The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 16, 1898, Image 1

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Eater at the Fctt Ofaee at Ukur. KmU-CImi Hall Mailt i
irTTHC Paallaacr aaa rr.prUtar
"Gimme my 'Seal Jim, quick I cant stop this trip,
One will go a long way out of the
way to get
Seal of North Carolina
smoking tobacco The old settlers
and ranchmen know its good points
and that nothing has ever been made
that makes a better smoke. ,
he Original
Always the
Mild and
What will be most appropriate for a Christmas present?
The answer depends largely upon toe relation of the giver to the one
- receiving, also on tbe finances of the donor. We have many things
saitabie for all eases that mar aria. Rockers for the babies ahd tbe
Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Foot Stouts, Parlor Tables, Exten
sion Tables, Carpet Sweepers, Sofa Pillows, (pare down) Bamboo
Furniture. Lounges. Couchts, Bedroom Sets (nice ones) Bedstead,
Dreser and Commode $13.50) White Iron Beds, Rain. Lace Curtains,
Ease's, Screens, Pictures, Frames and many other attractive things.
ilasonic Temple BIdg., Albany, Or.
Preparing For the Battle
of Life
A here shall it be uon? Cerainly wWe tha best prepiration can beh&d."A
a 1 College has claims in thiad-rection that call for closer investigation.! .
A Full College Training
t courss the hA thin. A A Albany also offers a superior Normal Coarse, and ia
inevs College Course tht is inferior to coue in the state. Correspondence invited,
term op?ns Sept 20, 1898.
Wallace Howe Lee, A. M.,
George A. Wirte, Directoi'.
Agisted by Mrs Cor A. Wirtz, and other J.
Branches Taught Piano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, dolin, Voice Culture,
Sight Singing, Chorus and Quartet Singing, Harmony, History,
: .". . Counterpoint, Composition and Band Instruments.
Thomas Brink's
Lately. He has one of the finest stocks of Furni
ture in the valley.
He hau added Bahv Buggies to h'a stock.
. Just call iu.and you will find that his prices are the
Oregon Gas' Light Heating and Power Company,
Cheap Light For
Cheap Heat For
Cheap Powb For
Jorrespondence Solicited.
DR F I IDAMS, Pres. 1. H. FEESEK8ES, 810,
PJ - Jl'if4 - l -
try MORMON BISHOP'S FILLS for all diseases arising from ait.abnse..
..... Rrinoa
: ..'v.. eirTi
In.-. m.l,. . U.ilno stronir.
UUk WPU, "j . -
I.. ' v...i a...., ahmnken unrana. despondency, sleeplessness,
vera vi aaJ nillwi 7 a VI a vnw'vi s A . , .
varioce and constipation, adds lustrs to the eyes, stops nervous twiteWngs
of the evelios. Mak s lile woth living. A boon to young or old. MORMON
BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Stops all
i. i :u. it ioia Prim within the reach olaU. Ctuaran
asmavm vj vmj v U IV 1)1- luu , mv.-
teed to cure. Price
Address BISHOP
For sale by Fos-
Plug Cut-
Church Houbb and Hotel
Church, Hoase and Hotel
Anything and B.erything
excesses or cigarette smoking. In use
hack vour Msnbood. cores depleted worn
hloo.1 and tissue. Cures westings and all
. . i . ; ;
Cures impoiency, iobv puwer, vuiustuua,
j . ----- ' . . r, . . ,
a box lor .oo ny man. ' vv..
BEMEDY CO., San Frantisco, Cal.
I hay & Mason, Albany.
A small but pleased audience heard
Mr. Glen Holman, at the Maccabee hall
last night in his impersonation of Uncle
Sam. In traditional costume of tho fel
low who whipped Spain Mr. Holman
made an excellent representation of him.
His delivery is a pleasant one, and the '
address abounds in wit and humor, and
as well in some sensible thoughts. 1
la the character of Uncle Sam he told
of Columbia, the daughter of Liberty,
whose ancestors were Intelligence, Ed
ucation and Justice, lrn in the wilder
ness of the new world, in adversity, ed
ucated in the school of experience and
necessity, associating wl'h honevtr and
selfreliance. guided by Laudable Ambi
tion, whoee detiuy was to eiunncipate
the world. She was an independent gal
brought upon the old mans' place, and
when she met Uncle Sam at Bunker Mill,
when he whaled biases out of tins old
nun and his hired hands, she was
stuck after htm, and they united atil
have been together ever since Uncle grew, taking all kiu'ds of uu-dU-iiie.
tie tells tbe story ot his lite Iroui July
1878, in a very humorou way, euggc;
tng the ;iaou of history with urig'iial
ity, introducing the main events of the
history of our country to the lickinv of
Spain, in a manner peculiarly his own, j
getting in some excellent hits occasional- j
ly In a telling manner, and closing with, I
"You now have the best household in j
the world. No man gives bis children j
the liberty I give mine. Remember j
your manhood."
From the Criterion.
T. C. Feebler, A. G. Williams and Gns
Reed returned from their mountain hunt
last W'eduesdav night. Tbey were suc
cessful to the extent of five deer.
The Waterloo railroad lies quietly
'lumbering. It will break out in a new
place in the spring. The road will be
built all right.
Frank Moist had the misfortune last
Friday, to get kicked in the left eve by
a colt. Frank now looks as if he had
had a pugilistic encounter with Bob Fits-
Miss Maud Hulburt, of Albany, has
been acting as chief music'-an for the
Quaker medicine company during their
suy in onr city.
I i u i , n n:. ..tantiam Lumber Co
the m. V, W vers place, north of town
from S. E. Young, and is now putting in
a crop ot grain. Mr. Hood will move
his family over In tbe spring.
The Quakers (?) have been holding
forth nightly in this place for the last
week. Tbey give a second rate variety
show and the medicine they sell is a
good thing for the men that tell It.
Monday night, after the results of the
election had been announced and it was
known that the CitJen's ticket wss
elected, the boys procured a quantity of
powder and proceeded to celebrate some
what after tbe fashion of a political rati
fication. Prof. J. M. Martindale, principal of
the Albany public school, will lecture in
this city Friday evening, Dec. 16th, on
bis travels in 6rope, and more especial
ly Westminster Abbey. This lecture is
very highly spoken of, and no doubt is
well worth a person's time to hear.
A very pretty, bot quiet wedding took
place in this city, on Nov. 30tb, at tbe
residence of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Craig,
Rev. J. W. Craig officiating. Tbe par
ties are well and favorably known. The
groom is John Smith, son of F. M.
Smith, one of the oldest and moet sub
stantial residents of Linn couoty; the
bride being Miss Fanny Foren, who has
a wide circle of friends, among whom she
is quite popular.
Tbe Dallas Court.
At the circuit court in Dallas jester
Magers was indicted for the murder of
Ray Sink, and his trial was begun today
at noon, with District Attorney Hayden
and Attorney Hall, of Portland, for the
state, and W. H. Holmes and J. J. Daly
for the defendant.
The grand jury also indicted Fred Sen
ders and Harry Saltmarsh for bunrlarv.
and tbeir trial will be begun next Tues
day afternoon at 1 o clock before Judge
Burnett and a jury.
The Moore Case.
Special Dispatch-to tbe Post-Intelli
New Yobk, Dec 6. Tbe jury in the
case of Willian Moore, husband of Pet
Strafaan, formerly ot Portland, failed to
airree and was discharged. Tbe testi
mony brought out was conflicting, rros-
ecutor Mclntyre says that both the
Moo res will be put on trial again on
New Orrcw. Following are the
new officers of Albany Tent No. 6,K. O.
T. M. Sir Knigbt Commander, N. M.
Newport ; lieut. commander, G. v . Goff ;
physician, Dr. J. L.HUI ; sergeant, John
Talt; record keeper. A. Senders; finance
keeper. V. Rumbaugb ; 51. A., Unas. Ale-
Kinnon : 1st M. u., m. Meyer; 2nd M.
G T. W. Zimmerman: sentinel. J. W
Roe; picket, J. A. Finch ; trustee, E. U.
Klden U. Brattain has been appointed
register of tbe land omce at Lakevtew,
One thousand men are said to be on
their way out from Dawson, anything to
get out.
The Telegram announces that tbe
Muktnomabts and University of Califor
nia will -play loot ball at rortlana on
Dec 28,
Born, at tbe family residence on
Church street, near Court, Salem, Dec.
6, 1898, at 4 p. m., to Mr. and Mrs. B.
tr. ttoise Jr., a son.
Lebanon Lodge No. 47 elected the fol
lowing ollicers at their last meeting in
Kovamber: N italghesh, H u; U
Sturtevant, V G; W C Peterson, Kec.
Sec: C E Pugh. Perm. Sec: J F Hyde.
Secretary Alger has given out the in
formation that the troops at Manila will
be returned to their homes in the order
in which they went there. This will
bring the Oregon boys back among the
first ones. It will be done as soon aa
transports can be secured for regulars to
take tneir places. .
All mail for the Corvallis & Eastern
should be directed to Albany Oregon
This office todar received a letter or
circular, addressed to Mr F. P. Whitney
publisher Democrat. A mixture ol ed-
iiors cerwiniy.
"Apron Strings"
Is not a lecture.
But an entertainment fall of fun.senae,
sentiment, songs and poetry.
The Salem Journal says one might as
well look for a needle in a hay mow as
to look for an original idea in some pap
The U S grand jury has been drawn in
Portland, without a single person from
Linn county.
Tbe Oregonian says the U of O will not
play the foot bal game with the ' O A 0
next baturoay.
OThe will of Archbishop Gross bas been
published. He left all of his property
to his successors in office for ecclesiasti
cal purposes, besides several smsll sums
for some oi tne acnoois ana saw ior
masses. He requested tbst no flowers
be nsed at bis funeral and that be be
bnried in an inexpensive wooden coffin,
His execntors are Revs. Blsncbet. Hein
ricbs, Northman, Metayer and O'Des.
Tbe will wsi signed Oct. 2, 1894.
(Geo. D. Barton judge, D. L. Curl and
D. 0. Swann commissioners.)
L. Y. Wilson allowed to redeem prop
erty sold for taxes upon payment of
31.11, and G. E. Hardy upon payment
of $14 26
Judge Barton
.$100 00
. 166 30
. 160 00
. 150 00
. 60 00
. 83 33
60 Ou
. 60 00
County Ule-k Crabtres
Sheriff Alunker
Kecorde- Neal
xJ0"r j,' McDo,,ald
""cier i Montague "
Deputy Slieiiff Leweliing..
Aid Mrs Hina
" nr and ir BrnM . .
' Mrx tl enbiiry.. . ....
' ' ""'iinn-li r .
liar- V.).r . .
" " 1 , Hl.ll f
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6 uO
8 IK)
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e 0.)
6 O
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i4a, r. . . .
uira .
V iasis
11 1 1
12 CO
rm.t i .
umliul aiJ
6 (HI
1 60
Ir A
G i rr..
l-r ii i.
W I: ... .
in.- - ,
lVviv V . i.
.oard Yarhrougli
lauie Yarbronh
1 .. 5
. anl
V k B ;ui
! Al . mn i.i ucc"
U II Lew
Urau Liu in-y, Jd
luarli Ot tiulil, -li
V ttarri ...
V G Mi ire ......
Mr Kaiiuiitart....
ETT ru..r ...
B F Ra-. p
Fred Wason....
3 as ,
arbruigh. . . 1 K !
3 10
la Klum..
6 00
10 00
2 60
38 00
2 SO
7 00
14 70
10 05
10 25
1 S2
HarrUbnrg Lumber Co ,
D W Hardin
SO 00
38 71
7 00
4 25
1 00
r W Spioks
H O Watson, acc't Katie Bray..
E M Burhart
G VV Willis
Albany Elee Co. i 21 70
L. blimeon. acct U II and tail 36 60
Geo E Fish, " " 5 00
M Ludwig. 2 On
Tomlinson & Du braille, acct C H. 100
ieiepbooeCo 10 00
Lewis A Drvden Cxi. atationarr. in fiO
J W Carroll, deputy sheriff 5 00
miss n Barton, assessment roll.. 6 07
Alke Brenner. .. 13 n3
John Isher. janitor 16 00
G W Morrow, at deputy sheriff.. . 24 00
j j n miner, acct inn auy j w
John Smith, as constable 3 07
F M Powell. as depntv sheriff... . 32 oO
T J Stites, stationary IS 60
Bach A Buhl, bounty 2 55
Oregon act ."amnel Mills 1010
Oregon agt Eiaard Busby 4 25
inaigent E-owiers . II GO
A Matiord, a. msor 78 00
ETT Fisher, as surveyor 8 60
Alexander A Kirknatrick. printing 21 64
A M unkcrs. C 11 and tail 7 10
Manr Munketa, as deputy sheriff. 10 05
A S McDonajJ.acct superintendent IS 70
Examining teachers, J E Tvree
19. D Tor bet :,.25, A S McDon
ald 110.50 24 75
Fare indigent person to California. 15 00
G D Montague, as deputy clerk... 48 50
u l, carl, as commissioner 11 80
rred Itewson. stationary 3 35
Geo D Barton, stationary 2 80
Court Adjourned.
Sample of California Life.
From abetter written by Mrs. Thomas
Bates, under date of Dec 2, at River
Side, Cl., to her brother, S. Handsaker,
in Eugene, we are permitted to make the
following extracts: "We have bad a
great deal of sckneas here, and if we
could have a good rain it would be of
great benefit. We bave had no ram
since last March and very little rain last
winter. ster is very scarce and crops
that are not watered are drying np. No
wonuer tte tanners ate aiscooraged, ana
what the result will be without rain, no
one can tell. The weather is delightful.
the nights and mornings a little cool but
in tbe middle of the day the sun shines
nice an warm. I wirfh yon coold see
my pile of wood, said to be half a cord,
that cost me f 1.75.
Dr. Davis will arrive home from tbe
east tomorrow.
Attorney general IJlcman has been in
the city on business.
Attorneys Whitney and Wyatt return
ed this noon from Dallas.
Iuitiation at tbe meeting of the Wood
men uf tbe World tonight. Let all chop
pers attend.
Miss Msmie Payne, ot Albany, is the
guest of her cousins, tbe Misees Payne,
on North Commercial streeU-Statesman.
Hon. Jefferson Myers, of Salem, has
gone to Jacksonville, r la., ou business,
snd will also visit other p ints in the
Mrs Ed. Scbaeer arrived home from
California this morning being called
here by the illness of her child. Mr Sch
meer bas betn running a hotel at Tole
do. Walter Lyon, of Salem. H. B. Thiel-
son, ol Portland and J. T. Gregg are
mentioned for tbe office of private sec
retary of Governor-elect Gcer, and there
are others.
Rev. O. B. Streyffeler. pastor of the
Evangelical church, spends Sunday in
Portland, his pulpit will be filled in tbe
morning by Kev. O. O. Epley, in the
evening there will be no service.
Mr. Arch Blackburn returned last eve
ning from Salem, where he had been to
visit his father Attorney General Black
burn, who has been ill, but was con
siderably better. Mr. and Mrs. Black
burn are now residing in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kirknatrick and
child are in tbe city on a visit with tbe
lormtrs sisters. Mrs. H.Bryant and Dr
Mrs. Beers, and his mother Mrs. Kirk
Patrick. Mr. Kirk pa trick has been a
resident of California for nearly twenty
A very pleasant sumrise cartv was
tendered Mrs Robert Brown last even
ing at the GAR hall, under the super
vision of Misses Stable and Hudson, re-
"r locating nere irom Illinois. A
?.V,rrAm Panted, sociability
iivvttucu uu m une iudcu rervea.
Encampment work ef I f O F In I
"Golden Rule" degree tonight. All pa
triarcbs invited and urged to attend.
V. w. biabb, scribe.
First National Bank statement on the
4th page. It is a splendid showing for
the bank.
Bishop ranilon SSVB ot "Anrnn
otrings. -uusrmiDgi x wish every
body could Lear it."
Bishop McOabessvs: "I hava heard
Chaplain Lorier's new monologue.
eloanent. pathetie. wittv. hntaa tha
oience iroiu beginning to end."
It is an interesting fact that the loca-1 Uta treasury. .Tbe producers no doubt
tiuua vi several prominent post ouices t iii natmniza it whenever tnev can sen
en changed in this valley
year, Salem, Eugene and Albany being 1
Honolulu, H. L, Nov. '98.
Editor Dbmock at:
Will you please allow me a space in
your paper as I want tbe people of Al
bany to kbow how the citizens of Hono
lulu treated us on Thanksgiving day.
They gave us a dinner, and it was a
lovely one, I tell you we did justice to it
too.for we don't get anything like that in
the army. Some of the bill of fare was
ronst turkey, chieken, fish, potatoes,
cranberry sauce, potato salad, ckichen
salad, bread and butter, chicken pot pie,
coffee, ginger ale, soda water, ice cream,
cake, ail kinds of nuts, raiaens, grapes.
cigars, cigarettes, jeuy, canuy, nam
?Ft' 'ZS'Z S' "d '
7-r ."r'?L; TiTT Z:rtVJ r?
lt.erv were loOO fer the dinner and it i
was got up in about ten days. They fed
40 of tiie engineers and muO N. Y. sold
er. We and the N. Y's were all camped
ti.geiiier, but the fever broke out among
them n wo had U move camp to get
away from them There were two fun
t-ral mi Wednesday and ll y am 'tying '
very faU Their hospital t- lull mid
they !.av' liml two more. We are hav
ing very Kihk) luck in our battalion. We
i vi -in v itt oi e man tince ecme
here. We moved into the new tiarra -ks
mi il..- 23nl and it feels a little more like
being at home. We were glad to get out j
ol in- tents. There are 12 men in a1
mom ai. th- buildings are 175x32,
lour !
ot ni
The X. Y. men will leave for S. F. on
ii. iiiih hit mmi'ii mmnunD -
. on
thr 'Ath, on account .f tad health.
of ti.e liovs got $'i0 fine and thinv davs
in the ift;:.rd house fur striking a do'ii Hitue he was on ettard. and a dis
honorable discharge. He was one of the
2 50 owo recruits that came througn on
; 00 the Senator. He has been in cur camp
2 50 ev. ni.iv. He was put in the guard
00 house aa -o..n as he ot here. One of
t ,Ai "r c iu the N. . Co. got 10 fine
la 0i ! iu the guard hoiiSM for leav
1 to 'ins iiia while on guard. It don't do
lor a nuin m leave nts post lor we never
k"" hen the otticrr of the day will be
We are having some nice weather.
V e a d i a to tbe beach bathing juet
the same as we did tue first da v we came.
I gwm bv this time you widt having
p!ent of rain in Oregon. We bave had
nun..- at all yet.
We had a general inspection on the
20th and 2it and the General inspector
said that it was as dean a camp as he
ever saw, and Co. M. carried off the
honors for the largest company and best
drilled. You ought to Lave seen the
tniile that went on CapL Freeman's face.
He is a numtier one man. There is not
a man in the battalion that has a bad
word for him. The General inspector
said that we would be here until spring.
It is all tbe same here winter and sum
mer. The weather here is about the
same as it is in Oregon in Ju!v.
F. P. krrcHJcx.
Manila Attractions,
Whit Holman, of Salem, is recently in
receipt of a letter from Will Bachelor ,one
of the Co. K (Oregon Volunteers) sold -iers
at Manila, and accompanying it are
eetne clippings from the "American
Soldier, a weekly publication there.
One of the clippings gives the schedule
of baseball games there for the current
month, as follows
Wyoming "
Sooth Dakota
14th Infty.
North Dakota.
HUilr'tr. -Utah.
Oregon. "
23 nl Infty.
Colorado. '
18ih Inftv. "
14U Infty.
A roster issued in tbe far awav citv
as follows :
Thursday, October 13th, 1S.
Tbe 19ib century wonder. First ap
pearance in Manila. Greatest
feature ever seen in Manila.
Direct from America.
The European contortionist and die
locator. Dislocating all joints of the human
body. Protruding of joints plainly to be
sevn and beard as thev leave their
Pronounced by eminent physicians
from abroad as the most wonderful ex
hibition of perfect dislocation ever
College Notes.
Miss Gladys Saaw is tick with neural-
Edward and Ralph Cooper, of this
city, entered College last week.
Mite Abbie J Fry, of Lebanon, a gral
o tie of tbe Co lege, is in tbe city and in
tends taking a special course.
In tbe Young Men's Literary Society
( A C L S) last Saturday evening the sub
ject "Resolved that travel i a better
means of education than books" wss de
bated witb M assets Sovder and Thomp
son for the er&irmative and Measers
Ralston and Hickev for the negative. It
was woo by tbe affirmative.
The Athletic Association will bow
manage the gymnasium.
Tbeyoong ladies are organising an
Athletic Association.
Tbe following cities and towns sre now
represented in College: Albany, Browns
ville, Oqoille City, Corvallis, Craw
fordsvilir. Grants Pass. Hslser. Jeffer
son, Latonrelle Falls, Lebsnon, Mebama,
Mill City, Oakland, Oregon City, Peoria.
Roeebore. Scio. Sbedd, Turner and
Warm Springs.
Proposed County Fair.
A movement is being started by Linn
county council to bave Benton Join that
county in bo'ding a bi-county fair. A
communication to that effect has been
received by tbe representatives ot tbe
Farmers' Oonsress in this city, and the
nlan it to hold a fair on the premises of
the Agricultural College, some time after
frnit and trrain harvest next October, to
last for three or four days. This is to be
ara.lboua fide conntv fair : no "hoes'
racing, but a time and place where farm
ers can gather and display tbe pioducts
oi tbeir farms and orchards and discuss
agricultural pursuits. Tbe following
aar. it is nroDOied that Benton county
people join with those of Linn in holding
a fair in that county, and so on alter
nately. The prospects are that tbe state
fair, as it is conducted at naiem, win oe
abolished, and this idea suggested by
Linn is sn excellent one and no doubt
will result in a rousing fsir being held
here next autumn. Corvallis Union.
The State Fair.
Tbe Telegram has been asking sens
tori and representatives about an appro-
-rlstion and the location of tbe state
ir ... , m m . . ori
received from Linn county:
AuiANY. Dee. 5. Unless evidence of
a satisfactory nature is furnished tbst
tti atate fair will berealter be such in
tact as well as in name, I am not in favor
of tbe state appropriating anytning
there! ir. ia rsierence to yonr seoonu
Question, I would say 1 do not feel suf
ficiently advised at this time to express
an opinion. rcau i a. aLu i .
Senator. Linn County.
Albas r, Dec, 7. I am decidedly op-
I nnaa I ta aonrooriating sta's money for
It Is) state fairs; and I think the state had
an. I ittar aeule nn and ao outnof the bni-
having a fair ai long as she ksepsun
thi. I t,.i. nrodncts at a profit.
t. W
Representative, Linn County
It hss been known for some time tbst
8. B. Train of tbe Herald, having tbe en
dorsement of the entire Oregon delega
tion at Washington, including Senator
Simon, would receive the appointment of
post master at this city. Last evening a
dispatch was received announcing that
tbe appointment had been made. Mr.
Stites was appointed in January, 1895,
and took charge of the office about the
1st of M arch Tbe appointment will give
satisfaction. Mr. Taio has been a reel
dent oi Oregon since 1878 and of Albany
since 1884 and has been an excellent al
lien. Mr. Train is a member of the G.
A. R , having been in the amy io tbe
HI"., volunteers.
1 Le Dsmocait
extends comminutions
Wo d tti also r-ceived yesterday tnat
Dr. J. V. WalUne had received o ac
ceptance of his tmitdin recen'ly pur-ch-ed.ltie
former Linn Cnu; ty Naiional
Bank buildin -,MS i ffl es for the V. '). and
tue removal wih be mxl Irou. the pres
eol locatluD, ahere the ottice ha len
for fiva ye rs aitltin a few wkt. The
sovernuienr will rt the rent free lor five
Venn, tue ei.l ..I 3i) a ..oath being 0U-m-.ttielb
a j.itn..( property
-re -eot a ! ffered by the oaneri
ol Hie preseoc olficva. The matter of re
moval u-s caused considerable comment
pro and con.
Ti.e lease has keen signed and f -r-
- . . . . . .. .
,u" government, it proviaee
"v' . c01 eV- PTW
Dilutes costtoa about 1 1,000 will be
placed in the building, making it one of
tbe beat offices in tbe ste. Different
reasons have been given for tbe removal.
J W Nye, of Clem, eastern Oregon has
been in the city.
Apron Strings bv Chaplain Loxier.
M. E. church Dec 16th.
Tbe Magazine Club will meet to-morrow
afternoon at 2:30 at tbe residence of
Mrs. V alter Peacock.
J E Love, now in the drug business at
Kiddles.has been in tbe city. Next week
Mrs Daniel ledy,bis mother, will move
to that city and resede with him.
Dr Davis returned home this morning
from his eastern trip, mostly spent io
taking a postgraduate course in New
or k city.
Remember the social at the First
Presbyterian church tonight. A good
program has been prepared and lunch
will be served.
W F Read and A Becbel bave return
ed from the Santiam mines, where tbey
bave been several months mining. Tney
catae across above S veffeet of snow.
Mr. Merrill. of New York, is in Albany
U.s gnest of Mr H F Merrill, bis brother.
Mr Merrill travels for the great Clafiin
boos of New York.
Rev. Harris has been engsged perman
ently aa pastor of the C P church of this
city, and will bold services every week,
with prayer meeting on Thursday even
ing. A social dance will be given Saturday
night of this week in the building form
erly occupied bv Tomlinson A Dnbrniiie
just east of the DsMocaaT office. No dis
reputable persons will be admitted.
We are informed that M L Dorris will
probably resign his position with B. M .
Wale A Co., of this city, the first oi the
ysar and go to Eagenea, to work in one of
the hard war stores here. Independ
ence Enterprise.
The Albany Mnsiea Cllob spent yes
terday afternoon at the boms of Mrs. P
A. Young witb Mendelssohn. A pleas
icg program was readetwi consisting of
a splendid paper by Mrs Langdoo oa tea;
life of Mendelsaofan. a piano dnet. Noc
turne, "MtdsnoiuM Night's Drean," by
Mies Barmester and Mrs Yoong, a vocal
duel, "I would that my love," by Miss
Ellis sod Mrs Kelson, a piano so'o by
Miss Vance, "Consolation." a vocal solo
by Mrs WirtV'11 with aU yoor heart," a
piano solo,MSpring song," by Mrs Young,
a vocal solo, "St Paul." by Mies Ellis
and a vocal dnet "Lift thina eyes," by
Mrs Wirtx. Mrs Nelson and Mrs Lanc-
don. Tbe duo meets one a month.
Foot Bail Tomorrow.
Thrs will be a game ot foot ball that
will warm np things in Corvallis tomor
row afternoon, notvithstaoding the
Portland papers. It is to b between the
OAUandibe UofO and will be bot
from tbe kick off. Tbe weather is aus
picious for a fast game. The recent
gamee have had such a reenlt as to give
each side big hopes, and hence tbey will
play for all there is in iu Witb Sanders
at full back the O A C wi 1 be greatly
strengthened, and will play ths gam of
tbeir uvea.
A special train will ran, leaving Cere
st li:40 and returning leave Corvallis at
i :. Kound trip ao cents.
As the result of an item in a caner
that Ed Davidson was hunting a wife Ed
baa receievM several tetters.aniong otb
ere one from a lady in Eugene, weighing
127 pounds, a blonde with curly bair,
age Si. but the writing looks like that
ol a man.
An old land mark, the big poplar fee
the yard of Charles Keiffer, was cat
down tbis morning J
Mr. Snsilam Shields, went hunting
op tbe river and this morning bis boat
was found on the bank of the river at
this city, with nothing but a shitepoke
tn iu
Christmas ia coming and so is Santa
Clans. What would be more pleasing
to send to yoor friends tbsn a nice photo
of yourself which yon can get by calling
on &11JS Long, 2nd and ferry street.
Commander C. P. Hallowav of tbe G
A. R. last evening paid the G. A. R. ol
tbis city a friendly visit, and a pleasant
lime was had. Besides a short talk by
the Commander a social time was bad.
Grant Froman. Otto Clelan and J. A.
Warner made a tiin down the Willam
ette in a boat yesterday shooting fifty-
five dncka on tbe wsv. Tbe cold westc
er has driven a good many ot them into
tne coves and alone tne siougns anu
duck bunting is now at its beet.
Wbst is more suitable then oneot
those $25 warranted sewing machines at
E. U. Will's Music Store toraOhrislmas
Tour (Wheat.
Call at the office ot Cnrrsn &. Monteith
il you wish to sell your wheat and get
the highest cash price .
Havi Yoo Ssjci the big doll in the
window at "Ramps Grocery;'
it will le given away Christmas
evenimr. For further particulars in
quire at the store.
H. H T. Household Treasures now
at the Albany Furniture Co. Smooth
est and best made.
Tak' Yora Choics. You can take
your choice ot any piece ot tinware in
the window at F. E. Allen & Go's for 25
cents, or they will take their choice for
only 5 cents, rake your cnoice.
Tbe county court ot Marion county
refused to allow the county clerk pay tor
copying the assessment rolls. This is
the same county court that pays a Sa
lem lawyer about$ieOO tor wore it is the
business of the sheriff to do.
Gov. Lord yesterday named ti .uosd, enortpoMble is being made by those
oi me ursv oiBwiiiv uu vi
aMnnd district aa members of the
board of horticulture, to serve four years
m April Isrl897.
From the News.
T W Griffin, special state agent of the
Aetna Saving & Trust Company, of
Butte, Montana, is in Sclo fn the inter
est of his compsny.
W Klolr snd lamily, of Nebraska, are
late arrivals in this city, and as soon as
a larm just suited to their liking csn he
found thrv will become permanent resi
dents of this land of sunshine and big
Sclo lodge, No. 36. A O U W., elected
tbe following officers at tbeir regular
meeting last Monday night, to serve one
yea?: J B Smith, M W ; A G Prill, fore
man; A M Young, overseer; !ra A.
Pbelps. Kcfiver, E O Hyde, financier;
R Shetton, recorder: U W Morrow.
guide; H L Shelton, I W; JA Wailjce
O W.
Jesse Beard has purchased tbe resi
dence bu Iding back of Mr. LukenbachV
thoetbo , cod wiii have tbe tame mov
ed over aflj.jioioir bis bote) property.
He ail) fit up tbe lower story for a
sample room and tbe upper story will
be need for sleeping rooms.
Theelerioo for city officers in this
ity trti-to l off vryqufetly last Monday.
A total of 72 votes ss east; s Urge
number vt voters did not take the
trouble to go 'o the polls. Tbe only
fiiibt mad wss on marshal. Three tick
ets were oat, bot there wss very little
difference in them. Tbe rssnlt of tba
votes :
Mayor-J C Simpson, 33; M M Peery,
Recorder R Shelton, 68.
Treasurer W F U II, 89.
Marshal N Yoang 32; W Bilyeo, 15;
Jee Beard. 23.
Alderman 8 M Daniel, 30; M M
Peery, 30; V Johnsm, S2; John Sims,
60; 8 1 Shore. 29; L W Richardson, 24;
Ira A Phelpe. 85; Frank Irvine, 15; J C
riimpson. 3o; V B oin, 47; O B Cyrus.
27; R E Hiibler. 27; Geo Mnnkers, 17;
W A Ewing. 18.
Religious service.
Regular services at the M E choreh
onto tomorrow morning and evening
witb preaching by tbe pastor.
Services at tbe Camber land Presbyter
ian church, cor Main and 4th. Snnday
morning and evening. Morning sobject
"Tue Blood of Christ ," evening ".-eking
tbe Cnteen " Yon are invited.
M. E. church : Preaching by tbe pas
tor nioraiog and evening. Sunday
school at 12 o'clock; Junior and later
mediate League at 3:30; Epwortb
League at 6:30 Take notice of the
cbacg of Snnday school hour.
Baptist Church: Morning service
10 JO am, S. S 11 -45 a m, Jr. 3:30 p
m. Chines Mission 3 pm, Yoang
Peoples' meeting 8 JO p m, evening ser
vice 7:30 p m.
Presbyterian Church: R-v. Henry
Msreotte, of Astoria, will preach both
morning and evening Services at tbe
osoal boors. Morning worship at 10 JO
8 8 at II :45, Jr Endeavor at 3 -JO, br Eo
deavor at 6 :30. evening worship at 7 130.
A very cordial invitation is extends! to
all to attend all the service.
Christian Cnnrcb : Services at 1 1 am
and 7 uJ p m by Rev C M Lane. Morn
ing topic: "Christian Unity." Evening,
"Tbe Yin and Branches." Cboir ser
vice under directions of Prof. Geo- A.
United Paesbyterian : Morning ser
vice at 10 JO. S S at 1 1 -.45, Jr Endeavor
at 3:30, Sr Endeavor 6 JO, evening ser
vice at 7:30. Subiect in tba morning
"Not Ashamed of tba Gospel," evening
- Balaam. ' All are coraiaily lavtlea to
attend these service.
S. S. lesson review on 4th page,
Begun Cackling.
The premium list for the show of the
Oregon State Poultry Association, to be
held in Albany January 9 to 15 inclusive,
has jost been is.ned under the supervis
ion ot tbe superintendent, C. D. Bales,
printed by Smiley. Tbe pamphlet con
tains the rnlee ot the association and the
list of premiums besides consider b e ad
vertising. The premiums will be $1 for
first pre and eng. card tor second ,except
for pens, which will be i, and pigeons.
50 cents. Tbevare:
Asiatic class Brahmas light and
dark, 8 premiora on singles and 2 on
pens. Cochin! bun atd nertndee. 8 on
shingles, 3 on pens. Lengthens black
and wbite. 8 on sinrfiee, 3 on pens.
American eiass Plymouth Rocks
baored, whie, ban, 12 premiums on sin
glee and 4 on pens. V yandottes silver
legged, g"4deo. white and ban, is on
singles and 4 on pens. Java black, on
singles and 1 on pin.
Mediterranean diss Spanish, white
taoed black 4 on single and 1 on pen
Andaluaisns 4 on singles and 1 on pea
Legherne hite. brown, black, buff,
i comb w , reecouib B., 30 on sin
gles and 6 on pens. Minorca black
end wbite. 4 siuglee and t on pens.
Polish whit and golden, 8 singles 2
pens. Ham burgs S. S. and U. S . , on
singles and 2 oa pens. Red cape 4 on
singles and 1 on pen. Hoodans 4 on
singlea and 1 oa pen. Standard gamee.
pit gamss, Indian gamee, and Malays
each, 4 on tmcle and 1 on pens. Other
bantams, golden, silver, buff, Pektn and
Black tailed Japanese, lb on singles ana
4 on pads.
uninea iokii a oo singles, lmcaa, v
premiums: Geeee premiums; Turkeys,
8 premiums ; Pigeons, 10; Homers, 1.
Any other variety. 1. Rabbits, a: fer
rets, 1 ; dressed poultry 6 and.!3 far best
displsv. Beeiaee the above sre several
premiums oa scoiing pens, etc
Apron Strings
Tbe name "Apron Strings," which
Chaplain Losier Las selected toi his en
tertainment, while it is nniqne, does not
suggest its nature, and one finds himself
at a loss to know wbst to expect. It is
not a lecture, as some have been pleased
to call it, but a hovel entertainment foil
of lun, sense, sentiment, songs and poe
try. It is endorsed by the leading men
snd greatest scholars of the country,
'resident McKinley, on bearing Chap
lain Losier, said : "If my distinguished
friend. Chaplain Losier. will teen on
sinking I will agree to suy here all
night. I like yonr songs. Chaplain, be
cause they contain meat as well as me
ter." ibis eralueut gentleman will be
beard at the M E. church, Dee. 16, and
no one shouid miss the opportunity to
bear him.
The Horse Show.
A good sited and very pleased audience
attended the Bartholomew horse show
at the armory last nlgbt. The pertcrm
anceelvenls one worth witnessing by
everv sdmlrer of the horse, and who is
not. Under Prof Bartholomew the ani
mal displays a wonderful intelligence,
doing feats almost h nisn.
A mat.nee was given tbis atternoon
and lonuht auother performance will be
presents I, which no one should miss.
Admiseiou 10 and 25 cents .
A Stay of Proceedings.
A message was received from the pos
tal department yesterday atternoon or
dering proceedings ia reference to tbe
. (mher prwe-djBt, Xh
matter is being hotlv contested and every
iu interested to stop
the change and
the office where it is now.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
balm? powders are 6c greatest
us to health of the pwscatday.
Rev H L Reed went to Astoria this
noon where he will preach tomorrow.
M Scott, Of Albany, was in wtth an I
rTi. . "!B
weeks ago-Rural Spirit!
imtXRi.- u,. ...........
- o- - - - - - I
hSS olR H Coshow, 0.
stiU quite a sick man. but is imnmvin
utcetj. oiaicsipao.
Mrs. John Lnbrman returned to her
borne at Albany on the Ruth yesUrday
afternoon altera visit with Land ord
sod Mrs. J F Siger, of tbe "Cottage."
ealem Statesman.
The Baptist church have engaged Rev
A J Hnneaker.of VcMionville, to preach
every other Sanday for an indefinte
time. He is a pioneer and has been
pn-acbing for many years. Dallai Item
uer. Mr. Weetberford, of Eastern Oregon,
brother of Hon. J. K. WeatherforJ, of
lcany, arrived in tbe city last evening,
snd is tb gnest of Rev. perry. He is
seeomranied by a son. Brownsville
Professor Tillaon, tbe well-known
teacher ot insUnmeutal music in tbit
1- t?.. - ' o
city, is again seriously ill, bavins; snffer-
ea a relapse, tie was almost convale
cent from an attack of typhoid fever.
His many friends hope for his recovery
baiem Independent.
Among the Brownsville uifgea Henry
Biaaely baa been elec.el J. C. oi the
Knighu of fytbias, James Waggoner N.
G. of the Odd Fellows, J. R Pearl consul
commawder of the Woodmea of the
World, Liz& McLeod N G. of the Re
bekabs. W. O. Tyeer, of Srowatviiie, wiA the
Albany boys at Manila, writes a diiconr
aging letter home He has been having
eriooa trouble with one ol his feet which
baa been treated for ulceration, and had
to take ether and have part of the foot
cat away. He was afraid be might loose
the foot entirely.
Tbe Y P 8 C E of tbe Presbyterian
eh arch gave one ot their succeed ol so
cials aad entertainments la t night in
the W C T V hall. A large crowd ot
yoong people were present and great
enjoyed the affair. A short program
was rendered, game were played ana
refreshments served, a candy booth
did a big bostness aad tbe mistletoe
bowery was well patronised.
Dr. Denny, posuna'ter of Sf onUviila,
bas established an office in the Heller
building, on tbe East Side, and comes
and goes by the street cats morning and
evening. like most of the citizens of the
saborb ahaseoecacatkma tase no their
week days in the city, while ingots and
Sandays are spent ta tbe cosy quet ol
Mootaviila. Portland Telegram. This
refers to Mack Denny a former student
in Albany College and a son of Mr Jotu.
lienny, ol lots city.
To-Morrow's S. S. Lesson.
Subject "Trvina to Destroy God's
Word." Jeremiah 36: 20 32.
Golden Text "I be Word of onr God
shall stand forever ."-lea. 40 -8
Time 605 4BO. The last four yeas
ot Jndan before first captivity.
riace Ia tbe oalae-' at Jerusalem
Jeboikim was king of Jodib, Neboch-
sdnesxer ot Babylon and Pharaoh Necbo
Of 4TDt-
Jeremiah the prophet was 42 rears ot
ace. it ia said of bun that "he stood
against the whole nation, a col hod ot
iron." Ho had been prophesying for 23
years, Irving to persuade tbe people to
turn to God. Then he wrote out bis ae
dressis under command ot God, in the
form ot a book. Baruca tbe secretary
doing the clerical part, and then raadtng
them to the people on a last oar, an en
many were present, and then to tbe
council, who were greetiy impressed
Then it was reported to tbe king by the
princes. Jebodi tesan reading it to him
when the kins took the roll cut it with
the pea knife and cast it into tbe fire
The kins ordered Jeremiah and Barnch
taken, bot the Lor J had hidden them.
The book was rewritten by Jeremiah.
The nronhecv that tbe kiegot Babylon
should come and destrov the lend, and
the kins and his seedsbould k destroyed
for iniauitv. Urns remained. The word
of God waa thus not destroved.
Leeaoaa Men now trv to destroy God s
word by rejecting it aa the Wordot G.d,
by ridicule, hate, perversion, denial, neg
lect, persecution and dieobediauc to its
nreeeota. Some cnt out part ot the
lea vet by softening its warning,by read
ing only part, and recognising only part,
by false interpretation and misrepresen
tation, etc
But the Bible cannot be destroved .not
withstanding opposition it spreads. Tbe
injury comes only to tboae w bo seek to
to destroy it, the same as it does to the
boatman who destroys bis rnaoer.
S. V. C. Robert Brown : J. V. C J. I ;
VJ - A a 1. a. UUU1UIBUUBI . aV W N" V
Miller; chaplain, C H. walker: quar
termaster, W. C. Bracken
A. B. Woodin, officer
Catlin; officer of the guard
brook ; council ot admto
irain. 11. M Walter
rtn delecatM. J. K. JJaviS. U. n
Walker: attentates, J. I. Miller, J. W.
Barber. - !
Mcl'hersou Relief Corps ro. I S, w, k.
0.: President, Mrs. CorJelia Howsrd;
S. V. P., Mrs. Gilson; J. V P., Mrs.
Hattie Mr era: treasurer. Mrs. Clara
Crawford; guard, Mrs. Hardruan ; chap
lain Mrs. Hand; delegates, airs, agnes
Gilson, Mrs Whiting; alternates, Mrs.
Mjeis, Urs. Whiting.
New Orricxas. Following are the new
officers ot Albany Hive No, 2, L O T M
Mary J Stitee, Lady Com : Mary Row
ell, Lieut Com; Fraln E Beam, UK;
I.-itlia H ttaare. f K: Ella Met rill, chap;
Emma J Beam, Sent; Lore B rind.ev.
M at A; Hauie Mover, Kent; baran won,
Picket; Lids B van mnne, rtsiiauj
Thi Rrta. Down Mondays Wedaes
days and Fridays, leaving Albany at 7
a.m. Up Tuesdajs.Thuisdays aud Saturdays.
Call and see onr Trilby air tight stoves.
STawaar a box, uaanwaas w.
GUlett Pepper box Blning
at 0. . BaowssiL's
The Northwest Poultry show,
In Albany, Linn Co , Or.,
JaDU-ry 9 to 18,1899
Many kinds of fish at A. O, Beams.
Go to Beams' for dried srul amnbivl
Wheat 49 cents.
Apron String.
Apron Strings Dee. 16th.
Pnoto buttons all sia anH .
Miss Long's.
Cravon and Paall m.nV m . .
. - j.-v.i.j
Miss Long's.
French's Jewelry store is headn ear.
ters for Christmas goods.
Sample io Bss Relief ohotoa tin h
seen at Miss Long's.
50 cent photo made bv tbe thormanda
every week at Miss Long's
Hsve von eneaired
Apron Strings? Dec.lStb.
cor knives, forks and
ipoon fee
French, the jeweler.
Everr time von think of rhriifmo'
think of FrencLs Jewelry Store.
Bss Relief pbo now all th
call and seeamplts at Miss Looe's
"' ?P' . lor the
' n0Temf ,n gs,
..r.nerrPron the
ximooaiM caurca use. lota
.sftL1 of. -S
jirncii urea tomorrow morn-
ing and evening.
Other services as ua
(Irtcxets for Apron Strings at T. Wan-
u e huic , x rice, cents; io (ems
for children.
One of the inrvmen aeenreil in ih B
Sink murder trial at Dallas : W. i
Dorris formerly of this city.
There are now a eoperabnndanie of
empty ears on the 8. P for tnj nee of
shippers where a short time ago it was
almost imposesible to get one.
TheU. OfO. has sixteen atfufonra at
Manila learning in the school ot" exper
ience. Albany college has about the
same number there.
R. D. Mendelsohn, the niann nntiahsr
is here again for a few das only. Those
desiring bis semees will d- well by
lea nng orders at Will's mnsic store or at
L. Gotlieb's second hand store.
Tbe Eugene Guard charaeterisee the
attempt of the O. A C. to plav f anders
at full back aa dishonorable sceihods and
yesterday afternoon the C. of O. refaed
to play if Saucers was put in. and the
fame was arranged for without bin:.
Will Robe. of tti. eitv. and J C. Mor
gan, of Crawfordsville, started for tho
mountains yesterday morain? to as-iet
in tbe search for the body of J. R. Bock
nam. We understand the centlemm
think they have a cine that will reenlt
in the finding of tbe lost man. Several
others from this locality are engaged in
the search. Brownsville Times.
The coontv court at Hillsboro has hor.
rowed 130,000 from the Shote A Foote
bank, of that eitv. with which to redeem
outstanding warrants. Tbe county will
pay tbe bank 6 per cent interest, and as
the wsrracta to be redeemed draw 8 ner
cent, the saving will be nearly 1600 per
StrictlT business
French the jeweler.
Crescent Bicycle,
nopkins Brothers, agents.
Bast Bicyvle for toe money.
Will k Stark, jewa'ers.
"Trilbr" kajt otlun fMVtar .
Stewart k Sax Hardware Cb'a.
A doz. first class rhotos. best finish.
only 50 cents at Misa Long's.
oeed rve for sale. Call at the Albanv
Sureery or at the store of C E. BrowneU.
Crescent bievdes at Hookies Brothera
for only 20, 30, 35 and $50.
C B Winn, eitv ticket asent. Tickets
to all points in the east.
Be sore aad are the and rait tin van at
Bcpkia Bros, will Us', a lifetime.
We have deeded to continue makinv
the 5t rent photos. Long Photo Co.
For csidem carbide go to the office of
Oregon Gas Light Heating A Power Co.
A fine lot of new cook stoves anu
ranges at Stewart A Sox's. Frires cheat
er than ever.
Bring tbe babies and eet a das. of
those cute little Diamona photos, only
50 cents at Miss Long's.
Don't buy an "Airtight" sto-w a at
TOO ae tha "Hsl' an I 'TV;!K
kept by Stewart & Sox.
"Trilby" the most popular heatina
stove on the market at Stewart & Sox
Hardware Co s.
The Long Photo Co. is the readier
gallery of A Ibanv. Every photo made
there ia a gem of if Call and see for
Go to Yerick's shaving and hair cut
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
and cold baths. .Clean towels to every
w ben you want a choice steak, a nice
rosstor meat of any kind, call oa Htmry
jroders. He keens the best.
The best meats of all kinds and good
treatmeat at the Albany Dressed oeef
Company's market, just djwn Second
treet. Good weight aad prompt attead
Soothing, healing, ckansisg. L e Witt's
Witch Hasel Salve is the implacable ene-
my of sores, burns and wound, it never
fails to care Piles, Yon may rely npoa it.
J. A. Camming, agent
Const patioa prevents the bodv from rid
ing itself of waste math r. De itt's Lit
tle fairly Risers will remove the trouble
aad cure Sice Headache, Billoosnets, a In
active Liver aad clear tbe complexion.
Smsll, sugar coated, don't gripe or causa
nausea. J. A. humming, agenu
he ncniENCE of suit of nss
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity ot the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California. Fia Sraur
Co. only, and we wish to impress npon
all the importance ot purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup ot Figs ia manufactured
by the CAuroRsiA Fia Stbtjf Co.
only, a knowledge of that tact will
assist one in avoiding the worthleea
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cau
roRSlA Fia Stkcp Co. with the medi
esl profession, and tha satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup ot Figs has
riven to millions of families, makes
the name ot the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It ia
far in advance of all other laxatives,
aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and It doea not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get i to beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company.
ISaTrUE,l srwvssovv.