The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 30, 1898, Image 1

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    In "'"'. ' I
li 1 iL 11.
Eater PB at Manny. eaClss Mall lien
RCTTIHS PaklUhcr aaa TwptitU
NO 21.
"Th dud it smokia' Seal of North Carolina, same as myself I
All sorts and conditions of men
Seal of North Carolina
in their pipes. The rich and the poor
the lawyer and the laborer all
like it buy it and enjoy it. It has
a remarkable record of excellence
and esteem won fairly by
unvarying good quality.
he Original Plug Cut
Always the same
Mild and Cool.
Leslie Yerlcit and Frank Wire Ar
rive Safely in Albany.
What will be most appropriate for a Christmas present?
f he answer dependa largely upon the relation of the giver to the one
receiving, also on tbe finances of the donor. We bav many things
suitable for all cases that mav arise. Rockers for the babies ahd the
Grandmothers and Grandfathers. Foot Stouls, Parlor Tables, Exten
sion TabUs. Carpet Sweepers, Sofa Pillows, (pare down) Bamboo
Furniture. Lounges, Coaches, Bedroom Sets (nice ones) Bedstead,
Dreseer and Commode $13.50) White Iron Beds, Rom, Lace Curtains,
Ease's, Screens, Pictures, Frames and many other attractive things.
ilasonic Temple BIdg., Albany, Or.
Preparing For the Battle
.of Life.
A Full College Training;!
f 4.irf'ottWw. J Albanr effers a superior Normal Course, and a
i cVtaa Goarsa that is inferior to none in the state. Correspondence invited,
tarm op in Sept 20, 1893.
Wallace Howe Lee, A. M. ,
Corporal Leslie Terick and Frank
, Wire, of Co. 1 0. N. G., arrived home on
this morning's overland, direct from
Manila, under discharge for disabilities-
Wire bad had a severe attack of rheuma
tism, which soon gave away before the
bracing sea breezes and the trip towards
home, and Veriek had had very bad eyes,
which steadily improved, and are now so
. much better that it will nit be long be-
tore they will be all right. Some (parts
of the trip were rough, but altogether it
; was a bracing ride. They left the boys
all well, though Merrill was just recov-
- ering from an atuck if varioloid, and all
anxious for the time when they could
leave for Oregon. The boys speak in
high terms of the conduct of the Albany
i members of the second regiment. Dr.
Ellis had made a splendid reputation as
a physician and surgeon and Lieut. Phil
lips was liked by everybody. Many of
them sent home packages of relics and
mementoes for their relative and friends.
Leslie had a big mahogany box full and
Frank a couple boxes well filled includ
ing things for themselves, among others
their suits worn there, odd looking af
fairs. Corporal Yerick and Private wire
are welcome home, and their friends are
glad to know of the splendid reports of
their excellent conduct while gone. The
boys look well, though their complex ions
indicate their residence in ajropical climate.
For Better Roads.
Road Diet. No. 53, Linn Co., Oregon.
Dec 20, 1898.
To the Hon. County Court of Linn Co.
As per your request the Road Super
visor (Mr. Ubbe Peters) of the above
named district called a meeting of the
voters ol said district. The meeting to
be on the 20th day of Dec 1S9S at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at tbe home of
said supervisor and at said meeting the
following business was transacted, the
supervisor having stated the object of
the meeting. Ubbe Peters was elected
chairman and D. S. Smith secretary of
the meeting. A vote was then taken for
the election of a supervisor for the year
1899, which resulted in tbe election of
Ubbe Peters, be having received all the
votes cast (except his own.) The selec
tion was made "without regard to bis
religion, politics or color of bis hair,"
but bec ause bo is a good, energetic sub
stantial resident of this district and as
pushing and enthusiastic a road man as
there is in tbe district, this the voters
know for be has served them as super
visor for seven or eight years and we
have as good roads as any district in the
county (if not the best.) We therefore
ask the Hon. County Court to appoint
Mr. Peters our supervisor for 1899. It
was the sentiment of the meeting that
we should have good roads not only in
our own bat adjoining districts, and to
try and obtain that the supervisor was
instructed by the voters present to notify
the County Court of tbe condition of the
road north of Oak Creek in district No.
17 and to try and secure more work for
this road, as there baa been but very
little work done on this road since all of
the road work of the city of Albany has
been done within the city limits. We
are of the opinion that no county money
could be spent more profitably than to
keep up this road as it is wearing out
very last and is one of the principal high
ways to tbe county seat. Ibe voters and
taxpayers ia district No. 53 sre all in for
good roads and are willing to do their
part to make them. L. S. Smith,
I Firemen's Hall.
The fire department of Albany will
give their annual Mil at uie armory to
morrow evening, and every effort will be
made by tbe rustling committees ap
pointed to make it a success. Music will
be furnished by the Albany orchestra,
and the admission to the ball will be on
ly tl.OO.spectatora $25 . cents. The fire
men bave always stood by the city of Al
bany and annually look for return of fa
vors, which oar people are always glad
to give.
1 be committees are :
General arrangements O. C. Clelan,
W. H. Warner, W. W. Rowel 1 and KobU
Reception Chas. Media, W. IL War-
I ner asd K. N. Moms.
Decoration J. W. White, Ben Clelan,
H. J. Peterson and Marry R. Hogue.
Floor managers Geo. E. Fish, O. C.
Clelan, Wm. Conn, W. W. Rowell and
F. C. Dannals.
George A. Wirtz, Director.
Assisted by Mrs Cora A. Wirt z, and other. .
Branches Taught Piano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, dolin, Voice Culture,
Sight Singing, Chorus and Quartet Singing, Harmony, History,
Counterpoint, Composition and Band Instruments.
The Wlrtz Musicale.
Oregon Gas' Light; Healing and Power Company,
Cheap light For
Cheap Beat For
Cheap Powe For
Church House and Hotel
Church. Hous8 anfl. Hotw
Prof, and Mr. Wirtx, of the Albany
college conservatory of music, made their
first public appearance in Albany last
evening at the Presbyterian church in a
recital that was greatly enjoyed and ap
preciated by a large audience of Albany's
music loving people, it was a success
ana establishes Mr. ami Mrs. WtrU in
popular favor. Prof. Wirtx was beard
in eight selections on the piano trom
Liszt, Rubinstein, Burk, Moszkowski,
bee beck, Godard and Egghard. display
ing a splendid talent, liis touch is cor
rect and bis execution very pleasing.
Mrs. Wirtx was heard in five vocal selec
tions, showing a well cultivated voice
and excellent tones.
Miss Ora Darkness as reader was
heard twice and received praise for her
good work.
The a Ibany college conservatory ia in
good bands and is making splendid pro
gress. It is a credit to tbe college.
The trial of Pet Strahan-Moore going
on in New York City is of local interest
to Albany people, besides having attract
ed national attention. Here is yester
days account of it.
Mrs. Fayne Strahan-Moore and her
stylish gowns and wondrous eyes have
been banished from court during the
second trial of her husband, William A
E Moore, who, with his wife, is accused
of robbing Martin Mahon, proprietor of
(tie xvew Amsterdam hotel. Kecorder
Goff drove her into the exile of the
Tombs when the second trial was begun
in Part 4 of the court of general sessions.
The young woman, with the air of un
concern she has worn since the dav of
her arrest, swept early into court in
charge of a blue-coated court officer, and
with a pleasant nod and smile to Abra
ham Levy, her husband's lawyer, to k a
seat at his side.
Assistant District Attorney Mclntyre
had viewed the woman's advance
through the courtroom with a growing
wrinkle between his eyes. He aid not
want her there. It was safer in his mind
that sho should not sit there daily where
the jury cou'd look upon her and possi
bly be influenced by her attractiveness.
Therefore, when, alter the proceedings
had been formally opened, Mr. Levy
asked that Mrs. Moore be permitted to
remain and hear the evidence. Mcln
tyre objected. His view of the matter
was held by Recorder Goff, who ordered
the woman removed ,
Smiling slightly, she tripped away
with the watchful court othcer, back
across the "Bridge of Sighs" to her cell.
She may be called forth as a witness,
however. Mr. Levy savs be will put
her on the stand, and Mclntyre declares
he would like to ask her certain ques
tions. These relate, in part, to her diary,
which the officials of the district attor
ney's office say they bave obtainod pos
session of.
This record, it is said, covers the last
three years of her life, the most eventful
period, and describes many interesting
narratives, in which appear the names
of several prominent men. Levy insists
tsat no such diary is in existence.
Neither the woman who accuses Moore
of being a bigamist nor her mother was
in court. The young woman is still in
Connecticut, where she was taken after
the shock of tbe discovery of Moore's
marriage with Fayne Strahan. Her
mother, while not ia court, was near by,
within easy call of Mclntyre bad her
presence been needed.
As for Moore, he was evidently lighter
of heart than on his former trial. The
failure of the jury to agree bad given
him greater hope, and instead of tbe set
look be wore throughout Uie first trail
be hadapUasantexpreseio&imiled affa
bly when he greeted bis lawyer and his
associates, and at times showed amuse
ment at the examination of tbe tales
men. In tbe trial against Moore preceeding
that of his wi'e the jury brought in the
verdict: "We find the defendant, Wm.
A. E. Moure, guilty of robbery in the
first degree and recommend him to the
mercy of the court," Moore etood be
fore Recorder Goff a convicted felon.
After deliberating for two boors and a
half the verdict had - been reached.
Moore bit bis lips and clenched bis fist.
He stared at tbe recorder and at Mr Mc
lntyre and the jurors, folly realising his
position. lie knew the maximum pen-
alty for tbe offense is twenty years in
state pnson.
Two mora Oregon bova bave died at
Manila, Louis A Miller of Yamhill coun
ty, and John Fenton of Oakland.
There was nw balling at tbe depot
today. Tbe snow was brought down from
the front last evening on box car.
It is reported that Mr Robert Craw
ford is contemplating tbe erection of aa
opera bouse block, it ia to be hoped be
Tbe second number of the linn Coun
ty School Journal is out. It is well got
ten up edited and ia a credit to the pub
lishers and the cause of education.
Dr Cusick has resigned as president
of the Capitol National Bank of Salem,
and J 11 Aloerta baa been appointed.
Joseph II Alberts will be cashier.
The receipts of the 8 P for October
were five and half million dollars. Tbe
Company wilt spend two million dollars
for new cars and engines.
The search for tbe body of J. R. Burk
num, of Uarrisburg,ba been of no avail,
and has practically been given np as
hopeless, though it is probable there will
be a farther search at times for it.
Mrs Virgil Parker retained from the
Bay this noon.
Josh Conn and family, ol Salem, are
visiting Albany relatives and friends.
Lkenee was issued today forth mar
riage of U E Banto and Miss Dell Sloan.
Charles F. Kent, one of tbe Eugene
boys with tbe troop at Honolulu, aied a
few days ago.
Fred Weatherford and Rockey Ma on
of the Bishop Scott Grammar School,
Portland, are in tbe city for the holi
Mr. J. B. Tillotson returned home last
evening from Mill City, where he has
just rebuilt the bridge, doing a first-
ciass Joo.
A (sre well party was given by Miss
Marie Lone in ber parlors on Second
street Wednesday evening in honor of
Mite Roso Mespelt, who leaves on this
evening's overland for Santa Rosa, Cal,
to be united in marriage on Christmas
eve to Mr. Allen Cbamberlin, son of Dr.
and Mrs. Chamberlin, formerly of this
city. Tbe evening was spent in pleasant
conversation until 1 1 o'clock when re-
tresumenu were served. Ine evening
was one long to be remembered by all
present. Tbe best wishes of many Al
bany people will go with .Miss aiespeit.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Road Meetings.
A well attended meeting of (he tax
, payers of Road Diat. No. 15 was held at
the office of the Albany Nurseries, atone
, o ciock tsaturcar. ue. 17th
Officers and members of Alpha Temple
No. I Rathbone Sisters :
We your comir ittee appointed to draft
resolutions ;npon the death of our es
teemed eiBtsr Minnie aiannaii. man and G. L. Ree secretary.
Whereas, It has pleased the "Almighty A motion tnst D. i. Hackleman be
God" in his infinite wisdom to reniovo 1 recomrusnded in dm nnimt nnt in.
from our midst our worthy sister Minnie , appintment aa supervisor of this district
D. D. Hackleman wae'ehoten chair-
Marshall, who died on the 17th of Nov.,
1898, therefore, be it
Resolved, That we extend our heart-
was unanimously carried.
Tbe question of the a to of wide tire.
versus narrow tire wagons wis discutsed
toll sympathy to tuo mourning loved ; at some length, and motions favoring
The meeting of the Indian war veter
ans will be beld in this city on Thursday
of next week and not yesterday as was
erroniously stated. All veterans are re-
beusted to be present.
A transport of regulars will leave the
United States on Januajy 15 for Manila,
to relieve tne volunteers wilt be
difficult to figure 'heir arrival home
much befo a the end of their year from
the state, April 30.
a he Leading MIn&trcl Attraction
and many virtuej, and pray that in this
time of sorrow, which has so heavily fal
len upon them, that God, in his infinite
mercy, will help tbem to bear tnts their
sad bereavement.
RxHOLvcn. That as a just tribute to our
deceased sister, we drape our charter for
30 davs. and. that these resolutions be
spread on the minutes of the Temple, a
copy of these resolutions be sent to Uie
family, also the city papers.
Li'ba. Haioht,
Knox Hakiht,
Homce Hyde.
-. y
The msn in abose hand writing the
first record maj in Lion county ia in
tcribed, died this morning at 8 o'clock at
his borne at Knox's Buite, M. C. Cham
ber at tbe age of 82 years.
Mr Chambers came to Oregon in 1817
from Galesborg, III , and daring tbe
years that followed bailt up a splendid
reputation as a neighbor and cittxen, be
ing respected and etteemed by ail know
ing him.
He was the second county clerk of the
county, bat tbe first record was mad by
him as clerk, there being no record of his
reputed predecessor. Mr. Chambers
leaves a large family of grown sons and
daughters, a wile and many mends to
mourn tbe loss of a good man . to use their influence and votes in
favor of a bill tc exempt parties using
wide tire wagoos from a portion of their
road tax, with a view to encourage their
general use, were unanimously carried.
ii was aiso voted to ask our represent
stives to work for such a revision of our
road law in relation to the collection of
tax as would render thsA affective.
Aa lb travel from all lbs surrounding
territory centers in a few roads adjacent
10 Albany, and the regular Ux is not
sufficient to keep tbem in repair, it was
thought best to donate extra work in this
district, and tbe Road Supervisor was
appoiutsd to circulate a subscriDilon
J asking tb Ux-payr of tb district to
oonai wora amounting to on ball of
their regular road tax. Such a paper
was prepared and generally signed by
those present.
It was also argued that it is certainly
to the interest of tb butinew men ol Al
bany that the rjads adjacent thereto b
kept in ccod eondition..t ia adviaahe miH
just thst they be g vea an opportunity
to assist in tb matter, and the Super
visor was instructed to circolate a sub
scription among them also.
Alter tendering Mr. Brownell a vole of
thanks for tb naa of hia afRea ( mat
ing then adjourned.
The Cmlae ot the Launch.
Tbe gasoline launch rented from Cor
valhs pariies bad its first job jesUrday,
tbe taking of a boat np tb river to
Graoger, for Jack Hamill and Boxer
Keelands. As there was a good load in
the boat Hamill and Neelaods walked,
thinking they would get there nearly a
quick aa the launch. They did, quicker,
and waited and waited. In tb mean
time John Warner. Fraak Froman, Den
ver Hackleman, Beo Cielan and Mr.
Risley bad Wit Albtny at 7 a. m. and
were having a desperate struggle with
tbe current up stream, tack ling every bar
along tbe edge of tb stream, and fre
quently stopping to Uke tbetr breath. It
is not certain whether tber got out and
shored tb boat, bat Usmili says it is a
fact that it was S o'clock in lb after
noon, after eight boura oa tb water,
when thej reached Granger only about
four mile np tn river. Coming don
stream tbe to men in the boat were
about equal to tb lannch. Tb Drxo
caar depend on other for tb straight
of tbis cruise getting it I row high authority.
MUlntftbt Mass
Saturday night at 12 midnight mats
will be celebrated in tbe Catholic church.
Tb old Christmas anthems will be rend
ered with the accompaoitoeot of tbe
grand pipe urgan by tne rerular choir
and tb cbori.ier of St Mary's. An
admission ol 5 cents will b charged to
cover tbe expen.e attached to tbe cele
bration. Poor wili be opened at 11
o clock p. m. AH friends cordially in
vited. Lot: i a jasTAVxa.
CaaiSTMAS Donees. Tb Sabbath
schools of tb city will all bold Christ
mas entertainments, ot different kinds,
often appreciated moat bv the
connected w!tb tbeu.. Moat of the pro
grams ulil be presented Christmas v..
wbicb Is tomorrow evening. Tb I nited
Fvangelical, though a ill bare the'r tree
tonight at tb residence ol tb castor
Kav. Bent. Hartmao and tb Evanatli-
cal cburcb Monday night. Tbe Catho
lic cburcb will cetebrate biga mass ta
mo, row night at midnight. Tb S. A.
will be among tbo with trees tomor
row night.
aOD DtSTBICT ao. 5.
A meetinaof the lel mn ni inu
district was beld at Grand Prairie grange
nan on inorsoay alter dood, Dec. 22.
bapervisor H. D. Bnrkhart -IL4 m
order and stated tb object of the meet
ing, ionis suggestion tbat a chairman
and secretary be elected, C H. Walker
was ccoeen as tb former and Harvey
Bed ine as tb latter.
After a very interesting aiscuasioa up
on tb making of rood roads and ti
road making machinery needed, and par
licjlarly by this ditlrict, action was
taken substantially as fullews: Voted
to ask tb county court to pore bate an
"Elevated road ditcher " Also voted to
in timet tb sam body to purchase a
rock chrnsber. with toe request tbat
District No. S be allowed to uja tb sam
forty days dariag tb year. Alto notice
to circulate petitions tbroogbont tb
coonty asking tb legislature to pass a
law requunne lead oaners to drain their
lo view of tb Urge amount of travel
over tb roads in tbis diotrict, and tbat
ral pre pert y Is assessed higher in tbe
am than in other pans of Linn eoonty,
it was voted to ask tb count court to
grant to tbe district tb money coming in
irom bigber assestment, too ex
pended in improving tbe said roads
us mouoo proceeded to ieet a super
visor for 19&9. Alter a spirited coott
H. D, Bnrkhart was elected for recom
mendation to tbe eoonty coart for tbat
office .after ab'.ch the meeting ad joaroed.
From tie News.
J. A. Bilya is ia Albany this week.
sttendiog to matters befcr tb probata
Those of our merchants wbo bad a
stock of holiday goods era now just a bolt
ail op." Tb holiday trad tola year
baa bten exceptionally good.
R. B. Miller, ot Albany, was In Scio
this week, baring co.o over to keep an
ey oo hi son "Bill." Beiag on of our
staancbeat friends be i si t tb shop a
pleasant call.
Johnson and Phillips bave purchased
lb property back ot tb SUo Hotel, oo
wbicb tb old livery barn stands. Tny
are going to erect a new warehouse on
tb adjoiaiog property and moving
tbeold barn they uo awsy with a fir
Tb mask ball lo be given by tb Ivy
Leaf dancing club on Friday evening,
December 30. promises to b tb aociai
vnt of tb season. No pains are being
spared to make tb occasion a soccs.
Cbas. Devne, of Waterloo, bas been en
gaged to farattb the music.
Lovers of fir.t class whit face min-
trelsy wilt bave tbe opportunity of see
ing tbe largest and beet burnt eork at
tract icn traveling, wbo will fill in a
spare date, at the Armory Hall on Tues
day One, 27. The reason for tbis bia si
tu .lion appearing here is tbey appear
at tbe Harquam Grand at Portland, ibis
week and from thence tbey go to Ban
F rancisco for a ran of four weeks. Ibey
fill in only three nights enroot to San
Francisco and Albany will get on of
tbem. Tbe press of Portland speaks in
the highest terms of their attraction.
Religious service.
Dr I. D. Driver will preach at the M.
E. church tomorrow, morning and even
ing, Sunday school at 12. Epworth
League at 6 -.30, eveniog services at 7 :30,
Bsptist cburcb: Preaching service,
10:30; Sunoay school, 1 IMS; Chinese
mission, 3:00; Innior society, 3:30;
Young People society, 6:30; evening
service, 7:30. Mr. and Mrs Sherman
Th mpon are expected to aid in tbe
tinging in tbe evening. Rev. R. Mc-
h-illop will conclude bis service a pas
tor of tb church at this latter service
Christian church: No morning ser
vice, as the funeral of Miss Lizzie Hoot
er will occur from tbe family residence at
10 a m. Evening services at 7:30.
Topic, "Human Creeds." Special mu
sical proersm under direction .of ?rof.
Geo. A. Wirtx.
Presbyterian church: Tbe morning
service will be beld at 11 o'clock and is a
Christmas service of both cburcb and
sabbath school, and tbe Sabbath school
ill meet st tbat Um instead of 11 :45.
Junior Endeavor at 3:30; Senior En
dearer at 6:30; evening worship at 7:30.
Subject of th sermon, "Tb Chriatmaa
name." A cordial in vitation ia a tend
ed to all to attend all tbe service.
United PretbTterian : !Morniaa ser
vice at 10:30; S. H . 11:45: Junior En
deavor, 3:30; Senior Endeavor, 6:30;
craning service, 7 :30. Each service of
tbe day wm be a Cbrwtms service. S.
and tbe Ladeavora win bave Christ
mas subject. Subject of morning ser
mon, "Cbmtmaa Gift. fcabwet of
evening sermon, "Th Star of Betble-
nsm." All are cordially invited to tbe
Cumberland Pre byterian cbatb er
vice morning sad evening. Morning
abject "A Joyous Cbnttmss. eveniog
subject "Is Jesus the Christ." S S at
10 a m, preaching 11a ra. Jr Endeavor
TO p n, Sr Endeavor 0 -.30, preaching
J). Thursday evening prayer meeting
:30 Yoa are invited
InjthiiiK ani lYflrjthin&
Correspondence Solicited.
DS F, r MAMS, Pres. : A. H. FRIERISES, 8EC.
rtie Amusement Event
ot the
Thomas Brink's Furnitui e
.Lately.'" He ha? one of the finest stocks of4Furni
ture in the valley.
He has added Bahv Buggies to h stock.
) Just call i a and you will find that his prices are
From the Criterion :
Wm. Fronk left this morning for
Grants Pass, where he will engage in
mining with Ab and Ed Umpbrcy, who
are now at. mai pace.
M. W. Wilkin left yesterday for Port
land, where he will remain for a week or
ten days. We -may expect some rail
road news when he returns.
Tbe Oregon Agricultural College Glee
Club, of Corvalfis, will be beard at the
opera house, Thursday, Dec. 29. Re
served seats now on sale at Miner a drug
COrCl ' Miss Maggie Burkhart left Yesterday
S.wawlrtr ttrt-ftU..- whnM ihft will visit ttr
several weeks with' tbe family of Ed
Houston. ' '
Hi Henry's Big City Minstrel Aggre
gation of fifty all white artists, will appear
at Armory Hall on Tuesday, Dec 27.
Tbis company is the great minstrel or
gani wtion and has been for tbe last twen
ty years organized for tbe large cities and
is every where pronounced the largest.
most expensive and best of its class.
They appeared at the Marqutn Grand,
Portland, last nigbt to crowded bouses
and from there tbey go to San Francisco
for a run of four weeks in tbe New Grand,
wbicb w'll take tbe place ot the Baldwin
Theater wbicb recently burnt. The
reason for their ' ig attraction appearing
here, is to nil in a spare date en route to
Ban t rancisco.
balem is getting high toned. At the
last meeting of the city council an ordin
ance prohibiting tbe wearing of any bon
net, hat or other bead gear by a lady,
excepting skull caps, snd other bats that
fit close to the head, at anv theater or
Lkctuke'at Lebanon. Tomorrow eve- ot?e place ol amusement, where an ad
vniaointi ( A m An Afb.Al 1 - fM .
I .
I ni I IsfrMliisfcdWawTlTI '
TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from
dissipation, self-abuse, xewe or cigarette .moking. In as
over 60 years. Brings back your Manhood, cares depleted worn
out menses rich blood and tissue. Cure, wastfngs and aM
tosses, make you Isstingly strong, cures
loan of memory., bad dreams, shrunken orgsns, despondency, sleeplessness,
Vrioc anT? lus.r to tbejyes. stops nervous twitehing.
of th velio. Makts lit woth living. A boon to young or old . MORMON
BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restore small 11 ffi!n-
i i j. iu. Tru.i. j..!.. PriM within tbe reach oiii. uuaran-
a box o lor s.ou vr X , '
REMEDY CO., Ssn rancisco. vai.
Lay & Mason, Albany. . , -
teed to cure. Price
Address - BISHOP
For sale by Fos-
ning in tbe M. E. church south in Leba
non, Prof. Martindale, of the public
schools, will deliver bis talk on West
minster Abbey, delivered in the M. E.
cburcb tn this city several weeks ago.
This is a well-told account of the Prof's
personal visit to tbat famous place, and
no one in Lebanon should miss bearing
it. Tbe Prof, will be accompanied! by
the High School Quartet of young ladies
who will give a program which alone is
worth hearing.
Oregon Dkntal College. The Oregon
College of Dentistry was yesterday in
corporated in the state department by E
G. Clark. Herbert C. Miller. John
Welch, Everett M. Hood, J. R. Cardwell,
C. R. Templeton, B. E. Wright. The
purpose is to establish a dental" college
in Portland, ; I he capital stock la fixed
at $4,000, divided into forty shares of the
value of 1 100 each.
mission fee is charged, was Daaaed. The
penalty lor aisooeying this ordinance Is
a nne oi not less tnan sz nor more than
$5. or imprisonment in th city jail for
not leaf than one or more than five days
Binger Hermann will remain in tl
land office. Hi. A. Uitchrock. nf Mia.
souri.has been appointed to attend to the
intricate duties ol the ollice of
of the interior.
Students at going and coming for tbe
Mr. Joe Purdom Is in tbe city on a
holiday trip.
C. G. Hayna arrived home from Ft
Stevens tbis noon for tb holidays.
Misa Clara (lillaarv. of Tnrner. la in
tb city the guest ol Mr. Morris.
Lewis Smick. ot Roeebure. is here at
tbe paternal home for tbe holidays.
E. E. Aldricb, of the Lebanon flouring
mills, is in tbe city today.
The Miasea Pennington, ot McMinn-
vi le, are bom for tb bolidajs.
Mis Annie Flinn arrived home from
Standford University for tbe holidays.
Mrs. H. F. Merrill and vounaest child
went to Portland tbis noon for tbe holidays.
Miss Campbell cam up from Portland
this noon on a visit with ber sister Mrs.
J. L. Pas is tb ntw W. M. of Eu
gene's A. F. and A. M. J.F. Robinson
continues to be th secretary.
Rev. Can and family will leave next
week foi Amity to reside. Mr. Cane
left today on a visit aith her parents be'
or locating lb sre.
G. A. HU1 is on of Seattle's justices ol
tb peace, and recent! v had a letter in
tb r. i. about Questions in reierence w
tbe courts over wbicb there is somewhat
of a controversy, Mr. Hill is alcrmer
Albany man and a brother oi nr. j. u.
Rev Lane, pastor of th Christian
phnrrh of Albanv will deliver a temper
ance lecture at the M E church, at mis
city, ' next Wednesday and Thursday
nights. ctayton Man.
Harrv Palmer. the scenery painte who
was in Albanv two or three years ago,ha
been in the city. Since bis former visit
here his wile lias died leaving mm iu,-
Maior Johnson and family, of Albany.
father of Dr J P Johnson, who is work
ing with Dr S A Munkery, will spena
Christmas with the family of I J Russell
in this county. Independent Enter
Miss Nellie Hogue returned this morn
ing from Stanford University, where she
has been for nearly two years. She is
delighted with the University and hopes
to return next year to complete the
eniuae she has begun there. In the mean
time she expects to assist her father with
his work, wbicn ue uas lotinu too neavy
lor bim.
Hera sre some interesting Christmas
presents secured in the county clerks of
fice In the record of marriage licenses in
rlleatinir a liva Christmas in Linn county
S R Willis and Mary K Kisley, reward
E 8tewart and Laura W Gaines, E May
er and Lottie Jenkins, W W Thomas snd
A Garden, B R Westbrook and Minnie A
A Cbriatnias Dinner.
Eorro DsaoraAT:
Tbe Salvation Army bav mad at
rancemeotato gives Christmas dinner
to children of tbe city wbo are nototbr
wiso provided for. Dinner at 1 o'cloca
i. m S.tnrdav DacStth 'tomorrow).
th children who xrect to attend this
(tinner ara rea nested to be at tb ball
prumptiv at 1 o'clock. Persons wbo
ham kindlv arreed lo assttt in iornish-
inz tb table are requested to send in
thtir coo tribo tions beior that hoar, or
notify tbo officer wbo will come and get
There will b a Christmas trt st tb
at ft nVlnrk ia th venlnc when old
Santa Clso is expected to presid with
lb oioal Chriatmaa exercise oi songs
and recitations by tb children. All ar
Not worth psyint attention
to, yoa say. Perhaps you
bave bad it for weeka.
It's annoying because you
bav a constant desire to
cough. It annoys you also
because you remember that
weak lungs is a family failing.
At first it is a (light cough.
At last it is a hemorrhage.
At first it Is easy to cure.
At last, extremely difficult.
G. W. Taylor returned last evening
from Portland, where he had been to
make arrangements to locate, which he
may do in tbe spring in Albina. While
on tbe way down be sawithe warf man
ai Oregon city.Mr Graham,tke sensat
ional fall in the river, and assisted in
getting mm.
Your Wheat.
Call at tbe office of Oarran A Montelth
If yoa wish to sell your wheat and get
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
faiipowderiare fhtgreaUat !
us to health of the present day.
Mitt Nona Miller, of Lebanoo. is vi til
ing Albany friends.
Jams McKillop is noin from Mc-
Minnviile for the hohdsys.
Mayor-elect and Mra. Moi.Uzue. of
Lebanon, are in th city.
Chris D. Dummicks was todsv a i mil
led to citizenship at this city.
Frank Galbraitb. of tb Salem wo.len
mills, is in tbe city for tb holidays.
Deputy C. fi. Msrrbal J. A . Wilson is
in Albany for thcCbrtftmasfettiv-.tie.
Ex-coontr recorder D F Hardman ar
rived home tbis noon for the hoi id vs.
Mia Uatti Warner left last night for
Medford and itim Netti Whitney for
Eogen to spend tbe holidays.
Mrs. E- B. Piper, and son, Seattle, are
visiting at tb paternal bom of Leo WU-
i, on Uenter street. balem Journal.
Mr. Cbas. F. Barnrraf. tb architect.
is in tb citv. He recently arrived borne
from several months spent in Coo coun
ty, where be bad tbe soperintendency of
lb work on tbe new court bouse.
Tbe Laiy Maccabse were given a sur
prise by the Knight last eveniog and a
no time was bad. Tb men are confid
ent Ibey cannoot be excelled aa entertainers.
Mis Blanche Wrenn.of Portland .cam
up to Albanv this noon to spend Christ
mas, and wiii be tbe gie?l oi ner sister
Mr A R McCoy Miss Etta re on will
be expected tonight.
Tb county clerk continue to be busy.
Sine yesterday afternoon tb following
licenses have been istued for tb msrn
agr of Linn county vonog people: U M
Jjoutta and Lena uonrcniii, Cbarie
Haea and Minnie Croisaut. O D McLan
r . .
and Mary J Leonard .
There was a lam attendance at tb
firemen' ball last evening. Tb com.
mi'le bad don their doty in tbe matter
of decoration, and tbe bal room pre
sented tb proper fire appearance. The
light, fantastic toe was lipped until the
Mai early hoar.
Selh McAltster. wbo recently went to
Moscow. Idaho, to take a position in the
electric tight work in that city, has re
turned to rortiand. tie lound tbe woe-
cow light works ia such a deplorable
condition financially tbat be did njt care
to take lb position. Uoard.
kuius and rred ibomoson cam no
from McMinnvill college last evenhig
lor the holidays. Lair will spend tbem
in ancoover with bis sitter. In the
recent oratorical contest of McMinnvill
college for the '94 das pris Rufas r
ceived tbe prise.
Senator Simon will spend Christmas
holiday in New York with relatives, and
Senator McBride will divide his time be
tween tbat city and Washington. Re
presentative Ellis will visit relative in
Indiana. Mr. Tongue, wif ol Repre
sentative Tongue, reached Ytsruington
last nigbt.
A letter received Wednesday from Pri
vate Will Tycer, wbc is in the hospital at
Manila, conveys the ill news that bis
foot wss not improving as it should. As
soon as he is able to travel he will return
borne, bavicg been discharged on ae
eount of his misfortune. Brownsville
Mrs. Ansa Manes snd litt'e daughter,
wbo bave been tbe guests of relative ia
this city for the past eight months, will
depart on tomorrow morning's train,
with t'once, Porto Rico, aa their object-
iectiv point. Enroute tbey will visit in
tortiauu, nana
Itebraska, and
Tb Korthw-at Poultry show.
In Albany, Linn Co , Or.,
January A to 16,1899. ,
At A. O. Beams
for Christmas,
Candies, nuts, orange, etc., as well as
cauliflower, cabbage and celery.
Wheat 48 cents.
Will A Stark's for holiday goods.
Manv noviellie for hnli!av at ir:ti a
Starts. f
Crayon and Pastel work a raviaT r r
Mis Lona's. ' "
French ' Jewel rv tor ia headnnar
ter lor Chriatmaa goods.
Sample io Ba Relief bboto ran be
seen at Mis Long's.
oO cent photo made by tb thousand
eveiy week at Mis Long'.
tor knives, forks and spoon see
French, the jeweler.
Everv time vrm thinV nf
think of F rendu Jewelry Store.
Bas Relief phHos now all the rage,
eall and see sample at Mis Long'
ree r re neb's display window for the
atest novelties in watches and ring?.
A large and fine stock rf ri.-ara mnA to
bacco at Conn A Huston's. .See tbe display.
What i more amtahla than n nf
thos 25 warranted sewing machine i
E. L. Will' Marie Store tor a Christ mat
present 7
Parents, bay a musical instrument l
yoar boy and girls and so make borne
pleasant and refined . . U. Will sella
tbe beat for th least mooey.
ror present tbat will keen tor a lib.
time aod please tb whole family ro to
t. L. Will Music Store to mike inni
Tb MensenbaorGoitar Zither, a act
able Christmas present at E. C. Will's
Masic More, easy to learn to play. .
Christmas iaeominr and an ia Kint,
Clau. What woo Id be more nleasiae
to send to your friends than a nice photo
of yourself wbicb yoa can get by calling
on Miai Long, 2nd and Ferry street.
Those old standbva. necktie hnt.
chiefs, slipper and suspender coatino
io oe good Christmas presents. Tb L.
E. Blain Clothing Co. have a large and
elegant stock of tbem.
Tb O. R &S. wiH seil ticket at ra-
daced rate to all parts on Dec. 23, 28 and
28. Fare and one-filth for round trip.
Ticket expire Jan. 4th.
Tbe O. R. A X- ba ordered tbe con
struction ot nine branch roads in tbe
ortbwrt. Tbat is basinec.
Tber ba been an excellent hn'iaw
trade in Albany tbis year, and nearly ail
tb mtrctianta seem satisfied with tb
amount of goods sold.
Tbe Christmas TeWram ijued last
evening is on of tb finest editions of a
paper ever published in tb Northwest.
i ia aruauc ana ap-to-aaie in makeop.
A street ear collision occurred vector-
day in Portland in tbe same place where
tbe accident occurred a rear ago, tbis
on reenltinc in several being injured.
Henry Prettyman seriously.
B- F. Blodgett inform ca that a Jan-
aneee partridm (a new game bird taraej
tone in tbis county com timoago) ba
taken np it abode with hi chickens.
Heeav it is a verv rrttv bird, anil
quite tame. Lebanon LA.
Dr Booth received vm todsv Irom his
brother Joel at Manila, twa euci a drum
snd a blanket which had been taken
Irom Spaniards. Tbe, with other
thiegs b ha sent from the ram place,
make an interesting coi Iect.on. Leba
non E A.
At th annual election held in Prine-
vlll tb followina ticket elected:
Mayor. L. X. Liggett ; csancilman, J. X.
Williamson, Chris Cobrs, William Me-
Vleektn and Ed X. Wbi'; recorder, M.
H. Bell; attornep. Edwin Hodge:
marshal, William Prine; treasurer, R-
S. Price.
Tber is a treat deal ot iokinc in the
papers about tn f lzcaii soil )ast argued
in th aupreme coart by Doagls eoonty
attorneys. It bas eoet $500 and tb end
is not yet. it bas a chance to equal th
famous Jones case that cost tea times as
much and took many year to dispose of.
Tb biggest calve in och case are tbe
men wbo continue tb fight on principle
Another Big Store.
W. B. Stevens and F. K. Deuel, two
prominent business men of Medford,
Or., former Missouri neighbors of J. A.
Weaver, wbo bave been in tbe valley for
some time prospecting yesterday after
noon completed arrangement with Mr
David Froman for th leating of two
store in hi brick for a term of five years.
The store will be made into a big double
store and improved for tb firms big bas
in. Messrs. Stevens St Deuel left last
nigbt for Trenton to close np some busi
ness sffsirs tber and will return to Al
bany next Mondayjrobbly in time to
open tbe store in cebmary. Tbey ex
pect to carry a large stock of 125,000 or
Deuel & Steven for three years bave
been running on of tb leading store,
of Medford, which tbey will continue
under char re of Mr. Deuel, while Mr.
Stevens will come to Albany and take
charge of tb Albany store. He has a
good sized family and desire tbe advan
tages of our excellent schools. Both
members of th firm were formerly
school mates of Mr. W. F. Read of this
eity. Tbey are reported to be nailers,
working; for big sales on small margin.
Tne Star Troupe of the Day.
Hi Henry's Big City Minstrel Aggrrga.
tion of fifty all white performers wi'.l fill
tn a spare date enroot to San Francisco
at tbe Armory ball, Albany on Tuesday
Dee. 27, coming direct from their big bit
at Portland. Tbis attraction come
strongly endorsed by tbe Portland, Salt
Lake, Denver and tbe entire eastern
o attraction come better endorsed.
and if reputation and success sre any
indication of tbe merit of an attraction
th Hi Henry Minstrt Aggregation
Certainly standa at the Head.
strict lv feusines.
French tbe jeweler.
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkins Brothers, agent.
Best BicyUe for Ue money.
Will A Stark, jewelers.
"Trilby" leads, others follow a
Stewart A Sox Hardware Co'.
A dox. first clae rbotos. best finith.
only 60 cent at Mia Long's.
Seed rve for sale. Call at the A!hu
Nursery or at tbe store of C. E. BrowneH.
Crescent bicvcles at Honkina Brnthxa
for only 120, 130, 135 ami 8o0.
C B Winn, cut ticket scent. Ticket
to all points in th east.
Be sure and see the aati rat tiawir at
Sopkia Bros, will lasl a tiff-time.
W have decided to continue makinv
the 5C cent photo. Long Photo Co.
For calcium carbide eo to the office of
Oregon Gas Light Heating & Power Co.
A fine lot of new cook stove and
range at Stewart A Sox's. Prices cheat
er than ever.
Excellent Graham Waters
at C. E. Btomu'i.
Manv a Lover
Ha turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath.
(Lan e C lover Hoed Tea panne tbe breath
by its action on tbe bowels, etc. as notb-
else wilL Sold for yean on absolute
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Late to bd asd early to riee, prepare a
man for bis home ia the ckie. u early
to bed sad a Little Eariy Riser, the pill
tbat makes life longer and belter aad wiser.
I- A. lumraiag. ageat.
Umbrella Notice.
Umbrella recovered in first class
style, by Mrs. M. Lndwig. at Broda;b:n
and Third streets, lor from 50 cents to
2 50. Repairing of all kinds promptly
attended to. Patronise home innitk-tiona.
Dja'tbayaa "Airtight" stov uat
voa see the "Hickjrv" aai "rnlbv
kept by Stewart A Sox.
"Trilby" the most popular heaiina
stove on the market at Stewart A Sox
Hardware Co's.
Tb Long Photo Co. is the teadinc
gallery of Albanv. Every photo made
ibex is a gem oltr' Call and see for
yoa reel vea.
Costipoa prevent the body from rid
ing itself ot waste rnatttr. De Witt's Lit
tle Earty Risers will remove the trouble
asd cor Sics Headache, Biliousness. Ia
cu re Livr and dear tbe complexion.
Small, snear coated, don't gripe or caase
aaase. J. A. Camming, agent.
Success Comes to those who perse-
fvere. If yoa take Hood' s Sarsaparilla
aithfutly and persistently, aecordins; to
direction, yoa may depend upon a cure
ben a oars u p mi all
I. O. O.F.OrgeanaEncampment willl
confer the Roal purple degree tonight. I
All members should be present, and as-1
sist in tbe good work.
Will Lane, of Hillsboro.has been fined
110 for smoking a cigarette. A good ex
ample. Itlssgainstthelawtosmokeas
well as to sell.
quickly conquers your little
hacking cough.
There is no doubt about
the cure now. Doubt comes ,
from neglect.
tor over nait a century
Ayer's Cherry Pectorsl has
been curing coias ana cvuus
and preventing consumption.
It cures Consumption also
If taken In time.
pcttwii rustert vcr w
ibbs. If ii etas.
A Christmas Observance.
Al5T, Or., Dec 24, 1SSS.
To all Sir Knights Greeting:
Yoa are requested to attend a meeting
of Temple Commandery Xo. S Knights
Templar, to b beld at Masonic Tm pis
on Monday morning, December 35 th,
1888, at 80 o'clock.
This meeting ia calied by virtue of th
receipt of a communication from Sir
John B. Cleland. Riaht Eminent Grand
Commander of Oregon, and addreaied to
th bfneer of the Grand Commandery of
Oregon and to tb officers and Sir Knight
of th Subordinate Oommaoderie. earn
estly recommending tbat tbe Knight
Templar ol Uregon assemble in their re
pec live asylum and be prepared at
s9HK r'cl-jck a. m. to join with the
Knight Tjmplar throughout th United
State i their annua: Christmas observ
Tb I lowing toast Bas been prepared
lor the e ming ubrtstmas:
"To oar Most EminentGrand Master,
Reuben riedley Lloyd, wbo rnles the
tb Templar Hosts from Point Barrow to
Porto Kico. from the Paseamaqaoddy to
tbe Philippines."
The grand master sands tbe following
re pons:
"A 'hnt who armor is truth, wboss
watchward is brotherly love, whose mis-
out e tbey win visit in , , -"v" i"" "
w.iu an,! i invin ! intellectual development, must in time
i. u,.n ! capture th world ."
vill. Alabama, until spring. Mr. Mane, L? .h first occasion ben the I
RA fll'na Sin ntficAaw in Ka MnU - I IvjIAI llS7Il VI VI vat Vtl Uwn Iwlavts wsaataa I
ha resigned, and will local in Porto ;.tbf r r"nd jurisdictions throughout the
Rico. Brownsville Times. United States, in the observance of this
- annual ceremony, and it is earnestly
A Small Ft be. A fire was discovered urXec aPn b b-uignt. io p pree
in the roof of the house on the third nt. equipped ne prepared to parUcipal
ward occupied by Mr Tillison yesterday 'n,M ceremonies, promptly at tne nour
afternoon, havinu ramlit on tha nntaiitn ' Ot V '.W O Clock . m
. . o- r , 1 i' .. .
irom the flue. A bucket bruradelwas "
lorniea aaa tne name extinguished at-
Bring tbe bebie and get a do, o
those cute little Diamond photos, only
50 cent at Mis Long's.
Anotber shipment of Coke Dandruff
car received at Combination tar ber
Rheumatism causes more acne and
pain than any other disease. It is doe to
acid ia tbe blood, sad is cared by Hotd's
Saraaparilla which neatralixe this acid.
Hand s PUIS ear oiuoasuess. uw
for cents by C. L. Hood A Uo-, Low! 1
Refuse any other floor,
except the Magnolia.
We buy, sell and store grain,
We make Magnolia Flour.
Also whole wheat, Patent and germ,
Th Mnguolia Mill.
( fttiMii mstert sver r A
m. It M CHS. n
J Shall w e4 NI t
if bsk tab aahfKt, rraa 1
Vk Ob IKWoaf Dpai". f)
2 If yoa Kara any acanalalal wfcaV v
1 1 mr u4 Swlta lha ! madlcal A
if adYteajroaeaapoMlbly obtain, writ 1
tv Mia aoctor tnily. Yoa will taeaWa 2
a uromul Mply, without eo. ft
aadnw.IK. J. p. aVBR. If
F. E. Aujlv,
Eminent Commander.
ter hard work without calling out Uie
department aa some people are in the
habit of doing every time a spark is ;
seen, the building is owned R A Irvine. ,
Stouw. Last evening at the fireman's
ball a pair ot shoe was stolen trom
Usrry Schlosser- While dancing he bad
exchanged the stoe for th dancing
Sump usually worn leaving them in lha
ressing room, fiom which tbey were
taken, 'lb urmocrat ia inlorraed that
th thief is known and tbat auless he
returns th shoes it will be mad warm
tor bim,
Tni Democrat always takes a rest on
Chriatmas,never having failed to do so yet
As it falls on Su da this year under our
te Monday will be the legal holiday,
" on tbt day there will be no Dsn
at b tbe evening. W will celebrate.
Manila Cvaioa. Among th sever
collection of curios sent homo trom
Msuila with Yerick and Wir was a box
received by Mr. Cooper Turner, which
tb Dxmockat man bas bad the privilege
ol seeing. Tber are fully on thousand
shell, nearly all different, woaderlol in
shape and design, painted by nature on
tbe Philippine seashore, also a Spanish j
banner, four pairs ol slippers down at th
heeta,including a pair of number elevens
for Mr. Turner, and other curiosities.
We will pay the highest market price
or wheat, sea as before yoa selL
Cuxbax A MoirrnTH
m KcaiRCE of site? of figs
ia due not only to the originality and
simplicity ot the combination, bat also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientifia processes
known to the Cautobkia Fie Stbtjp
Co. only, and we w'sh to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. Aa the '
genuine Syrup ot Figs is manufactured
by the Gaufoksi. Fio Stbct Co.
only, a knowledge ot thai fact will
assist one in avoiding; the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tbe nigh standing- ot the CaU
VOBXiA Fis 8ntu Co. with the medi
esl profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup ot Figs has
given to Tnn;"w ot families, makes
the name ot the Company a guaranty
ot the excellence ot its remedy. It ia
far in advance ot all other laxatives,
aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get ita beneficial
affects, please remember the name of
the Company
aaa nuiionoav rat,
fcscsvraxx. . w vontstw.
in mguesi casn pnc.