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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1898)
Arkansas baa gone democratic by Its usual big plurality. Manila ia already becoming Ameri canised, There have been aeveral labor it rites. Iowa and Missouri bave been having tbeir regular cvelonee. There was con liderable destruction to pioperty- The bop crop will put a good deal o( money in circulation this year oven at 8 cente. It ia said there la money in hops at 8 cents. Arte r all President McKlnley ia re sponsible for Alger, and Algei ia respon sible for more than can be narrated in a single issue of a newspaper. The vacatian season is about over. It should be followed by more activity In bvaineas. The circulation of money makes the pnolio pulse beat mare regu larly. . Cychne Davis, who was in Albany last spring, was a candidate for attor ney general of Texas, but the name of C. A. Jenkins appears in the place aa tbe successful candidate. There are more suicides in hot weath er than any other tlmr In thia in spect it is an interesting tact that there are not many suicides in Oregon. Thia speaks wtll for our climate, sylogistica! ly reasoning. General fan (Jo says there waa no war, because twenty or thirty thousand Span iards on the island of Cuba never saw an enemy, and it is very doubtful if the? i sally knew war was raging. Really the ignorance of tbe Spaniards is astonish Jug- " ' ' The truth cannot be concealed the flower of the American army ia a with ered thing. When the deatha are ' known tbe conn try will not call tbe Spanish war a victory with trifling loee. We have suffered defeat through the office of tbe war eecrtary. St. Louis Republic. A wreck nearCohoee, N. Y., in which a large number cf lives were lost show that tbe science of railroading is not yet complete, ad yet chances of bing in uch a- wreck whin compared with the total number ot people travel ing is so small that one in traveling takea very little chances. A big effort is being made to ascertain who was in charge ot the American army during the Santiago campaign. According to red tape ia seems that General Miles was. Practically Gener al Shatter was. Thia quarrel over the the matter is decidedly tireeome to the average perron. Gladstone's will was in keeping with bia life. It waa somewhat long, but it 'left things in a way thongh to insnre bis heirs against any contention after bis d.ath. It takes a snrart man nowadays to live so as to leave bis property ths way he wishes to leave it, A decent court of justice in this connection should always see that a man's will is carried out. An internal revenue officer ia not do ing himself credit when be triea to bave a man violate the law 'a order to catch him. Ia tact some learned judge has decided that that is very email busicase. If men are violating the law then it is the duty of an agent, if be has reasec to believe eo to use his best effort to catch the man . 1 1 takes a mighty sharp man though to beat Cncle Sam when be gets down to business, and this is a good thing or thera would be much mors vio lation of onr laws than there is. During Hobsoo's recent vieit to New York he was surrounded and followed by au admiring erod whenever be ap peared on the street. On one of these occasions be stepped into a drug store to get a glass of soda water. A qiick-wit-ted sletk seized the opportuaitr to get s little advertising, and before the M em mac hero could leave the store the clerk had a sign painted and placed in the window, which read as follows : Try Hobeon'i Choice. Chocolate Cieaui, 10 Cents. Bullets. To furnith shoes for our armr would require tbe Skins of 31,615 exlvs, not counting ths soles or heels Boston is to bsve ice water fountains in all parts of the city next summer. An ordinary canteen hold twe quarts. With the 277,0 X) eauteens filled the army would carry 3,644 hogsheads. The fixed bavooet was not ued in the charge either of San Juan or hi Canes. It is claimed it should be eniailor and sharper. A line soldier in England costs 1275 a year, and even then, says the writer lo Blackwood, be is often a mere boy or an invalid and weakly man. It costs 22 cents a dav to feed a soldier according to war department figures counting transportation of provieionr. This would be $70,040 a day. Colonel ia from the medievsl Lstta co ronela, a diminutive of columna, a col umn. A colonel was an officer who marcbed at the bead of the column. An army Annuel shirt costs t.l 95 and i made of three square yards of stuff. Shirts for the army would cost $542,000 and the mite rial spread out would cover 175 acres, Until recently sergeant was held to be from the Persian sarjant, a subordinate military officer, thus being the only one ot our military titles not traceable to a Latin source. Blankets in the army cost '3.23 each. This would mean an outlay of $822.410-, By the way, old army men agree tbat better poker can be played on one of these blankets than any otber kind of cloib. On the Parana acd o'her Sootb Am erica rivers it is no unntnal thing for a 'learner to run on a rand bank and he obliged to wait several or s week for a heavy rain to float them again. In tbe lush schools of Sweden bjs and girls are educated in the same class. Nearly all ths telegraph, tslephore and postofficee are in the hands of women. Lately tbey have mode a rade on steam ships service. A bair of the beard of I he prophet bas been presented to the Constantinople poor-house by a lady of tbat city named Fatma fianmuu, A great procession oi rate officers and military accompanied the relic when the transfer waa made. Had ths 477,000 men in onr army been armed with the new Kraig .Torgeeon rifle and 100 cartridges to eech man they would bave carried 372 tons of bullets at tbsir waist. These cartridges placed end to end would have extended 1,366 mfes And now Andres hai been seen up in the frigid north. That would be a fine tbir-g if true, but undoubtedly there- port H a cr-td fake. Red tape ia a government businee.. not appreciated by the public, and yet to a certain extent necessary. There are casea (hough where it ehould be dis carded and things done bv electric line. Now France is having her trouble, The Dreyfus casa is causing a lot of it, and ought to. A more unjust sentence was never made than the banishment ol Drevfue. It was a put up fob, a dis grace to modern civilisation. This seems to be an age ot venganco. The wonderful victory of the Koglish in Africa at Omdarman is declared to bs a just vengance on account of the murder of General Gordan aeveral years ago. As the United Suites remembered tbe Maine, so England remembered Gordan. While only a lew hundred men were killed in tbe threo months and over of war with Spain, England in a days war with the Kalafi in Egypt killed fifteen thousand. That waa mowing them down for certain. Barbarians are alwaya an easy target. It takea brains to 6gbt as well as in the professions. P rai st e ncjdvertising is the main spring of business auoceas. Tj secure results from advertising a man must have nerve to make liberal expenditures. It ie-not the spasmodic advertiser who succeeds.. Just as continual dropping wears away the stona, so wili continual advertising wear away the granite of in diffeience and ignorance regarding any products. N, Y. Music Trade Review. While ws have been having salubrious weatter in Oregon, back east they bave been having a hot tirreand several hun dred people bave died from the heat. There the nighta are little less hot than dav time and tbe result ia that there ia no rest from the beat when it once smarts. But here even if the day time should be hot the cool nights would afford relief and rest. Ourdaya thongh, thanks to an influence not enjoyed in the east, are oot eo bot aa the eastern date, and when hot have not that debilitating effect. It is no woider eastern people are cry iog for more Oregoaa. The Ladies Horns Journal, for high class advertising, has no equal. Its suc cess can be laid at the door ot shrewd, boneet business management, lis rate is to a lipe to tbe man that uses five lues, aa well as to the man that uses a thousand lines. lis commi.-sions to agencies i regulated in the same man ner. Its dtaatic measure of cutting the name ol any agency off its lis' that ia fonud cutting its commission, oi offer ing any other rate than that which ths printed rate card cails for is also admir able. In thia way, tbe Ladies Home lournal'a rats is preserved, and tbe agenciea without dircrimioa'ion are treated alike, fairly and honestly. Both tbe advertiser and tbe agent deem it a pleasure to do busmesa with such a publication. Other publishers would do well to study lbs business metboie of tbe Ladles Home Journal, Mail Order Journal. There no longer seems to be any donbt about tbe calling of an extra aewaion of the Oregon legislature. The only ques tion new seems to be as to tbe exact date of its convening, but tbe loth or 20th of October will probably see the new legislators in Salem. There is a well founded rumor that a certain Port land politician baa already secured head Quartera at Salem for hia following and soon tbe conscript fathers will be assem bled. Eugene Register - -Nevertheless the Democrat predicts the Governor will not do any thing of the kind. Tbe Sen ate ia getting aloog firet rats with oca U. S. Senator. One of the calibre of Me- Bride is better than two. The street lair i now all tbe go in the middle West. Tbe business men of a place unite in raising a purse which is offered in prize for such sports as can be "pulled off' easily over the cobble stones. At a street lair recently held in Jackson, Mich., tbey ran a greased pig race, tack race, blindfolded wheel-bar row race, boys' foot race, and wound np with a birycle obstacle cbaee. The hur dles in the last earned were made by tbe mercnants piling big boxes across tbe course, not forgetting to have tbem painted with their signs. Ths first rider to reach goat, after dismounting and climbing wi'h his wheel over the ob struction, received s $10 prize. The affairs are advertised far aid wide, the newpapers giving tbem much publicity. and tbey - draw immense throngs. Among other attractions generally is a mild imitation of tbe famous Midway at ! tbe World's Fair. These side shows are I easily obtained, aod comprised of merry- go-rounds, rope walkers, captive bal loons, and ths nsual com?lement,of fakirs hawking all kinds of tricks and trum pets. Tbe merchants along tbe street erect booths and maae displays of their wares for tbe purpose of sivsrtising. In some localities thesertreeteshibitions are superseding tbe country fair, and have assumed such proportions tbat tbs large, mail-order house ot Montgomery V ard & Co., Chicago, has sevsral horse less carriag it that follow them up, ad vertising the firn by distributing cats logues and circolars from the motor cy cles. The Price of Wheat. Eugne Guard Last year wheat brought a dollar a bnebel in Cbicago. Tbe gold u; en said th advances in price was due to the legis'.ation ot Mr. Rood's Congress and tbe silver men attributed the ad vance in price to tbe failure of tbe grain crop in grain producing countries ot Asia or Europe. Sow wheat for future deliv ery is selling iu Chicago at 6G cents per bushel, though Mr. Reed still rules Congress. Heretofore war caured an advance in ths prion of cereals j now with 215.000 men changed from producers to consum ers there is a material decline in the price of wheat, though fie laws enacted by Mr. Reed's congress lat year remain unchanged. Bucause ot scarcity of bread-stuffs iu Europe laot year tbs gold men ridiculed the idea that the price c stiver had any connection with the wheat or cotton. Now in the lime of wsr wheat goes down to meet silver, antil an ounce of white metal aud a bushel of wheat command very nearly the same price, as they did for yeais before ths failure of tbs grain crop in India and ths Argentine Confederation. The remonet ization ot silver would benefit the farmer as much as tbe miner, as tbe pries of a bushel of wheat, since India and Ssutb America became exporters of that grain, and silver was demonetized, alwaya ad vanced or declined with silvsr, except In rare instances when wars or crop failures causes a scarcity ot the grain. Gross Negligence. From ths World: Mors men have been killed by malad ministration in our home camps than were allied by Spanish bullets plus the Cubau climate. And tor this slaughter ths administra tive agents of the Government are solely responsible More men have died ot desease at Ohickamauga alone than were killed In battle during the war. Nearly tbe same thing la true of Camp Alger and Camp Wlkoff. Why? The answer ia simply became tbe ad ministrative departments of the country and of tbe army have proved themselves to b grossly incompetent. They had all the, experience ot the civil war to teach them, buttbey would not learn. During the civil war it waa a fixed rule on both aides never, except in ex treme necessity, to encamp more tban a division upon oks ground, leet the camp become a pest-tola Yet these War De partment officials camped forty or fifty thousand men at Chickamauga and a multitude at Falls Church, both eon spicuously ' unfit camping places ths' most unfit in all tie regions round abuot. So trns is this tbst the moment tbe sites of these camps were made known a pro teat went up from those old soldiers on both aides who knew the facts and quick ly anticipated tbe gaatlr results that have followed. With allot Northern'.Virginia to select from, the most unsuitable spot in that region was deliberately choeen for rea sons, aa is alleged, that it wcold not be proper even to state. With all of Georgia and Alabama and Tennessee "where to choose," Chicka mauga waa selected in spite of the fact that at that point (becauee rock lies near ths surfaca)'camp drainer must almost immediately pollute ..j uaieen tbs water supply. Another rule of prudence during tbe civil war was never, without imperative necessity, to continue a camp in any one spot longer tban ten or twelve days. Yet these camps Lavs been in nse for months, when tbeir shitting- from one spot to another would bave been easy and very inexpensive. Agaio, men by hundreds have starved to death at Camp Wikoff for lack ot fit food for lick men, simply as ths result ot maladminististion and atopid incom petency. Camp ikoff lies only 116 miles from New York. Every food ptodoct known to man is iafSew York in abundance. M Uiona of willing do!las are and bave been at command to take tbess supplies to ths camp. It the wretched Long 11- acd Railroad is incapable of transport ing tbe food, why were oot a thousand or ea ot ths steam boats in out harbor chartered to save the lives of our suffer ing her-e? It ia said that !he railroad would not allow aucb relief vessels to land at their docks. But there is a right of eminent domain vested in tbe United Stales, and in aucb a esse a little high banded justice, admiu.eteretl by a bat tery or two, wontd have commanded popular approval. Without going farther into details, tbe fict ia obvious tbat a gvaat crime baa been comm. I ted . An ad'equats investi gation is imperatively nee led. It should not be mads by ths official responsible for the wrong and not under their direc tion. It should be made by a commit tee representing ths people who have been outraged, a committee strong enough and brave enoogh to lay bars all tbe facts and not to stop sven at tbe doors of tbe War Department itself ia justly fixing tbe blame. From tbe Kissimmee Ussette. Let the farmers of Florida take cour age! Every Indian is a natural born weather prophet. Hia instruments are bis five sense which be works la bureau of instinct. He can instinctively smell, aod bear, aad taste, and see, and feel, a fat year, or cycles of years, coming with far mora eertaaty than tbe weather bureau dare to ray whether it wilt be hot or cold, wet or dry during tbe next twenty-four hours. With tbe intuitive prescience of the savages, nntutorsd in tbe gullery and humbug of the Hicks tribe tbe Seminolei bavs said that the winters in Florida will be mild for the next thirty yesre. From tbs Msyo New Era. Harmonious actions on ths part cf tbe people of any community will coutribut to the advancement of lbs community ' beat interests. Fault-Coders are stumb ling blocka in the way of progress. Kind words will allay bitterness by reaching reason. A man wbo eaooot diacuoa a question without becoming hypercritical injures himself in tbe mind of all person wbo tske time to reflect before spsaking Tbst sort of prejudice which finds ex perseion in angry words instead of allcv iBiiog grievances, oniy sous tnsi to s conflagration. Tbe Rockefeller combine now want to get bold of the manufacture of the barbed wire of tbe world. Pretty sooo Rockefeller and his pals will want the whole world, and they ars liable to get it if thty live long enough. But they will not live long enoogb. They will die and eventually their property will be divided and tbe public will be saved. It will not always be that tbe trusts and combines ran run everything and equeeze the life blood out of tbe masses. Tbe oldedito: is very feeble this week on account of living on premises and hall rations, trying to help his fellew-man by giving a little more time to pay up. Dr. erring says, however, that with good treatment and a new kind ot promises be will be up in a few days. Ex. There ., ol course, io computing how many millions of money or how many hundreds of lives bave ben wast ed and sacrificed by tbis Incompetent secretary of war. It is certain that thttn is but one opinion about bim among thone officers of tbe United States a.'my who are not among hi favorites, aod tbat is tbat he is tbe worst secretary of war within memory. New York Times. THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros- Everybody knows where tbeir place ia. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all alike. . You msy regret some steps you take in life Lut none taken into tbe store at Parker Bros. It is a grett thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros kei good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but yon want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Horses tor sale. Mitchell's. Call at Strainey, MISFITS. Back east they are crying for more Oregons. Come out here where ws have one big enough for all of you. The Chinese Dhensant has a show tor his life yet. Saturday evening rred Blount, cneot the best shots in ths country dikcharged twenty cartridges and got only lour pheasants. Two Junction doctors fell out, and one, McKenney, aued the other. Band, for $28. Band set up an offset for $35. McKenney recovered $8, and hia lawyer will cost him more than that. Ours is a mild Webloot compared with tbe Philippines. A Pendleton boy says : "Talk about rain I This is tbe worst I ever saw. A storm will suddenly come up and it wM rain oceans in half an hour. In fact, I've seen it rain here so hard that the water stood four inches deep on the level." Mr. Ralston Cox's term as postmaster at Vancouver ia about expiring. People there regardless ot politics want him re tained, etenator Wilson though has an axe to grind, and tbe result ia lime fun between Cox and Wilson and Cox has been writing soms letters as pointed aa those hs nsed to write iu hie big grocery ads iu Corvalus. ' Col. Holer, of tbe Journal, thinks Col Summers at Manila in hia tellers uses the word I too much. That is a failing in tins world. The rlainueaier, a republican paper, gives the situation exactly in the follow ing : "The Salem papers without regard to political or religious opinions, have fused in favor of a special session of the legislature in the interest ol the baiem boarding house keepers. Mr. Tongue says he has done every thing a hia power to impress upon the administration the importance to the Pa cific Coast of the retention of the Phil ippine islands. This is a national qoea- tion.and only national arguments should be used. It looks some as if Spain will make us retain them. As a matter of tact Spain never can retain them even if the United States did not. sUlker rtee Washington, Sept. 6. The Spanish government has requested of this gov ernment the privilege of sending a few email gunboats to certain Philippine isl ands, where the insurgents are active, with a view to maintaining tbe Spanish sovereignty there. APooa Easgaim. A few days ago Lair Thompson and Vernon Ramp went pheasant hunting out near Sanderson's bridge, where they shot eight pheasants. Desiring to hunt on the farm of another man there he demanded four pheasants in advance, wnicn uiey gave mm. Tbey 1. .. F. .w! Aft K I. n.M .11 Ik. ..r,..w. UUMVW WU MM VMMVV ... BiMl IIUUII -i,Unnt . .ti .K.. X.,.l i K. ,:,! r- which the friends of the bov. think pretty good joke on thrm. Souvener spoons from 20 c. at Fasscn's Jcwrxrav Storx. Strlctlv business French the jeweler. Cresoent Bicycle. Hopkins Brother, agent. Beat BicyUe for t.e money Wilt 4 Stark, jewe'er. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brother for only KO, 30. 135 and 160. C B Winn, cttv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the easU Be sure sad are the aoti rat tinware at 1 Hopkia Bios, will la, a lifetime. When you want a choice ttoak, a nice roast or meat of asy kind, call on Henry Iroders. He keeps the bt. Dis. H. K. sad U. K Brrs oS.ce and residence ia pool office, building. Special attention given to diseases of women. The best meats of all kind aad good treatment at the Albany Drestwd Beef Company's market, jmvt dwa Fecnnd street. Good weight and prompt attend tion. Th Weather. To night and Thursday fair Stationary temperature. F. M. FaExrn, IHsplayman. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tbe last 15 yean, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in ait busi ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West A Tacax, Wholesale Druggist. Toledo O. WiLwso, KncwAX A Mabvi, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Uall'a Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sunaoe of the svstem. Price 75c. per bottle. Hr'-1 by ail IVugsists. Testimonials free. Uall'a family I'll la am best. Excellent Graham Wafers at C. E. Bbowskll's. "The Fair" GctlLiberty Bell school shoes "They will hold the boys or girls." We also fit them out with Tablets and School Sup plies. We sell the best goods and chennor tban others. Respectfully. J. A. Weaver. LADIES!. sea We are showing: a beautiful line of Wrapper goods, Flaneletts and Brocades, at less than Port land prices. St Luis Raket Stor TELEGRAPHIC. Warehouse Collapstd. Wkst Scio, Ore., Sept. 7. Tho Scio Mill Co's elevator collapsed last night at 8:20. The foundation gavo way. It con tained twenty five thousand bushels of wheat and ton thousand bushels of oats. The building is a total Iocs. Tho grain was saved. Cincihkati. O., Sept. 6. The middle- of-the-road populists today reorgai izod the people's party, renewed its former declaration of principles, and nomina ted its national ticket two years and two months in advance of the unto of the election. Whorton Uarkerof Pennsyl vania was nominated for President. Itapartaal Alllasre LoNiKi.v, Sept. 0. Tho Pall Mall Ga- sctte says it has complete confirmation of the existence of an Anglo-German agreement, which is mainly commercial, but, the paper adds, whtrh provides a basis for the adjustment of all differ ences regarding territorial questions in allparta ot the world. The l'all Mall Oazctt publishes allegeu details of the agreement, but they were not cabled to tlx- Associated Press, as the officials of the foreign otlice said they were far beyond the truth. A Bid AtrlSeat Hoganhbihg, X. Y., Sept. 6. About noon today, two spans of the interna tional bridge of the New York & Ottaw a railreod, now under construction acroes the St. Lawrence river about three! miles above St, Regis Indian village, fell without warning, all the workmen being thrown into the river 60 feet below. Thirty-three were picked up and taken to Cornwall hospital, an J 41 are now missing. Eagllth Troablra Caxdia, Island of Crete. Sept, 6. Candia is in a state of anarchy. A col liasion between the Mussulmans, who were demonstrating against European control, and the British authorities, who have been installing CluiatUna as revenue clerks, culminated today in bloody fighting between the Mussul mans and the British troops. Riots took place in various parts of the city, sud many have been killed. Wilt B Al Washisgtox. ScdL o. President Me- i muiuy an as many members oi ice cao- tkn of the peace jubilee.wbich begins at tue umaiia exposition Uctober 10- The president so informed a delegation of Sebraskans who calitd ft the White House today and prwented him a hand somely enboesed invitation to attend, aa Sural Arrtaeat CoHOEa, X. Y.. SepL 5. An appalling disaster ocrured in ibis citv tonight. Shortly before 8 o cloc k another car of the T'OV Citv Kaiiwar lotnuaiir wraa struck by the niaht-boLt special of the' IMeware A Hudson at a crossing at the west end of the Hudson river bridge, which connects the citv with Laniiingburg, and its load of homau freight was hurlrd into the air. Eigh teen of the 3- passengers are dead, and at least 10 of lite remainder will die. I a bsmum Maiter I I II - . m. . J11B1UD, tepus.-lM clamDfrt If leembled here today. Thus fur only rou illAV - 'TJl.P1"1 . M I read a letter from Senor Rodriguez, etn- atoc irom l'orto liico. refusing loobe the summons to atu-n.i. The premier. Senor Sagaste, ascend-d the tribune and rrad decree authorizing the govern nit to present to the chamU-r a draft of a law empowering the ministers to renounce sovereignty over the colonies in conformity with" the stipulations of the peac preliminaries between i-pain and the I'nited Elates. Jmt frmmt tntM Sas Fbakctsco, tpt. 5. Tl.j steamer Portland arrived late tonight from !-U Michaels with treasure, estimated at from l.OW,a.) to r.WO.000. hhe bro t down a large, number of passengers, nioet of whom were carpenters who had oeen etnpioyeu at M. Micbacls m pot ting together river boats. There were about 35 or 40 mines on board. The u in S-as l-ANotw:o, Sept. 6. Private A. C. McCune, Comnanv I. tweond Oresron voiunieers, lias Uieu ot tvplio:d lever, nree new cseew ol typhoid have been admit' ed to the division hcwpitaL The patients were : lYivate William Bacon, company K, Twenty-third I'nited felate infantry: Sergeant AHnd B.Grav, and Private Elisba Ikiran, company ll. Fifty first Iowa. SI firmldl Sas Fa.jtcisoo. Repu 5. Many of the members of the Sixth and Seventh Cali fornia regiments, which bave been mus tered out, wish to remain in tbe service, and have applied to the authorities tor transfer to other regiments Private Anderson, one of the 10 men implicated in the assault on the negro Thomas, bas been acquitted by the goners! court martial of the Second brigade. The Metal IUI Loxnos. Sept. 5. The official list gives the number of I'.r.tith otlicers kill ed in the capture of Omdorman aa iwo, while thirteen were won tided, tlf men. S3 killed and 9 wounded. The losses sustained by tbe Egyptian offictrs were one killed and eight wounded: men, 20 killed, 221 wounded. rtghUng that was Oibilajt. Losnox, Sept. 5. The war correspon dent ol the Daily Telegraph, w ith the AngTb-EgDtian forces, savs : "Khalifa Abdullah, with hia ha rem. and Oeman Digna. his nrinrinal general. jiannged to escape, but Abdullah's ban ner and thousands of prso tiers are in our nanus. u is estimattM that 15.000 of the enemy were slain. Our total casual ties were a boot 500. "Besides Colonel Rhodes, another cor respondent wa slightly wounded. Mr. Howard, the ew ork Herald corres pondent, was slain by a shell in Omdur- msn. rrmm MaalU. Sam I'san-cisco, Sept. 4. The trans port Colon tonight brought the follow ing: .Manila, Philippine islands, Aug. 4. The I'nited States coast defence vessel Monterey and the United States collier Brutus arrived here todav. with all well on board, after a long and uneventful trip, having left San Francisco June 7 'last and San Diego June 11. Tho trip was remarkable lor nothing save the wonderfully fine weather that bot!i ves sels had all tbe way over, except one lit tle gale July Si. leather AadreeftUrj. Cihcaoo, Sept. 4. A special to tho Times-Herald from Winnipeg, Manito ba, says: Indians reaching Dauphin from the far north report meeting a Eskimo who told of the appearance among them of a strange man, who descended from the clouds on tbe shores of Hudson hay. The opinion among the whites is that tho man is Andree, the Artie explorer. ess Ttew t ii. TVabiiixoto, Aug. 2. Private letters ! from our consuls abroad indicate that i the) 1'htlirtriin,. m,ltt K.1 Wit oin..l it , I. n I United States deaires to maintain !,. i position in the world of nations. A very prominent otlieer in the consular service writes : "You people may as well makeup your minds to be somebody or get off the eortb." Al WlkaST. Cawp Wikoff, N. Y. fcpt. 4. This great camp will dissolve during tho three coming weeks, and by October 1 it will have shrunk to fll(nfar nronortionn- The well men, according o the war de partment's set designs, will leave the camp as fast as transportation can be conviently provided, probably at the rate of 15000 or 4000 a week. nayard Very 111. Demi am, Mass.. Sept. 4. The condi tion of Thomas F. Bavard. dor to England, who is at Karlstein, the Home ol bis daughter, Mrs. Warren, waa critical todav. So nronounced has been the change in the nuBttwoor throe . days that it was thought the putiont : wouiu not last, ninny (jays. If you want a good aad clem take buy cigars mads by our Al hany olgur factory , FROM SERGEANT STETLMAKER Affairs nt Manila Up to Aug. 4. Cavitk Arhkxai., Philippine Island, Aug. 2, 1898. EDITOB PkMOfBAT Thinking a few lines from the Albany boys in the Philippines would bo of in terest to many of your readers, I will write you. The trrnspoits Peking, Australia and Sydney arrived here June 30th and dropped anchor in Manila Bay at about 5:30 p.m. Wo were landed at Cavite July 2ud,and were immediately marched to our quarters, where we worked like beavers all the next day in cleaning up and Rinimg comfortably arranged. Af ter we had all the building clean and tenantable, w e w ere ordered the next day day to move into an old building which had over iu entrance the following words, "Crestodio Calabozo," signifying that prior to our arrival it had been used as a prison. Of course this crested a Ijreat deal of trouble and work, also aa much kicking from tbe men ; but this as I heard one of the regular officers re mark, while on ship, waa a soldiers only privilege, and he was generally supposed to me it. Tho building we moved into, is about 1 160 ft. long and 20 ft. wide, iu thia are joartercd two companies, V. of Portland and I. of Albany and Oregon City, mak ing 1G2 men in this one building; from this can lie seen how we are crowded for room. We use aa bunks the beds which the Spaniards left behind In their hasty departuru on the 1st of May. When we arrived we found that the Spaniards had prepared prisons for the Americans, who, tbey in their conceit snd over-confidence, expected to take. But w hat a diflerence.insiead of occupy ing them as prisoners, they are occupy ing tbem as conquerors. The prisons bave the inscriptions, "Americano de Calaboio." Cavite is quite a pretty place, it con tains about IS) acres and is surrounded bv a high stone wall, the wall ling about 25 iu in height and from 10 to 12 fL in thickness, thus forming almost an in- pregnable fortification from land attack : ', on top of this wall are pieces of giiua j stuck in tbe cement to prevent scahng, ! also, at regular intervals, are ca-uiousl pointing inland, showing tbat Uiv were used against sn internal foe, rs-.-vr than a ioreign one. These cannom are all spiked aud thus rendered n!vs. Inside ot this wall are the barracks and the other buildings of the Cavite Ar senal, as such prisons, dungeons and churches, and various buildings. In tbe prisons it ia said there are about 3000 l-paniah prisoners, which the Insurgents j Lave taken in their battles.tbe dungeons j are something terrible being dark boles 1 in the side uf the wails, in these can be lound human bones, pits w here their vie- ttms were placed and then water turned , in, to see u oy inese means, and many oilier tortures, which I cannot begin to describe,! they were able to wring scon-: tension from tbem. Tbe Catholic cathedrals have been structure of surpassing beauty and grandeur, but since tbe natives bint on plunder and destruction, bave vacated them, they preeeot to oa a maMof ruins, doe ol lhes cathedrals bears the date of 1H2, showing it has stood lor years. In several of tbese churches can be found stains of blood where the natives had murdered the priests. The natives use many of the building in the Arsenal as store and dwelling places, where they have on sale alt the tropical fruits which the i and produces, such as bananas, cocoanuts. gol and etc. The natives are verv friend- ly to us and .think the Amenonoi they call can ineui. are all r.gtit. In the rear of our quarters csn be seen seven of pain dernolithed fleet, all of which could be covered by a circle a quarter of a mile in length. I made a visit to four of these ships and found tbat instead ot having old oot of date guns on board.they had modern.op to date guns. showing that the victory which Dewey i nJ hi brave men won, was all the more ! ." unupiru: wiiicniorai. If one wishes to get a Uint idea of the power snd destru rtire ability of our guns. be can get it ry vuuung tbe Sort to the north of San Rogue, which the Balti more blew on; ibis was the fort which was equipped with modern 8 inch guns, ll was lb rears in being built and 25 minutes in Yt'tng destroyed. WtuW, B l..h .n.ltkinlr 4 , mtYm rtm that it was indeed a strange providence - 10 "f flr u"' that placed Spain1 fleet in the bottom of Cna-ck Block Alast.Urios. the bar and our soldiers in the prisons I wincn mcy nau intended lor us. j .The rations are not always up to the! standard that thev should 'be, and thus i at times causes much discontent among! the men, neither are our accomodations whst we would desire. To fight for oar king or country is truly great, but it has j its disadvantages. j The third expedition arrived here Son- j day, the 31 st of July. On the Indiana there were 3 deaths, one a lieutenant. 1 1 are sick, Ohio hsd 1 death and 15 alight cases of measles, 3 cases of typhoid lever. The Morgan City had fire break oot in her coal bonkers, which lasted five da.vs, mev uiiea mem wiui water ana never told the passengers concerning their great danger until it was all over with. Tbe night of the 31t the Spanish at tacked the Nebraska men while engaged in tearing the floor out of an old build ing. American shar. shooters immed iately opened fire on them and they re treated, one man slightly wounded in the biceps. On the night of the 1st of Aug act the Spaniards undertook to Sank the position and a pitched battle ereued which lasted from 12 o'clock till 3 in the i morning. The Spanish were routed and o riven oaca into uie city, onr loea is said to bave been S killed and 20 wound ed ; this morning it is reported that 8 more Americans had died from wounds received in tho battle. Spanish loss thought to bave been great, but uncer tain to exact loss. It is thought a serious lesson has been taught tne Span iards. The Americans now hold a posi tion within the insurgents lines. It is dailv ex nor U1 an attack w ill ) made on Manila, but we are watting for the Mooterev, which ia reported to heat Guam Island. It is announced that the Oregon Regiment will remain at Cavite and hold it, while the remainder of our forces move on Manila. It is thought the city will surrender soon after the first shots are tired. Manila is our Mecca and it we will have, whether by force or bv surrender, ilh insurgent lines all around the city and the American forces a'.moet under their wall and Deweys fleet in the bav, we will be able to make them come to time. If they are taken by tho insur gents they a ill got their throats cut, and if they surrender to the American forces thev wiltl choose the latter. With regards from all the bova to their friends, and hoping we will soon be able to send the news over the world that Manila is in the hands of the Americans. I will close. STRAYED. A light bay mare, 9 or 10 years of age, white slot iu forehead, white fore foot, roan spot on back, rope whit fore foot, roan ept on back. natter. Mrayexi irom Meiimaker liros. on Sunday. Leave with them at their barn in this city. Eo Kmru AT I EX I ION. ' ARMERS. If you desire to bold your grain for higher prices do not carry your own risk but INSURE your GRAIN against loss or damage by FIRE. For terms call on or write to If. F. MERRILL, issurancf; agent, Albany, Or. Office in Democrat Building. A GOOD HOUSE AND 4 LOTS FOR t SALE, or rent on 7th street Also household furniture ior ale. apply at residence. B F. I1 ii.ikr. Fruits, at A. O, Beams 7 m T. w a L m s F . E. ALLEN & CO. Groceries. For bargains in Ladies and Gent's Gold Watches see French the Jeweler. FROM WILEY IJ. ALLEN & CO., Portland, Or. CAR LOAD OF PIANOS The ?.;.t Complete Stock Ever Shipped to Albany. i THESE AREIXSTRUMEXTS 1 AllHighGrade AND AKE 'sotj rjt.r . pi-ive snd Distinct ; a liuarantee Plan 03 at Dnnao KTa-rraf Before Heard of Pianos on Easy Payment. CALL ASD SUE Tl!: Most ElegaDi Stock Wood Buldg.Cnd and I Ils-rorth St . Albas v. Oresoa Geo. E. Allen. .Manager. WHILE THE WAS USTS. AU who mareii. walk or 4asJ. t'c-oaii I ik-faA a,A tfc.v .MM. A i.-'a V.-it .- a 1 powder. It cures acbiag. tired soe.swol lea feet, and make tiirbt or aw bo ey . It absorb nsoutare aod prevents caaStg. f botmartieg. biutervd. sweating feet. Ail be gitar aroav troop and ntr ma Qe . t it. Voiuntwr ia bot c-irrat- can't xit j ' ia CMnfort wiinoot it. Aif-n' Foo.-K I it sold bv all drorg;t and fco x.-wk ? V. i Samples seat (KEK Addres. Alien S. ; Olowtead, LeRoy. N Y. Prof. A. STARK Of Will A SUr's. Optical Specialist " Graduate of the Ceicago OpUsaims College. Is prepared to ennnw w-ieiitica- aad accurately, by the latest aad iapims I raethodi of modem acienoe. any who ds H. F. flerrill IoMirance six! "lUctn n Ar to loan, warru, lou!. t'S-, DawocaaT building x m lb SHAKE INTO YOUH SHOES Alien's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures paioful, swo ten. tmsuiirg. rer vo foet and tUMaatiy lake tbe 'lng cot of curs aod bunioo, W ;he rratet comfort discoyery illbeg. Koot Eaae nakeV tight or irw l oe tril eaT It is certain care for swetiur.eloc aod hot, tired, aching fret 1 ry it o i . Sold by a I drugvit aad aho. Hut-. tt roi: for 5c lu stamps, trial packs F F EE. Aadreas. Allen S. Olmrted. Le iiv. N. Y K. O. Xa jSIl, joined,.. enif.a X t T- S,.t ball. Visiting Knights invited. V. A. Cox. Commsnir. Honey to Loan. We bave a nlock of $40,000 to .'oan oa good farms in Una and adjoining count ies. If voti have good security aod i-otfrci title, we can furnish yon the coin without delay, as we make oor on exawanlioaol ecurity. t all or ua or write S. N . Stkklk v o Albany, Or-goa. Ota PlOYS lew Mc& HOrKlXS BROS.. Agents, Albany, Oregon. H)liver gave, the woi'd Ihe chitlcd plow And it has saveu mora u-occy to tbe farmer of America than any other implement ever prouueen Genuine Oliver chilled are tne beat oa earth. The Oliver i a promoter of bappi ness on the farm, and the dealer who ellt it knows he is handling the best. Look out f'r imniltations and touch nothing but the genuine gord. made rtmr br tMiva Chilled plow work. South Bend, ltd.. V 8. A. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Tbe motor on tbe Albany Street Railwa) will connect prompt with all trains to and from the depot, dty and night. Special trips will be made at speci rate. I. F. Cofx. Conductor. The Magnolia Laundry- cs.. c simpsoh & son. Standard Prices. Work Warrenea. LADIES. Royal Tea cleats tbe com plexton, it acts on tbe b ood, stomscb, liver and kidneys and its a strensUening toniofortbs whole system. Magnolia Blossoms cures all kinds of diaeaMS pecul iar to womaa. E. Bruckruan. General ay a a iPush it Along Carry the good news to your neighbors our supply of vegetables is always fresh and replenished every morning direct from the gsrdens. Ye also carry a full supply of the beit lunch goods, this be ing the season for picnics and mountain rambles. You will find that it will be for your interest to call on us and make your selection, and thus increase yoor lisppinees while on pleasure bent. hardware m tr&w 15 REP 3 ATSrALLi a . - 2 S e-wu-Ji, 2 V?; J-t-W. wosm r ue wn mmUmi For sale by I - A . Corccirr IDKIKISTRITRIX NtiTlCE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT tl.e undertigned ha bn dsily appointed ' bv ite Honorable Cuoty Owrtof L sn ' ( r.cntr. Ureeco. tie administratrix of j the estate c-f Andrew Rait-on, deoeased. and v bas duly qoaUSed a such- All erces baviag ctstm agwae the esute of ' oud deceased are lerebj potiSed and re- ouired to present the sce taly verified as by law required, to tbe undersigned at her I reodn ner Sweet Hcite. in Lino Coun ' tv. Oregon, within six mentis from the date of Uit nctkx. I fated IfcU 2ib day of August, 13S. ! Administratrix. j 1, S' I Star Bakery 0rner liroadalHn and Firwt S CCM8A0 UEYEi. PEOPglCTO I-l la- t-- uued Fruit. Glassware, lriedFruii Tobacco. Sugar. Coffee. Etc. ilacocd-Scat 0easvfc- Cigar. SpUcs. Tea i vrjtbtog nat i a.-pl tw s . z-4 varietv and gr5 i eytts?re- Eic"- j mi r-re pii 5 f-.r Ul.i KJNl F PKODH'j Julius j Gradwohf -:- Dealer it --- ! fc: llarjware, Crockery, G'ass- ware. Groceries and aj gcods t kept is country ttores. I WILL 3 SELL GOODS 3 15 FOR CASH 3 As Low as Anybcc'y. 3 Cotmtrv produce andegs taken in exchange for gooocs. 3 iiiiUiiiiUiiUUiUiiWUiUiU GOOD INSDRAHCE NONE. OB If yon went nothing for your money get ':ReUef,' but it you want "Reliable Iisiraicg" have your property insured by tbe lead ing agent of Albany, in companies tba' have b-en in budness for years, snd that have money 10 bark tbeir obligations You cannot get a good article of am kind for nothing, and when von want in so ranee get '"Insurance" and not "Re lief " M.SEXOEKS. "Insurance, Hay, Grain and Woil ' TREASURER'S KOI ICE NO. 2 Notice is hereor given that funda are on hand to ray city warrants Nos 461 to 4:t Inclusive ol the issue of 1897. In terest on Mid warrants will cease with the date of this notice 41'vatiy Ur. Au; 11, 1S93. E. A. Parksb. Treasurer. J. C UITLSII'S Ground Tlocr Dental Office 13ro Ja'bin. St. Albany, Or. Yard Littler, Assistant . COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd FeLow'a Temple, Albany, Or. all work carefully dene under latest methods. fie 5 NEW ADVERTISEMENT YTOR SALE. Your choice of two i I milk cows. Inouire of A.W. Elact burn, at uawson s XH-og fetore. TT AY STORAGES Am prepared I I store five hundred toss of hsi Call and secure terms, etc 1 X. SsKtutar. WANTED. To rent 130 or 200 acres of pasture land. Address F. H. Pfeiffer, Albany. t- XPEBIEXCED GIRL Wanted, tot M do general housework. or particu lars call at the democrat nice. BIRDS AND F LOWERS. Choice, singers and cut flowers lor sals sv tbs residence ol mis. j. erom, cor. wn andRKatreet. TMAXO for sale. Apply at Haven t hi I and Washington streets y-MRL WASTED -To work in the l t rnnntrv. o children, usiiattm Su Charles noiei. TiOP PICKEr.S WASTED Forty I rl ut fifty, wilt PT standard price. it ennvev io fioo-isrd and hsrk free o tine ti k- will be giver) free Leve name with CUe oi Police Lee. LOST. On Saturday, July 23, a goM watch, hunters case, key winder here in the citv. Please return Vi Mrs. Ell Merrill. T-VTiF. TO REST.. Hopkins Eros L. have a Sew Cresent Tandem which they will rent, rncts Keasonauie. FOB SALE. A gord second hand ,mn r trade If a ladies wueei. at L.VierUk'i Barber Sbep. fnW rTOR REST. " rooms. C -Forr,ibed or rooms, central kxmiuu, kbh DnocsuT oSoe. IIOXG WAII TOXG CO, Pecwsd jear Lvon street. Albany. Bells CT. nese medicine, Chinese rice. Cbiea tea and nitoil. i FOR Tie iWe -ntriUy to ca'ed. CH o- Mr. 8. Brenner or at tbe store of Joiius Gradwobl. SOLICITORS WASTED. LADIES J or gentlemen, for our cotopletw seta of Juvenile Books for tbe holidays. Esen set bss tour books grsded for little folks lo grows op Id k. Each book charming, delightful, car ti vatinar. Prices from SOe to i 60. Large books, each overflow log wiiti nappy iilortratjon. Tremendous sellers. Nothing like them. Fcur months golden hsrv-et for erergetie workers. Credit given. Weight pmid- Biggest eommiKtoos- OutEi with samples ail four books free. fcd twelve z cent stamps for paving part ol the postage alwoe. I op all trash and eW-ar $300 month wiiti our exeiusica Juveniles. THE NATIONAL BOOK tWNCtvRX, JCVEMLE DEPT., CHICAGO. UNH CQ- ABSTRACT COMPANY Albasy Oreetm 05cs, Bsak of Oregon Ballduie. Only set of abstract of Lisa County. Complete set of maps aad plats. EQ? AK0 IBSiT 'K0WF1S TARE K0T!CE I am prepared to insure year Bop Kiln, and iu contents, yoor Fruit Dryer and tbeir con tea's at th lowest possible rates, and with any of tie six compan ies represented by my agency, which bave a combined capital of over Tsretrty five million doLars. A poller ia v-ither oi the eemnenies ia aa good aa gold. and ia esse of a loss yoo receive) yoor rconev wit boat delay For applications, writs to or call ( C. G. BraxHsstr, Albany, AOaalKISTBTOE'S MQT1CE XOI1CE H HEUEBY GlYEX 'he nadenued bas beea daly appotah, by Use County Cturtef the state at Or goa for Lina Loun'T. admiaistratiix oi tin estate of Ctarence Stockton, ocecred. persoas haTicg claims against said are herebv renaircd to unseat the sans t rce. nropertj verited as by taw ivqaireo. i at mv home sew Uwaviue, iiegoa. or tbeoSiceof H. u. Hewitt ami v.. . sex AitMuiv. Oresre. withia six Btoaiba from tbe date hereof. Dated August S9:h. 1S9S. Awakd Stocktow, Stocktoc aecafed. a. H. Hktitt C. E Sox. Attontep for Admiaittratxix. A Fine stock of at GEO. E. Fish's, sx the lowest ce. Will Hock of the nest goods. keo a fr ADMiMSSTBATCS'3 K3TICL XOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the undersigned waa oa the 25th day ol August, 183S. duly appointed administra tor wita the will anatxed. by the Oooaty Court of Lina Coontv. Oregoa.of the estate of llelusa A. Borkhart, tkceased. late of aid county aad state. All persoas baviag chums agsiast said deceased are required to present tbe same to the andtragaed duly verified, withia six meatus from this date at Albany Oregoa. This tee iith day of August, 1S5S. . R. L. fimtii. Adminutrator with tbe will aaaexed Wkathkrford Wtstt, AUornejrs. FOSHAY & HASOR vYbolesale k Retail BSUGSI&TS ISDECGKSSaSL, U.aa8T. OBJtOOX. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largs Stock ol Stationary and Books in the Marks. EXPffiT BICYCLE BffilRIG, toMBlaMtliM AND HORSE SHOEING. Second street, between Fetry am Broadaibin streets. MILLER Jt STEWART. LXECUTrB'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN f HAT tbe undersigned has been spppointed Ex ecutrix of tbe last wilt and testament of Elizabeth Rumbaugh, deceased, aad all persons having claims against the estate of aid deceased will present the same prop erly verified, to me, or to L H . Montanje, at his office in Albany, Oregon, withia six month from tbe date hereof. August 26, 1898. L. H. Rxnnacoa, L. H. Moktastk, Executrix Atty. for Executrix. 1 1 Ori THAT Shelf Hardware