The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 16, 1898, Image 4

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    Remember this
whereby It
Conquers Pain.
Southern Pacific Co.
California Cxpn
Trains laavs Fonlaao Dalij
" I w.
Ar I SSO aa
8:16 a Ar
bov inlns Wop at stations b
tween Portland and Salem Tar
..... M.vtnn ieffmian Albany
Tanoent. Shedd. Hslaey Eagen
Cnltam Grove. Drain. Oakland and all
stations from Roseburg south to and
80 AS L Partlaad tVl'l5JoIS
t:tru Ar Hobant I.T I T
lsbascs laAjtaa
ln Albany tcr letmoj "
Arri at Albany trom babanon lOtSO aa Albany for Lahanoo -4)'
Arrive at Albany from Ubsnoa Tffera
Dinino- CMS OQ OfiTn ouw
Ma tii t in.T (txoaptSnanay
aoaastrs aiHsan.v
SO a a I Lv
Art 0
1 1 Ar
KrprejsTraln Dally (exoapl and
4:80 T a . L
TSOral Ar
630 r a Ar
l,T- A a
Lt I W a a
R.t m tale b-waan tUnd 8ct-
mento.ndSan Fraociwo. N r17 arrt daa
and til aeoood olasa. Including aleapar
Rum aol ttekH to -lrn
to JAP AH. oaiSA. H0S0UJLU and S
LIAotn bo oh-!-.! from KFftaXK.
Albany or C WINS .,..
manaiar Ow r f
Portlaad Or);
' - T Dur l.iwl
Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pa
ace steeping care, luxurious dining cart,
elegant day coacbee, tnaimificent J1
eara ind free colonist aleepera from the I'
eific to tlie Atlantic withot chans
coer DiaacT aso chsapbst motrrm r
f R03SLjn AD
All points in the Okanafran Country.
Ge a pamphlet (riving a full ieecnptioi
of thia wonderful country. Ask tbeatrent
for a copy or the mining lawaof Bntiar
Lowee tvp o and from
Atlantic steamship inee.
Canadian Pac. Ry. CJos
Royal Mail Steamship
line to China and Japan
The shortest lioe to the Celoniee. These
steamers carry an experienced medical
man, and a stewardess on every voyage.
for time tables, pamphlets, or any in
ormation, call on or address.
S N STEELE ft CO. A gents, Albany O
KJCOYLE, Ag't, 146 Third St.,P
and, Or.
Is Unequaled
In theValley.
Is Unsurpassed
In Oregon.
We have the best stock to
select from and our pricet
are always the lowest, quality
Albany. The Printer
Horses for sale.
Call at Strainey &
Pullman Bleeping Oa e,
Elegant Dining Cars,
Tourisf Sleeping Carp
et Paul
rn Grand Forka
Helena and
Sew York
Boston and al.
Points East an. I "oilt
Through tickdla to Jitpao ami Oh na, vi
Tacomaand Northern PaciSu teainghif
Go., an American line
For information, time cards, map anl
tickets call on or writ i Bnrkhari
agent, Albany, Or.
ADCharlu". --' 'ien Pea ak
Portland O-
WITH SPAIN," inclndinit battles in
sea and land. Contains all about armies,
navies, .'orta-and warsbips ot both nations
and graphic story of tee great victory of
tbe gallant Dewey; 'ells everything about
Sampson, Scnley, Fitzbugb Ive Hnd lead
ing commandors, by Hon. Janie Rankin
Young, tbe intrepid leader for Ciba libre
in tbe balls of Oottrr The greatest
war book published; COO large p&tfes: 100
uperb illustrations, many in ricrn-st col
ors. Has larife colored map. Biggest
book, highest commiHsioni. lowest price;
only $1.75. Each subKCriber receives
grand tl 00 premium free. Demand ennr
mous; harvest for aiieotf; d.iy credil;
r-iittii pa'd; outfit f'ee. Write tod..
ddre, The National Book Concern,
epf 15, 3"-6 Dearborn street, Chicago.
Dr. Price's Creem Batcing Powder
tVorU'- Fal Hk Medal and tiipio
St, Jacobs Oil
Cueta fhrcvamTiat. NtueaLeia,
00. MIN,
fluiaia, (oniniti, iTtrTHUi
ana. C
Owing to the change in
prices it is imDO8iDie wj
. "1. a 1 1 .A
uote prices for any definite
We have the Hammond
Co. meats, lard, etc
Will always quote pricea
as low as we can.
Albany Trading Co.
ist and Baker Sts.
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER 22. 1833
The Finest and Greatest Ever Held
in the Northwest.
Horticultnri;and Agricultural products
of Oregon and u aeniogicn wiu do
displayed in wonderful profus
ion, including more varieties)
than ever before gathered
together in one exhibit.
ftnld. Silver and Bronx Medala will be
Marvelous Rich Specimens front Oar
bold. Silver and Other Mine.
Has been engaged for the season.
Astoondine Aeriat Feats and Acro
batic performances.
Vrr low rates on railroads.
Admission, adults, 25 cents; children,
10 cents.
W B Bilveu, Foahay & Mason block.
JBK Blackburn, P O block.
H. Bryant, P O block.
Anderson Cannon. P O block.
J N Duncan, P O block.
T P Hackleman, Pearr block.
Judge H H Hewitt, P O block.
N B Humphrey.
Kelly & Carl, Dank building.
L H Moitanve, Pearce bloc.
J C Powell, P O block.
C E Sox, P O block.
L L r-weun. Bank building.
H J Wateon, bank boilding.
Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank building.
Whitney & Newport, Cuaick block.
O W Wright, P O block.
S M Garland.
A A Tossing.
TJ Wilson.
From Portland.
Fast Salt Lake, Denver. Ft Feat
Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
8pm eas City, St Loais, 7:20 a m
Ubicago and tMi.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane
Flyer ane, uinneapous. bt river
2pm Paul. Duiuth, Mil- 10 a m
waukee. Chicago, &
All Sailing dates subject
to change.
For San Francisco
t Sail August. 7, 12, 17,
22, 27.
7pm To Alaska 5pm
Sail August 8, 28.
ExSunday STEAMERS. ExSunday
batnrday To Astoria and Way-
10 pm Landings.
6am WILLAMETTE HIV. 4:30pra
Exban. Oregon City, N awberg, Ex San.
Salem fc Way-Land's
Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monday,
Thurs., Oregon City, Dayton, Wed.,
and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat
6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4 :30 n m
Tueeday Portland to Corvallia I need ay
inur , ana way-landings, xnur.,
and Sat. and Sat.
Lv Riparia ' Lv Lewiston
I -Ah a m 8NAKE RIVER 6:45 am
Mon.Wed Riparia to Lewiston 8nn,Tuee
and Fri. and Tbnr.
Gen. Paesj. Agent,
C. G. RAWLINGS, Portland, Or.
Agent Albany.
Chitbd States Land Orrrcti, Orbouic
Citt, On., Jci.r 20th, 1893.
Notice is hereby riven that tbe annrnvml
plat of TownshiD 11 Soatb. Ranee 2 Earr.
aDd Township USoath, Range S Kaat.have
been received from the Surveyor 0r.eral of
Oregon, and on September 8th. 1898. at 9
o'clock a. m of said ciate. said obits will
be filed in this offiop, and the land! tnerein
Mnhraced will be subject to entry cn and i
alter said date.
Cha. B, Mooaas,
Wm, Qaxlowat, Register,
Still at the Front.
From the Denver News.
Willi the approach of peice it ch
readily be teen that no issue will grotr
oat of the war which will divide the
American people on partisan linea.
The only topic calculated to create die
cuaaion la in relation to the Philippine!,
and tbia will be determined by the pre
aidant and the Senate, Jaa the treaty
making power. Ion a before the nest
presidential election . The House t
Representatives will hare no voice In
the matter, because treaties never com
before it. Whatever aucceeeea the ad
ministration may have gained, whatever
blunder! It may have committed will
furnish material for campaign orators
that ia all. The iaaue that was before
thecoant.-y when the war began will
atill be at the front, and that ia the sil
ver issne. The advocates of the aold
standard have this fact in view. The
friende of the white metal muat nut lose
eight of it.
Thetrnatsare growing thicker and
more powerful, and if remedial legiela
tion ianot enacted and inforced the peo
pie of the United States will be orei rid
den by an ariatocacy of money and mon
opolies more obnoxious and overbearing
than the aristocracies of the monarcbiea
of Europe. Tho lateat combination in
this line are calculated to reach farther
and become more burdensome than any
of their predecessors, when they become
tolly organised and proceed to make
their power felt. They are three in
number, and their present status is re
ported from New York ae follows : The
formation of the Iron and Steel Trust is
almost completed. Its capital will be
$300,000,000 at least. The companies
that have already joined the trust have
a capitalisation of 175,000 030. The com
panies that are expert- a to join,' have a
capitalisation of more than $90,000,000
The combination of the great flour
mills of the countries, the Flour Trust
haaao far progeesed that within a month
its organizer Thomas A. Mclntyre, will
go abroad to obtain the consent and sup
port of the London stockholders in the
mule. 1 be rlour Trust, which expects
to dictate the price el flour and wheat,
will have a capital which baa been care
fully estimated at at 150,000,000.
Tne consolidation of the manufacturee
of heavy chemicals, the Acid Trait, la
going on smoothlr and favorably to the
manufacturers. A committee was ap-
optnted to formulate a plan of combine
tion. The capital of the Acid Trust will
be 153,000,000. (ireencaetle Star-Press.
When the volunteers wore muttered
into service, great care was manifested
in tbe physical examinations, to tbe end
that only well, strong, able-bodied men
might be excepted into service. Tbe
history ,f tbe last past few months has
demonstrated, therefore, bow easily the
strongest and healthiest arc prostrated
by deaeaee and cent down into the val
ley of the shadow of death. Tbe lesson
to be learned ia that better care should
betaken ot our soldiers all the requisi
tes ot health should be at their com
mand the sanitary conditions of camp
and hospital should be beyond reproach ;
there should be physicians and nnrses
with ample hospital supplies and medi
cines ; the strictest attentions should be
given to tbe quality and kind of rations
served oat to the men; In fact,
there should be an absolute reversion of
the conditions demonstrated by the Cu
ban war, National self-preservation
and tbe best interests of humanity die
tats the teed of an absolute chaoge for
the belter along the lines mentioned.
The familiar symptoms of deli i a on tre
mens, known as "snakes," bave been
made the subject of study, with some
interesting results. It appears that
what bave been supposed to be hallu
cinations have a drtain sort of evidence
in fact. Certain blood vessels in the
eyes become coojested and assumes
dark color. These, when they appear on
tbe retina, which is ordinarily transpar
ent, saggeet to tbe nervous and over
wrought patient the preeeoee of some
moving, Uvinj creature. Imagination,
of coarse, increases tne nervoaeness, and
finally tbe mind becomes so disordered
that tbe form of an offensive creatare Is
suggested. As these fancies grow by
what tbev feed on, is easy to see bow
creeping and crawling tbirga may fill
the eoal ol ibe victim with the most
horrible sensations.
Eacn soldier is entitled to aa allow
ancs of twenty oaoces of fresh meat a
day, which means a total of 346.250
pound tor the entirs army. Of floor
the al lowanes is 18 oaoces, a noun ting to
1,689 barrels a day for tbe whole army.
Reckoning things on the same basis,
tbe arm v as at present constitute
requires 1,731 barrels of potatoes daily,
aed for tbe same period 27,000 pounds
of coffee, 41,550 pound of sugar, 11,279
pounds of salt, 6,639 pounds of soap,
4,324 pounds of candles, 692 pounds of
pepper aod 44 hogsheads of vinegar.
Mrs. Mary Doullot, wife of Capt.
Doullut, a boat builder of Sew Orleans,
has paaaed a brilliant examination as a
steamboat pilot, aod is a member of the
American Association of Masters and
Pilots, having been admitted unsmoae-
ly on a high rating ss to knowledge and
bravery. Mrs. Doallut has beeo
married lourteen years, and most of that
time has. been with her husband on tbe
The College Conservatory.
The conservatory of music, of tbe Al
bany College, will be reorganized on the
26th of Sept., under tbe efficient man
agement of Prof. Geo. A. Wirtz, recent
ly with Greer College, 111. Prof. Wirtz
has been a director of tbe conservatory
of music of (ireer College tor several
year, and comes with the finest recom
mendations. He is an accomplished
pianlat and bas bsd an experience of 15
years as a teacher. His wife is also a
very fine musician and assists him in
teaching. Her specialty is voice culture.
They expect to reach Albany tbe 24tb of
September. A more extended notice
wiil be given later.
Notwithstanding the fight against the
state fair by the people of Portland
t.hprn have been rift v-fivfl entries for the
races among those mentioned being Del
No-To-.-ao lor ITKtv Cunts.
Ouamnieed tobacco babit cure, makes weak
w.nau" liv' pure 0c SI All dr-y-t.
STAYTON. At the residence of John
D. Fry, near Medford, Or., Aug. 27,
1898 Uova S. Stayton, of Lyons, Or.,
consumption. ... , ,'
j all who knew him.
Will Oovbrnor Lord use hla old mn
tage which was never properly present
ed, or will ha gat oaf,
It hm bee i discovered that the war
tax has dona one good thtnii lu the east,
it has been knock log out the low-grade
at'oon. In Chicago alone 250 have
ceased on account of the tax.
TLe election In Vermont showed which
way the wind ia blowing. Large demo
cratic gaina are reported fiom all over the
the atate, both ia the general vote and
in the legielative vote.
Oae of the principal thing of the
epeclal eaaelon of the legislature will
probably be to iee that the members of
the last legislature and the useless com
missions will gat tbelr pay lor the inter
vening time. The people will watch
the matter pretty closely.
Already an immence monopolistic
company nee been orgaoirea to iun
things on Cuba and Porto Itsco. It la
called the American lodiea Co., and has
a capital of 118,000,000. lie object 11 to
make money in the Indies on every pro
ject in eight.
An amusing tale is told by a country
doctor in England. He had been at
tending for a conaiderable period a par
eon, and, according to custom, now for
tunately becoming antiquated there, at
tending him gratua. When in due
course the parson dfed, his widow wrote
to Inquire bow mncb the doctor would
allow her lor the medicine bottles.
Tbe low rates between tne east and
west that have been prevailing for some
time on account. of the Canadian Pacific
catting rates in competition, are coon to
cease'and tbe old rates will be restored.
A comblnationia being sffacied to this
snd. Some dav the government will
take a hand in these things and estab
lish rates that will be uniform and reli
able, not changing like thi vaie oo the
Large and promot shipments of hay
from Linn county to California is put
ting a good deal of money in circulation
in Ibe county. Tbe fermsr are g radu-
ally diversifying their system and lbs
result will be of grest advantage to
them. Tbey are learning that it is not
well to depend on ooe thiog alone, as
many lor years havs done on wheat, bat
instead they are branching oat and
raising everything possible. Mash more
bay is shipped than several year ago.
Thomas Malooey.a Brat-class fireman,
who was on the Iowa dariog tb. great
naval battle ot Santiago, bas been in
Portland, waving received bis discharge
on account of the expiration of hie six
years term ot enlistment. Though on
he Iowa ha gives Capt. Clark and tbe
Oregon tbe credit tbey deserve. He
eays that Clark was the man who really
won tbe victory, bat on account of being
only a captain be bas not received tbe
credit he is entitled to. He ie the man
who tan down tbeColoo, the man whom
all the fitfbtiog men of the asvy look op
to. He foogbt iLe ship broadsid. on
and be peppered those follows through
and through. At be acted independent
of Sampson a ad Schley he deserved a
mncb credit as either of those men . If
Captain Clark ever comes out to
Oregon be will get tbecielit and ovation
be deserve.
Governor Lord at last gave away to
the politicians and called an extra set
sio ot Ibe iegislatare, a be at as mncb
needed as the fifth wheel to a wagon.
8 of it will meet the demands of Ibe
bosses and Salam boarding bones keep
ers, farnUhiog a little bosinees for the
capital city. It may also result ia the
election of a V. B. Senator to ait with
Me Bride. His election will be too late
though to do any good towards getting a
battleship forjthe Portland exposition.
It may result in soma legielatioo, bat
probelJv not of the kind we need .
The kind we need, ie nut jobs, bat tbe
abolition of tbe bad work of past legis
lature, socb a tbe railroad commission
taw, and many other nteles commission
laws. Governor Lord haa made a mis
take which even Sanalor Driver is aole
to tee, and the people of Oregon gener
ally will not endorte it.
A French tatistlcaa has discovered
that in the sixteen century tbe averare
dniation of a doctor's I te waa ooly
thirty-five year. In tbe seventeen cen
tury it reached forty-five aod two-third
year, in the eighteenth century forty
aiae and two thirds year anj at tbe
present time he fiods it is fifty-six
years. Ths same inquirer purposes to
ascertain whether tbe average longevity
of pa'ieot has increased ia lbs same
One of the provisions ot Glsdetones
will wa: "Commending myself to the
inintte mercies ol God in the incarnate
son as my ooly aod .ufficeot hope.
leave the particulars of burial to my ex
ecutors, specifying osly that tbey be
very simple and private, unless there be
conclusive reasons to the cootrary. And
I desire to be buried where my wife msy
also lie. Oo no account shall a laudatory
inscription he placed over me"
A New York newspaper in describing
he parade of the great battl- ship
through New Y'ork harbor and np the
Hadson river August 2) says: Tben
the Oregon tbe wonderful ship from
the far Pacific, whose ability astonished
the nations of the earth . The eea grata
showed green along her water line, and
her paint showed the buffeting of many
seas . But there was enough heroism on
her decks and in her engtn. rooms Io
furnish valor for an entire navy ol any
. t. , i , j., . , . , ..
utucr iauu, aou ine American shield on
berbowaas without a spot or stain.
Tbe white railore arid blue-jacketed
marines wet e all at position, and the
red coats of her diummer and bugler
made a epl itch of effciive color at her
steru. rtiere was a responsive cheer to
tbe notes of "America" aod a ripple of
water at ber bow sboared that she was
getting nnder way for the parsdr.
Horse Stolen.
Last night a thief entered tbe Foster
barn and without any previous notice
as by law required, feloniously took
therefrom Judge Hewitt's finn family
carriage borne, and left for parts on
nown w'th !t. As the door was not
locked the entrance wa an easv nn
The thief ia hereby ordered and directed
io appear at once at tne HheritT'a office
and show cause why be should
not ha
sent to the penitentiary. The Judge
I traced the horse to the gate woere be
A GgsniNE'TniKC The man arrested
a mile above t Albany by M. O. Holt of
Corvallis fo? stealing Holt's boat and
other things, gave the name when taken
back to Corvallis of Joe Howard, of
Baker City. He stole a gun and chicken
Irom Minor Smick, a butcher knife from
held under 400
james xayior ana tne tioat. lie was
bonds for the grand
' 1
There ia little atttntion paid now to I
war matters, lb. peace commissioners J
will be wailed for. In fact everything :
will be waited for that Spain ha any
thing to do wiih, for it ia the elowest
nation on the fact ol the globe. The
public spends a few minutes everyday
contemplating the silly quarrels icolng on
between some of the officers who parti
cipated In the war, just wht re or in what
capacity some of them do nut seem to be
positive about. Conniderabla coin men t
has htten made on the treatmeot of the
soldiers in camp, and urKent appeals
have betn made to send tbem home 1 e
lore all of them died. The matter is in
statu quo, if you can figure that nut. and
nothing practically is beiny done.
Two national assemblies have tern
held thia week. The one attracting the
mojt attention wa the encampment of
theU.A.R. at Cleveland. O., where
theie waa a hi rv tendance and a irreal
dtal of interett taken in the proceedings.
In these G. A. K. encampments as
much aa anything else ia displayed the
i the fact that the bloody shirt lias been
dropped and that we are one nation,
epluribna unuru. The O. A. It. now
number 305,605 and ia gradually decreas
ing in number.
Tbe other national gathering was at
Denver, and waa erupoerd ol editors
fiom all over the United Stater. Tte
claes of men who attend ia of a high or
der, lellows ol nraia, w bo can think a
thing or to, rustlers at the front.
Their meetings are more ot a private
character than many national gatherings
and there is not much sail about them
In fact the editors themselves hardly
mention them in their own papers.'
And yel'uey arecf importance to them,
much more so than tbe state eonven
tions. attended more by others than edi
tors. The editor occupies a very impor
tant field, in tact his poiiiion may be
aprectated by imagining a city witbont
a paper. It would be a dead affair in
deed, not worth living in. Ibiafact
ahould suggest an appreciation of the
profession acd the fitness of a liberal
support and good treatment ol tbe prees
In Exyptlhe EogCsh have scored a
pronounced vfctory badly whipping the
barbarians and avenging the murder o!
their own (Jordan. It has canted a good
deal of rejoicing in England. After all
the age ot vengeance ia not entirely paat,
aa civilized a we have become.
Ia Candie there have Wen riots ot a
disgraceful character, in which tbe I"nrks
have displayed customary brutality.
It i almost to be regretted that there is
not an occaaioo for the t'nited Stat to
teach Torkey a lesson as it has very
pointedly taaght Spain ooe. These big
nations that continue io do basioets in
tbe style of Nero, ooht to be stopped in
their career. A future policy ill un
doubted 'y be tbe soccorirg of the op
pressed by the atroog cai.coi of Ibe
Politically there bave been a fea- early
elections that enoeed democratic gains,
and a Urge number of contentions ot
which those ot tbe onion forces display
ed a firm fie silver leaning and a re
membrance in a decided manner of Wm.
I Bryan.
Tbi Satorday night see tbe wheat
and oat harvest ptattcally finished,
without a good a molt as was desired.'
Aad yet the total output is undoubtedly
large. The troth is e x pert al too s bere
are always high, and it there is eveo a
small drop there is always a good deal
of diseapointment displayed. Price
are more diseapointiog Jby far than the
crop. Bat with all there will be a con
siderable amount ol money pet io circu
lation. TLe re are now other thiog Uaa
wheat, aod tby are torning farmers at
tention to different ihioftthat bring in a
good deal r.f money. The DanocaAT ex
pects to see a praliy fJ busioets tall
and winter. Better not wear a long face
anyway, 1 bere is nothing ia it but bile.
a a
Oar citiims hare nearly all returned
Irom their summer vacations and are
graJoatly g-lting rested upaoj arereca
perating'alter lb troublesome experi
ences ol ite eeasco. Three remarks are
made by one wbo bai not had a vacation
al all. Seriously every pero shoald
take an outing of some k ind. The chaoge
is a good thing and it is always to be re
gretted when ooe is situated so as to be
unable t do to.
Religious Service.
Baptist church: Subject, "Alwavs
rteasing uod. io:30 a. m. "God's
nonuers in ine veep, 7:33 p, m .
Meeting at J. C. Devinee, foot of El
worm blteet near tie old Jerry, at 3 o'
clock p. ia. Sunday. 1'rophetic charting
will I a displayed. All Invited.
Eld. M. M. Nobtok.
Tbe Christian Endeavor Societies o'
Albany will hold their quarterly Union
meeting at the United Pieebyterian
church, Sabbath evening at 6:15 o'clock.
All youoe- people are cordially invited to
be present. Pastors wiil pleaae announce.
C. E. Knx,
President Local Union.
M. E. church : Preachinpby;the pas
tor at 10 .30 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Morn
ing subject, "The Gospel of Encourage
ment." Subject for evening. "The Di
vine Christ." Sunday school at 2 :') p.
m. ; Junior and intermediate I easuea at
3:30 p. m,; tp worth League a 0:30 p. m.
mis is ine last eunuay oi tne conference
vear an th rtflotnr trtim tj mniAMni n
McMiunvillu the coming Monday.
Christian chjrcu corner Filth and
Jackson Sts: Services moruing acd
evening by Rev C. SI. Lane. Topic at
11 o'clock aervice. "Three Views ot Life"
Theme at 8 p m service, "Material that
God Selects."
Congregational church : Services
morning and evening. The pastor will
preach at both services. S S at 12:15,
VP8DK at 6:30 o'clock. Mornlrg
subject, "The Pharisee or Puolicao,
which?" Hubjectol the evening dis
course, "iYlaaka, and Why Men Put
Them On." D. V. Pottso.
Rev. H. L Reed arrived in Albany
this noon from his trip to his old home
at Manchester, Vt., where he spent a
very pleasant vacation. He will preach
in the Presbyterian church tomorrow
morning and evening.
United Presbyterian : Preaching ser
vices at 11 a. m. and 6:45 p. in. The
morning sermon by Rev. W. W. Reid
and tbe evening one by the pastor.
Theme, "The First Prophet," S 8 at 2:30
Jr. Endeavor at 3:30, Sr. Endeavor at
6:15, a union meeting of C K. All aie
cordially invited to attend these services.
Peculiar Gun Accident.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Elmer Nick
erson borrowed Perry Conn's fo'ty dol- ,
lar gun and went Chinese pheasant
hunting with his brother-in-law. When
in a field near the city both saw a pheas- j
ant at the same time, and drew to shoot.
The a ters shot hit the Conn gun eight
inches from the end and took it complete
ly off, ruining the gun. The pheasant
Waahl.aUa Faaloa
EiXKNanirRo, Wash., Sept. 9. The
BtaU) representing the
ailver forcee of the nute of Washington.
formed a fusion today, and nominated
ttie following ticket:
Kepreaentativcs James Hamilton
Lewis, democrat, of Seattle, and W. O.
Jones, silver republican, of Spokane.
Huprenio judges B F Heunton, popu
list, of Tacoma, and M. M. Oodiuar.,
democrat, of Dayton.
apaaUh ale
Madrid, Sept. 8. The government's
severe measures to prevent reports of
the aecret seitaiona of the cor tea and nul
lified by the senators and deputies of the
opposition, who arn eagea to inlorm the
foreign correitpoiidents ua to what goes
Yesterday's seen ion of the chamber
ended with Senator Hive v attaekinir
the government and i-xclaiming:
"The Sagaate ministry is a corpse, and
do not discuss corpses: wn l.nrv
them." '
Vanl atl'Ses
Sam Fsaxcisco, Ppt. fl. Governor
Lord, of Oregon, again visited the re
cruits from his state today. After talk
ing with the men, he became convinced
that ther were in good condition.
lie maue uiern a short speech, saying
he waa pleased to have found them so
1 . , 1 cre oI" IIe Promised to use
au me inuuence in Ins power to cet the
men oft to Manila to loin their
,.m . 11 l..t.. " e .
w iivuuiuiv, at any rate.
Baarier t.salac Urt
fA rRAXciBco, Sept. 8. The Call
"Major-General Sbafter ia expected in
fcan ranciaco in about two weeks. He
has applied to be assigned his old com
mand, the department of California, and
it is grnerally conceded that his reouest
will be granted. In that
Uabcock, now on bis .ay to San Francis-
.- wi .tianua, will lie adj itant-gcner
T e Tr.ajfclm.aae lai.rar.l
sw 1 oaa. Sept. 9. A dispatch to
! the Herald from Manila says:
Tbe attitude ot the Phill'tWina i
kciii icauers is daily becoming more
uangerous. jo open is their opposition
to the American authorities that the
aituaiion ia strained and reconciliation
may be dithcult.
C IKCI.VXATI. O.. SenLR Illinnia an.)
Pennsylvania are celebrating their vic
tories at their respective headquarters
tonight. The one has secured the commander-in-chief
in Colonel James A.
Sexton, of Chicago: and the other H
local ioo of the SiJ annual encampn.cut
of the G. A. It. at Philadelphia next
The parade of the civic and in 'astrial
organizations in the afternoon, a ith U
the illustrations of peace and jToaperity
abd happiness that could ho produced,
waa the most magnificent pageant ever
wittneeaed in this city
TarfcJah Balebars
Lo!too. Sept, 9. The correspondent
of the London Standard, telegraphing
Thursday from the British batUe-ehip
Camperdowu, off Candia, save:
The refugees tcil ghastly stories of
massacres. Tbey report that no fewer
maci uu Chrwuana ar- missing.
Every Christian strrivor of the massa
cre swears that the butchery was mostly
the work of Turkish soldiers, who first
robbed and slew their victims.
Sax Fbaxcisco. ft I Kn R Tha
Oregon recruits most go to Manila, if re
tained ia,u.e service where the regiment
is to which they belong. When I get
through here 1 ahall insist that thee
troops be sent to join their regiment or
returned home. I wiil not gel through
the examination here before tomorrow.
Tbe condition of tbe troops now is good.
WlU-tAV 1 Loao
t r.rtaafl Mm Brm
Hosouu-. U. S. A., Ausr. SI, va. San
Francisco. The first death to occur
among the stationed here occur
red on Sunday morning Aug 27, at the
mihtary hospital at Waikiki beach,
when Ormoo4 Fletcher, one of the ser
geenta of company M, Third battalion,
second Regiment, United States volun
teer engineers, died of intLamatorr rheu
matism. A Blsaa
P-rrre, MonL, Sept. 8. Two million
dollars, for tbe purchase of the Center
Lar miue. in Roeeland. B. C. was de
positd with Cashier T M Hodgens, of
the State Savinca hank. her, ttvlar
The purchaser are an English avmlioau.
of which Sir Charles Ross, now in New
i or, is the bead. The stockholders
who sell out are teincinailv lint: w
pie. " '
aUUteaMpWrcgm Starkf
tw l oat, Sept. 8. The hattle-ehip
Oregon haa been eaielr docked at the
navy-yard. At high tide three govern
ment tugs aowed the Oregon from her
berth to the dock, when ehe entered
without difficulty. j
f aatasi la WaaUatM.
KLUexsarati. Sept. 7 The pcpaliat,
democratic and sttiver-repuhlican con
vections met bere today for the purpose
ot forming a fusion and nominating a
joint tickst, consisting of two represen
tatives and two supreme judges.
The reeult ot today's si eaion were the
forming of a permanent organization bv
each convention, the appointment of
conference committees to perfect fusion,
and the framing of a platform by the
Al ra.eia.
A-sthk-ss, Sept. 7. It ia reported that
the bombardment was renewed at Can
dia and that the port ha been seriously
damaged. The foreign warships have
landed sailors to reinforce the British
garrison and pumps have been landed
to assist in quenching the flames.
According to telegrams from Candia,
it is estimated that 22 British were
killed and 5 wounded yesterday.
Several Christian families have sought
refuge on the warship. Many corpses
are lying in the sfeets of Candia.
I ba.X ttoswaea.
Peking, Sept. 7. Li Hung Chang has
been dismissed from power. It is pre
sumed it was done in accordance with
the demand which it waa rumered the
British minister here, "Sir Claude Mo
Itonald, was instructed to make on ac
of the alleged general partiality of Li
Hung Chang to Russia, resulting in
Great Britian being deprived of the con
tract for the Peking-Hankow railroad,
by giving the Russo-Chinese bank finan
cial control oi the road.
T. Ste Bevlaew
Paris, Sept, 7. Figaro says ihe cabi
net council bas just agreed upon a revia.
ion of the Dreyfus case.
Martin announces tbe discovery of
facts implicating officers of the general
Rumors are in circulation toniaht that
Cointe Esterhazy has disappeared.
Big Bess-wralle tiataa
Whitx RtvtsR Jt-xcno!, Vt.. Sept. 7.
The result of yesterday's election in
Vermont ahqws many surprises, the re
publican vote having fallen off quite ma
terial from four years ago, whereas the
party managers expected it would epual
linot exceed,:the vote of 1894. The
democrats have not only made a ain
for governor, but have elected S3 repre
senatives in 172 towns heard from,
while only 11 were seated the hist off
ratal Wla.
Nkw Yorr, Sept. 7. Tho first gutt of
wind that preceded tho thunderstorm
at 3 :30 o'clock this afternoon blew dowa
the heavy iron superstructure of riew
pier No. 50 at the foot ot West Twelfth
street, killing two men and i njuring
nine others. There were 00 men at work
on tbe superstructure when it fell in on
Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It
retains the digested food too long In the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, uU-
gestlon, bad taste, coated . ! toaay lor ouriai. ooe was ao old reeu
tongue, sick headache, lr Q MI ?n,.ot lhi" f?uny. f'' of Mrs. R. A.
aonuua, eta. Hood's puis 1 1 1 C Irvine, of this city, aud her death will be
cor constipation and all lu B W ' generally regretted,
results, easilyand thoroughly. 3scAU druggists, oaoio nunjaj RiTMwP.TTr O n ji -oss'ooi
Prepared by 0. I. Hood a Co., Lowell, Haas. a.Atuoj aoitadiusuoj sjna S)uiiuo puo
She only Pills to take with Hood's SarsaparUla. -vioa.jan ;! aa maoa -ao injavx
. . MISFITS. ,
Yamhill county editors work in tbe
hop yards to get money to keep things
A Roseburg boy writes home from Ca-
vita that he hates the natives as much
as he does the Spaniards and lie i nick
looking at them. i
Baker City ia supposed to 1 an enter- j
prising city.but this is difficult to believe'
after the statement that its street" are!
left in darkness nights, neither electric- i
ity or even gae being used. j
It is said that a cursory examination;
of the city directory of Portland, dis-'
closes the names of 1700 people who hae
formerly made their homes at Salem.
And many more residents would go to ;
Portland or elsewhere if they were able;
to pay railroad fare. Koeeburg Review. '
An emphatic example of sarcasm.
Spain ia elay very sillily makinit de-i
maods. Spain is in uo position to doi
snythingof the kind. It is the place of!
the United Slates to make demands and ;
lor fpain to accede to them.
The senatorship is resolving itself into!
a contest between Mitchell aod Corbett, j
and it promises to be the most hitter ou !
record. All manner of tricks will berv',
sorted to in all probability in order to
secure au election. Tbe calline- ot r.
legislature together in special eion tori
such a purpote is not particular! cred: j
able. i
The Salem Seotioel gets sarcastic ss)
follows: j
Bush's Stalesinso endorses Boah'r!
call made by Lord for a special seeoion ,
and demands a new man tor senator, i
namiig neither Lord nor Uatch fur the
place. As Doth are new aa w ell as Bush !
men it is essy to understand ibe endors- i
As the Dkmocsst anticipated tbe lleth
odist eollege at Salem, Port end and Ta
coma, are all fighting against consolida
tion except with each city as the cente.-
Il wiil be all right if the collra. is lo-
ea-t I at each cuy. Other, iee not. It (
i i probably end as it began aitb three j
A.1 tbe hay ons wants can be gotten
around Portland for SI0 a ton. and yet
the best bid tbe city council of Portland
secured for bay for the horses of the en
gine companies was 13 a ton. gome
people seem to think a municipal gov
ernment ought to pay doubie price or in
this case it is hinted thai there is job
bery. Parties receiving deeda to property
shoald see that the consideration state!
i . . . , .
u a correct one ana tne war stamp is in I
accordance. It ia doubtful U one will
get good title in a deed with the nominal
consideration tl aod a stamp as provided
for that amooau See that your title is
good This is suggested by tbe fad that
a good many deec's bsve recently been ,
made cat for tbe nominal sum of tl. ',
Sergeant Major II. L. Holgate, of the
Oregon recruits, formerly editor of the
CorvaliU Gazette, at Camp Merrill ears :
"There is no foundation ISr the reports
that have agitated the Red Cross society
at Portland, acd the governor of Oregon.
The sickness among tne men ia chiefly
measles and mumps with a few cases of
typhoid, contracted at camp Merrill.
There ia nothing to complain of."
Tbe Journal circulates. See w hat a
leading eastern firm writes os under the
date of Sept. 1st : "We hare advertised
in yoor paper aod find it pave os. Yoa
may therefore run the within 'ad for
one year, or until farther orders." Sa
lem Journal. The Dcxqcsat and prob
ably ail the other valley papers received
the same. The joke of tne matter is
that the firm have not been advertisers
in Oregon.
In the matter of yells the coliege boys
will now have to; retire. Chandler's
threshing crew, near Sheridan, Yamhil
county have been giving tie following on
all occasions possible.
"Boom-a-laoa, Boom--lac-a, .
Rah, Rah. Rah,
Cbew-to-baco, Chew-to-ha a.
Chaw, Chaw, Chaw,
Boom-atae-a, Boom--Uc-a,
Who are we.
Chandler a outfit, eee!
When the planet Mars is nearest the
earth it is 35,000 000 rai'c- away. Al
most close enouIi W Uncle sum an
nex. Times Mount: uecr.
Send Dewey up there with a fleet .f
air ships and be will attend D the de
tails ol annexation. Roeeburg Review, j
Why not send old Alger on John H.
Mitchell's railroad? Salem Iodepend- !
Jart turn itover to the big yellow
oumaia and the 9. ottended to
Rev. I. D. Driver is reported to be en- I
thusiastte as ever for J. H. Mitche l lor
ccn.ior. anotner preacber senator is
said to have eone back on Mit -h.ll, and
in consequence Rev. Driver is declared
by a Salem paper to bare made the re
mark that "Hell is lull of such p'raen
ers with their legs elk-king out at the
windows." If true certainly a peculiar
remark for a minister to mate.
Parley McKnight. of Lebanoj, writ
ing to the Oregonian, says : During tbe
last state campaign. Hon. George H.
Williams, of your city, made a speech at
this place appealing to rhe peoplo to up
hold the present administration, and
guaranteeing that wheat wonld be tl
per bushel this fa!!. Now I take this
means of informing tbe distinguished
judge that I have my crop harvested,
aod that whenever he is ready to a ike
his guarantee good it is ready for mar
ket. Tbe Rural Spirit says Del Norte, who
has been referred to as a guileless pacer,
is not a guideless pacer at all, aa in the
trials at Independence he was booted,
hobbled and guided by a man on a run
ning borse by his sice. Thetiiiiema.lj
showed what he can do it he is eventual
ly really made a gcide'.ees pacer, but he
should not be called one until he is act
ually guideless, going it alone, as a
guidelrea horse does.'
Tus U.NlVKUsiTV or Okbc.os graduated
ast June the largest class in its history.
The class numbered thirty. The fall
term will begin September 19th. Stud
ent who bave completer the tenth grade
branches can enter tbe etib-freshtnan
claps. No examinations are required for
graduates of accredited schools. Reason
able equivalents are accepted tor most of
the required entrance studies. Cata
logues will be sent free to all applicants.
Persons desiring information mar ad
drees the president, Secretary J. J . Wai
ton, or Mr. Max A. Plum, all of Eugene,
Oregon. The courses offered are those
of a good nniversity. There are depart
ments of modern aud ancient language,
physics, cb.mistrjr, biology, geolog
English, elocution, advanced engineer
ing, astron-uy, logic, philntophy, pay
cholngy, mathematics and physical edi-
'cation. . Music and drawing u also
taught. The tuition is free. All stud
ents pay an incidental fee of ten dollars
yearly. Board, lodging, heat and light
in the dormitory cost 42.50 per week.
Dikd. Mrs. William Peekler died yes
terday in Portland at the home ot her
son George Peebler, conductor on the S.
tier remains were 'jtken to Lebanon
fit 0 0k m " r" "
V If 1 U IVy l Wat , X W mi 'aw I
a I M a T I 1 1 M IK. 1 'V'X. V
Dewey Americanizing the Philippines.
Wherever Battle Ax goes it pacifies and satisfies
everybody and there are more men chewing
today than any other chewing tobacco ever made.
The popularity of Battle Ax is both national
and internationaL Ypu find it in Europe : you
find it in Maineyou
find it in Spain (very soon).
Our so!iiers and sailors have already taken it to
Cuba arid tbe Philippines I Are you chewing it?
g trT V.II WIllBa WI MIW is-- i
o IY when you buy agauie o
r'tfWWvWW,tfWVW'lrfVVVV'r''''w" Wa WW i
GRATE. Oo Aogurt 31. 1S93, in Al"
bany. to tbe wi.V of Mr. Grant Grate, a
12 pound girl.
All doing we'.L
?3TSt?tai aa I airjjoa. Office, First 3
The Scenic Line 01 Ice World
Weekly ricinios3
To The
In through toaris t cars witbont chsnge.
In bin-age of Excerioissi cgs
tots ail poitars
To Kis C-ty voA rWeare
c3al aa4 lttua
asccvU Sa't Laa.
M. i art !'.-ih aoti Chicas
, Ot Alton Uml
To Omaha. Cica.-. Baffav.
TUESDAYS B-n. wi-oat enaajr, v a
XU l. as:J 'B:eagx Eck
IOa-.d t Pas'So tty
T ?t J.wu-.. Ktini Cre.
via .-a I g
1 0 . a v ed H L- b
THUrtDYS wilht cfeacg-, -'
Liaea.d Mtswo't Pad- il
A day ikp.rr arrm,.t ; aae
aat i ! t
A t":cfya ' fa-sna. Coiio
K.r n:r a- d iafwaiati . irijoin f C K
JtN" JSf ajea; -- a tc.i-
SJI Wb icln ut, IEe'.
lt-ar-a O ."U C !;-..
Corvallis it Eastern KaiiroaJ.
TIME Cikft.
1. Fr Ysquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:.3-m.
" Corvalhs 1 :45 p. u.
Arrive Yaqnina, 6:00 p. to.
2. Returning:
Leaves Yaqaiua 7 :00 p. m.
" Corvaihs 11 :40 a. m.
Arrive Albany 12:25 p.m.
For Detroit :
Leaves Corva'Ir 7 X) a. m.
A.bany SKSa.m.
Arrive DetroU 1- p. m.
Leave Detroit 12:-J0p.m.
" Albanv 6-05 p. m.
a rrive Corvah'ie 6 :5 p. m.
1 and 2 connect at Albany with South
ern Pacific train giving direct service to
and from Newport nd adjacent beaches.
Train for the mountains arrives at De
troit at noon giving ampin time to reach
camping grounds on the Breitenbush aod
SAntiam rivets earns da .
U. K. Watrts-v, Manager.
T.F. & P A.
J. Tcrnkr. Agent Alny.
mm' . ?
he bft and yet simplwt type vite
manufactured, tU consummation of tt
inventors art. An expirt atcnographe
after usinir nanv machines, says. "I eon
sider tbe Yost Writing Machine far supcr
ortoany i bave yet used " Caii at th
DiMocaAT offiw and ee one of tto type
writers that has to have a perfect ai"ign
ment. Ah Tj pewriters supplies ordered.
r'. P. Ndttiso. Agent.
- - VL tWB'
rune uar-
AiTon wniut p?rh iimt cUWTiptHvn nwy
lutoklrAMwrfjitfi, frvfj, whoiuor n tiiTealum it
irotaHli,y nt.ttttbiA. strit'tt
tui1iittlUU OttloeA iMf :oy liirwcarinAC pesteuts-
il AtlHTlCsV. Wo hAV NVrbllii;ttU ofltOf.
IMtcnts taken tliruuh Muuu k Co. mceir
IMuuU uotkw in tiug
twantirullr (llii.trattHl. Innint rlm-latiM of
i. iutlllo louriutl, !.. UTinilU a seat
M..'tf)ix lutMith:. irvlmeu Cv'tnr and 11A0
301 Urwan. !cii VorSu
f" f f.
s4f!t,fc I
aW I
A 3sv I
yt'TV, r-r 11 I
find it in India, and youTlf
the name
' Portland. Or.
The Most Complete Stock Ever Shipped
to Albany.'
Sokl Under a Positive snd Distinct
PLtno3 at Prices Never
Before Heard of
Pianos on Easy Payments.
Host Elegant Stoci
Woods Buldg.2nd and rjlawrortn St
n. i
Geo. E. Allen, Manager.
yOTICri Ia HEREBT GITEX that the
wwdeniiraed has been appelated by the
3otT Court of Liaa County, Oreeoa, as
tre adoiiniitrstor of the estate of Mary E
Cnrtoei, deceased. Any asd all per
eons bavin.; claims asaiwat said estate are
hteeby sroti&c 1 to pretest them to tbe
voderagved at Albany. Oregon. sritsJa
eix montiss from tbe date hereof, Jul
veriSed. aa bv law required.
Dated tfci'8.-h day of Angnat. IS9S.
C. H. Stkwakt,
Veathxbtoad Wtatt,
trv for Aaaa'r
By virtue of an execation aad or&rof
sale, issued oat of the circuit court of tbe
eute of Oregca for the conaty cf Jinn. te
sae dulv directed.delivered and dated on the
18th ot Augn$tU&3,ia acertaia suit ia said
coQrt. wherein A. C. Hanmaa wa plaiaUlf
aed Miry Whileauid J D Arthurs asadmia
istrator de boBU non with the will annexed
of the etate cf J. J. Nhite deceased, were
defendants, in which said suit the said
A. C. ttaosman recovered a judgment oa
the 13:h day of July A. D agaiaet
tae said defendants for the earn of f9.60
ith interest at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from said date aad tne further sum
of tZ5.00 attorneys fees aad for the costs
aad dtsbursmeats taxed at $15.00, ordering,
adjudging and decreeing that the real
property descrtled ia plaintiffs mortgage
ami complaint, towit :
Being all those certain premise situated
within tbe limits of tie city of Browns
ville, u Linn county, t'retroo.. and more
particularly known aod described as Lot
No. Three (S ia Bloc N. Three (3) in
tfrcs' addition to the city of North
Brownsville in Liaa coonty, Oregon, as
said lot appear cf record on tbe plats of
said addition to said city of North Browns
vil'e, of fi e and of record ia the orSce of
tbe roQnjy recorder of Linacouety.Oregoa,
be sold to satisfy said judgment and deer
and all coete.
Therefore, notice ia hereby given that I
will, on Saturday, tb 24th day of Septem
ber A. D , IS.S. at the beer of 1 o'clock
P. M., of said day. at the front door of the
court house, in the city of Albany. Linn
countv, Oregon, offer for sale, at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for cash ia,
band, subject to redemption amording in
law, the real pro pert? in said order and de-
ciee aod herein before described, to satisfy
said judgment and all costs and accraing-
Dated this ?0th dav of August. A. D.,
I. A. McsrKaaa,
Sheriff ot linn Co,. Oregoa.
the undenif ned has beea, bv the Countv
court, of Linn Co., and State ot Oregon,duiy
appoind fuiministTator A bonus son
and the will annexed ot the estate ct G. P.
Crawford, d-ceased, late of Linn County.
Oregon. A!l person having claims aainet
said estate are ber-oy requirea ro pmem
them lo th undersigned witbia s'x months
from this dat at his place of business n
the city of Albany. Oreeon
ihtted this tbe 3Utn oay or imv. i3o.
C. H. Ptkwamt,
Adm'r De Bonus Non with tbe
will annexed.
Wkathkford Wtatt,
Attorneys for 4dm"r.
So'ic.lor an! Attjixi PatealCanss
ITMXe Yrk Avs..lWsaklaat.BJsi c