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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1898)
iTw I 'T ill ilf i 0 VOL XXXIV Eater t tea Pes at tlkiir. teeead-f'las Halt Matin i ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 2.1898. r r BTTTIHi raMUber east freer! NO 5 Farmers Attention ! We are now prepared to furnish srrain bacrs for the croo in numbers to suit your requirements. Grain stored at usual rates. For further information apply at the mill. Albany, THE FBffiASD EL0MU6 HILL CO'S. Bed Crown Mill- Oregon- E Golns MAGHOLIA HILLS. GCHop Manufactures Magnolia Flour. Refitting Roller Process, New Machinery. Sloiap Capacity for 150,000 Bushels of Grain. Exchange Flour and Feed for Grain Buy and Sell Grain. New and Old Sack s for Sale and to Loan. TECTTRSDAY ALBANY'S PAST. From the Democrat o! Oct. 22, 1880 to Dee. 10, 1880. In the pretidential election in Novem ber, Linn connty vent Democratic bv about 250 majority. L. H. Montanve's three year old bov cat the end of finger off the hand of hia baby lister. On Nov. 9 at Millers, J. i. Davie and Rosa Lewie and George Conner and Panline Davie were united in ma-riaire in a double wedding. The republicans rati Bed the election ot Garfield, lion. A. C. Uibbe was the principal speaker. Otis Ward caused consternation among tho Chinese by starting a steam wood saw. Before-all the sawum and fcimium had been done by the Celestials. Seventeen water wheels were nrnnell- ed by the water from the canal, and there was not a single steam engine in the city except the tire engine. J ml ire Boise went east to attend the national granite. The Dimocrat man delivered hia onlv address in Albany. It was before the Blue Ribbon Club, of which Cap. Humphrey was ooa of the!nrincioal ores idents those dayi. PoUiB of the young bloods had a match hunt. (Some of them were Frank Hackle man, Tom Monteith, Tom Cailahan, Ed Parker. Geo. Foster, Wat Monteith. Frank Wo-xi. Jim Marry. Bill Weetfall and Mack Monteith. A big auoper fol lowed at the Exchaoge hotel. Tne track for the narrow e-auce was laid to Brownsville. Greenies were taken around to Jim Herrin". to see hia ground hoe. and were shown some sausage. W. B. Rice, the 8. P. aeent an! Marv R. Gilmoar were married at Mi'Ier's station. Ed Zevis was elected X. G. of the O. F. X.J. Henton defeated J. L. Halter for recorder in the city election by 17 ma jority, and has since defeated all comers. uaverroman w elected mayor, A. J. Hunt marshal. Louis Miller Judge Blackburn, W. B. Scott, and E. b. fierce couucilmen. Total vote 483. VpJ CANDY CURE CONSTOATIOI 25c 50c iTBi0 DRUGGISTS J Thomas HAVE YOU BEEN IN Brink's Furnituie store Litely. Ue h n one of the finest stocks of Furni ture in the valley. He has added Hahv Buggies whs stock. Just call in andyju will find that his prices are the LOWEST Preparing For the Battle of Life ft here saalf it lx uon?? Certainly where the lMt preparation can bs had. A nany College has claims in this d'rtction that call for closer investigation. A Full College Training of cuurse the bent tbio. 5ut Albnnr a'so cff?r a superior Norrail Course, and a .osiness College Coarse that i inferior to noue in the state. Correspondence invited, all term open Sept 20, 1893. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDEME" This mil VMlaM VluUiier,Ueprascrip- oaa or iraooa tioool fsmoos French physiciui, will q tick rears yoa o all ner- vr auwa 01 u cenersuve organs, sucn u lu; Pimples, Unnuisss to Marry. Exhsasun Ilnlni, Vartcmvls aid Coiunip Kan band. louily. UDaaon. it scope ail losses ot av o. nwtit. eas of dtacomiye. wwcn u ootchecite leaos to spermatofrbOM ana Prevents qafc-K- Lebanon. From the Criterion. R. II. Curl, the dentist, has taken his car to Albany. Marlev Crandall ia now breaking? nn the regular traia.running from Junction to i ortianu. Marrist, At Uie St Cliarles hotel parlors of Lctoon. A amis t 23, 1S98, by Justice LoveK-e, Mr. Walter Metcalfe of Muftononiah countv. to Miss Ella Piner of this countv. A Mr. Hall claims to have discovered a rjavim? nnartx 1vf t within tvn miiM rf Lower Soda and shinned a lanre onantitv I you may call it such, was conferred utoo vi me quarix ro an assay ouioe lor tne purpose ot testing it. Ed Myers, tho Tennessee farmer, will tart tomorrow for Delleview. Ohio, hia old home. This will be Ed 'a first visit to his birth place since 1S72. His son Chester will accompany him. John Ray Ewing was born June 14. 1866. in Crossly, Canada. Died Augnst 18, m, at Redlanda, California, where be had gone some eight mouths ago for his health, lie came to Lebanon in 1891. I FROM MAR1US MARCELLUS. A war letter to Prof. Schmitt of the college. C.vvitb Absisal, Cavite, P. I., July 28. 1898. As I learned this evening that mail Is going to leave the islands for the U, 8. on Thursday or Friday, I decided to do what I have intended doing ever since I left home, and that is to drop you a short epistle, to you who have been my fiieiu' the last year. We arrrived, as yon know, in Cavite, after a long and tedious, but neverthe less dlightful trip, on the "8th day of June, nearly one month ago. There is a mall party of us boys gathered around an old school-desk, which we took out of one of the old buildings that was used as a school house by the Spanish, wilting letters to our mothers and friends Cavite is an old and quaint town with a big!) surrounding wall about 10x2o ft. It in probably 350 years old and in it's prosperous days was very substantial and well fortified, in fact, if it were equipped with modern guns and the right kind of eoldier.American Volunteers torinstance, the whole world would have a vety dif ficult task entering, by nature she is a fort, being at the entrance of a very nar row part oi Manila bay and eurrouaded on the other three sides by swamps, which are oncrowable by any human us ing, with the exception of one small road which could be well guarded by modern guns. I am not speaking of Cavite itself ana not the entire island, you see. At one timetbe Arsenal has been a beautiful place with it's old and large stone build ings with thick walls and tiled roofs sur rounded with much foliage, plants and nowvrs ot a peculiar cature. peculiar I mean to the eye of one from a temperate Climate, it's many drive-wavs and wind ing paths give it the apperciceo( some Deaouiut palace gardens you have dreamed of or read about. In fact, ia time, this could be niatis one of the most beautiful spots of the wortV. And they eay Manila is just o much wonder the boys are all anxious to move towards that coveted spot, and I think that we soon eba:l as Uen'IMenitt has arrived on the scene of action, it beio vry little action though since we arrrived. This is a way long after "taps" and th Hospital corps bovs are snoring ail around us. The building tbst we are quartered in is of the same kind as I have aentioned, being an old Soanish chapel a toot 110x40x30 ft. in size, sepaiated into two parts by an arch. ,TU part that we oae for our bunks and dispensary is about rne-tbird the axe of the building while the other two-thirds used lor a hos pital, at present we have only 17 patients in the bosifttal and 29 in quarantine. Of course this number vartee every day. I kaow exactly as to the bealth of the boys, which is very, very good, as you can see from the number cf sick, because I have charge of all Uteeick repo ts, rig iters, etc. I am what joa might ca.l a hospital clerk, but ot course, am, as you Know, a very poor one. Ibis honor, u Louis Love returned last night from a trip to rortiand. P. II. D'Arcy went to tho I'.ay today tor his annual outing. ttev. ueo. w, tun, a termer Albany minister, is now a mirsionary at Chofu, Japan. Mrs. John Gry and children of Ku gene, are in the city the gues'i of Mrs P V Gilbert, C. II. Stewart, wife and half their children, left this noon for the lUiy for a several tlays outing. , Mine Genevieve Hughes is reported quite sick at Newport, where the fatuity is taking an outing. a may is in the city organizing a soci ety, for the prevention of cruelty to ani mals and children. Fred Dtwson, the littie pill man, re turnee this morning from an outinir at Cascadia, where be had a fine time. Mrs. I. F. Hadley and child left this noon for Kansas, being called there by the serioos illneis of her mother. Misses Egtella and Alice Porter went to the Hay for the tenelit of the former's health, which has been very pour recent- An Interesting letter from Frank Stewart of this city to his mother, from the Philippines will bs published to morrow . rMr,.,W - 8tr'- Mrs 8 G Irvine and Mis Henrietta Urowu have returned from Cascadia, where they have been a F ROM I-R INK S I'UAR I. Extracts From a Letter I'rom Frank Stuart to His Mother. Cavue, July Zi, 1898. I w ill write again, have written every week sitico we got here, hope you have begun to get my letters by this time. Part of the last expedition arrived about one hour Sgo. I guess we will do something this time, but we do not know as much about what we are doing as you Jo. They are going to establish a postoflice here, sojn. Sam Worrell is making a picture of a native woman for me to send. The Ore- gonian says they are fond of dress, but we think different. Their waisU are mode of a material as thin as tissue pa per, with no sleeves and a low neck. ! THE LANE CO. ACCIDENT. The Guard gives the followiug account of the threshing accident at fcaiith lield, mentioned yesterday : This morning about 7 o clock a terrible accident occurred on the J. F. Kirk farm, aboutone mile from ismithfield and about lO miles north westerly from F.ugene. From John Hicharuson,who came here after a doctor, riding the fifteen miles in forty minutes, learn the following pnrucutans : Kirk. McBee A Lender's, engine and thresher had beeu threshing for J. F Kirk. Yesterday afternoon the engine foamed several times and they blew her out and tilled tbe boiler to over flowing with wa ter, it being quite dark by this time. By some mesas tue steam gauge was oroken of! during the evening. The engineer, Frank Hett, who is laid to have run engines several threshing seasons, tnis morning orew on a portion of the water and built up a fire in the l u mate, concluding to run withcut the i heir skirts differ in length, generally ivUuZi down to m .-..m.U hil .. t.mug uwuw uie knee, ror a nal, ! eraiiy tlwy kept it at 1UU lbs. The en tlicy wear a basket of fruit. ;pnJia4 Un run several aeaons and tj, i.,. ti tiie valve was the ou bail lever luu.i. saw WQUB m iusbuo ui Via. Ill I MM I. iifw i . . live on the second floor, and keen .,W i V'. eo8,n " power, port- able. About 7 o'clock this morning, while Cavite is a city of stone and cement : u' n'tn were tWM "e em?,ne M .P" chickens, geese or anything on tin first. so you may gties now dirty they are. BtrOHtMD sntH kulnmud UieartnarvomfwaaUlmiMi.:Uiaa. WlBSri!trigtbenDdreoremllwemkonsma ... Tne reason BufTerers ar not cured by Ixcor Is becmose ninety per ent are troroee wlta 1 1 In. CCFIUKNK Iflfieonir rilOWD ishkaf wcurewiuwMi uimauon. wwimnwro- sis. A written sniinintee given and money returned If mx Boxes does not cuect a permsiieBtcare. SUO s box, six (7r .di, by maiL bend for FUBdrcalsr sod testimonials. Address BATet MgPlCIM CO P. O. Box 2078, Bsn Prurlsm, CsL torBaUbt Students of tbe state university are to be boarded for l 50 a week at the dormitory. A Eugene lady yesterday horsewhip ped a couple ot men because she said they bad insulted ber. The Portland exposition will probably not have a warship but it will bave two 10 pound shells as an attraction, tbe gift of Admiral Dewey to Col bom m era of the Oregon regiment. John L. Henderson, a lawyer, this wees: swam from Hcod River down the Colombia 22 miles. 17 ot it without loe- ng a stroke. He was in the water five hours. A remarkable swim. The wleat market is lifeless. On ac count of the prospects of big crops all over the world the price is down and the ontlook is not good for its getting up very much.' - The delinquent taxes of Wasco county as shown on the rolls now in tbe hands of the sheriff, are fiO.000, an amount al most equal to the indebtedness of the county. The Dalles T. M. A Syracuse, X. Y. Dispatch says that there is an unconfirmed rumor that U f uuntington had been shot at bis sum mer home in tbe Adiroodacks. Tbe ru mor is not credited and is undoubtedly yellow. The tannery of W. X. Haines 6s. Son is now turning out from 800 to 1000 sides of leather per month, tor which ready sale is found in ban Francisco. As the value of their output is abont 4 a side, it wilt seen that they are doing a business of from XJUUO to 4UUU per month, rour months time is required to put a hide through the tanning process. Regie er, me by Major Kllis shortly after cor ar rival on tbe island. Now, a few words before closing about these natives nd their ways. They be long to the Malay or Brown race, with flat noses and coarse brown hair that yoa study about io P ystcaj Geography a in habiting all the Sooth Sea Ile. They are funny looking little creatures, with very odd clothing and wavt, we in their estimation, are " Jlucbo Grndi, " mean ing big men, and to tell lbs truth they are afraid of u. I auproe tbev think we are tome kind ot a foreign devils just I made to fight, for that is ail they think a man is for. Tbev say "Americano et Pbiliippico omega ' meaning friends, bile "liispanola, fbtllippino boon: boom!" meaning that the Spaniards ho were once very oppressive and treacherous are now their particular ene my and they will kill them whenever tbey bave a cbanoe. To demonstrate this, too ought to bear the fighting across the Bay every night, for tiiey fight at night, and bear them tell oi bow tbey have the Spaniards surrounded in Manila, with oothing for tbem to eat. fher have about bOO prisooeis h-re :n tbe Arseoal a n't it tt was not for Admiral Dewey and Lncln Mm "tbev would fare even worse than they do in Manila. The native wo men are horrible looking things, going around with about a dozen "kids" bang ing around tbetn. As they go along with baskota of fruit and stuff on their heads, for they are the working class,(the men you know fight) tbey give one the idea of a monkey or baboon with an old rag ot two tied around tbem wa.k'.ng up right. Tbe children are practically naked. You see tbey now occupy tbe town which tbe Spaniard formerly oc topied and tbey come in rod out ol those buildings as thick a bees. Sch. From the News : Miss Marv Curl, of Albany, is visiting friends in this city this week. T. L. Doceer. of ASbanv. was in Scio Tuesday on bis way up the Bantiam. Lew is Dindingerand Miss) Hurk month- A writer in tln Ommnlan !:........ tne corps ot eurns at Maoila, of wmcn fciiw i at the head of the vregon regiment, Mr. Comad Meyer is out after ao ill nea of several daya and tomorrow wi'l return to the Bay to get, the benefit of tne Bracing sea climate. E. L. Tliompeou was in the city this noon on Lis way to I'ortlond from Med ford where be bad been to adjust the loss on the hotel recently burne i Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Smith, of Sioux City, Iowa, who have been visiting at the home of J. A. Smith, went tn Alinn on the Roseburg Iocm yesterday.-Journal Mr rl Morton, of San Vrm tt- i aw y? J. Monteith and wife and X. J. tturrttt! of 1 ortlaod. returned from Foler Spriccs last evening and today left for their n r peciive homes Logeoe Uosrd. Ed Stewart returned last night from his trip to Astoria, nearly ill, hem, obliged to con hnme earlier than was expected, tie and Harry Crawford tbi left here one mornmi mm turn before 7 o' clock reached Portland at 4 o'clock in tbe afternoon. A Eugene boy writes: We had church as usual today. Tbe cbapiain. Rev. Gil bert also as oual sava us an riwllmi talk His talks, for they are not rvailv sermon, set the molt reck!e to think ing, and it there is any act of kiodne to c uone. be d-ies it willingly. Processor D W. Jarvis. nrinriusl nf the Atkinson school, lis jut returned from a six wteks' absence in Georgia and South Carolina, where he found limee very gooJ and every bo Ir elate-l -ver the reeultiof our rub with Srin. Telryram. A termer Lino Co. teacher. JuJtfe J. J. Shaw who bus been strick en with paralysis for two rears jt was rerjorted much wor last evening and dnnng the niht Usui! UiOUb be was lying. This ruornim Imwrvrr ?je rallied and iirwun; easy. That he tssiowlv sinking tltoUeh b a fact apparent to all his friend. He is graduailv' weaker and weaker. Journal. Ilarrv ArooIJ. e!Jet son of tha Prof. Arnold, 11 supposed to be with General Miles at Porto Rico. When the war broke out Harry, who gradnsted witn turn degree ol 1'h 11 at John Hop kin' last year, waproieeoe of Kng.ish literature, ia an educational institution at Ksosae City. He eaU ted at once in a Miaeouri reiiment. and Len last beard from expected I t go tc the front with Geueral Allies. Corral! is Times. Rev. Ir. II. F. Fuller, of Albanv. waji looking after his property interos'ta and renewing acoainUncK be e Monday and Tueday. Mr. Fuller was a resident ol this city seven years aso. when he was pastor of the Chrutam church and proprietor f what is now Howorth A Co's pharmacv. He has just returned from Tampa. Florida, where lie was on the United $tau-a hospital staff. He will sn goto Pocatcllo, Idaho, where he will practice medicine. McMinnviUe T. kl. FOSHAY & MASON Seventh Annual Session. STATE NORMAL SGBllOL MOMODTH OR til, jjp" " eyaC Strong Academic and Professional courses. Well equipped Training de partment of nine grades, with 230 chi.d ren. Normal course ol three years, benior year wholly professional Graduates of Acred i ted High Schools and Colleges sdmltted directly to professional work, 'i be JJipl imi ol tbe school is ret! ognized by law as a life certificate tc teach. Light expenses Tbe year for from $120.00 to $160 00. Beautiful and heath ful location. Xo saloons. The first term will open Tuesday, Sep tember 20th. Catalogues, giving full derails of work, cneenuiiy sent on application. Address. P. L. Campbell, President, or W. A. Warm, secretary of Faculty A Uosa Konq Papeb. Mr. R. C. Stelltnaker has received from bis broth er Frank at Manila a copy of tho Hong Kong Telegraph, Mail Supplement, Es tablished in 1881. of July 9. It is sn English sheet, gotten up in the heavy Englih stvle with wide columns and t r i .: 1 : I plain type, anu couutiua iibtio uctiucb war news, showing the intense interest there in the war. The first news of the destruction of Cervera's fleet was given, The 4th of Julv was celebrated by the Americans, beaded by uonsui. wiiuman hart, "wheeled" over from Aitmny Sun day and epent the day with Mrs. C . 1'hilii. Dr. and Mrs. R. 11. Curl arrived Wed nesday from Brownsville, and will re main with us about ten days. It is rumored that Scio will have a gro cery store in the near future. This to gether with a new furniture store, will add not a little to the business interests of our thriving little city. J. X. Morris, returned from Portland Wednesday, coming by way of Albany He brought home a new" bite" bicycle, and as Joe is always up-to-date In every' A Pioncjr of ISM. From the Statesman : Peter Hatch, an Oregon pioneer, and for many years a highly respected re -dent of the Capital Citv. rt-I awav at the homo of hia son, George K. Halch.t o. too t ront street, at 1 :0 p. m. yes terday, aged 87 vears and 8 months, the direct caue of bis dcrnipe lieing a stroke of paralysis, suffered at an ear! hour last l.undav morning. In 1S.'!9 Mr. Hatch, like many other hardv Xew Englanders, turned bis eye to th? Wert, and lie immediately set sail for the Pacific ocean, but instead of binding be on the west shore of the continent, went to Honolulu in the Sandwich Is-1 They do business in a business way, and anus, landing there in tne eariy pan oi i are men expert in their business. Tbe paper said it was celebrated in right I thingi he ;will no doubt make use of it republican it not right royai lasnion. i driving hogs, The sheet looked as if it had been bandi ed by tbe entire regiment. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J Joseph. Proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. G. W.Taylor, of Albany, visited mends in this city over isunuay. Mr. Taylor baa been engaged for some time past in raising the Magnolia mills in Albany, and is this week at ing a large barn. 8. 1. Shoie went to Portland Monday evening, via Albany, where .he will re- cctve treatment for his eyes, and while in the city will purchase a stock ot turn iture and will open a furniture store in Scio. He has leased the.Houston build ing and will bo ready for business by next week. He w ill carry a stock of furniture, wood and willow ware, and wall paper. houses are stone with walls from three to four feet thick and roots of tile. There is a wall around moi-tot tbe town three feet thick and twelve feet high. It must have cost millions of dollars; and just think the Spanish only staid with it seventy-rive minutes after Dewev at tacke I it. I don't believe there ' is a fleet in the world that could take a place like this from an American general, if be should lie armed and manned as Itewey was. There is not a school houe here or in old Cavite either. It is hot enough to roant meat in tbe sun and the mosquitoes are aa lare aa spring chickens, and are so thick tbey shade tbe light of the sun. We cannot sleep at night for them. W i!ey Francis, of Co. C, says: "The; trip from Ouaiu here did cot uio int to much, for all we had to do was get up and wah and go to bed again, aad ail you could eee was the water and three ships, the water, the Battleship Charles ton and tbe water." We are going U have our photos taken and send them to ourenemies, not home, lor they would send a civilised girl into a trance for at least thirty day. When we took lhoe prisoners at I.a- dronee, I was on guard and had the pleasure of taking charge of the t.nvcr-nor-4ieneral a jun as be was taken. He wss the Cm prisoner the Oregon bovs tK k. Hop voa all are as well as I am. W rite ofu-n as a letter is soatelLlng to be longed lor by us. "The food is excenent." W have onions, hard-uuk and tcon for about four day and then hard-tick, onions and beans: bave plenty of bard-tack and onions and enough bacon to aling at the birds ea-irtpiSs ol omtnte. Wiley Fran cis 'in says; "It i the same on the Australia, only we have nothing tor brekfa.t and what is felt we have wanned over for supper. Write every w,wk for some of the let ters you rite may not get here. With love to ail. Inclosed in the letter u a fine picture of one of the fruit girl, with her fruit on h r head, and of the sunken Spanish iiigtmp, tnaue py .-am Worrell. J. M. Ralston and family returned from the Bay yesterday . Oeorjre Flniey, of Crawfordsvil!e, was in tbe city todav. Mr. Waltt Xh. now a Benton coun ty farmer, has Uvo in Use city on bosi-nr. Mr. Charles Church, of Portland, is iu the city the puet of bis sister, Mrs. Lm Mien. Mr. -V J. Hunt left this noon for Ban- don on a vifit with bis nn, and will be goe several weeks. Mrs. J. P. Galbraith. and Mr and Mrs Jese lia'.lMraiUi returnel today from a j month's outing at Cascadia. ' j Bev. Father W. Dalv, ot Fogeae, will goto the Salem parish. Rev. lather lYrybliyske. of ew Kr and Brooks goes to the F'njen Catholic cburclu Rufus K. Holbrook, of Co. C. of Eu gene, died at Manila from typhoid fever. in his last letter written borne he said : 'If ever I get bark to old America it wilt be good enough fur me." While handling a shotgun at tbe bank ibis morning Mr. J. W. Cusick acci dentally discharged the weapon, the load tearing its wav through the wail into tbe south hallway, doing no other damage. The death at Cavite is reported ol La cius Edward Snow of this citv, from the pJlect ol a wound received on August 5. The deceased was a son of Mr and Mrs William Snow of this city, he was 26 years of age and was a member of the Hlh regiment of regulars, stationed at aneouver at tbe beginning of the war. Dr. Jans, the president, and Dr. Hain- mel, of the F.nghslt and German Special ists, ol San t rancisco, are in the citv at the Bevere House, and will visit Albany every month during the coming year. Their advertisement w id appear in tbe i'emotrat announcing their coming once, without warning, the terrible ex plosion took place. Our informant, who was 40 or 50 yards away says the explos ion maue quiie a report and that it seemed to rise and craebed through the separator some forty feet away and went over the bundle.wagon in which he was at work and landed about fifteen feet b-syond. fclley Kirk, aged aliout 26 ysars, was instantly killed , one bail of bis bead be ing blown off. lie is a tingle man and was reared in Lane county.his father be ing J. F. Kirk, who was a candidate for representative on the Union ticket at the last election. Tbe injured were : John Lemley. aged 21 years, badly cabled and bad one leg crubed. Clar ence McBee, aged 12 years, son of I 'arid McBee, head cut and scalded quite bad ly. Tony Bryan, aged 12, badiy scalded and bruised. James Bryant, aed 40, scalded, but not senoos! v. Joseph Gib eon, sr-d 28. scalded, but not badly. Iloht. McBee burned considerably. Besides the above the Oregooiaa gives the names of Roy Hurlbun. both eyes scalded out ane collar bone broken and Jee Huril art. badly scalded. They are no relation to tbe 'Hulburts in this couotr. The messenger said it was Uie general opinion ol those on tbe scene, that the cause uf the explosion was too much water ia the botV-r. We interviewed several engineers and tbey were all against this theory. They ! tbe cause was a lack of water, as the inten sity of the expUwion undoubtedly show ed. They al were of the opinion that the ball lever gaujre could not be depend ed upon. Hsf atsks th tos 4 pars. a FOYezn Absolutely Pure In .Mctnoriam HEKiBrkf;. Or., Au Wniraai. It has pleasd . 23. IS?S. the IHvine Kuiirol the universe ia hit innnite wis dom to rm-re irom our midxt ur weil be lowd brother, UuorgeH. 25utler, and W'REJtEAs. While we bow in bumble submission to decree, we do not the leas mourn tbe loss ui our brother aad friend, there lure he it Fesolved. That iy tbe death of Broth er Butler Covecant Liodge loses a faith ful and worthy member and the brothers a valued and trusted brother. Resolved. That we herebr tender to the sorrowing anil bereaved relation of our dcreased brother our heartfelt sym pathy in this tiieir hour ol trial and be re vemnt. . Reeolved, Tint a copy of tbete reeoia tions be spread upoa the minutes of the !oigeTa copy furnished the county paper ior publication, and a copy be engrossed and sent to the bereaved children of the deceased brother, and the charter of this lodge draped in mourning for thirty days in memory of Brother Butler. T. J. AxntfcfcoN, J. G. Seiek, Levt Druus. Committee. 1M0. In 1813. he. with his wife end child sailed for the American continent, enter ing Coluuibit river, and landing at Ore- con Citv on Mav 11th of that year. " . . . . . . ... lie brought the first boat troni rort iand to Oregon City, and for a long time controlled the traffic on the river between the two cities, and at different times commanded river steamers in the early davs. D. C. Hatch, of Portland : Mrs. A. It. Farrar. of Salem: E. T. Hatch, of St. Micheals. Alaska: Cantain Bert Hatch, Juneau, Alaska; Parson Hatch, of Port land, and George r Hatch, ol mis cuy ; there are also eighteen grandchildren and seven great grandchild rea. To Caiih Oir. This hoop, at th southbound freight was at this city, pacing slowly south a brake block fell down throwing two of tho cars off the track and blocking tralllc tor several hours. The two noon trains transferred pusaengers and baggage, thus causing only a short delay. Lieutenant Albert L. Mills, appointed bv Prexident McKinlev sunerintendent of the West Point militarv academy, ie well knownSn Oregon. He served in the department of ihe Columbia for many years. W S.ile stationed at Fort Wall Walla in 1SSI he was married to Miss Paddock, daughter of the late Bishop 1 addock, of lacoma. County Judge G. 1. Terrell yesterday received a letter from his son Second Lieutenant Kaiph W. Terrell, who went to Manila as an oiTircr oi Co. K, second Oregon volunteers, but was later by or der of the president transferred to the regular army, with same rank. Ihe let- ler was dated July 27th, Lieutanant ler- rel savs that lion. Merritt has tust arriv ed, and through that otiicer he had re ceived unofficial notice of his proposed transfer from t!ie Second Oregon volun- tocro to tho regular army, which news waa highly pleasing to' the amb tious young officer. Statcstnuu. Further Particulars. Tha Eugene Gaard gives the following additional particulars in teference to the threshing accident : The cue cf the explosicn ba been fo'ly de'.ermtiied It appears ibat tbe evening before the engine and outfit had been moved to the held where the explos ion took place. Tbe engineer. Kred Hett, following his custom while moving, keved down the safety valve with a ten- penny nail and he lorgot to remove the ail in tbe m or nil g.aod the steam gauge being broken and removed, the eogtoeer tad very little warning. Of course this shows negligence. It is hut just to sy concerning Mr. Hett that be rob engines for a nutnbor of years. The nail is stid actio g as a key io tue vaivs, where placed. Several persona wuiessed it. The engine, a ten bone power, raised in the air, passed completely over. the separator, about 60 feet distant, and landed 150 leet from where it e'arted and then reoounded a distance of VO feet, making a total distance it actually Sew 240 feet. Tbia shows tha immense pressure of i team. While the boiler waa an old one, under the circumstances, it is likely aoy boiler wonld have eiploded. Tbe boiler burst on the If It aide in the tire box, and tbe forward portion was al so blown away. An idea of the force of the explosion mav be gained from the fact that the men acere blown from 30 to 120 feet from where tbey stood, actual measurement shows Lemlry was blown the latter distaure. Dr. J. W. Harris returned shortly af ter noon and informs us that .Letaley died suddenly this morning, lie so- peared to be entirely out ot daoger, and in sp'cudid spirits when suddenly he collapsed and died within a minute. Dr. Harris attributes the sudden death to tbe bursting ol a blood vessel weak' ened by tbe shock. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL George Hudson, who was shnt r.n. ila, was a resident of Baiter city. Ed Huston and familv and P ii r?nm. minx ana lamiiv returnrrt lt .nin. vu& t nm mini. At 1 s ...... wis. Juugi tirsuwotil Inn mnrnin. returned from a several snontha ,it wuo re ia uvea .n san Francisco. fr. D. B. BSinn t f yonnrain Ium Idaho, has be-D in tbe citv the meat n't ui brother Lawyer Swann J. If. Howard and'Lort Miller flnnu ed Ut night from their trip to Pnne- viue.w here they found no prospect. Thev speot a few davs at Cascadia. Marshal Lee is confined 1a hia lmn bv illness, tbe same trouble that caused him to make a trip laet year to the Mod cprmgs ot northern CaUlornia. Among those who returnoi trnm tha tsay today were C. E. Sox, J. C. iryine, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sternberg, r'red eauierlord, and -Muss AdJie Sch filer. JIcMinnviHe TranacriDt: "The en gagement of 1 res. II. L. Board man and )ium Alice Dorns is announced, the wed. aing to occur about Sept. 1st, A truly Mr. K. Cbristenron. who baa tven In Abwka eight vears. has been x t),e P. He will return in Xovemberand told the ews man that he expected to Uke Will usvc with mm. Geo. F. Robertaon. of PAkm Ury.ll Co., Portland, was married to Mita Cora r lswreoce. oo the 16th. Mr. Rob ertson has many friends in tbe valJev i . . ... - uv catena coagrataiauons. Dr. Littler and family returned last evening from Portland w here tbev bad been attending tbe dental congress in seseion there daring tbe week. It was profiuUa and eoiertaintng. A marriage license was issued yester day to Edward B. Fleck, lata director of Willamette conservatory of muiic, aad Jessie E. Settlesnier. of W cod bam. Dr. C. H. Robertaon eigoicg the affida vit. Joa real. Tbe slate board of education have granted state diplomas to J. X. Hoffman and Lena Pagenkopf. of Benton coontr acrues tbe river and a state certificate to Blanche Collins of this countv. While in Portland this week Hon.M. A. Miller joined the Native Sons of Or egon as a charter member. This is a new secret order w hkh is soon to be or ganized throughout the state. Lebanon J- C. Mayer on Moodav received a Sister Fails souvenir, containing Tiews of the fails, which had been sent bv his wile, who had recentlv speat a d.y at Uiat place. Lebanon 12. A. Mrs F. E. Allen is Mrs. Maver . Tbe military career of Will H. Bloas. a letter from whom appeared in the last issue of the Times, has come to a sudden end. His regiment, the ISOch Indiana has been mustered out of the service. Turns. Andy Roberts, who died ia Portland recently, was a resident of Corral. is for a good many year, and there took his tret dedree in Maot.ry, ia which he pro gressed until be had received all tha de grees of the York and Scottish rites and was ae honorary member of the 33td de gree. Miss Edna Peet, of Delphaa. Kansas. arrived in Albany yesterday and will re side here with her aunt Mrs. T. Wan- dahL Miss Peet has resided in Mexico seven years in alL recently being there several tnontna. Miss Abbie Wright, who is spending the summer at CorvaUis, and Rev. and Mrs. Hood and Mrs. McCormick and daughter of Shedd ore in the citv to at tend the Keul-Baltimore wedding to night. HOME AXD ABROAD. Wheat 41 cent. See tha new photo made by Tinkle. Fresh Bodaville Mineral water at BurkharU & Lee. 50 cents for a dozen first-class photos at gallery west of P. O. Wheat one year ago today was 78 'and 80 cents. Today it is 44 cents. Ladies, call and te those long guard ebain at French's Jewelry Ktore. Remember Tinkle, tbe photographer, 11 bs at bis old stand till Oct. 8. Emma Thorn neon baa broneht suit against Frank Thompson for divorce. Get your photos made now before the fall rush begins. See I inkle about it. Get a battleship of Oregon watehcase at French' jewelry store. Dust proof The 'chair belonging to tbe opera bouse company can be bought for IJJQ a set of six, one third of tha cost price. Call on J. GradwhoL One of tbe moet pleasant places these warm days is Mrs. Vie reek's Summer Garden, the place to get cool and refresh ed. Tbe Corral iiTimt boasts that wbeat is 48 caat ia tost rity while it is only 44 cents in Albany. There certainly should not be that difference. While hunting recently Mr. F. IT. Pfeiffer' fine $1U0 gun burst, completely ruining it, bat fortunately injuring no one. Ibe peace commission has now been completed and will be composed of Sec retary Day, Senator Fry, Senator Davis, J urtioe W bite and White law Ktid. Chehalis, the great Oregon horse won another victory yesterday. At Glen Falls, N. Y. he won the 2:08 pace in three straight heats, 2 TT, and 2:072. A alaai'a special says tnat Admiral Dewey has Uanaferred his flag to the cruiser Baltimore, the Oiympia ai ing for Hong Kong to t docked aad cleaned. The Ratetgh left for the tame port Wed neaday night. Notwithstanding the fact that th price of paper baa been greatly increas ed the paper mill at Oregon city has re doced the price of wages from 2d to 35 per cent. Jbvidenuy struck by prosperity. "Thoa Kay visited Waterloo this week. He waa recently in a be East, and thinks that be has directed so influx of Eastern people here which will result in large maontaetoring interest at Waterloo. Lebanon E. A. A. D. Hale, is advertiaine: hia entire lot of live stock at public auction, con sisting of draft horses. Red Polled cattle, Berkshire hogs, Shropshire sheep, pare bred chickens, turkeys, and farm imple ments. Tbe sale will take place Sept. 3. 188. at his Sunny View Stock farm 16 miles from Corral lis. Rural Spirit. Mr Hale is the recent purchaser of the Peo ple's Press of this city. "Ihe First One. J. R. Tenopletoo, of Brownsville, is writing some entei tawing reminiscent articles la the Times. He gives the fol lowing told by J. W. Xemith . "Ia 1M3 tbe oa.r teuwr oa tbe nrer below the fa) la was aa old Eaghsa sailor by tbe name cf Wm. Johnson, who re sided upon a claim about a mile above the preeeot citv of Portland. He waa a fine specimen of the British tar, and bad at an early day abandoned his allegiance' to the British lion and tiken service tn the old frigate Coaetitutioa. 1 have fre- qo-otiv listened to bis narrative of the action between "Old Ironsides" and the Gaerriere, on which occasion he served with the boarding party. He arec to exhibit an ogly scar upoa bis beed.SBS(!e in that memorable action by a British cutlass, aad attributed hia escape from death to the fact that he bad a coaple ai pieces ot hoop-tron c-ojeed in hi cap. whien tamed tbe cutlass and savd hia life." Ton want clean printing. And yoa want it promptly. Don't bother about the price. The work and stock is What cats the figure. Sax Shu it. Goanaeed tobacco fca&t care, oaks weak r a Auar-- -w Oregon Gas Light Heating and Power Company. Cheap Light Fop Cheap Heat For Cheap Powek For Church House and Eotel Church, House and Hotel Anything and Everything Correspondence Solicited. BR F E. ADAMS. Pres. 1. H. FMEREBM. W. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OP FIGS la due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Caxifobnia. Fio Svbup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Stbvp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tbe high standing of the Can- roBNia. Fio Btkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company California fig syrup co. BAH FBAHOUOO, OaL Lsumm.ix.Kr.'. Tbe Albany Building and Ioan As sociation bave begun a foreclosure suit against Henry A. crowuer. Memkntoks. Chaplain W. S. tiilber sent Mrs. Gilbert a box of mementoes from Manila, tho eiune arriving today It contained bullets, slie'ls, bells and many small mementoes from Cavite and Ladrone Islands. One piece was a largo metal plate taken from one of the sunk en vessels, on which was a Spanish in scription. Mr. E .Schwartzchild trans lated it, which rend in English: "This vessel participated in the battle at Csl loa May 1, lutirt." C. 11. Taylor has al so received a box of mementoes shipped to him by bis brother who is at Manila. They constat ol an old BpaniBh cartridge box, a piece of rock from the fort on La- drone iHlands.several Spanish rillo sheila, a numDer ot bpaniau buttons, some brass ornaments and several sen shells gathered off the beach, Uunrd. There has been a sensational report ic circulation about a Tourit man near In- denendenre cutting a companion while cutting band for a thresher and then throwing him in the machine and that tne men then turned in and lyncnea tne voting man. None of which can be ver ified. There is not a vacant building, office room or dwelling houso in Pendleton Thev are all occupied, engaged or rent' cd. "Pendleton's population this fall will lie fully 500 more than ever before. Pendleton is growing rapidly and Pendleton is being improved in every wjv. E. O. The Chief Burgess of Milenbur. Fa.. says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the beat pills he ever used in the family during forty yeais of bouse keeping. They cine constipation, sick headache and stomach troubles. Small in size but great in re lib). At J. A. Gumming?. Do First Clas-i Work. Laundry patrons who want first cIobs work done without-paying exhorbitant prices should patronize the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed regulnrly five of the best ironors on the coaBt lor shirts.dresaes, and shirt waists, and ten cents is tho highest price charged for any of these articles. Tho Kickftpoo company am iu Corval- 118. The trial of the Circuit Court case has practically ended. The testimony has all been taken and the matter 18 now in the hands of the court. The California battallion and the Washington troops it is reported will lo mnHtered out. Washington's grievances thus are increased. Tho bovs "were dead sot" on going some where. Mrs. E. J. Lanning, of this city, yes terday morning fell down a complete Hight of stairs at her home, and was con siderably bruised so that she has Bince been con lined to iter bed. Roseburg Review: "Ex-Sheriff S C Miller, who owns at Dillard one of the finest farms in Douglas county, had this year 8,300 bushola of grain, 1,700 of oats and the remainder wheat. Hia wheat avernginl 40 bushels to the acre and his oats 55 bushels. Sam ia aa good a farm er aa ho was sheriff." In the Proper Place. A Corral lis soldier boy came home Wednesdav. He was Horace Scott, whose emaciated appearance showed that dur ing his three weeks in the soldier hos pitals at San Francisco he has been a very sick boy. He weighed 150 pounds when he left home and the day he got back he only tipped the beam at 109. Tuues. In the list of odscer elected bv the Rath bone Sister at Indianapolis. Ind., yeeterdav, appears the name oi Miss Maggie Hewitt, of Portland, Me., as su preme guardian It is thought tbat this is really Mrs. Maggie Hewitt, of Albany, ur., woo is in attendance as a de;eata from Oregon and tbat it was intends I to give ber name aa from Portland, Or. Mr. Will Peacock, son of William Peacock ol the Clo vet dale gardens, be came of age yesterday, and last evening the event was celebrated in a pteasanl manner with a party, attended by a happy crowd of voung people. Durint tbe evening Mr. Peacoca fine collection of lantern slides were shown with tbe Camera Club' stereopticon. A fine lunch was served and a good time gen erally bad. It will be learned with great regret that J. W . Johnson, proteeaur of latin in the University of Oregon, has resigned on account of his poor health. In the letter he ex preseed his regret in leaving the 1 ntversitv and wishes it success in the future. l"rof. Johnson came to Eu gene irom Portland in 1S76, having been elected President of the University. He owned the school on Oct. 16, ISTrJ. The onlv member of the original faculty left in the school is rrou lhoe. London, tie held the position of President until he resigned a tew years ago. tugene tiuard. lOiii, Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using De Witt's llazr.l Salve. It heai promptly and cures eczema and all skin dikeasn. It gives immediate relief. At J. A. Cummingt. bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind.. ay that ror constipation he has fouud DeWitt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. Tbey never gnce. Try them for stomach ami liver troubles. At J. A. Cuumiing. Win your battle against disease by act ing promptly, tine Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it preven; consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. A . A. Cummings. Music Miss Mildrea Burmeater teacher of piano or organ. By stem the Mason touch and technique. 'Residence Fjftb street, opposite U Pcbtuch. If you want a Rood and clem uoko buy cigars made by our Al J hany cigar factory. The following from the Junction Times is about a man who recently figured coa spicoously in Albany police circle,bura ing bis clothes, etc. 'Charles Cornelius Tennessee Bill Go- forth, well kuown in police cirej any where down the valley, uisde bis appear ance in this city Monday mnruin and proceeded to"wbooper op." He was promptly locked up and amused bimsei! by tearing up his clothes and yellini (or Tennesse pie. When the marshal went to leed him. he louiid bim wrapped in blanket acd Jabbering lite a loan. He refused to accept old clothes and de niand a new suit and io consequence his diet will be bread and water until ma spiiitis weakened. The county judg. sent word down to hold him and an ex amination as to his sanity was had. II waa adjuged insane and will betaken to balem to morrow. Pddoht a Farm. Today at private sale the farm of the late "Jack" Settle, two miles this side of Lebanon, waa trans ferred by the executor, Janie Settle, to Dr. J. P. Wallace, of thiecity. Mr. Will Wallace, brother of Dr. Wallace, who ha run the Goltra iarm recently sold, for fourteen years, will bave charge of it. 1. consist of 333 acres and the consider ation waa about $7,000. Provisions, Feed, Etc. Owing to it the change in. - - - i . pnoes it is impossioie to uote prices for any definite time. We have the Hammond Oo. meats, iard, etc Will always quote pnce3 a low as we can. Albany Trading Go. ist and Baker Sts. Religious Services. Christian church : Regular services at 11 a. m. and 3 p. ni. by Rev.C. M.Lane. Morning subject, "An Old 'testament Type of Christ." Evening eubiect,"The Lord a Farmer." r United Presbyterian church : Services at the usual hours. Preachioir at 11 a. ru. aiid 7:45 p. ni. Subject of morning termon, "Liht in Darkness," evening, "Vacation Lessons." S. S. at 2:3C: Senior Endeavor at 6:45. Alt are cord ially invited to attend these service. Congregational church: Services to morrow morning only. The pastor, D. V. Poliug will speak on tho subject: "The Solution of Life's Mystery." A cordial invitation. Service w ill begin at at .10:30. NEW MK. WORLD "My Sweetheart Went Down With the Nfainn ' is tne na.-ne of a new and Doonr . , , In rT lUU'v nun, iwiuni iu piece of music' .(-al for a copy at h. U. ; u,iok n, deserves a bounty. . lit 9. Shkxp Kiluku Dogs. Across the riv er yesterday afternoon Mr. Walter Wor rell, who was on his way to hi farm with a shotgun in hi han?i run across some dogs killing sheep. They had al. ready slaughtered one of them, and were after other. This had beea KOiug on some time on tbe farm o: Huston, Tharp, Holley and others, and several Thricr-a-Week Edition IS Pages a Week ..." ... 156 Papers a Vcat For One Dollar raklimfceacvery aiteraateBayexreaSaat The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Th n sra. Tor World i first among all "weekly papers in sise, frequency of publication aad the freehLJsa, accuracy and variety ol its cot tents. lthallthe merits of a great $6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its political new is prompt. coo plots, accurate and impartial as all it read er will testify. It i against the monopo lie and tor the people. It print the new of all the world, hav ing special correspondence from all io -portant news points on tbe globe. It hat orilltaat illaatiViooa, stories by great authors, a capital baiuor page, complete bad been laying for tbe depredator, markets, departments for ihe household Walter immediately opened fire on the enemy and killed two of the dogs in quick time. Farmers in the vicinity and women's work aad other special de partments. We offer this uaeqaaled newspaper and the Dkmocrat togetherone year for $ ud