbe blood, and is cured by flood's
Sarsaparilla which neutralise this acid.
Hood's Pills cure biliousness. Maile
for 2i cents by 0. L. Hood k Oo., Lowell
The Weather.
Tonight and Thursday occasional rain,
tatlonary temperature. Kiver, 9.4 lee.
F. M. Fbkkch,
Eozema on Leg from Knee to Tee. No
Rest Day or Night. Dootors8aWef
to., Could Not Cure. CU1
CUBA Remedies Cured.
ftty husband's legs, tram knsa to tow, wm
ttcbJog with Ecicma. Ib had do ntt day or
Blgbt, ud would aoraioh ao his kg woold ba
raw. Ha had a good maoy doctors, who gvra
bin about a peek of bottles, aalf aad otbsr
things to rab on, but aooo did Mm any good. I
told him to try Concern remedies. Ho went
that Inetantsnd got COTiccaA Boat, Crmcuaa
(ointment), and ConcDaa Risoltzit. That
Bight be reeled wen, end kept getting better onta
he wm cured, an. njiiuii, Ulddleboro, Kf.
lemur Beuer in anesr Cues Tbiior- A
wn bmik witk Ccticia So&r, wa at enoHMeg
wMh Cimoee. tollowA ky e tea om of Cvnoee
BteOLYtiT, UuUaflr nilmi eea epMdllf earn the
ml tortutes aa tairrt kwi Ihe Ua, mi
pad blood. wUloofato.wutthia
WoM tainaoliaat Bta M. htm D. An 6. CoaYu
lejaiiBoavie. "UsvkiCefaCieiTUaaMr.'aee,
i giiaie una a)
iceu Suaev
Tuesday evening a a. 10.
Present Mayor Bnrkhart, Recorder
llenlon, Acting Marshal Jones, 8treet
Superintendent Waatfalt, Poundmaster
DaviJson.retiriog Chief Engineer Medin,
Chier Eogioerr Fish end Councilman
Galbraith, Daonals, Pfeiffer, Richards
and Senders, Absent, Councilman Gra
ham. "
The Mayor announced the committees
or the coming year :
Ways and Mtans Plelffer, Dannals
and Richards.
Ordinances Galbraith, Pfeiffer and
Accouota and Current Expenses Gra-
nam, eeooers and uannala.
1 Ktreeta and Public Property Oaanala,
urauam ana eenaere.
I I'in VCi.. TJ ! -1. I
suuoie, 1MI.UBIUB
aodGa bra th.
Health and Police Pfe.ffer, Galbraitb
and Richard.
j Recommendations, a telephone line
be.ea engine bouses to locate fire
I in rase of alarms, building of ciitwa at
1 1st and Main, io d supplied with 3
inch , ipe with automatic valve, alao ci
tero at 1st and slootgomer) ; that cia
tera at 4th and Montgomery be cement-
ed, and tapply valve be removed to mor
convenient place; tbatlli) eiiy porchaaa
500 feel of h e and 'bat a place be made
to dry iiosv, Relerre.
the street superintendent reported
ork darii.g the ear: Days work by
team and men amoaoting to 11618.75.
! dm aaeavafed 1177. Tarda of travel de-
iivered wad spread
Martha! Lee reported as Uz collector :
Balaacwoa band Jan. 1, "VS .9 24 82
Coileeted tax 1693 1 30
-M . l!6 79 60
" " 1897 1575 10
" 1888 i70i 60
" 1897 21 So
im t4 W
17499 28
Paid treasurer 73S5 56
Balance oo 1 and 113 70
Chief Engineer Fiah recommend! tbe
purchase ( 600 feet of bote, an 1 asked
authority to fix and repair Chemical en
gine, at a coat not over $ J0. Reterred.
Tbe reports of the treasurer aad re
corder showed tbe lol:owiog:
Am't id treasury Jan. 1,
16(88 f 320 14
Received from all souicea 12,280 11
12.50 25
11,479 bS
1,100 37
7.2S3 4
156 CO
13.5S 74
Warrants paid
Bal. on band Jao. 1. 1899. . . .
Bridge warraata paid
IX g lax collected in cash and
Warrants outstanding. .......
W arrants tasned in IsftS
10,cC6 24
Bond ioierest 6,700 00
Warrant paid
30.062 98
. 18,448 S3
... lt,4 45
... 10,504 08
... 5.000 00
... 105,504 06
Bonds existing
Total indebtedness
Warrants were Issued for the following
avor and council. ...
193 00
840 00
1.210 00
500 00
100 00
3.A63 74
1,708 X)
235 40
890 38
1 "49 94
110.808 34
5,700 00
Chief of police
Supt. of streets
Fire department
Labor and material ...
Labor aod street tax . . .
Sundrr expense
Bond iotereet
16,506 24
A cool para lire statement showed fol
lowing expenses for five years i ad ad ins
bond interest:
1894 14.258 26
1895 14.835 00
196 13.151 95
1897 14.31C74
893 16,606 25
All tbe reports ot accounts were or
dered examined aad reported upon.
em 01 Aioaoy ciecinciigiiiuo., 91?,
ordered paid.
Engineers were elected as follows : J .
Liogren of No. l't, O. C. Clelan of No.
2't, by acclamation.
e. M. Weetlali waa e ec'eJ street su
perintendent by acclamation.
Appiicttious ior ntgotwatcbroen) were
made by Jas. Mctiargue. U, 1) u
D. ke. W. N. Bailea and W. A. McClain.
Upon ballot McCliin received 5 vote,
Baiiest 4 aod McUargoe I. MiGtainand
Bailees wore declared elected.
For the beat and latest style ot pho
tograph! go to J . G. Crawford,2nd street,
between Ellsworth and Lyon .
Gospel Meetings.
At tbe Christian churcb by Elder D.
C. Kellems,
Wednesday, "Why Did God Create
Mao," lee, 43:6-7.
Thursday. '-Rightly Dividing tbe Word
of Truth "Tim. 2:15.
Friday. "Sins That Go Before aad
Those That Follow to Judgment," 1 Km.
Saturday, "All the Counsel ot God,"
Acta 20:27
Sunday .'"Altfor Christ " Phil. 3:7-9.
Evening, "Tbe Great Invitation," Mat,
Beginning the Year
tH7lK wtswtsjt. wtaK hsBtalfh hlrwt. hlah
mav be had bv taking Hood a barsapa
v I via puiO) aavrfut J j - ---w
rilla, you will not need to tear attacKi oi
pneumonia, bronchitis, fevers, colds or
tbe grip. A tew bottle of tbis great
tonic and blood purifier, Uken now, will
be your best protection against aprlcg
humors, boils, eruptions, that tired feel
ing and serious illness, lo which a weak
and debilitated system is especiall liable
in early aoring. Hood'a Sarsaparilla
eradicatea from the blood all scrofula
taints, tones and strengthens tbe stom
ach, curesdyspepsi.rheumatism, catarrh
and every ailment caused or promoted
byimpure or depleted blood.
Memo. Mia. Miiarca Burmester
teacher of piano or organ, System tht
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P chueh.
Notice U hereby given that the under-
county uourt ot Liina county, uregon, ad
ministratrix of the estate of Matthew C
Chambers, deceased. All persons having;!
e aima against said estate are re tared to(
present the tame, witb the proper vouchers, "
within six months from the date hereof, to.1
the undersigned at ber borne near Knox!
Butte la laid county.
Mart M. Cbambkbs,
Bkwiti ft Sox, Administratrix.
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Itiitbe proper thing to go to the
poultry ehow.
Last night and during yesterday there
waa a large and delighted crowd present
iger to tee a show never before equalled
In tbe ttate. The thow it the largest
and best attended of any of the four
ttate poultry shows yet held. It is a
crowing and cackling success. Laat
night besides the Immense display ot
fowie there was mnelo by Simonton's
band and an exhibition of club swinging
by Talt and Chambers that was good.
These will be feature every evening.
Tbe Judges, Mr. Roberts and Mr.
Downs bave been hard at wora thor
oughly examining each of the thousand
or more birds, and marking them off on
tbeir typical carriage, weight, condition,
combs, eyes, besd, wattle and ear lobes,
neck, back, tail, wingt, breast, body and
flaff, lege and feet, crest and beard, and
hardness of feathers, tbe total giving
them tbeir atanding. Some are entirely
disqualified, being thrown oat if not up
to the standard of blue blood.
Mr. Feu wick, the secretary, it now on
band and ia a busy man, while tbe ac
complished superintendent. Sir. Bates,
is spending a sleepless week looking after
Don't mist teeing tbe ebow. The 15
cents it nominal for such an exhibition
of feathers, combs, legs, crows, cackles,
and struts.
Mr Leslie Matoon, CAE operator at
the Summit, is in the city.
CouncilmanGraham returned this noon
from a businea trip to Portland.
Mr. Mosber, of Independence, tbe
well-known horseman ia in tbe city.
Mrs. William Pfeiffer and daughter
bave returned from Oakland, Calif.
Mrs. Rev. C. M. Lane will leave to
night for Sao Fraaciaeo on a visit witb
ber mother.
Mr. David Link and wife, of Eugene
went to Aurora this noon being called
there by the death of Mr Link's brother,
which occurred last night.
Rev M C Wire returned this noon from
bis eastern trip, made on account of tbe
illnees of his aged mother, whom be left
considerably improved in her health.
Mr W B Stevens and family have ar
rived in the city preparatory to locating
ber. Mr Stevens being tbe new mer
chant who will open a general merchan
dise store in the Froman block in a few
week. There are six children several
of whom will attend tbe college. Our
city gains oa,e good citizens according
to repot fr n Med lord.
Vour Urooerlea and Baked Good
It at Parker Bros. Everybody kbowa
wbere their place is. They keep a fresh
toe k of grocer ie. produce and baked
goods., of all kinds, tell at reasonable
price and treat tbeir custom en well, all
Too may regret some step yon take
ta life tut aon taken into tbe store at
Parker Bra.
It is a grest toing to be well fed. Par
ter Bro keep good groceries.
A loaf ot bread is not much bat v
want it well made. Try Parker BrosT.
Alt Needle Work.
Mr. W. P. Lafferty will be at the ret
ideoc of Mr. J. A. Weaver oo Tuesday
Jan. 3rd. to meet ber class in art needle
work. All tadie wishing instructions or
material are requested to nu,
Mas. W. f. Larrxarr.
Look Around.
Thomas Brink baa received tome of the
AiceaA wicker and tpringrockwra that ever
came to Albany. Give him call and
tee for yourtetvee.
"Ibe Lost Letter" will be given Fri
day eveniog.Jan. 13th. Don't mit it !
Keep Friday nignt tor tbe V. W. C. A .
entertainment. Remember! Jan I3:b,
The Universal Bolter makes good flour
Tbe Magnolia.
The Photographer
Doe not blow much. He simply asks
you to come and tee bis work, and you
will Uke care of tbe retU
Photographs from locket tixe to
life size Copying and enlarging
Pbotogratb buttons and eaee'.s
Stereoscopic and 57 view of
Oregon, io great quantities al very
reasonable rate.
The Big First St.
Three doors eaat of the Dkoct office
ba money to loan on farm security at
low rate of interest. Alto small loans
made on personal security .
City, county and school warrants
Collections made.
Rant collected. . Fire In
surance written in the 'lloJl W
and reliable companies : HOME IN6.
CO., of New York, PHOEMX INs.CO.,
Harttord. Conn.. LIVERPOOL. LON
DON, end GLOBE INS. OO. ot England
t rSTA due bird dog. yellow, wear-
I ;n . enllar marked L.W. ROSS, to
whom return th dog and receive. re
gard, answers to the name 01 ioc.
The English and
Five Physicians a:d Surgeons, all Graduates from the Medical Colleges .
in tbe World.
aeerwanaieal aater the laws T Callfsrala far wtMea, BstaMlaaeel M years.
A part of the staff of the English and German Expert Specialists and
Dr. Meyers Jc Co , will make their regular monthly vitit u JjQty
Saturday, Jan. 28 th
They will be at the
Bright DIaeateand all other Disease of tbe Kidneys; Diseases of tbe Bta-d
der. Urinary Organs, Liver, Spleen.Spine, Bowels, Heart,Stomaeh, Eve, Ear, Skis
and Nerves, Also Impoverished Blood, Blood Pouon aad scrofula ; Catarrh, Ton
silitia. Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, and other Throat and 'Long troubles ;
T amors. Deformities, Inaomnia, Melancholy, Paralysis, Rupure, Dysentery, Dya
pepaia. Neuralgia, Rteomatism, Stiff and Swollen Joints ;t Female Com plaints,
including Ovarian troubles; Piles, Fistula. Obeeity, Ring Worm and Goiter; To
bacco, Opium. Cocaine and Liquor habit; Headache, Erysipelas, Goat, Tape
Worm, Biliousness, Dropsy, Gall Stone, Ecsema, Freckles, Blackheads, Cancer,
etc, and Chronic Diseases generally.
DR. MEYERS & CO. cure Nervous Eebility, Lost Manhood and all Private
Diseases, including contagions blood poison, quickly aad permanently, and at
reasonable rate.
Tbe English aod German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers & Co. are not on
ly competent and reliable, bat are reepoosibie, being backed by ample capital and
ably managed.
Diaeases which bave baffled the ekill of other physicians and etabbornly re
fused to yield to ordinary medicine, methods and appliances, are quickly enb
dued and mastered by these successful doctors. They have tbe largest and best
equipped medical institute in America.
Call on the Doctor wben they come. All ailing people shooid see th
English and German Expert cpecialifta or Dr. Meyers & Co. it possible. A friend
ly talk, which costs absolutely nothing, ia bound to result in a great deal of good,
whether treatment is takenor not.
UOM E CUK ES While it ia preferable in many instances to see a patient,
the English and German Expert Specialists bave cared thousands of persona
wbom they bave never seen. 11 yoa cannot see tbe doctors wnie tne aome omce
for question list. Advice in regard to your ailment, book for men or women and
treatise on any disease ALL FREE. Correspondence and otber dealing witb
patient or prospective patients sacredly connaentiaL
pecial Prices
This Week.
Strong; tasty, durable, t liih, new line
At a great sacrifice
Also hats, shoes,nuder wear,
new lines of stiff bosomed col
ored shirts.
The latent aad exeiosiva designs.
AU, ew line ot aifut robe, white shirts, ci lirs, cuff, faecy aeglgtca, Urt
asaortmewt of silk haadkerciueft, etc. etc
I aj DEC1PEDLT tbe CHEAPEST, value considered.
McIIwain Block lie Puts the prices down.
We sold lots ot goods last year and we are going to sell more this
vear ind it a cloeer price Cotton oods were never ebeaperinthe Uat
State than they are tolar. We have a large stock on hand. Note
the prices :
Ma-tinm Print. I
Standard Prints
Extra Print
Se display of Prints in eaa
Over 3,800 yards on sale.
Fruit of Loom muslin
Cabot W Mntlin
Cabot A Mntlin
TT. Mnslin
"Vicugna" beet fianelette in the
just opened 75 doxen German standard, copper riveted over -u
Webonght these goodt right and will eelltbein right.
We bave
Engine c vera Us. blue or
Regular overalls, blue. . .
S. E. Yomig & Son.
Great Bargains in
at the BLAIN
German Expert Specialists,
Revere Hotel,
4c per yard
5c per yard
- :'
show window
.. 4ocper pa;r