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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1898)
rim r"s a irr IMW lillO I MlCs cured NEURALGIA LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foshay & Mason block. J R K Blackburn, P 0 block. H Brvant. P 0 block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, PO block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L H Moutanre, Pearce bloc. J C Powell, P O block. C E Sox, PO block. L L fewann, Bank building. H 0 Wateon, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt. Bank building. Whitney & Newport, Ouaick block . G W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. 8 M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tuseing. Scio. T J Wilson. ...ENVELOPES... ALL. COLORS ALL SIZES - Largest stock an Lowest prices SMILEY, the Printer. PIKKT HATI03AI, BARE, OV AXBAJTT, onsos Pd-lt VlD. fTMUt - Q.feW .-. LFLfirS S.E.VOCTO W. LAHODOH - TKANSACT9 A OKX .nvjiubninsulnSS ACO0UKT9 KEPT sabo- to .. 1GHT SiCHANOS and tlrxphJ aanefsr, w K M.v fork 8u rroUoo.Cllioaro f -U ObCiVOTION twas laras. 8 R Vnew. Uinoi PAGooswra. C turn. C. 8. Fumu TATT ilJo Depart TIME SCHEDULES Amit From Portland. Fast Mail 8pm Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Fast Worth. Omaha. Kan- Mail eaa City, St Louis, 7:20 am Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane Fir ane. Minneapolis. St Fiver 2nm Paul. Doluth, Mil-lO.-OSam waukee. Chicago, A East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 pm All Sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail August. 7, 12, 17, 22, 27. 7pm To Alaska Sail August 8, 5pm 28. Sum COLUMBIA RIVER 4pm ExSunday STEAMERS. ExSunday Saturday To Astoria and Way 10 pm Landings. 6am WILLAMETTE BIV. 4:30pm ExSun. Oregon City, aewberg, tx Bun. Salem A w iy-uuxra 7am WILLAMETTE AND 3:30pm Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monday, Thurs., Oregon City, Dayton, Wed., and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4.30 pm Tuesday Portland to Corvallia Tuesday Thur., and Way-Land;ngs. Thur., and Sat. and Sat. LvRiparia Lv Lewiston 1:45 am SNAKE RIVER 5 :45 am Mon.Wed Riparia to Lewiston Sun.Tues . . a T. andFrL and Thur. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, C. G. RAWLINGS, Portland, Or. Agent Albany. THE ' he best and yet simplest type write manufactured, the contummation of tn inventors art. An expert stenographs after nsing nanv machines, says. "1 con sider the Yost Writing Machine far soper oro any 1 have yet used." Call at tn Drmocxat office and see one of the type writer that has to have a perfect align ment. Alt Typewriters supplies ordered. F, P. Nnrnso. Agent. HID GRANDE RAILROAD Tiie Scenic Line 01 ttjeWofld Weeily Excursions To The EAST In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In unaage of Experienced conduc tors and porters To Kansas City and Chicago offalo and Boston MONDAYS withoo change.,! Salt Lake Mias'.nri Pacitio end Chicago Ac Alton Boilroad To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo TUESDAYS Boron, without change, y;a 8at Lake and Chicago, Rock Island ft Paoioo Ky TofttJoMoh, Kansas Citv, WEDNSDAYS A 8t Lonis, i ohange via Bait .. Barling too ISO To 4tniM City sad Sv Lonis THURSDYS without chDRe, via Halt Lake and Miaiouri Paoifio Ky A day stopover arranged at Salt Lake and Denver A Kid. through the famous Colorado Scenery For raiea and intjrira'.ion inquire of O R & N and S P agenti or acdrein B O Nioaou Gan Agt, S K Rooeos, 251 Washington alitet, Drover, Portland Oregon Colorado. .'"M, DENVER Thousands have been promptly of BY line SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. pletcd. Just now Or goniana art becoming of little better posted about the Philippine that islands than any other part of the world. All over the state the papers are pub are lishing letters from the boys in blue who are there, giving facts about the Doeole ol a very entertaining character. None ol them are of more interest than those received from the Albany boys, bo are well situated for later writing These letters do not particularly make ua fail in love with the dwarfa ol the Philicninet. ianorant and filthy. We are. thonsb, thus brought In touch with the treat theme ot the day and we feel the throb of the world. The peace commission baa been named, made up to suit the views of the president and is composed of pretty good men. It is already easy to tee that it will be along time before toe two eeis of commissioner agiee upon terms. probably months. We look for a long and tedious meeting, but believe that eventually terms will be agreed upon in some form. The mustering out of soldiers hstbe gun and there are plenty of complaint of mistreatment. Genuine patriotism should not result in hair splitting While the masses are patriotic to the back bone the truth it there is lota of Ai.nlk of natriotism that is only skin deep and made for effect. Tbie week in Lane county a tertlole thrMhlna accident happened that from the accounts given of it was undoubted' Use leault of carelessness in some form by someone. It suggests the J act that an engine is not a sate thing monkey with, and that men handling them cannot be too carefnl. A man mav be tbebest engineer in the world so far as Knowledge of runnig an engine goes, but he will not be a success as an engineer nnleea be bat a bump or can tion aa big as a cannon ball. During the week something vsry heavy has fallen on the wheat market and the price baa fallen so low aa to be down to the freezing point.' It will un doubtedly not remain this way right along, though there ia nothing to jtstify a prediction of a reesocable price. It looks aa if the bulk of wheat will be sold this year for from 50 to 60 cents, and that the farmer may consider himself in clover if he gets 60 cents. The editors of the Northwest have been in seesiou this week in Spokane. This annual gathencg though it baa a business ..side to it it really a picnic nartv. If the business part of it has ever dona the newspapers of the state any good we don't know what it is. Newspaper men meet and bate a good time, and instead of combining like everybody else for their own good, go home and every man proceeds for him self. As a matter of fact though some who attend the press association art not editors at all. The editor himself is mighty busy man, an the average coon- try raper. It takee rustling to make enough to live comfortably on and to meet the demands of an exacting public, for aa ran in tbia country there ia immense loss account ia tbe business on account of tbe lack of conscience of many subscriber!, and tbe sentiment that prevails among some that it is en tirely legitimate to get tbe wares of tbe editor for nothing. Perbsps some press association will secure a panacea for these ills. A dental congress baa been held tbia week in Portland, a splendid thing for i dentists, for the papers and talks are on ( . a . . . ...... np-to-date topics of vital interest to tbe profession as well aa to tht public, Tbe saving teeth is a big thing,and tbe boai nets is now one of doing this and not pnllinc teeth. Tbe dentist on to bis business now will never pull e tooth it can be prevented. It ia bit object to eave it, aod tbe more thorough tbe knowledge be poeseesea of teeth tbe bet ter is be able to do tbit. Dentistry ia progressive profession, and tbe tocceee- ful dentist should be a atndent of bis business "ByGeorgsl Just my msasloy luck I" "What'a wrong?" "Well, I didn't enlist when my reg iment was called out.'' "Ob pshaw! Wbat'a tbe nse fretting over that now? There were plenty of others that didn't go." "I know it, bnt my comrades who did go are still in this eonotry. Look at the glory I might have won without onee getting into danger if I'd bad tbe nerve." tXECUTf R'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe nndersie-ned baa been aDDOointed Kz ecutrix of tbe last will and testament of blizabetn Rumbaugh, deceased, and all persons having claims against tbe estate of said deceased will present tbe same prop erly verified, to me, or to L H.Montanye, at nis omce in Albany, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. August 26, 1893. L. H. RuMBAcoe, L. H. Mohtanve, Executrix. Ally, for Executrix. HOP AND FRUIT 'ROWERS TAKE NOTICE I sin prepared to insure your Hop Kiln, and its contents, your Fruit Dryer and their content! at the lowest possible rates, and with any of tbe six compan ies represented by my agency, which have a combined capital of over Twenty five million dollars. A oolicv in either of these companies ia as good aa gold, and in cass ot a loss you receive your money without delay. For applications, write to or call on 0. G. Burkuabt, Albany, Or WHILE THE WAE LASTS. All who march, walk nr s'and, sbonld ihake into tbeir shoes Allen's FuOt-Eaxe, a powder. It cures aching, tired, sore, swol len fet, and makes tight or new sbo-s easy, U absorbs moisture, and prevents chafinsr. hot.smarting, blistered, sweating feet. All sbe regular army troops and navy men ne it. Volunteers in hot climates can't exist in comfort without it. Allan's Foot-Ease is sold by all druveiotssnd shoe store. 26c. Samples sent FREE Address, Allen S. Olmstead, LeRoy, N. Y. m a, ax reBEio ruimuu PROCURED. EUGENE W, JOHNSON, Victor ana itiyli luteal Cause Our New Territory. Porto Rico, the beautiful island which General Mil.s is taking under the Am erican flag, bat an area of 3,530 square miles. It it 107 miles in length and S7 miles across. It has a good teletraph and e railroad only partially com If was The population, which is not made op so many negroes and mntattoea aa of the neigh boring islands, is about 900,000. Almost all of the Inhabitants big, Roman Catholics. It it a mountainous island, and con tains forty-seven navigable streams. The roadt are merely paths beaten down has by cattle. Exports in 1S87 were valued at 110,- 1S1.291 ; imports, 110,198,006. a Gold, copper, salt, coal and iron abound. Tbe poorericlaasee live almost entirely on a variety of highland rice, which is easily cultivated aa it requires no flood' log. One of tbe principal Industries It grating. St. Thomas is tbe market for fresh meat. Corn, tobacco, sugar, coffee cotton acd potatoes constitute the principal crops. There are no snakes, no beast, of prey, no noxious birds nor insects in tbe island. The trvet and grass are always green. Rata are tbe great foe of the crops. The natives often live to be one bun dred years old. Tbe aost beautiful flower on the Island is the ortegan, which baa pur ple blossoms a yard long. Hurri canet are frequent on tbe North coast and very destructive. Mosquitoes ere tbe pest of tbt Island. Spanish is tbe language epoken, and education is but little esteemed. Every man, no matter how poor, owns a horse and three orlojr gamecocks. Tbt small planter is called "Xivaro." He is tbe proud possessor of e sweet heait, s gamecock, a.horss, e hammock, a guitar and s large supply of tcbacco. He ia quick tempered but not revengeful and be ia proverbially lasy. Hospitality ia tbe rale of the island The peasants are astonished end hart when offered money by travtltrt. San Juan Harbor ia out of the best in tbe West Indies, and ia said to be the third most strongly fortified town in the world, Halilax being the strongest tnd Cartagena, Spain, the second. Ponce de Leon between 1509 and 1518 killed off the natives. The De Leon palace, built ioiSll ia ol great interest to tourists. Tbe climate is warm bet pleasant At night thick clothing it found comfort able. Ail visiting aod shopping are done after sundown. Slavery was abolished ia 1ST 3. Tbe women are rather small and deli cately formed. Many of them are pretty aod they see all given to flirtation. Hen end women ride horseback abks. Wicker baskets to carry clothes aod pro visions, are bong on either aide of tbe horse's shoulders. Back of these bes kett tbe rider aits. It Is the custom ot traveler! on horse back t carry e basset bandied sword a yard and e quarter long, more at an or nament than aa e meant ot defense. Tbe obeeivance of birthdays it an is land lasbion that it followed by every cne. A Governor, appointed by tbe Crow, manages affairs. Bis palace It at Sen Juan, tbt capital, e town that baa 24.000 inhabitants. Upon tbt Rio Grand ere prehistoric monuments lb at bars attracted the at tention of archaeologists Following th. Spaniah custom men ere imprisoned for debt. The town bouses ere built with flat roofs, both to catch water and to afford tbt family e tmall roof garden. All plantera bave town houses where tbey bring f heir families daring tbt car nival. San Juan ia filled with adventurers, speculators, gamblsra and fugitive! from Justice Different Kinds. Better sleep can be obtained low than a high pillow. rith Sintey reporters are employed in galleries of the boose of commons . tbe Bathing the neck and face in cold water will often stop tbe bleeding of tbe nose. Russia ia tba only country in the world without it! Christian Endeavor society. Tbe population of St. Petersburg now numbers 1,135,677 persons, of wbome 616,855 are males and 515,822 are fe males. A rafflj for Biblet takes place tvery year in tbe parish church ot 8t-Iving In Huntingdonshire. Tbit quaint cotom bas been observed for 200 years. Tbe public funeral of Mr. Gladstone was not expensive. Some of tbe news papers gave tbe cost at $35,000, bus a competent minority said tht actual cott was about. Tbt bomespnn and knitted goods lrom tbe Higblanda generally find a ready market in several parts of Japan and AirireJTbls it chiefly through tbe instru mentality ot tbe Duchess ot Souther lsnd. The Lsed whole-sals clothing trade it is said, has never been so bad as at present. Few firms are working more than half or . three-quarter staff, and mostofthsm are not averaging three days a week. It is stated that Turky lost less t ban 1,000 men in battle in the Greek war bnt 19,000 died In Thessely of disease and 22,000 were sent home invalids, and of then 8,000 subssqusntly disd. Among the dead wera seventeen army surg eons. Of twenty-five countries, nineteen Lave flags with red in them, tba Hit Includes the United States, England, France, Germany, Austria , Italy, Spain, Den mark, Belgium, bwedsn, Switzerland, Turkey, Mexico, Chili, Portugal, Venez uela, and Cuba. Why clasp to our bosomt 9,000,000 ol semi-barbarous and uncivilized people in the lar east, through wboso vslns already mingles much of the Spaoisb blood T j Wa bave been legislating tbe tame el ement out of America and now we prop ose to take in 9,000,000 of them at ooce. They are not capable of self government and we at once disavow that principle for which we contend that taxation with-1 out representation is slavery. j .jrHnkjr'f tbs blood and expense It will; Demours tic stale conventions are quite g nsrally dcoitr ng for free silver 16 to 1. Advocates of It are more earnest than ever in their advocacy of it. Events are dally establishing tbe truth ol tbe ar were guments familial to all In favor of it. sels, the bigh price of wheat last winter due to Mr. McKlnley's election in stead of the general shortage in India and other places, why it it tbe price hat ine dropped en much now when crops are by regardless of tbe influence of Mr Hanna. We know now, as wall as we knew then.tue law of supply and dsmand a great deal to do with the matter. Tbe DssioCBAT Is of the opinion that within tan or tweutr ysart Cuba will bs tnorougmy American couuirj, mm representative in the balls of congress, and with institutions entirely on our plan, and In fact that it will be run by Americans. Tbe island has tbe founds tion for a country of wonderful prosperi ty, when run in a humane way under enlightened laws. The average temperature of Man la is 80 degrees F. The mooiLt of April Ma; and Jnnt are the hottest part the year. May, with an avsrage tamp eiatureot 84 degrees F., is tbe tottett of the three. Tbe highest tbemometer read log record d is 100 degrees F. Tbis was observed In May. The average relative humidity is seventy-eight percent. Tbe average absolute humidity is 8.75 grains In e cubic toot. The average rain fall is 75.43 inches of which 43 69 inchee. more than fifty percent, fell daring th month of July. Where woa'-d we btvt gotten onr mon ey to carry on the war u nryan bad been elected, aaks a farmer. Well, we bave 9o0,000,000 in tbe treasury now more than tbe total expense. Instead of running in debt and putting the country to e big expense for internet provision! wonld bave been made by which there wonld have been no in creased indebtedness. Tbe busineot would bava been attended to in a prac tical way to tbe credit and honor of the government. Tbt Washington volunteers tie in a peck of trouble, end bave been ever since tbey were mnsterod in. It looks et if from their eundpoint of tbe mat ter tba government bad united all tbe force! of tbe war department in e gen oral setting down on tbe Washington troops. Tbey hare been slighted and ignored until they bave no rights left, an abnsed body et men. Perhaps Alger's bic timber interest! in the state bave bad something to do with It- Anywsy tbe soldier ere red hot, and tbey don't like tbe eiteation e little bit. Cbauncy Depew says: "Twenty-Are years ago I knew avery man, woman, and child in Peekskill. N. Y. i.,i i. baa been e study with me to mark bos who started la every grade of life with myself to tee what became of them. I waa np last fall and began U count them over, and it was an instructive exhibit. Some of Inem became clerk i, merchaaU, manufacturers, lawyers and do tors. It is remarkable that every one that drank ia dead ; not one living of my age. Barr ing a few who werlaken by sickness, every one who proved e wreck aod wrecked bis fsmily did it from rum aod nootbarcaese. Of those who were cborcb-going people, who were steady who were frugal aod thrifty, every eiogie one of them without an exceptioo owns the boose in which tbey live ac.d bave something laid by, tbe interest of hich. with bis house, wtll carry bim many e day. When e man becomes de based by cetnbttog, ram or drick, all bis finer feelings are crowded out, aod tbe poor women at borne suffer for those whom tbty'ovs befer than Ufa." Tbe year's yield of w beat in F.orope, though larger than a year ago, is not larger than tbe average ot tbe past I. years. It cornea, too. when tbe world's markets are more nearly bare of wheat than was ever before koown, owing to the bigh prices which prevailed during most of last year and until May of this. Onr own crop is an extra large one, placed by recent figures at six hundred and fifty millions. It will perhaps sell tor blgber prices than new role, because of tbe repotted desire ot Great Britain to bold a stock sufficient to last a year, la order to be prepared for attempts to cut off Britain's bread supply In case it sbonld be engaged in war with European powers. That would require one bun dled and twenty-five million bushels to be taken out of this year's crop, and it would nse op a large part ot what we can spare for export to Europe. Culti valor. If tbe insurgents in tbe Philippine is lands insist on tha United States taking control of affairs there our government can hardly do anything else under tbe existing circumstances. So far as Spain is concerned ibe is not entitled to any longer control of them Laving forfeited all right to them by mis-government. While tbey will be an elephant on our bands aod an undesirable aquiel tion, except Manila and vicinity as a coaling station, ye the course ol events is now such ss to almost compel our government to Insist oo the islaods be ing ceded to ns in tbs treaty of peace. Were tbe Inhabitants capable of self government tbe Democrat would by all means favor tbeir independence. But tbey unquestionably are not capable of governing themselves at all. Io fact they are a low grade of people, perhaps though no lower than the inhabitants of many African countries, and cot much below some of tbe Sou Mi American eonntrles, where they run their own affairs without the aesistance of the United States. Anywsy we bave prac tically gained control of the islands by conquest, and it will be about as hard to let loose as It was for Letter to let go of bis wheat last Spring, though tbe Dkmocrat regrets seeing these islands become a part of the United States. There it thit though about the matter, If we do secure possession of them we will mak. a different kind of a country out of the land. A Missouri lady, who edits ber bos baud's paper during bis absence, prints the following gem, which we publish as a warning to young ladles: "We feel the trouble and tbs woet a woman undergoes when she marries a country editor. Tbey are poor as snskss and wear more pa'cbed clothes than a railroad hand. Tbeir darning ia enough to keep two women busy, while to shsrs the'r living yon must exist on soup, and burn knotty wood that comes in on subscription. Take my advice, girls, and don't marry a country editor. WeLead-With 66,000 prescriptions en file, on the basis of a pure, frenh drugs. We solicit your patronage. Your pre- MISFITS. John Hurrycane and Hannah Blizzard recently married in Minnesota. The Spaniards blew up one of our ves end we ihave sunk thirty five of theirs. There is venceance for vou. Spain has the urcatest submar naw in thn u-nrlil r fact not diitniitpil any of the great powers of tlio world. The facetiouB editress of the Drain was Watchman while away on her summer vacation, which women will take any way, in writing to the home otlkre begins her letters : "Dear devila." An exchange says there are signs o war on coffee and sugar among the big companies and that prices are liable to oe Slashed. I3y all means slaan. ine public can stand it particularly on sugar. Coffee is already about cheap enough to oe goou. The foolish item ia taken from a pa per published in about tbe deadest town in Oregon : Many vacant dwellings in Albany could all be rented and occupied if they were in Corvalhs. There has been a greater demand here for residences this summer than for several years. Will White, writing to bit parents in t Eugene, says that the boys are having lots of fun laughing at Elkins and Gille' land, two Eugene Divinity School stud ents, who were bjth in tbe guard bouse. He alto says most ol the boys are doing their own washing, as they have no money to pay laundry bi'.ls with owing to tbe non-appearance ol pay day. The 4th of July statement for Eugene has iuat beea published. It shows tbe total receipt! to have been fi56.S0 aod the expense! 4.40 lest . Of the expense 100 was spent tor a band and f 100 for a Pretty good .bowing tor e country town like Eugene. P S. An effort ie being made to have the open ing ot school postponed so that the i school children can p'ck bop!. An exchange speaks ot a man whe, it ia said, always paya for his local paper in advance. As a result he baa never been sick a day in his life, never had any cores on bis toes, or the toothache, his potatoes never rot. hi oats never rust, tbe frost never kills hi bean, his babies never cry at night, and bis wile nev er scolds, and be succeeded in serving three years on the school board without being .cosiwd. The MedlurJ Mail wants some brains splashed into the beads of a couple ot callow youths of Portland w ho made a trip to Crater lake, and on their return were interviewed by the Oregonien in a several column article, in which tbey said some uncomplimentary things about Medlnrd. Ashland and oilier buuuiern .Oregonian things and institutions. The j 1'txocmT man met them on their way I borne. They were nice youna men ana it is p rotable lite reporter jui a lot oi tliuurs into their mouths tni-v never said. Doee tbe administration think for a minute that our citizens are going on daily paying a beavy war tax for tbe purpose ol upholding a wa- ot philao thropby? Don't make any mistake. We are paying a war tax which hurte. which comee out ot os in bard limes, and all tbe coiooiee ot Spain most be acquired U offset this great tax on our pockets. Pendleton Tribune. Tbe Brownsville Times will pieaee go to tbe bead. A aobecriber bas paid nearly 102 years ahead, and tbe Browns ville editors are in clover : A Times subscriber this week secured one of those nicely printed receipts spok en ol in onr last issue, and tbe date tbereon entitles him to receive weekly visits ol Tbe Times until June 2S, -JW W bo will be oext? Tbe remnants ot Bpsin. army are ot sucb s dilspidated character that there ia some doubts whether Spain really bas an army. Things are being learned which will no doubt make the Uoited Slates somewhat independent in deal ing with Spaiti for peace. It is plain that she is absolutely incapabie of furth er fighting. Tbe Journal tays: An advertising faker ia going tbe rounds, gelling np special edition, (bis last one at Astoria) makes money, but beats everybody he can. Me ia small, both in stature' end principles, one of those "part" fellows, a fluent talker, and the b ggest liar in Oregoo. Puts up at the beet boteis, haa the best room in the bonre. Dines his friends, never misse a m, or paya a cent. He ia wanted in Salem, and un less be straightens matters up, he is liable to get free board for aw hie. One Dallas boy wrote from Cavile: 'I would not take tbe trip over again for 110,000; we wre cooped up worse than sheep aod came near starving to death. Mamma, you don't know what I would eive for some of yonr bread The stuff they give us we bave to soak 24 hours before we can eat it. Fruit here ia very hie-h, and we have n money to boy with." Another one said : "Our trip was a hard one. but I would not have miaeed it for S 10,000 wish vou coo Id bave been along. Say, wouldn't I like to bave a drink of water trom home. By Mie eternal, this water ie 'bum' a dog would not drink it at home, and It is getting the best of the bovs." Thus it takes all kinds ot people to make np the world. OREGON Industrial Exposition OI'KSHlN PORTLiHD, SEPTEMBER 22 Cl.0 BBS OCTOBER 22. 1893 The finest and Greatest Ever Held In the Northwest. Horticultural.and Agricultural products ot Oregon and Washington will be displayed in wonderful prolus ion, including more varieties than ever before gathered together in one exhibit. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals wilt be awaruea . Marvelous Rich Specimens lrom Our Geld, Silver and Other Mines. BSflHKr RENOWNED MIHTiRY BAND Has been engaged for the season. Astounding Arerial Feats and Acro batic performances. Very low rales on rauroaus. AdmiBsioD, adults, 16 cents; children, 10 cents. Clubbing Rates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in Sn Frsncisoo rent-' lngfor$60a month, a (8,390 U. S. bond, a 41,600 gold nugget and hundreds of other ' things. You can get the Examiner and ( Wikklt Dkmocrat for $2.50 a year, with the Daily Dkmocrat by mail for $4.25,by TELEGRAPHIC Tr.sble with laaargeat Nkw Yobk, Aug. 2i. There hat been a very serious clash at Cavite, be tween the United Stales soldiers and na Uvea. George Hudson, of the Utah battery, got into a dispute with a native shop keeper and fired revolver in the air to attract the attention of his fellow soldiers. A crowd of natives ran to tbe scene and b?gan fircing, killing Hudson, and seriously wounding Corporal Ander son of the same battery. A detwhrnent of the fourth cavalry called out to disperse the Filippions, who continued to tire their revolvers aa they retreated. Laydon, Much bar, Con nolly and Doyle, Fourth cavalry were wounded. Four natives were killed and several wounded. The same night aa the soldiers were doing guard duty they saw a party of natives slipping the wreck 01 a gun uoai v. men was lying tn uavite j nay. a ioat put on lrom enure. The soldiers fired a volley, killing one and wounding another. Aquinaldo de nied all conection ol fats army with the affair. tMki Warlike. Londos, Aug. 27. The Peking corre spondent of the Daily Mail says : The situation baa become acute. Tbe relatione between the tsung-li-vanen and Sir Claud McDonald, the British minister, are strained to the point of rupture. Sir Claud McDonald baa inti mated that failure by Chine to observe Great Britain's wishes will be accepted as a cauma belli. In support of Sir Claude McDonald the tie.-t haa been concentrated at Wei-II ai-VVei and Han kow, and all the ahips under 601)0 tons I have been mobilized m the langtsee river. Ap.laaM. Storl'. New Yottc, Aug. 28. A dispatch to the Herald from .Manila says: General Agoinaldo, interviewed at Ba- coor, declared that he was anxious to support the authority of tbe United LtaUM in the island, and he haa pursuad ed he other leaders to accept his views, It la his desire now that tbe Insurgent army be disbanded and return to the province. Terrihi. Wrceiu Sa FaAxciBeo, Aug. 26. News has been received here confirming; the re ported loss ot the stern-wheeler Slickeeu Chief. A letter dated Aug. 10 brings the con firmatory news, and further says that the disaster was doubtless caused by explosion, and that the crew and u engvrs numbering 43 persons, wen un doubtedly lost. 1 tie Uora aaved a nog which was found floating on a wreckage. SkaAe CmbIbs Wed . SASTiano, Aug. 26. (ieaeml and stall sailed tbis afternoon Shatter on tbe transport Mexico. Ilia departure was not marked by auv special incident. On arriving at Moniauk tioint. Shifter will go to wa&utngton to meet rretident Mckinley and Secretary Alger, alter wartds proceeding io ban Francisco. taw www Sax Fajucciaoo, Aug. 23. Tbe Wood men of the World w bo bave been in see- sion for the past few day eb cbad tbe fol lowing otberra and then adjourned : r A mkenberg, ol Denver, was re elected bead Cuunaa! : P Fabey, ot San Francisco, was elected head advier. and r rank B th-nsvhey, of I Denver, waa re elected head auditor. For the olbce of bead-banker there was a very close contest l-levn John K Shireuan, ot PueUo, Colo., the present incumbent, and C V Cooper, ol Portland. Cooper received 360 votes and Sr.ireman 3o. Altera recount Cooper wa declared elected. A Iwi'tat fall. Sr. Part. An. A i're..n Minn, cpecial to the Diainbrh savs: The bank rf New Richmond. Minn.. faded yesterday, claiming that the cause of tbeir failure waa Use fact that tbe l il'i more bank had 10.C)ol their mon ey to loan for them. Liabilities are in creasing all the time now tooting up to tHJ.OtW. suth but $75 in cash, and $230 in small notes aa aa-eu. Am k Cm, N J Aug. 25. While wreetiing today tor the championship bcit, 'The Terrible Greek." Heraklidee, and tbe f-troog Jap, Takezawa, be came involved io such a heated strug gle that the former was rendered nncon arioos by tbe fearful pressure exerted by the Japanese wrestler. When the match was etonped tbe Greek was black in the face and was in spasms. Tonight his death is expected. a Ik raata. Sjr Ka!t-ict Aug. 2j A telegram waa received from Washington revosing the order issued yesterday, to the effect that no troops would leave tbia city tor Honolulu or tbe Philippine. Today's telegram directs the New Yorkers now here to proceed to Honolulu on the transport steamer Scandia, which will sail tor Honolulu Saturday, and after landing her troops and some supplies at Honolulu the steamer will prooMd to Manila. far the rate... Washixgtox, Aug. 25. The steamer Cornel sailed from Tampa to Havana today with 1,000,000 rations for distribu tion to the starring people of Cuba. Tsw BUc rtaM ' Bi rrto. Aug. 23. It has been defi nitely decided that the Corbel-McCoy battle will take pUco at Cbekkwaa, on October 1st. as a slMplial Ship. Sax FaAScmx), Aug. 24. The mili tary authorities in this city have received instructions lrom Adjutant-Oeneral t'or- .bin countermanding previous orders to end a large body of soldiers to Hono lulu. No more troops will leave here nn til further no' ice, and three steamers which were to bave left early next week will not go, at least not aa transport steamers. The Scandia bas been ordered to de part aa soon as possible.and will be used as a hospital ship. WUt Osue Belay. LoSDOx, Aug. 25. A dispatch to the Standard from way ot France says: A very unfavorable impre.aion lias been caused in Madrid by telegrams at tributing to President McKiuley the in tention of instructing the peace com missioners to insist uion the cession of Luzon. If such are the intentions of the United States government, ttie negoti tiohs are very sure to be laborious, eten if an understanding is arrived at. K.salaated j Sacramento, Henry T. Gage, of Los j Angeles, was today nominated for sov- urm-r,jacou il. xxcii, Ol I lacer county for Lieutenant governor, by the repub , . . i. ir . f . lican Htate convention. All the other candidates for governor withdrew before the convention met, except Dr. Georve O Pardee, ot Oakland, who asked the delegates to cast a unanimous vote for his rival. Uavea'l .lt Flghtlag. Madrid. Aub. 24. The iravernment has a dispatch from the Hios.governor of the Viscavs islands, and successor to lienor! the governor gener- ai-eiiip oi me riiuinptnes, saying there has been bloody fighting between Span ish troops and insurgents, with an es timated Ions to the latter of 600 men. Tho Spanish losses were "unimportant" Big Dr.wal.g Lostwjj, Aug. 25. A dispatch from Vienna to the Daily News savs that 300 miners were drowned by tbe flooding of the Kasiinir coal mines, at Niece, near Schnowix, Silesia three days ago. Spaniard! Irritated Nkw York, Aug. 24. A dispatch to the Herald from Madrid savs: There is a growing feeling of irritation, which haa been discussed tullv in ministerial cir cles, at the failure of tho insurgents to resiHsct the protocol and order for a ces sation of hoMtilities. 0TitsarulTr4s Marks obtained and all Pat-, ant business conducted for M oderat. Fees. Bnd motll. drawing or photo. W.adviMlf patoniablsfroaototmr-Ki Utirrmnotda till natvntis secured. A Pamphlet "Uow toOb Uln Patent," with coat ot sua. la th. V. aud fomlja eouatrte sent rrae. idurass. a a. snow & co. MM Brownsville. From tbe Timet: Mrs. W. A. Cslder and daughter are gueata of Albany relatives this week. j Clyde Snyder aod Carl Cooley will at-1 tenu a many college this year, starting! in with the fall term which will com mence about the 15th of September. Married, on Aug. 2J, 1898. at the home of tbe bride's mother, Mrs. E. J. Mont gomery, James N. Hunter and Misa Eva Montgomery, Rev, W. ?. Elmore olfiria ting. The young couple will make their future home in Crook county, and we are informei they left for that place to day. F. C. Btanaru bas secured tbe priori pa lehip of the school at Lexington, ten miles north of Ueppner. The school is said to be a good one, there being three teachers and IW dudiIs. Mr. btanard bas resigned his position as principal of tbe Craw fordsvilie school and will move bis family to the former place in about two weeks. Tbe Lexington directors bave chosen wisely and have reasons to anticipate a profitable term of school. List of Pbtcnta. Granted to Pacific atatee inventor this week. Reported by C. A. f-inow A Co., patent attorneys. Washington, D. C. li r Bogel, Kan J-raocisco, Csl, cur tain hanger: H Borelii, Wapimtia, Ore, projectile; R Cady, Los Angeles, Gel, railway-switch; W A Cowley, Benicia, Gs, dumping-vehicle; F II Ponaldson, Drvansa, Cal, gyroscopic toy: G A Uunn, Dinuba, Cal, spraying apparatus ; U Oilman, Tauoma. w aab, emergency nuckle tor car couplings: Z O Hamp ton, Kyde.Cal, draft-regulator tor plows ; T K Jones, Sacramento, Cal, pneumatic drsdser: i Kirkland. Oakland. Cal, acetylene-gas generator: V vv Leacn, truckee. Cal. Portable fire-escape appar itos: vv Long. eiem. ure. coupling; CENve. Walla Walla. Wash, saddle- skirt nrotector: S b Koee. Amador lity, Cal. rotary-engine: G 8 Thurston. Santa Rosa. Cal. bicycle-support: J A Weitxel Redlands. Cal. horizontal wind mil! ; Young, ganU Ana, Cal, billiard-cue tip For copy of any patent send 10 cents in port aire atsmpe with date of tbis paper to C A Snow A Co.. Washington, D C. Fatal Threshing Accident. Eccsxs, Or. Ausr. 23. An eogine ex ploded tnts morning at 6mthfjeld. in this county, killing outright EHey Kirk, and seriously injuring five others. Several Manila slippers bave been re ceived in Ibe city. Tney are an oddity. having a sole ot Manila rope and uppers ti necuiier looking elotb. There wae al so received net. lrom one oi me iioinj soldiers a bat band bearin tbe name of Keina iCrtstuia, taken lrom the bat a sailor on the ill ft led SpanUb warship sent to an Albany young lady. The Magnolia flour ia now on tbe mar ket in the regular Magnolia eks, un der ibe brandtbat witl be used by the company now io charge. XO CURE-NO PAY. That b l wv att dti'ets'e JI OItoVES TAXTKLBi CHIUL T S1C for Malaria. Chili, and Kevr. U l rnntr Iroo and Quinine in a tulte form. Children love H. du:w tnnsier s io bil'er, naoaeaUng TonWw Ftie. St s S'.ck ceadscbe, biU:cooe. ootiplio and all liver a a 4 s'omach troubk. can be quickly cored bv oin iio fjsnvws little . - . -... . . 1 - I f- ' nils knows a ir Hi i.uv.r ranj (k-srrs, Tee are rJeesutt to take and certr giipe At i. A. Camming! . "I think De-Win's SJ is toe oef pre Miuios oa tbe market for piles." writes John C. Dona, of Wbeeltna". W. Va. Trj i? aed yoa will think tfc same. It also cores eru a ini ail skin die At f. A Cam-aioirt. E. C Blanks. Lewin. Tex, writes that one box cf De Witt's Witch Haxel Salve was worth &0.00 to bios. It cored his piles of ten years standing. It also cores enema, skin d and obstinate axes. At J. A.Coramins. What Ur A E Salter Say. Buffalo, X Y. GecU: F.-wn my pernyai knowledge, era'ned in oWrving the effect of your Sail-' Cure in case of advanced Constipation. I ara reoared to say tt i tbe most remarkable Kerned that h prcr !xn brnubt to my atten tion . It has certainly vav1 tcany froor Conseirptloa. SoJ by Foay k Ma son. Tna CxivxRsvrr or Oncox graduated last June tbe largest class in its history. Tbe clase numbered thirty. The fall term will betrtn September 19th. Stud ent! wbobav- mmpleti .lie renth trade brancbee can the eub-irarsroan daea. No examination are required f-jr graduates of accredited schoo's . Reason able eqnivalenta are accepted tor mot of the required entrance .Indies. Cata logue! will be sent tree to all applicants. Persons desiring information may ad drees tbe president. Secretary J.J. W ni ton, or Mr. Max A. Plum, all of Enpene, Oregoo. The courses ofterrd are those of a aood university. There ar- depart ments ot modern aod ancient lannuaires, physics, chemistry, biologv, geologv En'ttlish, elocution, advanced engineer ne, astronomy, loK'.e, philosophy, psy chology, mat hematics and plusical edu cation. Music and drawing is also anght. The tuitjoo is free. All s'ud n! pay an incidental tee of ten dollars arly. Board, lodging, heat and light the dormitory cost 2.50 per week. b editor of the E.ans City. Pa , Hlobe it. 'One Minute Coach for- i Vly earned. It cured uy etiIJ-n arte I other remedies faired." It caiw coi'u'h colds and alt throw aai laa trj:ib. A J. A . Camming. To far. CcMMttpatlnn rtrr,1 Take Curare w Com! CaUrti.i A3 or a HC-tC lai' locure. dnirowu r.i&ad mvE-y Alhany Market. Whaat 45 rents. Oats 32 Firgs iOceuts. Butter 15 to 22 cent. Potatoes 25 cento. Hams II to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 U. 7 cents. MARRIED. SOMMERVILLE WILSOX. At the Revere House in Albany on Saturday, Aug. 27, ISiitf, Mr. II. A. Sonimerville and Miss Alma Wilson, of Harrisbuty. They have the best wishes of many friends. DUGGER SMITH. cm Thursday evening, Aug. sa. tne residence ot T. L. Duccer. in Albany, bv Kev. D, V. Poling.Mr. Samuel Dugger and Miss t lo Smith, both of Scio. WIHTE HUDSON'. On Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 24, 189S, at the resi dence of the bride's father Mr. W. O. Hudson, in Tangent, by Rev. W. It. Moore, Mr. H. II. White and Miss Cora Hudson. The groom is a wsll-knowo Linn coun ty teacner having been principal ot the Tangent and Lebanon schools amont; others, and is a young man ot excellent attainments while tho bride is one ol Tangents most popular and estimable young ladie. The Democrat u.iites with many friends in extending best wiehes to tbe happy couple. HOCHSP1RE BARKER. At the Ex change Hotel in Albany on Wednes day evening, Aug. 24, 1S94, by Rev. Strey feller, Mr. Fred Hochspire of Jefferson and Mist Lizzie Barker of Linn county. BORN. ROBERTS. In Albany on August 25, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts, a daughter. All doing well. WOLFE. In Portland on Thursday morning Aug. 25, lSyd, to Mr and Mrs William Wolfe, a son. All doing well, except Uncle Joe of this city, who ia somewhat feverish over v ... o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o 0 Colucitiis discovered fjr r.ncz dm I have discovered" EA - . LF. AX ! Tfexrct; a sa'afiei glai I've got iierprest on the faces oi all -who dLcovtr the rich quality of ipaf smwswi PLUG It is an aixirable chw ut for an Acf-lraL In no other way can you et as Lirje a ilzcz cl as good tobacco for 10 cents. ernember vhen you buy again. 15D soo PACIFIC unE. Solid testibale trains, eonastinir of f ae sleeping car. laxaioo dining car, -i : j mac-niarest tonrist cars md free eosoeist eSsvpers from toe I siSc to tbe AtlanUc waJw-t duuie. xxt DtaECT isa casirKST som r ICootcnny jtaxesr. jttw tiia, suicas err-. KKUkOX. Milling: nisitrict eos3La5sao AH point ii the Okaaran Conner. Ge a pamphlet giving a fail fcwcnpUos. of ibis wonderful country. Ak tbearecl fcr a copy of the mining laws of Knusr Colnrnti. Lov rt o and frvn EUROPE Atlantic rtesamthip iaes. Cauadian Pac. Ry. Uo-'s Koyal Mail Steamship Una to China and Japan ACSTjUJAS bosolcxc, mx ay acsrmaJaa. ' Tbe tbortert lie to tfce Ccki. Tbjse stemner carry aa ex;fnod medicaJ man. and a rtewarJes on every voysjre. for time tables r-irrpcht. or any in ormatlcm. call on or ad dress. 3 N STEELE t CO. AjTfita.AibaaT r. E J COYLK, Ag't. 16 Third St. r and. Or. iEO. McU BROWS. i I'. A. Vanccnvev EAST AJ4D- SOUTH c SHASTA KOUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. IkUtwu Cxprass Viloa .an rcnao lUi m twr. . ; It .fill a A. - Ar ( fcV- : s ' ( I) 1- " t Sleai Tir . n f ..--I . . I ..n ser, ilira. JeT-ri lanirenr. Shedd. ii!-y fcuiect CotUge Grove. Drao. Uk d and att ilatwne fra K el..irs "'a'n to and i ddding Vshland. . S r a . i e .Or '. T Imts AtbuiT tt r Lrtanxn Sio aa IthSS aa Antra at AbiiT CM btttaoa 4 Mar a Tills Arrira at A.;bni tn Ubaooa PUUKJU S'JrHt SUErESi. A.SIN- Oinine Cart on Qgden Route. 5EC0N0-CLrSS SlEtriNB CARS Attache I all ttr.uTtn Vett cee SHII. a vr ev xv resTLax teassiit Mjuvts S4ivtlKnptSwoai jsi' int (i I Ibli I ertai Ar I t I 1-sJr a ra.I. T SO r I Ar SSOra Ar rr!M t ar 1 l a a ! T I a a McMinarillr Lv i t 90 a a .. . ... . w .. I. .-!... t., mrntosiKlSio Fik-c. Serlir Srst MM RtWi t JicX to eifl i.tns wnt Rnnps toJPXS. C HU. It OLU(,U ai4 AUSTR UAou hs oMit trvm k rates A R,.1!oT.ruaKWl5!, CHHARKHO. IMaaacsr a f Fori tod Oracu. Pttrtlamt Corvallis & Eastern Raili-oad. TIMB CAKO. 1. ForYaqnina: Train leaves Mbany 12:50 p.m. trvallia 1 :4o p. m. Arrive Yaquina 6:00 p.m. 2. Returning: Leaves Yaquina :00 p. m. Corvallis 11:10 a.m. Arrive Albany li :2S p. m. For Detroit: Leaves CorvaMia 7 tOO a. m. ' Aibanv 8:0S a. ni. Arrive Detroit J- :20 p. in. Keturulog: ;t ,.,- - Leaves i?iroi l k Albao Arrive Corvallis 6:65 p. m. ...i o ..nnnt at Alhanv with South ern Pacific train giving direct service to and from Newport nd adjacent beaches. Train for the mountains arrivos at De- . -. amnla limn ti r. arh -.mninu urouuds on the BreiienDush and Santiaiu rivers same day . II." H. WAtnss, Manager. T.F. & P. A. J.TcBSa-B, Agent Albany. f ) O ... f 55" ' 1. m 1 a 0 the name SHESIFF SALE. Ey tu t je of aa esecTiosi and frier of sale da'j iKd oat of the Cirrait Coort of tbe Slat- of ifrtfom tfcecoouty of Lu.n oe. lb 23;o day of Ja y, A. l 189, in a a ee-naia ruit ia said court wneretB F. M. l ntainti'f aiul KWacrT. Wit kwgt tT and 'm. Canves were defendaata. tB wtUh id salt tbe aad F. J. Beade- recovcrcd a jadement aad dis afraust. Ilw deadBt KJOOr T. U illooenof asm ... iuh f J-i!r A. D ivlbe- ura of 11101.66 as i iortie fnrU:T n of 100 attorneys fees ane lor ttecrs ot saws suit taxed at $"-3 65 aai the aacruax costa,. aod iatevest theroa at tbe rare of H per cent per aaaoai, ordering, adjjdgtng: and decreeing that toe real property de scribed in plairtiSs m3r-age sod com plaiet, to-it: Tee we half cf the precues heuaisr at a point eizCl cbaiiM aad teatv-6j chains sc: h and ten chains and fity-tniee ceaiaa wet U the qnarter secboa post oa a line between uia sernoa three and four and rousing thence aorta forty csaia. UlrcCe east ever, ccaixsa m uaw uasa, tiM un.-i. fnrtr rlu!n and tkeewe weat eight chaios to the paot of tatrtaaiae. caatAUiicjr oos tniwrea ana ni ra mxe or es. a! daKnoea prea.ix soaf . ...j Ai4ii Tkre aad I' oer ia Toww- hip Siien Sontfcxof Baage Three West, cf me Wiilanvrt eierviiaata UnaCooaty. tm. W so'd t-" satisfy said judgTBOsat and decree and ill ens. Therefore notice i oereby pivea that 1 wiU on hataroay Me 3rd dav of September, A. D-.lsSS, at the bocrof rjBveo' Jcck P. il.of said day, at the front duw of tne Court Hoeaa. ia the city ef Albany, Lin J Cooaty, Oregoa. offer bidder, for ca-h ia hand, sebject to re- dempaos) to ia, use tea prop erty tn aid onkr and decree aad Hereto before deserild to atify said jodgmeat: and alt cerfs and charges of making svesv mi. Dated this 23h diy of July. A. D.t ISR. 1 A J K B Sh.?rilf - lian Coonty, Oregon SHEBIFFSAIE. I3y virtue cf an fxrcutioa aad order ef sale. isaed out of the circuit mart of th itate of O rep-CD for the ccuntj cf line, to ae dUy dircted.dehvered and dated oa the lact AazssUl&ia a certain suit ia said court.when?i A. C. Hauunan was plaintiff" and Mary Whitevaad J D ArthcrasadauB isrrator de hoess bob with the will annextdl of the es-Ute cf J. J. White deceased, wer dfeBdacts. ia which said fait the said A. C baaemaa recoveerd a jadgmeet ota the 15:h day of July A. IX, 1S5, ajraia the said defetKtaats for the sua of o9.60 with iaest at the rate oi 10 per cent per annttm from said date and tee further sum of t 'AlO alhrneys fees and for the cosu and ol! orsixrnts Uxei1 at tlS tC, orieiin adjnd$:icg and oecreeinr 'kat the real property deecrited la piaintila aiortgsge and cvmpUiint. tew it: tV'.ns all tbvwe certaia preasis1 situated within tbe limits of the city of Browns ville, in Linn county, . reeon. and sere particularly known and described as Lea N. Three (3 in Block X. Three 3) rm tir'a addition to the city of Kortk tirownSTiiie ia Line county, Oregon, a said lots appear cf recced on the plats ef said addition to said city of North Browns vil'e, of file and of record ia the efike of the county recover of Una county .Oregon,, be sold to satisfy said judgment aad decre and all costs. Therefore, notice is hereby Riven that I will, on Saturday, the 24th day of Sseote her A. D , l&S. at the bt-cr of I o'docic P. U of said dav. at tha front door of the jconrt house, ia the citv of Albany, Linn, countr, OrfKon, oner ror sate, at puou aacliou, to the hit best bidder, for cash ia baad, subject to retkmption areording te la w, tbe real property in said order aaw de ciee and herein before ekscribed. tesatisfy said judgment and all costs and accruing costs. Dated this ?0th day of August, A. X. I. A. Mtrsaaaa, Sheriff of Lian Co., Oregea. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE XOTlClS 1st HEREBY GIVEN that the tini!MritiiA.I fa twn anriointed hr tha County Court of Linn County, Oreeon, aa tre admioitrattr of the estate of Mary E Crarford, deceased. Any aod all per sons havmc claimi against said estate are k.M.Ktf . .it i R .1 rtrwanl IliAm Ia tlA uodersigtied at Albany. Oregon, within six months from th date hereof, duly verified, as by law required. Iie4 tuis sin uay oi August, is, C. U. SmwART, AdniinHtraton W RATHERFORD .t WVATT, Attjs fee Actm'r ACMIHISTSATOR'S NOTICE KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been, by the Countr court, of Linn Co., and S'ate of Oregoo.duir appointed .administrator da bonus no and the wul annexed of the estate cf G. F, 'raw ford, d ceased, late of Lina CoaBtT. Oregon. All) persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to them to the undersigned within rs tnonthiv from this date at bis place of business a. the city of Albany. Oregon. liatsd this the 30th dy of luly, 1898. C. U.RTKWAaT, Adin'r De Bonos Noa wuh tha will annexed. Wetbkpoed & Wtatt, Attorneys lor Adm r. FOR SALE. On account ot going to Eastern Oreeon. I wilt sell my horse, clipper wagon and harness for $65. A first clase hunting; rig. The horse is 8 years old, sound, gentia, will - .r double 3nd is a eooil sai'dle animal for either ladies or yeoUe- ', : Ij ; t