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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1898)
r ' ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 16.1898 NO 7 VOL XXXIV Bal.res aC tfce Foot Ukr- Mall Mallei i r r Ktrrise rasus rr.rl Farmers We are now prepared to furnish grain bags for the crop in numbers to suit your requirements. Grain stored at usual rates. For further information apply at the mill. TBE rOiTLAND Bed Preparing For the Battle of Life here shall it be wont? Cerainly where the bet preparation can bs had. A nan; College, has cUiws in tbia i'rectioo that .call for closer investigation. A Full College Training of course the best tbiojr. dot Albany also cffers a superior Normal Course, and a sinews College Coarse that is inferior to nous in the stale. , Correspondence invited. Jl term open. Sept 20, 1893. ' Wallace Howe Lee, A, M., President Seventh Annual Session. STATE NORMAL SGHUQL HONMODTH OR. EGoins MAGNOLIA HILLS. C CHop Manufactures Magnolia Flour. Refitting Roller Process, New Machinery. Storage Capacity for 150,000 BusMs of ' Graia- Exchange Flour and Feed for Grain Buy and Sell Grain. New and Old Sack3 for Sale and to Loan. lyem 0 diacbarve, BEFORE M AfTtn fctdtwya and thm nrioary onrana of mil impniiUsm "MD"?.7 TSWtT Tr rent arwtrr.ed wKh L,-. ,7.7 c U P I D E .V E ti ie only known remedy to care vtihoot wi operation. IfO teaitmaai lii -Jeo ror .ee !" and money retained If six bnxe. does m eOec permanent car. SUO iaS-iorfiiO.bTmmil. BendlorFBxacircnUraiHlteailinonlala, airi. ,VOJL HEDIC1SK CO., P. O. Box JOTS, 8ao Fruca,CI. JbedbUt i'oshay & Mason, Albany. Oregon Gas Light Heating and Power Company. Cheap Light for Cheap Heat for Slieap Powe for Correspondence Solicited. DR. 1 I. AD IMS, Pres. A. H. FR8EUKSE5, SSC. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor, 71KMT MATIOJAt. DAWK, i'F Aiaa Y , OBMOOK Praeidant . Via President . 0 tiller - . LFLINH i.AVTOUHO . W. bAHQDOM TRANSACTS A OKNttttALhMlnoetesS ACCOUNTS g BPT ab)ect to ebeck . lOHT BXOtfANOC ena te'egrephio tranent, sola New York Sea rrtadeoo, Chicago tad P x tlaa Ob'4.1T10l SAD""" nrble teres siaamrai g E Toose leaatoa P A OooDWtw, I. Fu1 C. 8. Puaa. ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL SIZES Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. Attention ! FLOTOIM MILL CD'S. Crown Ml. (hp. Strong Academic and Professions) coursea. Aell equipped Training de partment of nine grade, with 230 child rea. Regular Normal roorse of three year, Kentor year who Iv professional. Graduate, ol A credited High Sk boots and Colleges adoiltted directly to professional work. The Dipl mil of the school is rec ognised by Uw as a life certificate tc teach. Light expenses The year for from ,130.00 to $160 00. Beautiful and heath ful location. No .loons. The first term will open Taesdsy, Sep tember 20th. Catalogues, giving fall derails of work, cheerfully sent on application. Addre, P. L. Campbell, President, or ,W. A. Warm. Secretary of Faculty UAHHOOD RESTORED?- ttooof immcnm French pby-ticfaui, will quickly car 70a of all r tom or tlMAMs of U10 leoeruiT orpaoa, much m Varni Manhood Insomnia, Fun tbe fifkCat.beminAi mMBkos, Ktrmoi Debility. Jniii)n. rufiliii to Marri EzbusUoc Irmirtsa, Vartcorr mvA which If ikotcborlr) levte to SpermMXarrhtB and Church Hou89 and Eotel Church. House anl Hotel Anything and Everything T'FTIU HEW WL WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week . . . . . 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar rbllkedTerjf AllerapayexreptSad, The Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tub ww Iobk Wokld is first among all "weekly papers in size, frequency of publication and tbe fresbxsts, accuracy and variety ol its coi tents. It has all tbe merits ot a great $6 daily at the price ot h uouai weeklv. Us political news is prona, com plete, accurate and impartial as ail its read ers will testily, it is Hgamei me uiunvyv lies and tor the people It prints tbe news ot all the woriu. nav in? srjecial correspondence from all iin nortant news poinu on me Kioue. nrilliant illustrations, stories by great authors,-a capital Dumor page, complete markets, departments for the household and women's work and other special de partments. We offer this unequaled newspaper and tbe Democrat togetberone vear for t" uO THTJBSDAT" COUNTY COURT. (Geo. I. Barton j nil go, D. L. Curl and D. C. Swann commissioners.) In matter of petition of O A Smith to redeem land sold for taxes certi6cate or dered assigned on payment of 6.3o. In the matter of the Mill Citv bridge, action was taken accordion to notice els where Bibs allowed: MISCELLAKkOGS. Salaries of county officer S15 00 John Usher, janitor 10 10 T L Dugger. acct '.;riff 6 00 A 8 McDonald, teachers ex 9 00 H Tyree, " 00 1 Torbet. " 8 25 Glass & Prudhomme. books 15 00 Alexander & Kirtpatrick, print 16 50 Tran & Whitney, printing 2 50 Geo Stites, elections 2 00 Elec. Light Co 20 00 Inquest Geo Butler 22 00 Or. Tel Co....... 7 05 Masonic Buldg Assn, rebate tax 2tS 0w Wm K ratter, sheriff Multooniath Co 1 00 KM Jack 1 60 Foshay & Mason. sUtiouarr 8 60 B A Stafford, assessment 199 00 T J Slites, sutionary 108 5n Dr Trimble, acct insane )0 00 Or. agt Wilson, pro ex 36 25 Smile? 14 75 FM Red field, acct aseeaameni. 3 00 Georgia Montague, " . 35 00 E C Healer, acclsheriff 6 00 I A M tinkers, board prisoners.... 56 AO G W Morrow, acct sheriff 8 00 Fred I)t.wson, stationary 7 25 F W Dtirbin, serving citation. ...f 150 W W Wit her, acct sheriff 4 85 Uausen & Landon, roads and bridges SO 00 J Shea, roads and bridges. . . 10 2 SM Harris, 23 00 E O Tryon ' " ... 5 25 J J Whitney, district attorney. .. 15 00 O O Kendl;, roads and bridges. . . 6 05 Geo D Barton, " ' ... 3 25 Aid A J Smith, pe-month 6 00 Oregon agt R 11 and W J Snod- graes 18 50 SOADS AND BSIIHiES Sawyer Bros W C Jacksou J W Gaines J Sb'loao flarrisba g Lumber Co P WSpioks, for diet. 14 Harriftburs Lamber Co W C Miller A ton, for diet a.. St W J Tumid " V F J Miller Z HRadd D C Saann 30 00 6 75 23 06 12 20 17 41 11 17 4 32 6 04 2 43 23 10 SO 55 3Z 5 23 29 40 ACCOCXT POOB. Aid Sarah Hinee, (3; Barnard, $3; Mrs Hockenbnrg, 15; Mrs Stellmacher, 3; Mrs Meyer, $3; Colemsns, i; 8 Keith. (5: JosLtrew, $4; Mrs Jookins, $5; Mrs Sireithcff, 8: Bower, Hen derson, 10; Gillock. t; Mrs Slasher, 5; Mrs Vale, $5; Rosencraots, $5; Ko her miners, $4; Cay wood, $7; Dinah Moeier. 5. F E Allen & Co G O Cooley & Co J H Conrad B F Ramp..... ETTFisher. 5 15 6 00 6 15 5 00 3 50 Traded Farm. William II. Hess,one of the most high ly respected ranchers in Umatilla coanty, leaves tomorrow with bis family, going by team to Albany. Or. Mr. lires bait traded properly with O. Torner, and goes to Albany to remain permanently Mr Torner takes tiie Hess ranch just east of Pendleton on the reservation ,nd Mr. Hess takes Mr. Turner's farm near Albany, the property be valued at (6000. Mr. fits has resided here for about eight years and has made many friends. He came originally from Yamhill coanty. His leaving caoeee regret on the part of bis man friends E. O. A Live Woman. From lbs Pendletoa E. O. ' Mrs. C. C Van Ursdall came borne this morning from San Paocico, and was welcomed very enthusiastically by tbe local members of tbe Woodmen ot tbe World snd the Women of Woodcraft as well as by her msny friends. She comes borne again with tee indorsement of the order sua bas served so efficient It, having been reflected grand guardian of the Women of Woodcraft. Mis Van Orsdall wears an elegant medal present ed her by the delegates at San Francisco, as a recognition ot br-r valuable services. Mrs1. Van Orsdall bas cow an allow ance of 11500 salary, 15 a day tor travel ing expenses besides railroad snd sleep er fare, and office rent, sal ry of stenog rapher and olfice exreoss. She will nave her office in Pendleton and direct the buslosM of the) order from this city Daring a part of tbe time, she will be traveling through lbs nine states com prising the Pacific jurisdiction Oregoo, California, Washington. Idaho, L'tab, Nevada, Colot ado, Montana, vvyomirg -. lever Capture. Yesterday at Corvallis a thief stole host. gun. knife snd several other ar ticles belonging to O. M. Holt aod shipped out in tbe skiff down stream Mr. Holt made an early discovery oi toe lost and followed in a boat at lull speea. about a mile above the city he dis covered the boat on the sand last even ing, and la idiog above the man came up on him before he knew it, and secured the gun before the thie! could get it, though he made a jump for it when he saw that be was carght. Holt brought the man. who aa a atrapger, to tbe city and elrnlioned to Sheriff Ricksrrt. who came oown and took bim back, xne capture was we'l made. Mr. Holt as thief ursuer is all right. Champiox Hat Balebs. The Pomeroy Brothers have been baling hay through the county, moving from place to place, wpntprdav being at Hackleman's grove. Mr. L. W. Pomeroy paid the Ukmockat odice a visit yesterday and after a long credit mark being placed after his name reaching up to law gave tne lacta uj prove that the romeroy nay oaier is tne champion. With it four men have baled 500 tons of hay. averaging over ten tons of hay a day. 'ihey are an ngnt. Sudde Deatij: An Independence dispatch says that Mrs. J. M. Ktaugher was found dead in her bed this morning at the Wells hopyard, about eight miles from here. It is supposed death was oenut hv heart disease, as she com- j . . . . i i plained Ol pains in ner oouy yeeieruuy bne uvea ai lkuuiu, umi A n effort is being made to have the na tional editorial ansociation now in session in Ifenver to meet in i'ortiana nexi year It would be a big thing. The prospect is said to be good. You want clean printing, And you want it promptly. Don't bother about the price, The work and stock is Whftt cuts the figure. ; See Smii.ey Bkyan's Fe7.d Ptoke. E. L. Bryan l,aH locatd in the Hill Block were be will dal in flour, hav. feed, potatoes, mill niff oilcake and srassanu garden seeds He will treat everybody fairly. Try him. GOTO SOUTHARD'S lit QOOr rjf' Dxmocbat building to buy your hay ,oats, bout $250 besides the lots of the build- bran, sborts, ebicken leed and nour. will pay you casn lor poultry ot an kinds, building cost aboutflttoO. ALBANY'S PAST. From the Dkmocrat of February 4, 1881 to March 17, 1881. A log drive of 2.00C.C00 feet was brought down the Ualapooia, for Allen, Robinson & Co. Queen Esther was given on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Jan. 31 and Feb laud 2. Total receipts $45. The Oregon Un road gave Scio the goby on account of a disagreement between the subscribers and Mr. Reid. Hon. John T. Hughes, residing serosa the river, now of Portland, who was re cently in the city, Ion three cuildren from scarlet fever. Wheat was 65 cents. The city paid (20 for the building of rix I loot cross walks. U. Ewert bought the jewelry store of iitus nroiners. A glass ball ehoot between D, B Mon teith aud W. U. Baltimore for 100 a side attracted a good deal of attention. Mon teitb wor, breaking 89 out pf 100, Balti more f2. Joe Ilasll t was a character in Albany .i . inose uave. A tire at the present site of Knecht & Mt-iser was quite a topic of conversation lor forue time. r.. w. mover and ranoie hcott were married at Brownsville on February 14 Mrs Jaa. II. Foster died suddenly on reb 21. febe was one of the valley's best known women. L. Klioe sold his dry goods establish ment to Charles Monteith and Simon Sri ten bach. , J. Torience Tate and C. R. Templetoo graduated from eastern dental colleges, the former who was valedictorian, fiom the Nw York Denial college, the latter from the Philadelphia Cental college. E. R. Skipworth was admitted to the ba. Frank Frisby and Levelta Smith were married at Halsey, on March 9, and con tinue to reside there. E. W. Langtlon w-nt into i he drug business with R Saltmarsli. Lcbanun. Fiom the Criterion. Santiam AraJfmy will open Septem ber 19ih. The prospecca at present are that the attendance will be larger than last j ear. Mrs. J. C. Majer is now in Chicago, here she bas been for several weeks studying the latest styles of fall snd win ter millinery. Mies Dot Harris bad the mis for to do to get one of her fingers crushed nearly off, in a reclining chair the first of the weea . At his borne three n;leeeast of Soda ville, September 1,1898, alter a lingering illness of typhoid fever, D. W. McCall la ter. Mr. Callister was well and favorably known throughout Linn county. The conntr convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held in Lebanon, at the M. E. church, cummrncioc at 10 'clock Thursday morning, Sept. 15th, od continuing over Friday evening. Phil Ritter, who bss been tunning the engine for Wallace, Thompsin A v alter thresher this year, reports that ney shut down yesterda alter thresh- ng twenty-six days. Tbev averaged 2000 bosbels per day ; a pretty good run for this year. Mis Edna Pri-e. of Salem, spent the day Monday visiting M.aa Pet Smith, anl tben went on to Waterloo to spend a lew days witn nr parents belore their de partare for their hoae in Eastern Ore- Yesterdav while G. W. Taylor was 1t- ing in the shade of a boodle wagon at G. rl. issand s place aootti of tcwo. tbe driv er of the wagon threw a shovel off tbe wagob. whu-b struck Mr. Tailor on the bead, catting quits a severo gah. R. E Michener writes to J. W. Men ses saying that he has been spending is vscat'.on peddling school charts and maps amang the Swedes sod Norwegians of Northern Minnesota, wbere be so idem hears tbe English language aseJ Mr. Micbenor will attend med-cal school this yssr. E. T. Merrill, of Reed Citv, Mich., is ap tbe Santiam buying lumber. Miss F.tbel Redfield begsn teaching the Detroit school last Monday. Georr Hubbard bas bought tbe in- tarvel of his partners i& toe Cascade Lamber Co., at Herry. Mr. Arch Hammer, who waa recently in the Bohemia mines eeveral weeks, bas returned borne. O. W. Tartar, train dispatcher on the 8. P. has beo promoted to the position of assistant superintendent under Super ntendeot Fields. Mr. O. C. Maxwell, who bas ben teaching in Crook countv for several years, was in the city today, lie bas been engaged to leach i he tjanyon Uity school the coming year. Jack Roecoe, who has been with the wire department of the Postal Teleg raph Co.. for several months, and pre- - :.t . v. - ti , - - : a VIOUS Willi wie . v., arrivtru iu siimu this noon and will probably remain dur ing the wiuter. Mr. Perry Prettvman and wife came downrom Cottage Grove yesterday and are the guests of tbe formers parents. Mr. Prettvman is working as ureman on the.1-, sr. between u ranis rass anu Aiiht d Miss Fena Flory, a school teacher of Athena. Umatilla county, was in baiem yesterday, having stopped bert on her way hoxe from a visit to irtenos in Al bany, to visit her nnc'.e, A. D Iedy. 8be left for her home at Athena yester day afternoon. Statesman. James Warren, of Douglas county, Washington, the 34-year-old son of Mrs. Eliza Warren (nee Spalding) the orst bite child born in Oregon, is in the citv on business. Mr. arren s mother is tb daughter of Krv. sod Mrs. bpald ing, victims of tbe Whitman maesacre, and herself a captive for three weeks among tbe Indians who did the deadly work. Journal. Orin Beam, of Co. I. capped the cli max in the mailer of curiosities by send ing to his parents in this city, amoog othsr things, a tooth taken from a (Span iard killed in battle. As a curiosity col lector Mr. Beam will go to the bead of the class. Tbe experience he had under Photographer Crawford was not in vain Prof. Young, of tbe state university was in the city today on his way .home from PnU county where be bad secured some valuable documents for bin forth coming history of Oregon. He also has tbe promise of the use ot the very valu able Neamith documents, and is enntem plating an inspection of the Democrat s hies for some valuable lacte. Two buildings belonging to Washburn & Sons, at Springfield, Lane county, were burned yesterday morning. One ol the buildings was occupied by Keck, tbe barber, and the other by W ash burn & Sons as a warehouse. Lehman's circus will be in Spokane Sept 9, in Pendltton Sept. 16, and in Walla Walla Sept. 18, which indicates that it may not be down through the,valley, though it is possible that after making those towns it may then return this way on tbe way to san rranclsco. County Clerk Crabtree returned tbi noon from Scio, where he had been on business. While there be saw the ware house, which gave away the night be fore. The warehouse is in two stories. tbe lower one lor sacking, the upper consisting oi nine bins on cement pillars. Tbe building sort of broke in two in the middle, spreading about six feet each way, breaking some of the bins open. Prcbably not more than 600 bushels of grain, though, run out. There was 21, 000 bushels of wheat and 10,000 bushels of oats stored. This was being sacked and will be snipped at once. The loss tvill fall nn tha vs ralmnia man Plilltina n U Inhninn in, uill nrnhihlu mnniilln He ing, which can hardlv be repaired. The TIIULADRONEft. The following is a very interring ac coontofthe Ijidrone islands bv Wi Merrill of Co. I, in a letter to his mother of this city. Through the gray light of dawn on tbe morning of June "0, a long line of hills could be dimly seen far away. T!s tho Isle of Guam and the Urt land seen in sixteen days, and cVstiiied in a few hours to be American territory. A0er a few moments spent in signalling, the Charleston steamed ahead for the shore, along which she ran until tbe harbor was reached, the transports following her at a distance. At 9 o'clock the en trance was found and from our position several miles out we watched with in terest the croiser as she entered. Cheer after cheer arose from the boys a few minutes later when a pufTof whitesmol'e from the Charleston announced that she had opened fire. On what we did ut know, for all we could Bee wms a! Japanese veiel which quickly ran up a white flag. Thirteeu shots were fired and then at a sigual it was onr torn to steam for ward, and with t-io Peking were soon anchorad near our protector within the harbor, thef-yJnef beiog left outside as a patrol boat. j There was coniUt-rab!e excitement among the buys, ait being anxious to I know the particulars of the bombard ment of a little old foit and a small ship. Probably so much bring was doua to "wake up" the Governor of tbe Island. At anv rate be w- up and was soon in council with tbe U otticers He said it would mean death to him to surreal er the Island without an attack bjing made oo it as be and bis 60 soldiers were tbere to protnet Spanish iutes;s. Con sequently on the fo. lowing morning, despite very stormy weather two com panies A and l !rom tne Australia, a body of marines from tbe Charleston and an uoknowo number of boys iro-o the Pekirg were started toward the shore io boatl liwed by the Cnarleston'a launch. Each boy carried a days ration and SO rounds of ammunition, ntiiber of which were osrd as the Gov. ehanred his mind and met tbe boys half a mile from shore on his way to the Charleston. He had surrendered aod with his brave ttl, was oow a prisoner of war It w as a disgusted crowd ol soldiers that came oack over three) miles of stormy wale- but so doubt it was macb better t'uis way (cr certainly inane of our bovs would have lost their lives had tb Spaniards wade a stand, for open boat loads of soldiers would have made a fair target to a company of men oo shore. At 3 p. m as ''old glory" was unfurl ed over tbe little fort, that once s-ood iorpaoiab power on tbe island, the Charleston fired a salute ot CI guns. 'o one was given charge ol allaira on the Island, that to be done later. Tbe natives who brought us Iro:!, no's and sweet po'sloes in the evening said their people were much pleased with the change, atid after reading the following tax list wetbought tbev certainly should be f5 birth ol child. Ill every death, ft 50 a year poll tax everyone, 23 rents every time church is aaeoded and every one has to attend a certain number of times a week, l 00 for kil'.iag a cow and 25 rents a pig. F-esidm this a ball of all ciops goes to the Government, A death penal t is put on Baiivr carrv:nz tire arms. Wben tb excitement of all tb:s had passed we began to try and learn some thing ol our sunoandiegs. Guam In land is the largewl in tbe Ladrooe group. Itiinl3.S5 north latitude aod 144' East Longitude The i.iaod it of coral torroalioa and of an Lsbap. The en trance loa 6oe harbor is lorued bv a chain of bills on ooe side and a !ng Coral iel oo the other. la appearacre the natives look something lis Jips Though small in stature tbey are w.: built an 1 inteilirent. Tb population of the Uland is RJQ0. The 40jd feel tort it built ot coral on a email isUnd ha i a mile trom shore. It was built in 1SC1 by cpaaieh soldiers an J is nseo by them just as a reirrai while the native, who are not in sympathy with pairi, are havicg one of their freqnent outbreaks There is oo machinery ol any aiod oo be leiand and nnii-er tnroiture nor windows in the c ay bo-Uinf. wi-h are kept v-ry clew nl Only two persons are known to have leprosy, and ihey continue to live with their famiiie. Water buBaloes take the pla of horees on tbe Island. The natives who raise out to the ship were rrsry for jark knives and many ol oar boys traded their knives lor fruit. (I have giveo thews items ss I learned lbem;a!t may not be authentic.) At 4 p. m , on Jor.e 20, we resumed onr coure leaving behinij a band ol people thankful to the U. S. I"r giving them tbeir freedom anc a land where a man ith a little capital may mae a fortune. (Later the Dkmocbav will e'tve Mr. Merrill's well written description ot Cavite and her people 1 From the Salem Jouinat. Wiiliam H. Hraadon the driver of th bread wanon which Vesiacot & Irwin snd through tbe hop yard daily, drop- ped dead at Ben Hayden s bon yard, one mile beyond Eolo. 'at 10 o'clock this morning. M E.Cosfesevck. The annusl M. E conference will he held at McMtiinvill Sept. 13 to 19. Bishop McCabe will pre side, and among the distinguished men of the church who will I present and deliver addres will be Dr. Palmer, Dr tiolbart and Dr Paine of Now ork and Dr. Spencer of Philadelphia Mrs. Wire will prenis at tno meeting oi me o- men s Missionary Society and among former Albany ministers down lor sudresarsare Kevs. Mem'ngerand Abbott both in tbe aoti-;aloon rally. Nabrow Ekcape for Dr. Watts. A dispatch from Lafayette says that Dr. J. W. Watts, of this city, while driving to the hopvard of J. H. Olds & Son?, to bring Ins daughter home, had a narrow escajic from instant death near here this afternoon. hue crossing tne southern Pacihc railroad tnicK ins horse was struck by the engine of a special train ami instantly killed, llie buggy was demoliHhed ami lr. Watts bodlv bruised and cut about the head and btx:v. The new Magnolia mills are doing a big business. AS rearranged the mill is in a position to turn out as good flour as can be found in the country Thosowho have already tried it speak in the highest terms of its excellency. Superintendent Ormsby of the fores reserve, who bus visited the ramps o! the forest rangers along the Cnseades, declares that the system is a nuccess and that it 'ib preventing foreHt fires. It i as yet of course only an experiment. If it meets expectations it will bo worth the money spent to establish it. The public though is as yet somewhat keptical. Quite a good many people are or have lieen at tho hot springs beyond Detroit. Consider! ble improvement has been made to them, houses built for baths, etc. When access to them is mtido easy tbev will olTex one ot tho linen t resorts for invalids anywhere. Tho Gorvals Star, a republican paper, says tho calling of the extra session of the legislature is a high handed pro' carding, a regular "Simon Bavs thumbs up" proceeding. A rather oild express packags arrived from Newport Tuesday. It consisted of a crate containing a genuine California I burro and was assigned to Mrs. A. E. Laws. Corvallis Union. Ilcnr Stories. From the Kcio News : A very exciting as well as successful bear hunt occurred near this city Wed-iit-mlay night and terminated in the death of his beat-ship Thursday. On Wednesday evening Al Moore came to tow n and notilied our local hunters that a bear wits waiting to be slain out near Crablree creek, and in a short time seven men and a boy and nine dogs started out to bring bim in. The t ear was treed on the Cyrus place, and held there moet all night. When daylight come he came down and a lively ctiaso was had for a couple of hours, finally resulting in the bear being killed on Henry Hay's place, not a Treat distance from Kcio. Those who took part in the chase were, L. W. and A. L. Kichardson.Joti Worwick.Al Moore, tieoro Dailv, Guy McKnight, Lark Coin i. ion. Iean Morris and Thos. Email. The bear brought to town and Dr. Prill was called into service with bis Kodak and photgraptied the men, dog and bear all at one "nliot." I-ast Tursday Geo. Ray and Joseph Burton, who live about eight miles fast of this city, killed a black liear which weighed 400 pouuils. It had been feed ing on the goats in that neighborhood, and bad become so familiar with bis mis chief that it become necessary to dis pense with him. The Misses Gard returned this noon from the Bay. Mrs. Albert Cole and children, of Pcta. have been visiting Albany relatives. Hon. A. J. Johnson was in the city to day on his way home from the ocean. Mrn. M. Senders returned from the Bay yesieruay, alter a month a soy mm there. Mr. Quincey Proiwt has returned from a three months vacation spent in the harvest field. Mrs. John Clelanand Mrs. S. O. Kaw units have len in Portland on a visit with purer Kawhngs. ; L. L. Swann and brother Dr. Swsnn, who has been here on a visit Irfl today for Dallas on a visit with a sister. George StimWjn is taking his regular summer vacation. We don't know where be is. Fred Armstrong is filling bis place. U . Gifford Nash, of the mosiral d art merit of the tstate university, wa in the city this coon on his way to Eu gene. Rev. II L. Peed is erpecled botm from his Vermont trip tomorrow noon He will preach in the Presbyterian chnrch next Sundav. Among thoee who returned from the ay today were rs. Walter Monteith, Mrs. D. B. Monteith and son and Mr. Charles MonUith. California has only one more ramp o Woudmen of the World than Oreyon, 104 and 103 respectiwSv. Colorado leads la this junsdicuon w-ttn 1M. Elmer Samuels injured in the thresh ing aco-tent at Junction is reported U-tter. He is a brother-in-law of Mrs. H iiham Fort miller, ol tliis city. The social to have been given by Man ransta Circle this evening has been un avoidably postpone.1 Ir two or three week, notice of which will be civen later. Mrs. Narc iflr hit Iv in Tfv rsrvHat- denlof thesute W CT U waa" in the city this noon on her way to Kosetmrg. On Friday of next ek the will attend the county convention at Lebanon. Jude !!u3or.l and fami'.vleft Wednes day for Portland, where they will reside. The Judpe T. E. W ilson.son'of ex-Coun-tr Clerk Buah Wilson, and H. F. French have formed an alliance for the practice of lb f ro(-wiions of law. Their ohcsa are rooms H-o-6 Abir..ton building. Oor vaUis Gaxette. Major Jason Wlieeler. of ASbsuiv, was a paciiger on Tuesday mo-n;ng-s soutii taound tram, goirt!- to Klamath hot springs for his neaith. which is not good on aorount of rheumatism. Maior Wheeler is an uncle of Malon Wheeler of Uits county. Grants Pass Courier. j Ed K. 1-axe, of Troop L. Kou-h Rid ers, u a brother of Mrs. Judge McFad den, of this city, and was in the thickest of the fray at tSe storming of the heights of San Joan, Cuba. Ii received per sonal menu -n lor his bravery by the New Yoak Journal on that memorable Ofvasion. Corval'is (iajaette. Mrs. Miiler and daughter, Maud, of Aliwr.y, were in rio a lew hours Sun day, the g'lest of The News publisher's family. Mies Maud, it will l remem bered, is the young ladv who was so severely injured in a birycle accident at Sodavule a lew w eeks ago. They now reeiJe on a farm near Albany. Scio News. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gatch left this morning for Boston, Mass., where Mr. Gatch goes to attend the seventy-fourth annual convocation of tne Sovereign Grand Lodge 1 0 O F. Mr. Gatch is a representative from the Grand Lodge ol Urwn. The Sovereism Grand Lodge 1 tfommeniv4 S4t.i 1? an.l rvmTiniie in session till Sept. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Gatch will also visit several of the larger east ern cities before returning home. Sa lem Journal. From the Astoria Cor. ol the Oregon I an : r.. J. Seelev. maruuror of the Al bany Creamery Association, will arrive n the city Saturday .and meet the dairy men interested, iu the co-operative creamery at the rooms of the Progres sive Commercial Association, where or ganization will be perfected. Mr. Seeley has bad considerable experience in creameries, and will give the Ulatsop county dairymen all the imformation they require. The cost ot the building and plant will be thoroughly discus!ed The Roeeburg Review devotes a col umn to the marriage of I. liedfern Wis- hart and .Miss .Maud . Koseell, botn weil-known in A 1 ban v. It occinTeJ at St I lenient s church, and tbe Review says was the social event of the season. Mrs Frank Churchill, nee Edith Smick, per formed the wedding march. Flower girls led the proceion. The brides mauls were Misses Dora I age, .Maud Berkley and Muv Sterns. Miss Pago is referred to as a ststelv tmrnette who wore white figured HilU trimmed with satin ribbon and chiffon, carrying deli cate flowers. The eioomennen were lVol Schmitt, of this citv, W. D. Stuart, of Portland and H. Melvin, of California, who are credited with having acted their parts well. Miss Lucy Stantonof Roee burg. was maid of honor. The bride was elecantlv dressed in a costume ol ivory white orocaded silk, prettily decor ated. The happy couple loll on the mid night tram for Oreiion Citv where ttiey will reside. Tho Navarro will probably arrive from San If rancisco at l aquina next Sunday A bunch of kevs with a dog tax tne number 41, of ltlJ7, may bo had at this otlico. An attempt was made to iisstisimite t he Cxar yesterday. Uneasily lies tho bead that wears tho crown. Ono of tho most pleasant places these warm (iuvs is Mrs. lerecK s summer Garden, tho place to get cool and refresh ed. The Valley Queen, the boat recently built at Independence has beuii taken to i oniniut ior inspection, nisuxw lOOl and of very low draft. 1 he wootimen ot JLnno county held a big picnic at Eugene last Woitnesdav, 1 here was an addi-os, a tunch and judy act, h baby show, foot autl bicvele races, nail driving contest and adiuice iu the evening. Pendleton L. O: "Goorge',11. Shinn, ttie iniernai revonna collector now in Pendleton, mentions one feature of the recently enncted law that seems not to bo geuenUly understood. One section and the interpretation placed thereon by the secretary of the department re quires that a revenue stamp be placed i on every bar bottle usou tor wines, a Btamp every time it is filled, one cent I a pint bottle., and two cents for a quart uouie." SOCIAL ANU PERSONAL J. K. Ream is in Eugene on business Deputy U. 8. Marshal J. A. Wilson was n the city today. Mr. Ed Fronk went to Portland this morning for a day or two s visit. Mr. Walter Davis, of Salem, waa in tbe city this noon on his wsy to the Bay, License have been nwiuea tor tne mar riage of ti. L. lUibinett and Miss Ida ilalone. A. W. WjKht expects to attend tbe Presbyterian theological sr.h ol at San Antelmo, Cal. this winter. Lebanon E. A. . Misa Anrii Rilan.l returned to Aioaoe Monday, after spending seve'al we-fcs at Iter home near this place. Lebanon A. , itev. h. K. Meminger was in the city today on his way to McMinville to at tend the annual ixinference of the M. E, church. r .... ii. j. iienuricKS, oi r-aiem, t;. t. ap praiser ! tins oisinci nas returned lroin ew i ork , wbere he attended a conven tion of appraisers. Sir. Don Rosa returned last night from ins months vacation spent at bis lormer home, Astoria, and is attending to boti- i mii ine roa-ai otlice. Alton Additon a former Corvallis yonng man, now a resident of Ashland and Miss Mab I Burgess were to be married at Sao Francisco today. W alter J. Shelley, son of J. M. Shel ley, of Eugene, who nearly lo-t the sight ot bis eyes on his tnp to Maoi.a passed uirougn Ainsny last night on l"S way uouie oy way ot rortiand. Mrs. F. E. Allen, of this ci-v and Mr. J. C Mayer, of Lebanon, nrrived home yesterday from their eastern trip after a ve-y pleasant time, going a far east as Niagara rails. Like all Oregoo ina they k.tiw av uemg at Dome again. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Morkev, C. K Morkey aod Misses Cor and May Mor- i .... : .. "i rreoie rouniy. unto, arrived ic Albany yesterday on a visit with their ancle Daniel Leedy Tbev are oat here mj ers mt country ana nsit relatives. Invitations are oat for the wed ling of r. Aioeri I e vr igie. ol Crook caaotv. ... . .. . . . "in jiiss uotrn ai., aaugDier of 6. . ilkins, ol ths city. The ceremony is to lake place at the Wilkina home on tne s lust. Corvahis Times. Mr. end Mrs. Ben Kirk and Mrs. A. J. Hodges returned home yewterday afternoon from more than a month a Dent at oap epr.ngs. to Lane eoonry. wbere they bad a fine time, besides kil ling six deer. Mr. Kirk of coarse did tbe shooting Miss Mary C and iff wi leave next Monday tor Chicago, where she will en ter the Cclambia Cm boot of Oratory, from wnicn sue intends vradaatiog, and de voting rer time, probably io a Mississip pi vailey school, in teaching. She has already displayed a marked talent in her chosen pro'rfioD. From tbe Lebanon E. A: At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, in Albany, Sept. 3rd. tbevonng teoole of Albany Epwortn Lewgne rave a farewell social in honor of Miss Ua'dah New quist, Misa Newqnist bas made Albany Iter boms tor several years, bat spent most of tbe summer in visilic? relatives and friends near Lebanon. On Satar- day evening tbe house was crowded with oung people. Tbe evening was apent in piuym games and other jolly amase meou. At ba'f past 10 o'clock refresh menu were served, after which all left for home, feeling that they had had a good time. Mise Newqnit le't Monday "lornsog for Tekoa. Wash., where she expects to speed tbe winter. Exciting K uaanay. Lebanon E. O. : Geo. Skinner bad a very exciting and serions runaway Tuesday morning. He and his father were hauling wood for the railroad company and were unloading by the railroad track near Mrs. Elson'a res idence, when George stepped up on the tongue t J adjust something about tbe harness. The horses pit frightened at him (they were excited as the train had just passed) and ranaway at breakneck speed, with George a-straddle of the tongue. Wben they started tbe horses turned suddenly, breaking the coupling pole ot the wagon, and they ran with on ly the front wheels. The yocng man kept his perilous position behind the fly ing team for over a block, arhen he was thrown off. Ue was ) icked op uncon setups and carried to tbe depot, and af ter revnvinj a Utile was brought to Dr. J one's office. It was found that his col lar bone was broken and that be had re ceived a number of bad bruises on his head, feet and other parts of his body. Drs. Joces ami Fo'ey attended to his in juries, and he was removed borne the same evening, ue nas been sunenne a great deal, ut is getting along as well as can be expected, and wilil doubtless re cover. it Is Just as Important That von enrich and purify vour blood in the all as in the Spring. At this time, owing to decaying vegetation. low water level, and other causes, mere are disease germs all about us, and a weak and debilitated system quickly yields to attacks of malaria, fever, etc. ltv nurifvinu and enriching vour blood w uu xioou s carsaparuia jou ma uvm nu vour svstem to resist these dangers. as well as roue lis. colds, pneumonia anu the grip which comet with cold weather. io be on tne saie siae. taae xiooa a cr- saparilla now. and alway be sure it Hood s and not something cise re pre en ted to be "just as good. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYSCP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to tho California. Fio Svrcp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance ox purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California. Fio Sritrjp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding' the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing" of the CaU Forxia Fig Stkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating1 or weaken inff them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name ot the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN ritAXCIMCO. Oak for LSCIIVIUJC Ks. KW YOKE. H. T. HOME AND ABROAD. Wheat 46 cents. Sea tbs new photos made by Tinkle, Horses lot sale. Cell at Strainer Mitchell's. A;new comer at Lebanon baa been named Dewey Armstrong. Fresh Sodaviile Mineral water at Eurkharts ic Lee. The Girls Club will meet on Monday at o p.m. at tne w. u. r. u. nail. 60 cents for a dozen firat-claaa nhotnt. gaiiery west oi r. o. Remember Tinkle, tbe photographer. w-u ue at nis oia stand tlu Oct. 8. Get VOnr nhotoa mad nnar tavtnra ! lan rush begins. See Tinkle a boot it. The Parker fountain takes tho lead over all others, French tbe Jeweler bas mem. Santiam aeademer will 19 and the oabiie mchoalm a rK nnfa on eept. zo. Parties bavin? rooma or twan4 (rw ml- lege Students Will rJeaae rennrt to PrnaiH A Chinese Dbeaaant ntpclvad h V. K ir . . . . . : Jioe at ine aeoot today rrnwl tn ha i chicken bawk. Grants Pass refnaed to rant tka Sun, set Telephone company a franchise for a wcai xeiepnone system. Go to Verick'f sliavinr and hair en t'Bg parlors for first rJaaa work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every Faber & Seis of this citv have alrewdv .. .r1 mT o,iajM pounds ot nope. air. aeie has opened an office in Salem Kirineiau tosinem. o cuun oeionTino rA triA house company can be bow-fat for 1 1 .VI a eei, vi six, one Uiira ol the cost price. Call on J. GradwohL Tbe Alaska rates have drontavl fnn until they are reasoeable, bat really who ""' niiei now. wa him hui oar nu almost. E. . ToWDSend this aftemflnn whiU on nis bicycle collided with a email boy ant I. . i. t ... ., - hjui neei oi ine tnacnine wi anockea decidedly crooked. Tbe OnociiT errnril in aaa Ska v. uv kitidcs eonaiaerar,'. Fmiiiit. ers had better be a tittle earefnl how mey make contracts. ine bills and valley ara fall rJ hj;. ui ipr tne posiuon of speaker of the uouse in tne coming special session of the legislature, among others K. V. Carter, Geo. T. Myers, and J. W. Max ell. As stated hut wwk t hnAm i a v Wright, of fJarriabnre araa QyanA ejaae the place wbere be waa drowned at the mootn of Y achats. H.a hoHv aa Aim. covered oo tbe rocks where it waa wash ed by the tall tnooo tide. A reward of siou nao been oSered for tne reeoyery of the body as J resident and campers kept a consuot lookout for the body, which was finally discovered by a lady from Albany, whose name we did not learn His note, evee and ears and also one band were gone. Jnneliaa Titnaa Tka referred to is Mia Morgan, sister of Mrs. H. C. Miatson. Brownsrille From the Times : I loo g Us McFeron left today for Oregon City, where be baa a position as spinner m the woolen mills. Miss Lillie Buck ner and Miss Sadie Clevenger, of Albany, were the gneeta of Miss Mary Weber over last Sunday. County School SapU UsDoaald and wife came over from Albany the latter part of last week and visited a few days wntn A. . sianard and family, sorttt westof town. Those in a position to know estimate that between $3,000 and to.OOO will be paid ont by tne bop growers around Brownsville to pickers this season. Mr. E. P. Koby's family, who have been enjoying cam life at Cascade prings for several weeJt&jetnrned borne last Satardav. They were accompanied by Miss Jones, of Albany. Lee ivdwards, ot Albany, is haiMfting the raxor in the Bon Ton shop for a coo pie of weets.while Proprietor Stevens reenperates among; tne bop Tinea and China pheasant. Tbe Ltate convention of tbe Baptist church will be beJd here, commencing October 17, and continuing several day. leiega;es to tne number ot 120 or 130. irom all over the state will be gathered here. F. C. Stanard and family departed Monday for Portland and after spending a few days with relative will proceed to Lexington, where Mr. Stanard will sooe assume his his duties as principal of the poouc scnoois. Mr. J. 11. Dnnk.rd sustained a pecul iar and painful accident while at work in Mausroan s nop yard n ednesday morn ing. He was trying to poll a hep pole when tbe pole broke, precipitating him to the (ground in socta a manner as to break one of his muscle of the right teg. Ue was brought home and a physician summoned. In Memoriam. In the past year the Womens Christ iaa Teiuperance Union has been in tbe providence of God, called upon to part with a number of its best beloved and efficient workers. One has dropped from the ranks here, ana anotber were. among the number who has followed closely ia our beloved leader, who bas been the highly esteemed and faithful superintendent of jail and prison work, Mrs. Helen -M. Lituns, ot Albany union. At the regular meeting of the anion on Tuesday, the following resolution was adopted: KksoLvsn, ihat in tne aeatn ot airs. Helen M. 1 1 tins, tins Union, of which the has been an honored member for many years, has lost one of its most effi cient and earnest workers. She was faithful unto the end, doing all in her power to advance the cause which had become an important isctor m ner we work. e who are lett to carry tor ward this work realise sadly the great loss we nave sustained by ner removal ana we would oner wis inouie ot respect uiu love to her memory and extend our heartfelt sympathy te the aged mother. the husband and the children, who are left'to mourn the death of their loved one. Attbougn. we cannot now nnaer- stand the purpose of the Lord in taking away from our midst one who was so willing and taithtnl in mis service, xei we, as bis children can trust bim, lorwe know that God's plans like lillies pare and white untold. We must not tear the closed shut leaves anart. Time will reveal the calvxes of cold. And if through patient tou we reacn me land Where tired feet with sandals loose may rest. When we shall clearly know and under stand. I think that we will say, God knew the best, MRS. tlBNRIHTA liROWX, Mrs. S. A. Chavbeklais, Committee. M one Mies Mud rea ourmestet teacher of piano or organ. System the M aon touch and technique. Residence fifth street, opposite D P church. Albany Market. Wheat 4$ rents. Oats 28. Eggs 10 cents. Butter 15 to 22 cent. Potatoes 25 cent. Hams 11 to IS cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 tc 7 cents. A Harvest Vestlval. One more the season bas come wbea the majority of people look with entire satikfaetton on tb fields and crchards around them, and perhaps, give a pass ng thought to tbe wonderful goodness of God In sending weather so favorable t tbe growth and ingathering of so plenti iul a harvest. Bat to many, tbe barns starved with golden grain, tb storehouses already be gmog to omit odors of delicious irait,sm! nameroas heavily laden tree, have so other meaning than simp'y, that tbey themselves, will not starve, however rigid may be tbe winter. And thi not from any hard bearted nesa bat jort because tbey allow that Cares and pleasures of this bfe to so re copy their tbooghis ana beans, that tbe poor homeless, starving messes in tbe densely crowded citiea throoghoat tb land are neyer once remembered and if tbey were many could not realize the heartrending scenes so very, very often witnessed by those bronght in close con tract with the slams end miserable in habitants tberef. The Salvation Army atom laaaip. and slum workers a they move amene these outcasts from respectable society ander- nsna very keenly tne abeoiate seeds oi these poor people, sad at ibis season of thetyear, wbn all who can afford it are pr. pari eg (or tbe winter's cold, this God ?;ivea organisation, tbi poor man' riend, make an effort to remind people of tbe word of Christ, to the rich man, Thon shall tore thy neighbor thy self" and by their Harvest festival gives peopie a means ot practicing; what they preach . Tbi festival i held throoghoat the country on tbe 17, 18, 19, 20 ol the pres ent month, thee foar days being given ap entirely to toe effort of raising money to assist the needy staring the rigor of winter. A percentage of all taken in will be re served tor the local corp. Tbe corn at Albany will join in tbs general effort to pro vide a little relief for son) and all who can are invited to on us with them. Tb rough ill bra 1th. Captain bas bees compelled to go on a rest, thos keying in Lieutesact alone in charge. Under these circumstance it ia in. possible lor her to personally visit all she feels sure wit! be willing to help, so asks they take this letter aa a personal on and by rend ing (or better still bringing, their gifts to the ball, bely lessen the suSericg of one lews fortunate toaa them selves. Yet- ablee, traits, (fresh or canned) household articles, fnsefal or ornament, anything ioie will be tbanxinily leeeived. Tbe meetings will be aa to lows : esunrday nixht. Gift meetinc whew all gifts will be bronght hi snd placed on view In the hall. Sunday. 11 a. na Holiness meeting. special subject given later. Sunday. 3 o. m.. Salvation meetine. "Stay of a Farmer." Sunday. 8um . Free snd Easy, talk on afsiichi III. Monday. 8 n m . sneeisJ mfetine ftil. lowed by auction sale of all roods brocght in. Lad es are asked to make artiel f clothing for chiidrea which are always useful and command a ready sale. Cash donations from toee enable to brine roods will be thankfully received by Urn rixx. Officer ia charge, Albany. XO CURE SO PAY. That is the wry all dm soar aett 6 BOTE'S TASrtX.Bi-v CHILL TSIU tor Malaras, Chilia arid Fever. Is is wmpiy Iron aod Qnlniae lea tawtelae (brss. Chiidrea love tdu'.ts uwier is to barer, nawaseilrtg TceJea- Price. a What Or A Salter Sayn. BvrrALO. S T. Gents: Frees tar per-onai knowledge, ga'eed in cbserring the effect of yonr Shiloh'a Cue in raasa of advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it t the most remrfchie Kemedv that has ever been bring bt to ray atten tion. It has certainly aavd many froea ptioa. Sold br Foshay A Ma- Do First Class Worn. Laundry patrons who want first class work done withoat paring exborbitact prices should troaIxe the Albany Steam Laandry which have employed regularly five of the best ironera on the coast for shirt-dress, and sliirt Waists. ana ten cents w the highest price charged for any of these articles. A Strong Nation is roa'le oo of stress? tea and beauty women, and bVaita and stresgtn are given ny Bmd SarsapariJa. asaeriea-s Greatest aieaicue. : Get only Hold's, ! The Chief Bara-ea of Xileebcr'. Ps.. aj De Wilt's Litbe Early Riser are the best pills he ever used in tbe family dcrtag forty years of boose keepiag. They tar cotsti pwtion. stck aeadacbe sad sioocacb troubles Kmait ia sue bet rreat in re salts. At J. A. Cnmausgs. Wia your battle ag-"kt disease by act ing promptly. One Miaate Cough Core produces immeoiate remits. vVhew taken early it prevean cooiirpio. Asd ia later stages it tnraishes prompt reitef. A A. Camming. S'ck headache, billtrnsa, coastrsatioa sad all liver and stomach trochlea cta be quickly cored bv oiwe iboe fa moos U&ie puis kaow as lien itt uitie tartj b.eera. The are pteasaai to bake and sever giipe- At J. A.Oomminn. 'I thiak DeWitCsSalv tatbefioewt pre ajation oa tb market for pile. So writes Jobs C Duds, of Wheeling, W. Vs. Try it sad yoa will thiak the same. It also cores eras wa and alt skia diseases At J. A Comiings. E. C Blank. Le wimile, Texas, write that one box of DeWitt's Wuca Basel Salve was worth toO.OO to bim. It cured his nilea of ten Tears at audi ner. It also cares I ecsema, skia diseases and obstinate ssrea. i At J. A. Caraana-'a. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using- De w itt s Uaacl Salve. It heai prompt I y and cures eczema and all akin diseases. It gives immediate relief. At J. A. Camming. nob Moore, of LaFayette. lad.. ay that ror constipation he has fouud DeWitt Little Early Risers to e perfect . They never griee. Try them for stomach ard liver trouble. At J. A. Cumminifa Mrs. Viercck's. ice cream summer garden And parkin. lee cream Ice cream soda And lemonade. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It care painful, swollen, smarting, ner von feet and instantly take tbe atisg out of corns and bunions. It's the trrwateet romfort discovery ol the age. Allea'sFoofc .base mate ugnt or sew seoe reel easy It is a certain care foriwewtinccallous and hot, tired, aching feet, fry it tola. Sold by a'l druggists and shoe stores, ttv mail for 25e io stamps. Trial package FPEE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy. X. Y FOR SALE. The handsome mars owi.ed by E U Will, will work any. where, single or double, weight 12C0tb, will be sold ve-y reasonable. Inquire at Will's Music Bio's.