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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1898)
soap TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per mouth $3.00 per year, in advance, 80c per month not in advance. By carrier, lOo per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over mnnthB. Single copies 6c. Wkixlt, 91.25 tn advance; 11.50 at end of vear: 11.75 (or second rear: 12.00 for one third and proceeding year, when not paid t in advance. . 01ub ot hve new uDeonoer at 15.00. , . ; Credit Mark for Pet Strahan. From the Pcriland Times. "I have been reading with the great else. est intern t, The Times report ot the Moore trial in New York,'! said a gen tleman of this city to a representative of this paper, "and no matter what the final outcome may be,"' he continued, "I will always remember, an Incident that showed mi . the - character of the woman in the case.- Let ma relate it to you. Seveml years ago I was walking np Third etrva; with 'Pet' Strahan. She was superbly dressed and was the pic ture of health, beauty and contentment. I well remember that Bhe attracted the attention of every paseetby. As we passed the corner of Yamhill street I noticed standing there leaning against the wall of the building a most abject fellow. He was a yon'h, hn Me wan cheek gave him an a; penance thai would add ten years to his age. Ragged, listless, objectless, he stood. My atten tion was attracted to him by the steady gaze of my companion as ;we passed We bad only gotten to the opposite cor ner when 'Pet' said to me, 'Excuse "me for a moment,' and back ihe walked straight np to the forlorn loosing indi vidua!, spoke to him', tueu, snook hands with him, putting her dainty, gloved hand into the wasted one of the wait and stood te feral minutes talking to him. "The effect was electrical. The young fellow braced himself up, stood erect and a smile bespeaking that there was still kindnwa in the world spread over his featnres. "Then she dived into her purse, placed a coin in his band and returned to me My curiosity was aroused, and in spite of an effort to control it, I said : ' 'Pet,' who is jour disreputable look lag friend:' " 'Oh,' she replied, I have known him always. From earliest childhood, be was an orphan. We attended the tame school, and at that time my heart went out many days to him. He was not quick in his studies, was sick and weak ly, nnfit for the struggle of life from the beginning. Today, as we passed, I thought I recognised him, and God put in thought into my bead to go back to him. fie knew me; said he bad seen me several times before in my visit to Portland. I could see the hue of con sumption in bis face, that despairing yet hopeful look that none can describe. Then I did something that I hope yon will not be harsh with me for Laving done. I said to myself, this boy thai the world disowns, that was born to poverty, that has filt the pangs of hun ger, upon whom death has set bis grasp, shall know one happy dav, if it is in m power, and in bis hand I placed a twenty-dollar piece. "There was a sadness in her tone and 1 her eye bespoke that the tear was nigh, when she continued : " 'Sometime, oh so often, I think that there may come a time when I now favored and petted of all may be as abject and forlorn, may be as hopeless a wreck as the poor boy I have jnst left. But outwardly none will ever know, but if that time ever does coo-e, may God send a friend even for a passing moment. Someone who recalls old day and old mem oriee.' "1 could hardly believe what I bad seen and heard," continued the gentle man. "Here was a young woman clad in the height of fashion, moving in the most exclusive circles, reared in the lap of luxnry, never having a wish unful filled, stopping upon the street and talk. ing to a beggar. "Many were tue glances cast at the strange pair in tbe brief moments they -eru togemer, oni ret- MnLia was heedless of it all. l.X . . - . - . . . j mailer 10 me it her Honor is as sailed, if she mar be convicted of being an adventuress and a blackmailer, I fiiuw iLjma inegTei', itoger there is a large credit account due to her. At Bayville, L. I. a few d-ys ago Will- lam Cornell, aged 34, arose i i the morn mga handsome to-.rand tbat night retired a great-grandfather, with a daughter older than himr-elf,and a grand- aaughttr old enougbt to make fun of him. He married the widow Overton, age 76, Professor Schwab, of Yaie, says that the learned professions absorb 62 per cent of tbe college gradaate snowadays, whereas they formerly absorbed 92 per cent. On tbe other hand, business pur suits tow take 31 pereent against 6 per cent in tbe old days. The insurance companies doing a life business in Canadi have agreed hereaf ter not to accept rieks on the lives tf married women unless they happsn to te the bread winners of the family, or, in other wordindependent of their hus bands. This decision has bean arrived at, ftrangelv enough, wi'.h a view to lee sen the crime of muider for insurance, several esses of which have been report ed within the last two years. Following is the leading editoral in an Ashland paper; The grand ratification ball Friday nijtbt was well attended, a bout foity coople being present. All seemed to enjoy themselves. EvidentW DunemrHr people knjw. a good thing when they seit. We heard several young men, who were strangers to us, inquire as lo the indentity of tbat pretty little, cuilv beaded girl who bad "oui nng in ber eve.'' During the recent election Mrs Merrie L. Abbot, of Ogerinan county Mich, was elected prosecuting attorney of the conn TL- . ... ). iuo coumy went republican, the entire ticket with the exception of Mrs Ah Dot and county clerk being elected Mrs Abbot was nominated by the sii'ver aemocra'ic county convention ss a ioke Kbe made a canvass of tbe county such ashed ne7er before been known. Bright mi m sreei trap, a ready speaker, witty mu? .uracil ve in appearance, she won TOtea 07 sheer strength of ber personal - y. Now tbe trouble comes in and an t ffort is Demg-made to oust Mrs Abbot 01 tbe ground that her election was brought a- ooui ty irauduleut means, ft is more man 1 aeiy that she will bave to fight her tattle in tbe supreme court before beginning to prosecute the law breakers. She a graduate of tbe law department or the university of Michigan. She in a clever, char beaded lawyer, and is more than a match for most of her contempor ary members ol tbe b -t Mie eloquent and it is a very unga.; .. ; j ..- - that can tand cut agsinst her argument. 1 The cold snap is not the kind of J the Oregoian likes, as much as ne likes snap:, make np. This one is too hard (or his 1 fireman election ot today is not like fifteen or twenty j ears ago, when there was a , hurrah that was heatd all over the citv. Peace was never certain until the singing of the . treaty on Saturday Iec. 10, 1893, and yet it was really Inevitable, tor Spain was in a position to do nothing be death of r E Hogg brings np many remembrances lo.reeidents of twe ntyor more years, or even less. Atone time he played a very important part in affairs in this part of the state, followed by hie retirement when the manage ment of the road changed, and he was followed by a receiver. From the New York and Mail Express If yon. think of going to tbe Klondike yon might get into training for the jii'Mtiey by walking two miles a day in the middle of a New xork street. II you can stand that for a week tbe white Pass has no terrors lor you. State Press on Gala Week. Box. We should have liked very much to have seen Use boys noma irom Manila on Christmas, bat as that is now seen to be impossible why should it not be a good program to celebrate Washing ton's birthday in that way, by fciving them a grand reception. There are some things to indicate though that we will bo fortunate if they reach home with in tbe year from the day they left Albany, April 30. In the death ot General Garcia Cuba loses a patriot whom the world may will admire. He did much with almost no thing with which to do it. He accomp lished a great deal against adverse cir cumstances, and since tt e war with Spain bis conduct baa ben exemplary, notwithstanding false reports in referen ce to the position taken by him. Just now there is hardly a Cuban in sight who can take his place in the government that is to be established on the ieland . From the Guard. Benton eonnty ia agitating the Quest ion of purchasing a poor farm. Better let tbe county poor tbat require keeping to the lowest responsible' bidder. Lane county baa tried both methods and is content to let out the totally dependant to one person ahile it gives assistance to persona who aie not totail? disabled to the extent required to keep them in pri vate families where most convenient throughout the county. Often a tew dollars appropration to an unfortunate family places it on a footing not to re qoi From the Saint Louis Kepublic. Tbe people are almost a uo-.t in favor of this project to unite the two oceans. They want the Government to build the canal and contiol it. Under thia con dition of public sentiment, it will be detrimental to the political future of the paity responsible for Congreesional legislation to disregard tbe popular will. Complications and difficulties, woven by selfish private and corporate interests should be brusbed aside, and tbe Nic aragua canal should b pushed to com pletion as rapidly as physical and ioter natioaal conditions to be overeome will permit. From tbe New York World. Practically, as everybody knows, Sen ator Piatt .will choose bis colleague. The choice lies between Dr. Dpew and such men as Odell, a mere machine pol itician and Piatt echo, ex-Congressman Payne, Woodford and Tracy. I; not Dr. Depew tbe most popular, the ableet, tbe most eloquent, witty, conspicuous and famous of all these? Ia be not the one most likely o cot a distinguished fignre in the Senate, re flecting credit upon tbe State? This is tbe main question. As an al ternative to any other possible choice by Boss Platr, Dr. Depew leaves "tbe field-' our of sight. - From the Washington Post. Bnt one other great natural advantage is fonad in tbe climate of tbe cotton States, as compared with tbat of New England, and another in the superior fertility of the Southron soil. Labor mailt always be largtly influenced as to wages by tbe cost of subsistence. Tbe oog, cold winters and sterile soil of tbe Easterns State render tbe cost of living there much greater than it is in the coV ton growing region. Dwellings that will afford protection from extreme cold clothing adapted to such a climate, and food that baa to be imported from tbe West or to be raised at great cost in the neighborhood sll these facts render dollar in the hands of a New England wagewoiker worth much fees than dollar in tbe bands ot his competitor in tbe tooth . And then comes another large item to reduce tbe value of tbe New England working man's dollar Fuel is required iu !ar; quantities for eight months in the year, and it is one of the heavy itims of household ex penditnres . Tbe wages now paid in tbe Southern factories are actually higher, in propor tion to cost of living, than those paid to operatives in New England. This is one of the reasons why labor strikes are almost unknown in tbe South. $100 Reward f 100. The readers of this miner will t pleaaed to learn tbat there ia at leaat nne oreadea desease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and tbat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive cure knewn to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beinir a con it i in tional disease, requires a constitution al treatment. Hall'j Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood ind mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of tbe dieease,and giving tbe patient strength by building np tho constitution and assisting nature iu doiog its work. The proprietors bave so much faith ia its curative powers, tbey offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case tbat it fails to cure Send 'or list ot teetionsls. Addrees. F. J. CHENEY & Co. Sold by Drun gists, 75c. Toledo, O. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Success Comes to those who peree fvere. If you take Hood' s fijrsiparilla aithfulfy and tersiefenllv. actordini tn directions, you may fpttd upon a cure ben a cure is possible. A Rare Bargain, For sale, a bouse and lot in a favorable part of the city. House is a two etorv. eight room building in good condition. Good well and city water. Will be sold at i a rare bargain, it must be sold so do not miss tins chance, inquire at the JUauo- bat omce. DR. OLIVE K. BEERS. Diseases ot Women and Children. Phone 56. Postofflce Block Albany, Or. I Washington Letter. (.From Our Regular CorraaiHMidont.) Washington Dc. 5th 1898. There is little or noihii g n Mr. Mo Kinley's annual mes ana to Congress, Ions as that document i, that indicates with any degree of ct itaiuty, what poll- y he Intends to folio towards the Philippines. This indicates that he has not decided upon a policy, or if he has, that he is afraid "o make it public yet, and confirms the b-lie of those who think that he intends to play loxey on the Philippine question until after be sets that Treaty of Peace ratified t 1 " Senate, and the 20,000 000 whU are to pay Spain, appropriated by gress. An announcement of a positive policy belor-' --tu niivlit result in mak ing too man. otes against both treaty and appropriation. Mr. McKinlev's handling of the war and matters relating thereto, in hi message, contained no ixirprises. The message follows iust atcit the lines it was expected to folio1 lines plainly indicated for week?, ave months, past by official and eenii- ffi. inl emanations from '.ha adininie'ra'n n The message also indicates very uimi.l that Mr. Mc Kinley isn't aa auxiou t push along I financial legislation ae trine of the laea. oers of his party oa I'hiin t- be. j Senator Hale is tbe moat rabid repub- tican antt-expansioij!t who Las yet on limbered a rabid fire tn uoe battery and open fire upon tbe t'eara treaty, which be will fight to thela-t, lie predicts that if the treaty isca'-j.. 'ntoeflect, it til add many in .not. , on account of increased Army an ! Ny, to the yearly expenses it this gvr iruenr. wnnoui bringing the flight fit to the peo ple ai large: th'at onr i untry will soon be over run by infer'- : j. es.and numer ous other minor en' tollow. In ad dition to his predict!'-' " te charges Mr. McKinley'a foreign rVic es to be in spired by the British F.-c'gn offices, and asks tbe Irith-AmerV to join him in opposing the ratification of the treaty. Secretary Alge-V annual report is somewhat remarkal f -- its omissions. It does not contain ti e ''round robin" sent irom Santiago, nor does it contain "Teddy "Kooaeveit'e rtport.which Teddy told the Ioveetigatitg Commission he hoped they would get and read. Senator Caffery, of La., is an anti-an nexauonist from wa '.. k. lis eart of the treaty ot peace "I shall vote squarely againet the propo:t; n : annex tbe Phi lippioes. TLe Peace O nimission bsd no business to provide f -r their annexation. Tbe islands would te h most expensive gilt one nation ever received from anoth er. They can nevrr be a source of strength, while tbet wKI beaneUntent of domestic wrakoe and subject to for eign attack in raeof hosuhties with an other naton." Mr CaffV.y thinks we are paying too much aun-ion to things a way from borne ar.d not djing enough to improve things at home. The Sin Fraociscu Call says "it will cst more time, more money and more abar to establish ord-r ii the Philip pines than to irrig'- tbe 70,000,000 acres ot Western land. Tbe land ben irrigated will maintain not only itself, but a thrifty popnUtion of Americans, and pay a revenue 'o -ho government. Tbe Philippines when ence subdued, will continue lo be an expeoee. Tbe issue is one of home development against foreign imperialism, and every arynment of economy is on the side cf borne." The Call :s only one of many republican papers that are "talkin out In meet ing," just in this elrain, against im perialistic policy o' H e administration. Tbe fact is, Prtid-ht M Kinley realizes tbat we have tbe Pb l and hav to keep them and imp-r:iliam appsars to be the only step to uke in eonse qienee. Congress does not pmpoee to do any thing for an open Co'owMa rirer at the present eessien of tu' b cy . The rep resentatives in c. nicrrs frcm O'egon, Washington and Llaho have made no effort to do anything !' ati open river, and they will make -j ff ort, so bog as tbe people are ind ilent i their treat mentof the quet.iu E O. This month we we r :n Linn conn ty on a busioeeo vit .1 we did rot fail totals obe.v- .,( legarding the coming sbow. and wf fir. ! tha fanciers op there are woikmg 'h a will for the success of lbs Cumi-ii hititiuu, acd we know ux- -e sit . . . n their efforts. Oregon Poulrty J-in'-M. At Wiu. & Stake's When toi tart out after Chris ma presents ibis year do nr.t forget tbe fact that t hi- hrm bave an ele- pant stuck of jewelry, sil ver ware and novelties in their line gen erally to select from. Tbe variety offer ed presents a stock for rich and poor to select from. Do not buy until yon bave called at tbeir store. A Christmas Thkat. Harnieh, The Photographer, will sell you a dozen fine Sterescoric views for one d liar, during the holiday season. Get some and send east. Single views 3 for 50 cts. Tnk Albany Dsessed Bsep Co. have only a limited amount of Turkevs for XiOM. rut your order in at once. Phone a, uor 2nd and Ellsworth. Four grocer keeps it. " The Mdgnoha Flour The Trilby stove, tbe best in the mar ket, at Stewart & Sox Hardware Go's. Millinery. Ladies who are lato pur asiri j their niilltn3ry cill auJ su) my !'. S) uit ii 1; ni- 1 1 j Mil' t y Cm-. 3 I OUR HOLIDAY j B Equipmt nt ! Inviter you to investigate g Capes, Collarettes, childs fur 3 sts, umbrellas, silk munlere, fine linen handkerchiefs, kid r3 gloves, feather boas, neck wear, facinators, blankets, bed snreads. and ntnnv othnr nun- 9 ZZ fnl articles. S j Economist DRY GOODS CO. Albany, Or. S3 3 iUiUiiuumiisiiuuiUiUiuis; COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd FeLow's Temple, Albany, Or. All work carefully done under la te methods. M19FITS. These are sllnnerV times, a reminder .!., nhilitmii ia ahnnt here with Its stuck of dippers for the man. Rhw vour'Ohristmas presents in Al bany. Money spent with Albany mer ki. heina linihi nn home institutions. Do not soawav lor things you cau cheaper and as good at home. Just enough skating is obtained in this Willamette valley to make it an aggra- .tir.n Tim hnv from the eait with his spread wing style ia the center of attrac- l.M. I. I fc lion wane i-1 The mayor's recommendation that the the tax collecting and assessing rf Al bany be done by the county ,as it ia done in noir'v all the other cities of the state, and as the law provides a good one, aud the charter should be amended by the next state legislature to that effect. But for the big delinquency of the city tax the current affairs of the city would be in a fair condition. M. L. Chamberlain, a prominent re publican, of Salem, has written Bob, Hendricks a red hot open letter, for the , nnrnnae of letting him know that he Is ; not l lie WQOie ot tue repuDiicau pany u Marion county. He had to publish it in t he Journal. The recent cold spell evid . . . ... . l eutly has not yet struck the capital city. The next administration has not yet provided for Frank Hadgkfn the profes sional assistant state administrator. Frtck is a splendid fellow peronslly and this is an oversight or a negle.'t that de mands prompt attention. With Hodg- kin outoi the capitol how can us una. People generally are greatly pleased at the spectacle of a Minto being set down on. The great Jonn ailnto nimeeit has had to give np a federal clerkship in Portland because it was declared to come under the civil service act, and he had not passed an examination. Whale away. It ia useless to coitend tbat Astoria can compete with Portland on the grain shipments. Portland is toe commercial center ot tbe Pacific Northwest, endowed by nature as such, and tt wilt require something more tangible than iad -and articles written by an Aafrien attorney- under the nom-de-plnme ot "A foruand .Merchant" to aacare it. As toria Herald, level bead. - One Astoria paper with a I noon Secretary Alger tinned the order The papers are getting en to the fak4eignating for this purpose six rvgi- ., . . , . eients of Lnited State infantry. The ruMiane f bows doing Oregon and ere rnlirth Krtrt . VBrtM, ' . beginning to show them np as they de - serve to be. young men traveling through tba connr try can bave a cure-all not known to tbe medical faculty, who spend their lire in their profession seeking the beet aod latest tor tbe treatment of disease, is preposterous, and it is strange that people can be so credulous, particularly in connection with tbe vulgar shows they give. The beet place for a revolver ia under your pillow, a good place to leave it, it you must have a revolver. It is a very troublesome weapon in ore s hip rocket, t fact. Tbe Democrat's Oakville correspond ent asserts tbat Glen Junkins ot that place in coming down Long Tom shot eigbteenn ducks at two shots. That sounds fiby. There waa enough ice yesterday and for some skatine. It waa decided! v of a ucaiciienuer cnmracjfr, ana it u oeei when it is Uiie way to hang yoor skatea on the top limb of a tree and skate in the back yard.' The treaty of peace between the Unit ed States and Spain was signed Saturday evening, Dec 10, 1S9S, at 8 :45 o'clock, and peace now exists for a fact so far a pen and ink can secure it. Our govern ment will now tackle tUe problems the war has presented for our solution and me will bave our hands full in doing to. There wiil always be a difference of opinion as to the answer. A man baa been in Southern Oregon getting several car loads of wild grape root 10 be used in the manufacture of a new kind ot patent medicine. It will tei no doubt, a curs ail. A pamphletj received has on tte wrap per '-Urgent and Important. ' It title ii"Maeam of Ticket Scalping Iniqaftv." It contains the anti-ticket scalping bill which has pasted the house and some il lustrations of tbe frac'nlent style of the acalpe-s in doing bueineea $otne tickets reoroduced shew that some scalpers are regular robbers as well as forgers, OurOakri'le correspondent wants a solution to tbe following problem : The distance betweeu tao si at ions on a railroad is 100 miles. A train start from one of these station and travels SO miles tbe first hour, 25 miles tbe second, 12' roiies lha third etc each hour it travels half as fast aa it did the pre-ed-iog hour. Some of our learned men say that this is easy and can soon be solved, but tbey bave failed to bring in the so lution. Residents of Albany getting their liv ing here who desire tbe good will of our people generally should spend their aoney here. If people who go to Port land, a higher priced city, knew what mean remarks ware made about them, forgetting their furnitnre and goods away irom nome, tney would quit It. As a matter of fact there is no occasion for any one to go away from ibis city to do their trading, for we hsve tbe best stores of all kinds in the valley, and our prices are j bottom ones, in most things nearly 251 per rent neiow rortiana. In Its account of tbe trial of W. G. Magers at Dallas for the murder of Ray Sink tbe Statesman, say 1 1 When Mr. Hayden ar.ued the case be- tore tbe lory, and summed up the evid ence seaintt the defendant, he arraign,! tbe latter so bitterly tbat Magers lost his sen-control and, springing to his feet, cursed tbe district attornev. and man of toe spectators express the belief that. imu a uBjiuiy niKriii not seized tne oner and forced him into a chair would bave assaulted tbe ifficial w ho coolly continued his address to tbe jury, J. C LITTLER'S Ground Floor Dental Office Tard Littler, ABfilatant.. Broadalbin, St. Albany, Oi If you bave a badly de cayed tooth remember , a new crown can be Inserted by Dr. Adams ss Illustrat ed. . Delicacies of the Deep sm..!av - . Holibut, Smoked Salmon; Herring, Holland Herring, Spiced Herring, Silver Pickerel bellies, Sockeye bellies. iViy IVeW and permanent quar ters are now completely and newly furn ished. Baked goods, fancy and staple grocery ies, second to none. These are now my permanent quarters. Home Bakery. . 4 A. 0. Beam. TELEGBAPH , Tarkey wbjec Tie. 13. Todav'i ses sion of the Benatewas largely consumed in discussion of the Nicaragua canal bill. Turpie made the principal speech in op- nosiunn in the tun. auacKinE it ' ground that it is in uie interest oi ni Maritime . Canal Company, wnicn ne characterised as a fraud and bankrupt. He moved a postponement ot tne mu ter until after the holiday recess. : ". !, Tbeir lives ' Bcrr&iA' N, Y., Pec. 13. Nine men were killed and three injured at Win spur bridge, near Corfu, on the New York Central railroad, today. They were Poles, with the exception of John Warnes, their foreman, who is among the killed. Tho men were engaged in shoveling snow. All were frightfully mutilated. The men stepped from the track to avoid the approaching train, riiht in front of a fast express train. running in the same direction as the first, and were literally ground to pieces A Tearlble Sceleeat New York, Dec. 13. The great steel gas tank of the Consolidated Cas Com. panyat Avenue A and Twentieth strict the largest of its kind in the world, col lapsed at 6:80 o'clock this afternoon. It went dowu with a crash and roar like a eret exi losion. Masonry oi granite i,i,... ftIi(i bricks to the height of 50 ft. fell like a childs toy House oi blocks, and loosened from bondae 8.000,000 of gallons of water deluged the streets, and in a 10-foot tidal wave carried death and destruction through the surrounding neighborhood. It is not known how many were silled and injured. . Hevarat IUUr4 Havana, .Dec, 13. About 9 o'clock this morning, when a funeral procession which was eetorting the hearse contain ing the remains of Jesus Sotolongo, who was killed Sunday niht, reached the corner of Infanta and Han Jie streets, a violent affray took place between the member of the funeral party and some employs of the military hospital. Sev eral killed oc injured. ; .f Cat. Bryan Savassah, Ga., Dec, 13. Colone William J.JKryan upon leaving bis com Biand, tho Third .Nebraska, today, gav out the following interview: f My reason lor leaving the army was eei forth in my letter to the adjuunt- gerteral tendering my resignation. Now that the treatv ol peace has been con cluded, I believe I ran be more useful to my country as a civilian than a sol dler." Wilt Sr aa 1-Wahinotox, Dec 12. Tbe war de- nAvHttnonf Ii . Itfirnn in ... vn tK MW , jf 0f the volunteer troops, now station- 'eiiat Jiantia, ty regulars, ibis atter- 1 ul9 JUM at Fort Snelling, Minn.; the ii'trt Kiley, Kan. ; the Seventh at Col-; nmtms liarracks, Ohio; the rourth at Fort Sheridan, and the Taenty-Second at Fort Crook, Neb. Tbey will go forward lo Manila a soon as transportation can be prorided. ataarasma Rlt WasnrscTost, Dec. 12. Representa tive Hepburn, of Iowa, introduced a bill authorizing the president to acqnire bv purchase from states of Coeta Kico and Nicaragua, fu'l ownership, jansJiction and sovereignty of such lands as may be deeirable and necessary to construct 'and defend a ship canal. "The president is also directed to con '.rue! sorb a canal, and tiie biila ppropriatrs 140.000,01) to complete it. A Sbaaa Kto Hat axa. IVe 13. Tbrae Cubac were killed and one Spanish officer and two Cubans wounded Itest night in an affray between some Spanieh officers off duty and a number of cUitens and a j part v of Cubans, who wished U clcwe ; the lacon theater n t death of Garcia. The account of the panieh troops on duty intetiemi and restored ordvr. Tmm Uim SimiMi WasHioro, Dec 13. Tbe discussion of two questions, each of import and in terest ai this section, was befiin by the annate at its s wsion today. Territorial espansion and the construction of the Nicaragua canal occupied the attention of that body during a greater part of tbe afternoon. a Ptaaf BTealh FoKTLasD. Dec 12. Judge A E Waite ex-cJiicf iustice of the Oregon supreme court .died today at Canity .ai So y He editee the cWon Spectator, put.1 ears lib- eu v vregoo in 15 a Ct pfMsteat PoRTtjiNn. Dec. 12. Collector of Cu- . i f , i . . i . . - ? h,.0!5c Zn, of i! 'rrr0Ve,i ,on iTlJtTll.! f.i iD l ' C,V 1 CTSSSK-t some' of I hi. in.,! r-- -;! t.' office for U.e same reas n. ' . vxt.HUV II M.tiRir. IK-c. 11. The gorernmentj entirety approves the nien-.oranilum of protest against the action ot the United Statu coniraiasioncrj, ijk4 by Ssenor Montero Rios. at Paris Tbi memorandum protest against the refusal of the Americans to surrender the securities deposited in the treasariesi of Cnba and Porto Rico bv private Span iards. Secondly, againit the ultimatum de manding the Philippines. Thirdly, against the position in which those Spaniards are placed who desire to remain in Cuba. Fourthly, against the reference to the destruction of the Maine in President McKinley's message to congress. fcarrla SeU, Washington-, Dec. 11 General Calix to Garcia, the distinguished Cuban war rior and leader, and the head of tbe commission elected by the Cuban assem bly to viait this country, died here this mornine, shortly after 10 o'clock, at tbe Hotel Raleigh, where the commission has its headquarters. Vtt't Striata la BUvaaa. Savassah, Ga., Dec. 11. General Lee and staff sailed for Cuba this after noon on the transport Panama. Crowd of people lined the wharves as the transport passed down the river. An the tugboats cut loose, the siren taken from the Spanish cruiser Almirante Oijnendo aftet the battle of Santiago, and now on tbe tng Cambria, schreeched the Paoatna a parting salute. Bryant BelgaatlB. 8avav..mi, Ga., Dec. ll.K5eneral Keifer, who is in command of the re. maining troops of the Sevcnte army corps since General Lee's departure for Cuba tonight, con fi rum the rumor o Colonel W. J. Bryan's resignation o bis command. DIED. HACKLEMAN. On Sunday morning, Dec. 11, 1898, at the Hacklenian home in the eastern part of the city, after a lingering illness, of consumption, Mrs. Martha Jane, wife of Mr. Frank Hacklenian. The deceased was born in Indepepd: ence in this state on Aug. 9, latiS. - She waa married to Mr. Hacklenian over twelve vear aim. The doct-ased was be. loved and regDected bv all knowina her. Two children and a husband survive her and have tbe sympathy, of all in their loss..; The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clocic and was conducted by Rev. Harris of the C. P. church. IIIK NEW AND V SLCOND HAND STORE VV.. ! Iiroustein, Proprietor. DKALER in all kinds of new and sec ond hand goods, furniture, stoves, tin and hardware, etc. Goods boiieht. sold. Kchanged. II igheet cash price for hides, pjits and lure. All kinds of junk bought. Parriuh Block, noxt to Beam's. Go to Verick's shaving and hair ting parlors for first class work. cut- Hot every ana cold baths. Clean towels to customer.: Flour 85o per sack. Try it. The Magnolia. THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Good a Is at Parker Bros. Everybody khows where their place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all Mike. You may regret some steps you take In life tut none taken into tbe store M Parker Bros. - It is a grest thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but v want it well ma.le. Trv Parker Bros'. One views Send for a them ollar at Uamish's an. StUl lio. Qillett s Pepper box Bluing at O. K. II now mat's IIavk Yot? Sken the big doll in the window at "Bam us Grocery :' ii will be given away Christmas evening. For further particulars in quire at the store. Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn anonenatve breath K art's Clover Root Tea purities the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as notu else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. A cough is not like a fever, it does not nave to run a certain course, v-ura tt i a ickiy ana enectoauv witn uoe moate Cough Cure, the bet remedy for all ages and for tbe mot severe caats. We rjcom mend H bfcayte It's good. J. A. Gum ming, agent. Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for nis home in tbe tkie. But early to bed acd a Little Early Riser, tbe pill that makes life longer and better and wuec . I- A. Cummicg, agent. Excelled Graham Wafers at C. E. Bbowskll's. Drop it.lo French's Jewelry ttore and see bis d. splay of holiday goods, no mat ter whether yon wish to pnrebateor cot. Everybody invited. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE To ail whom it may concern : Notice! t hereby given that frm : after tbe 7th day of Jcnoary, II in purtuaoce of an order and Ii ite pf tne County Court of Line toualy, Oregon, duly made and entered o' reuurd ia and by said Court cn the 5 a cay of Dece Tiber, 13S, in tbe matter cf tbe estate of Harvey Snellen, deceased, I, tbe nnder igned. duly appointed, acuag ani quali fied admimatrator of tbe eatete of iaid decedent, ttuul proceed to sell at priate tale, at boo. Unn connty. uregon, ai . tn i right and title sud ertaU wnich the said a t cedent, iirvey Sbtiion. bad in ana to the following described real estate at tbe tiote of nia death, to wit: Beginning at a pint twenty chains eatt of toe nnrUiwtst corner ot the northeast quarter of section thirty-five ia Township (ca .oath ran ire one wot and ronsicg thence south 45 chains, thence e &f chains and bQ links, the ore north 45 chain and two Unas, tbeaca eait 12 chains and e links, thence north 90 chains and 7i licit, thence east 40 chains ad &9 links and tbesce sojU 2) chain to tbe place of be ginning, in tbe diaries of lands subject to alt at Oregon City, Oregon, containing 319 acres and 40-100 of aa acre. Alio the f allowing described premises, town: Sitaaled ia tbe connty of luoa, ttate of Oregon, tbe et tali of tbe aoo:n weat qoaiter of c: ion No. -6 m Towtuhip .No. 10 tou'.ti Kjg .No. 1 wcsicoaiaiEing tO acre. A no 32 acre bounded as o.. col m mcing at tne nortbwect cora-r of Secticu 3j of 1 Dwntmp -o. 10 south of lUege o 1 west, tbesae ratBieg toutb on tbe aecltoa line one btf mile, '.hence eaat S3 rod, then re north one naif ivile, thence west 32 red to the place ot beanso-ng. A!o30 acres and 160 iaare rd bound ed as follows : Commencwg at the north eaat ccmer of Section $4 of Townhip No . 10 Jata of range No. 1 west, ihesce rnnain wett ou tbe sect ion tine KO rod, tbeace sontn 33 sad a naif rods thence eat 100 rod, tbeaca north 33 rod aod a half rod to the place of beginning. Also the foUowusr described premwc, town : Aiso ot lot No (4 and t5) acho 1 land lyieg north cf Cr autre Creea in sec tion 35 Towathip 10 aonth Range 1 wet, Willamette Meridian, coonty of Linn, ataht ot Ortsitm- balmr 30 mm more or - Al the following described premisea to wit: Tbe aortbat qnarterof the soath eu quarhjr of tecuoa twentyaix (ftS) tiange I west lowrtsiup 10 sonui, contaia ing 40 acre more or teta, situated in Linn to-it: Lot cne. Section t.entyx,(K) fownhip 10 South Kaage 1 wet WUIam- Meridian, eoatammi thirty aire and "J. l.'-t.l""" ,B "). VRTfop, 9 ILalkA lj-.a .4.M- ir ... i(. r v 9Tn T Abe the to. sowing uecnijea piemuee to-wit: L So. S in Section 26 Toa hip la sxitb range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, cooUimntf SS acres of school lands iituattd in tbe coaut of Linn and slate of VtT. A so the following described premise, to-wit; A'Hof that parcel cf land known aa lot 3 in block t ctlbe to an of Sodarule, ia tbe coany of Lion and ttate ot Oregoo, according to the plaUot taid town on file in the office of Uk recorder of said oonaty Alto tbe following described premie, to-wit : Lot No, 1 tn bock No. 3 ia tbe town of of Sdatiile, in the county of Lino, tate ot Oregtn, accjrdiai to the piat and furvey ot said town on file in the omce of the County Recorder o( tain county TEMMS Or KALI. One half of tbe purchase price ol said land to be paid ia cah on tbe day of tate, and tbe other half to be paid in cash in four equal paymeota aa follow: One pay ment oa or before one year after tbe date of such sale, one of said pa nient on or before two yean from the date of soch al, one payment on or before three year from the date of such sale and tbe fourth payment on or before four tears from the date of such sale; all ot said deferred pay ment to draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum fro a tbe date of soch sale, such interest to be payable annually. And all ot aid deterred payint-nt and in terest tbcreon to be secured by a brst mort gage upon all ot said lands. Tbe intermit and eatate which said de cedent had in and to aaid premise, at tbe time of bt death being a fee simple estate therein. Dated this 9.h day of December, 1&&. R. SHB1.TOX. Administrator, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. N0RICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, Administrator of tbe es tate of Deborah Ewing, decesed, will at tbe hour cf 1 o'clock p. m., of Saturday, January 7,th, 1S90, ell at public aucticn te tne highest bidder. for cash, at tbe north door of tbe Court House in Albany, Linn County, Oregon.the following described real property, vu "Tbe north half of tbe north-east quarter (X ) oi tne norm-west quarter ) ot See tion('ll) thirty-one; in Township eleven South Range (3) three. West of Willamette Meridan, containing twenty acres, more or less, in Linn County, Oregon, on a public road running alonp tbe porlh side cf said place.'1 Also the rtgbtof way for vehicles from tbe northwest corner of said premises west to tbe county rod running from Al bany to Tangent. There is a farm dwelling, a good barn, and a toung orchard of six cr seven acres of bearing fruit trees on the place. Situat ed about tour mile south of Albany, Ore gon, and is to be sold under and by virtue l an order of the uounty court ot Lino ourty. Oregon, made and entered of rec ord Dec. 6, 1899, . iitOMASfl. MCWHKM. Administrator of tbe estate ot Deborah G. Ewing, deceased. EXP1T BICYCLE REPAIRING GeieialBMiQli HORSE SHOEING. Second Street between Ferry and rondalbln Streets. MILLER A STEWART V jLVefietatdelVeparafioiiIbcAs slMatirig ttySIoodflnd2ei?ula ftng thg Stnirtflrht and RobbpI rt ProntesTe$no!vCketM OnjaCM orphinB nor WiiKirfll KOtKARCOTlC. sWsW fl w A Defect Remedy for Cons fixa tion, SourStotnach.Diaxrtioca, Worevs JCoimdsions JevEnsh aess and Loss OF SUEZB tefunk Sifnatureaf NTW YOHK. Icxact corroy WKAPwe. F . E. ALLEN & CO. THE GREAT AUCTION SALE AT Mc ILWAINS The sale will be ro-tpoced until Tboreday, DecembertlS. when wiil commence AUCTION SALE at 10 p. m. and continue ail day. This will Close out Use entire stock of Merchandise. Frcm Now on yon can porchaee at private sale at Auction Prices on Every Article. Come quick. Do not be loo late or you wiil regret it. STORE FOR REST AFTER JANUARY 1. Perfumes Talked About Does Quality Count Wit! 'For bargains In Ladies and Gent's Gold Watches see French the Jeweler. N e w Clothins. I have just opened a LARGE STOCK OFI LATEST STYLE CLOTHING More than 1G0 different patterns to select from. The next th'iug ia to sell them. To do tbia 1 will make tbe price so yon can save from 83 to 40 cents on tbe dol'ar under the nsaal price oa Stylish, Strictly Up-to-date Clothing tor men and boys, made tor this seasons trade. McILWAIN BLOCK. Remember the Room. tXLCUTPR'S K3T1CE. Notice is hereby given to all persons in terested in the estate of Anthony Bender, thai I bave filed mv final ac count therein, in tbe County Court of Line Coonty, Oregon, and tbat ilontiay. tne .aa day of January,185J9.atthe bourot 1 o'clock p. m. of said day baa been et by said court as the time for hearing and settling ail ob jections thereto. Alt person interested, bavins' anv objections to said account are hereby lequired to file tbe same with clerk of said court, on or uoiere me iuu above roeotionel. Executor of said Estate. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, Notice i hereby given that by order o Rourt of Linn county. Or., duly made and entered ot record, the undersigned ha been duly appointee aoanouirator oi me estate of Elisabeth Aodtwoo, aeceasea. All persons haviep claim gam 4 aatd es tut am hereltv n'j lfaetl and required to pre sent the same with Ihe proper voucher, to the undesigned, witrin MX month from the date hereof, at Albany, Or. . j. W. ANDERSON, AUU1 r. W XiTHKRFORD WVATT, Attorneys for Administrator. See Locals on every page. Annual Misting There will be a meeting ot the Stockholders of The Albany Creamery Association. Jan. 12, 1800 at 1 o'clock p m., for tba elect ion ol officers and tbe transaction of any other business wbleb may coma before tba meeting. . J.Sksly, Secretary, iiy For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years 1 ill wif etwTitrf GOOD COFFEE It's a luxury all may enjoy who trade with us. We won't to call your atten tion to our Blend of Java 4 Mocha at 40 eta. per pound, which we believe to be tbe beat on tbe market. Then we have another Blend for 30 cts. per pound which ia proving itself a winner. Then we bave another cheaper coffe dear down to 10 ct. per pound which are all good values. AU we ask is a trial from any one who is sot quite satisfied wito their present coffee, and we are sure of making yon our customers. lriu ( J(v In In Perfnmery "Qaalitv ia king and Jcwit a ict. Wi.h thlsEottoal waa ia mind Palmer, w right an Lend org bavewon a worldwide re elation and tbe distinctive t tSe o petiomers. We nave a large assert meet ol tancy packages for tbe toi idav trade from Vsc lo tS CO. BURKHART&LEE W. R.BLAIN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HEADQUARTERS FOE Holiday Goods.., FOSHAY & MASO N'S Tbey have a fine line ot Books, Plush goods, Albums, Toilet Oases, Art goods and many nevelUes at pricces tbat fit tbe pocket-books of all, young and old. See their fine display. Poultry Wanted Having locateid in the building in the rear of AI ciernoent ot vo. wo tin uo m i . . , y-. -11 J general poultry business, paying . tb' highest pricefor poultry of all kinds GOOD INSURANCE OB NONE. If yon want nothing for your motiey get "Belief," but if you want "Relialle have joor property insured by the Wad ing agent ol Albany, in companies tbat have ben in bovineee for years, and thai have money to bark their obligattona. Yon cannot get a good article of any kind for nothing, and when yon want la,get"InanrancS.nnotBB. . "Inauiance, Hay, Grain and Wool. Julius i Gradwohl -r-Bealef in - Hard ware, Oroekery, Glass ware, Groceries and aJ goods kept In country store a. WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH As Low as Anybody. Country prodm-e and egga taken in exchange for gooods iiuiium; A Fine stock of Shelf Hardware at GEO. E. Fish's, at tbe lowest .acea. Will keep a fr" Kock of the Deet pxtdt. K. O. T. M. every Saturday evening ai . O. T. 3a. ball, t tains? KaighU tavaed. W. A. Oox. CccDinaader. flonev to Loan. We have a block of $40,000 to kea on good farms ia Lima aad adjoiaiag conn ies. If you hare good security ti perfect title, we can forLua yon the com witnaot ielay, as we make oar own exaaiaatioaof Vcnxity. Call of B or wnfe B. N.SmixsvO. Albany, Grega UNN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY AlbacT'.Oreca OScea, BaaK of Oregoa tSoildics;. Only set of abctncti ef LUa Coast;. Complete set of ssaps aad plain; H. F. Herrill Insnraace aad Coilectioa Agent Home) to loan, warrants booght CSce ia tss Dxxoc&ax baikL. STIEET EA1LWAT K0T1CE. The motce- on tbe Albany Street Railwaj will tOBseei prompt; with all train to ar- from the depot, day and aicbt. Special trips will be made at rpeo rates. R. UoGjtxv Ca4actet. TO LOAX. On good security $S00 or flOOO. For particnlara call at Demo crat office. IS sTK ACTIONS oa Pmno or Organ given in exchange for entail family washing. Inquire at thia office. HOXGWAUTOXG CO Seeend 8t ear Lyon street. Atbanv. Sells Chi nee medieins, Cbicese rice. Chinese tea aad nit oil. J. CDevine Successor to N. Southard. Jnst east of the Dkmockat office, Dealer In Bay, Oats, Mill Feed, Chop, FWtry, etc Give him a call. Good UeaUotct as sured. THE CRACKERJACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR Opposite Masonic Temple. Full line of standard groceries and country produce No single leader, bnt CTerythieg a ader at bottom price. Wagons ran tn the country selliag grs eerie and collecting produce. Money saved by tradins at tba Crack- erjack. OliYer Plois-Hii wcti iOFEJtS BROS Agents, Alaany, Oregon xstirer gars the wod the chiikd plow And it has tared ao wooey to the fanner of Atnarin than any other unplement ever produce Gennine Oliver chilled are tne beat ea earth. The Oliver is a promoter of hapr- nesa oa the farm, and the dealer who sells it knows be is Landlinir the best. Look out far ininiHations and touch aothiag bat tbe genuine goods, mad cety by Olive Chilled rlow work. South Bend. Ind.. V FOSHAY S HASOK Wholesale Retail DEMISTS 1KB BOOmiLIic SXBajrr, O&BOOM. Pure Drug sad tbo fineat and Largta Stock of Stationary ana Books in the Market. H. E. BEERS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 66. Postoflke Block, Albany. Oregon. S.E.WIMARP M.S.M. p. Graduate of Lenox College. 1SS5. Chi cago Homeopathic Medical College 1890 r..,v ..J: , .i Tireedale Block, Albany, Or. Towrits & Sprenger.