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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1898)
If the Damp and Chill penetrate, look out for an attack o! But SXSX Stfjacobs Sciatic ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW DRESS GOODS?. Very heavy unbleached muslin, .f " Outing Flannels.... " nice Ginghams New styles Scotch Flannels Indigo Blue Prints Turkey Red " 07 yd 03" 08" 03" 05 " 05" 16 lb Best Granulated Sugar. ... 71b " Rolled Oats 50 lb ek Fine Salt 1 qt Cranberries S pics mush S lb Carton Crackers, full weight i . 00' 25 60 10 25 25 20 ' vS'e have just received a fresh barrel of Sauerkraut. Salt Mackerel. " Herrings. " Picketed Pigs feet. Remember the place next door Lunch Counter. Albany Trading Go. R. N. M02RIS, Manager Baltimore Block. AMD S00 PACIFIC LINE. To 111 Points East Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxurious dining car, elegant day coaches, magnificent tourist care ind free colonist sleepers from the Fa cific to the Atlantic withr-t change. COSTDlBBCT AHO caBAPItST BOUTB T Kootcnay Mining: District wabvsf, hxw ditvr, blocax err-, WSXSO. lAl-O. V HI. J BOSSLA5D AHO All tvstntji in the Okanaran Country. ri- . r,r.Vilt tArinir a fall iescriptior. of this wonnVrf al conntrv. Ask tbe agent for . m nf th. mininir laws of British Columbia. Lowes rotes o and fro in ETTBOPE Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo .Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAM AVI AS AUSTRALIAN STBAMXB UX HO5OLCL0, FIJI AXD AtrSTRALIA. The shortest lioe to toe Colonies . These tA&mnrm c&rrv an exnerieiiced medical man. and a stewardess on every voyage. for time tables pamphlets, or any in ormation, call on or address. 8 N STEELE ft CO, Agents, Albany EJCOYLE, Ag't,145 Third St..P , and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A. Vancouver EAST AND- SOUJ.H w - 8HASTA ROUTE OF THR Southern Pacific Co. Ti,inri- txpnm Tralne '.mrt Ford.. Palij bouui COO r. a. I L Mas L S Ua I Ar S2 Parti ano Albany lu Praactoca Ar I S SO Ar S.M a Lv8:M Above trains stop at stations be twaen and Salem Tur Marion. Jefferson Albany Tangent, Shedd, Halsey Eugene fYittacrB Grove. Drain. Oakland and all stations fron Roseburg south to and ia eluding Ashlsnd. S'JUAB A I Lt bra f Le ru I A Portia. Albaoj aoMSnrr at Sttrs Ir.'ib L It Mr. L.r I 7 Ln AlbuiT kr LabwKm ArrlAtAIMoTtroaLataoa ' 810 AM UHMah La. Altnnr tor Lebwm ArriT. at Albany Irooi Uabua. 44or PULIMAF Ellf-FET SLEEPERS AD Dininar Cr on Ogden Route" SECONO-CUSS SLEEPING CARX AHaakal laail Tb Tral.a ' T. l SISe MTldas. TVBBa rTtA8 ASS ? AlUS Miil a lull BnaptSoaaT UnSIH HAlt .AfltT .SJaa I U:!SA I Portland Oorraill Ar Bxpra Train Dallr (eapt nnday 4:M Tsoral Ar SSOrn Ar Portland McMinnrtn ludapa dene Ar I n li a a T I A Lt I 4 60 A RVH tlT-' nuile bwn Portland, 8 vcr -mantoand San Franclc. Nat ita 17 first claii and 111 aaoood daw. In ;lul n tleepar R. KORHLIb C U MABKHAM, iManaxar Oen F P A Portia Ortgoi. Portland Rates and ticket 1r ta'trm rrclnti and Knrope tolXfAS. CHI!A. HOSOLOLU anH AUSTRA LIA eta be ohuln4 front C fL PCORfi, Agant Albujr or O S WlXot rvaOSiTHERN PACIFIC R. R. rj p oilman Sleeping Oare, Elegant Diniug Oars, Tourist. Sleeping Oarr . -StPanl "JUIMinneapolis Dalntb Pargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and' Butte TxaOUQH TIQKPV ' T6 ' '-;'.?-, Chicago rvasblngton fhiladelphia MewKork Sostoosndal. Points East and Booth A- Through tlckdts to Japan and Ch' naf vis Tscomaand Northern Pacific steamshif Co., an American line. : . ' For information, time cards, maps antf ticrts call on or write O a Burkhart aguiit, Albany, Or. A D Charltoti. Aat Gen Pass Air Portland O Oil STCSSU OUR CAPACITY la I1 n equaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed " In Oregon. io have the best stock ic select from and our price 8 to always the lowest, quality i -l cnsiierea SMILEY, Allan?. ThePri F IRST NAT103 Ali BAHK, OF ai.BA.KT, OINOI lrMldlt. Vies PrsUnt , ttlr . - LTUKH .K, w. lam own TRANSACTS a ORNRALbaMealse A n.MM',Il K KPT Ml).Wt tA kl.ek iokt fxcHANOR udiwnnklt Srensear, old Nw York 8u FYanclaoo.Chloaco ! OLtiCCTIOSS S IDS on tavorabl tarn, raaoroa 0 K Ton- K W Lamso. PAOoaawta, L. Iu1 C. 8. Pun. ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL aTCTft - Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice is hereby Riven that the untler- Hgoea oas own uuiy .ppuintcu ricvun i of the estate of Matthias U. I'.tton, de eased, by tne Uonnty uoort or A.ina toan ty, Oregon. All persons having claim against said estate are hereby notiri -d and required to present the same to me with tbe proper Toochers at the law office of V. R. Bilyeu, in Albaav, uregon, witma six months from the date hereof. L ated thu Zlst day ot uctooer. EatlLT PaTTOS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bils will be received by th County Clerk of Linn County until Janu. ary 6th, 1899, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. for labor and material required in tbe re modeling and improving' a brick coor bouse for Lina County, a; Albany, Oregon All wark lobe completed by September Is 1399, according to plans and specifiactions a file in my omce. The Coonty Court win consider Dids a follows: First. For the completiou of tbe entire work- Second. All maoc and aarpenter work, including material of brick, stone, lath and plastering, cementing, concrete, lumber, etc. Third. Heating and plumbing complete. Fourth, Galvanised iron, tinning and slating. Pifui. Paintintr. Tbe successful bidder will be required to five an approved bond for tbe amount or his bid i mmedistely after the contract is awarded him, upon such conditions as tbe court may deter mine and demand. Tbe County Court resesertee tbe rijbt to reject any or all bids . By order of the County Court tbe 1Kb dav of ember, isus. Krawk Ckabtrkk, trkof Linn County, Or f SUMMONS In'the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, Department No. 2: M F Wyatt, plaintiff, vs R Stinnett and Malissa Stinnett, his wife, Ueorve dtapple and Malinda Stapple. bis wife, Arthur Mor gan and Margaret E Morgan, bis wife. Reginald Hastings and Leila M Hastings his wife, Aademon Messinger, A R Oa born and S A Osborn his wite, Minnie L Messinger, W W Jacobs, and Nancy Ja cobs, his wife, Mida A Messinger and Warren MessiEger, a minor, defendants. To George Stapple, Malinda Stapple, Ar thur Morgan, Margaret E Morgan, Ander sen Measioger, Miooie L Messinger, Mida A Messinger and Warren Men nger, a minor, the above named defendants . IN THE NJME OF THE STATE OF Oregon : You and each of you are hereby required to appear and be in tbeabore en titled court to answer to the complaint of the plaintiff against you on file terein, on or before the last day of the period of time preaenbed for tbe publication of this sun mo ns upon yoj, which period of time is seven weeks from the date of tbe first pub lication of this summons, and said last day of publication will t the 30th dav oi Decern bei, 1898. Ana yon are further notified that if you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for tbe relief prayed for in his said comp'aint, towit: For a deaee correcting the description contained in a certain deed executed and delivered by Joeiab Osborn and others to Ro'jeit Mont gomery which deed was recorded in Book "Q" of Records of Deeds for Linn County, Oregon, at page 737, on the 2:3rd day of October, 1876.' so that said description will read as follows: Beginning at a point 8.82 cbaiua E and 5 chains S from tne N W corner of the D L C of lost ah Osborn. it being Claim Not. No. 2611 and Cluim No. o3inlp 14 8 R 2 W and running thence N 5 chains, thence E 39.68 chains, thence 0 72.60 chains, thence W 41.68 chains, tbence N 67 80chains, tbence E 2 chains to tbe place of beaniningtcontaininir 304 acres oiore or leu in Linn County, Uregon. And further decreeing tbat plaintiff is tbe owner in ree simple of all the following described premises, towit: Beginning at a point on tbe North boundary line of :he Uhtol J os lab Osborn and wife, Not. no. ' 2611 and Claim No. 53 in Tp. 14, S K 2 W of tbe Willamette Meridian in Linn County, Oregon, which is 8 82 chains E of I be N W corner of said D L C, snd run ning tbence S 21 degrees 30 minutes W 5 2S chains, thence S 63.63 chains, thence E 20 chains, thence N 20 chains, tbence E 21.68 chains, thence N 38.63 chains to the North line of said D L C, tbence We?t 39. 68 chains to the place of bsinning con taining 200 acres more or less. And de creeing tbat plaintiff's title to said land be quieted, aad enj lining tbe defendants herein, and each of them, from asserting any ngbt or title thereto. J be date of the first publication of this summons is the 18tb'day of November, 1898. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Geo. 0. Barton, County Judge in and for Linn County, Oregcn, made at A I bany, in said county and state, this Kin day of November, 1898, A. M. Casmoit Attorney for plaintiff. all Carefcta and Trail a Marts obtained and all Pat ent bnalaeas conducted for ModsratS Fees, i Bendmodel.drawtngorphoto. Weadviaslfi patentable free orchards. On r f oe n ot du a ti 11 patenttaaacured. A Pamphlet "How to Ob-' tain Patenta," with coat of aato. in th. V. 8. and f areitfa ooastrle sea t free, dureat, a A. 6NOY & CO. O -- TKirr Omee. Wa.HIMOTOM. D. C. Scicuti ic. No bird Citn fl - vArd without iv T sun turning. Tbedrauoi tt, however, can it is any accomplish this f'ai outstrip anj swallow. A French statii Hii. has calculated that the human e rvls over two thousand yards in r lixed novel. Th av g an ordinary human being is supposed to get t uKwn 2500 miles of reading in a lifeum- Oysters, alter tr. e been brought away (rein the e, it.. . . by instinct tbe exact hour ah t i- is rising and approaching their beds, and so, ot their own accord, opu i: ei. a-, ills to receive thtirfood from in- if they were still at home. It is well kuowr. : :t 'he pressure ot the atmosphere on t surfsce of the earth is abjui bi t. ., pounds to tbe rquare incti.qu;v ' It.U is, to pres sure at the low r .'mi . a column ol mercury about l hi- lesLigb, or to tbe pretsure ol a iuitiu ..oI water thirty four feet high. There are sv-r esot fiah, rep uver sleep dur tiles and imsecis ' ing their stay in I is world. Among' known that pike fish it is now pos i salmon and guiUtisi . r sleep at all. f-.l others of tbe - .e.-p more than month. There . " dies which nev aod from three to v lich the nat vct been able to Alo that there a : fish family that t. five minutes du are deiens of tptr er indulge in e'uuiu five spesies of tow nralists have ucv catch nappicg. Tiie tongues t i . .vi family are cov ered with recurvi.. rs. Iu the com mon domestic ca .re small, but sufficiently well o v. I ;"'i to give them a leeliug of rough'i B'll in the lion and tiger tbe spire- .uoog enough to enable them to ar ay the skin of a man's hand by in- - y icking it. Tbe deepest .. u world to far sa known is Lak. rUnl, in Siberia. While nine thouo. -qusre miles in area, or ntaily as Ur a Lake Erie, it is four th josand f-c 43,000 feet deep, so that itoctaics w " y as much water as Like Superior. Is -lrface is 1330 feet above sea iwl,a..: its bottom neai- j 2900 tetl below ! . It bas beensho o l!i .t.whila Naosen's observations pro' ihs- be North Polar region is a great o.v cavity, nearly two miles deep, t: K iin Polar region, on the contrary, -i arently, a vast unded by a belt - . in depth. Tbe 1 - .-ontinent i es . r million tquare solid maea ot land of water about lao area of tbe Sou;.'. I' timated to be ab jU miles, one million m United States, n- ... ;han that of the 8 Alaska. Tbe Philippics a- .11 be carried in to the senate u--u bal of a savag. manner. The had wiU t. taken by prom nent republican . An effort wilt be made to down liieui t.ut It will not go. There ia a priueipl- in tbe mat ter tbat cannot br --obood down At the same 'ime ia rase the United States is in a pcnlU pjeition. It prae ticaliy bas the t- . us its bands and what it is g-ir. u.d about It so far as Spsin grta. Ibey - -i id be kept from that ennntry, bat il h inhabitants of toe Philippine. ih teir liberty they shooM bave it. This the proper Settle ment of tbe metier. If '.ey are not cap able of an enl'gh'rti-1 government tbey are ceitainly about as mocb S) as several countries in the won.- that make some pretence to eolU)I'in.ent. It is not a matter that thircoomr can set itIf op as an exclusive jude in reference to. lbs apioioo in i Ktiiiu ili Psi dent's message are a unal in tbe ease of president's message, divided. This fact divnlges an interesting condition. Pro minent party men an t papers in this case will all have to ptaiee it atd be sat isfied, in fact th.y are obliegtd to spread themselves somewhat in tbeir encom iums. It stands them in hand, for it is possible tbey wih an office, and it is bread an bolter to - hem. On the other band tbe opposition piers and prorata ent party leade- an. expected to criti cise tbe meaage. which seems to be a part ot tbe buatnes , as a matter of fact there is a golden mean, and the person who considers it (airly a ill find things to comma d and things to con demn. In a literary aense the message ia well written. Th preai ent uses good aoguage and eaya a bat I e baa to say in a mild, iooffeotive av Yet while el aborate he lack completeness and fails o say eom tbinga that might be said. This rons iota a nonrommilal style, and he frequently does no express Mm- self opon matter- tli- public is entitled to know Lie op:nin .hoot. He is thia way about the fi.ilipoinee and other thing. The me'g le not striking, like one ol Cleveland!-, l b- Euglisb finds pleoty to" cri'iciite in it, and do not rate it bigh.and this at s i m- rhen the pap- eis and peopls ol Ennltod might be ex pected to give ns ufly All together it msy be looked opon a one edition message. Men who nave sr-e Alaska bave mi-s-d year in this country born since '65. . Tins history builder and ' need to be printed i than coinmoo years ! last year in ut , tbe lives t tbeir lives, if r has been a year 'OS will backer letters The first bill to i a s u.e house was a very important one. t o auti-scalping bill. If it become the abolition of a vrr . ry, tbat of scalpini; ihs good many men n v-i ue to ride on half fee and no amount of legii lbs fact. : v It will mean uortant Induet t er rates. A i-'-ss will contin I'iiout a ticket, t on will change nu:. PLACE TO BL V lour Groceries an J f.,ked Goods Is at Parker Bros Everybody ki.ows wnere their place is. Thev keep a f resb stock of groceries, pntduee and baked goods, of all kinds, noil at reasonable prices and treat their ctmomers well, all .like. You may regret some steps yon take In life but none taken into the store at Parker Bros. It is a great toing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much bnt y want it well made Trv Parker Bros. LBverDils Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work nn nlOOOS easily and thoroughly. PWfc Best after dinner pills. IfaVJr H I J ascents. All druggists. H III W Prepared by O. I. Hood fc Co., Lowell, Mass. Ths only PIU to take with Hood's BartapartUa, All Sorts. A novel flower bas been found at the A I Isthmus of Tehautepec. It bas a lacui- of cbanaina its color during the day. thu mnminir it in white, when the la at its leoilh it Is red, and at night go blue. Only at noon doea it give out perfume. The fact that skeleton remains of ele phauts are so rarsly found in any part of Africa is explained by an explorer, who states that as soon as the bones be come brittle from climatlo influences they are eaten In lien of salt by the var ioua ruminant animals. At a gathering of Lutherean ministers in Bsltimore tbe other dsy it was decid ed to approve the view recently adopted by tbe Illinois district conlerence ot Lu thereans, to tbe effect that tbe principle involved in life insurance is antagonis tic to tbe teachings of the Bible. The boys who wora for tbe New York, New Haven A Hartford railroad have been obliged to abandon their "sporty" clothes. Striped shirts, gay necaiiee, are no longer allowed, and those who desire to remain in tbe employ of tbe compaoy must now wear black shoes, blsrk ties and white shirts. A New York woman has Waited a cru sade agsinst school teschers who dally a.ththe make us box She declsres tbstthe ma'ams who pjwder, pencil and paint, might iust as well teach their pupils that cosmetics art necessary to the complection ss to stsnd before tbein every school day with their own com plection touched np with gsudy colors. Adjutant General Corbia says that the wearng of medsls by volunteer soldiery is not regarded by law. Tbe Army and Navy Journal,however,thinks that it should be aod says: "Every soldier to tbe army sbonld receive a me dal or cross for war service, but be ought to get it from the nation and not from bis ward neighbors or leliow towns men." From ths Cleveland Plaindealer: Now tbat Spain bas consented, reluc tantly it ia true, to sell tbe Philippine to tbe United States, and the nature ot tbe transaction bas set at rest all qu ra tion of a Filipino republic, claim is made for presidsnt McKiley tbat credit for the annexation ia doe to him exclu sively. It is alleged tbat tbe annexa tion policy was against the judgment ol varions members of bis cabinet and tbat it required considerable argument to convince them of tbe wisdom of tbat policy after tbe president bad decided to adopt it. Tbe policy was not only agsinst tbe judgment of tbe wisest members of the cabinet but also against that of tbe tore- most men ot tbe president's psrty and against the sober judgment of tbe C3on- try. It was, ws bave no doubt, against tbe jadgmsnt of the president himself at first, but second thoughts, which are not always best, iodoced birr to change his position, aod then Le insisted on others changing theirs also. Tbe time is not unlikely to come when the president will tot be anxiooa to have all the credit lor tbe annexation ol tbe Philippines, or the responsibility for tbe consequences of that fateful act. A Charleston (3 C) paper Is not sore tbat the acquirement of tbe Philippine will not he a blessing io one respect, al though likely to work barm to tbe conn try In others. The advantage will be to tbe southern states that are now rt !ng with the negro sa (frags problem aad trying to devise ways of circumventing tne nlteenth amendment without In curring tbe penalties of the fourteenth . Tbe way tbe argument runs is Ibis: Tbe annexation of tbe Philippines will brine np tbe question of self government sooner or later. It is oot of tbe ques tion to give all the Filipinos of all de eriptioos the same political privileges as wh.te men, for tbe latter will b) out numbered a hand red or more lo one, popular sovereignty aod white suprem acy cannot possibly exist there together, snd with oat white soprsmaey decent government is ont of the question. But the fifteenth amendment stands lo ths way of making tbe nativ. popniatjo a subject race in any form of goveromen1 looking to statehood as iu out come. That, it is argued, wdl lead to tbe repeal j ot tbe biteentb amend men t.and then the southern stales can settle tbe negro enf rame problem in short order bi restrict ng the suffrage to white men. From the New York Mail aod Express. Mr. BrigLsui xouag Robsrts. elecUd to tbe bouee of representatives from tr e state of Utah, while admitting that be bas three simultaneous wives declares tbat "his domestic affairs are not a pro per matter lor public comment nor po litical explanation.'' Under ordinary circumstances tbls plea would be true as a truism. But Mr. Roberta' "domestic affairs" are extraordinary. Not only extraordinary, bnt criminal, iod the question which will confront the new boos, of representatives at its assem bling, will be whether tbey will admit to their membership a confessed violator of the laws of the Uniti States. One of tte straugeat announcements ver printed in a newspaper appears in a London daily: ."False teeth lent by tbe dsy, week or month ." Another one of those day bicvele races is in progress in New York city . They are in a sense tbe most bmtsl exhibition of tbe day in this country, notexeptin; prize fights. The largest bicycle ever built was tbe product of a Cleveland concern, aod was built for advsrtising purposes. Ths framework was mads of 0-inch tubing. The wheels had a circumference of 45 feet and were fitted with single-tube tires eighteen inches in diameter. Half a dozen men could easily find room on the gigantic saddle. Phila. Record. What Is Shlloh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for halt a century, has cured in numerable Gael's of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cts., 60 cts. and 11.00. Vour grocer keeps it. , The Magaoha Flour The Trilby stove, the best in the mar ket, at Stewart & Sox Hardware Go's. MARRIED. BROWN LUPER- On Saturday after noon, December 10, 1898, at tbe study of and by Kev. Curtis R. Stevenson, of tbe U. P. church, Mr. J. E. Brown and Miss Edna Luper, both of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are two of our best known citisens. who will have the best wishes of many friends. HOUSEWORTH GOULD. At the home of Mrs. House worth, on Tues day eve, Dec. 6th, at 8 o'clock, Rev. 0. B. Streyffeler officiating. Tbe wed ded Mr. John lt. House worth and Miss1 Lila Gould. SATURDAY KlGIIT THOUGHTS The past week has seen another step taken in tbe march of the peace com mission. The progress has been slow and it bas taken about as much time to the through with the red tape of securing l -f ui peace as the war itself. This week saw thecompletionof the negotiations and tbe placing ol the articles in ths hands oi the engrossers. . When completed the formal act of signing them will be done, and the articles will le sent to the re spective governments lor ratification, aod then another tug of war will be gone through with, the result will be no dunht thlr ratification, though in this country there will be a live opposition to them on account ol tbe new pallcy ot expansion that tbey include in lhir provisions. This will be Insisted upon as a support of the government and present administration. The feathers of the eagle coi-tinue to remain uorui fled. As Glen Uolman aaid ia a unique lee ture this week, they have never ben plucked, and the idea is getting abroad in the land that tbey never will be nlmk,t. There is dsdlier though of overconfidence, and we shall dislike very much to see Uncle Sain gel tbe big head. Be probably will not, though some o! Lis emiareo may ut oi res tor 9. some of which are political. The Dkssicrat believes i" rustle, but it doubts vety much the advieabiltty of the policy of reaching oat too far, and engendering that graeping spirit tlat creates uni-U selfisnness and seliajt grandiaement. We have a glorioos country, and let ns seep it so, a Chris tian country, civilised in tte lollest .ense of tbe word, one favoring peace, alwats seeking the settlement of mat ters in dispute by arbitration, preferring rather to avoid trouble tbao to rush into disagieeable positions tbat work no good to any one. a A Chnstniaa present tbat would be jsry a ceptable lo Albaty people and ' many others would be the Dew 8 that our boya at Manila had been mustered out and that they would start home by tbat day. Now that tbey Lave done their duly and served tbeir country promptly and la lbfully tbey are enti tled to this presot. Tbe meeting ol congiess is a very im portant event to tbe country. It began on Monday and will last until the 4lb of March, when it will adjourn aod cer tainly it should adjourn, as the basi nets before them is of a character to be easily settled before that time. Leg ied lation in connection with the recent wsr ill be tbe most important. It will be important as a prectdent, on account tl oar new relation. Tbe passage of an appropriation bdl is a! a ays of much concern and will be particularly so now, on account of tbe increased demands lor the ne ot monev. Tbe troth is we bave a fair sited elephant on oar bsnds and notwithstanding the reports ot some not familiar with th. situation be will in all probability not be anywhere near self supporting, aod we will Lave to put op bandromeiy lor him. as be msy prove a big eater like ail elephants. Anyway w hsve him on our bands, aod .11 soon know what kind of stuff is bis composition . LccaKy there bsa been the tco-t inter est in the appintment of a postmsster snd tbe temoval of tbe pott effice . The former has been expected aod meets with approval. The lstirr was some what of a surprise scd sceets with appro val with some aud disprove! with others. In fact it Las resulted in coriderab!e bad feeling. Tbe Democrat looks opon ttsomeahst aa it does on political con tee ta. Tbe word isgcing tbeOregou boya will return soon. Tbe probabil ity ia that tbey will come home when ever regular soidiera can b gotien to tbe Pbil.ppinea to take tbeir place. This will not be last wotk, but probably slow work, hence it w'.ll no doubt be sev eral months before they ran leave that count' y. As a natter ot fact though tbey are not needed there trrv much. We bave bsd a coid snap on our Lands Ibis week, the kind oi weather tbat is not characteristic of th:a cooolry. The mercury actua'.ly git down as low as 26 degrees atove sero. Whew, but that is cold lor an Oregoniao. Tbe Democrat man admi's bis dielike to cold weather, much preferring tbe a arm rains tbat come ss easily as falling off a log. In The Philippines No brooms. No bats worn. CTrla marry at fifteen. No knives nor forks. Tbey sleep at mi May. Hora.-a are a curiosity. More women than meo. Rice is ths chief prodoc1. Caul e as small as gottr. Manila enjoys electricity. Natives bathe thrice daily. The grasshopper Is a delicscy. We buy half Manila's hemp. Laborers earn 10 can's a day. Cocoa not oil ia an iUuminant. Mapila was founded in 1571 . Buffaloes aie used lor ploughing. Orchids command $ 1,000 apiece. Manila has 200,000 inhabitants. Annual cigar output, 140,000,000. Weyler was Governor for four years. Belles smoke cigars and chew betels. Cigar factories employ 21,000 womeo. A yard of cloth is the robe of the poor. Macadamised streets ;tin roofed bonses. The following letter was received from Admiral Dewey by Mrs Noes of Mount Pleasant, Penn. whose husband, Jests Nosa. maa killed in the battle of Malate, Julv31; "Olyuipla, Fle.ehlp,Manila,Oct, 23 '33 My Dear Mrs Noes ;1 wish to express to you my deepest sympathy. It must les sen the sorrow somewhat to know that your young husband feu ognting ler nis country, the noblest death a man can know. From the Olympia, I watched ths fight that tearful eight and wondered bow many American homes would be ssddened by tbe marytrdom suffering by our brave men, and my sympathy went out to each and every one of them. Your Ijss bss been ssdder than the others, and I am unable to express the sorrow I feel for you. Tears came to my eyes as I read the sad atory of tbe father who never saw I Hm tnrned HlsgusUrom an other Ills child, and then the loss ol all thst,wiM lovable girl witn an offensive breath, was left to the brave mother. It is hard Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies tbe breath for ms to believe tbat our heavenly fath- its action on the bowels, etc., as noth- , ,,. . . . , . . .. else will. Sold for years on absointe sr, In His Infinite doing svery uarftDtee Price 25 its. and 60 cts. thing lor ths best, but some day, father, , . , ... - ., .. . . , . ,V'A ' A cough is not like a fever. It does not mother and daughter will be joined w h.v. B . CM.ftlll coaree. t)ur. it er to be parted, quickly and effectuallv with One winute With my tender nymptthy, believe me Cough Cure, the beat remedy for all ages to be your sincere friend . r'lm0it1,!e,Ter "M't W rom i1(i... n- mend it because it's good. J, A. Com "George Dewsy. KiQr, aSBt. MISFITS. Lane county ia In debt ,85,000 on tbe south, and Marion county ia in debt on ucr'h, besides Benton county on the Liiaa COUntV wnich 1. .ntiralv not .i.t. i .i , . ' " ueut, is therefore between several tbornc. Uncle Tom's Cabin got tbe following live hit by the Rosebnrg Review : Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co , play ed to a very large audience at the opera houss last night. Peopie who wo Id think of patronizing a trood. clean and meritorious theatre company will go to see miseraDle and frequently dirgusting combinations that produce 'Uncle Tom - uncaun toe snow is moral, a. nigger variety ehow is ail it ever is, but the crowds turn out just tbe time and tbey raae tne shekels in. Lsst night s show was the worst that has been seen in Roseburg for a long time. The 'Two Marr ed Men" troup which played In 8alem last evening, went to Corvsllis this noon. They gave a star performance at the depot by some of tbe women stoning the old Russ Houe bus. It is a circus to see a woman throw stone, at this one of the women particularly is a comedian. Tbe Journal aays a!ter Lron will probably be Governor Elect Geees pri vate secretary. Just tbnk of it, Walter need to be a common country editor, for several years beln- edito- in cnief. fore man aud compositor on the Ktayton Times. Me is a fioe young man and tbe Democrat hopes he a ill get il. Tbe wet-it rotating the Dexocbat has seen is that of tbe Pendl-ton E O tor Mr Shields "Pulse of New York." It is hot and to the point. Papers generally should show up the bum shows that oc caeionaly afflict every community. A Mt. Tabor yoong man wrote borne tbat in ten minutea after bis thanksgiv ing box wse received there was not Testige of the eatables left. He was as sisted by hi companions and it was tLe bee. ten minutes tbey bad had since ar riving In Manila. The Telegram bas a long list ot ten t onial to prove that the evening pr ' is tbe best to advertise in. In view ..' tbe fact tbat tbe Telegram is simply tbe evening edition of :he Morninc Oregon ian and tbat both are ran b me tame company tbe matter baa a humorous as pect to tbe average person. A yoong man writing to bis home at Pnneviile from Manila rays: "The Spanish soldiers are cracked np to be bard hearted and croeL I believe tbey would torn ock at tbe mere sight of blood. Tbey already like our eovern- meot better than tbeir own and many have offered to join oar army. Tbe cosmoo Spanish private is juste mere lad, forcibly dratted in tbe army. It is reported that Cor belt and Sbrkey will have another fight. As tbe munic ipal autboriuee back east will not stop tbeir fiascoes cobgreea should past an emergency act by electric process and Drerect'anv farther contests bet seen the men. One bi k by tbe same men is ail a patient people can stand. Tbe Salem Joans! says that the man or neat paper which wsnts to bog every thing aod crush everything will be both boasted and crushed. What about Port land and Salem, about tbe Oregooian about Joe Sirooo, etc. After all the trouble ia everybody would like to be tne bog. There are mighty few peopls now adaya who ere not rustling more for themselves than tor their neighbors or any one else, though there are some on selfish people in tbe world, who only get credit while ante tor being alow and pokey. . Joaquin Miller is an attraction in a vaudeville theatre in Chicago. How have the mighty talien. J. II. Upton, of Co. II, Oregon Volun teers, was in Ashland Friday evening on bis return from Manila, having come over on the transport steamer "Cite of Tare," which arrived in San Francisco last week. He reports tbat most of tbe Uregon. boys are anxtoos to return tbeir homes as soon as their regiment can be replaced by the government. He says that Walter Denny, ot this city, who ia a member of Co. B, ia tbe luckiest man in the regiment; being, by long odds, the giant i4 the American soldiers in the Philippines, the government bas not been able to find any socka large enough to at vt alter, either in lis ctotb ing department or in tbe many stores io Manila, so being eocklews, he has escaped all drills.- Asbia and Tidings. Referring to tbe big Cladek land pur chase five miles from Scio, the News ssys : "Tbe iXmocbat fails to state tbat these people become c.tixece of Uo countv through tbe recommendations and efforts ol the people of Scio, and es pecially Mr. c-beiton, bat, keeps as far from locating them near this city as pos sible. Nevertheless tbey are here and are now Linn countv ciiisene and the whole county is benefitted by their com ing, but tbe people if rcio want just a iHUe credit for getting them here." Toe Democrat ia glad to give it. It was not aware when making the item who was at the bottom of tbe matter, but thought Mr. Cladek was, as bs is a man with a mind ot hie own, and a pretty good one. Scio is an excellent business center and is fortunste in securing such excellent citisens. CASTOR I A For Iitfants and CMldres, Ha Kirn! Yea Haia Alwajs Essgfct Bears the Bigaatuxe of weav"kr"TWaT ar; Mcsic Misa Miiarea fiurmeeter toscher of piano or organ. 8ystem ths Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. The sooner a coueh or cold is cured vrith out harm to the sufferer the better. Lin eerinr colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is aietrosing One Minute Cough Cure quietly cures it. Why suffer when such acougb cure is within reach? It is ptaasant to the taste. J. A. Cummicg, TICKETS To all point East via Great Northern Railway. For" rates, folders and full information call on or address H. F. Maaaru., Agent Albany, m ava. Many a household is saddened Uv death because of the failure to keen on hand a s.fe and absolutely certain cure for crou such aa One Minute Couch Cure. See that your little ones are protected against emer gency. J . A. lamming, agent. The Universal Bolter makes good flour 1 lie Magnolia. When rou ask for De Witt's Witch Ba sel Halve don't accept a cuunterfeit or im itation. There are more cases of Pilee be ing cured by this, than all others com bined. J. A. Cummtnp, agent. TELEGRAPHIC j lasargeets All Rltbt Washington, Dec 9, Tbe navy de partment has received a cablegram from Admiral Dewey, summarizing the ex isting conditions at Manala, and such points in tbe Philippines as bave been tibiicu uj iiis ouicers. Aa vices aiso have been received from General Otis, the commandant of the United States military forces in the Hands, and they both go to show a notable improvement in conditions. A Ceaeral Staraa 8a Francisco, Dec, 9. The storm which raged all over the Pacific coast last night and today was one of the most severe ever recorded by the weather bu reau. It extended from the northern border down to Texas and from the Pa cific as far east as Nebraska. In this city the wind attained a velocity of 45 nrnee an nonr, out at roint Keyes, ngbt in the teeth of the gale, the wind swept aiong at wo mites an hour. rt at reaia Mil WAsmscrro!!. Dec, 9, The first of the special pension bills growing out of tbe Spanish-American war to be introduced at the present session is that of Repre sentative uuieit, mass., to pension tbe widow of Captain Dickinson, of the 17th United States infantry, mortally wound el during the tight at El Caney July 1, iin. T. ate la Havana, Dec. 9. The first United States troops to march through the treets of iiavan wi'l be the 2021 New York regiment, which, with bands play ing and colors flying,- will march from San Joee wharf, after landing there from the port Minnewaska, through the heart of Havana to tbe Western railroad sta tion. The line of march will lie thronzh the Parado and Central Park. Thee troops wiil be sent to Piuar del Rio province. a raraer lnlM4 Sax Fbakcisco, Dec, 9. Carl Becker, known to the police all over the country aa tbe prince of forgers, was sentenced to serve seven years in San Quentin to day, tor defrauding tbe Nevada bank of this city ont of over 120,000 by means of a raised check, which he and three oth era pr sented to the bank. lassatrtaaS Nrw York, Dee 9. A dispatch to tbe H r.ild from Waahington aays: Preei-U-ut McKin'ey ia in favor of opening ne i tiationa with great Britain tor the purpose of modifying the Clayton-Bui- wer treaty so aa to permit the construc tion and control ol tbe rtcarazua canal by the United Slates. Wark CawdaaVaal Pabis, Dec 8. The United S'ates and Spanish peace commissioners concluded their work today and bnaily settled tbe terms of tbe treaty of paece. They will meet once more in formal session, on Saturday or Monday next, when tbe hpanisb commissioners sorrowfully, end the Americans with a teelina- of relief will write their signature, upon tbe doc ument which embodies tbe result of the war aod the preparation of which bas consumed 11 weeks, a longer time than tne war iiaeu. S. a S a Oaf Los do x. Dec 8. Risrht Hon. Joseph Chamberun, secretary of state for tbe colontee. speaking at a conservative gatb ering, in Wakefield, Yorkshire, this eve- ntng, folly discoseexi home and foreign eoairs, ana me government e roller in fcprpi, wbicn be said depended entirely npon toe poawiouny oi reacbinz an tin- demanding with France,"a thing which is impaeuoe aa long as tne rrench pur sue a policy ol expansion. Al slvawa Harass. Dec 8. Mrior setters! Jas. F Wade, president of tbe United Slate evacuation commission, baa received cer tain instructions from President Mc kinley which seemed to indicate that be will be appointed military rorernor of western Cuba. A formal announcement is daily expected from W'aehioeton though it may be delayed until tbe lime comes lor trie change of nags. Ctty at rekiate Sax FaASCtsco. Dec 8. Tbe Pacific Mail steamship City of Peking, is due from China via Honolulu. Three hun dred men ot tbe New York regiment are returning on tbe reking from Hawaii, and a number of sailors and officers of Admiral Dewey's fleet are also on board coining home on sick leave and expira tion of eerooe. Yy Cat Dzsvza. Dec 8. Tbe tsmperatnre has been steadily falling here since noon to day. At 6 o'clock this evening the mer cury registered 3 deg. above sero, and at midnight it was 13 uelow, end still go ing down. Telegraphic reports show that tbe sere re cold extends all over tbe state, and south into New Mexico. WASRtxoTo, IX 8 Senator est to day followed np the debate in executive sreaioo of yenerdar, concerning the ap pointment of senators end members of the bouse to positions on Presidential commissions. W the introduction of a bill prohibiuu the practice oi making soca appointment. WASwijsoTojt, Dee, 7. The bouse to day passed the antHicket-ecaJping bill, vj a vote 01 1 1 to lUi. ibis action is the culmination of a 10 years struggle on u pan ot toe railroad to pat an end to the business of ticket scalping. Tbe inter state commerce commieaion first called attention to the subject in its re port of live, and it has been before con- greea ever since in one form or another. Stat Tarn WAsanroTox, Dec, 7. Senator Simon was at the interior department today and secured an order which will prevent any order being taken in tbe matter of right of way across the Nes Perres In dian reservation by either the O R A N or the Northern Pacific. These roads are both seeking right of way, but the former is not yet ready to file its plat. aou mo request tor delay was made 00 its account. a rssdu rtsM Naw Yoax, Dec, 7. Tbe Tress tomor row will say: Tom Sharkey and Kid McCoy have been matched to fight 30 rounds before the Lenox Athletic club, in thiacitv for a purse ot 20,000. The battle will be lougbt early next month, and the win ner will go after Boh Fitasimmons. To day Sharkey and McCoy will xeet to sign articles. A Baaakar; fir RoeBBrna, Dec, 7. At 5 :S0 p m today after the adjournment ot the circuit court flames were observed issuing from the courthouse cupola and from under the roof. Before the tire department could begin work the whole upper story was on fire. To make " matters worse the hose burst. Meantime the fire had gained such headway that the entire finebailding was doomed. The upper story of the courthouse is entirely gone and tbe lower floor is se riously damaged, tbe courtroom floor be ing burned through in many places. The building cost $40,000 six years ago. The insurance is not known. It is sup posed to be from (12,000 to f 15,000. At rrtKIe Sas Jrajf, Dec, 7. General Guy V. Henry, the new military governor in the department in Porto Rico, is begin ning energetically. Ue intends to hold elections of znayora and councilmen in every town, and, if necessary to secure fairness, the elections will be under mili tary supervision. A Bill I.traaarva Washisotox, Dec 7. Senator Elkins today introduced bills extending the laws ot the United States relating to cua tome, commerce and navagation to tbe Hawaiian islands and to Porto Rico. Honolulu is also designated as the port o entry for Hawaii. Overcome evil with rood . Overcome your coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. it cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la'grippe and all throat and lung diseases. J. A. Cunitning, agent. Lata to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for his home in the akie. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill tbat makes life longer and better and wiser. . A. Cam ruing, agent. Refuse any other flour, except the Magnolia. One doxen Stereoscopio views for a dollar at Harnish's studio. Send them east. -nw ImjurT irsriiv t HI V 1 in i Aim tiqi mvu i -u toot qt(. iltnaoiie W 'joS A (() JO MB tt woi pwlw OA S)Buq m aitqo so. op MA il 901 JOI 'sjnoi 81 IT d80S P i jish oqi uo ooq essq ajt jisq Suot tamos -aq jisq uoqs pus iisq aiqt i ssuiooaq jisq u;qx 'Jisq aqi jo fv 8pm sjooj oqi ssqsunou pus spasj l : sjoui uaA taop i pay '838S3 usj iLi3A3 io mo saurn usi ttnf oi jjsq kA ot jo03 sjojssj ni If :ssiusaoja jsqio flat tsq if -aoDSuuoi jismsjusASJdji :tttn asqi Jsqunj sao9 'dvof q) uj .aipusp io saisu seaqi nam ; rt!. os avous aurrrs; sqi nam 1 pino tins jaoimns aqj sy nuoiSAvoo? jq jo pM.wM nuois i -avous isrnasi ni mo usaq psq I! it ss psx.oof li isqi grupusp qit.a pjjsAOD os jsa aqi jo ; aoia siqt ) 2uiciop aqi uaas ' 9asq oat jnq : pip jsasu 94 f 11 ?-? ci mm ;coS REPORT OF THE STOSDITIOS tw mm FIRST NATIONAL. BANK AT ALBAS T, IS THE STATE Of OBJEGOX Al la doss at tasns. Pacrayar lat, IS. C.esa 1S.7JU1 C. a Buada a eeca C a. BVad o haa4.. - . tseas rreawama all aa. umat -ss- riii .iin turn tiiriirturr aai In 1MMLSC (UrndaultialMnnMnal US Paatroas Sin iail Bwawrnns I w Da traas sua Btek. aa aaaaan V- 9a.TlAJ Pa froa acra ream. aM UJ&J CbKaaaddoUMr eaahitoM aas BVaasof vaaar XatHaai Baaaa rracuoeai paoOTaacr, lucAaM aaa (Mt !. Una Van Bwanlis Ban. to: Span. . raaat vnA E. (St. at Total - m,rsLs .SSMa8 . lSvSUOO ataaaadBae- ll.LS PaaWotaarXihaaal BaaAa Od aa SUM BaaAa aaS eaakara.. . lHU S.WT.M InasnAau damaua aaojaca a ' ...S.lff ss . Ttaw eartsfttmiae of of Oaruairf raata St.W,ral.S - Sr.ra m Oaaanv. Cwnrrr ce Ls, aa: lEVluw. CaakJar ot ttaka.i:iati,T is va lathe aat of lay kaoaWeaaaw E W LASGDOX. SabaarM a4mrabUai tkia at car of Deaatber. ISM. PEBCT B EELLY. 0- a) Satan Fasfic Sir Oetaaa. Ooaaavv Attast : LIUVS. S I TOTTCtJ p a oooownt YAQUINA ROUTE GORYAIUS & EASTERN RAILROAD UoonecUng at YAQUISA with the YAQUINA BAY STEAM' SHIP COMPANY STEAMERS Grace Dollar andtarro First-class In every reep ct One of the above steamers if due to s'il from Yaquioa about ever live days. Shortest route between valley points and San Francisco. Fare: Albany and points west to San Francisco Cabin tlOOO Round trip 17 00 For sailing days apple t Edwin Stokb, H. L. Waldi. Manager. T. F. A P. A. J. Tcbxib, Agent Albany, Or. LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany W R Bilyeu, Foshav A Mason block. J R N Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant. P O block. Anderson Cannon, P O block. J N Duncan. P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearoe block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank building. L II Moitanve, Pearce block. J C Powell. P O block. C E Sox, P 0 block. L L bwaan. Bank building. , H C Watson, bank building. Weatherford A Wyatt. Bauk building Whitney A Newport, Cuaick block. G W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. 8 M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tuning.' Scio. T J Wilson. ADMINISTRATOR'S HOUSE To all person interested in the estate of Vv illiam kinder, deceased : All persons interested in the estate) of William Kinder, deceased, are hereby no tified that the undersigned executor of aaid estate haa filed bis final account therein ia tbe County Court of Linn county, Qngon, and tbat said court baa set Monday the 5th day ot December, lS'.'S, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, as tbe time of hearing and settling all objections to said account, therefore all persons interested having objection to said account are here by notified and required to file the same in i saia court on or otHurv iu auuvs unu tioned date. Dated tliisSth ay of October- . ' W.H. KinDia, Exec otor i . . r -.. : . i . OREGON VIAVI COMPANY, Cor. Morrisoa & rark Sts. LEWIS BUILDING. mm Mm K tAatjatUeas Cactaal asock paat ta imntomHo Caainoad sroSsa, aiaa npiaaai aaat . Xatkoaai BaaA aMas" Portland - - . Oregon" 5. year, Dzpabt TIME 8CHEDULE8 Abb From rortisna. Fast Mail Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Feet Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail , City, St Louie, 7:20 a m CUesgo aad East Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane star- i: Cft Vlwafts 2pm Paul. Doluth, Mil-law am waukee, Chicago, & East. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 p iu All Sailing dates subject 8pm to change. For Ban ' rancisco Sail Dec, 3, 8, 13,18, " 23, 28. 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER 4pm ExSonday 8TEAMEK8. ixauna.y Saturday To Astoria and Way- 10 pm Lanaicgs, 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30pn ExSnn. Oregon City, New berg, kx bub. Salem Wiy-Laaa-s 7am WILLAMETTE AND 3:30pm Tuesday, YAMbll.L RIV a'' Tbnra., Oregon City, uayton, eu , and Sat. and Way-Linds and Sat Sam WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 p m Tuesday Portland to Corvallis Tuesday Tbor . aod Way-Landings. Tbur , and Sat. od Sat. LvBiparia LvLewiston 1:45am SNAKE RIVER f:45a m Mon.Wed Riparia to Leaistoo aun.i oe andFri. andTbur. W.H. HUBLBURT. Gen. Pass Agent, .G.BAWLING3, Portland, Or. Agent Albany. RIO GRAM RAILROAD The Scenic Lice 0! the World f eeklj finnrsions To Tbe IIS! In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS laclta&p tf IicerisacBi cwteo wan and parte ra Te Kansas City sad CMcagO aSalo wad Boatoa ft05DAY3 wrOee cbAagw,yia Salt Lake XtsMti Pacine aad Ckocage ot Alloa EoCroad ToOsaehaClaoajra, Bawals TUESDAYS Boan. withoet eaaaga, T- St Lakaaad Cetago, Eoca Idaod APaafieKy WEPXSDAY A S Lt, - vta!aSt Barba; tea ' To .ansae City aad t. Loela THURSDY3 withewa eaaaga, via Sals Xksaad aiiaroan Paeine Ry A day stoeove sxraagedat Salt lake aad Denver , A Ride through the taaaoa. Colorado Seawary For rata aad inforatUioo inquire ef O R & N aad 8 P ageaa or addtaas RCNsrwouGewAgt, aKRoaawa, S5t Waahiairtoa ate, Daavejr. PortUad Orsoa Citorado, SKEB1FF SALE By virtue of aa execution aad order o sale duly leased oot of the Circuit Coart of the State of Oregon for toe coon tr of Una. to me duly directed, deliver? aad dated the 23th day of November, 13& ia a cer taia suit ia aaid eoart wbereia James F. McCartney was paintij aad Levi Douff laa Mary A. DuiuHaa kia wife "d M. Cmmiafham as Admiaiatrator of the se tate of iarmss Roach, oceaed, were de feadaats, ia which said sail the said piais- it!, James F. McCartney, recovered a judgeaeat oa tbe lyth day of ov 198, Saraiast the said oVjsndaat,Levi DosfriaaJoe be sum of 30&6.bSnd ibbtoI tbereoa at 8 per cent per aaanm, acd tbe farther earn of OX) 00 as attorsers fees aad for the coats aad disbursements taxed at $28 00, ordenag, adjodgias; aad deereemg that the real property described ia plaiatiffs soortKage and cotn p;aBt towit: Be.iaaia- 36 fet vVert of the North east eoraer of tbe Dcaatioa laad Claim of W . a. Forgey. theace Sorta 110 fee, tbeace Booth 89 degrees est 0ee. thewce South 110 feet, theece NortJs S3 de grees East to the place of beginning; ia 1p 15 s R 4 West ot the Wii.amette mer idiaa in Liaa coonty, Oregoa. Abo ba giaatng S46 feet West aod 110 feet North of the Northeast ecrwer of the DoaatMa Laad Claim of W- A. Forge aad ruaaiag tbeace North 164 feet and tine inches, thence Sooth 89 degrees West SO fttnewce Sou to 164 feet aad aiae iaceea, tbeace North degress East SO feet to the place ol beginning in Tp 15 S R 4 west ol the Wilianuatta lferidiu ta Liaa aonntr. Or egoa; be acid to satisfy said jada-meat aad costs. .. , . 1 herefore boU is hereby gives mas i wiUoaSarnrdav the Slat dav of Decomber A D, IS9S, at the hoar of Oee o'clock PM ot aaid day at the frontdoor ot the coart boose, ia the city of Albaav. Una couaty, Oret-oo, offer for aide at public aactioa to the highest udder for cash ia hand, sab ject to redemption aceocding to law. the real property ia said order ana decree here in before deewibed te satiefy aaid judgment and all costs aad charges oi making such sale. Dated this 29tb day ot November A D, 1SSS. I. A. MTJ5B1BS, Sheriff of LAan county, Otegoa. T"fTf HEW Mil WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition 18 Pages Week . .4 . . . 156 Papera a Teat For One Dollar rakOakvwT altwteaareeielaa1 The Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tbb STw loar Wobxd is first among ait "weekly "I papers in si as. frequency of puWtcaiioa and the freshassa, aeeoracy aad variety ol iU coitsnta. It haa all the merits of a treat $6 daily at the price of a dollei weekly. Its political news is prom pt. com plete, accurate aad impartial aa i all its read era will teaUfy. . It is sgaiast the monopo lies and tor tbe psople. It printa the new of all tbe world, has. ing apecial comepondence from all : im oortant d points oa the globe. It has erilliant illustration, atone by great authors, a capital aaor page, com pie markets, departments for the household end women's work sad other special de- rtments. ... . We odor thu uaequaled newspaper and DaaocaAT togetherone veai for 0 Clubbing Rate?, - The Weekly Dbxocbat aud Exaain.r or (3.50a year.with premium privilsfes Tt Weekly Dbmocbat. and Thrice-a reek World for (2.00 a year. Tbe Weeklv Dikocbat and Republi or $1.73 a year. eekly Dbkocbat and W eekly Uregon- DEHYER