The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 16, 1898, Image 3

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    Keep Wan
i i
Gapes and Jackets
Lines complete. $3.60 to $23.00.
Specially strong on medium grade
goods. - . ..
Oregon wool ; Albany Manu
. farture. Blaukots ars rylit,
. . prices are. right.
S E Young & Son,
We have much I hat a ill interest and
aid you in yonr ,
CMsta Flopping.
Uandpainted and lace trimmed, Em
f i v raus.
Belts, Purses, Chatelaine, Tidies. Pil
ow snaros, Dresser Ocarfs, Sofa Ouah-
uub, vuair VUsmons.
lUodkerchief eetore. lawn and linea.
-benaaricbed. entbroideied and l.ce edged,
dainty enough to deliKht a lady and the
yioBaa tarn cuiiaren.
Uj'.irelhM, artistic handle electa and
tup (juaituea
8ome other useful and acceptable gilta
The comfortable Knit Skirts.
A real French core Corset.
A lawn, cambric or swiaa Apron.
.weauy put np, three pair in a box,
Boas-Eld Gloves-Collarettes.
No Que Yet.
Mr. Keal. of Lane county," a brother of
- County Recorder Neal, waa in the city
'T today.. Mr. Neal baa been one of the
"j . " ... vn;u uuuiiog lor me
body of J. R, Bucknum, lost in the
mountain several weeks ago, a member
of a party banting for the remains out of
friendship lor the family and not with
regard to the reward. A large number
continue to hunt, but it ia strange that
no cine has been secured at all. When
Mr. Bucknum left the camp he had on a
shirt and sweater besides his other
clothes, but no coat. Mr. Bucknum was
insured in the Woodmen for $3,000 and
in the Artizans for $2,000, and on this
account particularly it is desired to find
his body, aa well as on account of friend
ship for him and his family, which con
sists of a wife and ten children of whom
only one is of age.
FrsBfKs's Election. The annual fire
men's election is in progress this after
noon. The candidates are George E.
Fish of No. l's and Fred Veal of the
Chemical Engine Co. for chief engineer
and Ed Blodgett cf the H.AL. Co. and
Ben IClelan of No. 2's for assistant en
gineer. The number of voters is much
leas than a few years aso. The engineer
geta $100 a year, but there ia little or any
margin for himself.
From the Statesman :
Judge R. P. Boise, of department No.
2, Marion county circuit court, handed
down two decisions Saturday, namely :
In the Bush-Kluin suit and in the Sim
mons estate.
In the Bush-Klein case the court finds
judgment for the plaintiff for $3,600, but
decides that the plaintiff cannot place a
lien on the lot owned by one of the de
fendants Ann Klein.
The tide of the case was: A. Bosh .do
ing business under the firm name and
style of Ladd & Bush, plaintiff, vs. An
thony Klein aud Ann Klein, his wife-and
the Pendleton Shoe Company, defend
ants. The court found as conclusions of law
as follows :
"1st. Thaf the said defendants is in
debted to the plaintiff in the said sum of
$3,500, and that plaintiff is entitled to a
decree therefor against tne defendant,
Anthony Klein, and for the costs and
disbursements of the action.
"2nd. That the plaintiff is not entitled
to have said sum made a lien on said lot
owned by the defendant, Ann Klein, and
that the complaint should be dismissed
as to her.
"Wherefore it is ordered and decreed
by the court that the plaintiff, A. Bush,
doing business under the firm name of
Ladd & Bush, have and recover of and
from the said defendant, Anthony Klein,
the sum of $3,600 and interest tkereon
from the date of decree and the costs and
disbursements of this suit, to be taxed,
and that he have execution therefor; and
it is further ordered and decreed that
the complaint herein be dismissed as to
said defendant, Ann Klein."
. tea
sold only in
There will be a months requiem mass
- at the Cathol'c church, Wednesday the
14th inst for the repose of the soul of the
late William H. Gross,, Archbishop of
Oregon. Rev Father Mahonv will preach
the sermon. The Rector, Father Metayer
officiating. Service at 8 a. m.
W. H. Buoy, agent at Toledo, was in
the city today.
A. O. U. W. meeting tonight Special
work. Let all members attend.
Dr. Fred Vincent, the new mayor of
Pendleton, is a former resident of Cor
vallia. Miss Cecil Rampy, of Harrisborg, has
been in the city on a visit with Miss
Lillie Crawford.
Mrs. Will F. Pfeiffer is at Oakland,
Calif.: on a visit withLer sister Mrs.
Will Henderson.
The original part of the court house at
Roseburg recently burned was built by
B. W. Cundiff of this city about thirty
years ago.
Jack Mahara of Mahara's minstrels,
passed through 'Albany Ka'urday in ad
vance work, and did not stop. He ia the
man who got shot in the forehead a few
years ago by a famous outlaw in Oklah
oma, while riding on the train attacked
by a band, among them being th- Cook
Uncle Billy Morgan returned today
from The Dalles, where he has been
several weeks on a visit with bis son and
daughter, who reside there. As he re
ports the thermometer to have been 20
- degrees below aero, he did not consider
our little snap as amounting to much.
Besides the cold the hills were covered
with snow.
iur. tiyatt today waa showing an ear
of corn raised from some prehistoric seed,
the original seed having been seafed.over
3003 years ago and kept nntigthegpreeent
age. xt is an ooa looking coin.
' he Aetna Security and Safety Co.,
have taken charge of the Albany Build
ing and Loan Association, and will con
tinue me uuHinesa to its ciote under a
prpoeition and arrangement the Demo
crat considers very fair and equitable to
au concerned. -
mewsrs. vj. a. janaia ana wm. Buoy,
of Toledo, have ready for shipment to F.
M. bteel at Albany, 2103 boxes, other
wise four canoada ot choice Lincoln
county apples. These apples will be
shipped East by Mr. Steel, and will be
without any doubt a shipment of the
finest apples that was ever olaced on the
market. Lincoln County Leader.
The (Treat six dava bicvcle race in New
York City "was finished last Saturday
nigr t at 10 o'clock, and was won ty C.
W. Miller, the winner of the race a year
ago. He broke the record, going 2,007.4
miles. He wa then married to hia
Chicago sweet heart with his racing
clothes on. Miller received $1500 for his
share of the receipts. The management
as usual hogged most of the money.
Jerry Keeney 's Doings. ."
Last Saturday evening Jerry Keeney,
residing near Brownsville, and John
Duncan, a young man of Shedd were
walking along Broadalbin street near
Smiley'a when in a quarrel Duncan told
Keeney, who waa intoxicated, that he
did not dare shoot, in response to a
threat, whereupon Keeney swore that
he did, and drawing his revolver fired in
the air over the adjoining block. Dun
can ran into F. II. Pfeiffer'a bv the front
door and Keeney np the alley by mis
take going into Pfeiffer's back door think
ing it waa another place. Mrs. Pfeiffer
was greatly frightened. Some men were
called in and Keeney was captured by J.
W. White, Mr. Pieiffer and E. E. Goff.
Sheriff Munkers was ic the adioinine
barber shop, and arrested Keenev and
took him to tho county jail, where he
was locaea np.
Mr. Keenev was taken before Justice
Powell this forenoon and waiving exam
ination was held under $500 to await the
action of the grand jury on the charse of
assault with a dangerous weapon. He
expects to have bonds tonight or tomor
The case of Pet Strahan-Moore in New
York is attracting a great deal of attea
tion, but is becoming very complex and
a now assuming an international aspect.
The following continues the sensation
KnrYiwi. Dec. 10. The jury that
tril William A. E. Moore for blackmail
Martin Million failed to agree and
u riiwhanred. but Mooro finds
consolation n his escape. He and his
wife were indicted by the grand jury this
afternoon and another charge oi piaca-
mil has been made against tnem. a
Russian who claims to be Jules Demetn
Alnxandrovitch. Count Airrenel. appear
ed at the trial today and identified
Moore aa the man who had blackmailed
hia hmther. Count Novak, in Par.s, last
February. He declared that the plan
followed waa similar to that in the Ma-
hon case, excepi that 10,000 francs were
. ami Knvak waa compelled to
sign a note for 75,000 francs. Agrenef
says Novak reported the affair to the
Russian ambassador, who at once stop
ped payment of the note and reported
thn riu in tha American diplomatic
authorities. The report of the latter,
he says, led to Moore's recall. Agrenef
says hia brother offered to fight Moore a
diiel ia aatiafv hia honor, but the latter
declined. Ai-renef has been in ban Fran
ciscn for soma months. Mrs Moore's
trial opens tomorrow. It is thought she
will testify against Moore and then sep
arate irom Dim.
The New York Journal in a recent
issue irives full ' narticulara of how Pet
spent her time in her 5x8 cell, her exclu
aivnnnsa. nantneM and all the little
details of her life as a prisoner, and gave
a chart of her head with a diagnosis oi
her character by a noted phrenologist.
School Elections.
Dec 9. 189S.
Eorroa Dkmockat:
There seems to be a difference of opin
ion in regard to tne Din passed at tne
special session relating to the propertv
qualification of voters at school meetings.
The first section of the bill covers this
r" it and I will quote in f nil : "Sectioa
In all school districts in this state
now created or that shall hereafter be
created, any citixen of this state, male or
female, married or unmarried, shall be
entitled to vote at any school election or
school meeting, who is tweoty-one (21)
years of age, and haa resided in the dis
trict thirty (30) days immediately pro
ceeding the meeting or election, and who
has property in the district of the value
oi at least $100, as shown by the last pre
ceding county assessment, upon whicn
he or she is required to pay a tax; pro
vided, that in districts of less than one 1
thousand inhabitants women who are j
widows and male citizens over twenty
one (21) years of age who have children J
in the district of school age, and woo i
shall have resided in the district thirty !
(30) days, as aforesaid, aliall be entitled
any school meeting lor tne
J S. Van Winkle agt. Frsnk
Crabtree, contest for the county clerk
ship of Linn county, decided by Judge
Burnett in favor of the defendant, was
argued in Salem yesterday afternoon be
fore the Supreme court and the attor-
. - i . ri l T II
P. R Kelley and N M. Newport for Ibe ?J'l!?Jn," !fked;
nlalntiff. and Hon 3. K. Weatharfnrd. lttd Irlend informed us that two ol
H O. Watson and Hon. W. R. Bilveu I ! . te a very
for the defendant, leturned irom that VlflLVV'LlfJ COua
city last t uht. It will probably be some
Some of our expert hunters went over
Into Benton county last week and came
down the'.Loog Tom in a skiff They shot
at all the ducks that came in sight and
killed 103. Mr. Glen Janata got 18
docks at two shots. Mr, Henry Jackson
sod dog accompanied the party with bis
time tef a decision will be rendered,
though cw account of the character of
the case it will be doae aa soon as possi
ble. The case was argued for the plaintiff
by Messrs Hewitt and Newport and for
the detenu.tnt by Messrs. Bilyeu and
Wauon. It is reported that the argu
ment and authorities for the delense
were ov-rwb- Imina in lavor of sustain
n the dcaloo of Judge Burnett, and
that there can be little doubt that the
juiliiment of the lower court will be
A man who beard the case says that
i be arguments were very exhaustive and
thorough on both aides. Four hours
were occupied in hearing them. Disin-eie-ted
persons who heard the trial say
that law and etgumenta of the counsel in
support ot the defendant's care were
maatar y and wholly unanswerable, aud
tba no d ubt is eotertained but that
Jud.e Bu oett will be ustained by the
supreme cuurt, that alter the fial coun-1 'na wllD
selonih- aintin's side were gloomy J
and uircouraved. The decision of the
court in this cas will settle some very
important dist- ted points under our
Auxtralisn D-llot system.
tv is not very dense.y populated.
Hon. A. Y. Smith has recvived a Dot ice
from the County Commia-innere which
has the right ring to It Every road dis
trict in toe state snouia eiect tbeir own
supervisors and they should select a man
that knows bow to improve the roads
and will take an Interest in getting all
the work done in the right lime. We
find no fault with our present supervis
or. A. ti. Stone has doue u.ore days work
ou the toad this last summer than has
ever been done in one season and the
work has bern done in the fight place.
Several ol our young pe jple went to
Bell PIio last Friday evening to attend
a "Basket social." We were informed
that the baskests Jii'nt sell high, the
hiKbest bid was one dollar and leu cents.
The shadows of the ladies was what waa
hid on not the baskets and wa are not
sut priced that Oakville furnished three
of thn highest priced baskets and that
tbev er. bought by voona men of our
ton. Oakville U ahead for 4 beauty
Lirru Ross Bcd.
From the Tug.
Mi and Mrs J II Walsh ent to Al
bany Tuesday with tbeir daughter Haxel,
who will attend school at the can vent
dariug the coming year .
Our footballer have been practicing
this week for the game with Newport on
thn lattei's arid iron Saturday, the 17 th
insu The Yaauina eleven ia comDoeed
of active, muscular young men, who
practice with a sack ot wht-at ins cad of
the regulation pigekin.
While workina: on the Yaauioa boose
addition Wednesday Robert Casteel fell
from a swinging stage into the hay, a dis
tance of about twenty leet. The eigh
teen inches of water and nice mud
bottom made the drop comparatively
easy, Mr Caitrtl escaping wilh ooly
slight braises.
Hear the Chaplain.
L D Wishard. Wot Id'. Secretary Col
lege Dept. YM04-"' Your Mother's
Apron 8iriog.' is a most vigorous and
original potting of the gospel ot home.
Its wit. satire, bard sense and telling
thrusts at coospicuoos follies, added to
iu moat ingenions rhythmical structure,
insure for it as wide c-lebrlty aa 'Farm
Ballads ' Whether beard or read, it will
turn back from ruin many a young man
wncee downward career b-gan with
breaaing awav from bis 'Mother's Ann.n
Strings.1 "
At the M E church Friday night
Firemen's Election.
Three More Dead.
The names of tVee Oregon boys ap
pear on the latest official list of dead
from Manila, which was received at
Washington Sunday. They are Fred I.
Norton, of company F, dysentery ; Frank
M Hibbs.corapanr A, dysentery : Harry
Q. Hibhard. company K, typhoid fever.
Fred J. Norton was 21 years old, and a
res dent of Snohomish, Wash., at the
time oi eolisung He was a son of B. K.
Norton, ot that place, and gate bis occu
pation aa that of a teamster.
Frank M. Hibbe was 21 years old, a
resident of McMinovilie, an4, waa a
stadent there when Le eolUted. His
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Utbbs,
now live at McMinovilie.
Harry O. Hi board was 24 years of age,
and a uative of Marion county. He waa
a atudect before enlistment, aod waa the
son of King Bibbard, of Wulard, Or.
-i. v cceiiiisrcrsr-
The annual firemen's election took
place yesterday afternoon. A f . Il vote
waa poile 1, about every active fireman
in the city gnir.g to the polls, 116 ballots
bu voie ai but buiuw unxuiu iur mtj i , ,-,
election of school directors or school "hV;,Ltr " V
clerk." Here we see every voter ia re- E Kih
quired to pay a tax on $100 of an assess- Fmj yj
aiiH e,7 u""r" '"..JTL. i Forneisun'. rb.ef
US ealA CACIUUUUU ui f.Av, uiai
Tuesday evening, Dec. 13, 1898.
Present Mayor, recorder, street su
perintendent, chief engineer and coaa
cilmen Galbraith, Dannals, Benders,
Martin and Graham.
The following bills were ordsred paid
Hughes A Troutman $9.05, B M Hous
ton A Co. $33.02. S W Rots $4.42. N i
Hsoton $21.66, Obamberiain Bros $32.00,
Albany Elec Co. $149.80, Weston .lay
Co $22 00, Judges and Clerks city elec
tion $30.00. H C Chamberlain $3.60,
Judges and Clerks fireman's election
$8 00. E B Davidson $8.00.
Bill of O O Lee fo- $184 on account of
collection of delinquent taxes was disal
lowed. Petition of A B Griggs et si for side
wslk adjoining lot 4 block 14, granted
and same was ordered.
Mayor Burkbart read a message re
commending, aa in bis annual message,
the assessment and collection of taxes by
the county at provided by law, a saving
to the city of nearly $500 a rear result
ing in the more complete collection of
taxes, and the election of officers only
once in two years.
Tho chief engineer reported that the
Chemical Engine Co. bad been merged
wilh the other companies, that No 2's
engine wss doing good service, recom
mended sn alarm system so that fires
could be located, and batter care takso
of the bees.
The matter of the Mayor's recommen
dations was ordered referred to a com
mittee with power to have drawn on a
bill amending the charter embodying
tneaame. uommittee iialbralib, ben
ders and Graham.
The superintendent reported road
work done amounting to tH5.
The recorder reported the result of the
city election aa canvassed by tha board.
Complaint was made by the officers of
the Corvailla & Eastern of a nuisance in
the alley in the rear of the Bl am berg
DiocK. uraered removed in five days.
The Next Attraction.
"A Romance of Coon BoHow" is one
of the largest dramatic organizations on
the road. Beaidea a magnificent equip
ment oi rcenic calcium and electrical
effects, and a strong company, the troop
carries a band of colored boy and girl
buck dancers, two quartets, ft has been
oefore tne public four successful seasons.
At the Armory Tuesday evening Dee 20.
Admission 60 cents; no extra charge for
reserved seats. Now on sale at Bark
hart A Lee's.
A Lkbaxox ExTxarriMErT. At Leb
aooo next Friday evening Prof. Martin
dale of the peblie schools, will deliver a
lecture in the M. E. church South, on
Westminister Abbey. He will be as
sited by the young laJiee quartet,
Mtaaee Howard, Clioe, S.uart and Bren
ner, aho wii sing in solos, duets and
quartets. The enrtaioment will be one
the people of Lebanon who wiab to be
entertained and instructed should not
CJ.CU1UUVU vi aAv, uiai ausaskx R ai . tt t
JlVa TWx..a-e in iK.a alala ; "V seaa. .......-.... "
is assessed at one hall vaiue, twice $4X), rKj, JtlJf" i" 'i"t' ri' p
is $300, so everv householder must be : Dnhf f? " 'f'I? Tr2' ,
worthat least $S00 to entitle him to vote ?TJli Q '
at an Oregon school meeting, those ) L- T1'"0"
that are not bouse holders must have ' A'exander
best known
Bicycle Season Commenced.
The continued fine weather ia having
its effect on bicyclists already. This
morning the StewartASox Hardware Co.
received seven new Columbia ve
of which were the celebrated chainless
machine, and they told us just before go
ing to press that thev had sold all of
them but one. This company will sell
the Columbia and Hatrford bicycles in
this county exclusively and are giving
prices never before heard of. Columbia,
chainleee, $75; Columbia, regular, $50;
Hartford, $35 and Vedette, $25. At
these prices there is no nse riding cheap
wheels any longer.
' Col. T. E Hogg Dead
CoL T. Egenton Hogg died suddenly
tn 1 biladelpbia list Thursday night.
His home was in Maryland. CoL Hogg
had been married about two years.
Col. Hogs was the founder of the Ore
gon Pacific railroad and built it to its
present terminous. lie came to Uregon
the tir-t time in the early '70'a and be
gan agitating tlie construction of a road
Irom zaquina May, and displayed great
energy in securing the money for the
purpose an 1 appropriations for the Bay.
The history of the road is familiar to our
citizens, txd. Hngg was interested in
several wronerties in this citv with
others. He is reputed to have died quite
property to the value of I-5JU. index
certain conditions they may vote for
school directors and clerk ; but without
a property qualification aa above stated,
would be "disfranchised upon any other
question pertaining to school matters.
This is mv version of the bill .
Trulv vours.
H. M". Palme.
Johnson Porter has purchased the
Kendall farm just below town from Mrs.
BiUv Williams The eonsideration was
$6,000. Mr. Porter will not take posees-
s'km of the place for some time, however,
as J. A. Howard haa it rented for a per-
iou ot two years. voTvai us t likes.
In the foot ball game at Corvallie Sat
urday the U, oi O. boys,as was generally
exnected. defeated the O. A. C. badlv.
gand-re played with the farmers and did
great foot ball, but he could not play the
game aione,
A Bik Deal.
The largest deal ever made in Lane
county waa conaumated between J. I.
Jones and the Buoth Kelley Lumber
Company. The company purchased the
entire saw mill of Jones, consisting of
sawmill, planing mill, stock, six miles of .
k I i .win f ..... t - l .1 TK.. '
Campbell, one of Astoria's
ciuzeos died at that citv
At the Catholic fa-r in Salem, M:as
LooUe Si a esmanfreceivtd the most votes
foi ben g the m-i popular young la 'y.
I There will be a social at the Maccabee
ball, this Tuesday evening Dec 13 for
the children of fcir Knight and Lady
j Maccabres.
Aotong the troop ordered to Manila
to take thr place of the volunteers is the
4th at Fort tiherdian.of which Barney
; Bond, now i.. this county, is a member.
8. A. Sao to-d baa returned from a
hon'tnvexpwlit on to the wilds ol Linn
County bringing with him a two bosbel
- ack lul. of dues- Journal. Mr. fan
ford and O A. Archibald secured forty
lour ducks In a days shootiog.
Birycle riding in the country in Dee-
W H Warner went to Haly today on
A O.U.W. business. t t
R L Carroll of Gates, ia in the city to
day on buaineas.
Rev. Taylor is recorder anJ A. Taylor
marshal ol Philomath.
Ex-abetiffs Charlton an i Smith were
in the cit7 today aod Ex-eberiff Jackaon
T. O. Barker, Doog. Miotosnd John
Ryan, of Salem, went to CorvaUta last
night on the Roth aod dowj lbs river
today in tbeir boat auer dock.
Mr Walter Davis weut to Corvallis to
day, in the interest of the Pioneer Stone
qurry, which baa the contract for lbs
stone for the new O A O boildinc
Miss Minnie Bale, formerly with Mrs.
E. S. arren, i ixio to be joined in
marriage to Mr Irt Westbrook of At-!
bany. XlicMmnviileT. R. 1
On Saturday, Dec. 24 a Christmas din- !
ner will be given to the poor of the city
at the Salvation rmy, for which dooa-l I desire, through the columns of I be
ti as wil. be aaked bv the membtra of Democrat, to thank the friends ol Alb-
the Army. j anv and vacinity who so kindly assisted
B-.h--b. F. R gkiowarth of doriB U,e T
- - ; .!. , k
wt-ol to t-aietn yesterday to argue the
case of Hoddiesonaat Eugene C tr in
Tennessee Gatherings
Txnk., Dec. 12, '8.
A record- breaking crowd gathered in
the school house to bear the debate upon
tha "expansion" question last Saturday
eve. Every speaker seemed fired by sn
invisible incentive,wbich developed into
patriotism early in the discussion. Every
thing waa aa expected, and a grand de
bate waa the result. Following were th
speakers on either side which speaks
well tor itself:. Affirmative, T. .P Mo
Knigbi, Jamea Q. Blackiaw. and O. D
McKnight. Negative, Will II. Rose,
ueo. u. lavis ana a. Barney, follow
ing were the judges: J. B. Blackiaw,
Geo. W. Wer and J. D. Fronk The
decision r Affirmative, 2; negative, 1,
was tecfcived with continued applause by
tne audience, me secretary will lniorm
Admiral Dewey that he has been sus
tained! (?) X
Oso. W. Wye and W. W. riovk have
returned from Washington. They will
return in the spring.
Chss. Swiok was me luckv number by
winning the large arm chair given away
of the Quaker Medicine Co. at Lebanon
It'a a beaatv.
Wm.T. Blackiaw and Thos. E. Mc
Knight ate to their health last Sundav at
the horns of the former,celebraliog tbeir
Dirtnaay, iec v&t o, toe former Detog
zt and the latter 18 yeats of age, res pec
tively. - McK.
Those old stand by s, neckties, handker
chiefs, slippers and suspenders coutinoe
to do good Christmas presents. The 1.
K. Blsin Clothing Co. have a large and
elegant stock of tbem.
Mabara'e mlnatrels will play in Cor
vallis next Saturday night.
The insurance on the Roseburg court
bouse recently burned was $6000. All of
which will probaly be paid. It ia thought
the building can be put in good condi
tion for about $15,000.
At Lebanon A. O. Storm has been el
ected vice consul of Modern Woodmen of
the World and G. W. Cruson M W of the
A. O. U. W.
The store of George H. Beebe, at Hub
bard, haa been robWd five times in three
years, the last time a few nights sgo,
when $50 waa secured. The robber is
thought to hsvs come np the valley.
The following is a list of tbe Oregoo
volunteers who have died at Manila so
far: Elias Hutchinson, Hubbard; Ra
il's K Holorook, Eugene; Edgar J John
son, Pendleton; Edward C Young, As
toria; Harry M Wheeler, Eugene: Wm
Fields. The Dalles ; Herb H Appiegate,
Ashland; Asa McCune, Carlton; Richard
E Perry. N Yamhill; Geo W Stormer,
Roseburg; Elliot W Ord war. Portland:
C E Miner, Silvertoo; Charles H Bohl,
rortuna; unariee Meade, fcugene;
Henry Arpin, Portland; C P Oliver,
Hitl-boro: Frank E Rofeno. Portland:
J J Reid, Hubhard; Cbariea N Horn,
togeoe;Cbaa fc &ear, Portland; Cbaa
F McKionon. Portland : Clyde Perkins.
Salem; Ormond, Fletcher, Portland;
Fred J orton, Portland; Frank M.
Hibbs. McMinnviUe. Harrv G Hibbard.
Peoria Items.
The Modern Mother
Haa found that hr little ooea are in-
proved more by 'be pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of tbe laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, tbaa by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them,
Tbe true remedy. Syrup of Figs, is mao
ofaetured by the Caliloroia Fig Syrup
ix only.
Card of Thanar.
Mr E Case was on tbe streets of Peoria
Mr Oslo Gibbs came over from Gibfca
Bros' shingle mill.
Mr Beni Barcos and O M Packet went
oat on a hunticg expedition 13 mud fiat.
They killed 645 all told.
Preperuicas are being made for a
hot time here Christmas.
The s' earner Albanv massed dd the
river Setarday bringing an engine for
Jar m m LO tr.Jer with which be is gning
to saw wood.
Some Oakville friends come down tbe
river a few davs ago, and stopped to dis
pose of about S00 ducks which thev kill
ed on the way down.
purchase price was $70,000. The comp- CUV. r " r common imng even
any haa been operating the plant exten- V rTon- aa 'n, P'e
aively under a lease lor the last year, f' "i Yesterday lack bam-
..... ill ml.. I . t iirTI lm and ruuk mikln.
Mr. Jones has also sow o tne eootn, , -' . r:r
Keltev Lnmber Gompaoy. a private cor- , ?"f "u """ '- ri,.u
poration with its principal oifice at Sag- y P"
?nw. Lane county. Oregon, for the sum . Robert Wood w-u-s from Philadelphia,
of $23,500, a large amount of timber land, j Penn.tnqoirirg aboot 'is bi other Elijah
The amount is to be paid in monthly en- " u, wu was in Aiany seven years
stall mente and the deeds and contracts j sgo. lie was a loom fixer about 45 years
are to remain in the hands of the Ftrst . ol age, height a leet 4 Inches. Mr. ood
National Bank of Eugene until tbe; tnioas oe prooao.y lett aioauv out ia tn
amount ia paid. The deed has on it
$ll2o in revenue stamps Ouard.
Grange Election.
Last Saturday Grand Prairie Grange
No. 10 elected the following officers for
1893 j Master, Harvey Bodlne; over
seer, A. P. Altermatt; lecturer, C. L.
Sbaw; Steward, Wayne Dawson; ass't
steward, Bert Fro man ; chaplain, C. H.
Walker; secretary, Kate Payne; gale
keeper, Fred Parsons; Ceres, Gladys
Shad; Pomona, Lydia Froman; Flora,
Vivian Reea: lady ass't steward, Mabel
Panye; organist, Lydia Froman; trust
ees, C. L. Shaw, M. B. Case and L. B.
Payne. Installation of officers will be
held 2nd Saturday.
A Call Extended. At a recent con-
Igregational meeting of the First Baptist
church, of this city, it wss unanimously
I decided to extend a call to Rev. Ronald
McKilloo. of Albanv. to the pastorate of
tbe Salem church. No word has yet
been received from Rev. McKulop, but
it is generally understood the call will
Ibe accepted, the reverend gentleman
having severed his connection with the
Albany church by resignation. Rev.
McKiuop is said to be one oi tbe ablest
pulpit orators on the coast. Salem
I Statesman.
Yaquina city, which haa been without
a newspaper since tbe eetabliahment of
the county of Lincoln aod the county
seat at Toledo, now haa one tbe Yaquina
Tug, Carles F and Ada E Soule publish-
. . 1, .. .wl 1.
Iers. it is wen koiuu. up " -bright
way about lU
Hayes & Son, of Cleveland, 0.,put
up a check ot I4,auu on tneir oiu ior
Portland s bonds, ana tnen uecaea out
when their bid proved to be the lowest.
Of course Portland refused to give np the
check end Hayes A Son have brought
suit for it.
A petition haa been filed by the exec
utors in the estate of D B Monteith ask
for the sale of tbe real prouertv and an
nrrier will orobablf be made to that
Now that the state legislature is aboot
to meet there are seen divers small at
tides about what a good thing tbe recent
nni.mnt.rl railroad commission wss to
tha atate. The members of tbe board
Alio nmi. Their easps are not ap-
. w . j v.. 11,.
niMitMi h trie tteoo e. io ui uu mo
railroad woul to have thecommis-
sion coo'iiiued
some town where there are looms.
ant one know anything about bim.
State Superintendent and Mrs. G. M.
Irwin returned on Sunday night irom
Kan Francitco.where Mrs Irwin has com
pleted a course in tbe Cooper Medical
Institute She wss one of a class of
forty-seven who wete graduated on last
Thursday, from that famous ruecical ir
atitotioo, and is now a full Urged M. D
f I...... fcf U - .1 cl- U- K
elected captain ol the Stanford foot ball
team for 1899. the greatest athletic honor
that can he conferred on a student of tbe
University. The DawocaT is a poor fool
cell prnphe', but it predicts that uoder
Murphy Stanford University next yesr
will reverse the defeat received this year
at the bands of the University of Calif
r. James gbaban.oi Mill City, is in
the city receiving surgical attention.
S vera! ds;s sgo a team ran away with
r. Shaban throwing bin. out and par
tially nnder one o' the wteel in such s
way as to bn-ak his left arm between tbe
shoulder sod elbow in a serious manner.
The bones were set sod two dsys after
wards reset. Not doing well Mr. Sbahan
came to Albany, and yeaterday Dr. Da
vis set tbe bones in a manner it is
thought will make tbe arm all right.
Wheat haa taken another tumble and
. ..... .1 u
is now 4 cents in mis cny, inougu tun
market it ta said ia
that and weak.
Woman's power u largely aepenaem
noon her ability to interest, entertain, at
hut and nleaae. It is for this reason that
women strive to become accomplished
Thev study in order that they may converse
j.fiir-nt1- on all aubiecta. They strive
tn Wome good muaiciana, grace:
cers and amiable hosteasea.
.it .mniuhnimti are unavailing if
woman suffers from ill-health in a womanly
womaniy "t".! .... j ----- ---
general health. The sufferer will lose her
. "IT j., wit her good looks.
?, coTmaX
womTn affected In this way ahould resort
to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Frescnptiou. It is
rUr.i-4.. Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years
chief consulting physician
... J c.w;l Tnfttlt
N Y1 it aim. to re bul one class of d
eiia. and 2&E to be good for sMthmg
;f?T" 7? jr-T t,.lth. elastic strength,
vigoV and virility to the delicate
prians. It prepares a womau for wifehood
M ajetflernooq.
Willis add Ice Cbeam. Staff Captain
Willis, of Portland, Ore., will lead tbe
local forces of the Salvation Army on
Tuesday. Dee. 13th. Tbe public are in-
. . i ' i - ! . ,
vited. ice cream ana case win ue served
after the meeting.
A Invenila eame of foot ball was
nlaved in Albanv last Saturday after
noon between tbe west, and east ends.
Tha weat ends sweDt the east enders
Irom the field, by a sec re ot 60 to o, ana
the boys say the referee arbitrarily gave
that to the losing sine.
The iurv in the W E Maiers case.tried
I at Dallas last weekyesterday brought in
! a verdict of murder in the nrst aegree,
which means banging. It is said the ver
dict was a surprise. The rase will be
appealed. Majers took the matter very
letter JLlst.
the Supreme court, be a, peering for tbe
Mr. James Elkins writes from Lvle,
Wuh., wuere be i vt-i'.iog bis son Col
lins and family, that Mrs Elkios.thoo b
improving to health, will g ttoCaiitoroia,
atopping off wttli ber child he.e on the
Wed Mag bells are expected to -ing at
G--ld Hill in a short lime. A po polar
proleesional man and one of the rn-ilee ct
that nourishing town will be the coo
ractiog pertiee Times. Perhaps Law
yer Dairy m pie.
Treasurer-elect C S Moore yesterday
annonitaeo nat no win appoint as am
deputy W T Perkins, nf Joaephine coon-
y. l eriioe is Wells, lar.o A Co s
agent at Grant's Paes fie :s 53 years of
ae, and a brttber-iu-law of Henry L
Cuaplaiu Losier, tbe gifted ora'or, who
is to speak at tbe M. E chorcb next
Friday night, pawed through Albany
this noon. The Dcnoaur man recog
nised him from b.s petures. Do not
miss I earing aod rvcicg him.
Barney Martin, of Brownsville, went
beyaard last Monday on busioeescoo
nee ed wilh tbe poaU.ffiee ir part men t.
He i the at ornev for Eastern mail con
tractors sad It is a pa-t of Barney's bus
iness t. sublet the romea in thi pert of
Oregon. He ge to Lincoln county to
relet the contract of carrviog the mail
from Toledo to Siieu.- Corvallis Times.
The W. C. T. U. st thei' hall last night
gsve a reception to the teachers, minis
ters, musiciana and editors ot toe city,
attended by a good many in these occu
pations, who united with th members
of tbe society in spending s very pleas
ant evecing, conferring eredt on tbe
lattblul women of the W. V.T V. A
program waa rendered, consisting of a
scripture rediog, a eoog by tbe choir,
. syer by Rev Wire, another song, a
raadins by Miss NoliaGrav. a vocal solo
by Mies Edna Howard, a splendid ad-
Cress ty ars. Adams, recentl of Cleve
land Ohio, now a resided of tbia city, aod
a voeal duet by Misses Warner and 1.1
kiss of the public school. A lunch was
then served, when Prof Lee took charge
aa toastmatter in bis mt persussive
manner and received responses Irom
Prof. Martindaleon Education. Mr. Not-
tin on tbe Press. Rev. H. L. Reed on
tbe Ministry. Mrs Smicr on tbe Music
ians. Rev. C. M. Lansoa the honorary
members snd Mrs. Wire on tbe guess ol
the evening. Remarks were also called
for frcm Mrs. Train and Mrs. Adams and
happily responded to. Tbe whoie dis
played a warm ssntiment in Albany
among tbe teachers, editors, ministers
and musician for tbe cause of temper
ance and a warm friendship lor the
O. T. U.
i also the people of Llk City and vicinity
who assisted her during her stay at that
place last summer.
Albany Dec 14th, 1S93.
F. A. Hactrtiwtv.
A McaiCAt. RacrraL will be given in
lbs First Presdyteriaa chorcb, on Wed-,
needav evening. Dee. 21, by Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. A. Wins, directors of tbe Al
bany College Conservatory of 'Music,
assisted by Miss Urah liar knee, reader.
This will be the Dm public appearance
of Mr aod Mrs. Wirtx, and everyone
should come oat to bear tbem.
Admission ooly ten cents.
Sootbiet. healing, ckatuiag. L'e Witt 's
Witch Haiel Salve ia the impiacaUe ene
my of sores, borne aed woo ads. It aever
faita to core Pile. You may rely apoo it.
A. Cum nun g, agent.
Santa Olaus has made
The English and German Expert Specialists,.
Five Physicians and Surgeons, all Graduates from the Medical Colleges
ic the World. '
terMrswnsles aaSer the lawt mf CaUTarals ft EMMlmUe as years.
A part of the staff of the FnftlUh and German Expert Specialists and
Dr. Meyers A Co , will make their regular monthly visit to JjQsy
Saturday, Deo. 31st.
-"Revere Hotel,
Rright's Disease and all other Diseases of the Kidneys ; Diseases oi the Blad
der. Urinary Organs, Liver, Spleen-Spine, Bowels, Heart stomach. Eve, Ear, Skin
and Nerves. Also Impoverished Blood, Blood Poison and ricrofula; Catarrh, Ton
stlitis. Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, and other Throat and Lung troubles;
Tumors. Deformities, Insomnia, Melancholy, Paralysis, Rup ore. Dysentery, Dys
pepsia, Neuralgia, Rceumatism, Stiff and Swollen Joints;t Female Complaints,
including Ovarian troubles; Piles, Fistula, Obeeity, Ring Worm and Goiter; To
bacco, Opium, Cocaine and Liquor habit; Headache, Erysipelas, Goat, Tape
Worm. Biliousness. Dropsy, Gall Stone. Eczema. Freckles. Blackheads. Cancer.
etc., and Chronic Diseases generally.
vs. aw.xt.vu3 & AJ. cure nervous tebiJity, Lost Manhood and all Private
Diseases, including contagious blood poison, qoicklv and perm anently, and at
reasonable rates.
Tbe English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers A Co. are not on
ly competent and reliable, bat are responsible, being back ed by ample capital and
ably managed.
Diseases which have baffled the skin of oth er physicians and stubbornly re
fused to yield to ordinary medicines, methods and aoolianeee. are onicklv sub
dued and mastered by these successful doctors. The v have the lareeet and beet
equipped medical institute in America.
call on tne Uoctors when they come. All ailing people should see the
English and German Expert Specialists or Dr. Meyers A Co. if trarribie. A friend.
ly talk, which costs absolutely nothing, is bonsd to result in a great deal of good,
whether treatment ia takenor not.
HOME CUR ES While it is preferable in manv instances to see a raxtient
the English and German Expert Specialists have cored thousands of person"
whom they have never seen. If yon cannot see the doctors write the home offic"
for question list. Advice in regard to your ailment, book: for men or women an
treatise on any disease ALL FREE. Correspondence and other dealings wita
patients or prospective patients sacredly conndentiaL
Wajrra ro Brru a Rartaoan .A man j hia quarter 8 atld'will be el&d
la that be bat tbe outfit and would like
to bid on the work of extending the Cor-1
vailis A Eastern Rail mad, and would
take the contract on 100 miles. The!
Democrat bones that be will have an op
portunity to do so tne coming spring.
I. O. O. F. There will be work in the
Seeuod sad Third degrees this evening.
All Odd retlows are invited to attend.
By order of N G. U. Baaxas. Sec
Ala mass meeting in Lebanon a
lotion was passed that tbe charter of the
city be amended so thst a tax levy ot 6
mills instead of 3 mills aa now provided
lor may be made.
Call snd see our Trilby air tight stove, I
bTgwAsrr Box, UaanwaatCo.
We buy, sell snd store grain,
We make Magnolia Flour,
Also whole wheat. Patent and cenn.
1 he Magnolia Mills.
to see his friends, old and
J. A. Weaver.
p. s.
Santa Claus' Letter Box
now read- write mm a let
ter children.
Tie '
"Silver plxU Oat wears."
on spoons, forks, etc., is a gear
ante of quality the world over.
Tte prefix 1847 insures th gen
uine Rogers quality. O
Also a fine line of
and many Novelties
J. Joseph. Proprietor.
Five Portland men last Sunday shot
506 ducks, which it it claimed breaks
tbe record of Portland hunters.
The board oi reirenis of tbe normal
school at Weston have sustained Prof.
Reid in his reren' rnlinirs that resulted
Following is the list of letters remaining
Mra, Eaaon Banchea. Fenaaco, Taos'Coanty, jn the Poetoffice at Albany, Linn county,
!LSr.SSwht I Oregon, Dec. 13, 1898. Persons calling
Sod day in a aolctnn prayer that He may para 1 , Utters must KIVS the date On which
they were advertised
really a little below , in seve-al oi tbe seniors lesvlng so ool.
We are informed that Dr Chapmao
as notified ti,e board of regents the be
will vacate the living rooms used by bim
n (Hilller Hall, January 1st, snd that
the family g- ods are heios packed anl
shipped tCast. The university received
$10 per month ol Dr. Chapman for tbe
use ol his living rooms.- Lugene Guard.
Our representatives at Washington
are making- an effort to secure the mus
taring o t of the entire tad regiment of
Oregon, but it will probably be some
ime oetore it Is secu-ed sccordina to
letters received from them. The Oregon
rrirnm thonah all. be one ot the first
to be tuu-tered out.
The greatest fo t ball same of iha vear
is to be plaved in Portland on Monday,
Urcemuer 20, a Cbrlstmss game between
the Ma:tnoiuahs and the University of
Oa'ifomia, whion gave the Btaoford
team such a defeat on Thanksgiving day.
There t.111 he some foot ballot a char
acter ibat will warm up the benches.
Multnomah will do a great thing if she
.il. UI lib . 1 h-rebveX'
prna my gratitude to you for the relief I hae
rac-toed from your wonderful medicine, ' Fa-or-Ue
Precription. After (uflering year of miaery
I am to-day a healthy and happy wife, and can
truthfully recommend to women the uac of tha
'Favorite Prescription' as a regulator of the
monthly periods.''
The quick constipation - care Doctor
"Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta. Never gripe.
Back to Health
After Long Illness Hood's Sarsa-
parllla Restored Cood Health
No w as Strong as Ever.
"After an Illness of two years, during
which time I underwent several surgical
operations, I at last began to improve, but
my improvement was so slow that I be
came discouraged. I waa very much run
down and I did not have any appetite,
I did not care to live. One day I met a
friend who had taken Hood's Ssrsaparllla
and who urged ma to try it. I consented,
and after 1 had taken a few doses I began
to feel better and had a better appetite,
I gained from two to three pounds a week
and grew stronger every dsy. I took two
or three bottles of Hood's Barsspsrllle,
and am as strong aa I ever was in my life.
Hood's Baraaparllla has brought me back
to health." Emily Billtnoeb, 10 Grand
Avenue, South Portland, Oregon.
Is tbe best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
gold by all drugfcRliU. si ; six for 5.
Benksen Mr Andy
Gallup, Mrs O W
Gordon, Mrs Helen
Harris, MiuDot
Humphrey, Mr PA
Lenord, Mrs
Mansfield, Mr A
Myers. Mr Win 0
Bchoot, Charles
Bmitb, Miss lua
Plume. Mrs Alio
Zimmerman, Miss Ann
T. J. Bran P. H.
M 1- rnl curs wver imjeaaj w
iiuuu a rim take, sasy to operate, asa.
I jllere we are with 100 pails of
ions avrun for only 60 eents a pail,
Conn Aliuaton.
Oak Creek.
when you want a choice lak. a nice
roast or meat of any kind, call oa Henry
jroders. He keeps tbe beat.
Its best meats of all kinds aad good
treatment at tbe Albany Ureses a Bex
Company's market, jott djwa Second
treet. uood weight ana prompr aueaa
At the Blain Clothing Go's
Tha Lit rsry society of Oak Creek me'
lat Kriday eve at the hour appointed
ud the following program was listened
bv a large crowd: Recitation, Mis
Ess; Hutcbins; Recitation, Miss MarT
Thompson, Grapbophone music, a nutu
bes of elections by Ed Williams Tbe
quest iou "Resolved tbst the Oregon Vol
unteers sboelil be relessed from govern
ment duty," wss warmly discussed cn
both sides, which resulted in tbe judges
deciding in fsvor of tbe negative. A re
cess of 20 minutes wss then given for so
cial chat after which tbe house waa
called to order by President McEltnurry.
The usual routine of business was dis
pensed with and tne society voted tbe
next meeting to be Saturrday at 7 p. m.
at which rime tbe following program
will be rendered : Song, with guitar ac
companiment, Ed Williams: recitation,
Volena Smith: song, J. L. Baker: reci
tation, Miss Mary Thompson; song, Mr.
au 1 Mrs. W.3. Thompson. Question for
dahate i!l be. "Resolved tbat the Phil
innine i-land should be annexed to the
United Stales " Disputants on the a(-
fi mativere M. B.Case.H McEltnurry,
W. 8. Thompson and u. Perry, on the
negative are J. Wickiser, E. Williams, J.
, i Li. Baser ano it. iiuicuim. tun is a
, ...... grest question before tbe American peo-
Insure Yourself against the inroads pe today and no doubt ill be a popular
ot levers, vneunionia acd olher teriocs, , tbe balls oi congress st the pres-
pos'ro'ingdisea-es by Uking a few drops eDt .ion . All parties wlabingto hear
o Hood s Sar-aparilla. io, discussed by hou.e talent are
IlOOil S Pills are tbe favorite fam V Imilil ta ha nraaant
cathartic. Eaay to Uke, easy to operate ' ., , , r
A barrel of maple syrup just received ' Mr W C Breckenrldge of this city has
at Parker Brothers. Fine. Bring your beard Chaplain Lozier, who ia to speak
pail. ! at the M E church next Friday night.
land speaks in the highest terms of bim
D . , . . saying his lecture is a fine one and very
Prlos oi A.Dany Bosp, . entertaining, one worth hearing by
weighs 20 ounces, . verybody.
and is high grade, for sale by
0. E. Baowsaix.
Suitable Amaa pres
ents for old and young.
Our Jewelry case is filled
with bargains in Kings.
filled and solid, Chains in
great variety, Pins,
Brooches. Necklaces,
Bracelets, Charms,
Every pair warranted, and
sold under the famous Money
Guarantee. Durability, Fit
and Workmanship - all of
the best. Try a pair.
IK. Iff a MIM. $1 Ir 1 K.
New Dutchess Trousers $1.50 to $3.50
Best everday wear in the country,
NeV nitc
All grades. Some very nobby ttyles.
New Overcoats.
A large and epecially fine line.
New Fall Shoes.
Some specialties worth seeing.
NeW HltS sjjn. All grades.
St Luis Raket Stor,
NEW FURNISHINGS foi fall and
winter now ready for your inspection to which we in
Mini! Sale.
The Photographer
Has all the old Crawford A Paxton view
negatives, and la making a special holi
day rats.
Christmas Novelties In Photography.
Photos of every description.
Dont fail to visit the Popular Studio
and get prices.
Tbe only gallery on First Street.
Bhaveold&oods at so low prices that my store was crowded with customers. I am now offering for this month
what I oons'uler the .
I have yet given. I wte o CLOSE OUT
all suits now (Nov. 1st) on hand, consisting . .. .mm. mm
MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS- -Up-to-date. Actual values $9.00 to $13.50 at $5.( to $8.00.
MEN'S DRESS SUlTsln popular goods and correct tailoring. Actual values $11.00 to $15.00 at $ $10.CO.
BOY'S SUlTs-'Equally Cheap. .... - .,.
I really believe this is the BEST CLOTHING Of FER ever made m Albany. X have pretty much al'-Ckinds of
goods worn by men and boys to show you. ) ,.
Mel wain
Re amber t