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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1898)
From Everywhere. Tbe Atlantic ocean is crossed monthly by l.COO ehips. Tbe population of Palestine is increas ing rapidly. Ttn years ago there were only 15,000 residents in Jaffa; today there are nearly CO ,000. Mexico in tbe new world baa tbe largest standing army, with a war strength of 160,000, while Brazil is sec ond with 23,000 and 20,000 gendarme. The New York Tribune makes the timely observation that "the patience .of the disabled soldiers under their mictions is aa fine aa their valor was." The Argentine Republic has a peace force ot 12,000. Canada is garrisoned with 2,000 British troops, with an addi tional 1,000 Canadian soldiers, and a militia of S5.000. In tbe streets and suburbe of London there are now not only 712 fountains for human beings, but 23G large troughs tor horses and cattle and 476 email troughs for sheep and dogs. Burglar proof glass has been invsnted by a smart manufacturer. It la made by ponring molten glass over a network of steel wire. It is especially adapted tor skylights and jeaelers' windows. A new English pniale ie formed of a closed bet, with a transparent lid, in which a number of perforated balls are placed, with pins projecting from the aidea of tbe box, on which the balls are to be threaded. Pillowa and mattreesee tor ship bunks are being made ot rnbBer or other water proof material in a number ot separate sections tod inflated, tbe different sec tions having lines attached which can be used for life saving Host actressee are industrious. Tbe popular idea that they sleep till noon and (hen eat caramels and receive visit ors till it ie time to go to the theater is dissipated. One popular leading woman has a whole set of beautiful linen doilies she ties worked between ''waits'' last season, and another has made dozens ot ) sofa pillows tor her summer home. Under tbe name ol dynammon a new explosive baa been introduced into Austria lor blasting and other purposes, which is said to combine the explosive power of ay namite with absolute eatety during storage and transport. It is im possible to explode it by means of any ordinary mechanical impulse, such as an accidental blow or friction. News has been received at Berne of a number of fatal accident which occured la tbe mountains during Saturday and Sunday. A young man aged 20 fell over a precipict on the Ochs Alps and was instantly killed. Another young man met his death in the tilarus Alps. In tbe Goeachnnen region a man named Francois Gamma fell into a crevasse on the Qpitzburg while in search for rock crystals. His body was found mutilated almost beyond recognition. Another fa tal accident is reported from Saron. A French woman has collected for fifty years specimens of corsets worn at different periods and in herchateaa is a billiard room fitted up with glaaa cases in which are her treasures. Those who ehuader at tbe idea of an eighteen-inch waist would be ehocked at a corset of the Catherine De Medici reign with a waist ot thirteen aad one-half inchee and outside cover of steel bars to prevent stretching. There are to be seen tome leather siaye, worn by Charlotte Corday, - and a pair ot brocaded satin ones, which once belonged to the Empress of Austria, with only a fifteen and one-balf-inch waist. There are lots of nnxa housekeepers among the women of tbe stage. Kaie Claxton likes tj fuss around and put things awav in camphor and send cur tains off to the cleaners just as well aa to act. Rose Coghlan can cook, and so can Lillian Kaseell, Ume. Modjeeka is a great bonsekeeper, and May Irwin de lights in going about her boose dusting, with a towel about her head. Little Edna Wallace baa a most formidable apartment np town in New York, wbieb she looks after personally. She has a cook and butler and maid, who boss her around because she's such a mite of hu manity. When Mies Ida Work of Dallas, Tex. was graduated from Fort Worth semi nary in 1881 she received a gold medal in tbe form of a malteae cross. She lost the medal while out riding shortly afterward. Tbe medal turned np in the stockyards of Chicago tbe other day. It was found in the stomach c( a cow which had deen chipped from Dallas. Frank Shaw, superintendant of the mea'.uouee at tbe stockyards, wrote to the postmaster at Dallas, but learned that tbe Work family had left that city rears ago. Out of curiosity he put ad veitiseoiems in western papers, and lioally recti ved word from Mit-s Work, ho was in Albuquerque, N. M. Secretary ot war Alger Is going to be a big load tor some one to carry. Aquinaldo has gotten down off bis high horse and is now on tbe ground. lie will find himself very small pump kins by the time Admiral Dewey gets th Repot ts that come from Waahington indicate very plainly that In tbe conduct ot tbe war and all matters in connection with it there is and has been introduced a great deal ot politics even where there was hardly a chance tor politics. I here will gradually Issue out ot tbe recent war issues that will prooably form wide planks in the parties of ths country. Just now the? cannot bs de fined, but their shadows may already be seen.- Washington Lctttr. The government has been very unfor tunate in selecting camps tor tbe sold iers, securing some of the most unhealthy places in the whols country, so much so as to cause some to think there bave been ,obs. There has at lsaat been bad judgment. We need Mr. Dewey on tbe Atlantie caret to shackle Blanco and show him where his place is . The gentleman is acting rather rantanaerous and needs a muzzle. lie la not using bia typewriter as much aa he was, but be is using his underhanded Spanish tactics more and is liable to cause a great eeal of trouble and create some very unpleasant situa tions. He shonld be promptly polled down by the coat tall in Dewey t)le. The entire trade ot the nations of South America amounts to 1315,000.000. Ot this imports aggregaU $392,000,000, and xporta 423.000,000. Thie does not in clude tbe trade of tbe British, Dutch and French colonies of Guiana, bat it does in dude tbe trade ot the South America nations with one another as welt ae with other parte of the world. These countries sell to the Loited States products worth in the aggreaate about f 110,000,000, and boy from the United States only about $30,000,00), worth ot products. We have several good reasons for boo ing for a large increase in our trade with Son th America in the near future . Tbe annexation of Porto Rico to the United States will belp mcch to increase this trade. Tn the annual report of Pension Com missioner Evans it ie shown that on Jane 30, 1897 there were on the rolls 976, 014 pensioners. To this mast be added 6.S52 original claims granted but not re corded and 762 restorations. Commiss ioner Evans granted 63,6 1 original claima during tbe past year and restored ,S pensioner to tbe Deneota ol pens ions. The pensioners now aggregate 1,040,356. More pensions were granted last year than any year from 1869 np to 1S90. The Pension Office has done no thing with the claims that have been filed as a result of tbe late war with Spain. They do not think they will exceed a bond red, and most of them are for widows and next of kin of tbe boys who fell before Santiago. W aie a naton of coffee drinkers ac cording to Ibe treaory bureau of statis tics which has just issued a report show. ing that our imports of coffee for tte fiscal year reach 870,5 14.215 poncds.and that tbe anneal coffee bill for tbe coon try for tbe past ten years has averaged- 587,500,000 We have usually purchased tbe bulk of our coffee in Brazil, paying chiefly cash instead ot in goods ot otr own production, and attention is called to the fact that in the acquisition of Cuba Porto Rico and Havana we have secured euffic;ent coffee gtowing terrie troy to supylv our own wants in this di rection. Chicago will take an entire week off when she celebrates the return of peace. Business, with the exception of the gin and divorce nulls, will bs generally sus pended. Ex. Admiral h'ampeon's pastor aod all his fellow church meirrer turned out to meet end irreet him wheo he slepcd from tbe train. Thai whs a welcome home woith fighting for. Ex A Kt. Petersburg journal hays that the czar has declared bis intention of mak nga long visit in Paris daring the world's exposition there in 19 X). A special envoy is said already to have been sent to Cod a commodious palace lor tbe august guest's occupation. w, a. Poyuter, fusion canididate for governor of Nebraska, settled in that state in 18i9, saying to bis friends who tried to persuade him to remain at home "If Irtarat heme I will a'wsvs be aaon of my father. If Igj I will be known as W. A. Poynter. If you can't affo'd to buy a pkge o Hero Tea send to Dawson and he wil give you one free. S'Tv F at Vill& Ktark's, where J. vy iT you wilt find one of the finest stocks ot jewelry, watches, clocks, siiiv rwure, uptodate canes and timely novelties in tue valley. They are always pleased to have people call and see their goods, connuentot giving saumaction in quality and prices. The indications are that tbe United States in the future will have s perma nent etanding army of fully one hucd red thousand men, fonr times tbe long established size of oar army. This does not meet the approval of tbe Da hoc bat, nor probably a large number of the peo ple of the United States. As a peace nation of Christian character we should have a email army no larger than we have had. We can be a strong nation without this enormoui expense. Oar volunteers will be equal to any occasion that may ariee. A big army savors of imperailiam in the old sense In which it was applied to European empire, and we should guard zealously against any spirit ot the kind. A big standing army is not consistent with our free institu tions and democratic form of govern ment, and it ie to be hoped the govern ment does not take a revolutionary course in this matter of our army. Washinotok, August 22, 1898. "Let Admiral Dhwey dictate oar po licy towards the Philippins Islands.'' That is ths sum and substance ot the advici that some ot his most '.evel-head-ed friends, who bave observed the tact that Dewey has not made a single mis take from the day he destroyed the Spanish fleet to the day be forced tbe surrender of Manila, have been giving Mr. McKinley, who apparently la still without a policy of his own. It has been urged upon nim that Dewey daring ths foar months he has been In Manila bay, has throughly familiarised himselt with the condition of tbe islands, and would be better able than any man who la not there, to aay what relatione wt ought to maintain towards thsm. It baa also been pointed out to him that the public confidence in Dewey's judg ment and patriotism would cause his decision to be received wtihout question by tbs'people. All of these things Mr. McKinley baa acknowledged, and he would doubtless be glad to adopt and act upon the advice were it not that some ol his political advisers havs aroused his ea'.ousy of Admiral Dewey aa a possible rival in 1900, and told him tbat D -wry mast bs kept in the background if he wanted to keep him out ot tbe White Bouse. Not satisfied with reducing the salary of a man who was at one time consider ed competent to fill the position of Chief Clerk, tbe Civil Service Commission has dismissed tbe man for criticism ot bis superiors tn office, an awful crime, in the minds ot bis superiors. Gen. Blanco is showing a disposition to take advantage ot the published die inclination ot tbe adminatration to send an armyot occupation to Cab before cool weather, to carry things with a high band at Havana, and o prejudice the rabble against th- U . t. Blanco's Intention to make tuturs trouble lor ns Is so plain that it is worrying the admin istration no little, and demands that Blanco be peremptorily called down, are reaching Mr. McKinley from all sections of tbe country. That there ie no limit to Spanish gall was shown by the unofficial objection made by tbe government of Spain to tbe selection of Senator Davis, ot Minn., Chairman of ths Senate Comrrittee on foreign relatione, to be one of the Amer ican Peace Commissioners, because bia an U-Spanish views were too strong and too wall known. Were such an objec tion bold to be valid. Mr. McKinley would have to choose for Peace Com mietioners such men aa Senator Welling ton, of Md., and Senator Hale, of Me. about the only two Senators who made their friend lineee towards Spain con- spldons daring the debate which preced ed the war. It will be all np with Mr. McKinley if every one of the five Peace Commissioners chosen by bim, are not known to be strongly anti-Spanish in their views. Already there has some criticism of tbe selection of Secre tary Day, lor that very reason, bat it has remained within bouade because it ie known that Mr. Day will advance the opinions of Mr. McKinley, and not bis own, when the Pence Commieeioo meets. Another exhibition of Spanish gad. which was probably put out lor a feeler, was tbe attempt of Sagaata to appear to take it lor granted that tbe Spanish Am baeeador at Paris would be the presiding office at tbe deliberations ol the Peace Commission. His talk msrsly caused a emits ia Washington. As the victorious power, the U. S. baa the right, not only to name the presiding officer, if such be needed, but to insist that its Commis sioners taae precedence in every way over those of 8pain, aod Mr. McKinley is not likely to waive those rif ht. MISFITS. HAlbany Nimrbds are preparing for a "fneral attack on China tomorrow and there will probably be nothing left tor Kussia and England to quarrel over. Even the elements sre against tbe Spaniards. A dispatch from Hong Kong says that recently 900 of them were drowned while trying to escace from the Philippine islands, at a time when the natives were alter them. Men just from Dawson say that tbe price of things will be as low as in Port land. That forty or fifty boats had gone up the Yukon loaded down. Tbia leaves nothing for Senator McBride to do but labor to get a U. 8. gun boat for tbe rortiand exposition. Thejare on tbe White Pass and Yu kon Railroad is probably the highest of any railroad in the world. It has been outit 12 miles and 1.75 ie charged for the ride over it, about 15 cents a mile. The freight rate has not been announc ed. Great minds ran in the same channel. T. Dewitt Talmage, who is in Portland today is opposed to a lsrge standing army and says: "For a etanding army a all to the pairiotism of the nation is all that ia neceesarv to get aa many men as wanted." He ia though properly in fatorofa strong navy, an institution that takes yeare to build up. TELEGRAPHIC I REAL ESTATE SALES. Mrs. Cbtrchill. wife of an O. It. & X . brakeman at La Grande has served no tice on each of tbe city officers of that city that unleas they proceed at once and slop the crap monstrosity she will proceed against them rather than asatnst the gamblers as an easier job and more likely to succeed, ller course waa caused by tbe report tbat bar bus band lost $30 in a crap game. A gentleman from Eastern Oregon tells a good story on H. N. Cockerline. It appears that while driving a buck- board be met a freight wagon on a grade on the side of a mountain, and he turn ed out on the wrong side aa he waa afraid of upsetting. The driver of the freight wagon cooly picked up a shot gun and told Bert to drive out ot the other aide, which he did without parley. Eu gene Guard. It is a fact tbat almott staggers one that to whip a nation, secure the inde pendence of a country and the acquisi tion of two countries it coat the United State only 2ti0 men killed in Uio army. 12 in the navy and 7 in tbe marines, a total ol 279. Frequently there are people who can get np an item much better than the editor. One in Scio showed the News man the proper war aa follows : met, r. to. unloaded a cripple lady at helburn Monday with a wooden leg ana lots ot ireigbt.' The Czar of Rassia baa proposed a general peace conference of tbe Europe an powers to eettle the great eastern queetion that ia now causing a great deal of ccntentiou with tbe probability, at least possibility of war. This is an en lightened move, and the proposition Is one tbat shoold meet tbe hearty ap proval of every European power. With tbe present intelligence that prevails in tbe world all matters ot contention aris ing between nations should be amicably settled without resort to arms. Thsrs can be no excuse for war between Christian nations. With a spirit of jui tice sod a desire to do tbe fair thing as ail nations ae well as individuals should, two nations can easily come together and agree upon terms tbat wijl be satis factory. Tbe sup. erne selfishness and spirit of imperialism tbat exists, though, renders this sometimes a difficult thing to do. There ie nothing in the present trouble over Chinese territory tbat can justify war in this age of the world. Ii Rassia and England go to war it will really be because they are jealous of each other, and there is a fear that one is getting ahead of the other in tbe all pervading expansive fever tbat has at tacked the nations of tbe world. This movs on ths part ot the Czar should cer tainly reault in some kind of an agree ment tbat will establish peace and not wai. Prof. Norton of Harvard College baa tak ena very pessimistic view of affairs In an address as follows: Peace has son inallyeome. The actual conflict baa ended, bat lees than 100 days of war has resulted in a revolution in toe Unitsd States. Tbe foundation on which the Republic baa reefed have been un Milled the principles upon which tbe Govern ment depends has been violated. We have undertaken obligations which neitb or oar Institutions nor oar national cbar aeter enables ns properly to discharge we, the one great non-military power In tie world, have saddenly joined the ranks of the nations burdened with great armies and navies ; we bave loaded our elves with aa enormous increase of ad' ditional debt and with an enormous in' crease oi annual expenditures, ;a per manent oppressive tax npoo tbe indus try of tbe people, and whatever disposi lion may be made of tbe Philippine we are already, though holding them and claiming tbe right to dispose of them brought into entangling relatione with tbe nations of tbe world and run tbe risk of losing tbe inestimable boon which has hitherto been oarr, of freedoat ia tbeeomplications of tbo international policies of tbe Old World, and of rem alnlog tbe independent masters ot on own fortunes. It is, indeed, a moment ous revolution. How's This? W o offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have knowh F. J. Cheney lor tbe last 15 years, and be lieve bim perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Tbcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O. Waldiso, Kixvan & Mabvtn, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the " blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 7oc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's family Pills are beet. Excellent Graham Wafers at O. E. Brownxll's. THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods teat Parker Bros. Everybody kuows where their place is. They keen a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked jood&, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all atike. You may regret soma steps yon tako in life tut none taken into ths store H Parker Bros. It is a great thing to be well fed. Par cr Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but yon want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Tee Fart New York. Anc 30 A siiccial to the Press from Washington says: Although Havana is not vet evacuated by tlio Hpaniards, tho Cubans have named their civil authorities. Senor Gonzales de Qucsada, charge d'afTairs of the Cuban republic, a proclamation to the people of Havana humed and signed Dy vr. rrancisco JKWiinguex y itoiuan, in his eelf-assumed otlicial capacity as civil governor of Havana. Aa Wrenee I'll? Art-Ideal Ohkt.ox Citv, Aug. 29. Mrs. Hurry Slopcr and two children drove into the city this forenoon with a horse and cart. The horse balked in the street near the high embankment at the Congregation al church, and backed over a precipice. Mrs. Kloper and the children saved themselves by jumping from the buggy ueiore it went over me einiMmanieni iu time to avert almost instant death The horse waa kilted and the vehicle al most demolisned, having fallen a dis tance of 40 feet. Here Rlaadlke ta'.d Seattle, Aue.30. The steamer Roan oke arrived here today from hr. Michaels with 4u8 passengers, and goldduat which a conservative estimate places at f 1,600 000. The bulk of it waa the property of the Canadian Bank ot Commerce and the North American Trading & Trans portation Company ; The amount cred ited to the Canadian Bank of Commerce is $(400,000. A majority of the passen gers were men w ho went to Dawson in last rear's rush. They have no gold but lots ot experience. The fortunato pastengera numbered about 75. Of these probablv 25 bad over 1 10,000 each. The amouuia held bv the remaining 60 ran from $000 to foOOO. The laaarscaia Loxsos, Aug. 30. The Hong Kong correspondent of the Daily Mail says: The nlations between the Americans and the Filipinos are much strained in consequence ot tbe collision at Cavile lost Wednesday. The insurgent general at Cavite has been ordered to evacuate the place and remove his troopa two miles into the country, in order to pre vent further disturbances. A Bia aval .t.Tuiu, Aug. The News tonight published the following significant Law men i : It is reported that A B Hammond has sold his lumber interests in Mon tana to Marcus ralr, the sum mention ed being tl,250,0u0. Aa Mr. Hammond is out ol tho city today, the story could not be veritied. Reported by the Linn County Abstract Company, for tbe Docat, for tbe week ending August 27, 1808. M J Calaway to Henry Karstons To 19 iuw zi4 a acres . ... o E V Box to A Unham. Lot Lebc- - ' .AA non w N M Follis to A I Crandall, Ixit Lebanon 250 J 8 Kloan to M J Sloan 50 acres Tp 148 KZ tow U 8 to T J McClary WO acres Tp 10 8 K 3 E. 11 B Montague to O W Hhme et al 8c2Tpl3SKl h. ZUU acres . . 7UU M C Gaines, sheriff to Elva M Martin niece land N Brownsville 2 O P Coshow to estate Geo A Whit ney, deed 4 Lota Brownsville. ... 12 John Bender to ltev Jos L Bucbol- erll2rki Rods 20 John Herder tn Wm II Gross 1'- acres except 54 8q Rods 100 W O M vers to E L Thew 25 acres. 100 Elva M Martin to I W Starr 4 Lots Brownsville 35 I W Kinzcr to W J Turnidue S5- 100 acres 150 W J Turnidire to J M Kntch Td 11 2 W K sere 1250 Chas W Butler to A R Butler All interest in real estate belonging to Geo 11 Butler, deceased, in Harrisbnrg, Oregon Jaa Blakely to Heirs of C A Deal adkJinine Brownsville 3 acre . T. A Tucker toCH Harniah. To 11 2 W 20 acres P II Marlav and wife to J F John son Tp 12 1 E 160 acres M K Ij-vtik tn K I. Palmer To 10 2 E 180 acres 500 Annie M Tory to G M Douglass Tp 10 2 W 55 acres 900 JnoDenneyto Sarah F lienney Und S of 80 acre Tp 12 3 W . . 1 Marr F. McCov to Marv E Cox Tp 14 2 W 13 acre 1000 Geo Howell to Walter Howes Tp 131 E2TW acres 20 S T) Pirkoaa tn YY W Howea Td 13 IE 40 acre 220 J W Pickens tn W W Howes To 13 1 E 80 acres 800 M A Millprtrt Wna Kearna Part Block 3 Lebanon 750 A Uruea to Cvnlbia Grav 2 Lots l'.rom ncviUe "0 E Brooksbire to L E I-oofbourrow To 11 1 E6'i acres 22 A C Koltnd to Adda E Brvant Tp V3r.W acres aw A C Bolind to L C She pherd Tp 9 I K ou acres C C Jackson to M E church south Tp 14 4 W 1 "THE FAIR." Our new fall stock of Qlf shoes has arrived. JDi&- They comprise Beauty, Strength, Gheapness. J. A. Weaver. P. S. School shoes a specialty. a KI(Tr.l Losnos, Aug. 30 St. Jsmca Gaxetto save this afternoon ; It is reported on the stock eirbanee that an Anglo-American trust to control the output and sale of sewing machines, knitting machines, and a!:J'kinia oQneed lea, is being formed. DIED. Strictlv business French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agent. Beat Bicycle for sue money. Will 8tark, jewelers. ' Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brother for only S20, $30, S35 aad 150. C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in tbe east. Be sure sod see the anti rul tinware at Hopkin Bios, will las', a lifetime. When you want a choice steak, a nice roast or meat ol any kind, call on Henry 3rodera. He keeps the best. Dis. H. K. and U. K Bers oftVes and residence in pout office building. Special attention given to diseases of women. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just djwn Second street. Good weight and prompt attend tion. " Whenever the farmer gets a chance to make anything the railroad company may be depended upon to take advan tage of it and gobble all the advantage itself. An exchange says the Southern Pacific tomorrow will raise the California rates on bay f 3 a ton. The Wells Fargo Company of San has sent out an eighteen page pamphlet to prove that it ia the essen tial nature of a documentary stamp tax that the burden fa'l upon the benefici ary. This is done in justification olbeir practice of making tbe consignor pav for the war revenue tax stamp required in expreeaare ot anvthinc bv them. In San Francisco the company has been attack ed and accused of a lack of patriotism because insisting on saddling tbe bur den upon the people dealing with them. A man named Cochran has given the President some reasons for holding tbe Philippines, direct from the Bible. He aaya: "God ears hold the Philippine. Rev elations 2:25: But that, which ye have already, bold fast till I come. Revela tions 3:11: Behold, I come quickly. Hold tbat fast which thou hast (by Dew ey and God taken), that no man take thy crown. No man can live, politically or socially, in America bo gives back to Spain what we have fought for." He further declares personally that God suggested to him the passage referred to At tie recent National Convention o' tbe Young Peoples Christian Union o tbe U. P. church, at Saratogia, Rev. Cbas. F. Wishart, the retiring president, who spent several months in Albany iu ; 1S96, said on turning the office over to bia socoeeso. Rev. MorTatt, a southern mant Even war has its compensations, EnglanJ was a divided country until a long seriee of foreign wars noiied it. Then Bsxon and Norman and Dane be came Englishmen once lor all. Tbe war from without solidified the nation as nothing else cooid have done. Today we are in a war terrible and bloody. But whatever b iu curse and blight, it has at least brought this .blessing- a united nation. No longer ie there East, West, North or South : all is American. and tbe dear old stars and stripes float over a land reunited, as we pray God, forever. To tbe defence ol the nation and tbe cause ol humanity, the boys who wore the gray are marching aide by side with tbe boys who wore the blue. On tbe honor roll ol our heroes, a grateful na tion puts Sampvon from the North and Schley from the south ; Dewey of Ver mont aod liobeon of Alabama. Before the trenches ol Santiago, Roosevelt and Wheeler lought side by side. it is a glad day for ns when we can in this greet convention celebrate the reon ion ol North and South, which has al ready been celebrated in palitical halls and on toe tented field. To Cleanse trie System Effectually yet gently. wbeacotive o bilious, to pertuentAlly ciue habitual ccn atipaiion, to awaken tbe kidneys and live to a healthy activity, without irritating o weakening then), to dinpel tmadacbes oolds, or fevers, ui Svrup of Fus, made by tbe California t ig Syrup Co. No JMore round shoulders. Wear tbe improved Knickerbocker shoulder brace and walk upright in lile. v e have a complete stoca tor the young hovs and airls, men and women, f 1.00, $1.25 and $1 50 Tbe best brace on eartb. BUHKHAKT & Lai. Loxikix, Aug. 29. A special dispatch from Shanghai says it is slated there that the Chinese minister at M. Peters burg has reported to his government that in his opinion the Chinese question will precipitate a conflict between Ureal Britain and iiussia. This state of a0airs, he save, i tbe re sult of the British anibaeeador having presented a note at St. Petersburg of such a peremptory nature, demand ing freedom of enterprise in regions where Uotsian influence is suppovrd to predominate, that Count Muravieft can not accept iu CROFT. Oo August 27, Ihbi. at the fsmilv residence, two miles ibis side of Corvailia in Linn coantv. of paralt sis. Mr. Ausrutt Croft, at the age oi 55 Tears. The deceased leaves a wife aod seven children. He came from Kansas about ten years ago, and bas been a gocd citi zen. ALDERSON. At Oakville oo August 30, 1 ol Bright disease of tbe kidney. Mr. Thos, Alderwon, at the age of 63 rears. The deceased was born in England. The remains were buried near Wells in Beaton county today. EXPERIENCED GIRL Wanted, to do general housework. For particu lars rail al the Democrat office. At Maatlia. New Yokk, Aujr. 29.- to The Weather. Tonight fair. Thursday probably showers, stationary temperature. River 0.7 feet, F. M. French, Displayman. Bbyan's Fkbd Store. E. L. Bryan has locatd in the Hill Block were he will deal in flour, hay, feed, potatoes, mill stuff, oilcake and grass and garden seeds. He will treat everybody fairly. Try htm. Mrs. Vlereck's. Ice cream summer garden And parlors. lee cream Ice cream soda And lemonade. FOR 8ALE. Your choice of two good milk cows. Inouire of A.W. niiu-k. burn, at Dawson's Drug Store. HAT STORAGE. Am prepsred to store five hundred tons of hav. Call and secure terms, etc. M. SSMDSBT, VXANTED, v of pasture Pfeiffer, Albany. To rent 150 or 200 acres land. Address F. II. When You Are Out of sorts, fe tired, languid and dull ou need Hood' Sarsaparilla. It will brace you up and giveou strength and energj, vigor and vitality. Hood's Pills are tbe best family cath artic and liver tonic. Gentle, teliubie, sure. Souvencr spoons from 20 c at I-rxncu'h Jkwbi.eby Stoiib. Pride of Albany Soap, weigbe 20 ounces, and is high grade, for sale by O. E. Bk'owxsll. Hows your Liver. Dawson's Fam y Herb U'ea ia hue for liver complaints iliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and penults food to ferment and putrlty In tbe stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, nloodfe Pills insomlna, nervousness, and, If not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood' Fills stimulate tbe stomach. rouse tbe liver, cure headache, dirtiness, con stipation, etc. 35 cents. Hold by all druggists. A disttatcb uie iierau irom jiiantia sav? : Indications are that the natives are re suming peaceful pursuits, Tbey are tearing away the trenches around San tana aad Paray and beginning the culti vation of the fields. Seven unarmed Tatr'o soldiers, under a captain, Saturday at noon were arrest ed at San Sebastian. They were drag ging a Spaniard, tound and gauged, along the street. They said tbey were taxing him out to shoot him. Their captive was rescued by the American soldiers. aar4 a Saalts Losdos, Aoe. U. The papers are filled with disemwione, comments and opinions as to the circular of the Emper or Nicholas. The tnwt world-shaking event could bave har.ily produced such a coup aa the suggestion, the fruition of which is rejrarded on ail f i'ies as an ab solute impossibility, A aValb Hale Sjis Fatsoatw. Aug. 29. In spite of the precautions taken by the local mili tary authorities, tbe health conditions at the local camps are worse than ever. Today the total number of sick is tbe largest yet k nown. The total is 30S, 5 of then being in private hopiials, 55 out on furloughs, 11 in outlying hospitals, and 208 in the division hospital proper. The Seventh California is still to the front with S3 cases. Iikui al Saaltax Sasctugo ie Ct'BA, Aug. 2!.Xhe steamer Sejmrancia arrived Ibis morn ing, brioging Lieutenant Hicnard Hob- son, who will superintend thecllortsto float the sunken Spanish cruisers Cris tobol Colon and Infanta Maria Teresa. Lieutenant liobeon had au enthusiastic formal reception from General Lawton with whom he will l quartered while in Santiago. Title IblaV St. pETKBjinrao. Aujr. 2. Bv order of Emperor Nicholas, Count Muravietf, the ; foreign ininiter, on the 22d, handed to the foreign diplomats at St. Petersburg a Dote declaring that the maintenance of peace and the reduction of the excessive armaments now .crushing all nations u the ideal for which ail governments ou&rht to strive- The ctar considers the present mo ment favorable for the inauguration of a movemment looking to this end, and in vites the powers to take part in an inter national conference. at Xaalla. Manila, Aug. 2S, 8:50 P. M. Steam ers are entering tho river as usual. The The Americans are temporarilv main taining the former Spanish tariff. Busi ness is brisk. The United States warships Raleigh andUlympia have gone to Hong Kong to go into dock. Admiral Dewey has transferred bis flag to tho Baltimore. General Mcrritt will sail on the steam ship Ctiina Tuesday on his way to Paris to attend tbe sessions of the peace con ference. A Blc Miahe. OoTTAoa Grove, Ot., Aug. 28, 1S!8 G. J. Atkins, of Chicago, one of the stockholders in the Noonday mine, ac companied by Superintendent D. B, Murray, came in from Bohemia last night and conveyed tho news that they had struck the richest vein of ore ever struck in the mine. At a depth of 400 feet from the surface, tho vein is eight . . i i - I Ml: r loei wine, inu iree-uiiiiing oru runmng from 20 to $100 per ton. They opened up a large body of ore, sufficient to keep their 10-stamp mill running forjseveral years. Eaeagh eOTar. Maibii, Aug. 28, Senor Sagasta, tho premier, ia quoted as having, In tho course of an interview, made statements declaring that it was tho government's intention to repress the discussion of war toDics in the cortes. He said that as soon as the cortes ;met, the govern ment would submit a bill authorizing peace negotiations and next a measure relating to tho suppression of tho con stitutiunal gusrrntco. fcfffof Jaat New Daw a. Pout Townsosd, Wash., Aug. 28. The steamer Farallon rrrived tonight, bringing 17 passengers direct from Daw son, Bonio of them having left the inter ior as Into us AugiiBt 14. Howard Hamilton, who has spent 10 years in tho Yukon country, brings out about $20,000 in gold dust. Mr. Hamil ton states it will be absolutely necessary for a large number of people to leave Dawson before the winter sets in, or there will be considerable suffering. OST. One small black bow with a 8. M. pin. Pin ia a hand hold ing a letter. Please return to Democrat oliice. Underwear. Mens, 39c, 45c, 47c, 57c, 75c ar.d f 1 CO Boys, 12c, lsc, 24c, S3c, 37c aad 39c Ladiee. 17c. 25c, 33c, 40c, 42c, Hte, 65c, and f 1.C0. Children from 12c to 60c. Large line. St Luis Raket Stor OREGON Industrial Exposition orixs ix PQRfLiHD, 81PTIIPO 23 CLOSES OCTOBER 22. 18S3 The finest and Greatest Ever Held in the Northwest. I OS! JL, u. Horticultural. and Agricultural products ol Oregon and Wasbi-igtcn will be di-p'ated in wonderful profus ion, icciudiog more varieties than ever before gathered together in ooe exhibit. Gold, Silver and Bronte Medals will be awarded. Marvelou IVch Specimens from Our Oeld, Silver and Other Mines. limn imum mmm BHD Has been engaged for tbe season. Astounding Areriat Feats aod Acro batic performance. Very low rates on railroads. Admission, adult, 15 cents; children, 10 cents. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the fret. It cures painful, so leo, smarting, ner voui feet and instantly takes tbe sting out of corns and bunions. It's tbe srreateat comfort discovery ot the age. Allen's Foot Kase makes tight or nw shoes feel easy It is a certain core for sweatiuccallous and hot, tired, achine feet. Try it today. Sold by a' I drugeist and shoe stores. II v mail for 25c iu stamps. Trial packase FBEE. Address, Allen S. Ol rusted, Le Key. N. Y Fruits, at A. O. Beams Special Sale o On Ice Cream Freezers, On Refriger&tor-, On Garden Hose. On Wheel Harrow?, On Lawn Mowers, On Garden Too.s, On Oil f toves, On Screen Doors and Wire Cloth Tte Stewart S Sox Beware Co. Star Bakei Corner Broadalbin and Firs' CCS RAD tEYR PS&PS1ETC -Paale Canned Fruit. r,iasware, Uried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. eerytbiBg tnat U avpt i s ood variety aad grog eery store. High et pt'e paid for ALL KINDS OF PK0I) Canned M QueenaV Veetaf Ogari SpkJ Tsf ) ft P miTOmwuniMiMra I Julius GradwomJ -:- Dealer in --- Hi Special Sale. Yf.wssrsaw (WsrklWfrV. t.iftfift d aaasfl aa' 1 mwJ V Srar, jIWVrr ewa au sb--- kept Is country fttore. Ii I WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH, 2 As Low as Anybody. Country prod are aad eggs taken ia exchange lor goooda. CRU BS ? If you are troubled with them take our 12 FT. WIDE LINOL1UM. One dose will effect a permanent cure. Recommended by the entire medical fraternity. good rasracE .- HOHE. If two want nothing for yoor get EcUef," bet if yon ant f havw yoor property insarcd b the rag agent ol Albany, in eompajue l.av Immi in hnaneaa for tun. aSM bave mooey to bevek tbtir ebtig Too cannot get a rood article of kind for aothinc, and whea yea west; eorance ie "Injaraawe" and not lief M.SEXfFJt'.f Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wd- ALBANY FURNITURE CO. ; "honey to Loan Baltimore Block, Albany, Ori ATT U r k It Pushit Along Carry the evJ news tr ytarneiabor our comply of veyetaes is a:v f resh and replenished every m3ru;n ri.rpcv from the rmrdens. A e alsa ca-rr a :.. apply of tbe best lunch g ioi. ttr.s t :n the season tor picnes ana mouo ambles. Yoa vrul find that it will (or yoar ioterwt to call oo us and oiase mnrwWiiiin.iiil tha increase yar Jli bappiaei lilt on pJfasare bent. We bate a olock of $10,000 to iel good farms ia Lisa aad adjOiBiBie If you bave good security aad prH tit!?, are caa farriih vc-t tie com wis- iclajr. M ve make ocr ova exaauaau eccnty. t all car bs or wnt s. X. Sraaxa vOl Albany, Ur-Wtt - F . E. ALLEN & CO. Piano.CrganJoiCQ Culture.HarmoDj Hela R. Gilbert, Frances G. Ilainn el Twachera of Music Washington gt., near U. P. clorcb Albany, Oregou. Yard Littler, Assistant- J. 0. LITTLER' S Ground Floor Dcntcl Offke Broadalbin, St. Albany, Or. Groceries. ADMINISTRATOR'S M0T1CE. lai'dware SHERIFF SALE. JfOTICEIS HEREBY GIVES THAT i virtue of e eieci'Km a- order of tbe unki-eed was on the 2Mb. day of .al Ua'y moeo out or ice wi - ' Aagost, 1S9S, doiy appointed duiiaitra inr with th will an twxed bv th Coomy Court of Lino Couotv, cWon.of tbe estate of atelisaa A. Borkhart, dceaeO, laie w said coontv and state. All persons havtae claims against said dconued are required to present tbe same to tbe uoaersnD-u "n verified, within six moolbs from Ibis date at Albany Oregon. Thts toe 35th day of Auut, 1K R. L. BrBKHaW. Administrator with thf will aoo, led. WTnKRroRD tc Wtatt, Altororv . ADMINISTRATOR'S WiCE. XOIICEH HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT tbe uoderoiroed bas been daly appointed h th tYionfT Court of tbe state of Ore gon for Linn County, administratrix ol the, estate of Clarence Stockton, deceased. Ait persons having claims against said estate are hereby repaired t- present the same to me, proper! verified as by law r. quired, at or home near Oakville, Oregon, or at tbe office of II. tt. Hewitt and C. E Sox ia Albany, Oregon, wi hin six wombs from tbe date hereof. Dated August 20th. 1S98. Amamd STOcsros, Administratrix ot toe estate of C'ar-me Stocktoa, decased. a.H. HEtrrr C. E. Sox. Attorneys for Administratrix. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Honorable County Court of Linn County, Oregon, as the administratrix of lbs estate of Andrew Ralston, deceased, aod to4 has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified and re mured la nresent the same dulv verified as by law required, to tbe undersigned at heri residnnoe near oweet uome, in uiau wuu ty, Oregon, within six months from the date ot t&is nctioe. Dated this 29th day of August, 183$. Margaret J . RaLstox. Administratrix. Wiiitnkt it Newport, Atty's for Maintiff. tXLCUTCR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe undersigned has been apppointcd Ex ecutrix of the last will ana testament of Elizabetn Rumbaugh, deceased, aad all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased wtll present the same prop jerly verified, to me, or to L II. Montanye, at bis othce tn Albany, Uteeon, within six months from the date hereof. August 26, 1893. L. II. RSMBACCH, L. H. Montaktk, Executrix. Atty. tor Executrix. the Stat ot Orwroo for thecoooty o. inn. on Ue 29ta day of July, A. D.. IKS. ia a a certain uit ia said court wcereia r . M . Rade was pbiiutiff and Eieaaor T. Wil lopgbov and Wm. Caroes were defendant. ia which said suit tbe said F. it. Reade recovered a judgment and dree against tbe defendant Eleanor T. U iiloebOf 0" tbe iMh day of Juir. A. D-, f or the jm ot tU101.66 aad for tie rcrtfcerr.tu of 100 atturaevs fee and for theorfs of said suit taxed at "13 65 and tbe accruing coits, aod interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, ordering, adjadgtng aod dtcreeiog that the rea' property de scribed in plaintiffs mortage and com L-Uiot, to-wit: . . Toe west half of tbe premises begip&iDg at a point eiirht chains aad tweatv-fiye links south and tea chains and tiny-three links west of the quarter section post on a line between said section three aod four aod running thence worth forty cnains. three east eifrht chains and three liaks. ttence eoutu forty chains and theme west eight chains to the place ot beginning. containing on; tunarea ana t-ixij acres more or less, said described premises being I .arts of sections Three and 1 our in Town hip Sixteen South of Range Three West of tbe Willamette meridian id Linn County. Orecon, be sold to satisfy said judgment and vieere and all costs. Therefore notice i hereby given that 1 will on Saturday the 3rd dav ot September, A. l., 1$?, at tbe hour of one o'clock r. M. of said day, at tbe front door of the Court Houm, ia the city of Albany, Linu County, Oregon, offer for sa'e at public auction to th? highest bidder, for cah in hand, subject to re demption according to law, tbe rea prop erty in said order and decree and herein before described to satisfy said judgment and all costs and charges of making such saJe. Dated this 29th day of July. A.D., 1893 1. A. Musk irs. Sheriff of Lina County, Oregon. OliYer Plois-Heiri HOPKINS EROS- Ageat f Albany, Ureoc ft .... . - . i "Oliwr gam toe world tae coined pr Aad it ha saved more aroaey to the farmer of America ban any other implement ever pradact Genuine Uitver c&iuea are me ue Mirth. The Oliver is a rao-ooter of I nest oa tbe farm, aad tbe dealer who it knows be ie aandlmg toe best. oat t jt immitations and touch aothia tbe genuine goods, made caty by uf Chil.ed plow works. Scoti bead, lad 8. A. STREET RAILWAY WTICE. Th motor oa tbe Albany Street Rail will connect prompty wit all trains to from tie depot, dir aad aiirbt. Special trips will be made at spt rjte. L F. Cosx. Co-docto, i The Magnolia laundr 4 c siwson s son- Standard Prices. Woil:Wwrt& LADIES .Royal Tea clears ibe cod flexion, it acts oa the b ood, stomacj liter and kidnevs and its a streoett rei i tonic for tbe whole system ilajri Bloesoms cures all kinds of diasee pi iar to sremaa. E. Bruckmaa. tiMaeraJ uiR MiPIIHI K. O. T. M. very Saturday evening av K. O. T. K. ball. Yisttinir Knights invited. VV. A. Cox, Commander. COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, Or. all work carefully done under latest methods. BIRDS AND FLOWERS. Choice sincere and cat flowers tor sale at tbe residence ol Mrs. C Blount, cor. 6th and R R street . T"IaNO for sale. Apply at Seventh 17 and Washington streets. Prof. A. STARK Of Will Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate nf the Chicago Optbalmi College. Is prepared to exraiice scientiScaJll and accurately, by the latent and improve! methods of modern science, any who di lire to have their eyes tested. Cusick Block Alsant.Ohbsom. fi. F. rierrill Insurance and Collection Agent Monej to loan, warrants bought Office in ths Democrat building. 5 ii if r i a ATnl!lSl 'AT-SMALly- "COST.r n ri- ftottfta- V-.KCiCC. rsM aot boM-.-M aaaa RiMhtrVa hit' tot.- EPl J Boca aa Aa IZm ttwl tl fwa 8- aa sua eV I Satm-viC- .v .tMlk For sale ty ) A. Cb naming A Fine stock of Shelf Hardware V at GEO. E. Fish's at tbe lowest prices. Will keep a f c stock of tbe cent goods.