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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1898)
0 III VOL XXXIV ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30.1898. 0 9 Eatered ct tic Fcb at i.lbaajr. r. - laia Hall Mallet I r r xcmsc ranuaer rrn V V w ww w vw w J WW www wW J wSwSQvQu o Qxk to ftp- I Cl a va On. " - w, L. JLi. . .. ':'; II 1 C ) "Lct'i chew this instead." has never rivalry about () O o cr o o o o o CI o CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI m w, mWWW r Iherc It is acknowledged by all to be the Victor. Its campaign has been successful because its forces have been irresistible. These forces are high quality and large quantity for a low price. In no other way can you get so large a piece of really good chewing tobacco for 10c. Remember the name when you buy again. CI - '-www w REMO VAL We are now located in the Masonic Temple and West room of the Fro man Block, everythingon the ground flour. We are making an extra ef fort to please the buying public and to that end have greatly incrersed all lines. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Misoaic Temple, Preparing For the Battle of Liie V hre vi il I it be uoni? Cer'ainlv wb" oany Collea has claims in thin J'rrcim (hut A Full College Training of cuaris the best tbio,?. tJut Albane-a'sn c fTer a ruperi'W Normal Course, and a ines College Coarv thr is ioffri'.r to i one in tr-.e sta e. OorrpoDdeno ,inrited. II term open Sept 20, lS9i. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President MANHOOD RESTORED tton ol a famou. u BErORE anit Mr I en kidnejs and tbtannmryonmntottiiimpantitm. CVPIDKVB Dtrenatbeiw and restore small weak oreana. m n. The rean iiafTcr-n are not cared br Doctor. I becmone ninety per cent are torwbled wit aastltle. CCPIIENBI theoniy anown remea iotaiwiiiiiiui ...-.-rWtltfi'rHigirra and money retarned if vx bnxei doe. not atea a pexmaaeut our AddtV. xYOL MKDICUCE CO. .P.O. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Seventh Annual Session. STATE 110RHAL SCHuOL MONMOUTH OR. Oregon Gis Light Heating and Power Company. Cheap Light For Cheap Heat For Oheap Powe For Correspondence Solicited. DS F E. A3AXS, Pre3, WW WW' CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI 1 CI CI CI CI xja Cl ' CI o ci CI ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci o ci ci CI CI CI been anv auestlnn nf CI - i war WW' w WW WWWWW NOTICE. Albany, Or tb 1 prepra'ion can bs bad. call J-ir closer investigation. "CUP1DEME" Thta craat VntetaM Frencli ptaydciu, will aicklrcuraTOaof all nr toqs or Oiipuet 01 ue geoermuve omul, gucn mm uf jmrnnaooa, IrMomola, PaiirttnUi. Back, &emin muttotM, Nervooa Debility, Fimples. tTofiuieM to Kmrry, ExUaosiumc iTKiita, V'ar1corle a Constiptka. It .top. all Iomm br dr or liht Prwean qotrk Bfm of diKbwre, which if not chrt1 inmiSm to SpvnnatorrlKB. and Box 2078, Ban FraoctaccCal. Tor Sale bf Fosbay & Masoo, Albany. Proprietor. Strong Academic and Professions' courses. Well eouipoed Training de partment of nine grades, with 230 child ren. Regular Normal coarse of three vears. Senior year wholly professional Graduates of Acredited High Schools and Colleges admitted directly to professional work. The JJipl imt ol the school is rec ognized by law aa a life certificate tc teach. Light expenses The year for from $120 00 to $160.00. Beautiful and iieathful location.' No siIoods The first term will open Tuesday, Sep tember 20th. Catalogues, giving fill' de'.ails of work, cheerfully sent on application. Address, P. L. Campbell, President, or W. A. Warm, Secretary of Faculty thurch Eou33 and Eutel Church, EottEe and HoteJ Anything and Everything A. H-FREERKSES, SEC. C 31 TJEST3AY A BOY Fell From a Telephone Pole. Monday alout e'even o'clock little Carl Power, the eiplityear old son ol E L. Power, while playing with bo me other children mar the Prebyter!an church climbed to the lop of ont of h telephone pole. He had jus leache-i the cross bar at the i fully i.-.iv live let fioui the ground, ami tin. I t-.-t I il lo e.-nie other children to see how m,i. ' war; when tie tell to the (-round iutii d n ihrnoi-h the It-nticlie til a map r Ir e lhat stood near Hie "', firikmir Ins head and face mi tlm mound. A'he-t Crandnd hu woikitu nenr the teens of the accideut, and who b the child fall, ran ami picked him up in an unconscious condition and carrifd hint home. Tbe child pareuta were both down town at the atore at the nine it me aeci dent. were immediatelv t-ent for and upon their arrival Or. Jones wa summoned, who did all that ct-nld be done to relieve the little suffere . It waa found upon exauiina'ion thai no tioiies were broken but that tin chi ds head and face were terribly bruised. At this writing he is doing as we I as could be expected and no doub: will fully recover. Lebanon Criterion. Shot in the I eg. From tbe Criterion: Last Sunday about one o'i John Daahney, who lives on the Charlton place, arciilentlv ehot hitneeU in the right le with a shot gun. He had been watching to get a diot at a gray fuirie and auer shooting one barrel let the gun Joan when Ihe other load was discharged taking emct in the tail m ins right leg; tearing aaav couilerat e uf tne fleah and aleo injur'ntf the bone. Mr. Daah- nejr was none at ilia time ol lue accid ent hut succeeded in getting material and binding up the wound after whicn he look a pair ol old crutches, that han- tneu to re on the place, ant star ed to the beid to ratch a boree ailh the inten tion of coating to town, but was unable to catch the horre and was just thinking he was going to be lelt iu a Sod plight when Coraeiius Cos raute along and broogLt him to town in a buggy, lie was taken to the hotel and i)rt. Booth and Lamberson were eumnioned. Tne first thought that ii would be necessary to amputate tba leg just r jw the tnt, but finally decided thai they could save the limb. The Salem Tragedy. The body of ths unknown man found in tbe river at Salem his buea iden tified. The man had been murdered undoubtedly, having been slabbed in tbe back ai.J mouth, ard then having been thrown in tbe river weighted down. Some think the body though no-forra. Ily identified is that of Kay S.nk. of Wasca I be Journal says: Tbe theory that robbery was the mo tive cf the crizne Sods some sabstanlia tion in the fact that tbe hotel keeper at Silvertoo, where the murdered man stopped, stated that the man seemed to have s good deal of money as big roll of greenbacks was ten in his possession. Thia taken with the fact that his pockets weie turned wrong side out and no money was found on his person woold lead one to believe he had oeen robbed. bberiff Durbin and bis deputies are cloee on track of all infer naiioo. Mr. Darbia is in Kdverton. and will no doubt bring some li jht on the subject. froeecuting Attorney Harden is also looking into the e cloteir. Th at Thunder Storm. The following Irom the MarshSeld San will explain where the big thornier storm of Sunday night raged the fiercest. Aa severe a thunder and lightning storm as ever visited this section was ex perienced Monday niuh:, lasting until evrly Monday morning. Numerous trees were struck, but the tiai.aare we hare beard of. np to the pre nt, was the kill ing of tro cows in N. L Martenson's meadow, on Coos river, the coas were in the open field at the time, and not near the barn, or under a tree, as rt reported. Will Piper and Jim Xowland, who are engaged in Ashing and have a cabin near by, were within a hnndreti yards of tbe cows when they were struck. Both men were thrown to the ground and partially stunned, and could feel tbe effect! of tbe shock next dsv. Lkadisg PkcskCocstv. Rural North west: Douglas coontv wi't evideuily continue to hold its own 1 Hie l-adicg prune-producing county in Oregon this season. Marion cunty a ill take second place this year, alter which will follow in order of quantity of produc'i ;n pmbably lambill, wne, roik, Linn, Clackamas, Benton. The relative standing ol the Other prune growing counties is hard lo determine. They are Jackson, Multno mah. Wat-hingion, Waco, Umatilla, Union, Jotephise and Columbia, and. lo a quite limited extent, Coo, Currv and Lincoln. Death ok Lib. Myrok Kotts. A dis patch received by Mr. Phil Cohen today announced the death, in San Francisco of bis son-in la. Dr. Myion Kobn, tbi morning, from pneumonia, after thort i'loesi. Dr. Kolin was in Albany a year and four months ago at the time of bis tnarriag" with Bliss Clara Cohen, and made many friends here who will regret to tear i f bis death. Mrs. Cohen in response to a dispatch announcing bis serious illness lelt last night lor ran Francisco. - AfikGoati William Wai field and Willis Vidiio passed through CorvalUa Mocday.en rouie with a band of 60 goats for Alsea. The goals were purchased at Lewisville, Polk county, at the price of $3 per head and t'.ey are to be placed on the lann of Mr. Vidito. j iata have be come immensely pepuiar with farmers who have brush that needs clearing and a strong demand, hitch mices ami but few of the animals for sale is tbe result . Curvallis Times. Thousands ol brilliant elect! i-: lights. flags, bunting and flowers will decorate the big Exposition building at Portland this year and the music will be grand, and the Hegelmans, tbe world-rnowned aerial acrobsts, will perform their won deful acts. The admission is onlv 25 cents, and the Southern Pacific Com pany will sell excursion tickets lo I'ort- and and return lor toe price of one fare on Oct. A, good to return until Oct. 10, and at one and one-third fare during ti e balance of tbe time. There will be two concerts each dy and eonstant changes of program. Ihe exhibits of farm ma chinery, ladies' work, manufactuied ar ticles, etc., will be immense. An Olive Branch. Through the cour tesy of Rev. W. J. Fen ton, pastor of the M. E. church South, the State Agricul- but ai wiickv it no miicu null w Huuub tnu .i .i : ti Li Corvallis college which ia now being torn ,i ti, i,!,. ,i,iv. .,i lar drav loads have been moved to the II A . t Iilirftrv eotitn anrl unit Iim nr. ...... . ... ranged in place at once. The courtesy of ' Rev. Fenton in this matter ia very much ; to be commended, jln effect it holds out the olive branch of peace in a controversy that waa hitherto attended with much bitterness. Corv all is The Uoltemia Minen. B. E. tlawley yesterday showed us some remarkably fine specimens uf gold bearing ore from I. la mines in the Bohe mia dintrict. One small pieoe, which was from surface cropping, was fairly covered with goM, while another pieiej taken from the led if e showed a great many colors, ami contained a large amount of galena ore Mr liawley says all the mines .n that reti ion are turning out well. There aie a nuinlif r of five at d ten stamp mills in there, and t'tev reiuxve the free inilnug ore. Tne coiii-m rte are hauled in t'ot Uk i rove by tein, then oliipn I hv Ire ght lo I'actmia to a unelte-. Tni. i. 'Xpenxive, tint alt 'r paying the cli,. of sxeking. iMnlinn , IreiKl.t and mlliiiii!, llieo-Mier .! Hhotll 1 10 tun from t'ifi. co t-ea'ta'.es t-i'tiei. lll'MI'IIKKY IS KlII.K. He-piltV I'll, t! States Mar-hal Ueore Humphrey hs spent 6.) da) ( and nights on the a recked steamers iiaiuecnck and Stagl ound, which are tiearhed on the Kt Snle, atiove the 1'ortland douriug uiil'.s. The cjurt witl prohahly order some diposi tios made of these wrecks early nest month, but if sold they will have to he advertised. So Humphrey is not likely to tie re'iertd for come lime. O-egon-ian. Wtbloot is himrtlf again. Nov. 3 has been let for the fail rices at Ptinevitle. Ths Telegram rays orbett's election leems assured. Hops are mining, as anticipated by the IVmorrat some time ago and are now li'acent. Tomlinson A IVihiuille, of th!s city, in connection with H eir busings are tnn u'acttiring, a new imiurtry in AIImc . The fxcultv of the wh ailed i nv.oo i lat- ru uoiveter at t-ori anl ! een elect- toiis trri-n.oe.i them un-tl the e edwithO R. Tholium r--t tlv o' T-' n. all hours of the niaht mi fat ed to coma v as chane-iio. jthartn tl em .ut. Ijr.u .n Criterion. The woman eiiiTnnr" ) will be, II in. Jason A'leeir relurtiel this vMAi tn i u . i ; . ,. . . .. i ., ... . , . . .m.i i . ,..iiiiuK rm 1 1. mi in .pii . i: : . vm'v ,i iitri.ui .tin i. ih-iiic,wi ici., f-ie.ijou rouuiy, v aiiiornia, 9 nwgeu hi me unjpti i wnere tie iua itie mud Oath lor two A liors' from the country ran awav at! eek, and reoits great improvement, the depot this njn, u-ariiig its self Irom j "e moch pleej miili the sprmos, thebueey which it lelt back of the ' "'''we mediciuial qualities aie ui.ooub -motor house, and ticking for home. I edly ol a higb orcer. Th accommnlw Paniee sint-, at at the re ;Uc. d ra . s ' ,i0:" th' re are fir" will it ieave Portland not la'-r' T" A Hourk and faruil after ao thana'urUv .fteruon Mie Vtth, when ' beetu-e ' more taan l!ire moult s in the tales n i I le raise.) all ahing the Ine. j io e-as arrived home last .uniai-. The Sae opened tolav. The u tri n"y ee in v.uoo. Southern P..-ific have deri le.1 to make f"r.U A ' "0,r.,r: nJ ' ' ' -f tl.K.xire,.,.:. low r.t. I.,- i, .mv wua... i' ii ii riuiTi iu . iroill any point in Oregon on th. ir line.. Linn roomy this year is resting on its laurel' obtained last year. Il will n eke no exhibit any here. Ho. ran it after all wi'hout Mr. C W. Watts, now of Ilawtoo, who mailed so well in getting up Nst years priie taker. The republicans of Wahinton rester- dai nommtel W. L. Jones, of North Yakima, and F. W Cushroan. ol Ta- conia aa reifeaen'atives and Mare A Fullerton of Colfax, an. I T. J Anders. of Walla A .Pa.aa supreme i nlcr. J. M No'.u of Carvalli. has ataio secured the contract for famishing the suits lor tin O. A. C. students, lie his obtained the oMiact every year lor many years, and has always given satis faction. Pr Hill, ot this city, was cal!ed to near Saver yesterday afternoon to attend a young man named Fiank Brown who had been injured by the accidental di cbaree of hi g-n, the shot taking eSec; in one of bis arms. Judire Haona has decided that the Sontberu Pacific's r i bed in Jackaon county should te aae!sel at H O) a mile. The accessor thought tlr.UDOaas right, and tbe company appealed from the decision and a'ter a long contention have secured a decision in their favor. Ex-Marshal John Stafford, of Oxval- I lis, has had tbe present Marshal, Mr. Beach arreete-i for aosault and battery, i BcMrh arrestel Sorafford while intoxicat ed and in doiog so used him pre'.ty rooghly. which he claims was neceary, hence this arrest. The DititncaaT is under obligations to Mr. Frank Kitchen for several Hawaiian paper; ol as Iste date as September 10. Several itercs indicate that the soldiers tatc oi-:i rauting depredation stea'.in from the Cl ineee ga-den. Tne afTairs of the islands nmu lo be nnchanged. Tbe services at the rt.te r.tpitol has been enhanced b the emp.oyment of C. p. Davis, a pleasant jounj man from Eageoe, who wii havecharzeol the pas senger eieva'or during the cowing sion of the Urtgin legi!ature. A per manent man at tnij pot would be thvT ough!y appreciated by the state officer and public at large Slaieeman. G.W. Soule, who came liere two wek ago from Waseca, Minnc-ita, last week bought from Mrs M.K. Kucker at I cjmb, two farms oonsieting of 227 acres of aa tine land as is in the Larumb neigh borhood ; the consideration being f LOVl. Mr. Suule left for his former home Mon day evening, vibe re he goes to bring out his family and alsolm son and family. Lebanon Criterion. Theskgway Alaskan sy: "S Welch of Port!and, Or , arrived from the Klon dike, wherw hs b-eo f ir the psst year. He brought over $7iJ as a remit o work He lei. on the steamer Ust n'tfli' for his hoine in Orei-on. He say. the Klonlike is the richest mining country in ihe world, and that any one willinii to work and en. lure the hard ship' ol tin- country can make a reason able fortune in a year or two. He will return for the winter's operation." The cv Conservatory Teachers Prof. Wirtz and wife, the new teachers in the Albany College Conservatory of Music, are cxttected here tomorrow to take charge of the work. Tho Hoopes- ton. III., News of last Saturday eavs of them. The departure of Prof. G. A. Wirtz late of Greer college, and his able assist ant. Mrs. Wirtx, next Mondav, for their new field of lHhor, at Albany, Oregon marks a regretful epoch in musical circ les of this city, and takes from the re- ligioUH and social world of Hoopcston two tteople, w ho, by their unassuming ability and cultivated attainment, have won their way into the hi arts o! our citi zens, and who will be greatly missed from their accustomed pi sees of duty and pleasure. It is gratifying to know that these two worthy people have open liefore them a fielil of labor in w hich their merit will lie recognized in a sub stantial manner. The Presbyterian col lege at Albany, Or., can rest assured that Mr. and Mrs. Wirtz will meet every requirement in religious, social and mus ical circles in their new home. The good-bye meeting in honor of Prof and Mrs. Wirtz at thechristian church, Wednesday night, was a demonstration of appreciation worthy of the couple on whose behalf it wag held. The large audience was composed of all classes of citizens, who, regretting the departure of the professor and his wifti from our midst, were desirous by their presence or farewell word, to add their mite to the interest of the occasion. A silver fruit sor. was presented to Mr. and Mre. Wirtz as a slight testimonial ot the re- eards of their fellow citizens, lint (treat- er than this are the warm friendHhips these two people leave hern no them Bkyan's Fk-.5i1 NTOKK. E. L, Ilrvan , , , , . . . , i -1 1 1 1 1 , , . . , has locaM in the Hill Block were he wil I Ul in flour, hay, feed, potatoes, mill stuff, oilcake and grass and garden Beeds. 8 treat everybody fairly. Try I. ,m . uiu" Thounand of persons have been cured of pile by using Ue Witt's Ha 7,r Salve. It heais uromptly aud cures eczema and all skin diseases. H gives immediate relief. ft i i 4. (.mnminL-s. K. C. Phelps left yesterday on a trip to Walla Walla. Arthur Bemis and Jasper Custer went lo 1'ortland today on bumnens. License lias issued for the'marrittgo i f Elmer J. 1'eurl and Ora J. Cutler. Miss Edith Chisaell hat gone to Port land to spend the winter. Assietsnt Superintendent Taylor of the 8. P. was in I he city ttdy. U O. llayi.e aine ip from r'ort Stev ens yesteiday and it-turned this noon Miirnluil Lee was Mown town in a bug gy for the find tune iiue lii iIIiu-fs. Lieut Doliaon i in the city Lieut. Klux in the Salvation Army autk. .ra Claience liibruille and i-hiltl re turned thia noon from a vttii with Pott land friends. J Kred Vales, of CorVMl i aeut to Salem today to attend the tueeiing of j Knights Templars. Bert Wight left Mmulav forJSan An-, Hcl mo, Calif., where he will etiltr the' Prvsbyterian thcologitul ethool. Miss M. 1'. Brink arrived lnt i day and will re-uui4 her aotk iu the school room next Monday. Piineville Review. Senator Clem and Representative Pal mer went to ileui ttxlay to look over the Held previous to ti e convening of the state legislature. Anion those ho will vn ea.t tomor row on the excur-ion i-l le Mrs. John inkley, who vi-ii aiili relatives in Jauetvilie, Wis. Miss OPve Lot g. af'er residing in Merced county, Caif.. for four years, his returned to Liiiit enmity to reside, and is now at her home near Halst-y. Mis Long forn.erly taught school in this county . Wed In g ,T rinniiig at Sulaville. Mr Edaa d BUtk 1.1.1k umo hinueU ;he loveiy on i.lo. Ui. M.ttie . Tubb. MoikUv evet.itnr Seot. 19. IH9S. K v. 1 XI Kot'es ol!it ialini(. The voung iup mi. K iiotn tne r. (lii.tli not rprtli(e. ti . ... : .. - . . . ei.i oier aoroau ever aa more s.nie length ol t uie than did the i .1.,., , , " '-'U"; mm w mm lli.UQ I. lfr QJ eve-al interesting leiters lo il.e Times The -Mull ol all bis experience beyond tne Mniippi it that he is more thor oughl attached lo his native state than ever The nnp eaant txrt of the fimily return home is the) are t "juil ticoton at leaaj for tt;e p err.t. I two or three weeks they expert to remove lo Knjene where Mr. Ilouck will engage in rnsur ance and other o.i.ioe... his ex-tenii-e t'.rm in il.e treao!iu.etoihe care o! a 'smu Timer. SATTJHDA- From the Neaa: Mitw CVra J-hufw. of Albany, v'i-ile.1 wi-.h Mr.'. U. W. Ptiiilips the hrt of the wet-k. Mis Clsodie MrKnight vinite.1 in Al-l-any Utia eek, the gtset of Mr. . W. Iluifer. FJ Mvera went over tj A'basv ?ilur- day where he aiil at end coilese t.'.e coming winter. Dr. E. O. Hyde has t'.tied up orTs.--s ia roonis recently vacated, bv T. t'oflt-v near the poloilioe. D. O Wood worth, of Albanv. tusseI through Si-io Saturlay. having tern up n the Jordan neighbor hl to recover ;i:s snipeU aUJie. V. Ii. ti.uns is this week engage.! in refitting Il.e room recently vaitei bv S. . I higher, prepantorv to puitjns in a stock of Backet'' He will carry a genera! line of no!iMiii and goods us ually i.MiTi.l m a Racket store. ;. I. Mior left WeHlneiav for Saiem. where he uiil remain for a week, having b-en engage! as manai-r ! the grand stand at the Male fair, v 'orn, near this riiv, Sattir-lav, SepU 1'S. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cvms. a daiuhter. In l.'ns -uv Monday, rx-nt. 19. IS, to Mr. and Mr. Frank Moms. daughter. . fcMr. an 1 Mrs. Iv.1 in. of Albany, were in Seio undav. vbiuce reUUvr and friends and viewinc the collarse-1 warehouse ol the Scio mill Co. Mr tioms was the original builder of the ware house, and it waa a hard job for him to believe that the foundation had sriwn away. It took a personal investigation to convince him that a house built a it was would fail under the weight of ha f , it. ttspticiiy. Death of Mrs. X. II. All. n. Mr. Mary M Allen, wife of the late X. if. Allen, died at her home in this city this morning at 6:30 o'clock, at the age of -II years, having been born March 2, ISM. after an illness of some time. Mr. Allen died about a vear ago. Mrs. Alien came lo Albany from Wiit- cinsin iu lSTo.two vears after her marri age with Mr. Allen, which occurred -tmi 2W. 1S73, and lias since reM.le l here, esteemed and respected by a large rirclt; ot inemi.t. Mm leaves lour ciiildreni, Edua.Mamt-, Frank and Alma to mourn her death. The funeral service will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family residence, to which all friends are invited. The deceased was a member of the P.aptist church, under whose aucpirvs the fiiueral will be held. I ndcJ in n Fitf'it. A borne race wan lo take placo luis ui tcrnooii at the fair ground between Cases grev and Pat Murphy, the second coti- test lietwevn them. On the former oc- aai-tti Pat won. Cuse Iwlieving his home can win at a longer distance made an other race for I00 a aide. lUlt it will not come oft just now. this afternoon Mr. Cane and Mr. Jennings, of Mo, were disctiminir nrrrangements for the postpoiieinentof ittonext week, when a quarrel ensued and some rapid blows followed, resu tmif in at leant Mr. jen- niniis getting a bloody nose Acting Martjlitil Jones was nearby land placed both men under arrrest, Kecorder lien- ton disposing of the case with the ciif tomary lines. The Salem Mi khick. Tho man found in the river at Salem has been fully iden tified as Bay Sink, of Wasco, and his re mains will bo taken to that city for buri al though in a bail state of decomjtosi- tion, having been in the water seven or eight dHVS. It IM reporteti mar, ua-re in sullicien't clue to the murderer to cause an arrest within a day, in fact the war rant has already been issued. There ia enough known to indicate that a cold blooded murder of the worst order was perpetrtitwtl. Sink carried. probably for the money Win vnur battle auainft diseuse by act- ling promptly, une annum iougu vuru produces uiiineiJlate results, vt uen taaen early it preven.s conuti)pion And in luter s'ageH it furnitthes prompt relief. A . A. Cuuiimngs. IIO.K1-. Pill, are the only pills to Uk. with Hoods Sarsaparilla. r.uny and c'u r"r TIIC C. & F. Be Extended livgiiinmg TIiIh Fall. I The Salem Journal publishes the tel. hwing special : Ahtohia, fSept. 21. It is known here j by persons who are in close touch with j Itontier A Hammond, who control the O. . C. A E. It. . from Yauina bay eat, and the Axtoria railroad that, that com ! any will this fall let contracts for the ! intension of the former road one hund red miles east from i.s preoent terminus j above lietroit. An extra crew of engin eers is buiily engaged at the general of fices making detailed plans and specifl j cations for the worn, and it is here con us ceruin that the extension will I e made forthwith. FROM M ANil. . A number of Manila tetters received by relatives and friends thia morning. They were mailed aa late as August 11, which was two days before the big battle there. The following from Fred Weatbrook to his parent here will give the situation at the time. CasrtTB Aas-WAL, Aug. 9. Dear father and mother : 1 rece.ved your welcome letter last evening. It came bv way of Hong Kong. Admiral Dewey "usee one of the transports for a dispatch boat. Mie makes a trip to Hong Kong near ly r.cry w( ana it there is any mail there she brings iu lewev communi cates with President Mckinley every eight or ten days. Yesterday we were t aid for two months, up to'the let of July. 1 have sent some of it home, would like to have aent more but my es-tx-tises were Tieavy croaaiitg the ocean, for 1 could not go hardtack, black coffee and boiled beef that smelt and tasted af ter being boiled to hours, and when the dead cow ran out they gave us pork, not such a you get at home, but nork .11 f.t j nerved boiled. We are faring better now, j for we have biscuit to eat.faircofTee.fried i-acun ana rice, or biscuit, nw and cof- f.-, ,CT' e have a slow quarterma.ter. He slow aa I used wantt-d any work done. He is a good matt nevertheless. Our captain, who is jtitl a man acting in that capacitV, aaid the oilier evening that he would drill ii 1 out ol u il we didn't get around teller, that we acted like a lot of fools. c were given 100 cash bv the Emer gency lorpe of IVrtland and 3M bv Oregon Cuy.all in Uie ijuvvm of Cai. i ii .cub ana oiuer. ui course the Al- lny boys do not exect any of the Ore- K"o v ttv money out w iro .ntitl.l in 'twine of that given tiie comnanv l.v'f'nrt. and. Oren lk-jim asked the c.ptain for a tc-cenf stamp to mail his mother a letter ana the capUin said he had no lanipe a give away. He aaked if he could not buy one with the company fund and the capun said I am not furnishing the a hole company with lam pa and I want you to go aaay and not aay another word about company funds to me, I have heard enough ofyoo. He doe not come into tbe quarters ex cept when he has to and LieuU Huntley is about Uie same, but Lieut. Phillips has made friends with ail the bo vs. It waa reported that Ed frnow," of Al bany, of the I-itb infanlrr. of Vancouver, got one leg blown off and Uie other will have to come off, but I mentioned il to I ieot. Itnliips and he aaid il was not true, Uiat the Colonel said so. We had been told by a man Irom across Uie Bav m here Ed is. War here in at a standstill awaiung or ders from the I', j. I am getting along nscef v . Next Sunday will be the i'rth anniver sary of the Presbyterian ci urch al Cor- VJlii.S. Night wach IVach" of Corralli upon trial as fined f for using too much force in arresting J .J. Stafford. Seth Hammer, of Saiem. is hammer ing am ay at a bill for the amendment of Oregon's gsme Law. It is a: ready amended to death. Jvjme of the papers have begun to make fun of the senatorial question. The Criterion mentions tLe name of Walter Tooze for the office. A man in Umatilla county baa Jfiled a petition in bankruptcy in Portland. Hi wrhciuie of assets shown that the estate cons::s of a cow, a span of horses, a ;!i. set of harness, and a few pig and chickens. Ihe total value of which ia 2'0. Hi liabilities aggregate come j thing like $,U. and consist of notes, unsecured accounts, wages due, etc. From east to west Oregon is 370 miles aero, and 270 milea across from north to sooth, giving it an era of 96.000 square nnie. The area is greater than that ol all Uie New 'England state. West Vir ginia and Iielaware added: or greater than the aggregate of New York, Penn sylvania and 1 Via ware; or Iowa and Ohio; or of Illinois and Looisina; or of the total area of England, Scotland and Wales. The larse barn of Ex-countv commis sioner V. L. Curl waa burned last Wed- j ncsdav evening, having caught on fire irom a i: re in ine unjoining neiu. v iu j the barn there was burned a horse.buggy, I ix hundrexl bushels of wheal and twen ty five tons of hay the property of Mr. I url, and a binder wagon, mower and several other things belonging to Mr. Kendall w ho rent the place. The hiss wa estimated at $2,WV, with no insur ance. SU Patrick's theological seminary was opemnl at Men'o Park last Tueeday, the tirel of the kind on the Pacific coast. There are four students in it from Ore- I g .ii, in .Met tee and John Miea ol this city, and FUlward Wright and P. A. liahn, residence not given. The school will start with about lorty students. The course cons ista ol six vears iu the junior college and six years in the senior col lege, twelve years in all before ordina tion to prcacu. Lieut, llackleman of the S.A. came from Portland this noon. Senator Ialv of Corvallis went to Salem today to help elect CorbetU F. M. Smith of I.ebanon precinct waa doing business in Albany today. Dr. J. H. Erskine went to Portland yestterdav to meet his family, who have iust arrived from Cleveland, O. Rev. Georsre H. Greer, of Dundee, Or. who waa in Alltany the first time in 1859 has been in the city. The Girls Military Club will meet at the W. C. T. C hall tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, which all members should attend. f!nl. and Mrs. C. B. Montague, are in the citv the guests of there son.K. B.who is con lined to his home on account ot in ness. Mr. Gus Currie, a resident of Linn countv fifteen years ago, waa in the city last evening on his wav home from a trip tip the Corvallis and Fjistern, where he lias a mining property which ho thinks has good prospects. The Stnte Fair. The first day saw email attendance. the atmosphere being loo uamp utr eo l pie to get out. rome oi w cauiono m commendable. The track was very muddy yesterday resulting in alow races. Almolene won the 2:30 pace in the best time of 2:28. Alameda won the 2;30 trot rest time 2 :34S,'. Soscol won the, mile run. On account of the mud Del Noit did not appear. A man came to town today to have a neighbor arrested for beating a horse to death, but no warrant had been issued at press time, and the particulars were not obtained. The Chief Burgea of Milesburi, Pa ua De Witt's LiUle Early Risers are tbe lit . i - L nuul I 1 1. . ffumil ih-rinc ' '1. ,S yet ' .... headache and stomach im.ii.ioa. Kmsll in siae but eteat id te I '' suit. At J . A . CuiDinings. WI1EKC IS HENRY HEARD.' Lebanon Man Mlsslnj; ThuriUay. Since Mr. Henry Jk-ard, of Lebanon, came to Albany lust Thursday forenoon on the local train, with 100 to "y on his jrnon with which to pay bin countv taxes. He waa seen in the afternoon but not since then that can be learm d. It was reported that he was seen with Mr. Tenney of l-ebanon in the evening, but Mr. Tenney rays that this was a tnii-take. In the at ntKin he went into the lunch counter after something to eat in a somewhat in toxicaterl condition. What became of him afterwards cannot be learned. Not getting any track of him yesterday, up on his failure to come home, he having t.roinieed to return Thursday evening, his grandfather Mr. John Beard, and uncle William Beard, came to Ail.anv to- ur iwr rum, iut at press time Iik-1 m cured no clue of him. They learned that he had not paid bis taxes. This leads lo speculation as to foul piny, and there are rumors of such, home though think he lias gone off to sober op. He was not in t'ie habit of going on sprees though and is aia lo have been a pretty steady man Jiisl now the case is a nivterious one. Beard is a young man a!oi!t 25 vears o age, heavy set, and is married. Pacific Const Col.'cg ss. A coriespondeol in tlieJEugene Guard rays: The b. F. Chronude sjys: "Berkeley is overcrowuea wiin stuaents. ot eo here. What's the matter .irti ihe e'aie university? The Examiner says . "rtan ford opens with nnosaal good prospeits.' T'ainl so here. WSal'a t e matter mill tbe state university? The Corvallie Times ay: "Ihe Agricultural college never lud such a Urge opening attend ance. The town is alive with eiadeota.' 14 cozene anveT v hat s the matter nh the ata'e nniversity? A l.any JCoI- lege optne-1 with Itti students. How many did the s;a:e university have on opening nay . ny are me proteeo noabie to tei'. oroni!i.nit if they know? Monmoath comenencett it'sesune with 180. an incrae of M over I it ear. What is 'he matter ith the state un- versitv anv ho? The Oiet".niaa aavs Pacific university at Fores! tirove. had the creat'St namtier of students at the opening for years. Tell me, ye winged winds, ye gentle raiodtoss where are tbestodeots from Eastern aid Southern Oregon? Why are our Ewese roj4e sending their children to oilier ejtioois? V hat is the mstter with the state nni versity ? The Ouaid ravs: The en-odment el Students at the unireriy ur to 3 o clock bis attern on s .0 I a. v the number is I V to 175. We are informed that ooite a number of staieot will not enroll until next aeek. Cir till draas I'5,0l0 per annum aoi cre Kcligious scrvu;. Rev W. D Fenton wi:i preach in the M. K. church nut h torn now njornicv a.d evenirg al the usual hou Every bod invited. Christian c!nirh. corner of Fifth and Jackaon, ts.. Rev. C. M. Lane, pastor- imcH mortiitc and even in at 11 acd :J0 o clock. Mornicf tberce. "Tt-e Logic of the F:enrre-iion " Evenins tobject, "Effect of the Hcly " United Presbvterian church : Perv;c- es at the usual hours ; I 'reach tn al 1 1 a. m. and 7 :i p. m., S. al 2 :3.i, Jr cnoeavor at 3:Si, r in jeavt-r at 6:ij. hubwet of morning eermon. Bearing our own Burdens." Evening. "Ihe Ne-j glected Four-hundrel." AH are coriial- j ly invited to attend these service. lrebvtrian church : andav. Sept. lith is "Raiiv lav." It U a national rallying dav with all SabUuh sclioois. and a special service appropriate lo tiie I day will be held br U,e S. It will al so be a day of raiiving al all the service, j Let us eather in huvt numbers, vaca tions ail over. A cordial invitation i extended to all who can to meet with u at all the services of the dar an 1 week. Morning service at 10:30. Evening ser vice at 7 -.45, S. S. at U :-t- C. E. at 6 :45 Morning-suhiecL, '"The litnouiV oi ?ac- rific," Evehirig,"Lirectcej-s ol VUion." Who KillcJ Sink. The murder of Ray Sick at S!eai is now laid to an ex convict, ho had teen working in tbe hop-fields near Gervais, and an effort is being made to find him. Tbe Jourtul svs that from present ap pearance Sink wa kiiled on the road- ida and afterwards bis in ard e'er pro cured bugcv and Uie h welahts. and after loading down his victim, haul ed him out entotl.e high brilge and dumped bis body into tne river. The appearance of tbe body and the wav it was mutilated shows that Sink most bav been decayed in'othe woods before he waa kiiled and then thrown into Ihe river. Ihe lact that the soM watch was not taken from his person shows that the murderer was no .vrutnsry criminal. Dm one who aiter ttmg ail precaulom to sink the Mr, was also speculating on chances of being identified through me watch. This morning the ex-convict, whose name ia Majen. waa arrest-1 in Pert land, and brought up on the noon train to Salem, where he wiil have to me-l a pretty serious charge it is said with Irong evidence against Mm. Manila Letters of August CI. More Utlers arrived frm Manila this morning, having come through much quicker than those received yesterdav, being mailed on tbe -Uh cf August rnd arriving here iust a month later. Hence they give inf iruiation of the battle on tha'lSth of Aut?us, Their accounts show that the pniards stti rendered as staled in tne te'ektranluc accounts with practi cally no resistance. The Oieson boys wer kept at lame until after the tor- render when they were immediately moved to the palace across the bay at Manila as the guard ol Geneial Merritt, a distinction appreciated. They had rteeo kept at the palace and hence had not vet had an opportunity to see much of Manila. NO CURE-NO PAY. That ih w- v ait tUu'itltia ell GUUVE'S I'AHThLBSi CHIU. Tt'MC for MalsrU, Chilla and Fever. It Is simply Iron and Quinine in a t uuelm-a rm. ( hiMien .nve it. Adiiits nre.'er ' to bll'er, naatteatlng Ton lea rVI.-e. 6c What Dr A E Salter Says. Buffalo, N Y. fieuts: From my per-onai know-edge. aa:ned in observing the effect of our Slillih" Cure in cases of advanced C'ntiption. I atu prepared to ruiy it is 'he uiost remurkijle Kem?d) that has ever been bruiht o my atten tion. It han certainly navnl many frorn Ctmsumptlon. Sold by Fot-hay & Mt so". Do First Clns Work. Laundry patrons who want first class work done without paying exhorbitant trices should patronize the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed , regularly five ol the best ironers an the. at,am enjoy Oregon's delightful climate, coast for shirts.dresses, and Blurt waists, i j,eneo we can give the public no light 'and ten cents is the highest pricofaiong tliat line. He waa accompanied i...i f ti,..a .etiei. Rr" aaakas tbe food pare, Mohh as4 daUcleww. mm wk syyjl POVVDEH Abaolutefy Pure wMt vMimnn.,im, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Henry Blakely, wa in the city today.'! of Brownsville, iliee Vida Maston Las been in th guest of Miss Edna Price. Salem Sir. Dunne, a sou of tbe internal rev enue collector of Portland, hat 1m en rn tbe city. Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, waa in the city today. Also Ex-Sheriff J. K. Charlton. Ir. Erekine returned from Portland this noon accompanied by his wife and three children. Judge Boise bas completely knocked out that eastera Origin insane atrium 25,000 warrant. Judge Finn went to Monmouth vee terday to a't-cd a meeting of tte board of regents of the norm il school. Mr. M. C. Calloway, who has been re siding near Tangent for a good many years will locate near Lebanon. The Maccabees will convene tonight with initiatory work in view, or aa the con. rnaader calls it ooemng a keg of nails. The fmoos Ben Hayden Lai gone to San Francisco to see hit two sods off for Manila with the companies recently or dered to go. Cards are out for the marriage of Cap Randolph Kuhn and Miss Jeaeie Cordel ia Hackletnao at the baptiu church in this city on Ott. 3 at 8 o m. The 1- ban oa cxpresw-Atlvance tin ..... mm mc uppronion papers nave ngni to express preference It wi' nime Jnt're Georee H . Hnrne't fr.e it S Ke n r nr if. If. 31. Jones was in Uie ci! v today m ui a ay u f-aiem to attend the state legis.ature of w hich he will be an active member. Today the k-sriel.itur mnnn. in rort.and. 1.t It". - r . , t -1 , . , . , tit, wiic ana cj.tta in r ,n charge of the conserratory of music of the Albany colleire arrive'l in the city this no- n, making an excellent tmprea- e.ou ,ia iitoee litem. v. . jictirwe. merchant and mat. u:i-t mi iit-Tiiie, was in the valley his aeek to eetlie tl.e affaim ai hf niollier, w hoee hualiand died near Oak ville a short time The ni.l hrrmm arm was rente-1 an. I Mr-. Bride got to Fij.!vrii:e to reeJe with her son. Corvaiila Times. Dr. Fov and family lelt Uiii morn. ing lor a six-weeks' vitt in the East. ibey leave Albany in the tnoroina- with PrT of thirty people in a special ear. ihe ttinkiLe of attending; medical lectures in New York duiiogbiaab- ?nce. Letcon E. A. I. F. Settle has leaded a far stock ranch near Elk Head. Docr-Ua cocntr. or a team of three veart. aad he mnA family have moved onto the same. Mr acd Mr. Settle were born and raued ia this place and have many friends who regret their depart are. Lebanon E. A. Mrs. J. R. Mewart yetterdaT received from her son Frank at Cavite an inter esting coL'e'ion of curiosities, among them being the shell from which he ma-lehis firt shot in the Philippine islands, a genuine bullet that g e with a a x-x-ping x x zew kind of a ooiee ana tutu through the body if it ti'.s it. and come Spanish money. The !oy" C'ub last nuht eave a fare well teceL-lion to tbe organizer of their cluh. Kev. Pohnc, spend 'ne the evening very prtctab!v, among other binec re ceiving a brotherly talk containing some gooa inougnta. tien air foitng leave Albany it will be with tbe eood wishes of all the member of tbe club. Grants Pass students believe in spread- in? out over the state. Tbe Courier savs : The following voune reonle of Grants P.s and vicinity have taken their de parture for a vear'a school work. Rov and Berto McLean to Albany to attend the col leee; Edd: Van Dyke and Her leJ. Md'arthy to attend the state uni versity; Mieiee A blue Stite. Osvth Croxton and Odessa Freed to attend the r?tate agricultural college at Corvallis; .Misses t.una I'arker and Mat-! Paie- thorpe to attend the Ahland state nor ma! Tl:e social giwn l.(t evening at the Presbyterian church ly the ladies of the church was a success in every respect. The attendance was lari.t and the at- ractions were of a verv entertaining as well as instructive character. A nice collection of relics gathered bv Orin I Vara at Honolulu, Gaum and Cavite, sues as .Mauser outlets, a tooth trom a deal Mtanmrd, money etc., waa carelnlly tndiea. Mrs. teeonre iattereon s col lection of curiosities received from her sister Lizzie a missionary in Liberia, ia a lue one, containing manv curious arti cle worn and used by tbe natives in cluding a kings linen costume. Mrs. C W. Sears displayed the large and choice collection of Japanese pictures received trom her Prother, lJr. Milton Adrian Howe, practicing dentistry for five or six years at Yokohoma, formerly in business in l ortiand. lhev civea reliable idea of Japan and the customs of the people. Tho large collections of relics obtained bv Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Porter from the Indians of Alaska , probably the finest in the state, were shown and explained by .Mrs. l'orter, giving one a splenJM idea ol the lite and habits of the natives of much talked of Alaska. Refreshments were served and a spirit of sociability prevailed. Bt-ownsTillu. From the Times: Mr. Geo. "W. Wright, qne of AUvvny's most successful and prominent lawyers. came up last night on legal business. Attorney B S. Martin informs us that he has secured a pension of f 400 back pay and S per month for Mrs. Sarah Ann Long, who resides near Rowland. She ia a widow of the late Lewis Long, who served in the Black Hawk war. There is to be a change in the proprie torshi'taof the Arlington Hotel, and it is probable the change will take place next Monday. Mr. W. H. Hefner will retire and Mr. James Curtis.a wvil-kuowu gen tleman, will take charge. Wm. Holloway, who reside near Al bany, was iu the city on Tuesday. He has an ordinary old sow that is a world lieater. At the present time she is look ing after a litter of 17 pigs.and lias given birth to 52 pigs in four litters. Ju Loy has sold the balance of his cr.'p of ltooa. securing 10 V cent for them. As near aa we can ascertain, all have sold their liopa in this community except Mr. A . C llaustnan. He has over 2000 boxes of a very tine quality and expects to se cure the top price. Taylor Mcllarguo started for Missouri Tuest'lAv momimr. This is his nineteenth I trip across the plains. Neither the writer or t. McHarene known when he will I on this trip by his son John.who expects to spi-na tho winter in old Missouri HOME AND ABPOA D. Wheat 60 cent. Photo SO eta a down till Oct. 7 at link lea. The enrollment at the O. A. C. yea- terday waa 218. SO cents a doz. for firat-clags Photo by TiokJetillfX-t. 7. Four tomatoe left by Henry Mcll murry are immense. Only a few daj left lo have Tinkle make your Photo till Oct. 7. "Trilby" leads, other follow at Stewart & Sox Hardware CoV. Wanted, immediately, at Albany, O.e opera house. The Trilby stove, tbe best in the mar ket, at Steaart &. Sjx Hardware Go's. For calcium carbide go to the office o Oeizou Gaa Light Heating A Power Co. The Parker fountain tak the lead over all other, French the Jeweler ha them. The Statesman claims that Sa'cm i th center ot the greatest prune district in tne worm. A fine lot of new cook stoves an range at Stewart A Sox's. Price cl.eap er than ever. Don't bay an "Airtight" stove until yon see the Hickory" and "Trilby" kept by Stewart A Sox. A few of those elegant gold rimmed photo buttons and brooch pin at Tmtle (Mian Long' Gallery). "Trilby" the most popular heating stove on tbe market at Stewart AJ Sox Hardware Co'. Go to Verick's sharing and hair cat ting parlor for first class work. Hot an J cold bath Clean towel to every customer. Before goinz east or to the fairs an accident policy of M . gender. $3000 insurance $1 50 ptr week, (12 00 per an num, or Zx per day. Oct. 7 will be the last day you can have Tinkle make your rboto. He guarantee hi work so Larry up and eee him about yoar photo. Next Monday will be Albany and Cor- vallia day at the state fair. It will cost only f 1 for tbe round trip going on tbe noon tram ana returning at night. John Witt. farmer livinz three miles from Hillaboro, wa struck by lightning the other day, but suffered nothing more serious than a severe knockdown. Sever al of hi family received slight ho.ks. On Monday October 3 the S. P. com pany will run a daylight excursion from Ashland to Portland, for the exposition. The tram will leave Ashland at 6 a. m. and arrive at Albany at 6:38, and rem ain at Albany for dinner, leaving at 6:58. The round trip rate from Albany will be Tbe attendance the Eec nd day of the state fair wa again small. The display as a whole i undoubtedly slim, compar ed even with former years, Del 'ort gave two exhibitions as a guide less pacer. The three year old trot wa won oy Mark Hanna and the three year old pace by Alba Dan. Bitter complaint is made by Taeoma chicken-fanciers, because of the fact that the Oregon state fair bas refused to allow birds from tbe oatside of the state to compete for prizes at Salem. This dis crimination is held by tbe Taeomans to be made onaccoant of the poor showing made last year by Oreson birds in com parison with those fKtm Tacoma, one man from the latter city taken 73 birds to Salem and carried home 73 prizes. S"ck beaxLtcbe, btliicoaeia, constipwtinB and all liver and stomach troubles can be qubkty cored by aie- thorn famoos lifle pill kaowsasDeWittsLutW Early Risers. Toe are pleasant to take and sevtr cnipe At J. A. Coramisv-s. -Ithiak DeWittsSaJy Is be nt j-te paiauon on tle market for piles. Si writes John C- Duoo. of Waeehn. W. Ya. Tr it ad vou wid think tt- sao. It aJso cure era wa and alt skia dueasns At J. A Cam-uiogs- E. C. Bkaks, Ltwisriile. Texs. writes hat one box cf De Witt's Witch Ha-ie! Stive wa worth I JO. 00 to lim. It cured his pile of ten eanstaadinz. It also cares en-ma. tfcin diseases, and obstinate ssrea. At J. A. I craminrs- A Strong Nation is made op of strong men acd fceahky women, and healta and srrergtti are a-tvea by Ho-d" SamparLla, America's Grea'est Medicine. U-t cn'y Houd's. hob Moor, of LaFayttte. IaJ.. say that ror constipat-oa be has foaud De Witt a Little iMrly Kters to be perttct. Itsey sever grine. Try 'hem for stcmacii asd liver troubles. At J. A. Cnmmiaes. "Mr Sw et heart Went Down With the Maine.' if tne naote of a eew ao.l poon'r pice of luasic'.tV fw a copy a E. C- n Hi's twewt Tacr Rwrta mm CamJy ttth-rrr, e-re eoEstipatioo toreeee Wc.25c ItC C c fait. grcggtstA tet-actf jtotey TEE ECHXBCE OF SYEUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of tbe combination, bat also to the care end skill with which, it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Cit-trORXlA Fie Stbcf Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing; the true and original remedy. As tbe genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Calitorxia. Fis Sntcr Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cau roRKia. Flo Svkcf Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far ia advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sax rtixctsc Cwk franix. Ky. mmf.a. ADMINISTRATOR'S K0TI3E NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES THAT the undersigned has been, by the County court, of Linn Co., and Srate of Oregoo.duly appointed administrator de bonus non and the will annexed of the estate cf Q. F. Crawford, d-ceased, late of Linn Cointy. Oregon. Allpersoashaving claim against said etfate are hereby required to present them to the undersigned wituia x months from this date at hi place of business n the city of Albany. Oreon. Dated thi the 30th day of luly, 1S9S. C. H.Stkwabt. Adm'r De Bonn Non with the wilt annexed. i ' t I l WaTBFORD A WY4TT, toroeya tor .utn r. m tii,,rw t September 2 , 1898