The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 23, 1898, Image 3

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    Keen Wan
Gapes and Jackets
Linos complete.
Specially strong
. goods.
$3.50 to $25.00.
on medium grado
Oregon wool ; Albany Manu
farture. Blankets ar, riglii,
Ipricea are right.
S E Young & Son,
AT the mm.
We have much that till InUrest ai.d
aid you in your ,
ClrisMas SIopm.
Bandpainled and lace trimmed, F.m
sdra Kans.
Belts, Purees, Chatelaine, Ti.lue. Pil
ovr shams, Prosper ek-arfe, Sofa CJush
ons,. Chair Cushions.
I We Get One-sixth of Oregon a
Omaha Premiums.
At the Omaha Exposition Oregon re
ceivod the most premiums of any state in
the union, as follows :
Diplomas of highest award
Gold medals
Silver medals
Bronze medals
Diplomas of honorable mention . . .
Of these Linnn county received
one-eixtti, as loiiows:
... 1
... 22
... 23
... 38
... 88
.. 127
Tho famous HI Henry minstrels are to
be in Albany.
Coon Hollow at the armory tomorrow
night. One of the most entertaining
shows on the road.
Fifteen votes were cast in the Water
loo eIection,resulting in the choice of Jos.
Meianer by an overwhelming majority,
for mayor.
In the southern trip next to the Pres
ident General Joseph Wheeler comes in
for the most attention, then Hobson and
afterwards Shatter and some others.
The new Masonic hall is to be dedi
cated on the 27th, when several Albany
Masons will assist in- tho exercises, as
well as others from different parts of the
Yesterday's Seattle P. I. contained
English Breakfast
Ideal Blend
u. v. UurKQart, Albany collection oi r,wtv n..ti i-
cherries and prunes iu liquid, eilvr columns of advertising, whi. l. iLn.
1 J . IT ! . . T "
Handkerchief gal ire. lawn and linen,
hemsilcbed, emhroideitdsnd t.ceedced,
dainty enough todelight a lady and the
kind to please the children.
Umbrellas, arlUtic handle effects and
lip top qualities
Borne other usefel and acceptable gills:
The comfortable Knit Skirt.
A real French sore Corset.
A lawn, cambric or swies Apron.
KeaMy put op, throe pair in a box,
nos. .
Boas Is id Gloves-Collarettes.
Dell Reed'sTroubtes
From the Seattle P. I. :
Dell Reed, who has been working for
Henry A Co. in this city under the name
of AI Robinson was arrested last night
by Detective Meredith on the charge of
grand larceny.
The request for Reed's arrest came
from the chief of police of Portland, f he
exact amonnt of money involved in the
case U not known. It is alleged that
Reed stole hides from the Portland Meat
Detective Meredith found the man he
wanted at Henry's and approached him
by saying: "Hello, Dell." The man
admitted that he had been ihown ae
Reed, bnt explained that he had a per
fect right to the name of Robinson on ac
count of marriage complications. He
said that he had been in an Francisco,
Ashland, Or., and other places since he
waa in Portland. His arrest was a great
surprise to him.
One of the Six.
Gov. Lord has received the following:
"Win. P. Lord, Salem, Oregon: The
secretary of war has ordered six regnlai
regiments to Manila. On their arrival a
like number of volunteer regiments will
return for muster out. The first volun
teer regiments that went will bi the
first to retora.
H. C.Cokbiji, Adj't Gen'l."
The second regiment waa one of the
first six regiments.
medal, in Agricultural department ; II
Struchmeier, Albany fcaroton Diack
berrics in liquid ; William Scissors, Al
bany Bramen and Bradshaw plums in
liquid; J. S. Smith Albany Koyal Anne
cherries iu liquid : C. W. Watts, Albany
Seedling and Kentish cherries; J.
Peebler, Albany Late and
Japan plums iu liquid; E. 1). Cusick,
Albany plums in liquid; William
Peacock, Albany Major Francis and
Tartarian cherries in liquid
Jn bronze medals in Horticultural de
G. D. Barton, Oakville Peach plums
in liquid ; M. B. Shannon, Albany
Koyal Anne cherries and Egg plums, in
liquid; M. L. Forrester, Tangent Trag
edy prunes and Black Republican cher
ries in liquid; J. C. Davis, SShedds-
Koyal Anne cherries in liquid ; W. W.
Scully, Albmy liislop and Transcend'
ent crabanples in liquid; John Briggs,
Albany Pond's prunes in liquid; Lee, Aibarv Seeding crabapples in
liquid ; R. A. Murphy, Albany Hislop
craoapp'es in liquiU; J. V. 1'owell, Al
bany Kentish cherries in liouid ; G. 11.
Mcfclenary, Albany Blue Damson in
liquid; J. F. Moses. Crawfordsville
General Hand plum in liiuiJ; U. C.
Marshall, Albany Was' ington plums in
liquid; A. Biggs, Scic Grejrg raspberry
in liquid, plow as of honorable mention
in horticultural department.
Scio Mineral Paint company, Sci
Mineral paint, "Oxide o iron." Di
ploma ot honoraDie mention in mining
A total of twenty two.
"Prue aud I" In a Popular Edition.
George WiUiarr Curtis' most popular
story, "True and I," which a recent
writer in tha ew York Times classes
among the twenty five best American
novels, and an eminent critic aays em
bodies the sweetest and most geniel hu
mor which has graced English literature
since the time of Eiia, baa just been is
sued in a very handsome and handy
cloth-bound volume, reduced in price
from $1.60 to 35c , by the famous cheap
book publishing house, HrssT&Co., lCJo
Grand Street, Jew York. It may be bad
at all book stores or from the publishers.
How Douo Joined. The Democrat re
cently mentioned the joining of the B P
0 E bv Doug Hamilton, of Scio, one
the famous men of the valley. As a
matter of fact he did not join the Elks.
He appeared at the ball during the meet
ing of the Elks and said he wanted to
join the Albany Woodmen, as the Scio
Woodmen had twice refuted to take him
in. He was told to come back in an hour.
The lodge adjourned, and several men
from different lodges gathered together
ontbe street, awaited Doug's arrival,
when he waa given the "Oriental" and a
great deal of fun had for an hour or two,
which was as near as be came to becom
ing a member of the Albany Woodmen
or any other order.
A Finger Amputated. Several days
ago Mrs. Henrietta Brown wbihi sewing
some fur run a needle into the finger
next to the li'tle one on the left hand.
There seems to have been poison in the
fur, which took effect iu the fingrr, put
ting it in such a bad condition that it was
necessary t amputate it, which was done
by the Drs. Beers Saturday afternoon.
lots of prosper ty and enterprise. It is a
great paper.
Alter making a contract the Hogan
Alley troup failed to appear in Astoria
on the day named and t lie manager of
the opera h use L. E. Selig has sued the
company in Portland for $140 damages.
He will not recover much .
There are bills in congress providing
for the appropriation amounting to over
$2,000,000 for the state ofWashington a
lone, the biggest being $500,000 for
Gray's harbor. Washington is a very
modest state for a fact.
The Pnyallup Indians have won every
foot ball game of the season, eight in all,
last Saturday de'eatimr the state univer
sity team at Tacoma.' 18 to 11. A game
between them and the Chemawas would
do wortn witnessing by foot bal!oranks.
A fifteen-year-old boy named Glaser,
uvimr a iew miles west ot Lebanon. liml
one of is eyes nut out while hunt.n last
Sunday. He was using a niuizle-loadimr
gun, and when discharging it the cap
flew into one of his eves, with th aW-..
result Lebanon E. A.
Cottage Grove Leader: It amma tl.i
the Grove is getting noted for scraps, of
late. Last Saturday nicht Hunxv. Alarm
editor and proprietir of the Messenger
and R. W. Yeatch eot into a riiffirnltv at
the Lonvre saloon, which soon led to
blows. Mann made a vicious dive at
Veatch and got hold of him. but was soon
' jarred loose" hv a !!
eatch a cane. By this time blunders
had interferred and the
all bets on the "big thing" declared off!
Last week as J. M. Ralston'. litil .
year-old boy, Rolla, was returning home
from school in Albanv. some qm on a hi-
cycle run against the child, knocked him
down and run over him, cutting a hole
clear through his upper lip and other-
VIM K-nl-in.. V i 1 r ..
lUW.U 111 IMMJIjT lUJUTing Dim.
The unprincipled wretch
off his wheel, but left the little fellow to
get np and get home the beat he could,
which he managed to do with the assist
ance of some of his school mates who
were with him at the time. llama, in
critical condition for several days, and it
was feared that he bad received internal
injuries. None of the children knew the
scoundrel that ran over him. Lebanon
Thomas, Or., Dec. 19, 93.
Editor Dcuocbat:
R. L DeVaney aud wife went to Al
bauy o ten Dr. Hill. Mrs. R.L. De
Van. y ban the oplr.ualtny.
M. O. Ulauk and eons have been ship
ping chair wood, and some excellent
wood it was, too.
A J Fuller sent out a car of wood the
past week Two or three carloads be
sides ere sent off by others.
Ttis chicken pie supper was a success.
A veiy good literary program waa ren
dered. intei.pesed with music, vocal
and instrutmntal. Uncle Ed Smith of
Miiokerand wile taking a very prom
iuent part. Tne part played the .tost
natural. v, and without affectation was
ttie eatint! of the i hit ken p e, and hou.e
t.lem wa not excelled by any one from
the 8irnuiiilicij town". The following
cities aud towns we e crediublt repre
lueiitvd; Allan;. JrfTuison. filiellmrn
srio, M u n '!. llintcas, Lebanon and
Juvil. Tne most hearty good wilt
Mr. aud .Mrs F P. DeVaney attended
the funeral of Mrs. Benhatn, on Satur
day. She m during life a very esiima
aolv l..dy. iter maiden name was Hal
libui.'jn. Born in ullivn Co., Mo.,
aud married Benham about 1856, cross
ing the plains to Oregon in 18ttt with so
ox term. Her b sband John Bee hum
die-t some yeais ago She leaves five
children, Mrs. William Moore, Sreet
Home; Mrs. (rank Smith bf Albaoy,
two other girls both I believe mtrried,
and James Benham. She leaves a host
of friends to monrn her loss bat not
without hope, lrin the resurrection we
know she will arise and like Daniei
"teat," atd then "stand in "her" lot at
the end of the days" Dan. 12:13, and
Romans 8 20:21, divire assurance to her
acceptance by the Almighty Father
O. E. Lay.
Indian War Veterans Meeting.
Encampment Xo 17 of In ban War
Veterans will meet at the Court House
n Albany Ore., at 1 o'clock p m on
Thursdav the 29lh day of December
1S93. All IodianWar Veterans, who
can attend said meeting, are requested
to be present.
ETTFiiuek, Jason VnE4LBX,
Orderly Sergt Capt.
Donaca Indicted.
The federal grand jury at Portland last
Saturday brought in an indictment
against W. H. Donaca, pes-master at
Sweet Home, who is accused of having
embezzled in October last $12-56.50 posi
othce funds. Donaca is a young man
who seems to have taken everything in
sight as several citizens of Sweet Home
who had money in hit aafe asam that
in each instance he embezzled the funds.
The Jacoo Kccs Estate.
Mr. V. if. Goltra, the admlstrator in
the estate ot Jacob Kees, has filed hi
final report, acd the estate nil be settled
in Jauuary. The prot-eny will all go to
Tho Big Poultry Show.
EoiToB Dkmockat.
A treat to the citizens of Linn County.
The Oregon State Poultry Aseoclation
will hold their fourth annual exhibition
in Albany, January 0 to 14 (inclusive.)
Toe management has made all neces
sary arrangements for the coming show.
S L Roberts, oi Ran Diego, Cai and
G W lA'wna, 6r , of Portland, Ore., have
been selected as judges. Committees
have been appointed for the various de
partments and all are working with a
will to get up a magnificent display.
Every breeder on the Pacidc Coast
should, and we think will, make it a
point ti en hi' it t this show. Ureal in
terett is manifested throughout the state
in this exhibition and it bids fair to
eclipse any former effort
We muBt bear in mind the great im
portance our exhibitions are to the up
building of our poultry interests, and all
wecandosbou'd hei'one; work for and
sustain all our poultry sliows, and their
sue 88 ill mean our success
Every tarmer in Linn county should
become personally interested iu, and at
tend this poultry show. The citizens
and business houses of Albanv have been
very liberal in supporting this eih bit'on
and their guarantee fund now stands at
$350. li we as farmers wish this poultry
show a succeos we should make prepara
tions now to attend and keep in uiird
that right in the heart of Albany, which
if the bst town in the Willamette val
ley, there is going to be a rousing big
Poultry Show.
Shrdd, Ore., C. S. f iikdd.
A Downward Career.
Eii ward Failing and Henrietta Failing,
exeenb r and executrix of the estate of
Henry Failing, have commenced soil in
the state circuit court to foreclose a
mortgage on the Oilman house, on First
and Aldei streets. The amount demand
ed, independent of interest and attorney
fees, is $21,000.
The loan on the property was mude in
1SS6, when the Gi:man bouse yet was a
first-cites hotel, aud the property brought
I rental of irom $1.'00 to $2000 per month,
t was then that First street was the gay
and popular promenade of the city, and
real estate values along that stieet itcck
their noses into the sty.
The Gi man was the favorite resort for
"Jrominerf," and the money Uken in
was something enormous But after he
flood of 1894 that hotel began its down
wird carver like a rocket Telegram.
John Kruse has aome Chri'tmas trees
for sale Some of them are in frnt of
lite Democrat office.
The people of Monterey countv Calf.,
have petitioned the governor for help.
Their appeal is a pitiful one. No rain for
months, aud every thins deetrove.1 and
the widow It consists tu t.l Mt. ! DOUi!D ! "ow can a sennble Or-
valned at I !9 . .,. f th. f. - .i. i egonian kick at our rain
ot $tt,.0. 49, and over $30,UUO in rash,
bee des incidentals, a total eeiat of
9133.097.31. The eetate was administer-
The new M E church at Harrisborg
wss dedicated last Sunday. The sermcn
in the morning was preached by Key
ed upon in even months. The commit- Gue, of Portland, and the sermon in the
sion oi Mr. Goltra amounted to $2,781, evening by Senator Driver. 1 he church
and the fees the a torney, Mr Wright, J ,aU n aJdifcon to llarrisburg intti--ere
only $100, who is commended i0 i tunona-
hls report by the administrator for the! The staujponltiy thow to be bell in
reasonableness ot his charges. j this city from January 9 to 16lh inc us-
jive, will b in ibe Vance brick, at the
Mrs A. J. McMillan arrived In Albany ; corner of Sad and Ellsworth streets It
last night on bar way to the Bay. is ezpecd there wi.l be 2,500 birds on
Mr. A W Reeves, of Haleey.was in th ' "bibitioa. from all parts ot the state,
city today on his wav home from Per ,aJ ,jere wiii be p.-emiums amounting
land. ' ! lo $300.
Mr. acd H'S. H. G. DnVauIl have gone! The famous Berkley foot ball team.
to Albany after a short visit in rab-m champior.s of be coast, w ill pan through i
tod are ecroote to their home in Sao I Albaoy next Suodav m roin, tor Poit-!
Franri co. btiera Journal. I laot, where tbey wiJl play the Muitno-1
Mr and Mrs E L Power and children. ! n,b. 00 Monday following, the legal
of Lebanon, are in the titv on th-ir w i l)rl"m boltd-y. The Krealel foot
Mr Roy Bentley came up from Salem
this noon for the holidays.
J. 8. Van Winkle is confined to his
home with inflammatory rheumatism.
Hon. J II Peery, of Dotyvillo, has been
in the city a couple of days oa business.
II B Miiler delivered ajjlecture before
tte O.A.C. last evening on "Labor and
Mrs G W Harris and two children left
List night for Sacramento. Calif , on a
visit witn the relatives of Mr. Harris.
Mr J M Concklin left last night for
California, where be will visit bis son
Frank and family, formerly of this city,
wuu resiue near can r .anctsco.
Mr Harry B Whiteaker. a brother of C
B Whiteaker, has been in the city travel
ingg for the Lyon coffee, his field covers
theiute. His brother C.B. covers Cal
ifornia. Rev. Oliver A. Murphy, D D of Mary
land, will come to Oregon early in Janu
ary and reside at Corrailis, having
charge of the Episcopal parishes at Cor
valhaajd McMionville.
Ex Congressman F.X. Schoonmaker,
of New Jersey, who as in Oregon,
stumping the state for Tongue and
Moony before the June election, is now
in the ttte Ucturing, and tonight at
Portland, will speak oa "China the
Shadow of the World " ,
Mr. H. C. Cockerline, lae well known
and popular life insurance man of Eu
gene, is in the city, no. entirely on bus
iness, for while soliciting Mr. Cocker
lene has been fortunate in being accepted
for life. 1 he risk is a first class one.
The Drs. Beers last evening in their
pleasant parlors gave a very enjoyable
reception to Mr. ana Mri David Kirk
Patrick, now of Washington sUte, who
are here on a visit Most of tnoee pres
ent were Mr. Kirkpatricks' former ac
quaintances of nearly 20 years ago. be
lure he left Albany in 1SS0, several being
school maiec. A delightful evening was
parse J.
Grange Elections.
The report of the Secretary of the State
Board of Agriculture for .the past ) ear
shows the following:
Judges $ 55 00
attendance and mileage 482 0
Secretary and assistants 6117s
Gate keepers, ticket vendors V35 5
Marshal and assistants 249 fi
Sopt. pavilion and assistants 280 0
Sundry expense snd repairs 417 5
Insurance 208 2
Advertising 117 l8
farm labor and expense on
grounds 751 in
Improvement 482 18
Attractions 716 00
Sopt. dairy and assistants 43 10
Race track 4.682 13
Uanlsburg Grange No 13: M., F. D.
Cornell; O., J M. Settle; L., M. C.
Poaell ; steward, E E.ParnshtA. S.,
t. ii, Barrett; chaplain, L. Romine;
treasurer, B. Romine; secretary, J. W.
Propst; O. K..J. Clem; P., Marv Pal
mer; F.. Lou Cornell; C..H. Settle, L.
A . 8 , V iota Cornett. Del. gates to L. C.
li. C. II. C Powell and J. Clem.
Haleey grange. No. 26t: M , P. II.
Frserksen; O., K. Z. Taylor; Lee, J.
Miller; 8., P. W. Quion ; Ase't 6., Cbss.
Bond; chaplain, Mattie Quinn; treasur
er, Mary Ta,lor; secretary, O. Taylor;
G . K.. C. H . Davis; P., Mrs. L. Porter;
F., Mrs. M Bond; C. Mrs. Garrett; L.
A. 8., Mrs. Miller; delegates to L. G. 0.
and C, P U Freerkeen, a Z Taylor, rJ C
C. U. Bail, inspector, advertises for
bids for a posiotSce site in Pendleton oa
a five years lease, giving all a crimes.
Holiday Goom at Ccxrr. Mr Julias
Gradwold informs the Democrat that be
will sell all of his holiday goods at cost
and some below cost, and those who
know him know that he keeps his word
St. Jobs' LodgeJNo. 62,
A F. A A, M. last night
e'ected the following of
ficers : E. D. Cusick, W.
M.; Dr. W. U.Davis, 8.
W.; A. M. Cannon, J
W.; D. P. Mason, Treaa.;
J. P. Gaibraith, Sec; W. E. Baker, Ty
ler; L.C. Marshall, trustee These of
ficersand those elected by Coiiathian
Gate receipts
A. Huckeatein, committee...
Ed. N. Edes
John G. Wright, "
Geo. P. Hughes, "
CP. Bishop, "
Race entries
Licenses and ground rent. ...
Entry fees
Shortage for 1898, $452.13.
Computed to Cecember 20, 1898, is as
Genral warrants out . . .
Speed ...
Premium " " ...
..$9,186 63
..$4,768 90
98 00
. . 133 00
.. 14 00
.. 115 50
.. 110 25
.. 1,585 05
1.151 90
. ill w
... 42 85
..$8,734 50
amw1 The English and German Expert Specialists,
2,765 54
44 80
Total warrants
Mortgage and Interest
school fund
Five Physicians and Surgeons, ail Graduates from the Medical Colleges
in the World.
$ 5,952 59 laer(wralcw aar the law mt Caltfrate tat tSSSW. EataMlstwa t years.
I A part of the staff of the English and German Exttert Specialists and
ur. .Tieyers Co., will mate their regular monthly visit to
... 14.495 55
ToUi indebtedness $20,443 14
Officers were elected as follows:
President A. J. Johnson, tfeio.
Vice-President D. A. Ue Alii iter, La
Secretary C. D. Gabrielsoo, Salem.
Treasurer A. Basb, Salem.
Chief MarsDal . I. Himeral. Mac
leav. Superintendent ot Pavillion W. H.
Bavege, ralem.
Saperiotendent of Dairy Geo. W.
Weeks, Salem.
Saperinteoden of Poultry Geo. D.
Goodhue. Salem.
Executive Committee A. LaFollett,
D. H Looner, J Q. Wilson.
Finance Committee 8. IT. Holt, D.
H. Looeey, J . Q. Wilson, F. W. Dorbin,
A. 1. Johnson.
The postmaster and bis d spa tits are
having their hands full handling Christ
mas packages.
Cooo Hollow was greeUd by a good
sited audience st the armory last eve
ning, who were pb-aaed wittk the novel
A game of foot bad was played in Port
land last Sunday between "the snorts"
and "society." two elevens oi Jewish
young men, wbo played a live game.
The Sugar Pine Mill 4 Fixture Co.
have the contract for making the fixtur
es for the new post office, an insurance
of a good ph. The new bcx have been
Across t'se river last evening Thos.
Heffroa secured a gray squirrel which
tusks ot such peculiar shape as to
. .. h , nrersana loose elected oy uoiiainian
home from a vuit with the former a par-' D,IJ .T 10 rr,!0.Y', anticipated, ... . n.,mll-j on Fridaw ewn-
enm in fell. S and ihe Multnomaha will have lo get np ' . ,"," rnaay even-
I a good deal of
to get np
trash to even score.
Mimosa or Eggs. Last Saturday
evening State Fish and Game warden
McGuire and Frank Middleton came np
from Portland with a car load of salmon
eggs, which Mr. Middleton took to the
Bay this noon and forwarded to the Si
nslaw, where they will be placed in the
hatchery for that river. There were 4,
002,000 of the eggs, nice'y packed in
trays, with dampened moes over them,
eighteen boxes in all, which will mean
plenty of fish for the Siuslaw.
For the first time in several winters
Albany has no bowling alley.
Thk Moore Case. Interest is being
added to the Moore case in New York
city by the charge that the first jury was
bribed, thus securing a disagreement.
Moore brands the charge from Paris
that he and his wife had blackmailed a
Russian count as an infamous falsehood,
as well aa several others of a like char
acter. Mrs. Moore accuses Mahan of
being a liar.and was confident she would
be acquitted on the second trial to take
place this week.
A Mrs Nancy Moore claims to have
married W A E Moore in 1890. and that
they went to Europe and Africa together
and that he abandoned ber at Johanes-
berg and took up with Fayne Strahan,
and a suit for divorse is to be brought.
including Fayne Strahan aa co-respond
ent. Moore has denied that be baa any
lawful wife except Fayne.
A Hot Discussion.
The Pacific coast is a hummer. Twenty-two
years sgo there was only one rail
road line reaching to it, the Union and
Central ?acibe. Tbetr gross earnings
were about $25,000,000 Now there are
at least six big railroads reaching the
coast, whose ross earnings the past year
were nearly $200,000,000 In consider
ing the amonnt of bnelness it Is well to
remember that rate have fa'len greatly,
Oar home is like a dry goods store.
It makes me leel quite rash
To bear them ca'ling oVr and o'er
For cash, cash, cash 1
A convict just out of the state peni
tentiary says the whipping poet is used
there. He also reports very poor food
and hard work. Snch a place is a good
one to keep away from, and we advise
this convict never to go there again. A
penitentiary ought to D9 a pojr pUc e to
stop at.
The U S grand iur at Portland on
Saturday brought in an indictment
against Geo. W. Kinsley, a notary puolic
of Eugene, Stroud Long and Chen May
Wong, ot that city, wbo are accused oi
conspiring to bring into tne united
btates one MoyQooy, a Chinese laborer.
Long used to reside "in Albany.
The Dry Goods Economist store baa a
very realistic army scene, a couple of
men in soldier's attire camping ana see
ing a vision of the old folks at home.
The new o t office will probably be
ready for occupancy by January 10. The
work of arranging the building for the
purpose is being pushed with that date
in view.
J. M. Ralston was in Lebanon Tuesday
on business connected witn nisi new
building. He bas leased the building to
3tr. Knowles, of the Racket store, for a
period of two years, commencing rebru-
lst. Lebanon t A.
Oab Creak. Dec. 19. 1S9S.
A Urge crowd was present at be Oak
Creek Scnool boose la-t Saurdav eve to
bear the question discussed "Resolved
that the Philippine I-lands should be
annexed tu the U. rt " Whi'.e tb a eak
ers on the affirmative made hot pe-tbes
favoring the annexation of these Islands,
there was no less a' ility shown by the
speakers on the negative. M orh oratory
waa dispiay.d throughout the discussion
by the speakers on both i des, each
speaker being greeted with app'ause by
the audience, wbicb showed that enthu
siasm was running high snd was eonsid
ered by those present to be the moei pa
triotic contest ever wineesed at Oak
Creek. Alter conclusion of the argn-
mert the vote by the judges was affirm
ative 2, negative 1.
A recera of 20 minutes wss then de
clared for social chat which all present
seemed to enjoy
The booee was again calleu to order
by Pres. McElraorry and the audience
was favored by a number cf solos by
members present, together with some
fine selections by the quartette.
The Society then adjourned to meet
Saturday Dec. 31 at 7 p. ai. at which
the program will consist of "A jury trial
in Kaogaroo Court," a drama entitled
"Aont Betsy's Beaux," singing by the
quartette also a number of solos, recita
tion! and instrumental music.
en is in Salem
Rev. M. C. Wire left yesterday for the 1
et to visit his ajred mother in her last ; .
iiiness. lie expects to be goue several : A correction,
months. - "
Lawyer W. C. Hale, of Eugene, went Saxoi Or., Dec. 20, 1S9S.
to Salem yterJay to plead for a i,Uy of j E Dmocwat-
proceeding in the caw of the stale ag- i 1 emocwat. ...
aicst Claud . rauton. who waa sentenced i 1 1 forrc atake In last
to be banged next Fridav. weeks ; r axwit me and Jerry Keeo-
t. t, , , , , . ey. I was Mr. Cliff Abram e when
rr. ru.iey.wpo pem eerwi wee ... K-, f , -n.u
lag wi'.D aire, i hi no words na hi.r
in Aloaoy, is now in Eugene, and totuor
row night will deliver his lecture on :
"The Philosophy of Eight Living," at
the M.E. . hurvh in that city, a treat for
Eugene people. j
Mr. M. K. LewU, w tto went to Neb
raska four men be ago. bas returned
tome. He spent most of the time at the
exposition introducing his pateot gate, i
wun excellent results He rejoices at
at ail, and was not walking with him,
and my daring Lim to shoot waa fl
1 am cot acquainted wtb Mr. Keener,
never saw him before. Mr. PfeiHer. my
aurt, told me to come in Ibe store for be
might snoot me. She way bJ .y height
ened when hearing Ur. Keener sboou
JotixaiB Dene.
icg. December 23.
Came on the stcandla.
being back in God's country to enjoy the !
genial climate amid firs and ferns. j
E. J. Arnold.the merry-go-roond man, !
wi'l i-svetoda for a trip lo Meo.pbia,l
T . . L- r: . n I ..I
to beawavfr malem about to mcnttis. . a .i v.
tie will take along a let of "Resoo-ces of . . . . .
Oregon" lo dHtri -ote among the East- l morning on hiswsy to his
ero people, and will aso do a whole lot home in Kansas from Manila. Laving ar
of sensible talking abcul Oregon. ! ,irt in sn ean-;avk Snn on th
fctateman. j g,,,,,. lu e,mB ool on ,he ptti)rm
Lawyer W C Hale, of Eugene, passed ! to snifl the Iresh Oregon air. and was
through the city this noon on bis way accotcjd by some Albany men wboaere
home from Salem, where he bad been to i out at the train to meet alnaov's two
secure a stay of proceedings in tlie case " jouog men from the same place 'if tbey
of Claud Bran ton. sentenced to be bang- .ho Id arrive. He tbooght Lesiia Verira
Election of Officers.
At tbe regular meetieg of the H. F. B.
O. Foram No. 634 tbe following officers
were elected : President, Dr. I. L. Hill ;
vice president, L. E. Gray; Snd vice
president, E. Wagstaff ; fee. J. W. Eiiie
o ; treas , Cbas. Knecbt; historian,
Mr. M. Howard; orator. Mrs B. Swan;
sss'i orator, Mrs. K. Meyer; porter, Mrs.
M. M. Gray; guard, T. H. Giliispie;
chsplaio.G. V. Howard ; medical exam
iner. Dr. J. L. Hill; Cuo
d S.
The Trilby stove, tbe best in tbe m ir
ket, at Stewart & Sox Hardware Co'.
Here we are with 100 pails of delic
ous tr tap for only 60 eents a pail.
Conn A Huston. -
The gambling holes of La '-Grande have
been struck and closed. If the wave
reaches Baker City it will have twenty
five places to tackle.
It is a marrel now
f some men will risk their
lives bv sheer neglect
They sleep away entirely
oblivious of the danger
creeping upon them. Men
can hardly be made to re
alize mat a nttie sput
tering spark of disease
which might be stamp
ed out in an instant
l may mean death u it
i allowed to keep on.
Dvsoeosta. con
st i oat ion and
liver complaint
seem like trifling
matters but they
will eventually
wreck the con.
.stitotion as
asrelv aa a
Ck - spark will blow up a keg of
It yovr owia w an mwy
and vigorous it is a simple
1 M.iKl thinv In writr ta
t- tw w. V. Pierce, chief con.
-7,W aulting phyaicun to the la.
Ylntcl and Surancal
Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., and obtoin from
ktaiS hi. staff of eminent specialists
SSt "t charge, profeaaiooal which
Jit enable vou to pot your constitution on
7 iolTwU of heSlth7and strength forth
i before these ailmenU have a chance
"e csused by imperfect Sion of the liver
and digesUve organs.
Mn V. M. Roblaettrf Xgooboa. 1
trd dufemt doctors with but little reU. I
lj Av
P.: 'II I T Ir' l
'1 kaU
phon, Hancock
I can
Jack Howard returned this noon from
Miaa Minnie Sehale. of Jefferson, has
been visiting in the city the guest'of her
sister Mrs. A. Skaar.
Mr. W.C. Tweedale left last night for
Sacramento, Calif. .where he wi'l spend
the holidays with friends.
C. A McDonald, a former Lebanon man
and S. P. engineer, is now engineering
on a train in Southern California.
License has been issued for tbe marri
age oCMr. Cbarlea Belmont and Miss
Alice Love, twoot tbe well-known young
people of Harrisburg.
Otto Clelan, Grant Froman and John
Warner have rented a naphtha launch
owned by some Corvalus men with a
view to.buying it, and will navigate me
W. ti. Parker returned this noon
from the Bay, where be left his sister
Mrs. Mackey alive. Mrs. Hughes, of
Astoria, went over this noon. Her sister,
Mrs. Virgil Parker is tlso there.
The Ladies'of the Baptist church will
give a social at Mrs. Fred Dawson's on
Friday evening Dec. 30, to which all are
invited. A nice lunch will be served.
Admittance of 10 cents will be charged.
Prof. Stark of Will & Stark .is at home
and will remain here fort n days. AH
desiring their eyes examined and tested
should call upon him during his stay
here, before his return to tbe Medical
College at Portland
Vf. L. WatkinB. is in tbe city after
being in the hospital at Portland for two
months. Mr Watkins was located at
Sumter, E. O., for awhile, but the
weather and climate did not agree with
him and he started back to Webfoot, and
will go to the Bay tomorrow.
From the Weston Leader about
former Albany man : Deputy Sheriff E.
D. Turner was np from Pendleton Tues
day, posting Weston property for taxes
He was allowed to escape alive, and the
property ot delinquents will be sola un
der the hammer after live weeks' publi
cation, unless tbe taxes are paid.
.lark Warner. who has been in this'citv
working in the interest of the A. O. U.
W.. has secured sixteen applications for
turned Oat.
Tbe cabin of two wood choppers work
ing on the place of Peter Riley near this
city.was entirely bnrned yesterday while
they were away from it. at work. AH
tbeir things were in tbe cabin, and as
tbey were at work in their shirt sleeves
tbey did not have much left, and bsd to
come to the city last evening to get some
thing to weai.
Nearly CoMfLgrxo. Joan A. Shaw,
tbe merchant of Mill City, was !n tbe
city yesterday, tie reports that the
Marion-Linn county bridge over the Saa-
tiam river at that point will be complet
ed this week and ready for accept
ance by the courts of the two counties at
their January term of court. The bridge
was constructed at a cost of aboat$2970,
ed next Friday. He secured it, and now
Branton will not be hanged until the ap
peal is heard.
Tbe iritiation of six members iotj tbe
AOt'lV was made an exra occasion,
and the famous Jefferson learn waa sent
for. The initiation was held in tbe Odd
Ke. low's ball, and was conducted by tbe
Jefferson team, assisted by the stereop
ticon. Tbe initiation wss followed by a
banquet in the A O U W hall, gotten op
by ibe members of the Degree of Honor,
and a season of sociability.
A Basket Social.
Grand Prairie Y. P. S. C. E. and
Grand Prairie S. S. will give a matched
verse basket social on (Friday evening,
I . , . . OA : , k
short program. Grand Prairie soriais
re always good. Oome one and all and
enioy this one. st No. 103 Graoge ball.
cadies bring baskets.
All nropertv owners in district 14 are
reauested to meet next 1 tiursday after
noon at 1 p m at Mi. iu orange nan to
consider road matters, in pursuance of
the request of tbe county judge.
it. U. DtHKuAKT,
Road Supervisor.
To the Asylum Eugene Miher, a
yonng man eighteen years of age, of
Shelburn, was brought to Albany and
upon examination declared insane. He
was taken to the asylum by the sheriff,
Miller was harmless, spending his time
quietly. It is probable . that the good
treatment of the asylum management
will core film.
could .carceiy eat an ythtng-t would put me in jnemkergiijp aDd has several more tl
25! .J-?J22Taii will orobabfv loin. The A. O. U. W.
. wui kdihi pain u .j -. --- -- . . ,ir - .
a nne order anu air. rraruer ib urnir
aull aching pain in my stoma, n, - ---fcartina
bcVo4 my shoulder, bad taste In my
Wxmta, tonau coated brown, had laint P"
win a urea worn-out reeling. w
batUes of 'Golden Medical piacovcry' and re
ceived great benefit. I am now able to work. II
it had not been for this wonderful remedy I be
lieve I would not be living to-day.H
The most difficult diseases to cure are
those which are aggravated by constipation.
Ia sack casts Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
should be taken in conjunction with the
' Discovery." They never gripe. All good
Stealers aafl them. .
class rustler. The two together form
good com bi notion. Lebanon E. O.
Coon Hollow. The large company is
i tbe city and will be at tbe armory to
night in one of tbe luosi, entertaining of
performances on tbe road. The company
is highly spoken oi, giving a perioral
ance novel and pleasing.
Tbe Company have tbetr own scenery
and some of it will be sboan tonight,
being used as much as possible.
To Night. St. Johns Lodge in ststed
communication this evening at 7:30
o'clock. Electiou of officers. All mem
bers are requested to attend. By order
f. UALBBAITH, v. w.
and Frank Wire weald be borne in
couple of days, Wire anyway as be bad a
discbarge. He reported Wire all right,
and said that two days after tbe boat was
out be was abie to throw bis crutches
away and tbe next day to whip one of
the other soldiers. erick's eyes were
bad but were improving He could see
down some but not ahesd at all.
Mr. Verick this morning received a
dispatch from Major Woodruff stating
that Leslie bsd been discharged and was
probably on bis wav borne. A postal re
ceived by Mrs. Wire from W. b. Math
ews said that Frank and Leslie wouia
leave Sao Francisco Toesdsy afternoon
for Albanv and tence will be here to-
' . . a 1
morrow morning on the overland. Ai- I
bany people generally will rejoice at see
ing tbem home in as good condition ss
they are, confident that tbey will be all
right soon.
Road Meet:xgs. Pursuant to tbe call
of tbe County Jodge, road meetings are
being held in different pans of Ibe
rouotv. An interesting one was held in
district 23 yesterday, wbeo Cbbe Peters
waa declared tbe choice of tboee prwent
for su per visor. Tne Demochat tomorrow
will give a good account ot tbe proceed
ings. Reports are invited from other
An O.A.C. Gle Clob ia making ar
rangements to tour the west side giving
concerts daring tbe holiday season.
Today and tomorrow are reputed to be
the shortest days of the year.
Some Beehive Baking Powder with
some prises, at Parker Bros.
Tbe Propst sausage has reached towa.
It is alt right.
The national W C T U will meet in
Seattle October 20 to 25, 1899.
F. H. PfeiSer keepa tbe
biggest and best slock
of Holiday caodiee,
nuts etc., in 'he city,
for sale at tbe smallest
prices. See, pree, try
Saturday, Dee. 31st.
Revere Hotel,
Brigbt's Disease and all other Diseases of tbe Kidneys ; Diseases of the Blad
der. Urinary Organs, liver, Spleen,Spine, Bowels, Heart,Stomacb, Eye, Ear, Skin
and Nerves. Also Impoverished Blood, Blood Poison and Scrofula ; Catarrh, Ton
stlitia. Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, and other Throat and Lang troubles ;
Tumors. Deformities, Insomnia, Melancholy, Paralysis, Rap ere. Dysentery, Dys
pepsia, Neuralgia, Rceomatism, Stiff and Swollen Joints ;t Female Complaints,
including Ovarian troubles; Piles, Fistula. Obseity, Ring Worm and Goiter; To
bacco, Opium, Cocaine and Liquor habit; Headache, Erysipelas, Gout, Tape
Worm, Biliousness, Dropsy, Gall Stone, Eczema, Freckles, Blackheads, Cancer,
etc, and Chronic Diseases generally. -
DR. MEYERS A CO. cure Nervous EebiUty, Lost Manhood and all Private
Diseases, including contagious blood poison, quickly and perm anently, and at
reasonable rates.
Tte English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers A Co. are not on
ly competent and reliable, bat are responsible, being back ed' by ample capital and
ably managed.
Diseases which have baffled the skill of oth er physicians and stubbornly re
fused to vield to ordinary medicines, methods aud appliances, are quickly sub
dued and mastered by these successful doctors. Tbey have the largest and beet
equipped medical institute in America
Call on the Doctors when they come. All ailing people should see the
English and German Expert Specialists or Dr. Meyers A Co. if possible. A friend
ly talk, which costs absolutely nothing, is bound to result in a great deal of good.
wore tusks ot such peculiar shape as to J whether treatment ia takenor not. .
rnJeS TH nft? T, I . "9 E CV ES-While it is preferable in many instate to see a patient
mounted for Lis museum 1 tngiisti ana uermaa i. Xpert trpeciabsts have cored thousands of person
a -t . " . . I whom they have never seen. If you c-nnot see the doctors write tbe home ot5cj
A .fod many cave declared tbeir in- tor queetioo list. Advice in regard to vour ailment, book for men or women an
leoUoo oi amending the munal of ProfJtrMiiwon invrfiaMMi; I. rRrc ' rmnui.fw anJ thr Anam with
patients or prospective patients sacredly confidential.
aod Mrs. Wertx at the Presbyurian
cnorcn tonight. A choice piogram of
musical eamcers wui be given, wiiq tbe
wee stance oi 1M ura Harkneee as
reeJer. A nominal admission fee of ten
centa will l c barged at tae door.
ureai -oarsams in
at the L. E. BLAIN
I Only 20 days before we
Close Business.
Kober Distinguished Himself.
cctter cist.
Following is the list of letters remaining
in the Postomce at Albany, Una county,
Oregon, Dec. 20, 1899. Persons calling
for these letters must give the date on which
they were advertised :
Cole, II B Maxwell, Mr George
Cocsreli.Tbos Mather, Mrs Dinale
Davis, Jelt fliorone.suss ava
Houston, AmtLa Newman, John It
Mart. Me lim Ottinger. Miss Rusha
Hayford.ueo uyiivie. mn ivosinau
Mauill. T T Blienick, Mr D
Truelove.Mrs WT Oshorn.Mlsa Llatle
WcLuue, Jaa L z,umwau, wary u
T J. Btitis P. M.
The wav things are run in Marion
county the Justice of the peace at Halem
has a good ollice. Last month the re
ceipts of H.A. Johnson were over floO
and Recorder fxi txles nad bills against
tha .kttnlv lor Alinnt na mtirh.
J " " ,.. tT.., k.. l -
? H Zander, a Salem dealer in men'a I " T " ' , J
fuanishing goo.18 till gone into voluntary ! " "ooa Sarsaparllla has cured
brnkruptcy , liabilitiea $4,000, assets f 3,0-00.
Was Almost Grazed
Sores on the Limbs Cured by
Hood's 8arsaparllla-Heart and
Lung Troubles Overcome.
"I broke oat with sores all over my
limbs, and they caused such intense Itch
ing I feared I should go crazy. I waa also
troubled with a tired feeling. After tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparllla a abort time the
Itching ceased, and the sores on my limbs
began to heal. I am better In every way
since taking Hood's Barsaparllla." MBS.
Besides several letters Tbe A merirsn
Soldier of October 29 wss received at
this city this morning.- We clip tbe fol-l
lowing :
Last Sunday while on guard at St Au
gustine church Fred ' Kober, Co. I, dis
covered a large quantity oi secretea arms.
Behind a laige painting in te officers
room be found a sort of a closet full of
Mausers, Remingtons and eobeis with
drums, bugles and 6,000 or more rounds
ot ammunition. Pvt Kober promptly
reported the find to tbe proper authori
ties, and Brig. lien. Reeves sent a detail
of Minn, boys from the police station to
take charge of the capture! arms.
Uardeld Button aod Claud Taylor, of
the Baltimore, were visiting their aoany
Irieuds at the Quartet Espaoa. Come
atrain hnvs.
Booth and McFarland formerly of this
city played in tbe uregon ciuo ana Mar
vin Turner scorea.
butting a Jury.
According to a New York dispatch of
yesterday the work of getting a jury for
tbe trial of Mrs. Fayne Strahan Moore,
codefendant with her husband, William
A K Moore convicted of "badgering"
Martin Mahon in a hotel In this city,
we resumed. Four jurors were obtained
and after a long list of talesmen bad
been examined Ove more were accepted
by both tides. The bearing was then
djourned until tcaay.
Sow ii vou want tome of tbe greatest bargains iu all lines of Merchan
dise call at oar store within the next 20 days as we will close business snd
ship all stock left. Auction Prices at private sale every day for 20 days
only. A few of our Auction prices unlit all is closed out: 3 papers Ar
buncle or Lion Coffee, 25 eta.; Uood Calico per yd.Scts.; Men and Ladies
sboea from "5 eta. up; Underwear from 16 rts. up; Target Brand Syrup
per pall. 45 cte . Call and buy Christmas goods at A uctioa Prices Mcl L
W. R. Blain's
mT n in
111 TTT IIAIliirlTT
DUEDALL. Near Albany, Dee. 13
1898, to the wife of Mr. 1. 0. Duedall'
a boy.
The biggest
and beet stock
Nuts, etc.
in Albany,
at F. H. Pfeiffer's.
Tbe prices are
the smallest.
Bought fresh
for the
Christmas trade.
me of a
lung trouble and fluttering of the heart,
and since I began taking it my weight
has increased 20 pounds. It has done my
stomach good and I can now enjoy my
meals and eat with comfort. I recom
mend Hood's Barsaparllla as the best
medicine it is possible to find." C. W.
CaBET, Primeville, Oregon.
5 parilla
Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Bold by all druglsts. Fries, 11; six for S3.
t-I,4 r:it are the best after-dinner
ilOOU S fills pun, eld digestion, zoo.
A Eiokns Dibats. At Viliard Hall
last night the question "Resolved, That
the United States should retain control
of tbe Philippines," was affirmed by
Messrs W L Whittlesey. M L Watts and
L O Bradley, and denied by Messrs Cbas
V Galloway, B C Jakway and O R Camp
boll. President 0 H bapman, 8upt E
V Reseierand Hon E R Kkipworth act
ed as judges, their duty being to select
the three best debaters, wbo will rep.
resent tbe U oi O in the intercollegiate
contest. By their decision vv L wnitt'
lesev la selected as leader, and O V Gal'
loway and BO Jakway colleagues.
Hood's Pills are tbe only pill to take
with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver
f -
what to by T A bottle of fine Perfume in any on of (barfly popular
oders which ws shall take pleasure in showing vou will be nniver
aail aecantable. becaute.every body likes good Perfumes. Palmer s
Wiight's and Lundborg are ins Dest.
"Silver plait that wtart
on spoons, forks, etc., is a goat
antee of quality the world over. ,
The prefix 1547 insures the gen
uine Rogers qaality.-jjj
Also a fine line of
and many Novelties
Suitable for
Gitts to Gentlemen.
Consists in part of
EAUTIFUL TIES, all shapes
elegant Silk Handkerchiefs and
Mufflers The latest swells tyles
Fancy Dress and Night Shirts.
Pretty Suspenders.
Nobby Hats and Caps. Just Received
Silk Lined Gloves. Walking Gloves.
Men's Gewelry. New Designs.
Sweaters, all wool and elegant, bo't
especially for the "Gift Season.
Beautiful Stationary, Novelties, No
tions, etc.
makes it to your advantage to
and see the beautiful goods displayed.
A large assortment of Fashionable
goods for Presents to Gentlemen and
Boys. You are cordially invited to
c al