The misery of It Is awful. USE ST. JACOBS OIL cure Sttffcll ATIKftA1 You'll feelit Is worth Ita weight In gold.l Historical Essays Wanted. REMOVAL NOTICE. We are now located in the Masonic Temple and West room of the Pro man Block, everythingon theground flour. We are making an extra ef fort to please the buying public and to that end ; have greatly increased all lines. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Oregon Gas LigM Heating and Power Company. Cheap Light Fop Cheap Heat Fop Cheap Powe'r Fop Church House aniEotal Church. House and Eotar Anything and Everything Correspondence Solicited. DR. FE UD11S. Pres. A.H.F&mmS, SSS. Strictlv business liUoimoiixlo Dwabt TIME SCHEDULES Abut. From Portland. w a Fast Mail 8pm fipokano Flyer Sp'm 8pm Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Fast Worth, Omaha. Kan- Mail FU Cay, St Lome, 7:20 am Chicago and East. Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane ane, Minneapolis. St Fer Dniath. Mil- 10:05 am wankee. Chicago, & East. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 p ui AU Sailing dates subject to change For Sao Francisco Sail Nor.. 1,4. 7,10, 13, - 16, 19, "5, ,;. ToAlvka Sail August 8, 28. 5pm 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER 4p m Exlund.y STEAMERS. Sunday Saturday To Astoria and Wey- lOpm Landings. 6.m WILLAMETTE RIV.4tMpm ExSon. Oregon City, Ex Sun. Salem & W y-Land 3:30pm Monday, 7am WILLAMETTE ASD . v.uuitl.RIV. V! isT.. Davton. Wed and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat . m WILLAMETTE RIV. 430pm Sd Sjnf Tbor. and Way-Landings, bnr and SaU - -r, LvLewiston Lt Ripana 5:45 a m i:am 7-17.7,... Rnn Toes and Tbur. Mon.Wed Riparia 1 and Fri. W.H.HURLBURT, ; Gen. Pass. CG.BAWUSGS, v Portland, Or. Agent Albany. LSD S00 PACIFIC LIKE. To All Points East Solid vestibule trains, consisting ofpt ace steeping car. tno . Rdmn?JE elegant day coaches. magnificent tourist cs7nd free colonist sleepers rom tie (V cific to tlie AUantic wiinc" -"c'- COST.'DIRBCT AHO CHKAPIWT KOUTK f Kootcnny) ;7ir. ) slocax err", fHBLMHI. KAL4. n Ail j KOSHLASD AfcO AU points in the Okanjmn Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a lull iescriptioi of this wonderfbl country- Ak Jbeaireal for a copy of the mining laws of Bntiar Columbia. Lowes rat " and fnvn Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. By. Oo's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan French the jeweler. Orescent 3ieycW Hopkins Brothers, ageuU. HMt Bicyvie for tue tuouey. Will A Stark, jewelers. "Trilby" leads, others folio Stewart & Sox Hardware Co's. A dor. first class photos, beet nnib. only 50 cents at Miss Long's. Seed rye for sale. Call at the Albany Nursery or at the store of C E. Brownell. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brother for only f'JU, 130, J 3d and sou. C B Winn, cite ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be are and see the aeti rnt tinware ai Hopkin Bros, will las', a bfrtime. We have decided to eontinne making the 6t rent photos. Long rnoto LiO. For calcium carbide so to the office oi Oregon Gas Light Heating A Power Co. A fine lot of new cook stoves an. ranees at Stewart & Sox's. Prices cheap er than ever. Bring the babies and get a lox ol those cute little Diamond photos, only au cents at Ultra .Long's. Don't bur an "Airtight" stove tint you see the "Hickory" anJ "Trilby kept by Stewart & Sox. "Trilby" the most popular heating stove on the market at Stewart A Sox Hardware Co's. The Long Photo Co. is the lending gallery of Albany. Every photo made there is a gem oil Call and see lor yourseives- Go to Verick'a shaving and hair cut ting parlors for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to customer. when yon want a choice sfsai, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry iroders. He keeps the best. Dis- H. E. and O. K B-trs offices and residence in post office building. Special attention given to diseases ot women. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed beef Company's market, just djwn Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ion. Soothing, healing, cleansing, Ue Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the implacable ene my of sores, burns and wounds, lt never fails to rare Piles, Yon may rely opou it. J. A. Camming, agent Constipation prevents the body from rid ing itself of waste malhr. De Witt's Lit tle tarty Risers will remove the trouble and core Sice Headache. Biliousness. In active Liv.r and clear the complexion, bmall, sugar coated, don't icrips or cause nausea. J. A. Camming, agent. SATURDAY MUHT THOUGHTS. This lis not been a vnry lively week n the world at large, end it is difficult to out a trading event. The peace commission coutinuts to work away at ita tedious Usk ol attending banquets, ! aud occasionally raveling and haggling over the Philippine. AVhvn the Ameri can comniipsiou wi-nt t Paris there was practically on tbitK io aiirre upon, the other things beirg settled in the prutoco', and that was th ii.po-it .on ol the Phil ippine. Iltuce thh ciinull have been taken up and d 8i8?d oi without much 1 ginger bread about it. There was evi dently an c-bjrtct in a itrvat delay ana the delay is still in ptogrvts. Assisted by the Dumicrat from thesiait, Spain jUst simply has to sign the treaty of peace whatever it is even to the annex -ation ot Madrid to the United States as a banqueting station, and sue ni'gm as well do it one tiina as another. Listtets continue to come from Manila with severe criticism ot the officer' . lt is probably a geueral experience tt privates tbink the officers are iutpuaiup on them, that they wart the easy things and are willing for the privates to receive all the hardships. It is too much the truth that not on y the privates thick this, but it is apt to be a fact. It would be better though, notwithstanding t Ita attiue of their charges for ttiem to bide their time, and while in service keep quiet. Another iuiD(?. A great many of the lettsis published are private and were n.ver intended to be given to the public. Oaly such matter as are of gen eral interest should be given to .the prtss. A soldier has a right to write as He pleases to his lami'y. and a mat many thing which tic r.ia should never be given away. Webtoot has been in her glory this week, particularly the latter part pre sented their webkhips with an abund ance of dampness ot tha juiciest kind, run is the kind ot weatn:r the genuine Oregonian delights In, and be will not allow it to be rub dowa by the novice who does not know what it mana to crops and bealtb. A flaming head in a Portland paper this week reads: "Wnitkej's bad work. It gets two railroad men into a peck of trouble." Ita custom ia to get eery- b?dy else in trouble who gots Into part nership with it. It is a shoulderstrikrr from Ryeville or Coroopolis, and if yon don't want a red nee, a black t ys, and your clothes torn off yon had better leave it a oae. every LEGAL DIRECTORY mining District OAXADIAjr AVSTBAMAK BTCAXKX U TO aosoLCLC, rut avstkaua. The shortest lioe to trie Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man. and a srewarucm on ev j ujrgr. For time taMei pamphlets, or any in ormat'.on. call on or address. S N srEKLE & CO. Arvits.Albany EJO'JYlilfi. Ag't, 141 Third St.,P and. Or. tiEO McL. BROWN. D. P. A. Vancouver Albany. W R Bilyeu. Foebay & Mason block. JRN Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant. P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Ouncan, P O block. T P Uackleman, Pearne block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. M B Humphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank building. L II Moiunve, Pearce boc. J C Powell, P O block. C E Sox, P O block. L L fwaon, Bank building. H 3 Wateon, bank building. Weatberford & Wyatt. Bank bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Cuaick block. G W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tossing. Sclo. TJ Wilson. M0HTH6RH llU PACIFIC R, H. D $0 Fuxlman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Ding Cars, Tourist Sleopine OarH' St Paul " Mianeapollf Dulnth Fargo, JO Grand Forks Crookston . Winnipeg Helena and Butte TiaOUQH TICK6V TO Chicago ashington Philadelphia Sew "Stork Boston and al. Points East and South Through Uckdts to Japan ana Ch na. v Taooma and Northern Pacific sUainnhir Co., an amcritf line. For information, tim cards, inhds anc UcmU call on or writ O Ki Bnrkharl agdt, Albany, Or. ADCbarlto". At Gen Portland-'O- . ' Faaa if It is a good idea not to waul two much in (his world, because if you get it yon won't beany better satuSed than if you got baif ol it or a quarter. A man may think be will be contented if he ever sets $10,000 ahead, but wueo tie gets it it looks mighty small, and he raises the figures to $20,000, and that seems just a small when it ia secured, and so oo ad- aausendam. People ambitions to make a show in the world caa ma a. them selvM more miserable in a day than Montoj tin been over bis defeat. A diamond ring suggests earrings, earriugs suggest a necklace, etcetera. People desirous of being in the social swim may get there, but tbey can't show two ex tra grains of sense to show for it, and wiil be lucky inventory brings them out even. These aeilected at random suggest that tbere is nothing like con tentment, not lethargy that has no dy namo, but the philosophical kind, that while it loots ahead and desires good things, yet sensibly and intelligently makes the beet of things, and smiles al even a hardship. A ship w ret k close al borne has beeo an event ct the week that we have re corded with eonon , (or it is not pleasaot to tll of men going down into the deep as the result oi bad judgment or accid ent. Perhaps such a dratb is as easy as tba one in btd with friends c round, end yet the thought of eodiog ones life in such a way aleavs rends a sbndder through us and we contemplate it with out any detire for a like expetience. It is possible a man's time has come just as much wben he dies in the ocean as when be passes aaay at boin,bnt we have not ytt arrived at the condition of mind wnen we can consider it serenely in that way. I; doesn't take a crank to s'ate that one shculd live so well thst wheiever death finds one sne will be pre pared to meet one's Maker. . The Democrat man had a birthday this week. The only importatnt thing about it was that it came on the same day as that of ooe ol t';e Presidents of the Uoited States, a man who rose from poverty notil he occupied the highest position the gift of the people. Portland, Oregon, Oot. 25, 1808. The Oregon Society of Sens of the Am "l-an Revolution Is an organization' fiuuiposed or descendants ot ancestors who assisted in establishing American independence. Any male descendant of such ancestor is eligible to admission into the sciety. Its object are purely patriotic and historical. One of tnem Is to stimulate intere-t in the history of the American Revolution and loyalty to its principles. For this purpose the society oflVrs three prises of $25, 915 and $10 nspectively, for th best esey writ ten by any student in any college, uni versity, normal school, seminary, or academy in Oregon on any one of the following subjects. 1. George Koger Clark, and ilia Win ning ol the W est. 2. Paul Jmte. and the Nival Warfare of the Revolution. 3. The Finant-ienng of the Revolution ; Robert Morris, Haym Solomon and Ben jamin Franklin. lt ia expected that easaya will treat of the topics named in the foregoing sub jects. Individuals are named (or the purpose of attraction the attention of esavits to the part taken by the indi viiln. Is in the work which tortus the r tterat subject. Ktas are limited In length to twenty five hi-ndrd word; muM be written on legal cap on one side ol the paper in the student's own handwriting, and must be accompanied by a certificate of the president or principal of the college or academic institution attended by the author, to the effect that the author is a bona fide student thereof, and haa been in attendance therein not lers than six weess daring the school year of 1S0S-9 Eseajs must be forwarded to the chair man of the conrniittee in charge, Wallace McCamant, 34 Concord Building, 1'urt land, so as to reach him not later than Feb. 1st, 1S99. In awarding tiie prise, the committee will be governed by these three consideration : I. Historical accuracy. 2. Manner of treatment. 3. OrtLiigrspy. stauitnar, syntax and punctuation. Similar prists were i.flvrd by the so ciety last year, and competition thereof col fined to students in ibe public aud high schools ol the state. The rtsuits obtained were very gratifying to the so ciety, and highly creditable 'o the students competing. This year the com petition will be limited to students in collegiate and academic institutions as above named, and no pereon not a student thereof will be eligible to com pete. Any additional information relative to (be competition which may be desired, will be cheerfully furnished try the cbairman ol the cmmittee. The eseay wLtct. is awarded Brstprixe wiil be pub lished in lull, with the nam ol the author. In the public press. Wallace UcCaxaxt, Chairman. baxjAUix I. Couen. B. B. BuuiX. Cvm-Mttee It Is taking a long time to whitewash that military board. Gineral Miles is now having his turn at Mr. Alaur, who had better stand Irom under, r t1B bullets ate worts than thoe from Mauser guns. Oieiton is bigger than N-w Y ik, Pen nsylvania and Delaware. We hav a better climate, grander resources, more lofty mountains anil 68 free a people. Ralph Waldo Emerson tald: Maa people there there are, wno think a writ er should deal only in puffery. It one states f lankly aud freely his bt-liet con cerning the work of a public man he is set down as rpitefui or prejudice. France wants a friend very badly and haa invited U-rmany to be her friend. Let's see, didn't Germany and France one time biv a Hart ot a dnel In tiieir back vards. Friend ship between those nations would in biund tigtber by straw. The peace cmuuimaun needa a dose ol electricity, aid lees banquets. The members have been banqneUd into lethargy, auvi they hardly have the en ergy to negotiate. When it comes to drawing 125,000 for the job though they ill be on hand to get their pay. MISFITS. ' G rover Cleveland is one of the very first Americans to take advantage of Porto Rico f s a hunting ground, and Is now on his way there with his gun over his ihoulder. He is evidently iu favor of expansion. Recently it wag Astoria against Port. land red hot from the shoulder. Now it is Salem atrainet Portland with blood in her eyes ;tll on account of the state fair. If Halora wishes to keep the so called state iair iei. uer people see uiai it is made a tute lair and not a county nurse race. An I.idinn had rather play foot ball than eat. The Chemawas have already played more psuies than any team in the state and are ready for more. They will play ttie Mutlnomahs in Portland this afternoon. It Is an interesting fact that they nearly always set beaten, in fact we believe they have won only one game this yesr. C-ol. Bryan was accused ot doing a gret deal ot talking during the cam paign but he was discounted by Roose velt. The rough rider in twenty one days before the election traveled 4,234 miles in one state and made 173 upeech es. If he had badthe whole United States to cover there it no telling what be would nave done. The Orvgon state printer fo not in it. It ia a pretty god sign ot the tieues when such papers as the Oregonian en done the Salvation Army. The army is marching on, and though there are things to criticise in it, it is nevertheless doing a great de il ol goud to the world, aud among a clat of peop e not reached bv other influences. TELEGRAPHIC The Atlanta Tacoma. Nov 18. The British ship At lanta left hero last Saturday, with 000 worth of wheat, for Delagoa bay. South Africa. She was in command of Capt. Chas McBride, of Greenock, Scot- land.wnere lie has a wue. i ne snip leu here with 27 men, the only names of those on record here being those of the Capt. and part of the men. Big Cealraet Let Pobtalad, Nov. 18, The OBANCa lias let the contract for building 140 miles of railroad from Wallola junction up the Snake river to Lewiston, Inabo. Seims & Coykendabl are the contractors and grading is now being actively push ed both east and west irom niparia, 1 hie tirm is the one which did such ra pid construction work for the Great Northern, building its line from Mi not, N D to Seattlo. The Caaaaalaaera Paris, Nov. 18. The United States peace commissioner devoted today as they did yesterday to formulating the next presentation for consideration by the Spanish commissioners. While the Americana are reticent as to their inten tion, it may be eaid witout reserve that the occaaiou is near upon which the ex act peace terms acceptible to the Amer ican commissioners will be laid before the Spaniards with a time limit for their acceptance. The rtrat reealaa Wabhinotok, Nov f 18, Commissioner fevans, ot tue pension omce, notined Secretary Alger today that Jesse T Gates Consospnon Do not think for a tingle moment that consumption will ever strike you a sudden blow. It does not come that wsy. It creeps its way along. First, you think it ia a little cold; nothing but a little back ing cough ; then a little loss in weight: then a harder cough; then the fever and the night wests. The suddenness rnrrcswfcen yoti have a hfrrc-rliarc. Better stop the iiijaie wSile it is yet creeping. You can do it wiib Recently the stste printer of Pennsyl-J of the Second United States artillery, vaoia. a man named Bosch, pat in a bill lor 157,662.85 for printing a work on the "Diseases and enemieeof poultry." A bulletin of 128 pam had been ordered but he increased it to 8t6 t gee. Keen Pennyslvaniens kicked at such a bill. The state lawyers association has been in srk.ion io Portland this week. It should be an organization of ben fit to the profesjion . Oce of the papers was on how to win rates. As one side al ways has to loee it is probable it will never be Settled how each side ia to win. Very frequently a good wsy being more and more reecrted to is to effect a mmpromiee anil Sicrte upon a ettleonnt withuiU Ktt n before ll e ttrDCh. Kaaien peil s em to think that Tueotlo-e Rooeel, the rooub ridir. Is casting hi shadow onthettepa of the national capita'. Tn'-sisvey doubtful. Notjurtyet. Tlte LBorE.r does not expect t 3 ere Mr. Roosevelt's name men tiontd in the national convention pre ceding th next presidential election. Tbere won't be any halo aroand bis bead by that t:rn. The mots back council of Dallas passe J an ordinance allowing milk cows to ran at large in the city certain seasons of the year. The mayor In a very sensi ble op-to date meeeage vetoed the or Jin anre. It is simply rtdiculons for a coun ty seat to allow cows to ruo at large In side the cite limits, aud if Dallas would be a city it should at once paas a strict ordinance absolutely slopping the nuis ance. The following from the Waterloo cor Teepondence in the Express-Advance n il a very good advertisement for t'n place: Several time we bve been pointed oy appointments, and n .ue to meet tnem. ism time there ..I be a preacher to fill oae and we oot be there. This does not seem he the place where Cbrittianity thrives. U may be on account ol the aoil. The only thing e can raise here succesafutly is debt. who lost part of his upper lip in the I West Indian Campaian. has been award ed the first pension on account of toe I bpanish war. The president and see re-1 tary ol war each took an interest in the I case. Ciei?! EASTAND- SOU1H 8HA8TA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific- Co. JkUforala gxpreat Trains laav PertteM lMti (Ml r, . a., A l S UA Bl At AlWiT Saa rrsadaee Ar I I K a Above train t.;p at stalon be ween Portland rd Sabvo lar aei, Mai, JfT-r on A'bmy lBK' Shed! IMeey EoKeoe Cotaye Grove, lri, Oakland nd ail slattwue lr-na Boaelmrg sooth t and i eltvlinir AsblanH. m -e U I tv ----- r romsaa Aitur Ml llU Lr itwri Imti AlbwT tw tnitt at s-iiwot troot tufa S 19 Aa From the Journal of Commerce. Neither Cuba or the Philippines was a source of net revenue to tbe Spanish Treasury in fact bolh made very se.ioas drafts noon it. Only the favored few who weie privileged t) eoj jy the opportunit ies ot plunder offjrded by colonial office profited ty ilia poeseeiion of Cuba and the Philippine. Tbe Spanlso kingdom, left to ita own resources may easilydvvel ope sources of wealth which have hither to been neglected, and tbe demoralide lnfluence of the colonial system bring re moved it is possible that Spanish politics may acquire a new stamp of honesty. In any cate Spain ad ber creditors now know the worst, and, bad as it is. there is nothing in tbe financial loture that need seriously trouble tbe m. Samoa is l.uutme lor a king. Better be annexed to (he I.'olaed States and be civilised. Tten jou will not need a king Why is it nut the duty of the Untud Stale", accordiog to the theory being ad vancad by eome to pr-xsee-J aod aonex Sam a and ran tie island tbe way it ongbt to be ruo, don't you know. In tbe mean time tbere are several states and cities in the United Slates that might do worse than get oce ot these Sautcn barbarizes to run their ioiLtu tion. as they are now governed m a way that is a diegrace to municipality. From the New York Hrra.d. One Spanish officer arrived in Cuba two years ago with only a uniform is now returning to Spain with $250,000 and his salary is in arrear, too. Poor Cuba ! One hundred Tolls College students in Wert Somersvilie paraded tbe priacipal thorouiblar In company with two blindloldrd eandldale lor membership in one of the college societita. Breides bexg bliedtoUleJ, tbe candidate were arrayed tn verrgrotetq ie garmentr. The initiation included a ducking iu tbe Davis rqtiare watering trough and the cliinb'.ng ol several high electric pole, after w birh the candidates were piloted aboard the tram a ad the initiation was continued in Bostos. f e.tral hueded persons wiioeaed the ceremony. The Journal eaya that the fight of tbe Telegram to get the state fair from Salem to Portland ia a dirty one, that tbe Ore gonian itte'.f does not dare say anything on account of ita big patronage ia Port land, so aaddiee lt oo tbe Telegram, whicn is really all the same. It may be a dirty fight so far aa Portland ia con cerned, bat so tar as the rest of tbe rate is concerned, tbey are tired of a county fair being passed of as a stale fair, and receiving aid from the tate. As ran, it has been a discredit to the state, and it is time there was a change. If Portland can make a real state fair out of it, let ber have it. inasmuch as Salem cannot, at least does not. Lawyers attending court in Corral lis eay Judge Hamilton ia a!l right though very strict, in fact be can discount Judge Burnett. t-pam nss lorn ally demanded more money for the Philippines. Well, let br get it. If she thinks she has a big enough nary it is for ber to pitch in and take them awav from us. Possession is nine points, and we have poseeeeion The Salem papers have a good one on Portland, which is claiming the state fair shocild be held in that city because it can belter support one. Recently Portland held a racing meet, which was very poorly attended, and ooe man who wen a (50 parse received only $2.50 on iu Afieea aaastr La Grande, Nov 18, All La Grande and farmers of the valley are speculating as to tue probable action ol tbe legisla ture at its next session in Jan, on its su gar beet bounty bill, wbicti will again be presented in terms similar to tbe bill which failed to pass at the recent special session. It ia felt here that tbequestion is of great importance to the entire state and lli at a temporary bounty ia neceesar iu tr nun? ueei sugar mating ill uic. oa -;. ni basis, a TerrtMe aeeMeal New Yoac Nov. In the gloom of, storm and fog that darkened the , rails of the Pennsylvania railroad early j tli it morning between Jersey City and 1 riarnson, a delayed suburban train P ! d&Hhed into a eaoc of workmen, killine 11 and injuring lour, rive others had remarkable escapes aT ls JlADaiD, Aov. l.. Almost ail the pa per deprecate the dilatory proce&linzs at Paris, expressing thetr belief that ttie United State will decline arbitration, and urging the government to yield qukkley, aince it ia impossible for Spain to renew the struggle or to expect Ka ropean assistance, and, forthermor, be- You first notice that you cough less. Tbe pressure on the chet is lifted. That feeling of suffocation is removed. A cure is hastened by placicgone of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster over the Chest A Cook Free. It is on tbe Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Lea. AJlMy tor Lalnaoa Arrire at AJbaar trass Ubaaaa Arfora 7i-i Oinine Cart on Cgtlet! ECONQ-CUSS MUM CAS! tmmit tewa carry a aa reTXAa aa An rs Aai I Xien aaaaavae av fcanve tjaa f V 11)11' rcmiaas in CimTnla OtU (rteun uni it )r r ra I r PnrtUo l MeMiamille U4ena awa -' AS Lr tO ft .s.' . i . r a-'weea ejtfc4. Ssuft- aRl,lai Piwiin. Mittxt -T Sr cMas wlftl mm4 eta. KKtsin MK wJArA. CUI. H KOwUI AUSTB. - Mamay at C WIS St . . a. aoa..ak c 1 masbthah. 1 1a M Frmmty. K 1 If yns hare sny rXBVy "tisUMSS f y-- "1 T T T C Isf UENVth I IUU i 111 lltXJA-l f HE PLACE TO BUY Your Uroccriea and BakcJ Goods ts.r Parker Broe- Everybody kuows where their olaea ia. Tbey keep a ireen proaaca and baked reasonable cause it would be better to cease wasting J prices and treat their enstomers well, al) money ana to cooceuixate aueuuoo up-1 ,ike. stock ol BTOcertes. rood, of all kinds, sell The Outlook . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned hiw lieen, by the County conrt, of Linn Co., and Stale of 'reirpn, dulv appointed administrator of tbe estate Gova S. St ay ton, deceased, late of Linn noty, Oregon. All persons having claims ain't said estate are hereby required to resent tbem to tbe undersigned within six months from this date at my office in Lynns. Oregon, Da ed this Ibe 7lb dav of 0:ober. 1898. Hkkrt Lyons, Adirinittrator, YAQUINA ROUTE G0B7ALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD Connecting at YAQUINA wi.h the YAQUINA BAY STEAM SHIP COMPANY STEAMER8 Grace Dollar and Kavarro 1 j:r; Fron tbe St. Louis Republic. Even should it turn out that the Re publicans hav succeeded in retaining control of the lower branch of tbe na tional legislators by a slender marjir. there will be on'y defeat in the verdict of Tuesday A reduction of a majority over all ol 57 to practically noth'og con tains only popular rebuke and disappro val. It shows that the strong current has art in aicainst Republican methods and policies. Despite the c'-aim that the Re publican party conducted a succetafot war, it cjuld not hold the conn of the people, who are aga:n awakening to the fct that it legislates for the few and against the many ; that it is the party of a class; that it is tue promotor of the unlawlulcombines against trade that are fastrtducing tbe pioducts io a condition of commercial and industrial servitude. ltie result ri tiie recent elections is a proof that th revolt against Republican poiiuit and practices ban taken on force and voliuue, w hich will, if the advant ages gained Ist Inenday sre carefully eotiSeived and improved bv the Demo- callc leaders, tiring about a decisive y fr the patty of JtlTcrsoo two hei.c". Rudyard Kipling for Everybody. If continual talk about biin in the newspapers is an indication. Rod raid Kipling must be the most popular o living anthors. A vast banner of read ers must, therefore, welcome a pieity end wonderfully cheap edition of bis "Departmental Ditties, Barrack-Room. BaMads end Other Verses," just issued by '.he famous cheap-book publishing bouse, Hurst A Co., 135 Grand St., New York, at the price of only 35 rent. You may set it ot any bookseller, or from tbe publishers, who will send their coinp'ete catalogue to any applicant. There are 315 students in the O. A, C. j From tbe Republic- it was ulten the case duriog the teceut campaign that an office-see terot hot in the collar when confronted witb cold facts. More people put money into the oat fitting station than dig gold oat of the Klondike minrs. Texas Democrats complain of cfTyear apal y, because their candidate was el ected by only 225.0C0 majority, II the party had voted its fail strength he would have received about aM.000 The thirty-second national grange is in session in Concord this week. Oregon bas a reprtaf ntative there notw ithstand- the long d. stance away. This is a great grange stale, and it is stronger here than ever, a cut -re the recent arcev ion to ooe graoge ia Benton rouotv of ooe hundred at a time. Senator Henna says he never intended t" cast ary reflection on tbe LHogley bill in his recent remark which have been generally quote. Nevertheless be did cat some very serioa rflrti?ne on the bill U-s bit the I). ne'er bill s hard rap. The cuonrs mad a bie mistake wben it dropped the WtSson bill fur tbe Dingley Lill,l-.ofcti at l from a rational standpoint. Colonel Bryan has cau-ed torn of the papers cors'derable concern because he has made a few remarks oa the recent election and took occasion to rcmaik tiial tt.e election was greatly encourag ing to tbe cant of free silver, tbat the tin gle gold standard haa not been endorsed, and tbat the republicans have lest groond. It is amusing to see such gold standard papers as the Louisville Courier Journal and the Brooklyn Eagle quoted as democratic authority contrary to that of Mr. Bryan. "The telephone is a fanny bosiness," said a drummer yesterday. "Here I talks to a San Francisco man and be bears every word I ray, bat when I talks to an Albany man be doesn't bear a word." He had been talking witb one oi l fie saloon keeper. From tbe Pendleton E. 0. Sheriff Blakely and the county court have done the proper thing in offering 11000 reward for tbe arrest and convic tion of the assassin of Miss Wallace Tbe person guilty of this crime should be hunted down if it bankrupts the county to do it. If life is not safe in the county what is property worth, and what is tbe value ol government ii the life of a cat- sen is to be taken whenever some person taxes it into dis bead to svenge a sup posed wrong, ot wbicii a diseased, un balanced mind is proline. Young Mothers. Croip Is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Khiloh's Goufh and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of Croup. It has never been known to fail. 1 he worst cases re lieved immediately. Prices. 25 cts.. and 50 rts. and 11.00. Manv a Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as noth else will. Isold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Get the best flour. The Magnolia HORN . First-class In every respect. One of the above steamers is due to sail Irom Yaqnina about ever -rive days. Hhortest route between andtfan Francisco. Fare : valley points Late to bd and early to Jise, preparw a ' man tor nis home in the ki. But early j io bed ard a Little L'r!y Riser, the pill that ntakr lib longer and better and wuec. I A. Cummin:, r. geiit. wtst to .$10 00 . 17 00 Albany and punts San Francisco Cabin Round trip Fur sailing days spplv f Edwin Soonb, H. L. Wai.d21, Manager. T. F. & P. A J. Ton nek, Agent Albany, Or. Educate Tour Kuweit t urn .u. Cand Cathartic, cure constioatlon oreve Ma, 26c. It C Q. V. tail, druggists reluuii u.buft Mny a ho'.iwhold is saddened by death lte.-HUe of n e failure io keep on nand a a f and ulwiliih-ly certain cure for croup t-uch s 'n M mute Conub Cure. Bee that yrur li'tli one wre protected against emer gency J. A t'uiiiminsf, agent. If you want n e.ood and deal .ioKe buy oil tr m iJ-tf nr Al bany clp-ar lactory . Yourgrocer keeps it. '1 he Mngnoha Flour PATTISON. In Albany this week to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pattison, a boy. All doing well. . . DIED. SPARKES. In' Albany on Wednesday evening, jnov. io, Mr. James Bparkes, at the age of 77 years. Mr. 8parkes recently moved to Albany from Suver, Benton counly, and is well spoken of as a citizen and neighbor. Notwithstanding tbe contrary talk the Democrat has never ceastd to have any dojtit that a treaty of peace will be sign ed between tbe United States and Ppain- with out any further war. No other re sult can follow Spain is absolutely bound to come to terms. While she will stiuggls and kick to the last it is only to make a show to appease the wiath of ignorant Spaniards who do not know the tine situation, some of whom hardly know that there has been any war. Who says timea are not improing? Salem's leading jeweler recently sold an sew diamond set. Journal, It is being discovered that Portland's new charter is not a perfect ore. Among other cariosities the chief of police is a member of the board and ran vote for himself. ith one bacaer he caa stay in toe omce as long aa ne The most miserable man in the world is said to be Montojo, the admral defeat ed by Dewey in Manila harbor, who is now in Spain. As miseiable as he is every community has just about as miserable. its man that is List of P&tcntH. Granted to Northwest inventors this week. Reported by O. A. Snow A Co., patent attorneys, Waahingtcn, D.O, O Dickenson, Portland, Ore, panoramic- target; J Jobeon, Tacoma, Wash, band-saw ; A E Lotstron, Spokane, Wash, hitching and gsgging attachment; E Manula, Astoria, Ore, machine lor cast ing leans on fish-new lines; U Marcott, Spokane, wash. Ure-tUhtener; MMatt son, Sell wood, Ore. attachment for fire arms; J It Koss, Tacoma, Wash, smelt- ing-iu'nace; O H Strauss, Seattle, Wash, self-acting railway-switch; G W'eibol, Seattle, Wash, portable fireplace. For copy ol any patent send 10 cents In postaee stamps with date ol this pi uer to 0 A Snow & Co.. Washington, D 0. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long In the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, lndi food's gestion, bad taste, coated fSgSv tongue, sick headache, In- I Q3 i 1 1 somula, ete. Ilood'a Pills 1 1 I S cure constipation and all Its results, easily and thoroughly, ase. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood b Co., Lowell, Mass. Ths only puis to take with Hood's SamparUla, Momic Mi8 Milarca burm ester toucher of piano or organ. System ths Mason touch and technique, 'Residence fifth street, opposite U P chinch. Special Sale. At the Millinery Car, comer 2nd and Lyon streets, from Oct. 25th o the 30th. Ready I ri Timed hats, all styles, beauti fully trimmed, up-to-date. I will dis pote of my entire new stock at Bargain prims. Lftdie cordially invited to call. Mrs. El Ctiiiu You Trv It. If Bhiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1.00, does not cure take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price, 25 cts. and 50 cts The office ot tbe Grant county News was the only business house left in Can yon t.iiy alter the recent tire, it locks as if tbe fates were on tbe side ot the Dress. But, really what chances are tbere for a newspaper in a town without a bosiness Lsuse to tupport it. Some one ia wondering who will suc ceed President Chapman of tbe Or.TJniv crsity. The chances are that it will be some one with a political pull, thesame as several professors have secured posi tions there. II tbe regents would see the college prosper they will take poli tics out oi it entirely. Catarrh Can Be Cured By eradicating from the blood the scrof ulous taints which cause it. Hood's Sar- saparitla cures catarrh, promptly and permanently, because it strikes st the root of the trouble. Tbe rich, pure bloo! which it makes, circulating through the delicate passages of the mucous membrane, soothes and rebuilds the tissues, giving them a ten dency the health instead of disease, and ultimately curing the affection. At tbe same time Hood's Sarsaparllla strengthens, invigorates and energises the whole system and makes the debil itated victim of catarrh feel that new life has been imparted. Do not dally with snuff, inhalants or other local applications, but take Hood's Sarsaparilla and cure catarrh absolutely and surely by removing the causes which produce it. on Spain s domestic affairs and Ibe to ration of her finances. SUs Cnnl rwacral Balttmobjc, Nov. 17. The fa peril of Archbishop tiroes who died st St, Joseph's hospital Monday morning took place mis morning, ibe remains wnicn bad been lying in state at St James church, since Tuesday morning, were taken to the Cbthedral where funeral services) were held. A number of bishop and priests prominent in the church, as well as many lay men, were present. CarS well rrassatesl Wasmxcrox, Nov. 17 Herbert C Cardweil, of tbe teoond Oregon, baa been promoted from captain and regi mental surgeon to major and chief sur geon of volunteers. Captain Joseph B Forart r assistant Vd jutauit-geojeral, baa been honorably dis charged, his services being no longer re quired. Castas M 11 Loynox, Nov. 17. The shelving of Li Hang Chang, just reported from Peking was expected here. His retirement was due to British influence, lt is openly stated here by prominent diplomats that tbe turning down of Chang ia the strongest kind of indication that Eng- iana is getting on top in ue east, alter Maay Tears Service Xrw Have, Nov 17. At the meeting oi the corporation oi I ale i Diversity late this afternoon. President Tbimothv Dwight presented his resignation. The resignation is to take effect at the end of the university year. Among the mends of Dr. Dwight it has been no secret for some time that the Dr. contemplated bis resignation. stla tttrrke Spocaxe, Nov 17. A Lewiston special to tbe Spokesman-Review ssys: A great strike of high grade ore is re ported near the Snowshoe pass, on tbe Warren trail SO miles South of Florence. Idaho. A big stampede irom Florence ia reported. Will fat a rsnttwe WasHisoTox, Nov. 16. The acquisi tion of aa isiatid in the Caroline group, owned by Spain, will be part of the work of the Paris peace commission. The requisition of one of the Caroline islands, considered suitable for a cable station, would involve a money consider ation, and the United States" will pay Spain a reasonable price for its deiin quishment. Tae 'acts London, Nov. 17. Tbe Times com menting editorially this morning anoa tbe Spanish suggestion of arbitration re garding the Pbilippines refers to it as "oblivonely futile and absurd." "Tbe Spanish cabinet,"says the Times "has no real intention of breaking off the negotiations. It is only prolonging them in order to familiarise the public mind in Spain with the inevitable con cessions. A rewarsfa Strata Emporj , Kan., Nov. 16. This after noon the First National bank of Empo ria was closed by order of the controller of the currency. An hour later Chas. S Cross, the bank's president, and one of the best known breeders of Hereford ia tbe west, shot and killed himself at Son ny Slope, bit famous stock farm, near town. Speculation is said to have led to Cross' downfall. Stssala WtlUaaa Madrid, Nov. Iti. The Spanish cov- ernment has been advised tbat Empor er William will reach Cadis Sunday. His majesty will observe the strictest incognito. No honors will be tendered him, and tbe forts and German warships will merely exchange the usual naval salutes. The Spanish authorities will not board the imperial yatch Ilohen- sollern. Letter at reaaalalal Loxdox. Nov. 16, General Wesley A Merrilt, United States army, who is stiil in this city, read with a great deal ot interest the long letter of complaint against the American officials in the PhlllDDine islands, addressed hv ths an called Filipino junta of Hong Kong to President McKinley and the American people. Ue says it should be ignored. Bla Wheal sate Erasxs, Nov. 16. Several thonssn.l bushels of wheat were sold here yester day at 61 cents per bushel. The market has been quiet all fall. Ot about tto.000 bushels of wheat stored in Euirene. owe 50,000 bushels have gone out of the hands of the growers. Yon may res-ret some steps yon taae In life Lot none taken tnto the store st Parker Brasu It is a rmt Lnine to be well fed. Par- a-sr Rma kseti rood rroceries. A loaf of bread s not moch bat vow want it weU made. Try Parker Bros. A cough is not likf a fever, it does not have to run a certain course. Cure it q .ickty and effectually with One Uinute Coogh Cure, the best remedy for all ages sod for the most severe vases. We rdooiu uiend It because It's good. J. A. Cum, agent. S0UU3XS In tbe Cutmii Court of the Slat of Oregon for Una Cooaty, Department o. - I F Wralt. claiatiS. vs R Stinnett aot Maiiesa Stinnett, his wife, Ueonre Supple and Malinda Supp. his wife. Arts or M or- gaa aad Margaret t. Morgan. Bis wue. Regis aid Hastings aed Leila H BastiBca, his wile. Anderson Measinger. A R Os- hom and K A Osbora his wife. Mieeie L steanBser. V W lacobs. and Suvcv la cobs, bis wife, iida A Hreeinger and Warren Meaatger. a minor, defendants. Tj George Ptapple. Malinda'iUpple, Ar thnr U areas. Mtmnt E Uonrao. Ander sea MessiBger. Itionis L Messinger. Mida A Ueauager and srrea Heasnger. a minor, ths a Sore Basted dtfeadacts . IN THE NillE OF THE STATE Or Uregoa : Yon aad each of too are hereby required to appear and be in the above e tnled court to antwer to the complaint of the plaintiff against you oa Sle herein, oa or before the last day cf tne period of lime prescribed for tbe Duplication of this sa--moes open yoj, which period of time is seven weeks from tbe date of tbe first pob licaf ioa of this snaa icons, aod said last day of pobiicatioa will he tte 30tb day o December, Asa yoa ae farth-r noticed that if yoa fail to so appear and answer tbe plaintiff wti! apply to the court fcr the relie prayed for ia bis said comp'aiot. to wit: For a deaee owrectisg the description cob tilted a certain deed executed aad delivered by Josiab Orb ra aad others to Rouen Mont gomery wr lch rvd was rexsdfd in Book - Q" rt R-:uiu el Deeds for Lisa County. Oregon, at page 737. oa toe 1 3rd day of October, 1S7&. so that uud de-writALm will read a follows: Beeiesieg at a point 8J2 chains Eaod5 chains 3 from toe N W RAILROAD The Scenic Line 01 the World Mil iisiLrsiaiis To The ILST a through toorist cars witboot change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TO CRIST SLEEPERS Inthags cf fxpsiiensel ccudns- Ts Finn Gity saa Cfciesgo afLUa aa4 Bossasi MONDAYS wiOos ctaagcyU Sat Lake Kin Pacine aad Chicago AKea Roiiroad TsOsishs.CaicatfS. Bafaie TUESDaTS Beaa, witaoat chaaga, y SmH Lake sad Caicaga, Rack I Used a Pacine Ky TsStJosaoh. Kasa Citv, WEDN5DAYS St UvJa, t caaaga via J-a X . Sarhag sou ' To - aas i"Hy sad S Lewis THURSDY3 witasat eaar, t ahi Lakeaad laawjan Pacific Ry A ay stopover arraaged at Salt lake aad Oaaver A Ride throagw the haw Colorado Seaasry For raica aad iafdnaitwa iaqau-a of O K & N aad S P sejeaaf ar address R C NicBot, Grw AA S K Roaaas, S51 WaaatBfftr.a I'reet, Dsaver, Portiaad Ore.aa Cilorada. NOTICE CFAP?OIMTUEXT Notice is nereby given that by order tbe court of Lisa county. Or-, diy saads aad entered of record, tbe unaersijraed ess beea duly appointed admiaissrator of the eotate of Elizabeth Aadusoa, deceased. Alt persons bavirr claims aswiast said ee- tate are hereby B3 ified aad required to pre sent tbe same with tbe proper voocaera. la the nadersigned. witrta ix sBoatha front the date hereof, at Albnay, Or. J. W. AxDxasox, Ada r. WaaTsrsaFoao a Wrarr. Attoraeys for AdminUtrator. coraerof the ULC of Josah Osoora. iti M17W UllUlf WfiDln being Claim Sot. Ne. 261 1 aad Claim No. l JJ JJ f "iU J Ullllli 53 is 1 p. 14 b li v ana rnnncg inence N S chains, Inence E 39 68 chairs, thence a TIM chains, thence W 41.63 chains, thence N 67 H) chains, thence E 2 chains to the place of besiaaia(t,coBtatains X acres nr or lees tn Ltna Coaaty. tTr-aoo . And farther decreeing t ' rNintiff is the osnser in ree simpte of all the toiwing described premises, to wit: Keginnitg at a point on tbe North boundary line of die D L C of Josiab Osbora and wife. Not. ao. 2611 and Claim No. S3 ia Tp. 14, 8 R I W of tbe Willamette Meridian in Lisa CcoBty. Oregon, which is 8 82 chains E of tbe N w earner of said D L C and run ning thence S 21 degrees 30 minutes W 5 2 chains, thence S53.CS chains, thence K 20 chains, thence N 20 chains, thence E 21 .68 chains, thence NS8.63 chains to tbe North line of said D L C. thence Wert 39.68 chains to the place of beginning con taining an acres more or less, Aad de creeing that plaintiff s title o said land be qaie'.ed, aod' enj uning the defendants herein, and each of them, from asserting any right or title thereto The date of the first publication ot this snmmont is the 13th day of November, 1S9S. This summons is published by order of tbe I Ion. tieo. D. Barton, County Judge ia aad for Ltna County, Oregt n, made at A I bant, in said county sad state, this 14th day of November, IS98, A.M. Cajrsos. Attorney for plaintiff. 1 Kr nvi lUA tL r A ft la. or ALBaitT, oaaaoii PrMMCOt . VsrricfcMM , ... LFUXW a,TOCK .a, a. LAiiauos TICKETS To all point East via Great Northern Railway. For.ratee, folders and full information call on or address II. F. MsKRtu., Agent Albany, Laundry Notice. Overcome evil with good. Overcome tour coughit and colds with One Minute L'ouirh Cure. It is so good children cry for it. lt tares croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung diseases. J. A, Gumming, agent. Having taken charge of tha Albany 6 team Laundry 1 am nrenared Id do first j class work, employing only experienced oeip. aii iauuiry won tent to my place will receive my prompt attention and be laundrled in a superior manner. O. M. Cubl. Learn to any "o" when a deals offers you sometbintr "just as aood" place of Hold's Sarsaparilia. There can be i no substitute for America's Oreateet Rem-' edy. Hood's Pills cares nausea, sick Lea . ache, biliousness and liver i II s. S!t tin TRANSACT A OLHMULtaKixWM ACCOVNTS KtPT mbtwt to slwck. IOTKXOHAKOt and te'scrapalc lna, o4 a NswTvrk Saa rraastsca.ChWacs a rtaa L',riOS llDtM Kntrsbta terais. SIBSeRMS) S K twi c a taaasos r A Oooavrr, L. Ium C. S. r-a. Thricc-at-Wetk Edition 18 Pages a Week . . 4 ... 156 Papers a Teas For One Dollar raaaaleca-r AlAtssuUeavaj asuaacswaat The Thrice-a- Week Editiea of Tai ra Tokk World is first aaviasT ail "weak I j papers in sise. freqoency of pabbeatioa and tbe fresacMs, seen racy aad variety oi its eortents. It has all the merits of a met $6 daily at tbe price of a doltai weekly. Its political news is peoapt.coon plete, aocsrate aad impartial aa all its read ers will testify. It is against tbe monopo lies aad tor the people. It prints the news of all the world, hav lag special correspondence from aii im portant aew points oa the globe. It has orilliaat illnstratioaa. stories by gnat anthors, a capital burner page, comptet markets, departments for tbehooseoold aad women's work aad other special de partmeBta. We offer this aneqasJed aewspaper sum the DanocsAT togetherone weai for () tAlcriio PROCURED, EUGENE W.JOHNSON, Mc'.tf ant Atljn Pateilftiss IttlM lTarkAvJWsahtaatea.sC APESTPOWEB ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL STZEfi Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. DR. J. L. HILL Physician and Sorgeoa, H lol.j k. mm Caveats and Trads KarisohtatiMdaiiilallPatA ent basiness eondaetel for stoasrats fees. MeadmotlrLdnwineorpBoto. w.adTtaslfi iblafKSotclime. Onrfiwaoldaatiu- nslantabl niciitUMonrr.l. A Pamphlet -How to Ob- iala PatsMa, with coat of saiasla tbs V, 8 aad foresja egoatriai seat fcsa, t d ."real. a a. snow & co. Op. PftttntOmet, WllHINttTt)!!, D, C rarf4yTaW DDR CAPACITY -Is Uaequaled In , the Valley. OUR WORi - Is Unsurritsi In Oregon. Vo have the best stock tc select, from and our price 9ro alwavs the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Au.iy. The P 7OKS.VLE. A. fsrra ot 50 acres, lev land, all nnderdence. SO acres :n ! cultivation. 1 acre archard. eood bsra. j fair box-boose, good '.water; mile Iron w aierioo, a nuiest irom bodsvuie, a miles Irom Lebanon I linn eoontv. Ore-, on county road. If bagi aooa $300 wil ny iU DITtD Rjcs, prop.