The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 09, 1898, Image 1

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VO 18
9 T BBTTIHC afclUnr rraiet
: ' A..
"At you wnt to ihmoke in this Loose, Mr. OHoolihAn, yoa wifl
ahmoke Sale of No'ih CarumL'
Seal of North Carolina
is fragrantis easy to light never
needs re-lighting, packs in pipe properly,
and does not "tamp" down too hard.
Always draws clear and smokes freely.
These are facts 1
The Original Plug Cut
Always the same-
Mild and Cool.
Whet will be most appropriate for a Christmas present?
The answer depends largely apoa toe relation of the giver to the one
reviving also on trie finaases of the donor. We hare many thing
ratable for all cass i that may arise. Rackers for the bbie ahd the
Uraudmothers and Grandfathers. Foot Stools, Parlor Tables, Ex-en-loa
Tables. Crpet Sweepers. Sofa Pillows, (pre down) Bamboo
tornitare LanKes. Conches. Bedroom Seisin ones) Bedstead,
tZEJlJ9 L Lace Curtains!
., iui uu nauy o-ner.auracuve tnings.
Hasonic Temple BIdg., Albany, Or.
Oregon Gas' Light Healing and Power Oompy,
Cheap Light for
PheapHeat 7or
Oheap Pow8v For
limb. House and Hotel,
Church. Hoa&e ana noiii
iDjthins and lYerjthing
Correspondence Solicited.
DR Y I 41) US. Pres. ; A. H. FREERKSSS", SIC.
1 he N icklc -In -the -Slot .Machine
beaten by Experts.
Two well dressed men canie to Albany
last Tuesday night and veeb-rdiiv fore
noon proceeded to do up the nickle in
me,Hioi niacmnt a ol the citv. They sue
ceeded in two cases. At Will l'ftiff..r
and Max Baamgarts thoy presented roy-
4 uiiaiivs ami received x"M in money
irom eaen. nietr game is a new one.
Alter putting in a nickl or two until
they get the cards in sight thev wish
they ' atop and take up a paper and go to
reading it. While the Dronrietor is at
someioing ewe titer deitly manipulate a
wire through the slot and brine in sight
the needed cards and a royal (lush is in
new. Then they put a penny in the slot
which of course goes through, strike the
uuuon ana call the proprietor. If he
has not seen the operation ail he can do
18 to settle at once. This they did at the
piaces mentioned. AtNilem they lieat
seven machines. Word was receieved
here yestedsynoon of the swindle, but
the men had ttown on the noon train.
Off for the A-o lum.
William WooleryJ a young man about
twenty-five, who reside abont seven
miles from Albany, was brought to this
city this forenoon and upon examination
was committed to the insane asvium,
where Sheriff Munkers took him" tin
noon. One of M oolery's halucinations
is that he thinks be is married, when he
is not, a condition that is liable to cause
trouble. His case is one that good treat
ment w ill cure.
New Appointments.
Governor Lord yesterday made the
following appointments :
Recents University of Ommn. Jml
R. S. Ream, oi Salem, Regent to succeed
Hon. A. Bush, of Salem, resigned. Term
twelve years from April, IWS; Cvrus A.
union, oi rortiaud, to succeed Henry
Failing, deceased, for tweve rein from
April, lfitl: Harrison R.Kincaid. of Eu
gene, to succeed the late A. G. Hovey,
deceased, for twelve years from A mil.
1891. The governor has annointArl H
a. H. Hclt, of Jackson coautr, trustee of
eo'diers home ia place of John R Rob
ertson, Marion county.
College Notes.
Bible classes hsve been forme,! t.
study the Bible from devotional, histori
cal, geographical and literary stand
point. They will meet every Monday
morning The teachers are Profs. Lee,
alker. Tor bet and Schmitt and Revs.
Reed and Stevenson.
The gymnasium is completed but the
apparatus has not been placed in posi
tion yet.
There are now seventeen student, at
the College Boarding Clua.
The Oratory Class, which ia mmml
of the students who intend to enter the
local oratorical contest, meets four times
a week with Prof. Schmitt. The class is
composed of L. Anderson, Owen Beam,
C. O. Bryant U. A- Mulkey. Geo. T.
Pratt. R. K. Smick and J. G. Swao.
What the Voice Can bo.
Miss McBride, of California, is in the
city and tomorrow night in the college.
will give an entertainment well worth
the attention of the public Besides of
marked elocutionary talent, Miss Mc
Bride is a ventriloquist, also an imitator
of all kinds of birds, bells and an im
personator generally. She comes well
spoken of, and those desiring to spend
an evening pleasantly sliou'd attend.
Admission Zocent. Children 10 cents.
A Small Fire.
Tuesday night at the Red Crown MUIs
a small fire occurred that was a close call
to a big blase. About 9 o'clock flames
were discovered in the sack room, evi
dently having been . burning for some
time in the sacks, but on account of the
very close condition of the room, not
spreading; mucn. as it was, a bole was
burned in the Boor and considerable
damage done to the sacks, soma twine
and some flour. The damage to the
building was only about 15, while to the
rect of the property it will amount to
over ijuu. x lie insurance was earned i n
the Imperial.
Mr. Martin Jackson and wife of near
odaville were in Tangent spending their
Thanksgiving with their son Lonner,
who is teaching school bore. ,
The farmers have housed all their im
plements preparatory fjr . the : winter
eason. !:,;.:v.. . ;
Mr. Filkins, of Douglas, Oregon, ims
moved upon the farm vacated by A. C.
Morgan, with his faintly. - , ' ,
"X basket social was given at the Mo
Farlnnd school house on last Friday eve
by the scholars ol the S 'hool nnd we pre
sume all had a nice time, Miss Maud
Beard being their teacher. She has giv
en general satisfaction.
Thanksgiving parsed off verv quietly
here. Not one gave us an invitation to
take dinner, but we had a good one at
Born, near Tangent on Nov. 9 to the
wife ot Mr. L. B. Luper, a granger boy.
All doing well. Ixiren was happy over
the event and came to Tangent on a
2-40 gate in order to sot up a box of
cipar to the boys.
lurn, in Tnngt'iiton Nov. 29. at the
residence of Mr. btogswell, to the wife of
i nomas iiutchins. a bov. Mother and
child doing well.
Mr. E. L. Bryan and wife, of Albanv,
came to Tangent vesterdav and were
visiting relatives.
A big revival meeting Is in pro? res at
the M E church south. They have been
running a week. Thev seem to have irool
audiences and good sermons.
Little Rose Bud, of Oakviile, was seen
in Tangent at a long ranm one dav n-
cently ordj-rino nooda fur the llnli.lnv
trade. He kt-eps a first-class store now
a days.
Mr. Jetwe Mooes has rtar!e his new
store in Albany some few davs ao and
will sow have as tinea lot of drr eoo-is
and groceries as anv bonne in Albanv.
n ben in All any a few days .go we gave
him a call. He in'.ends to ran two nod
dling wag ins from Albanv and one from
The Linn Countv Council will mi..! .
with Tangent Grange next Saturday
when a big crow - is looked for and a
good time in general.
Two small fiia in Tamrent durint? this
and lt week but no damage done on Iv
an overcoat got burnt up.
Yocao America.
How Corvallis Lost a Great Oppor
From the Gazette :
While it 1h true that Benton county,
including CorvaPis, contributed $35,000
ia the incipiency of the enterprise, to
wards getting it started, yet when the
road was to be built eastward from here
an offer to cros the river here and leave
Albsny off the line was rejected by our
citizens becaue it involved th. expend
itureof three thousand dollars la its
elf a mere bagatelle, tint that aas the
time t oryallis mitsed its opportunity,
and now the removal of the tomrany't
ollices is a quel. or the result of the
parsimonious snitit at th.ttimeraanifesi
ed by our ca pit all-1. and bu.inee. men.
Wat. fiotfue, it e manager of t lie con-, p
any, loldihe writer of this, lhal this lack
vf i;.reriiio.i by our people of the great
dvaiiiNitt to Oh gamed by bridgiiig the
river tire aud t retention oi tne of.
Preparing For the Battle
of Life
. W here shall it be uon?? Certainly wiiere the bent prepiratiou can h..d, A
anj College has claims in tbi. i'rection that .call for closer investigation.!
i A Full College Training
l"ejir ths bt thin. A A Albanv also offers a superior Normal Course, and I
I a t-'o lee Cs ir-w tht inferior to noue in thetU e. Correspondence invitrd.
ietta op in Sept 20, 1838. j
Wallace Howe Lee, A. M.,
i 7
Tub Dc Moss Family p'avel at the
Congregational church last evening to a
tair sized audience, who were nleasea
with the entertainment presented. The
Ij. Mosses are musicians, peculiar to
themselves, and there are many who
like to bear them.
George A. Wirtz, Difectoi'.
Agisted by Mrs Cora A. Wirtz, and other?.
Branches Taught Piano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, dolin, Voice Culture,
Sight Singing, Chorus and Quartet Singing, Harmony, History,
Counterpoint, Composition and Band Instruments.
deavered an in
lecture at Miller's
visited a few
with Col. and
From the Criterion
Rev. W. P. Elmore
teres ing temperance
hall, Monday night.
Mrs. Dunn, of Portland.
days the first of the week
Mrs. U. B. Modtague.
The Lebanon Emergency Corps will
eiye an oyster supper at Miller's bail,
rnuay evening, uec Wu.
Mrs. H. C. Watson and children re
turned to their home in Albany atur
day.after visiting a few days with frisnds
in this city.
Mr. and Mis. R. Hull returned FriJav
from Albany, where ther have been
stopping for the past two months.
Mrs. Dilmnn.1 rsmniwAr frvtm AIKintr
Thursday and visited several days wili
neraauDitr, Mrs. J. u. Mayer.
Frank Thompson is authority for t -e
statement that a delicious watermelon
was picked from J. M. Settle's last sea
son s melon patch. A tittle late for
melons, bnt Fraok says it's so.
Last Thursday while C. H. Vehrs was
chopping a pole over hit bead in a shed .
Uie ax came on the handle aod passing
up through the abed came down on Mr.
ehrs bead, severing a large vein, from
which he came near bleeding to death
before he could reach the bouse.
(Let would some day rsvu.t in just what
now about to take place. These are
not pleasant things to recall, but never
theless Mr. Hogue's werds have come
true, a d iu the )e.ra to come Corvallis
ill have ample liu.e to reflect noon Its
lack of foresight and biuinesa sagacity.
Last Tliurtday evnii g we put on our
best clothes and went lo the "Thanks
.iving pauv" a; Mr. Hamill'.. We
found eighteen couple o yount. people
assemtil d and thev were plaving some
very nice gsmte. We are sor'rr that e
vouldu i atav bat bnin. ralle.1
home. See Matt. 21 :'J9.
Mr. Branson, of Colorado, and Mr
t'la.ertou.o. Uiraouti, !m Mr. Allen,
oi Mi.oun, inv arriveuiqour town.
They have come to stay.
n - 1 , . . ..
wouia ime to im witb the peop'e
oi ieiii;t--wbeo ttsey have the ii
cu,.on i a retard to the "exleti.ioo of
the tim.te ol tt U 8." We areou btth
ei'lee of the quettion.
We wish now thai we bad inJe a
vim to T P. McKmght b-fore be bought
a kcl for i. in ttno.e house. bowerr e
kno. im wetl enough to a p.we that
be would unlork for u O.kvilh.n.
don', need a lock, they have no meal to
fie.M e;v'. ih. dicusion McK.
Ltrria Rosa Bro,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baksng powrdos are thesreatat
meoaeers to health ol the promt day.
Frwui i e News.
C A W.roe-. head milhr st the Scio
ro!!er mills, has been laid op with an
attack of the grippe.
Jo-4ge I.N. Duncan. of Alt-ant, was
in Sciooo Thursday of lat week. The
Judge owns a fine i arm near Larwood,
sod was over looking after iu
At the regular meeting of the I O O F
lode laat Saturday evening th follow
iog orSce-v arre electa i I t tbe romtog
term : I'eter McDonald. N G; A G PiiU.
VO; Frank Morris, sec'y; J R Barnes,
prem ec'y ; R E HiLler, treasurer.
G A Westgate returoed this noon from
a trip down tbe road.
License have been issued for the mar
riage of John M. Smith and Fannie For-
en,. and Oeorra (; fklJ. anrf Vm...
Blanciiard. Hatlie Warner has resigned her
position in the public school and will go
ouuuirraureoo. Miss Eva Simpson
will teach in ber grade
Mr. Psrker, a leading barber of The
Dalle., was in tbe city today, while on a
trip through the valley. He scrapes
Kev. Poliu occasionally.
Selh Hammer, a prominent Salem
lawyet.died in that city yestetday at
the age of 67 i ears. lie had h
dent of that city for thirty years.
A. C Morgan, who hmhiiI .
J'0"" Tangent to Douglas, Uuion county.
ipintea poatmater at that
p ace, socccediog U. W. Miller who re
igted. A. L. McFadden, the lawyer, of Cor
vallis. has located in Albny aod will
make thi. city bis home. His .ister re
sides with him, Mr. McFadden being
Prof. E. C. Peery has accept tbe
ireidacy of the college at Sodsville, a
fact that give great satisfaction in So
davi'ne. where ha is highly esteemed.
He wi:l re.ign bis position in the Mora
y Mr D.O. Wcod worth and family re-
uroei yesterday from his eastern trip.
He spent several weeks at bis old home
to New York .tale and greatly enjoy, d
the .xpenectee of bis visit.
Rev. Robert McLean, of Grant's Pas,
wall probably be called to fill the pulpit
vacated by Rev. J. E. Snyder, of tbe
Third Prvabytenan ehnrch, on the East
side. Mr. Mclean is a minister of un
usual ability, and has built op a splen
did congregation during his ten rears'
reaidence at Grant's Pass, where fae is
very highly thought of. Telegram.
Tbe will ol Daniel I.eedy has been ad
ji i tied to probate. Tbe eeute is valued
at about 13,000. Of it the boo te bold
goods except books, aod a not are
left to Mrs. Leedy, SI each to John and
A. O. Leedv Jot 2 block 3a Hark tatrr a ft at
2nd additioa to John Low aod Andemm
maod, and I be balance between the re
mainder ol tbe heirs. John Leedv is
e i ecu i or.
Trial of Pet Strahan-Moore
Begun In New York.
Special Dispatch to the Post-Iotelli
Haw York, Dec I. Senator Joseph
Simon, ol Oegon, was present today at
the of "Pet" Strahan, or Mrs,
Moore, daughter ol his formr law part
net, Chief Justics Strahan. The testi
mony w- unfit for publication. Tbe
district attorney announced that he
would prove tbe woman's immoral char
acter aud hr intimacy with Martin Ma
nna, propuetor ol the ew Amsterdam
A man mmed Kills and a coachman
named Bsonyi abo sav that she was not
married to Moore.
Mabon was the first witneM and told
of tbe aitetjio'.ed blackmailing incident
at the Hotel Grenoble. He described
bow she made love to him. and how.
alter getting Mahon'a moner. Moore
wa-i ed him to say bef Moorel
a a relative of Mark Hanna and bad
powerful influence.
A New Oregon Editor
Bloomington, 111. Daily Bulletin:
"Hon. Geo. L. Hutchins today con
cluded negotiations with Mr. Archie L.
Bowen for the sale of tbe Sunday Ere.
Possession will be given Monday.
"Mr. Hutchins, who retires to eogage
n the publication of a new daily morn
ing paper in Portland, Oregon, of which
previous mention has been made, parts
with the Eye regretfully. His magnetic
personality has been manifest on every
page of the paper and bis talented writ-
k :j . a ,
ngs nave uwu wiueiy quoiea ana reaa.
His departure irora the local newspaper
field will be regretted by the fraternity
and also bis friends outside, and all will
ish him well in the less restricted field
onthecoast. He will close up bis affairs
here snd depart early in December with
his family for the west.
at oi our "cract ' booter. have bo-n t
tbe mountains aod have been compelled
to return borne almost empty banded.
Tbe deer teem to have all been kl.icd off,
or have tone I) panares new, at any
rata they ate not to be found as ia years
gone by.
At tLe meeting of the Koigbts of
Pytbias lodge io this city la-. Toesday
evening the lol loving officers were elect
ed for tbe coming term: AG Prill, C
C; G L Sutherland, V C; AW Daley,
prelate: Peter Mcftooald. K of R S:
Geo Shelion , M of F; W F Gill. M of E;
r i net. si it a: ueo unmin. Hi
Tbe primaries for the nomination 0f
couocilmen and the e ection of centra)
committeemen were held at the custom
ary places last evening, and resulted as
In the first ward the democrats nomin
ated W. a Ktmsey for eonoeiiman and
elected B M Payoe committeeman.
Second ward J M Ralston for conn oil
man and John Clelan for comitteeman.
third ward illiam Richards for coun
cilman and A E Bloom committeeman
Tbe rrpnlbicans nominated Gar
Danaals for eruocilman in tba first
ward and e-e.-ed F M French as com
mitteeman. In the second ward J A
McFeron for councdmaa and 8 S Train
committeeman. In the third ward C W
Sears councilman and John McCbesney
Tonight the city conventions will be
held, tbe democratic at the court boose
and tbe republican at tbe armory. A
fnarbal and treasurer are to be nominated.
Decline to Run.
I desire to thank my friends in the
first ward lor their great confidence in
nominating me for the very imtjortant
office of councilman, bat most resoeet-
fully decline to run for the office, and
request the central comittee to put some
one else in my place. I'rvent business
prevents my accepting tl nomination.
W. A. Kutssr.
Thanking the democrats of tbe 2nd
ward for the r kiadoesa in placltg me ia
nomination for councilman, 1 wish to
decline to ran for tbe otfice.
J. M. Ri:ox.
Tbey Ara AU Right.
Tbrre has not been a time in vars
ben deer were so Stan as now. Sever-f Fred Dawtoo's owl recently died from
- --..., ... - a , v,mrv uuuin, I i , I inrougll IDe I
e i.Kn,u u ; t 4 w.Aiion," wn. I (SO. They have tbeinfamous monthly
tditor KirkDatrica. of Lebanon, was
doing business in Albany this afternoon
W. 8. John returned this morning
from Roseburg, where he had been to
consult the doctors at the Soldiers Home
Meeting of the Woodmen tonight. Let
all members attend as the matter ot
reserve fund is to be considered and act
ed upon
The controller of the currency has ap
pointed Arthur J. Shaw receiver of the
Citizen's National bank, of Spokane,
Wash., vice REM Strickland, resigned,
Mr. E. E. Hammack returned this
noon from Dallas, where he had been to
assist the Knight Templars in the laying
of tbe corner stone of the new court
house vesterdav afternoon. The cere
mony was carried out in the presence of
a large audience and was an imposing
im interesting uiair.
More fruit has been shinned from Al
bany this year then ever before. In fact
this city has become quiie a fruit center.
J. Straus, of Astoria, a few nights sgo
bowled 77, which the A.tonan thinks
was a great feat as the alley is lopsided
and crooked.
The Dbmochat last evening made the
President's message a pretty long one.
sixty million words. Sixty thousand is
said to be the number.
Mr Jay Beach, the well known horse
man, who sailed from San Francisco last
May, in the ship "Mary Sachs," for
Kotzebtie Sound, Alaska, writes to
friends in Portland, that be recently dis
covered while digging on a creek that
empties into Buckland, river, off the
hound, an imniese fossil tusk of ivory
in a splendid state of preservation
measuring 12 feet an-l 10 inches along
the onter curve and inches in cir
cumference, 2 feet from the base. This
is as large, if not larger, than any like
discoveries of which there is any record.
aa over dose ot chloroform.
Bas Relief phMos now all the rage,
call and see samples at Miss Long's
Tbe Combination Barber shop bss
been improved by some artistic decora
tions. Both democrat and republican prim
aries will be hey tonight for the coa io
ation of candidates for cooncilmen.
Mrs. E.J. Hedges, of Oregon City, an
Oregon pioneer of 1 $45, die-l at Tacoma
yesterday afternoon.
Tbe receipts in Astoria the past year
inrougti tne police (department were fa.
Mr. Ladae, of Salem, arrived in
bany this forenoon from Anifem, com
ing out by ay of Sweet Home. There
was eighteen leches of snow when he
left tbe mines. Cooncilman Martin and
B Woodin came out witb htm. hot aa
here was not room for all the passenger
io the stage Mr Ladae hired a horse
and came out ahead, leaving tb-m at
Sweet Home to follow.
Nest Tuesday
fine system there, a digrace to any city.
Christmas i. coming and so is Santa
flat.. ttk.i .... 1 1 ... -
v. . . .. . . i " . hvuhj ur mora ni inn.
i ne joun a siowe I nele Tom's Cab.n to --end to your friend, th.. a nh,
ompaoy 11:1 n-wtg at Uie armory oi yourseii woicn you can get by calling
. a a I a S : a I . a -
next ineeuay. ihe company is known I"" ",nt. -nJ ago terry street
to be the largest attraction of tbis kind
that bss ever veotored a coast trip.
Tbey aie one of ths few who keep Uitti
with tbe pnb'.ic. aod produce a I tbey
promise, i nis ever popular production
is ably managed by Mr. Stowe, who is a
nephew of the late Harriet Beecber
8toe, ar.d will be put on at tbe armory.
n aicn lur tne big parade. Admission
50 cents. Reserved seals on aIa at
BurkbarlA Lee's.
Don't fail to bear Miss MacBride, tbe
noted veniriloqui.tlc Elocutionist, iin-
perrona'or. snd imitator of birds, bell.
animals, etc, in her wonderful voice pro
ductions. At Albany College for benefit
ot tb Col era. Adults 2i centr, child
ren 10 and 15 cents.
Foot Ball Excursion.
A tipcrial train will leave Alband to
morrow (Saturday) for Corvallis to ac
commodate these wishing to witness the
foot ball game between the O A C and
Cbemawa teams returning leave Oor
qallis at 7.30 P. M. Fare 50 cents for
round trip.
Polk CocitTr Hops. It was in the
Tbe famous General W heeler ol bpan- of lfiS.1 that th A rat Imn v.r.1 ..
ish war fame is a cousin of the late AM . , r..,.. .... . .; T
it An 1 Ikan. I l'Uk fc WMIM Ul.l Ol JUT. T.
Groves. And then the industry was al-
TRY mibmus BISHOP'S PILLS for all disesses arisinefn m
aissipmiou, wu-aouse, excesses or cigarette smoking. In utie
over 60 years. Brings back your Manhood, cures deuleted worn-
out men, makes rich blood and tissue. Cures westings and sit
losses, makes yon lastingly strong, cures impoteney, tost power, emissions.
lost of memory, bad dreams, shrunken organs, tiespondency, sleeplessness,
vsriocel and constipation, sdds to the eyes, stops nervous twitchings
of the evelios. Makes life woth living. A boon te young or old. MORMON
BISHOP'S PILLS strengthenst and restores small weak organs. Stops all
loeses by day or night, uoa i aeiay. rnce within the reach of all. Guaran-
. o iur oy man. rena lor Ire circular.
REMEDY CO., San Francisco, Oal,
Lay A: Mason, Albany.
fred Wheeler ol this city. An Albany
man recently eaw him in Washington
and was struck with the family resemb
lance. General Wheeler is a small man
weighing only about 100 pounds.
Councilman Martin and A. B. Woodin,
who have been at the eantiam mines,
are expected home at any time. There is
reported to be ten or twelve feet of snow
on the summit between Gates and Ani-
dem. Messrs. Woodin and Martin are
said to have started out by tbe Sweet
Home route.
Homer Craven, formerly of Salem, but
more recently oi Bpoaane is " the Southern Pacific Company.appcared
accompanied bv his wife, nee Genevieve 1 ,u i. .a r lIlI .....
Merriam, to whom he was marriou on
Oct. 28. atSookane.. Mrs. Craven is a
niece ot Ueneral Alorriam, oi tue regular
army-Statesman. Mr. Craven was a
resident of Albany a couple of years ago
running a bowling alley here.
most at a stand still until the year of
1886, when tbe .impetus for setting out
yams took on rapid growth, ihis con
tinued until the yetr 1897, when the
largest number of bales, (110,000), was
produced. This year the estimate of tbe
number of bales is tar short of that of
the proceeding year, but the quality
is much suDcrior. Total acreage 2,704.
S. P. Assessment. A Eugene diepatcii
says : " W. D. Fenton. W. W. Bretber-
I ton and Geo. H. Andrews, representing
before the board of equalization here Sat
urday and asked for a reduction in the
company's assessment. They want the
assessment on the roadbed reduced from
$4,500 to $4,000 per mile; land from1.30
to ou cents an acre, and rolling stock from
1500 to 1420 ner mil. Th l1ar.llaa'nrt.
A military social was held at Lebanon yet taken any action. The assessment as
MACCABths at Li bason. Twenty sev
en Albany Maccabees, beaded by Com
mander Cox, went to Lebanon last eve
ning and. showed the hoys a few things
in Maccabeeism. Besides tbe initiation
of tbe son ot a veteran Maccabee they
did some team work in the amplified
form, i be first shown in that city, liter
wards a fine repast was setved, and the
Albany boys were a team in this lire
also. The Lebanon Maccabees were
splendid entertainers. All they lack is
a big enough ball lor tbe best work.
President Jordan st Seatt'e said :
' The highest function of the univer
sity is the formation of character, tbe
training of men and women in purity
and .liength, in sweetness and light.
'The earth,' s.ys hmerson, 'is upheld
by i he veracity of good men. Thev
make the world who esome.' A senti
ment worth being shouted through a
megaphoi e.
A I5ia l bar .Mr ti Kj jacufton lelt at
tbe Democrat otlice today a pear that is
a pear. Though called a pound pear it
weighs 3 pounds and 3 ounces. It is
eight inches long and 16 inches around
tbe round part, i ne iremocrat man is
thus fixed in the fruit line for the winter.
A Portland paper is boasting of big
receipts by the police department ol thst
city, enough to pay expenses. That
shows a very bad condition of affairs in
tbal c.ty of criminals.
A valley exchange objects to eastern
papers referring to our daogerjus Ore-
goo coast becau- one vessel went down,
and that too on account of reckleesoess.
wnere hundreds are being wrecked on
tne Atlantic coast and many Pvee lost.
Tue two bigseet games of foot ball of
the season wilt be played in Oregon to
morrow: One in Portland between the
Multnomah's and the U of O's. and one
in Corvallis between the O A C and the
Che ma was. The Democrat's prognos
tication is that the U of O will win in
Portland and the O A C in Corvallis
Miss Jones, ot tbe Drain Watchman
refers to tbe editor of tba Oregooiaa as
Brother Scott. Tbe pre, of the stale
should immediately rail a special meet
iog ani protest against so. h familiari
ties. It augurs something serious, and
shoold be stopped before it goes any
tugene is smiciec with Mani'a ru
mors tbe same as Albany and other
places. One wss that Chaplain Gilbert
was in a critical condition and that a
cable had been received by bis wife to
that effect. It was learned that a letter
bad been received in which the inform
ation wss given that be bad the appendi
citis slightly, but tbst an operation
would not be needed and that he would
be no in a day or two, People should be
careful about circulating rumors that
lack foundation.
The Bremen, of
Christmas bail.
tbe city, will give a
William M. Hoag, of the Waterworks
company, is In the city.
Prof. one time a resident of
Albany, who enlisted from Junction city
is leader of tbe regimental band at Man
Oscar Baumgart gsve a party last ev
ening lor bis young friends, which was
greatly enjoyed. Games were played
and a fine lunch served.
Miss Tills Glover, of Albany, visited a
few days witn Al Herren's family tbe
laiter part of last week. Independence
Mr. John Holman went to Salem to
day to see his daughter and her husband
Sir. and Mr. Thoa. Holman off for
Europe where they will spend Christ
mas. Mrs. D R N Blackburn, who has been
the guest of relatives and friends in this
city for several weeks, went to Salem
Tuesday to join her busdand, Attorney-Geneal-elect
Blackburn. Time. .
Prof. E W Tuiiaon i. eriott.lvWlt at hi.
home on Commercial street near Center.
ne was convalescing from a serious at
tack of fever, when he suffered a relanee
and is again confined to his bed. Setem
E. B. Townsend. reeentlr in charaa u
tbe Red Crown Mills here, i. in Portlan
With tbe bead office of the Portland Unnr
ing Mill Co. Tbe business bsre is in
charge of Mr. Bowersox.a competent and
popular young man
Mr. and Mrs. Georre A. Cabin of I
- . . . K
roruanj. are in tbe citv. sorndine tbeid
honeymoon at the borne of Mr. and Mr
l. Li. Driver Jr , tbey beving been wed
at tbe home of the b-ide's parents, isj
Brownsvt'ie. on Thnrsdsv evening. The
happy young couple wiil go to PortLtud
tbis afternoon, where tbe sTOom oeenniea
the responsible position of day clerk at
ineeinsriee Motel. Tbe bnde was
formerly Miss Emma L Blanchard.
Tbe removal of the C. & E. r.ffiro
from this city will neceea itate the leav
ing of several employees of that com
pany, a fact which will cause more re
gret than any mere pecuniary lots
could do. Manager Edwin Stone and
Sapt. Con Sullivan have come to be
looked noon aa resident, of CorvaJlui.
and they will be missed by tba entire
community. Mr. Geo. Kerr and family
have taken op their reaidence in Albany
ana a nost of mends m this aty where
they have been raised tee them leave
with regret. Messrs, Waldon and Ro
berts, daring then- short stay here, have
endeared themselves to numerous mem
bers Of both Sexes who vera at their
departure, while Mr. Neal Murray's
place cannot be filled at 'L at all.
Corral Us In ton.
Religious services.
Christian church: ServicfS at II a
m. aod 7ii0 p. m. by Rev. C. M. Lane
Special music under direction of Prof
Geo. A. Wirtx. Morning topic: "Mag
nifying the Lord." Evening: ,Tbe
Lord s CaiL"
Baptist ehnrch: Morning service.
10:30 a.m.: Sunday school. 11.45 a.m.;
Chines mission, 3:00 p. m.: Junior so
ciety. 3 :30 p. m. ; Yoocg peoples meet
ing, 6:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:30 p.
m. Kohald McK itxor. Pastor.
Presbyterian church : Morning ser
vice at 10:30; evening service, t :S0:
Sabbath school, 11 :45; Junior Endeavor,
3:30; Sen'or Endeavor. 6 i30. Subject of
tbe morning sermon, "A Kiadom ot
Tiuth"; ev.ning. "A Peculiar People."
A cordial invitation is extended to aa to
attend all tbe services.
Cumberland Presbvterian : There will
be p rest. b ing at tbe Cumberland Pre by
teriaa church tomorrow morning and
evening bv tue pajtor. Morning sub
ject. "Hope." Evening subject, "Sym-
patny. ion are invited-
M. E. church : Preaching by Rev. L.
F. Belknap of Uataev, at 10:30 a. tn. and
7:30 p.m. Jonday school at 3:30; Jon
lor and Intermediate Leaoeee at3:30;
Fpworth League at 6:30. The pastor
goes to Halsey to hoi 1 quarterly meeting
tor Dr. ord.
United PresbyUrian : No'e tbe
change in tne hours of service. Morning
service st 10:30 and Sabbath school at
11:45; Junior Endeavor at 6:30; even
ing service at 7:30. Morning subject.
Joint-witness "f Salvation, fevening
Divine Pardon " All are cordially in
vited to attend these services.
Salvation Army : Service, aa usual at
tbe Salvation army on Sunday aa follows
II a. m. lloline-e meeting: itSJ p. m.
Sunday school : S o m . "Biggest Hypo
crite in town exposed." bpeoal music
at evening meetings'. ranger, and an wel
come. Gait. Moys, Officer in charge.
On onr!foarth nsge will be founds
short review ol the Sunday school lee-oo
for tomorrow. Ibe Dsmockat bas Men
reauested to give a review on each Sat
nrday lor Ice oenetiioi tnetnousaoa peo
ple who a, tend Sunday school in this
city, and will do so. though tbe space
ill he limited to lust enough to pot
those interests 1 ou Uie rlgnt track.
teed to cure. Price
Address BISHOP
For sale by Foi-
recently. Two Albany young people are
mentioned as follows bv tbe Criterion :
Miss Ilda Elkins, Lebanon's favorite
singer, then sang in her most enchant
ing manner "America Forever," and as
an encore, "He was a Prince" brought
forth rounds of applause. Miss ura
Ilarkness, one of Albany's talented elo
cutionists, recited "Lasca," which very
Thomas Brink's Furnituie
Lately. He ha one of the fiuest stocks ofFtirni-
ture in the vallev.
;:: He haa added Bahv Bueeies to h a stock.
i. V i -.11 ..O. . l
it now stands is the same as that ol
The Gipsy made her first trio to 1
any this morning.
A Sample. A Missouri man, who has
been taking the Drhocbat over two years
graphically aescriDea not oniy uie uie oi jo order to learn about our country,
a Texas ranger, but his love scenes as . ,h , . , . . . . , ,
1 1 A m am BhA ffflVA " IV1 U rV I . ...... . ,
well. i w-w, . J . In, 1 him In ivilu eon, n. K. . ..
l.. J . V.t11mV. ith all if a nralnm. 1 - - ' " -- -y"a " -
mi . 7----r7-.. y, of San Francisco. He clotes with .
IT, EwEd to MisrHarknenS of Al- "Yoar Wr " been read
was awarded to Miss narkness, oi ai i h .. j:fT. M.
beneficial to vour
sample of the manner
naw.nanue n-ka im I .
vuuvvb. lilita lh IIiuivdi, kl-l. l...i
" " ip4.ii nibuvub
boom editions.
Fun. A "Blisx.rd" at the Salv.tion
Army Saturday n ght. Music, vocal and
instrumental. Rev. Burns and wife,
evangelists from Portland are expected
to be with us and favor us wit,, some
pecial dnging. Come and hear them.
was awarded to Miss Harkness, of Al- " "b
banv; while Miss Sylvia Bryant received ! Jy
a life size portrait ol Lieut. Hobson for na fJ
her success in the "Noted Personage" Jhteh th? !
Vnu Trv It. I Sick IIalc..-l,..u
IfShiloh's Cough and Consumption il The curse of overworked womankind, are
k Just cal1 iQ and y iu find that his Prices are the iSSIt? S !oo.alnK?i V&SS1SSSS
35fc- ' Ww- --.w Jkw ' I take the bottle back and we will refund tissue builder. Money refunded if not
istff-" LQWrST' I your money. Sold for over fifty years on , BatUfactorv. Price, 25 eta. and 50 cU.
. XI J A J this miarantee. Price, 25 cts.and 60cU
Elks meeting tonight.
Initiation. Full attend
ance desired.
By order of
E. R.
The foot ball gimes tomorrow will be
followed a week later by tbe champion
ship game of tbe season, to be played
between tue u oi u anu tne u a u.
Laundry Notice.
Having taken charge of the Albany
Steam Laundry 1 am prepared to do first
class work, employing only experienced
belp. All lauudry sort tent to my place
will receive my prompt attention and be
laundried in a superior manner,
O. M. Cvru
We were in the lively and progressive
town if Tangent last Friday, We found
a large crowd at the depot aed recog
nised the familiar faces ol Ssni Bryan,
Joe Beard. Mr. Jenks and Uncle Jesse
McGbee. Tbey were agitating tbe subject
oltbe buildicg side walks in the business
part ol ol city (aod what part of it is not
business?) We were induced to invest ia
the new euterntise. v a visited the l a
cifie nursery snd found Mr. Hudson and
his hands busily engaged preparing trees
lor shipping. They are ousy now ui iog
orders, end thev have a soort lotof trees
We found Sam Moses al the store almost
too busv to talk. Welened that oung
America was out of town visiting a young
Mi. Kewsome was at his post, but has
laid down bis pencil and applying him
self at bard work, and finds that be is
better fitted for it alth mgh he is a good
We are sadly In need ol a new side
wlk in our town. We saw two men
fall and "felt" the third one on our
sidewalk. Ask R.E.Crawford and Alex
tiamill their opinion el slippery walks.
Apples $1 50 Apiece.
Strictlv tmsine is
French the jeweler.
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkins brothers, agents.
Beat BtcyUe for toe money.
Will A Stark, jewelers.
Trilby" leads, others follow a
Stewart & Sox Hardware Go's.
A dot. first class photos, best finish.
only 50 cents at Mies Long's.
Seed rve for sale. Call at the Albanv
Nursery or at the store of C E. ErownelL
Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers
ha- owly S20. 130, f3 aad so0.
C B Winn, ettv ticket agent. Tickets
to all points in the east.
Be sore and see the aati nt tiqware at
Qopktn Bros, will Us. a lifetime.
We have decided to contioae making
the SC rent photos. Long Photo Co.
For calcium carbide go to the office of
Oregon Gas Light Heating & Power Co,
A fine lot of new cook stoves am.
ran (res at Stewart A Sox's. Prices cheap
er than ever.
Bring tbe babiee and get a do, of
those cute little Diamond photos, only
50 cents st Miss Long's.
Don't boy an "Airtight" stove nnt
von see tbe "Hickory" ani "Trilby
kept by Stewart A Sox.
"Trilby" the most pocnlar beating
stove on the market at Stewart A- Sox
Hardware Go's.
Tbe Long Photo Co. is the leading
gallery of Albanv. Every photo made
mere is a gem on- tau ana see tor
Go to Verick's shaving and hair rut
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to every
Wbea yon waat a choice steak, a nice
rost or meat oi any kind, call on Henry
irodera. He keens tee best.
The beat meats ol all kinds aad good
treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef
Compaay'a market, just dwa Second
treet. cmod weigfct and prorapr aoeaa
Sootbiog. healing, cleansing. 1 Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve ia the implacable ene
my of sores, boras ard wound. It never
fails to rare Piles, Yon may rely npon it.
J. A- Camming, agent.
Coostrpatioa prevent the body from rid
ing itaett of waste matt. r. De Witt's lit
tle Kariy Riser will remove the trouble
aad cere Sice Headache. Biliousness, la
active Liver aad dear the complexioa-
Small, sugar coated, don t gripe or cause
nausea. J. a. Camming, agent.
Tbe Nortbwist Poultry show.
In Albsny, Linn Co , Or.,
January 9 to 16,1899.
Many kinds of fish at A. O. Beams.
Go to Beams' for dried and smoked
Wheat 59 cent.
Apron Strings.
Apron Strings Dec. IGtb.
Pnoto bottons all sizes and oriees at
Miss Long's.
Cra.on and Pastel work a snecialtv at
Miss Long's.
Sample In Baa Relief photos can Le
seen at Miss Long's.
50 cent photo made by tbe thousands
every week at Him Long's.
Hsve yon engaged vour comoanv for
Apton Strings? Dee. 16ib.
Weekly Dxxocwat and Weekly Oregon-
iaa $225 a year.
For knives, forks and tayni see
French, the jeaeier.
See French's dUolav window for the
latest novelties in watches and riegp.
Be sure to hear Apron Strings at the .
Methodist church Dec. 16th.
The Quakers (?) are giving entertain
ment at Lebanon.
TLe county ia being over-run with
ack specialist doctors, aad our citizens
nera lly are hereby warned to looa out
r tbem. Brownsville Times
A noet mortem examination of the
body of Beth Hammer, at Salem, re
vealed the cause of his death to be tbe
fatty degeneration of all the orzaca ot
the body. .
A match shoot yesterday afternoon be-
tween Frank Camming, Dr. Leinenger
and V H Pfeiffer retailed in a victory
for Mr. Camming.
Here is a Jacksonville gamble: A
raffia for 9100 in U.S. gold ecm will take
place at the Banquet saloon in Jackeoo-
viii cn Saturday, ubrunmaa ere. The
s throwing the Lin best number
with dice will get S75. and the lowest
throw takes the remaining 125. Chances
will range from one rent tc Si.
Prof. G Tonne, of the University oi
Oregon, yesterday received a draft kyr
nfty dollars from J D Lee, of rortland,
treasurer of tbe Native Sons of Oregon.
The Native Sons entrust this sum to Prof
Young to be used in collecting data per
taining to the early history of Oresoa.
Another rorml flush was thown in a
oickeMn-tbe-slot machine in A! bany
yesterday. It was done while Henry
William was making a cocktail for a
stranger, bia back being turned, na
doobudly by wire manipoiatioc. A
each payment was made for it. Ma
chines will be fixed to prevent tbe in
sertion of wire.
A Camp of Modem Woodmen of Am-
srica was organized at Crawfordsvilie
with tbe following officers : Honorable
Cownl, George Findiev: Advisor, John
McKercher, Banker, J W Glass; Clerk.
W H Scott; Watchman, J B Cox gentry
J F Wiiison ; Escort John Green ; Man
agers, D F Eobinet and John Green.
Tbe Cbemawa Indians passed through
Albany this coon for CorvaUe, aad were
accompanied from here by several Al
bany yonng rsen. who not ith standing
the terrible defeat by tba Indiana were in
sympatcy with them sa aecoont of tbeir
gentlemanly treatment of their oppon
ents. The general opinion waa that the
Indiana would win on account of tbeir
having won against Albany with so mnch
bigger (core than that of Corvallis in
either of the two games played. Theoo--tnkwofthe
DawocaaT ia diSerent. I:
believes that the O. A. C. will win.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, bnt also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the Caxtroxsia. Fis Srxrr
Co. only, and we wish to impress npon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. Aa the
genuine Syrup of Figs ia manufactured
by the CAXironxiA Fia Sracr Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
tmitiinn manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing- of the CaXl
FOBXia. Fio Sracr Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and
dowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company-
To all point East via
Great Northern Railway.
For'ratea, folders and full information
call on or address
H. F. Mnutru.,
Agent Albany.
tscaiynxx. a.
arw torsi, a- w.
Uncle Tom.
Have von ever seen a genuine Cake
Walk? It is a real treat; the Stowe
Company p-esents one in grand style.
Twenty colore.! swell and belles will
walk for tbe cake at tbe periormance ot
Uncle Tom s Cab.n.
The laughahle Animated Song Sheet
that has created such favor in all the
leadiug theatres brouchnut the country
will be preseuted in all its entirety; the
gorgeous American military spectacle
entitled, "Remember tbe Maine'' is the
crowning feature ol tbe Stowe, Company
and it is grsnd beyond description. Ke
rn em ber the date, next lueeday. Ad
mission, M) cents. Heserved seats with
tut extra charge at Burkbart A Lee's.
Lata to bed snd earlf to rise, prepares
man for bis home in the skies. But early
to bed aed a Little Early Riser, the piA
that makes life longer aad better and wuer.
I. A. Camming, sgenb.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Frank Wrd, ol Condon, Oregon, was
in Eugone last month as a witness in tbe
Branton murder trisl. When he start
ed on bis return home his cousin. O W
Welder, gave Mr. Ward soane fine, large
red apples from his orchard. On Mr.
Ward's return a eburcn tatr was is pro
gress at Condon, and he donated tbe ap
ples to ne sold at suction, ne writes to
Mr Weider that tbe applet were bid in
at the ramarkahle nrice ot tl.50 each
.W I. 1. ' - that nnlM
jl wuin mvwu ri
wera scare in that section, but these
Dawson City prices are a little surprising
lor Oregon. Guard.
Albany, Dec. 2, 1SSS.
Whereas. Tbe Almighty, iu His all
wise providence bss seen fit to call from
among ns one of our members, Sister El
vira Gradwobl, and,
Whereas. We deeply regret her lose
and miss her in onr midst.theretore be it
Kbsolvko. that we extend to the act
rowing husband and friends onr heart
felt sympathy, snd hope that they, ia
their affliction ant look to tne invine
Father with whom we trust her spirit is
now resting, and be it further
Rksolvko. that a copy ot these resoln
ilnni Ha unt to the KareAved husband
also a copy to each of the Albany daily I
Tor XrfuU and Chndrtn.
Ill tki Yn Em JUnjt tsU
Bears the
Thb R era. Down Mondays Wednes
days and Fridays, leaving Albany at 7
a. m. Up Tnesdaya,Tbuisdsyt aud Sat-nrday.
Yery heavy unbleached muslin. .$
uuung r lanneis.....
" nice Ginghams...
New Styles Scotch Flannels. . ...
Indisn Blue Prints
Turkey Red
07 nl
03 -0a"
Your Yf heat.
Call at the office ot Cnrran & Monteith
if yon wish to sell your wheat and get
the highest cash price .
Glllett Pepper box Bluing
at O. E. Browmbix's
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath
by its action on the bowels, etc., as noth
else will. Sold for years on absolute
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 eta.
If you want a aood anil
papers, and that they be spread on tbe .uoke buy cigars made by our Al-
records ol our Rebekah Lodge.
KuxABK-ra Shaw,
Ida A Hardmak,
I bany ulnar factory.
16 lb Beet Granulated Sugar....
71b " Rolled Oata
50 lb sk Fine Salt
1 ot Cranberries
3 lb Cartor Crackers, full weight
aiy "
. . .... , . i v t 1 f
e nave josi received a irou r
Freeh Mackerel.
" Herrings.
" Fickeled Pigs feet.
Call and see ns.
Remember the place next door Lunch
Albany Trading Go.
R. N. M03RI3, Manager.
Baltimore Block.
Get the best fiour.
The Magnolia
We will pay the highest market price
nr wheat, see ua Detora you seiu
Cl'BBAJi A Montkith
Call and see our Trilby airtight stoves,
Stxwart A Sox, IIarbwaju Co-
Manv a household is saddened liy death
because of tbe failure to keep on band a
a, fa and absolutely certain cure for croup
such aa One Minnie Cough Care. See that
I your little ones are protected against emer-
gency. j . a. uuihiuik,
Cor. Morrison A Park Sts.
Portland - - - -Oregon