The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 09, 1898, Image 4

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    S -ri st
Can, without delay or trifling, be
cured promptly by the .
J. Joseph Proprietor.
From Portland.
Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Fast
Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
ft n m eaa Citv. St Louie. 7 :20 a m
Chicago and East,
gpokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane
river ane. uinneapuiis. on
Paul, Duiuth, Mil-10:0ft am
waukee, Chicago, &
All Sailing dates subject
to change.
For San Francisco
Sail Dec., S, 8, 13,13,
23, 28.
ExSunday STEAMERS. ExSunday
Saturday To Astoria and Way
lOpm Landings.
ExSun. Oregon Oitv, Newberg, Ex Sun.
Salem A W ly-Land'e
Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monday,
Thnra., Oregon City, Dayton, Vel.,
and Sat. and Way-Lands. nd Sat
Tuesday Portland to Corvallis Tueeday
Thnr . and Wav-Landings. Thar ,
and Sat, d Sat.
LvRtparia LvLewiston
1:45am SNAKE RIVER 5:45 am
Mon.Wed Riparia to Leaielon Sun.Tues
andFri. andTbur.
Gen. Tasa. Agent.
C. G. RAWL1NGS, Portland, Or.
Agent Albany.
The Scenic lice 01 He World
To The
In throogh tourist cart without change.
Inuliaap of Iioerieicei conduc
tors ana porters
To Kudu City and Chicago
. offmlo and Boston
MONDAYS wit'ooo chuige.yU Salt Lake
Mim ori Pauitie and Cbicag-
j Alton Roilroad
To Omaha, Chicago, Euffalc
TUE5D aY3 rV'S:on, withoat change, yj
Sjlt Lake and Cbiogs, Rock
Inland Pacific Ky
ToStJoteoh. Kanaaa Citv,
WEDNSDAY3 ASt Ixcu, -v. tchange
viaait Barling
too '
To . knsas City and S. Lonu
THURSDY3 withont chaiga, vU
Lakeaud Munoori PaciBcRy
A day stopover trranged at Salt Lake
ni Denver " ,. , ,
A Ride throusrh the I'1" Colorado
for raies aod iuformatiun inquire of 0 B
& N aed S P auU or addles
R C Nichou Gn Agt, S K Koeicn,
251 Washington s'leet, Daoes
Portland Or-on C lordo.
Fhysic'an and Surgeon,
Hill block,
To all persons interested in the estate of
William kinder, deceased:
All person interested in the etUre of
William Kinder, oeceaed, are cereoy no
tified that the nndeTsigned executor of said
estate has filed bis final account therein in
the County Court of Linn county, Oregon,
and that said coon bat set Monday the bin
dav of December. 1898, at the boor of
o'clock p. m., of said dar. as the time of
hearing and settlinc all obieu'ions to said
account, therefore all pt-noos interested
bavins obi-clion to said accmnr are here
by notified and required to GU the same in
said court on or before said above men
tioned date.
fDated tliU;28lh day of Ocobr. 189
Exec iter
W R Bilyea, Foebsy & Mason block.
i R N Blackburn. P O block.
H Bryant, P O block.
Anderson Cannon, PO block
J N Duncan, P O btock.
T P Hackleman, Pearne block.
Judge H H Hewitt, P O block.
N B Humphrey.
Kelly A Curl, oank building.
L H Moitane, Pearce bloc'.
J C Powell. P O block.
CESox, PO block.
L L e-wano, Bank building.
H 2 Wateon, bank building.
Weatberford & Wyatt. Bauk bnilding,
Whitney & Newport, Cusick block.
G W Wright, PO block,
8 M Garland.
A A Tossing.
TJ Wilson.
Thricc-a-Week Edition
18 Pages a Week . . .:
... 156 Papers a Yeai
For One Dollar
rwellshedeverjr AIerealeBajexrepSel
Tbe Tbrice-a-Week Edition of The kw
Tobk Would is first among ail "weekly
papers in size, frequency of publication
and thefresbLM, Bceorscy and vaiiety oi I
. i l l . it uM .1
US coi lenie. n mi u we uiniu. vi n
great $6 daily at the price of a dollai
weekly. Its political news is prom pt , com
plete, accurate aud impartial as all its read
era will testify. It is against tbe monopo
lies and tor the people
It prints the news of all the world bav
ing special correspon'lence from all im
portant news points oo the trlotie. It hut
orilliant illustrations stories by great
authors, a capital buiunr page, cotnplet
markets, departments for the household
and women s work and other special de-
We offer this uaeqnalud newspaper anri
Dbkocbat t igetherone veai for " 0
St.JaCObS Oil.
In (he Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Linn County, Department No. 2;
M F Wyatt, plaintiff, vs R Stinnett aud
Malissa Stinnett, his wife, Ueonre Stapple
and Malinda Stapple. his wife, Arthur Mor
gan and Margaret E Morgan, his wife.
Reginald Hastings and Lelia M Hastings,
his wife, Anderson Messinger, A R Os
born and 8 A Ooborn his wite, Minnie
L Messinger, W W Jacobs, and Nancy Ja
cobs, his wife, Mida A Mfssinger and
! Warren Messinger, a minor, defendants.
To Georare Stapple, Malinda SUpple, Ar
thur Morgan. Margaret E Morirao, Ander-
sen Messinger, Minnie L Messinger, Mida
A Messtniwr and warren Messinger, a
minor, the above named defendants .
Oregon : Yon and each of you are hereby
required to appear and be in the above en
titled court to answer to the complaint oi
ihn ntaintiff against vdu on file herein, on
or before the last day of the period of time
prescribed for the publication ot this su-a-tnons
upon voj. which period of time is
seven weeks from the date of the 6rst pub
lication of this summons, and waul last uay
of publication will lie the 30th dar of
Uecembei, ItSJS.
Ana yon are further notified that if yon
fait to so appear and answer the plaintiff
will pply to the court for the relief prayed
for in bis said complaint, towit: For a
deciee correcting the description contained
n a certain deed executed and delivered by
Josiah Oabora and others to Robert Mont
gomery which deed was recorded in Book
"Q" of Records of Deeds lor Linn County,
October, 1S76. so that said description will
read as follows: Beginning at a point
8.82 chains E and 5 chains S from toe N W
corner of the D L C of Josiah Oborn. it
being Claim Not. No. 2611 and Claim No.
53 in lp. 14 S R 2 W and runo ng thence
n o cnaina. inenos on ic viiainn. ukuii
3 72.50 chains, thence W 41. 6S chains,
thence NT 67 SOchains, tbence E 2 chains to
the place of bearinning.contaiiiinir 304 acres
.aore or less in Linn County, uregon .
And further decreeing tnat plaintiff is
the owner in fee simple of all the following
described premises, towit: Beginning at
point on the North boundary lite of :he
D I. C of Josiah Osborn and wife. Not. xo.
2611 and Claim No. 53 in Tp. 14, 8 K 2
W of the Willamette Meridian in Linn
County, Oregon, which ia 8 S2 chains E of
the N W corner of said D L C and run
ning thence S 21 detrre- 30 minutes W
5 2H chains, thence S 53.63 comus. thence
E 20 chains, theaoe N 20 chains, tbence E
21 68 chains, thence N 38.63 chains to the
North line of said D L C, thence We-t
39 68 chains to the place of u. inning con
taining 200 acres mnre or less. And de
creeing that plaintiff s title o said land be
quieed, aaa enj lining the defendants
herein, and each of tbeui. troji assorting
any right or tttle theieto
The date of the first publication of this
nmmons is the 13:h day of November,
This summons is published by order of
the Hon Geo. D. Barton, County Judie in
and for L-nn County, Oregrn, made at Al
banv. in said county and state, tins I4in
dav of November, l9i.
A.M. Cassox
Attorney for pUint'.fl.
By virtue of aa execution and order of
sale duly issued out of tbe Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for the county of Linn,
o me duly directed, detirereo and da'ed
the 23rh day of November, 1993. in a cer
tjun suit In said court wberem James I .
McCartney was p'aintiff and Levi Doub
les Mary A. Dooelaa bis wife ml M.
Cunningham as Administrator of the es
tate of lhrmaa Eoacb. deceased, were de
fendants, in which said suit tne said plain-
lit. James . McCartney, recovered a
iudament on the 17th day of Nov.. 1898,
against tbe said dfendant,Levi DoogiasJor
the sum ot dub.oo,ana interest uereon at
8 per cent per annum, acd the further sum
of 1300 00 as attorneys fees and for the
oosU and disbursements taxed at $28 00,
ordering, adiadirintr and deereeinir that
the real property described in piaintins
mortgage andcomp'aint towit:
Beginning 6 feet West of tbe North
east corner of tbe Donation land Claim of
W. A. Forgey. tbence ortn 110 teet,
thence 8-inth 89 degrees "est 80 feet,
tbence Sooth 110 feet, tbence North 89 de
greet East to the place of beginning; in
j p 15 R 4 W est ot the Wil amette mer
idian in Linn county, Oregon. Also be
ginning 346 feet West and 110 feet Norm
of the Northeast corner of the Donation
Land Claim of W- A. Forgey and running
thence North 164 feet and nine inches,
thence South 89 degrees West 80 feet.thence
8ooth 164 feet aod nine incces, thence
North 89 degress East 80 feet to the place
of beginning" in Tp 15 S R 4 west of tbe
Willamette Meridian in Linn county, Or
egon; be scid to satisfy said judgment and
Therefore not ce is hereby given that I
will on Saturday tbe 31st day vf December
A D, ib'Ji, at the boor of One o'clock P M
ot said day at tne front dr of the court
bouse, in the city of Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash in band, sub
ject to redemption according to law, the
real property in aaid order and decree and
herein before described to satisfy said
judgment and all costs and cnarges of
making such sale.
Dated this 29. n day of November A D,
Sheriff of Liun county, Oi egx n.
Ai.yone itentiing -fctHch and dacrpctoa mm
lutckij- sUseertlii, fi e, wb9tbr an Invention U
probxblf ps&Lentsible. CV'tn in u n icmU mm rrttictly
snndentlai. OIlest aursncy f'rr scm1n jmtmu
It America. We bare a WasblntTton office.
Patent taken through Moxm Co. rootT
apoclai notice in tbe
besotrfaltr UlQifrstod, Isnrest etrerUstlon of
snr scientlnc yninukl, weekly, termii Siud s vest
Mifl six miiiith. Hpertm-n copies and Ha at
-looa c fATEXTs seut f.-e. Address
311 Ursiirwi' t,ew
Notice is hereby si ven that tbe under
lignel has been duly app inter! execntrix
of tb estate of Matthis L. Pal ton, de
eased, by tbe County Court cf Linn Coun
ty, Oregon. All persons having claim
against said estate are hereby notidd and
required to present the same to me witb
the proper vouchers at tbe law office of W.
K. Btlveu, in albanv, Oregon, within six
oaths from the date he-et f.
Da'ed bis '21t day of 'Ictrtber. 1898.
Emily Pattoh.
Fiiemeii's Section,
Xotice is hereby given that the an
nual firemen's election for the city of Al
I bany will take place in this city on Mon
i dav, Dec. 12, 1898, from 1 to 6:30 p. m.
in tbe hall of Albany Engine Uo. o. 1,
at which time there will be voted for a
I chief engineer and asKistant chef eni;in' be elected for the term of one year,
Albany, Dec. I, 1898.
J. L. Tommmhon, A. Bakneh,
Secretary. President.
CavestsanaTrsrle SfsrVsotiratned and all Pat
anthiiiiiMftnnductedfor lnderats Pees.
BmJ mful.l.drtwl'ifforniiala. weaTisajr
nstents'jlsfroootcliir-o. Onrfeenotdostilli
stent is soeure't. A Pooipiitet -Ilow toOb-(
uln PsMnU." with cost of same in the D. B.
aod fjrein ouauies seat free- id.tfua.
c a. snow & co.
Oe. I
f jSs
She Jmurat
The Next State Snow.
Ed. Oregon roultrv Journal : Poultry
is not an especially fl , cry subject to
write upon, but a inoet palatable "sub
jec" to dine upon, so I will lay my po
etical pen on the shelf, come down on
earth and intuitu th poultry breeders ol
Oregon that Album and Linn county
are going1 to do theii share in making
the forthcotuinii state slow that exhibits
hete from January 9, 0 the 15, the
most meuiormt id 'tie history of the
State Association. This meeting and
show is for t lie benefit of poultry breed'
srs from all part ol the state who are'
not frequent ethibito s will take part
and assietin making this wetting of the
State Association a iireat success.
It will be au exo-llmi opportunity for
beginners to Warn Die qoaiity ot their
stock, by comparing it with the leading
breeder of ll:e slate. Tliis Association
represents a vast interest in Oregon ;
few, if any, state gatlieriugs have under
consideration a business engaging so
many people as dots this annual ststher-
ing. It brings thuusauds aod tboii-huls J
of dollars into the cbauml of tra-e in j
Oregon. ' Toe convention is called it j
Albany because it e 1 irate 1 in the very
heart of the Wi'.latneUe valley and ol
easy access.
Not only do we deed the instruction
and inspiration of this convention, but
we are entitled to it because Ltnn coun
ty is fast becoming the great poultry
center of the state.
Albany ia lhorou:b'y awake to the
needs ol this exhibition and meeting and
will make her guests (eel that they ar
welcome. Hotel rate will bs very reas-
!onabl;the court house for the meetings
t . i.. ..;..., k.n hihi.
lion purposes ai l l tarnished frea.
Qyod music will enliv n ue occasion,
and every sflort put tuiib by our people
to make our visitors realize it was good
to have been here Mr. Editor please
let me say right here u the nestling
people ol Linn county this poultry fair
will be of inestimable value and benefit
to vety inUrrsted person attending it.
Why? Yous-yT Because it will be
conducted and made instructive by that
studious, energetic, vigilant and enthu
siastic class of meo known aa ( U re -bred
poultry breeders or landers. These are
the men wbo havedooe more to improve
fowls as a class than an the other peo
ple in Christendom have done. By im
prove 1 mean mote tliau to merely pro
duce a high scoring b-rd. Viuo gave ns
the great layers ih leghorns, Ham
burg, Mioorcat? Wno introduced and
impioved the h-avy weight the turkey
like Laogsbaus, Br.liaa, Cochin, Ply-
m iutbRocksT Wlo ei.uaed us bow to
build a btn bouse ii.stadof a ben coop?
Who studied tbe q aest-on of poultry di-
eeate; experimented with different feed
:o get best results? Wi.y, bless you. It
was tbe fancier, and be wilt be bare at
the poultry show in Albany ia ail bis
glory, and beiog an ioieUigentourteoos
gentleman, it will be a pleasure to in
struct and answer ail p r.inet-t questions
along breeding, feeding and laying hnee
that bis long experimco and close ob
servation baa enabled him to sat it fa o
torially do. It wilt iudeed be aa oppor
tunity that every fancier or other person
owning a dozen fowls in Linn county
should take advantage of to acquire
knowledge prt:.oing to tbe develop
ment of the grtat poultry industry.
We are pleaa-d tu note tbe success al
tbe late state fair aod elsewhere of Linn
county poultry exhibitors. All praise
to these energetic fanciers, they easily
lead the van in ibis onward march of
tbe improvement of breeds and meth
ods of coveiting fi ty cents worth cf
grain into two stiver dtHars via tbe me.
dioin of the improvca ben. Lion conn
ty is certatoly having an awakening in
tbe poultry industry. It takes tbe best
specimens in the state to compete with
Blackburn, Bates, SheJd, Ross, Belts,
Witzel, Wastoa, Hulburt Bros., Pugb.
Adamson and scores ol other careful
! breeder from old Linn Ltt as recog
nizs the good woik of these worthy
leaders aod make tbe watchword, Oo to
the Oregon State Poultry Association's
Annual Exhibition at Albany, January
9, to tbe 15.
George D. Baston.
Albaoy Or.
Miss M A Ellis contributed a piper to
tbe British Association oo tbe numace
ear as a means of identification. Sbe
pointed out that tbe helix, or outer rim
and the general shape of the pinna, of
whole outer ear, were tbe most useful
or purposes of idettificatioo. Eais
do not change shape after childhood, al
though tbey enlarge slightly after mid
d'e life. From tbe varieties of sixty
four raira of ears, many belonging to
individuals noted io art, science and lit
erature, printed by Miss Ellis, ilbas
bean loan ! that tbe right and lefttf
ea:u pair of ears usually vary in sbspe.
While Hsnna. Quay and other Repub
lican patriots were fixing the election to
control the United Stales Sei ate, thty
almost lost out on the House of Kepret
entalives. The Ri publican majority of
fifty tn the present Congress is scaled
down to nine, and this resu t is called a
great victory and indorsement of the ad
ministration by Republican organs and
orators. Urten Castle (Iod.) Star.
Toe vole in Indiana shows that the
middle of the Road Populists cast only
about 6,000 votes this year, while in 1806
tbey cast about 8,000 rotes. On the otb
er band, the Prohibit. onitts cast about
3,000 votes in 1300, while this year they
polled almost 10,000 vo'es.
Of a'l bo countries in the world it is
bervia which too'ains the most centena
rians. Among its Its than 1 800 000
inhabitants there a'e actually 575
persins whose sue eiceed one hundred
Mohic. Miss Muarca Burmestei
teacher of piano or organ. System thf
Mason touch and technique. Residence
fifth street, opposite U J church.
A cough is not like a fever. It does ant
have to mo a certain course. Curs it
6'ickly and eff-ctual;v with One Hinu'e
Cough Cure, the be-t reined) for all ages
and for tbe tnt ev-re tMes. Wercom
mend it bei-MUte it' rooJ. J A. Gum
ming, agent.
Much in Little
Is especially true ot Hood's Pills, for no medi
cine ever contained so great curative power tn
so small space. Tbey are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al
ways efficient, always sat
isfactory; prevent a cold
or fever, cure all liver ills.
sick neadache, Jaundice, comtlpatlon, ete. 3Be. I
The only Fillto take with Hood's HarsapariUa.
Tnere Is a prospect, it is reported, for
the Panama csfial to be built. The
people of the Pacific coast will unite in
ventral thanksgiving whenever this is
Ttia many deaths from storm have fill
ed the hearts of the United States genet-
ally- with sorrow. Those who have lost
and suffered are particularly entitled to
the sympathy of tne people of this state
favored with the climate that is serene
and mild compared with ths climate of
the eastern states, one tbaf. never caims
disaoter .
A soon as the treaty oi peace is form
ally Iluned the governtuet should lose
no time in mubteritig out every volun
teer soldier called out ou account of the
war with Spain. They are entitled to
this quickly. Not slowly. Sims of them
like the boys Loin Albauy are in an un
healthy clim.ite tu them, where the rav.
ajes of disease are taking hold of them,
and it is very proper that they should be
allowed to return to their homes and toi
their studies or business at occe. The
matter is one that should not be allowed
to drag al )Q over a period of mouths.
but the ci bits should be used for prompt
It is reported that the leeults antici
pated by Astoria as a rtaalt of the Dcild
ing of the railroad to that city have not
been realised, and that on the contrary
there has been considerable disappoint
ment. The bueuess ol ths road also
has not mt expectations, the competi
tion on the river affecting it in a vety
mateiial manner. 11 ad the money spent
on the road been put into the extension
of the Corvallia and Et?ro into eastern
Oregon, so that It would tap that rich
country, it would have bee much more
fruitful of favorable results.
From tbe Minneapolis Tribon
Tbe negroes in 1 1 South ciunot staud
agaiast the whites w hen it comet to a
question of pbysica1 fjrc. Tbey may
outvote l be whiles in some states or lo
calities, but in lime their victories will
si-rely be enatched away from them by
tbe shotgun or riQ Their only aa'ety
lies in abandoning the race issue and
dividing in politics as they naturally
would if there were not l separate
raves living side by side.
Andrew Carnegie bas taken alarm at
the "open door" policy announced fur
tbe Philippines. He would like lhat
market protected as at home with a 6fty
to two hundred per cent tariff. Then
Carnegie and bis ilk of patriots, who
love country solely for the money io it,
could increase their wealth at the ex
pect of the rot oi the country. Kx.
Under the new laws the old time prin
ciple that execntors aod administrator
cannot bid io property ro'4 on Herat ion
or borrow money on i slates under their
charge has been mod tied byexpieselr
aotborxtng administrate rs and sxtcut-
ors to bid in property aad also borrow
money on estates when deemed exped
ient to reand other indebtedness. Of
coarse tbey mast act under directions of
the probate court. Journal.
The new school law defining tbe qual
ifications of voters nl school meetings
and elections is not understood bv many
Meo and women ran vote bat thev mast
have been aas-ssrd by tbe arseesor wbeo
he was around the year before and the
assessors ro.1 mutt show teat tbe man or
woman is worth at least $100 worth cf
P'opertv. This doesn't apply to tbe
country district where tbe Inhabitants
number one thousand or less. Io those
districts poor men and widows though
tbey many not bare been assessed aod
may not bave any property may etil)
vote if tbey have any children of sctoil
age ia the disttict.-Joornal
If Spain will leara a leesoo from ber
experience with tbe United Stales sbe
may become a very reepectable kisd of a
country. There are decent Spaniards,
notwithstanding there are people who
nave gctten tne idea that tale is not a
fact, and that all cf teem are cut-throe ts
and thieves, people wbo do not know
wbat honor is. Cervera aa an example
has shown bimtelt to he a man of broad
ideas and excellent judgment, a man of
honor, aod there many others, no mat
ter hew much they bave been mislead
in tbia warfare. As a cation we t eve
little confidence in Spain, but charity
demands that we should not condemn
all the individuals that make np the
Again the Lulled States is in the
clutches of the piixe fighters, and batd'j
a night passes in the eastern cities that
there is not a contest ol some aind
ins smau contests, teat really nave as
bad an influence at the big ones, are al
lowed to go unnoticed, aad tbe district
attorneys and msyors wick their eye
and sleep. But when stars of tbe C at
magnitude stand in tbe ring or announce
that they will these district st.orneys.
ministers ete , become very moral and
put a stop to it, as they did Iu the esse
of the figLt between Coibett and McCoy
tbat did not come off at Buffalo. Ccr
belt and Sharsry though were allowed
tobilk tbe people in another place in. the
sai.e state, tbat at one time was so io
dignaot over a prospective fight to take
place somswhete else, in the United
jj States, that arrests were even made be
cause the articles were made and signed
in that city. Consis'eccy is a jewel and
it is time it was shown in this matter. If
prize fighting is to be stopped ive the
small fry a solar plexus as well aa tbe
big try.
TLe terms of peace with Spain are:
First The relinquishment oi sover
eignty over and claim of title to Cuba.
Second The cession of PirtoKico and
other Spanish po ssesions in the Wist
Indies, together wilh Guam, in the La Third The cession of ths Phllippints
Fourth The terms ot the evacuation
of tbe Philippines.
Fifth The pledge of the Uoited States
to preserve order in the Pb.lippioes
pending tbe ratification of tLe treaty. ,
Sixth The release of military pr son
era mo tally.
Seventh The cession by Spain ol the
Islani of Kusai, or Strong's I-land in the
Eighth The mutual re'inq'iishment
of indemnity iliitns.
Ninth The le'igious freedom ff the
Carolines, assuring the rights of Ameri
can missionaries there
Tenth 'lie cable Itcding rights at
points wit'iin ths Spanish jurisdiction.
Eleven hTte rel-ase by S.iaiu of po
litlcal prisoners tor offences in Cuba
and the 1'h'l pploes
Twelfth The pledge of the United
States to inaugurate In tbe Philippines
aa "open door" policy, and to guarantet
ths same to Spain lor at least 12 years. I
Tbirteentb-A revival of ths treat...
broken by the war.
The acceptance by Spain of the terms
of peace as demanded by the United
States has been a vety impottant event
of the psst week. It was simply the in
evitable. No matter bow much bluster
Spain may have been st Uutd to make
iu order tu apprase the rabble aba was
bound to agree upon whatever the
United States mmht promulgate. She
will continue to sick at some of the ar
ticles, for several days for the same
reason, but in the end the treaty will be
signed as written. When ratified by
me two governments, as me nwj whii a rich Portland j.Iady who returned
be, a new era will dawn, and there will I from ss trip through Europe, and was
be presented lor the consideration of our particularly interested in Ro'me, after
statesmen, if we have any, problems j wards said that the first thing she did
that will make them scratch their heals i
before they have solved them.
During Us week the eastern country
has been slilici.d with one of the worst
storms on reco-d, one that swept the
coast devaatintf it of its shipping, aod
crippling many owners of sailing crafts,
besides resaliing ia the lots of many
lives. The tl-ments have reigned
and with a severe band, peculiar to tbe
climate cf the country, with its icy
drafts and 8ilt sweupiog winds merg
ing into blixzards blasted with snow.
An Oregonian on the eastern aborts
during a winter's t tor in appreciates
then more than ever his own country
blessed as it is by a m l.l temperature
ree from hliszjrds aod storms of any
This wtek a tark east I eing tried
for his dishonesty is putting up 110,000
to prevent bribery ia tbe senatorial el
ection in Pennsylvania, which reminds
us that tins is a peculiar world .
This is tbe last werk bjfore our city
eecl'un. The fi?t would hardly be
koowo from appearances for there bss
been no great di-p'ay if a con'est for
the lew offices to be SiieJ. Trie r Hi e t-f
eouiicilmea sbooIJ be fill d by
carelui painstaking businees men, wbo
bave the interests of tbe city at beait.
representative men. It takes ths
itidi I
cious handling ol tbe aQaira of a city to
make eul meet, srmetbing that rarely
ever -jCcuis in municipal affairs, where
a'leged needs pile np to 'a-l that there
ia nearly alas a deSctt. Oj-city par
ticularly with a big botid.d Jrtt to pay
interest on. Is o a condition to require
excellent abtl ty in its oiatsa.etnent on
tbe part of our councilmec. Our cili
sens sbuul I ti 1 these and all the ofBcee
ia their gift with good meo.
TLat the bull lm up f character is
an important tinn in tbe education ol
a young man tn our colleges is beiog
more and mire appreciated. Tare is
sometr.ins more than mere learning in
aa education. Tbe world today needs
character in our eit t-n, men who can
not Oe boogbl acd wbo will not sell
themstlves for a few Jousts, men ol
honesty, who wi 1 handle other people's
money faithfully, not alone as faithful
ly as tbey da their own, for many me a
Jo not handle their on money faith
fully, but witb ail tbe t'e crossed aod
ibe I's dotted. Our boys ibou'id be ed
ucated up into sn integrity of cl aiaeter
that is onquee'.iootd, one tbat wiU in
stil tbe golden role into tbetr lives, not
alone ia their months. We want teen
we can trust in every day Ufr, in busi
ness and ocislly.pure in all tbetr waits,
untainted with the venaHtyand eeosus'
ily of tbe worll. The way to produce
tbeos is to fire lbm the right start in
oar colleges and s;to4.
From the World.
PreetJeut McKinley is said to have
determiotd to disclaim in bis message to
Congress aoy idea of even giving U e
Philippines sd mission to the Union as
Sta'e, or even a civil status as Territor
ies. Ti;e trouble that the country has al-
ready been made the victim of tbe Prs-
klent' snot He went tnlA
the war declaring lhat "forcible ainexa
lion would be criminal aggression." fie
seeks to coot lode peare by forcibly sell
ing tbe Pbilippioee.
Unless the admission to tbe Union of
remote islands shail be forbidden by a
constitutional amendment, as Prof Thay
er urge J io its letter to the Sunday
Wotll, itmty be set down as certain
tbat st Borne not very reroute day Slates
will be tor n t sn 1 admitted from the
Pbilippioee. Under partisan necessity
tbe temptation will prove too great to
resist. The admis'iott of Hawaii and
Porto Rira is already viewed with com
placence by an influential section of
"expansionists," and tbe Philippines
would pretty surely follow.
A correspondent In tbe New York
World: One of the jingo newspapers o
New York this morning quotes tbis des
cription fioni an English paper seventy
five years sgo of tbe English Tory:
A lory can rise oo higher than the
assumption of a question. He bas pre
judice in favor of certain thin? aod ag-
ainft certain persons. Thia is all bv
knows of tbe matter. Me therefore gives
you sstett'ons for argument aad abuse
for wit. I' you ask a reason for bis op
inions he ral.s you names, and if you aa
why be does so be proves lhat he is righ
by repea'ing them a thousand times.
D ies not this description apply exactly
to the modern expansion! t in this coun
try. From tbeCbicago News.
Don't pick quarrels btfore tbey are
Don't owe any peisju a grudge ; pay as
you gn.
Don't prolong a quarrel ; make a fgbt
oat of it and then quit.
Don't think that bright men spend all
their time reflecting.
Don't fo get that man's chief end is
the on with the head on.
Oregon is now getting it's annual soak
ing, and the webs are growing.
The Salem Journal advises Christians
to resort more to prayer and less to law
courts. The Journal is doing its best to
get even with Lawyer Bingham.
Xo Cwre Constipation rorever.
Talto rsuwareia Candy Cutiisma liw or 25a
If O- C C all tonure. drutiKtol -'und
hany.on Thursday evening, Dec. 1,
m the home of the brides parents
v kv. u. K.Stevenson. Mr. Robert
Chambers and Miss Roae Marshall,
both ul this city.
The wedding was nrivate. relatives
and a few intimate friends being piesent.
The pleasing ceremony was followed bv
congratulations and a delicious wedding
repast. Mr. aod Mrs. Uliambers are life
long residents of this connty, and are
popular young people wbo will deservo
the best wishes of their macy friends.
PFTTITT H A Y E8 . On Nov. 80, 1898.
tV1t,A.'e"rn,ie 01 ,J,oh?, B; Rose, of
. SfeVJfc JSXi-
both of Linn county. '
Here is a royal flush without a wire
from the Independence Enterprise :
T ft
., ' "Prner threw a royal flush
ol PP HodKin'e slot machine Mon lay.
wnicn entitled htm to 100 cigars or $3.60
in cash.
The Arbuckjes are after the ;trust red
hot. They have reduced the price of
uBt over one cent. There ia a eweet
ngut, promised, all ol which will be
pleasing to the peiple who count the
t ' was to reid Komana
An actual
fact and no manufactured
The death of Jonathan L. White by
the Baldwin Ore reveals a peculiar insur
ance case. Mr. White was well off. For
153.000 rash be bad bad his income in
sured in au Insurance company ot San
rrsncisco. Under tbe contract he was
to receive 100 a month the romaindee ot
bis life, and bad already received a boot
.,uw. Jous the company clears 150.
000 by the transaction. The rate waa
based on the expectancy of hie life being
Hum jo io 2u years.
A young man wbo smokes cigarette
has banded the Dxocat tbe following
aod admits that it is a good one:
'I am not macb of a mathematician,"
sail the cigarette, "but I can add to a
man's nervous troubles, I can subtract
from his physical energy, 1 cao multiply
bis aches and pains ami I can divide bis
mental powers. I cao take interest from
bis work aud discount his chances of
There are many peculiarities in tbe
valley towns. Brownsville bss a "Jack,
the cat tail cutter," who whacks off tbe
tails of alt cats within reach. Coitape
(irovebssa real highwayman add still
at iarge. Scio alvertieee for wormy ap
ples. Salem has an ex governor run
ning a paper that is no brighter than the
a vers ire run of papers. Lebaooo boestt
of tbe oldest person in the state. '
bany the rsilroad center. Eogeoe s -
C,IT OI fhurcbee, pretty girls and t- r.y
aui juutirog us; luri.e , -im.
Broeosville Times.
Salem is having a three cornered city
election. Tbe independv-n;, prominent
republicans bave put up a ticket, the
regulars will proceed to do so, and tbe
anion forces likewise. It a mixed
up go-as-you-pieaae contort. Politics
are in a bad condition down in the cap
ital city near Albany.
Now, muster tbe boys at Mani!a out
ami Ut them come borne. Tbey hare
served until the end of the war. even to
tbe signing of tbe terms of treaty, and
euouiu not le sept in service any longer.
Let tbe regulars attend to the military
business in lime of peace.
Tbe Telegram makes tbe following silly
remark: "Prosperity has struck Leb
anon, that stronghold of men of popuiiatic
faith despite the facts tbat Lebanon is
ihe borne ol M. A. Mnier, would -be mn
niug mate of Billie Bryan, and that the
country is still struggling along under
the "accursed gold.sundarJ." Lebanon
merchants report trade Urlter this fall
than ever before.
Old CaliforuUna always make fun at
'Our Oregon, bmcot Oregon" on account
of the rain sbat is frequentiy ween here
in tbe winter months, and sometimes
other months. But just now down in a
good many places in their own state tbey
are having a bara lime of it to get
through the winter or even the first part
oi it, because ol the lack ol this mouter.
P rora the capital city itself comes np a
cry of want. Better get some webs on
your feet if yotCwoold prosper.
tue Albany Uemocrat slipped a cog
Wednesday. It bad no "misfit" col
umn. Salem Jooraal.
In a law suit io Portland there were
fourteen lawyers for tbe defendant and
only one fee the nlaintiff. There shAnM
have been two more for the defendant to
( make it read poetically.
Laoe county is ia debt (63,000. It it
bad enough for oiies to be in debt.
Csuntiee should aever run in debt. 11 un-
idpal debt is a leech thai takes years to
get rid of. aad which generally gro
rather than
decreases in site.
tbem off.
Rudysrd Kipling writes tbis:
O singer of men and the hearts nf
men. you bave called tbe soul by
You have fol'owed its path through the
changing world. Js it not forever
the same?
Aod whether on tiavel to northern
snows, or tbe bjoibera sea sad
Yea will find, as you fo-md in the ages
at, that the teatt o the world
is une.
Miss Maud Miller, a daughter of Joa
quin Miller and a neice of 3eo M. Mil
ler bad a room st the Baldwin botei,Saa
Francisco but waa not occupying it, at
the lime of the ft re. M iss M ilier is play
log at Morwco's opera booee, and ac
cording to the Cail, she went to tbe ho
tel after tbe play: but bad a premoni
tion of iivpepdisj dir aster, acd left the
hotel, staying over night at tbe residence
oi a lady iriend. tier clothes and some
valuables, however, were at the hotel,
sua were consumed in tbe big blase.
In desperation it is being suggested in
Portlaud tbat a system of monthly fines
agaioet gamblers aod bouses of ill fame
be inaugurated. This is a robber, cut
throat svstem. Of all systems the
monthly fine system is tho most dis
graceful. It is practically the licensing
ot businesses the city would be ashamed
to license, and in fact would not dare
publish to the world that it bad licen
sed. Portland is getting tn a very bad
way when it suggests such a course.
Tbe President's mees'ge will contain
60,000,00) words, about twice as many
as the average message, Santiam
News. Let's see. 60,000,000 words would
make about 60,000 newspaper eslnmns,
which would require a paper of about
8,000 pages without any advertisements.
It would lake the Daily Examiner, at its
customary size two years to print it, witb
no space lor anything else, and Mr. Me
Kinloy twenty years to compose it,
writing 10 hours a day at a fair .need.
and resting on Sundays.
Mr. K. C. Pentland of the West Sue,
is a strong advocate of the initiative and
referendum, though a republican and
siugle standard man, Mr. Pentland has
an interesting argument in favor of it for
newspapermen, towit: Tbat it would
greatly increase tbe influence and power
of tbe preis, and that whereas tbe news
paper is now a necessity under the initi
ative and referendrm it would become
indispentible, hence its influence will be
to make the newspaper more prosperous.
This reasom is a selfish one, and yet alt
classes are governed by selfishness in the
consideration of proposed legislation.
Tbe initiative and referen lum is a guard
against corrupt legislation and makes
the people supreme. Some people bave
the misapprehension thai it would be a
bulky.cumbersome affair, whereas a vote
would be called for only in cases of im
portant legislation, upon a petition of a
percentage of tbe voters.
uoiu nuuiiU KisiMnjp ntil 'rt o mi
oS Mot
Aioi uoidtsuoa BJtia lojwmo ipuo
simw"2 T!it bisac anoj, esweapac
Everrthlwg Hetvae
Washington, Doc. 2. It can be stated
that no bitch has occurred in tbe pro
ceedings of the peace commission et
Paris, and an impression to the contrary
in certain quarter probably arose
through a misunderstanding of tbe
phase those proceedings have reached.
with the acquiescence by the Spanish
Commissioners in the American de
mands set out in tbe original protocol,
all danger of failure to reach the point
of signature of a peace treaty disappear
ed. I Tee User
Washington Dec 2. General Miles,
commanding the army, baa prepared
the dralt of a bill for a regular standing
army of 100,000 men. Tbe bill, it ia
said, will provide for an organization of
14 companies to me regiment, with an
arrangement for a third lieutenant for
each company in case of need for that
omce. it will contain provision for a
staff corps, largely in accordance witb
tne reccommendations of the heads of
the various bureaus.
Wasaisotox, Dec. 2. Senator Hale,
ot Maine, today announced his opposi
tion to the peace treaty which is being
formulated in Paris. He is opposed to
the acvuisition of tbe Philippines, and
his antagonism of the the treaty will be
based upon that section of the treaty
wnicn aeas aiti tne rtiiiippine ques
Will Bel Be Mrallaee
Loypox. Dec 3. Tbe Paria correarjond
ent of tbe Standard, say:
i pews cvuuuuiuiBa hits agnwu
not to mention the Cuban or Philip
pine debts in the treaty, because it
might lead to misapprehension. The
American commissioners have indicated
to the Spaniards that these debts can
not poaibly, in bv, right or iniquity ,be
saddled upon Cuba or the Philippines,
since.the money employed was not for
the benefit of tbe colonies.
Abcxdexx, Wash. Dec, 2. George
anduyn blew bis brains out last night
at tbe Pioneer house in this city. He
was about 38 years old and unmarried.
He came here from Eugene Or. He was
last seen alive about 4 o'clock in tbe
trior r i ig. He was slightly under tbe in
Ht!! of liquor and evidently commit'
tne deed as soon as be entered tbe
The st R War
Srs:AE, Wash, Dec 2. "The North'
era I actmt railway is preparing for
hard and bitter fight in tbe Clearwater
valley wiitb the O R A X," said a Port
land man wbo bas jnst been over the
disputed territory yesterday. 'That
fight will take place chiefly near Lewi-
li n, and tne bone ol connection will
the entrance tbe O R A N desire to make
into that ity.
IMH Silt eh
i a bis. uec l. Anxious as both are
to conlode their work, tbe United States
and Spanish peace commisiooa did not
bold a joint sea-ion today. Their next
meeting will be held at 2 o'clock tomor
row afternoon. This delay arose from
the fact that tbe Spanish commissioners
at yesterdays session onered several ur
gent propositions which called for spec
ial deliberation. Spain asks tbe L nited
States to grant for a term of years to
bpatn s ships earrvtng Spanish goods or
products to rorto Kico or Cuba the same
pnvuega as American vessels emrased in
tbe same trade may have, and she quail
nea tnta request by a vtoaiso that trade
privilizes be extended to Cuba so Ions
as tbe United Stated dominates over the
ecvetwl UdieJe
Sr Locts, Dec, 1. A special to the Re
public from Oarlinvilie, 111, says:
The Virden riot grand jury made its
final report to Judge R B shirlev at 8 :30
this evenin. The grand jury dealt per
tinentiy wilh the affair, aa (ar as it was
able to ascertain, and returned true bills
sninst the participants in the tragedy
ol October 12 at Virden. Ten indict
ments involving 54 persons were re
turned, lasawrsaat Sjeesll.e-
Wasbixgtos, Dee, 1. Tbe Washing
ton Star prints this afternoon an inter
view Wa Ting-fang, the Chinese minis
ter .concerning the probability of enforce
ment of the Chinese exclusion law in
the Philippines when the islands shall
come under the control of the United
Slates. He asks that it be not enforced.
A BalKwea War
Lrwis-ro. Idaho, Dec, 1. It is be
lieved tbat the Northern Pacific Railwav
Company has established an armed pa
trol on its tracks for a considerable dis
tance east of the city to prevent the O.
R. A N from "stealing a night march"
ana retting into iewiston by crossing
me .-voruern racinc ngnt ot any.
Bher. Uvea
Washington. Dec 1. The dissolution
of the I oited States of Central America
after a national existence of less than
month, is annoniced in a drtatch i
ceivnd by one ui He highest i-thcials in
Central America
A Teasel Wrecked
Philadelphia, Dec 1. A private dis-
patcn irom tscun ears tiie schooner i
V. Bee be, from Philadelphia to Boston,
with coal bas been wrecked on Black
rock, near Cohaasett, Mass., and that
all bands, eight m number perished.
mis veseel and cargo were valued at
a Ship Wrecfcew.
Net-SOS B C Nov. SO. The Aids worth,
a small steamer plying between Nelson,
and Bonner's ferry, was wrecked last
night during a storm on Kootenai lake.
six of her crew and three passengers be
ing arowneu.
ine Ainswortn lest kelson last even
ing on her regular run. When about 6
miles south of Pilot bay and about two
sua a nau muea torm autre, during a
heavy sea sbe was struck: by a squall
and commensed taking in water. The
captain headed her for shore, but she
reeled over on h sr side, filling immedi
The Feaee reesaatsasea
Paris, Nov 30. Tbe United States
peace commission held a session todav
for the purpose of discussing the draft
of the treaty articles made yesterday by
secretaries Moore and Ojeda. Tbe final
preparation of tbeee articles was conclu
ded and the revised draft turned over to
the typewriters.
Tbe toint session of the commission
then met aud began discussion of the
formulated protocol agreement and sub
jects (or negotiations.
Boe-rox, Nov 30. Passengers, on the
north and south shore trains report that
the wind is blowibg m gale along tbe
shore. AtCohaaset and other points
lurmer aown tne south snore, it rained
torrents about 6 o'clock, and the streets
were Hooded with water and melted
snow. Thia storm promises to complete
the wreck among the shipping along the
The retlnasl
PnovtscBTOwjt, Nov SO. Of all the
ship's company or over 100 souls on the
steamship Portland, plying between
isoeton and roriantt. wnicn waa swat
lowed bv the sea in last Sundcy's storm.
off High Head, not one survived, and the
story of the disaster will never be told.
Sixteen bodies haw come ashore, and it
is not likely that any more will be re-
The rreaer. Thing
Victoria. B C Nov. SO. The steamer
Milowera arrived here tonight, bringing
Honolulu advices up to the 23d. Nov.
29 the steamer Australia was to leave
Honolulu with 500 men of the New York
regiment bound for San Francisco on
their way to New York. A few days la
ter SOD more will follow by the Alauien-
diu The troops are supposed to have
been recalled on account of the ravages
of typhoid.
Rela ley BhenltniBS
KioiNs. Nov 30. Two men were ar
rested here last night for shoplifting.
Yesterday thev took a mackintosh from
the store of ll Ingham, a pair of pants
i rora r t. lnmn a store ana anotner pair
from J II McClung's, Today they were
bound over to the grand jury ia bonds
of 250 each on each ot the three charg
es. Overcome evil wilh good. Overcome
your cough and colds witb One Minute
Cough Cure. It is so good children cry fee
it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pnenmoois,
la grippe and all throat and lung diseases,
J . A. Cumming, agent.
(flcD Com
Are vou freaucntlv hoarse?
Do vou have that annoying
tickling In your throat? Would
you reel relieved u you couia
raise something? Does your
cough annoy you at night, and
do you raise more mucus in
the morning?
Then you should always Keep
on hand a bottle cf
If you bave a weak
throat you cannot be too
careful. You cannot begin
treatment too early. Each
cold makes vou more liable
to another, and the last
one is always harder to
cure than the one before it.
r. iter's ami KttAtii rune
pfttedi B fcsp tr tXL
Help at Hand.
If von have anv complaint
whatever end desire the best
medical advice von can pos
sibly obtain, write the doctor
freely. Vou ui receive
prompt reply.
Address. DR. T. C. AVER.
A Lowell, Mass.
To-MorTOVs S. S. Lesson.
The subject of tne lesson in tbe Sen-
day schools of tbs world tomorrow, is :
The Baok of the Law Found, 2 King
r.rMn ixt 'B'eaeed are tbey that
keep his testiaaonies, and seek him wilh
the woole heart," Psalu. U 2.
Time, during tbe re gnof Josiah, which
was lrom rxjy totwa t.
P!ss. at Jeniaalem and Judab.
Josiah was called tbe good boy king,
and he reigned 31 years, according to tbe
will of (iod, in contrast tn tbose wbo pre
eeeded him. Mans see b and Am moo.
The period was the beginning of a re-
tarm.tnrv era.
Joaish began youcg, at 16 years of age,
to serve tbe Lord, and be never ceased to
do so, so that it waa said of btm : -Like
onto him was there no kiag before him."
He destroyed the idols train tne ixu
to the lSib year of nis reign.
He began repairing the temple which
had become dilapidated, and re-eetab
tishd religions services ia it. Daring the
repairing tbe copy of tee laws of Mosea.
proaauy maoea ior aeieiy. jast wuere
ia BDeenlatioo. was found It showed
him the truth, asd what he was to fol
On account ot the idolatry of the peo
ple evil ras broogut npoo tne nauoo .
losiah. through bis reformation saved
moy, and it served aa a preparation for
the restoration oi Uio religion of Jeho
The lessons to be learned ate: Tbat
youth Is the time to begin to serve God.
That even in evil surroundings one can
becime a christian, often saining tbe
brighter. That now we can lose the Bi
bie, the law of God, by Deflecting it and
not reading it, or reading it critically, by
onbelief and by disregarding its teach
ings. Thai reformation is successful on
ly by bard work and earnestness. Thai
the Bible cao be found by earnest read-
in, study, obedience, experience, in na
ture, camparisoo, spmpatby and by
An Oregon City dispatch states that
R. B. Cnswell, who was srrested at Cot
tage Grove, waa arraigned betore J ustlos
Scnoebel today, charged with hiring a
a team at Noblitt's livery stable and
leaving it at Woodbarn, wbeie it waa re
covered later. It proved, towever, to be
a ciie ut mistaken indeatity, as Mr.
Criawell prove! by credible witnesses
that be was in Albany at the Ume tbe
team was taken.
An Important Difference
To make it apparent to thousands.who
think themselves ill, that they am not
articled with aoy disease, but tbat the
system simply needs cleansing, is to
bring comfort home to their hearts, as a
costive condition is easily curd by using
Syrup ot Figs, ataootactored w the
California Fie Syrnp Co. only, and sold
by all druggists.
Tour Groceries and Baked
Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kbows
where their place is. They keep afresh
stock of groceries, produce and baked
roods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
price and treat their customers well, all
You may regret eoms steps yon take
fn life tut none taken into the store sf
Parker Bros.
It is a great tning to be well tad. Par
ker Bros keep good grocenee.
A loaf of bread is not much but ' yo
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
What is Shiloh?
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds
and Consumption ; used - through the
world for half a century, has cured in
numerable cass of incipient consump
tion and relieved many in advanced
stasree. If vou are not satisfied with the
results we will refund your money. Price
So eta., 50 eta. and f 1.00.
The soouer a coueh or cold is cured wlh
out harm to the sufferer the better. Lia
eering colds are dangerous. Hacking
cough is distressing One Minute Cough
Jure quietly cures it- Why suffer when
such a courn cure ia within reach? It is
pfoasant to tbe Uste J. A. Cumming,
Refuse any other flour,
except the Magnolia.
Sealed biis will be received by th
County Clerk of Linn County until Janu. -
ary otb, ltsu. at the hour ot t o'clock p. m.
for labor aad material required in the re
modeling an I improving a brick cour
house for Linn County, a; Albany, Oregon
All wsrk Io be completed by September is
1&9, 8ccordiB(r to plans aad speciSactions
Oo fi e in my otlioe.
To County Court will consider bids as
First, For ths coumletioa of the entire
SecoBd. All mason and carnenter work.
including material of brick, stone, lath and
plastering, cementing, concrete, lumber,
1 Third, Heating and plumbing complete.
Fourth, Galvanised iron, tinning and
Fiftu, Painting.
Tbe successful bidder will be required to
give an approved bond for the amount of
his bid immediatelv after the contract is
awarded him, upon such conditions as the
court may deter mine and demand.
Tbe County Court reseserves tbe right to
reject any or all bids .
By order of the County Court tbe 11 in
day ot November,
Frank Cbabtbkx,
erk of Linn County, Oregon
Clerr i
Southern Pacific Co,
OeUtonle fapress Trala leave erttsae Dstiy
i sasLv
l s I At
Baa fmslsce
Ar . s s
t.t i )
Above trains stop at sa'!oBS be
ween fortlanJ ana oawn
Marlon. Jefferson IMJ
far.irent. Stedrf. Balsey . tugene
Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and all
stations trvo Koseourg scrum v
-Iodine Ashland.
71 s
11 lis
sra I Lv
Lmts AlhsJiT lor tfcs
ArrHrsat njessjvsrass "
Im Aitwy to Ess""?
: Antes UAibaay mas
Dlnin Can on Ofd notts
OTa-cuss siEinf,s cm
Attaehee issll Te.
sTe is M ssavsess-w.
an vb BAr 1 esse " 1
las 1 1-
i UtfBAS I Ar
etxawTraia DUf (euept eeSiv
rS- I
T SO ra sr
I 1 1 a e
I tsora t
SMMAsed gi rses. H ' are
S tit ssmsrl Dmm. lecwi "
a r r a
I.. ,,e. MKL SHOL'j'UlMt AUSTB--
I cxacms sis fcM-l tnm C & SBVSSSi. .
Aiauj or c s woa
Fujixxtun oepiui tJara,
Elegant Dinisg Cars,
Tourli- 31eeping Can"
ai Pant
M innesvoiis
ro Grand fcrks
Helens a d
Sew xorB
lostoa andal.
oicU East and HMth
Tbrongh tickdts to Jspan aad Ch aa. v
TaoimaaBd Northern Pasahe steiAassbif
Co-.aaameriran hne-
For inlormatwa, time cams, jbsbps anc
hckeU call on or writ C G Ba'kbart
agaett, Albany, Or.
Portland O-
Connecting at YAQCISA with tha
Grace Dollar and Hayarro
First-class in every respect. Oaa of
the above steamers is doe to sail
from Yaquina about ever
nve days.
Shortest roots between valley poinsr
and San Francisco. -
Fare: Albany and points westvto
San Francises)
Bound trip - "
H. L. WauB3C. Manager.
T.F.if. A.-
J. Tcanx, Agent Albany, Or.
Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal
ace sleeping cars, luxu'iooa dining carv,
elegant day coaches, saagnifkeat toonst
cars isd free colonist sleepers from the Pk
dfic to tha Atlantic witho-i change.
vxw nssvaa,
siocab err.
v ....
f BossLAsroAan
All poiaU it the Okanagaa Coaabry.
Ge a pamphlet giving a full iesmptica
of this wonderful country. Ask thaet
for a copy of the mtaiag lawst-f Btsr
Lowes ratea o aad froa '
Atlantic steamship ines.
Canadian Pao.Ry. Uo's
Royal Mail Steamship
line to Ohina and Japan
aoftoLCLU, rui awn itmuus.
The shortest lioe to tee Co loniee. Those
steamera carry aa exnerieafied xeedioBi
maa, and a stewardess on every voyage.
For time table pamphlets, c any is
ormat'.on, cail oa or address.
S N SPKELS CO, Aiit. Vlbtay
KJOJYLS,Ag't.l Third St..P
aad. Or.
IB SIT BjATloaaa. .
ov AI.XAWV, oaawosi
. i rLiM
r.'a rvorsa
OL'.eortovs soo bu "
a rMW a uss
P A Gosavra. k. tm
C. B. runs.
Notice is herany given that funds are
on hand tc pay city warrants Nos 606
to 557 Inclusive of tha issue of 1897. In
terest on said warrants will eeaaa with the
date of this notice.
Albany Or. Oct 31 ,1838.
E. A. Pabkis,
. Treaexu ei