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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1898)
3fdl A"Ml rtf u hi r VOL, XXXIV 'Eatercd tt tke Fco ffle at tlbaar. Or. a freeead-CIaaa Hall Urn ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 26.1898 NO 4 r RiTTiae riuaer rrearteisr r r r r i il IV. - a; IWx- V'-'' Everybody surrenders to Battle Ax. Q o o a o e There is no greater of your N PLUG and any one who has once chewed Battle Ax will give up most any thing to get it. 10c. buys a larger piece of Battle Ax than of any other kind of high grade quality. when you buy again. Preparing For the Battle"la,iitb?,'nn,7 r!Wy'wtheI4 preparation can be bad. A nany Lollege bu d-iimi in thu i nclion that call for cMwer investipation. A Full College Training ofcoanietbebUbioj. ilat Albany also effers a saperiar Norm Owr and a Dnne(.ollege u3rwth4tiBiaftnorto nouein tfcesU-e. Corwtondccs i.rited. all term open. Sepi 20, 1898. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J Joseph. Proprietor. !f7zh candy , cURE CONSTIPATION 2S: 50c .-to,;mM&- DRUGGISTS 1 ... M HAVE YOU Thomas Brink's Furnituie store Lately. He ha one nf the finest stocks of Furni ture in the valley. He ha added Bahv Baggies to h s slck. Just call in and yau will find that his prices are the I , i..- Mm,, "- i-.llrl,i- i - i ' mnVnl MANHOOD RESTORED u BEFORE o AFTER '' horror of CrPIDHF rtren(tlMimaol resloree small wkoSran" J?..,.??.il!?.lT,r?3 ir" ."!?' "mSby lwwn 1 1, im ninety per eent an troubled with Bla A wrttteo ormntee K-n and mosey returned if ci bozea doe. not aoccl a Denaaoeatcuta, UX)a box.six fur a.u, by mail, bend for naadrcular aod uUnumlaliu 'ralB"w Addreal DAVOL MEDICI SB COF. O. Box2OT1,Bm Frauctooo,CJ. far Bait bl FOSHtY &MAS0K Oregon Gas Light Heating and Power Company. Cheap Light for Cheap Heat For Cheap Pow8v For Correspondence Solicited. DE F E- ADAMS. Pres. A. H. F&BE&KSE?, SZC, ' Seven tn ilnual Session. STATE NORMAL SGHuQL MONMOUTH OR. V. - . I hare a: ip than to be cs o o o the name BEEN IN "COPIDEIIE- tSon o( a lamooi French pbrtfclu, will qulcklr cur yon or aU nrr joo or 11mm o U f eoerutv. omut, web u LoM Kanbnod. Itomiii(l'w!intt).Bvk,8emlnl EmimtnOM. Nrrroo Itrbiatr. FUnplM. JDonum lo Marry, ExbsnatiDC Pnliw, Vvkowle ai'd CoDMtpatSoB. It stop all lowes by 07 or nlcbt. Prrrcnu quick- Hm of dlacbarre. WDicb If utelMfkMl UmAm tn HnMnilnrrhiM mnA Impowocr. CTFi Dt Edima Ue liver. tb Church House and Hotel Church, House and Hotel injuring and Everything Strong Academic and Professional courses. Well equipped Training de partment of nine grades, with 230 child ren. Regular Normal course ot three years. Senior year wholly professional. '.Graduates of Acredited High Schools and Colleges admitted directly to professional work. The Dipl ima ot the school is rec ognized by lav as a life certificate tc teach. Light expenses -The year for from 1120 00 to (160 00. Beautiful and beatbful location. No saloons. The first term will open Tuesday, Sep tember 20th. Catalogues, giving full details of work, cheerfully sent on application. Address, P. L. Campbell, President, or W, A. Warm, Secretary of Faculty TIEXTTZEtLSTD-A." A Chinese Var. There is internal atiife in the Chinese empire located in the city ot Albaoy or thereabouts. This morning the two "slop" Celestiala, generally known as"Ah Swills." hatl a terrific lllit on Seventh street. Both oi them started (or M. Sen ders fclop bucket at the same time, one of them eot there six feet ahead of the other aud scattered the contents all over the yard. Then they went at it in earn est and punched and scratched 'and bit each other in a live manner for several minutes, when one of them started for another bucket. The other Ah Swill theieupon went for the team of his op ponent poondiox them into a run and then got into his own wagon prepared to depait when the enemy came a dank movement, secured this tean by the heads and spun them round in a circle, trying to lip the wagon over.and it came very near doing so. He finally retreated after his own team and the battle ended without auy conditions, protocols or in demnities. As near as can be judged in such matters it was about a draw. Those who witnessed it declare it vo have been better than a circus, for the jabbering and shrieks of the contestants liave to be considered la the matter. Astoriafba a Push Club. A new VO foot span bridge recently collapsed on Kowe creek Lane county. Dewey confirms the capture of Manila with 7,000 Spanish prisoners Oregon's gold output this year will be about 5,500 000, probably more than that ot the Klondike. Frof. E.H. McAllister, ot the state university, recently measured the height of Mt St iielens and found it to ce 9, 739 feet- Uop picking will begin about Septem ber 1st, with prospects of a good crop. The price thongn will be lower than de tired, about 8 cents. It basbeen decided to seod two ves sels, the Arizona and Scandi from San Francisco la Manila and the Oregon boys have been selected to go on tde bcandia. We were shown the result of a clean op from the mine io which A. B. Seal is interested. It consists ot several chunks of pore gold which bad gone through the process of retorting and amalgamation. It was very tempting in the way of en- couragingtbe mtneoarnera in possesion of such a property. Bandon Recorder. Tuesdav, near CresweH. while movine I tne horse power of a threshing machine, Charles, the IS year old son ot F. M Jackson was struck in the head by the tongue, receiving a featfut blow. He never tally recovered conscious cece, dy ing yesterday forenoon. Messrs Rossel Co'emen and Dave Draeer an tved home tbia tunrnini from the KlonJike. The gentlemen are both fat aud healthy but report that beeidee beautiful scenery there is nothing mocb to be found in that country. There is no gold to be :ounl in paying quantities except oc the few creeks ct the region and they are all taken. There is work there for probably 1000 men. The gen tlemen a.-e heartily glad to be tome again "Salem Journal. The exercises at the Catholic church closed laat night with vesper services, in which a number of priests besides Arch bishop Gross and Bishop U'Doa particip ated. A good maoy interested specta tors were present besides members of tbe church. The constructions and fornish- inga of the church bave been greatly ad mired. Bteide many other decorations the picture bave attracted attention, Ote of tbe Virgin Msry is set io a frame inlaid with go'd that coat over (2,000. Tbia was a present to Father Mata,er. The gold of tbe frame is from Alaska. On September first the Southern Paci fic railroad company will put imo effect a new tariff that is designed to make a radical cbanae i j tbe movement of urain from the Willamette valley. Heretofore tbe U iilamatte valiey grain has gone to Portland for export. Tbe short mod io California this year makes it possible to move Uregoo grain aootbward by rail. and tbe Southern Pacific is placing itself tn position to take advantage ot the op portunity for a longer haul Ktvww. Astobiaw at D.twsox. Astoria ns are having about tbe same luck at Dawson as Albaoy mto, only slightly better. The Astoriaa says : John Jorgensen yes terday received a letter from it. P. Hao- sen, dated Dawson City. Jane 13. Tbe writer-states he worked lastwioir a mining at 11.50 an hour and made (1 ,300 for tbe season's work. He tavs the only Astoriaa known to him who has made anything at Dawson is Joe Warn p. who sold a claim last spring for (6,000. Vf amp was among tbe first to leave here for tbe north aod went oo the first trip of the Elder. Hansen complains of his eyesight being affected and says a great many at Oawson are affected tbe same way. He states that lota of people are coming, and there is bat little for them to do. The wealthy syndicates hsve flooded tbe country with prospectors. He eavs be will retorn to Astoria next winter. Han sen went north co tbe first trip ot the Elder. LaxeCo. Gtrs Acctdkxt. About 3:30 o'clock this afternoon Barney Paine and Johnny Davidson were sighting a gun on tbe range in the rear of Horn & I aine s store. Tbe target, after a time, was changed and a three quarter inch board was set up at a less distance. .Mr. David son tired the gun, a Winchester target rifle 22 calibre, while Mr. Paine was behind the board, supposing he had stepped aside. The bullet entered the fleshy por tion of Mr. Paine's right hip.. He had Dr. Kuykendall probe for the bullet, but he did not find it. Guard. A Live Xkwpokt Affair. An Albany man at the Bay gives a graphic account of a battle royal in which tbree women armed with clubs were the attacking party. For fifteen minutes they made things tropical lor the enemy, finally coming off victorious in a battle that would bave done credit to Dewey. Tbe enemy was a snake about tte sixa of a lead pencil. Fabx RusUjence Corked. The resi dence ot Mrs. Elizabeth Newman, tbree miles beyond Millers station, was en tire'y burnej last Monday. The house was being cleaned when quite a quantity ol straw was burned io the stove making things so hot as lo set bre to the root There was no insurance. Pebhaps is Texas It is now thought by relatives that W. C. Read, who die appeared from Kansas City several weeks ago went to Texas, where he has an old friend whom he wished to viit A man completely answering bis description was on the train at tbe tim of the dis appearance. His son E. C Read is now in Texas investigating the mater. Will Speak. Mrs. Persis ! Christian lot Indianapolis, Ind., riauonal Urgantzor of the Christian Women's Board of Mis sions will deliver an address to the pub lic next Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the Christian church. All are cordially invited, bhe will address the '.adies at the same pla e on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All ladies aie invited to at tend this meeting. Music Miss Mildrca Jourmestet teacher of piano or organ. System ths Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite D P cbuicb. Several valley people are moving to Weston. Here' is another case from the Guard: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edris will leave Eugene tomorrow morning on the early train for Weston, Umatilla county, where Mr. Edris has bargained far a hardware store. No-To-nao for Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak mco ttw ut 'iJck : pure bfle. U. All drv -gtta A Plucky Woman . From the Telegram. Mrs. Olgo Jansen is the only woman, so far as known, who this season has corae out of the Klondike with a small competency in gold. She came here Monday on a visit to friends from Seattle, where she arrived from the North about ten days ago. Mrs Jantiun is a widow, 35 vears old, and brought down with her $9300 in nug gets, which she personally, with the as sistance of her two sons aged It and 13 years respectively, dug out of the grouid near Dawson City. Mrs. Jansen is rather a frjiil-appenr ing woman to undergo the hardships connected witn Alaska mining, yet, she say, ere stood the work better than many looking more robust than she. "i arrived in Dawson July ,'u, a year ago," she said th.s forenoon, "and sink, ed out a claim, fortunately, I had suiti cient foresight to bring with roe provis ions to do Da a-id my bovs 10 months The food was of ths commonest kind and to that I think we owe our good newitn. "After staking off my claim I was com pellt-d to stand off two men one whole night, who tried to drive me awav. I held them at bay with a ahotgnn, which I would have used bad it been neceeaa ry. Th day following 1 went into the camp, where I related mr experience, That night a posse of SO miners quietly goaraea my property, but the ;o in pert did not return." Mrs. Jansen says her home is in Liver- more vaiiev. fjal.. on which there Is a (1000 mortgage. Her husband died their three years ao, and two years ago ahe went to Janeao with her li'tle ones, to earn euough to lift the mortgage. There she kept a boarding-house, with fair success, till the strike was made in the Klondike district. To Fruit Growers A i bast. Or., Aug. 13, 180ft. To those interested in Iruit irmwinir The undersigned having been appointed a committee by a meeting ot fruit craw era, held at the coart hoate. in Al'ismr. Oregon, on Angust 13, 18iW, to prepare a circular letter showing the advantage cf co operation ot the fruit growers in the producing, gathered lor market, and rreatestof all. marketing nf lrniiarml,l rsspectfully report; that by co-operation we become better acquainted wiia each other, creating a sympathy amooc B.-ow- era. oy comparing notes at meetings, would kaow just how the best fruit was grown, wbat manner ot pruning, time of gathering and preparing same for market. That io order to get tbe best price it is oeceesary to meet the sbrewdeet busineea men io tbe county who are thoroughly organised and io sympathy with each other and whose business it ts to plan and get the county divided io districts that no com petition ma he bad io bay ing tbe products, aod that tbe rrice be tween the producer aod consumer may be Just as far a part as tbey can get it. Wherefore tbe andemigoed recom mend that all persons interested io tbe iruit industry meet at the court house, io Albaoy, Oregon, Saiardar, August 2n. 189S, at the hoar of 2 p. m- and at that time take aucta steps as the meeting think proper io orgaoiie a froit oniou. and in caee it is impossible for any fruit grower to come to tbe meetina it is rer- om mended tbat they write any of said committee making aov recommeoda- I iocs they may think proper. S X. Steele, Job McChisnkt, A. Baowyeu.. H. Prtaxt Committee. Mr. Sam Dugcer, of Pt io, wss in tbe city today. W. H. (io'tra was io Salem vesterday to bueinejs. Tbe MUses M3ord went to tbe Bay from this noon. Mrs. J. K. Haight bas returned the Bay. D. P. Mason returned from tbe Bay tbia noon. Albert Sfernbors: returned last nisht from the east. Mr. Buoy .the C. A. E. agent at Toledo, was io tbe city today. Mrs N J.Henton and daughters have returned from Cascadia. Charles Pfeifler and John I torn bave returned from the Sodas. Riley Cooper, the Independence bop man, was io tbe city yesterday. Ther was born to Mr. and Mis. Dooe- las. at Tangent, last Monday, a boy. F. C. Matteson. a Eugene attorney, bas located at La Lnx, New Mexico. J. II. Mnllavtbe internal revenue man came up from Portland this oooo. S. A Halin, the Lane county druggist, foraierly of Albany, has moved to La Grrnde to reside. Mr. J. A. Gross, of Ashlaod, is In the city. Three among the pretty windows of the new Catholic church were pre sented by Mr. Gross. Mr. and Mrs Tnos. Monteitb left to day for Spokane, aod wilt agaiu locate some wbere in Eastern Washington, hav ing left Davenport, where thy have been for tbe paet year. J.K. Morrison reiorned this noon Irom Alaska wnere ne has iieeu some time in the employ of the C P. oo a boat on the Stirkeeo route The bottom ias dioppei out ot things there. Ben Marker, who has been 'n charge of a freight train running out of Port land, has just been ' transferred to tbe ran from Lhrosmnir to Edgewood in Northern California, and will sjon take charge of it. Rev. and Mrs. Mel vin Williams, who have been at Cot laae tt rove for several weeks, ce me to AliNtuv ifietday and in a tew dys will return to V'laalia, Calif., where Kev. Williams will resume his pastoral charge, having been urgently requested to do so. T. E. Clark, a Portland traveling man. was at Long Beach last week, lie en joyed surf bathing and remained in tbe water an hour and a half. The next morning both legs were paralyzed. By hard rubbing one, leg was made service able but bo has not yet recovered the use of the other. Telegram. Mr. Andy Hunt tells the Democrat of a letter received oy George Burkhart this morDiog rom Ben Johnson, who is at Sulphur 8prings, in Benton county. Ac cording to it Ben is making a big haul of ground squirrels, which he will can for next winter. He expects to put np 320 of the animals. D. R. Mills, of Ashland, is here today. He baa just returned from the Trans Mississippi and International Exposition at Unialia. Mr. -Mills is a heavy fruit grower at Ashland, and naturally looked at the Oregon exhibit at Omaha from a fruitgrower's standpoint, lie says that while the exhibit is an excellent one, the showing of fruits is very small and vary poor, and docs not at all give viaitora an iuea ua w mo i;umnui;o oi una mate in horticultural matters. Telegram Ralph E. Parker, a Salem boy well known here, who is now attending Stan ford University bas again brought the Salem delegation into notice at tbat col lege. Mr. Parker is taking a special course in civil engineering and me chanical drawing and bas won the es teem and confidence of his profossors lo such an extent that he bas been entrust ed with the tabic oi snrveyng the site for the large new chapel and library building they are erecting at Stanford. For one who bas been at Stanford only one semester to be selected over students who have boen there several years is an honor which Salem should be proud to claim as belonging through Mr. Paiker, in part to her. Salem Journal. Don't tel! your neighbors wbat you ee in the eant window of the Albauy Fur. niture Co. Terms half cash balance before you leave tbe store. Lebanon. From the Criterion. Mrs. Ir. Wire of Albany preached two very interesting sermons ut lite M. K church Sunday. Mrs. J. S. Courtney and duoghU-rs, uenovieve and Ixjis are in this city vin- iting with Mrs. Courtney's parents, Mr and Mrs. C. U. Montague, The business men contributed a sufli cient amount last week to put in a pub lic watering troiith at the corner of Slain, Btrcet and lindgo Avenuu, Pres. 13. Marshall and S. A. Dawson.of Albany,; were in this city a few minutes Thursday evening in the interest of the farmer s arshouite Co. of Albany M. W. Wilkin informs us that the re- ' port that the S. P. Co. bud thrown off on him is a mistake and that as soon as a love right-of-wavs can be widened to W lout the rood w ill proceed Bert Wight spent several days visiting witn ins pureuts at tins place recently, Bert hasbeen developing his muscles by aasiNiing iiopKin s tiirusntiig crew near Albany. 1. U. Hickok was quite ill the first of the week caused by a' riu-li of blood to his head. Me went Lathing in the cold salt water at the bay last week which w as tbe cause ot the trouble. Wednesday tbo Lebanon paper mi!l aiwixvueu m ores King an previous re cords and made Mr' of o;ib paper.This about one and one-! mi f tons more than they ever before made in twenty-four consecutive nouns. .Messrs. tiros and Uobtns were the iauer makers, each be ing on duty twelve out of the twenty-fonr ours. Geo. V hibxmih and D. Ijetsinger, of Whitcomb pas.ed through this place the unn oi me ween on their way lo tiregun Uty to answer a it-tilionof the W. V. A L. M. Wagon road w herein the road com- panp claims to be the owners of their homesteads situated in the. Big Bottom country on tue middle lurk ol the fan- tiam river. FEIDAT SCIO. From the News: J School will begin on Mondav. Ocilr 3. The young Americans can then have someuiing to occupy U.eir idle moment. We understand Uiat Dr. If vde. now of Turner .will return to Scio in a le . weeks to locate. T. J. Wilson has ctened una law office in rooms in the BiKtru block, over Hib- ler's store. Mr. i!si;n Comes well rec ommended as an attorney, and those having business in this line w ill do well to call upon him. He is also a notary public Tbe De"ar:ey-Goit.s threshing crew planked tbe bridge in this city before crossing with their engine, but two other machines bare rs?ei through it the present season to which our not ice baa been called, without taking the trouble to plank. It stood up ad right, but its hardly a fair aiiake lor only one out of three to comply with the law. Mr. Israel Hart, accompaniet bv bis sons, W. H. and lfevid Hart.of Crabirc. were in Sao Thursday. Mr. Hart, ha been in tbe hop tatines for the past eight years, but has recently sold his place there and U desahoo of purchas ing a small track of land near this citv niion which to build a borne. A. II. Hart and family just armed from the esrt and will make tm borne here. He had not met bis parent for 13 years. The DcYaney-Goins thresbtnji crew reports tbe following grain tlireeued the first ot the week : Man Bilyeti, w beat and nets, MO bushels, on .Vl acre; W. C. Mtlier, 1H; Jackana Bilyett, wheal, 851, oats and cheat, &7. The mathiue is now in the Bilyeu den," wbere they have about 10 days work. The average of tbe three crofHi above mentioned was per ceai ueiow Uiat produced on Use same ground lat year. Tbe Astoria regatta opened this morn ing. Only thirteen out of thirty two teach ers examined for certificate passed in Marion county. Teachers must now pro gress or drop out, wtucn U proper. There is reported to 1 a Spaniard at Fort Stevens at the mouth of the Col ombia, who though patriotic to tbe Un ited State does not like to hare bis native country run down. Forty McMinnviilo young ladie have formed a military company and gone to tbe regatta at Astoria. The? hare keen the center of attraction on the way there. Eltweed Poniery, of Newark, N". J. president of tbe Direct, legislative League, will visit Portland. He is now in tbe Weston a business trip and writes that he will arrive there from San Fran cisco Saturday morning. One of the AUny boys at Manila promises to bring home with him for his father, a box of cigars that sell here for 25 cents apiece, but which can be bought there for 1 cent apiece. Will Governor Lord call an extra ses sion of the legislature is a question fre quently heard lately. As tbe people do not particularly need an extra sewion it is not probable the Governor w ill call one. Several days ago the Democrat oicn tior.ed the ban'ing of a load of wheat to a warehouse Uiat weighed out 80 bush els. A few davs ago Mr. Sim Sparks of Benton count v did much teller than this taking a load with two horses to the ells warehouse that weighed IWJ bush els, three tons. John Nesly, a religious worker of the Salvation Armv, has concocted a scheme to save the soufs ot Eastern Oregon farm ers and their hired men w hile the latter are saving their strain. He has secured a traction engine, thresher asid cookwa- gon. and a crew ot fellow enthusiasts and rroDoses to travel through tbo In land Empire threshing grain by day and holding religious services by night. Tel egram. We began this war w ith 11 battleships and .cruisers. 19 monitors, only six ol w Inch were inot'ern : 10 unarmored steel vessels, 19 gunboats, and 3 torpedo boats. We have now 3U battleships and cruisers, 31 unarmored steel vessels', 19 ir tin boat. ' torpedo boats and 45 special cratt. An entirely different kind of a re cord from that of Spain. A Rosebtirg boy writing from Camp Merritt says: "I'believe, however, that tent No. ti'is now about the best equipped in the camp, lliere isn t anything IncE inn from a nin to a irood joke. The fol lowing are our acting sergeants and cor porals; W. A. Johnson, Eugene, 1st SergU;W. A. Wiley, Albany, Q. M. Sergt.; 1). Willoitghby, 1st duty Sergt.; Fred Smith, Rotwburg, 2nd duty Sergt.; Chan. Thomas, P. . Deirkman, Roso burg, Ernest Stone. Ashland, A. Fisher, Eugene, corporals." A Bad Bov. Yestenlsy aftcrnwin a boy amused himself by sitting on the walk at tbo jail hold of a string tied to the fence running along by tbo Presby terian church for tbo purpose of annoy ing bicyclists riding along the opposite side of the Bireet on the walk, boveral broke tbe cord, when it was lied and again put in position. Mrs. J. J. Dub ruille finally was struck in the forehead and thrown violently from her wheel and was badly bruised. Hie boy gave his name as Johnny vjrowse, prouauiy not correctly. Ho should be Bent on a cruise at the toe of sonio one's biggest foot. Is Rdsniso. The Magnolia flour mill began running this week regularly after a general improvement, in which the latest machinery has been introduced, and soon our citizens will bo able to se cure some flour from the same. Under the management of Mr. Ed. Goin, one of Oregon's best millers the Hour is, bound to bo a popular brand. MORK MANILA LETTERS. A good many Albany people were made happy this morning by the receipt of eiivra irom ineir sons and friends at Manila. They were brought in on the Australia, being mailed with' 2 cent stamps oa July 19, and Waring date the iOtll. , ' J The (joys were garrisoned at Cavite, an , v.. mey were getting pienty to eat. the weather w iie J'n V'.".uaa anticipated and was agree- Vt "'em. Hie boys had no fear for the future, having supreme confidence in uvwj wjnig auie to terminate matters as he pleaed. The second expedition bad arrived and an advance on Manila was expected. , The first letters from home bad keen received the day before. The men had not yet been paid a cent, but they were then getting plenty to cat jut tbe same. Iho bova nearly all write, as if they would U home by Christmas, Front Lesu'e Verick to bis p.r Cavite, July 18, 1893. By tbia time you hava rereive.l former -e of July 1-t. We mads a eu in the Uavitearteoai. We have good quarters, l it ese quarters weie fortner'v occupied by the Spanish. It rains about everyday. e Unli twice a day. at a m. a ad S p. m. Mnce oo shore Utorue H. been baking us some tine bread: have gooi rues:s here lo the Arsenal. I hey have a complete Iron Fonnnrv and Machine shop, aod Dewey is having ma amp, aa men as soma Uiat be cap tared, lUed up. Within sitfht am t-n Spanish warships sunk : thev look nnu battered np.aome have tbeirsutokestacks biowa ott. others, 'heii aft Lorn awav and some look as if tbey could be raiccri io ao service again, but the next time for Lncle tint. Cavite is an od Spanish town, found ed about loJU. The fpauib seem lo have live 1 here on this peninsula, aod tbe in- nrgenta or natives io tbe city proper. l tie insurgent bold tbe city proper and are busy fixing op many of the Eons and seeoutremeois from tbe Spanish warships n e uear urw every aay aiong ite iroot of Manila. Tbe sitaatioo as it rtande now is thus: The insurgents bare Mao la m r rod tided, aod every dav bave a ha'tle witn tbe Spanish tones, hot the could not take the loan io a year. Al- toeihe it is a fanny sitaatioo. Dewey's p:ao. I think is. aa scon aa there are 10XO3 men here, or to more expeditions. which we expect next e-k, wilt make that qaoto to lake Manila, ru ing the insurgents lo attack lbs leji. l anpiKM joa bave bad lots oi eews from o, bat half of wbat veo bear erob ably is no troth Every volunteer bas 50 rounds of ammunition. I have not rat much fruit, bat some of lb bora have aod Ibey bad to soKer for it: By tbe lime tins Istier reaches vou I oil! be io tbe hospital work as 'Mafor Eilia l.aa offered me this charm, to 1 bave taken it under consideration. I bave Dot re ceivd any ny ye but that doe not bother me macb. I left tbe boat Lave bad tbe beet cf health Tbe oicbte not so. tot. especially if it latas: have lots ol mqnito-. very night we hear shots fired l-y cor p-cte-ts'. as every oue must bait or he will be tiro! on.. We j bad a general intpectioo byluBfirr- dier General. Tbe events takes place ao qaick one after another, aad we not hear- og aoy news from any other place. makes things monotonous. Sodmetbe o.ort ttoportaot news of tbe paper. I coo Id writes big history ofoarcamp. A poto;Jice wii: be started oo their aos- port Lbioa, I hen we seod letters far 3c Tbe seeood exptdititn, tbe China, cauie into port Sainrday, 16. the other :Ure transport oo Stisday V 1 received tbte letters Irom voo aod one Irom Ue aoev and lots of news in m Orvgoaian yoa sent. 1 alsjk now a few thtegt of late date br the way of Hocg Kong, each as the annexation of tiaaaii is'aod. tbe loe of tbe Freocb iioer aod Housoo'a berr-ic feat, the de struction of Cervera's fiectoo tbe 3rd of Ju'r. w e will get more news sooo. We most fake Manila before Sooday rext or tbe war will be over aod the Ph-.Jippioes, io tbe eyes of tbe wcrld.will not belong to the U. S. There "are 5O0 men here kept in fine shape. Toe Moo teray will be here Friday, so loos ont f.r he tall of Manna by Sunday. -Major Ellis as I meotiooed in a pre vious letter offered m a position io the botpiial corps and 1 slodied it over and accepted it. This will give me a fine op port unity for a new 6 aid lo study and keep me more io activity as a Corparal I had a lasy time of it. There are a few palteois io the hospital and ail bad cases go immediatelv to the Brnrade Hospital oor hospital in tbe field 2 Bat- tali ion. Ed Cyras came on tbe 2nd expedilioo aod bas joined the Co. ii t in an wen led. but soma are troubled on account of eating loo mocb fruit. I here close. Wiibe'.-s in their Heap. The mem bcrs of tbe city council are reported as having had quite a livclv time at the session held last Monday evening to con sider the proposed new bicycle or dinance. In fact, judging bv street talk. the session rarher outrivaled the famous bold-np session of the late legielatQre. We learn that there were two birvcle or dinances introduced one to prohibit bi cvcles from all sidewalks and one giving tnetn the use oi certain walks with re strictions as to riding, etc The council adjourned in what roost people would call a row, leaving tbe bicyclists riding on the walks as of yore, with a benign smile upon his face. Tbe question will 1 tackled again at the next regular ses sion. Brownsville Times. The S. A. There will be a special meeting at the Salvation Army next Tuesday night, Aug. 23, in behalf of the Rescue workj of the Salvation Army Ensign VY ilson the mation of the Rescue Home in Portland will be visiting Al bany at that time in behalf of the work and a special meeting has been arrang ed for her. The Ensign is quite an at tractive and powerful speaker and hav ing charge of the Rescue work will be able to bring before all, the success of that branch of the work. The officers of the I.ocal Corps are especially anxious that every one interested in christian work attend the meetings led by the En sign. Aunii!sion iree. A .MASSACnrSETTH l t'RIO. A tinioiie and valuable souvenir was received Wed nesday bv F'rank Crawford from l'rof. J, B. and Mrs. Horner, who are now at Ply mouth, Massachusetts. It consists of a leaf Irom a tree on Lexington commons where fell tbe first heroes ef the revolu tion, and a booklet containintt views oi of Plymouth, a house that was built there in 1W0, Plymouth Rock, and many others ot much interest. lorvaiiis un ion. At Newport. P. J. Sniilev. Albany's crack job print or, is spending a few days at the beach. Mr. Ed. Sullivan left for Portland this morning, to meet her husband, who has just returned from Alaska. Wo are glad to nolo that Ld lies returned O K. Wc are glad to noto that Mrs. N. II Allen, of Albany, who has been quite ill at her cottage at Nye Creek for a few weeks, is much improved and expects to bo able to return home in a few days. I Do First Clas7VorK. i Laundry patrons who want first class work done without paying exhorbitant prices should patron izo the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed regularly livo of the best ironers on the coast for BUirts.dressea, and shirt waists. and ten cents is - the Highest price charged for any of theso articles. Mr. James Fhahan ot Mill City, is in the city today. Mrs. W. A. Mack, now of Pendleton, is in the city o.i a visit with friends. R Shelton of Scio was in the city today on bis way home from Corvallis. Miss Winnifred Fennel, of Salem, baa been in the city visiting Albany friends. Mrs. C. D. Kennedy and son of Port land, are in tbe city the guests of tbe formers sister Mrs. W. H. Parker. I. W. Dickinaoq.of Albany, bas open ed up a feed stable in the old stable on Railroad street. Independence Enter prise. Charles Burggraf, the Salem architect, was in the citv today on his way to Co- quiile City where he will have supervis ion of the work on the i ew court bouse at that city. Mrs. James Collins, of Mebama has just received a letter from her husband, wen Known in Aloanv announcing It is sate arrival in Dawson. Mrs. L. E. Hamilton, Miss Mildred uurmeater and Miaa Helen Crawford re turned lust night from Cascadia, and Mrs. L. E. Blain from Waterloo. W. II. Paraons.of Euzene. haa brom-ht suit for divorce against bis wife Clara, who is now in Omaha.' aesistinz in tbe Oregon, exhibit. Chief , Justice ami Mrs. Wolvciton cuue up from Salem this noon and . will spend several days at the home of the parents of tbe latter in the country. Prof. Lee and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fortmiiler Srs., Mrs. John Altbooae and Mrs. Kowe! I and daughter returned this noon from their aaoimer's outing at the y. Henry Locterdicd at Pauline, Aug. 6, at the age of h'l years. He came to Ore gon in 1W2 and settled at Oregon Citv. utter ne live in uie " aido talin.and then removed to Eastern Oregon. The sale of the People's Iress of this city to mt. a. l'. ale ol Kings Valley, Benloa county, by Smith A Joaee, is re ported, tbe new editor and proprietor to waae possession September 7th. Mrs. J. A. Weaver and eon returned home hurt evening from Sodavilie. Mrs. Weaver was obliged to leave much earli er than was intended on account of a bad dose of poison oak. Mr. and 3Irs. P. A. Young returned this morning from San Francisco, where tbey bad been with tbe remains of tbe latter father who died several week. a in this city. Mrs. Dr. Gibson will go east after awhile aod reside with her agvl mother. Mr. John Twav returned i.i A!han this morn ing after ao absence of about a yer,compietly surprising bis family. For live month be was coodactor on a train on the Mexico Central, rnnninc through an interesting part of Mexico, uie-n he assumed a boen ion as condtM-Lrir oa the roi runnihg out of Needks.CaiL, w nere be bas since been employed. A few days aso he sprained uw of hia ankles and came buine to recaperate for two or three weeks. Prof. Iiiram Tvn-e. fcjcr veara ennee. intcodeot of tbe Albany poblx scbooU, left this morning on 'the overland for I- Grande, w here lie ill take charge of the Schools ol that Citv in fcr,t-mrr TVof. Tvre baa nroren Kime!f an Mln. ealor ol marked abihty. putting the Al- "py scoops on a spivodui tata, aod he will nnloabtediv do the nme far La Grande.oce of Eastera Oregon's roost prosperous citka. YA. Stewart and "Mick" Crawford left' Altwby this morning atS o'clock 39 tain utes and 3 seconds, oa a tandem, fur Portland, intending to make the trip in record lime and no doubt hare done sa if they kept op the pace at which thev started. Fromi Portland thev will take a steamer to Astoria where thev will at tend the great regatta, w hich prombes to t tbe most soooessfa! io the bisiarv i that city. Mr. and Mrs- B. F. Irvine of the Cor vallis Times arrived in Albany this morning from San Francisco, on their w ay home alter several weeks sojourn in the metropolis ot the coast. While there they saw nearly everything that was worth witnessing . including Km an net church of lH:rrant fame, which attracts muiurxlea out of curiosity every Son day. They visited the OrWon bovs at Camp Merritt and reported them very anxious to go to Manila, that they might not have to return home without some war experience. Obituary. Cora, loving and affectionate daughter of Mr. aod Mrs. L. C. Stratum, depart ed this life oo Aug. 16, IS9S, at 3 0 o' clock a. tn. Irom a complication of pneu monia and a serere attack of inflamma tory ibeutnat ism ot the heart. Jest be fore the moroing light lit np tbe beaa'J- fol earth hrr poor earthly garment was cast aside to be laid in an early grave . Her loving, generous,- truthful spirit, with its boundless mine of wealth can be with as only by tbe eye of faith yet she is a ministering aogei in oor home. All that is mortal is changed now and clouded forever bat tbe memory ot her happy, )oyoos and innocent life will be indelibly stamped on our minds. She was a most devoted member oi the ami ty and household, loved her home above every other place and ber presence in the home wss a eon roe ol happiness, orighteoing aod cheerio up the dark places. Her lov tor music was her sa pient e delight and nothing short of the productions from tbe grand old masters and classical music would satisfy ber musical tas:e and tbe memory of her sweet, earoest voice will echo and re-echo to our longing hearts. Her ambitions and aspirations were h:gb and ennob ling reaching higher and bigber in toe scale of goodness. Posse.'sed of a pore. noble and stainless character she was as a beacon of lisht shedding ao influence for good to all around. So early in life had she been called to ito that her oppor tunities for doing good bad been tew as sne often regeet'ed during her Sickness and when she felt the cold ripple of death sweep over ber frail form express ed a feeline of fear. but as the waves rod ed higher the merries of God and nature bad prepared the way and come to ber rescue w hen she felt a feeling of perfect safety ber peace seemed so iranantl. and said she was readv and in that time ol greatest tiial thanked the kind triends and family for the loving care to ber in her sickness. Then saving a last fare well to her parents, sisters and brother and devoted ancle and asking her loving nurse to remain awhile to comfort her mother, her sweet spirit look its flight to realms urknown. Sho leaves tender and loving parents, two sisters and one brother and friends mniimerab'e to mourn ber departure. Card of Thanks. To all the dear, kind friends who so kindly and tenderly agisted in the sick ness, death and burial of our beloved daughter Cora, aud to the loving hands that so gently twined, with loving thoughts those beautiful flowers, em blems of innocence, purity and love, (iod's precious gifts, and the speaker for his kind words of consolation, andto tbo sweet voiced singers, Mrs. Langdon and her assistants, whose heavenly strains greeted her purified sonl in world's un known, and to Dr. Hill, her physician, who so faithfully attended and comforted her during her last illness, and when hu man aid was powerless, was faithful to her needs until tho last sad rites were over, to one and all, we return our sin cere and heartfelt thanks, and for such deeds of love and mercy we know God's goodness is yours. Mhs. ani Mks. L. C. Stratto amp Family. kwuoui nuniAi ffmi-THiup 'uttj f f T JI "oX O0t tSAiuoj noiwliiiuoa tuna '0)-umo XVuo mcjo3 siJa -noi aiwjapjg Rer aaaka the tood pan. whalaaan a iillrtwu. . L " ' . FQ'DZn Absolutely Pur ' ' 90409 C9H Msrw mass SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Tae Mi! Brenner returned this noon from tbe bay. Rev. McKillop. cf this city, will nreaeb at Toledo tomorrow evening. George Fish aod wife. Vernon Same aod E. A. Schiffier were among those go ing io ma pay wis Boon. Geo nee West. Charles Wheels anrt Oscar Zeyss bave returned from their trip to the Bellknaps. a. ii. rreerEeseti reiorned this noon from Toledo where be bas been on pro- leseionai oosioess. Al Waogh. cf Lincoln coon t v. wa in toe city this weekior treatment for sciat ica rheumatism. Mrs. F. M. Miller has this week bees a gueet of her daughter, Mrs. Art Holt, at Albany. Review. William B. Steveos. ao old reaidont nl Toledo.died recently at tbe advanced age of SS years. He was born in Maine. We learn that Ralph Knannia mt holding the position of foreman on the Daily A gloria n. Brownsville Times. Tbe Red Cross Association of Wash ington has recently been organized. Mrs. George Torreil, formerly of this city, is its treasurer. Miss Berdie Day went to Astoria fthis moroing, aod wilt be Uie gu.t of Mr. A. B. Paxton and family, remaining d oris a the meeting of the regatta. Mrs. W. J. Rorce went to Elk Citv Tuesday to attend tbe bedside of her sis ter, Mrs. Frank Hackleman, who is very low with consumption. Lebanon E. A. Mrs. Ed Hotoo aod children left Wed nesday evening tor their home in Bose barg. after a pleasant visit with Mrs. J. W. Bark hart- Lebanon E. A. Mrs. C E. Hawkins went to San Fran- daco laat Monday, as a delegate to the grand camp of the Woodman's Circle, of which she is one of the managers. Tol edo Leader. . I- Nat. Bodson aod wife, of the Somn- ter News, of Baker county, called mt ths oSce last Saturday evening, oa their way to Newport, where tbey will spead a few days. Toledo Leader. A former Linn coooty man. Messrs. M. C. aod J. L. Callowar who have been residine near Tangent, are spending tbe week with Brownsville lei sures and friends. Mr. M. C. Calloway ! recently sold his farm near Tangent and ts now looking around lor another. Brownsville Times. J. R- Smith took chare of tbe rxctoffice Tuesday morning. The retiring post master. Cb as. A. Smith, will now devote most of bis time to the cattle besioess. "Charley" has given good satisfaction, as postmaster. Le banoo E. A. Rev. C. M. Lane reeterdar afternoon was baptised into tbe Christian church aad will accept the pastorate of thai church in this city. He has bees pastor of the C. P. chntvii in this city for a few monma. Tbe city of Toledo baa elected the for lowing exce'lent teachers for tbe next year: R. F. Holm, of Philomath, prin cipal, salary (45, Miss Joiia Taylor, of rtiiKu.atn, formerly of the Albany pub lic schools, and Mies Bessie Coiiiioo, of Salem, assistants, salary 37.SO. School will begin on Sept. 12. Here is a little sorprise far the nvanv Corvallis friends of CUreoce Bomn. Clarence eradicated from the O. A. C in the class 97 and in tbe sophomore class nf the same year was Miaa Jessie Wilson. The climax of a friendship which began ripening then cretrrred at Airier, Polk county, Sunday, Aug. 7th, when these two were married. Kev. p. A. Atoms performed the ceremony, which occurred at the residence of tbe pride s parents. Corvallis Union. It transpires that tbo report to the efiect that Miss Maud Hoffman has been engaged to appear in San Francisco with the Frawley company, is not confirmed. On the contraj-v, her mother writes from Alameda to say that she called on Mr. Frawley at San Franrisoo to ascertain uie tacts concerning the reported en gagement bv his company. Mr. Fraw ley stated that he had cabled Miss Hoff man, but received a reply to the effect that her engagement in London was of too much importance to allow ber to leave for San Francisco. Times, School Apportionment. Superintendent McDonald has made out the school apportionment for August. The rate is (3.302 per capita. Some of the larger districts win receive amounts as follows : 5 ( 3579 37 52 861 82 42 S15 59 574 55 ! 34 74 455 68 13 307 09 26 and 37 297 18 S3 290 58 73 277 39 36 and 112 274 07 71 257 56 3 244 35 SI 237 74 57 227 84 11-... 22123 10 217 93 12 and IS 208 OS 4 and 17 204 72 8 and 99 201 42 A Fruit Union. Thirty or forty fruit men met at the court boose this afternoon, pursuant to adjournment, and permanently organis ed the Albany Fruit Union with Albert Brownetl as president, S. X. Steele sec retary and H. Brvant vice president. A resolution was introduced and being considered providing for a manager to receive, pack and sell fruit, a fee of (1 tier yearS'or membership and for the payment of ,cent per pound for all fruit lett with the union to be paid when sold, for expenses, if any left at the end of the season the same to be returned pro rata. A Warning. Joe Dutton, wile and seven children, arrived in Corvallis, their former home, last Wednesday.end ing a five months' journey from Alberta Northwest territory. Joe is overioved to get back to Webfoot and he entertains now a higher regard for the judgment of those who tried to dissuade him from leaving here three years sgo. The coun try filled np rapidly for a time, but the settlers are now leaving as rapidly as possible llis was the oouta wagon which passed a given point all outward bound. Corvallis Times. Siek headache, billiousness, constipation and all liver and a'oroseb troubles can be quickly cured br uiug thus famous Utile Pills known as Dew ut a utile ejuriy ituers, Thev are pleasant to take and never grips At J. A.UlUlUllBg. HOME AND ABROAD. Wheat has dropped to 50 cent. An Astoria naper sars tbe regatta there opened in glory. Diamond Mantelo photos only 50 cents per dos. at Longs Gallery. We invite attention to oar stock ot soap at Kenton's Cash Store. GO cents for 12 first class uhntosraoha tbe test finish at Mist Longs. Get a battleship of Oregon wsteb ease at French's jewelry store. Dost proof Just think ! A dozen first class photos for only 50 cents. See them at Longs Gallery. Fkischman's compressed yeast fresh every day at Parker Brothers. Only ft cents for two cakes. Bring the children and bare some of - those cate little Diamond photos made at Miss Longs Gallery. This is the dull season - and tbe best time to bave photos made. Call at Miss Long's gallery and see ber samples. One of the most pleasant places these warm days is Mrs. iereck's Summer Garden, tae place to sret cod and refresh ed. It is reported that several days azo two Albany young men sere arrested in fortland for disorderly conduct and riv en tbe estiai tine. O. H.Holeombdc Son, of Seattle, re cat red another car load of heavy draft horses on Moodsy, from Albany. Port land Rural Spirit. At Buffalo vertenlay Oreron's famous horse Chehaiia, won the 2M race and a parse of (1500, each beat in the same Ume2:06. a remskable fact. . Ed Long bid tbe city jail goodbye this morning after a three days visit. He promised Recorder Edes not to call on him again before New Years. Salem Journal. There is arnmor abroad in tbe land that the railroad company intends pat ting oa an ocean (rteamer ocf the Saa Fnxiczsco-Yaqaina route at an earir date. Leader. We predict not, but hope it will be done. Tbe Editor of tbe Klamath Fall Re po bi lean in order to take a vacation left tt,e paper in charge of the women of tbo DIl and thev ran tbiers to suit themselves, making matters hot for tbe - wot xey men lor several daya. TheconUEcOorfarnishinar the floof for the Si letz this year has been secured by A. Wilhelm. of". the Monroe flooring mill. There we several bidders, among which were the Red Crown Mill of Albany, tbe Corvallis Hills,of Corral- u and tbe looroe Auiia. There are plenty of impracticable men left ia tbe world. One ot tbeta r. M. Cbriamaa, is trying to ran a traction en gine train between Tbe Dalles and Sil ver Lake, a distance of 220 miles. The train consists of three wagons and tbe tender aod there was seventeen tons of freight when it started oat from The uaiiea. Of coarse it will fail. Sam Worrell writing; to bis brother ya that tbe Philippine islands are ooiy tool for monkeys, mosquitoes, dies sni snakes, aod advue people to stay at home. He is wUliar to fia-bt lor hia eoantrv bat will never go oat of tbe Cni led elates again tor war ptiipoees. Captain George Skianer's new steam boat, the Valley Queen, being bout at Independence, is approaching comple tion. The boilers arid the engines are in place, the upper sad lower cabins are enclosed and steam will be turned on next week. It is intended to take the steamer to Portland the last of next week for inspection and furnishings, so that business can be commenced at once. A letter from Cuba written br a ank!Ur ia the volunteer army fraJefally- acknow ledges the receipt of a sight shirt sent to : him by loving xriends in Gotham, fie says : " Xeariv every man ia ott regi ment received a night shirt from the Lad ies' Aid society, and tbey came in bandy for cleaning guns as tae" mud and raia keeb the rides ia bad shape and rars are scarce. Tbey were all glad to get the shirts, as it is better to have your run ia good shape than to sleep in a night gown. Religious "services. Christian rbarca: Senricea toaorr" at 11 s. m. and 8 p. m., by Rev. C M. Lace. S.&.tw i.e., 1 rslK at 730 p. m. AU coraialy invited- MemoriaJ church : Services mors ing ana evening. Tbe pastor will lake tor tbe morning sobject, ''Finger-post oa the Highwav of Life." Evening sobject. The Klondike of God' A Sandav school will be organized at nose of the morning sermon. AU are invited to these services. United PrMbterian: Preaching ser vice at the neoal boors, 11a. m. aad :45 p. m. Scbject ot ieimn ia the moraine, "The Throne ot Power ana Mercy." Ia the evening, "Sowing aad Reaping." 15. S. at 2:30: Sr. Endeavor at 8:45. All are cordatl-y invited to at tend these sen i ess. Tbe services at the Baptist chnrcb to morrow will be in charge of the Young Peoples Society. In the evening Miss Anna Mespelt,wbo bas been engaged in mission work ia Chicago will aa address. Sandav school and Young People s meeting as usual. TIE nCEUB'CE OF SHU? CF HSS is doe not only to the originality aad simplicity of the combination, bat also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scieatifie processes known to the Caxifojixia Flo Sntur Co. only, aad we wish to impress apoa all the importance of purchasing the true aad original ieinedy. Aa the genuine Syrup of Figs is xoanaf actared by the CAXiroRxia. Flo Strcp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one ia avoiding' the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing' of the Caxi roasT A Flo SrRUP Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to isillioaa of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It ia far ia advance of all other laxatives, aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating: or weakening- them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get ita beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company California fig strup co. SAM nAHCXSOa, Cat, bsraviLLK. a. nVIMlaT. CASTOR I A Par Infants and Children. Tfca m Yea H.ts Ahnjs BccgM Bears the Signaturo of Or. Price's Cream Ban ing Powdel Werla's Fate tBsMst Msasl saw Ptplsssa f Jfcaw