The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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Enter a6 Cke Foui omee al tlkir. )r. a eastl-Clais Hall Malleri
W r aiTTUC ratllsbcr sad rr.artet
1 1
-EST IH trade this nugget foe that pooch of "Seal," BiO.
u7f Not at afl there arc other nuggets.
There is nothing that can be satisfac
torily substituted for
Seal of North Carolina
Hundreds of attempts have been made
during the last ten years to equal it, but
nothing has ever satisfied the public as
well in a plug cut pipe tobacco. Have
you smoked it?
The Original Plug Cut
Always the same
Mild and Cool.
"Extracts, extracts" i the cry, at
Hon. II. M. Palmer ban been in Port
land on business a few day..
Miss LMa Palmer is visiting .villi her
Bister near Peoria.
W. M Lsmar was viHitiut: u Kivcr-
side last Sunday.
Miis Hatty Anton is visi mg wit! her
folki at Oatgrove.
Mr. kobert Marsh has gone down near
Leslie Palmer come straight home ircui
pravuruieeting last Sunday uight.
Rev. Fent--n is holdirg a i-eries of
meetings t Riverside.
Mr. and Mr.-t. S rreerkaea have not
yet returned iroiu tbeir vim in tue east.
They be surprised ou their teturn to:
Know tba; gliosis and extract liave
caused quite a euiatioti ai KiveiH-ie.
Airs, btelliuacher will heu'iile luiitent
( General Hospital, Manila, Fhillippines i
Islands. Thnrs.lnv (V-1.1S
. , j , ... i -
"mo over a week since 1 wrote you
I am tttll in the hospital with rheuma
tism. It is not very bad but it hangs on.
think it will be all right as quick as I
get bark to a cooler climate. 1 also had
a large carbuncle or something of flint
nature on the side of my fitce. The doc
Judge Boise adjourned the second de-
.uu...j, . partment Wednesday evening after
Papa andMamma :-It has been a u thebuaincea of the term ,ollow
reraweeksincel wrote you last, a..: r.,:.
tor lanced it and it will bo better I guess ' M"- Continued
Assignment Clark Bros, Continued
Assignment Albettiiia Krissel. Con
tinued. Assignment A. T Hamilton. Contin
ued. J. M. Mover agt Albany Woolen Mills
Co., receivership. Coniiuiied.
. . ... t V 1 k m.
Assignment . r , ki-sj. r irsl report
in four or five da vs. One is liable to
have most anything in this climate. I
am now in ward So 2. Is is a building
about 200 feet long and about 40 wide
witn leds down each side. All tint h)i
are full and there are about seventy of I
them, f here are nine other waid. hut
1st National Bunk aktC H Ltuirhead
el al, foreclosure Judgment fur plain
tiff. Several (Uninrera. Ilefault as to
Aditie Bryant. Continued
8 J E!dr set J W M( Bride, partition
Jas .NauUV ant Laura D Settlf-mirr
sewing on her nice new sawing machine : Chapliin Uilbeit comes over to see
some are not so large as this ne. Tliov partition Continued.
are all crowded to their utmost capacity, j Laura Caldwell art EI!
The death raie is about one or two a dav. ' tition. Continued.
V pouqc smallpox, out not much, i Owm-ian. Ht,,,, ...kHi
ronr ir fivM hawt al.. i a.a -.....:.( worgiana Mtie apt
;.: . . ... .: num i,.,v,.rw. n.r t
Caldwell, par
which she drew as a piiia hy pmchas! ig
a boll le of sxtracts, while A. j. Caldwe:l
may be found at any time soundly steep
lag on hi nice ne foldinir iou Ke drawn
asa priwj by buying a iKHliewl ettrads. i
Mr. May LIkIo. is veiv orood other1
iK!ii mice a weeic. lie has been verv
kind to me. I!., ave me a pillow.
had hal none More that and he brought
me Kiuie canned fruiU lie is doiu his
best to get me seni back to the states by
the next steamer, but I don't think i,
new organ liich she rnf ivd from tne , will succeed as they are very loth to send
Extract -Co. and Lee llignt and Dick any more back than they positively have
Lisles sleep very t und r eating bread to. I think our reim -nt will be back by
made from extracts Will extracts make ; Xmaajor very oon aiu-r.
the bread raise? Olcuux-e It will It! Miss Killia . ho was one of the Red
will raiee the hair on a dos back, only Cross nur.J over kin th
iookiiu at the bread. I wonder whv! - hunted lite l j hi d has come to - m
lhe hunting match a Inch Riverside 'everal times. You know she had some-
We are now located in the Masonic
Temple and West room of the Fro
man Block, everythingon the ground
flour. We are making &n extra ef
fort to please the buying public and
to that end have greatly increased
all lines.
intended to have Ttixnu-nivirg will be
postponed till in the fu uie.
In accordant wit': the Preeiden'
prjclamation. IT i. ion thauki-giving
Vicee i l Oe held in the .M. E. churcl
on Thursday, November 24, lSiS at 10 a,
m. Foilowinv program ondt-r the charge
of Rev. O B Sireyfeller wdl be rendered.
Hymn, hv the audience.
Invocation y lr. M C Wire
Hymn by M E choir.
Rea ling of Proclamation, Rev FentoD.
Scripture Reading, Rev B Hartman.
Prayer, Rev R McKi.lnp.
Krrruno, Rev Stevenson.
Prayer, Rev Lane.
Offering for the poor of Albany.
Offrrtory prayer. Rev H L Reed.
Music and benedictttn.
Everybody is cordially invited to
tend these services.
uung to i. wuti t! e nursn.g in Portland
thwpttal, hcd ni re I u:i.ternta:id. he
akl Mrs. Fisher told her to hunt me np.
It is rairing tlay and uiv rheumatism
is a little woi than us-ial."
e l-vt suiter (o.l tiian we did
uui i i" t.. ininextra It n
t. t k
iiio'Ihis and d-
Ui;irer, contiuiird
Thomas Itaidwin ajft M. J. Cameron
et ni, foreclosure. Sathd. . , '
J. A. Warner agt W. 15. Barr, et al.
vu'iuiiiiiu, , .
Frank. Kiernan agt J. IL Stearns,
tion for sheriff s deed, drauted.
Our Nut scry men
Tiie Northwest llortkultura ii
nurserymen with the following remarks:
Alt H Brownell ban la-en engai:ed in
the nnrcrv business tor man v vears. He
is niw the sole proprietor of the Albanv
nurs ne-. locau-j about one mile from
I)r. Carter, of Elk city, was la Albany
today on business.
Knox Haight has returned from a
wagon selling trip through lbs neighbor
Ing states.
Mis Grace Stafford, of the Harrisbnrg
school, spent Thanksgiving with her
parents in this city.
Bert Majers, a former Albany 701113
man, is running skating rioka in differ
ent plxces in the valley.
Mr. P. V. Duncan left Med ford Tue
Jy naming for Santa Rota, Cat , where
herhiiiband has engaged in the dry:
good business. Med ford Mail. !
j Dr. Ceisendorffer was called to Albany I
yesterday morning on account o' the ill
Jiess of bis sister who was reported dy
jing. The doutor w II 'return tomorrow
eveninjr. The pailer, T.JI.
M . Scott, of Aloanv. sent in a ear-load
o hogs 00 Friday. They were very large
and prime it taking only 19 of them to
make the load. Lie was down min s.t.
urdav with a load t f cattle. Rural Spir ' eldest daughter of J. E. Hamilton
it of Portland. I arrived last Wednesdav. The rainy
- Au u.giD .arcfiiwmen. appear either bt caused her to i ma in in-
each Friday evening to give fesons oa jTunksgivtg day at h-roe, ber friend
I I... . . . ii , I I 1 ... .
iiuiwi 10 in wuuontre me sme. vee ner uy calling at me family ret-
circasitn mettioa laogbt. Win Bt pu- idmce.
iuOTi w .Toiir or lor nome The rennrt k,M in n. 11. .( ik... :n
l ,m... . 1 .....-..... Lf- if. -I. r . -;--"--- will
s. .v. . ; w. u.. murno i. prouciedl De a war witn ''Turin ik-
in nil 11a
J. R. Bucknum. the llarrislur man.
wh is lust in the mountains, andjwho
has prolnUy perished, was a member of
tne noiKluien and Artizana. H i. In.
Baking Powder
Rlade from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum,
Alum baking powders are fix neatest
inaiacm to health of the present day.
pictures of Linn county's two leading oc 'his intrument,snd qaat fled to teach
tth. We feel for -Turkey. bat heboid
ii bas madj bimtelf scarce in this part
of the world and w will have to be
content with "-eryi." and saioe flesh
aod be thsnkfai,
Carriage and Canorv Tops
made to order at prces li at
will compete with eastern
I rices.
Repairing tops solicited.
Have the largest stock oi
harness, saddles and sad
dlery hardware in the Yal-
Tomlinson & Dubmille
George A. Wii"tz, IDii'ectoi'.
Astisted by Mis Cora, A. Wit tz, and other-.
Plowed Through Them.
Thanksgiving afternoon a band of red
men came up from Chemawa and slaugh
tered the eleven of the Albany college 64
to 5. The Indians from the start plowed
through the line of the Albanian, tearing
ereat holes wherever they pleased. Their
interference waa first chtss and thev
backed through, crawled under, ianmed
over and around the Albany team at a
terrific gate. Sanders, their fall back is
probably the best full back on the erat.
a whote team in himself. Among the Al-
bamea every man seemed to plav for
himself, there waa little interference and
the line gave away every time. Mor
rison played a star game and secured one
touchdown for the tearn.Snvderdid good
wore, ana xiaruiup tackled well. Bat
altogether the defence waa poor.
A farewell reception waa tendered
Mrs. Mary Hinz. before her denartnre
for China, at the home of Mr. John
Foshay. on Vednesdav afternoon. A
large number of friends were present.
Devotional exercese was conducted bv
Rev. McKilloo. after which a delicious
lunch was served. A very enjovabte
time was spent.
A CtTRiosiTY. For teveral days there
haa been exhibited in Albany a man who
certainly a curiosity. Here is the
story : When seven years old his joints
u;ui;, iuu nra itn 11 is uoaes
were eolid without a joint, except two or
three fingers and the wrist of the left
band. He is now fort v-four vears of ace.
and for thirty-four years he has lain hefp
hes on Lis right side, never stirring ex
cept when carried about, until he is al
most flattened, and can be lifted like an
inanimate object He weighs forty
pounds. His head is normal size but the
rest of his person is that of a bov and
shriveled up at that. He is intelligent
and can converse on almoet anv subject.
Dox'tLikb It. Corvallis people do
not like the idea of losing the bead of
fices of the Corvallis & Eastern, declares
it is a rumor. All the same the second
floor of the Elumberg block, or rather
four rooms of it bave been rented for the
purpose and will be fitted op for the of
fices, which will be moved here whether
Corvallis likes it or not, and as the char
ter of the new company calls for. Just
keep cool. Albany is a fine place for Uie
bead office of a railroad.
Br Anches Tuught Piano, Organ, Vio lin. Gotta
Sight Singing, Chorus and Quarts! Sinking.
Counterpoint, Composition ami JBamj
r, dolin, Voice Culture,
. Harmony, History,
1 Instruments.
Oregon Gas' Light Heating ami Power Company,
Cheap Light op
Cheap Heat
Cheap Pow8'
V 3
Church Eohsb ani Eotel
Church, House anl Eotei
Anything ani Everything
Correspondence Solic ite d.
Lost i the Moistaiss. J. 11. Buck
num and C. L. Morris, of Harrisbnrg,
last week went bunting in the mountains
east of Harrisburg. On Friday Mr.
Bucknum became separated from Mr.
Morris. On Bubknum not appearing
Morris hunted for him two days, but got
no trace of him. He then went to Har
risburg, where he got a party of fifteen
men, who began a search tor him, but
without nndmit anv trace 01 turn, ami
there is little doubt that he has perished
in the mountains, perhaps being acci
dentally shot.
The Woodmen of the World elected the
following officers last night as follows:
J. S. Van Winkle, Consul.
U.M. Knox, Adviser.
L. L. Swann, Clerk.
A. Mosier, Escort.
J. S' Lamar, Banker.
J. Shepard, Watchman.
L. Viereck, Sentinel.
K. B. Montague. Manager.
A social time followed before adjourn
The Magazine Club will meet tomor
row afternoon at 2 :10 with Mrs. Edward
B. Town send.
A Fierce Foot Ball Game. At Cor
vail is yesterday the game between the
O. A. C. and Forest Grove was a tie, 5
to 5. It is reported to have been one of
the most bitter ever played at that city,
The Forest Grove boys accuse the O. A
O. of brutality, among other things that
they even threw rocks and mud at them
during the beat of the game. If true it
displays that spirit which brings the
game into discredit among many. It is
probable though that the reports are ex
' 11 J down to 11 tal.U in .i
t" .jtatocs, beei.'Wak, rleutv o
g. , 1 . iJf bread, pie. etc. The
ttioiic ht of it makes my mouth water.
e have to live on dedicated potatoes (all
, the same Klon Thev are preltv
j good if well fixed up.
I I suppose Melv. will take in the C'.in-
' lT ""V "n nd my un this fall. I'd
like to be buck to trv the
rank Stelimacher is well and fat.
Major Elhs thinks I should be sent
home but he not the power to send
tne. If he had I'd be sent on the next
" r-ioco. it is rumored here that
Spain takes back the island, but it is not
cunbrmed yet. If that is so we will ail
be sent back as soon as possible I un
derstand we are to bave two months fur
lough when we get back. That means
two months' tiore pay.
I am trying to do what is right and
lltA I .1 II
Yonr loving son.
Fa ask li. Wiajt.
L ban on.
From the Criterion.
R. Hiatt, writing fmru Fresno, CaL, to
friends in this city, aays that he intends
to return to Oregon before long.
A. A. Kees left Thursday hut for Ta
coma and other Sound points. He will
remain in that couutrv for t). ;ni..
and possibly longer.
W. S. Mavberrv arrive.1 hr c 1. .
from Moro, Sherman countv. W h
had been for several montnV. Mr. Mav
berrv will stoo at thia nl th rn,.i
der of the winter.
H. 1 . Pay, representing thej .Etna
Savings A Trust companv. of Butte.
Montana, has been here for several days
soliciting stock, and trying to form a lo
cal board for his company at thU;ilace.
At tbe residence of Uie bride's father,
one mile north of Lebanon, on Wednes
day. Nov. 23. li8, Mr. Frank LuU and
Muss Belle Keebler; . Lovelee. J. 1.
officiating. Tbe bride is the daughter of
J. K. Keebler, one of Linn county's
most substantial citizens. The groom
is one of Lebanon's most popular young
barbers. r
Sam Mills, who lives about eight miles
east of this place, was arrwled last Sat
urday by Deputv Sheriff Bilyea and tak
en to Alhanv. Mills s charged with the
feddcliou of a H rear old girl named
Ausbun. The outlook at present is fa
vorable for Mills standing a few vears in
the penitentiary. Una-lie gave bonds
for bis appearance before the grand jury
at the March term of court, and return
ed home Monday.
I. C. Clodielter. of Portland, anent
Thanksgiving with Albanv friends.
Miss Flossie Knecbt gave a delightful
party last Wednesday evening.
Mrs. E. ETarrish went to Portland
today, where she will remain a month
or two.
License has been issued for Uie marri
age of A. K. Schick and Cassia E. Boas,
ol Brownsville.
Fred Weatherford and Hockey Mason,
of the Bishop soott school, Portland, are
spending the Thanksgiving season in Al
bany. Dr. Beanlslcy left this noon for Cali
fornia. He will stop at Tangent, where
he will preach tonight and tnen at Eu
gene for a few days. May the closing
vears of his life be full o! sunshine and
happiness he deserves. His stay in Al
bany has been a oleasing to many.
Ed. Warren accused of tbe burning of
Canyon City, is not the Ed. Warren, of
Minnviiie, who formerly resided in this
city. He is a son of Mrs. William Coch
ran of this city and a man of excellent
reputation. McMinnville continues to
bo his home.
i AlMnv (lr.,m i...; -.1.-.. 1 .1 ... 1 has caused general sorrow in that rltv .some of our oeoolti iron f!nr.lti. ..t
.1-1 ; - - ' . 1 ' l ' uy i III" , 1 . , , . . J , . , . .
-one , inu-re' j .ii:iiiit to Mr M.,rr..,n 1 " ninnty eteemel. A cams , eaiuraav.uoa ever, some went to aloany
eii.9 tom.'r ,tWoy.-3- a.-o. The erou.d. are wll i. ' heea establwhed near where he was 1 e have a.i invitation to attend a so-
cated t t tre sma and the nurwrv i- . '."rU ni eVcl7 effort will be made aM. at t-f of A. . Hamill
in aoecon.iiti.n. fre fr.m weeds and ' ".ougn it
from insect and fungi. Mr. Brownell is S eJ "n'1 ail trcka "bliterated.
a ttKiruugtiiy skillful and practical nur
servman and -a place is becoming fa
mous for supplying trees of ail kinds in
verv large quantities.
W If ft-llleiuire wl en but a mere bov
seemed to have a special desire for n i"r
aery work. At the age of If vears he !
gwn working in the nursery for his fth-r
t tue present site of ML Angel. When
10 years ol ae be took full charge, his
father giving him half the proceeds. He
continued in this manner fur three vears.
Jn the fall of 1857 he moved to his
present location where be has continued
the business up to tbe present time, be-
Kiuiuug oa a smaii scale but gradually
'iivicuiug uf tiaci iroin year to yer
ui i uow uaving prouuce.1 a large anl
uourisning nursery in which may be
ipana an exceilent stock of all the varie
ties of fruit suitable to the climate.
His nursery is situated near Tangent,
Ore., on the direct line of the Southern
Pacific Railroad. Here is tbegadvaniage
of filkng orders on tbe shortest possible
notice, and also of being very convenient
for those desiring to visit and examine
the stock. Mr. Settlemire takes pride
in referring to those w ho bave been ens
tomers for many years past as to satis
faction given of the trees sent out from
his ncrserv.
; has roceotlv snow
Lately. He hn orie of the
lure m the valley.
He has added Bahv Bat
Jint call in andy u wi
IFurn.tuie store
finest sto 3ka of Furni-
giea to h s. stock.
.1 find thatlhis prices are the
Bdbnbd Oct. A few nights ago the
fine residence of Mr. Lonner Ralston, of
Olex, E. O., son of Mr. Wm. Iialston, of
this city, was ournea with the contents.
lhe value ot uie Durnea property was
about 5,600, on which there was an in
surance of f 2,000.
Mr Richmond.Whceler and Miss Clara
Moses, were to be niarii.Ni i.i Oakland.
Calif., on Wednesday. Mr. Wheeler is
one ot the owners of the I'lalnview
creamery, and the bride is the talented
elocutionist, formerly connected with Al
bany college. 1 bey will come to Linn
county and reside in Mr. Wheeler's
country home. Thev have the best wish
es of many friends here.
A Thanksgiving service and sacred con?
cert was held at Brownsville last night.
which was otynore than ordinary inter
eat on account of a marriage being a part
of the program, which waa as follows:
bong by choir, invocation by the pastor,
anthem by the Albany college quartet,
(F resident Lee, Airs. Jee, Airs. WirU
and Clyde Bryant) piano soio by Miss
Templeton, recitation by Gold ie Mover,
vocal solo uy Mrs. wins, song by choir,
recitation by F'ay Cooley, anthem by col
lege quartet, auei oy miss Minth and
Miss Marsters, piano solo by Miss Pratt,
vocal solo by Prof. Lee, wedding march
by 1'res. Lee, marriage of Mr. Albert L.
bebick and Miss lassie E. Koss, bv Rev
James Thompson. with bridal march fol
lowing by rres. Lee, doxology, benedic-
uuu ami general congratulations in
wmcn an united, it was attended by a
large audience oi friends and citizens
the ihsnksgiving services at tha M V.
cnurcn yesterday forenoon rm
ly attended, lhe sermon was preached
uv ivev. vs. iv. etevenson. ami liu inn
generally complimented.
IIVa.1 I .,. . .
a ui immi icBwraur niuitnoman iin
leateu me i .oi.u.A. eleven 6 to 0 In
very even game. Downs.formerly of Alb
any uiii 1,11a muii iimyuig ior uie winners
making the only touch down of the
The Democrat man haa at his
the finest mistletoe bough probably ever
Driuni ana tne oerries are in fine condit
ion and profuse. It was taken from aa
trk-al Treat.
Toe Janet Waldorf company presented
"As You like It" at the armory Wed
nesday night and "Twelfth Sight" hut
night, to fair stxed audiences.and though
handicapped by scenery and a stage, as
suggested by one of tbe members of the
troop probably somewhat hke the ones
Shakespeare perioral ed on, they did con
scientiwis work, and glTe great" satisfact
ion. Miss Waldorf is an excellent Rosa
lind, or ratlier Uanymede, for it is not
until she appears in this role that she
does justice to her splendid talents. She
puts Her soul in her. work, regardless of
surroundings, and that is w hat the lover
of the legitimate drama likes to ire. Nor
val McGregor is a splendid Oriando.Wil
liatn McVey is fine as Jacqoe, one of
Shakespeare's most interesting charact
ers. Geo. Heroandex cannot be improv
ed on as the famous Touchstone and Mrs
Currier is at her best aa Audrev. In
"Twelfth Nignt" the leading pana were
as efliciently taken. Uur ciluvns were
given some high-class drama cot often
our privilege of itneasing.
As Well as the Safest a&J Cheapest
The new medical discovrrr, Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, digest the food in
stead of making the worn out stomach
do ail the work, give it a much needed
rest, and a cure of dyspepsia is the nat
ural result.
Von get nourishment and rest at the
same time because these Tablets will
thoroughly digest all wholesome food
taken into the stomach whether the
romsch works or not. A cure is certain
to result because the digestion organs are
given a chance to rest and recover their
natural vigor and tone. The Tablets are
than no longer required.
10 snow tbe manner in which tbe
remedy ads on different people and how
quickly and effectually it cures stomach
troubles we present a few recent case.
Mr. i. O. Wondly of Peoria, His.,
writes: I was unable to eat anything
bnt the plainest and even that often dis
tressed me, but since using one box of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 1 can eat any
thing and everything I want.
ZMrs. Samuel Kennle of Girtv. ra
ft rites: 1 have !eeii entirely relieved of
my stomach troubles by your Tablets. 1
Tbe social and eotertainment of IT
it .. . 1 .
1 uitu cams eu taat evening, it coo-
ttted ol soma stereopticua views many
of total inteieat. by ibe members c,f tbe
Camera cloh, some musical glasses by
ju t a acuiwn ana irvine and a lunch
of mod withes and coffee served bv
)oung men in white coats. As tbe sand
wiches were not mads by men there is
no danger of any dyspepsia. A stereop
t icon pict ore ot lhe dish waabars bad
paved tbe way for tbe Dnal act.
From the Telegram a boot aa A:Nny
wvmao of thirty vears ago: Mednre
day, Mrs. C. B. Bellinger gars a charm
ing reception (rom 3 toff o'clock. Tbt
bonce as decorated in cat flowers and
brilliantly lighted. Tbe caesu were re
ceived by Mrs. Bellinzer. Mrs. Molson
and Miss Bellinger. Io the dining room,
which was decorated with large yellow
chrjsantbeaiums. Mis E O Uears, Miss
Kthel W illiams. Mis Ethel Thompson
and MUe Isabelie Hewitt presided.
About 300 ladies ea'ievl during lb alter-nooo
. on TianasgivgeVniQg but as oar boots
are lull ol l.olea e think It prudent to
decline aod beide we are "rather
oang" to attend parties. See Lake
Mecsra. Davis and Jonkio took their
lor keys to Albany last Monday.
Dr. J. X. Smith, of lem, aceompsn
led by his daughter Mabel and jraocma
Ellis are visiting with Mr. and Mrs I.
N. Smith (tbe Doctor's aged pareots.)
We accepted an invitation to take tnrkey
witb them on Thanksgiving. There were
nine persons at that dinner tab'e rang
ing in age from 6 to 67 years.
Mr. D. E. lonain also served tnrkey to
his many relatives and friends. Abont
forty oersons diued with him, mostly
yon og person.
n. lb. Jackson oasst-d th roach here
yesterday accompanied by part of his
lamiiy. his dog and run were not alonir
Lrrrta Rosa 15 cd.
Wheat 51 cents.
Apron Strings.
Apron Strings Dec. 16th.
Hsve you engsged your company fot
Apron Strings? Dec. loth.
Tbe Home Bakery for cranberries.
The Home Bakery for Thanksgiving
Weekly Dekockat and Weekly Oregon-
isn sz.zo a year.
For knives, forks anJ
French, lhe jeweler.
See French's display window for the
latest novelties in watches and rings.
te sure f hear Apron Strings at the
Methodist chvrch Dec. 16th.
00 to the Home isaxery tor your
Thanksgiving goods, consisting of rais-
ins,currants,ualeg, bgs. walnuts .almonds
The U S battleship Mathloma passed
op the river this morning after the
enemy of river steamers.
It hss been discovered that county of-
bcials elected last June have to hays 50
cent stamps on tbeir official bonds.
The banks bave discovered a receipt
10a can oe naea as a check tbat doe
not require a 2 ceot stamp, tbat is being
v.woa win.
' McMinnville is having a bowling crsie
and they all play. As usual tbe doctors
lesd in big scores. Dr. Wright, tbe den
list, neads tne ttst witii a sccre of 76 and
Vr. talorattn follows with 73,
From tbe Junction Tunis. Wm. Pit-
ney lost a valuable milch row tbe other
day. He had a bucket of London purple
standing in the tard whirli was need for
killing bus's oa tqoasbes. The cow
drnk the liquid. Sue le.'t a yoang cab
beside Mr. fancy's children to mourn
ber lots
Reports from eastern Oresron make it
look very mocri as if tbe La Grand sna"-
ar lactory waa a wbite. elepbant. Bat
then the state legislatare is to meet soon
sno some bounteous treatment is desir
ed. It is said to tie a tact though that
there la nothing in it for the producer,
at least as ran so tar.
Here is a wsy to tell bow fast Ton are
traveling iola railway car. Every time
a car passe over a rauioiat there is
u isn net click, ucant the somber ot
tbesfi clicks in twenty seconds and too
nave tne number of mues tbe train is ffx-
ng per boor. This is a iimrl matter ol
arithmetic, aa the length of tbe tail is
From lbs T.mes.
Adrian Jack eme aa from Albany to
spend Thanksgiving with Brownsville
relatives and friends .
Miss Fern sad Charlie Fox. of Albany.
are tbe guests of Mr. and Mr. W. A.
Miss Jenme Gaibraith. r.f Albanv.
spent Thanksgiving with C. H . McFar
Und and family.
W. II. Averill bas Darehared lha rxi.
denes near the S P depot owned by Atty
rtgnt. 01 aioaoy.
Mrs. Loo is Viericc and daasrnter came
np from Albany Wedoeedav eveninc to
spend Thanksgiving aod visit wii h Rev.
. W.usvts sad family. Mrs. Vietick
is a sister of Mrs. Davis.
A letter received from Fred Jack an
nounce tbat be is now a member of
Battery M, Third Artillery, regular
rroy. and is stationed at present at Fort
Frank McFarlaod, Carl Cooley aod
Jame Thompson Jr., came np from Al
bany College Wednesday to eat Thanks
giving dinner st borne. They were ac
companied by Mr. Bert McLean aon Mr.
E D Myers, both Albany collere boys.
A fire in the machinery at the
mill last Friday night at abnat S o'clock
in tbe morning almost totally dt roved
tbe now bolting apparatus rerentlv put
in. Tbe lost is estimated at about' t"00,
and yesterday the loss was adjusted by
the insurance agents at S6S0.
Rcsioaco. From tbe Leaanon Express-Advance:
"Prof. Carl Biker baa
been elected teaches in ths public
school to succeed Misa Abiie Fry, who
signed a lew days ato." in connec
tion with ths maMer tne following card
by M iss Fry sddressed 10 the school
board i published: "Usxtlkmh.
Understanding your communication of
November 21st to be a poute way ot de
manding me to give up my position, and
with a keen eonscinuene of tbe tact
tbat I was not supportc by the princi
pal in maintaining prop-r discipline. I
do hereby grant your reqneet and resign
my position."
suffered three years with sour stomach
and gas at night. 1 am thankful for
Mrs. A. E. l'owen. Barnard, Vt.
writes : I think Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets are tbe best thing for dvstpKia 1
ever took. I will recommend them to
anyone troubled as bad as 1 was.
ctnart a Dyspepsia Tablets will not dis
P point because thev cure Dvspepsia
surely and lastingly by causing the food
to be pivi-orly assimilated, and cure con
stipation by producing the proper quan-
:... - 1 1:1. ... u ... 1 1 i .. . r i
hit vi line, rniiu ur an urugicifis afc oj
cents per package. Send for free look
on stomach diiteases to Stuart Co., Mar
shall, Mich.
What Is Shlloh?
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds
and Consumption: used through tha
r c 1 srw enn nsni isa 1 m. m a. 1 m
world for half a century, has cured in- 1 T ifhA.; - a ITOm
numerable cases of incinient ennanmn. .alt-Py Ihoa. lieffron and presented to
r - . y.a syian ohnttr "ourn Ihia m 1 m
tion and relieved many in advanced iT p 7n n.-in .h .Vii.- u K' AiJe
stages. If you are not satisfied with the 1JVP" mn 'hfw ' tb" evening.
results we will refund your money. Price , u, Y"1" 01 lu me saving crew at
25 cts., 50 cts. and 1.00. the Bay is indignant at the report of the
Tbe city council of Grants Pass is con
sidering an ordinance wberebv the dif
ferent occupations are to lie taxed a given
sum ot money annually in order to do
business. The object of tbe tax is to
raiee a revenue for the city. All occupa
tions are to be taxed in amounts from
12.50 to 25 per year for permsnent r
dents, while opticians are taxed Sz.oO
and traveling physicians and traveling
dentists V to per day.
Religious services.
Tbe Corvallis Times took the pains to
go to head quarters and found out for
certain that the olficea of the Corvallis
sod Esstern R. R. 'o. are to bs moved
to Albany on Dec 1st, as provided in the
articles ol incorporation, and as well on
account of the improved location lor tb
business of the road.
The Lnte t
From tbe Sews:
Last r riday afternoon Prof. T. J. WD-
o bad the misfortune to get his left
hand caught in one of tbe swinging doors
at the school boose, resulting ia tbe loss
of the ecd of tbe third finger. Tbe finger
was mashed so badly that it waa neces
sary for Dr. Prill to amputate it near ths
first joint.
This weeE the Oregon Telephone A
Telegraph Co , completed a loop from
this city to Albany, where it connects
with Uie main wires, giving thia city tel
ephone coo nee 1 ion with the oatside
or Id. This will be a great convenience
to oar peepte aid will also pat no within
the speaking of the entire ?a
cific coat.
Last Mooday evrniog ia one long to be
remembered by the A. O. ti . W. boys ol
this city. It was ooe which is likely to
mark tbe beginning of a new era in the
hie ol th lodke. r or the past coo pie ol
weeks W. rl. Warner, deputy grand
master Workman , bas been in the city
and bas dooe good work for the lodge
aod for tbe erler On last Mooday even
ing twestv-t wo of the members of Jef
ferson lodge sad quite a number front
Lyons and Stavtoo lodge catoe to Scto
for the porpoee of paying Scio lodge a
fraternal visit. Daring tbe evening lour
candidates were initiated into the order.
the wo.-k being done by the Jefferson
team, and those who are familiar with it
say it cannot be done better, lhe floor
work and drill by the Jefferson boys
would be hard to beat in any lodge ot by
any team. Tbe work is imprseaive and
tbe lessons of fraternity aod charity
which are taught are not soon to be for.
J Joseph. Proprietor.
The soouer a cough or cold is cured w;th
oat barm to tbe sufferer tbe better. Lin-
a-ering colds are dangerous. 'Hacking
cough is distressing One Minnts Cough
I Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when
I such a cough cure is within reach? It is
pleasant to the taste. J.
e nt.
Oregonian, and declares that it was false
ia reference to the crews action after the
recent wreck. That the crew did every
thing that could be done under the cir
cumstances, a fact verified by the three
sailors, who declare that thev th
last man go down themselves hnfnr-A t-
A. Camming, ti1n "belter after escape in their night
Cyrano De Bergerac, by Edmond Ros
tand, which is being played in this coun
try by Richard Mansfield and iu Eng
land by Henry Irving, is just brought 1
out in a dainty, bandy cloth-bound vol
ume at the price of 35c., and a cheap pa
per edition at 15c., by Hurst A Co., Mew
York, the well-known cheap-book pub
lisheis. They will send it post paid, or
it msy be had at all dealers. It is gener
ally pronounced the play of the year, and
some critics rank it closs alter Shakes
peare's masterpieces.
Any prescription wrltien by any
physician on any blank in either metric
or apothicarles weight can be promptly
and satistactoriaiy iinea at our store.
"Does quality count with youT"
Many a uouthoiu u saddened Lv death
bacuuse of the failure to keep on band a
s.feand absolutely certain cure for croup
such as One Minute Cough Cure. See tbat .
your little one are protected against emer
gency. J. A. Cuuiining-, agent
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mail
ed for 25 cents by C. I. Hood 4 Co., Low
ell, Mast.
Regular services at the M E church
south tomorrow, morning and evening.
Preaching by ths pastor, Rev. Fenton
M. E. church : The services of the
First quarteryly meeting of the present
conference year will begin witb the quar
terly conference Saturday night at 8
o'clock io the League room. '.Visitors are
invited. General love feast and recept
ion of members Snndav mominsst 9S0.
Preaching at 10:30 by Dr.T. B. Ford .the
new Presiding Elder. Tbe Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper will be adminiat
ered alter the morning sermon. Sunday
school at 2:30; Juciorand Intermediate
Imagoes at 3:3C; Epworth League at
6:30 and preaching by the pastor at 7.30.
Christian church: Services morning
snd evening at 11 and 7:30 o'clock re
spectively; Morning theme: "Tte Christ
lan Warlare." Evening: Christ's For
bearance." Special musical program un
der direction of l'rof. Geo. h. Wins.
Presbyterian church: Morning ser
vice at 10:30; Sabbath school at 11:45;
Junior Endeavor at 3:30; Senior En
deavor at 6:30; evening service at 7:30.
Subject ot tbe morning sermon "1 be
Frtce 01 saievy." evening. " rne ueies
tial City ." A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all to attend all the services.
' United Preebyierisn : Preaching ser
vice at 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m.
2:30; Junior Endeavor at 3:30; Senior
Endeavor at 6 :30. Subject of moro'ns
nermon. "Where Is Abel thy Brother?'1
Evening, "Daniel at College." A l ate
cordially invited to attend these services.
Salvation Army : There will be ser
vices at tbe Salvation Army Sunday as fol
lows: II a. m., Holiness meeting; 1:30
p. in., Sunday school; 3 p. m., family
gathering. 8 p. m.. subject, "The Soph
isticated Christian. ' Special music, vo
cal and instrumental. Everybody wel
come. Can Movs,
Officer in Charge.
Baptist choruh: Preaching service,
10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 11:46 a. m.;
Chinese mission, 3 p. m. ; Jnniors,
3:30 p. m. ; Yorng people, 6:30 p. m.
Evening service, 7 .30 p. m.
Lebanon Educational Meeting.
From the E. A.:
Tnsre waa a large attendance at tb
M. E. church. Sooth, Wednesday even
ing, aud tte meeting was very lively and
interesting. A. S. McDonald, cmnly su
perintendent, preeided in a dignifie I man
ner, and W. H. Ross acted as secretary.
Tbe question, "The needs of our pablic
schools," waa ducussed in aa able man
ner by Prof. Martindale ot the Albany
pubUc icbool, Prof. Baker of the Leban
on school, M. A. Miiler.C. B. Montague,
C D. Sleea and others. Hon. H. M.
Palmer, who ia a member of the legisla
tive commutes appointed to draft a bill
revising tbe school laws of the stale, was
also present and save a talk teiiicg a
number of features that tbe proposed bill
will contain. He is attending the similar
meetings being held in the county, in or-
order to learn tbe wishes of tbe people In
reirard to school matters. By vote.
majority of those present expressed
tiieii selves in favor of tbe following
Tbat tbe state board of education should
consist of seven membera.prominent ed
ucators of tbe state, and not mors tbsn
two ot the members should be of the
same political party as tbe state super
intendent; tbat a teacher should have
five years experience before being grant
ed a stats diploma; that the state should
finbliih or purchase alt school books and
urnisb them to tbe people at cost: and
tbat in count rv districts there should be
fewer instead of more schools, with high
er grades snd longer terms.
Strtctlv business
French the jeweler.
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkins Brothers, atresia.
Beat BicyUe forte motey.
Will A Stark, jewelers.
"Trilby" leads, others follow
Stewart A Sox Hardware Go's.
A dos. first class photo, best finish.
ooiy 00 cents at Miss Long's.
Seed rve for sale. Call at the Albanv
Nursery or at tbe store of C E- BrownelL
Cresceet bicycles at Hopkins Brothen
tor only tao, , 35 aad g50.
C B Winn, citv ticket asent. Tickets
to ail points is the east.
Be sore and see the aati rat tiawara al
Sopkin Bros, will las a lifetime.
We have decided to continue makins-
the 5C rent photos. Long Photo Co.
For calcium carbide go to the office of
Oregon Gas light Heaung A Power Co.
A fine lot of new cook stove at.
range at Stewart A Sox's. Prices cheap
er titan ever.
Bring tbe babies and Et a das. of
thoee cute little Diamond, photos, onlv
50 cents at Miss Long's.
Don't bay an "Airtight" stove nnt
von see the "Hickorv" and "Trilby
kept by Stewart A Sox.
"Trilby" the most popular heatict
stove on the market at Stewart A Sox
Hardware Go's.
The Long Photo Co. ia the toadies
gallery of Albanv. Every photo made
there is a gem oft.- Call aod see for
Go to Verick's shaving and hair cot-
ting parlor for first daes work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to every
Wbea too want choice steak, a nice
roast or meat of any kiad. call oa Henry
voaer. tte keeps tne best.
The beat mests of all kinds and rood
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Heat
Company' market, jail diwa Second
treet. Oood weight aad prompt attend
Sootbias. bealiaff. ekansins-. L Witt's
mteo Hazel Salve u the implacable ei
my ot sores, boras tad wounds, it never
fails to care Piles, 100 may rely ncoa it
J. A. Camming, agent.
Constipation prevent tbe body from rul
ing itself of waste matt r. De Witt's Lit
tle Early Risers will remove the trouble
aad core Sice Headache. BUIoosne, I a
active Liver and dear tbe complexion
Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or csose
nausea. I . a. lamining. agent.
City Convention.
There will be a mass convention of ths
democratic voters ot tbe city ot Albany
held at the court house in said city on
Saturday tb 3rd day of December, 1898,
at the hour of 8 o clock p. m., for tbe
purpose of nominating candidates for the
offices of marshal, treeasurer and to rat
ify ward nominations lor councilmen to
be voted for at tbe coming city election
to be held on Monday, December 5, 1898
We recommend that ward meetings be
held in tho different wards ot tbe city on
Friday, December 8, 189S, at tbe hour of
8 o'clock p. m. to nominate one council
man from each warl and choose mem
tiers ol central committee at the follow
ing places: First ward, eircu't court
roc in ; second watd, hall Albany Engine
U". Ho. 1 : third ward, store room second
s'reei lately occupied by John rox.
J.J. Wbithkt,
Central Committee.
Your Groceries and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kuowa
w here their plaee is. They keep a f reeb
stock of groceries, produce and baked
goodh.of all kinds, sell at reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, all
You may regret eom steps yon take
In life hut none taken into tbe store af
Parker Bros.
It is a srreat thins to be well ted. Par
ker Bros seep good groceries.
A loal ot oread is not mocn out yon
want it well made. Trv Parker Bros.
The Weather.
Tonight and Sunday rain and warmer.
River 8.04 feet.
F. M. Fbuich,
a - a m
tee ncnmcE of syitp of jigs
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, bnt also
to the care and skill with which it ia
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the CaxryoBjo. F10 Sracp
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all tne importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. Aa the
genuine Syrup of FIg-s is manoXactored
by the Caxmoksia Fio SrEcr Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding- the worthies
fmitatkma manufactured by other par
ties. Tbe high standing- of the Csu
yoRara Fio Sracr Co. with the medi
cal Tvofeasion, and the satisfaction
which tbe Pennine Smm nt vt v
gtven to Bullions of farnqtf, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the ewsllence of it remedy. Itia
far in advance of aa other laxatives,
sa it acta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritaMn-- or
in them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate, order to tret it w,i
effects, please remember the same of
the Company
a rstaacuoa. w
aacjaiixucK,. inrTsscac.
W R Bilyen, Foshay A Mason block.
J R Ji Blackburn. P O block.
H Bryant. P O block.
Anderson Cannon, PO block.
J S Duncan, PO block.
T P Hackleman, Pearee block.
Judge H H Hewitt, P O block.
91 B Humphrey.
Kelly A Curl, bank fcaCding.
L H Moatanve, Pearee bltxk.
i C Powell. P O block.
C E Box, PO block.
L L owean. Bank bnOdicg.
H 0 Watson, bank building.
Weatherford A Wyatt, Bank building.
Whitney A Kwport,Caick block.
G W Wright, PO block.
SM Garland.
A A Tussicg.
TJ Wilson.
l or axaaarr, osssos
Weart. ... t rT.1T-
a. w.laBCPO
Accorsrs s ept brt t .
IO T KXCtlAW uc taiemaalc
a Km Tr taa rnadao.Caxaa raJ tu
3U.COTIOSS .ntoa Hnnbh tm.
S g Tsew.
S a Oosenv,
c. a.
1 w Lamms
L. fumw
Largest stock
Lowest prices
the Printer.
To all point East via
Great Northern Railway.
Fortrates, folders and full information
call on or address
II. F. Mkrkiu.,
Agent Albany.
Late to bed and early to rise, prepares
man for his home in ths skis. But early
to bed aad a Little Early Riser, tbe pil
that make life longer aad better and whet.
. A. Cumuing, agent.
For Infants and CUldrta.
till KinsI Yon Kiti Atop ExgM
Bears the
Thricc-a-Wetk Edition
IS Pages a Week . .4
... 156 Papers a Teat
For One Dollar
raaJlifcfdiTcrr altmaeawyxwst
Toe Thrice-a- Week Edition of Taa it rw
Yoax Wohld is Erst among ail "weekly
paper in uie. frequency of publication
and tbe freshi.!. sceoracy and variety ot
its coi t-nts . it hat ail the merit of a
treat $6 daily at tbe price of a dollai
weekly. Its political news is
nlete. accurate and impartial as all its read
ers will testify. It is against the monopo
lies aad tor tbe people.
It print the news of all ths world, hav
log special correspoodeoce from all im
portant news points on the globe. It has
onliiaat uiusawaoaa, stones oy grew
authors, a capital namor page, contclet
markets, departments for toe household
and women's work and other special de
nowoi leaaas , i;usuw j. j-
DsMOCmAT toge(bexoQ ti tut f )
Is I'oequalcd
In the Valley.
Is UnsurpkfeM
In Oregon.
V have the best stock u
select from and our prices
to always the lowest, qualitv
An,.;..y. ThePri
Ifvou want a aood and cleat
uoke buy cigars made by our Al
bany ulnar tactorv.
Some culled apples in the warehousl
in tbe rear of the Baltimore block wile
be sold cheap. Call for particulars.
Qlllett Pepper box Bluing
at O. JS. Browns u.'s
Learn to say "o" when a dais
offers yon something "just aa good" 1
place of Hood's Saves parilla. There can b
no substitute for America's Greatest Bern
Hood's Pills cares nausea, sick he
ache, biliousness and liver ill , V5
Call and see our Trilby air tight s totes.
Get the beet hour.
The Magnolia
small silver watch with
gold chain. Please return to Loyd
Ketuse any other flour,
except the Magnolia.
Albany Alntkvi
Wheat(51 ?ent.
Egg S5 cents.
Butter 16 to 22 cent.
Potatoes S6 cents.
Hams 11 to IS cents.
Sides 10 to 11 cent.
Shoulders 6 U. 7 cents.
CavsaSi aad Trad. Kirk oblatwsd and sit Pat t
tet bttfta.wadwted foe MtMtarat Fe.
1 audnsda.dimi.aocv!iota. W.dTiMM
mtUbl.fre.ofclurk OarfMaotdo.tiU'
f Wa Fatnta,' with eot of sua. la th. C B-i
f aoniitriM mt fire, i iViwss e
c. Am snow & co.