The Parson's Story. It wm just on the eve of Thanksgiving day When forth In the sunshine he wand ered away; And out in tbe city be walked with the crowd, The rich and tbe poor, tbe gay and . proud . Then homeward returned quite placid in mind, But when be had entered there what did he find? Tbey made him believe it those trusty good eyee In kitchen and pantry a real aurpriee. Hia friends had prepared him a Thanks giving dinner; He called them all taints. 'Twas too eood for a sinner. For there lay bsiore him, the fare great and small, Including the mince pies, the turkey, and all. And then in the evening he beard the bell ring, Ind a neat little note this meeeage did bring: "Would the parson and wife, 'twas in plain written line. With the doctor and wife on Thanks giving dine?" He said that they did to that mansion repair, And found it a treat and a joy to be there. And we heard Lim remark of that Thanksgiving dinner, 'Teas as good aa tbe best Ob ; tbe sinner I toe sinner! Duu. Thirteen. Superstitious Bepublicana may be troubled by the announcement that the majority of he party in the next con gress appeara to be thirteen. There will be trouble enough for the party withont that, the possession of full control of tbe legislative aa well executive departments of government placing; full responsibility for all that is done or left undone before the campaign of 1900. Aa there will be a good deal of both distasteful 10 the people, under tbe moet favorable circumstance, tbe party leaders are looking forward to that cam paign with some anxiety, and tne ap pearance of that fateful figure 13 in tbe forecast of the party majority in tbe next bouse ditqaieta some of the be lievers in signs and omens . But the timid can take courage. If the figures are not revived before the meeting of congress so aa to eliminate the thirteen, tbe committee on elections will quickly remedy matters. Even the majority should be greater at the atart the proceedings will br the same. J net as quickly aa tbe committee ta ap pointed aud geta to work there will be a rapid unseating of Democratic members with or withont justification, until tbe majority la sufficiently large to allow for eickneea aod absencee Irom other caus es. It is cot a proceeding peculiar to either party and can always be depended on to take place unless the majority la already too large to be manageable, which has happened more than once. Cleveland Piaiedealer. All Sorts. When a Bar Harbor well dinger com plained that he received electric shocks while decending a well in tht fashion able reeort bis fellow workmen laughed at him. But when a dog. fastened to a platform, was lowered to the surface oi the water be bowled piteooely for an In stant and was dead when hauled to the ear face. Now tbe igoorant workmen think the well is beaithed . Lawyer James T. Buchanan of Pitts burg had a quarrel with a restaurant keeper over the price of a beefsteak The check waa for a greater amount than the bill of fare called for. Buchanan was arrested, locked up and kept incommun ieadoover night. He sued and baa been warded ft.000 damages by tbe trial judge. It baa been less than two y ars since tbe law making lifeimprisonmeot instead of death tbe penalty fur murder in Col orado went Into effect and yet agitation baa already begun looking to a revival of tbe death penalty. It is asserted by tbose who wijh a re-establishment of the gallows that the life imprisonment law baa resulted in an epidemic f f crime The Maori tribe have a godsend in the way of boiling springs. They can soak themselves all day in warm weather cook their meat and potatoes by simply banging tbem in their nets in a corner of a hot eater spring; launder their gar menta by soaking tbem in a boiling soda prings and rinsing in tbe warm, clear water of another boiling gyeer, and walk proudly off in clean garments. There is one public woman wbo may be relied open not to like parrots. Min tite Hank, the famous Carmen of yestsr year, whose pet parrot bit her so badly in tbe lip (hat for tbree years .lie bad to remain in?seclnsion. Meanwhile Calve and other Carmens have arisen. The parrot bite destroyed some of the tissues and tboogb now the wonnd bas healed an ngly scar remains Micbigsn has developed a new peach pert, which arrests the itrjwtb of the fruit when it is about tbe size of a base! not, tbns producing a crop locally known as "little peacbei .''It was 6rst noticed a- bout two years ago, and tbia year its rav ages were alarmingly extensive. So far no remedy has been found fcr It, though expert investigations and experimenters not wanting. In 8ao;:atusk township daring the present season more than 4,000 trees we-e affected. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for aoy case of Catarrh that can not beiTured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have knowh F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wkst A Tkcmx, Wholesale Drocgists. Toledo O. 4,8 ' Waldino, Kinkav & Mabvix, Whole Bale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting d'reetly npon the blood and mucous sun-f of the system. Price 7ftc. per bottle. S-t'd by all DruggUta. Testimonials free. Hall's family Pills ftio best. ADMINISTRATOR'S K0TI3E To all person inter en ted jo tbe estate of William Kinder, clwe-ked: All perxini interested in the estate of William Hindu, ueceasea, are hereby no tified tbat the undersigned executor of said estate bas fild hi final account therein in tbe County Court of Linn county, Oegon, and tbat said conn has set MoritUy i be bib day of Oect mber, 1898, at tbe hour of o'clock p. m., of DHid day, as tbe time of bearing and settling all objections to said account, therefore all penone interested bavins objection to said account are here by notified and required to file tbe same id said court on or before suid above men tioned date. I LDated this 281 h day of October. 188&. W. H. KlNDtB, " Executor of said estate. Things are continuing to come t J a bead at Paris with the peace commis - sion. It is to be hoped It becomes a head with good aerae in it. Growing out of the wrecking of the Atalanta there promises to be a shanghai case in Taooma of a aensational order. If the statement of the three men saved is true there ia material for some fire class indictment. Arthur Poe, the foot ball player oi Princeton, who won tbe foot ball game with Yale, had greatness throat, upon him . It is plain euootih. Iu his scrim mage all the other player were piled in a heap. He stood by watching the pro ceedings, when tbe ball slipped out and rolled to his teet. All be bad to do was to pick it op and run across the field for touchdown. Any fool ot a player could have done it. But the papers are all giving bis picture at the foot ball hero of the year. Borne of tbia gueh is nauseating. 11 I"1 An inquisitive man writes tbe Oregon lan to find out how barbers learn their trade. By experience ot course. Tbey start in by cutting some ot their friend for nothing, said gradually get into their enemies, and tbe first thing they know they are good workmen. -Like every thing else it takee experience and ex perience is a matter ot time. Hence there have to be learnera. Don't be cranky if you get scratched a few times. Give the learners a chance. It is a good idea to cultivate thankful ness the year round and out reanrte it all for Thanksgiving. It la a p -or stick ef a man or woman who is net thankful when there is occasion tor it. and there should be occasion for it rgbt along. It la well to live in that optimistic way that calls for the spirit. A clear con science, good habits, industry and per severance ate great factors in the secor ing of a natural thanklnl spirit, suirn a ted this week of general thanksgiving. Tbe report ot Surgeon Umaral Stern berg, tbe horse doctor, has been present ed. He has been greatly criticised, aod yet he displays considerable burse eente in seme parte of his report. Among other things he cites bow iutemperance and general dissipation lead to sickness, a person dissipated catching fever much more readily than the temperate man. He has his bands full though explaining some things. - Tbe foot ball season will pass after next rhursday, when the public will bave to settle down toau every day bum drnm life. We look anxious y nbted for something to keep the pclse moving. The past baa never failed to bring some thing forward, and the future will be equal to tbe occasion. No American game is played tbat is such an agony manufacturer as this game. It baa ve hement foes aud strung (rieods. It is punctured time and again, but a'wajs like a ballet dancer comes up smiling. It bas corns to stay and those opposed to it might just as well as not take it phil osophically. With all its roughness it ia a robust, ttrong game tbat engendtr that rustle and pnsh that is necessary in bnsinees. The preparation for it calls for temperate habits and a plain diet, tbe execution ot it great activity and strength. It has drawbacks, but ths Dkxocrat admits that ia Ha judgment they are less tbao tbe menu. It ia at 11 though tbat the season is short, and we are willing for it to pass, for we shall have bad enough when tbe last remnants of tbe turkey shall bave vanished. Alaskan Notes. Butter brings $1.00 a pcund at Daw son. A new daily paper U to be stai ted at Juneau. There are fifty boainess buildings un der construction at Dawson. There were 137 patients in St. Mar) 'a hospital, Dawson, October 1. Cap. Jack Crawford, tbe poet scoot, bas started a town at tbe month of tbe Hootalinqna river. Only 200 persona will spend the win ter on Stewart river, aod tbey wi,l be in the vicinity of the McQaestien. E.B.Hill, formerly of Seattle, is erect ug the Gold Hill hotel, at Grand Forks, eighteen miles from Dawson. It is to be 30x40 feet and two stories bigb. Steamer Canadian bas gone into win ter quarters at the mouth cf tbe Hoo'al ioqua, and the Columbian is in t'ie bay above Fort Selkirk for the winter. Two unknown men were drowned in the Sqcaw rap:ds, between Canyon and White Hors?, Sep. 21. Gallawayand Smith, their comrades, swam ashore. The Alaskan Commercial Company is taking out coal from tbe mines on Nat onal creek, a tributary of tbe Yukon. or the nss ot river sUamers next year Captain George Furmey, of tbe Yukon steamboat Tjrrtil bas gone to St. Louis to build a steamer that will navigate White Horse rapids snd Miles canyon. Tbe Selwjn river prospects bave torn sd out to be 00 good . It is a region 120 miles above Dasoo, where there was mncb excitement a few months ago. Miss Ln'.la Day.formerly matron of the Metropolitan railway hospital of Chicago and Edward McCjnnell, of Dawson, were married a few weeks ago at Klondike. Joboeon brothers recently arrivtd at Dawson with fonrteen loos of timothy bay and a quantity of turnips and pa - snips, tbe result of their farming on rhiitr-Mile river. They will try farm ing near Dawson next year. There Is a plethora of candidates for mayor of Dawson, now that incorporation oftbatcity tsassuied. Among triem are the following Barker Wi l-.W Smiih. J W Morrieoii.Tum O'Brien, At. WW- wort.i. A J Bannerman and Hi W S Par. I reit. City Convention. There will he a mass convention of the democratic voters ot tbe city of Albany held at ihe court bouse in said city 'on Saturday the 3rd day of December, 1808, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., for tbe purpose of nominating candidates lor the offices of mari-hsl, tieessurer aod to rat ify ward nominations for council men to be voted for at the coming tity election to be held on Mcmlay, December 6, 1898 We tecommend tbat ward meetings be held in tho different wards ot Ihe city on Friday, Decern or 2, 1898, at tbe hour of 8 o'clock p. m. 10 nominate one council man from each Marl and choose mem bers 01 central committee at the follow ing places: First ward, circuit court rocm; second waid, hall Alhany Engine CK Ho. 1; third ward, store room second s' reet lately occupied by John Fox. J.J. Whimxy, JaSOH WlIgKLCB. Central Committee. N. E. WLNNARD, M, S, M. D, . Graduate of Lenox College 1885, Chi cago Homeopathic Medical College 1890, Rush Medical Callege 1892. Twcedale Block, Albany, Or. Washington Letter. (Prom Our Refill r Comisponilaiit.) Washington Nov. 14th 1808. There may be democrats wbo art downcast over the result of the election, but if so, ttey haven't been teen. All those talking on tbe subject express tbe opinion that the party made a splendid showing, under tbe circumstances, and tbat reducing the republican majority in the bouse almost to the vanishing point, puta the democrats in a better position to make a buer light in 1900 than tbey would bave been bad they captured tbe next houe. With both branches of congiess ia iheir hands, the republicans w II be o-naiu to make lots of good democratic campaign material in tbe next two years. The outcome of the efforts of boss Hanna and other McKinley boomers to jolly "Teddy" Roosevelt into supporting tbe claims lo Mr McKinley for renoml nation on 1900, by promisiniog bim tbst they will sin port bim in 1904, will be watched for with interest. Before Roosevtlt was ever thought of aa arougb rider or as governor or New York, Mr. McKinley secured Piatt's promise of support in 1900; but aa Rooserett only not on tbe Piatt collar after be bad ji-ac- tically made hts nomination lor nor a certainty, in order to , get Piatt's maehiue to help elect him, he may, through his power as governor, be able to prevent Piatt controlling the atate delegation to the next national conven tion, thue making it impossible for Piatt lo deliver the promised votes to Mr. McKinUy, without bis consent. What Koocevelt will do, wilt depend, in :he op:oion of those wbo know bis dis position thoroughly, npon what be tbinka will het promote hie own politi cal interests and npon wbst he thinks he can accomplish. Administration republicans bave al ready begun to pot net f l-r lo ascer tain what chance il er 4,1 be of getting an adminieiratl n nn.u elected speaker of tbe next bouw, in-".d of Our Reed. Tuey are atraul m R d who ia known t bold aoti r-Jml ; , 1 im vires 00 'he expaosion qnrat.oo, nd believed to bold tbem npon 01 here, but tbey are al so a'raid to show their bard unlets cer tain tbat enough voles to control the re publican caucus cau be secured. Every! republican elected to the next house is t be carefully sounded to ascertan whether be would, if the administration desired it, vote agaii at nominating Reed for speaker. Ia putting out thoee feel ers, tbe name of representative Hendec an, ot Iowa, is suggested aa a possible administration cai.didate for epeaksr, but care is taken to leave tne impression that no particular caoeVdate would be insisted on; tbey only wish to ascertain whether it is poetible to defeat Reed. Socnld aenatrr Burroas fail to develop strength encugb amorg the lepoblicans of the Michigan leg'slature to get renom inated, and bis failure Is expected, sec retary Alger, with the combined back ing o! governor P.ogree aud Mr. McKin ley, wid, it ia understood, make a rnsb f jr tbe teoator? hip. According to thoee abokoos, tbe re publican rejoicing over tbe alleged defeat , ol silver in the congressional campaign is prema- taie. It s predicted tiat many repub licans elected from "Vetern districts will vote for silver, .f t is male neces sary for tbem ti voie either for or against it, because tbe sentiment ot tbeir states, regardless tf politics, is for silver. From tbe Wo:ld. Tbe last seven Presidents bave been carried alternatively, with tbe regularity of a fcur year clack, by each of tbe two great political parties 1 he record is : 1872 Grant, Republican. 1876 Tildes, Democrat. 18S0 Garfiled, Republican. 1S84 Cleveland, Democrat. 188 Harrison, Republican. 1892 Cleveland, Democrat. 1S96 McKinley. Republican. Ia 1900, according to tbe rule.tbe Pre sident should again be a Democrat. Will history repest it see II? And wbo well be tbe mac ? It bas been discovered that much of the property presented to Emperor Wil liam by the ealian did not belong to tbe saltan- If the ruler of tbe Turks csn find a lot of monev belonging to other people he would better hasten lo grab it and pay the United Mates that little bltl. Ear. "THE FAIR." "Umbrellas" 60c, 58c, 73c, 99c. fliS and up. VALUES. "Rubber Shoes" Cbilds. Misses. Lsdies. Mens.. ........ ..A. 82: 30 86 A50 Respectfully, J. A. Weaver. Sale Extraordinary. Ilavs bought a new Job lot of La dies CAPES and JAC KETS at 60c on tbe dollar and will sell them at the same ra'e while ihey last. New goods and la eot s'yle. "No Chesnuts" 50 percent. St Luis Raket Stor EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice h hereby u iven tbat the under lined ban been duly appjinted executrix of tbe estate of Matthias L. I'alton, de eased, by the County Court of Linn Coun ty, Oregon. All persons baying claims against said es'ate are hereby notiti d and r quired to present tbe aame to me with tbe proper voucher at tbe law cilice of W, rt. Biiyeu, in a loan, Oregon, witbin six months from the cate neretf. Da'ed bis 21. t day of (Jctober, 189S. Eiux. Pattom. MISFITS. Geo. O. Bingham, often criticised by Palem papers, presented the Orphans Home there with a 25 pound turkey .and. the Jorrnal generously acknowledged the fact. The following advertisement appears in tbe Eugene Guard : "Dr. E. A. Mc Alister will be found at his old home on East Eleventh street where he will treat with his magic liniments and electricity the luuuwing complaints: .neuralgia, all forma of rheumatism, paralysis, im paiiuu circulation, etc. In order to raise the debt against the Christain church at Hoppner, Rev. Shelly, the pastor, stated to hia congre gation last Sunday morning that he wanted them to apply his salary from now on to tbe payment of this debt, and in order to gain a livelihood in the mean time he had accepted a position in one of the general merchandise stores. His idea that a church should be exemplary in the matter of debt ia a good one. At the same time a minister needs all his time in his ministerial work. The President had better get an in junction out against William McKinley, of Portland, who is making himself very coiiapicious aown were wiut nss carry- nitons. The San Francisco Examiner is a live newspaper after all. The next morning after the wreck of tbe AUlanU at Alsea it gave a page account of it with a aeries of picturea showing just how it was done, including the escape of the three men in a boat, two of tbem holding oars, whereas they didn't have even a board to row with. The papers account thougli is full. "Back Woods" in the Salem Journal says : We have seen several sketches in your valuable daiiy of the bicyejists and the non-hicyclista, ,of Salem, and also one view of the Albany Dxmockat on the subject. .Now Mr. Editor, we. in our little town, quite agree with ihe Albany man, for we have bikes and sidewik in our town and e don't think they should be ruled off . the sidewalk. Tbe 1 '" uraiueu luiois, 01 saiem, wno mie uiaea anu go at a orvak necK pel and run over innocent women and children, ought to be corralled in the dog pound by a regiment ot Rough Riders and kept there until their masters come for them and take them home. Mill City bicycl ists ride on the sidewalk twenty feet above the gutter, but the bicyclists here have learned to bo careful and if tbey do run over anybody tbey will stop and say "excuse iW or "1 am aorry," and go on their way rejoking. Tbe Telescope bs' a good play on words. Among others it ears George Fish is no sucker, Walter Peacock is the handsomest, LFox tbe slyest, Hesry Hopkins the spryest, Charles Pfeiffer the best musician, Andy Hunt the greatest Nirorod. Mr. Train the swiftest. Nutting the easiest to crack, the Telescope man the great a; astronomer, C. B. ion the mimt Bucceasiui, ueorge w right never does wrong, A. J. Wearer the greatest manufacturer, H. IL Hewitt tbe beet mechanic, Anderson Cannon the bisye-st pan. Dr. Hill the biggest man. Kufua Drum the most noisy, Al Savior the on ly eeaianng man, Julius Joseph wears a coat of many colors, X. M.Newport a good port in storm, Thoa. Brink on dan gerous ground, J. A- Gumming the next man you expect to see.:AJ Freeksen the curio, Sam (Joins always on the go. W. A. Long the tallest. Jack Smilev alvava grinning. Al Senders the errand' man, Li. Taylor can give you a fit and William Snow a reminder of winter. Tbn Journal save that if Uken to Pot t land -it wocldn't be a county fair, it would boa West Portland mercantile exhibit. " cpam yesterday weot through its daily operation ot refusing to accede to tneoemandsof tbe United States. She win gt tired of this after awhile. ihe Lorvallia Gsxette la thirtr-ai. years old. tbe Oregon City Enterprise ia thirty. four years wid and tbe Albany vvww . ,a .l.!... . . t 1 " . uin;.ivor oia, prac tically several years older. It is timo people quit gullibly believing everything told them,and biting at every "..uiiuui. im rerry street pi amber is not a sucker, but a great many are. 4 baysted entered several Tacoma gambling booses tbe other nigbt, broke all the games, and left without even bay. iua u-u. nv was a matery and too iuuwu ni lur ia. .ore tning. Mrs. P. J. McPherson of Engene,vbas received Irom tbe Emma White Seed bou of Minneapolis, a 25 prise for the finest specimen of pansies. the a inner being of the Koval ChallenM r..s... t. there anything Oregon cannot beat the worm in. Carson Tocsin: Tbe Oregonian an- nounces that "Moss gathering is a new Linn county industry ." Th rir.... is nnpardonably late in nernetraiin. ti.i. Webfoot gem. which h a rnin n. 1 ... ft ali Buncbgrassers lor tears. What ia this. General Losgstreet. commissioner of railroads, in his report on the railroads or tba United States, recommendn tbe construction b the government and operation 01 a first-rlasa double-track railroad from KansasCitv Mo., to San Diego. Calif. Why between u' points more man bttinan other points. any The office of adjutant general of Ort- gon ia an important one because there is a salary attaoehed to it, the oely mill sry office In tbe state with a salarv Hence there are several candidal tnr the petition. Among them are General B. Tuttle, tbe present official, Capt. . J. Riley. J D. Rocla'ellnw anri I B. Garrigns, all of PortlanJ, which wants the whole shooting mstuh. There will be a fight for it nbder Governor Geer. Corbett ana Sharkey are to fight in New York City tonight, before tbe Lennox club. It is a curious fact trat while tbe authorities would not allow Corbett and McCoy to fight tbey will Corbett Sharkey, though tbe latter Is the ex fwinw eut of brutal tactics, while McCoy s the u.iwi .uieimuu Lgnir in tne world. It not 01 very much consequence who ins. It is the UxMOCBATH nnlnlnn though tbst Corbett will even though banirapped by dissipation. I the following is givsn in connection with the wrec of the Atalanta: "While tbe sailors were hantri nff In thm riKKiug, (iwcuri any moment to K swept to destruction, they got to banter ing one another about their predicament. The opinion was expressed and concurr ed :n mat the only asie thimr (or a sail. or 10 00 wnen ne arrives in pott is to seep nimseii too drunk and disorderly to sail away again It was a unanimous vote tbat corn and barley bri na la mnr. uigesuoie man mat 01 Via Neptune. Tbe anti-cigarette law passed bv the lsst Tennessee legislature is declared con- ttitutional in an opinion given y Judge Caldwell, of the supreme court of tbe state. Ths opinion declares that cigarettes sre not legitiraa e articles of commerce, because tbey are wholly noxious and tiel. ettrlous to health and therefor are not itbln tbe provision of tbe Federal con stitution protecting legitimate commerce. it also tiouis that tbe conventional cigar ette package Is not an "original package" in the true comraerciaUaeose, for which additional reason, tbe Federal law bas no spplicAtion. The sale of cigarettes has been stopped there by order of tbe police. , TELEGRAPHIC. Will litre I'p Paris. Nov 22' The Spanish peace commissioners last night telegraphed to Madrid the substance of tbe united States' memorandum presented yester day, and late yesterday evening they were aiscusssing it among itiemseives. Asdute as 1 o'clock this morning e Span lahfcomtnissioner affirmed that his col leagues did not know what to do regard ing the American offer. It is said Spain will just permit the United States to takjl the Philippines becaure they can. ' ' ' A Big Fake IfEtf York, Nov 22. Tbe Sharkey Corbett fight, which was witnessed by the, largest and moet representative gath eriog of sporting men that ever congre gated to see a riug contest, ended in a most disgraceful fiasco tonight at the Leonox Athletic Club. Corbett bad all the worst 01 tue encounter, when one of bis seconds, "Connie McVey" jumped into the ring appealing lor the referee, thus violating the rules, and the referee, "honest' John Kelly, had no alterna tive but to disqualify Corbett and award the bout to Sharkey. A Severe Marea Chicago, Nov. 22. The severe storm hss moved northward, and was central today over the Upper Lake region, at tended by rain or snow over the western Lake region and the Ohio. Mississippi. and Missouri vaueys, a cold wave is moving forward in tbe rear of the storm being felt as far eastward as Lake Mich igan, Illinois and Indiana. It ia an tin usially cold wave for this season of the year. A 'derer a retire Th Dalles, Nov. 22. Sheriff KVIley received a telegram from the eher.ff at Winnemucca, Nev., today saying that Frank Forrester, who killed Philip 1 tre pan, at Antelope, was arrested there a 7 o'clock this morning. The nes cre ated great surprise, it was sot generally know that Forrester was beaded for the south. all Brasv New Yoks, Nov, 22. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington sava: Though confident that hostilities will not be resumed. Secretary Long has made it a point since the peace protocol was signed, to put the men-of-war of the service in tbe best possible condition. Ma.rrr4 fcf ladlaaa " 1'okt Tow.xdExn, Waxh. Nov, 23. If the siory of R Motokoff, who arrived here today from Xunivak. island Alaska is true, the passengers and crew of the steamer Jew;, numbering 15, were not drowned at the mouth of ihe Kuskowin river, aa reported several weeks ago, bat were murdered by Indians. A Steak. AUIaaee PakisXov 21. It was quite unexnect- eoiy announce! mis aiternoon that a commercial treaty has been concluded between France and Italy, granting mu tually favored treatment except for silk goods, which will remain subject to tbe maximum tax. A bill embodying the agreement will be submitted "immedi ately to the chamber of deputies. Ve Ar (.uu LoxDox, Nov 22. The morning Meters conced the generoaoty of the offers of the United States peace commissioners and express) tbe opinion that Spain would be foolish to reject them. They express the universal gratification at the annoonce of an "open door" policy in the Philip pine. The Daily Mail calls the offer of 20. 000.000 as indemnity, "a surprising act of generosity." facta la ism r Nsw Yoke, Nov. 21. General Caiixto Gracia and the other Cohan commission era from the Cuban military assembly at Sanut Crux del Sur, who are en route to Washington for the purpose of laving before President McKinley a resolution recently adopted by the assembly as to the future of the iUnd of Cuba "arrived today, on tbe Ward line steamer Segnr anca. Gracia says: Tbe Cubans have no cth- er fee Unci s for the Americans than those of friendship and gratitude Aa for my self. 1 believe in American of Cuba until order has been occupation restored." SU( Ma lawlrsew ParLAOExrvtA, Nov 21. Tbe grand jury today presented to the coontv man true bills of indictment against V S sen ator Jt b Unary, his eon Kichard. and Benjamin Haywood, ex-state treasurer. Tbe bills charge the defendant with coo s pi racy with John Hopkins, late cashier of tbe People's bank, for the unlawful use of the moneys ot the bank in the purchase ot slocks, and oonspiracr with Hopkins in tbe misuse of state funds on deposit in the People's bank. A sua tuns Sr. PAtx,Nov 22. The first general snowstorm of the winter has prevailed throughout the Northwest daring tbe last 21 boors, and is still continuing without much abatement. The snow has been accompanied by a high wind. Dispatches from various point in North and Sooth Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and ortrM-rn Iowa report business impended. The weather obser ver here predict the storm will continn tonigut and tomonow and be followed by a cold wave. Ui's Waal Sax FaArrsco Nov "1. Ex-Queen Liliuoukalani, of Hawaii, arrived today from Honolulu. The object of her visit v$o try and influence congreas to allow msr to retain posses ion of the crown lands, estimated at 15,000,000. ertAewly laSermu PKXW.FTOX. Nov 20. This evening at o clock another shot was fired close to tbe house in which lived the fatnilv of Misa May Wallace,who waa murdered a week ago last Thursday nicht. The Wallace family irave no the hnnax ! ibnrsday, and P II Fee moved in with uw Umilv. tawalTiaa Havana. Nov 20. Ta ntn i n -Honor. 1 Bianco receiver -irom fans today a cab a authorising bim to draw on Paris for I2.000.0UO. to be aDDlied in the ot the hpanish troops in Cuba, This amount la in addition to the proceeds of . L .J . . . . . . ...... . ... "is uran ior IIJ i.uw oy the Madrid government on London, which was sold cere last'week. , A Seattle MarAer SgATTLg, Nov. 20. Isanore Sermons, a taylor, shot and killed Gustave Hager, a uueojaxer, 40oay, linger had reproved Schpopsfor drnnkenesff, Hager baa a wife living at 1112 Poet street tan Fran cisco, Both men formally lived at Los Angeioa ' A a Aareeaaeal BeaeheA Madrid Nov, 20. In political circles it ia A' sorted that an agreement has been sign.d between the peace commis sioners in fans. The government it is semiofficially an nounced, intends to notify the Cuban bondholders that Spain will not pay tbe yuoan aoiit, which win not be mentioned in the peace treaty. The government considers ltselt completely freed from these entanglements, which fell upon the nation exercising sovereignty and collecting taxes in Cuba. A Terrible ( harge Loso Creek, Nov 18. The report has just reached here of the capture of Ed ward Warren, at Sumpter. while trying to make, his way out of the country. He wag wrought back to Canyon City, and a charge of arson will be placed against bimn It was in bis room that the fire was first noticed that ended in the des truction of Canyon City. L Persons in this city from Canyon City ssy the pris onot some time previous to the fire, while intoxicated, threatened to burn the town for some imaginary wrong done him, and this he will probably be ac cused of before a jnry. A Tewa Baraed Perbv, la, Nov 20, At midnight the business portion of the city of Perry is burning, and the fire is beyond control. A strong northwest wind is sweenini? the flames down both sides of Second street, beveral large brick blocks are already gone, and tho fire depurnment seeing neipiess. The Vn Aloines tire de partment has been sent for, and hose Irom aurroundinir towna will lie lirnnirht in. " DR. 0L1YE K. BEERS. Diceaee of Women and Children. Phone 66. Postofflce Block Albany, Or. TERMS. Daily Dxmocbat, 25 cents per month $3.00 per advance, 80c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Watery. 11.26 tn advance; 11.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; 200 for third and proceeding years, wben not paid n advance, ijiubs of Hve nrw subscriber! atfS.OO. HOME AND ABHOAD Judge Boise came np from Salem today and will hold court this afternoon. Wheat 51 cents. Apron Strings. Apron Strings Dec. 16th. Have you engaged vonr nmnim for Apion Strings? Dec. 16th. The Home Bakery for cranberries. The Home Bakery for ThnnV sUrivino oatstuics a.i.i.i. Weekly Dkkocbat and Weekly Oregon tan $2.25 a year. For knives, forks French, tbe jeweler. spoons see ee trench's display window for the latest novelties in watches and rings. rw sore U bear A pron Ktringa at tbe Methodist church Dec. 16tb. kb o tue iionie .Bakery tor your Thanksgiving goods, consisting of rals- uH-urrann.uau-s, ngs.wainuulmonds etc M. M. Harvey, a former Albany man. -. .... t torn j , , u0 WAS IB the hardware busieess here fifteen yesrs ago. until aUui Mrs Mays, wbo returned to her in Teon, several months ago, after a residence in Albany of several months, died a few dai s ago. Drs Wallace and Deere recently per formed a anccesful operation on Mr. J. A. Carter, 01 Wei's, consisting of tbe re movsl of a tumor. James La .r-f Shushun, N Y, through bis agent. Mission Law Robertson, o! Chicago, formerly of this city, hi pre sented 1 be mission boa ids ot tbe L. P. cborcli with $J.',000 and the ihree col lege of the chuirh with 63,000, a total of 1100 .Owl. Ed Warren, who is suspect! with the burning of C.nyon Cily, is a former Mr Mino villa young man. He also reeidef at Corvallia one lime and ia ihe yoong ros who captured Ed Scrrtt, wbo snap ped bis revolver ia WarreVe fare Warren was lecen'ly with a sheriff' posse that shot several Indianr, one I , let passing through bis Lai. THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries) and 1 La Led Good Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kuows where tbesr place ta. Tbey keep A fresh stock, of groceries, produce and baked goods, of ail kinds, sett at reasonable price and treat tbeir customers well, all vike. You may regret sow steps yoo take In life tot nose uken into tbe store af Parker Bros. It is a great tning to be well fed. Par ser Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread ss not much but voa we it it weU maj. Try Parker Bros. .FOB PHOTOS. VIEWS, CRAYONS, FRAMES, The Photographer The Big, Popular Studio. Twenty thousand negative for duplic ate oruers. specialty First class work. First Strexf A lb adt. (Tbe old Crawford A Paxton and Craw- ord A Uarnish Gallery. iE E. BEERS, JL, ft. Physician and Surgeon. Phone So. Postomoa Block. Albany, Oregon. CITATION Is tbs CorxTT Cocbt or tba tats cr Urn eco s, ros Lis CoujriT. Ia tbe matter of tbe estate cf Robert J ohna, deceased. To Thomas Job da, Francis Jchos. Wil liam Johns, the children of Martha Heckle, dereaaed.tae children of Martha Madiford, tbecni drea ot Tnoma Johns, deceased, and tbe children of Richard Jobea, de ceased, and all otbers known And unknown interested in said estate, greeting: IN THE NAME OF TBE STATE OF Oregon, voa are hereby cited and required to appear ia tbe Coanty Court of the Mate of Uregon. tor the uocaty or una. at tbe court room t hereof . at Albany, ia said county, on Monday, the Stb day of Denem trr. ISft, at 10 w'clock in tbe forenoon of tbat day, toea and there to show cause, if any exiV.,wby aa order ot this court should not iso dirrcusg tne sale of tbe follow ing described real proptrtj belonging to said estate, tow it: Becinning at a point 41.10 chains East and 78 links Nrt of tbe South west corner of tbe donation land claim of Geo. Cit and wife, Notification No. 1S12 and c'aiu to- cH. ta Towothin It. boutb of Kaage 4, West of the Wnlamytte Meridian, Ure- eon, and running thence North So degrees 3D miaat Last 19.65 chains: thence North 57 degree and 30 minutes East 9.20 chains: thence North M desrree and 15 minutes East 23 chains; thence West 63.60 chains to the center of he mam channel of Calipooia creek: thence np said creek fol lowing tne meanders inervot to a point due north o: tbe place of beginning; tbeace South 32.14 clains ro the place of bia- ning, containing 60.28 acres, saving and excepting one half acre heretofore aeeded to ti. U. iUigtt, lying on tbe Calipooia creek, and also excepting therefrom 5 acres heretofore deeded to H. F. and Mark Hid burt and also 3.40 acres heretofore deeded to Elita 8. Ktarbuck, said above described property belonging to said estate, contain ing M.3S acres lying snd being in Linn County, Oregon. Witness, tbe ticn- Geo U Barton. Judge of the Coanty Court of ibe State of Oregon; for the Coanty cf Linn, with the Seal of said Court affixed, this 9th Hay of November, A i D., 1898. (L S) Attest: Frakk Crabtbk, Clerk, Iy R. B. Moktaoue, Deputy. HOH AND FRUIT GROWERS TARE NOTICE I am prepared to insure vour Hon Kiln, and its contenta. vour Fruit Drver and their contents at the lowest possible rates, ana witn any 01 tne six com pan ies represented by my agency, which have a combined capital of over Twentjr uva minion aouara. a Doiicv in eiioe- of these companies ia aa good aa gold, and in case ot a loss you receive your money wimout ueiay. tor applications, writ to or call on CO. Burkhaxt, Albany, Or. FINAL ACvOUNI Notice is berebv given that tbe nnae: iirned has tiled bis final account with th Clerk of the County Oort ot Linn County Oregon, in tbe matter of the estate of tier ry Beamer, deceased, and tbe Court ba fixed tbe 5th day of December. 1898, at th hour of 1 o'clock p. tn. of said day as th time for bearing objections thereto, if any there be. Any and all persons bavins; ob jections to said account will hie tbe same with the Uierk ot said toutt on or oe;rie tsid time. Dated Octooer 18, 1898. Luther White, Executor ot tne last will sndttestamen of Henrv Beamer, deceased. IiKellt A Curl, Attorneys tor executor. Call on Mi il 1 United States Senator Tbat It Should Recent events showed that a nop ii more dangerous than a beule. Not on ly ia the army, ba in ordinary lile.m-we uvea are lost by a heedless disregard o tbe beginnings ot poor health tbsn b al I other causes com bined. Dyspepsia or nerv losoess ia absolute'. inexcusable now. There ia 00 more rea son f Jr a man or woman eating with pooi appetite or sleeping poorl or sufferim coetinnally front neuralgia or rheuma tism today than there is of bis or bar go ing without the neceeaiUrs of life. Every candid person wbo has Hraggec along, under the depressing eKects o nerve and brain exhaustion, needs V taks to heart the words of such unbiased persona as Senator Tabor, who canno afford to Attach tbeir guarantee to any thing tbey have not tnemeelvee investig ated. DENVER, Col , Sspt, 20. 189. Meear. Wei's. Richardsoa A Co.. Bar lisgtoa, Vl I heartily recommend your rsme a celery eoaopoand. It is tbe one remedy which should be widely ased . I bae need it-and I tbere- lre knw whereof I speak. ery truly voors. N. A. W. TABOR. Formerly U. S. Sen a nr. rim -a . 4&0ms N ew Clothing. I have just opened a LARGE STOCK OIF LATEST STYLE CLOTHING Mors than 100 different patterns to select from. The next thing ia to set! tbem. To do this 1 will make tbe price so yon can save from S3 to 40 cents on the iol'ar under tbe nsol price on Stylish, Strict! Up-to-date Clothing for men and boys, made' for this seasons trade. MclLWAIN BLOCK. Remember the Room. GRAND AUCTION SALE AT Mc IL WAINS 999 To Close out Entire Stock. Ury Goods, Clothing, Boot and Shots, Groceries. When yon bear the Auction Bell go to McIuWaINS aoj buy Mercbandise at vonr own price. Auction Sale Wednesdays at 2 and 7 p. m. Auction Fr atnr days at 2 and 70 p. m. Private Sales at Auction Prices eve y da RESERVED BEATS FOR LADIES. F . E. ALLEN & CO. For bargains in Ladies and Gent's Gold Watches see French the Jeweler. CCtfSsls jf5gj 1 -'l ssss . If fc. I t tr.'s ea JT JT MrsiSMCrsM. v ,. ai. spu or ... wh,i,., mm m t I - - - ' nmw amwM w m yani ta a ft wom-fSiM raaa & ova lun aa aula .-J Laaea afeawt this grsat gsat, as It I For sale by J. A. Camming H. F. Herrill Insurance and Collection Aavnt Munei to loan, warrants bouaht Office In th Dxmockat buildias. RY n 01 Tabor Says be Used. Now Do you suffer from insomnia? Are yoo icte of tbose mcb-to-be-pitied individo- us wno wrestle with the pillow throng b be long hours of tbe night and rise in he morning with haggard features and lolioe eyes? If so, take advantage of be remarkable power ot this greatest if all remedies for reetonog strength. Fame a celery compound calms and equalise all tbe nervoos tisenee and ia- locee tbe body to taks on solid Dean. Nervous debility causes tinidHy. de- sressioo, and lack of conndence ia tbe trnggie ol tile; whereas plenty ot ner- rooa force inaoree se f reliance, enter prise and prosperity. Ia uatolJ number cases the tack of success ea aaatly be :raced to a simple lack ot nerve force. There ia as better foundation lor per- saaeat good Lealth. or a better preper ition for coping with the bard work and anna strain of lue than neb, red. pare jlood and plenty ot it. acqoired by nte of Zaine ceiery compound. Pbysiesana recogmxe fame a celery om pound aa the 3oe scientific remedy or restoring neaita and etreegta to tbe worn-oat system. W. R.BLAIN. GOOD COFFEE It's a luxury all may enjoy who trade wiib as. We won't to cad yoar atten tion to our Blend of Java A Mocha at 40 eta. per pound, which we believe to be the best on the market. Then we have another Blend for SOcts. per pound which is proving itself a winner. Then we have another cheaper coffee clear dowu to 10 eta. per ponod which are All good values. All we ask ia a trial from any one wbo is not quite satisfied witn their present coffee, and we are sure of making you our customers. FOSHAY k MASOK -Wholesale A Retail DRUGGISTS iSDECQmUKL ILBaJiT, OS tO OH. Pare druirs and the aest and Larges Stock oi Stationary and Books in the Market. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Tbe motor on the Albany Street Railway will connect prumpty with all trains to aH from the depot, day and nicbt. Special trips will be made at spec rates. R. Moors,. Condnclor. LADIES. Royal Tea cleats the cow plerion. it acts on the blood, stomach liter and kidneys and its a streneteeaint tonic for tbe whle system Maga -lis Blossoms cures all kinds of direaSda pecul :r to Ionian. E. Bruckmaa. Ueocral ages I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS t X f ANTED .: A wlesmsn asd colleet- VV or for tbe Singer Mfg. Co. CaU at F. M. French's Jewelry store. WHEAT "S3f at COBBAN & MONTEIH'8 Combination Barber Shop, lean shaving, haircntting, or sham poo. Nice clean porcelain baths. Clear Havana cigars. A Rare Bargain. For sale, a bouse and lot in a favorable part of the city. House is a two story, eight room building in good condition. Good well and city water. Will be sold at a rare bargain.. It must be sold so do not rniew this chance. Inquire At tbe Dzvo cbat office. IRL WASTED. To do general housework. Call at the Daaocbat office). - TEAMS OR MONET WASTED. I bave good 'at and wheat straw, baled, in tbe ci-y, lor sale, wbeat at 3.00 and oais at H GO per ton. Farther, if any teamster wiii do me rood plowing for biled straw I will allown thm $1.25 per acre. Alvi a J. Cakotbkba. FOR SALE Aa Al English shepherd dog, eight months old. Call at Demo crat office. IllK NEW AND SLCONU HAND dl ORE W. L. Broustcin. Proprietor. DEALER in all kinds of new and see-' ond band goods, furniture, stoves, tin- end hardware, etc Uooga boa? Jit. sold. exchanged. Highest cash price for hides, na ta . n.1 fim All IrYruiatf Inlir rwwierht E rumB ruocx, next to tam e. If you nave a badly de cayed tooth remtmher a new croM u can he inserted hj Dr. Adams as 11 lustra t ul. COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd FeLow's Temple, Albany, Or. All work carefully done under latest s el hods, BOSGWAHTONG CO, fco6 1 St aear Lyoa street. Albany. Sells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice. Chinese tea And nat oil. Poultry Wanted Having located in tbe bcilding in the eATof M. Sternberg A Co. we will do a general poaitry bo sinews, paying tbe highest price for poultry of ail kiuds rowrss at cpreuger. . HURT EIC1CLS EMRISS HI sWarttiifc 4ND HORSE SHOEING- Second street between Ferry sad Broadalbin Streets. HILLEB A STEWART. Honev to Lrban. We have a block of $40,000 to loan oa good farms ia Una and adjoteiAC eceas If you have good secariry aad perfect title., we caa fersish yot tee cms withont jsiay. as we make oar owe evaenaatioaot Vnrity. Call or aa or wnte A. S. SruxaA V Albany, Ongea (XECwTCB'S K3T1CE. Kobce is hereby givea to a'l persoas ia terested ia the estate of Anthony Beader. deceased, that I dasw tied my &aal ae sooat lhereia. ia tbe Cooaty Conrt ef Liaa Conaty. Oregon, and that aloaday. tne Sad day of Jannary,lS).at the boor of 1 o'clock p. m. Of said day has been set by said court aa the time for hearing and settling all ob jections thereto. Ali persoas ulerestsd. haviacT aay objectioas to said acconnt are hereby lequired to file the aasae with clerk of saisl eoozt, oa or before the said date above mentioned. Gaoaee Baatvaa, Eaecntor ef said Estate. OliYer nom-in m iK's , A pears, -iJaay, Orecea xiver gave the wo d the chilled plow Aad it has saved more kv-oney to the fanner ef America than any other implement ever produce Genuine Oliver chilled are tne beat OS it knows he is uaccUisg the best. Lcoc, out fcr im nidations and touch aotaiBfr beJ the genains goods, made eery by Otivf Chilled plow work. Sonth Bead, ladM H S. A. I tMitniinitii.ifflitiniMifwmr Julius g i Gradvvohl m -:- Dealer ia - 3 Hardware, Crockery, Glass ware. Groceriee and aJ goods kept la country stores. i will m SELL GOODS FOR CASH 3 As Low as Anybody. 2 CouDtry produce aad eggs taken ia exchange for goooda. lUiuiuiiimiummMiiut; 00D INSURANCE OB NONE. If you want nothing for your money get Relief," but it you ant "EeliallB Immif have your property insured by tbe lead ing agent of Albany, in companies tbat have ben in boaiaesa for veara.and thai have money to bark their obligations. 10U CSDDOt Vt a rami artii-U -f kind tor nothins. And when yoa want u snrance get "Insurance" end not "Re Uef." M. SENDERS. Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool 17ASTED To rent 150 or 300 scree v v of pasture land. Address x. x Pfeiffer, Albany.