The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 02, 1898, Image 2

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This and That.
Indiana possesses half of the window
glass producing facilities ot tbe nation,
produoes over one third of the plate
glass and a fourth of the flint and green 1 A Tillamook man claims to have a hen
glass, and stands first among the seven- that has been fed on salmon eggs so
teen glasi producing states of themuch that it takes to the riflles on the
The bishop of London has directed
his candidates for orders always to
preach on a subject, not a text, and to
apply themselves not to abstract ques
tions, but to actual problems, which
they know are felt by those to whom
tbey are speaking.
There are ?ver 200 brauds ot wine pro
duced in France; bat not more than a
dozen or fifteen are known to people in
America. More wine is drnnk in Eng
land than in France, and London is tbe
greatest wine market in the world.
Ia Manila most of the houses and of
flees have tiny window panes made 0'
translucent oyster shell instead of glass.
An average window 6 feet high by 4
feet wide contains 260 shell panee.wbich
temper the beat and light ot the sun
and prevent blindness-
Siberian summer resorts open on Jobs
1, and close on Aug. 12. The Caucasian
mountains and the Crimea are much
frequented in summer by wealthy Rus
sians. Tbe last summer was as excep
tiouall? hot in St. Petersburg and Mos
cow as in London and Paris.
A Belfast conple in the last thirteen j
years bave played over 28,500 games ' of
cribbage ami one day last week scored
even games. Tbey bave never been
over seventy games apart. During the
series tbey have held two twenty-eight
bands and one twenty-nine band. On
one occasion both held twenty-four
bands on the same deal, all cards being
fours, fives and sixes.
George Fredrick Watts proposes to
bave an open gallery, like an Italian log
aia. built around the churchyard of St.
Botolph'e, Aldersgate, in London, and
to erect ia it memoria'a to "heroes in
numoie me." tie is preparing a mon
ument to Alice Ayres, a yoong girl who
ia a fire of 18S5 saved the lives of three
children but lost her own.
Id Austria the manufacture of bicycles
is making rapid progress. The lowest
estimate of lbs 1897 output is 70,009
wheels, htch is nearly double the num
ber produced in 1896. Exports increased
from 5,735, bicylea in 1S9G to 8,690 in
1897 or 69 per cent, while the produc
tion increased 68 2-3 per cent.
It is gen 'rally known that any small
dead mammal or bird, when left near an
ant hill, will ultimately be found picked
clean of flesh quickly. It baa been late
ly demonstrated that they can be made
neeiul in tbe direction ot skeletonising
specimens. Prof. Bernard has been
employing ants as bis servants. Wh:ie
ir. FlnrMft hlk rial fnr snnirfwl Vn.
skeletonized ic a single dav. Tae onlv !
agents employed were ants.
To bs domestic is not considered com
monplace among great ladies abroad,
where the ability to rule one's home and
keep it in working order is thought an
accompluhment of tie first water.
Queen Victoria's daughters were taught
to cook and seW and tuaks themselves
generally cseful. The Princess of Wales
learned scientific dress cutting, and a.
royal princess not so very long agi waa
initiated into the ruyitariea of bair
dreesing. Educational Institute
Ihe Educational iostitnte held by Sup
A.S. McDonald at Lacomb, it this coun
ty, Not, 24 and 25 was well altenJed by
tbe people of that and neighboring dis
tricts. Teachers aod patrons of six
schools were present and took part in
the discussions. Toe interest waa good
from the beginning and increased with
' tbe session.
Thursday morn'ng's session was begun
with music by tbe Aberdeen quartet.
Prof. W.A.Cree of tbe Jordan school
then delivered aa address of welcome. A
Thanksgiving dinner wn-uext partaken
of that woold have made glad tbe heart
of tbe most exacting epicure. Tbe after
noon session consisted of music, recita
tions aid an adreea on The Proper Ob
servance of Thanksgiving by Prof. Mar
tindale of the Albany schools.
Thursday evening's program consisted
of music, and recitations followed by aa
interesting ad rets by ProL Martindale
on the subject of Parents and Teacher's
Untie to the Schools.
Friday morning's session was chiefly
devoted to discussing tbe subject of Leg
islation for tbe Public Schools. The sub
ject was introduced by J.C. Hardin
chairman of the Lacomb school board.
flie re maris elided a lively disenssion of
various phases of tbe subject by both
teachers and patrons. The talks on the
Needs of Changing tbe Mode of Elect
Ing tkmiity buperintenoante, and State
Building Funds for Schools were
sepecial interest.
Friday afternoon was given to the dis
cussion cf Parent Duties to tbe Schools,
Object Lessons and Oral Instruction io
the Schools, and District Educational
I be valuable assistance rendered tbe
Institute by Supt. McDonald and Prof.
Martindale has enlisted tbe ;ratitude of
every friend of education In tbe com
munity. Before the institute was adjourned
bupt. McDonald organized the Lacomb
Educational Association. Prof. O.N.
Blair of the Abeideen vcbool was elected
chairman of it.
The next mtet'ng of the association
will be held at Lauuiub at 2 30 o'clock P.
M. Dec. 21 I8D8.
Eats are playing havoc with the under
ground telegraph aud telephone cables
iu St. Louis. They have discovered that
the wires are covered with paraffined
paper, and tbey like the taste. To satis
fy tteir banner tbey must gnaw through
tbe lead casting around tbe wires. It
has happened in a number cf cases that
tbe lata lo gcawing tnrougb the lead
cablei to get to the greased paper have
bared the topper wire? so they touched
eacu oilier ar.0 cross In such a way as to
make it lirjpsiMe to establish a com
munication over them .
Prof Baron bus btqui-sthed to the
city 'of Brliu the tam of 470,000
maris, to found au educational institu
tion lor which they are to be
reared on a strictly vegetal iau diet. Ii
is uncertain whether the common coun
cil will accept tbe bequest with this
condition, as tbe members of that body
are nearly equally divided in their
U, S. Senator form.. ut California
says: 'Personally I do not favor the re.
tention of the Pbilippmes, but great
quesuone oi state may arise which will
outweigh my opinion." He expressed
falmulf as fa7oralle to the ap( eai . f the
war tax j
Th... -ill ,..kl.l tilled off the
mind of the dear people when the treat;
of peace is signed. The axon; leading np
to the final act has been great.
river to spawn her eggs and then tries to
follow the 8mon up the river.
The Astoria papers cuauuue to have
their bauds (all in proving that that city
ia the seaport of the Northwest. lo tbe
meantime it is a tact that nea'ly al the
business is being done through l'oit-
It is said there will be no extra seeeion
of congress. By all means no extra eva
sion. Tbey are Gascoes. It is time oar
legislators settled down to business and
made business business in a business
way. The public ia tired of the jobbing
Style ot running government affairs.
The taut is in tbe clutches of an im
mense eto'm peculiar to that section of
country. Isolated as it is away from
Oregon nothing else can be expected but
cyclones and bhtzards. It wouid be a
great thing if thev could secure oar
mountains as a hedge against great
winds, and our Japan current with its
tropical smell and soothing effects.
The Ooregoaiaa is publishing pictures
ot Oregon pioneers. This is good. They
deserve all tbe attention paid them. In
building np this great common wealth thi y
accomplished with odds agaiuet them
what redounds to their credit, for it was
not in palatial surrounding, but amidst
the greatest hardships and privation
that a foundation was laid for a state
that ia a credit to the union.
There is a big discussion in the papers
as to whether free silver is dead. Well,
it ia not, because it is tbe cause of tbe
people, and they will never permit it to
die. They will keep demanding it until
silver baa the same rights that gold has.
confident of the fact that then they will
go band in band at par, each rilling ite
place in the monetary system, in their
entirety representing tbe whole pe-pte,
and not a part as under a single stand
ard. Jr'rom the Santiago Independencia, re
ferring to the negro troops
It ie contrary to all joetice to eeod
here as an army of occupation the cot
throats and murderers who, ever sincr
they came, bave acted worse than the
Spaniards ever did. These men are so
bad that they have to be ot to a far-off
town where their misdeeds have cul
minated in botcher- and laughter
worse than even Cubans have been at
customed to.
This talk about an open door policy fo
he islands is bringing out tiie fact
tbat there are othere, that is, that in a
general sense one nation bas tbs same
rights that others have, aod that tbe
golden mle must operate in internation
al affairs aa well as in personal affairs.
Whenever the United States though, se
cures pot session of any cf these islands,
it will have to provide for the same pol
icy for tbem as for onr home, govern
ment, for there can be no distinction in
socti matters. Tbe acquisition of these
islands is suggesting some serious prob
lems to be solved in tbe future, ove
which there is bound to be contention.
Its a mighty poor enterprise, wi.h a
half million capital, tbatcannot stand
upon Its merits without state aid. A
dollar a ton for sugar beets is not very
much, but when you figure that tbe Or
e 400 sugar company can use from two to
three hundred tons of beets a season it
foots np a pretty good pile ot the peoples
money to be paid out in a term of five
years. The sugar company pays 4-50
per ton for beeta now, aod should tbe
state provide a bounty of one do'.lar a
ton there is nothing to prevent tbe com'
any from their price to 13.50 per
ton, in which car tbe producer wonld
be no better off than now. E. O.
Wben peace is declared tbsUcited
States should reduce the army to about
the old size, wbicb is large enough for a
republic like tbe Uneted Stales. Tbe
people should nut be mads to psy for a
standing army of 100,000 men. This it
not an empire but a government by tbe
people who are willing at an boors notice
to take op arms in tbe common defence.
Big armies suggest war continually, and
are an atavnion towards strife, and as
a peace uatioo e soould oppose ever
thing that tends toward war. It is im
perialistic in its nature, and we should
guard sealously against everything that
may lead away from the democratic
spirit. Aa extravagant government ia
inconsistent with tbs spirit thst founded
tbe anion, and it is proper for tbe people
to object when an unnecessary tax is
levied upon them in whatever farm.
A group of BloomiDgton business men
wars at tbs Windsor Hotel last evening
discussing matters of general interest.
Finally tbe subject turned to advertis
ing, and this is what one ot ti e oldest
men in tbe group said :
"Daring my eleven years' experience
advertising retail business, I bave learn
ed that it does not pay half aa well to
adveitise any other way as it does to put
your money in newspaper space. Some
01 you bave spent your advertisipg ap
propriations in programs, menu cards,
schedules, time tables, guides, bote! reg
isters, industrial booas, wall bangers,
wsll charts and the like. And I will
tell you frankly that you are next door
to throwing yonr money away when you
are susceptible to the blandishments
in promoting patronage tor such
"Catoff IhfSoliBks. Pat your foot
down firmly that not auother dollar
aha 1 Ite diverted from the newspaper
tbat Koee mto houses brhtling with in
terest and intelligence. I have spent
nearly 4,000 days studying means, metn
ods aud media essential to profitable ad
vertising, and I am convinced the very
best way ia the newspaper. Pin your
faith lo it firmly if you have ary thing to
sell that tbe people want.' Everybody
who can read reads the henttiaper, and
you cannot reach to many people so
cheaply in any other way.' Blooming
ton Leader.
Lttsr List.
Following is the list of letters remaiuing
in the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Nov. 29, 1898. Persons calling
for Uiese letters must give the dnte on wbicb
they were advertised :
Ackerman. Mr A Miller, I A
Brvar. Mr John Miller. Mrs John
Oraft, Mr Frank Preston. Mrs Dinnie
Gillandus. John Tbedel, Samuel
Minard, Mr T M Uwentiofrr, E;mer
Millar, J W Walker, Jeflie
Mcltae, Miss Rena Zimmerman, Theo
T. J. firrrsa P.M.
See Locals on every page.
Washington Lctttr.
(From Our Ragnl.r Correspondent.)
Washington Nov. 21st 1893.
Nobody need bs misled by tbe back
ing and filling of the peace commission- '
ers and the weekly crisis, on paper, al
ways accompanied by an alleged ultima
tum sent by this government. There
bas been but ouequtation to be settled
since this KOvernmeut demanded the
Philippines. The price we are to pay
for them, lhatques'ion Is tUl unset
tled. Why, some of the Spanish bond
holders could probacy ti. When it is
settled we wilt hav the treaty ol peace
and not btf- re. That M r. McKinley could
quickly settle this business by sending
an ultimatum is unquestioned; also that
he ought to do it, but it is humiliating,
in tbe extreme, to have men close to the
administration ant.ouncitig every week
that one has been sent, when a day or
two afterwards it becomes apparent to
all the world that it bas not.
It is the easiest thins: tu the world to
get people accustomed to and iodiffer
ent to large public expenitures. Ooly
a few year, aao the Diroriatiou ot
billion dollars by a republican congress
aroused the public opinion of the coun
try, and elected a democratic president
and congress. Since thea about eve y
congress bas been a billion dollar coo
gress, and toe present congress wuico
baa already appropriated almost bil
lion dollars, will, by the end ot the com
ing short session, bave reacned tbe two
billion mark. It ! trne that a consid
erable portion oi this money is charge
able to the war, but outside ot the war,
the pull'c expenditures nre entirely too
extravagant, and might be already cur
tailed without lessening the efficiency ol
tbe government.
Mi. McKinley has shown bis adroit
ness as 'a politician by deciding not to
recommend any legislation at the com
ing session ot congres '"' ''ito Rico or
the Philippines, and tt, .p the islands
under military rule for awhile. He
knows that the queetion cf legislation
for the islands will be a Uoubleeome one
and prefers that it shall not be taken np
until bis party bas a majority in both
branches of coogres.
Tbe republican D S district attorney,
for south Carolina spent two entire days
ensu ling witb the administration, up-
ou what should be aooe by the attorney
general, if anything, about the race
trooblee in that state. Tbe district at
torney was not' enthusiastic over tbe
probable success of tbe plan ot trying to
get indictments against whit men tor
participating in riots, from a federal
grand jury, bieb baa been adopted by
the administration, bat be will have to
try it on, if the admin.stration insists ;be
wishes to continue drawing bis salary.
Tjltwit, tbe eeairtint poet-master, who
was driven away from McCormick, has
decided to stay in Washington and try
fc cilch a go7eroment job, on the
strength nf his "martyrdom.''
It has been dr finitely settled that Mr.
McKinley will, io his annoal message to
congress, leocommena that tbe regular
army be increased to 100 000 men, and
that be will indorse the r recommenda
tion of secretary Loog that three battle
ships and twelve croisrs be built, and
twenty thousand men ncd two thousaod
five hundred bre be enlisted to tbe
From the World.
Bere arc some of the amouots which
Republican candidates ia this State
swear that tbey spent in their campaigns
UnJerhiil, of West Chester $6 610
Stewart, ot Amsterdam. t,971 Kstcbum,
ot Dover Plains 7.500 Liltauer, of Ulov
ersvil'e $3,000. These fiaures dees not
includs the sums speut f .r nominations
or reaominatioos.
Ia his two years he draws a salry of
Question : Ii it coming lo pass that on
y tbe rich can get Republican nomine
ions for Congress io Ibis State?
The sbility of Dretfus to sustain bis
pit sent herd life, svoiding tbe tempta
tion to commit suicide or die of dispair
is now being explained in large tvpe by
an advertisement writer for a minsrsl
water company, who aonooners that in
bis monthly list of wants fit warded to
the French government the lonely pris
oner includes two bottles ot the com
pany's water.
JThe 8h Laki Tribune hasccmeto
the conclusion that the silver cause is
on the down grade and is discouraged ia
consequeaces. Silver will probably never
be anything more than a commodity, snd
neither will gold if it was not sustained
as tbe one ''precious meta!" by the bond
snd mrrate issue against lbs soil as
security wbicb makes the dollar st If ac
cumulative. E. O.
Tbs Springfield rtfl is 'J be retired
from general uss in the army, ami the
Krag-Jorgeoson is to take i s place.
Tbis is a great improvement, ss six
shots can be loaded at one time, wherea
tbs Springfield only one cou'd be loaded !
osroreeaco uuag. Toe bolUt Is steel
tipped and carries nesrly two miles.
Soon the obituary notice w read like
bis: "Peter Jones disd aod left a wife
sod two children. Loss fully covered by
insurance." Or, if the deeeaaed is not in
lured, it will resd ss follows: "Jobo
Smith is dead. He leaves a wife. Total
loss; no insurance. Ex .
The funeral of Ueorgn Washington was
held December 17ih, 1799. It is pro
posed to bo.d a centennial observance
of his death, the funeral ceremonies to
ts ieproducd.
Has a Magic Touch .
Mr. EugeneClark, the typewriter man,
was in the city today. The following
rora the Statesman explains why :
Eugene Clark, the type writer rebuild
er, bas just completed two Remington
machines lor persons in Albany, and
hey are, certainly things of beauty and
enow very plainly that Mr. Clark is a
mechanic ol the highest order. One of
the machines is a No. 5 which has been
o remodeled toat it is now ore of the
latest patents of that company's make;
it is tl.e property oi the Lion County Ab
stract company. The other macnine is
that of Htate Senator P. 11. Kelley, of
Linu county, it being a No, 2 so spanged
that it now Iihs the very latest appliances.
Mr. Clara Iihs another No. .2 Kensing
ton, that belonw to the county clart of
Linn county, and when it is again ready
fr me it will be in condition for the
same kind of work that a typoist can do
co s Keromgton No. 0.
flonev to Loan.
w9 have a block of $40,000 to loan ol
irood farms in Linn and adjoining count
If you have good security and perfect
1 title, we enn turr.ich yoc the coin without
j Jelay, as we make our own examination ol
! 'eenrity,
I t all or a or write
K. N. StkkieA vO,
I Albany, Oregon
Poor Portland, bonded to death. Now
n much in the grasp of the bond holder
.... - l.An,l unart)
unit sue nas io issue ,v.,,
time.eho gasps.
From the Denver Post.
In the beat cf political righting the
Salt Lake Tribune called utan, A
polygamous old hencoop," and the op-
' . . t - . ii.. !.:..,
position papers sioou up on mtir umu
legs and gesticulated at the referee, and
yelled "fowl !"
From the Atchison Globe.
It makes a man turn cold at the ma n
ner in which a womad puts his bard-
earned money into a pocketbook, carries
it loose v in ber hand, and leaves ii on
the tint couutcr she reaches.
A Missouri editor, iu response to a
queetion, "Do hogs pay?" said: A
great many do not. They will take the
paper for several years, then some dsy it
will be sent back marked "refused."
A freak foot ball game was played at
Ashland. The Normals in the first half
swept the field 17 to 0 and it looked like
an easy job. In the second half their
opponents, the high school boys wiped
tit- (ield with the Normals 17 toO and
i ho ec re was even.
People with capital are the ones ad
visea to go to rorto kico, Honolulu or
the Philippiues. If you have capital
what is the use of your going anywhere,
You are better off at borne. The chances
are nine to ton that your capital will be-
cuun experience msiue oi live years
any of those countries.
Says the the Chicago Record : It is an
interesting historical fact that every
member of the law firm of Mitchell.
Do) ph & Simon, of Portland, Ore., has
oeeu elected to the united States senate,
Mr. Mitchell served three terms, Mr.
ltolph served one. and Mr. Simon, the
junior member will be sworn in the 5th
ot December.
President' Jordan, of Stanford,
the Thanksgiving game said:
It waa not Stanford's time to win.
Our boys did the best they could. They
played against a superior eleven and did
not have aa strong a team aa we have
had in the past. But the Stanford spirit
is "Never give np," and so we will look
forward to another year when victory
will be ours. We are never dishearten
ed in cefeau
I am a great believer in football. It is
an educator for the men who plar in it,
and also for the rest of us. it teaches
discipline and self-control and creates a
bealthy spirit or rivalry that ia good for
us all.
".and to cede Porto Uico, tiuam and the
, ... tv t . . . , . . Philippine islands.
apt, keye, of Dakota, just back rom j Tbe document presenting this socept
Manila, msde a careful study of the con-jance contained only SOU words. The
ditions st Manila, and says that tbe con-1 reading and the translation of the docu
sensus of opinion among army officera is j wenl occupied ls that than five min-
.. .k. oiT i . , , . lutes. Al the conclusion of the tranela-
tbat the Philippines ihould not be re- tton the commissioners empowered .de
tained. He says the natives there are a nor Ojeda, swrelary of the fcpaaiah com
laay, low. troublesome lot, anions' whom mission, and secrvlary Moore, of the
dissensions and trouble is constantly
brewing. Army officers have, siute the
occupation of Manila, taken tha entire
government in hand, all iLeofiicers irucn
inn oigoefi 10 tbe lowest beiutf 13 charue
01 army officers, while
insurgents openly
the police force. Tbe
proclaim that tbey will not submit to
American rule.
Tbe Oregoatan is talking out very
plainly. Here ia a sample. The Ta
coma Ledger finds fault with the Ore
gonian because it frequently criticises the
national admininurtration. The Oregon
lan ia not preparirg aa orHce-bunting
bureau, nor is it an organ of olfice-hoid-ers
wbo burn incense under the noes of
Oa administration. Therefore it talks
iodepeodeotly, snd it criticises in lbs ad
ministration just what it thinks requires
criticism. It knows moreover, and it
knows that the whole American people
know, that Mr. McKinley is not s strong
man, ot clear vision, bat a weak man.
groping and makinar blander tolerated
lor the present only because of the re
spect thst is dus to tbe office ot tbe pres.
taent 01 me 1 oiled Mates.
60c, 5Sc, 73c, 9c. 11.23 and up.
"Rubber Shoes"
Childs. .
.$ 52
J. A. Weaver.
Opposite Masonic Temple.
Full line ot standard
country produce
No single leader, but
leader at bottom price.
groceries and
everything a
Wagons ron in tbe country selling gro
ceries snd collecting produce.
Money saved by trading at Ibe Crack
Sealed bill will be received by th
County Clerk of Linn County until Janu.
ary 6in. 18y9, at the hour of I o'clock p. n.
for labor and material required in tbe re
modeling ant improving a l.rick coutt
bouse for Linn County, at Albany, Oregon.
AU wrk lo be completed by September lt
18!)l, accordi ntr 'o plan and speciSuctions
os file in ray office.
Tn Coi nty Court will consider bids as
First, For the completion of tbe entire
tecnnd. All maor. and carpenter work,
including material "f brick, stone, lath and
plastering, cementing, concrete, lumber,
Third, Henting and plumbing complete.
Fourth, Galvanized iron, tinning and
Fiftu, Piintinir.
The successful bidder will be required to
(five an approreu uonu ror me amount of
his bid immediately after the contract i
awarded bm, upon such conditions aa the
court may detrn nuns and demand.
The County Court reseterves tbe riht to
rrjcvi ur an Dias.
Hy order of the County Court the 1Kb
day of November, 188.
trk of Linn Couo'v, Oregon
Albany )0regon.
Offiots, Bint of Oregon Uuildincr.
Only set of Abstracts of Linn County -Complete
set of maps and plats
H. F. nerrill
Insurance and Collection Aaron Vo ie
to loan, warrants bout ht Otlica in the
Democrat bailrUua .
The Treaty
rAitm, Nov 29. The secretaries of the
two peace commissions, Moore and
Ojeda, were at the joint task of formula
ting the ankles of the peace treaty this
afternoon, as directed by the respective
communions at yesterday s conterence.
The secretaries embodied in
tides for lictSHion the subjects of the
religious freedom at the uaroiine ihibuub
a naval station for tho United States in
the same eroun. cable landing rights at
other points within Spain's jurisdiction.
release ol insurrectionist prisoner auu
revival of treaties broken by the war.
On all the points outside of the proto
col there will be friendly negotiations
onlv. Snain havinu the riht to name
prices she wants for territory and to re
ject or accept the American offers. The
Spaniurds. no leas than me amerinuw,
now are anxions to conclude tho busi
ness which brought them here.
The Staraa
Boktos. Nov 29. The passing hours
do not brin an end to the reiwrts of
w recks and loes ol lite up ana aown me
.x .... t - -
New Englahd const as tuo outcome oi
Saturday's ten itlic storm. From Cape
Cod. the inoHt turriblo accounts of ruin
and death are coming, and of theeo. the
loes ot the steamer Portland, with all on
board, nearly 100 souls, overshadows all,
The trravevard of the coast, the treacher
ous bars and rips on the outsid of Cape
Os I I. a.... ..I..! .l !.. .a u'ittif.itt nmii.
Aa Taaaerecaral Hald-an
Kashas City. Nov. 29. A special to
the Journal from Sedaiia Mo., says :
The Missouri Pacific passenger train,
which left St Joseph at 2 :30 p m today,
via Kansas City .running from the latter
city over the Islington branch, waa
held up four and a half miles west of
Sedaiia at 9 ;5d by three masked men,
one of whom, Jim West, an engineer in
the company, a employ, was captured,
while a second is believed to have been
wounded, and tho third escaped. In
fectives were on board prepared for
Will e lerea wal
New Yoke, Nov, 29. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
One of the tirst results of the deter
mination of the peace negotiations at
Paris will be an order for tbe mustering
out of aa many as 30,000 men of the vol
unteer army. The orders tiius far cov-
"r atut 85,000 men, but not more than
oo.OUJ have actually been mustered
Paoviscrrows, Maee. Nov. 29. Twen-tv-seven
vessels were driven ashore and
totally wr.cke1 in this neighborhood.
From the majority of theee the crew
were saved, although several Uvea were
ioet. Four or five of the wrecks were
coasters, and Uie ret were tislu.'rmen.
Spalai Aers4
Pakis, Nov. 28. Spain ha accepted
the United States'oftcr of :SX,UA.nd at
a joint aersion of the peace commission
this afternoon oonsenud without con
1 fiition tn th rvlinnuihmfnt of Otilia.
American cominiKtn to draw up arti-
' cles which are to embody the relinquish
1 ment ol Cuba by Spain and the cewxion
j of Porto Kico and the Philippines. Thee
: anioca nuu may cuatwreu
i connoting the conditions ol reace, wdl
be ready for submission on Wednesday.
. - v , tl . .1
Madrid, ov 2. The city this even-
ing ia calm. There have been no d.s-
turbances resulting from the announce-
menl ol frpam s accpunee ot the terms
of the Americans. The papers, however.
publish gloomy article, eauiy remind -
ing the country that the day is one lone
. . . . - . , , - ...
oe rememuereu as marcing me Cioe-
AU agree that the government has ado;
ted the only rouble policy, though
much bitterness is displayed toward the
CniUxl Mate.
P.ros". Nov. 29.-H known definitely
,.... ,,., - .1. -a 1: , . '
WMt,H, luviv uiau tip till; 1VI
been loet in the rrk f t!, tn !
H-hnuirn n) m.1 lr .i , .
storm of Saturtiay night and Sunday
morning, ann if the eu-amer Portland
bas gone down, as now eems possible,
the list of casualties will rise to 10
with over 100 vessels of ail
rra I. Strath Iu Orpca
I'xiox, Or., Nov, A minor, Wil
liam'Imb. i found dead a few dars
aga, near Sanger. He became lost ia
a snow storm and was found fruten to
to death. It is reported that there was
a gunsiiol lound oa his body, snd the
coroner went out to hold an' mquet. but
tbis proved to be untrue. Tbe bodv was
brought here for burial, which' took
place today.
asa4 aae araB4
Pexoletox, Nov es. Deputy Sheriff
Stamper, laat night captured Ikas llaum
ister, who burglarized Max Lewin's
store al Athena last week. After the
arrest was made and liaumster was
brought to Weston to his home, he made
his escape in the darknees while the de
puty sheriff was knocking on the door.
Will a tgae4
Waphixotox, Nov. 27. Throughout
the iace negotiations, which are still
pending in Paris, the president has ex
pressed cuntidence thst a treaty, satis
fartory to the U. S should be drafted
and signed. From time to time asssr-
ranees of subtitaotial progress towsrd
that end been received from the Am
erican comniiMioneni. Today advices
were received lv the president from Mr.
Day, president of the American commis
sion, reiterating the assurances he had
previously given tbe president of the
early and successful conclusion of the
work ot tue commission.
Pa sis, Nov 27 .The cabinet has agree
upon the instructions of Senor t;in
presiueni 01 me tspsniah peace commis-
sion, lor tomorrows joint sesfion at
1 arm, at nuwu uie tree ly win be aign-
Big stilutsnl
IJOBTOX. NOV. 27. A record lironkinc
.'ureinwr unr.Earu swept over the great
er portion of New "England last night
x- I I I . . .
ano touay completely demoralmng traf'
uc ol every description and well nicli
paralysing telegraphic and telephonic
wmniunicaiion, wnue uie northeaet
gale, com inn on at Inch coursu tiih.
drove the eea far beyond its usual limits
and made a mark along the shore ex
ceeded only by the memorial hurricane
of 1851.
Terrible Scrleeat
Stockton, Cal., Nov. 27. Tho must
disastrous river accident in the history
of Stockton occurred this morning at 4 :20
' I rj 1. tr i : 1 . 1 1. 1..
a part of one of the boilers of the steam
er r C Walker which left San Francisco
at o clock last night, was blown out,
killing six and dangerously wounding
11 pernons, w hile probably 15 or 20 oth
ers were more or less seriously hurt. Lrnrhea
Mekiiuax, Miss., Nov. 27. Reports
have reached here that three negroes
were lynched laet night four miles west
of Maridian. Newton county farmers
are said to be on tho trail of others im
plicated in an nssatilt on a white man,
who came to Meridian Friday from Now
county and was pursued and fired upon
by the negroes. A mob of armed farm
ers left for the scene, and while no de
finite news is received, it is lielioved
they have summarily dealt with the
Weal Throngb a Brldce ,
Roanokk, Va., Nov. 27. A northbotiti
fast freight, on the Norfolk & Western
railway went through a bridge near Ki
fata llv inl', en'ia"v aYUl VV"Lf ' JVa8
lUtttliy 111 HI red. and Kniinpir Klonhun
Ma ,. ...;..... i 1 1 D
JHayo seriously scalded.
Ground Floor
Dental Office
Vard Littler,
Broadalbin, St.
Albany, Oi
Strictlv business
French tbe jeweler.
Crescent 3icvcle.
Hopkins brothers, agenh.
Beat Bicycle for tue money .
Will & Stark, jewelers.
"Trilby" leads, others follow a
Stewart It Box Hardware Co's.
A dnr.. first class photos, best finish.
only 50 cents at Miss Long's.
Seed rye for sale. Call at the Albany
Nursery or at the store of C. E. Brownell.
Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brother
for only 920, f 30, t35 aod f-r0.
U B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets
to all points in the east. !
Be sure .iirl iwrt llw un'i rut tinware at
Uopkin Hi ox, will his. a li'.Hime.
We have decided 10 continue making
the 6C cent photos. Long Photo Co.
For calcium carbide eo to the office of
Oregon Oas Light Heating & Power Co.
A fine lot of new cook stoves an
ranges at Stewart & Sox's. Prices cheap
er than ever.
Bring the babies snd set a doz. ot
those cute Utile Dismonu photcB, only!
50 cents st Miss Long's.
Don't buy an "Airtight" stove unt
you see the "HU-korv" and "Trilby
kept by Stewart Ac Sox.
"Trilby" the roost popular beating
stove on the market at Stewart A Sox
Hardware Co's.
Tbe Long Pboto Co. is the leading
gallery of Albany. Every photo made
there is a gem of if Call and see for
Co to Verick's shaving and hair cut
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
snd cold baths. Clean towels to every
W ben you want a choice f leak, a nice
roait or meat of any kind, call on Heurj
Jro ltr. He keeps tbe brat.
The best meats of all kind aad good
treatuieut at the Albany Dressed Bee)
Company' market, juht dwn Second
treet. Good weight and prompt attend
Soott ing, bealicg. c (aninfr, l e vvjti
itch lit-l balve is tbe implacable ene
my of sores, burns and wound. It never
fails to cure Pile. You may rely ufou it.
J. A-Cummiog, agent.
Constipation prevents tbe body from rid
ing iiaeli ot waste math r. De Witt' Lit
tle fcarly Risen wilt remove tbe trouble
aed enre Sick Headache, BiIIootnes. lo
ad ire Liver aod clear the complexion
bmaJ!, mev coated, don't gripe or tiu--nausea.
J. A. Camming, agent.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dot' r Ho
ward for aav case of Catarrh ti:at cai.
not bevureJ bv Hall's Cstarrii Cure.
F. J. CliENEY A C.. Props.,
Tuledo, O.
We, ths undersigned, have knowh F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions, and financially able
to carry out any obligation made by
their firm.
Wnt A Tacax. Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo O.
Wautitso. ki.tSA & Masvlx, Whole
sale DruirAst. Toledo. O.
Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting d.rectir upon the blood and
mucous sunaces of the system. Price
per bottle. SrJ-1 by all lJruggista.
Testimonials Ire.
Hail's iamilv Pills at best.
Special meetinj tbis week in the
Evangelical rtorch. Krv. Ernst, of
?, "rL". JuT"" ' "
- ' t
Miuxcsar. Ladies who are late pur
... "
chasing their tuininery ca.i and see my
SmethJUs; new at the Mii-
j m" v -
' flTlvtru
1 UtlAilliH.
1-TnB Conttv Wt or raa ptatb or
a the matter of the estate cf Robert
John, deceased.
j0 iDomt John. Francis John. WU-
luraJoHo. the chisdrea of Martha Heckle,
j oe eased tee thtidrea of Martha Madiford.
the chi tlrea et laoma Jobnt. deceased.
. ... . ti , 11. 1
and tbe cnildren of Richard Johos, de-i
ce!. and ait otisere keowa aad unknewa
interested io said estate, greeting:
j Oregon, yoa are hereby cited and required
0 spear ia the t'cooty Court of the State
of Ureses, tor tbe Cocaty of Linn, at tbe
court room thereof, at Albany, ia said
countv. oa Monday, the 5th day of Itorwa -ter,
1M, at I'd o'clock in tbe forenoon of
that day, Icea aod tbere to show cause, if
any exi t.ay as order ot tbis court should
not iwie dirwtiag tee 'e of tbs follow-
I a detcrioen real propnt, UlonKiag
said etatr. tewit
hVeiomog at a point 41.10 chains Eatt
aad 73 Units Nrrtb of the Soatbwnt corner
of the d, nation land claim of Geo. CUne
I aad wife. Notification No. l&l'i aod Cairn
1 No S4. la Township 11. Sooth of Range
4. West of the lilamHte Mendiaa, Ore
son, and ruaaiag thence North 35 degrees
.11 ratout-a East 19.65 chains: tbence
North 57 degree, and 30 minutes East 9.30
chains; theare North 51 degrees aad 15
minute East 21 chains; tbence West 5160
cbaias to tee center of the main channel of
Calipooia creek; tbence up taud creek fol
lowing the meudtr thereof 10 a point due
North of tbe place of Iwioning; tbence
South 32.14 claios ro ifc- place of begin
ning, containing 60.23 arre, taring aaj
excepting one baif acre heretofore oeded
tot., b. Uplift t. lying on Uie Calipooia
bcreek, aad also except ingtberefrom 5 acre.
, eret cf ors deeded to H. F. aod Mark Hr
urr; ana riso .t.o acres ueiwoiurr unwu
'o EliiaS. bUrtnick, said above described
Prowrtr belortirinir to said e-ta'e. contain
ing 51.3s acre lyina and being in Linu
Count r. tn-ir"w.
V:tne. (he Ilea. Geo D
Harton. Judge of the County
Court of the htate ot uregon
(L. SI for the County rf Linn, with
the Sea! of said Court affixed
this 9th Uy of November, j
D., ISM.
Franc Chabtrik. Clerk,
I y R. B. MoKTAOi K, LVpcty.
Altert :
lir virtue of an execution and c-rdr of
sale duly issued out ot the Circuit Court of
tbe iUte of Uregon for tnecvjuntr ot Lino
to me duly directed, deliverer1 and dated
the 23-.b day of November. 1W3. in a cer
Uin suit In said court wberein James F,
McCartney was p aintiff and Levi Doug
las Mary A. Duuplas bis wife ma M.
Cunningham a Administrator of tbe ft-
tate of 1 hemaa Roach, deceased, were de
fendants, ia which said suit tbe sal a plain
tiff. James r. McCartney, recovered
iuducient on the l7tb day of Nov.. &8.
against the sa-d defendant, Levi DouglaUor
tue sum of WS0.f,and interest ibereon at
8 per cent tier annum, aid the further sum
of t;t00 00 as attorneys fee and for the
costs and diiibursemerta taxed at I2S 00,
ordering, adjudging and deereeing that
the reai property described in plaintiffs
incrteage and complaint towit:
iSehinnia? 36 feet Went of tbe North
east corner of tbe Donation land Claim of
W. A. Forgey, tutnce Nortu 110 teat
thence South 89 deirree West 80 feet.
tbence bouth 110 feet, thence North 99 de'
grees bast to the place of beginning: to
jp 15 S K 4 west of tbe vTihamctte mer
idian in Linn county. Ureiton. Also be
ginning 34o feet West and 110 feat Nortb
of the Nuttbeast corner nf tbe Donation
Land Claim of W . A. Forgey and running
I hence North 184 feet and nine inches.
thetce South Si) dogrees West 80 feet.thence
South 104 fret and nine incnes, tneace
North 89denre East 80 feet to the place
oi beginning in f'p 15 S R 4 west of tbe
Willamette Meridian in Liioo county, ur
egon; le acta to satiety said ludgmeot and
Therefore notice is hereby given that I
on Saturday tbe 31st diy f Droanbsr
I . ........ . ... ...i n .
A u ,sya al ,U8 DOir or une o ciooa r at
, id d; , lhB tr0Qt d lor , the court
home, in the city of Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to
the highest bidder for culi in hand, sub
ject to redemption acorduig to law, the
real property in anid order and daoree aud
herein before described to satisfy said
judgment and all coMs and coarges of
uiitkuig such ta'e.
Dated this 29 U day of November A D,
I. A. MrjNUKKrt,
Sheriff of Lim county, Oiegcn,
De Wolf
America's Greatest
Paine's Celery
Back of every smooth performance
there is an amount ot preparation etady
aad rehearsal that siobn tells cn the
health of every actor. It is tignincant
how unanimous men aad women in pro
fessional lite, whether actors, editors,
tract era or physicians, are ia regard to
Pkioe'a seijry compound. As a mere
tonic tor the exhausting strain of their
professional duties nothing. else does the
work ol ra'.ne seeiery com poena.
a testimonial taken at random irom
the many that a constantly received
from the theatrical proieetian, ears:
NEW YORK. CITY, Sept. 25, 1S9S.
Wells, Ricbsrdson 4 Co ,
Gentlemen: If others bsra been
helped by Paine's celery cojipiuod as
deeded !y as ta my rase I do not wonder
at the eoihosiastic testimonials this
remedy is constantly rwcetvin. If I had
never beard a word as to its remarkable
invigorating capabi ity, I coo Id unhes
itatingly recommend it ?rm my own ex
perience. As a fact, many ot my pro
fessional friends hare been nrgrng me to
trr Paine s celery comioand. it proved
to be tbe rety thing my tired system
needed to overcome tbe exheus ting ef
fect of eloe application to stace work.
I am recommending it to ail my meads
1 -K-.v-.r th.. rom, nf air.:ne.
indigeetioa.or other mJi -aUons oi n-r
1 fef 1 m
tat J
wipe J '
I ft ft !ir7 X 4
Tbe English and German Expert Specialists,
Five Physicians aud Surgeons, alt Graduates from the Medical Colleges
ic the World.
leeaetwralee aaS.r t. law. af raltrta r-r s)tM,sea, EalaUUsml 9S yean.
A part of the staff of the English and German Fjtpert Specialists and
Dr. Meyers tt Co., wi'd make their regular monthly visit to Jjg-y
I ' i,ta '" Revere Hotel,
iiitr. Conanmntion. Broncliitis. Asthma,
Tumors. Deformities, Insomnia, Melancholy, laralysis. Hup ore. Dysentery, Dye-
. . . . . . i . . . . . -. it 1 1 1 . . T .1 .... V . t ' 1.......
pepsia, Aetiraigia, Kceumausm, oim cwunuu muu; icu vwupuiuiw,
including Ovarian troubles; Piles, Fistula, Obeeity, Ring Worm and Goiter; To
bacco, Opium, Cocaine and Liquor habit; Headache, Erysipelas, out. Tape
Warm. Hiliouaness. Dropsy, Gall Stone, Eczema, Freckles, Blackheads, Cancer,
etc. and Chronic Diseases generally.
vv'.. ............ . -. V ... .
ilu. Aiu 1 t.ftO ft CO. euro ruuo ijruiuij , mi uaiiuvRi uu i
Diseeases, including contagious blood poison, quickly and permanently, and at
reasonable rates. . ,. , .
n-k. Wn.,iiai. and Herman Exnert Snecialists and Dr. Movers A Co. are not on
lv competent aud reliable, but are responsible, being backed by ample capital and
ably managed.
Diseases which have bafllod the skill of other physicians and stubbornly re
(nan.1 ts viuld to ordinary medicines, methods and appliances, are quickly sub
dued and mastered by these successful doctors. They have the largest and best
equipped medical institute in America. .
111 Oil l I1C UlKIUm WHWIl
an.l ivmin Kxnert SDecialista
ly talk, which costs absolutely nothing,
whether treatment is takenor not.
iiomp r.IIRES While it is preferable in many instances to see a patient.
ti.a Tn.,iih ml Gorman Exoort SSoecialisU have cured thousands of persons
whom thev have never seen. If you cannot
for question list. Advice in regard to your
treatise on any disease ALLtKbb.
patients or prospective pauenu aacrouiy
For bargains in
Ladies and
Gent's Gold
Watches see
French the
Comedian Uses
Tome-s common in onr profeoioo.
I am, yours i ncereiy.
Ue Wolf Hopper. America's most pop
ular comedian, writing on Oct. 4, 1S93,
Iron the Knickerbocker theatre, says:
I cordially recommend Paine a celery
eomponnl as being thoroughly effica
cious "
When the history of Paine's celer
compound ie studied it is easily under
stood wby iu popularity is so enorm-Mj.
Paine's celery ompound is the world-
famed discovery ol Prof. Edward E'isfaa
Phelps. M. D . LL. D.. professor ot ma
teria medica stDartauouth college. Prof.
Phelps' unusual ttlent qoicary estab- i
lished his rspotalion and prominence
among his professional brethren.
He was folly alive to the dangers at
tendant upon tbe American way of liv-in-,
and be soogbt diligently for come
common sense remedy that would cure
the common eri'e, whih, under one
name and another, result from aa un
healthy state cf the ner to as system.
His labors were crowned "villi glorious
success, and he gave to tbe medical pro
fession the eel.brsted remedy which has
woo world-aide feme ss Paine's celer
Dec. 3rd.
and other Throat andlLung troubles:
Vl.:lU.. T . XT. 1 1 1 .11 T;.-.t
WVIIIC. o'i ...w.. vv .
or Ur. Mevers A Co. ii possible. A friend
is bound to result in a great deal of good,
see the doctors write the home office L
ailment, dook tor men or women ana
corresponaenoe ami oioer ueauuga , iui
FOR SALE At a bargain, a first
class express wsgon, a good team
and harness,
inquire st the farmers
Feed Ysrd.
X 7ANTED. A saleemsn asd eolleet-
VV or for the Singer Mfg,
at F. M. French's Jewelry
A Rare Bargain.
For sale, a house and lot in a favorable
part of tbe city. House is a two story,
eight room building in (rood condition.
Good well and city water. Will be sold at
a rare bargain. It most be sold so do not
miss this chance. Inquire at the irzao-
ceat office.
H ANTED. To rent 150 or 200 acres
v v of pasture
Pfe'iffer. Albany.
bave good oat aod wheat straw,
baled, in the city, for sare, wheat at
(3X0 and oats a(4.00 per ton. Farther,
if any teamster will do me good plowing
for biled straw I wilt allowa thni $1.25
per acre. Alvix J. Caeothkss.
"-W. L. Brouatein, Proprietor.
DEALER hi all kinds of new snd sec
ond hand goods, furniture, stoves, tin
and hardware, etc Goods bought, sold.
exchanged. Highest each price for hides.
pelts and lure. Ail kinds 01 junjc Dougnu
Parrish Block, next to Beam's.
If you bave a badly de
cayed tooth remember a
. new crovt n can fee inserted
by Dr. Adams as illustrat
Odd FeLow'e Temple, Albany, Or.
Alt work carefully
done seder latest
Poultry Wanted
Having located in the luiidirg in the
rear of M. r-ternberg A Co. we will do a
general poultry business, paying the
highest price
Powrss A tprenger.
Second Street between Ferry and
Broadalbin Streets.
Oliier Plois-Mfe
CPSN - , Arsats,
1 Jkay, Oreeosi-
vnirer gave the oSf tne cailkd pkrw
And unaasavevi aaorw .asey
to the fanner of America
than any other implement ever prmmeea
tier. nine OUver chil.ed are tbe beet ew
earth. The Oliver is a promoter of cappt-rx-m
oa the farm, and ibe dealer who sells
it knows he is kaodiing tbe best. Look
out frjt immuations and tench nothing bat
tbe genuine gonds. made caty by OSive
Chilled plow work. South Be d, ltd.. F
a. a.
Notice is hereby given to a'l persons ia
tereeted ia tbe estate of Anthony Bender,
deceased, that I hare filed my stJ sc-
eosnt therein, ia tbe County Court of Lisa
Coonrv. Uregon. aad utat Holiday, tbe zsd
day of 'January , the hour of 1 o'cJock
p. ro. of said day has been set by said court
aa ue time for bearing and settling ail ob
jections thereto. AU peraosw interested,
baring aay objections to said aoeoeat are
hereby leqaired to file the same with clerk
of said court, on or before the said das
above meeUoeei.
Geokgs Bksdkb,
Executor cf said Estate.
Notice is hereby give that the oaaer
signed bas filed tis bsal accooat with th
Cierk of the County Oert ot Lies County
Orecca. ia the matter of the estate of Her
ry Beataer, deceased, and tbe Court ha
hied the 5th day of December, 1S$S. atth
hoar of 1 o'clock p. m. cf said eay as th
time for bearing objections thereto, if nay
there be. Any aad all persons having ob
jections to said account will file the same
with tbe Clerk of said Court ca or before
said time.
Dated October IS, 1?.
LcTHsa Write,
Executor of tbe last iil sndltestamea
of Renrv Beamer, deceased.
hKixY & Curl,
Attorneys for executor.
Notice is n ere by urea that by order o
the court of Linn county. Or., du'y made
and entered of record, the nridersigaed bas
been duly appointed admiaistrator of the
estate of Etisabel h Aadersoa, deceased,
ail persons havirg claims against said es
tate are hereby ay ified and required to pre
sent tbe same with the proper Toother, to
the undersigned, witt-ia nx months from
the date hereof, at Albany, Or.
J. V. Asdkksok, Adsa'r.
WmiTHKRFORO a Wtatt.
Attorneys tor Administrator.
near Lyon street. Albany. Sells Chi
nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese
tea and nit oil.
L Li tJ iJ ti f J t3.j& ih
llOM s SMcS
blr wis or
fcoam-lt an
nnm i m
arc H rataw .
. sua At ov Km -tJ
LaaraakwH this It Ussse.
For sale by ). A. Ccmming
K. O. T. M.
every Saturday evening at K. O. T. h
ball. Vlsitintr KnighU iaviied.
V. A. Cox. Commander.
Wholesale A Retail
Pare Drugs and the finest and Larges
Stock of Stationary and Books
in the aiatket.
p vy ivry 0mk tm. f J I
'lf v Ivm. as mc -f
2 ISslSr