The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 04, 1898, Image 3

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Our Fur Collar
ettes and Capes
for ladies have
$5-oo to $25 00
Does Your Grocer
want you to have poor cake ?
No. He'll self you Schil
lings Best baking powder
when enough of you say : ' I
want the best baking powder
5 E Young & 5on,
First Class Vr.Iues
Inn 011 1 1 u . j n
' uu rants in
Urey and Cream. Flat and ribbed.
Complete line of Infanta Ribbed
1 mio, wool ana cotton
uenero'is assortment of Winter
itriguu, wooi ana cotton, ribbed
nu piain. unuarens fancy plaids.
ituieB uoe last Macks.
A special beavy ribted at 19 eta.
German worsted,
Spanish Knitting,
, naxony, zephyr.
ice wool.
Beautiful line Umbrellas.
Excellent qualities, newest bandies
From the California Soldiers Home
A letter received by Sir. James Marks
from air. Charles Bamford, at the Soldi
ers Home at Los Angeles contains some
things of general interest. He says:
"This is dry country, no rain up to the
present time, only three inches of rain
last winter, and no crops and scarce!?
any nay to speak of. The land looks
well and would raise good crops if thev
had any rain. The orchards and gardens
i itrepueu. mere are about 640 acres
of land that belongs to this home, two
thirds of which is farm land, without a
crop this year. Garden is now being
planted, of which there is 30 acres.
There will be cabbages and onions and
lots of things not raised in Oregon . A p
ples are no bigger than walnuts and are
.not fit to eat. Most of them are fed to
the hogs. There are plenty of figs at 5
cents per pound. The best fruit countrr
is further east of here. Land is very low
now and so is town property in Santa
Monica. There is no timber exceot that
planted. Tnere is scarcely any fencing,
there being no stock running out. There
is not a blade of green grass growing
here. At the home we have a sermon
every Sabbath, and Sunday school, and
prayer meeting every Wednesday, with a
good number who take part, and there
are some who care nothing about it.
There are four blind men in the home,
to whom we read and who care for
nothing but the scriptures. There are
four Catholics here. Mr. Morrison and
I went up to Los Angeles and heard Rev
Logan preach. He has not a ver big
congregation. The governor of this "home
got four balls put through his body but
was out riding yesterday. He had a
close call. The man who did the shoot,
ing is in jail and is worse off than the
one he tried to kill. The home has its
own electric 'ights in every room. The
cooking is done by steam. There are
eight barracks three stories high. The
hospital is as big as all of them. Thre
are eight other buildings besides. There
are three trains a day and a horse car
running besides the electric cars from
ixs Angeles every hour.
The Pacific Mostiilv. The Demochat
s in receipt of a copy of the Pacific
Monthly, Portland's new magazine just
started by Mrs. Lischen Miller and Mr.
W. B. Wells. It is the best gotten up of
anything yet attempted in the Sorth
west, and excels typographically and in
literary sense. One of the leading ar
ticles is by President Jordan, of bun
ford. The subscription will be f 1 a year
or 10 cents a copy, and the people of the
Northwest should help sustain the new
venture and make it tiermanent b y giv
ing it their subscript inn.
Kellar the great magician" is to be ia
A VI bliUlUa
AJPorUand paper says the recent In-
uiau uuiureaKB were due to whiskey.
neat is another point down todav
and 51 cents is the price. The Democrat
,uu" "W it 10 go some lower.
h ime tiathway.a ten year old boy has
oc.,v me insane asyium Irom Ka
6vuv. iio ih an Knot.
mi A' Cox is far behind time,
....n....B lmvo JUBt gotten ripe, as
evidenced by a branch of them left at the
HftllnvA'an 1... - 1 . .
, V. uow '"tea two or
...rro uignis ana was about as lively last
n.ght as on previons nights. It is about
iir. ueonrfi m nno T-ei i
leading citizens has gone into bankrupt
cy under the new Taw. His liabilities
.iourr fiw,uuu, wnue his assets are
""""""J but practically
nothing, or very near nothing.
, The Salem city election to take place
in Pecember is already being talked
about, and a good many men are beina-
'm ii ii li . j ii iTii nth m
f, ii.:i xi-.-i. 1 -e-",
of rentleton.
.viiuwu, lurmeriy 01 una coun
ty, for marshal.
A Medical Vacancy.
From the Statesman :
Before the governor's departure for
Portland yesterday, lie receivod two ca
blegrams from Manila which would in
dicate there was an otticial vacancy in
the medical staff of the Second Oregon
volunteer regiment at Manila. There
are no mail advices at hand explaining
iuu Duuuuon anu tne governor is at a Iobs
for details and can do nothing but await
mi .
xue presumption is mat lrom some
cause a vacancy exists on tho medical
staff and it is desired that it be filled by
mo appuiuiiueuc, as assistant surgeon,
HarrieA. Littletleld, who went out in
May last as "hospital Stewart."
Aliunv, Or., Oct. 28.
Editor Democrat:
Why have but two tickets out at our
soon coming city election, and let them
be Saloon and Anti-saloon? Why should
not principle prevail instead of party
saloon business or even a little
blood money, or is not hell full enough
yet to satisfy the majority of our city
voters? Is it not time to wake upY
nat are you going to do about it ye
leaders of our town?
A. J. Cakotheus.
In Mcinoriani.
Our bond of unity has hfvn townxl hi
.1 , , ' :. .. . . . -v
mo uiracK-iirer 01 ueni.11 on me 1 nn iiv
of Sept, 1S1S, when brother A. Condra
departed this life for hia celestial home,
whence no traveler returneth.
tfESOLVKD that in the demise of l.rnth.
ft Condra this lodge lost a faithful niera-
oer, tne community a good and law abid
ing citiaen and his children a loving
father. 6 tlmt fla 1.1. v
evening, and were repaid'by being given draped ih mourning for thirty da vs.
rhHijr.T110? merit- Mr- Kesolvkd that these resoludona be
unnsnian ia a skillful magician and does spread on the minutes, a copy furnished
toe bereaved family of our deceased
brother and a copy to each the Herald,
Disseminator and Albany Dkmocbat.
The above resolutions were unani
mously adopted bv Thurston lodge No.
28 A. F. and A. M., Oct. 29th l&XS.
On June 30th. 1808. on the farm of
Harvey Suramerville, near HarriBburg,
M. T. MeGrath, an old resident of the
county, shot Charles Turner, a young
man nineteen years of age, at work on
the farm, through the heart, and ho
died instantly. The cause assigned lo
the deed was jealousy.
This afternoon the trial of McG-atl
who was recently indicted by the crand
jury lor the act was begun before Judge
The defendant anneared with hia conn
ed, Weatherford A Wyatt, and the state
is represented tv District Attorney liay
den and A. C. Woodcock. McUrath it
a man about sixty five years of age, with
a large head, open eyes and a mild coun
tenance. His hair ia quite grav. He
acted in a composed manner.
The drawing of the jury was done
promptly, the conaervutive courae of the
press of the county making it possible
uere to get a jury without much trouble,
Tk. ( .11 ' ! 1
xuw luiiuwuig jury was urawn:
Chas. Davis, John Matlock, Jas. fihel
ton, J. W. ISurkhart.M. V. ltilyeu.M. K
Dawson, Jake liuber, Geo. Blevins, Jas
uroshong, Henry Sprenger, leaving two
to be secured ot press time.
College Notes.
A good (died audience atten.1wl th
tertainment of the Chrisman Musical and 1
i, kuo aroiorv last iatnrrlav
several novel tricka with
Glen sisters are very bright girls in their
oucviaiiies. air. 1 iinnman ia
- . u wkwuu , J
cahst and expert on the glasses and with
the coins. Their music is excellent. The
company gives a good clean performance
re cuuuea to tne patronage of the
J 1 ill. lor divnrrA hoi kam k.. i I
- 'iinuua 1 cvs.t!IIIlHlll'ri Bitttiridt f I. I
The MeGrath murder trial will hx.;n
tomorrow afternoon. It is not attract
ing very much attentionj
Regular business meeting of the A. O.
W. tonight. Initi
business of importance."
The CTand iurv retnrnA.1 tn. Ilk...
this noon and took nn th mh r
Barr held on the charge of assault with
intent to kill. They finished the case
by 2:30 but their renort will not Kn,
until tomorrow afternoon when court
Robert Hinman. who was sent to the
penitentiary about eiuhtn mnmi,.
from Douglass county.on a charge of rob
oery, for a term of rive vmn o m.i.
oned by Governor Lord o'n last ridav so
that his mother could take him home to
die.he being in the last stares of can.
sutnption.passed awav at the Salem hos
pital yesterday mornina. hjmanlon hav
ing come too late to enacle hia mother to
uke mm nome. Matesman.
Harry Barr Indicted.
The grand jury at 1 o'clock this after
noon brought in two verdicts agains
Harry Barr. one for assault on IVtor
KUey with a dangerous weapon, and the
other for carrying concealed weapons.
-u time nas oeen set yet lor arraign
Dr. T. C. Macfcey is in the city aa a
witness in the MeGrath murder trial.
Mrs. George Cooisv, of BrowntvU'e,
is visiting her daughter Mrs. G. W
tt right cl this city.
Mrs. W. H. Worlev. of IiWn,!.
Mo., who baa been visiting here for mami
t me me guest 01 sir. w. T. Worlev
win leave tonight for home, taking: with
her the esteem of (be manr frin4 it,.
made while here.
Mr. Bert Westbrook. now in lhA Am.
dIov (if thnPalnmot Kulrln P.l i
' j . . - - " vjvi vi.
and Mr. t. C. Kramer, a representative
of that company, went in Brwnvile this
morning to introduction that celebrated
brand of Baking Powder at that place.
The Degree of Honor last evening tend
ered the A. O. U. W. a pleasant sur
prise after the regular important busi
ness of the evening had been attended
to. The Degree know how to do things
in the right manner and on this as on all
occasions were equal to the occasion.
A hapny crowd of vonnc mod! tat
eight save Mr. Will Barrett a sorprie
party of the mam order at his horns in
ths first ward,a Hallowe'en affair, great
ly enjoyed bv the live youmr Deople wno
attended. The invitations sent ont will
teil what kind of a party it was :
On the night of Hallowe'en
The ghosts will rive a nirfr.
And their invitation to you
is extended very beany.
They waat you to come early.
i-Tessej m sheets and pillow cases,
Pin them all about yon well.
So we can't se your facts.
At Mr. Cooper Tamer's
The ghoits are going to meet
To arrange their ghostly wardrobes,
At 6th and Maple suets.
They want yon to come erl
To the btnett'sold Mie'wr.g
And cVbrate the H!ioen
As in days of an:d ling yn.
President Lee occunied the nulnit nf
. 1 . n 1 . . . z .r
wo res u vie nan ciurcli 111 iebanon
ootrj morning and evening, last Sunday.
the enrollment in the literary dpmrt.
monthasnow readied l:t'S. Among the
latent arriva's beinit f. W.Ziinniennan
and James B. Russell of Jefferson Rialm
estneriora, tiarry Bcitlosser, rrancis
Murphy, Oia luUntiIle,Mav Miller, and
weivuie wire.ot AUany; Gladys Sha
uranu irairie; uesSIO UOddard, Mil!
Uity; Jorie Games. La r wood; Leste-
onsor, jeltdrson ; Georgia Pay ne, San
1. 11 in kj mspo, l amornia.
me library has received fine dona
tion 01 .'D yainai les books from the lib
rary of Rv. J. H. Cornwall and wife of
Sodaville. Also a handsome copy of
Bryce's American Commonwealth, in 2
vol. trom money furnished by Mr. W. M
Ladd. of Portland.
The President has been encouraged in
his landable efforts to secure portraits o'
the former presidents, bv receiving a tine
portrait of Prof. R. K. Warren, who was
tne imir.n president of the College, and
uie immediate succeesor of Dr. Geary.
The portrait has been hung in iis place
in the chapel.
The improvements on the evmnasinm
are proeressi'-g.and it will not o long un-
uiriiuornu win I aveall the privileves
of a hnrly eqnipped eymnasiuqn, with
hot and cold baths, shower bih. etc . at-
laM.a..J '
The Athletic Association of hf College
is vigorously pushing the preparatios
for the fool-ball game next Saturday
with the O. A. C, and a determined
game is expected.
1 anient.
ArrER Fixt PocxrRy.The Oregon Pool
try and supply house, of this city receiv
ed, through its manager, Geo. D. Good
hue, an order for 800 thorouhgbred Ply
mouth Rock and Wyandotte chickens.
Mr. Goodhue went to Jefferson on the
evening train yesterday, and from there
will go to Albany and other of the valley
towns to get the required stock to fill the
order. This company is doing a grea t
deal toward the advancement of fill
poultry raising in Oregon. Statesman.
W. C. T. U. The regular meeting of
the W. C. T. U. will meet in their hall
Tuesday Nov 1st, at 3 p. m. All mem
bers and friends of the Union are re
quested to be present.
'You Owe K to Her.
If you are the
mnttir nf a vounflr
i girl who is ap-
SI nrnarhinir the
time when girl
hood mergres into
womanhood do
not hesitate to
speak freely and
frankly with her
about the thine which most closely con
Cera her future happiness. If she ia sub
ject to any weakness of the delicate, spe
cial organism of womanhood, make it your
business to see that this ia properly cor
rected, aad tnat she starts upon woman
hood's career with full womanly strength
and capacity. She will bless you for it all
her life.
There is no need of "examinations" and
local applications." Sound professional
advice may be obtained free of charge, by
writing to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting
nhvucian to tne Invalids- Hotel ana burs-
lcal Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., whose
thirtr vears' occupancy of this position
baa made him recognized among the most
eminent of living specialists in the treat
ment of woman's aiseasea.
bmitted to him by mail re
ceives careful consideration. Efficient and
Winenaive home-treatment is prescribed
whereby delicate, feminine complaints may
be promptly alleviated and cured. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only
proprietary medicine in the world designed
tor tuts special purpose ny a regular puy
cian an educated, experienced expert
Uiarnnl U nf T mnfltL AcComSC Co.
Va.. in a letter to Dr. Pierce, sava: " From April,
lHu6. until the fallnwinir October. I suffered
erely from painful menstruation. For about
twelve hours before the appearance of the menses
I would feel giddy, have a severe headache, pain
in my DacK, in tact lelt as tl every bone in m
body was breaking. Nothing did me anv rooc
1 wrote to Ir. Pierce and he recommended hia
' Favorite Prescription.' and after uainr three
bottle of it I am clad to aay I am cured."
Mr. Wiil Simpson camenp from Port
land this noon.
Mrs. Bert Van Cleve came over from
Philomath this noon.
Mr. Bert Westbrook did not go to
Brownsville yesterday.
Mr. Hugh Fisher, the Sodaville mer
chant, wa in the city today.
Mr. Owens, the woodsawer, has been
in Tangent do.og a live business for sev
eral days.
Earl Abbett.son of Rev. Abbet, is vice
president of the class of 1903 of tne stale
The Quaker Medicine Concert Comp
any will begin a several days engage
ment at the armory tomorrow night.
Mr. A Cowan, who has been visiting in
Prineville several weeks, returned last
Wednesday to his home at Warm
Sprins. Review
W. B. Henderson, of Cmatillacountv,
father of Mies Maud Henderson of tliia
city, is in Albany and will spend the
winter here.
Mr. L. C. Stratton and family will
leave tonight for Ohio on a visit with
relatives and former neighbors, and will
begone about six weeks.
Fred Goulct, a former Albany saloon
keeper, who has been residing "in Ger-
vaia several years has moved tn
Junction City where he will run a saloon
Mr. Joe Purdom, sergeant at arms of
mo 1 frnouse in tne recent state leg'S-
laiure.t ame up tuis noon and u visitinz
AiUiny relatives and friends. j
Mrs. Jceph Weber. who has heen
here attending the funeral of Mr. aal
Mrs. . .Mansfield's little bov. returned
on the boat to Portland this "morning.
The Dalies T. M.
Homer Davenport's first cartoon since
arriving from the east appeared in the
Examiner today. It is clean and to the
point in contrast to the monstrosities
that have been appearing over Edgren'a
Charles Lappcns has been apjiointed
Chinese ii.tsx-ci.-r at this port tor the
government. He is tbeonlv white man
in the state who can talk the t liinese
language. Charlie was born in this city
and is a bright young man. Welcome. "
Mr. P. B. Marshall went to Portland
this noon te join his wiie who is there re
ceiving medical treatment, and upon
hom another operation will be tier-
formed at the hospital. Her case is con
sidered a very serious one.
A. C. Woodcock, one of T"?ne's lead
ing lawyers, fruit raisers ano farmers, is
in the city and tomorrow will assist in
the prosecution of MeGrath for the mur
der of young Turner. Mr. Woodcock is
one of the most prosperous attorney s in
trie valley.
Mr. Logan Hayes, of the Western
Union, of Corvalhs. was in the citv 0
day on hia way to Aehland, where he
11 run the ticker for three weeks. Lo-
gai is one of tne best operators in the
valley, besides being a city father. He
was born in Linn county near this city
Mr. A. 0. Morean. of Tamrent. has
traded his farm for a farm near Douglas,
u uiou county, ana nas started tor his
new home accompanied by hia family
Linn county will loose some excellent
citizens, and their neighbors generally
regret seeing them leave. They went to
f ortland in a hack and will so from there
uu me Doat.
tromlbe Rural Srjirit of Portland:
M. Scott, of Albany, was down frriday
witn hogs and sheeu and airain on Tues
day with cattle. D. Tavlor. of Habwv.
wasilown Saturday with a tirime load of
sheep, and J. L. Lewis, of Lebanon, sent
in a ioaa 01 sneen and liotrs. M. L
Wheeler, of Lebanon, was down Tuesday
Mr. John Vineyard and Mr. FnlU. of
Corvallis, were in the city today on their
way irom tne cascaaes, wnere they went
ten days ago on a trip after game and in
prospecting, iney passed through Lar-
wood and went as lar aa Cleveland rock
where they found some excellent mineral
prospects, but ttiey lound game scarce,
and came DacK without any venison or
Weston Leader: Prof. F. M. Mitchell
entertained a small party of friends last
evening at the residence of Mrs. J. S.
w neeicr. lheeuest were invited to meet
his nephew, Rev. W. C. Mitchell, of
Milton, who was expected to arrive on a
short visit with hia lamily. It unfor
tunately happened that as the reverend
gentleman, with his wife and two child
ren, had reached the top of Dry creek
hill, an infant daughter was suddenly
attacked by croup, and the family re
mained while Mr Mitchell came to West
on to explain their non-arrival and then
returned to his little daughter's bedside. I nd syrrptom of the
The guest, however, passed a pleasant) wull -! h'arty."
hour or two with vocal music and lively Btartey, 0-e(;ci)
conversation, Toi. ilill leading In thel
fusillade of repartee. Light refresh
ments were served.
The farmers around Tangtnt will soia
be done sowing fU giain. There has
been a great deal aviwu .
Mr. A. Y Smith nf O.v ;!!..
doing business m Tangent last Wednesday.
Mr.N'athsn Needh mm anrt Iiah T . -
Morgan from near Oatviile have been
spending several days in Portland. They
stopped tiff at Tangent on their retnrn
Cntle Jesse MrGhee, who has been
spending several days with relatives in
Sodaville. has returned to bis borne in
Tangent greatly benefitted in health. He
now stopping with bis son-in-law, Mr.
David Br:dgefarmer.
Mr. A. C. Morgan acd family started
en route to their new home near Douglas
L moo Co , where Mr. Morgan traded
his farm, near here, for a farm in that
section of the country. Our citixena re
gret very much to lose sucn a good fam
ily. There are three fruit driers running in
or near Tangent. Mr. I. W. Newcomb
two small driers, Mr Surr one, and a
Urge one is at work on Mr. Moses'
r"-ic. nn vt jev?e 3ioea wno nas em
ptoyej Mr. Inj. Mills and Mr.
Coney to ran his dryer. Apple
. Rev. P. A . Mos-, of DlU. Polk Co.,
viun r.u manr relatives in and
XT l-i ! J'TTEfStX) A Jl Iflaid he could come whenever he want-
led. One night wife left my bed and
. I slept in another bed.
1 I In mornine found door locked. De
fendant objected lo telling as bis family
were present, about deceased intimacy
with bis wife. It was with difficulty
that his testimony was secured on this
subject and then not completely.
In reference to the shooting he aw ore
that Turner drew to strike with the
pitchfork, but couldn't then why the ball
Lit him in the back.
At press time the defendant was on
the stand.
The afternoon session of this trial
adjourned until 7 o'clock p. ni with two
jurymen to get.
Five men were examined reaulting in
the acceptance of J. K. Green and Jerry
Shea, filling the box.
The case was stated for the state by J.
J. Whitney, depnty district attorney.and
for the defendant by J. It. Wyatt. Un
der the statement the defease is that the
murdered man had been unduely intim
ate with the defendants wife, resubim;,
coupled with a deceased condition of the
mind, in a had state of the mental facul
tics, culminating in the killing,
A. fipringate was the first witness
called for the si mo. Mad been acquaint
ed with Charles Turner about two
months. Was inorkingon the Sommer-
ville farm when Turner was shot on June
30. Wa in the field when MeGrath
came up and talked about niak'ng hay.
Then said he wanted to talk with Charlie!
lie took blin on about loitr feet. Showed
letter, put it back in hi pocket. MeGrath
cimed Turner, said he had ruined him
and his wile's character, calling hi in
o s it o , 1 timer backed away
with a fork in his band, looking over
shoulder. Came towards me and when
bout six feet from witness. MeGrath.
who waa twenty feet away, took revolver
out and tired. Turner fell on face. Me
Grath cocked revolver again when wit
ness interfered and took revolver awav
MeGrath kept saying "Let me shoot
him," and again demanded the revolver
saying he wanted to finish luro. Partic
ulars of tsktuit care cl the dead bor and
McGraib's arrest were riven. A mono
other ihinijs MeGrath afterards said he
didn't meau lo ki'.l him. that tho nxn.
bov aa dead and couldn't i helped. As
MeGrath left the o!ara hn said "kn..
I expect to tie buuir for this." The de-1
fendant put the letter on his Inside coat!
pocket. The revolv-r waa ahown and
identified. The sheriff at the request of
me juufo oiscnariteu to remaining five
oarreia in me rear 01 tbe court houae.l
The cross examination drought out tba
details, hoaing exact distances, time,
words, etc., substatitUltvaa In the direct
au enori was ma le ny the detenu in
show that the uiinesa was a party who
proposea to 00 violence to tbe defendant
the night of tbe affair. This waa denied
positively, though it was admitted that
it was said tbat he deeerved violent.
Harvey Sommervdle was the second
wi'ness. rhi killing waa don on his
place. Had known Cuarles Turner for
bom seven uionlha and MeGrath lor
wenty years. as in the field when Me
Grath came out. Talked about t'ie bar,
shorn ed me tue letter, which I read He
then ment to where Charles Turnw was.
Heard ahot and looked no and saw
smoke. Went to place and found hoy
dving. Springatetave revolver to me
MeGrath went to his horse and I told
lot to t off three times, tbe hut time
emphatically, before be did so. When
be suried for Harris burg he said "I ex
pect, boys to bung lor this." Mo
G-aih was cool during trie affair. Wit
ness did not bear the quarrel jost before
shooting. Was 150 ads or more away.
Saw Fprmcale have hold of MeGrath
after bring-, think on Mt side. Cars
ami rt-voiver appeareu to be new.
Wiliard r-itnsjions was tbs thirl wit
ness. Knew both parties. Was at Som
mersviile's. Made a map shotting posi
tions daring shooting. Vas ia held.
Had talk with MeGrath before shooting.
Me showed me the letter. 1 told hia I
thought the wriiinc favored two other
letteis. Letter was about some one who
bad goce to sn Fraociscoand was a boat
two other letters I was Cling hay rake,
trying It. Was about sixty Yards from
MeGrath and Turner when shot was br
ed. Tben Springate had hold of Me
Grath and I went op lo where they were.
McGralb said as he passed me I have
kiHrd him." Hade us goodbye, wishing
os well, but he expee'ed to be banc.
tn McCain was the fourth witness
i" I ! for the state. Had charge of the defend-
arHabt ehen be was brought la Hamsbnrr.
j Searched defendant and found tilings
iion and 2 lo. Part 1 duo. laced, con
s slin of knife. h-Mer shown Turner and
Mrs. Pheobe Collins nee Lay ton former
Iv of this city retnrned to her home in
Eugene today, after visiting several days
here withretatives and friends.
Rev. J. L, Hers hner, a former valley
preacher and a popular man, has been
called to tbe pastorate of the Congrega
tional church at Pendleton.
Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Reld and Mrs.
Baltimore went to Portland this morn
ing where Rev. Raid will supply the
pulpit of the U. P. church for thtee
The Dalles T.M.
Hon. J. L. Cown and daughter, Mrs.
Merkel, came in today from Warm
ripru:(.-s, Mrs. Merkel, has been visiting
tier parents at the agency the past
niont.i, and is returning to her home in
Hon. J.A. Jeffrey, ex-district attorney
of Jackson county, arrived in tbe city
yeaterbay morning. He will settle in
the Capital city and pursue bis profess
ion here. Mr. Jeff rey ia an able young
lawyer and a good citizen of inU-grity and
enterprise, and hence will be an acquisi
tion to the local bar and to Salem soc
iety. Salem Statesman.
Woodmen Items.
D. J. Dnbrnille writes to the Wood
man, of the Dalles, as follows:
Tbe time for venireance ia at hand.
I Neighbor Swan has for some time been
writing uncalled for things about me.
now oy reason 01 qui unfortunate conci
lion I write yon this letter. Swan has
nu entirely too much hilarity tbe past
inuotu. un me tn lost, ne went to To
ledo on a fishing trip and returned two
days later with six salmon weighing liO
puuaus wnirn ne says ne caogbt himself
wuuatroi!. A he gave us a fine quart
er we win not dispnte bis statement. On
wie .'ist be went down into Polk county
00 business, be says, bat we think other.
wise. Wb'Sti returning the nsxt c'sy ons
ui nis norsee ten tbrougb a bridge break
ing the neck yoke and then his team ran
aay (browing him ont disfiguring both
him and tbe boggy considerably. Soch
is the condition of bis arm that I hare
oeen compelled to so it bis kindlina
ood and thus this opportunity to ret
even wi'h him. I want it d-stinctly nn-
ucietooo mat no wears wDiskers which
are no more remarkable for their beauty
tuau mine.
The Woodmen bay moved their
Quarters to Uaccabee hall, and meet
ibursday mgbu as of old.
Neighbor McDonald, eoontv school
superintendent, and Neighbor 6 a-eos. of
McCoy, tare traesf erred with na. Wa probabiy have an initiation at oar
next meetiog.
Neighbor Allen took a trip to La
Grande, returned and is bow in the
mines at Anidem.
Neighbor Haekin. of Toledo visited
as doing tbe snostn.
Neighbor Monosmiih Informa as he is
going bacc to Iowa.
Trusting Mr. Editor tbat Ibe beaaty
and utility of my whiskers will not again
be called in question by Neighbor Swan,
and that be may be able 10 write yon
next month, I am etc
Wheat 53 cents,
Courtiand Green, indicted for murder
in the first degree in connection with the
muraer 01 John Linn last Jane, was ar
ralgned yesterday morning at Eugene
and plead guilty. He will be sentenced
mi .... . v. . .
ids rortiand llail Knara haa annsap.
ed with Mr. Dillioger recently of Astoria
ss editor. It Is a good looking paper,
hut the limited amount of advertising is
not an indication of success. No paper
wi im run wunout a reasonable adver-
1 8i ng patronage.
fit Indications now are that the
Albany Building and Loan Association
has done a good thing in transferring
nieir interests to tne Aeota pavings and
Trust Co. of Butte, a large and well
backed company with a big capital. Un
der the arrangements the stockholders
who have paid in 115 months can now
withdraw and receive over 1147. accent
stock in lieu of the Aenta or continue for
pernapa eighteen mouths and receive
tne lull par value of their stock of 200.
Clarance Grange, Pacific coast manager
Mr. Clemment general manager' and
secretary and II. C. Day, special agent,
who have been in the city ssveral weeks
seem to ce Honorable men who wish to
do tbe fair thing for the association.
But lor this new company it is doubtful
if the Albany association could have set
tled up tneir anairs at all satisfactory.
That Joyful Feeling
s'ound Taog-nt
Miss Efiie Bailess.of Alhanv, has been
working in Tangent lor several days.
Tangent is noted for a good many
widows this winter more than usual.
Little Rose Bad has decided not to lo
cate at Shel burn but be is patties- in
quite a stock of goods and will hereafter
be tonnd on Church and State streets in
Yorao Auraica.
Free .Show tonight at Armor v nail giv
en by the Quaker Doctors.
I some cap, tbe latrer to show that tb-e
1 oiJ caps had been taken off and new
one put on lbs revolver for Ibe shnorinj.
Letter waa read, from soldier at Preilio.
Wittie bad been seorn in as Cont:b:e
by the coroner. Was cot allowed to give
statement of defendant to him, becaosi
he toid him be ibaaght a statement made
to an officer (ould cot be used against
John Harris was Cfth witcets. Knew
defendant lor about twenty years.
Boarded with me abojt 20 years ao.
Had seen him write lemy veers aja.
Had business letter since, foar or five
yeata a.o Letter shon. Think the
With the exbilaratina' sense of renew
ed health and strength and internal
cleanliness, which follows the use of
ijyrup of Figs , is unknown to the. few
who have not pyogreeaed beyoo 1 the' old
time medicine and the cheap snbstitates
sometimes offered bat never accepted by
the Weil-informed. Bay the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fig
fcyrup Co.
Ttnur Groceries and Baked Goods
Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kuows
where their place ia. They keep a f resb
stock of groceries, produce and baked
roods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, ail
Yon may retrret soma steps yoo take
In life bnt none uken into tbe store at
Parker Bros.
It ia a great thing to be well fed. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries.
A loaf of broad is not much bat voa
want it well made. Try Parker Bros.
Go and See
J. G. Crawford's new photograph gal
lery on 2nd and Lyon stres s, Albany,
Oregon. He baa tbe best arrsogd and
fitted gallery in tbe state and will make
a specialty of copying, enlarg ng and
general view business.
Amateur pictures developed and
Flour 85c per sack. Try it
Trie Ma&nolla.
Albany Market
Wheal52 -ents.
Oats 30
Etrga 23 cents.
Batter 15 to 22 cents.
Potatoes 25 cents.
Rama 11 to 13 cents.
5 idea 10 te 11 cents.
Shoulders 6 U, 7 cents.
'rti'-a t&t?M Tw' ' -r-
Tbe English and
German Expert Specialists,
from the Medical Colleges
Physicians and Surgeons, all Graduates
in the World.
Iaerprate4 aader the laws ef Callfaraka tat tseeaa.
ssaMlafeeal s
-t? "Uff0f th,.c E"R"h and German Expert Specialists and
Ur. Meyers Co., will make their regular monthly visit to k tt
Monday Nov. 14.
Revere Hotel,
Thlie win be at the
The staff consists of the Enzlish and German Frnort Cn.U TTsfa Saw SSSVm
posed of five reeulariy gradoated doctors, each a nbvsician who has hA m.-.
years experience in coring all manner of diseases.
irtnng tne past quarter of a century the success of this most worthy and
popular institution has been phenomenal. Diseases which have hffl.l thm .mi
of other physicians and stubbornly refused to yield to ordinary medicine, methods
and appliances, are qnickly anbdoed and mastered by the English and German
caper f-uecimiBi. i uey nave tne largest ana nest eqojpped medKel institotkm
m America, The English and German Eznert Srjeaalista ant nnt mw .t.i
and are responsible, being backed by ample capital and ably managed.
HOME CUK ES While it ia preferable in many intaiwy to see a patient,
the English and German Expert t-pedal ista have cored thousands of persons
whom they have never seen. If you cannot see the doctors write the home office
wi i uroiu Ala uu un auwiccr m repitt w your aiimeuw
Call on tbe Doctors when thev come.. All ailimr nrml nhmA i.
English and German Expert SpeciaJista. A friendly talk, whicli eoata alavJn.i
nothing, is bound to result in a great deal of good, whether treatment ia taken
or not. .
a mut r th aa
Market St.,
itaeat rrc!a aa 1 lrt la iksWaeM.
San Franctsc.
At the Blain Clothing Go's
Or egon Weather Sirvice
umn.rv. Station, Alban), Or. Month
hoI-t. IS9-S.
C.eya-.ion a bov a a a level, 314 (net.
M-aa tem(-eratar. 5X09
Mazimam tem(eatre, 72; dta,13:h, 14ta
Miaiaioa temper.! ore, 35; date. 22th,
Mo of matiroom temperature, 63.19.
Maae of minimum tempera tare; 4 .10.
Nam her tunea maximum temper atcra 0
ahova, sngii.
Xomber times aiiniraam tempra'nre3Cn
or below. 0.
Number times minimum tempeia are 40
devrees or helow, 12.
Total precipitation. 1.31 inches.
CreaUst Lroeipitaiton in 24 Conseco ava
bo ir, and date. .027. Ui. .
No. of e'ear days. 12
No. nf pa tly doody Hays, 5.
No. of clcady dajs, 14.
Namber o nay on anicb .Cl or mora of
prt-cipitation fell 8 .
Ji umber ;nayi on whioli .04 ar ravrs
of; prco tiaiuB fell, 8.
Uatscf ligi.t frot,2i), 22, 21 aad 2J.
Dates of kimo frost, 0
iHtei o which now fell. 0.
I)ate mi b ch hail fell, 0.
Iatf4 on whiuh sleet fell, 0.
Date of thunder storms. 0
Auroras, 0
Prevailing din tt i.o of ird. f oath.
Volunteer Utseiver.
lAiitec l.lst.
Following is the list of letters remaiaieir
in tbe lVdoSire at Alliany, Linn county.
Oregon, Oct 23, 1893. Persona calling;
or these letters must give the date on wbieh
hey were advertised :
A ndereon P. E. Kolf Mr. Wm .
Anderson W.K. Snider Mr. John
Cole Mr. Bud. Waiton H. H.
Totta Mr. II. W.
T. J. Stitbs P.M.
h i-nes.
Vraufetl to examinatio of bodv of
Chart's Tarner on Juoe SO and 10 the
haodwnticg ia ilctirath's, and talis :e-t
Tan rmt.r sr a r T . 1 - V- o i
arill Va i.ii t v.;. . . , 1-L . , t Vt. was the 6
... .. ...... (3 rirumB iiieir oau. e t,
l.nsines ol importance lidt-s refresh- 1
m.nfa f r..l.l.lA . 1
. . , - ' posmoo o: the wound, which causel his
r- II. l.hales. of JefJertcn. was in the dtath Bullet arnica hear,
city yester-Uy an 1 tufht 24.000 J J. R. Turner, father of the mnrdared
ol Italian prunes, paying the higheft boy. testified : Un May 12 MeGrath toid
price ol the season for prunes ascked, 4 ; ,.,e that he wooid have shot the top of
ceDW- 1 1 barht's bead oB f he had had a rero -
A sentleman from the Sweet Home j er tbe Saturday before, because Charlie
country says that Will l"onara. tbe de- j bad sneered at him, wben be went past.
faulting post master besides taking near
ly 1300 of the governments money alto
helped himself to about $100 of the Mae
cabees and about $200 of tbe money ot
bis ancle in the store. In fact he bad a
mania fortakinar other people's money
according to tbe renorta.
This forenoon Poondmaster Pavidson
waa Etandine on First street w'uh a l.i
dog behind him. held bv a rope, he hav
ing taken the animal up. While he was
talking a gentleman came up behind him
cut Ibe roj and lead the dog away
wmioui oeing discovered, and no trace
could be gotton of the animal. It caused
considerable amusement.
Henry Kompp, who lives a short dis
tance west of Kugene, complains to us
that it is making him poor buying pull
ropes for a patent gate on his premises.
Last night his gate was stripped of the
rope for the fourth time this season. As
it costs about $1.00 to supply the rope
for the gate Mr Kompp very naturly is
getting tired of tbe business. Eugene
Oregon agt. Harry Barr.
These cases were called npon tbe open
ing of con it this morning, and a plea of
not guilty was made in both. Tbe court
announced tbat the case voa id be called
immediately after lbs Landers ease. Mr.
Bilyrn, attorney for tbe defendant, stat
ed that a continuance might be asked
Don't fail to see the free concert at the
Armory hall this week, given by the
Soaker Doctors. Seats reserved for lad
ies and escorts. Free to alL
n the Incense Tbe fact that onr
prescripticn trade steadily and continu
ally increases week alter week the year
round goes to further establish our posi
tion as meriting your exclusive trade.
"Does quality count with yoa?"
BrmxHAKT A Lex.
Ladieh 'Aid Societt. The regular
meeting of the Ladies Aid Society will be
held at the residence of Mrs. L. E.
Blain on Tuesday the third day of Nov.
at 2:30 p. tu.
His Story of What Hood's Sar
saparilla Has Done
Whole Family Greatly Helped by
This Medicine.
"I am an old run nown soldier, my
whole system being out of order and my
right aide partially paralyzed. I have
tried varlona remedies and realized only
temporary relief. I have been taking
Hood's Ss.rsaparflla and Hood's Pills, and
have derived more real benefit from then
than anything I have tried. My wifo haa
been greatly helped by Eood's B?.rsapa
rills. tho wrg ail rui down and her
aystma rotten out of order. My two little
A Crook Co. Accident.
Thia waa in Havens
Mr a. Martha Turner, testified verify
ing the above. Met MeGrath, and I told
bim I understood he had threatened lo
kilt Charlie. He as id he bad. He said
would apoligise and be promised not to
have any more to do witn Charlie.
1. A. M ankers testified to having cus
tody of defendant since July 4 Had
conversation on day ot examination re-
fore grand jury oo taking prisoner bark
to jail. Bot was not allowed oo acconnt
of influence ol statement of Dan McClsin.
Heard bim la k lo Mr. Hosey and Mr
Grimes of Harrisharg. Bell Grimes was
called and testified lo conversation last
evening in presence of Mr. Springate.the
sheriff and ethers, but the defendant
made no statement.
Harlan Mulkey, of Kugens, testified
identifying the handwriting in the Itt er
as tbat of McGrath.s, whose writing was
familiar to him. lie la brofher-in-law.
Had trouble with bim twice.
Prosecution rested.
P. H. Couch was thefirst witness call
ed for tli" deleodant. Besides in Harris-
burg. Have known the defendant twen
ty years. Saw defendant a lew weeks
before shooting. I thouuht he acted
sttange and was not exactly right. Knew
nothing against reputation of defendant.
J. P. Shoolinit, of llarrisburg. testi
fied to knowintr de'endant about twenty
years, intimately. Saw defendant awhile
before shooting and my opinion was that
he was not right judging from his act
ions, he hardiv speaking to me. Hia
general reputation was good.
Free concert tonight and all tbia week
at the Armory hall given by the Quaker
To the fublic.
Monday morning a messenger arrived
heie from Trout creek, having ridden alt
night, bringing word to Lee Wood, who
waa serving on tne jury, that hia father,
Mr. W.T. Wood, who livea on Trout
creek, about 17 miles from Antelope.
bad been Seriously injured Sunday even
ing, either bv being thrown from hia
pone or ny oeing aicaea aa he waa open- - ,. 0. Drmkard, of New HarrUhnrg,
n b(n'se " the breast auch te,uHM, to knowioK defendant six yeara
aa would be made by the kick of a horse.
waa the i nly bruise on the old irenue
man'a body ; an. I aa he waa bleeding at
the lungs, and waa nnahle to speak it
was believed he had received senous in
ternal injurits Keview.
The L. C. C.
Questions to be discussed next Satur
day before the Linn Co Council st Grand
Prairie Grange hall are :
1. "How best to reduce the expenses
of oar state government," with C. 11.
Walker as leader followed by Wbitiker,
J. H.Scott and others.
2. "What influence has tbe educa
tion of today upon tbe boy and girls of
tomorrow," with Mrs N. C. Olin as lead
er and Mesdames M J Whitney, M J
Anderson, M Shannon, M J Train, Clara
Swank, L A Froman, u J Laper, B Al
termatt and Mias Jessie Komineto fj'.-low.
Get the best flour.
ST w a "mm
aub u. et i.. a. at a meeting of the
directO'S of tbe Albany Building & Loan
Association a proposition was accepted
boys ffsweni quickly from Ibe effects .'., a "i, " T,K". . V'
.... .! ' tj.j.. 3 Butte, Mn , to liquidate the affairs of
..j v.. . . tno A1,0y AS8oction, under
nua, Mf a.i.jiv-ii .iicmoi LiiiuinijaoiiitjBunjai i the entire husin
croup. Tney are
W. E Bnti.'KTT.
Is the besl-in !;ett!ie One. True Wood Purifier.
- j t -i
ji rtll c,lre nausea, incngeanon.
i 1UUU r-uia bmousness.onsUpaUon.
The Magnolia.
Ot the asanflAttnn
. win im lurneu over to tne Butte com-
pany. A meeting of the stockholders of
' the Albany Com ran v will ha hl
uecemuer o at 7 p. m. for the purpose ol
ii,u;iug me aciioo oi the directors,
lue i Albany Association waa organized
iu ccurusry iOO'J.
The Quaker Med. Co. is giving free
concerts this week at the Armory hull.
Free to all.
X.wish it to bo distinctly understood
that I am in no wav connected with the
Big Gallery" on First street, although
my name remains on the window with
out my consent. I am locak-d on Second
and Lvon street, where I shall be pleas
ed to see my menus.
C&AwroRo, The lTictotrrapher.
Laundry Notice.
Having taken charge of the Albany
Steam Laundry 1 am prepared to do first
class work, employing only experienced
help. Ail ianndry worx cent to my place
will receive my promrt attention and be
lanadried in a superior manner.
O. M. Ccxl.
Every pair warranted, and
sold under the famous Money
Guarantee. Durability, Fit
and Workmanship all of
the best. Try a pair.
Hew Dntchess Trousers 51.50 to $3.50.
Best e erday wear in the country.
New Suitsa-
A!l grades. Some very nobby ttyles.
New Overcoats.
A !ar;re and specially fine line.
New Fall Shoes.
Some specialties worth seeing.
"rVTa-wwr Lin 4-o
JULOVVO- i awe. All
- e
IjjJ NEW FURNISHINGS foi fall and
winter now readv'for your inspectionto which we in
vite YOU.
Any prescription written by any
physician on any blank in either metric
or apothicariea weight can be promptly
and aatislactorialy filled at our store.
"Docs quality count with yoa?"
Bckkbakt A Lu.
Overcome evil wiib good. Overcome
your coughs and colds with One Minute
Cough Cure. It ia so good children cry for
it. It cores croup, bronchitis, pneumonia,
la grippe and all throat and lung diseases.
J. A. Cumming. agent.
Saw Liui sliortl7 telnre anting. Looked
like a man u troiioie, hia ejeaeomewhat
irlanf v .
J. i KavOtirn. ot ew iiarrisDuri.
testified to knowingdefenlant two yeara.
Saw bim belore stiooting. Appeared like
a man in troubled, complained of being
lonesome, his eres weie dilTerent. Ilia
reputation was good .
Harlan Miiiuey again its.iueu: nas
with defendant on evening previous to
slaoting. Heard part ol conversation
between defendant ana bis wife about
separating. Not allowed to be given.
The defendant and hia wile had trouble
over deceased, over aorne letters. !e
tendant admitted that he wrote the let
ters bimseil. baid he flidn't know why.
E. F. Wyatt testified: Have known
defendant about 23 years. Hia reputa
tion waa good. Am the lather o( J. K.
Jas rt'illotighby testified: Have known
defendant about six years, Dou't know
bis reputation.
Green Zumalt: Have known defend
ant 26 or M years. Have known defend
ant to buve fits, one especially. Effect
lasted a couple days. 2 years sgo.
jl. F. McUrath teetified: Am defend
ant. t.ast fall in Nov. I employed
Charles Turner. Finally aaw him throw
in ir kisses to my wife. I remonstrated
he said be was only a boy. I stood it
forqvite a while, llie turner toy iwent
to work for Hommerville. He brought
trunk to my house instead of Sommr
ville's. He came to ny house to shave.
Passed my bouse throwing kisses, etc.
Told bim to stop it or it would lead to
Had a quarrel over a letter, which he
said interested my wife as much as him.
1 advited him to keep away. My wilo
Poultry Wanted
Having located in the building in th
rear of Si. Sternberg & Co. we will do a
general poultry business, paying th
highest price tor poultry ol all kind
Powras A bprenger.
Big Men!
1 have BOYS SUITS, LATEST STYLES. I will sell them at a small profit, still they ar
expensive, imk tnej axe ueauu
1 have cheap suits.
Those splendid values.
Please take notice. Men a suits jusn openeu, in -
t lease II" . . . - i.i . v. . n..t at nnnanallv low nnreo.
ion anits. Ihiraote ana iinnf w ivx - , -, , ... , , .
assortment of Underwear, Shirts, Ties, etc., on kand andJota more will be opened m
a few days. , ,
Bedding, Trunks,, Hate, etc Good value.
I claim to sell at a smaller uniform profit than others do.
Please call and investigate.
McP.wain Bio 3k
H uis the Prices Down.
H. F. Mcllwan'sCasIi Store.
mi a Breeze ;
We might wait a month and 3
let December do It; but we
don't propose to let even the
weather "get a drop on ns."-q
Tiie pleasant days of tbe late-s
Fall will sron be bnt a memory.
Wet days and shrill winds will
soonbecrving "What was von
dinsr all last Summer?" En
that dav comes, get read? for it.
"In time of peace prepare for-
AU our Ladies' Jackets andrSt
Capes aw thia day maiked downS
to a figure which bring them ttSS
a notch on the scale ol bargalnsrg
far below actual worth. JL
Wise buyers will be on hand3
& dry GOODS CO.:
aa 11 afW
!M luiiiaUiiUiUiumiuiUiUiui
New advertisement in a few days
it's a luxury all may enjoy who trade
with ns. We won't to call your atten
tion to our Blend ol Java & Mocha at 40
cts. per pound, which we believe to be
the beet on the market. Then we hava,
another Blend lor 30 cts. per pound
which ia nrovine itself a winner. Then
we have another cheaper coffee clear
dowu to 10 eta. per pound which are all
good values. AU we ask is a trial from
anv nn. mwhn ia not nnite Satisfied Witn
their present coffee, and we are sure ol
making yoa oar customers.
F . E. ALLEN & CO.
We are'ehowing an ele
gant line at a prica you
cannot duplicate.
Ladies Rubbers, 25c,
St Luis Met Stor.
atyy NeW and permanent quar
ters are now completely and newly furn
ished. Baked goods, fancy and atapla grocer
ies, second to none.
These are now my permanent quarters.
Home Battery.
A. Os Beam.