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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1898)
nfortuuate Ctilifornians. If you hear any one kicking at the Of egoii rain read them the following peti tion to tlift governor of California, from Monterey County : To His Excellency James BudJ, Gov ernor ot Calforoia: We, your constitu enta, residents of Monterey county, State of California, and citicent of theae United States, would respectfully pre ent to our notice the following facte, and invite your immediate attention to the tame, with the hope that you. in your executive capacity, may be able to devise some immediate meant ot relief It ia well known that in tbie part of ' Monterey county little or no rain has fallen since a year ago last Febtuary. This, with a scarcity of rain for several years previous, caused a shortage of crops in ail those years, while this year there bag been an entire failure. As a result, in many cases, feed, seed and family supplies are completely exhaust ed, and iu many more are nearly eo. Cattle, bogs and poultry have been dis , posed of to meet our necessities, while hundreds of cattle have starved to death. Our poorest horses we have been compelled to shoot, our next poor er have been turned ont to shift for themselves, or starve, while our best horses are eating the last otjour feed and we have no means witk wLich to pur chase more. Some are away to pasture. and we have no funds with which to pay paatursee or secure their return. We have nothing left to 'dispose of. Our farms are mostly mortgaged for all that can be raised on them, and moneyed men and banks will loan no money on even unincumbered real estate ia this part of the country. Merchants cannot possibly carry thi vast concourse of people, as they can not buy on the long time required by toe consumer. The milling company will furnish no feed or seed until it rains, and then only on a crop and chattle moitage, which, if given, leaves the merchant without security and at once etopa family supplies, and the result must be inevitable starvation. There are families in this community who have lived for months on shorts and bran, others who have lived for weeks on bread and water, and scores who have bad neither milk, butter. meat nor lard in their bouses for weeks on weeks untold. Local committees and county officials are feeding hundreds, but hundreds more which they cannot supply are in teed, and the worst is yet to come. Hay for horses, bran for the cow?, the one pig and the few pouliry which re main, and family supplies of all kinds are needed at once, and. must be had or the most direful results must eoeue. Those people are not spendthrift or paupers. They solicit no chanty. TLey simply aek for facilities by which to help themselves money or supplies at reasonable rate of interest nntil they can secure returns or work at living wages to keep soul and body together. Otheis are eld and infirm, tottering on the edge el the borderland. Theee must be "ap plied. We make no suggestions as to methode. We simply present facts as they exist and leave your mature judg meut to devise the immediate remedy. Should you deem it expedient to com municate with us for aDy furthtr infor mation address our Secretary. Ey order of a mass meeting held in Lock wood Hall, December 12. 1898. J.A. Miller, D O , M.D., Secretary. A Western rtl gious society, according to the' Springfield Redublican, adopted recently a joyful reeolution to the effect that", wise Provide nee,tbrough the in cidents of the war,!iaa opened vast fields for the ad.anctmrnt of Christanuy." This was passed at a time when fifty car loads of beer left the came part of the Weet to be shipped to the Philippines. The Bepoblican is of tne opioion that - ''the beer train is enly the prelude to a .grand and impressive advance of New England rnm and Kentucky whisky for which'a wise Providence through the it cideots ot war' mnst likewise be regard ed as responsible.' How many of tbe Indisob wbo once owned this continent have we ever eon verted to Protestant churches, in propor tion to the number we Lave killed by bullets, and the vices we bave carried a mongtbem? After January 1 railroad passes will be scarce. Fifty-three western roads have entered into an agreement taking the right of issuing passes ou' of the bands of officers of the individual roads and urning tbem orer to committee, the ap proval of which must be obtained before any transportation can be secured by anybody except the higher officers of the larger railway system. These pass and iting committees will be located at Cbi cago, Omaha, St Looi. St Paul, Kansas City, Fort Worth, and Houston, Texas, Ex. From the Sydney Bulletin. The other day a young man at Albert Park, Victoria, took a revolver from tbe mantle-ehelf of a friend with which to drive a tack,tbe revolver waa loaded and went off; tbe bullet cut a thin gold rir.g from the man's little finger, tore tbrouub bis trousers, struck on some silver in bis pocket, ricochetted and pierced tbe toe of bis boot. Result ; Damage to trousers and boot and one broken ring. Mora!; Always carry monev in your pocket. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded desease that science has been able to cure in all its etages, and that is Catarrh. Hail'a Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive care kocwn to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitution al treatment. Hali'j Oatarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood nd mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith iu its curative powers, tbey offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure bend for list of testwnals. Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co. Sold by Drucgiais, 75p. Toledo, O. Hall's Family Pills are tbe beet. Christmas Fowls. Leave your orders lortnnstmae turkeys, geese and chick ent at Powers & Sprengera Poultry house, uurtu ui oiernoergs . Mxny Has turned with disgust, from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl s Clover lioot Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as noth else will. Sold for years on absoiute guarantee. Price 25cts. and 60 eta. nood's Pills cute biliousness Mailed for 2 cents by U. L. Hiod & u , Lowell. Mass- Late to bed and early to rise, pr"pa'a a man for nis borne ia the kie. Put early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill ttat makes life longer aod better and I. A. Cumming, agent. Expansion. Politicians are trying to ring people in to the expansion idea by continually as serting that it ipprogrefsive etyle and that if you would be progressive you must favor expansion. What rot. It has nothing to do with expansion. A man to be progressive doesn't have to buy tip all the property in sight. A farm er with 160 acres to be progressive does nothave to gobble up the adjoining forty acres. He displays bit progressive ideas by doing tome first class forming in an uptodate way. Sj the United States to be progressive should run its government in an uptodate, enlightened way. Uncle Sam doesn't bave to reach out and gobble up the whole world nor even a part of it to be progressive. A great many business men are ruined by putting their irons in too many fires, and it might be the way with nation, and has been iu a good many instances in the world. If it is necessary to annex the Philippines to be progressive, then wheu we bave the Philippines awhile it will be necessary to annex China or some other country. The truth is we have been pro greesive before this exansion idea was thought of by us, the most progressive on the face of the earth notwithstanding the imperialistic pol'cy of some ot them. No nation touches the United Statse in the matter of get up and get. Vie bave a big field already tor progressive pol icies without adding pagan.igoorant.un progressiva people to our country. Some one says we have been in favor or expan sion because e added the western conn try, Louiaana and Alaska to the original country. Nothing of the kind. The country was forming, and the circum stances were ripe fur such movements in order to complete our national bound aries. Even now it another country were to ask admission to our doors we could not very well do any thing but admit il. That would be business and entire ly different from foicing a country into our union. The matter is one that calls for good sense and fairness.and not boll doting methods . Christian scieuc e. The following by Marion Forestall is published by request : Liberty of religious belief Is one thing, contravention ot the laws of reason and humanity ia another. The sturdy Pilgrims who founded this country tf ours believed, as we well know, in religi one liberty; but when sickness laid iu band upon tbem or tbeir childern, we may be sure that they hesitated not to use orthodox rerreJitra, doubtless some that were anything but palatable. A man with the brain of the late Har old Frederick owed it to himself and the worid to leave no means unused that might result in his recovery. It it only charitable to suppose that bis Christian -Science "care-taker," aave the mark ! fondly deluded themselves and him into the belief that all was going well. There may be a germ of truth iu tbe notion that people can cultivate a atate of resistance to disease, and even old school physicians admit that will power in a patient ia a strong ally. But when a man's boose is on fire, does be calmly sit down ard -'think" out the blaze, abd tell bis helping neighbors to do tbe same? ''Futfrummit," as tbe sapient and sensible Samamba remarks a tew times. It tbe arrest of Athahe Mills and Kate Lyon, the English attendants of the la mented novelist, will result in nothing more than a good scare to tbe Christiao Science camp, there will be something gained; and tbe fanatics may learn, in time, to discriminate between a trifling ache or pain, which a mental "pow wow" will neither help nor binder, ag gravate nor cure, and a sharp, well-defined malady the neglect of which is criminal, and to be dealth with on crim inal groends. It will take awhile to curb the Span iards left on the island of Cuba. Tbey wiil be s'owto givs up tbeir offices and igbts as lords of tbe manor. While tbe United States has military authority there the Spaniard will bave to behave himself, but a soon as tbe island gets under tbe government uf tbe Cabact a it mnst eventually, then look out for trouble. Some day it ia probable tbe Cubans will wish that they bad become a part of tbe United States, but nntil tbat time tbere should be no annexation. Cuba should be allowed to use bar own judgement in tbe matter. There has been an international con ference in Hime for the suppresiisn ot anarchy.' It is hoped it does good . Tbe people of all nations should rite op against that class ot men who wish to take tbe government into tbeir bands. The red flag should be downed at tbe first tackle. Tuere is no room for it in the same atmosphere with tbe stars and stripes. For Linn county to receive twea'y two premiums at the Omaha exposition ont of one hundred twenty seven for Or egon it was a acompliment that should not be lost track of.Thia Is more than we generally get at tbe so called state fair. Let all tbe roosiers crow and set the calliope going. James Hamilton Lewis is an expan sion:. This is not surprising to thobe who have been ia the habit ot teeing him expand himself until he almost burst in two in tbe halls of congreas. After all there is not very much politics iB the matter, so great it the difference of opinion in the parties. Oregon will be tbe greatest prone country in the world. We are already doing b lively business in this most healthful of fruits. THE PLACE TO BUT Vour Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody ki.owe where their place it. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat tbeir customers well, all .like. You may regret tome steps you take fn life but none taken into tbe store of Parker Bros. It is a gret tning to be well fed. Par iter Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but y want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Husband, make your wifes, daughter or son a curistmas prenent ol one ol those watches thatFrencli theJewelcr is selling so cheap II avk You Seen the big doll in the window at ' "Ramps Grocery;' it will be given away Christmas evening, tor further patticulars in quire at the store. A couirh is not like a (ever. It does not have Iu run a certain course. Cure it q lclciy and effectually wub One Minute Couh Cure, the beat remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recom mend it because it's good. J. A. Cum ming, agent. Keeping the Poor. Dr. C. H. Newth, of Philomath, has compiled a list of th counties of the state with their plan uf dealing with the poor which is a loiiowe: - Washington count v t et wed to have her paupers ttn.i..l -i e best with the least outlay in propoiuou to the si vice and grade ol attention Baker lias poor ;am; cost $5,000 buildings $750. Kt r baa it free for keeping the county p r. which average two. Beaton contract witu on a person to keep at $3 per week. Clackamas poor arc allowed from $3 to $20 per month each and board them selves. A vera Mimbt-r seven. Clatsop keep. pauper at St. Mary's hoepital at $5 acti tx-r week. Columbia cout'a ts fur ti e mainten ance pi each pann. i separate, some are sent to PoriLin i inual, cost from 13 to $7 per week : number from five to ten. Uoos t as a pocr 'arm, $3,900, giveu rent free to the lowiet bidder on keep ing paupers who number five to twelve. Crook lets to the lowest bidder who must keep tham all in oue place. Sel dom more than two. n,...... .. . R .. ' " ' i per mouiu Donglas has a poor 'i m valued at $10, 000. Contractor ha- See use of same and $4.25 per week fat each inmate and supplies everything .ucKiding clothes, medical attendance aod tibacco. Gilliam givee aid as edd Harney gives aid e needed . Jackson gives the cu tru-tor $4.50 p?r week eace for anpplviorf everything in cluding burial experts . Josephine boards tt-H poor at pi'vate houses wherever convi.itnt. Klamath lete the (v-r.'ruct for $S0O per year and very little o-i'a:de' relief is granted. Lake gives relief a redded. Lane told her poor farm and boards paupers with private la'inilies at $2 40 per week including me i'cal attendance. Linn county boards poor at var ious places at $2 23 per tek, but has recently purchased a fa-tn. Malheur pays an average of month. It per Marion has a poor i, acres and pays a cont :.i of thirtytbree ctor 5Z.49 per week for each inmaf . I Multonomah owns a ocor farm val t oed at $22 000.00, coo-.-'y supplies every! thing and tires all he p. has superinten dent and matron. An rge cost per in mate per week $2.67 O Polk givea individual relief. Tillamook gives individual relief. Umatilla has a farm o' four acres and superintendent, nsnatlv about fifteen In mates; costs 17000 per tear. Union has twntfive acres, value $5,000. Contractor has tree ate and $3 per week each. Mrdirai attendance tarnished by contract by a physician. Wasco lets the contract for term ol years at $1,600 pe: year. Wast ington baa a poor farm ot 100 acres, contractor pa a $300 per year rent and gets $13.75 per month ewh and top- plies everything. Yamhill grants retitf from $3 to $20 per month. The plan which ays toat be baa rtiMt atUtart- ' seen carried out w.t t ion to tbe taxpayer panp-r alike wat where the conn.y '-" Li or leased a farm with auitadlt- i.u idlngt in a tail able location, thro tet tbe farm for a term of year or from year to year to a tenant wbo wat !) lowest bidder tor keeping the paupers and the bigtest bid for tbe farm. In one instant tbe county made a profit of 133 per year, and in this cate tbe renter made money for nearly all the poo r about earned tbeir Ilviog in g--d.i iutf and helping in light work. In Memoriam. Whereas the tupreme and eternal God wbo doetb all things well has, in bis di vine wisdom taken troui our midst our brother John Laabner ia tbe no m tide of life and useful nera wbo died Dec. 13, IS9S, aged 43 years and 12 days. Whereas, as our deceased brother waa a true and good mao, a wll beloved brother of Uaitey tira-e No 261, oue wbo waa highly esteemed in public and private life. Therefore tv. it KsaoLvao that a a (iracge we deeply deplore his loes for b - it a bright and active member w note counsel were al ways regarded as re! tat le. We will miss him in our connael and in onr work and as a kind and loving brother. Be it Rusolvcd that we !eepiy sympathise with tbe bereaved wile wbo has lost a kind bntband, one w . iwas ever true and faithful. May she be enabted to say "Tbe Lord gave ai d tbe Lord bath taken away, bless d 1 l,'e name of tbe Lord," and also reineu ber th cheering promise tbat God will be a husband to the widow. Besolkc that this Grange drape its Charter in mourning for the apace of 20 day, tbat a copy of tht-i resolutions be spread upon tbe minuter! of this Grange as a testimony of res-ect .oour deceased brother and that a copy oi the same be transmitted to sister La'ibner, also tbat a copy be furnished each uf tne Albany papers and tbe Pacific Farmer. Done by order of tbe lirange. Klv. Frank Belknap, Mhh Lvdia Pohteu, H. C. Davis, Committee. Drop into French's Jewelry wto'e anc see bis d.splay of holiday goods, no mat ter whether yon wish In purchase or not. Everybody invited. See Locals on every page. The YVeatner. . Tonight and Thursday fair stationary temperature. Kiver s.nj feet, ' V. M. Fbkkch, Diaplayman, One dozen ' Stereoscopic ollar at Harnish's studio, ast. views Send for a tbem Gillett s Pepper box biuiag at 0. E. Hkownkll's The Fair is Santa Olaus Headquar ters for China, . Lamp?, Toys, Books, IJandkercliiefs and Fancy Dry Goods, Shoes etc' Give him a call. Respectfully, J- A. Weaver. MISFITS. A party of old Albany people were telling ot their standing in school many years ago when one of them went to the bead of the class by eaying that the teacher (Proi. Powell once told him that there wasn't his equal in the school. Representative Flagg of Marion coun ty will introduce a bill in the next ataie legis'ature soon to meet providing (or the banging of all murderers at the state penitentiarv. It is to be hoped the bill will pass That is the proper place for hangings. Keep waving Mr. Flagg until you get It through.- Portland has reason to be swelled up, It is the fourth wheat shipping point in the United States, New York leaimr, followed by Baltimore, Galveston and then Portland, which even leads San Francisco by considerable. With suet record the price of wheat in Portland should equal that of San Francisco, but it does not by teveral cents. The boys will mourn, for "Old Sleuth," who has filled their heads w ith so many wild notions, is dead. Two men were hunting across the riv cr yesterday. One of them killed 16 1 . I . . I. - 1 . I . - i 1:1. t .: . uu wg uuier i, Hullo iiununir to- get lier. Another endorsement of free silver. Here is a give away from the Journal There is no one will complain if Mr Goer applies the broom right hard and rieht soon. There are too manv men drawing big salaries and doing little but roil ten p:na ana talk, politic. Ye gods, what did we ever do that the j ttev. J. Hogarth Lozier should follow us to Oregon? He ie a cyclone on the lect ure stage though. Salem Journal. The Statesman and Independent are request ed to answer this. Ta T 1 1 r 1 ' r 1 1 t . 1 1 notified the members of the First Baptist j church, of Salem, of hU acceptance of H.a. toll IJ I . - . . I VAMIUUCU 111 II I M lilt" INUWnie Ml . the Salem church. Kev. Mcfcillop will! orcunv tha nnlnit fnr tl. firt iw. nn sTniay morn j ounaay morning, January 1st. - Adjutant General Tuttle hat been hauled over the coals by Governor Lord ! in a manner to indicate that it the Gov- ernor has anything to sav over tbe choico inf a it ;u ,. k. 1 2? ucctwor " not be General Tottla The Salem Journal calls tbe manage ment ot the state treasurer's office for twenty years tbe Amrerean slab'.e, and congratulates tbe people over a change. The language ia pretty strong. Many people will be anxious to ae whether Mr Bush will continue in office. There was a prospect that Portlaod would secure the national educational meeting of 1899, and in fact could bave done so with the right kind of rustle. But it will not get it. It has been locat ed south of there fifteen hundred mile. Lo Angeiee securing tbe coveted prue, and Portland will bave to g' along with one national meeting ttat of tbe editors. A Wathinjrton dispatch says: "The Oregon delegation has united in reoom - mending the appointment ot A. W. Se- Teranoe as postmaster at Tillamook. Or. There were several candidates for this office, m'ich interest being manifested, and tbe delegation ha, been some time recllinU adeciaion'which shows tbat j the great appointing power has become t'je state delegation, not the President. The barbers ol Oregon bave organized to protect their buaineei and a bill, tbe title of which is as follows, will be intro duced by Hon. Elmo Daria during tbe regular session : "A bill for an act to' regulate the pursuit ol the business, art and avocation of a barber; tbe licensing of persons to carry on such business and to insure liie better qualifications of persons following such business in tbe a late of Oregon.' Tbe following bicycle Joke it told : A Buffalo boy was arrested on a charge f grand larceny, for stealing a birycie worth $100. At tbe trial the boy's at torney pro veil by the manufacturer of tbe machine tbat tbe materials and labor used in iu construction was worth 16.50, and as a result tbe coart decided that the charge could not Oe sustained. An Oregon editor tiree" ol bidding cn little jabs lor priulng, published tbe fol lowing: "The editor cl this paper ia soon to buy a shirt, etrange and extra vagant as it may seem we are determin ed to do so, and with this end io v ew we isn tne dealers to submit bids. The contract wi.'J be awarded to the loweet uicuer. yaamy and style don't count. Any old thins; will do. Send in your bids at once." The Welcome of Portland is not satis tied with Singer Hermann for a cabinn position, and says: LaadCommUsiooer Hermann in Secretary Bliss's place will not particularly please Oregon. He may be competent to attend te the business ot the interior department, but tbe tpec tacie of exalting a man ot very ordinary ability to such a high station, purely on political grounds, will not especially ad vance Oregon'a placo in tbe cooitnanity of states. A black-cross under tbe name oi any one ol Oregon's com piemen t ol great men would oe placed a sale dis tance from the name of Binger Hermann Excellent Graham Wafers at C. E. Bbownsll's. Vour grocer keeps it. The Magaaha Flour OUR HOLIDAY 1 Equipment 5 Invites you to investigate zS Capes, Collarettes, cbilds lur 13 etta, umbrellas, silk mufflers, g fine linen handkerchiefs, kid 3 gloves, feather boas, neck- 12 r, facioators.blanketa.bed spreads, and many other use r3 f al articles. 2 Economist 3 3 DRY GOODS CO. ml. Albany, Or. 3 iiuiiiuiuiumiiiiciiuiiiiu Delicacies of the Deep, Holibut, Smoked Salmon, Herring, Holland Herring, Spiced Herrinar. bilver Pickerel bellies, Sockeye ueiiiea. . NeV and Dermanenta nar tors are now comnletulv and newlv furn ished. Jiaked goods, fancy and staple grocer ies, second to none. These are now my permanent quarters. Home Bakery. A. O. Beam. TELEGRAPHIC Teller for Kxpaasl.a Washington. Dec. 20. Senator Toller occupied the first half of today's session of tliu enate with a speech in advocacy ot the theory that there are no remrie- iions upon the rigiu oi tne uniteu mines to expand its borders eo us to include far distant territory. He went into the legal cointa bearing upon the question and incidentally discussed at some lenght the form of noverninent- for the m.:i;t....' KlllljpiJllll'B. tiarupra Alula 11 -1 DHQ VII ) .V ........... . rxra was todav re-elected tresidunt of the American federation ol Ijibor, by a tracticailv uuammous vote. The oon vention, which has been in session for eight days adjourned sine die at 0 o'clock uetroit, Mich., was oecmeu upon as tne next place ol meeting. fchaftara flask Maoat Wasnuioros, Dec. 30. General Shat ter appeared rather unexiiectedly before the war investigating commission this afternoon, and told his storv of the San tiago expedition. He was supported by his aid. Colonel Miley, who was with him in Cuba, and was tanked by a large portmanteau of iapers, to which his aid occasionally applied for reference. F.-a f rales Lake Park W ash I sots v, Dec. 20 Representative Tongue's bill of last session providing or the establishment of a public park at Crater Lake, is now on the calender of lie committee of the whole house, but whether or not it w ill be reached this session depends largely npon Speaker Keed. . ; 4 t'aaal Bill VTahuisotox, Dec.20. Hawleyof Tex as today introduced a bill to amend the act incorporating the Maritime Canal Company. It has been approved by a maioritv of th anhi-rimmirtpA r.f'ilm committee on interstate and foreign com- merce. 3. SaUleia fell ed Louuu.v, Dec 20. A dispatch from Shanghai says a powder magazine, situ ated in the center of the Chinese camp, in liankow, exploded, leveling a souare mile of bouse. It is estimated that 300 e,? "ere k,i1 lnc'uJin8 ,l of lUe coinmau,JlD forcM- VmmmtmU 4 k -..MIV .7 I0hT. . . " AmCTox, IK. I Representative Tongue aaya that he has nodouU that an appropriation wiU be made for Va- 3,n'D n tn coniin8 sundry civil bill. The department baa already made iu eatimaU!- n ia the estimate of the h lZJZZ 'h? !SrS?. monnl- lur ulc" ""Sinwiom n appear. TL flW Wa lin , Jr Oregon are the same as reroaimended by the war department. Mr. Tongue eK"cU to have a special recommenda tion tent Jroui the war department re commending that an appropriation be made tor Yaquina, in which event be baa no doubt that the committee on ap propriations will put it into the bill. If it dues noLim inln ih liill in t)w hnnn. will be a hard fight before it ia allowed to drop. tiaU Aaawer Wasiuxgto, Dec. 19 The senate bad a busy day, and there were several important speeches, Piatt of Connecti cut spoke against the Vest resolution, which declare that the l'nilei states baa no power to acquire territory. He said that the power of a cation U ac qnire territory was as inherent as its overeignty. Tbe United Puttee bad the ngul to govern such territory in the 1 1' manner possible until the people of u,t ""reu lanus were capable ol eea- 0VcrnEien rr.ei at Mama j Maco.v, Ga. IVc. 19. The president and Ins laive ftartv wrre received 1 ere ! by the Uret crowd which ha gathered j in Macon aince U.e last visit of Jeffcroa I'avis to thtscitv. lawn ot the station waa the Bibb count v camp of tbe Confederate Survivors" Assoc tion. -WD stroug. beaded by Commander C. M" Wiley. After speeches the Drei- dental party waa uken in charge hy the commutee aau driven auout tbe city un til. time Intake their de(rtnre for Au gusta. ' Losnos, Dec. 3). Tbe St. Petersburg corowpondent ol the J'ltily Mail ears: The Russian government baa ordered IU new deasroyera for the 1 aauc sqoad - ron, to be competed year. in the next two a TB Barmrl Savasxau, Ga , IX-c lb Nearl.vJ the whole of the businee prt of the "town of Ttfton. in the renter of the peach belt was burned lart nihu An oil lamp in aboardiiu house exploded. The Ma sonic ball and 10 etoreo were destroyed' and a hotel and a larpe lumber mili were damaged. A tkat'y Oerwrrvar IsntAXArvue. Ind., Dec 18 A wreck occurred on the Indianapolis. tecatur A Weetern railroad at 2 u o"clock this morning, -'2 miles west of Indianapolis, near (iuion station. T. M. ells, superintended of schools 5' 1)wlRIa county, LI. was killed and ccnM r lajureu. tilrl Vteai avark aa Rla luariEij., Wash., Dec 1R. Elmer Kumley, tbe yoonz man from Medford, Or., who ended a wild spree by shooting himself through the bead 'ast night al 8 o'clock, died two hours later. Io the afternoon he received a letter. He told hi( hum sthat his girl had gone back on him. Kale a rim Prmm ttts, Dec. 18. At a result of a coasting acciden at Turtle Creek, eight mites from PitUburs, Joseph West, a;ed 30 years, is dead and eleven others are injured, twoeeriourly. The sled collap ed at the bottom'of a steep hill and hurled the partv with great force in every direction. Twa Albaaj Bays Oa II Sas Frascisco, Dec. 18. The I'nitcd States transport steamer is-andia ha arrived here, 33 days from Manila and eight days from Honolulu. be remain, ed several days in the lattef port, and the newt she brought from tho Philip pines was forwarded by tbe steamers Alemeda aud Gaelic, which arrived dur ing tbe past week. The Senndia brinps the remaining companies of the First New .York volunteer regiment from iionoiulu. . All are reported in good condition, five who Mere ill being con velescent. Mai I WlUaiwr Washixotox, Doc. 18. Tho week in the senate will be'openod w ith a speech by Senator Piatt, olConmctidut, on the question of expansion. He has given notice of an address to begin immediate ly after the conclusion of the routine morning bnsiness Monday HOLIDAY GOODS! ! Euitable Xtnas prtw- enta for old and young Our Jeweliy case is tillec with bargains in Kings, filled and solid, Cbaint it rest variety, Pins, Brooches, Necklaces, r . Bracelets, Charms Beetlant. St Luis Met Stor Poultry Wanted , Having located in the building in tb rear of M. Sternberg & Co. we will do general poultry business, paying th. liighctt price, for poultry ol all kindt Powma A Bprenger, III Henry Coming . The Orrgonian of December 21st says: Hi Henry's minstrels, who opened to a parked house at the Matquam, last night, came very close to the promises made in the advertisements and hand bills. Old fashion minstrelsy they gave, new letting, and praise he to the man- ager, no tauibounnes nor bones on the ends. To make up a very acceptable Bret part, titers are two rirst-iiass comedians, ban Alliimn and billy Clarke, witli Hay mond Teal a good secotv! ; the inevitable boy tenor, who unjt well ; a double q iai. tet. with harmonious voices; new and really funny jokes, and, further pr.ise to Mr. Henry, no chestnuts; DngDt scenery and, bent of all, an rrchestra at once tuneful ami deli iously smooth. On the other aide of the footlights, a thousand peoule who know a aooi minstrel show when they see it, were delighted.. The band is a good show in Use! I; .JO people in it, all ot whom can play. Mr. Henry's work on the cornel in the olio brought forth applaus--. Teal and Baker made an amusing team, and did a turn wbich, in the main, was new. It was all tunny, Dan Allmen reappeared to amuse the audience with a ridiculous dialogue and several catchy tongs, which did not les sen his nonularitv. Morton and Elloit put on tome new things in the line oi musical specialities, with work in pyer that was little thort of wonderful. The concluding number was by the acrobats. Contra brothers, who are, as they are billed, marvels. Tbey are the naest art ists of their kind ever seen in rortiaou and their act waa a leatare of the rr lor nuance. Sj in the musical, comeJy and specialty features, Hi ffeory a min strels are a success. The Modern M- thcr lias found that r tr little ones are .re proved more by the pleasint Syrup of Figs, when in need ol the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and il benefits them. Tfce true remedy, feyrrpct rig, la man ufactured by U.e Caliloroia lit r-yrup C only. At When you start out after Will Chiis'.mas presents ibis & year do not forget the fait Stake's tbat this firm bave an de cent stock of jewelry, sil ver ware and novelties in their line free- erally to eelect from. Tbe variety crTe . ed presents a stock for ricb aod poor o elect from. Do not bay until you have ca!! ! at their store. A barrel of maple syrup jur. .eceived at Parker llrotUers. r ine. Lriag yo-r pail ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE To al whom it may concern: Noticeia bereby given tbat frum and after tbe 7tn day f January, in pursuance ol aa order and luetse of tte County Court of Lisa couaty. Ore iron, duly made and entered of rejord in and by said Court on tbe &tb day of Decenber. 1:. ie tbe matter of tbe tate of Harvey Snellen, deosaaed, I, tbe aader Mgoed. duly appoinied, acting and quali ties adminuuwtor ot tne am oi aata decedent, thai I proceed to aril at prl4te tale, at Scio, Lien county, i rgoo, al i ia right and title aid estate wcich the te drcedeot, ilArvey bbtlton, bad in and tba following detenbed real estate at t Ume of bis detatfc, towit: Betfiaaing at a point twenty chains eaat of tbe o irUswtat corner ot tbe nortbnat oarter of fection tbtrtv-five ia Towruhip ! kg .ojIO range ooe wot aca ruccicg tteoce soaiu 44 caiic. tueace ei qs. cbauis acd 60 lioicf.tttesse ccr.b 4 cbaie asd tao litik. ibea e5 i i cta;o mA ? liota. tten r.. rtn )bjan and iiekt, tcesot ei.-t 40 caio ta.d 5 link acd tberce ao.ts T0 chtio to tie p aoe of tx KicDittfr. in tfa- ii-tr:t ot land tut ject to at Urefcun t ty, Ure jfoo. conuoaiog j 3,9 - J Aloih foilowinir de-crioed pre mue towit: tiluittd ia tbe county of lina, tiate of Oregrn,tbe west baif of tfeeaoa:b et qaaitet' of ! dion No. 26 ia Townfc ip Na. IU ju'.b Baa 1 west coaUiring H)acr. 3. Alto 32 acre bounded as a. m-ocirie at tbe aorthwest corner of Stc'tca i.". of rownkhm No. 10 south of Ranee So. X weet, tbeone ruoning south on tbe eeeUon j iiD one ball mile, tbence eact 32 rod. ' tbence north one ball rwiie. tbence weat Si ' rod to tbe place ot tafnoaiog; Alo 'Si acra acd 150 oare red bound ed as follows : Commends at tbe north eat corner of Section 34 of Township No . 10 SMta of range No. 1 west, tbnace ransic? wvtt oa the section line 100 rod. tc-ace toutn 33 tnd a baif reds tbeoce eaat 100 rods, tbence north 33 rods and a bait rod to the place of brgiaoing. Aiaolhe folloa-iog dtscrtbed premuef, towit: Also ot M No (4) and (5) scho I land Inrg north of Crabtree Creea in Sec tion 35 Toobip 10 aouih Range 1 weal, Willamette Meridian, county ef Lino, atate of Oregon, Wlcg 30 acre more or lea. Also the following described premises to wit: Tbe northeast quarter of tbe soutb eai quarter of aection tweaty-aix (?6) Kange 1 west Township 10 south, contain ing 40 acres more or less, situated in lion county, state of Oretroii. Also the following described premia, towit: Lot toe, Section twenty aix .(26) fowoahip 10 Sooth Range 1 west W titan: ette Meridian. coatamiPrf thirty sine and thirty hundredths aoea ol achool land, and aituate in Lioncooory, Uregoo, Al.c the to. lowing dtwenoed IpiemUea, to-wit; Lit So. 2 in Section 26 Town ahip 10 sooth range 1 wet'. Willamette Meridian, coataioiog 33 acres of school lands situated in tbe county of Linn and state of Oregon. A so the following deacribed. premises, to-wit: AlCpf that parcel ot lead known as lot 3 io blxk S of tbe loan of Sodaviile, ia Uie countv of Ltan and state ot Oregon, according to toe plats of said town on file in tbe office of the recorder ol said couaty. Alao tbe following described premises to-wit : Lot No. 1 in block No. 3 in tbe town of of Sxlaviile, in tbe county of Linn, tate of Oregvn, accjnimj to the plat and urvey of said town on file in tbe omce of the Count Recorder of said county TERMS OF HALS. One half of tbe purchase pi ice of said lands to be paid to cash on tbe day of ale, and tbe other half to be paid in cash in four eiual payments as follow: One pay ment oa or before one year after tbe date of such aale, one of said pa.) meat on or before two jean from tbe date of such ale, one payment on or before three years from the dale ot such sale and tbe fourth payment on or before four years from tbe date of such sale; all ot said deferred pay ments to draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum fro a the date of sucb aale, such interest to be payable annually. And all of said deferred payuitnts and in terest t hereon to be secured by first mort gage upon all ol said lands. The interest and estate which said de cedent bad in and to said premises, at tbe time of his death being a fee simple estate (herein. Dated this 9th day of December, 1893. R. Suai.TOH, Administrator, ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. NORICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, Administrator of tbe'es ate of Deborah Ewing, deceased, will at .he hour of 1 o'clock p. m., of i v Saturday, January 7,th, 1899, ell at public auction to tne highest bidder, 'or cash, at tbe north door of the Court douse in Albany, Linn County, Orcgon.tbe olio ing described real property, -via: 'The north half of tbe north-east quarter JO of the north-west quarter (,!)ot See ion (31) thirtyone; in Township eleven, outh Range (3) three. West ot Willamette tieridnn, containing twenty acres, more or re, in Li a a County, Oregon, on a public oad running along the north side of said laoe.' , Also the rightof way for vehicles from he tonhweat corner ot said premises rest to the county road running from At ony to Tangent. Tbere is a farm dwelling, a good barn, nd a young orchard of six er seven acres f beariug truit trees on the place, Situat d about tour mi'es south of Albany, Ore f n, and ia to be sold under and by virtue I ta order of the County Court ot Lina B ' ty, Oregon, made and entered of rec- if Daj.6, im, ' i Thomas D. McGhki. A" dministratorof tbe estate ot Deborah l . . - l 3d, aWlDg, ueoaaatm. jCVeSelablePrcparalicmfbrAS similaUrig lbjToodandBctf ula 7! Prrrmote sDiecstIon,ChctrfuI- uess and KxlXon tains neUter OmuoLnorpmne not rimerai. MotNahcotic. Jm.,lmSmJ JtMi.llttJ- A nprfcrf Remedy for Cons lip- tioQ.Sourtonh.Diarrtoea. Worms Lortviilsions.fevErisrtr C2S5 and LOSS OF SLEEP TavtSunile Sif rmture of KITW YORK. KEEP IN MIND THAT- The Photographer Hat all the old Crawford & Faxtro view negatives, aod ie making a special holi day rate. Christmas Novelties in Photography. Pnotoe ot every deeariptioo. Doot fail to vitit tbe Popular Studio and get price. Tte only gallery on F'rtt Street. - -v ' PEARLY TEETH. so hicblv aod justly prized, are assured bv tbe use ol our ALLEN S TOOTH POWDER, which prevents all accretions under tbe cental surfaces and keepe them e'ear. cleas. and natural in color. With reeroiar applications ot tbU powder the teeth will not decay and the aoaovance oi an early resort to the resource of den tistry ia avoided. Keep yoor teeth as loot; as nature will permit. Vting onr ALLEN'S TOOTH POWDER will enable yoa to do this. Price only 15 cents per X. J. A. tXMMlli. X. E. W1NNARD M. S. M. D. Graduate of Lenox College 1S&, Cbi cago Homeopathic Medical College 1SV0 Rush Medical Callege im. Twtj.aa!c Hlock, Aitany.Or. KPIET BIC1CU EIPALM5 teralBMiifc HORSE SHOEING. Second street between Ferry and( rcadaibin Sueets. ' MILLER A STEWART DU. OLIVE K. BEERS. Diseasee of Women and Children. Fbone 6. Post office Block Albany, Or. NOTICE IoTtOCKHOLDERS Notice is hereby given that tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of tbe Sugar Pine Mill & Fixture Co. will be held at tbe Company's office in Albany, Oregon, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock p. tn., oa the 10th day of January, 1S99. The meeting is for the purpose of electing a board of five directors, and the transaction of any other business that may properly come before the meeting. IVted at Albany, Or., TVc. IT. 1S9S. tl ZSVSS, V, . EAK, Secretary. lYesident. Ertray Notice. I took up on my farm two miles north weet of Harrisburg, in Linn county, on the 3rd day of December, the following described steer: Color, red with white under the belly also white spot between bine, marked witu crop off right ear; age, about 3 years ; weight, about 1200 pounds. fc. uiASDir, Harrisburg, Linn Co., Oregon. THE CRACKER JACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR Opposite Masonic Temple. Full line ot standard groceries and country produce- Io simile leader, but everything a eaderat bottom price. Wagous run in the country selling gro ceries and collecting produce Money saved by trading at the Crick- erjack. tXLCUTCR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to a'l persms in terested in the estate of Anhonv Bender, deceased, that I bave filed my final ac count therein, in the County Conrt of Linn County, Oregon, and tbat Monday, the 2nd day of January, lSUy, at hour of 1 o'clock p, ui. of said day haa been set by said couit at the time for hearing and settling all ob jections thereto. All persons interested, having any objections to said account are hereby lequired to file the same with clrrk of said court, on or before tbe said dat above roentionel. KORQI Bkkdbr, Executor ot said iMtale. A Christmas Treat. Harnieh, Th Photographer, wilt tell you a doaeu fin DtSlwOPlU VlVHfl 1W vu uuum, uuiiift the holiday aeaton. Get some and Jsead east. Single Views 3 for 50 cU.7 HOT I) mi Tor Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years A Fine stock ofj Hardware at GEO. E. Fish's, at the lowest ce. Will keep a fr- stock ol tbe best gooda. K. O. T. AL rrrrr Satnrdav even in a at X. O. T. 1. ball. VisitinV KnigbU iaviied. W. A. Cox. Commander. rionev to Loan. We bave a olock of $40,000 to ioaa oa eood frm in Linn and adjotata coaat If jcn he food security and jiei titrf. nets forr-isb toe tbe com witboat Jelav. aa we mae ocr own examteatioao' Security. Call or oa or write 8. N. Srmixa vO, Albany, Orya LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY Albaav '.Orecon Omces, BaaK of Oregon Buildias;. Only set of abstract! of Lisa Couaty. Complete set of maps asd plats H. F. Herrill Insurance and Colleciioa to loan, warrants boogbt Democrat brfilU Asm' Mucej -OiEee ia Um STREET SAILWAT KOTICE. Tbe mdir en lie Albaay Street Railwa) wi'l roi.xJ prompty with all traint to as-" from Uie depot, day and aicbt. Special trips will be made at spec rates. R. MooaaCcadacloi. Oliver PIowsm rma OV5.-X 3hVJs-, Ageata, Aliay, Oregoa; yiirfr gate tbe wod tne chilled plow And it hat aave! more acoaey to the farmer of America than aay dlber implement ever produce. Ueouuae Oliver chilled are tne beat ee earth. The Oliver is a promoter of happr nest oa the farm, and the dealer wbo sells it knows be is handling tbe best. Loot out Kri mailt a tion a and touch nothing ben tbe genuine good, made caty t-y Otivv Chilled plow works. South Bead, Irdu F 8. A. FOSHAY & HASOR -Wholesale Retail DEueeioTniDBOomiuii 4LBAKV. OaAOOX Pure Droits and the fineet and Larsjea Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market- Star Bakery CONRAD METER PROPRIETOR Corner Broadalbin and Ftrat St Da). Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meat Queenswaa Spices, Tea" EU everything tbat U ajpt ts t good variety aadgro eery store. High eat price paid . for ALL KINDS OF PKODUfll COLLINS & llOPGES Dentists. Odd FeKow't Temple, Albany, Or. all work carefully dene under la te methods. 11. E. BEERS, M. D. Physician aod Surgeon. Phone bo. Postotlice Block. Albany, Oregon. Shelf SEW ADVERTISEMENTS ARMORY HALL. ALBANY Tuesday, Dec. 27. Direct from their Sir Hit at tbe Mtr quam Grand, enrooto from Port land to Sac Francii co. 01 UHMIV'S BIG 01TT 50 ALL WHirE PKKFCRMERS. 50 AT PORTLAND ENTIRE HOUSE WAS SOLD BOTH SIGHTS A5D THE PUBLIC PROJiOUSCED It THE BEST SEEN IS THAT CITY IS YEAR?'. Setts on sale at Borkbart h Lee'e. L! OST Some where in th e city oLAlb any, on Friday iec. lea pairo pectacles, befocal leDte.alnminiro rid ing Mm, Leave at tbe Democrat ot- Bee. 'OR RENT. A well located dwelling boose. Csll oa H. F. McUwain. HEADQUARTERS O Holiday Goods... FOSHAY&IIASOH'S Tbey bave a fine line ef Books, Plaeb goods,Albcms, Toilet Cases, ' Art goods and tnaoy Bereltlee at pricces that fit tbe pocket, boots of all, young acd old. See their fine display. AtstAL Mini so There will be a meeting ot the Stock bo der of Tbe Albaay Creamery Aseoriarkn Jsa. 13, 18V9 at 1 o'clock p for tbe elect ion of officer aod tbe transaction of aay other boeineea which - may come before the meeting. E. J . Ebxlt, " Secretary. TOLOA5. On truod sectirity tSOO or $1000. For particulars call at Demo crat office. ISsTRCCTJOSS oa Piano or Organ given in exchange for small family washing. Inquire at tfaia office. BONG WAH TONG CO, Second St ear Lvon street. Albaav. Sella Qu aes medicine, Chinese riea. Chineee tea and nit oil. J. C.Devine..... Sueeeesor to K. Southard Just east of the Dxnocxax office. Dealer In Bay, Oats, Mill Feed, Chop, Poo' try, etc Give him a calL Good treatment as sured. Groud Floor Dental Offkc Broadalbin. St. Albany, Oi Yard littler. Assistant. If you bave a badly de cayed tooth remember at new crown can be inserted by Dr. Adams as illustrat ed. THE NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE W. L. Broostein, Proprietor. DEALER in all kinds of new and tec otMt hand goods, furniture, stoves, Un and bardware. etc Goods bought .sold, aichanged. Hiaheet cash prke for bioee, pelts and furs. All kinds oi junk bought. Parrieb Block, next to Beam s. iGOOD 1NS0RA1ICE OB NONE- If tou want nothing tor yoor mcney get ""Relief," but if you want "Eeliatle lis have your property insured by the lead ing agent of Albany, in companies tbat bave b-en in business for years, and that bave money to bark tbeir obligations. You cannot get a eood article oi say kind for nothing, and when you want la sura Dee get "Jnsuraice and not ite " "Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool - nmrmi 1 Julius Gradvvohl :-Dealer iu- Kantaiare Crcckerv. Glass ware, Groceries and aU goodCr"? kept la country atorea. 3 g I WILL SELL GOODS 3 FOR CASH 3 As luw as Anybody. Country produce and eggs taken in exchange tor goooda. MISTBEL8!