Keep Wan en Capes and Jackets Line conn leto. $3.50 to $25.00. specially r-trong on medium grade Roods. Blankets Oreeon wool ; Albany Manu facture. Blankota an right, prices are rijtlit. S E Young & Son, AT the mm. AR r DEPARTMENT Stamped Linens. Embroidery Silks. Battenburg matei iala, Honiton Braids, Sofa Pillows, Pillow cords. Pillow tops, orniiuentai and otiier designs, Art Dinanis, Tapestries, Swiss and Esprit draperies To brighten up your home. To prepare win iiuos jjrcaeuus. Foot Ball. AtCorvallis Saturday afternoon the Chemawas defeated the O. A. C. 29 to 6, handling them about as easily as they did the Albany boys. The playing of Sanders, the Indian full back waa mas terly. It is doubtful if he has an equal on the const. ' In Portland the Multnomah's defeated the U. of O. 21 to 0 secured in the first half. In the second half the students braced up and kept the Multnomah's from scoring. Verily foot ball is a very uncertain thing, and it is difficult nny more to figure from previous games. Kext Saturday the O. A. C. and the ;U. ofO. will play at Corvallis. The Dbmocbat has quit guessing. It is said an effort is being made to have a game between the U. f O. and Indians at this city a week 'mm next Saturday. Uncle Tom Revised. ". FANCY GOODS ANDNoTIONS Ribbons, all grades Newest things in neckwear. Pompadour and Side Combs, Belts and enemies.. fascinators. Feather Boas, Handker- cnieis 2c to 11.50. On the new counters are every day L. E. & H. J, HAMILTON. ANOTflER CHARGE. The Moore Case Gets Worse. ' Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelli-aeocer. Ksw Yosx, Dec. 3. Pet Strahan and her paramour, William Moore, now on trial for blackmailing, will be indicted on Monday for grand larceny, several pieces of Uble silver stolen from the Waldorf-Astoria hotel having been found n their trunks. i CITY CONVENTIONS. The democratic city convention was held at the court house, and was called to order by Hon. J. J Whitney, chair man of the central committee. Hon. L. H. Montanye was elected chairman and P. J. Smiley and B. M. Payne secretaries. Tellers, J. W. White and Henry Peterson. O. O. Lee and A. J. Miller were named for marshal. The ballot was Lee 144, Miller 84. E. L. Bryan was nominated by accla mation for treasurer. W. A. Kimsey and J. M. Ralston hav ing declined to run for the office of conn cilman of the first and second wards the place was left blank in the first ward and F. H. Pfeiffer was nominated by the cen tral committee in th MmnH warri The republican convention was held in the armory. Officers. 8. S. Tiain cnairman, U. B. Winn secretary J. 11. Howard was nominated for mar sbal by acclamation and E. A. Parker for treasurer . The ward nominations were ratified. Uncle Tom's Cabin will be at the Armory tomorrow evening, Dec 6. A Toronto paper says of the Company to present it : The well-known story of "Uucle Tom's Cabin" was told at the Toronto Opera House last night in good style to a large audience. The piece is some what re vised, and is enlivened by some clever specia'ty work between the act. Miss Clar'ce Vance reudered a number of popular songs in a sweet way, and be tween Acts 2 tnd 3 there is a cake-walk which causes prolonged merriment. w hile between Acts 3 and 4, Mr. and Mis. Joe Davis rendered well-known negro songs, introducing also the ani mated song sheet. The cast is a fairlv good one, while special mention must We made 01 Little Mav Dickenson, who nlava the part of little Eva in a remarkably ciever way for a child. The play is brought to an end by a fine transforma tion scene and tableaux, showing an English and American soldier with hands joined, holding the flags of each Country. Admission 50 cents. Reserv ed seats without extra charge at Burk- hart and Lee's. Mr. Barney May w as in the city to day. Rev. E. A. Holdridge, the evangelist, u uuiuiug meetings in Asniana. License has been issued for the marri age of L. S. Hardin and Effie Keebler ooin ot Loanon. Mr. Arch Allen joined his wife in Alb any, tie naa been working in a cann ing es aoiisncuent on the Columbia. Dr. J. M. Keene, of Medford, the nanosomest political dentist in Oregon, iHtsaeu mrougn Albany Saturday for nome. Sanders, the crack Cliemawa foot ball piayer parsed through Albany this noon for the Bay. It is said ha will o. j " oiBuiuru lie year. Mrs. R Veal has retnrned hnmn fmm her eastern trio, which she benn with the Knight Teniolar excursion tn Pitts burg. A brants Pass man shook a Vmt far throwing a stone at his horse. He shook the wroi g boy and it cost him 15 and costs. Rev: Ronald McKillon. nuw nt s Baptist church for about two years an- nouncea nis resignation as pastor of the church and will move from Albany. r red Thompson, son of Hon. Rnfus lhompson has entered McMinnville college. Mr. Thompson accompanied him to that city Saturday. Rev. Cope land, of Salem, gave an en tertaining lecture at the Confirreratinnal church last Saturday evening listened to by a fair sized audience. JB Hughes has taken charge of the Times-Mountaineer daily route, and will call on citizens of the citv soliciting subscriptions. The Dalles T.M. Rev Robert McLean, of Grants Pass has been called to the pastorate of the third Presbyterian church of Portland. The church is fortunate in securing a pastor of such splendid attainments. Bishop Edw. O'Dea, of Vancover, is spoken of as successor of the late Arch bishop Gross, and his name baa been sent to the Pope. Bishon O'Dea waa in Albany at the blessing of the new Cath olic Church here. Literary Society Organized Oak. Creek, Dec 5, 18981 The people of Oak Creek met at the school bouse on last Saturday evening and organixed a Literary Society, to con sist of debating, sing'ng, recitations, in strumental music ect. Officers elected were as follows: PreH dent, Henry McElmurry ; vice president, John Wickixer; secretary, Ed Williams; sergeant at arms, 8. T. McKeeley. The Society will meet on Friday eve ning of each week at 7 p. m. Subject for debate on Friday eve, Dec 9, will be "Resolved that the Oregon . Volunteers sbonld be released from gov enment duty " Affirmative E. D. V ill iams,H. M. Perry and 8. T. McFeeley. . Keganve H. McElmurry, J. L. Baker ana J Wickixer. All friends and neighbors are invited to be present and hear this popular question discussed as no doubrit hotly contested on both sides. 50C Reward. . The sale of property on delinquent taxes was takin6 place this afternoon on the front steps of the court house, with only a few speculators present. A hot election wss in progress today at Lebanon. The issue was license or no license. At a citixen meeting in Jefferson last Saturday a new school-house waa voted. A wise thing to do. ii A 1 jAn additional reward of $250.00 mak iibg the total re w aid $000.00 to any party or parties who will find the body of J K rlucknnm, who was lost in the moun tains near the head of Parsons Creek, Linn county, Oregon, Sot. 18, 1898. Mas. Ass A Buczscm, D. Bcckitdk. Harrisborg, Ore., Dec. 2, 1898. O. P. Cosbow. of Brownsville, and eo- Finley. of Crawfordsville. were at- uuiag to Business in Albany today. . . - . s 1 franc tmnmui: waa wearing a anitof lotlies today paid for bv Dr. Lcinenirer ana t. ri. rleitter because be waa the best 8b ot of the three. The Dewey is the name of a new ta per ai Asnjana. it is sale to say it is without the consent of Admiral Dewey It is reported that Joaanin Miller will sue Harper's Weekly for libel in stating tu ub was supported in Alaska by the ucucvuieiiu 01 miners. The city election today is excitins- eon siderable interest on account of the fight for marshal, which is very amrremiva ueiween v&a ana nowsru. jurs. jane ash died J-rtdav mirht at iorvauis at the very advanced age of 94, ene waa Dorn in ireiana Tax Moyeb 8 ale. The sale of the ea tate of J. M. Moyer by bis assignee took place this forenoon at the court house. Assessor Stafford bid in the residence property in this city in the third ward fort 150. Arch Blackburn secured the lot adjoining the property of Judge Blackburn for $180 and Jeff Meyers the remainder of the property, the elegant residence in Brownsville going for (400 and the 180 acre farm ad joining Browns- mile for 1223. These properties are said " to be obtained .subject to judgments ' rendered previoos to' he assignment. Linn County Council P. ot II . A well attended, enthusiastic meeting of this council was hold at Tangent on Saturday, Dec. 3, 1898. Fine weather helped to bring out a large crowd of Vet era grangers. . . , Prayer by the chaplain was immediate ly followed by roll call of delegates. The following granges were fully rep resented : ' Kairinouut, Grand Prairie, Harmony. Harrisburg, Halaey, Knox Butte, Oak Plain and Sand Ridge 8. Another song "Starry Waves. " First came reports from granges re garding life insurance as arranged lor at last meeting. To le brought up before next meeting which will lie held on Sat urdy, Jan. 7, 1899, and at Sand Ridge. The annual election of otlicera will be held at that time. A communication was rend from Cor vallis grange, asking the council to elect one delegate to act with one d. legate each from Coreallis grange and the Corvallis Agricultural Col logo, who are to arrange tor a "Farmers Congress" to discuse the prune industry. Geo. L. Rees waa elect ed as such delegate. The que" ion "How should our young pec pie choose an occupation, to secure success in life, and to have the least det rimental effect upon each other," was then taken up by the principal leader Mrs. L. A. Frouian, followed by Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Mary Walker, S. 3. Train, H. M. Palmer and others. Before a recess was taken for dinntr, the following committees on questions lor next meeting were appointed. From the men. Perry Parker, H. C. Davis and H. C. Powell. On the part of the women, Airs. Issie bpringer, Marv Duncan and Ella M. Foster. At dinner the fonr neat'y arranged tables were surrounded by a throng of laughing, joking grangers.keeniy craving the abundance of gdod cheer provided.! Businea was again taken np, after a my lo "Chicago Fire" by Mrs. Marv Walk er. ; t ' Special committees reported the fol lowing questions for next meeting; "jconomy m the borne." Leaders, Mrs, Mary Walker, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs, Ulem. V ill it be to the best interests of the farmers of Linn county to hold county fair." Leaders, H. M. Palmer, Thomas Froman and Martin Miller. "Resolved that the Torre ns system is the proper method of real estate trans- ier ' was taken up by 8. L. Train, fol lowed by Past State Master R. P. Boise,! unexpected, but happily present, H. M Palmer, S. W. Dawson, J. Clem and others, and favorable to the resolution For the law see American Agriculturalist year duok J Kits, rnce eta. "Merrily. Merrily Goes our Bark" by Tangent choir, proved the best song of The usual vote of thanks was passed Acuon was taxen lavorinz the reen- actment of the mortgage tax law, against the proposed law granting a bounty on raising sugar beets, for amending the game law so as to secure satisfactory protection for farmers, for mak in? auch changes on the road laws aa a hall aprnre better roads, and for having some radi cal changes in the school Uws. One of tnem naned is to make the lowest limit of school age 6 years in place of 4. un nnutn iiiwruuHiona 01 me wnoie session arose over the above topics en tered into by Judge Boise, H M Palmer, M B Case. A L Bridgefarmer. J H Scott, Martin Miller, Father McGee, Father Luper and C H Walker. W. C. DAY DESIRABLE NEWCOMERS. CITY ELECTION. The election yesterday ased off very quietly. T'uere being only two regular city officers 10 be elected, a good many did not vote at all. The total vote was 603, being 152 in the 6rt ward, 192 in the second ward and 250 in the third ward. Following was the vote: roR MARSHAL. COLee, dem. 1st ward 41, 2nd 109. 3rd 149.. J H Howard, rep. 1st ward 106, 2nd 78, 3rd 99 Lee's majority rOK TRSASUKKK. E L Brvan, dew 1st ward 60, 2nd 88, 3rd 133 E A Parker, rep 1st ward 97, 2nd 101. 3rd 12 Parker's majority FOR CUCSCILMK. 1st wa d. 0 P Dannals tep . 2nd ward. F H Pfeiffer, dem J A McKeron, rep I'feiffer's roajtiity 3rd ward. William Kicbaida, dem C W Seara, rep Richards majority The big William Cyrus farm, consist ing of one thousand acres of very fine land, baa been sold to Mr. V. Oladek, re cently ol Dunlap, Neb., where tor four teen years be run uccesafully a big cheese factory. Besides Mr. C'.adek there are five other families here, who will locate in the fame neighborhood, and five more tamillea will arrive next Frt day; Others are expected to follow, the nucleus of a settlement of Bonemiant Mr.Caldock and Mr. Lam plot were in the city tola and the Dkmocbat man had the pi ami e of meeting tliatn They 18 ! are educated men Mil 01 energy ana push, a tbrlfiv H ile alio work won- dtrs. Mr. Uladurk lake tweuty-one l.apers and has on of the finest libraries in the county, a (act e mention merely to ahow the vame to otir county of aucu citisens. When a Koheoiian gets hold of a farm hedoean't ait till tomorrow, but gets right to work and 1 he place soon looks like a new one with its better fences, good ronds and improved build inns. The residents of this Bohemian settlement will do mixed farming, and besides Mr. Cladeck is being importuned to start a clieete factory at Scio. He may do so, but baa not yet decided. Lar wood la the poatoffice at the present time need bv Mr. Cladeck and bis friends. A thrifty place promises to grow there in time. 299 233 271 320 49 141 114 71 43 154 104 The Lebanon Election. At the election yesterday in Lebanon the Issue was license or no liceBse The license ticket won. C. B. Montague de feated N W smith for mayor by 63 ma jority, W C Peterson was elected record er, G W Rice treasurer and C O Peterson D W Hardin, B Burfnahaw, W Har din. E Catber and F A Nickerson, conn cilmen, all on the license ticket. Pbil Kilter, on the anti-license was elected marshal, defeating John Carroll by 7 votes . Tangent. K The Supreme Court yesterday render led the following decision in a case here tofore referred to in the Democrat : School District, No. 1 15, respondent, vs. School District No. 54.appellant,from Lion county.H H Hewitt, judge; affirm ed. Opinion by Beam J Former Albany Teacher's 1 roubles From the Weston Leader: Again there is lack of harmony in toe normal school at Weston. Discord has raised its ugly head on account of dif ference between the senior class and President Reid, who, it seems, is cor dially disliked by a majority at least o the class. Notwithstanding an outward calm, it appears that a storm has been brewing ever since the hut difficulty .and now the clouds of wrath have bunted. Eleven of the eighteen seniors, several of them young ladies, left the school af ter the Thanksgiving holiday. Some of i them went home, and the remainder are here awaiting the iacue of events. Since leaving all have received notice from the president of indefinite suspension for non-attendance. The "strikers" consider their eriev- ancea ineupportable,and assert that they will never return to the school under his present head, much as they would like to remain and graduate in June. They say that it is not a matter of prejudice, and that any president with the qualifi cations of a gentleman would satisfy them. The complaints of the seniors are that the president threatened to "throw Rob ert Wills ont for smiling;" that he said he bad a supreme contempt for those who did not sing; that he accused Charles IPinkerton of smiling, which the latter jfdenied. Don t you contradict me. or I'll throw you out of here ia a minute," excLumed the preaaent. Also, while the students were'marcb ing,the president inquired if they "didn't have sense enough to follow the one in front ol em 7' Again, one of the renlors pronounced the word "deaf' as "del. ' The presi dent sharply corrected this, saying that some were so aumo they dtdn t know this word was pronounced "deef." In the same class, on another occasion, he remarked that it made no difference to him whether the class liked him or not, be would draw his salary just the same. These vexations culminated at last in the present difficulty through a note whicn President Reid caused to be read to several young lady seniors at the hall who wished to board elsewhere. This was to the effect that if the girls left the hall without a satisfactory reason he them from school. Thev llalsey's Election. The lows: Halscy election resulted as fol- Mavor. FFrisbv. treasure. M V koonU. marshal, Charles Tr ler. council- men, William Allen, C Bone. H Owen.D Taylor, W Gnliford, I) L Stewart. The contest for recorder resulted in a tie vote between S I instead and V J Stewart. The revival meetings which have been in progress during the last two weeks closed ia-t night The Kev. Dr. Bearda ley preached bis farewell aemon in Tan gent to a Urge audience, the boose being full. His sermon was the most spiritual one wa have ever listened to in Tangent. He leaves here for Eitgraa City, but he will give the reople of Sbedds a lector The good If he of the people of Tangent will go with biro. Mrs. L. J. Houck, ot Monmouth, Polk Co., was here last fat onlay and has re turned 10 her home. Mr. Jesse Moan, the Cracker Jack of Albany was cn oor streets Sunday sod says he is doing a rushing business in Albany. He says ha also intends to run a delivery wagon In town in connection with bis store. He baa Mr. A. D. Hud son employed as soliciting agent lor him, which it aorkicg to perfection. Tangent ia to have a new sidewalk in a few days. Tt.i teams went to Albany to get the lumber today. Mr. Barr ia quite a rustling fellow when it comes to raising money, about $26 has been sub scribed for lbs new sidewalk. Yorno Amsica. In Mctnoriam. MaccABkx LvraaTAiNiiKXT. Tomor row night at the Maces bee hall our citi xeos will be given a treat in an address by Mr. Glen Holman, of Portland, In an impersonation of Uncle Sam. Mr. Hol man is a good humorist and it wilt pay our citizens to attend. Admission 25 cents. Mr Holman baa been a member ot the third boaae of the legislature and also readu g clerk of on ol the booses. and those who bear him will be paid for their trouble, and it won 't be an; troob'e either. L. O. T. M. ATTXjrnoJt. Members of Albany Hive No. 2 are requested to meet at their ball this Tuesday evening at 7:30 lor drill practice and other business of importance. Ltna B. Van Wisele, Com. Judge Wbitoey was doing busine in Salem yesterday. Mr. Waliis Nash, of Nashville, lias been In the city. J. D. Rom, cf Seattle recently shipped a car load of Jersey cows from Albany,! bought in tliia vicinity. Licenses have been issue I for the marriage of John R Honewort and M-s Li la Gould, and A. L. Peter and Miss Jessie Winaley all of Linn county. Kola Neis ar.d William Faber. of this city, were In Portland yesterday attend ing the bop ttoTers and sellers oanooet. The Times says they registered from Hopville. . John M Gearin has joined the law firm of Dolpb, Mai lory A Simon, which will henceforward be known as Holph. Mal lory, Simon A Gearin. Mr. Gearin ia the third democrat wbo has been a member of this partnership, bis predecessors be ing Judge tseiiinger and the late Judge R S Strahan. Oregon in. The Epworth League gave one of their pleasant socials at lbs church, last even in r. A good program was rendered con sisting 01 a reading by MissOra Uarkneas, guitar solo b7 Prof. Henry Morgan, which received a warm encore and re sponded to, a description of the market places at Cavlte written by Frank Wire, was read by Mrs. Wire, a'duet by Mr. Arvh Hammer and Yard Littler and Mr. Angos Grabam gave the Leagneis a de scription of his experiences in the Pbip- ippines, alter which a nice lunch was served enjoyed by all. T a so sst, Or., Nov. 28, 1898. Whereat death has again entered oor midst and removed irom Tangent Grange No. 7, a highly esteemed brother , Clar ence Stockton. RiaoLVSDthat in his death the Grange has lost a worthy member, his children a de-voting lather and his wife a loving busbaod. RtsoLvso thst our sympathies bo ex tended to lbs family in this sad boor and we recommend thera to lbs Hoaveoly Father from whom alone true consola tion can come. Kksolvsd that tbea resolution be 60 YEARS IN OREGON. Mr. Crus H. Walker today celsbrates his 60th birthday arnivsrsary, having been born at Whitman's mission, Dec. 7, 1838, and as far as known is tba oldest wbiteman born west of the Rocky moun" tains. Nearly 25 years of bis Ufa has been spent among Iodlsns, tha first nina ot the same, with his parents at tba Kkane mission, which with o her mif sions as broken up by ths Whitman nutnic.-e in Nov. 1847. Fifteen yean ere spent at Warm 8pitngs Agency most ol tha time as a government em iloye. Here he was married to Mary F., daughter of Hon. Jason Wheeler, at that time the U.S. Indian agent at that place. The wedding took place on Thanksgiv ing day, Nov. 23, 1888, Rev W. 8. Owens of the U. P. church officiating. In July, 1892, Mr, Walker removed to Lion county, fin ling a homo near Al bany He has beau quite prominent as a prohibitionist and be.leves ha will see the day when this principle will bo tri umphant. Ha is also an enthusiastic granger. He has never been outside the bounds of the onr Oregon Territory and benje is a native Oregonisn in the fullest tense. SOCIL AND PERSONAL Mr E LThompson came up from Port- iauu iu is noon. The law and order ticket won in Laf ayette w ith bummer Carr aa mayor. Miss Addie George returned this noon from Portland accompained by her nep- ucw. Mrs O. P. Cosbow is the nsw worthy master of the Eastern Star lodge ot Koseburg. Charles Wheeler, a former Albany wuer, dbs saea nss wue in toe Hull' nomsh Circuit court for divorce, deser lion by the wife being given as tha cause. Fred Senders and Harry Sallmarsh arc m units tuts week to answer to the charge of larceny of some hides. Otto Adrian went also as a witness In the At the Blain Clothing Go's Dutchess Trousers airs. Link died last night at tba home 01 ber husband on tha W F Hendricsoo place, seven miles from Albany, after an uiomaj 01 two or mree year. A meeting waa recently beld la Cor vallis with Q L Hoe as chairman to ar rang for a lnut growers eovaation and farmers congress. Tba convention will meet In tba O A O neat month. Miss Julia M Taylor, who is teaching school at Toledo, made a short vint home last week to see ber mother, who nas been iu lor several months, and is w a vary precanoos condition. Philomath cor. In Times. Tba big evangelistic car Emanuel, was raaen iroca Albany to UorvaJlia yester day by Rev. laqoea. This is tba same car run by Rev E G Wheeler, now daad, several years ago. Service will be held in Corvatlia. Messrs. T. P. Keady and A.T. Cald well cau.e up from Portland and spant several Oiys at the Ocboco mice. Thay ara tha leasees of tba MoC a! lister mines and appear well plaased with their in vestment Pnnaviile Rev. Tba Y. P. S, C. E. of tba 1st Presby terian church ri re a social at Ue W. C. T. U. hail 00 Friday evening Dec. 9. A S?Ood DroffTm has been ivmniUI nA spread upon oar minute and a copy b 1 ireahmenu will be served. AU for 10 sent under tba seal ot the Grange U tba family also a copy ba furnished tha county papers for publication. S E Olw. Eliia Scott, Committee. WED 1ST JE3 3 JD.T in 1H04 and came to Oregon twenty-five years ago. An Asiiland vnnna man ,wt I WOUiu exoel and fined for disturbing a Salvation 1 letl. the bal1' having permission from Armv meetine. alter a trial that h.t 1 their parents to do so. created a great deal of interest. The ex-1 -.A petition supporting the president was ample should be a good one for Ashland. 1 signeo- Dy aooot oj pupils remaining at w kuwi. ii is asserted that some ol Father Time's scythe is a weapon that so man can es cape. Sootier or later 11 mn lay all men low. With prema ture death it is different Na ture intendet that every man should live a long and useful life, and die a peaceful, pain less death. Men defeat the intention of a bene ficent Providence by the manner in which they .1-1 AttrmrA of the lawa of health j .I..:, ttrr failure to orotect health when it is threatened and restore it when it ia lost, me Dim wmuwn ,-nM.. wa led of health is that dread disease, con sumption. Not many years ago it was con. rJrr.j . W it is known thai Dr. Pierce's uoiotn ara '-"Ty. , " An Important Diflcrence. To make it apparent to thoosands.aho think themselves ill, that they are t.ot afflicted with any disease, bat that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition ia easily cured by using SyruD ot Figs. Maon'actnred by tne Ualiforoia Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all druggists. Look out fur fakers doing Oregon sell ing a liqnid baking powder with a prize attachment. Do not bite. IMPORTANT DECISION. At Portia n 1 yesterday Judge Cleland confirmed the report of tba re (ere in tha care of tha Albany Woolen Milit Co, agaiott J. M. Moyer A Co., under which it is decided that there is a balanca do tha woolen mills company of f74,S36, which tboold ba paid prorata by J. M. Moyer A Co. tha same as other claims. cents. Tomorrow evening M Aim Krebs ill (resent a musical program to ba performed by tba members uf ber class, assisted by Miss Margaret Alder . This program will ba 00a of tba special lea la re of tba fair. Salam Journal. Mr Glen Holman, the Portland hum orist, at tha Maccabee Hall tonight. He ill' impersonate Undo Sam in an ad dress that is very entertaining. Admis sion 25 cents. - Mr. Uolmaa waa at the college yesterday afternoon and at the High school this morning wbare ba gava tba students an idea of what waa com ing tonight. They say ba is aim ply "im mense." Every body invited. A Bad Man. From the Eugene Guard : Clauds Bran ton. I be convicted mur- Tbe original srnonnt waa 1105,231. but a . Uerer , John Linn, is aa reckless in tha county jail as a cagei lion. Tha other Victorious Independents. The Saiem city election retailed in lbs election of the entire citisens ticket. ith tbe exception ot alderman from the third ward. In tha. ward the republi can nominee was elected by two voee. Following are the new omcer. Maror r Bishop, recorder J Jodab, cit.. 658: 401. Marshal D W Gibson. Treasurer John Moir, Alder man, let ward Tbos. Borroogh, E P Walker, cit 2nd ward scon Kiggs, cit. 209 ; 3rd ward A loo to Oesner, rep. 4th war 1- George Griswold. Tha tMal number of vo escat was 1085 MARRIED. cure 08 per cent, of all cases u wa. .0 That is its record during a period of ?u?JL Jra. Many of the thankful patients hmTe, permitted their namei . and photographs to be repr. Pierce's Common Sen le ,eir names, experiences iroducea in ui. edical Adviser. Any . , of this book these case. n7."" ---' - & s,cWnyly 'xos the World'. . -'-i a - I A imtinn BllSalO. mapenaary aactuuu n ---- t Kr 1 .1 tt. n the catients tbetn- selves In consulting Dr. JL V. Pierce by tr M.n aktllful soe- cialist who for thirty years has been chiel consulting physician to the great Invalida Unt.i Snii-i Ta,tnte- at Buffalo, xi v with h- lalrfiuw of a staff of able pbyaiciana. ha has successfully trested tens of thousands of caaea of bronchial, throat and lung affections. He will cheerfully answer letters from all sufferers, without charge. Address tha Doctor as above. 'I bad bronchitis for rlgtitees years and I waa Mt4 KV three ohvsiaans. but all foiled," n-M wartsenlnft. Baa., of Bhoemakers- -ill- Berks Co., Pa. "They told me there waa ao cure for bm. I then used Dr. Pierce's Golden MedkaU Discovery, and waa entirely cured, sty weight ia aow 17 1 ?ETER WINKLEY. At tbe home of Mr. II. Winkle, near Plainview, Wed nesday morning, Dec.7lh, at 8 o'clock, occurred one of the prettiest and most impressive wedding ceremonies. Tbe bride bis oldest daughter, Miss Jessie JS Winkley to Mr. A. L. Peter, of Ea iene. Tbe Rev. Mr. Dockings officiating. Tha wedding march was played bv the bride's youngest sister. Miss Grace L. Tbe borne was beautifully decorated with crysantbemnmi and smllox. This mar flags unite two of Eugene's most popu lar young people. Alter tbe ceremony nr. and Mrs. Peters took lesve of their relatives and many friend to return to bugen where tbey will reside. They nave the best of this community, BTJRRIS HOFLICH. On Satorda evening, Dec. 3, 1898, at the residen of M. Hoflich, by Rev. M. C. Wire Mr. William Burris and Miss Mary xionicn, iwooiunn county s popu la young people. a nne wedding supper was then oar taken of and greatly enioved by thi relatives and friends present. Mr. and Mrs. Burris have the best wishes of many friends. them at least were influenced bv mofivM nt mwA At; x. . ' . oii-iniCTtaii. a lew rem Bed to sign. Lodge Officers Elected .Knights of Pvthiaa. . last vening : Chancellor commander, K. JJ. An derson; vice chancellor. r. it. txinn; prelate, I . Born 10 : master of the work. E. Frnnk- k t - 1 1 : - Tr 01 recorua ana "rai. j. n. vn Wink master of finance. Geo W Hochstedler; uiMwr ui iiciinjucr, r,. U. Will' m teraiarme, n. w.Uonn; inner onard. a. MCB,iiiop; onier guard, G O. Turner- A.O. U. W. last even. ing: W. M., W. If, Warner: F., F C uannais: U Ins; K., A. H. Mar tin: F..-W. M. Paik er; G , O. 8. Har- nlsh; I.W.,Byn"dntanre; O.W., Wm. Meyer; Rec., Al Ssycr ; trustree, J. Joseph. RICE STARR. On Sunday. Dec. 4 1898, at tbe residence of tbe bride's parents, at Tangent, by Rev. H. C. Allen, Mr. k.. X . Kice, a popular em ployee in the Albany creamery, and Mits Dora O. Starr, an estimable voung lady of Tangent. They have the best wishes of many. To-Night. Tba best Uncle Tom's Cabin troup ever in Albany probably, will presert this famous play so dear to the hearts of so manv. at the armory tonight. Tbe troup is large and first class, and has some specialists 01 rsre latent tne nreaa universally soeak highly of the company. Tne admiasion will be only 50 cents, with reserved seats without ex tra charge at isurkbart a Liee s Ths P. 0. There are many reports about the removal of the post office to tbe former offices of tbe Linn County Bank, bnt at the present time, not withstanding contrary reports, aa nearly as can be learned no action baa been taken, and the tfTer from first street has not yet been accepted. Some think it will be. . No trace has yet been found uf tbe body ot J. R. Buckuum, 01 Harrisburg, who was lost in tbe mountains nineteen j days ago. Every effoit . been made lo recover the body, but without even se curing a clue as to bis whereabouts. S InnMln. .uf.ritft mflmtss I )l f iwas a diea-lrous tie. rernUmg in the U Coon's j.nn store, the poetomce build ing and fixtures, and Dr. Ogleeby's office. lbe Times office caught Ore but was saved, though not nntil the plant had been removed. f Jo tbe big bicycle race in New York began on Monday morning no rider would take tte number 13. lie ard lees of that out of tbe 31 star lea most ol tbem have already stopped, some of them baviiig bad accidents even tbougli they did not have the number 13. Circuit court is In session in Polk county this week. It is thoogbt the . grand jury will indict Majers for the murder ot Ray Sink ibis week and that he will be Uied next week. Tbe case will attract at eniion on account of the circumstantial evidence of the case. Tbe stockholders of the Masonic Build ing Association met last evening and I held their annual meetine. The re nor t rt. Wilk-1 showed a good financial condition The onowing oirectors were eiecieo; 1. u. Marshall, president: D P. Mason, sec retary and treasurer; E. W. Langdon. C. K. Winn, 8. 8. Train, J. K Weather- ford and J. J. Graham, trustee. The President's message sent to con gress yesterday was a long affair. It treats tuily ol the war from the causes which lead up to it to tbe present peace negotiations. Dewey's victory at Man ila, tlobson's heroic feat, the destruction of 1 be Beet ol Ceivera, the battles at Santiago and the surrender, the invasion of Porto Rico and the last battle of tbe war at Manila, are referred to. Sugges tion is made to give the Cubans aid to form a government for themselves, but there is silence in reference to the gov ernmentotthe Philippines and Porto Rico. The Mcaraugua canal. Centra American union, Paris exhibition, die credit of V5 1.895 was allowed. In the matter of the cleia nf W. T. Cock rane for $77.o3o 00 account of agree ing to be responsible for debts amount ing to tbat ntttcb the court held tbat Cochrane wa entitled to f 15,245, tbe amount be had actually paid out on jodp menu agaiost bim by the following for tbe amounts stated: J. M Ralston, 431; P. felling. $3331 : C. E. Sianard, 1247; L. M. WitUo, $1204: First Na tional bank, of Albany. 15398; Mary Mady, $1711; Mary Croft, $2519; James Pearl, $1217; N. J. War month, $1100; J. D. Arthur, $1068; C. P. Sew, $30,400; Brownsville bant-, $4140; Bros nirille bank, $1000. The total receipts f tbe ettete were $75,433. 17 per rent waa paid 00 all tba claims except those of tbe woolen mill sod Cochrane, leaving $46,400 retained on scoot ot those claims. it the findings of the referee stand la both at these esse. Cothrane and the mills company will receive only 17 per cent on tbe c'aim aa allowed by tbe ref eree, and tbe other creditors of J. M . Moyer A Co. will share in 1 be difference, lese legal expenses. Best de tbe above receipts tbe real estate was recently sJd, which will be divided. A Great Horse Show Comlna. Prof. Geo. Bartholomew's famous horse sxtravsgatinn will appear in Iris city Friday night, Saturday matinee and Salnruiy night. Tbe professor makes his handsome trains 1 horses bis actors ajd they give a wonderful performance. No one sbonld miss seeing. Admission, only 10 cent i tor children and 25 cent for adults. day be sent for Deputy District Attorney Harris, but had nothing particular to say, bat several times tried lo induce Mr. Harris to come within reaching dis tance of his sell. Last evening he tried a n mm ber of times to have Sheriff Withers approach tbe cell closely, but was not accommodated. After the sheriff left he told some of the other prisoners that if Withers had come np to the cage he would have attempted to get his pistol and wontd bare used it with effect, if s access. He also said that the officers were on to him, and tbat if Hams had came in reaching distance he would ha to' "choked him to death." Into the Ditch This morning an eoglne was backing op with soma empty cars on the O. P. track near tbe Red Ciown mills, when the cars struck the frozen dirt st ths crossing st the mill end two of them ere thrown off. one of tbem into tbe ditch with ooe end resting 00 tbe bank and 1 be small bridge at that place. A brakeman was on this car when it jump ed tbe track and made a successful leap for life striking safely on Lard ground. Tbe other car was rotten back 00 tbe track but it is proving a big job to get me one in tne ditch out. Hew Dutchess Trousers $1.50 to $3.50. Ue-t everday wear in tbe country. New Suit All gTades. Some very nobby styles. New Overcoats. A large and specially fine line. New Pall Shoes. Some e pttfialties worth feeing. New Hats A11 grade8. NEW FURNISHINGS foi fall and winter now ready for your inspection to which we In vite YOU. Every pair warranted, and sold under tbe famous Money Guarantee. Durability, Fit and Workmanship all of the best. Try a pair. ik. ler a utt. $1 ftr a E. learance lotting BC. THIS MONTH THE BIGGEST VALUES. .t so luw prices tbat my store was crowded with customer. IJam now offering for this month '. oonsider the GREATEST BARGAINS I have yet given. I wish to CLOSE OUT all suits now (Nov. 1st) on band, consisting URN'S BUSINESS SUITS-- Up-to-date. Actual values 9.00 to $13.50 at $5.00 to $6.00. M EN'S DRESS SUlTrv-In popular goods and correct tailoring. Aetna! values $11.00 to $15 XX) st $?.0$o $10X0. BROKEN SUirs-Cbeaper. BOY'S SUITS--Equally Cheap. I really believe this is tbe BEST CLOTHING OFFER ever made in Albany. I have prettrfmuch ankinds of goods worn by men snd bora to ahow voo. CSriXVESTIG ATIOX HOTTED. Hcllwain Block Rinumttr tbe Plac W E. BLAIN. PiEN ninifitntniyiimniMTTnfnT m 3 We bars some fioe sbots for : yon. All sues. Tbe quality ' 1 a rood a the fin ett.bnttbe style is not "the latest." : Tbey were bought to sell at ' $3 00. $4.00and$ -500 per pair. ; We will sell them to yon this week at $1.50 per pair. Don't delsy long to see them. Tba : assortment may soon be broren. Economist DRY GOODS CO. Albany, Or. 1 HUlii iii iU Uli l III H ill etisigg THE GREAT AUCTION SALE AT Mc ilwain: Ths Sale will be postponed nntil Thursday, Decern be rjlo, when we will commence AUCTION SALE at 10 p. m. and eoetiansi all day. This will Ckaee out ll.e entire stock of jilerchsndise. From Sow on yoo can pare base at private sale at Auction Prices on Every Article. Cotne qaick. Do not be loo late or yoo will regret it. STORE FOR REST AFTER JANUARY 1. Perfumes Talked About Does Quality Coqqt Wit! Yoq? In Perfumery "Quality is king and merit wins. WiJi this motto al wajs in mind Pains er, Wright and Lund nrg have won a worldwide rep utatinn and tbe distinctive t tie o perfumers. We have a large assort meat ot taaey packages for the hot day trade from 33c to $3.00. BURKHAET & LEE anta Olaus has made "THE FAIR." his quarters and will be glad to see bis friends, old and young. Respectfully, J. A. Weaver, p. s. Santa Claus' Letter Box now ready write him a let ter children. CJ WEL k STA "Silver ploU Hot won, Tie 1 trade mark 1847 The collection at the eTvieT. Thanksoiviiw ! an.onntioa' to $15.28, ..a nlarrdin il.e Lands of tbe Ladies ;. tii.i. m ha Usui ri tlism in aid r ' ' . w w j . i ihnu mhn anneal to lliem in an anreial time of eickne- s or misfor- tnn srvie rstorn their thanks to all wbo coatrlbctwl to this collection , Letter List. Following is the list of letter remataing i Pnstoffice at Albany. Linn county, Oregon, Dec. 6, 1898. Person calling for these letter must give the dale on which tbe were advertised : Alien, Mrs Abby J, A t vr Moore. Mrs Hall Orill.,Mi?s Koben.,resrson, Mrs Ann. Koh'er, w m ""'K. .V" i.Vl Landis Mr Dick emiui, T. J. bfrrss r.m. Taoss Slot Me. 'Tbe two nickel-in- tbe-alot "experts" wbo have been work ing the slot machines of the Willamette valley towns, are reported to have arriv ed in this city, yesterday, where they were at once "spotted," before tbey bsd tbe opportunity of breaking tbe fortunes of tbe jtroprietors of the machines with royal flashes. They were cot eucossstwl lo working their gsme here, for word 1 1 their coming had preceded tbem, and tbe proprietors ot tbe places where such machine sre kspt bsd their eyee peelea for tbem. It was not their fault tost tbey were not successful in tbls city. Ashland Tidings, Attistion. CosaADsa. Comrade C F Hollo way, department commander for Oregon, will be in tbe citv on the noon tram trora Koeeburz on Thursday ana desires to see all the old soldiers st their hall on Thursday evening: at 7.30 o'clock Lt alt, whether members of the rest or not, come out snd have a good time. We may be agreeably surprised. fo who knows who are thinking of the old sola iers T By order of Com mender. Rogers Bros." on spoons, forks, etc, is a guar antee of quality the world over. . The prefix lS7-nsnrcsthegett nine Rogers quality. O " Also a fine line of Watches, Clocks. Rings and many Novelties FOK PHOTOS, , VIEWS, CRAYONS, er-s-s rt as pes Call on Combination Barber Shop. Your friends may smile But that tired feeling Means danger. It Indicates impoverished quire at the store, Arid impure blood, This condition may Lead to serious illness. It should be promptly Overcome by taking Has Coke Dandruff Cure for sa Ladies who are troubled with dandru should call and get pamphlet. Havb YocSkin the bis doll in the window at "Kamps Grocery; it will lie eiven away unristinaa evenine. For further particulars in New Clothing. The Photographer I have just opened a LARGE STOCK OFI LATEST STYLE CLOTHING More than 100 different patteras to select from. The next thing i to sell them. To do this 1 will make the price so you can save from IS to 40 cents on the dol'ar under tha usul price on Stylish, Strictly Up to-daie Clothing for men and boys, made for this seasons trade. The Big, Popular Studio. Twenty thousand negatives for duplic ate orders. Specialty First class work. MclLWAIN BLOCK. Remember the Room. W. R; BLAIN. First Street Albany. (The old Crawford & Pax ton and Craw ford A Harnish Gallery. The rcbool directors at Moro refused to release Prof. E. G. Peery on his con tract and Rev. Mr. Bond, ot Woodburn, has been elected president of tbe Bods villa college snd has taken charge of lbs same. UrwTc Carina nlla. 6001" nuic " 'V" eaio stilt UHtUU , Ml . . p, raemberment of China, oor relationi Which purines and IsL saa.,1 t a, Wi. Enriches the blood, See French's display of, Christmas witb France and Germany. Great Brit- aios' friendliness, Samoa, Hawaii, green backs and their redemption, our mari time policy, reorganisation of the army, postal service and other matters are noticed. BORN. LANC In Albany on Monday Dec. 5, 1898, to Rev. and Mrs. O.M. Lane, a son. Tax Youb Choice. You can take your choice of any piece of tinware in the window at F. E. Allen & Go's for 25 cents, or they will take their choice for only 5 cents. Take your choice. Drop it to French's Jewelry ktoe snd! see nis a.sptay oi holiday goods, no mat ter wbetber yon wish to purchase or not. Everybody Invited. Glllett s Pepper box Bluing st 0. . Browhs-li's Strengthens the nerves, Tones the stdmach, Creates an appetite, And builds up, Energizes and vitalizes The whole system. Be sure to get Only Hood's. We buy, sell and store snun. We make Magnolia Flour, Also w hole wheat, Patent and germ, flours, The Magnolia Mil's, A barrel of maple try nip just received at Parker Brothers. Fine. Bring your pail. Pride of Albany Sosp, weighs 20 ounces, and is high grade, lor sale by 0. . BaowMLL. HOLIDAY GOODS! I For bargains in Ladies and Gent's Gold Watches see French the Jeweler. Suitable Xmas pres ents for old and young. Our Jewelry case is filled with bargains in Rings, filled and solid. Chains in ii rest variety, rms, ttroocnee, necaiacee, Bracelets, Charms, Beetlaus. St Luis Met Stor. Exo ellfrnt Graham Wafsrs at O. E. Bkowseia's. GOOD COFFEE It's a luxury all may enjoy wbo trade with us. We won't to call your atten tion to our Blend of Java A Mocha at 40 ets. per pound, which we believe to be the beet on the market. Then we have another Blend for SOcts. per pound which is proving itself a winner. Then we hsve another cheaper coffee clear down to 10 cts. per pound which are all good values. AU we ask is a trial from any one who is not quite satisfied witn their present coffee, and we are aura of making yon oor customers. v. t F . E. ALLEN & CO.