The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 25, 1898, Image 3

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eep Warm
Capes ipd Jackets
Lines com fie to.
Specially strong
$3.50 to 125.00.
on medium grade
Oreeonwool; AlUnv Manu
facture. Blankois a'r right,
prices are right.
S E Young & Son,
' Stamped Linens,
Embroidery Silks,
Battenburg materials,
Honiton Braids,
Sofa Pillows. Pillow
Pillow tone, ornimeotal and
omer aeeigns,
Art Dinanis, Tapestries,
wissand Esprit draperies'
to frighten up your home. To prepare
Ritl)ons, all grades Newest things in
Pompadour and Side Combs, Belts and
Fascinators, Feather
chiefs 2c to $1.50.
Boa's, Handker
On the new counters
are every day
Thanksgiving Foot Ball.
Albany will be gi.ven a foot ball game
on Thanksgiving afternoon, beginning at
3 o'clock that will be the hottest in the
history of the city. The Chemawas will
p'ay here on that day. They have play
ed nearly every team in the state and are
the most experienced in the state,
though having gone np against several
stronger teams. Albany will have to
rustle to beat them. Ever? body will
want to see it. Admission 25 cents.
To-Night. At the armorv tcnisht
the Moore family will give a very pleaa-
eawnunmens mat will oe worm at
tending. . They are geniuses on the
mandolin, guitar and other instruments,
and Master Harry is the chamnion bat
on swinger. A special feature is the act
of Captain Beach the water king, who
actually eats, drinks, smokes, writes and
eleeps.under water. Gus Leonard, the
Dutch specialist and saxaphone solist
does some first class work. Admission
10 and 15 cents.
, JIazamta Cibclk W. of W. All
neighbors are requested to attend malt
ing, tonight at Maccabee hall. Fact on
of officers and important basin SS to
transact. Invited guests and dr-Je
friends . will meet in reception r 02 at
8:30. By order.
Mary MeCuw, G. N.
MnxrxKitr. Ladies who are late pur
chasing their millinery call and see
late goods, bometuing new at the
linery Car.
H. E. Bowers has leased The Portland,
at Portland, for two years from next
April. - i
The trial of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moore
was to take place in New York City, to
day. There was a thief around the .depot
this noon. Mike's dinner basket and
Friendly's cane were all stolen.
The bill of exceptions on the appeal in
the ticGrath murder case was to l e filed
in Salem today by Attorney WyatL
Senator Simon will leave for Washing
ton next Thursday to beein his career in
the millionaire body.
The enrollment in the public schools of
The Dalle is 813, the most in the history
of the city, and certainly speaking for
that live city.
At Moline, 111., last Friday night while
riding . a fraternal goat Dr. Sensibangti
was pushed against an electric battery
in such a way as to give him a shock it
, was thought would result fatally.
17 was a popular score in football last
Saturday. Harvard . Ideated Yale 171 toO,
the Multnomahs defeated the Chemawas
by exactly the same score and the
Bishop Scotts defeated the Academy
boys 17 to 5.
The Prineville Telephone Co. baa sold
its stock and franchise , to the Sunset
Telephone Co. Work has already begun
on the line from here to The Dalles and
the long distance telephone is an assured
fact. Hello, and Hurrah ! Journal.
At Corvallis last Saturday, JohnVine
yard, an Oregon pioneer well-known in
Albany, was found guilty of assault on
officer Beach with a dangerous weapon
and was sentenced to the penitentiary
for one year. He was taken through Al
. bany this noon for Salem.
The contract for erecting the new O A
C mechanical hall, at Corvallis, has been
let to H. M. Ely, of Salem, for $19,213.
The building is to be of stone, two stor
ies high, with a cement fire proof roof,
and is to be completed by April 1, 1899,
When we read of a railroad wreck in
which a hundred people are killed, we are
fiiird with eitr and harror. There are other
dangera in this life a thousand time greater
than that of the railroad wreck, only we do
not bave them brought so forcibly to onr
rt-ntinn ConsnmDtion does not kill a
hundred people at once in one train. It
does kill tens of thousands for every one
that is killed by accident,
if s anfferer will resort to the right rem
-4. h-farc it is too late, consumption can
t. cured. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery cures 08 per cent of all case if
..i... 4 tha aarlier abues. It has main-
taired this record for thirty years. Many
.1 - it has rescued from the
verge of the grave have permitted their
namea, addresses, experience and photo
graph, to be printed in Dr. Pierce's Com-t-
vrvrilral Adviser. This useful
book i free, and any anfferer who wiahea
to investigate may procure it and write to
those who were once sufferers themselves.
For a paper covered copy aend at one-cent
stamps, lo cover cost of mailing nly, to
the World' Diapenaary Medical Associa
tion, Buffalo, N. Y. The "Golden Medical
Discoverv" la tha mat blood-maker and
.flesh-builder. It restore the lost appetite,
corrects the impaired diareation. makes the
liver active and the blood pure. Any med
icine dealer who offer you something
else said to be "lust aseood" la thinking
about his pocketbook and not about your
health. (
a J hsTC taken Dr. Pierce' GoMra Medical
nlacovery soil ' Fsmrita Prescription ' with
wonderful results." writas Mrs. Annls M. Nor
man of Equiounk, Wayne Co.. Pa. "I had
consumption : the doctors as id I'd dl. Tha
Coldea Medical Discovery ' cured m."
'V 3
The Report of the Expeita Shows
it to Be $3,800,74.
The report of the experts appointed i
by the county, C. G. Hogue and A.
it ) uu u v uuiu ui lira
surer 1 . i. Morris, was (filed this after
noon, it shows the following:
1st tkrm.
Balance due on institute fund.. I 7 60
On cities and districts : 12 83
On general and school fund .... 1836 1 9
$1860 52
Warrants credited twice $333 35
Interest " "... 6 59
389 94
Total ...$2246 46
Less short credits on warranto
paid, quarter ending March
31, 1895 H 26
Net balance due county 1st term. $2255 20
2nd tebm.
Balance due on city iund $ : 06
On general fund 25 46
On school fund 1560 92
$1583 44
By credit over payment :
District fund $13 40
Institute fund 7 50
20 90
Total due on second term . . . $156 54
Total balance due for two
terms..,.. VJt.. $3800 74
Besides the formal part of the report
appears the following: -
in checking the warrants we found
that two warrants had been entered as
paid twicv, vis: warrant 7695, in favor of
F. M. Redtield for S83.35 and intercut
$1.66 was paid June 10, 1865 and entered
again on July 31, 1895 : also warrant 7844
was paid on Jnne 18, 1895 and was enter
ed again on July 31, 1895. It was in fa
vor of A. R. Rutherford for $300.10 and
interest $4.93. These warrant were
credited to Mr. Morr.s in the settlement
tor the term ending June 30. 1895. and
again in the settlement for the term end
Sept, 30, 189i, so we have added these
amounts to the clerks chsrges against
the treasurer during the first term.
At the end of the first term tha dork
made an error in balance of the general
and school fund in favor of the treasurer '
ol f 1210.56 by bringing down a balance
wnicn was that amount too small. The
treasurer carried forward a balance
which was reduced in a similar wav.
This error was discovered after the close
of the second term.
The following order was made by the
fcov.Xl, 1898. Report of expert ac-i
countanta received and accepted. The ;
county Jndtre is hereby ordered to make
demand on P. G. Moms and hia bonds
men for his first term as Conntv treasur
er of the sum of $2235.20, which sum the
within report shows was due the conntv
at mat time. Also to make demand on
P. G. Morris and hia bondsmen for the
second term of office as County treasurer
ior f ioco.04,aia amount reine due Linn
county tor mat period as shown by the
written account.
Geo. D. Bartox, judge
Tennessee Gatherings.
if r v. t it.. n -r -
in tnis vicinity this week buying note-
kl- TIT. II : LI . . f""
i. n wi ii w guugiDg oeaier and
a pleasant gentleman.
We have one of the best fancy work
men in the valley, in the person of J. D.
Fronk. Last week he forged a gun trig
ger of a difficult kind and this week he
has completed a stock; both of which
would do credit to the common variety
from the dealers. Mr. Fronk says he
may make an entire gun.
This week completes two months of
school at this place.
P. L. Wallace and Geo. Ross have just
finished digging potatoes.
Four geese have been killed recently :
Walter Davis 2, Clyde McKnightl, tt.
Wood 1.
Win. Fronk and Geo. Wyer are ex
peeted home from Washington about
H. Bryant and J. W. Senft,of Albanv,
were .in Term, last Wednesday on busi
ness. P. M. Scherer has been ill for some
Mr. W. U. Baltimore could not with
stand the pressure of batching and has
departed for Albany where he will make
his future abode. His daughter, Laura,
having been married early in the fall to
Mr. Kobt. Walker. He has one eon,
Frank, living near Spicer and a younger
daughter, Mary in Lebanon.
Scott Wallace and family have moved
to Portland.
There is some talk of the president
calling a special session of the Liitmrw.
IHhat for?
Janet Waldorf.
Youth, beauty and tahnt. Three fairy
gilts to win the world with one would
think ; yet, in these modern times, tbe
actress who wonld win universal ap
plause must puneees still other virtues ;
Health, liuiirnptism and an "infinite
capacity lor iating pains." It is not
saying too much to say Miss Waldorf
holds all these and is recalling her to our
playgoers, we wonld remind them, that
the fair owner of euch varied talents
gives to our town a pleasure not often
witnessed here. As Juliet, Viola and
Rosalind, in whatever role we mar
chance to see her this year she brings
that exquisite modulation of voice and
speech, that finish and excellence that
tell ol talent tempered, pruvt.l ana poi
ubed oy band work. 10 see her is a
privilege which should, and we believe
will, tie taxed advantage oi vr every
laygoer. Tbe costumes this season are
resh from the costumers hands and are
"point devise" in every particular. The
full company numbers fifteen culled
from tbe best in their respective lines.
At the Armory Wednesday night in "As
i on L.iice it," Thursday aiternoon in
"Twelfth Night" and Thursday night in
"Komeo and Juliet." Admission 60 and
75 cents. 1
Mrs Booth Tucker, the famous Salva
tion leader, is in Portland.
T. M. Written, tbe new owner of the
Blumberg block, was in the city today.
Judee M. E. Brink and Ed Hodraa sr.
rived here last evening from Albany and
iett on the stage today lor their homes at
rrinevme. The Ualies T. M.
A leading social event in Balem last!
week was a party by Misses Genevieve
and fcttiel Hughes in honor ot their guest
Miss Laura V eier, of New York.
The funeral of Mrs. P. B. Marshall last
Saturday was one of the largest attend
ed in the history of Albany, attesting to
tbe Bhign esteem in wnicn sne was
Mr. C. G. Coker. for some time nast
one of Mr. Mavo's assistant in the freight
department of .the A. x V. a. K. was on
yesterday transferred to Portland, where.
it is said, be will represent tbe interests
of tbe (Jorvallis Eastern road and in
cidentally the A. A C. Astorian.
Hon. H. M. Palmer, who has been at
tending the meeting of the legislative
educational committee in Portland re
turned home this noon. The committee
are receiving some valuable suggestions
and will be able to report some school
laws badly needed in this state. .
B.J. Pengra, a former Lane conntv
man, now 75 yearsjold, and MesLucret-
la Bigeiow, were married In Portland
last week. They had never heard of each
other until few days before, Pengra hav
ing gone to Portland after a wife. He
has been married twice before.
Some Relics. Lieutenant G. F. Telfer,
who ia with the volunteers in Manila,has
recently sent home a box of curios to his
little son, Willis, which is prized very
highly by tbe boy. Among other things
is a coat worn by a member of the Span
ish hand. The garment is of white duck,
the finest quality, and is handsomely
trimmed with red and yellow, and decor
ated with the regulation military buttons.
The performer who wore it was evidently
a very small man, as the coat just fits a
13-year-old boy. Telegram.
Baking Powder
Made from purs
tream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Akan baking powder are the greatest
rocnacca to health of the present day.
wwmh oa,. wtw mm.
A dispatch from Kansas City of Nor
19 reads:
E. C. Read, traveling salesman for the
Swofford Bros.' Dry Goods Company, vis-
iwxi vuiei oi .ronce Hayes mis aiternoon
to learn if the police had found any trace
91 nls isiner, who disappeared lroni the
.lomyu, liuuse, 111 una city, juiy o.
Since the day of his disappearance no
one has seen or heard of W C. Kead.and
the sudden manner of his taking-off
promises to remain always a mystery.
W. C. Read was a wealthy farmer from
Aiuany, ur., who fljCnt to faraous, Kan.,
to visit his son.- On July 8 he registered
at the Tremont hotel, and at 6 o'clock in
the evening spoke pleasantly to the day
clerk, who was just going off duty, and
walked out. No one has seen him since,
and although theories of murder or sui
cide have been advanced, not a mite of
evidence nas been discovered to substan
tiate them.
E. Q. Read, the son, has searched all
through Missouri and Kansas for his
father, out to no avail. The New York
Life Insurance Company, in which Read
was insured for $3000, has also had its
sgents at work, without success.
a The only theory advanced by the police
that Read met with foul play. It is
believed that persons who knew he had
considerable money followed him to Kan
sas City from Parsons and murdered
him. He could have been enticed to some
lenely siot on the river and slugged and
robbed, and his bodv thrown into the
Misaouri river to hide the crime. If he
was murdered, the crime was piobably
committed by persona who were led to
believe that he had on his parson the
$1000 which he gave his wife before leav
ing nome.
A Theatrical Treat.
The advent ol Miss Janet Waldorf in
Romeo and Juliet, As You Like It and
Twelfth Night, in Aloany, will be bailed
by many as the event of oar theatrical
season. She is still frech in oar memor
ies from last year and now comes to re
capture old admirers and win new ones.
Her undoubted genius was recognised by
oa last season and bas since bceo eo
dcretd and certified by East and West
alike. An American bred and born, we
may well be proud of ber. Her manag
ers sensibly, bave surrounded their star
with an appropriate setting. The com
pany is an excellent one and tbe cos
tumes new snd correct. Thos far this
season has been a brilliant triumph for
ber and we confidently nrediet a rmmA.
ed and appreciative audience to welcome
bbe will appear with a splendid com
pan? at the armory, which will be put
in the best condition possible for tbe
performsnce. On Wednesday aieht. tha
23rd will be presented Aa Yon Uk Tt
oo Thanksgiving aiternoon at a mati,tee
Twelfth Night and in tbe evening Ro
meo and Juliet. Admirsioo 50 and 75
cento. Reserved seat on sale at Bark
hart A Lea's.
The Three Saved.
The names o( the three men saved
from tbe wreck of the Atalanta. are
Francis McMahon of Belfast, Ireland.
John Webber of Tarrytown, N. Y., and
George Fraxier ot Philadelphia, Penn.
The recount of the wreck indicates that
the schooner was racing with another
boat that bad several days the start, and
that tbe captain, Charles McBride was
trying to make distance liy cutting closer
to the shore. The men declare that they
and seven or eight others were shang
haied at Tacoma and robbed cf their ad
vance pay, naming the men who did the
crime, promising a live time wben tbey
get back to Tacoma. A Tacoma dispatch
says tapt Ale Bride was a favorite where
ever known ami that his death was sin
cerely regretted there.
Will Not Hang De;. 16
J. R. Wyatt returned last night from
Salem, where yesterday aiternoon he fil
ed bis bill of exceptions in tbe murder
ease of T. M.McGratb and secured a
tay of execution ont:l tbe appeal is
heard by tbe supreme court..
Thanksgiving Exercise.
The public schools will bold Thanks
giving exercises tomorrow afternoon pre
vious to adjourning until Monday dur
ing tbe Thanksgiving vacation season.
All are invited to these exercises. Tbey
will be made of interest to patrons as
wen a pupus.
Foun Albany Ham. The superior
! court yesterday laid the strong - hand ol
injunction noon the ever increasing ac
cumulation of law suits piling op against
i. S. Antooelle, the former contractor
for tbe government in clearing the army
poet site at Magnolia blnff Tbe action
was taken at the request of the American
surety Uompanv ot New York, wblcb
was tbe sole surety on Antonelle's bond
for the performance of bis contract and
wbich yesterday filed snit for an injunct
ion, alleging that tbe suite commenced
and about to te commenced upon tbe
bond threaten to mulct it (or dam aces
far in excess of tbe penalty of that oblig
ation . Seattle P. I. Antonelie was one
of tbe fsmouj Oregon Pacific contractors
and made Albany his headquarters. He
bad plenty of trouble with the O. P.
Vxa?' Ckeditablx. Tbe minutes of
tbe went synod of the Presbyterian
ebon t have just beeo printed by Smiley.
Tbe job is a splendid one, an4, has ben
complimented by the ministers ol tbe
church, though their last years minut
es were printed in Portland.
Please do not read thu,: the Al
banv Baths will be closed on Thursday
at 12 o'clock until Friday morning. By
order of Bebt Cbawpoud, Pres.
Dock Holmes, Sec.
Sylvester Pennoyer bas sued James
and George Steel, of Portlanu. for over
due htm from them. He bas
come C"-olidat4 as security. Though
James Steel is reputed to have tome
property yet the Da-mqcsat would not
care to bid very high ot) the account.
The second number of tbe Pacific
Monthly Is out. It is well gotten no fo
a new msgazjne, bnt as vet lacks that
stamp that will make it of oat onil im
Donations for the Orphans Home will
be acceptable. Leave the same at Hop
kins isros.
We buy, sell and store grain.
We make Magnolia Flour,
Also whole wheat, Patent and germ,
1 he Magnolia MWa.
Flour 85c per sack. Try it.'
The Magnol".
Yourgrocer keeps it.
The Magnolia Flour
The W. of W.
Mansanlta Circle W. of W. at their
regular meetiug last night elected the
following officers:
Guardian Neighbor, Cora White.
rast urand, Mary McClain.
Adviser, Genelle Maston.
Clerk, L. Vieretk.
Banker, Mary Sullivan.
Magician, Ray Allen.
Attendant, Lillian McHargue.
I. S, Pearl N. Cameron.
O. S Zoe McOlaln.
Managers, C. G. Bu-khart and May
Musician, D. G. Dubruil'e.
Capt. of Guards. Mamie Mootiromerv.
This association has ma lea wonderful
growth; was organised in April '97, and
a their first Grand Session recently held
at Frisco, showed a niembershipof 7,000.
No other association ever mad such
rapid growtn in eighteen months. An
white woman over 18 years and under 52
can become a member. Their rate of at
sessments are the same as tha Woodman
of the World, who. at their last Head
Camp session adopted the Circles as an
auxiliary to the Woodmen, hut in no
wise connected in any financial responsi
bility. They transact a separata busi
ness on the same liatia as the Woodman
of the World, who have tbecheapettand
bo.t plan. This association has Daid all
claims 'n full and have placed a monu i
ment on the graves of ail the deceased!
ladv tnenihara- and list? - hali.M nf
$10,000 in Benefit fund fhsv h.v -
demonstrated beyond a donbt as to their I The stage at tbe armory is being en
reliaoilitr. and everv wife and Humhiar lamed for Janet Waldorf and other en-
of a Woodman shoJld Join this order and
maaeitvneol tne stronireat ladies ontara
in the country.
Thsc Double Warrants.
Reference in tbe report of tbe experts
C. Hogue and A. Wheeler in the ease
of ex-county treasurer Morris to two
warrant enured as paid twice baa not
been fully understood Tbe situation is
this; Warrant 7695 igned by tbe coun
ty clerk and made payable to F. M. Red
field was paid and iiimnml eKia.n.i
June 10, 1896," and entered on that day
in the Treasurer's record book. Ovtr
then and he 10 have been written in
red ink "ly 31," and on July 31, 1895.
under the cam number "Jie same war
rant is aam enlervd in the T'eaturer's
bo k, eat ti time lor ta3 3 The other
warrant -. i.-yah!e in A k kmlinUH
and i uh thereaoUr treassrer'a
ataiiip' iv.., r. lone 18. 18W." the
nu.ui. r..o. 7881. Ovar the whole of
J nee IS, is a H e-in red ink July 31.
On July 31, l-flj, nest following tne
second entry of the Rwdfield warrant the
Rutherford warrant, same number and i
amount as tbe first was again entered,
but instead of ben g tor $300.10, as the
warrant cal'td ior in eacn rase it Is for
n even $300
Janet Waldorf All Right.
From the Seattle P. I.:
Miss Waldorf is a great Juliet. She
bat the passion and tbe pow.r, the ac
cent and the mien of melaocboiy which
n the two last acts make tbe play cne of
Sttekeepearee't mat tragedies
Her work last night at the Seattle
theatre finally eiincted the good opinion
which local audiences bad formad ol h
through ber presentation of "As You
Like J v." "Twelfth Nkht" and "Ineo-
mar." In "Romeo and Juliet" she had
an opportunity to shew those who bad
witnessed tbe other piajs, whirn are of a
lighter and less serious straio, that she
noeseeaes a id range of ability. As the
difficulties of Juliet's situation multiply.
Miss Waldorf rises with a tnseeificent
understanding of the possibilities of tbe
At tbe Armory Wednesday night in
"As Yoo Like It '' Thursday afternoon
in "Twelfth Night," and in the evening
in "Romeo and Juliet."
After Many Year.
Eprroa Democrat;
I wish to state thronah your paper
that I bave sold my threshing outfit,
giving place for others, stepping down
and out aod bid ling farewell to thresh
ing machine busioe. which 1 have
been engaged in for 19 years, bavin
commenced m 1879 with a horaa rjowar
and winding np with tbe steam ontfit.
With many pleasant recollections and
good withes for old band and neighbors
I am respectfully, . S. T. i sooes.
anany, ov. 21st 1898.
IkpobtaxtChasge The second floor
of the I', i am berg block, now owned by
Mr. T. M. Witten. of Jefferson, has been
rented to the Corvallis A Essiera rail
road company and is being arranged for
tbe bead office, of tbe company, lo be
occupied bv them December 1. This is
an Important move anticipated by the
charter of lb 4 ne organization.
Tax Rem. The Rath has again be
gun making ber regular winter trips,and
will run on tbe same schedule as last
year, going down river Monday, Wednes
days and E.iday and op the alternate
data, e-he will thus go down tomorrow
at 7 a. ui.
The ladies nl tbe W. O.T. U. will bold
a Parlor meet ng at the residenceti Mrs,
vance on edneedav evening, Nov. 23.
to meet Mrs. L. P. Rounds, one of onr
state lertnrera just returned from tbe
National convention, who will interest
those present with a report ef tbe con
vention, vt e expect all members of me
Union tu be preteot.aod invite all others
either gentleman or ladies to attend if
Mrs. D.W. Wakefield .of Portland, is in
the city tbe guest of her sisters, during
me ibanksyiving season.
Rev. T. J. Wilson, of Eugene, who has
been to Portland several weeks giving
BiDie readings, returned borne today.
Mr. Frata Wood, sr., passed through
Albany last nisht tor the Trinity mines
in Northern California, where be hss
owned a claim lor over twenty years.
The members of No. 2' Engine Co
will give a social at their hall this even'
log. to which ell members otthe com
pany and their inailirf and exempt
nremen are inviiea.
Mrs Rounds, a prominent Oregon W.C.
T. if. woman, arrived in Albany this
noon )ost from the national W.0.T.U
where she represented Oregon.
Cap. James L Smith will have charge
of the steamer Albany on tbe river this
year, tieo. w alker pilot, W. A. Cumm
ins purser, Albert Lenn mate, J.T
Mayo watchman.
Believing that they know how to rnn
a social, the men ol the V. P. church
will give one nxt Friday night at tbe
church, to which all members and at
tendants ol the church will be welcome.
Committees of men bave been appointed
even to the dish washing.
Mrs. B. Swsrtz bss been in tha eii
on a visit with ber father. Mr. Monroe
Ward. W hi e going from the nnaCnfnna
to Pfeiffer's she dropped her pocket book
containing four or five dollars in money,
a return ticket lo Portland and an,a
keys. Tne finder would confer a favor
by leaving them with Mr. Ward.
Homer Davennort nasaad thnimii i '
Deny last night lor Ban Francisco, where
i - i a '
lie win ue toinea ov ma wtia whan ii
will proceed east, csrtoooed for all emer.
gencies. as Mr. Davenport is reputed
io,iuv a yesr ano siuu a
month for incidentals it ts not necessary
to state that be did not walk, as some
mi. ci nave interred Jrora one ol bis own
csrto ins in me examiner.
fred Koonts and MUs Anna Kirk
were marries at the Methodist churrh
in Athena, Iat Wednetdav. hv Raw
Motor. Mrs. Koonts is tbe daughter of
T. J. Kirk, one of tbe best known citi
zens In this county. Tbe groom is tbe
son of the late W. T. Koonts, being a
nephew of J. fl. Koonts, of Echo. Pen
dleton E. O. Former Linn county
See Locals on every page.
The Trilby stove, tbe best in the mar
ket, at Stewart A Sox Hardware Co'.
Sick Headaches,
The curse of overworked womankind
j quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood purifier and
tissue Duiiaer. Money refunded if not
satisfactory. Price, 25 eta, and 60 els.
Pure Tea
in packages
at grocers'
The Hoag la now running
Tbe Branton murriVr has coct Lane
county $2,500, without the hanging which
will come high.
John Morgan ha n appointed col
lector of onttoras fr th southern dis
trict of Oregon.
Tbe corner stone ol the new court
house st Dallas will be laid by tbe Ma
sons on November 30ih at 2 p.m.
Chemawa vs. Albany Thanksgiving af
ternoon, on tl e col lege campus. Admit
rnissioo, 25 cents. An even, fast sauie
is anticipated.
Thomas Palmer, a highly retpecled
citiieo died at bis home near fialsey.lstt
Sunday, Nov. 2", at the age of 4S year.
The cause of his death was Brigot'e dit-
.ease ol the kidnnys.
1 tertainmente that may be given there
. tnis winter, and will tJ ready h tomor.
row evening
The county court )esterday afternoon
elected Mr. aod Mrs. N. Drnmmond aa
farmer, for the new co-ntypoor larm,
and they will take charge of it tomorrow.
They will have nine or ten subjects to
start with.
Janet Waldorf Wdnesdaynightin"As
Yoo Like It." and "Komeo aod Joliet,"
Shakespeare's two heat stage plays. This
will e one of tbe best theatrical treats
in the history of the city and our citixena
should show their appreciation of legit
imate drama by giving MUs Waldo'i a
big house. He support is strong. Mr.
McVeigh is ailh ber as leading man, a
thorough artist and a gentleman. Ad
mis ion 50 snd 76 cents
Tbe Moore family gave a plesant enter
tainment last night at tbe armory, con
sisting of music br the faro itr. baton
swinging by Master Harry, dialectiwork
uy uus 4je- naru, wno is alt right, ana tne
water work bv Can. Btsach me human
fish, who eats, drinks, smoke and lies
down in a tank of water, an actual fact
and no delusion. They will be here next
Panposxn i. BA.XGxs. Amona the pro
posed chaoses in tbe school laws will be
a pr viiioo for the selection ot rrbool
bojks by a committee of five competent
persons appointed by the coveraor, in
stead of by tbe coouty school suoeria- now. Another cbanre voted
by the committee at their Portland
meeting it tbe raising of the age for
drawing school money from tour to six
years. Tbe time for taking tbe school
census was set lor the first Monday in
Jane. 1 be county treasurer will act as
tbe treasurer of me school district, tbe
clerk to draw warrant oo the district
funds. Provided of coarse that the com.
ing legislature endorse these provisions.
Licer ust.
Following is the list of letters rem au tag
in the Pottomce at Albany, Lien county,
Oregon, Nov. 22, 1333. Person calling
for Ihfee letters moat give the date oa which
they were advertised :
i Bertram, Mr J R Mills, Mrs Anna
Borbam.J W Moree. Mr S B
McC:ilao Mr O O Wh intone, Asa
Campbell, Mr Geo Helm, Mrs Lids
Package, Mrs Wary Bowman, Mrs
Jennie E Fanver.
T. 3. Stttss P. M .
A Red Crown Items.;
Today, according to a custom wbicn
bss been ia vogue with them for a num
ber of years, and as a s'isht appreciation
of the services of their employee, Tbe
I'ortisod Flouring Mills Co. Red Cioeu
Mills, cf this city, presented to each of
their employee a ice tat turkey as a
Th.nksvior offering. Also lolly appre
ciating the verv l.beral patronage that
ha, been given them bv the pat lie since
iliey t ok charge of the mi:t here aod not
being able to secure a sufficient number
of turkeys to go round, they have taken
li.e next best cho.c and reduced the
once nl Snow Flake Floor Teentv ceota
per Bbl; tne reduction to take effect in
tbe morning. Tha eelHag price is new
80 ceota per sack.
Tbe Three Sailor .
The three sailors rescued from the
wrecked steamer Atalanta, after a peril
ous ride to the sliore in a boat, arrived in
Albanv this noon and immediately rushed
into the depot dining rxm lor their
dinner. Then they took toe train for Port
land. Tbey gave tbe fame version ot toe
wreck as heretofore,tbe the Atalanta was
racing to beat another boat. Only one
man bas been washed ashore. The men
expect to make it hot lor their snang-
PosT-Omrs Cused. Tbsgsa ral d
livery of he post-office will be open to
morrow Irom 8 lo V ockxk a.m. ana
from 5 to 6 o'clock p. m.
R.vstBT Knrtsi- Tha ladies of the
Baptist Church will give a social on Fri
day evening Nov 25, at the residence ot
Mrs. Kulus Thompson, to which an are
cordially invited. Refreshments will be
served and a collection taken.
An Important Diftcrence.
To make it apparent to thousands.wbo
think themselves ill, that they are not
afflicted with any disease, but that tbe
system simply needs cleansing, is to
twino Kiinliui hnnm to their hcsrlS. SS a
costive condition is essilv cured by nsing
cvrno ot Fits. Manufactured by the
California Fie Syrup Co. only, and eold
by all druggists.
At the Revere House ausarnsr
Than Staying at Home.
A - . ..mi Thanksaivlng dinrer will
h. a-rv-a at Toe Kevere" ir m o :o tin
7 o'clock pm. Prices to sun your poc.
el book:
Ca.. t.ttai Mlt-7 fanla ftf half stv
rUUf wMlWB - ------ -
We will pay the highest market price
tor wheat, see us before you sell.
An OldSoIdier
His Gtory of What Hood's Sar
saparilla Has Done
Whole Family Creatly Helpod by
This Medicine. '
I sm sn old run Oun soldier, my
whole tyatem being out ot order and my
rljht Bide partially paralysed. I bave
tried various remedies snd realised only
temporary relief. I have been taking
Rood' Sana parllla and Hood's Pills, and
have derived more real benefit from thsm
than anything f have tried. My wife has
been greatly helped by Hood's Saraapa
rllla. Bbe was all run down snd her
system much out ot order. My two little
boys recovered quickly from the effect
of diphtheria by taking Hood's Bare pa -rllla,
which rid them of troublesome sores
snd symptoms of the croap. They art
now well and hearty." W. F. BdrnbTTT,
Starkey, Oregon. Remember
parllla It tha best-In fact tbe One True Blood Purifier.
rjjf cur nausea, 11x11011100,
aTOOa 8 fills bmoutaau. sonstlpatlon.
An Iuteretting Letter from Ser
geant Stellmachcr about the
Oregon Hoys
The following is written on tbe back
of an extra of The American Soldier of
Oct. 17. with a late dispatch from Paris
about the work of the commission :
Manila, P. I., Oct. 17, 1898
Mr. F. P. Nutting.
Dear Sir: I send yon this to give
yju an idea of wnat news we receive
hare. We now have shout six Ameri
can newspapers here The American
Soldier, Freedom, Manila Times, Uncle
Sam snd Tbe Boys in Blue. There may
be others. Tbe American Soldier lays
claim to be the first American neespa-
Pr pumisuea in raaons. etnee the 1st
issue of this all the other papers have
sprung op among as many different Reg
iments, lhts opens up quite a comprtt
tlon and they are already throwing mud
at each otber. These, with tbe 8paniab
snd Philippine papers make Manila quite
a OBwrpaper city.
We had a memorial service yesterday
in remembrance of those of our regiment
wno nave passed a-ay oy sickness since
onr enlistment. We bave lost 13 men
and have 57 in the hospital with hopes
ol recovery lor all txcept one and possi
bly two, whose charce are doubtful.
Chaplain Gilbert delivered an elonnpnt
auuinsr, eulogizing tnem on me import
ance of tbe great work which these hays
helped to carry out. Men who a thnns.
.i j ... t 7. .
and times would bave preferred to die
a oawe, man to lay day alter day suf
fering with a burning fever which tbey
contracted eerving their country and
their flag. Of these 13. ten dld of t.
pbo-.d fever, one toi appendicitis, one of
ojaeniery, ana one ol smsll-pox. Most
of these are boned in marked graves, ex
cept Hntcbinson, wbo was buried at sea
near Guam Island off Orate Point while
we were anchored there.
Doting tbe last 48 hours we have had
genuine typhoon weather, aoeh rain as
von never heard of or saw in Oregon. If
it continue we will have to cooitruct
canoes to cross our court.
Oregotians patrol tbe city, bave out
posts aod guard three gatec of the city.
Tt e mount is a guard of 80 men.
Leslie Vierick was returned to onr
quartet a u receive treatment of Major
Kl'w. 11 is ere are not mocb be iter
Think Frank Hire may be ten I home on
the next hospital ship. Perry and Han
ten, also Beam, have been discharged
from the General Hospital and are back
witn ua again. Brace is in the eortal
eeeent hopiial at Ma late aod will soon
be back with us gain. All the other
boys are well. Saitasarsh is considering
whether to plsy in tbe band or not.
. It is inmored that the Oregon's 23rd
tnfsatrf and 6th cavalry will go 200
touee into tne interior lo take a ciiy held
by the insurgents.
Fbask C. Stsiui Acaxa.
Seth Hammer, the lawyer, ie lying
dangeroutiy til at bs borne in Salem.
Mrs. Margaret Fennel, of Salem.ia vis
iting Albany friends.
Mr. John Kruee, special S.A. agent.
returned this noon from a trip to Port
land. Mr. John Johnson, wh Is studying
dentistry in aa offict in Iadependeeee, is
ia tbe city for Thanksgiving.
The Albany boys In writing heme
peak well of the ex ellent treatment te
ceived from the hands ot Major Ellis
Mrs Judge J. E. Mager. of VcMinn
vi lie. is spending Thanksgiving wees
with bar mother Mrs. Wo. Cochran, of
this city.
Chris Bartecb has returned to Eugene
from Dawsoo, where he has been ia tbe
butcher botioeee. His shop was burned
ia tbe recent fire.
Mrs. Dr. Davis and mother went to
Eugene today to spend Thanksgiveng.
Mia Elisabeth Jakway ia in the citr
visiting friends.
"Jack" Warner has returned from
Scio, where be bas been several days in
the interest of tbiAOUw, securing
twelve or fifteen members and infusing
new life iato it.
Mr. Ed Carter left this morning fcr
Portland, where be joins bis family to
reside. They bave tbe bett whuee of
their anv albanv 'rieods amort whom
tney bave resided most of tbe r area Howard's parents, ia this citv
btsrd from him mis mornir g. He write
that be was !! ith fever 20 days, bad
excelleot care, one nurse staying aim
day and eight.
Mr. Angus Graham, of Co. I Oregon
ol no teer, arrived borne this morning
from Manila, after remaining ia Saa
Fraortaco teveral weeks. He looks welt,
but ie not feeling entirely well. He le
off oa a thirty days furlough, at tbe ecd
ol which be will re pott at Vancouver.
Mi trnma Pfeiffer returned iaat eve
ning from a several months vi-u wttb
relatives in Council Biofia and Omaha,
where the frequently attended the greet
exposition, rue was accompanied from
Portland by Mr. Eva Meikie, who will
visit tiere I or awhile.
An interesting letter was received
from Frank Wire bv his narenta mis
morning and will be published in tbe
next issue of the Dkmocbat. Frank was
having the rhuematiam, besides a car
buncle. He was coo 8 dent be would be
better hist aa food aa he cot in a cooler
The members of Linn Enrina Ca. No.
x last evening gave an entertainment
ana social at tbe.r ball. About forty
were present, of whom onlv anout one-
third were firemen, tbe attendance being
a strong contrast to me turnouts in tbe
palmy days of tbe fire department.
i nose present thoogn speat a pleasant
evening. A short program was render
ed, witn the president Otto Clelan in tte
chair. It consisted wf some guitar and
moutn organ duels by Will Hawkins,
greatly apprec.ated. a well rendered reci
tation by Edith Bo staid, a vocal solo by
Miss Edna Howard, warmly encored, an
entertaining reeding by Mrs. Bustard,
aod impromptu speeches by N. M New
port and Chief Engineer Medin. followed
by games and a wed gotten np lunch
Duriogthe evening Leo Howard alto
entertained tbe audience with tome of
bis comic and inimitable songs. These
socials should be beld oftaner than once
ia four years, and it is possible some of
tbe old time spirit may be regained.
An account of ihe marriage ofJ. B.
Wams'ey aod Bessie Skelton, already
iuuy given, is iett out.)
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Davis attended
wedding np In the Scio country last Saa-
A soils! boD at the horn of Lincoln
Case latt r rid ay evening. A good time
Job Karnev ia decorating his bouse in
a coat of white which improves tba looks
oi mingt.
Anotrar Daroekous Weapom. John
Glick was ai rested on complaint ot Noah
King, ot Lion county, residing this tide
of Stay ton, King went to Glick'a after a
water tank. Glick loaded a go a and
pointing it at King told him to leave it
alone. He did so by all means. King
came to Albany, out at tbe crime was
committed in Marion county went ta Sa
tern rora warrant.
Foot BhII
Thanksgiving dsy at
3 o'clock p. m.
on the cohege campus,
Albany college
Ohemswa students.
Admission 25 cents.
I Plenty ur W ate. This forenoon tbe
new water supply system was given
good test with ths engine and found to be
all right, with a big reserve force behind
tt. It it a splendid thing and insnres
Albany plenty of water in the bualness
part of the city in case of fire.
1. 0. 0. F. There will be mork in tbe
Degree of Friendship this (Wednesday)
evening, a tun attendance is detlred
By order of the N. G.
H. Babves, See.
Bar FaANcisco, Nov. 23. Tbe Bald
win snd reveral surrounding buildings
were burned this moraine, csusine a
loss of $2,000,000 besides the death of
thirty or forty pertoa, number not yet
Present Msyor, recorder, n.arthal.
street superintendent aod allconncilnien
except Martin.
1 he following bil.'s were allowed : W.
b. Barr, 50; G. B. Milloy, Z; J. E,
Krick,.5; Geo E. Fish, $7.60. W. A
f ok, 6ft-; C. M. Westbrook, 11.25;
Hopkins Bros , A3.25; J. S. Morgan.
113 30 ; 8am Conn, $8; N. J. Henton,
143.15: 41banv Iron Works CtS.V
Contract for repair of north end of
Droauaiu;.-! street sewer reported com
pleted bv J. E. Fin -h.
The engine ofi.No 2's was reported re-
pairea oy the Albany Iron Woiks in
a ratisiaciory manner.
Committee on fire and water
mend that tbe city purchase a team for
No. 1's engine, snd for hauling, with
wagon, not to exceed S.JU0 in coat. Filed.
Further iiUlA rTsaflf tul Ctt MaiaplrirAiiiili
College urouod and hi ork 73
fetllion ol D W Rumbaua-h ssked for
sn electric jigut at 4to and Montgomery,
rafarrarl . '
License were irrantad P I. K.l, . .i
Harper Cranor.
Tbe matter of Chemical Emr. Co 'a
members being connected with
companies was referred.
GoonciJniao Hopkins was granted
leave of absence until Jsn. 1.
1 ne work of the Street anMrintantont
'or i he year was accepted and compli
mented. As You Like It.
Miss Janet Waldorf will present "As
Yon Like It" at tha Armor Inniohr
Last evenings Telegram aaya:
Janet Waldsrf "St Co." aorrd at
tbe Mcrquam Grand last evening in
ebakespeare's pastoral drama. "As Yoo
. mise - aiaon gave a pseeaiog
interpretation ol tLe role of Rosalind.
.hat waa TA . , .
e -ae IWU UIB Wtl
filled Willi -. 'aUlKttnslKlam attrl S, ....: u
. Vi v wmu au ix:ti Mjvu
anJiauce. composed larvelr of lovers of
&Kb..HU.u J . ... ..
U...c-.,r.u omiuu. janet waioroi
ie vet a vonne srrr-.a f-;- A t-- k.
Uful in form, vivacioos and ambitious,
sad endowed wttb ta'ents that bee peak
for ber a greater future. Sbe entered
into the spirit oi ber part with a refresh
ing gusto an i made a living and lova
ble Rocalind jot what Shakespear in
tended btr to be. Nerval McGregor
made an impetuous Orlando. He poe
aeeeee yoetb and eoergy and embaed me
role of the lovesick vagabond or aristoc
racy with all tbe ferver the part de
nuiil, w;ik. M.-- i. Tl
- .. u, . . . mj mwa en w?"
eeMable Jacnnsaarutlianra Um...1m
so Oregon boy, formallv a resident of
Kalsni, was not out of place in tbe role of
Toocbstooe, the court jester. Ellen
Boyer made a charming Celia aod Dow
Corr,er could perhaps not be improved
npnn ia tbe rota of Acdrev.
TiyiMrtn. fr i n M.lhL V : v . ,i
and tcmorow nigbt "Romeo and Juliet."
Pride of Albany Soap,
weighs 30 ounces,
and is high grade, for asle by
C. E. Baowxaxu
Excellent Graham Wafers
at C. E. Baowysix's.
gSfilSlblB SHEESte I
or Gill Bnyers i
UmM-tl as. Kid Gloves, !-2
ees near. Drees Paterne3
jZ all in the newest design; Z2
1 B'arte:. Linen Set, etc
There is not a stock in the
store hot offer something?
: that's cnod, cheap and ter-TJ
Vtceabia for tbce a ho t oyr3
Y sensible gifts. Z3
iFealler Boas lor j
IChiistnias Presents I
W e don't ktow of a better 32
way to please a lady than tCS
give her a feather b. if ber3
y does not already on one.Z2
S We bave made purchasing
fc: vesy for prospective boversS
a- ),. . ....i. .i :n.i
the ones now mott trfmired,
and clipping ot all tbe nn-
necessary profit. 12
Economist 3
Albany. Or.
At the
I Dutchess
Every pair warranted, and J
sold under the famous Money j
Guarantee. Durability, Fit j
and Workmanship all of
ip au oi
i pair. 4
$1 feT Br. j
the best Try a
tte ftr a Htm.
winter now readyfor your inspectionto which we in
ribave sold goods at so low prices that my store was crowded w ith customers. I am now offering for this month
IhaveyetgiTen. I wish to CLOSE OUT
all suits now (Nov. 1st) on hand, consisting
MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS--.Up-to-date. Actual values 9.00 to $13.50 at 5.00 to $3.00.
M EN'S DRESS SUITsln popular goods and correct tailoring. Actual values lLOO to $15.00 at $7.C0 to $10.C0.
BRQRENSUirsCbeaper. a,
BOY'S SUITS--Eaually Cheap. v tSV a t
I really believe this is the BEST CLOTHING OFFER ever mde in Albany. I tava pwttyfmuchalllkuids ol
fiTalt goods worn by men and boys to show you. tZ2 Q Cst53
LIcD wain Block
Remember tbe Place.
le English and German Expert Specialists,
Five Physicians and Surgeons, all
in the
lararywrauaj eaAer the law ef CaUferala far StaVtee. rslaells-ew e years.
A part of the staff of the English and German Expert Srecialists and
Dr. Meyers it Co , will make their regular monthly visit to k tl
They will be at the
Bright Disease and all other Diseases of the Kidneys : Diseases of the Blad
der. Urinary Organs, Liver, pleen,Spine, Bowels, Heart .Stomach, Eve, Ear, Skin
andpCervee. Also Impoverished Biood, Blood Poison and Scrofula; Catarrh, Toc
siiius. Consumption, Broochitis, Asthma, and otber Throat and "Long troubles;
Tumors. Deformitiee, Insomnia, Melancholy, Paralysis, Rapture, Dysentery, Dys
pepsia. Neuralgia, Rceomatism, Stiff and Swollen Joints; Female Complaints,
including Ovarian troubles; Piles, Fietnta, Obeeity, Ring Worm and Goiter; To
bacco, Opinm. Cocaine and Liquor habit; Headache. Erysipelas, Goat, Tape
Worm, BiUooaneea. Dropsy, Gall Stone, Eczema, Freckles, Blackheads, Cancer,
etc. and Chronic Diseases generally.
DR. MEYERS A CO. care Nervoos Eebility, Lost Manhood and all Private
Diseeaaee, including contagions blood poison, quickly and permanently, and at
reasonable ratee.
Ttre English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers A Co. are not on
ly competent and reliable, bst are responsible, being backed by ample capital and
ably managed.
Diseases which have baffled the skill of other physicians and stubbornly re
fused to yield to ordinary medicines, methods and appliances, are quickly sub
dued and mastered by these sncceesfnl doctors. Tbey have the largest and beet
equipped medical institute in Anieries,
Call on the Doctor when they come. AH ailing people should aee the
English and German Expert Specialists or Dr. Meyers A Co. if possible. A friend
ly talk, which costs absolutely nothing, ia bonnd to result ia a great deal of good,
whether treatment is takenor not.
HOME CUR ES While it ia preferable in many instance to see a patient,
the English and German Expert hpedalisu have cured thousands of persons
whom they have never seen. If you cannot sea the doctors write the home office
for qoeetioo list. Advice in regard to your ailment, book for men or women and
treatise on any disease ALL FREE. Correspondence and other dealings with
patients or prospective patient sacredly confiaentiaL
" Silver pLdt Oat wean.1'
oa spoons, forks, etc.. is a guar
antee of quality the world ovex.
The prefix c?7---insare3tliegen-
use .koscxs onaurr.
Blain Clothing Go's
Hra Dutchess Trousers 51.50 to $3.50.
Best everday wear in tbe country.
Ail grades. Some very nobby styles.
New Overcoats.
A large and specially fine line.
New Bali Shoes.
Some specialties worth seeing.
AiatO aaa All frades.
NEW FURNISHINGS fot fall and
learance Mine
Graduates from the Medical Colleges
Dec. 3rd.
Revere Hotel,
Also a fine lin of
and many Novelties