The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 22, 1898, Image 4

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jRJieumatism "ffi i
What I)r A E Salter Says.
'. v. T r n i . w .
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the effect of your SMbh's Cure in caeee
ot advanced Constipation, I am prepared
to say it is ihe most remarkable Remedj
that baa ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has certainly taved many from
Consumption. Said . by- Foshay Ma
son. -..--
After vatn of sntold suffering from pile.
TJ 117 Pnro.ll if IT nitneravilln. fA. WaS Oared
.he naine a sincl. box of 0 Witt's W itch
Skin diaeaaes saoh saeesoma.
ruh. DimDlea and obstinate sons are read
He ourei bv this famous remedy J A
One car load of Phoenix5 Bicycle gone
already and another on the road.
The Newest Atthestorsof Will & Stark
i-n-rv vnn will tret the facts, and
Facts find a fine stock otgooda
t select from. It is up
todafo And iacladee the best lines of watch
.win uul all kinds of iewelrv. Their
UnAftf ilvware is extra and they have
many novelties that will please.
s-n 1.1 A a ilfn pkin.
beauty without it CWarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
K lira :ivn and dnviOK all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty lor len renvu
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, aac, ouc
. vt. ,!.,; nhiila and Fever. It !
simply Iron ami vtuinins 'j1 1
form. Children love W
AUU1H ifmm - ,
to b;ter, nauseating; Tonics
I'on't tell your neighbors what you
tee in the east window of the Aibay Fur
niture Co. Terms half cash balance before
you leave the store.
f WITHSPAIN.'MndudingbelUeeon'cy, ffateoa ia A
seaanaiano. vonuiu ..-.u.-..-, ;
4w-a. nawnino tt KfitS nftHnna .
Sd gphic Sor, "of
the gaJtant uewey; reus eveiriuuiK uwu
Sampson, Schley. Fitihugh Lee and lead
ing commanders, by Hon. James Rankin
Young, the intrepid leader tor Cuba libre
in the halls of Congress. The grtsieet
war book p Wished; 600 large pages: 100
superb illustrations, many in richest col
ors. Has largo colored mam. Biggest
book, highest commissions." lowest price;
ni si 7.V Each subscriber receives
grand $1 00 premium free. Demand enor
mous; harvest for asents; 30 day credit;
freight psid; outfit free. Write todiv.
Address. The National Book Concern,
Dept. 15, 356 Dearborn street, Chicago .
Clubbing Rates.
The San Francisco Weekly Examiner
sext year will give to its subscribers a
$10,000 residence in San Francisco rent
inofnrtfiO month, a 13.390 U.S. bondJt
$1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other
things. You can get the Examiner and
Wsxklt Democrat for $2.60 a year, with
tha Daily Dimocka by mail for $4,by
earner $5.75. in advance. The; Demo
crat will order only on combination pay-
Al.Ton aendfnr a dkctA and iSnat.1 lirtliM wan
ui- i 7 mcr nun, h .br M tnil .
eooOJentil. Oldest mmtrmltormaniim
ta America. W hare a WambtMton ef
Paunta bta throae Mma A Co. raealTS
apeeui noOea ta tba
scientific mmm,
bemtlfoTty lDaatrsted, larmat atacalatiaa
SLJuauc moutas. tpeown oupm j
Hook oa PATE3ra asot frea. Addreas
3G1 BrwaSwav. tew Yark.
I ' he best snd yet simplest type write
manufactured, the consummation or "
innnfnu . An exoert stenoarsphe
sftvnin0 man machines, says. "I con
sider the Yost Writing Machine far snper-
or o any 1 have yet used ' wu at in
Diirnnii. nfTipA and tee one of the type
writers that has to have s perfect allign-
ment. ; '
All Typewriters gnpphes ordered.
IT, P. Nurnwo. Agent
Thrice-a-Weck Editi
18 Pages a Week . . V fj.
... 156 Papers a Yeai
For One Dollar j
Tbe Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tub cikw
Iobk Wobld is first among all "weekly'
papers in size, frequency of publication
snd tbe freshr.0, accuracy and variety ol
itscoit?ms. It hi all the merits of s
eieat $6 daily st the price of a dollai
weekly. Irs political news is prompt, com
plete, accurate nod impartial as alt its read
ers will testify. It ia against the monopo
lies and tor tbe people ;..--..i--,-!..
It prints the news ot all the world, bav
inr Hopcial corresoondence from all im
portant news points on the (rlobe. It has
orilliant illastrs,yon. : stories by great
authors, a capital nuuor page, complete
markets, departments for tbe household
and women's work and other special de
partments. ' .
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
tbe Democrat togeiberone Year for t 00
Notice is hereby given that tbe under
signed administrator of the eatateof Jane
Carter,decea'ed.li8 filed h:s finataccount of
aid eUte, wito the cle k of tbec unl) Court
for Linn county, Oregon, and the county
court has fixed the0h day of July, 1898, at
I be boar cf 10 o'clock s m, to bear object
ions, it any, and to settle said account and
Ihis 91h day of June, 1898.
, Ed B M Castsb, -
Administrator nf tbe estate of Jane E
Carter deceased ; . -,
MTEHTS pmcumd!"
Sofic tor anfl Atlj in Patent Cause
. UtSle .,TrkAv WashlaataaS O "
f EN WANTED. Twenty men want
ivxeaat once at Waterloo to work a
axmen, f l a day and board.
Waterloo railroad office.
Cll it th
albi MW aV
The greatest event of ths past wssk
was the surrender cf Santiago. It was
done without farther bloodshed . Tbsy
either had. to surrender or be slaughter
ed. Surrounded by s sopsnor lores,
and threatened by land and water there)
was nothing slss to do bat glvs in. lbs
transportation of ths soldiers to Spain
it s small affair in ths arrangement.
At Madrid there is as impression that
the Spaniards can fight better than ths
Americana. This IS emphatically A
wrong impression, and yet it is trus that
ths Spaniard can fight particularly wnsn
be has a Manser gun to do it with. It
may be said with great confidsncs though
that ths Spaniard will never whip the
imnricui in a. land battle Any mors
than the? will In a naval batMs. Ia Me
Mexican war ws nsvsr lost s oaiiie, no
it ia tha Dkmocsat's opinion tht ws will
not In this war. ' - s
Thsrs contlnnee to bs talk ot psAOS but
it is not official. And it is very doabtf ul
if anything coaws oat of it nntil ths
Spaniard is on bis back and wo literally
have him by ths throat And the blood
sarges to his temples in death straggle.
1 Germany which has never declared Its
I :- i ihia war aeare dav or two
mu inSmln. nr rather nerhsps. its
anmStv to the United States on account
of an old pork difficulty between lbs two
- .... ... .
ennntriaa. hot It WU1 ' WOhAOiy ' BOS
amount to mnch and it ia to bo hoped
does not. -- ; ;
There is a growing sentiment that the
uumut theft a fleet would Vo sent to
.. v..-!,.. lth ths Boanlshstyls
'(Tb. Damocaat though bop.
it is not.
A fleet in ths neighbor booa or epax
won Id havs a wonderfully good sffect on
ths Spaniard and set bias to thinking
particularly aftsr a few thousand poand-
arm had been sent Into eoms ol bis
Just now people ars Ulkiog about Ad'
miral Schlay a little more than any one
elee. He seepos to have ths American
heart with bJm. Hers is Oregon ws ars
watching CapU Clark of ths Oregon
closer than any one els. Ths nams of
his battlesbjb in a measure accounts fog
it, but only partly, for ho has msdV
record slrrady that entitles himOo tbs
respect of not only Orsgonians but as
well ths people of tbs whole world, wbo
admire bravery, a clear head snd good
judgment. He is a gallant omcer sad
we are prjud of him.
Wo stop our wat thoughts long enough
to mention the fact that there is soms
talk of a good many million dollars that
are on their way to tbs United States
from the Klondike, liable to bo captured
by a Spanish cruiser If caution is not
used. It baa been the DSMOcATa.opin
ion that ths Spanish cruiser part of it
was a fake, but it is asset ted that there
ia actually one np north watching for tbs
Klondike steamer.
. - :. . n . -
Daring the week several mors of tbs
boys Lave stated for the war, and while
it does not masa a very big hole ia tbe
population of ths city, yet it has a strong
effect on the en bile poise, which beau
faster and in sympathy ith those from
whom they have gooo. Tbs Democrat
hopes to see a good record mad by each
of them sad that tbey will eoms boms
better men oa account of their experi
ences. .. - ;,.
Boys are emulators ot older people.
Hence this week balloon ssoensioos havs
bees of com moo occurrence, ba! loose
made by ingenius boys. It may bs
child's play, but ths boys wbo Are sp
with the times ia such things are often
the ones heard from ia after yean.
Ok ths Bitks . Cn account of tha low
water the time of tbe steamer Albany will
be chanced so aa to make the run from
Corvallia to Portland ia one day and the
return trip in two days. Tbe schedule
will be as follows:
. Will leave Corvallis Suadaya and Wod
aesdaya at 5:30 a. inland arrive in Port
ia nd the same day. Returning leave
Portland on Mondays and Xbursdsys at
6 a m., and arriving ia Corvallis ths fol
lowing oar.
Effective June 26.
. , Edwih Stoh, Manager.
ml TiSact. Salt aa SaiiSi laar ufc Away.
To qalt tobaaeo easily sad forever, be ma
satie. fall at life, serve sad rigor, Mm No-Ta
Bae, tb woa4ar- worker, that nakes was ssea
stronfc. All dracrista,IOsorSI. Corsessraa
Seed. Booklet an4 saanple fresv ASH sea
SaerUs B-nnedy OA. Chicasv or Mew York.
Did you ever see one ?
Did you ever hear of one ?
Most certainly not. Con
sumption is a disease that
invariably causes loss of
If you are light in weight,
even if your cough is only
a slight one, you should
certainly take
Sedl's Em-':Ii::i
of cod liver off tutih hypo
phosphites. No . remedy
is such a perfect -preventive
to consumption. Just
the moment your thro-t
begins to weaken and yu
find you are losing flesh,
you should begin to take it.
And no other remedy
has cured so manytases
of consumption. Unless
you are far advancstfwJth
this disease, Scott's Emul
sion will hoId every ia"
ducement to you- (or
perfect cure. -.a,-
1 I H Proreiata. oc and St.
SCOTT A Bowwit. Chemist. fT.T."
Allen's Foot Ease, A powder for tbe feet.
It cores painful, swollen, smarting, aer-nj
voui reel ana instsnuy takes the sting out
or cores sna minions. U s toe crestest
comfort discovery oijhe age. A Ilea's Foot
Ease makes light or new shoes feel easy.
It is a certain cure for sweating aiJous sad
hot, tired, aching feet, fry it today. Bold
by a I drugsiats and shoe stores. 15 r mail
for 25c in stamps. Trial packas-s FREE.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, S. Y.
Kansas will this year raise 100,000,000
bushels ol wheat.
In Berlin no womsn Is allowed to ride
top of an omnibus.
Bergin, Norway, boasts a paper church
largs snoqgh to seat one thousand '.per
sons. Ths building is rendered water
proof by s solution of quicklime, curdled
milk and white of egg.
In Francs it is a punishable offence
for any one to give infants under one
year any solid food unless such bs order
ed by a written prescription tigned by
A legally qualified medical man.
A single stone 116 feet long, ten feet
squars at on end and four feet square at
ths other baa been successfully eat from
the sandstone qusnies at Houghton
Point. Wis: It is supposed to be ths
longest monolith ever quarried.
Debtors in 61am, when three months
in arrears, can bs seised by the creditors
and com pelted to wors oat their indebt
edness. Should a debtor run away hie
father, bis: wife or bis children msy be
held in slavery nntil the debt is can
celled. When Willie in the regiment
Went ont to meet the foe,
His sweetheart stood, with fact intent
And pals, to see him go.
Though sank her heart within ber
Shs did not darn to cry ;
8hs heard in war time it was best
To keep your powder dry.
Iodisnspolis Journal.
It ia related of tha dean of ths Chapel
Royal that ho was ons day seated in tbe
Synod ball at Dublin whn a scent bottle
dropped upon his head from strangers
gallery. Rising from his chair bs asked
permission to make aa explanation.
"My Lord Primate," said he; "I am si
ways glad to asa stranger, at our debates'
and 1 feel specially honored by tbs pre
sence of ladies. But let not their precious
balms break my head."
Ona of tha Kansas volunteers in hirl
Vy indignant over aa order issued by bis
commanding officior which compels ths
soldiers to bathe their feet once a day. In
a letter to hit borne paper ha interprets
tbe order as a reflection noon the per
sonal babita of. the Kaaas troops, an d ha
adds: "I want to tellttoee West Point
dandies that tha Kansas soldiers are just
as dean aa anybody and that tLay change
their socks sbootas oil en aa Gea.Msrritt. '
Admiral Man to jo's high regard for Ad
miral Dewey may be something skin to
tbs story once told by the lata pugilist,
Sullivan, ia "Billy Boyle V ebophooae.
"Out in Leadtowa ons night," said Sul
livan, "I was offering five fingers cf easy
money to aa? maa as would etard np
or four round. I took on a pretty
husky boy for the opening, aa played
wid im awhile to please de crowd an'
let aim pound ml ia ds seek till be got
tired. Deal bit ,im jait onct. He
ttnks I'm hittin 'im yst.
The theater bat ia America bas ex
liausted oppobrium andbeea the causa ol
numbers of interdictory mandates, legis
lative and raaaagerialmd now tha teat
auraat bat la Loadoa ia exciting similar
commotion. Tbe reslauaatmeator tome
of them, for no conceivable reason, wish
their women patrons to lay aside their
headgear and eat bareheaded. Tha m
mea object, and there tbe matter stands
at present, both sides Obstinate, with odds
oa tbe bonnets.
The Arabs bsvs a story of a man wto
desired to test which of bis three sons
loved him most. Hs aent them out to
see which of tbe three would bring bim
tbe most valuabls present. Tbe three
sons met la a distant city, and compared
tbe gilts they bad found. The first bad
a carpet oa which be eeeld transport
himself and others whithersoever be
would. Ths second had a medicine which
would curs any disease. The third bad
A glass ia which bs could see what was
going oa at any place be might name.
Tbs tbtid need bis g ass to sea what was
going oa at borne ; be aaw bis fatbsr ill
in bed. Tbe first transported all three
to thsir horns on bis carpet. Tbe second
administered tbe medicine and aaved
tbs Istbsr's lifs. Ths perplexity of tbs
father when Le bad to decide which son's
gift bad been of the most valus to bim
ilWtstrstes yery fairly ths difficulty ot
saying wbstber land, labor, or capital is
most essential to production. No pro
duction is poseinle without the oopsr
etioaof all three.
From tha London afstl.
Commercial circles in Birmingham ars
looking forwsrd to a disastrous reaction
from tbe cycle boom, which attained it
seaitb a year or two ago. Already tbe
depreciation in capital iaterested in
cycles and accessories witbia tbs last
twslve months is estimated to represent
at least 10,000.000 ($50,000,000). Tbs
workers bsvs already bad a foretaste of
the , impending eollspts. Durirg tbs
heyday of the boom the Birmingham
trade alone found employment for 14,
000 or 15,000 men. Night ehtfta were in
operation at most of tbe factories, and
at Ons period of extreme pressors the
beads toiled for sixteen hours st s
stretch. Thr bsckwasb of svents bss
changed all that. Fully two-thirds of
tbe 14,000 or 15.009 bsvs had to
be dismissed, snd this number will rs
ceive a beavy sddition if tbe anticipated
crash comes. Coventry is also snfferibg
and in Nottingham the dismissals havs
been on s wholesale scale.
The surrender of Santiago is a greet
victory in ths war with Spain, as great
a victory as if the surrender bed been
made at tbe po'nt of the guns of tbs
Americans, instead of before a certsln
hour assigned for ths purpose. Ths
work hsd previously been done under
Shelter after one ot tbs hardest fought
battles on iscord, ons that will redound
t J the credit of the American arms. It
can safely be stated that If ths American
soldiers bad been behind the trenches
instead of tbe Spaniards, no Spanish
force could bsva drivsn tbem out. The
victory will bars at good a moral effect
ia tha war as it is possible to bsvs 00 a
Snanierd. It oairht to be followed bv 1
neaoe. but the ebancsa are that it wiU
not be. Ths Spsnisrd Iscks that good
b or ss sense to appreciate the altnation
as it actually sxlsts.. ,
-; For Lifkrits and Children. .
Tfo Kid Yea Hars Always Bccgbt
Bear the
Signature of
A Portland burglar Iks i it been sent
enced within eighteen hours ot (he time
when the arrest was made.
Wonder whst the queen regent can
th'nk of today to congratulate the Span
iards In Cobs over. Her congratulations
by the way are very sickly affaire, and ws
srs getting tired ot them.
Sir rhomaa J. Lip ton, who has 40
stores in England, in giving an account ot
his success ssid . . " Then I believe ia ad
vertising. It is the life blood of mordern
trade. Everybody reads, and the news
papers and pailodlcale are beet mediums.
Under the award of President Cleveland
as arbitrator Colombia owes Italy (250.000
which has not been paid, therefore Italy
now proposes to take it out of her bide.
That ie one stylo of collection a debt
not allowed in Oregon.tbough we some
times elnioet wish it were.
oo mucu attention is paid to the war
that;the fact bas almost been loet track
of that a railroad is being built from
Sksgusy to Lake Bennett, a very import
ant engineering operation in connection
with the Klondike miues.
It ia an interesting fact that this yesr
all the crops are good in Oregon, not
ist thocreaa alone but as well tbe fruit
snd tha vegetables. Tbe yield of every
thing has been big and even with mod
erate prices we should bs ressooably
prosperous. The outlook is certsinly
Oregon has aa exhibit back at Omaha,
about which thsrs is some difference of
opinion, but tbs truth probably is tbst
it is not what it really ought to be, that
while some parts ot it are very creditable
in fact everything is good so fsr as It goes,
it is not extensive enough, in fset tbst
it msy be criticised mors for the things
we bsvs tbst ars not in it than for any
Ihingin it that is not right. There
should be a fine exhibit of Irnite added
for ons thing.
Taking tha Spaniards borne at our own
expense msy be rsther costly, bnt ws
Ml be fortunate in getting rd of ths
pesky things even in that way. It is
more humane than to kill them, which
tbey deserve certsinly, but the . modern
way of doing things does not justify that
and ao ws put our hard down in our
pockets and take them home in order to
get rid of them.
Blanco bat another cause for commit
ting suicids in the surrender of Santiago.
Some day his torn will corns, and tbs
Dcxocrat is not certain but whst
ought to be next. Be is not conducting
himself ia that circumspect manner that
suite this family paper, and it will be
very gratifying to see the failed
Slates battleships torn some of their
thirteen inch gone ia his direction.
Bs needs to be taught sevetsl lessons.
Tbs Barlia sewjr system transports se
bua!y from sixty milUon to seventy mil
lion tons of sewage for diitribuiion ova
an area of twenty thousand acres lying
from seven to fifteen miles beyond tbs
limits of the city. Although tbe cost of
the drainage is about 125.000,000 a year
tLe enormous inert ad lertUIty oi ths
land makes it a paying operation. Be
sides that, it is tbs most sanitary and
scientific mods of disposing of tbs city's
Tbe wsr with Spate so fsr has been
eompartively free from bloodshed. Take
the battls of Waterloo. There were 145
uw totoiers engsgea. snd &1.000 were
killed or disabled. Tha tosses were
nearly equal on each side. Ovsr one in
three were killed. Historians and crit
ics pronounce it to have been ons of tbs
greatest battles that ever took place in
a t a r - . a . . .
Msaistoryoi ice world. History re
cords battles ia wbch a greater number
were Biiiea out none wbicb was more
hotly contested. Beside It Santiago is
a tame sffsir.
This Aquinaldo Is a husky young fel
low wbo is liable to csass lbs United
States soma trouble in case tbe Philip
pines are turned over to tha United
States as sn indemnity for our greet ex
penses. As a matter of f set it. will not
pay the United States to get into trouble
just over those islands. If ths nstivet
went their independence last give it to
toem and let tbem run their own affairs.
Tbs trouble with Germsny is thst in
commercial matters tbs United Slates
has not followed the golden rule. That
government has been somewhat dircrim
lusted against snd it bas msds it msd st
os. It will cool down though and a ben
tbs present trouble is ovsr it is to be
hoped tbs United States spprecistes the
fact tbst it is a sufficiently great country
to bold its own to the commerce of tbe
world ss well as in the use of arms. The
two countries thonsb will have no trou
ble of a serioos character. Tbey have
too many intsresta in common.
Tbe war is causing Amercisn touritU to
see America this yesr.
It Is now Camera's torn lo ark : " Where
am I at T'
Measured by fatalties, fighting in
Uncle Sam's navy is not as dangerous as
playing college football.
Camara paid $165,000 to get into the
Sues Canal and a like amount to come
ont of it. Asa fighter -Camara mav
naver amount to much, but as a fin and r
ha ia entitled to swing corners st the too
of ths hesd set. .
A Geofcia editor claims the credit (or
bis State of having given to ths couotrv
Theodore Roosevelt, becsuss the letter's
mourr wss born in Georgia. If the
Goober State keeps on shs will fall into
tbs Ohio hsbit of claiming everything
and everybody thatlamounts to a row of
diamond pins.
in dsmsnding two noncommissioned
Spsnuh officers lor esch of Hobson's crew
the Dons partly recognised the relative
merits of the prisoners exchanged. It
hat been tough schooling, but tbs enemy
is evidsntiy learning a few things. Of
course we thlak Kocaon and his seven
sailors worth a regiment of Spaniards,
bnt a trads is a trsde. .
If the Merrimso bsd been sunk cross
ways in ths cbsnnel st ths mouth of
Santiago Harbor iostead of "slaunsb-
I Cevera might
bave been kept
from coming out and Sampson from
going In, As matters have turned out
for tbe Ameiicaus, the Spsnish shell
tbstsepa ra ed the Merrimso from her
rudder seems 10 have preyed a salutary
tce LitfJvt B- a t rut fabint
All D -u' uct rfd 1 1 tne in 1 ty If it fl
Cure, 250.
Gillett's Pepper box Bluing
at C. K. Brownkix's.
Si-' der.
Washinqto'h July 15. A dispatch from
Shatter says that the commissioners
think the matter will bo settled today.
There are about 12,0q0 in the city and
about as manv more in the surrounding
districts, 25,000 in all to be transported.
(ieneral Miles was present anu rata uie
surrender was aa complete aa poesible.
It cannot be possible that there will be
failure in completing the arrangements.
A water famine in the city is imminent.
The supply has been cut. This was told
Lieutenant Miley by the English com
missioner. I will wire frequently how
the negotiations are progressing.
reite Blee Mext
WAsrtiNOTO!, July 15, Telegrams
which have passed between the military
authorities here and those in Cuba ana
agents of the war department in other
places indicate that preparations for the
Vnrtn Ricn axnedition are beinn Riven
earnest attention. The officials here de
cline to discuss the arrangements in prog
ress or to say from what port or ports
the troops are to embark.
Paaie Stricken
London-, July 15. It is announced in
a dispatch Irom uarcoiona mat me in
habitant of that city are panic-stricken
They believe the Americans will select
deienseiess it&rceiona as me poiut to
bombard. The local banks are removing
their specie to tbs country, the mer
chants are sending their goods to places
of safety and many Frenchnfen are leav
VicrottiA. July 15. Advices from
Skssruav sav that Jefferson Smith,
well-known gambler, generally known
as "Soapy" Smith, was shot and killed
July 8 by the city engineer of Skaguay.
A miner namea etewart, wno juai ar-
rivec from Dawson claimed to have been
buncoed out of 12700. Tbe troubled
arose from that.
acT Ceasing
Victoria. July 15. Tbe steamer Cot
tage City, which touched here tonight on
her wav to Seattle from Alaska, bad on
board 20 miners from Dawson, with
about $750 000 in gold dust and drafts
moeuv tne latter, i her came un me
l nton nwr in a steamer to line
Horse rapids, where they transferred to
a laxe .Bennett steamer.
I.OSDOX July 15. The .Madrid corre-i
spondent of tbe daily Telegraph says :
1 he government bas dennately decid
ed to open peace Decollations without
kietsy, proposing as a basis tne renunci
ation ol all rights over l uua and tbe
immediate duicassion of any other
reasonable proposals the United Slates
msy mske. lnlormal negotiations for!
peace are continued.
The sttabs Man.
Washisotox, July 13 Captain
Charles E. Clark, commanding the bat
tleship Oregon bas been appointed chief
of staff of Commodore Watson command
ing the Eastern squadron, under orders
to proceed to European waters and har
ass tbe coast of Spain, and to nanus and
destroy the Spanish fleet in command of
Admiral Camara. Captain Clark will
retain command ef the Oregon while
serving as chief of staff.
a a Ire ler tm.
Sacramesto, Jnly IX The fuiontt
in the populists State con rent inn tonight
routed the middle-of-the-road men by
nominating Representative Maguire far
govenor, the vote stsndins 154 tor Mi-
guireto IV) for T. V. E. Shinnahsn.
ewejr All KUkl
Waohingto.v. July 13: The narv de
partment has received this dijtch:
"Agutnaldo informed me that his
troops had taken all tbe Subig bay ports
except the Isle Grande, which ihev were
prevented from taking bv the German
man-of war Irene. On July 7 the Ral
eigh and Concord went there; tlier took
the island and about 300 men. with arm
and ammunition. There was no rcsist-
nnce. lue Irene retired from the bay
on their arrival. I shall send the ttoetoo
to help AguinaUo. it is not practicable
w itmi iu uum. .o i roof are avail
able. "Dewev."
TV SUa Leaa.
New Yoac, July 13. There waj an in-
creasea amount ol eagerness toenhscritw
(or the wsr loan bunds at tbe sob-
treasury as the lime expired at 3 V. M.
The total sobscriptioas are estimated
oy censers to exceed five times the
amount of the loan. It is lhoii)it fully
one-half of the award will go to sub-
scr.oers in amounts of j00 or lees.
ASaraaas to CeewaaM Satr.
Key Wist. July 13. According to ad
vicee from Havana received here today,
uiwrww i.ianco attempted to
xnmam auicwe wnen be learned br vend
doubt that Admiral Cervera's sooadron
had been annihilated. After a straggle
"c euuuuea ana disarmed, but the
auuc was so severe tost be was pros
t rated and compelled to keen bis bed for
several days.
Kx aires U Saaa.
Gcaxtasaiso ray, July 13.-Major-General
Miles today assumed command
of the army around Santiago, and the
future movenients of the United States
troops will be directed by him in person.
The armistice, whirh K.. ,i.i .
ed pending negotiations for the surren-
wun,orc " expire st
noon Thursday, and unless the demands
of the Americana are acceded to by that
time, a general attack will be made, the
fleet bombarding the city from outside
the harbor.
Oraaaa aAe T II. Jui v 14. Tim IVJ rartiA 7ai(hm
denounces the story of tbe German war-
ncire luivrnfnng at eubig bav, ia
land of Luson, PhiUppinea. aa a 'fabri
cation. TheLokal Anxciger says the
Americana are unreasonably excited
about the Irene incident.
"W Sal ( the Oceaalaw.
WAsnrsorox, Jnly 14. It can be stat
ed pofltively that no repreuentaUons
have yet been made to the German gov
ernment respecting the actions of the
German naval commanders in tbe Phil
ippines. Admiral Dewey has handled
these matters in such a way aa to leave
no room for suggestions or representa
tions on the part of the state department.
Whaleaale aieallag.
i'ENDLCTOS, Or.. July 14u has just
come to light that there is a reign of ter
ror at Bear Creek, Umatilla county, and
farmers are planning to organise com
mittees to stamp out the bands of cattle
ana norse uneves mat are Intesting the
ranges. During the last 18 months there
lias been a great ueai 01 stealing, bun
ureus 01 came and horses being yearly
taken from the ranges and sold or eaten
oy tne tiueves.
The rifih ExsIUea.
Sak Francisco.'JuIy 14 Major-Gen
eral Otis today issued an order desig
nating the troops to sail for Manila on
the second section of the fourth expedi
tion, or the fifth expedition, as it may
be called. Ihe order came somewhat
as a surprise.
Trala Hel 1
Wissmii-cca. Nev., July 14. The first
and most daring train robbery in years
on the Truckee division of the Central
Pacific occured this morning two miles
east of Humbolt. Two masked robbers
held up the East-bound express train. No
1. Engineer Wkkland and Fireman Mc-
Derniott were taken off the engine and
compelled to go to the ex press enr, the
robbers climbing over the tender and
covering them with revolvers and a Win
chester rifle. The robbers blew open
the express car door wun nynamito and
also blew the safe open. The car was
completely demolished. How much w a
secured is not known.
Shafler's Bepert.
Washingtoh, July 14. Arjutant-Gen-eral
Corbin received the following cable
gram from Plsya del Este: J
"I have just returned from an inter
view with General Toral. lie agrees to
surrender on the basis of his army being
returned to Spain. This proposition
embodies tbe surrender of all Eastern
Cnba from Acerraderos on tlio south Jo
Sngua, with practically the Fourth army
corps. The commissioners will meet
this afternoon st 2:30 to definately ar
range the terms.
Sccaers Alter uold know they mar
oe uiHannoinieu. out cuaen, unuui
take Hood's Sarsaoarilla with the utmost
eonfidenoe that it will do them wonderful
Has Surrendered
Pobtlahd, July 15. A Telegram spec,
isl ears that Santiago surrendered un
conditionally at noon today.
Tha Conditions.
Portlasd, July 14. The conditions of
Santiago' surrender ars that Spanish
trnupa am returns a to opsin st expense
oi united States.
. . ... - .
i conditional Surrender
VA8Hi!oros, July 14 Shelter an
nounces that Toral was appointed com
missioner to arrange peace terms, but
bis proposition was declined. Thst tbe
(J 8 would consider oniv unconditional
Alter the Spaniard.
Sax Faakcisoo, July 14. Ths gunboat
Bennington leaves today to search for
the Spanish warship, ssid to be waiting
for tbe Klondike treasure.
Off for Honolulu.
cam r a no soo, July 15. The trans
ports Puebla and Peru will sail this after
noon with troops for Honolulu.
Porto Rico Next.
Washistotox July 15. Porto Rico will
be attacked within a week, with Gea.
Miles commanding.
Signs ot Peace.
Maori o, Ju'y 15. A decree has been
published suspending the rights of in
dividual in Spain. This is said to be
proof thst peacer negotiations are pend
Troops to be Withdrawn.
Waswsotox, Jaly 15. It is snnoan-
ed that all Ameikan troops esm'; im
mune will be withdrawn fr.i Cuba
within a week.
Not Needed Now.
Tampa, July 15. Tbe loading of trans
ports has ceased.
Cbaajjbstox, July 13. The embarka
tion ot troops bas been stopped.
To Protect Klondike GjIJ.
S!i Frascisco, July 15. It ia believ
ed the gunboat Bennington will proceed
to St Michaels as a consort for tbe
American treasure ships coming sooth.
The Surrender
The Surrender Complete
Wasbiscto. July 16 Gen. Shafter
announces Tora'.s agreemeot to Sbafler's
termi. Santisos' so, render is complete.
Tbe Americans will endeavor to pre
vent Blanco from commoalcaUog with
Another Accession.
Sax FaAXrtsco, Jaly 18. It is i
nounced that tbe Uooterer will seise the
Carolines oa ber Manila trip
Wasb!scto, July IS 61000 volan
teeia of second call bare Uea mustered
Only 2,000 foops will be left at Santi
ago besides insurgents.
Porto Rico expedition is to be rcsbed .
Sax Fraxcuct July 16. Two more
transports will leave Monday forfMAnila
from tLe Times:
Rev. W. W. Davis and family. Uiss
Francis Jennings, and Mr. II. C. Mac key
and wife relumed last week from a
week'a outing at Alsee, Tbey report
having had a very pleasant time.
Mrs. Li axis Dana came over from Al
bany Monday 10 call oa friends here be
fore her departure for Chambers bo nr.
HI., for which place she, accompanied by
her elster-in-ltw, Mies Bern ice Dunn,
departed Tuesday.
Mr. A. Kelson, manager of the Cottsge
Grove Electric Light plant ia tn the city,
and his mission is indeed aa important
one. With the proper encouragement
Mr. Nelson will put ia s plant in drowns
viile. A. W. Blackburn came up from Al
bany Wednesday eveaing, and left this
morning for Upper Suds. Archie's health
is not the beet, and he and bis many
friends hope thst the pure mountain air,
together with out door exercise will prove
List of Patents.
Granted to Pacific atatea inventors
this week. Reported by OA Snow A
Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C
8 W Carter, San Francisco, Oal, pro
filer; F L Guillement, ban Frsnciaeo,
air-brake; E W H ill, Cor te Madera, Cel.
writing tablet and note book; Wm Mo
Oaffery. Trier. Wash, railwsr switch:
J Morrison. Seattle. Wash, pine coup
ling; i 8 Myers, Riverside, Cal, tree-
prop bracket; M U linen, tresno, Cal,
spring-wheel; J W Psck, Berkeley, Cal.
recovery of gold fro a wsste solutions of
chtotinstion-works; F A Stevens, San
Francisco, Cal, mechanics: stoker; OG
Van Fleet, Loe Angeles. Cal, compjsi
tion of matter (or manufacturing glass;
L Weber, Roslyo, Wash, combined
sleigh snd boat.
For copy ot any patent send 10 cents in
postsse stsmps with date of thispsper
to C A Snow A Co-.Washinaton, D 0.
A ihnil nf term, it tiiMiiSMi whan a
braoy cough ol croup eittftds through the
hnuaa at uight Bat the terror e.Ko ehea
gs to relict after Una Minute CoqlH Curs
has ben administered Mate and har nleaa
or ehitdcau J A Camming
Tbe three clothing nouses bsve sgresd
to oloso until September 1st st 8 o'clock
except on Saturday nights,
Children and adults tortured bv burn.
scalds, injuries, eeaeina or skin disease
may secure instant relief by using Da
Witt's Witch Halve. Itlatho -Tea.
rile remedy. J. A. Cumminns.
--T-Bre nr ri:
'-rameeil tobaeco ssotl t
" I'.roua, bio- Hire. 50o
' CB5
re. ma ioc
To Any Reliable Man.
Waitafcma arinee and oaa ateata's waiaSles
r rare power will be emit oa trial, wuAoat aa
aSenaei p.tymt, hr ihe l.wenioM eoeinui j ia the
world tn tbe treatment et et-a weak, brokea. St-'
jeuraaeS rreei eSeott el eaeewea. worn, men,
wor Aa. Hai,pTaiarri 'aieired.eoB)Bletere
tnraUpa oe erelopment ot all mboat eoaatltena.
The Umm ef thia oBw M ItnlteS. Ala C. O. It,
ERIE tlEMPI I Pfl .4 NJ a Q a r a St.
rutitvnt, VUi.
A Salem paper apologises fcr saying
tbst a couple of lawyers bsd gons to
British Columbia when tbey had not.
The oldest English fire insurance com
pany is the Hand in Hand Assurance of
London, which was organised in-1696,
more than two hundred years, it was
first known aa tbe "Amicable Contribu
tionship for insurance upon bouses."
The first chartered companies of Eng
land were tbe Royal Exchange Assurance
and the London Assuranco Corporation,
whose existence dates back to the year
iioj. in tnis country, -me Philadel
phia Contributionship" is the oldest,
having been organized in 1752. One of
the above companies The Koval Fx-
cbange Assurance is repesented in Al
bany by ll.F. Merrill Agent.
Young men wearing neckties in checks
are being requested to stamp them in o
der to comply with tbe lew.
There sre plenty of wsr jokes around.
Spain will use Dewey's profile on pos
tage stamps, as that is tbe only wav she
can lick bim. Youngsters art not allow
ed to sit on tbe grass at Manila because
it is Dewey. The reason we can get no
news irom v aanington is because be is
A couple of farmers were giving Samp
son fits because be took those Spanish
prisoners from Schley's ship. Tbe
poepie are wan eciiiey. At the same
tune it is well to remember that though
aampson bis bead high and feels
tne importance oi his position be is a
true and faithful naval commander.
The Salem Independent says:
Here is a problem in business econ
omy: w by is it that flour brings from
SLIOto ILLS per sack in the market
when wheat is down to 50 and 60 rents?
Tbe mills sppear to be in the trust busi
ness. The next legislature ought to reg
ulate tolls, or find some other wsy of
preventing millers from combining.
Es-County Judge Hafford. cf Corval
lis, is in Portland on business. After
-rving tbe people of Benton county
eight years be banded tbe office over to
bis successor E. Woodward, on the 5th
inst. tie says Benton county warrants
"sell like hot cakes" at 2 to 4 per cent
premium. The county is aboat $10,000
xeiegrsm. una county war
rants do not sell like V . cakes, in fact
aonotseusisiL Ibc. are paid on pre-
Tbe following contains a grain of
Colonel Alley returned yesterday from
a meeting of the trustees of tbe Soldiers'
Home at Roseburg, and took last even-
tog a inua iot csser wtty. i nere are
now 75 inmates at the home, mostly vet
erans of the civil and Indian warn. Mr.
uiey says ne am not attend any more
of tbe meetings of the board, as he does
no gn pay enougn to cover his expen
ses, l here are loar other trustee, who
live dose to Roseburg. and to tbem he
delegates his part of the doUes. Tbe in
sUuttion, be says, is ia a prosperous
Bomina financially.
Ths dispatches are telling tl a decree
in Spain providing for tbe suspension of
rights of individuals. Some inquiry bas
been made as to what this means. As tbe
DtasocsAT ia not aware of indiridaals in
Spain or any of ber provinces ever bating
say rights, outsids of tbe pampered of
ficials, it is not sole to throw much light
oa the subject. Ask narvey Sco:t. H
ia authority oo obscure matters.
Salem cootractorsjwill find bids adver
tised for in Tbe Journal for a new school
bouse at Coquille City and a new court
boos at Albany. Cbas. U. Bm-graif,
the Salem architect furnished plans for
coth buildings. Now why not have a
Salem contractor do the building?
JoornaL "ot in this county if Linn
county contractors can prevent it. It is
our money and we wish to keep it at
home if low bidding will do it,
Wbta Johnny comes marching borne
We'll five him a rousing cbeer;
And I hope it won't be oog till then.
For things are lonesome bore.
When Johnny cornea marching home,
hooray I
We'll all oe happy then,
Ard tbe gas tails papa bas to psy
Will go bounding up sn.
Chicago Swi.
A Portland man received a prise for
ettiug op tbe best wsr advertisement.
Hare it is:
Bow is this? Tbe reason tbe United
States bas so much advantage ia this
war ic thst shs is as strong ss Ssmpton.
Miles Long, Schley as a fox. plenty of
Merrill, what more Dewey want, bot a
box of..
It is reported that tbe aphis ia ap
pearing in large numbers on the late
spring grain around Albany, and
damage may be expected unless there
are some bot dsys to stay their ravages.
JoornaL Just the same as it lias for
several Years. But no damage of any
cnooa amount is expected.
Albany had a call for 13 recruits and
Captain Kendall succeeded in getting on
ly IS men in thst city who were qualified
for enlistment. Hsd Eugene known
there would be a shortage we would have
furnished the extra man. We i are
Blenty of them here. Eugene Register,
leva you. Of those who recently en
listed In Lane county less than one third
were from Eugene, only eight eulisting
from there.
You Can Save 15 Per Cent by buy
ing Family Syringes during July at Daw
son's little corner Drug Store. Albany.
Taere are three liltle things whieh'do
more work than any other three little
thlagt oreated they are tha aot, te bee
and DeW itta LUU. 8u Risers, tie la t
being the fasDoss little pills fur stomach
snd liver toublee J A Camming
Whooping oooirh Is the moat distreesiag
malady; but its duration can be cut short
hy tbe use of the Minute Cough Cure,
whtckis aUothe beat known remedy for
croup and all lueg and broncial troubles.
J. A. Cumming.
What pleasure is there in life with a head
ache, constipation asd biliousness? Thous
ands experience them wbo could become
perfectly healthy by nun le Witts little
Eat ly Risers famous litUe pil's.
J a, maiming.
Cal Arr h Cured. A clear head aao
weet breah secured with hniloh'e Cs
arrh Remedy: sold by Foehay A Mason
Rsscrs honad, set and put in first class
order at Viereck's shaving snd hair cut
ting parlors.
Hood's Pill are the only put tn tare
HoodSarsapurt!u. Easy, yet effluent
Next Visit Here.
Prof. Hvman A Co.. the German Oc
ulist and Cataarh Specialist, from Port
land, will be at the St. Charles Hotel
July 17 and 18, for.two days only, and re
turn each month. We will cure your
cataarh no matter how chronic, without
fail. No medicine internally. Cataarh
ia a very dangerous disease. Call and
have a friendly talk with Professor whirh
costs absolutely nothing. Glasses fitted
for eyes, umce hours tn Albany all day.
Remember the date of our coming.
Te Cars Coaati patio. ToreTee.
' Take Cascarets Candy Catbartlo. We orBa
It G C C f ail to cure, drum lata rvtund mooe
Southern Pacific Oo.
California Bipnas Train ; rorHaaa Pall
Soots I
CflO r. . L
teaa 1 1
8 IS A a I Ar
Saa rranlc
Ar t:M 11
if i ao
A!j-v fail wp at s'atloa be
tween Pof.lae.1 sad 84lem Tur
ser, Marlon, Jefferson Albany
Tanorent. Shedd". UaUey Eugene
Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and all
stations troa Koseburg soum to sno in
cluding Ashland.
SrSOaa I lt
k.1 1 llira
L f IS .Mr a
Lw I 7 '
U-.Urm !.
t.-XHra ar
mi auw
Uae fcr Utkaaaa SIS
antra at AUmV tiomUibw
Laan Alton? lor Lebwoa
Arrir at Albaer traa Ubeooa 7 t
"Via A
DiHine Cars cn oaen koum:
S llaras ta all Tbrawsn Traiaa
asTfsrAi reTiA aa cotatais
re Bin.1 (lKpBaiMr
aueawae n,T
sseas IL
Ar Ik J
L liters
KxpnoTma Dil (Swept
440 ra I
Tdrai Ar
Sjor a Ar
Arietta a
Lt(S a a
BBUmJiiurnKwo. num S-7 Sra eaaa
ad Sll aoead aim., taelal ax aleeper
Bu. vil ttcV- ta f"
LIA mvm. M oh-v-i rym
r or C wis
sea r a r a
rarven Of g
The Scenic Line Of the World
f eeUj FicuHiens
To Tbe
In through tourist ears without chsnge.
Ia tings cf Iiserienced esrains
tcts aii psrn
To K aw as City sad Chicago
1 afiala and Boetcn
wiicoa cfcioge-TiA Sat Lake
jm ri Paafce sad ChicSja
ar Alto Rairoad
T. Omaha. Cskaue, Eoffalo
Boeno, witaoet efca, T-
Salt Lake and CSieigs. Rck
T.StJoaopo. K.eaa Cite,
WEDXSUAYs A t Lrais. witaoat cfcaage
Tt Salt Lk aaa BerSia
To Kanxai Cty asd S. ls
THCRDV3 withal e!iag. .!?u
Leaad Mis.3onPacuscR
A day etopove arra5ed
aBdVeaver . , l.l.Aa
A Rd firougi
th ItJman
5Croratea asd loiarmxlion
if O B
& K sad S P '' ia";
R C SK-ao. G .-o Ajt,
251 Waahiasto !,
S K Roesas,
Solid rfibule trains. contia of rl
-i lurs iooa diBiaar can.
eWant da cASbea, magat&Jeat teuru
ca- ir I frevotoeist sleepers from the I a
cific to the Atlantic without snaase.
osTotaKcrAso aorra r
srw PESYxa,
stocAS err',
aosau"P ao
All points ia the Okaaagaa Country.
Ge a pamphlet giving a M lescripUor.
nf ihia r.Wfal eoantrv. Ai sarect
for a copy of the miaisg lawsU i-si
Lowes ratM e asd from
Atlantic teamship ines.
Oauadian P&c.Ry. Co's
Royal Mail Steamship
line to China and Japan
The shortest lioe to the Ccloniss. These
steamers carry an experienced medical
maa, and a stewardess on every voyage.
For time tables pamphlets, or any ia
ormattoa. call oa or address
S N STEELE A CO. Agnts.Albny Or.
KJOOYLE. Ag t.16 Third St., Port-
snd. Or.
V ancouver. U. U.
Oregox t i:rn vii
Connecting st YaqumaBay with tha
San Francisco & Yaaina Ba ,
Sails from Y' equina every 8 davs (oi
San Francisco, OoosBay.Humboidt Bay.
Shortest route between the Willam
ette YaUey and California.
Fare fiora Albany and points west ic
e&n Francisco
Round trip good tor 60 days. . ,
To Coos Bay ,
Steerage ,
6 00
To liumboldt Bay and Port Ortord,
kbin I10.M
peerage 8 00
River Division.
Steamer "Albany between Portland
Jnd Oorvallis. through without layover,
leaves Oor rail ia 6:30 a. m. Tuesdays.
Thursdays and Satu'das, leaves Port
,and, Yamhill street docs. 6:00 a. m.
Moodaya Wednesdays and Fridaa.
Edwin Stokx, J O Mavo.
Manager Supt River Div
Physician and surgeon. Office. First M
W R Bilveu, Foshsy A Mason block.
J R N Blackborn, P O block.
H Bryant. P O block.
Anderson Cannon. PO block
J N Duncan, P O block.
T P Hacklemen, Pesree block.
Judge H H Hewitt, P O block.
N B llumpbrev.
Kelly A Curl, bank building.
L II MoiUDve, Pesree block.
J C Powell, P O block.
II 0 Wstson, bank building.
Weatberford A Wjett. Bank bnilding.
Whitney A Newport, Cusick block.
O W Wright, PO block.
8 M Gsrlsnd.
A A Tossing. . 1
Largest stock
Lowest prices
the Printer.
N jtwv ia hercbT aivea that tne uadcr
s'gned bat bees appoisted admiotstrator
of the aatale of Deborah K wing, deceased,
h the eonnrv court of Una coo my, Or.
tod all persons having daimaagaiuat said
aetata are notified to pretest the same,
prt-pcly verified, to tbe usdemssd at
Bi hm aboat 34 mtle aonth ot Albany
or to L H Montaote at bis o-x ta toe
Strahsa Vwt brick in Albany. Oregoav
within six month tr a ne oaie nereoa-
Aibany.Or. Mis 7 1-
L H Most nys 1 aos rl Bicuaxx,
Attr or tt a. aumta lstraio
rIWI ...
-R.YOCSO - j
a X Verk Ba
From Portland.
Silt Lake, Denver. Ft Fast
Worth, Omaha. Kan- Mail
ras City, St Louis, 7:20 asa
Chicago and East.
Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane
an, Minneapolis. St Flyer -Paul.
Doloia. Mil- 10:05 am.
waukee. Chicago, A
All Sailing dates subject
to cbsnge.
For Saa r rancisto
Sail Msv. 1.4. 7. 10, 13,
7 p m To Alaska
Sail Msy 8, 16. 26.
Satordsy'To Artoria sod Wsy
10 pm Landings.
-a -4
Ot.-.t'-nVt SAPS t-rm-m t-
a c rvr-e - to ' ; .
PACoaawT. t- f
C.S. r-aa.
. . .
6am WILLAMETTE Kit. 4--30pfe.
ExSun Orecoo Citv, I'ewbe g, Ex Sua-
Sslem A W ly-Laad's
Toesdav, YAMHILL BIT. Moodsy,
Thure-," Orenoo City, Dayton, Wed.. f
and Sat and Wsy-Landa. and Sat
6am WILLAMETTE RIY. 4 30 pm
Tuesdsy Portland to Corvallis rassday
Tbur , and Wsy-LsBLngs. Thar ,
and Sar. S"
LvRtparia Lv Lewistoa
1:45 a m SN AKE RIVES 5:45 s m ,
Mou.Wed Riparia to Lesietoa San.Tues
andFri. aadTbur. f
Gen. Pass. Agent,
CG.RAWLIXGS, Portland, Or.
Agent Albany.
our Capacity
Is Unequaled
In the.Valley.
Is Unsurpassed
In Oregon.
We have the best stock tu
select from and our prices
are always the lowest, quality
Albany. The rmtor
naORTHERll "
Puilman Sleeping Oars.
Elegant Dirriag Oars,
loxiris' aieepiag umr
St Paul
PO Grand Forks
Helena aad
N'ew Hork
goeton and al.
Points East and South
Throneh tickdts to Japan and Chaa, ns
Tacomaaad Northern Pacific steamahi
Co., aa Americas line.
For information, tune cards, maps anc
tiekete call on or write C u Burkhart
agent, Albany, Or.
A D CharlU. At Gea Pass aa
Portland O-
arToaarr at law oxsooa crrr. oaaaoa
City Titles and Land Office Boston, a.