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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1898)
Hit Doiwrtat. Blankets. Albany Woolen Mills manufacture. A very large lot just on sale. The Quality and Prices will close them nt quickly. 6 LB. WHITE blankets at 5.00 and Sib. at $4 per pair. 7 LB, SCARLET blankets at 5.00 jer pair. GRAY blankets. $3.00 to".M accor.1 ing to quality and weights. 5 ll. to 12 lb. ORANGE, Maroon and Vicuna blank eta, different weights and qualities, at close prices. 5 E Young & Son, You might as well be safe in your tea-drinking, and enjoy it more besides. Try Schilling's Best your money back if you don't like it. The Independence R aces. The Bazaar. We have secured manufactures line of earn pies in Ladies Undergarments, Mus lin, Cambric or Nainsook, which we are able to offer at actual wholesale prices There goods are only slightly soiled and are perfect in workmanship as well as beautiful in style and quality. Era oroideries are finer than are usually ehown. Call and examine L. E. & II. J. HAMILTON. Woodmen Items. Swann in the Woodman: Pleasure seetlng and rushing business has made the Woodmen ineefngs of late very slim. The ofrcle baa a good attendance. On the meeting of the J2ih Neighbor How la ad was introduced. On last Friday evening we devoured watermelons en ough to sar prise all persona ho periorm prodigies of gastronomy. Neighbor Tyree has moved from us to begin hi schoot at LaOrande. Neighbor Owen has moved here from McCoy. Neighbor Norman ha had the mis fortune of having bis house burning since last I wrote you. 1 tiad a letter from Messina. Cal.. sav ing Neighbor LaFollets family were sick j witb toe scarlet lever cut gettibg along well. Neighbor Lillian Farrell, of Portland, was visiting in the city last week. Neighbor F. E. Allen is etill a widower We have about concluded to send him to the Aid Society. Neighbor Neat's family will move to town next week. Neighbor D.J. DuRruille, oar consul, is now doubly sure of his title of the la dies man oi Albauy c mp Ha has grown a crop ol whiskers and the ladies are un iversal in their pr4ise of his beauty. One Joung lady heard to remark: "On just ook at those lovely wbi.kers." The races at Independence, have proved to be the best ever held at that place. The attendance has been smalt, but the very best racing nf the season as been done, despite the poor support ac corded the horsemen, Oa Thursday .the opening, there were scarcely one hundred people present, and yet a splend'd pro gram was put on. The first was a harness event for trot ting 2-year olds. "Eltypt" a A. S. by Coeur D'Alene. and driven by Ed Moeh ier, won the race in straight heat, going the first half of the last mile in 1 :16. The 2:17 trot brought out the beet field of ho see that ever faced a .tarter on the Independence t ack Boner N. B., Me teor and Helen J. taced in orcVr named. Best time, 2 -.19. Then followed the event of the day Del Norte 2:08 went hie first mile in pub'icas a "guidtl.ees" and cov ered the mile in 2:15. A halt mile dash in which Robert H , owned by Case, the barber, took the first place, closed the program lor tne aiternon. Friday saw few more people present, and a good afternoon's racier. There were three event. JThe 2:37 trot was won by Lady Careful.dnven.'bv Luke LdDcarj, in tu. tcoon lime ei ziz. uorai, a riven oy Moener Jr. took one heat in 2:29. The 2:25 pacing race brought together Altawood, Prince, Tom and Tokio, Altawood won in straight heats. Best time, 2 :22. This race was hotly contested, and tbe small crowd pree-nt aaw a horse race. Del Norte was then given a warming up mile by his owner, C E. BarrrOws, who baa devel oped and trained the speedy black son of olC Altament, and has tons proven him self a horseman the per of any on the coast. A few minutes later Ed Moshier mounted on a running mate, brought the tftiidelesa pacer to tte wire, and nodded or the word Alter having gone the first eighth in the fast time of 15 seconds his bpoples hnke and he was returned for a eecoud trial. This time he was more fort u Date, and flew to the half like tbe wind in 'he heat breaking time of 1:03,'. Heading into the stretch, he elan d for home as though determined to shatter his own mark, and steadied hy Mosnier, he pushed his nose under the wire in 2:09 fiat Sum a performance was well worth go ng many mile to wit ness Saturday he did even better going the mile inKM.the half in 1K32. This stamps Del Norte as one of the greatest bore of the aee. Too much credit cannot be given to all who contributed to th. success of this meeting. 8pecial mention is due the veteran horseman and breeder, S. C Moener, who worked long and bard to make tnis an attractive meeting. O.vx who was Tints. JEFFERSON. From the Review . D. D. Loonev housed his threfhiiiit machine Saturday night after a straight run of 27 days without a break. F. P. DeVaney expects to start next week lor a vioit to the scene of his childhood in North Carolina and Ten nessee On his return be will for a lime with Missouri relatives. S P agent Johnson informs ns that the sale of tickets last month reached I2S6, while for Aug. was but $92 08 Ttie 1 he Sunny South. For the AluaSy Democrat. There's a blessed land of sunshine Where tho sweet Magnolia grows Favored land of milk and honey And the ever blooming rose. Chorus lilesaed land ! Summer land ! Where the sweut Magnolia grows, Where the Sweet Magnolia grows, j And eer blooming roHe, Blessed land 1 Summer land. 'Tis a land of rarent beauty And of happy sweet content Where the richest gifts of heaven Over all the land are sent. Hills and vales and forests smiling Neath it's purple tinted sky, Lovely birds in sylvau bowers Singing as the days go by. Dwelling there it's peaceful children Bless the land that gave them birth, And with joyous hearts they tell lie 'Tis the fairest land of earth. Yea that summer land in charming Where the sweet Magnolia grows. Fields and groves and fruiUand How era Fragrant as the blooming rose. l)i x IK. One who lived among the White River hills of Arkaneas when a boy. ra tted to the head otlice during August 1897 was $212.75; August 1S98, 5o2. E. H. Rhodes shipped a car of prunes Thursday and will probably ship an other tonight. If the fruit growers hereabout would look at this mafer in tbe riebt light, a market eould be creat ed here that would be worth thousands of dollars to them each year. Back fuom Manila. Mr. Will Wann, of Salem, was in the city today on his way to Newport for an outing before he returns to Manila to join his company, Ix'inir awav on a furlough. On tho wiv 1897 the amount i, 0 Manila Wann was taken with the lata! amount re- measles, catchimr cold .the cold sett'iiiir WhetU. Tbe market today is unchanged, being 46 cents in Albany, and stationary in toe east. It is considered weak. De eember wheat in San Francisco has de clined. It is 69c, Sept. wheat 66c. Da. Ccsicx's Thumb. John A Carson, the attorney, and Dr. W. A. Cusicx were yesterday banting the Mongolian plieae- aats near the suburbs of Staytoa when through some mischance, the doctor re ceived an injury tj his thumb that ne cessitated medical assistance being rend ered him. It being against tbe ethics of tbe medical fraternity for a phyeiciar to admiuister medicine to himself. Mr Car eon, seeing tbe dilemma in which the suf ferer was si-, uated, proffered his service, which were accepted, and he proceeded to dress lb injured member. Report baa it that tbe at to Tie v amputated the thumb with his jarktife, but tbe report was not verified. - Statesman. W AST's a Dnoacs. Mrs. Addie Powell has brought suit for a divorce against ner husband Richard M. Powell, W. M. Brown and J. M Somere, of Lebanon, attorneys. Cruel and inhuman treat mint is accused. Tbey were married on April 12, 186. in Crook county .and have one child, eighteen month of age, whom tbe defendant secured and fled with to Crook county, whre be has property. The value of tbe defendant' property is given as $3,500. MillCitt Acodest. E. A. Thorn p con was badly hurt at tbe mill at Mil' city last week. A block cut by the men working with him was thrown down, hitting him on tbe bead, knocking bim insensible. Mis fae was bdly skinued ud there was a knot on tbe back of bis bead as big as a fist, tie is now getting along well. ' No More round shoulders. Wear tbe improved Koickei bocker shoulder brace and walk upright in life. . have a complete took for tbe young bovs and girls, men and women, 41.00. $1.25 and $1 50 Tbe btst brace on earth. Bcrkhart & Las. Go to South aed's lit door East of DaKocaAT building to buy your hay,oata, bran, aborts, chicken feed and flour. He will pay you cash for poultry of all kinds. Mr. Frank Will spent Sandsy at Au rora. Mr. J olios Joseph retnrncd this noon from a cigar tiip to tbe Bay. Will Collins wss arretted veaterJar far being drank and disorderly. VV'.B. Lawler came down from the mines last Saturday evening. Mr. Weaiberford and niece MiaaAr- rick have returned from the Bay. Judge Whitney has returned from his trip across the mountains to Pnneville. Chief of Police Lee's condition baa been coosidered critical for several days. A. D. Hale the new propietor of the Press of this city will Jtake charge this week. Mrs Clifton sad daogbter and Miss Elma Parker came over from tbe Bay this noon. Dr. W. H. Davis has been ill for two or threed ays. He is now considerably better. Miss Maggie Chambers has bguj clerking in the store of L. E. and H. J. Uamilton. Mr. Emil Ewert. o! Spokane, is in she city on a visit tbe goert of his parents. He reports Spokane a bummer. Mr. Harry Connoway returned this noon from Portland. her a railroad man saya it is rumored be was married. C. D. Bowles nnd family, of Vancouv er, are in tbe city the guests of Mrs. Bowles parent, Mr. and Mrs. Rofns Thompson. Miss Berdie Day hasreturned from her trip to Astoria, stopping on her way home at Salem, where she visited with Mr. and Mrs Sjwer. Mies Mildred Rcrmaeter went to Port land this moiiiiug where the will re main several wreks taking a special course in instrumental music. She will oe at Mrs. Tate's. Mrs. Gotlieband son David left this morning for Chicago where David will take the regular three years coarse in tbe Chicago Dental Cillege, one of the beet in tbe United Slates. Mayor C. G. Borkhart arrived yester day from San Fmncis-i where he had been to attend tne Paciiic coat assembly of Woodmen of tbe World, of which be was one of tbe Oregon delegates. The meeting was a great success. Prof. Scbmitt left tbia noon for south ern Oregon in tbe inteiest of the college, He will also on Wednesday at Oakland act as best man in the Wisbart-RutM wedding, tc which several Albany people received invitations. Rev. J. H. Cornwall, who baa been prencbing in Portland during the- past year iiaa rented tbe Smith boarding house at Bodaville and will now reside in that city. He Las heretofore made bodaville bia residence some. Mr. J. A. Ilervev. suddIv fo the U . P. church of this city, yesterday, today went to tbe Bay with bis camera to set some views to take home. Havisg been to the top of Ml. Hood, Mr. Hervey will have the two beat collections in the northwest for scenery. Mrs. L.W. Gaiss.of Woodbnrn. a few days ago was standing on a box on top a cnair aajusting something in tne room wnen me box turned and abe fell to tbe Uoor in such a way as to press the thigh oone into tne Dip secret, crippling her it was thought 'or five or six months An Interesting Case United States Marshal Houeer left for Union this morning tu levy execution against A. C. Jones, a merchant of thai town, and James Phy.sheriff of tbe roon enlore the payment of a judgment for $2000 recently obtained against them by C. A. Bushnell in tne United States cir cuit court in this city. Bushnell sued for I20.00C damages for alleged malicious prosecution and false imprisonment He ia an itinerant pho tographer. and was following bis avoca tion in Washington wben Jones under took o bring him back to et. force the collection of a claim, it e allesd. A charge ol larceny by bailee was preferred against Bushnell in the justice court at union, Jones claiming that he bad de- ramped with some of his photographic supplies Bushnell had been in the em ploy of Jones prior to bia trip in Washington. The papera were nlaced in the hinds of Sheriff Pby for service, and beaocreeded in bringing Bushnell back into Oregon. L poo the examination of Bushnell be fore the justice he was discharged . Tbe damage suit followed. Upon the trial ol this action it was shown that there was noteveo probable cause for the arrest of Bushnell upon a criminal charge, and that be was brought back into Oregon for the sole purpose of enforcing payment of an alleged claim that should prooerly have been brought into tbe civil courts for adjudication. It was also shown tbat Sheriff Pby took Bushnell oit of tbe state of Washington without warrant of law, acd that he manifested nndnezeal in the prosecution. Tbe damage action was stnhbomly con tested at the trial, bat Bushnell made ont strong case, and it was only by a mere scratch that he did not get a verdict lor foOOO, instead of $iXM The sum to000 was first written out in tbe verdict, bnt as one of the 12 jurymen deemed this award excessive the amount was reduced to $2000. A motion for a new trial was argued before Judge tiilhert two days aso and denied. There therefore r-mains noth ing for the defendants to d) now but pay the judgment, as there ia little gmond upon which to gram. Bushnell Is a gene. cn his lungs, so thai after a residence of -o days at Civile he was sent home to recuperate. On hts way over Mr. Wann was clerk of Co. K., when taken ill be ing succeeded hy Joe Kvans. Me will report at Presidio in a few days and does not know whether he will lie sent to his company at Manila or not. OsxoftheMes. Frank Atkins, the Alaskan miner, passed through last night from Seattle to San Francisco. To his undo Hugh Barr, now in this city, he said that no clew had yet been found that would lead to the recover of the money stolen on board the Roanoke, while coming down from Alaska.. Mr. Atkins and Mr. P.arr's partner Wm. i-orndin lost a total of fn.tuo. K. II. Hall, of Alaska, stopped off yesterday to visit with Mr. liarr a short lime. Guard. His Last Hi-XT. Johnny L. Hunt, who accidentally shot himself lastThurs day while hunting pheasants near the old F-akin place, three miles west of Eu gene, died Saturday night about 9:30 o'clock after making a most game and determined fight against the inevitable That he even survived that length of time ia due onlv to his indoiunilable will. and his attending physicians expressed surprise that he was able to make so brave a fight for Lfe. Eugene Guard. Stole a Bicycle. J. II. Leigh, of Stayton, mourns the lots, by theft, of a fine Crescent bicycle. The machine was was stolen from in front of Mr. Leigh's boarding bouse there at 2:ZQ o'clock Ut Sunday morning. There ia no trace of the thief, but officers throughout the valley have been put on the ce, and the victim of some one's cupidity hopes soon to have the wheel in his possession. , Ita registered number is 39S.579. States- j man Oregon Lfarn. From the I'rineville Review : There are liara andj then there are some that are not liars but the following debato which look place at Ontario re cently between a gentleman from John Day, in Grant county mid a Malheur rancher, undoubtedly has some merit in exaggrated prevarication. The subject under discussion was the comparative merits of Malheur and Grant counties as agricultural regions. The gentleman from John Day stated with some warmth that he had to dig through the apples on his place last vear to get to the land for planting his winter wheat. Whetvuon the man from Mal heur related that he had a ten acre tract of wheat this year upon which the wheat grew so rank that the weight of tho heads broke the stalks in two in the middle, so he could not cut it. When it grew rijie he concluded to tramp it out on the ground and for this purple ho turned in 85 head of horses and drove them back and forth over the field for a few hours. When ho turned then out and raked of the straw, the wheat was up to the second wire of the fence, end the man from John Day subsided. W. C. Tweedale and son are home from the Bay. Hon. J.II.Peery of Dutyvi lie, was doing business in the city today. Mrs. J. W. Bentleyjaud children re turned this noon from the Bay. John Hughes returned to Portland this noon accompanieJ by his mother. A. C. McCnne, w ho died at Preside, yesterday wasa resident of O.egon City. T. L. Imgger, a lu wpajn r man of Al hnny, has been , in the citv. Eugene Register. ! , Mrs. Capt. Phi!.i and Mrs. Geo. W. tuli returned this noon from an outing at the Ray. Miss Gertie O'Bri-n returned this noon from a visit with her grandparents in Eugene. Prof. F. M. Mitchell left Ulav for Weston, where he will have charge of the city schools. During the i!lnc of Marshal Lee Mr John Jones is art in marshal nnd wili attend to all the dutie of the oliice. H. C. Watson and family and Mies Morgan returned this noon from Aixca, by way of Newport, after an outiog of over a month. Mr. Jason Wheeler left last night Lr the mud springs of California, to e if he can effect a ;cure bia imtlammatorv rheumatism. WBD3STE S ID-A.r SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. George Finley of Craw!rdsvi!le, is in tbe city. Miss Alice Douglas, of Memphis, Mo., is here the guest of Ler uncie, Mr. C. V, Van Dyke, D. W. l'errv, of loaa, lather of WP Ham Perry of Co. I at Msaiia, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Luther Elkins last night returned to Nn Francisco, whete he is practicing law with an office In the Mills bni'ding. Mira Jessie Rahuon, daughter of Mr. C II. Ralston of Portland returned home today alter a visit here the gueet of rel atives, R. L. Weatherford ,of Albany, ia mak ing pretty reHguh.r Sunday visits to Cor vallis, and everybody can tell what that indicate. Corvallis Times. C. H.Stewart and family, Mrs. W. H. Worley, of Independence, Mo., Mrs. B. F. Thayer and Misa Myrtle Worley, re turned this noon from the Bay. Byron Milloy will resume the publi- iuuii in iiiv x cicwui:, geiiing out me first it-sue next Saturday evening. ' He will a:o work on the People's Press. Gs nerai Ixmgstreet and party passed through Albany this noon Lr the south in a special car. a he deneral is in specting the railroads of the country as couiuilbSlolicr. A very en -oy able surprise party was tendered Mr. ard Littler last evening at ite nome ot hi uncle, J)r. Littler. aooui iwenty-nve spent the evening pruniauiy anu ti.-pply. Miss Alicia McKlroy expects to leave next iNimrOuy or Monday for Chicago. where abe, will epend the whiter studv ing music. Her brother, W. E. McKl roy, resides ia that city. Guard Lod Cherry a eon of Copp Cherry, and a nephew of J. G. Cherry, of this city, baa ahibped as tilth olticer at $') per month, on board the transport Ari zona ami is now on bis way to Manila. Ben Kirk, w ho has been sojourning at Bellknaps lor several weeks has killed six deer tince there. Four of them he killed in a short time laet Thursday, naving a regular oeer picnic lor a lew moments. An Ashland dispatch says that Miss MarftTia Uunliam, formely principal of the Ontrail-street school of Albany, was appointed as teacher in the fifth irradnf Mccunc's school, vice Mis Eunice Deyo rcaigueu. August Knfner, of this city, left todav for Hcio, w here he wilt have charge ol Jefferon Mers' bop dryer. Mr. Myer will start 40 Salem picker, to work in his yardatScio on next Tburscay.-Journal. P. Hendricson. and non H; S rw n it nt , .. arrived in the city on last . night s nr-1 bu.inea. in (Ms citv to Dr. 8. H. Era- .,...,,.,,,, ,, jsinnirion. uo Ulna ol IV.r.nnH lit in i.!. ... - . IV. lauily will move to California to reside. Or. Ettkme routes a ell recommended as a homeopathic physician. C. E. Valdn arrived in Albaor last night Iroin the east on bis wa; io Fiea no, California., where be rrtidr aod it in the employ of the . P. He ro!h-r I Harry aides and formerlv resided here. Messrs. Mnith and Jone. who have just retired The Grant County News isvn that O. C. Maxwell and Mfcvs Olive ton ee have been engaged as teachers for the Canvon Cay school for this year. Mrs. O. a visit with relative and friends. John Ho' man . at Chemaw a Yes terday, looking after his interests in tHe new Ininding that will shortly be erect ed there. Mr. Hoiman is manager of the Albany Iron works. Statesman. Mr. Will Merrill, of Co. !. -eing an op erator has secured a good position. Sev eral operators being needed he pas-! iefuiraj examination ana was hirej at 7 j a month. HOME AND ABPOAD. Wheat JfiScenta. See the new photos made by Tinkle. Horses foi sale. Call at Strainey A Mineral water at Mitchell's. Fresh Sodaville BurkharU & Lee. 60 cents for a dox-n first-class photot at gallery west of P. O. Kemember Tinkle, the photographer, w-il be at his old elan I sill Oct. 8. Get vour photo made now before the fall rush begin. See 1'inkle about St. The Al.nka whaling fleet is reported lost, caused by being caught in tl e ice. The Parker fountain takes the lead over all oihers, French the Jeweler has them. Parties having rooms or board or col lege students will please retwrt to'Presid ent Lee. A bunch of keys with a dog tax tag number 41, of 1W7, may be bad at this office. An Albany man who was recently at Junction tells of a man there killing eight pheaaants at seven shots. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Beck er on Sept. 6 a son. To Mr. aud Mrs. J. N. Steele on Sept. 6 a son. One of the most pleasant place these warm days is Mrs. Viereck'a Summer Garden, the place to get cool and refresh ed. The chairs belonging to the opera house con. jny can be bought !orkiJ50 a set of six, one third of the coat price. Call on J. Grauwoh!. All the members of the Presbyterian church are requested to attend the ser vice tomorrow night, as alter the regu lar meeting there will be btuineta of importance to members of the church discussed. A prostrate form was seen hanging to the bridge early tbia morning. On in vestigated st wa found not to be a sui cide out the wooden dummy that has been kicked aronnd the opera house lot aince me nre. borne one probably thought banging was good enough for it. Tbe Goveruoi has decided to call a pecial ae on of the legislature to meet September 26 The boarding hoax keeper of Salem and politicsns will now be happy, fn real object is to secure another Senator though it is given to attend to needed legislation. The train from the front did iot ar rive un'il about o'cloca last Bight on account ol a fir- in the i-ndge aerose the Sniisfu. caused by a burning tree failing aooHi it Conductor McErlaee and Postal Agent Rirhee rame in on a velocipede and Mr. Stevens, Bridge car peoter went out and repaired tbe bridge. In reference to the special session of the Legislature, henator I. D. Driver, of Eugene, said Ui the Guard man that it as a grand humbug and a disgrace to the state; that Low either wanted to ir elected senator himself or have Geer elected. 1 f eer waa elected then Lord would be (jOVernor two veara lonirer a the constitution trovuil that h fumi.N Jtoia until his idaxsior WM elected and qualified thai Geer if elected Senator. never would qualify and Lord would hokl to tbe efface. Ihe Doctors That Cure ARE COMING TO Albany A PART OF THE STAFF OF THE English and German Expert Specialists. and Tb Doctor ho CZ Cataabk CosscMfTTOx, and all Chronic Disease " ....... mi. mkykrA J - Hxjuirtiiy Tit,t mil U9 CONSULTED FREE OF CHARGE "" Revere Hotel, September 15. from the People's Pree. Frank Beiner. rnt,rieir ,.f ,.i 1 nde arrangements to locate in Porland's rasuuranl. after a visit at , nion roun" here Mr. Smith has Wilhoil springs, and wita i.U rnt.i brta &KtJ to leach Use school at j in this citv, returned home todav. H ! xmnjervilie aod Mr. Jones will ko into j brother Will is now workiisa in Lo n. I lh tUKk business, ia which both will v..,-w., , . '!' interested. --V "'g oiuir nrmoers Jr T . t, , . , Mrs. J. If. ("amr.'. tl sent ft V. - t-wi,. iiuHtii:,v kit aii.r-I . w v .tr- baee an appeal. Tele- former resident of Eu- Slaughtcra the CcIestiaLt. David D. Prettvman. of California, well-known in Albany, near which bis brotner resides, writes as folio as to tbe Enquirer of San Francisco: Seeing the fine disp'ar of waiermeloos io the markets of Oakland reminds me oi the Mongolian cr Chinese pheasants. hich some of enr sportsmen rre inter ested in introducing into this state, aod btcb are more destructive to tbe water melon patch than a small army of Ala bama eoons. w bile a resident of tbe stale of Oregon, where these pheasants abound, I have, on different occasions, gone to gather load of water melons lor tbe market and have found hundreds of the finest and ripest with big holes in them which than peaky nuisance of a bird bad dug during ue night. They know a ripe melon every time, acd pro ceed to pick bole through tbe rind and eat ont the heart. Tbe pheasants will alto eat young beans nerlyas soon as they are formed on Ibe vine, and are very destructive to grain crops and Bar den truck. I have, eeen wheat fields that bad the anpearance of a band of turkey being in them. They are so de structive tbat in some sections tbe farm ers bave to herd them off their fields While they may bee good bird for the portsman, they are a bid one for tbe farmers, and an ounce of prevention is Letter than a pound of cure. My advice is to keep ibem out of this county and tbe sta e altogether, if it is possible. of Linn Engine Co. No. 2 held last night me following omcers were elected : President, Otto Clelan. Recording Sec, H. R. Hogue. Financial Sec. Wm. Hand. Treasurer, D. Bussird. Foreman, W. W. Howell. 1th. aast. Foreman. A. Skaar. 2;h. asst. Foreman, O. S. Howell. A Mie SotD. A. T. Caldwell and W. C. Kelman, of Portland, have leased the May Flower mine owned by the Mc Al lister brothers and will immediately proceed to develop the prvnertv. Ac cording to tbe term of the lease thev are to have a force of men at work bv Sept 15th and a smelter and other ma chinery on the ground by Oct. 15. next. The smeller which lhey'j.ropic t-J erect will have a capacity of 'from ten to fif teen ton ir day.--Crook Co. Journal. recent election, has formed a r..r-n- he haa not beard from prac- uuu. . .-wn-. nominee lor am.r. i .., . , nev-gene-tai on the union ticket at the i to visit with ber daughter. t . - . . . . . I . K 1 1 ...... cuv uu nut araru inm ner aoa n ill, ho i with G Co.. 3lt Michiiran. iinn July, where previous to then be had been writing every week, and l.tncci somewhat concerned about him, fcaru g he is lli. Another Lane Co. Accident. a r . . a larmer rameo Mm oe Is, re icing four mi:- weft ol Junction, was backing straw from a thresher into a abed yes terday tuoruh-t, wben cue of the trace rores broke and the end of a pole struck h m on th head, rendering hiai udcoo cioos for 10 hours, and prchabiy pro dacicg concj-tiun of tbe b-io. At last repoiu be bad not fully tegaioed eon scioosnr,Vit asom beurr. Guard. "My Sweetheart Went Down With tbe Maine,' is tne Dame of ft new and popular piece ot music1 1 -v for a copy at b. u Wili s. - . . . We're getting ready for yon . Our first arrival of new Fall Merchandise has fust been pened op. You will find us .bowing the newest things in tbe market and the price w 1 1 1 as low the lowest. When yon are tnlnking- about our cew snip with A. w . Kinehart for the uce ol Law with oSce at Union. Prof. Geo. T. Ruwlt returned from Soda Spring Thorsdav morning. The pmfeswor's bea'Ui has much im proved. Indeed be looks like his old time self. Oakland tiaxette. Mr. Creo. E. Alien, of Por.lan 1, ha ar- nveu in the city ith a bue stock of! ttiafui. .n. 1? 1 1: t. f . - . he is ready to show worth ilrT na -'!lbih?-a a content in a ,nn- pause ' pack- For state br . wootyMisaMidaMcCov with Vernon I u druggists. m,v vwm. m r.u-ne. wno wis lUacp at the lbv end vuiiiium iw ijiiiiMK)D io the aa servni. Thte The M N o't ner. daughters of Portland's Veteran editor, who have Un ri.Mtiftg with Kev l'onng aod fami ly eeverai ees, relumed to their home m in't'- wlSt T m I iv,fa 1'" fareweU party bv o 4 and V t r friends. A aioog ot h er of second and -- Ujing as a contest in a inny piuaie ibe Ladlen. The plastnt effect ai-d perfect safety wilb which may use Syrup of Figs tinder all conJil.ons, mokes' it their la vonte remedy. To get the true and genuine article, loo lor the name of the a -f.t I - wr a--. - I vwuuwrnia r jrap vu pnnia near M of Us E-iM asi &ermEi ftjeri Speciatislx : INCORPORATED CNDER THE LAWS OF CALIFORNIA FOR $250.00 ESTABLISHED TWEXTY-nVYEAR The staff consists of the English and German Expert Specialist is com posed of five regularly graduated doctors, each, a nhvsician who has had us years experience in caring all manner Of d unease. JJtonng the pact quarter of a centnrv the scores of this most worthy and popnlsr institution haj been phenomenal. Diseases which have baffled, the skill of other ohnrician and Stubborn iv refused to vield to crdinarv irwvilrin mtwwia and appliance, areqnickly snbdoed and mastered by the English and German expert ijpecuUieu. Tbey have the largest and beet ec nipped pflneel inatitatioa in America. The English and German Expert Specialists are not cnlv competent and reltahie.but are responsible, being backed by ample capital and ably managed. UOME CLVES While it is preferable in many instances to see s patient, the English and German Expert Specialists have cured thousand of persons whom tbey have never seen. If von cannot ee the docum writ the bom r.tTw tar question list and free advice in regard to your ailment. iau on tne uoctor when they come. All ailing people shock! see tbe Engish aod German Expert Specialists. A friendly ta.k, which costs abaolntely nothing, is bound to result in a great deal of good, whether treatment ia taxen or not. . CONSULTATION FREE TIE IGLI5I AM GI1AN SPECIALISTS A Hsf sf IWssl lineal riffltlssi ss sstiswi at tt WwM. 31 Market St.. San Francisco, and 213 S. Broadway. Los Angeles. Tbe New York World interviewed 300 members of the 71st regiment who were in tne thick of tbe fight at Santiago and nearly all complain at the treatment tbey received even as soldiers in the matter of food aod medical attention Many of tbem also declaie that tbe Cu ban are net worth the tronble gone to for tbem, tbat tbey were simply remem bering tbe Maine, mat they ntve no more me for tbe Cubans than for the Spaniards. Fink Shooting. The best shooting reccrd reported to tbe Democrat is that of Frank Overhau'.ser, who killed forty Chinese pheasants in forty-three shot. thus missing only three birds. Of course this not done in one day, bnt in several Tbe warehouses are filling witb wheat. Tbe La Grande rozar factory is to start on Sept. 15. Fifty or sixty Warm Spring Indiana are in Lane county to pick bop. A good mioy young ueop'e of tbia city are picking hops in the yards near Ibis city. ... The national encampment of the G A R will be held in Cincinnati this week. An immense crowd will be in attendauce 20,000 visilO'S living there already, The last attempt to float a big raft from the Columbia di.wn the ocean to San Francisco has proven a failure. Of the 17.W 0,000 leetel lumber in the rait wben it starts 1 there were only 1,600, 000 feet in it wben it reached there. The public school will open two weeks iroru today. There will be no radical changes in tbe management, all promotion cards will be honored and tbe coming year promises to be a prosper ous cue. When Dewey returns' to the United btates ne win oe given the biggest re--, ception probably ever given n Ameri can. As a poet says "he opened tbe war, be closed tbe war and never missed a meal," and he deserves having all tbe new towns and babies named after bim. A contract to deliver 15,000 0 of hops as soon as tbey can be pic tied and dried was Saturday morning made by S. N. Lil.y, wLo operates a yard near Corval lis, sitb 'Squire rerrar, of Salem. Tbe price to be palo is 9 cents per pound. Picking begun in tbe Lilly and Sol King ana other adjacent yarci todsy. Brtax's Fesd Btore. E. L. Bryan has locutd in the Hill IMock were he will deal in flour, hay, feed, potatoes, mill stuff, oilcake and gragsand garden seeds ne will treat everybody lairiv. Try I Several internal revenue men are in . t . n .1 -.. y. : : .1 -f . 1 ... . ,.t . me uiwy wrunji xi, 19 buiu onw 01 tneir foooi oon t ioum signs 01 toe iacs Bnotter8 receDtIy caught a prominent him. Ce brothers ho'te. of thi city, won the half mile ron at Indeoendeore last Saturday in 51 second, ibe puree was m The opinion "among hunters is t'at there are not as many Chinese pheas ants ts last year. One hunter who was recently out kill ed groue, quail and rabbit and never touched a Chinese pheasant. There have been only seven assess ments io the Woodmen of the Wsrld this ear. Adjutant General Tuttle reports that he will soon begin the organization of a new National Guard in Oregon. He thinks there will be considerable diffi culty on account of the depressing in fluence caused by the suffering of the volunteer soldiers. An exciting Chinese pheasant incident was had by Mr. O. A. Archibald. While in a field he was attacked by a ferocious bull, an'i only escaped after a hard fight. It is reported that another hunter also had a hairsbreadth escape. The bull will be chopped np into meat. An Indiana man named II. If. Slvter was in Raker City Friday. He is jour neying to rortiand ou a wager that team of yearlings can pull an immigrant wagon across the continent and be alive at the end of the trip. The Times-Mountaineer savs that the Chrisman traction engine and wagon train has been laid up at liovd for sev eral days, being repaired. Mr. Chris- man expects to get started again on his journey southward this (Tuesday) even ing, and hopes to make from 15 to 20 miles a day until he reaches Silver Lake. Lemen Bros.' "World's Montter Shows, Great Three-Ring Circus, 30- Cage Menagerie, Roman Hippodrome, Monster Museum, Oceanic Aquarium and Congress of Living Phenomena will exhibit at Seattle on SeptciuSier It is said that this circus is coming south over the S. P. The editorial association meets in Denver, Colo., this week. Chas. Nickel, of the Jacksonville Times, who attends everything of a press character is there to eujoy the festivities of the oc casion. He will also have to listen to about sixty papers on important sub jects. Charles Pfeiffer left at 4 o'clock this morning loaded for the limit with F. H. Pfeiffer's fine dog to do the pointing, in tending to locate eight or ten miles '.in tbe country. About 8 o clock .the dog came home and Mr. Pfeiffer's friends are wondering how the Revere house man managed affairs, for hunting with out a dog is nit. Walla Walla Union : So great is the demand for threshers in Whitman conn tv that it is said some farmers are offer ing as high as It cents per bushels to have their grain threshed, it is stateu mat within a radius ol live miles 01 ruuinan. there are from 1000 to 1500 acres of bound grain which can be secured by a thresher at the above named price. Prof. Caleb D. Cady. tho leading teacher of the niano. of a Chicago con servatory of music, a musician of wide reputation, will conduct a summer school and give private lessons in Port land during September. Among those who are availing themselves oi ma splendid talents is Ming Buruiester, of this city, who will take private lettgons. His classes are made up mostly of teach ers desiring to get the most advanced methods. cavai academy at AnapoSi. ae-i ihe mental examination wefl. an f ther a no doubt tbat be would be ail right on the physical examination. Mr. Foster, supply for the U. P. church at Portland during tbe summer, during the absence of Kev. Haves in the east, is in the csty on ins way to Alleghenv Musses Noltner. Annie McCaulev A nice lunch present were the M irs Mida nd Meesr. .McCoy. ernon Kamp, Harry Cttsick, I-air Thorn peon, Robert A eh by and Owen Beam. GHletl's Pepper box Bluing at C b Urowxk ll's GRUBS I If you are troubled with them take our 12 FT. WIDE LIN0L1UM. One dose will effect a permanent cure. Recommended by the entire medical fraternity. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Masonic Temple, Albany, Or Salem is today honored with the pre nee of a party of distinguished vi-ttora. They are J. X'. Glover and Sam'l Glover, nl smk anit ml I a tiwmi. ! ..wxu Siu,jirm me lueoios-, uauglter Amelia, of North Beach; at ical seminary there. He will go bick by j ,hs North ol the Colombia river. Tweo- way of San Francisco' Ensign IVrcy N". Oimstead. of the battleship Indiana, is in laker city on a visit with his parvbta. Among "other things he brought home a piece of shell that exploded oa the Indiana, and give a graphic account of the fiwht es seen from that vessel. Knsign Oimstead h been ordered to report lor duty on the receiving ship Independence' at Mare "una, pan rranc;sco, and will pass through Albany this week for there. Miss Edna Allen has received an in teresting letier from Mis Elizabeth Carotbers giving an account of her trip to w asiungton, of tier visit to the w late Mouse and the president, in which she saw the manv interesting things con nected ith the president's mansion. She also waa at the church attended by the president, visited all the governmert buililing, v asiungton monument and surrounding places of interet. Miss Carotbers spent the sarunier at Chau tauqua and before going to the Atlantic visited Niagara. She is now at fall IJ&ke city, ready to begin ber duties as a teacher in the public schools ol that city. it is Jtt.-t as ln:prtant ty-five years ago J. N. Glover was city marshal of Salem, and has since been pr mirently coo cede i with the devel- i opmeot of Mrokaoe Falls. Mr. Lootnts is the projector of the Notth Beach rail road aod other big enterprises, making b.s home at Lwaco. Ihe U 'over both er w.ll visit their sister. Mrs. Culver. hoieside on East State street, alsoi to brother, Phil Glover near Sublimi-1 ty, and C. K. Glorer, in Linn county,! Del ore their return borne. alem Jour nal. At the Blain Clothing Go's "i Linn Co. Hop Contracts. Dutchess r Trousers That vou enrich and purify your blood in the 1 all as in the Spring. At this time, owing to decaying vegetation, a low water level, and other causes, mere are disease germs all about us, and a weak and debilitated system quicmy yields to attacks of malaria, fever, etc. i " . . . ... . . 1.1 1 Uy purilving and enriching your ukxxi with Hood's Sarsaparilla you may build up your evstem to resist thtse dangers. as well as coughs, colds, pneumonia and tho grip which comes wiin coia wemuer. To be on the safe side, take Hood's s?ar- saparilla now, and alway lie sure it is Hood s ami not someunng eis ivpiv- ented to be "just as good. All Mnti ought to teach their child ren that io order to buy ribt and cheap they ought to goto the dealer direct, and not try to aeai vruii i"ti year ol experience proves that it cost about 112 00 to sell a eewmg- ....i,in ts no to -ju.uu 10 sen an or gan and cOOO to 7d 00 tos.ll a piano ihrougn canvaBBiug. - - save all of this by taKing time vo go see E U Will, of Albany. He can cuei you many instance wncro have saved people even more above figures. Tl.e follow ing Linn county hop con tracts have been filed with the recorder this season : F. J. Penney to K. YTattenberg & Co. 10.000 pounds at 8l cents. Dated Aug. 35. Bank of Brownsville to Ciias. Green- son lirainerd A to., "JO ,000 pounds at 9 cents. Dated Sent. .". Jan. Home to E. Wattenberg A Co., 10,000 pounds at 9 cents. Dated Sept. 5. John Luy et al to Beni. Swara A sons 10.000 pounds at 9 cents. IHued Sept. $. E Keebler et al to Fa ber A Ncia 5, 000 pounds at 9 cents, luted Sept. 5. A. J. Frost and Ed Alien to Faber A Neis, product of four acres, commission of 1 cent per pound for advance of 4 cents lor picking. 3 Extra Session Proclamation. iw,- ' v-.irrantct', and s i u:;,:er the famous Money Jaarant?. Da-ability. Fit and 'ViLn.inship a'.l of the T. T-y a pair. trc. rr? " rtit. V. !;r a . Sew Dutchess Trousers $1.50 to $3.50. Best everday wear in lh country. New Suits AU grades. Some very nobby styles. New Overcoats. A Urge and specially fine line. New P all Shoes. Some sptrcialties worth seeing. llWtT JLJL i A 11 11 iuuca l.e WOOld than the Statb or Oaroos, Executive Department, Sept. 6, 1S93. Whereas, matters of vital importance to the people ot the State of Oregon seem to require the convening of the legitla live aesemnl in special seraion. Now, therefore, I, Wm F. Lord, by virtue of the authority in me veeled as Governor ot tbe State ot Oregon, do hereby direct tbe convening of the two housjs of the leginlative aseembty of the Sta ot Oregon, in special session, at the State Capitol, in Salem on Monday, St-ptember 26, 1S98, at 10 o'clock a. m.. ol which all a lio shall, at thai time, tie enti'.led to act as members of said body, are hereby required to take notice. h Given under my hand anr the Great Ssal of the State of Oregon, this tUli day ot Sepumber, A. P. 1898. W M. 1. LOKD, Governor. Attest- H R, Kiscaid. Sec. of State. winter now vite YOU. NEW FURNIHSINGS for fall an" ready for your inspection to which we in- Letter List. gPrideof Albany Soap, weigna qubot, and is high grade, for sale by The Crops. MARRIED. we still bave many things front tbe old stock, on which we are making prices that will cbee them regardless of cost Newport man, observe the law. Albauy. Economist ALBANY. Dry Goods Co. - OREGON Following is tbe list of letters remaining in the Poetonice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Sept 6, 1898. Persons calling The proper way is to 1 or tne,w tetters must give the date on wbicb This is being done in . hey were advertised. Augustine, O G Forbes, Mr Sam Bertram, Chag G , Groom, Mr Andrew Correlll, MrSE Clark. Mr John S Cox. Sir L C Cooper, Mr Frank Dunn, froi ir a If You Have Any dioea" due to im pure or irupoveris bed blocd, like scrofula, tilt rheum, dyspepsia, or catarrh, you should take Hood's Sarsaparilla and be cured. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to o Deiate. Cure indigestion, bilieaueu, 25e VS VUUJ f Hale. J M Harps ter. Miss Sadie Howell, Mrs John Long, Mr Charlie Terry. A M Fromm, Conradina Sherwood, Eda M T.J.Btitm.PM RAY BOYD. In the office of tbe county clerk, at tbe court house. Sa lem, Or., Mondiv, September 6,;1898, Miss Emma M. Boyd to Samuel M. Kay, Justice of the Peace H. A. John eon, officiating. The couple will make their future norne on tne larm oi tbe groom near Halsey, Linn county. HILL STICKLES. At the St Charles Hotel, in this city, Wednesday Sept 7, Mr. Andrew L Hill, of Lane county, Ore., and Mies Olivia Stickles, of Lane county, Ore., Rev. O. M. Lane, of the Christian church, otllcmung. America's Greatest . Medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which absolutely Cures every form of Impure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. Thousands of people Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism And That Tired Feeling. Remember this And get Hood's And only Hood's. i l Ttnnr.rla from the hops are a hopyards indicate that good crop aud much cleaner than usual. Lice and mold are less plentiful than tbey have been for several years; this is p'obably due to tbe warm, drv weather of Augut, the clearness of th sky, which prevented Ihe bumiditv from becoming high, and the comparatively low tea: peratntes pre vailinii during the c'oudy weather of ihe past week. The grain crop is practically out of the way. Some threshing is still to be done, but the bnlk ot the crop is in stoie houses. Work is now centered in hop flalds and orchards. The Bartlett pear crop has been gathered, and it is report ed to be very large. ?rune drying has commence! and is beinj actively pushed in all sections. The prune crop is so large, that there aie not suflio.eot dry ers to handle it. B. S. Pagvi, Observer. Grand millinery Opening by Electric light Commencing Saturday evening at 7 p in. 300 trimmed hata to select f rom. 75 imported patterns. t, i Comeone, come all. Mss.J.N.IIoFrMAS. mm- -vr-m A t eTI J H.F. mcllwains uasn store. -SPECIAL CUT PEICES The Best Brand of flour in Albany, per sack, 75c. 10 rapersLion Coffee fresh from the roaster, $.00. 6 lbs. Mocha and Java coffee Schillings, $1.00. 25 yds. Imperial calicoes, fast colors, $1,00 o prs mens Rib Top Rockford Socks, best, 25c. Mens and Ladies Fine Winter KingShoes, per pr., $1.50. The best Ladies and Mens Underwear ever shown for 50c. a suit. WHAT I HAVE and HOW to Save MONEY T rrf n flier ctlick of QothUlg aild i Furnishings, for men :;nd boys, and more com- in!T. ..W. R. 'BLAIN, McHwain Block fie Puts the Prices Dawn-