The Referendum. South Dakota's adoption o( the refer endam will attract n.uch public atten tion. This method has long been prac. ticed in Switzerland. The adoption of this proctss. ot law making by Sooth Dakota was effected by a majority of the citizens voting in favor of an amendment to the constltu, tion ot the atate embodying each pro cess, ii provides that whenever as many as 5 per cent of the registered voters ot the state demand any special legislative act, the Legislation must at the ensuing election submit the proposi tion to the people. '.Should the roejori ty of the voters approve it at the polls, the act becomes a law. a second provision is that if 5 per cent of the voters formally object to a bill which has been passed by the leg' ielature, the bill must be submitted to the people at the following election, and muet stand or fail according to the pop ular voice expressed in the ballot box One ot the evils calling tor such a de parture in lawmaking is the passage ot so many class and franchise graboing acts by legislature. The people have been robbed of many valuable franchises through the instrumentalities of legists tares corrupted by lobbies working in pay of corporations. The referendum instituted by the citixens ot South Da' aota is one ot the means invented to cut off, if possible, this scandalous evil. for tbis reason the working ol the ex perimeot in that young commonwealth wi.l be closely watched. Republic Brave Hobson . Lieutenant Richmond P Hobeon baa re cently related an offer ot $50,000 (rom New York lecture bureau tor a series ot lectures during the season. Explaining the reason for tbis refusal to a friend white on his way from Anapolis to Washington, Lieutenant Hobeon said "It would be idle for me to say I did not consider the proposition carefully I did. My people aie all in moderate circumstances, but my reflections led me to tbis conclusion : Before the sink ing of the Merrimac my lectures would bave been worth probably .not more tbaa 50 cents ; the sinking ot Uie Merri- mac seems to bave made them worth 950,000. The work which Bu suddenly raised my stork la literary trade was done in Dimple execution ot my duty as n officer in the American navy . I did not feel that I bad the right to use the performance ot ihat duty for my fiaan cial betterment. I therefore declined offer ol the $53,000. I bave, however, agreed to contribute some articlee to one of tbe magasinee, but this is different, and, I might add, carries no icdepeud nt fortune with it." Another offer was made to Lieutenant Hobson Saturday at Anapolis of $200 tor a 20 minutes talk at Norfolk, and in re fusing this offer be spoke as above quot ed touching the (30,000 New York offer It may be remarked that Lieutenant Hobeon is all right. Marriageable Ages In Germany the man must be at least 18 years of age. In Poitugal a boy of I4 is considered marriageable, and a woman of 12. In Greece the man most see at least I4 summers aod tbe woman 12. In Franc the man most be IS and tbe woman 14; in Belgium the eame ages. In Spain lbs intended husband must bave passed his fourteenth year and the woman ber twelfth . In Switzerland men from the age of I4 and women from the age of twelve are al lowed to marry. In Austria a man and a woman are supposed to be capable of conducting a home of their own from the age of 14. In Tor key tbe youth and maiden who can walk properly and understand tbe necessary religoos servics are allowed to be united In marriage. Id Hungary, for Raman Catholics, tbe man must be 14 and tie woman 12 years lor Proteitanta, the man must be 18 and tbe woman 15. In Russia and Saxony tbey are a little more sensible, and a youth must ri train from entering matrimony till be can count 13 years and the woman till she can count 16. Psndleton Republican: An Etatera paper makes the discovery that tbe ru mor tbat hostilities were about to be resumed at Havana propably arose from he attempt of ex-President Cleveland and bis party to mine tbe harbor with decoy ducks - It is quiet ridiculous for those who pay 00 taxee to warn thcee who co, against a candidate who pajs taxes and in favor of a candidate who do s not pay any, and, besides, has no "visiole means of support." Bat men are prone not to see themselves as others see them E O. Few people are aware of the enormous souree of revenue the salmou-canning Industry has been for Oregon. .Accord ing to the commissioners report, tbat fish has up to ths time be eompiled it, yielded tbis state $75,000,000. Hence it behooves tbe legislature, to enact 'ths strictest laws for the protection of the salmon. . Tbe reveoue (rom tbat source promises Ut be much greater than in ths past, and we cannot afford to kill tL goose that laid the golden egg. Tele gram. Per.d eiop in badly is need of govern ment admin istraiered upon thorough business principles. The burden of bad government, now "re-stint; opoo the tax payers ot rendleton, is the result of peanui policities m menieiptl affairs and tbe lack of interest in administering government In Perdu tin onthepsrtof those wbo pay 'he taxes. The taxpayers ebon lit nt txpect good government, economically administered, wben they take ao more pains In selecting those for eflfice who a-e fl; to 8!l office. E.O. A reniaikabie. thing happened whep W B BanniHter, of Weston, took to Alb- ena and turned over to an officer his son, Ross llennlster. charged with burglarir Ing the stoe of Max Le wen's at Athena. Bannister ft a boy of 18. Bannister bsd been arrested fcU'urdar, by Deputy sher- I In Siauipir, who took him from Wild Horse mountains to 1 is father's rouse in Weston. As the deputy was knocking on the door, to inform the hoy's father 01 his son s a'rett, the I oy broke away and escaptd io the darkness and could not be fouod hy tie cfB rs. His father at the time of the escape expressed the hope tha hie hoy wouid by captured . and sent to the penitentiary, because he was possessed ol a naiuial peenhaat for ttaling. Monday the remarkable sight wss pre sented of a fstlier appearing in court and delivered hie son over to the officers of the law. H. U T. Household Treasures UOW at the Albany Furniture Co. Smooth-1 tst and best made. Sylogistic reasoning amounts to noth ing in foot ball. It is all guess aoik. Some men and papers are trying to kill free silver just by shj ing it is dead. A say-so is often batkactinir. The (acts are right the opposite. We are liable to be struck by the tail end of the eastern storm. That is often the case in Oregon. But it never hurt very much and is very mild in its stroke. People Who think tney cau down Tom Reed so easily will find themselves mis taken. It is an interesting lact that it a republicans who ate a tempting to do The democrats though will be very glad to see it done, for they have not forftotton bis autocracy of toe past many years. mi -.reto rauroaa and sugar wars are very pleasant kind of contests in tbe eyes ot the public, and let there be more. We will have more ot them whenever we get a government that will smash ths trusts. Knock the trusts out and there will be competition enough to satisfy the most exacting bargain bun tit. Tie balvation Army captain said he was glad there was a paper in Albany that waa opposed to the cigarette babit. ibe Democrat is not only opposed to tbe cigarette babit, but as well to a)1 other bad habits, such as intemperance, gluttony, gossiping and everything that tends to work against the welfare ol mankind . It is no trick to be opposed The raising of bens is a great industry in the, world, and it is to be hoped the coming state poultry show in this city i 1 have tbe result of atisrulating the industry in ths county, so that we will have enough eggs for the market in the dullest laying reason of the year, as wll as to secure the best breed of fowl, in which me era already well advanced . Tbe Seattle Times claims tbst Con grecaman lwia mav win out. fl is vote is now 6,000 ahead it hie ticket, not withstanding many tickets were in tbt Geld. If the.supreme rouit, according to tbe Timee, sustains the lower court, which has thrown oot tbe whole vote of Stevens county, Lewis will win by sev eral hundred votsa. The organisers of the movement a gaiDst .the annexation of tie Pb lipptne met in Boston. A const itu lion waa adopted, officers were elected. aodn address waa issued to the people of tbe United States, urging prompt co operation in getting signature to a pro teat against the annexation of tbe Phil ippinee. Fdwa'rJ Atkiuaon piesided. Before the meeting he recti red a trie gram from Andrew Carnegie that be bad sent him a check for $1,000 for (be use ol tbe movement. Futds have already been subscribed Lb-rally. Now tbey are having some fun over in ermoct. It has been learned tbat governor Grout spent at least $7,000 for junketing expeditions over the country and charged the ecs's to tbe state. They even made the sta'e pay the cost of the attendance of a general at a ball in New York city. "Outrage ous" everybody will cry, and yet tbis very thing is being dune ccntiuually back in Washington and not a cry raised against it. Tbe government paye lor more fool things purely for psrsin al gratification of officials than coold be mentioned in a single edition of a newspaper. It is as bad as robnery, bni we bave learned to wink at ii. Oregon is not free from it eitber. A man chattering with tbe eold and without hat or overcoat rusbed into tbe police station at Biogbamtoa.S. Y.,dur ing the recent bliss trd, and asked for a night's lodging. "."It's jost IhU way, you see," be said "I've always bad good luck forecasting ths weatber. My w if, who is rather strong minded, during, an argument with , a neighbor three weeks ago backed my prediction for an open-winter to tbe extent of $10. I've been away about two weeks and when I came back tonight the chased me out doors with a kettle of water." He was given an order for two bigbt's lodging. Tbe banking schema that is being pressed hy Secretary (Banker) Gage pro vides that tbe United States shall buy op and destroy all greenback and treas ury notes ; mske silver dollars redeem able in gold, aud permit tbe banks to is sue their own notes for circulstion with out limit, based upon the fiction which tbe Secretarv ia p!ased to call bank cap ital or bank asset. A comptro'.lor ot the currency selected by tbe bankers from among tbeir number will eonetitote tbe only eheck on this unbridled wild' cat scheme Knight-Wgtchman. Tbe Paris pess is stilt angiy over tbe Feahoda incident, and nearly all of the oewspapera indolge in snarls at Eng land. The , Rippel predict nltituatedit- aster to the British . " The policy o Eogland," tbe papers says. 'hi irrlta ed and excited the appetite of tbe Unit-. ed States. After Cuba, Canada is very tempting, as are also Jamaica, British uoiana and tbe (Jape Colony . In ten sears we shall ses Great Britiao caught between the United Slates and Europe That day will be her death, and it will be ber own doings." IbeSgures shoe, that the Unitrd dates. Is the' wealthiest nation in the world . It is also the strongest nation, a nation of the first magnitude,' one that Stands alone without help from o her nations. Bnt it is a civ I z-d nailjn and desires to be on friendly terms with ell the other iistiuna uf the aorld. both from education and for husiness. It lis been proven that it ie able to comotte with any nation athletically, Intel lectually and in lnine, I; needs there fore no bigb tariff sail to protect it iu any of these fields. Just a revenue law is sufficient. Great is the United States, ao.l let ns rise to the occss-oo and show orher nations that we are not nt them in business sny more than in war Husband, make your wifee, daughter or son a Christmas present of one of- nione waicncs matrrenoh theJeweler is selling' so cheap. .... How She Lid Her Work. Shedd, Oreg., Nov, 1898. Mrs. Nettie M. Carothers of this place states that she was sotseverel V afflicted with rhenmuHa... that she was obliged to sit down to An most 01 aer work, bhe began taking 1 1 .... .J f C : 1 1 1 -, vuu ottnuipBruia ana it cured ber. special meetings tbis week in Ibe cvangeiics! cbnrch. Kev. Ernst, of rornsna. is a.nstlnir the mainr w. 0. B. Htreyieller. Mm rBV T aAiam ... 1. chaainir their tr.!ll.n, a irml. Hnnrntlilnn non, or tho :7 e goods. ery Car, " " O " .ill, ill 11- Washington Letter. (From Our Rajul r Carreapondont.) Washington Nov. 28th 1898. The ease with which Mr. McKin ley compelled Ppaio to cease its dilly dallying and accept the terms offered by this government, a. ton ,B ie himif got down to btittinets. shows that the treaty of peace ii.ikl, t uve been signed month ago bd administration made use ol i s pei. The indifference is plain that the de'H wnh allowed be cause it suited the p. n of the adminis tration Lobbyists are sasrming 10 Wasning- ton bee, us-of the itnprsse'.un that ths administration will rek to in t Nicara' gua canai legislation through cnngteee. The president of Ccsta Rco, which Cialms a right to be consulted in the matter, is in Washington as an official guest ot tbis g vernuK-i't ; a representa tive of Nicaragua is ' on the ground K'preser.Utivee of the oli canal com' pany, which t-y its greedy demands, has done more then any one thing to p.e vent legislation iu the .a-d are on hand to tlemand compensation for what it claims to have spent and the agents of the New York syndicate, which claim to have a brand new canal concession are putting out feelers to ascertain what prospect they bave of getting somemou sy lor it. Iu addition to all these inter esta, there is a lobb employed by the French company, tbat is now at work on the Panama canal, for the purpose of trying to prevei.t action by congress looking toward the construction 6f the Nicaragua canal . r Representative McUi lin, who wss re cently elee'ed governor cf Tennessee, by a majority of 'flirty five thousand, will not resign bis Mat in the house un til about the 1st of January, as be will not be inaugurated governor until after that date. He was atked whit' liiougbt ot tt.e republican assertions ibat the ' silver question is dead, aod said in reply : "It is not even sleeping. It is a . live issue; and it will be the pivot upon which the national campaign ol 1900 will turn. As long as there ie heavy taxation, heavy indebtedness ot individuals, corporations aod government and vast commercial; transactions that reqnire a large volume i of currency, tbe question of tbe extent and nature of oar currency, will be un decided. It will he a live iesus not I it is se'tled to the sat if action of tbe mass of the people. I see tbat Senator Thurs ton says tbat in tbe West no attention waa pid to the speakers who tnJeavor ed to discuss silver. I am afraid be listened only to tbe rpeakere wbo were on his side. I know that in Tennessee and wbat ia true in Tennessee, is I be lieve true ot the entire South the silver qcestion is still cp-ermost." Seoator Cockrell, ot Mo., has returned to Washington to remain during the ses sion ot congrer s. He thinks there will be very little new i-nis'ation at this see eion; tbat the important business ac complished is likely to be confioed to the regular appropriation bills, a river and harbor bill, enough army legislation to meet emergencies, and a bill provid ing a government for Hawaii. Seoator Cockrell is opposed to our taking per manent possession ol tbe Philippines, although he folly approves of them be ing taken I rom Spain. Senator Hale makta it plain by bis talk tbat he intends to join Seoator Hoar in opposing the ratification of Ih: treaty of peace, because it provides for U. S. ownership ot the Philippines. Tbat portion of Secretary Long's an no. 1 report, which trtatsof thedeetruc tion of Cevera'a fl et, s so thoroughly full of Sampsooim it haa disgusted many who bad not relieved in the ex- ateoce of the clique in tbe Navy Depart ment Tbe negroes of Jamaica speak a very queer soar of Eolin. V correspondent of the Philadelphia R-ct'd aays: "I sing led out a coal b'ack fellow in a nice white suit, because be lki the most intelli gent, aod io repiv tii my question wbat he would charge to convey a truok, two handbags and a camera to the custom house, he said : 'Marmlauy ! I dat qocik quickie (e qusttie fe lil ting aa tanner fe tunk.'Wbaton earh be meant I bad no idea, until after several repetitions, es;h time yelling louder than before as if by that means to aroase ru datl under' standing, an obliging bystander, f am. liar with wbat is kown as 'Qiaahie English' translated the porter's cords to sigoify tbat he woull do the job very quickly for quattie or one qnarter of ao English 8 pence (3 csita in our money), for car rying each of the pieces, and a 'tanner. a 6 pence, for the trunk . The reorganization of tbe National Guard by the refilling ol its regiments is rep irted by the officeis to gi tloisly be cause of the de-lice of the mil tary en tnueiasm,' which is Ooalt'ess duetto the offensive pretence of Algerism in the war department, in the face of he country's lata sad experience with it Jin eootrol of ooe of thn military arms .of the government Ex. Gatesin Prineville. '.";'..' -. . ' For severs! days tTs week Mr", if. V. Galea baa been in this city looking the situation over with reference to tbe pot ting in a system ot electrc lights and a system of wafer works.' Mr. Gates was well pleased with the situation and ow ing to the lateness of the season be could do nothing. He ia sanguine of the suc cess ot the entei prise and next spring will undoubtedly see him here again. Bv the wsy M r. Gates ia not s stranger to the people ol Crok county. He was roonected with the engineering depart ment of tbe Oregon Pacific Railroad aod ass tbeir chief ei giueer snd ss encb of ficer located a line west.ol Cascade mountains and knoan as Gates' survey. Mr. Gates being at-ke I in relerence in tbe railroad with a wave of the band tenlied, -piease excuse me 1 am oot building railioads, lights ai d water wotks sre my hohbies now." I'rinevil e Review. Mr Gates nut in tht water works and electric lights at Htllcboro, Lakeview and tlepnei .and wss st one lime in nart nership wilii Mr. D Rankin formerly of tuis city. The Paleni Journal pitches Into Law. yer Bingham in this aavage manuer: Th election was a -esult agninst un American political methods, snd the ty rannical damphoolism of a small num ber of alleged politicians, possibly not numbering more than one. But.tha others are cemmrable for trusting such management and following such brain less leadership in the name rf party. nas 11 lolso tnata man rnii.r. re a nram. less lkooH.'er before be can be recognized as a Kepuo:icsn leadnrr That Is about the way It had begun to look at Salem end tbe republicans who didn't like the loose ot things repntiated the whole butineas. Your ; Wheat. Csll at the office of Curran & Monteith if von wish to sell vonr wheat and set ths highest cash price. Refuse any other Hour, except the Mngnolla. fourgrocer keeps it. ' The Magnolia Four MISFITS. As a foot ball prophet the Democrat nan ia a failure, missing both guesses Saturday. All men cannot ba great though. The Weston Leader says the people there are tired of the turmoil that baa resulted since 'the normal school opened under the present management, that is with D. V. S. Reid as president. A tramp printer in tho city today says the boys in California used to tell the joke on John Talt, the printer, that ' his wife once asked him to seta hen on some eggs, when he asked : "How, silld or Waded." Perhaps it will take a printer to appreciate the joke. Albany store rooms are n ore fully oc cupied than lor a number ol years, and all the desirable residences are occupied. A good sign. The election ot the ciiiaens ticket in Salem yesterday by majorities ot about 200 was a splendid rebuke to machine pontics. It is creditsbie to tbe management of rre local building and loan association tint they could not be worked by any tlimtlam game. Haleoi Statesman. A thorough investigation in Albany did uut reveal any sucb game. The boys last night went around stout inj: Zip bum bee. Zip bum bee, CO.. O.O. CO Lee. Tbe plan of the government baa been announced to be to bring tbe volunteers borne as Isst as possible, their nlace beirg taken by regulars. It will proba bly be slow work getting regulars tor te pnrnooe, as few ol the volunteers will enlist as such. Dr. Keene, the political dentist, on re turning to Med ford said Senator Mc- Brideis sure of re-eiectioii. ha don't think, which is one way ot putting- it. But that is two years aa ay. The next county court of Marioo coun ty will pay George Bingham about $300 for collecting taxes it waa tbe business of the sheriff to collect. Tbat is Bine- barn wot the tax payers notice and tbey came iu an liquidated. A hornets nest needs to be put under tbe Marion county court and left there until ibeir stingers are blunt. Fullback Sanders, ot the Cbemawa team.isinCorvallis training with tbe O A C for tbe foot ball game next S tor day with theU ofO. The opioion is tbat even with Sanders tbe OA O will be too slow for tbe 0 ot O. Tbe Dxxo csat though baa eo prophecy to make as to tbe result Hereafter it will prophesy on a sure thing. tier is a slam from the Prioevilie Re vie w on a Prineville ball. During a dance there, the fire bell was rung. One of the young men pretty well ginned op rueuru oui uj a pomp Ana Degen work ing it, continually crying oot : "Boy'i &r rE e. Hs?atSrIJrA -f. 7Lf?fT. "2 L. X . ! was out wben it was discovered that tbe pump was dry. Senator Simon has been having a hard time of it getting a sent back in Wash, ingtoo. All the seals had been taken on tbe republican side, and he refueed to sit with tbe democrats. As Seoator Butler, a populist, bad beeo seated on tbe republican side, and he refuted to vacate. The last beard of the matter Simon was standing. He is making a conspicuous start. A. B. SUusoa ia a dispatch to tbe P. L from Washington, says: To the Pa cific coast the war baa been, and in its mulls will continue to be, a great bless inr. Where one man a yesg ago advoc ated tbe construction of tbe Nicaragua canal, ard tbe laying of a cable to Hon -olola and thence to Japan, there are two now. Ic the opinion of many well ii. formed eeoatois aod mem hers, both these projects will be authoriaed by the present congress, if not, however, ow ing to a lack ot time, the nex; congress will sorely finish tbe work, which this one will begin. HOME AND A BP OA D. Tbe North w-et Poultry show. In Albany, Linn Co , Or., January 9 to 16.1899. Many kinds of fish at A. O. Beams. Go to Beams' for dried and smoked fish. . Wheat 49 cents. Apron Strings. Apron Strings Dec. 16th. Photo buttoos all sixes and pru-es at Miss Long's. Cravon and Pastel work a specialty at Miss Long's. French's Jewelry store is Leadqoar ters for Chnstmss goods. Samples in Baa Relief photos ran be seen at Miss Long's. 50 cent pboto made b? the thnn.nta every week at Miss Long's. usee you engaged your company for Apion SttingsT Deo. 16th. ror knives, forks and French, the jeweler. spoons see .u-uTJ. Jim. lh5nk r Christmas, think of Frencht Jewelry Store. Bas Relief phrtoa now all the rsee. call and sees in pies at Miss Long's O French's display Window for the latest novelties in watches and rings. Be sore to hear Apron Striogs at the Methodist church Dec. 16th. A pension of $6 a month nas been granted John O. Morgan of Crawdfords- ville. A patent has ben granted veoner, ot Brownsville, for propeller. John J. vehicle Christmas U coming koJ so is SsnU Claus. Wbat would be more pleasing to rend to your friends then a nice photo of yourielt which you csn gel by calling on Mm Long. 2nd and frry street. The fire bell was rnmr laat ntoht . 10 o clock on account of a chimney burning out in the eastern part ot the city. mi. frank J-roman yecterday killed a nne otter a lew miles np the liver. Two others were seen but not captured. Ot ters are rarely captured in this vicinity. among tne estimates for the expeases ot tbe government for tbe coming sess ion of congress Is 1400,000 for tbe im provement of the harbor at Yaquina. It u to be hoped th'S will be placed in the appropriation bill when it shsll be pass- tu. na at iiib iaet term inoi'gh it will undoutitedly be attacked. With the contract let though as provided by law it wilt be difficult for congress to reject the item. 8towe's Uncle Tnm'i P.Kir. played at the armorv laat niirl.t m a k,!. bouse. The cox pan v is a amd ona anI presented the old and popular play as wen aa ir. coma ne with the stage set tings. Some pans were not very realistic but the acting was good. Tbe Companv's street parade is a drswinir at sistimt ol two bands and a half, dogs etc. i air. diows, mo manager, is a nephew of .iia Bumur vi mr pisy. lir i T r ii . n. n. nunuuri, general passeneer -imwuu v. o.n, lines, waa in Asniano. rriaav evening. inmin. iri'in -Hurt visit io can r raocisco. Mr Hurlburt ia enthusiastic Over the brlokt uruapecis llias are in Store lor th nannl. .. !. 1 . 1.- ., . . . r f i uicu wiu ug Dunowesi. ne says tbst everything indicates thst Oregon will enjoy for tbe comine two v ars the most prosperous ones in tbe bitorv of tne state. TELEGRAPHIC AlMMt Thrh Paris. T) A Thn tpiiph treaty of Paris is practically an accomplished fact! xuuay s session deposed 01 me essential features .of the treaty, which will Dei emtKxlied in the following eight articles: r irstr The customary preface ol trea ties, in the nature of an expression of amity and hope lor perpetual peace. ncvunu 10s reiinquimiiiicnt uy rjmm of her sovereiunt v over Cuba. mi ; 1 .... " C. . 1 iiuru. ibe withdrawal 01 tne ppnn- isli troops. ' rourth The relinauishment by fcpaio of her sovereignty over Porto llico. rum Spain s session 01 wie rump- ,v.i ... - . .1 ,.1 fl pines. tixtn The withdrawal ot the fcpan ish tn ois there. ' Seventh I'avment bv the United States of 120,000,000 for the Philippines. Eighth The provseion for the "open ,.-1 i tn..1;- pines. wi .u.uueri;uti iiutu y in tow a nmu .Amu Crteam.laaftal WAsntSGTos. Dec. 6. The first note! of the anti-ex iwnaiontste was sounded in uie senate today by vest, w no intro duced a joint resolution which states that under the constitution of the Unite States no power is given to the federal sovernment to acquire territory to lie held and governed dt rmanentlv as col onies. The colonial system of European nations cannot b established under our present constitution. , aBHaeKxpiaded Boston, Deo 6, Four men were killed and several severely wounded at Port lndepcndvnce.on Castle iaiand,in Boston harbor, this afternoon by Uie explosion of a mine which had been removed from the channel by a diver. tltU j.- -STa Sraay SSeaiara VvASPtNOtoav Dec 6. The measure which Will serve aa the baais ot the ac tion of congress this session, lookiag to the increased rvmodeliog of the regular Uni ed States army, bas been completed by the commanding general of the army and today-1- handed by him to Secre tary Alger who will transmit it to con gress. ( II fraldea tar ISS.oee Mea. Clsvsxasij. O. Dec 6. The third an hual niec'uig of the .American Anti saloon league began this evening, at the Old Stose church. There were about 500 delegates present. Short addresses were given by Rev Louis A Banks, of this city, and Rev E S Chanman of Cali , forma and Rev Wilbur Crafts. Far The S W Washikotoji, Due, 5. In com fortu ity with the the requirements of the law Uie secretary of the treasury today trans milted th congress Uie est 1 ma tee of ap propriations required for Uie fiscal year, ending June 30, laoo, as furnished by the several executive departments. Those tstimates include Uie permanent annual appropriation ainrregaiing 593, 04S. as against 1308,875,512, the amount of Uie appropriation including deficien cies and miacelianeooa ex. ensee for the fiscal year of 18S8, and 4cV2,6473S5, the amount of Uie estimates for 1S9H. The list contains the following for the Norh west: Gray's harbor, WMbington....500,000 Yaquina uay harbor. Oregon ... 400,000 Custom boose. Portlan Ore. 300,000 Columbia river and Wilamete river be low Portion Oregon 150.000 Columbia river at the cajicade. . 100.0(0 Ent rance to Coos bav and harbor 100.000 Lighthouse at Semiahmoo bay Washing , " AlU) Lighthouse at Middle Ground.Columttta j river 24,0001 Lighthouse at Burrows' Wash . . 15,000 Sew Ballraw4 Ustos, Or., Dec 5. General manager McCabe. of Uie Northern Pacific rul- aminny .Tb' Samtm-rville, Bi. -" Walla Walla Railway i 1 road, arrived from alia W alia yeeU-r- presrdent Blue Moun- Comrmnv. which is arrrangtrig to build a railroad lo this city. At H alia Walla this new road will form a connection wiUi Uie Northern Pacific, and Manager McCabe is here with president Taylor to inveeu gate Uie reeourees of the country tribu tary to the proposed road. Seaalar ataaaaj Saw Washington. Dec. 5. After Senator Simon was sworn in today he waa aur I rounded by a large number of senators were inirouucea to mm, and de voted what time was available during tbe legiidatare boars of the senate be coming acquainted with those who will be bis coUeagu for the next two years. Mr fcimoa will sit on tbe republican side at Uie extreme right of Uie outside row which is usually the place where new senators first secure seau. Warat Cadaraaee Nsw York, Dec 5. Frank Walter, of Boston, baa broken Uie only record up to the present time in the six days' bi cycle race at Madisn Square garden. He now ho.ts the world's record for contin uous ridin He left his wheel at 4 :30 this afternoon, baviog ridden 314 miles and 8 laps in IS hours and 10 minutes without dismounting. Aajtkiag sels Paris Dee 5. The history of the doc ument which will certify the psseing of Uie oldest colonial power in tbe world and the advent of the newest was epit omized by Judge Day tbis evening in a single sentence : A peace treaty to contain anything uKii uie victors pot into lu TkeStarsa rHIIsira BALTiMosur. M.I., Dec 4. Tbe most ee vere rin and and wind storm that has viBiwu ixiumors ior many vears tire- : J . . 1 i j ... . . . . aiitj hi, ug uiu uioueanus ol dol lars' damage. ixly miles an hour was the wind Velocity eiveo out bv the westner nureau, tne h-jtheft for 19 vears Fully 800 bouses in the city r nd vicinity were unroofed. Chimneys inumerable were blown down, trees uprooted and poles leveiea. telephone, telegraph cieciric UK" ami trouey poles, were uiown down like so many ten pins. i ju-o kop oi uie city are in dark' neas lonigTrt. faas vsa W AsuLSQiu.v, Dec, 4. The curtain will ring up tomorrow at noon on the clos ing session the 53th congress. The war ar.d the fruits ot Uie American victory ' ' j in ineu- waae many problems whicfr XHd national legis'ators must solve. ' Uut ' though many questions may press for resolution, the brief space tuiTOM ur urn wsaion, wnich expires by the limitation on March 4, precludes me prooaimuivia mucn oeing aecom pushed -by-the-fiaseage of the regular money Duageta. SesibeVtarccasi KajrBead WAsrrrfrrjTos Dec 4. The war depart- ureiiv nas Tcceiveu me louowing report irvru uenerai uusoioesttis among tbe troops in tbe Pbilippines: jianna, uec, . roi'owing since last report:'1'- "Isov, 24 Otis W Drew, private com pany 1$ Oregon, smallpox." SBIa Wreok New Yoax.Dec, 4. In a blindins rain storm tonight the massive block of build ings on Broadway, Noe. 253 to 259 in- cludeded between Murray and Warren streets, was almost destroyed by fire. within 3 ' home more than $1,000,000 worm ot property waa destroyed.. ' The tire begun in the five story brick- uuiMing occupied by the Men's furnish' ing firm of Rogers, Pcet A Co , on tbe Wouth west corner of broad way and Warren streets. Vive Mae Irs Brr.vrrrd Euoenf, Or. Dec. 4. During Die past week five bodies have been picked up on the beach between Florence and (4ar diner, within a'few miles' space. They are supposed to be the bodies of sailors ot the wrecked Atalantn. If so, they iuum nave oeencarriod 4U nines oy the ocean currents. The C'anaWalarra l AKtsDee4 Th Unilxl Slatna an1 Spanish peace commissioners held tiri- mj sessions toaav. Afterwards . renre- oi ixnn sides predicted conn dent (y that the treaty would bo signed wuiun a week unless untorseen comnii ..ii ' - ifciuija arose. Late to bed and earlv to rise, unman a man for his home in the skies. But early Jo bed ard a Little Early Riser, the pill tbat makes life longer and better and wiser. I- A. Gumming, agent. T TICKETS ' To all point East via . Great Northern Railway. For rates, folder and full information call on or address (H. F. MiRRiit, J Agent Albany. Around Thomas Thomas, Ore., Dec. 5, 1893. Fawlks, the sheep man, is with us again. 1" . I. Henhale sold 61 sheen for s.iu, A. J. ievauey sold 100 at some what better prices Mrs. J. L. Goin has Usn on ihn airh list, is reported better. Mrs. J. M. V. B lyeti. is also mrrh better. Mr. F. P. DeVaney le.nrned Kundav afternoon from a vi-it to Irs daughters at "Paradise H ope." Mr. Alfred Sloan from Pnuthern Cal ifornia, a nephew of Mrs k Y DeVaney, and a brother of Mrs A J Adams, is stopping over visitir g here. Mr Sloan has been about "ahit in his time," snd it I can elicit a "talk" wilt tel" of some ol bis "times" while "roughing it in Mexico" or "blowing in some of hi heard evenings in Rio Jan eiro, Brazil" or while in "solemn medi tation" while tbe "wind howled" wben "rounding Cape Horn." Mr. Henry Eb. the teacher in Diet No. 10, Is getting along admirab'y. He is the right man in the right piece Several preueedmg teachers met their "Wsterloo' here, but Henry is the Wellington and is a groat aocceat. nay ns. er is moving right along at Munkersand the pupds and patrons ars well pleased. Vise Alda Parrish. at tl-e GoW.-De- Vaoey actsool, is tbe "oeplus ultra" and the saying nothing succeeds like sue ess. tossy that an are satisfied does not ex pieee more than balf . D. E. Lav. 100 Reward 100. . The readers ot tbis paper will be pleaaed 10 learn that there is at least one dreaded desease tbat science has been able to cure in all its stage, and tbat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive core knewn to tbe medical fraternity Catarrh oeing a constitu tional diseasr, require a eonatitution al treatment. HaTi Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dtrtctly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the patient Strength by building np the constitution snd aasisting nstnre in doing its work. Tbe proprietors hsve so much faith iu its curative powers, tbey offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case tbst it fails to core Send 'or list of teetiooala. Address. F. J.CHENEY A Co. Sold by Druggists. 7V. Toledo, O. Hall's Fsmily Pills are ths best. Tbe Trilby stove, tbe best in U s mar ket, at S'.eaart A Sox Hardware o's. Flour 85c per sack. Try It. Tbe jttanolta AOMIXiSTSATOS'S SALE To ail whom it msy eoncera : notice is nsreojr given tbat from and after tbe 7ib day of January, 181, la pursuance of aa order and liceeie of toe County Court ot Liaa count v Oregon, duly made and entered of ruord ia and bv caid Court on th Mh ! .t Ueceitber, lsfci, in tbe matter of the estate et llarvey aoeitoe, dceaaed. L the OBdVs .igoc-a. duly sppoiated, acting aai quali- aea saauiifUaiar ot tbe eatMe of taid decedeat. shall Drooeed to arlt at oriralx sale, al Scio. Liaa county, Crsgon, ai kbe rut and uue ad route wcich tbe ss a utceoeni, uarvey abutoa, had ia aad to the following described real estate at the Uase of bis death, tosnt: Begioaing at a pout twenty chains east ot toe DTUttal coraer ot tbe nortbsnai quarter of aecuon tbmy-fi vein rowaahtp kb olio range one wet aad run mag thence south 45 caaias. thence weat hi chauas aad SO UoSs, tnetce aonb 45 cbaias aad two Uaks. I ben east Ii chaiaa ud S links, thence norm "SJ chains aad 72 Uaks, these eaat 40 ceias aid Si Uaks aad Iberce sOiLa c:i aina to the plaos of be tiouiDg, ia tbe ot laads subject to asi( at urqroa Vvf. Oregon, contaiaiag 319 acres md 40-100 of aa acre. AUoihf toilaa-iag deacrioed premLses, town: Situated ia the county of laaa, at!e ot Oregon, tbe west ball of tbe souta west qoaiterof S-ctioo Ne.a6ta Towswhip AO. iuaou:a ita-ige AO. 1 west coaUiatag tfOacrea. A: so 32 acres founded aa follows, com ntesacing at the aortbweat coraer of Sectx-a ii ot Township No. 10 socth of Range No 1 wee!. there running south on the secuoa line one half mile, thence east S3 rods, tbeece earth one half nile. theoce west ! rod to tbe place ot begiaatag-. AIo 30 acres aad l&O square red bound ed as follows : Commeocug at the north east corner of Section 34 of Township No. 10 t-ftiUi of range No. 1 west, theaee running west oa tbe sedioa tine 100 rods, thence sooto 33 sad a half rods thence east 100 rocs, tbeece north 33 rods and a halt rod to tbe place of brgtaatag. Alto the folljaiDg desenhad premuee. to 1 1 : A iso at lotsNos (4) and (5) echo I aad Ifing north of Crabtxva Crete ia Sec tion Iorobip 10 sooth Range 1 west, Willamette Meridiao, county of Liaa, state of Oregon, being 30 acres more or lees. Also the following described premises to wit: The northeast quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-six (96) Range 1 west Township 10 soetb, contain ing 40 acres more or less, situated ia Lino county, sta'e of Oregon. Also tbe following described premise, towit: Lot toe, Sedioa twenty six (26) Township 10 South Rang" 1 west Ui'illart ette Meridian, containing thirty aixte aad thirty hundredths acres ot reboot land, and sUoatec' in Liaa count) , Oregon, Alc the following deecnued pieraisee, to-wjt: L No. 2 in Section 96 Town ship; IU south range I west, VUIanit4 Ueridian, coutaiaiag 33 acres of scbdul lands aitaat'd in the count; of Linn and state of Oregon. A so the tollowing described pramiaea, to-wit: A I Cof tbat parcel ot land known! as lot 3 in blxkiottbe toenof Sodaviile, in tbe county ot l.tnn and state ot Oregon, according to tne p'ata of said town oa file in the office of tbt reccrder of said coo sty Also tbe following described premt-e to-wit: Lot No. 1 is block No. 3 in tbe town of of S xJariile, in tbe county of Linn, stste of Oregtn, acc.rdini to tbe plat and survry ot said town on file in tbe ofhee of the County Recorder of saio county terms or SALS. One half ol the purchase price ofaaid laads to be paid ia cash on tbs day of "ale. and tbe other half to be paid in cash in four equal payments aa foiloer: . One pav- -zhant oa or before one Tear after tbe date of sucb sale, ooe of said na; meets on or before to tears pom toe date of such aale, one payment on or before three years from the date of such sale and the fourth payment on or before four tears from tbs date of such sale; all ot said deterred pay menta to draw interest at tne rate of seven per cent per annum fro a tbe date of such sale, such interest to be payable annually. And all of said deferred payments and in terest thereon to be secured by a urst mort gage ooon all of said lands. 1 be interest and estate which aaid de cedent had in and to said premise, at the unit or his death being a tee simple estate tnarein. Dated this 9th dav of December, 1893. Administrstor, ADMiKISfBATOR'S SALE. NORICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned. Administrator ot the es tate of Deborah Lwing, deceased, will al tbe hour of 1 o'clock p. m., of Saturday, January 7,th, 1S99, sell at publio auetion to tne highest bidder, for cash, at tbe north door of tbe Court House tn A'bany, Linn lountv. Orcffon.lba following described real property, vis: The north balf of the north-east Quarter (V) of tbe north-west quarter of Sec tion (31) thirty-one; in Township e'even, South Range (3) tbtee, West ot Willamette U end an, uintaming twenty acres, more or less, in Linn County. Oreeon. on a publio road running along the north side of said place." Also the nirbtof wav for vehicles from the nonhwest corner of said premises west to the county rosd running from Al bany to Tangent. I here is a farm d welling, a good barn. and a young orchard of six er seven acres of bearing fruit trees on tbe place. Situat ed about four miee south of Albany, Ore ron. and It to be sold under and bv virtue of an order of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, made and entered of rec ord Dec 6, 1898. Thoms II. McGhx. ' Administrator of the estate ot Deborah G. Ewiog, deceased. j The Kind You Have Always In use for over 30 years, rand has Sy ( sonal 7iCCUAi a HtaB- All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment-! What is CASTORIA - -r " Castorla is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Irrops and Soothing Syrnps. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feveriahness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tbe Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CENUINECASTORlPWAYS I Bean the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. iStar Bakery COXXAO METER FSQPBIETC Corner RrnaJalbln and First 8t Canned F rults. Glassware, Dried t'rulte. Tobacco. Sugar. Coffee, Etc. Canned Jlcas QuccnswiWat Vegetable Cigars.. Spices. Tea EU aerytbiag tnat U avpt ta s eood variety aad gro eery store. Hign et ps'-ce peid . for ALL KINDS OF PRODl'f'f A Fine stock of Shelf Hardware at GEO. E. Fish'Sv at the lowest aceo. Will stock ol the nest goods. keo a fr K. O. T. M. every Saturday eveaira at . O. T. . ball. Vlaitine Kaighta ianied. V. A. Cox. Oomioander. rionev to Loan. good farms ia Liaa and adjotaing eouai- tea. If yon have good security and psrfecl title, we caa furaish yoc tbe ona without ielay. aa we make our own elimination ot 'ecunty. t ail or oa or wnte R. K. Stxbx v Albany , Org a. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY AlbuvVOreeoa. Offiois, Baas of Oregon Buildiee. Only set ot Abstracts of liaa County. Complete set of maps aad plata H. F. Herrill Insurance snd Collection Agent llonrj m loan, warrants boogbt uthce in tel UlsncRir builr'.rg NO WASTE OF WORDS. evidence Which Is IKight to the Point and Reliable. Judge Frank Ives of District Court of irooKston, as inn., says: For some time I have used t-tuart'e Dyspepsia Tablets with seeming great benefit with lew ex ceptions, 1 have not been so free from in digestion in twenty-five year. Ueorge W. Roosevelt, U. s. Consul to itruseeis, Jtelgium: Stuart's Dvspepsia Tablets, safe, pleasant to take, conven ient io carry, give keen appetite, perfect UJKCVUUU Mr. V. D. Tomlin, mechanical ensrin eer, Duluth, Minn. : One box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets bas done its work, and i am again gaining flesh and strength, O. E. Ransom, Huslonville, Ky. : was distressed and annoyed for two years with throwing np food, often two or inree times a day ; had no certainty of retaining a meal if I ate one. Four boxes of the tablets from mv drunrist have full v cured me. I find them pleas- auv vo iac, convenient to carry. Rev. ti. I). Rmwn V1. - - - auvwitvi I a SI IB a The effecU of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is aimpiy marvelous ; a qui;e henrtv din ner of broiled beefsteak causes nodiatreta since i Degun their use. Over six thousand neonle in th tt of Michigan alone In 1K4 were curel of stomach troubles by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Full sixed Dackairea mav hs fnnnd aa all druggists at 60 cenu, or sent by mail on receipt of price from F A.Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. bend for little book on stomach dis eases, mailed free. 'HUNT NATIONAL HANat, or ALSAMT, oaaeoa PrMldaat rtes Prastdml , ..iruen B,votni a. w. LAMflPOa TtaKSACTS A OKNKKabbaatlotlbsataass AC0OVNT8 KKPT sabtact U aek, 1QRT K1CUANOI aad talatraaaia kraaaSw, aaM a York Baa rraataoo,Caloa-o aaa) t atttsa Ot.t.OTtOSI saOBaa a.onbls I anas. fl I runt' a Lisespa f A Qoaawiw, CI. luaa) Puaa. Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of been made tinder his per superviitlon since Its infancy. no ana to deceive TOU in this. Sigsatoxe of SHEET BA1LWAT K0T1CE. Tbe motor on tbe Albany Street Bailee) will connect prompt with all trains to as-' from tne depot, dy and nicbt. Special trips will be made at spec B. Mookx,. O.adBcior. T ADlfcS. Royal Tea dears the cow 1 Lotexioa. it act on tbe brood, stomach liver and kidneys and it a stxeestteains toaie for the whole sjsum aagaous Btoeaocns cures alt kinds of diseaid pece :ar to oman. L. Druckniae. . General sa Oliier Plow-in Ate BROs AgeaU, Jiaiaay, Oregon : iver gate the vot'd tne chilled plow Aad it haa aaei asore avoaey to tbe farmer of Aineriea than any other implement ever produce iamM (MlTrr chilled are tbe beat ea rh TK ( ii a rrootrr of happs- ness oa the farm, aad the dealer who sells it knows he is iadling the best. Loos out for inundation and touch aothiag ba) the genuine goods, made eaty ty Olive Chilrfd plow works. South Bead, ltd., r 8. a. txEcarcrs k3tice. Notice is beebv eivea to a'l peroas ia- terested in tbeeUie of Anthony Bender. deoeaeed. tbat I hare &d my fiaaJ ac- ronni ltuneio. ia the Coontv Cocrt of Liar County. Oregon, asd tbat aloaday. the 2nd davof JaaoarY.lS&9Jttbe bourot 1 o'clock p. m. of said day ba been sH by said court as ibe time lor teartog asd settling aii oo kctiotvs thereto. All persons interested, having any objections to said account are hereby leqaired to tbe same with clerk ot sate court, oa or before toe saiao. aheve roeotioaei. Cbobcs Bxxvxz. Executor of said tstaie FINAL ADCXUXT Notice is berebv givea that tie noar siirDed baa Bled tii tJBil aocosat with th Cterk ol the Couaty 0rt ot Una it only Orrv. ia the mattes ot the estate i t tiet rv beaoer. deceased, sad tee (Inert ba fixed tbe Stb day of December, 1SS. at tb hour of I o clock p. m. I said day as It time for heenngatiectKwe thereto, if aav tberebe. Any aae al: persraa baviag ob jecttces ai. account will hie tbe eame wiin tie Clerk cf said Court ra or before said time. Dated Octooer 18, 195. Eiecator of tre last iil snd tesUmea of Hears Reamer, deceased. Kxu.1 ft Cviu , : , ' Attoraevs for executor. KQT1CE OF APPOINT I! EXT Notice iserrebv givea tbit by order I be court of Liaa county, wr. do'v made I ad en'ered ot rerord, the nneWkiatun'4 bss len duly appointee admiaistrator of tbe assuut) ui ,imDn d Aanacxaoai, uaram. All neteons baviraT daima aaraiast said es tate are hereby a 3 lSed and required to pre sent tbe same with tbe proper Toucher, to tbe aaderaiaTDed. witbia ix months from the date hereof, at Albany, Or. J. W. Axdeksox, AdaaY WfJkTHERroRD a Wtatt, Attorneys for Administrator. HPiET BICICLE REPAIRING . GfieralBlattiiii AND HORSE SHOEING- Second Street between Ferry and roadalbin Streets. MILLER & STEW A iT-SM. lVS tsrOe letasoak in .. f , ."are? rraia i v- WSSIV-I kalta - isjr raMSoaa ao n, n... .. . Boca aaasti Ofm aaan abaaalaiaaA Mrafcaart tSU great aaat, m u sSss For sa'e by ) . A. Camming F05HAY & MASOK Wholesale A Retail mwim iso fioomusu .LBANV, OEXOON Jnre Drugs and the finest and Larves Stock ot Stationary and Books In tbe Market. Men s Election. Notice is hereby given that the an nual firemen's election for tbe city of Al bany will take place in this city on Mon day, Dec. 12, 189S, from I to 6:?0 p, m. in the hall ot Albany Engine Co. Ko. 1, at which time- there will be voted for a chief engineer and assistant chief engin eer,to be elected for the term of one year. Albany. Dec 1, 1S98. J. L. Tomllnsox, A. Bxrnxs, Secretary. President, Mm? i4 ALlwsr- 1 1 "S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J. C. Divine Successor to N. Southard Jt st east of the Daeocaai office. Dealer In Hay, Oats, Mill Feed, Ohop, Poultry, etc. Give him a calf. Good treatment as sured. Delicacies of the Deeps-jssi Ilrlibut, Snaked Salmon, Herring, Holland Hernng, Mpiced Herring, Silver Pickerel bellies, Sockeye bellies. My New at d oermanent Quar ters are now completely and newly furn ished. Baked goods, fancy and staple grocer ies, second to none. These are now my permanent qianers. Home Bakery. A. O. Beam. TO LOAN.' On (rood security $800 or 11000. Fcr i articulate call at Demo crat office. 1 fioIttUuiivAS oa Puwwr Urgais family given in exelians tor siuail eaattiua;. Inquire atuia couu.e. FOB HALE At a bargain, a first class express ason, aKOodteam and harneea. st the armers Feed Yard. WANTED. a saiesmsn atd collect or for tbe Sinter Htg. Call at F. M. French's Jewelry store. WASTED. To rent 150 or 200 acres of pasture land. Address F. H. PfeiffW, Albany. If you want a aosxi an J cleai .uolte buy cigar made $y our Al icy edgar factory. HOXG WAHIOXG CO., Second ,81 aear Lyon street. Albany, belle Cbi neee medicine, Chinese rice. Chinese tea and ait oil. THE CRACKERJACK L B W0SES, PR0P8IET0B Opposite Masonic Temple. Full Use of standard groceries and com try produce- do single leader, tint sveryicing a eider at bottom price. Wssobs rna ie tbe country selling gro- eenea and collecting produce. Honey saved by trading at tbe Crack erjack. Ground Fleer Dental Office Brotxdalbin. Sc. Albany, Oi Yard Littler, assistant. C01XIXS & HODGES . Dentists. Odd FeLow's Temple, Albany, Or. All work carefully dene under If you nave a badly de cayed tooth remember a new crown can be inserted by Dr. A.dams es illustrat ed. DR. 0LIYE K. BEERS. Dlseaaes of vTomea and Childrea. Phone 66. Postoffice Block Albany. Or. H.E. BEERS, M.D. Physician aod Suigeoa Pbone 66. Postoffice Block. Albany. Orcgotx. X.E.WLXXARD M.S.M. D. Graduate of Lenox College IS85, Cbi cago Homeopathic Medical College 1990 Rash Medical Callege 1S92. Tvt cedale Block. Albany. Or. A Rare Bargain. For sale, a bonce and lot in a favorable part of the city. House is a two story, eight room building in good condition. Good well and city water. WU1 be sold at a rare bargain. It most be sold so do not raise this chance. Inquire at tbe Dsato sjut office. THE NEW AND - SLCONO HAND STORE a-W. L. Broostcin, Proprietor. ' DEALER in all kinds of new asd sec ond band goods, furniture, stoves, Un and hardware, etc. Goods bought, sold. esxhanged. Highest cash price for hades. eeit and fnrs. All Kinds ot ranx cocgnu Parrkh Block, next to Beam's. Poultry Wanted Having located in the buildine in the rear of M. Sternberg A Co. we will do a ceneral poultry buiinees,' faying the highest price for poultry ol all kind s frowns & bprenger. , GOOD INSURANCE OR NONE. If yon went nothing lor your atree get "Relief," but ii you want "Beliatle Iimsf have yonr property insnred by the lead ing agent of Albany, in companies that have b-en in batinesa for vears, and thai bve money to bark tbeir obligations. Yon cannot eet a eood article of ens kind for nothinc, and wben yon want in surance get "Insurattre" and not "Re -et." AUI'baaa "Insurance, Hay, Grain and Won! SSI Julius Gradwohl -:- Dealer in Hardware. Crockery, Glass ware. Groceries and a l goods kept In country stores. 4 I WILL 3 SELL GOODS 3 FOR CASH j As Low as Anybody. z Country produce and egga, taken ia exchange forgeeods