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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1898)
Oliver PIois-m Fife iOl'aU&i BROS., Aeents, Albany, Oregon wiiver gave the vod the chilled slew And it has saved mow tconey to the farmer of America than any other implement ever produce Genuine Oliver chilled are the belt as earth. The Oliver U a promoter of happi ness on the farm, and the dealer who sslli it knows he is handling the best. Loot out for imniUations and touch nothing bat the genuine coeds, made enly by Olive Chilled plow work. South Bend, led.. F 8. A. FOSHAi & HAM Wholesale Retail DRUGGISTS AKDBOOmUIU ALBANT. OKCOOM. Pare Drags and the finest and Large Stock of Stationary and Books In the Market. Star Bakery CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR' Corner Broadalbin and First 8t D-al. Canned Fruit. Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meat Queenswaf Vegetable Cigars, Spices Tea Et( verything that L ijpt la good variety and gro eery store. High et ptloe paid I for ALL KINDS OF PKODOCI GOOD INSURANCE OB NONE. 0 If yon want nothing for your mcne ret Relief." bnt if yoa want "Eelialle taraiicen L. m. nn. nmnrtv inimrtti h the leSd : .Mitt nf a llanT. in mm names tbai have ben in business for years, and that & . 1 k. nKl i rrf ttn Yon cannot get a good article of any kind for nothing, and when yon want tn nrinn put insDridn idu uo s- .ef" M.SESDERS. "Insuiance, Hay, Grain and Wool. flonev to Loan. w. k,M a. nWk of 40.000 to loan o good farms in Linn and adjoining conns' tea. If vnii ViavH irand secoritv and netted title, we can famish yoa the coin without delay, as we make oar own examination o Jecurity, Call or ns or write 6. N. StkjlkAvO. Albany, Oregon LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANi Albany VOregon. Offices, Bank of Oregon Building. Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats. H. F.rierrHl Insurance and Collection Agent Monej to loan, warrants bought Office in thi Democrat btiildire,. STREET RAILWAY KOTICF. The motor on the Albany Street Railwa) will connect prompty with all trains to from the depot, day and nifbt. Special trips will be made at spec rates. R. Moohk,. Conduct oi . NOTICE (0 STOCKHOLDERS Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Sugar Vine Mill & Fixture Co. will be held a the Company's office in Albany.iOregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., on. the 10th day of January, 1899. The meeting is for the purpose of electing a board oil five directors, and the transaction of any other business that may properly come before the meeting. Dated at Albany, Or., Dec. 17, 1898. Ed Zitss, C. W. Sears, Secretary. President. ' : . JCbTettessd Trade XsrksoMsln andsllFst-i icnttnMinesteonuacuaior nogen rc. - 5 natantatil. frc of chirjo. Onrfenotdn.tfll wi PmtraU." with cost of una la th. V. - I and foreign coaniriM seat frea. Jaiiriw, J C, A. SNOW & CO. i .A S W...I.MIUI IV ft I Julius I Gradwohl -:-Dcalcf in-:- Hardware. Crockerv. Glass- ware, Groceries and ail goodsr kept Is country stores. ; I WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH. As Low as Anybody. SS Country produce and eggs taken in exchange for gooods. jiuuuuuuuuuuuiujiijut; EXPERT BICYCLE REWIRING 4ND HORSE SHOEING. Second Street between Ferry and bn MILLER & STEWART The Universal Bolter makes good flour The MagnoiiUt. TERMS. Oiii.v timnrniT. 25 cents tier month 3.00 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran over months . bingie oopins oc. WxbkIiT. 11.25 In advances 11.50 at end of year; 1 1.75 for second year; $2.00 for third and proceeding years, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five new subscriber at5.0O. Tangent. r Tangent as nsoat during the holidays has been quite lively little burg, while some have had a pleasant time others have been made to mourn. Christmas festivities were held in one of the churches, where iwo nice tret were well ladea with beautiful presents, which caused the hearts of the little ones to leap wltu joy ana come oi inose who were of more mature age will long remember the pleasant time they had. The exercises consisted ot songs, recit ations and an addrees by the Rev. W.B . Moore, then followed the distribution of presents closing the most interesting pait of the program. While many were enjoying themselves at the Christmas tree, others were watching beside the death bed of a wife and mother, and ere the dawn ot the Christmas morning Mrs B V Mills! bad passed from this to another world. Mrs Mills had been sick for a loog time and had patiently awaited the coming of the messenger of death, which was to relieve her ot her bodily pain and suffer ing. She leaves a husband and several grown children as well as manjother relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Miss Litxie Ilanter who lived near here died on Dec. 24, after a lingering illness. Mr Geo. 8 wank and family of Port land are visiting with the family of Lovell Knlghten. M F Word of the O A U was seen on the streets of Taueent, he is visiting in the country. Messrs Robert Archibald, Harry Beard, Frank Scott, Jesse and Knock Jenks.and Misses Bessie Settlemlre and Vivian Star are home from the O AC spending their vacation. There are a lot of miserable specimens of humanity passing tn rough the coun try accompanied by a number of bears and monkeys and begging for clothes and something for themselves and an imala to eat, and likely stealing every thing that comes their way. They are called gipsies. A meeting was held fcere the other day for the purpose of discnasing the road question and the selection of a supervis or for the coming year. The meeting was called to order and all present given a chance to talk on the important ques tion ;when a ballot was taken and M L Foreter was declared the choice for sap ervieor for 1399. Tennessee Gatherings Tssx. Dec. 2593 Christ mas trees were in fall blast last eve. Monna Fronk and Josie Blacklaw are spending tbe holidays at home. . Mies Annie Blacklaw who bas been tr..cbing here for the past three years past dosed a very saceteial term of school last week, tibe commenced teaching twelve years ago in Nebraska and is known as an experienced and able teacher. She is peculiarly popular. W. W. Fronk departed for Grant's Pass last week. This week we wish to welcome into our midst the esteemed family of A. B, Hood and wife. Mr. Usear More bai bsen visiting friends 'this place. Last week one of tbe most pleasant parties of tbe seaton was given at the borne of J. Q- Swfnk and family. Next Sat. evening. New Year's eve me lenu. Literary boctety will give a basket social in place of tbe debate, for the benefit ot tbe society. All tbe members as well as everybody in Us valley should attend as important bus inees will be transacted ; also election of officers. Ladies, bring fall baskets and yont Kindness will r remembered by tbe society. "Little Rose Bad," ws will celsbrsl oar birthdays together next year. Tallman Topics. Tbe little burg of T was livened op tbe 24th inst. by a joint meeting of tbe No. 18' and 19 road Dist. A live discussion touk place on the best me thods of road building and necessary laws to that end. Dist. No. 19 had oa t 15 voters to 18 only 4. 19 elected J. 8. Tmtth for sopervisor and 18,' Geo. McKnigbt. The Tallman people including tbe fam ilies of B. F. Senders, M. K. Pugt , T. S. Kel!ey,Wm. Marks, J.W.Bell, Wm. Clymer, C. T. Wilioo and D. B. Trout- mans gave a very prrtty Xmas tree in tbe waiting room of tbe S. F. Co's. depot Xmas ev: which was very eojoyab and sociable, bants Claus being present, M. E . Pugb is on the sick list. S. w . Bell is able to be in tbe P.O. again. Tbe people of this school district are talking very strong of baiiding s fine schoolbouss snd s public ball above to be located in Tallman, which Is much ne?ded. . . T T . Gov-tlect Rosevelt of New York, while on his way to BoHoo, where he was bill ed to deliver a lecture, was caught in tbe tremendous snowstorm and snowed np.Having been engaged to write a mag azine erticle be embraced bis opportun ity. In about three hours it was com pleted. 100 Reward f 100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded desease tbat science nss been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive care koown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh Doing a conslitu tional disease, requires a constitution al treatment. Hall's Ostsrrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood snd mucous surfaces of tbe system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the dieease.and giving tbe patient strength by bonding up the constitution aod assisting nature in doiuie its work, The proprietors have so much faith iu its curative powers, they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send 'or list of teuioosls. Addrees. F. J. CHENEY & Co. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Toledo, O. Hall's Fsmiiy Pills are the best. One dozen Stereoscopic views Send for a them ollar at Harnish's studio. ast. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain coarse. Curs it ij ickly and effectually with One Minute! Congh Cure, the beet remedy for all ages nd for the most severe cases . We recom- re cases, i t mend it because it's good. J. A. Cum -1 ming, agent. Governor'elect Gecr. The Democrat man sat in Iront ol Governorelect Geer in a car on the overland between Saem and Portland, a very pleasaut era' to occupy. Whit ney L. Boite, of Portland, a prominent politician and lavtyer. son of the veteran circuit judgi , occupy he seat with the Governor-elect, and a eplendid inter viewer, being f re to s wgest and offer advice in a manner tn draw one out As railway ennv s.inons are publi property the Democrat gives a few inter esting things it icarned. The Govern or's bobby now is the intensified pros perity we are having, so genersl,nd ah on account of the reoubliau party, that there may not be any other party. Th farmera are paying off their mortgages, or when trey have to borrow do so o other farmers.' The governor's policj politically is to leave well enough aloiie, proceed carefully, therefore In the com ing legislature, tle special tessiuti haviay done a good deal ol work be woo. i have the appropriation bill and a few 'ben passed and then aitjiiuru, occupying eo ovor thirty days It w "uld have a g d impression on vot The Governor in favor of a etntr fair at Salen with an approp mti n for if. U believes in the sugar Souoty bill for the La Grande sugar betti raisers, s.M.iug that all atates bav allowed such boon ties when such fauior s were started. bat would limit the appropriation to $50,000, which the bill will provide for In reference to diplomas for graduates ot the normal schools wi'hotit examination which will be aked for, Le is in favor of of placing the graduates on the same footing with other Uncbere. In Lis message tlm rvernor-elect will enlarge upon our improved condition and the general rrcSferity, out nnderhis policy oi leaving we t enough alone will be guarded in his recommendations. The number of mm wanting office under the new adir. tv iilon, is very large and many ar .u. jt'.onste, (rather strange for so much pioeperily.) Tbe annexation 'await snd tbe Philippines hss create s fever in rail read building. E-Un and Mississippi Valley lines torewe. immense in crease in trans-- intl railroad traffic through our a-q-iis'tion of tbe new territory almost on tl.e Asiatic shore. To secure a i are they mast be la a position to control, or hsve a band in controlling th run t lines. It means prosper (or the Pacific eoaat through indenting competition and decreasing rat's in handling our business. And we sr brongbt nearer tbe center of traffic latlead of holding tbe advanced oat p- -f national com merce activity Gnard. Mayor Carter H"i-tti of Chicago, i is Ihongbt wi'a b !,ard from in tbe presidential eamrr'en. He is business and s fighter for ib- tights of tbe peop' Uenry Fock, who lives near Orydcn Ind, has jut eeltb-a'-l bis eighty-ninth biitbday upon tbe f m on whuh be ws born and upon wl ieli ce spent his entire life. Fabulous wealth dint always imp! extravagant tastes. W W Astor, for in taoce.enjoy nothing eo much as s couple of "blusters" for hi morning meal. Br fore . joining his command in th Spanish war Gen."3oe Wheeler bad his name striken from tbe congrssional pay roll and his salary was turned into the surpioe. Tbe prince ot Walrs, it is announced has practically - recovered tbe nse of bis d jo red leg, and esperiencts only some- slight difficulty in mounting ana dee 'cecding stairs. Joseph H- Choa'e, wbo is spoken of as ambassador to England, took part in twenty-four public debates wbils at Har vard, and won ever on. of them. James Wbi'comb Riley recently won tbe championship tor checker plejiug in bis native county Albany Mai krr Wheat 48 n(s. Oats 30 Egg 25 cents. Butter 1& to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 wnU Hams 11 to 13 cents. SidrslOtoll cent. 8houlder6 to 7utBta. CASTORIA for Infants and CbJUrea. lbs Kind Yoa Hate Ahraj Bo:gM Signature ot The Fair ia Santa Headquar ters for China, Lamps, Toys, S Books, J handkerchiefs and Fancy Dry Good?, Shoeg etc. Give him a call. Rt8oectfully, J. A. Weaver. Keep in miNd THAT- The Photographer Has all tbe old Crawford & Paxtsn view negatives, and is making s special holi day rate. Christmas Novelties in Photography. Photos of every description. Dont fsil to visit the Popular Stadie i t uu " P"""' The only gallery on First Street. MI9FITS. Never sleep. Tbe time to rustle is when it is quiet. Now is the time to ad vertise for thi business ol the coming months. - Early to beJ, early to rise, al ways advertise. There is said to have beeu an eclipse oi tbe moon last night, but as there wss superabundance ot c.ouiis in me heavens it cannot be proven by Albany people that it occurred. Crook county people are having their an"""' visions of smoking mountains, and It U again reported that Mt. Wash ington has been smoking. Certainly, Dut me smose was log, wnicu roue up iu the ssme manner as smoke. The city ot Portland is getting desper ate tor money lor paying current ex oenses.and all mannerof things are sua gested. Saloons are obliged to close at a certain hour. It is now proposed to is sue an additional license to those destt into run al'. night. W hat next. Once in awhile we read of a game ot foot bait tbat is really brutal. A Christ mas game at Astoria was somewhat of that character. It was between Astoria and Ft. Steveus and tbe score was 17 to 0 in favor of A f tori a. Two of tbe Astoria men had their legs broken and several of the Ft. Stevens men are in tbe hospital. San Francisco is a good place to be tried for murder, for whatever the ver dict the prisoner will be about ready to die from old age anyway by the time the verdict is banded in. ror alow, pokey (rials that city beats the world. They are a disgrace to Lex. Old Bill Anderson down st Albany' suburb, tried to play s joke on a friend with s bomb, but the bomb exploded in his tands and be is laid up for repair. as he was sixty eight years of age yes terday there is seme excuse for the boy ish freak . Oakland is said to be the greatest poultry shipping point in Oregon, bet next week Albany will be the greatest poultry center ot the state. It wiil have undisputed sway in tbe mstter of poult' ry. our cilisens should see that it is a success. Cackle it to everybody you meet. Next Monday the finest display ot fowls ever seen in this part ot the state will be exhibited at Albany . It is thought there will be 2500 at tbe poultry show.'. all kinds and sites from tbe Bantam to I tbe stately snd proad Lsngehso. No one in the county should miss seeing tho j nock. In Corvallis s young man with an ab normal propensity for dancing kept tally on the distance at the Armory bail Wed nesday night, and discovered after the ball that he had traveled a distance of seven miles. Here is a profound argum ent for the ministry to urge against tbe dance. Still the dancer was able to eat three meals and attend to business next day. Times. Gov.-eloct Geer i" plain spoken. He is reported to have said: "I desire to give the people of the state of Oregon an honest, capable administration of the executive office. One would be surprised at ime wrests, cajolery and importunit ies of men of high standing that are made upon me daily to control the ap pointments at my disposal and to dic tate my policy as governor." E OUR HOLIDAY 3 Equipment Invite yoa to investigate Capes, Collarette, cbiide far stU, umbrellas, silk mufflers, glo linen handkerchiefs, kid prves, feather boas, neck fine r, lacina tors, blankets. bed eads, and many other u fol articles. 3 3 Economist 2 DRY GOODS CO. Z Albany, Or. CITY TKEASUEER'S KOI ICE Notice is hereby given that funds at n hand tc pay city warranta No. 1 to 98 Inclusive of the issne of 1898. in terest on Ja.d warrant will cease with the date ot this notice. lbany Or., Dec 28, 1898. E. A. Paacii.. City Treatnret. THIS IS A STBICTLY CASH proposition. 16 lb Best Cure pan. sugar $1 00 Special prices by the sack. 9 pa. Pride of Albany Coffee 1 00 1r 1 1 i T . a ; . r. . . ju to eara joesi uverpooi Bail do 3 cans Best Tomatoes 25 3 " " Corn 25 3 lb Fresh Mix Candy 25 Albany Trading Go. R. K. M01RIS, Manager. Baltimore Block, next door East Lunch Counter. Husband, make your wifes, daughter or son s Christmas present of one ct- hoee watches UiatFrench theJeweler is eMing so cheap. HOLIDAY GOODS! ! -3 Suitable Xmas pres ents for old snd young. Our Jeweliy case is filled with bargains in Rings, filled snd solid, Chains in greet varietv, Pins, Brooches, Necklaces, Bracelets, Charms, Beetlans. St Luis Raket Stoi COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fellow's TempleAlbsny, Or. Alt work carefully tUne under late methods. The soouers cough or cold is cured with out harm to tbe sufferer tbe better, t-in-gering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is liistrouing One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when such acough cure is within reach? It is pleasant tcthe twite. ) . A. Camming Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers TELEGRAPHIC ' Has Safreadeifd Madrid' Dec. 27. General Rios, the Spanish commander in the Visayas, hss t'egraphed to the government from Ilo ilo, capita' of the island of Pansy under date of December 24, tbat lloilo has surrendered to tho insurgent. Oldeil rraalar Brad Washington', Doc. 27. Hon. Justin S. Morrill, the senior United States sen ator from Vermont, died at iX) minutes past 1 o clock this morning, in the 89th year o) his age, after a illness of less than a ween. In the death of Senator Morrill the senate lost its senior member in point of service snd its oldest in age. 1 y A SUva.a Slat Chicago. Dec. 27. A special to the Tribune from Havana says: Tbe American troops were fired on in Havana tonight. The whole city is in an nproar, and seriou. riuting is threat ened, v A detail of company M, tenth regular United Mates infantry, while quelling a riot mhich broke out on Bomly street at 6 o'clock this evenieg was fired upon. The regulars returned tbe fire. Two Spanish sailors were wounded anil s Spanish marino was killed by the Amer icans. Orra.a mm Immm New Yobk, Dec. 27. The Herald's correspondent at CaHao telegraphs that the arrival of the United States Battle ships Oregon and Iowa at that port baa causea we greatest excitement and en thusiasm. White Bark BssUsi Halsev' Or., Dec 27. A young man named McBride met with an accident while hunting near Haleey today. He was picking nps gun to shoot st docks when the weapon was accidentallr dia- : . .... . . I cnarveii, me contents passing through bis left sboukler, inflicting a serious but not dangerous wound. Recovery is a matter of several weeks. Hllu SW.k B.bk4 Eccesb, Or., Dec 27. Yesterday the robbed. Today three men with tbe stolen articles in their poseession were arrested at Cottage Grove and brought back to Eugene. They will be given aearmg tomorrow. Traae'e al Bavaaa Chicago, Dec 26. A censored special cable to the Tribune from Havana says : Riotieg began at Monteerrat tonight. A battalion of Spanish troops hurried from the barracks on the Prado to Gali and street, the dividing line between Cuban and Spanish territory. Order was restored, but in the firing which occured before tbe troops arrived. an o-year-eiti Cuban child was killed by a stray bullet. IIEawHB Sas FnANcisoo, Dec. 26 A Special from Dsweon dated November IS aava: Report from ail creeks in the vicin'itv of Dawson indicate that the winters product of gold will exceed that of but year by more than 100 per cenf Several perrons are reported to bare bevn frozen to death. Tsrrthl Svalk HocwTos Tex.. Dec 28. A special from Hiliaboro, Tex., ears: Mrs. Itbel. her daughter, Mrs. Oesie Malooe, and Mrs. Malones infant were burned to death tn their home near here. The women could be seen in the house, bat it was imposeibSe to rescue them, though ! every enort was made. The Ere started 'by the use of kerosene to kindle s fire. The rtmptt Thlag -osiws. IVc. 27. The Rome corres- I poR.Ient of the Daily Mail savs me cooler nee baaed upon the disar mament proposal of Emperor Nicholas m been Died tor bt Pctersuurg about tne beginning of Alav next, nnor to which the Russian government will sub mit officially to the powers a definite plan ot disarmament. SU 8Sbir Ijwa' O.. Dec. 28. Tbe American Na tional hank, of this city, was robbed last night of f 13.162. Tbe money was taken from the big rev.!'. The robbery was perpetrated in a sdiliful manner, no damage being done to the vault. The bank is located on the corner of MAin and High streets. Delicacies of the Halibut, Smoked Salmon, Herring, Holland Hemng, hpiced Herring, Silver Pickerel bellies, Sockere bellies. Wxt Miai-sr mJ i VV and permanent Quar ters are now completely and newly furn ished. - leaked roods, fanrv and aLanle imici- itra, iwoim io none. ibeeeare now my permanent quarters. Home Bakery. A. O. Beam. THE CRACKERJACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR. Opposite .Masonic Temple. Full line of standard croceriea and country produce. o single leader, but everything s cader at bottom price. Wagons run in the counirv Mllm ceries and collecting produce. aioney saved oy trading at the Crack rjack. t3o Gripe When yoa take Ilood' Fills. Tbe big, old-tub. loned, sogar-coated plus, which tear you all te pieces, are not In It with Hood s. Easy to lakb and easy to operate. Is true ot Hood's Pills, which are fffl J 1 1 up to date tn every respect fBII Site, certain and sure. All " W drngirlsta. 28c. C I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's SarsapfiU ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ' N0R1CE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned. Administrator of the es hih of Deborah Ewing, deceased, will at i be Lour of 1 o'clock p. m., of Saturday, January 7,th, 1889, , sell at public suction to tne highest bidder, for cash, al tbe north door of the Court House in Albany, Linn County, Orogon.the following described real property, vis: "Tbe north half of the north-east quarter (V) of the north-west quarter () of Sec tion (31) tbirtyone; in Townnuip eleven, South Range (3) three. West ot Willamette Meridun, ountaining twenty acres, more or leM, in Una County, Oregon, on a public road running alonp tue north side li said place.'' Also Ihe right of wa for vehicles from lb nor, h west corner of siid premises west to 'he county rod running from Al bany to Tai'gent . There is a farm dwelling, a good barn, and a )onng orchard of ix cr seven acres of bearing fruit frees on thn plao?, Situsl ed about lour mi'es south of Albany, Ore gon, and is Iu Ui snld umler and by virtue if aa onlcr of the tonmy Lourt of Lino oimty, Oretjon. made and entered of reo I Dvc 6. 139H. TnoMa II. Mcfl n its. duiinistratorof the estate of Dobora Kwiny, deceased; Strlctlv business. French 'be jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. " Bxt UicyUe fo tue money. Will Sc Sturk, jewelers. "Trilby" leads, others follow a Stewart A Sox Hardware Co's. A iloz. first class photo, best finite only 50 cents at Miss Long's. Seed rye for sale. Call at the Albam Nursery or at the store of C. E. BrownelL Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothes for only 120, 30, $35 snd 150. 0 B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be tore and see the anti rut tinware at Bopkin Bros, will las. a lifetime. We have decided to continue making tbe 6C cent photos. Long Photo Co. For calcium carbide go to the office of Oregon Gas Light Heating & Power Co. A fine lot of new cook stoves and ranges at Stewart A Sox's. Prices cheap er than ever. Umbrella Notice. Umbrellas recovered in first class style, by Mrs. M. Ludwig. st Brotdetbin aod Third streets, lor from 60 csnts to $2 60. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Patronise home institu tions. The best meats of all kinds and good tPAalm.nt af Ik. Alk.nv " - Itnaf Company's market, iu.t djwn Second ', mmmw warn M U U .1. U H . treet. uood weight and prompt atUnd ion. If you want a good and cleai uoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factor v- Refuse any other flour, except the Magnolia. Wheat. We wilt pay the highest market price or wheat, see us before yoa selL Ccbbam A Mojttotw Ertray Notice. I took op on my farm two miles north j west of II am burg, in Ltnn count-, cn the 3rd day of December, tbe folio mg described steer: Color, red with vbite nnder tbe belly also white spot t ilween hips, marked wita crop off r'htear; age, about 3 years ; weight. a"jat 1300 pounds. E .! Txtr, liamsburg, Lina Co. fjf goo. ADMIXISTBATOB'S SALE To all whom it may concern: hot ice s hereby given tbst from sad after tbe 7lh day of January, 1899. in pursuance of aa order sad bcease of tte County Court of Line coantv Oregon, duty made and entered of reuord la and by said Court oa tbe 5tb day o Uece-nber, l1"J. ia tbe matter of the stat of Hsrvey riheltoo, deceased, L, the nader signed, duly appoiated, acting aai qua! -fird admuttstrator of tne estate of aa . decedent, shall proceed to sell at prtf . tale, al Sdo, Lacs count j, Vregotf, al 1 right and title Bad estate which-the s ' d -cedent, Harvey Sbtlton, bad in " and the following described real estate at t Use of his death, towit: fWinaing at a point twenty chain east of the n-tfxowest comer of tbe northeast qaarter of section thiny-Cva ia Towaship ua 'OJln range one wrt and ronsuiig theoce sooth 45 copies, (brace west & chauu aad &0 linss,tDeoce north 45 coaias and two tioks, theaee ast 12 chain aad 8 links, theoce norm SOccaibs aad 72 Uaks. thence eat 40 caaia at.d 69 iiaks aad theecj miAa li chaio to the place of be- giDniDg, ia Ice di.tnrt of lands subject to at vregua l ily, Oregon, containing 019 acrrs aad 4U-:w ot aa acre. auoth lo'.iowing dcrtbed premise towit: Situsted ia tbe county of loan, state of Ore coo. the west half of the soaib- fct qaaiter of Actios No. 26ia Townsbip No. U Sou'Ji Raj 1 west coaUisiag "U acre. Also 32 acres bounded aa o among at tbe aortbweat corner of Section 33 of township o. 10 soota of Kaage No 1 west, thence running south on the section has one naa snue. thence east 9s rods. tbeoce north one half nile. thence west 32 reds to toe Diace of beshnnins . AIo 20 acres aad 150 saaare reds bound ed as follows : Commencing at tbe north east corner of Section 34 of Township No 10 sa la of range No. 1 west, thence raaeinff wrt oa the tectioa line 100 rods, thence too to 33 sad a half rods thence east 100 rods, tbeace north 33 rod and a bait rod to the place of beginning, Also the follow tag described premises, towit: Aim ot lots No (4) and (5) ho 1 land Iticg BOttn of Ctabttee trees ia a tioa 35 lowmhin 10 south RABire 1 west. I Willamette Meridian, county cf lion. state of Oresoa, bainaT SO acres more or ess . Also tbe following described premises to wit: I be northeast quarter of tbe south east qaarter of section twenty-six (r6) Kange i wast towns&ip iu south, cos out ing 40 acres more or less, Situated in Linn county. sate of Uresoa. - Also the following described prembee, towit: Lotcne, Sectica twenty six (26) township 10 South Range 1 west H'lilao.- e'.w Meridtaa. coctamiag thirty niDe and thirty basdredths acres of school land, and sttuateC ia 1.1 on counij , jregoo, A!,c the following described ntemises. to-wit: LA N'o. 2 in Section Sb Towa ship IU south range 1 west. Willamette Meridian, containing 3$ acres of school lands situated in tbe county of Lino and state of Orega. A so tne following oescrioea prtmise. to-wit: AlCof that parcel of land knows as lot 3 in block 2 of I be town of Sodatille, is the county of Linn aad stale of Oregon, according to tne plats cf said town on file in the office of the recorder ot said const j Also tbe following described prernue. to-wit : Lot No. 1 is block No. 3 in the town of of Sdaviile, in the county of Linn, itate of Oregxn, accjrdmi to tbe plat and survey of said town on tile in the office of tbe Coosty Kecorder oi saio coacry - TEJtMS Or BALB. One half of tbe purchase price of said lands to be paid in cash on the day of sale. and the other half to be paid in cash in four equal payments ss fo.low : One ray meat oa or before one rear after the date ot such sale, one of said pa; mention or before two jean f'om the date of such le, one payment on or before three years from tbe date of such sale and tbe fourth ravment on or before four years from tbe date of such sale; all of said deferred pay ments to draw interest at tbe rate of seven per cent per annum fro a tbe date of such sale, such inlerest to be payable annually. And all of said deferred payments and In terest thereon to be secured by a first mort- BAge uon all of taid lands. Tbe interest and estate which said de cedent bad in and to said premises, at the time of his death being a fee simple estate therein. Dated this 9th day of December, 1898. K Sbextcn. Adruinistra'or, . tXECUTPR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to al persons in terested in tbe estate of Anthony Bender, deceased, that I have filed my Gnat ac count therein, in the County Conrt of Linn Connty, Oregon, and that Monday, tbe 2nd dayof January,1899,atthe hour of 1 o'clock p. m. or said day baa been set by said court as tbe time for hearing and settling all ob- i'ections thereto. All persons interested, isving any objections to said account are hereby lequired to file the some with clerk of said court, on or before the said dat above mentioned. borob Bkndbr, Executor of said Estate. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that by order o the court of Linn county, Or., duly made and entered of record, the unaersigned has been duly appointee' administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Andurson, deceased. All persons havirg claims sgainst said es tate are hereby na iGed snd required to pro sent the same with the proper vouch , to the undersigned, within six month from the date hereof, at Albany, Or. J. W. ahdkrson, Adm"r. vV BATHKRTORD WVATT, Attorneys for Administrator. 'MHIKMIUIIIHI I: The Kind Yoa Have Always in use for over 30 years, rand has rf-.l sonal 4CCAX4?j Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex-' pertinents that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, J What 'is CASTORIA Castoria Is a substitute for Castor Oil,' Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlo substance. Its age is it guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tbe Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORI AfWAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. W. R. Blain's New Holiday Suitable for Gifts Consists in part of BEAUTIFUL TIES, all shapes. Elegant Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers The latest swells tyles Fancy Dress and Night Shirts. Pretty Suspenders. Nobby Hats and Caps. Just Received Silk Lined Gloves. Men's Gewelry. Sweaters, all wool and elegant, bo't especially for the "Gift Season. Beautiful Stationary, Novelties, No tions, etc. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, Hew and Tasty. THIS MONTH'S CLEARANCE SALE makes it to your advantage to CALL THIS WEEK and see thebeautiful goods displayed. A large assortment of Fashionable goods for Presents to Gentlemen and Boys. You are call tm- 1 1 o : ; McLLWAIN'S will be dosed Monday and Tussday. Will open 'Wednesday morning snd remain tor one week only, so do not nibs the oppr rtur :ty to get Merchandise at your own price. Mc IL WAINS. Are you in doubt, what to buy t A bott'.e of fins Perfume in any on of th fifty popular odera which we ebsll take pleasure in showing you will be univer sally scceptsble, because.everv body likes good Perfumes Palmer's Wright's and Lu d org', are the best. BURKUAR.T& LKE. "Silver pUU thai xvears." on spoons, forks, etc. Is ft guar antee of quality the world over. , Ihe prefix 1847 insures the gen- v nine Rogers qnalitjr. Q"' rorbarffflinsin h: Ladies and Gent's Gold Watches see French the Jeweler. n Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of been made under his per- supervision since its infancy. no one to demive won in this. Signature of Stock to Gentlemen. Walking Gloves. New Designs. cordially invited to in n r i h tvi CASH STOBE AT WILL k STARK'S. Also a fine line of Watches, Clocks. Rings ar.d many Novelties o MEW ADVERTISEMENTS C"OUND. On the road between Alb l inr and Wells a eoorf cloak, new. Call on or address S. H. Mcllmury, st Wells. WOOD FOR SALE. Good flr, by G W Howard at 12. 12 Wl and S3 a cord. Inquire at 'Jcmocbat efflce. I 1 OST. A lady's calf skin nurse con- J.taimn n secon between f 4 and pi probably on second street between Montgomerr and Baker streets. Return to EJjSeeley. FOR RENT. A well located dwelling bouse. Call on H. F. Mcllwain. A" xkcal MisTiiKO There will be a meetinc of tbe 8 lock holders of Tbe Albany Creamery Association Jan. 12, 1899 at 1 o'clock p no., for the elect ton of officers and tbe transaction of any other business which may come before (be meeting. E. J. Sbsxt, Secretary. HTOLOAIf. On a-ood seenritv $900 or x iiooo. For particulars call at Demo- CMtoffice. INbTRUCTIOSS on P.aoo or Orgaa given in exchange for small family washing. Inquire at this office. J. C.Uevine Successor to S. Southard. Just east of the Dhocbai office. Dealer In Bay, Oats, Mill Feed, Chop, Pou'try, ete. Give bim a call. Good treat meat as sured. Linim Ground Flosr nntal Offtte Vard littler. BroadalMsi, St. Albany, Oi Assistant. If you have a badly de-l caved tooth remember M new crown can be inserted by Dr. Adams ss Illnstrat- . THE NEW ASI SLCOXO HAfcD STORE -W. L. Brooatein, Proprietor. DEALER ia all kinds of oad hand goods, furniture, st .-A h.ntnr etc Goods bought (changed. Hifbert es& price lor sits snd furs. Allkindse jun . . n, - ... TT i .in'. HEADQUARTERS Holiday Goods... AT FOSHAY 'ft MSOH'i' Tbey have fine line ot Books, Plash goodsAIbams, Toilet Cases, Art goods and many aereltes st Brieces that fit the pocket-book of all, young and old. See their fine display. A Cram i as Tbjut. Harnish, Th Photographer, will sell yoa a doseo is Stefwseootc -news for ooe dhar, dariaa the hol iday awaaon. Get some and seed east. Single views 3 for 50 eta. PEARLY TEETH, ant,;f. iul nml wind, are asenr by tbe use oi our AIXESS TOOT1, POWDER, which prerenu sll accreti under tbe Cental suriices ana Keeps i dear, cleat, and natural in color. tegular. appucaUoas ot this powoerv teeth will not decay aad the an nor J of an early reeort to tbe resources of Ustry is avoided. Keep your tee Inn a. BBtara will permit, Uinc ALLEYS TOOTH POWDER wUl enab.1 yoa to do this. Price only 15 cents pet box. J.A.CUalMUiO, A Tint stock of at GEO. E. Fish's, at the lowest fttce. WUl keep a fr stock oi the Deet goods. K. O. T. M. every Saturdsy evening at K. O. T. la. hall. V'laitinir Kaurhta invited. w. A. Cox. Commander. A Rare Bargain. For sale, a house and lot in a favorable sew andws, Shelf I Hardware? rart of the citv. House is a two story. a..' eight room building in good condition. V Good well and city water. Will be sold at a rare bargain. It must be sold so do not miss this cnance. inquire ai tne vmmv slat office. H.E. BEERS, M.D. Ph sielan and Sarsron Phone 6. Postoffica Block. Albany, Oregon. DR. OLIVE K. BEERS. Diseases of Women sad Children. Phone Ed. Postoffica Block: A lbany , Or. N.E.WDINARD .S.M. D. Graduate ol Lenox College 18S5, Chi catto Homeopathic Medical College 1820 Bush Medical Callege 1S92. Twccdalc Block, Albany. Or.