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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1898)
Some Sriiall I oses. Great .Britain bas 294 torpedo boats and torpedo boat destroyer. : Vienna baa a cabman who bat been fined twenty timet (or trying to bring bicyclests to grief. While Berlin bat only one-nineteenth of the population of Prussia, it pays nearly one-sixth of the income tax. The present population ot Bordeaux, France, it 297,000, of wbom 18,864 are in receipt ot assistance from charitable ocietiet. Of 1,600 boueewitei in Almelo, Hol land, who were consulted aa regards the desirability of abolishing night work for bakers, all bat ten favored the measure. A tew weeks ago Stockholm harbored no fewer than 535 naturalists 310 from Sweeden, 141 from Denmark and 59 from Norway. Tbey were attending the fif teenth congress of Scandinavian natur alists. A fund is being raised to rebuild Low er Brizbam (England) church in mem ory of the Rev. Hsnry Francis Lyte, the anther ot the hymn "Abide With Me." It was first sung by the Brixhain fisher men. The Russian soldiers invariably waeb and drees with extra car before a battle, as tbey believe physical cleanliness to play an important part in helping them to enter heayen. An Alpine life-saving society has been formed in the Tyrol at Innsbrnck. Its object is to have stations at various resorts tor rendering prompt assistance, with competent guides, in case of accl dents. The regular army ia made up ot 25 per cent, foreigners, while in the navy 62 per cent. of the petty officers and 42 per cent, ot the seamen am foreign born, Forty percent, of those who went down with the Maine were of this class. A few days ago Richard Packard, who lives in Machias, Me., caw a bottle in the river bobbing np and down in quite a lively and aingular manner which be was at a loss to account for, until tbe bottle took an extra jerk heavenward, when a good sized ell was seen with his bead in the neck of tie bottle. Prof. Martin, the Seeediah savant, has discovered in the Kremlin at Mow cow a large portion of the Sweedieh war booty captured by Unttavua Adolphus It appears that the majority of the sil ver vessels and ornaments kept in the treasury at tbe Kremlin a-e presents made at diffeient times by various kings of Sweeden to the cxare of Russia. A scrub woman at the New Yoik city ball, who boasts of a political pull, says that she is a lady, and for that reason the refuses to pick no scraps of paper from the floor. She posted a notice in one of tbe rooms, reading aa follows: "Don't throw scrape of paper on the fljor. They'll stay there. Remember, your mother was a woman. The flamiogoea which fish in a lake near ML Ascntan, in the Andes, are easily caught by the Indiana. The lake it fed by a hot spring, bnt moat of tbe surface ia frozen every night. Accord ingly tbe Indians, knowing that it the birds fish in the colder places they will be frozen fast by tbtir leg, visit it every morning to seize thein before the hot sun thaws the ice. In a down east state not long ago vain effort was made to invalidate a will dis posing ot several boedrtd thousand dol lars, disinherited relatives tried to op eel the will because the testator left his fortune to endow a church on the con dition that every Sunday before tbe ser vice tbe Mr. Alger blames the volunteer troops J for gross carelessness. Tbe vjlunteer troops also blame Mr. Alger for gross carelessness and will always remember him. The fire Hands have been doing some fierce work In different parts of North America, property, life destroying con- flagrsgations. Nearly all can be traced to careleesnets. Tbe Chicago Inter-Ocean the Repub Mean organ of the State of Illinois, says that the condition of Republicanism and Republican politics in Illinois is so cor rupt that it is "disgusting". Hunters say there are less Chinese pheasants by considerable than last year. They . will gradually "decrease unlets hunters are more sportsmanlike in thetr systems, and do not try to wipe tbe en tire field the first time. Gov. Lord ie now satisfied with Camp Merritt, In the face ot this a writer in tbeOregonian insists that all the stories about tbe camp have been true substan tially. About such things there will al ways be a difference of opinion. Tbe railroads cannot help this north west country more thaw by giving tbe producers lower rates, so that we may in a measure compete with otber sec tions of the United States, and bring ns nearer tbe center ot market. The cotton mini oi flew .England are aeffering from the competition ot tbe South, and in tbe past few weeks mill in which there were 700 loons have been indefinitely closed down in New Hampehire. E. A a Told by Will Merrill. I MISFITS. The people of the world who love jue tice should arise against tha anarchists and make it so warm for them that they will be lost sight of. The law mutt be supreme or there will be no protection to life and the insurance of libertv and the pursuit of happiness. Tbe editors ot the United States will meet in Portland in lfS Tbia will bnng to the Northwest as fine a body ol men as were ever here, men who while they will not boast of themselves will tell about the country. We should be gin rising things np so that when they come we will be ready for them. flobsoo, tbe bero of tbe Merrimac at Santiago, it a free eilver supporter this accounts for bia patriotaim, hie courage, and hie devotion to duty. lie accepted a kiss from the yonng woman in New York with the same undaunted conrags that aignalized bie work in Santiago baibor, and caused bim to featlessl? proclaim his devotion to free silver coin age. Ex. Regardless of the almost unanimous protest ot the people tbeie will be at many sppointmenta to clerkships at tbe coming special session of the legislature as ever or our figuree are wrong. Tbe members have to reward their friends aad thie is one war they can do it. It ia a rotten system, and tbe member from Linn coonty who favors it ahoold be given with all others a black mark aa long as a Klondike day in tbe summer. George Dewey's name beads tbe list aa rear admiral No. 1. This is not enough, he should be made a full admir al the same aa Farragut and Pnrter were, at the head ol the whole navy. He ie the man for the place. Ha knows what h is doing when he acta, a wonderful hole of tbe thirty-nine articles qobfication in these days of jumping in warn tn ha read t tha rlvrormin nnU I the darK. " J c j " aide the door- Many visitors in Europe consider it a 0ne of l&nz physicians of Ken- bigh honor to be invited to visit tbe tncky ia Dr. Wily, of Lexicon. He was Hookers' club at Brugjs. At tbe emoa- ent 10 Chickamaugua to inspect and re- ing contests of tbia organization a stated P0' nPn coodition ot Camp quantity of tobacco is given to each Thomas, and be telle the atory aa fol'ows member, and tbe one who takes tbe "rb volunteer hospital system is a most time in smoking his portion wins (disgrace to civilizitioa. I eay thev are tbe prize. When the pipe goes, oat tbe competitor is counted out, for no relight ing ia allowed. Tha present record for a quarter-ounce of tobacco ia ninety-one minute. A gtntlemap who died at Mods, France, left a legacy ot S3.0CO to five friends, the money to be spent on din ners served in different rertuarants, and at ea.h meal a certain dish to be eaten, and a certain wine, of which be was very fond, to be dronk. Furthermore, his memory was to be toasted at desert, the five companions were to dine in blacx clothes and gloves, and enter tbe room preceded by a flag and tbe musie of an accordion. The cough or puff, of a railway engine ie due to tbe abrupt emission of waste steam np tLe chimney. When msving alowly th cooghe can, of course, be heard following each distinctly, but wben speed is put on the puffs come out cue after another macb more rapidly, and wben eighteen cooyr a a second are produced they cannot be separately dis tinguiihed by the ear. A locomotive runbing at the rate of nearly eevetdy miles an hour gives out twenty puffs of aleam every second that is, ten for each of ita two cylinders, being murdered by tbe svsiem. I have seen fever patients with their dry trn gues sticking out of their mouths, witb flies swarming over their tacee. iraggote in their bed teres, with no medical at tentions witb no nurses, with no clean aneeta, with no water fit to drink, witb co milk, no etimulant eimply Uf t to die and then lie dead for hours along side the sick. Nicholas De Piarola. president of Peru who, it is said, is buying warships in order to make a demoneetration against the United Stales, is called "tbe Napol eon of South America. He ia known as a man of boundless ambition, his one de sire being to unify all the republics of South America nnder one central govern ment, wiib himself, at the head. In 1879 be became ditctatur, was swept out of power when Peru was defeated in tbe war witb Chili. Three years ago Pierola once more (truck for power and won. He organized an army in the moun tains, overthrowed the government and marched to the palace over the bodies of 1,200 slain men. The Klondike Nuicgtl, one i f the two papers published at Dawson, it bavin a hard time finding, rbeir euhtctibers, who pay $24 a year for tbe privilege of getting a semi-weekly edition. A paragraph in a recent issue explains the difficulty by saying tbat it it very hard o find some of the houses according to the addresses left at tbe office . Ajiomt these ment ioned were "the cabin with the screen door," ''the slab trnnte facing the river,'' "the cabin three doors south of where ail the dogs are.'' Seattle Post-Inteliitfen-cer. When tbe Dial oca at first declared tbe Philippine islands to be a white elephant on our hands it said the insurgents would alwaya De troublesome, and thie will undoubtedly prove true. Tbey are a ' ready worse than New lertey mof qui toes and w:ll continue to be. We will have our hands foil keepiog them in check il we secure tbein nnder our tresty with Spain. Most of tbe American peo ple seem to want them and the chances are tbat we will gettbem. Regardless of tbe United States, Spain bat lost tne islands, and even if we do not get tbem Spain can never bold them. Tbe insur gents hare already practically captured tbe entire Islands except around Manila andCavite. What are wetodoaoyway. From a Cavlte letter to Lis mother : The decks of our vessel were cleared on June 24 as there were many indica tions of a big storm. This however pasted us not fat away making a very rough sea. I must not fail to note here tbat we had a piece of ginger cake aa a side dish for supper on the evening ol the 24. Sunday following was epent very pleasantly in attending church services on the hurricane deck, and according to chaplin Gilbert's report 413 of tbe boys in tbe regiment are church niembrre, mnch needed. Fatigue uniforms ol brown duck were issued the following day and as the heat was becoming Intense, they were very welcome Indeed. At daylight on June 2S, land was bare ly visible to the south of us. and at 2 r m we were surprised by the appearance ol smoke ahead of us, and learned it was tbe Baltimore coming out to meet us We stopped long enough for ber to send officers to tbeCbarlslon, then continued onr journey and at 5pm passed the "heads" entering Ballington straits ah tne next day and night we were thrown around the ship by the notorious China Sea, it being so rough we could neither atand npor sit down. Dishes were broken, tbe floor was covered with water and many of the boye were dump ed out of their bunks duiiog the run, i We thought we were going through a terrible storm but tbe sailors said it was nothing but a "little blow," on lbs China Sea. At 4 p m on tbe following day June SO we paseed between the high mountain ous shore and a large high, rock stand ing some distance from the opposite main land, which forms the entrance to the pretty Manila harbor. A Uerman cruieer escorted ns from tbe email city just insids the entrance loCavite, where it saluted Dewey and then returned to its atation. Salute were exchanged by the Charleston and the fleet on meeticg. At last at about 5pm the Australia dropped anchor near i :'.-ship01ya pia, while the men of ooih were cheer ing heartily . An hour later w bad the pleasure of seeing Admiral Dewey as be came aboard onr ship. Tbe next day wa went ashore, which we bad no sooc- reached than we were awed almost awid by tha beauty and grandeur of tbia bit-1 toric place Old Cavke, the Spanish fort and arsenal. The bcildinga near the landing, (oatsiaj the wall) are com paratively new. They are very neat and pretty having flower gardens around them and running lountains near. But tbia beauty is surpassed by acenes inside tbe great gate. The crumbling o.d wall bnilt 4iti years ago almost Ulls os a history aa we look at it. Ibequaiot old witb their tile roots and shell windows too, faae nt back in memory down all tbe years tbe Span iards have control ied the ioor natives making them work or throwing them in to the long prison seen io tbe distance. Aa sooo aa arranged in our quarters we started out to pee ibis ancient borne of oppreseora and viait their many build ings. Almost at ever) step we found eomethhig new and among tbe first! things the result oi Deaey's victory. FroiP the old wall a grand view of the 1 bay may ba obtained and almost at one's leot tbe eleven masses ot I it-led iron steel platea and tbe hulks oi ships, all that remains of the once honorable and powerful Spanish fleet Thirteen steel bulks only a abort distance apart, nearly every one witb its bow towards shore. Monumenla tbat will tell of Spanish cowardice aa long aa tbey lie mere. Next we visited tbe dungeons and saw tbe stocks and otber implements of tor -ureth been in use for years. Only one otber ot the many places e visited can be mentioned here for wint of room, and that is the prison. As we stood in front ot tbe grated windows and looked at tbe shrunken facet of tbe poor prisoners aa tbey beg, sc. cs for bread I thought Oi' tbe words: "Whatsoever a men sowetb, tbat shall be also reap." For these poor dogt and tbe being once dressed so neatly and who guarded this prison only few months ago are tbe earn people. Then, proud Spanish guards; now, tbe prisoners of their for mer subject. And now io c!oiog may speak of tl eee subject the nati vt a of tha island. Tbey are small of statue, not very intelligent but rather indus trious, look something Itke a Jap, and alwaya seem jolly. Tbey are easily in fluenced and rai her timM. Both men and women dress terv peculiary; the women wear wooden shots, while the men go bare-footed. Three natives seem tc be very brave and determined fighters for they bava 6000 Spanish prisoners Tbey do roost of their fight ing witb knifes which tbey eay scares tha poor Dons to ceah. Thev are very friendly to ns and liae to be in company witb onr boys ever anxious to tell all tbey know and teach ns their language and in return learn ours. Wiil V. MtRBILL. How to make a little money go a long ways is a problem many would like to solve. Schillings Best man who was in the city tm.:ay gives a good receipt live cents m a letter to nitinuu. Governor Lord has returned from his Presidio trip and says tho country lie tweon Oregon and San Francisco looks very dry and desolate. The Governor 5b at the head of a great state us lush and lusty as any in the union. Sunday evening, at Astoria, Frank Jones kicked ope.i tbe nickel-ln-the-elct- machine at Eriekson'a saloon, taking therefrom ftl. He had been playing the machine and bavins lost some money in it took this method of healing it. He was arrested and bned. Wheat is C7 tents in San Francisco snd 60 cents in Portland. There is no earthly reason why wheat should not be the same in Portland as in San Francis co. Were it so the farmers ot tbe nottb- west would be netting 6 and 7 cents per bushel more for their product than now a matter ol vital importance. The Asto ria papers assert that it that city is made a common wheat point the price there will be tbe same as in San Francisco and that we can get our wheat lo Astoria as cheaply as to Portland, declaring that the extra cost is on account ol the great expense or moving vessels up and down the Uolunioia and Willamette to fort- land. Tbe Astorian says that it would ssve to the wheat raise) a of Oregon and Washington 12,000,000 a year. Tha statement challenges attention and ex cites great interest, as the farmers need this extra 7 centa for wheat. TELEGRAPHIC May heed TUeiu WAMiuvnrnw. Kent.. 13. TttilllCndoUS prtiimuro is still being brought to bear oo tho war department to have more troops mustered out of tho service. 1-uoriu thin direction, however, are of no avail. It ia announced today with nmchempiia sis that there will bo no more troupe i ti... aitiinlion does not 111 uoii-i uub. iiw f , . admit of any further reduction in tne army, and elTortB are being j" i , - those volunteers who are n-Uined in ttie service aa neurna possible on the l"S of tho regulars in the matter ol drill ami docipline. auiblllM- rener NkwHavkx. Conn., Sept. 1?.-T''et -..l.n.. .....nt on will meet ivpuuiiv.u Ptnw vvmi. I,...,, tit. tomorrow. Manv delegates are h ro to night and tho rival candidal V,. ernor have opened headquarters. J t i-. ono of the niOBt interesting of recent years, ciiiei iy ah,iltnt r, uetsm. 1110X1 H -J i,.rt..r aeeretary to i r i.i... M.u-i....... J..r the nomina tion for governor. This is tb time that Mr. Porter h& been a canui date for the place. Lat r iblrbawausa ClIUKAMAlOA NaTIOXAL PaMK, Ga., Sept. la. The volunteer army of Camp Thomas has been completely dissolved and scattered, tho laxt regiment, the niuin .ow jorlt leaving lor -New orlc tins afternoon. Before the Ninth left the park it marched to General ltreck inriuge s headquarters, headed bv the regimental band playing notional airs jiiugeuerai gave the hoys arousing aendoli, and announced that w ith their departure the Chickamauga army was I'ER'MS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month 3.00 per ad vance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single ronies 6c Wkkki.v, ll.'J6 tit advance; 1.50 at end of your; $ for second yer: 20t) for third and iirfceoilimr )enr. when not raid in advance. Cluha of fivi n - subscribe!! at fS.OO. loatiuusaj HOME AND AHf'OAI) Wheat 44 cents. See the new photos made by Tinkle. Horses fot sale. Call nt Straincy A Mitchell's. I-reali Kxl avilla Mineral water at ISurkharts & Lee. Hop picking in tho Steele yard w finished yenterday. 50 cents for a dozen Crtt-class photot. 1 gaiiery west oi J u. Heniemlter Tinkle, the photographer, oe at ins old stand tin Uct. n. NOTICE TO E3IDCE BUILDERS. The County Court ot Linn and Marloj counties, State of Oregon, will receive aesled bids. nlan. siwoi llcat ions and I strain diagrams, for the building of an rir.t.rm I. 1 . J . .-II .. ' . . 1.' . I t L v-vu ui !un uver uie iMjrui rorx oi Lite Kantiam River, at or near Mill City, Or. Saul bridge to le completed by Decern- oerisi, All tMa to be filed Willi tha county clerk of Lnn county, at his ollice in Albany on or before Thursday, nepieraoer 211111, IH'.JH, at tii IiotiroIZ o'clock p. in. ol said date. CksIi or cer- tilled check for 5 per cent of the amount bid to accompany each bid Said de posit to be f'jrfiien by the successful bidder should he fail to eiiro contract and give bond within two days as provided ny law. The conrlM especially request each bid der to submit a bid on plant;, speeiflca- tions and strain diagrams for a Howe Truss bridge, now on tile with the c:erkt of Linn and Marion counties The courts reserve the light to reject any or all bids. FnASK Cbabtkkb, Clerk of Linn County, Oregon. NEW APVKUT1SEMENTS Star Bakery Portland elcoiue : The daily paper is still trving to make ita readers be lieve that the real estate market is be coming active, but the daily record of real estate transfers doesn't substantiate the assertion. Real estate owners mav lie raising prices, in their minds, but they are not selling any to siieak of. Jefferson Review: A. 11. Hudiceon! met a farmer to whom he was not known, driving into Jefferson with a load of wheat and of course asked him where he was going to store it. 4,IIud elaon A Holt's. The people out niv way say Holt is a good man," replied the farmer. "Well, my friend," said A. li., "let me tell yon that Hudelaon is a mighty good man too, but, by grab, he lost a heap of money on potatoes!" dissolved. A riead Hid It Sr W kstmiximtek, B. C, Sept. 13. It is generally believed that Sunday's urc aa 01 incendiary origin. The ii nave arresieo jock Mieparu.a tartit er, who stated tiiat ha knew the fire would happen. Shepard is considered mentally uabalenced. He was in jail on a trivial offense, and when re- leasou swore to "do " the town. Canwa, Ialand of Crete, Sept. 13. Rear-Admiral Gerald Noel, commander of the British naval forces in Cretan wa ters, today issued an ultimatum to the Turkish military governor of Crete, de manding that within 43 hours he should deliner up tbe ringleaders of tho recent massacre, surrender the forts and ram- Get vour tihotos made now before the fall rush begins. See f inkle about it. For calcium carlxm go to the ollice of Oregon Gas Light Heating A Power Co. The Parker fountain takes the lead over all others, French the Jeweler ha them. Hop picklns in the Steele vard near ,1.:.. ' . . 1 . t 1 1 nt . I.... hub iriiv. una ueen iinumeu. 1 lie iiuaiuv of the hops was first Tho Roeeburg schools opened Mondav with Prof. Traver at the head ami 30J students in attendance. Daniel Magone, the Portland grave robber, has again been sentenced to the peuiteutiitry for two years. J. A. Paulael, aged 82 and Mirs Jones, aged of Glencoe, Wash., were recent ly married and are entitled to the ban ner. The chairs belonging to the opera house company can be boui.t for $1.50 a set of six, ona third of the cost price. Cull on J. Gradwohl. Three steamers will leave Pan Francis co for Yaquina on ipt. 17, IS and 2d Tbey are running in connection with the C fc F. railroad, carrying general lreght. Iielivery is made at the Wile jo steamer's wharf. Multnomah Lodge A. F. and A. M. No ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. S Tit A YE D. A light bay mare, 9 or 10 years of age, white slot in forehead, I white fore foot, roan snot on lack. rope halter. Strayed from Stellmaker P.ros. on Sundav. Ieave with them at their bam in tins city. Jvd .itzku. ATTENTION. ? A KM EES. If vou desire to hold your srrain for higher prifs do not corry your own risk but INSUKE your I IjKAI.n againnt ioesor damage by riur-. tor terms call on or write to H. F. MEUBILL, INSURANCE AGENT, Albany, Or. Ollice in ItEuocRAT Building. Corner IlroadAlHn and Ftret ?t CCKRAO MEYER FROPEIETCP- -Deale GOOD HOUSE AND 4 LOT3 FOB SALE, or rent 00 7tb street Alsnl A household furniture residence, lor sale. Applv at B. F. rtt-uxB. Canned I rulta. tilaasware. Dried Fruit a. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canoed Meat Quesenawtwa Vegetables Cigar., rtplcet. Tea EU jTOU SALE. Your choice of two good " milk cows. Inquire of A.W.Biack- burn, at Dawson a Drug Store. HANTED, v of pasture Pfe'tfTer, Albany. To rent 150 or 200 acres land. Address t. II. BIRDS AND FLOWERS.. Choice eineera and cnt flowers lor sale at ii.- residence ol Mrs. C. Blount, cor. 6tb and R It street. for sale. Apply at Seventh an 4 Washington streeia rUNO 1 N0R1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT toe undersigned, AdminUtrator of lb es tate of Deborah Ewing, decerned, will at . tbe hour cf 1 o'clock p. tn., of j Saturday, October 15th, IS98. ell at public aucticn to Ine big-beet bidder, tor cah, st the north door of Ibe Court House in Albany, Linn Couoty, Oregon.ihe following described rea property, viz: 'The north half of the njrtn-fat quarter ( 4 ) of t he om th- e-it i t nrr ( J4 ) ' Sec -Hon (HI I thirtv-one: in Tgwo-ijio e'eten. South Range ('i)tlji.e. West ot V, illuuetie Ueridan. containing twenty arr-s, more or less, in Lina County, Oregon, on a public road runiiioir alony the north :de if said , , vnv.u TO RENT. Hookina Bros place." j ;8V; .New Creaent Tandem which unc I. inu u-iiuK, ),,... rent, rncta 6rawuwc, and a oung orchard of ix cr srven acres ol teariOK fruit reea on the plw. snuil- -- . d . d w. ed about lour mie ol Aiiiany. ure- " iVii i,1 Annlv a .. ... u .i i .,.i i, , rrcic cr trade f'r a ladiea wheel. Apply of a'acrd.rcf tb Co.ii.iy Court of Lion j at L. Vierick's barber r-tKp made and ert-rid of erj1b;og mat U arpt w good variety tutdgrr eery store. Hi st pt'e paid tor ALL KINDS OF PKOMlP v-tt?f. WANTED. To work io theS I i ,,.nir.. No children- Call at tbe St. Charles hotel. 1 Julius 1 County. Oregon, made and er.Wd ot rec ord r(.t 10. I". rpt. 12, WJ. Tboms II . McGni-.B. Admieutraitviif the e.ta'e t-1 Dclrab E. E iefc, dewad. r"0: RENT. Furr.Ube-1 cr farnUlredl: rv.n!raS location, eti'jmre ai Dcmocsut Gradwohl -:- Dealer in - Hardware, CTockery, Olasa- Zt ar. Groceries and a.l oods :2S kept i country stores. 12 5 1 1 of Oregon City was lifty years old on! CITA1I0H ly celebrated. This ia the oldest lodge ! fs intt CorNrr CocaT of Trim State t v west of the Missouri river. j js. roa Li5 C'otsiv Among Uie candidate fvr chief clerk i . . ... .... - HONG WAII TONG CO.. f00" : near Lvon rtreeU Atbanv. Sebs Chi- rims HIllMSf I inw Knur, miiinc . , tea nit oil. 35 masaacre. surrender tlie loru and ram- cf the seiiato at the coming expansive . 1 i"f m r parts defending the town, and disarm j gion of the legislature are W E YaU-s J0'! de.4J. OS KEXr. Be iice nWV - Ibe tiiu&mltnan troxs. Tke Ualwe Ikrimi. Poktlasu. 5fe.. Sent. 12. The state , election todav resulted in the success of iltie lull repuoiican ticket, as loilows: iioveruor, l.lee:iyn roer,,of Itoul ton; representative, first d.itrict, TB Reel. ol Portland ; second district, Nel son Dingley. of Leantum; third district. Edwin C Burleigh, ofAuguota; fourth district. Chaa. A Routetle, of Bangor. The democrats with an aparent de sire to make a iwlter showing tuan in 14 or put some vim into the cam- hit'tt was svii in Seattle P. I.: According to John F. Miller, ex-prosecuting attorney of King county, who returned from Dawson on the Topeka yesterday, French Hill is bv far tne richest spot in the Klondike, and finds of gold are being made there sur passing anything heretofore discovered. He Bava he &a a hathlnl.fiil rf n ...t . on the hill, and tbat one man workimr i P'11. ru" Sumiay took out 200 pounds of nugjjeu. ner'y every to n. Frencli .hill is a bluff: bak of Eldorado Tt, rrr.r. I. I. creek, oitO feet above tbe water level. 1 . lxiJitx, ept. is. the iaiiy t. hroni cle ttays this morning tiiat it has learned of Conall.b and S L Moorhead of Junc tion. There wiil be others. Notwithstanding the foret there have been as many tires in mountains a nsual. Around Ni v.ra, princtialiy in Marion Tounty, live bn.igts nave already been burned, f... other i.ronert deirovL i t. . - - -A tmcollar suit has been b-un in circuit curt, that of Johu rumervi agt. Andrew Condra. It is for $ : r ft (Ml on Mr. S. Breenerorat ih rtor of Juiisrt Gradwohl. 1 j I bo .lat J. !;&. rranu Jui.n, n- taiu Johcs. the childr-oof Mrtfaa Utle. r. . ir.,r, raa-e-i dad. the children of Miry JUdif.rd.1 COLICITOES WANTED. LAD.Es ae .t. ..l ! ... fr roar enmntete fets ... . . . . j iA t..i. ifilmlutaa. KaCA tee cnlluiea or Kicoara joans, uraeae-j. s ti jovrnoc " , t f iw and all othtm kntwa and uudoo mUrest ! set bss lour books graded for iiule ..l,...,!!-, :-in: 5 ta rowa ODtolk. tacb D-ioa cnarsninr, l! THE NAME OF THE cTaTE i!viivu, i . , ; ,,, lm iiioeirauon. lie toap;er id to Cci.y Crort of the Mate f . Vnthtn like tbem. iJtiana ot uregoo. tor-neKuasy or umn. ai ui hartrst for efe The I court room ibr)-?'. at A'toy. in sai l Vreiebt Baker City Epigram : While the bus iness men of Jordan Valley were attend ing a funeral one day hut week, the bus iness bouses being all cUed .some one en entered the saloon of C. C. Foster and tapped the till to the amount of 223. P. 11. Kagche was sunecU"d aa the culprit, ami was taken out bv seven masked men and searched. Nothing being found on his person, he was strung up to a tree and left dangling for a few minutes that a military expedition, including ! olhcers and noncommissioned otficers, tailed from Pauliaic, France, last Fri day, with r view to reinforcing the French expedition in Central Afrio. un der Major Matchand The departure of j use expedition ts tuevei to conitrm tbe report o! the arrival of Major Marvhaod at Fanhoda, on the White Nile, above Khartoum. ioteret I rota 1HT3 al 12 iwr cent defendant has Deen nt of the state g-jod mauv vears until recently hence it j tr, lS&. at 1') ec'tk su it.e f. renoocof ia not out'of" the sutute ol lim'italion. tbat day, thn and there to bo cov. if An .n.rhm.nL ... T-rr.t. nn ! any xiM.wtiy mo ori'i (4 tht ooart faoa d i the share of Charles Beach in Ibe estate i iaae direction ike s.ti of ste fol owing of his late mother. The creditor who ! dcn'jd real pferty belongs to siJ brings suit is Mubbard ctryaot of A 5- . ejte, towtt: . baoT. acd his claim date baca to atxm ! iesrioom at a paint 41.10 emumKirf the time wben Charles Beach left this aed 7i linis N to of tb Satbet c..rn-r vicinitv unceremoniooslv several years tt the dcoion atd claim of ;. Clic n tt-.m l.nt d.ldnr im IUI. al IVjl. ' and ll. .NUSOIIOO 0 . ISIZ tJ C.a.m fix, IUinois. Corvaliis Timrs - i..;.i..i..i r.Mi.iim r rices irom -rjr r . , A . iwL. ui-h mrernowtee IO iAJ. 1 IXUICUI.UU. Fcor months ergetie woraers paid. Bi(rat a - f ' T T I rommietioos. OUtnt wim aampiew w four books free, beod twelve z cem stamps for paring part of the pote a'.ce. D'op ail tratb and clear 3CX a our exclave Jovenil. THE WTIONAL BOOK. CONCERN, : JUVENILE I'EPT, CHICAGO. WILL SELL GOODS 2f FOR CASH As Low as Anybody. prv!a e and ejfc: taken in a-aciiaoge Ust s.oooa iiuiuiMuuiiuuiu mim OaKvtite. lr. visit J. t . hmith, ot Athena, m rith bis parents lat Thurlay. ittttrn ine-TBIMT PflllDlklt V;. and ile. .Nauaoiioo a. tJ c;a.m ; yrfH IjU- ftflJ I Onli I Um nil o. in iowocip it. s-Ltmu ci r.mfgK , 4 Wet cf tie H iiSsruet Mfiitus, Ore ! tPa, and mnsiog tLec-e Nrb "Si cVaree. ' (js. I North 5" and 30 minute 9.? j ' , , ade a!,,,. tKeca. Kortn El dr end lo Cocpjfte set of map atd ?ts minute l!at 25 chiir : tis -rcr- vv r: S3 6.1 : Albany Oreoa f!ioi of Oregon tJuiidic. Oo!y set of Absiraet of line County. I A r ilirat iMatllon lMI.A, S?pL i MU in,.. l-lt ,..n n.tnm.t i Cb SI BS tO lis rnfr of tb tJin CtStllfrf ; , . . . . . I.:al:i.!4 riees; il-t cr ! iti-i .ay irvmaisii io ner u-r . -oug-; , o,,,,,,. GOOD INSURANCE OB NONE. If yon f t nothinc for roar money ret '"Btlirf," tot it too sst "Malls teaica'' have your proper it icstired bv the Wad , ins; agent of Albany, in companies tbat have b-t-n in boine8a for ytars.and tbat have mooey to bark their bHgtooe You cannot get a rood article of anv kind for noUiice, and when yoa want is snrance get Iaunuice" and not "Re lief." M.SEXOF.RS. -Insoraace, Hay, Grain and Woo! SOP AKO f RUIT fROWEES Ull N3KCE It Is a mattsr of importance to Albany people generally that tbe prospect for a large attendance at the college tbe com ing year Is good. It will probably be tbe largest in its history. A fine class of young men have becomn interested in tbe college and its work, young men car ing for solid education, obtained ic a healthy atmosphere witb excellent moral influences. The young man needs an education today that will make bim a good citizen ae well as a good business man. Ttie school of today ahould not ba a politician maker, but a maker of cultured men with a capacity for com mercial and professional bnsiness. This ispndoubtediy an aim of Albany college, aod it is the highest aim a college can bav. Young men and ladies coming here will be wall and carefully taken care of. Spaio is going tight ahead f mobilize her armv of 100,003 men. And uncle bam la seudiOK home bis army in big daily invoices. We are not easily scared, and besides we have taken the Spanish measure. Basket Dinner. The Republican vote In Vermont on Tuesday was tbe smallest in thirty years. It was about 12,000 smaller than Gov. Woodbury's vote in I894 rod 20,000 smaller than tbe vote lor Mr. McKinley audforGos Grout In 1898, The Democrats although tbey reaffirm ed the Chicago platform, polled netrlr 1 State Missionary Parker and Pastor C C Sperry will both be with the Oak Creek Baptist church, on Sept. 25th. I 1 Ml I . . . ro. i-araer win preacn at 11 a. ni.. children's meeting at 2 o'clock, hold 1 after which he will preach again. Col lections taaen ior missions in our own state. Every body come. Bring vour dinner and stay through all the services. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using Oe W itt s Hazel Halve, it beats promptly aud cures eczemi and all skin diseases. It given immeJia'e relief. At J. A. Cummings. Music Miss Miiarea Burmeiter .wu voies more man tuer did in 1890, teacher of piano or organ. System the wLen the Democratic vote reached its Mason touch and technique. Residence low viwr mark. The Woild, j Vilth street, opposite U P cbuicb. From tbe World. On Wednesday Mr. McKinley visited his hometown. There Mr.McKinley bad reasons to ex pect a triumphant welcome. lie had always received it when be returned as Governor and as President And now ba was coming witb t'ie added preetige of having been at tbe bead of the nation in a war in which onr arms had been crowned witn the most splen lid si ccess. Tbe World's special correspondent sent with Mr. McKinley on his tour gives this account of the reception : Ia tbe crowd of two hondrrd of his own townsmen who were at the Valley road station wben be arrived in his spec ial car from Cleveland there was not a ingle cheer nor a demonttiatioa of any kind whatever. ' Only a thin row of people lioed the scorched streets, and they were seeming too nrar exhausted to make any demon tratlon. We bave had several unpopular Pre- idsnts, beginning at Adamc and incltid ing Mr. McKinley's predecessor. But never before was a President tt.nn receiv ed by bia fellow-toausme.i. t . : . tn t. a i i ur;3V :rom a visit 10 lier sisier in ioag--, ... j give him time to reflect where he had , jw-- r, lie',n.;a..n. th situation las coontv. Waahsnirton. I NVth f th. c bei,ai: tbi place tho money. When be was taken !:.:: 1 ti,i...,i.n ,.: . , , , e ..... -v. . ..';.... ... I. ...;-. down his memorv still failt. him. He S ..:" . , . : ' 1 ' ?"an-' '-fey, rtaei mrougu w.a .r . ,m mnMTeA to iatnn yoor Hop wa. pulled up d with the same result, i ZXTA 1, I t LX k oa a to ..JoT'f ZZ'7JZ I KAn. and iueootea. your Fruit Dryer Siain Will ! Wfce rpr m ws yam: w tJG. b IU ltog 00 OhpOJia and Uieir conteois as io Kie yve..; im consider until next dav. The next ti.i : . , t .. . . ! . ,...r. ? ,.nwniMl br mv asencv. which day he was given a chance but eU.l pro- , ltanet eurreadered. and the is- ! ' TLt .,; . . J ' ! Mark H a Hrtz and 3 0 a re. h.ret- ; have a cotnbiued of over Twenty- letainK uia innocence, ne was arres;e-i t :... i . ; ...v... ... ,, - ... ... - .. ... ... ; i .1 . million ao!iars. - pouct Manda and r-it. i lurni. taai rnoay. rr wen: a.,, m:r-- ,a,..A -,... , ot these ccmpaniee t aa aw arrioz pears aa-t were oi uy Kiari,,.:,.,, t, .-a i and in case oi torn i- I 1 - 1 1 " ... 1 - ,1 . I .. a i ! w - -rf - - - - it- t- i a ' j iarJ aeit that Ocrmanr declaring bis mnocence of any wrong do- j y h j 115: J-.1f"l- 'l11. " l 10 ltf (retain the remainder of ih he was arrested : and sent to Vale to await the action of i the grand jury. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars lie ward for a.iv case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CliENEY & Co.. IW., and Rev. Mr. Weber had len washed Toledo, O. j aaliore. The pa9engers of Uie Jerwie We, the undersigned. ba-e knoah F. wer known as the Columbia Explora J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and U- Uoa Company, Eighthen wens lot, lieve him perfectly honorable in all lmi-! The Carwlae Lat ucn wwukuuui. ana uiiaui.uiiT ai'.v i io carry out any obligation made tv surgents, except Usktrea Vm Srwr4 eTTijt. Rent. 12 E It Wi!iar I drrini. and let its remark right here "If alio arrived hre todav from Su Mich-jaU drers wotili employ two or more la- i aels. Alaxka, brinsa continuation of the 1 dirt the driers wu!d 1 cleaner and a' previous'.v puWiiithl report of tbe lot nicer place to vi;U" The drier is doing , of the steamer Jessie at the mouth of C'! word and w hen the wind is trvrg ; the Kuskowim river in Julv. with 1 I enough they eru ploy a wind miil to ait ! livrt. The bolses of Captain Mtsrphv ! them which ts a grand improvement, j it tr enirw nicw gruueuica j urj our t w hole crop ot prunes. jcrvs !ing t'vs H o G -9. I j Hirta, Ja lg o! Uj Ccaatt Coart of tJs u of Oreg-an, j (LS.) for the cjoaty of Liaa witb In S4? of said CiMirt ifFxs-1. j this 6-h diy of Sptsa?jr. A V., in either aa gold. a receive your wiihoct deUv ' For applications, writ to or call oa ! C U. CCRKBAJtT, Alnasy. Or. A Fine stock of Attest : Although many ot our sportsmen are : bu-v they fin 1 lime to go aad gi-t a fewj birds each dav an i thev remember u? oc- j cai.onailv. is Fa.txi-tco, Sept. 12. The Call t v t- tv v.n. r.t i Fun CstBre. C'eri, Hy F. M. Beif;eu. Dfva'jf. ADMiSlSLU T03'S HQT,3. eaai w vwiiaatHrH iiisaiv f V , . . . i ' - " ' t . .. , - . - . -... theirfirm ' . ieenre--,u j0jin mounted the bead ol si UilUt. I llBiir-Ui i.t..s mil """" aa 3 ...... 1 . . .a a a I . it a , I. . i t. . i . . . . West & Tacax. Wholesale DrorauFt - , , China rooster on a stick and piared tl in the uodrr,jvod b ln taiy fp,-v.mti ToIedoO. ' i Caroune group of island, which this t;ie lieUi near th-fruit drier. The next , bv tbe County 1 turt sf tie !', ,f O.--, Walding. Kixsix & Mabvin Whole-! 8 T contemplated seinrg, had war ,Ar Mr. IK E. Junkin and hia son tilen " pm fee Laa Conaty. a.!mie"ra?r: ci the i 1. i-.j T..t.l it wiui .-iin proiongfM. are ur luia iinie-r4Ine aior. In a lutcK aceompanied bv U-itate ot t. iaretw MCiton. dt-j-.l. Alt Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-1 ly, acting directly upon the blood and J mucous stinace of the system. Price j I.JC. per DOtlle. Wl'-l by ail J TUl-k-lMS. i ,lar , .,r.n ,!..r,nir.-lif !,.... l Ilisjiano-Amer.can protocol. ! ' Ik. r.t I . n . , . .... Ill ll.C II.WIO V I.IC U ...VB. M ik;i, Sept. 12 The senate at Testimonials free. Hall's family Pills ate U-sU the btotbero Tickets Strict Iv business French 'be jeweler. Crescent Uicycl, Hopkins brotbern, agenln. BextaBicyUe for ti.e moi,ey . Will tc S:ark. jewe'ers. Cresrent bicycles at Hopkins for only (20, (30, (36 and SoO. C B Winn, cit7 ticket agent. wt an points in tne east. Be ure and see tbe snti rut tinware at Hopkin Bio, win ls, lifetime. When yoa want a choice atatk, a nice roast or meat of any kind. -ail on Henry jroJers. He keers tbe best Dis- H. E. sndO. K B-xrs oCres and residence iu poi-l office buiidinir. Special attention given to diseases of women. Tke beat meats of all kind and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed M Company's market, just djwn Second street. Good weight and prompt attend tion. Pride of Albany Soap, weighs 20 ounces, and is high grade, for sale by C. E. Brow.n-ci.l. No More round shoulders. Wear th improved Knickerbocker shoulder brace aod walk upright in lite. e have a complete stock for tbe vo-jn bovs and irirls, men ana women, 11.00. $1.25 and ft 50. The btst brace on eartb. BCUKIIAIIT & Lkb. GOOD EVENING. THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Everybody Goods K..0WB (sat Part-ei Bros where their place ia. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked gooda.ofall kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all adke. You may regret some steps you take lo life but none taken into tbe store rf Parker Bros. It is a iire.t thine to be well fed. Par ker Broe keep good groceries. A loal ol bread is not much hut yon want it wen made. Try raraer Bros. If you want is goo.i and clem uoke buy cigar made hy our Al bany cigar lactorv. Mrs. Ashby is making a pecialty of Hair switches, all price. Side combs, Belts, Military Hst Pins, Military Caps, Handkerchiefs, Chatalains, Hibhons and Baby bonnets Her stock of notions is more complete than ever. l.etcir l.tst. Following in tbe lixt of letters leimttuing in tbe Postolfice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 13, 1898. Persons calling for these letters in uh( give (he date on which hey were advertised. Brents, Godfrey Smith. Miss I'hvla Carpenter, Mr Percy Smith, Ming Ada bkelley, Mrs Jmmiila l-attron, air C Hal ley, Mis E James. Mr J P Kennedy, Mrs C Kern, J Toner, W M-2 Webster, T K Turner, W H Mackey, Mr Mike T. J. Stitss P. M MARRIED. When You Are Out of sorts, fe nred, languid and dull jou need Hood' Sarsaparilla. It will bracq you up and giveou strength and energj, vigor and vitality. Hood's Pills are the best family cath artic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. 8HIRLEY COOPER. Al the Court House in Albany, on Sept. 12, Judye Barton officiating, Mr. J. M. Shirley and Myrtle Cooper, both of Harris-bur. BORN. McCLUNG. On Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mrs, Frank McClung a boy. TXallr rlrajnt Vam-ocveb, 1$ C. Sept. 11. The busi ness portion of New Westminister was totally destroyed by fire this morning. It is impossible lo estimate the property loss at ttiis writing, but it will exceed 2.000.000. Despair and, suffering arc the lot of hundreds ol homeless people. Food, clothing and aid of all kinds is being hurriedls dispatched from Vancouver to the iil-fated '"Hoyal" city. It is not known how ninny people lost their lives, but it is feared sct-eral have been burned todetth. aniral f trtarlr Ixjsnos, Spt. 12. The Manila corre spondent of the Tiroes, telegraphing &'itember , says: Tlie insurgent conucet of the idand of Luion is rapidly approaching comple tion. Ueccnlauthenic reports announce the capture of successive Spanish posi tions, and at present tho rebels control every foot of the island except Manila, Cavite and a small portion of the pro vince of Albaia. Tiiey hold over tMW Spanish prisoners, and have rex-cntly captured several thousand rifles, some cannon, and a large quantty of ammuni tion, and several armed stands. Stra BlaST VUlled Ked Bi.rrr, Cal., Sept. 11. Fire broke out early this iiorning on Main street, and before it was extinguished, destroy ed an entire block of tbe finest buildings in the town. Tha loss to proiierty-own-ers will be more than 1 100,000, on which the insurance is probably half that sum. The origin of the lire is unknown. The principal sufferers from the conflagra tion are Dnrrough & Fickert, Bank ol Tehama, A L Hoffman, P B Kestner, and 1) S Prince. Pkkkcott, Ariz., Sept. 11. The town of Jerome, near here, was combletely wiped out this iiiorninir by tire, entailing aloes of over $1,000,000 in property. JMeven bodies have so far be-n recover ed, while a score or more are eaid to be in the ruins or mifsing. The lire originated from a gasoline stove in a cabin. Over liO residences, averaging in value. $2000, '2" general merchandise and oilier stores, saloon-?, etc., of all kinds were wiped out ; in short not a single business hotie remains. The only building to escapo being the Methodist church. Tho number of ponplo thut are home less u' placed at loUO. DlnaMeroua l-ltwU Yokohama, Sept. 11. The central pro vinces of Japan have been swept by a terribiu typhoon, which has caused heavy floods, doing much duma.'u and destroying 500 lives. Mr. Ed Iavis, and aionr with them, but - pr.itn bating daitcs aiiitM raid t4"e ; S running on the ground, was Mr. Junkins s are hereby rpuirl t-i preot tiw -aai t , . (faithful binUbg "titmr." The men me. prwrj vT&.it . t U r-qairvd. .(IC V . . ,C IW.UU, . ITIIM, MUM. Tm HI m. : .'' " IT V. . - saw the head, tilen drew a bead on that .. tbeoSoe !! H..i . ' K ia ; head and Mr. Junkin sent "Game" to Albany, Ore i l.-a 'i ! i-'rvnt. -t" it but "Game" wasn't taught Ui tbe date hereof, "set" dead head, but the two g-ntle-j Dated Aogutt iJ:h, I men deci.led to scare Uie bird op so that i Asisb. Sro ins, j Glen could se! it'a body before he shot. Adcjioittratrx cf toe tau pf CUtcce ; however, afterf.hrowing a few clubs they Stockton. oosseJ. drove on. l'oys. yoo can fool f!KvrrrC. E Sox. j hunters, but "Old Game' is not lha't Attornejs for Aumitif-lratrix. j kind of pup. ! " Mr. Jai:ies Pugh met wish a serious! t ,.ftT,r i mishap last week as he was ascending iXtCuTlR S KQTKE the bill from the ferry nt CVrvallia. lie! vortcv u iirsrrv ru-v .lT: was half wav up wlt-u his doable tre f nCt HEREBY .i :.N iff AT , I.Kd;. n.i Uil mm.m, l.. I-1 it) wht ' vxe uadertiffoe! has bMHK apj;-4titc4 tx Shelf Hardware at QE0. E. Fish's, Oliver PIowshst Prica HGPK1XS EK03-. Ae.U. Albaay. Oiroc. Oliver gave tie wo"d tie ckilUd plvw Acd It ea save wore a-oav? Vtbe farmer of America than any other i.-r,;!eaienl ever prodscew Genuine O irr cbil'ied are tne best oa earth. The Oti-rer is a prontoter of fcappt nea oa the farm, aad tbe dealer who set Is it knows ke ia baodiicg tbe best. Look oat f x immltaticw and touch ontbieir bat tbe genuine gocdV. made culy by Olive Chilled flow work. Scolb Bexd, Icd tj & A. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motor on tbe Albany Street Railway will coBcect prvmpty with all trains to and from tfc depot, day and ticbt . Special trips will be made at sped rte. I. F. Coys. Crndactor. t the lowest l,or. Will tlock oi Uie oest goods. V"o a ft Fruits, weal tuack into the water.; However, the water was not deep and the waenn and grain wero saved with but very little loss. John DeBruvn, of Detrnit, Michigan, called on Mr. Smith last week, lie mkes an annual visit. Miss Colby will commence teaching the full term of school today. We don't expect that she w ill have a' large school on account of so many of the small child ren being engaged in picking prunes. Mr. Nathan Needham made a hurried visit to Portland last week. We learned that ho went to make arrangement for selling his prune cMp, but didn't learn the result. Mr. Holstein has the contract for building a large dwelling house for Mr. James McConncIl of Shedd'a. Litti.i Rose Ern. "Mr Sw-etheert Went lown With the Maine,'' in tne name of a new an.' popu'ar pi" -A tiiiidic'.t'-i' for a conv a' K. L. rt'ih s Albany Market. Gillctl's Pepper box Bluing at C. E. lSltOWNKLL'tl Excellent Graham Wafers at C. K. Bkow.n six's. bob Moore, of LaFayetto, Ind., says that (or constipation be has found De Witt's Little Karly ltners to be perfect. They never grue. Try them for stomach and livor troubles. At J. A. Curamiuirs. Whe.iH8 ents. OKI 2S Eiivs 10 cents. Butter 13 to 22 cenh.. Potato 25 cents. II inn II to 13 cents. Hid. Id to 1 cents. Suoulib rsfi u. 7 NOTICE. Wneres. my wife. May Hammer, bavin left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, notice is hereby given to all perse ns not to trust heron mv account as I will not oav any debts of her contracting after this dste. J. J. Hammer. Lebanon, Sept. 10, 1803. Yard Littler, Assistant J. C LITTLER'S Ground Floor Dental Office Rroadn'bin, St. Albany, Or. Dr. Price's Cream Baklnj? Powder WtrU'i Fal' HMihest Medal aad Diploma COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fel.ow's Temple, Albany, Or. All work carefully dene under latest methods. If you have n badly de cayed tooth remember tt new crown can bo inserted by Dr. Adams as Illustrated. eutrtx of ir fat wi:( aod t.'kuir-nt of ! Ktuttxdn It Jiui'liiih. de-e-M"-!. and !! pernons bsi-inu cl lias mr-in-? I e-'le ff ; Slid dec ill pn-ent lbJme prrp- ' erlr ver.fisd. ti me, cr L It . Si. n'nn. . at bi cfiix tn Albanv itivo, wimin six j rninth. from tb iVe Ijeivtf. Argist 26. j I-. H. L. 5J. M.1STNTK, KteCBtr-.X I Aitj. for Executrix. A. O. Beams Prof. A. STARK Of W it! AStju-S. Optical Specialist I Graduate ...I College. of the Chkago Cpthain TREASURER'S KOI ICE K0 2 ' rtl ir ic hirrtv tr vn that fnn.ln on handle nav cixt warrants Nos -CGI i Is oierared to ex.-Biice scieiitiSca!! to 473 inclusive of the issme of 1897. in- and accurately. ty tne latest ana imprnm teres t oa a.d warrants will cease with the ! memoes or moaera science, any wnn 041 date of this notice i Sir? to nave uieir eyes teoteM. Atbanv Or. Sep' 2. 1S9S. E. A. Parkkr. Treasurer. V 3 6 7 8 9 iO 2 73 i iS 16 i7 ia W 20 2 22 23 24 23 26 2T 23 2930 TO SHAKE WTO YOUR SH3E3 Alli-n's Foot Ease, a powder for tbe feet. It cures painful, swo:en. smnrlinfc, rer vou feet and instantly takes the stintt out of corns and bunions. It's the tcrmitest comfort discovery ol theatre. Allen's Foot Kse makei tight or new sl'oes feel easy It is a certain cure for sweatinit.callous and hot, tired, acbimc feet, lry it toJa. Sold by a I ilrucifisU and shoe stores. Itv mml for 2MJ iu stamps. Trial puckace FKEK. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy. Ji. Y L owt SALE. Tbe handsome mare owned by E U Will, will work anv where, slniile or double, weight 12001b , will be sold very reasonable, lnquiie at Will's Music rHo'e. Cuiick Block A lb an v. Oregon . The Magnolia c siKPson 5 son. SUndarl Prises. oil larrBEel LADIES. Key al Tea cleais the com pleura . it acta en the b ord, stomach. iierand kidoey and iu a strenett in tooic fw the b"l wnxm Mjjrwha Blossoms cares all kinds of 0 if e vs pecsf tr to womaa. E HrnckA.aa. Gtneral aps-w "WKMSTRITSIX NuT.'CL NOTICE IS HEREBY GITEK TEAT tke OBdersisaed ha bea doly pnoit ed by tke Honorable C nntr Ccrt of Lira County. Oregon, as tbe admiatstratr ix oi tbeetite of Andrew Kaitco. deieaifd. and sb- ba duly qualified a sack. All rersco bavioj claims airsins the estate cf said deceased are ketvby sotiSed and te quired to present tbe same dolv veriSed a by law required, to the unJenugixsl at ber" residence near Sweet Hoce. in Lina Coon- a .OrroB, within six mcntbs from the Js'e of tats net ice. Dated this 29th day of Auirest, 1S9S. M aroaret J . BaifTox. Administratrix. W a its e v A N EWTORT, Ally's for t laintiff. Scenic in World SDENVERan er. jsft?. r - -?fctv si s- 'Xtnl THE POPULAR THROUGH -i CAR LINE FROM THE w RIO GRANDE: RAILROAD. i- i.W'. .W 1 wv a a vv aJ a it RCNtCHOUGmd Aca S.K.XOOPER.G. P. T. A Jil Wu.t., rORTlA.NO. OM. Efc.WER.OXa HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnituie store Lately. Us has one of the finest stocks of Furni ture in the valley. Ho has added HaW Baggies to h s stock. Just call 5u and yau will find that his prices are the LOWEST ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. 1 1.