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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1898)
YE VOL HAVE PEACE, and NEURALGIA Will have peace from PAIN and a CURE by using ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. HAVE YOU Thomas Brink's Lately. He ha3 one of the finest stocks of,Furni ture in the valley. rl haa added Babv Buecies to his stock. Just call in and you will DR. J. L. KILL Physician and Surgeon, Hill block, YAQU1NA ROUTE C0BTALLI8 ft EA8TM RAILROAD Connecting at YAQUINA with the YAQUINA BAY STEAM SHIP COMPANY STEAMERS Grace Dollar and MaYarro First-class in every respect. One ol the above steamers is doe to sail Irom Yaqnina about ever live days. Shortest route between valley pointc and Ban Francisco. Fare: Albany and points west to San Francisco Cabin 10 00 Round triD 17 Oi For sailing days apply ti Edwin Shone, H. L. Waldsn, Manager, T. F. & P. A. J. Tcaxxa, Agent Albany, Or. REW MK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week . . .1 . . . 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar rmWuarJtTTTT AlWnalcBajcxccBiSaa The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Ta a a aw Iobk World is first among ail " weekly ' papers in sue, frequency of publication and the freshiM, ceo racy and variety ol itscot-tents. It has all me merits ot a arpat $6 dailv at the pries of a dollai wMk!v. Its DoliticaJ news is prompt.coai plete, accurate and impartial aa all it read era will teeury. it u igunn me nnmvpv- lies and tor the people. It prints the news of all the world, hav inir ncial corresDondence from all im portant news points oa the globe. It has orilliant illustrations, stories by great .ntltftM Mnilal rtnranr nut p. com nipt markets, departments for the household and women's work and other special de- menu. e offer this uneqnaled newspaper a Oek ociat togetheroue year for x S00 PACIFIC LINE. ' To 1U Faints Eait Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxaioos dining can, elegant dav coaches, magnificent tourist cars md free colonist sleepers from the Pa cine to the Atlantic without change, C08TIBKCT AHD CHKAPE8T BOUT T Koolenay) Mining: "T District TRAIL, . bos-las d and All point in the Okanasan Country. Ge a pamphlet riving a full iescriptioi of this wonderful country. Ask the agent . for a copy of the mining laws of British Columbia. Lowes rate o and from Atlantic teamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo.'a .Royal Mail Steamship line to China andJapan CANADIAN AUSTRALIAN STIAJfER LI VI HONOLULU, Tilt AXD AUSTRALIA . The shortest lioe to toe Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage. ' For time tables, pamphlets, or any i ormatlon, call on or address. S S STEELE A CO. Asrnt-,Albtay EJ03YLE, Ag't, U5 Third St., P and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN, D. P. A. Vancouver OUR CAPACITY Is I'liequaled - . Iii the Valley. OUK WORK la Unsuipajsatfa - In Oregon. tn have the best stock to KelecUrom and our prices pro always the lowest, quality CiM)Hid;red SMILEY, Albany-. lie ri ri. VCARS CXPLRIiWC. A TBADC marks. i Damn). COPYRIGHTS o. Al.rotl. Minim s iketch and dMcrtptlon na auK ly aMmrtain, fta, whether an Inveotlou ti f probably pftUHitable. Communication, strictly .mltdatlaL Oldest airaucy fur securing patent. it America. W. hay. a, WeauliMrton, ofltce. Patent, taken through, Miuut A Co. rewira Spial uotloa In tba SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bMOtlfallr liiustrntod, Innrert d relation of liny Jouruul, wewkiy, term $3.00 a rear, MjiOnx moiitltH. Hpeeltuea co(la and UAJdO iKKiK on I'ATtN'Tn avcul frea. A4cli(jfa MUNN A CO., C"I V.r . sw VrU, lySfPte ratal S- ' . win) I WW JJWJ'J 1 ttioia sorely amlctM witn IUIILH Proprietor. BEEN IN Furnituie store find that his prices ate the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. RaaUi hi la will be received by tb Pnnntir CWk of Linn County until Janu ary 6th, 1899, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. for labor and material required in the re modeling and improving a brick cour house for Linn County, a: Albany, Oregon. All work to be completed by September Is 1899, according to plans and specifiactions a., fila in m orhce. The County Court will consider bids as follows: First, For the completiou of the enure work, , -. - I 111 mnn and carnenter WOTk. including material of brick, stone, latb and plastering, cementing, concrete, lunioer, i 6tCe Third. Heating and plumbing complete. Fourth, Galvanised iron, tinning and slating. KiFtj, paintinir. fill hidder will be required to give an approved bond for the amount of KiH i mmarliatelv after the contract is awarded him, upon such conditions as the court may dotes mine and demand. The County Uourt reseserves toe nju. 10 reject any or all bids. By order 01 tne w&nty lours tue . uu dav ot -emoer, into. RAKK I RABTRKB, . erk of Linn Count t, O m i Clubbing Rates. The Weekly Dkmocbat aud Exemintr art? KOa vsar.with oremium privileges Tie Weeklv Dsmocbat and Tbrice-a 7eek World for $3.00 a year. The Weekly Democrat and Kepubli or $1.75 a year. Weekly Dekocrat and Weekly Oregon ian $2.25 a year. LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilvea, Foshay A Mason block. JBN Blackburn, P O block. U Bryant. P O block. Anderson Cannon, P O block. JNDancan, PO block. T P Hackleman, Pearre block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly A Cnrl, bank building. L II Moitanve, Pearce bloc. J C Powell, P O block. C E Sox, PO block. L L bwaan. Bank building. H 0 Wateon, bank building. Weatherford 4 Wyatt. Baok building W bitney Newport, Cuaick block . G W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. S M Garland. BrownsTillc. A A Tuseing. Scio. TJ Wilson. Fit BAT HATI02IAL BANK. OF AUAKT, OBBOOS PPiflldMit-, . .... flm Purtd-at . Mlr. ... LPUKR . R.TOUHO .a, w. uauiwi IA"-aCT8 a OKNCBALbMUDt' .r"!niTKTa KPT .abtaet ta .Wck IO HT KXCHAROB and Wurmphle Xrmlvt, toU a Nov York 8m rrucwea.CUcuro r-u DL'tTTIOaS SADKoa U.flrabl. tones. S E Trj K W uhkk riSonin, L. rioa C. I. Tim. OREGON VI AVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison A Park St. LEWISTJUILDIXG. Portland - Ore go GOOD INSURANCE OB NONE. If you want nothing tor your money get "Relief," but it yon want ' "Reliable IIlSllaI!ce,, have your property insured by lead ing agent of Albany, in companies tbat have ben in business for years, and that have money to bark their obligations. You cannot get a good article of tnv kind for nothine. and when you want in surance get "Insurance" and not "Re "Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. mm h Julius Gradwohl -:-Dealer in-:- 3 3 Hardware, Crockery, Glass- j I ware, Groceries and all goods. ; : kept Is country stores. ; I WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH 3 As Low as Anybody. 3 Country produce and eggs taken in exchange forgooods. 3 iumiuiuauiiiuiiiiuiuiun; FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale It Retail iLBAKT, OKKOOM. Pure Drugs and the finest and Lsrrea Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. rwn t -f- i m -e sail CayrntsanilTrarie Marts obtalncit and all Fat cct buiunrM condoeied tor Atoderata Pee, i r rnd ruod el. drawin gor photo. vaa3TiMlti patoDtable free of cuare. Our f not due till patent!.. soured. A Pamphlet "How toOb tAin PateDU," with oost of same la tbe C. B. aad foreign coaatrlea aeot free, iddreaa, a 4. snow & co. On. WsTsarr Omcm. WaBHinoTOH. D. C. mm She mwat V The Treaty. out Following is said to be an outline of I the treatv nf . ihnn.k nn ... public by the commission : Aiticle 1 provides for the relinquish ment of Cuba. Article 2 provides for the cseeion ot Porto Rico. Article 3 provides for the cession of the Philippines fei (20,000,000 as com. peneation. Article 4 embraces the plans for the cession of the Philippines, including the return of Spanish prisoners now in the hands of ths Tagalcs Article 5 deals with the cession ot bar racks, war mattrials, arms, stores buildings, and all property pertaining to the bpanish administration in the Philippines. Article 6 is a renunciation by both na Uons of their respective claims against each other and the citisens of each other. Arucie t grants to Spanish trade ana shipping in the Philippines the ran: treatment aa to Am rican trade and ndH shipping for a peirod of 10 years. Article 8 provides for the release oi a'l prisoners ol war hed by Spain aud of all prisoners held by her for political ! onenses committed in the colonies ac quired by the United States. Article 9 guarantees the legal rights of Spaniards remaining in Cuba. Article 10 establishes religious free dom in the Philippines and i guarantees to all charchra equal rights. Article 11 provides for the composi tion of courts and other tribunals la Forto R'.co and Cuba. Article 12 provides for the administra tion of justice in Tar to Rco and Cuba. Article 13 provides (or the continu ance for five years ol Spanish copyrights in ths ceded territory, giving Spanish books admittance free of duty. Article 14 provides for tba establish ment of consulates hy Spain in the ced ed territory Article 15 grants to Spanish commerce in Cuba, Porto Rico ajJ ibe Philippines the same treatment as to America for 10 years, Spanish shipping to be treated as coasting vessels . Articls 16 stipulates ihat the obliga tious of the U oiled States to Spanish eitisena and prorerty in Cuba shall terminate with tbe withdrawal of the United Spates authorities from the is land. Arucla U prov.aes that the treaty most be ratified within six months from tbe date ot the signing by tba respective governments in order to ba binding. Curious Facts. It is estimated tbat ot all the popula tion of the globe, abou ninety thousand die every year, Tbe costliest bnildicg ot modern times is tbe State Capitol at Albany . i. which has already bad tbe immense snm ot $20,000,000 spent upon it. Tbe national debt ot France is ths largest in the world upward of $6,000,- 000,0C0,about 1115 pet capita. This debt has not been reduced recently . Tbe Indian population of the United States is 237,a. In 1492 they were lords of the whole country ; now they have re served for them 144.4US square nodes. Tbe Japanese address letters the re verse to what we do, country first, state second and then tbe city, tbe street and number and the name last of all. Tbe b'.oe tint in glass is caused by tbe chemical deposits formed in the coal-gas farnace, and which, nndsr the action of the air produces a blu coat on tbe glass. To remove the tint causes considerable trouble. Shears no hiirger than a pin is one of the exhibits of the skill ol a Sheffield workman. Half a doien pairs of these shears weigh about as much as a pott age stamp, Tbey are as perfectly made as ordinary shears. There ts a plant in Jamaic stalled tbe Ufa plant. because it is almost impossible to kill iu When a leaf is cut off acd bung np it sends out white thread like roots and gathers moi.tore from tbe air and begins to grow new leaves. A queer story comes down from Mon tana and the operations of a dredging company at Bannock Citv. It haa been finding in tbe gravel, lead bullets in abundance which carry considerable gold. Tbe other day they shipped 106 poonua of tbem. No explanation has been furnished of tbe reason wby tbe ground should yield so many builets. It is not known that anv battle was ever fought there, but, if there was, the com Datants must have used all kinds ot weapons and every description of ammu nition. There are minnie balls and a 0 calibre government ball used before tbe minnie was introduced. There is tbe 44 Winchester, the Saencer and the Sharp's rifle bullets and pistol balls of every calibre. In addition there are bans for the old Keniucsy rille aod buckshot aod bird shot in grest quanti ties. Some of the bullets are perfect in torm, but others are mashed into shspe less masses. Laundry Notice. Having taken charge of tbe Albany Steam Laundrv 1 am prepared to do first class work, employing only experienced Dei p. ah laundry wora sent to my place will receive my prompt attention and be lauadried in a superior manner. O. M. ucau Sick Headaches. The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price, 25 cts. and 60 cts. You Trv It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of zo cts., ou cts. and i.uu, does not cure take tbe bottle back and we will refund your money, bold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price, 25 cts. and 50 cts Get tiie beat fiour. The Magnolia Wheat. We will pay the highest market price or wneat, see us ueiore you sen. CliBBAN & MoNTElTIt If you want a good and clcai .woke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory. MARRIED. WALLACE WALLACE OnlWednes- uay, uec. 14, ius, at the m. par sonage in'Albany by Kev. M. C. Wire, Mr. unanes t . Wallace and Miss Hal lie Wallace, both of Linn county. They have the baet wishes of many. Trr vriT vicu r t v ti. . Dec. 15, 18'JH, at tho mi lence of and by Kev. Arthur Cane, Mr. Walter Bilyeu and Mine Julia Fickhn, both of Scio. Mr. and Mrs. Bilyeu are two of Scio'a popular young people who have the beat wishes of many. r.t .i.. BO Jmo.rUU.rn la the 1 SATURDAY MIGHT THOUGHTS government of the United State. It ii a rock In the stream end wo should look lor It. New York city now feels big, naviog the surpased London in the amount omj, clearing house receipts. Shels therelore the commercial metropolis ot the world. The United States wants no vassei states. It is dangerous business secur ing more territory Inhabited by people Incapable ot self-government. oflr. The B ritisher sees no security lortne future in the east. There is an unrest . - 1 and an unsettled condition ot affairs that to bodes no good for any one, aod ths og lish people are realising tbat their pos- sessions are as uncertain as tboss 01 oili er nations Col. Bryan is again causing ths politi cians trouble. Those who have been de claring tbat free si Iver is dead are some what concerned over the agaresive cliar- (.t.rnftha Colonel's remarks. He is not a man who will down at the mere suggestion ot the yellow journalists. There are plenty ot weather prophets around. Some say it will be a cold win ter and some sav it will not. The ob servation of the Democrat is'.that pro phesying on tbe weather is very unre liable business in Oregon, and you trlsht aa wall sue is at the result of a fiot ball game. Tom Reed continues red hot against expansion, and now some of tbe politi cians are accuainglbim of doing so in or der to get the nomination in the next convention for president of the United States. Tbe fact is undoubtedly true though that he is doing so on principle, the same as a great many otherjsensibls people are doing. Nearly everyone keeps a srap boo-, or tries to, with tbelresolt that the owner of the book has avolume, tbe first pages of which are neatly pasted with clippings, while stowed under between the leaves are hundreds of scraps which never were pasted in and never will be. Genius seldom aHows a want to!go unfilled. A scrap book baa recently been pat anted, of which the inventor claims tbat that it is easier to put the scrap in the book than to put it anywhere e'ss. Ths leaves of tbe book are pleated so aa to form pocketOnto which the scraps are slipped aa soon as rat, and .folded np so that their heads stick out in sight. Colonel Bryan says: "In m judg ment our nationals in grtaUr danger jostnosr than Cuba. Our nation de fended Cuba against foreign arms, now tbey must defend themselves and their coon try against a foreign idea the col onial idea of European nations. Tbs imperialistic idea directly antagonistic to the lieas, which have teen cherished br tbe American people since Use sign ing ot the Declaration ot Independence Oor cation most give np any intention of entering upon a colon til policy- such as is now pursued ty European countries or it must abandon the prin ciple tbat tbe tovernmeat receives its just powers from tbe consent of the gov erned." Some one given to figuring has eetima' ed that the Spanish war cost the United States 14 per capita. The Democaat man does not regret tbs expenditure ot his 14 for if ever there was a people de serving thrashing it was the Spaniards. At the same time thia war business i not in keeping with our civilized insli tutioos, end lbs Democrat hopes there never will be occasion Ijr another war In which tbe United States will be a party, and more than tbat. so far as any other country is concerned. Let tbe sword be best into peos and type writ er Sers, and let there be to more war in the land. The Hawaiian bill introduced in coo grass will disfranchise most of the re. id eats of Hawaii. As this is Contrary to the constitution of .tbe United Bute it looks very much as If congress will bave to consider tbe matter in a very serious manner. This presents one of tbs many questions that will come up tor consider ation. It is probable that In this case tbe inhabitants of tb islands will be treated like Indians. If tbey bave any ambition at all tbey will object to this and demand their rigbu, doing as ws did a tew score years ago, object to tax ation without representation. li Binger Herman secures the eecre Urvsbip of tbe Interior department he will be tbe second Oregonian who bas ever occupied a place ia the President's cabinet, George H. Williams being the other. Tbe honor will be appreciated by tbe people generally regardless ot poll tics, for it is a great advantage to a state to have a member ot the cabinet .la connection with it though it is humorous to read the statement tbat Oregon will get It on account cf tbe sound monev vic tory in June, when it is remembered tbat Herman haa always been a free silver msn, snd is the Same at heart today the same as a good many others pro'essiog otherwise for policy's sake. Oenral Corbin says we will need fi'ty tbonsand men in Cuba to preserve order, As this war was brongbt to free Cuba she should be given her liberty as soon as possible and be allowed to run things to suit herself. Here is an opportunity for tbe United States to show ber manhood The military rule of tbat island should be as short aa tbe circumstances will permit. Tbe United States should see tbat a government ia established there and then turn the island over to the peo who Va o inhabit it. Lira county exchange which runs sdvertlsements for several Albany mer chants, warmly advises all tbe people of tbe city and surrounding country to trade at borne. A man residirg ten miles from Salem went all tbe way to that city to shake hands witn Bam Hayden on account of his speech in the Msger murder trial. If that keeps up Sam is liable to be president tome day. Our exchanges indicate that there is being considerable of an immigration in to Oregon this fall and winter. Linn county is getting its sbate. Tbev are welcome. We bave room in this valley alone for several million. Your ; Wheat. Call at tbe office of Currsn & Montelth if you wish to sell your wheat and get the highest cash price. TICKETS- To all point East via Great Northern Railway. For rates, folders and full information tall on or address H. F. MlHRH.L, Agent Albany. mm m See Locals on every page. San Francisco people are again happy. They have another murder trial on hand. Toe slowest citv in the world in matter ot trial ot murder cases ttere no ien,ng when it will end but un doubtedtv sometime this century, per-!. Daps this year. In Oreiton murder trials are romnl.Uit In in n thraa it... nma Umea (n a . but Jn CaiIornja, where th, ttorney ,re wound np witn wind nd g(kl, the eD(i a always) along ways Xhis Botkin cass referred ta, is one suitable to a San Franaiaco ing very peculiar case. Candy wa poisoned ;io California and sent by mat1 : - ----- a party in New Jersey, where it was partaken ot aud death resulted. If the defendant is gullly she should be hanged for the means used is baser tba n shoot ing or stabbing, an underhanded, con emptible style ot murder, beneath an Indian. A very important subject before Con grass is that ol ticket ecaiping. Tbe pub tic is supposed to be In favor ol scalping tickets becauit it is sgainst tbe interests of the railroads, tbe greatest of copora tio09blK a mUt of tct there is noth iotf honorable in the operation of it, and it should be stopped tbe same as other dishonorable practices of a criaimal character. Ths ' LVuiocrat has just read ot a man in tbe United States who has an Income of $20,000,000, or $30,000,000, a year, sums so large as to stagger one. Con ditions are not right when a man can se cure cuch an income. i indicates rob bery on tbe (ace of it. The whole plan oi tbe oil trust is ondoubetedly a swind ling nature, acd it is certainly time in the history ot the world when laws were pissed for tbe protection ot the people against such things. Folloaiog tbe Spanish wsr the subject ot expansion growing out ol it bas taken a front place, and promise, to become a political itaue, notwithstanding the I act tbat many In both parties are opposed to the position taken by a majority ot their party memtere. In juetwhat form it will eventually focas can now hardly be told, but there are s;gns of agitation ahead. Albany bas continued to be agitated by tbe action of tbe pmlaI debartment in the removal of tba post office, and i' has spread somewhat into the country, no doubt caosicg considerable bad feel ing. The best way in all such eatee. though, is to take things philosophical ly, the way a defeated foot bail tram does. In a good sued city.smaller than Portland even, tbsre is no attention paid to lite location of the pott office is concerned, so far aa business goes, but more account of convenience, and really the only thing mat should rule should be the matter of convenient to tLe most people. The proper thing now is for Aloanv to get in and grow enough torecei.e a government appropriation for a building and hare a sightly struct ure erected on the block in boot of tbe court bouse or some ether central place. Linn, Lane and Polk ecootiea now have a banging bee abeae, three in three adjoining coontiea, all ordered within two months oi each other. That Ijoks bad, but it is only a happening, for Ore gon aa a whole dots not have more than its proportion of murder cases. Tbe query is; Ho many islands dues the United Ktates now own? There is no absolute correct answer at band Johnson aays there are 400 in the Philip- pins group ; tbe Earyciopedia says more than 1.400; Lippioeoti's Oasetteer has it 1,200; Chambers over 2.000; Apple ten's Cyclopedia "nine large snd l,2tema Uer. Some Big Figures . A great man recently said : "Not a nation in the world ia exempt from tbe dominion of the Universal Uonaicby. Tbs political autonomy of every one bas been surrendered, openly or covertly, to tbe will of a ruler whom none bave t een, but before whom every State and principality, everv republic and kingdom and empire, btnds a sop pie knee." "More tbsn twenty thousand millions ot war debt resting upon tbe nations of world! Twenty tbonsand millions fcl debt, and every dollar nf it owned by t'-e Invisible Empire! Tbe interest at four per cent, amounts to eight hundred millions of dollars a year. And it is In tended that this prineipsl and this in- tsrest account shall tun on forever While clvilaxatioo continues as long as mankind stall be organised into natoins so long will this Intolerable incubus rest day and night on the labor ot ths world. Under the horrid nightmare every workingman in every country on der the snn becomes and remains i slave. It is needless to ssy tbat such i a debt will absorb tbe entire property of tbe world. It will drink tbe ocean dry. It will suck up, at the rats of sight hun dred millions a year, tbe whole wealth or mankind, and tbsn demand another planet to satisfy tbs vacuum of bis maw." And this Invisible Empire ie tbe Mon ey Power, lhs nations of tbs earth owe tbe Money Power tbe vast debt of twen ty thousand millions. Tbey pay or tbe producers in tbe nations do to tbs fMooer Power, year by year, tbe annua' 890,000,000 of interest while in in ail tbe world there are but 6C0.457.000 ia gold coin! From the New York Times. In declining; to "diacuts at thia time tbs government or tbs future ot the new possessions which will comet) ns a rtr ult of ths war with Spain," President MjKlnlsy rsnoonces that leadership of public opinion which oar great Presi dents have chsriahed as tbe noblest of their privileges. Ouch discussions," say ths President "will, bs appropriate after tba trsaty ot psace shall have bseo ratified" Now. That will bs too late. They are appropriate now, ia order that the people may form and express thsir opinions before the consideration of th d treaty. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long In the bowels aod produces biliousness, torpid liver, taut gestion, bad taste, coated p-k tongue, sick headache, in. I Q j 1 1 omnia, eto. Uood'a Plus (r I I I C eure constipation and all Its I results, easily and thoroughly, sac. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. Xao only 1'Uli to take with Heed's sar-apariua. MISFITS. You will find the advertisers in the 5rtr"uhenr.citjrto trade V ct-Ktji up iront er." said a little Salem girl at the Catholiclfair. The v,.v. .a a uow u anu a goojj oue VT, If you are going to make any good resolutions the first of next year begin now and get in practice. Put off reso lutions are made of straw. Moral young ladies should not associ- r,w, a lmmoral young men. Perhaps n uuppineas uopenus on an era piiuic siaua Doing taken on this. V Warm, rainy weather, is good enough for the Man about Town during Oregon's winter months. He is anti-expansion tu mi uiaiujr 01 enow. X. . . since rostmaater Stites has been at the desk he has issued over 17,000 money orders, which is an average of about fif teen a day, indicating to what extent thia system is used in transmitting In the East foot ball stops absolutely with the Thanksgiving game. Here on the coast there is no limit in the matter and Christmas games are frequent. In Astoria they play the entirs year. Th ciswru piuu is to be commended. eople who give to the poor on Christ mas do aa big a thing for themselves as for the poor. By all means drop your porcine proclivities promptly prior to tbe giving season, and then don't be a clam. It is Already being learned that Mr. Simon is a very accommodating official, attendinarauicklv to reauMtji mil k letter, from getting a pension to securing an appointment for a friend. But this is a part of the business. The capital can boast of one thing. It is tbe home of the captain of the biggest loot bau team on the coast, judging Irom ... is eight years record. But stop, he wn- muZST The editor bas to be responS'Me for the sins of a good many people. Here is a case. A little girl yesterday approach ed the son of the Democrat man and re marked somewhat savagely: "Your papa is a liar. He said in his paper hut night it was going to snow today and it hasn't." Mr. Pague and Mr. French will please take warning. Tbe whole slate should not be made responsible for thesuccees of the La Grande sugar beet factory . Ten to one if a $1 bounty was placed on beets the price of beet would be dropped $1. Any way it is not the boabaeae ol the state to go to the rescue, and the legislator who vura lor iae oui migt aj I give np politics. Tbedephls of human depravity would appear to.hare been reached in tbe line of commercial deceit. ' It is asserted on aa excellent authority tbat the life pre servers on tbe steamer Portland, wreck ed a week ao at Cape Cod, were not Il ea witn cork, but with grass, which when wet became a dead weight of six teen pounds. A reporter for the Boston uerald, while at rrovtccetown. examin ed a lot of tbe life preservers and found only one that contained cork and that of poor quality. This Chicago Record accuses Senator Simon of weigbiog on'y 96 pounds, and ot being tbe smallest member of the senate. A ?alem paper declares this to uv m muutH, as uie oeaa a tone win weigh almost that much. Farmer Pague down at Portland has been having bis bands full explaining wby that snow storm did not come preaiciM. ne ociarea tnat it was beaded this way, but failed to reach far enough, lor wbtch we are very thankful come people, ana mue children la par ucuiar, oo not tiae to be loolexl. Sylvester Scovil, who waa ordered off o.i... . . :l:.irZr.,Z ' , l,W !f? 'rfi-fff1 t?.oor.- m"Z 1" "IV" TOT ' "7 D'wlteoonnee Madison, caased by a col- r??"?J?VuaMmUM' tbe General hard enoogb. There will be a slate poaltry show at Albany which will open on the 9th and close on tbe 15th of Jaasarv, 1899 Every friend of tbe "intensinr-d ben" should be present. Independent. It is specially desired that editors Fletcher and Hofer with their intense Ueas be bene. Lay on, Macduff Albany's new postmaster does not de serve the following from the Salem Inde pendent: Samoel B. Train, of Albany, has been appointed postmaster at that place. M r. Tram is said to be a brother of Geo. Francis Train, the eccentric globe trotter. A man sending for a copy of tbe Dbmo caat to oe sent to bis address in Wash iogton says be Intends to locate in the valley and wants a paper, remarking tbat La presumes oor real estate men advertise tbeir "snaps." We sent him a copy, bat be will have to bnnt op the "soaps." Mr. C. J. Curtis, ot Astoria, has bought tbe Dalles Chronicle, and will edit it. Mr, Curtis is a member ot the state legislature and is about to obtain some notoriety by abolishing the state reform school. An Albany young man wno naa been there says be doee not know what he is about, that the school is a splendid institution for the bovs sent there and doee a great deal of good and should be continued as itnodcubt will be. "Ciarge them tbat are rich in thia world, that they be not bigh-minied, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in tbe living God, who civeth ns richly all things to enjoy; tbat they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to dis tribute, willing to communicate ; laying np in store tor themselves a good founda tion against tbe time to come, tbat tbey may lay bold on eternal life." 1 Tim. o:l7-l Thia is a tunny world. Albany, which is having tbe city taxes collected by a special collector, baa decided that It wants it done by the countv. while her is a rea not wan irom independence: The collection of taxes bv the sheriff for tbe city ot Independence la of para mount importance, it is an actual fact tbat since tbe collection ot tbe taxes lor the city bas been placed in the bands ot tbe sheriff there has not been ona-thirrf ot tbe amount due collected. Wbea it was collected for tbe citv bv a anacial collector only a few dollars was lost each year. , , uui-r, icauma; warioo county nurseryman advertises strawberry plants at tl a hnnrlrarl. anil atataa lh,l I. the time to put out to Insure a spring i crop. Mr. Holer also runs a newspaper ' and gets into scraps, but ends ths year saiuonousiy The President is making a tour of tbs southern states, acd is being warmly re ceived as toe president oi tne united BUtes always is and should be received, It would be a good thing tor the country agonising and frequently fatal, bhiloh s to 557 inclusive of the issue ot 1897. in if tbe President could visit every section t Cough and Consumption Cure acta like teres ton said warrants will cease with the except tne expanaea parts, wnicn would be asking too much, for it is a privilege ' to be able to see and hear the chief exec-1 olive of a nation. TELEGRAPHIC ! and Dewey latervtewea. Manila. Dec.16. Rew Admiral Dew ey, when a correspondent of tbe Asso ciated Press called upon him today, was courteous and pleasant, but absolutely declined to discuss tbe pontics situation of the Philinntnes. on the around that nia sphere was purely navai cut mo was strongly convinced that the Filli- - . L - ptno insurgents deserve acxnowieog ment. He believes in he practiability of a liberal measure in the direction ot local autonomy. Regarding possibility of international complications. Admiral Dewey aaid: .rrior vj uie arrival oi ie uuuiwi. felt uneasy but now am ready to bold this position against the whole earth." A Bealea Ce, Bxpleslea Cobvallis. Or.. Dec. 16. An explos ion of 60 pounds of gun powder, kept in stock demolithed the store of Kay& Son, at Eusty, 20 miles southeast of here this afternoon, Portions ot tbe waits were blown out, tbe root leu ana mucn damage was done. Eight persons were in the building, but ail escaped, only one being slightly injured. tJut Banal Wasbihotom, Dec 16. The bill to in ooroorate an international American- bank waa buried by an overwhelming adverse ma ioritv in the house today The vote, by which the bill was defeat ed, stood 103 ayes to iw noes. Bryaa Is miahl WASHixorox, Dec. 16. Coloni-1 VV. J Brvan expressed himself today very em 1. : : I .. ,a aaMSvi.f Afl. upon me auty oi congress in r-guu.w the rnmppines. ne oeiieves uie- - lands ought not to be held longer wan necessary for tbe United States to estab lish there a stable and independent gov- irnment. la Caba Hay as i. Dec 16. General Davis, the American commander at Pinar del Rio, haa imiuxl a fmelamtun aavinsr that President McKinlev haa directed him to assure the inhabitants of security of their lives and Drooertv as Ions as they were order1 v. General Davis further declares tnat fair Uxea will be levied, and that no favortiam will be shown. A Was AeeMeaS Nw YoacDec. 27. A wagon con- Ui. k eight persons waa struck by w .'.mm mxA 1 a pAMsiMtwwrtin sl 1 1 tVfeal A tW . BIU UU BtU-B M SUBU W a w SSJSI saw BUM W-N uv at the Allenwood. croesin a few m?u, ,. Manaaouan. S. Y. and four people were killed, two fatally injured and two others serioosiy injured. Tba Sieveraae t CWfca Washisotox. Dee. 15. Tbe war de- Dartment made public the formal or der for the military government of Cuba. Tbe notable feature is that Major-uen era! Ludlow, who ia designated as mili tarv srovernor of Havana city, while nominally subordinate to the division commander, Geasral Erooke, is appar ently charced to exercise all tbe cjni functions in that place under direct an thority of the president. General Lee's functions appear to be limited to those strictly military. TV Crawajfcea Tacoma, Dec 15. The Puget sound univeraitD ia reorvanised and will open its doors with clasaes beginning March 7. Wilmot Whitfield is the new presi dent and a competent bosineea mana- cer has been secured. Tbe old trustees will remain in charze. The faculty with the exception of Miss Caughran, Professor Coine and C. O Boyer, ot Monteaaao, baa not been dbanged. BUlra Slaae Xtw York. Dec. 15. Calvin S. Brke died at 3:15 o'olock this afternoon at bis home in this citv. Mr. Bnce contract ed a severe cold one week ajro today, Fridav last he went down to his orSce. retorn ine home in a seffenns: eondiUoo and Saturday took to bis bed. He grew steadi'y worse until this aitemoon wbea be died. A TraRs-ate asuv4 X xw Yotut. Pec. 15. A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says : The auxilliarv cruiser Yosemiie has beeh or- sered to the Paeifie by way of the Sues Tbe Yosemite has been hud up for the but three months at the Leatroe island nATvwranl. bat will be taken to Norfolk in the coorse of a week and made ready for the long.xoyage. SAraUa4 CoBTAixts, Or., Dec 15. A coroner's inqoeet held today on the body found ia tbe Willamette, Bear Monroe yesterday failed to disclose the identity of tbe de ceased. A verdict to the effect that tbe manner of death could not be determin ed was returned. Tbe body was badly decomposed and opinions as to the period tbat it had been in the water ran from one to six months. I Jacssovvuxx. tu- Uecia A pas- on the rioriaa Central A Peninsula railroad was wrecked this af- liasiod-with catUe oa the track. Six persona were lii'cd. Te Caaal Kl'l WASHrsaro, Dec 14. Tbe Nicaragua canal bill held its place aa tne principal subject before the senate again today. Speeches were made by Harris, Money, Stewart and Morgan. 3Ioney urged postponement of tbe question in order to permit an opportunity for negotiations with Great Britiaa for a modifications of tee Clavton-Bulwer treaty, and Morgan antagoauea ineproposiuoa. A Bala Sa Faaxcxsco, Dec. 13. The weath ea and crop reports eathered by the As- sociatiated rasa today snow tnat tne rain which commenced on tbe coast last night has reached almost every sec tion ot tbe elate, ana au Ganger oi drought for the time being ia iwsaed. Tbe precipitation comes in nick ol time. Cattle have been starving in many sec tions, and the ground has been too dry lor tilling. leaWattaw far SUwaU Washington, Dec 14. Tne house committee on territories today began consideration of tbe bill to provide a ter ritorial form of government for the Ha waiian ialanea. Will May MASitA.Decl4. At an enthusiastic meeting of tbe As tor battery, at its quarters, today, preliminary steps were taken to establish the Philippine Devel opment Association of American olun long as required, many of the volunteers are desirous oi rematniDg uer-s to eu' gage in various enterprises. k reewlaa the SSarvtaa VVashixgtox. Doc 14. Since the ces sation of hostilities this government haa sbent about f 1.000,000 in feeding the starving Cabana, and tbe work is still going on with untiring vigor. The distribution oirattons is now go- ins on wherever American forces are fonnd in Cube. The Batata Cae 8am Francisco. Dec 14. The trial of Mra. Cordelia Botkin is becoming more interesting to that part ot the public which takes an interest in such ' pro ceedings. ISever baa a murder trial ol such import progressed so rapidly in a San Fraocis-o courtroom. Catarrh Can Be Cured By eradicating from the blood the scrof ulous taints which cause it. Hood's Sar sapariUa cures catarrh, promptly and permanently, because it strikes at the root of the trouble. The rich, pure blood which it make circulating through tbe delicate passages of the mucous membrane, soothes and rebuilds the tissues, giving them a ten dency the health instead ot disease, and ultimately curing tue anecuon. i At tne same tune uooa a barsa partus strengthens, invigorates and energises the whole svatem and makes the debit itated victim of catarrh feel that new life has been imMUrted. - mt u7 w"? "nun, lonaiants or 0lner 10cr applications, out taxe xiooa s Sarsanarilla and eure catarrh absolutely and surely by removing the causes which produce it. Young Mothers. CrouD ia tbe terror of thousands ot young mothers because its outbreak is so magic m cams m uwi(, - been known to fail. The worst cases re- lieved immediately. Prices, 25 cts,. and 60 cts. and 11.00. What Is Shlloh? I A or.rxi old remedv for Coutrh. Golds Consumption : used through the world for ball a century, baa cured in numerable cases of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If yon are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 eta., 50 cts. and $ 1.00. If anv a household is saddened by death because of tbe failure to keep on Hand a a .fa and absolutely certain cure for croon such as One Minute Uougb uore. nee mas your little ones are protected against emer gency. J. A. Cumming, agent. When you aaTto DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or im itation. There ars more cases of Piles be ing cured by this, than all others com bined. J A. Camming, agent. Overcome evil with good. Overcome vour coaxnfc and colds with Uoe Minnie (jougn uore. it u wo o--j tu.M v. j it. It cures crou?, uroncnius, pneumOTw, la grippe and all throat and lung diseases. J. A. summing, agent. Tt viAtiitr a f.ioifh oroold is cured wth out harm to tbe sufferer the better. tin- cerin?- colds are dingeroos. rjacauia cougb is aiatrotsing One Minute Cough Cnra aulcilv cures it. Why suffer when not, .i-nncrk nm u within reach V It IS pleasant tothe Uste.j. A. Cam mi eg Soothing, beating, cltannng, De Witt s Witch Hazl Salve is the implacable ene mv of sores, barns and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles, You may rely npon it. J. A. Cumming, agent. The Universal Bolter makes good flour Tbe Magnolia. Albany Market. Wheat 48 -ents. Oats 30 Etfg 25 cent. Butter l&toZ! cents. Potatoes 25 cents. Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 tc 7 cents- S3UU0XS In lbs Circuit Court of tbe Stat of Oretpa for Linn County, Uparuneot o. l : M V Wratt. nhuntiff. vs B Stinnett aor Mail. Kiinnett. hi wife. Georae etappl and Malinda Supple, bis wife, Arthur Mor- na and Margaret t jaonran. du wnc. BeiTinaid Hastings aaa ueita aa nawi hi. wife. Amlenoa Measinirer. A K US- hora and K A Osbora bis wife. Misaie r. u-iom- W W lieobt. and Sanrv Ja COOS, bis wile, Hiaa A Messuger uw Warrea Heanager, a minor, aenaoaBw. tv RMrnEtiDsle. Valinda stapple, Ar Ur llama. Marnret E Morsas. Ander sea Meafinger, Minoie L Messinger. Mida A Meanager and vvaxrea ssetrager, a minor, the aVove named dWendAnts . IS TBE NAME OF THE STATE Or Uiegos : Yon aed each of yon are hereby raonixed to anoear aad be in the above ca nt Ud eonrt to answer to the amende! con- plaint of the plaintiff against ytm on file LereiB. oa or before the last day of tne period of time pr-xxibed for the pabbcsJUca tJt this snn mon. noon voj. which period of time is sevea weeks from the date of the first rablicaf ion of this susnwioas. aad said last day of publication will he the 30th day of Decern be , IS. . , A aa too are fnrthT aoied that II TOO fail to so appear aad answer the plaintiff will apply to tne court tor tne reuex pvayeo far ia faia aaid comdaint. towit: For a dectee correcuog the descripUoa coataiaed ia a certain deed executed aad aeuverea dj Josiah Osbcra aad others to Bobat Moat-go-aery which deed was recorded ia Book -O- of Records of Deeds for Lisa ConatT, Oregon, at page 737. oa the 23rd day of October, 1ST6. so that said deacru4ioB will read as follows: Beginning- at a point 8-fTi chains and 5 chains S from toe N W corn of the D L C of josiah Otbora. it twin Chum Kot. No. 3eil and Claim No. 53ialp. 14SR2W aad running thence N 5 cttaiae, thence E 39.05 chains, thence a 750 chains, thence W 41. 6S chains. thence N 67 U chains, tbeace E S chains to tbe place of bctriaaing.rotaiBiBg 304 acres rore or leas la una county, uregoa. And farther decreete that pUiatiff is the owner ia tee siinrie of all tbe following described wemw. towit: Befc-inaiaz at a point oa toe North toandary line of die U I. U of Joata usoora aaa ware, 11 and Claim No. 53 ia To. 14. 8 R W of tbe Wiliamette Meridian ia Lorn County, Oregon, which is 8 82 chains E of tbe S W cornet of said DLC, aad ras Bint- thence S 21 desreea 99 minutes W 5 2Scbsias.theaceS53.63 chains, tbeace E 20 chain, thence N SO chains, tbeace 21 66 chai-s, toeoo X 38.63 chains to tbe North line of said U L C. tbeace wen 39 68 chaina to the place of b,iaaieg coa tainiDsr 200 acres more or less, Aad de- crreiBg that p'ainbff's title to said land be a meted, aed enjaaisur the defendants bereia, aod each of them, from assertiag anv riebt or title thereto. The date of tbe Erst pubiicalioa of this ammoas ia the 13tn day of Kovember, 188. This suuiraoas is published hy order of the Hoa. Geo. D. Barton, County Judge in aad for Luta County, Oregta, aaade at Al bear, ia said eoaaty and state, this 14th day of November, 1393. A. M. Cajtsox. Attorney for plaintiff SKESIFF SALE Br virtue of aa execution and order o sale duty laaued out of tbe Cu-ait Coori of the state of Urecoa for the coon tr bt una, to me duly directed, delivered aad da'sd the 23: h day of November, 1888, ia a cer tain sait la said court wheraa James F McCartney was pain tiff aad Levi Doaa iaa Marv A. Duariaa his wife ad M. Cnnaiagham aa Administrator of the es tate of 1 be mat Roach, dtweased, were de feedaBta, ia which said sait tbe said plaia- lff. James F. McCartney, recovered iudirtaenton thelTthdav of .Nov araiast tbe said dfeadan,Levi DooglasJor be sum of $3X&S5,and interest tbereoa at 8 per cent per annum, acd the farther sam of $300 00 as attorneys fees aad for the costs aad disbursemente taxed at S2S-QQ, ordering, adjudging and deereeiag that the real property described ia plaintiffs mortgage and com plaint towit: Be. mains 36 feet West of the North east corner of tbe Donation land Claim W. A. Forney, tbeace Norta 110 feet. theoce Booth 89 degrees , West 80 feet. tnenos sooin iiu teet, thence aorta t de grees East to the place of beginning : Tp uoKt west ot the wuiaaette mer id tan in Linn county. Orecoa. Also be ginning S46 feet West aad 110 feet North of the Northeast corner of the Donatio Laad Claim of W. A. Forsey aad running thence North 164 feet and nine inches, thence Snath 89 degrees West 80 feet.theaos booth 164 feet and awe inccea, tbeace North P9 degress East 80 feet to tbe nlace oi beginning ia Tp 15 S R 4 west of the vv uiamette Meridian ta Liaa toontv. Or egoo; be acid to satisfy said judo-neat aad costs. Therefore notice is hereby si-en thai I will on Saturday tbe 31st day of Decern ber a u, iovs, at the hour of One o'clock P al ot said day at the front door of the court bouse, ia the city of Albany. Liaa couatv, Oregon, offer for sale at public anctioa to toe nignest oidder tor cash ta nana, sno jeet to redemption according to law, ths real property la aaid order and decree and herein before described to satisfy said judgment and all costs and charges of making such sale. IHted this Z9Ut day of November A V, 1S98. I. A. McXKKJtS, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby givea that by order the court of Liaa county. Or., du'y made and entered of record, the undersigned has been duly appointee admiaistrator of the mail vc Liuwma awnnufli uwnN. -s ,'t: L. . . 3 i All persons havipcr claims aaainst said es tate are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same witn tne proper voocners, to tbe uadersigned, within six months from the date hereof, at Albany, Or. J. W. Andxksos, AdnTr WXAT HARFORD m WvATT, Attoraeys for Administrator. TREASURER'S K01ICE NO 4 Notice ia bereoy given that funds are 0B hand tc pay city warrants Nos 506 iaata oi tnia notice. . Albany Or. Oct 81 ,1898. I E. A. Pangea. j Treaerusi EAST AND- SOUAH Southern Pacific Oo. CaUforala aspnes Tratas !' ,rni4MlMif parUsaS Alb..- ai isso.a A I a UrlSM 4.aL S UA AT Above trains stop at !,,0MT tween fof.iana "J . vet, liarton, JefT-ro J Ymwrnt. Shedd. Hstsey . Eagei rwiATB Grove. Drain. Oakland and i stations Iron Roseburg south to and te S.ILt torumm ilSi fpm I At aortw-s y ' 1 " seatm maxx IlrW. Al-T trot L-faw Dinin Cart on ugosn en SECOMB-CUSS SlEtPIKS W Attache Sees vmr-m- A VB SASH aair agaoras suit.AOv SVjsaa I L Ar I liJt.alAr Otrvaiiis tl vtm EipraaiTral. P-ay(ecat aafev S.B, t Portlaad IseMiaaTiB. ar t - a a ItIS aa I4ttAB rsirsi Ar SSra Ar ladap TrTZ,, , ... aa. aUaaar SJ-- W aM-a-Atfeke- V'TX&IVZl TAwraT: !" ..""i V...K Amt aJiawy a C a CHEDTJL E 6 n PorUand. Aa Fro. Fast Mail l Salt Lake, Denver. Ft Fast Worth, Omaha, Kaa- Mail ras Cty, St Lonia, 750a Ohicago and East. rokana Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane 'Flyer ana, MiaiieapoBe. 8t flyer 2pm Paul, Doiuth, Mil-104 am weaken, Chicago, & East. 8 pro OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 pas AU Sailing dates tah ject to change. For San r ranoKO Sail Dec, 5, 8, 15,18, 23, 2a. 8pm COLUMBIA EIVEB 4pm ExSonday STEAMERS. ExSuaday Satarday To Astoria and Way i0pm laadings. am WILLAMETTE BIT. 4:30 pm ExSan. Oregon City, Sewberg, Ex Sua. Salem A W ay-Lead's 7am WILLAMETTE AKD 3 -30pm Tnesday, YAMHILL BIV. Monday. There- Cswgoo City. Dayton, Wed , and Sat. and Way-Lamia. and Sat da "vFILLAilETTE EIV. 4 -JO p a Teeedey Portland to Corvallia Toeeday Thar , and Way-Laodjnga. Thar, and Sat. aadfsat. Ly Kiparia Lv Lewistoa 1:45 am SSAK.E RIVEB, 5:45 a m Moa.Wed Riparia to Leeiston SrtrWTaea andFri. aadThnr. W.H. HTTRLBCBT. Gen. Pass. Agent, C G. SAW LINGS, PortlaodOr. Agent Albany. - RIO GRANDE RAILROAD The Scenic Llflc OftljeWom To Tbe E1SI la throagh toorist cars withont chaege, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS Iatliaap ct Sicsrioasl ctmSss Xzn ma pensr To Kaaaaa Ctty aad Chicago , affkla and Bostoe MONDAYS wiOwe ehaaa,ya t Lake Htansri Poc aad Chieaga Artoa Roslrwad To Oasaha, Chioafio, Baffalo TUESDAYS Bovuoa, withoat eaaage, y-a 8art Laka aad ChMaga. Hack IUad ft Paoifio Ry TaSaJoaapb, Kaaaaa Citv, WEDNSDAYd A St Lcais, -wSL. eaaage vwSalt a Bernag tea To kaaaaa City aad St Lonia THURSDYS witaoet eeaaga, va S La-t1H atMaoan raOUM nj A day stopover arranged at Salt Lake ad Denver " , A Ride taroug the faaees Colorado to.nerj Foe raiaa aad information iaaaire of O K ot N aad S P a out er addieas R C NlcwoL. Oaa Agt, a, Koaaas, 231 Waahiattoa erae, uaayer. Portland Oraoa Cjlorado. ni 0RTHERI1 i i PACIFIC R. R. 1U v Pullman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Din tbg Oars, Tourist Sleeping Can st raai Minneapolis Liluth Fargo, fO Oread Forks Crookstoa Winnips Helena and Butte TIROUQM TICKE. TU Chicago aashington rhiladelphia Naw Mark trn and al. feint East and South Throuirh Uckdts to japan aea un na, yta Tacoma aad Northern Pacifio steemahic Oo., an Americaa uae. - For informatloa, time cards, maps anc Heksts call on or write 0 G Bnrkhart agent, Albeny, Or. ADCharlto-. A Gen Fees at Portland O- ANTED. To rent 150 or 200 acres v Y of pasture land. Address F. H. Pfeiffer, Albany. DENVER 0- aaj.y-ri-1- -w-w