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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1898)
AOs Nan ivauo a hi LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foshay & Mason block. JRN Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. . N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L H Moatanve, Pearce blow. J C Powell, P O block. C E Sox, P O block. L L bwann. Bank building. u 1 rc o tnn k..V VinllitilKT. Weatherford'ck Wyatt. Baak building. Whitney & Newport, Outick block . Q W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsville. A A Timing. Scio. T J Wilson. ...ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL SIZES Largest stock Lowest prices LEY, the Printer. IRST HATlOMAla BANK. OV ALSAST, ORBOOl" LFLrNH S.K.TOOKO IF.aAOttOII PraSMaat.. . - -- -" Tie. Praaldant - Q.ahl mmLmmirta a DCM ... I. bar k IB' & ,-vm-v-ra k KPT anMfca te. .bat k. tnHf tlCHANal aiwi -Ul-tai a fork la viwlaeo.CBloago OL'itimon An - t.r. lITWIt PA0oow, t. " C. S. PiOTI. DiPABT TIME SCHEDULES Auits From Portland. Fast Mail Fast Mail 8pm Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha. Kan sas City, St Louis, Chicago and East. :20 a m Knokano Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane Flyer ane, Minneapolis, bt 'Ier waukee. Chicago, & East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 pm All Sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail Au?uet, 7, 12, 1". 22,27. 7pm 8pm To Alaska Sail August 8, 28. 5pm rinT.TTMRTA RIVER 4pm Vnndu STEAMERS, tx&unaay Saturday To Astoria and Way 10 pm Landings. Sam WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30pm ExSun. Oregon City, Sewberg, Ex bun 7am WILLAMETTE AND 3:30 pm TniaT. YAMHILL RIV. Monday nt.n. n..ui tVitv. Darton. wed and Sat. w3 Way-Lands. and Sat c . WTr.T. AMETTE RIV. 4 :30 p m Tnedar Portlsod to Corvallis Tuesday ti.ii. ind tVav-Land:nn. Tbur ndSaU Bds" LyRiparia Lv on 1:43 am SNAKE RIVER 6:45 am Mon.Wed Ripsria to Lewiston Sun VTuea ni Kri uuauu. W. H. HCRLBTJRT, Geu. Pass. Agent, CG.BAWLIXGS, PorUand.Or. Agent Albany. HEW WRK WORLD Thrice-a-TVeek Edition 18 Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papera a Yeai For One Dollar raMUkedcvery Allenalcttay exrcB4aaaa The Thrice-a-Week Edition of The mew Vorx Would is first among ail "weekly papers in size, frequency 'A publication and the fresb.L3M, a ceo racy and variety ol its cotton's. - lt has all the UM?rit of a irreat $6 daily at the price of a dollai weekly. Its political news is prompt.coai piete, accurate and impartial as all its read ers wiH testify. It in against the monopo lies and tor the people ... It prints the news of all the world, nav ing special correspondence from all im portant news points on the frlobe. It ha. orilliant illustration, stories by great authors, a capital Humor page, complete markets, departments far tbe household and women's work and other special de partments. We offer tbia uneqnaled newspaper and tbe Democrat totfetbarone vear for 00 o. a. s reECiu riiimutf procured, EUGENE W.JOHNSON, SoHctor and Atiyin PateniCanse i; Me ; Vark At... Wa.hlaai.. JD C CHEAPEST POWEtt OUR CAPACITY Is L'o equaled In the Valley. OUR WORK i ' Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our price are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Printer !naTtaanilTra4. Marts oWslrM-d and all Pat f entbusinrascondactoiirorModcrata Fee. 8endmodil.dramnaorphoto. w.adTiaclf Spatotaljlefrna ot chara. Onr fee nosduo till Ipatontiaaeriiied. A Pamphlet "Ilo toOb J tain Patents." with cot of same la the V. B. I Mi foreign oountriet aent froe. i&unu, i A. SNOW & CO. : i O . Pa-riar Oroei, WaaMinaTon, D. C. mm EAST AND- SOUTH E SHASTA ROUTE OF THS Southern Pacific Oo. Oalltornta Exprtas Trains )wt. Porilana DUj outa eflOe.a. Lv 9 10 4 L till' Pjrtiaud Albany San Franclaca ai . it mi a AT 6:U 4 I U I 8:00- Aov s"p at fallow b tween rVKuanu aer. Marlon. Jefferson Albany Shedd. H.lsey a Eugene Cottage Groye. Dram. stations i roa noaeourg - - 8u a L eoni.oa " lt6raL Albaa. '.VSilJ munnuia an Albany tor Ubanon .JjlS Artie, at Albany bom btbanoa 10t3 Uokt. Albany lor Lahanon v,2i Dininf Can on 0dn RoutO SECOND-CUSS SlEtPlKfi CAW attana4 t. all Tfcrawa Tratas eVee SC. TKE rKTkAB AB tAl.lI II Ala t aattl ( Xxoai Boaoay aoaaaoaa aiv.MOii iota Htf IL I A Portland Oortmais Lvlliora ExpreaTraia Pally (tiCTpt noday ttttra. l PorUand HcMinOTill. Indaiwulane Ar I . a a tI a L 1 4 60 a a SOral at 8S0r a Ar H..r. m-ir " - . i . . . . . . i kitManniiM. ow - . ' a j Nat rata. IK urw " Rata, and t aai-Tn jF- .7-,. toJAl-Aa. . , . V aaK. Aal An-?-?" ? W1NS nB MAMHAtf . I u m awvwwi iiwn - R. KOBMUkK Haoaxar Um F P A PorVaad Oratoa Portland S00 PACIFIC UflE. To All Points last. Solid vestibule trains, consisting of ps ace sleeping cars, luxunou dining .cart, elegant day coaches, magwficent toorisl can md free colonist sleepers from the Pa cific to the Atlantic without change. COST DIRECT AHO CHEAPEST ROUTE T Itootenayi billing: District HAKDSF, vxw pxsva, slocas err, KKLSOK. KAL.-0, TRAIL, ROSSLASO AlaO All point i the Okanagan Country. Ge pamphlet giving a full iescnpUor. of this wonderful country. Ask tneaaeni for a copy of the mining laws of Bntasr Columbia. Lowes ratm o and froin EUROPE Atlantic ateamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo's Roya). Mail Steamship line to China and Japan r-aaamaa AUSTBAUAll SrrXAJCXK IOT HOHOLCT.C, FUI ASD AUSTRALIA. The shortest lioe to the Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage. For time tables pamphlets, or any in ermatfon, call on or address. 8 N STEELE CO. AgeaU.Albany Ore. E J COYLE, Ag t, 14o Third st.,1 and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN, 0 P. A. Vancouver ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. TJ Pullman Sleeping (Jars, Elegant Dintag Oars, Tourist Sleeping Carp 6t Paul Minneapolis Dnlatb Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butt THROUGH TICKE. TO hicago IVaabingtoit rhiladelphia Mew York Boston and al. Points East and South Through tickdts to Japan and Ch na, n Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamtbif Co., an American line. For information, time cards, maps snc" tickets call on or write O G Borkhart agtfflt, Albany, Or. A D CharlU". At Gen Faas Ag Portland O A GENTS WANTED FJR "WAR rvwi II H SPAIN," including battles on sea and land. Contains all about armies, navies, orU and warships ot both nations and graphic story of toe great victory of tbe gallant Dewey; 'ells everything about Sampson, Scoley, Fitzbagh Lee and lead ing commandfrs. by Hon. James Rankin Young, the intrepid leader for Cuba libra in the balls of Cocgrmts. Tbe greatest , war book p blisbed; GOO large pages: 100 i iiuperb illustrations, msny in ricb-st col ors. Has large colored map. Biggest book, highest commissions, lowest price; only (1.75. Eacn subscriber receive grand $1 00 premium free. Demand eonr moon; harvest for aenb; 30 day credit; reinbi paid; outfit free. Write tod. v. ddiew, Tbe National Book Concern, ept- 15, 356 Dearborn street, Chicago. THE he best and yet simplest type wute mannfiictiiroH the consummation of V inventors art. An ep?rt stenograpbtt I sfter using many machines, says. "I con , aider the Yost Writing Machine far super ; or o any 1 nave yet uned " Call at tn 1 Dcmocsat office and see one of the type , writers that hat to have a perfect align ment. Alt Typewriters supplies ordered. ; . . . Ji.F. P. Nuttiho. Agent. ' ' ' . i Mrs. Vlereck's. Ice cream summer garden And parlors. Icecream Ice cream soda And lemonade. mm ) Some Railroad Newu. The lollowing are sent out by the Rail way News bureau ol Chicago : Last jaaron American railways one paasengor was killed in accidents out ol every 2,827,474 passengers carried. That is to say, that you can take a train 2,827,474 times belore, on the law o! averages, your turn noines to be killed. You will haye to travel 75,03,W3 miles on the cars before that turn conies, and 4,621,945 miles before you are injured. If you travel 20 miles a day lor 300 days in the year, you can keep on at it (or 758 years before your turn comes to be hurt. If there had been railways when our Savior was born and you bad begun to travel on the first day of the year A. D. 1. and bad traveled 100 miles in very day of every month ol every year since then, you would still have (n this rear 18981 nearly three million milea vet to travel before your turn came to be killed. The preUorinary report of the Inter state Commerce Commission for 1897 shows that last year the railways of the country paid $40,979,933 in taxes. All camoaniea had not reported, but com pared with the proceeding year tue re-1 port shows that on about 2 003 miles less of road in 1897 than in iftKStne rail ways paid about $3,000,000 more u.oa. The total dividends paid during the year were 157,290,579. Out of every 97 cents earned by the railways therefore, above expenses, 57 cents waa profit and 40 cents went la taxes. In the central south western states (Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma and Indian Territory) the taxes exceeded the dividends by nearly 13.000,000. In Tex as taxes exceeded,dividends by over one million. In New England and the north eastern stales dividends largely exceeded the taxes. The Raport of the Inte rtate Commis sion shows that last tue railways of the United States ca.nedovsr 13.000, 000.000 paasengsrsl mile. They also carried 95.000.000 000 tons of Ireigtt 1 mile. Tbe total amonnt paid in divi dends on stock waa $S7.608,371 call it tSS.OOO.COO. Of the total earnings of the railways about 70 per cent came from freight service and 3D per cent from pas senger service, Let us assume, men, that of tbe fSS.OOO.OOO paid in dividends, 70 per cent, u 141,600.000, was profit o freight seme and $28,300,000 was profit on passenger service. Let na drop frac tions and call it 162,000,000 from freight and $20,000,000 from passengers. By dividing tbe passenger profit into tbe number of passengers carried (13,000,- 000,000) we end that the railways bad to carry a passenger 500 miles in order to earn one dollar of profit or 5 miles to earn on cent. Their average profit. therefore, was less than twc-Uuths of a cent for carrying a passenger (and bis baggsge) 1 mile. What a tew foi signers bave said of American railways may be of interest : Li Hang Chang, tbe gteat viceroy of China, said: "Nowhere else m tbe world are there such fast aod loxurioos trains" as fn America. Marquis Yamagata, field marshal of Japanese empire, eaid : "Tbe speed, tbe comfort, the luxury of your railioads, is a marvel to me.' Prince Hilkoff, imperial minis' er of Russia, said : "There is nothing In Eq rop to compare with your railroads." Sir Henry Truman Wood, special re presentative of the British government to tbe world', lair in 1S9S, said that "nownere in Europe could there tie found such luxury in travel and sucb excellent service as are given on tbe railways of the United States." Paul Leroy Beanlieu, one of the great est economists of E a rope, wri'ee : "The continent ot Europe, by tbe bonds in which it has always held private enter prise, has been able to follow only with a tardy step the example of the United States, which nation has realised in its railroad system three ideals conditions, rapidity, efficiency, and a good market. while Europe enveloped In administra tive formalism was destined to attain neither ot these three conditions." It costs the Royal Baking Powder Company something liks $500,000 an nually lor advertisicg. Soma one once suggested, says an Exchange, to the company tbat it discontinue advertising one year, tbe baking powder was so well known and advertised, and place tbat a mount, $500,000, in tb. profit. Tbe ana wer was tbat it would undoubtedly cost three times that amount to gst it in tbe right channel again. This is pretty good advice to tbe bnsinesa men wbo imagine they make a great aaving when they discontinue a $4 or $6 a month ad vert is ment a few months in the dull season. It does not pay to tear out a dam be cause the water is low The matter bas been settled. Tbs Oregonian says Biager Hermann sbou d not be sleeted, because be has always been wrong on monetery and currency questions, tbat even Mr. Mitchell ie lo be preferred becanse be is a man of far more ability and energy. Will tbe Ore gonian please explain why it supported Mr. Tongue wbo bas been juet as un sound on tbe monetary question from the Orsgonians standpoint as M r . Hsr mann, bis 1894 argument as matter of tact never having been answered. The Portland and Astoria papers con tinue to quarrel over whether grain ships shall loaJ at Portland or Astoria, While the latter place Is making a big effort to become the shipping poiot of tbe stste the chances ars that Portland will retain Its prestige, and tbat ships will continue to come up the Columbia after wbeat. (From tbe Springfield Republican.) No one is criticising (Jen. Joe. Wheeler. Be seems to do everything exactly as it should be done. Tbe Impression ot alert nsss and msstsry of affairs that be gives to visitors at Mootauk, together with his fine record in Cubs, indicates that he would havs come out on top had the war lasted long enough. Moreover, be makes red-tape yield to human brother hood. The Washington hop box is just double tbe siss of t'e Oregon box. Thai is one way that state can get ahead of Oregon. Q lotaiU uiof prices for tricking though bave caused some confusion a moug people not understanding Wash ington's ntyle of doing things. Ths fastest bicycle rider in tbe United 'States is probably a darkey, Msjab Tay or. Tbe Mejah is no cleaning tbe field, having beatec the great Michael himself. Beans are no on top In tbe national base nail tournament, with cys'ers sec nod and pork (bird. 1 A big, strong navy, but a small stand ing army Is the proper program and is the Dkhocrat's platform on this subject. Many mors have died from fever than from bullets since the war began, a fact that is uot at all creditable. The Democrats of New Hampshire have endorsed Mr. Bryan, expressinx their confidence In him, aud their ad miration, lor him, in which hund reds of thousands will unite. Peace loving people should back the Cxar In bis endeavors to secure peace for thu entire world. It is v-ry doubtful though if Lis proposition is treated with respect by some of the powers of Europe. Inject In England it is being received very coldly. notwithstanding the law against trusts there Is hardly a day paista that does not bring forth the suggastion of a new and colossal one of some kind. With the officers of the government In "cahoots ' nothing else can be expected The hnnter should be a generous and humane man. Us should not kill the bird too young for use. nor the bird too old to be eaten. It ie a fine thing to te a crack abot, but it is also a Hoe thing to h one and a ju one at the same time. There are over oae million people drawing pensions in the United States, a fact that staggers ens. Certainly no candid person believes there are that number ol people in the United States entitled to draw pensions. It is time that there was a weeding. Let the worthy have a liberal pension, but let it stop Camp Merrill Is to be investigated by the government, a proceeding many Oregontana will watch with great Inter est, as some of our boys havs been there. Tbeie is dsnger though of whitewash being used in their investigations, in fact tbe chances are that way. Camp Merritt has already been investigated by many and condemned. Back east General Miles and Secretary of War Alger are having a fair war of their own. While there will be co blood sbd there wilt be a great deal of bad feeling that will not help the Uni ted Slates any, as we, tbe people, bave to father these public matters in a gen eral way. At least it is one of the things that gives our country a reputa tion among the nations of the world, and by tbe time they get across the ocean tbey are ) exaggerated aa to re semble tbe Cheops of E.ypt. Tbe war being over, Sau Ffaociaco papers are now turning their altaotiou to sensational matters. Just now Mrs. Botkina, a woman, is receiving enough attention to make her as colon oat as Durrani. She is scented of poisoning some candy and sending it through the mails to some one in New Jersey, caus ing several deaths. Tbe circomsisnces effsr materal for many illustrations aod a great deal of matter about it. In tb. course of which the same stuff ie hashed and rebasbed until it becomes some what unsavory. But tbe big papers of the day bave to much space they bave to fill it and it takes mocb padding. After sensational development of tbe rottenness existing among tbj Eoglltb nobility as sbown up by Hooley, and as well as bas been illustrated on different occasions there should be no English paper that would dare to throw mud at tbe United Slates as tbe London Satur day Review, a prominent journal ot tbe metropolis ot tbe world, bas been doinfc. We give below a sample for digestion : "There are, of course, many worthy private persona in tbe United Stale, but what we bave to think of now are tbe people of that country as reprstsnl ed In their social, civil aod political customs. Socially it Is sordid to the last degree, and it court of law aod all its civil institutions are corrupt. It bas contributed nothing to tbe self-respect of humanity. Oo tbe cun'rary, it has shown all tbe worll to what a detb of public depravity civilizatioa is capable ot descending.' Scio. From tbe News. Mrs. Mary Cyrus and son, Henry, and daughters, (irace and Anna, cf Prine ville, who baa been visiting ner brother, G. L. Sutherland, for the past couple of weeks, left by team Tuesday tor borne. S. W. Dogger bas sold bis stock of cigars and confectionary to Peery A Peery. Mr. Dogger will probably move to Independence where be will again en gage ia tbe confectionary business. Celsvan Bros, of this city, are no mall factor among tbe wealth deslnbu tora in this section. During tbe past summer tbey bsve purchase.! and ship ped from this section over 1000 bead of choice young cattle. Mrs. O.N Denny, secretary of the Womens' FIsx and Fiber association, of Oregon, Judge O. N. Denny and E. E. Larrimore. manager of tbe Portland Linseed oil works, were In Scio tbe first of the week looking after tbe flax grown in this section, lhere is 745 acre of flax raised here this season, which will mske about 5J0 tons of strsw, and which, when properly worked at the flax mills, is quite valuable. MARRIED. CHURCHILL-SMICK.-At "Oakwood Manse," tho country home of the bride's parents, two mill eaet of Roseburg, Wednesday evening, Aug. 31, 1898, by Rev. W. A. Smick, Mr. Frank II. Churchill and Miss Anna Edith Smick. The groom is a member of the well known hardware firm of Churchill Woolley, a successful businessman who is held in great esteem by the people of Roseburg on account of his high personal character and genuine worth as a citi zen. Miss Smick is tbe daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Smick, a graduate of the Albany College, a skillful musi cian and withal an accomplished and estimable young lady. Review. The Democrat unites .with a large number of Albany friends of tho brido in extend ing congratulations and best wishes. MAIE HAMILTON. On Aug. 31, 1898, at the St diaries Hotel in this city, by Justice Powell, Mr. Henry Maine, of Yaquina, and Miss Sarah F. Hamilton, of Holley. Mr. Maine, a former Albany' news paper man is now the C & E's car paint er. They have tho best wishes of many friends. DIED. KNAPP. At her home in Brownsville at 2 a. m. Friday morning, September 2nd, 1898, of paralysis, Mrs. Lucinda W. Knapp, at the ago of 00 years, 9 months and 25 days. WHITLOCK. At Wapinitia, Wasco county, on Aug 23 1898, Mr. L. It. Wbitiock, at the age ot 7o years. Tbe deceased was a former resident of Lino county, moving to Wasco county about ten years sgo. He was the father of Mrs. George W. Anderson, of this ! city, and baa many frienls in this conn- j ty who will regret hearing of his death. DAVI8, At Sodaville on August 31, 1898, r. T. A. Davis, of diopsy. The deceased was father ot Mr. Chas. ' Davis of this city . The funeral was held at Sodaville at 12 o'clock todav. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS Wares a topic is dropping out of the public vocabulary. At least there Is no longer much talk on the subject com pared to what there was a few weeks ago. In the matter of a peace tieaty nothing has been done becsuse Spain has been nnsble to appoint a commis sion. Internal dissension makes lt al most itupossib'.e to do anythiog. There fore it is a difficult thing to piedict tbe luture of Spain in any liue, whether in connection with her colonies slipping I rotn her graep or at home. .a, The principal comment lias been on the illness of so many soldiers on ac count of the unhealthy condition of tb cainp'ng places. The public is fero ciously reeking some ons lo blame. In such cases it is generally oecesesry to start at the head and trace the matter to tbe proper place. Mr. Alger from the present outlook will have to father more than anyone elsr. In this matter the government hss been very lax snd gross ly negligent. An individual who would do liknwUe won d be tarred and feather ed almost and iode out of tbe commu nity. The stale of Oregon this week has bsn visited by tbe grestett minister in tue united Mates, Air. Tsimsge, a tuau ot brilliant ideas and a fluent orator. He Is a clear thinker and a force in his field. In tbe meantime he is making big j money lecturing, which is entirely pro- per. Whoever potsetses talent should be paid accordiog to his genius. Locally thsrs has been great interstt in tbe opening of the Ciioeoe pheaaaot season in Linn county, thst is the sea son when the pheassnt may be legally kiKed and used for private purposes. Tbe result wss accordiog to custom a general slaughter ot the bird, and bund reds wsre brought into town and eateu. It is a fact worthy of note tbougb that so prolific is the bird that as fast as is the slaughter every season again sees the fields full of tbein ready to he shot by the festive NiniroJ. 0! all tbe biids tbe Celestial is tbe game.t and tbe true hunter Mods no greater pleasure than in hunting him. He doss it though in a sportsmanlike manner, sparing the squab, leering tbe aged atone and shopping at tbe limit, lis doe no pot banting, bnt gives tbe bird a show and displays his skiil jo bring ing bim down. Tbe pleasure iseobsnc ed by tbe quality of tbe game, for it is doub'.Iul it a more palatable meat is cooked than tb. breast (rote a Cbiosae pheatant, fit to Ht beloie a prince, a president or an editor. A Klondike letter tclliog about msny wbo went there Irotn this county leads ons to believe that there alii be very little gold brought frsm the froieu north to this part of lbs United States. . Tbe fates or something ele seem againtl ot. There msy 0. cousoiatioo though in tbe j fact tbat we will have thoee among ot wto in future years wilt be able to Wild tbe bavebeene of tbat lamoos camp, one that bas attracted more attention than any other since tbe stampede of '49. It woo!d bave been pteaicg though to bave bad one of those $50,000 tacks brought back to Lion county for circulation and tor local io.pection There ia time jet, tbougb tbe probabil ity cannot be staled. A low price for beat this werk does notprsuuee optimistic seotiments. At the same lime people bsve gotten ued to tbe changed condstkns of sff airs aod are Using things more philosophically than tbey dal wben tbe lard times first struck tbe conotry, aod the result wit! be pretty good limes regardless ot tbe low prices, made possible by the big yield on account of tbe big acreage. Those who make the bettoi things are tbe oces w bo prosper most. The biik will generally come lo grief. if not in one p ace. then 13 another. Tbe fail of ths circus msu wbo receut'y did this country ia a sa tuple. He is in jail for six moatbt. lhere are others doing botine oo a smalt scale, legiti mate so far as tbs taws go, who would get only tbeir deseitsif tbey were served likewite, Tbe Democrat bss no ore for the itinerant going through tbe country getting butioets under practically falte pretence-. It is time tbe public set down on ibis cla-t of rosn. Supposed to Be Laughable Miss eprockett :Toere is a lest frcm Scripture that I ataavs think ot when I mcunt ttiii laodera, Charley." Charley Cranque: "What is it?' Mies Sprockelt: Get behind me, ea iso." Boston Transcript. Sbe:"Do you koow what I would do II I were a man?'' He :"On, I suppce you'd ho-ry right down to where they were fighting, aod knock cut the Spaniard." She; "No, I'd put my feet upon the rail ing and tate a little comfort in lif." Cleveland Leader. Dixon ; ''Buffktns seems to be enjoy ing the fortune his aunt It ft bim," Hixon : "Why, I understood be lost it all in a wheat deal about six months sgo. Dixon: "So be did ; but it has supplied bim with a never-failing topic of conver sation ever since." Chicago News. "Has your wife a cheerful disposition my son?" Ob, yes, mother very cheerful. Last night when I Katdauciugarorod on oue foot, at'.er itepping 011 a tack, she laugh ed till her tides ached." Roxbury Gaxette. '"Dil you ear ths man was shut in the woods, doctor?" "No, I didn't, I said he was sl o: in the lumbar region.'' Yonkers Ststes man. Tub Univkhsity or Ohkt.on gradasted last J one the largest clssa in its history. The class numbered thirty. Tbe fall term will begin September 19th. Stud ents wbo havs complete ! the tenth grade branches can enter the sub-freshman clas. No examinations are required for graduates of accredited schools. Reason able equiv sleets sre accepted for moot of the required entrance studies. Cata logues will be sent free to all applicants. Persons desiring information mav ad dress the president, Secretary J. J . Wal ton, or Mr. Max A. Plum, all ol Eugene, Oregon. The courses offered are those of a good university. There are depsrt nients of modern aud ancient lannuagea, Ehyaics, chemistry, biology, geology nglith, elocution, .advanced sngineer ng, astronomy, logic, philotophy, psy chology, mathematics and physical edu- ' cation. M U810 and drawing u also The tuition is free. All s'ud- aught. nis pay an incidental fee of ten dollars any. board, lodging, heat and light the dormitory cost 2.50 per week. Mcbic Miss Mildrca Burmeatei teacher ot piano or organ. System tbs mason toucn and technique. Kesidence Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. MISFITS. "For heaven's sake don't shoot. "It was a tramp craw led down taliind a stack of wheat in the early morning. A dog hud pointed him and the hunter was standing ready to shoot what ho suppos ed waa a pheasant behind the wheat, when the tramp threw up his hands and cneu oui as staled. Mrs. Nellie Humphrey who made a fortune in Dawson, dressing belles of the city, hss returned to Seattle. She made about $61,000 making and selling clothes to the women of the district, charging prices that would have staggered a worth. A returned Klondiker in Seattle re cently bad a whole lot of fun throwing money from the top of the hotel into the street for men to scramble for. A barber secured $11 but he came out of the scramble with his clothes nearly torn off his back. Tbe man bad so much fun tbat he has announced another dis tribution. Portland Telegram : Dick Burkman, who arrived at Kkagway from Bennett the other day, says the rush to the new diggings from the Chilkoot summit was, he believes, greater than it was over the bite pass, and tbe prices at Bennett lieat those paid at Dawson, very prob ably. He saw a gold pan sold there for $12.50 and picks and shovels for $l0each. Mr. Hepburn sold two dozens of shovels for $8 apiece. And now tbe Telegram accoses Mr, Pcnnoyerof farming according to tbe moon. ia snort tbat be is a lunar I ai re sr. Next. Tbe friends of C. D. Bstes are wonder ing that he has just secured a young deer t Jr. Tbey fear be is about to come some nsck oiovemeot on the exhibitors at tbe state show to be in Albany next year, by which tbey will be givrn a show not oown on ins program. J. W. Houtk, of Jefferson, says be ran into a band of young quail Thursday, and among them be noticed two small Leghorn chickens, says the Oregon foul try Journal. Tbev were as wild aa the quail and the mother quail exhibited equal solicitude for their safetr. Honcks solution ol this freak is that tbe eg-.- were laid in the brush by a leghorn h-.i and found and batched out by the qr-ml. In order to attract attention t marUa Skagway the business men tli ru keep making big finds ot gold just a few miles away. Look out for iha three card monte gulti finding city. Mr. McOoire seems to think that be is game w arden just of the Columbia river. The IKMorwAT doubts if he is game warden at all. He certainly is not much of a game warden for the valley. Here are some of Talmage's bright sayings in bis Portland lecture: "Out hes don't make the gentleman." "I have no use for either Lord Ches terfield or Beau Brummels. w ho need all ttie line clothes the country produces to give them an air of respectability." '"trod Almighty alone can make tbe gentleman." "Nor can tbe milliner and dressmaker make the lady" "We find the lady of times in the poor est of drease." 'We find her upon the btttle-field in the thickest of the fight, caring for the wounded." "You can tell the lady and gcltcman anywhere." "The gentleman makes life cheerful for those arotirul him. He bss thoughts ouuide ot self." "The true la ty has thoughts aside from ber lrvw." "The man who makes others miser able i a disagrrraUe character." "The man wbo is always talking with out thinking is a.bore. He is generally ignorant." "The father who draws a long face on Sunday and in a sepulchral voice teaches rcligian to his children is a hypocrite." 'Keiigioo makes a maa cbetrfuL" "The czar's peace manifesto is tbe sun-bum of this miiieunium." Oatvtllc. Mr, Thomas Alderson died Augu.t 3dih. Mr. Alderson was a native of Eng land, bit came to America in time to serve three years in the army during the war of tbe Rebellion.- He came to this slate in 1S91 and bas rssde a borne among us. He leaves a wite and oca son Me. A. F. Datis died at bie borne ia Sods ville on tbe evening of August 31st, Mr. Davis came to Oregon in 1S93, and located near here where be resided until lat summer when be s Id bis fruit farm and went to Sodavilie lor bis health, but dieease tad too strong a bold on bis system. A lew months since his dwell Ing house burned with almost everything be possessed . We were awakened on the morning ot September 1st by constant firing ot shot guns and then we remembered that tbs game law allowed ths a right to slsy nineteen ring recked pheasants aod the right 10 shoot at tbe iXflb. He louod one of those bi.-dt at our door to day, for which Mr. Ulen Jaokins bss our thanks, however, this is an annual oc currence wilb tilen. Wbo will be next? Excuse us, Young America, you have beat us on cutting grain, but wait till our " Liars vmo reorgsn tee and we will try you again. Sahe The lady friends of Mies Floy Pugh as sembled at the residence of ber parents Isst nedcesdsy arriving at 10:30. The forenoon was spent in music and games. At 12 o'clock the visitors were all seated to a table loaded with pies and cakes of every variety, also, cbicken. beef, and 1 a variety of vegetables and fruita. The afternoon was spent in polling tft, t All present enjoyed themselves. Those present were: Misses Carrie Shearer, .euie rattison, wioote tlolstetn, Lil lian Hammill, Estella Hammil and Glen Barlon, of Oak ville. Miss Zoe Yantia of Salem, and Mits Ada Post, ot Bell plain. This surprise party was on sc' count of the 1-Sth birthday of Miss Flov. n e were me reetpieni 01 some very nice cake for which Mies Floy will accept our inanas U e were in Tangent a few days since, but couldn't find our friend A. Y., but. ss we were on our wsy borne, we stopped with Biyan and Owenby'a thresher, and in the distance we saw our friend busily engaged pitching bundles We also learned that Mr. Newci-nie was a'so in the harvesting business. Messrs. Height and Turner passed through here last Wednesday: they ate selling ouggtee ana tisc.s. uail again Knox I Little Rose Bcd. War Tax Offenders. The Internal revenue department is about to proceed against violators ot the war tax la w red hot. The Telegram says : The agent's black list includes the names of many of the promineut drug gists, saloon men, hotel men and restaur ant men in Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Walla Walla, Helena, Boise City and the smaller cities throughout the district. The law has been made a a mockery. Drug clerks laughed in the agent's face wben be informed them they were violating tbe law. "It is simply astonishing," said Mr. Thomas, who has just returned from a trip over the northwest, "the number of men there are who thiuk it ro crime to evade the law. Drug stores soil all kinds of proprietary articles without stamps. Many ot tbem also sell liquor without licenses. Some of them make a portion ot the'r counters regular bars. The stamp law covers nearly everything in a drug store. The time for action has como. Every person caught violating the law will be arrested and complaints filed before tbe district attornev. We shall carrv out ! I the law to the letter, and let the United , r-irnraa rnnrra iiari wnn inn nuannara a TELEGRAPHIC Aa.laer Big Cat San Fraxcisco, Sept. 2. Passenger rates over tbe transcontinental lines have taken another tumble. General Passanger Agent T II Goodman, of the H. P., has received information that, beginning Monday, all the lines, excent I the Northwestern, will quote a greatly f tKU rBlB to m iuo Missouri river to Chicago. First-class travel has been af- lected as well as the second-class, though rates to go into effect being $7 and $o, respectively. Heretofore, the rate has oeen siz. i be cut will affect traffic from Kan Francisco eastward to thn extent that the new schedule will bo taken as a basing rate. eaaeaabcr lbs Kfala. Wasihkotox. Bent. 2 Aveneed but not forgotten is the Maine. At present the full attention of the administration is occupied with mattera more immedi ately pressing, but the determination is general in otlicial circles that when the S roper time arrives, tbe manner of the eatruction of the Maine must be posi tively learned, if the thing be possible, and that the persons responsible there fore shall be brought to justice. T. B. Expecte Sa Fraxc'IHOO. Kent. 2 What waa left of the big raft, which was started down tbe coast for the Bibb Lumber Co., and which broke in two off Point Beyes a few days ago, was towed into port this morning. Almost I.UUU.UUU teet ot lum ber was lost, but tbe section saved will cover the loss and expenses . At WlkaST Camp Wigorr. Sent. 2 There were ten deaths in tbe general hospital and six deaths in the detention hospital to day. At the general hospital there are aica, at toeoeienuon noepiuu z-iu. Two hundred men were furloughed to day. Warlike 1'AKia, Si-pt. 2 The mOHt pessimistic! feelings exist. It is the common belief j tbat Great Britain and Russia are on, the eve of war, and that the conse- 411 ui tun ireyiua ecanu&i wiu tu- ; volve France in war with Germany. The government is doing its best to stem toe rising tide of agitation. aa aitlaae. Lonkiv, Sept. 2. A report was cur rent ttay that Great Britain and Ger many eaterday signed a treaty of alli-nc- for Germany's support n Erpt. Etu-uni will recognize (iermany's claim in y ria as aa outlet lor ber surplus pop uiton. a.CeaaBlaalm Vet Madrid, Sept. 2. The deadlock over tbe appointment of the members of the members of the peace commission con tinues. The cabinet sat this evening in con cert the queen regent presiding. St nor Sagasta, the premier, made a statement ts to foreign policy, referring particular ly to tbe disarmament proclamation of Emperor Nicholas. Lieutenant-General Correa, minister of war, read a dis patch from General Rios, acting govern or -general of the Spanish territory in the Philippine islands, annooncing'that be had acceded to Admiral Dewey's re quest to open Philippine ports, subject. rauucation by Uie Madrid government. AaamtatatraltM CaxvaUaa DiBcarE, Ia., Sept. 1. The republi can convention today was decidely an administration body mail its actrnns and speeches. No other sentiment than that of approval waa to be heard any where. Senator Alien waa looked upon as echoing tbe sentirntmts of President McKiniey and uie Washington cabinet, believing that tbe delegates rare their approval and indorsement ot the admin istration policy. krt I at atrtabt IsbErxsDEXcx, Sept. 1 A three days" race meeting opened here this after noon. Tbe weather was perfect and the track was in good condition. The feat ure of the afternoon was a mile exhibi tion pace by Del Norte, wbo has the dis tinction of being the only guidelese pacer on the Pacific coast, lie is full brother of tbe famous Chehata. His record this afternoon was tbe bet ever made by a guidcteM pacer west of the Hocky mountains :15, the last half be ing made in l:Oo. In4 rnaS WASMrsoTO!, Sept. 1 A wkie inves tigation of specious bids under the last call tor eubecriDUons to government bonds baa been completed by Solicitor m tonne 1, 01 tue treasury department, and today he submitted to tecretary Gage tbe mass of testimony on the transactions. Several thousand sub scribers were eiamined. The tacts de- Aeioped show a srstemstic srbeme ope rated by single parties to secure a large amount of tbe bonds. A Big rtcaac Sax Frasctsco, Sept. 1 One of the largest mortgages ever executed in Cal- uornia was recorded this afternoon. It was for $4,000,000, and was given bv the Spring allev Water Ooropsnv to the L nion Trust Cnnpany.ot :mi-i Francis co, to secure tu of bond. Saairtaas I .Sac A J Jaaemea Indian a pous, Sept. 1 The supreme loage, nnignis 01 rvtnias, cioaea us sc. sioo tonight at 7 o'clock, after the new officers bad been installed, and adioufti ed. Tbe per cam! a tax was fixed at 8 cents. Free Spaalar.. Washisgtos, Aug. 31. Acting Secre tary Allen bas aeihorixed the release of all the Spanish naval prisoners captured in the battle of July 3 from Cvvera's Meet. Tbese are now at Annapolis and Seavey's island, Portsmouth harbor. the otticers at the academy and the sail ors at the island. Tbe condition of tbe men physically is all that can lie desired. The prisoners are to be returned to Spain at the expense of Uie Spanish government. A t.ergta ryrtaae. Savasau, Ga., Aug. 31. While there was no loss of life from laal night's storm which swept Savanah, the dan age to property will foot up close to $.100,000. Probably 100 buildings were wholly or partially unroofed, and as many more were otherwise damaged. 1 he root was torn from half of tbe Savannah theater. The First Baptist church is among the most beaviiy damaged ouudings.. Crarla Keltere. Nkw York, Aug. 31. A dispatch to the Herald from Santiago says: General Gracia has been relieved of his command by General Gomez, act ing under instructions from the provis ional government. This is owing to dis approval of his action during the Shat ter campaign, and in view of the fact that Gracia is tiersona non grata to the American government, and that at the commencement of the war the Cuban officers were ordered to put themselves under orders of the American command er. Azalaat A,alBald. Manila, Aug. 31. Tho inrurgents to day attended a requiem mass in the Pasig church, on Uie Bight of the battle fidld for U10 repose of the souls of the insurgents and Americans who have loa their lives here while lighting the Span ish. . According to Spanish advices, there is a strong Iceiingin tho provinces against Aquinaldo, because the insurgents anti cipations have not been realized. Th. Dead at rblekaataaga. Chiokamaio.v, Ga Aug. 31 A list of the dead in the armv at Ctiickamauga from May 1 up to and including today numbers 338. This includes tho men who bave died in the army hospitals and iu tho hospitals and private resi dences of the city. Ot U10 entire num ber, probably 40 per cent were from ty phoid fever. The I l W. WABinxaTOS, Aug. SI. Ambassador Hitchcock, at St. Petersburg, cables the state department thst he bas been handed by the Russian minister for for eign affairs a copy of tbe czar's note proposing a general disarmament. Tho full text of the note will be sent by mail. Twenty pheasants ought to satisfy any one- for a days hunt. It is said though soma hunters kill several tunes that number. 1 -J 1 - - . t. ? . r I r WW IV i) J CD Q) & O o 0 0 o m "Hurrai! Bank i ; i . '1 ! I . - .: ten. t i 1 I V " 1 -i 6 1 f Every body vrho reads the newi papers knows what priva tion ani suffering' were caused in Cuba by t'ze failure of the supply of tobacco provided fcy tie Government to reach the camps of the U. S. Soldkxs. aaatase- PLUG When rrurchir.g fighting tramping wheeling; instantly relieves that dry taste in the mouth. emember the name when you buy again. OREGON Industrial Exposition CMTSS IX fOSTLilD, SXPTEIHB 22 iininniin 2. 1303 The Finest and Greatest Ever Held in the Northwest. Eorticultursind Agricultural prod acts of Oregon aod Wasbiagtcn will be dWp'ajed in wonderful profus ion, including more varieties than ever before gathered together in one exhibit. Gold, Si'ver aod Bronze Medals will be awarded. Marve'ioos Rich Specimens from Our Oold, Silver and Olber Mine. EIISBTTS SSSOIKED HUT AST B1SD Has been engaged for ti.e season. AtUMndiog Aerial Fea'S and Acro batic performances. Verr low rates on railroads. Admission, adults, 2S cents; children,. 10 cents. rTBlLE THE WiH USTS. Alt who ffiArcb. walk or a'and, aboold thake into ttseir sew A!in' Fvt-E", a poa-der. lt cures echisg, tired fcie em.A Sen feet, and loake tight or ie these tty. it abtotbs oouture. acl prevents est. eg. bot.smartieg. Uistered, sweating ft. A.i "be regular array troops and navy ro-a ne it. Volunteer ia hot climate raTt exist in cosnfrr wi?hoa it. Alt-s Foot-Eae i nM t a'! ti avg'stt and Ooe store. 2V, Samp tent FKEK. Address, Allen S. Otautead, UeHOV. 1 . SHERIFF SALF. By virtue of aa execution an-1 ordr tf sale, larued out ot tbe circuit court ot tee state of Oregca for tbe county rf linn, to me duly dtmrted.deliTered and dated on tbe 1-th ct augut,lt3,in acertaia soit ia said court.whereia A. C. Haaro - plaintiff and Mary W hit e.asd J D Aribao -mio-ietrator de bonus non with tbe wiu abvt 4 of the eatate fJ J. J. White deceased, were defendants, ia which taid suit tbe said A. C. hausman recsveetd a judgment on the H:h day of July A. D 1JSJS, again tbe eaid defendant for t sum of $(3.60 with interest at tbe rate ot 10 per cent per annum from said date and tbe further no of $2o.t0 attorneys fees and f ,r tue costs and disbursments taxee at $15.00. oriein. adjqdging and decreeing bat the real property Jewired in plaiotiffi mortgage and coutp'aint, towit: I'-eicg aM tbos certain premise tituated within tbe limits of tte city of Browns ville, in Linn county, t'revoo. and more particularly known and described a Lot No. Three (3) in Bioik N-. Three (31 in GrcsVt addition to the city of North rirownsTitie in Linn ouniy, Oregon, as said tors appear of record on tbe pats of taid addition to said cilyof North Browns fit'e. of fie and of record in tbe office of the coonty reeorcVrof Linn county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy uid judgment aud decre and all costs. Therefore, notice is hereby given that I will, on Saturday, the 24th dav of Septem ber A. D , l&S. at the ht cr of 1 o'clock P. M . of said day. at the front door of the court houte. in tbe city of Albany. Linn countv, Oregon, offer for sale, at public auction, to the hubest bidder, for cash in hand, subject to redemption according to law, the real property in said order and de cree and herein before described, to tatisty said judgment and all casts aud accruing cotts. Dated this ?0th day cf Au;ust, A. D., LJS. I. A. MfNKSRS, She: iff cf Linn Co., Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE XOriCtC Is HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, as tne administrator of tbe estate of Mary E Crawford, deceased. Any and all per sons havm- claim a gaunt sid estate are htrebv notifiVi to present them to the underpinned at Albany. Oregon, within six months from th date hereof, duly verified, as by law required. Dn'cd this Sib day of August, 1S9S, C. H. Stewart, Administrator. WRATnERFORD iSc WVATT, A'ty for Auua'r Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using De Witt's Hazel Salve, lt heais nroiuptly aud cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives iuiuiedia'e relief . AtJ.A. Cummings. fiob Moore, of laFayette. lod.. tava that ror constipation he has found De Witts Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never grire. Try them for stomach ana liver troubles. At J. A. Cumatines. Kilaeat. Vour Buw.ia wac&rttia. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation foreve tOc, S5o. It C. C. C. fail, druggists retuuu aiow: -'- a ". ) i At his come' IT; kJ o 0 0 O o o DR- J. L.HILL f3f i.-iai I sarsrwa. OSes, First S DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD m Scenic Line OfllieWorli' To The IISI . In tbroogh toorist cars witboet change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TO CRIST SLEEPERS t3is and psr.5n To Kaoaaa Cry aa i Chicago tUo aad BoaScci MOND Y-S iritis. etaac.aia Sat Lai. Vt.rt a ri Paoae aad Cbaoaf ac Alto Eat'.mad To Osaaka, Chisace, Baffalo TU ESD aYS fcV3B, witroat caaag. ya Ka't Lak and Chieagx Rock Idadd Paeibe Ky T. Stjoawa. Cittr. WEPNSDAY3 St Ucis, - u ; t dag. via a C Barbag lo -i-aaa City aad Sa Loais THURSDY3 witbjat cfcaag. vt Sal Lakcacd Mawcsuri Pacine Ry A day ateporar arranged at Salt lak. aad tVeaTee , , A Ride tiirougk tbe fasooas Coioraoo Sos?$sIC f Far rmtea aad ioforsaatioa iaqaaa of OK & N aid S P aeatt ea- addieaa R C Nicwou Gtsi Agt, S K RottXKS, SI Waahiagtew street, Deaver, PortUad Onoe Cifaewdo. Corvallis 4 Eastern Railroad. TIKE CAVO. 1. For Taquinat Train leaves Albany 11:50 p. nr. " Oorvallui 1 :45 p. m. Arrive Yaquina H p. as. 2. Returning: Leaves Yaquina 7:00 p. m. " Corrallia 11 HO a. m. Arrive Albany 12:25 p. m. For Detroit: Leaves Corra'Iis 7:00 a. m. " Albany 8 KXS a. m. Arrive Detroit 12 -.20 p. m. Returning: Leaves Detroit 13:40 p.m. " Albaov 6H5 p. m. Arrive Corvallis 65 p. to. 1 and 2 connect at Albany with South ern Pacific train giving direct service to and from Newport nd adjacent beacbea. Train for the mountains arrives) at De troit at noon giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breiteaboah aad Saniiara rivers tame day . IvDW 1.X STONJS, H. H. Wiirux, Manager. T. F. P. A. J. Txkskju Agent Albany. S" m v oa dicm m a TAO SSAKXSV 'istro copvatcMTS a. AkTOM wTHnc a aad deacttjtloa aaa. tax-lit aBOrrcaio. rrea, htar aa mnauoaia prottaMr MtentaMa. t-aiuntcat4.o. atnctij cuuiMentiaL OKVMt avx) furaeeannc paiMia ti America. V a WahaoB oM. rweau take, tanwtra Haaa a CO. raaatv. peoal doCob tn la. SCIENTIFiD AMERICAN, bmottrnllT tUostrated. lanetet eHedatlca an. soiutl-r joaraal. w aaJy. turni Si-OB a nu, SI Jitf ix ntottia. t-pcima oupiu an4 HaaBt Juoa x 1'atkxts aeot trM. AaOnat MUNN A. CO., 361 Brwtnv. Kew Vork. AGMtMISTRATOI'S NOTICE KOTICE13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe undersigned bas been, by tba Countr court, of Linn Co., and State ot Oregoa.duly appoinred administrator de boons nor aad tbe will annexed of the estate of G. F. Crawford, dV ceased, late of Linn County. Oregon. All) person having claims against said estate are berby required to present, them to tbe undersigned within x months from this date at his place of business a tbecity of Albany. Oregon. 'Dated this the 30th day ot loir. 1S35. C. H. Stew AST, Adm'r De Bonus Noa with tbe will annexed. Weathehford & Wtatt, Attorneys for 4dm"r. -fr- Albany Market. Wheat 4$ cents. Oats 3. Eggs 10 cents. Butter 15 to 22 cents, Potatoes 25 cents. Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 tc 7cctt t a? 8 o o ia Q 0 UriaB WW .Ja.