The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 15, 1898, Image 3

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15c to 50c each.
See west show win-
S E Young & Son,
Ladies Bazaar
of silks and silky sateens.
Fall flounced and corded effects.
Roman stiipes, changeable and black.
White muslins, both lace and embroid
ry trimmed.
A B kLLAt)..
of ITis Sweet
Far Away.
As the t earner, sailed away, from the
- Golden Gate's deep bay,
Loaded down with boys in bine from
vale and hill,
There was one amid the throng, for that
trackless journey long,
In whose eyes the tears would come
against his will.
Neither sister nor a mother had this lad
to tell good-bye;
So you wonder why the tears came to
his eye.
He is looking o'er the bay, and beyond
the mountains high,
To a cottage where he said good-bye.
He's thinking of that brown-eyed girl,
So loyal brave and trne
Who said, "Your country needs you, go,
Each day I'll pray for you.
Come back to me when war shall cease,
Your happy bride I'll be."
He's thinking of his sweetheart dear
So many miles away.
After many weeks st sea, and from foes
' all thoughts were free,
All these lads were light and gay and
full of glee;
Many jokes and many songs helped to
while the hours along
Till they reached the land towards the
setting son,
Then when all the ships had anchored
safe and sound
And the army sleeping peacefully on
As the sentry walks his beat,ia the burn-
ing torrid heat,
This one thought still keeps his heart
both brave and strong.
. coHsra
The above has been set to music of
Sir. Ware's own composition, a very
pretty air. The whole is very creditable.
"A Garden Spot."
Editor Democrat .
a l . .:..!.. in nnnr nmiernf Julv 1st
headed by the above title attracted my
attention for its surprising statements
without asingle fact presented to substan
tiate it, and all the more surprising that
was written by a native Oregonian, who
seems to have taken delight in ignoring
this beautiful Willamette valley of ours.
San Diego is a land of sunshine, vfe ad
mit that; they have flowers there, but it
is by artificial means they are kept alive
for the lanrcr part of the year, but sun
shine and flowers don't make a garden
spot of earth. And no doubt there are
just as true men and women there as
there is in anv "country. You will find
good people in every civiliael country in
the world. But these can't make tne;
garden spot of earth.' Church and Sab- j
bath school privileges abound in every
city in this free and glorious country of
ours and nowhere are those privileges
more abundant than in our grand and
beautiful Willamette vallev. There are
four churches and two Sabbath schools
within three miles of the writer of that
article, but these don't make the garden j
spot of earth. The magnificent view of
the hotel Coronada from the beach, in
all its elaborate architectural beauty ,and !
six acres of land lawned, which cost a J
fortune and is an "elephant" on its own
ers hands, don't constitute the garden
spot of earth. A splendid view of the
grand old ocean is inspiring at any time,
ana the- relucting waves as tbey
. ; Death of John Fox.
Mr. John Fox died at his home in this
city last Saturday atternoon, July 0, at
3 :30 o'clock, at the age of 58 years, after
a lingering illness, of Bright's Diseaso of
the kidney's, tie was born in Uermany,
coming to the United States, when
young, locating in Montana when a
young man, and coming from there here
about thirty years ago, for a good many
years running a bakery and grocery, bv
industry and attention to business ac
cumulating a considerable amount of
The deceased leaves a wife and four
children and many friends to mourn his
The funeral services were held this
afternoon in the United Presbyterian
church and were conducted by Rev. C.
R. Stevenson. ! "
needn't smell
Dear Madam:
Your bread
. of soda or alum or
- Schilling's Best baking
powder has no lime or alum
or excess of -sodai
Tuesday evening, July 12,
Present, the mayor,reeorder,,marthal,
street superintendent, chief engineer and
councilman Galbraith, Dannals, Hop
kins, Martin and Graham (,
The following bills were ordered paid :
A very neat Id page illustrated Sou
venir booklet for the Albany College to
be distributed at the Chautauqua Assem
bly is just off Smiley's presses.
From the quality of work this plant is
uroing out it is no wonder Smiley is
trowded with printing.
Bill Wigle, who has driven stages on
various routes in this country for ten
consecutive years, has retired to his
farm for good. During the past ten
years he claims to have traveled 80,000
miles without ever having been at any
time 150 miles from home. Crook Coun
ty Journal.
An Albany man is reaching out over
the mountains for the business and ad
vertises in the Crook County Journal as
follows: Something new. A druggist
that sells cheaD. That s Dawson, lie
dash lives in the vallev. at Albany, lie will
upon the shore are enthusing, but the 1 deliver goods at Lebanon or Foster free
, ,1 - I . , " ...... .
crand old monarch in all its power,
beauty and zlorv don't make the garden
spot of earth. Not having one solitary
fact to present to show wherein San
Diego, is the Tgarden spot of earth, it is
surprising that the writer is very anxious
to drop the theme. The fact is San Diego
don't possess a single thing to make it a
garden spot and 1 am surprised that a
person born and raised in Linn county
should try to praise up such a sandv,
burned up country as San Diego as the
garden spot of earth and throw a slur at
their native home and especially this
glorious Willamette valley. It is aston
ishing how one, after living here so long,
can try to belittle this gr.-at and lovely
W Uiamette, where nature has supplied
man with everything he needs to
make it a paradise ,by calling San Diego
the garden spot of earth where they have
nothing bat sunshine and completely
ignore their own beautiful and na
tive land where every tiling is in abun
dance even to the sunshine. It would
have been better had they dropped
the theme before they picked it up than
to call San Diego the garden spot of earth
when they are not raising enough there
this year to feed jack rabbits, and our
wonderful Willamette valley is groaning
with its heavy load of all kinds of pro
ducts. With the proper observation of the
laws of health there is no place in this
country more healthy .than ours. The
ratio of the death rate is nearly twice as
large in California as in Oregon. Those
who violate the laws of health must suf
fer and that' suffering will occur with
every one if they disregard those health
laws". Talk about San Diego being the
garden spot of earth, most absurd state
ment. If there is one place that is a garden
spot of earth it is the Wiilamete vallev.
Crops have never been known to iaii
here, and one can raise everything in
abundauce that grows except the tropical
fruits. Will the writer of tbat article
give one single reason why San Diego is
uie garden spot ot earth. 1 am ot the
opinion they looked at the resources of
that country thtough the eyes of a real
estate agent or a newspaper man.
Mies Mary Sellers has gone to Soda-
ville for an outing.
The condition of Father White, of Sa
lem, is said to be very critical with little
hopes of his recovery.
Mr. Fred Dawson received! a dispatch
from Sault St. Marie, Ontario, yesterday,
announcing the death of bis mother. She
was about nity hve years ot age.
Mr. Luke O'Brien is in the citv. Mr.
O'Brien informs as that he has a Stock
of goods on the way from San Francisco,
and will open np in business again at
Yaquina. Newport News.
Prof. Schmitt left this mominsr for
Oregon City, on his bicycle, and will at
tend the Chautauqua assembly for two
weeks in the interest of the Albany col-
ee. The assembly will open tomorrow.
Born, on July 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Joe.
Achenbach, a son ; on July 6 to Mr. and
Mrs. Danvin Case, a daughter; July 8 to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogers, a eon : July
9 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Censer, a; die and be buried in Sale n to
aauguter. I was mucn attarbed
of charge. Mail him ynur order .
We took advantage of the cool boors
on the morning of July 4th and walked
to Albany and took in the grand celebra
tion. We saw- many of our friends
among others W . V. Crawford and fam
ily and Mc Knight brothers, ot Tallmao.
We searched faithfully for onr friend
"McK." of Tennessee and although be
was in the crowd be ws invisible to as.
We noticed one grand feature in the cel
ebration. Tnete was no discord.all were
agreed and all were alike happy. The
news from the war pleased all.
A. S. Stone and sons caught tome very
nice fish in Muddy yesterday.
Mr. R. 6. Junkin started last Wednes
day for Oregon City via wagon road and
afoot. Mr. J . is a graduate of the C. L.
S. C.claosot 9i. He is also a member
of the "White Seal" and the Y. P. S. C.
E. and an honorary member of the W.
C.T. U. He will not lack for friends.
We wish him a nice trip and a good time
at Gladstone Park.
Mr. Wilson White, of Yaquina, passed
through here hut week. Ha is accomp
anied by his family.
Albert McC'ung, of Crawfordrvi.le, is
visiting friends here.
Mr. Thomas Alderson is in very feeble
health. Mr. AJdersoa is one of the men
who defended our country in the 'GO'..
The binders are now as busy as the
mowers were last week. A la'ge crop ia
to be Uken care of.
Littlx Rosa Bcd.
Important Opinion.
U. S. attorney John II Hall, nf twi.
land, has given the following oninion to
county clerk Lee of Laue county :
In response to your inonirv of .T.,i it
as to whether or not a tnl(!n.( --'
1.- . ui BU-
uuiouKcnjioiio a 'deed or
a ueed or mnrn
rtquresa ten cent revenue stamp I
have to say, that if yon refer to the act
"," womu OS included nni
knowledgement of the deed or mortgage
I think that would lu. i,,,h,jTAI.
the paragraph referring to converanrec
requiring a 60 cent atCmn l7nSHl
.i ! . knledeeJ' but "7 certificate
ir HK'V.8- reK'din M mortgage
or deed, that is as to whether or not the
notary w duly qualified a, such, or the
jutic.waa such an officer, would re
quire a ten cent stamp; ami anv certifi
es issued by you officially or otherwise
.v. .u, ui Muat-, wou:a also
ten cent stamp.
WBBarr.. ....
P Cohen
P J Smiley
CG Burkhsrt...
O P Dannals....
J P Galbraith...
J J Graham..
17 50
15 00
21 25
6 00
7 00
6 00!
6 00
f 'S
A II Martin.
M Senders
E A Parker.
Ohas Medin
Albany Water Co..
Sam Conn.........
Electric Light Co.
Reports were made favoring
cross the canal at Third and
require a
Assignment oMV.'-KRetd.
This foreboon Mr. W. P. Keid made an
cstignment to Mr. Albert Browneil.wlth
G. W. Wright as attorney, for the bene
fit of Ins creditors. The assets are $fl,200
r.a follows; Ibterent in r .
68, $600; 9 shires capital stock Read,
.jo. .WW. hich hypoth
ecated; 28 Shares BuilJintr A- I V."
a?K D S '"Cisco, ftiOO; 20 shares
Albany Building Association, $500; 70,
000 share Albany Min.n. rv. .. ' i. li
nominal valoe. w mwM
The liabilities ara Firt V..;.i n t.
210d, Robert Biowa 50 Building A
Loin AMksiaiin f c . aTaa
Mr. Reid has hMn in
lvA..a C uvea UCrV
about fifteen years and his failute wiil
oe generally regretted as melt as his
precen. l!ne. he being confined to his
borne. The affairs nf f.i i. -i. i.
Co- cf which he was a member, a.e in
go d condition.
Death of Father White.
From the Journal :
At the Catholic parsonage, tSafem, Mon
day, July 11.1S9S, Rev. J. g. White, pas
tor of St. Joseph's parish, died, aged 46
years and 6 months.
This announcement, while not wholly
nnexpecte J, brought deep grief to the en
tire community and especially to the
CathoIicpopu!ation in and around Salem,
Rksested Em" bta Moxkkv. The
old so'dier, who is in the city i ail for
beiog drunk and disorderly, has a badiy
scratched np nose. He explains it in
the following manner: WLile in S.ltm
a few dats ago he was in a saloon where
they have a monkey He was watchin
the animal in his playful pr.nks. wnen
wUtooi intending to be abusive V tbe
monkey he said: "Ah you old Span
iard. The monkey was mad in an in
stant and sprang viciously at the old eil
dier getting him by the note and glvioj
ntm a bad scratch as hit face will show.
Was tr OccraKD. The St. Charles
Hotel fi.e in this city oecored on Friday
afternoon, August 4, 1885, beginning in
an old buildin? this side of the St.
Cbarlea, previously occupied as a Chin
ese laundrr, and spreading to the ad
joining buildings, the dames finally
leaping across tbe street to the hotel
ne mention the data on armnnt nf
s considerable of a discussion as to tbe
lime tbe fire took place-
A near eiginita'.ion is the Xalive Sons
af Oregon. J. 0., Leaaure is tracd pre
iient; first vice-president, Joseph D
Lee; grand second vice-president. Frank
M Robinson ; grand secretary, Eugene D
White; grand treasurer. 11 C Wormian:
j grand orator. B B Beekman: irraad in
where Father White was noiversally re-id entinel. Charles T belcher; gf.nJ
spected and esteemed for the maoy qoal-'ooU,d "Doel. Claud StMban; grand
itiea of mind and heart tbat endeared arshal, John W; grand trustee,
him to those who bad tbepleasdre of his r'Pb M"iy, Ralph R Duniway, Sol
acquaintance. Blumanner, Ralph W licit. Arthur L
Deceased was boro in December, 1851, ! Fraiter, U C Wortman, Ed H Thorn
in Montreal, Canada, where be received ' ton-
bis education and was ordaioed a prteet
HJHoDkins 6 00
7 00
25 00
25 00
31 00
. 8 00
138 15
across the canal at intra ana 1 nun ton
streets, and an electric ligbtat Ferry and
Eighth street. Adopted.
A favorable report was made on a fire
hvdrant at Lvon and Oih streets at a
probable cost of 125, charge lor water to
be $2 60 per month.
TIib street superintendent reported
wotk done for the mouth ending July 12
amoubiingto (371.25.
A cummunication fro it Chief Engineer
Medin recommended an inrxbaurtible
water supply, 500 feet ot hose, a new
boiler for No. 2'a engine, that wooden
butlding in theiearof Brinks's Furni
ture store be ordered removed as a nui
sance. Keferred to committte on fire
and water.
Tbe reports of the treasurer and re
recorder showed the If Mowing:
Amount in Treasury general
fund ...J..t 68 69
Reed in treasury bond fnnil. .. 369 00
" " City tax ......... j. . 1500 00
" saloon license i . . . 1300 00
" insurance license .... . 120 00
" general 73 00
" dog tax ... 12 75
" fines .... 30 00
In treasury bond fuud of 'i5. . 72i3 94
Outstanding wa rrants . ....... l.V!r 62
W arrants issued last quarter. 27(59 B5
Bond int. paid Jan. to Jufy . 00
Net indebtedness :. lOUXJti H
Taxes due 189(1 $ 611 21
- " 197 2.480 51
" 18 8,878 30 ll,850 02
Wirrants for past quarter were issued
for t
Mayor and coancil ..... $ 44 00
Chief oi police 210 00
Policrmeti 328 0
Prof. Reeves of Halsoy was doing busi
ness in the city today.
Realto and Fred Weatberford and
Bruce Burneit will la tnl..ij . .
trip to tbe Sodas and probably Fish Lakoi
uuitor Fletcher, tl.. knn.(Kn.
of the Salem Im1ann.un ....
ni . V : 1 . '. ""-7
" l4 uay ior itia summer
...... r. , i
Mr. John Allermatt. a forme Albanv
young man, now a clerk in a store in I
Brown county, Minn.,airived in AVbsnyf -i -
'tiucT uisi ii. on sa mnniirh tfiaiumrb
bis many friends here. ' .-
Mr. loe Kalatnn Ur, .t..i.
. ..... ii. iiu.i
log on a trip to Olex, E, O:, ou
w i
1: J'Jl '
Fire dept...,
319 30
?5 00
302 23
413 40
148 20
229 VI
749 08
The ordinance permitting (be riding ol
bicjcles on the tree is nights without
lamps was read the third time and upon
vole I oil, as lol'oa i : Yes, Hopkins nd
Martin; no, Danoalt. Uabam, bal
braith. Absent, Senders.
The matter of new cisterns to increase
the water supply for fire work was dis-
cued without acliou.
Tbe electric light at Ferry and Eighth
street was ordered pot in under preterit
Prubuu Record.
Awor Stafford is at Boswell Springs
sear Drain for nil health.
Tbe Misses Gard went to Newoort ves.
ing French. Not long after bis entrance twdf for ,he,r wmmer vacation
ji. j. jionienn. oi uaser t ny, u reg
istered at the Belvedere. Telegram.
E. E. McKinney the wheat man was in
tbe city today.
M ist Lottie Laytoo, of Portland, came
gan on tbe first Sunday-also the first i "wu 00 Tle" ,,n Al"f
day of January, 1&S8. and the balance of ! . , .
his life bas been spen". here 1 ' Mr- w-w akefield.of Portland.went
it was bis wish daring b;s last days to aiun oigm lor pan i ran-
wniCU be -mu un uauuicr.
in tbe Cathedral of Montreal in 1S75,
Hie father was a jeweler of that city aod
was ot bcolcb parentage, bis mother be-
to the priesthood he came to Oregon and
was stationed at various point in tbe
state, tbe longest pastorate before com
ing to Salem, being at McM'tnnville,
where he is stiil held in revered memory.
His permanent rectorship in balem be-
There is $1,338,971.45 in the treasury,
ying idle.
Soapy Smith, the man who run things
at Skagway awhile, has located at Port
land. The Jefferson News is the name of a
mew paper just Etarted with Edwin
Rhodes as editor and J. F. Blanchard as
manager. Jefferson now has two papers.
The families of W. A. Cox and D. S.
Smith, yesterday united in their annual
-cherry and ice cream eating carnival at
the home of Mr. Smith in the country.
A fine time is reported.
An old G. A. R. man got drunk this
forenoon and it took four men to carry
him to the eity jail. He bad been at
Koeeburg, but left to work and had ac
cumniaieu about S1UO, which he was
spending mostly for liquor.
J. B. Bitter, of Portland, called L. B.
Darling, a blacksmith, a SD&niard. Dar
ling had him arrested and he was fined
so and costs, the most abusive language
that could be used.
J. A. Linn, the man murdered by
Claud Branton up in tbe mountains in
Lane county, was a member of Fossil
lodge of Woodmen, and is highly spoken
of. The murder is said to have been a
. cold blooded affair.
"The South Before the War," which
drew tbe biggest house in Albany last
season, is in the northwest and has writ
ten for another date. Come on, the
opera house has leen painted black, and
yon will not need to bring any corks.
Tribune : The Pendleton woolen mills
will begin operations sometime this
month. Two looms are now running,
and preparations are being made' to
start the whole plant soon. There will
be forty men and women employed in
the woolen mills, and 100 in both the
woolen and scouring mills.
The water was shut out of the lower
branch of the ditch yesterday afternoon,
and many boys and girls along it put in
their time catching crawfish with which
the ditch was well stocked. An ngly
- looking animal, but said to be good eat
ing. There is a marked difference be
tween the male and female crawfish
The former bas two big claws, tbe latter
one or a donble one on one side, making
her go lopsided. Tbe ditch is also full
of old tin cans, dishes, glass, etc.
A School District Case.
Frank Parton, ir a member oT one of
the Washington companies, now station
ed at Vancouver awaiting orders from
the president, spent Sunday bere tbe
guest of Judge Flinn, on a 48 hours fur
lough, j
Mr. and Mrs. Landis, of Seattle, ar-'
rived yesterday, and are tbe guest of
President and Mrs. Gatch. Mr. Landis
is professor of geology in the university
of Washington, and Mrs. Landis is a
siiiter of Mrs. Jordan of Stanford uni
versity. Corvallis Times.
A quiet wedding was solemnised at
parlor 2 of Ibn Esmond hotel, Portland,
at 2 p. m. Sunday. The contracting
parties were W. A. Hudelson, of Jeffer
son, Marion county, and Miss Clara A.
Schmidt ,of Linn ctranty. Rev. I. B.
Fisher, pastor of the First German
Evangelical church, officiated. The
young couple will take np their resi
dence in Portland. oegoniaI,
From the Oregsnian.
Mrs. William A. E. Moore nee Miss
Favne Strahan, daughter of the late
Chief Jnatice Strahan. is at the Port
land, accompanied by Iur husband. Mrs
Moore and husband have just returned
from an extended trip through the
southern part of Europe, and are de
lighted to be at home again. They are
visiting Mrs. Moore's brother Claude
Strahan. This is Mr. Moore's first visit
to Oregon and he is delighted with the
superb climate and much impressed witn
fort land as a business center.
i J. A. weaver bat gene to the mod
springs of northern California for ibe
t o c 7 '" , . 1 beoefct of a serious case of rheumatism.
J. R. Smith bsa been appointed post-! r c ... . . . ,
master of Lebanon to succeed Ch.r'.esA. .-JtlT?. " n ,f f lbe. "We
Smith removed. , yt presidents of the nauonsl teacher
, i association in seaaion at Washington and
Gen. Nelson A. Miles, commander in J. H. Ackerman is one of tbe directors.
cuiet in now ai Santiago, anaiier la
Death of Samuel Ramp.
Samuel Ramp, of Salem, died Friday
evening. Mr. Kamp was born in Cum
berland county, Pa., May 12 1825. He
emigrated to Illinois, in which state he
was married to Mary A. Hammer, the
surviving widow, 49 years ago. In 1853
the husband arid wife croesed the plains.
After an eventful trip they settled on a
farm near Silverton. Later they lacated
near Brooks, and for the past 21 years
have lived in Salem. In 1355 Mr. Kamp
took part in suppressing the troublesome
Indians of Rogue river valley, Mr.
Ramp has been prosperous in Oregon,
and leaves an estate to his heirs. The
living children are B. F. Ramp, of Al
bany ; Mrs. Karati L,. Johnson, of Pnne
ville; Mrs. Emma Sturgis, of Perry ville;
a Tl - T." 1 . t. it':ii: :
uriver, oi oaiem. xne widow also sur
vives, one is last lour years younger
ai .1 a i i i i . .i
tuiui iriio ucwwircu uunu&nu, ineir uirur
day anniversaries tailing on the same
day. Oregonian.
jast as well off without him
W. J. Bryan's regiment bas been or
dered to join Geo. Fiuhagh Lee's com
mand at lackeonviile.
The county clerkship content will be
beard before Judge Burnet; on Thursday.
It will take some time to dispose of the
Everything runs into war so much
tbat an Oregonian ordered for George F.
Simpson was addressed to George F.
Sampson .
A big bail storm f eveo mites from
Pendleton ou Sunday mined 2000 acres
of wheat. Some ot mem were a i large
as ben's egs.
i. A. UcCbesney is building a couple
of brick fruit dryers, one oo the Blain
i place near the eity. The prone crop this
year will be very large.
B. F. Alley, one of the directors of tbe
soldiers home, pasted tbrougb Albany on
bis way to Roseburg to attend a meeting
oi tbe directors, and draw mileage.
The principal occupation of tbe Port
land ci'y council seems to be the issuing
of bonds. Another f4C0,uU0 issue ts said
to be about ready, and there is no war
in Portland either, except among differ
ent factions generally.
Perry Reed, of Haystack, psssed
through town last Sunday on bis way
borne from Ontario, where be went
about a month ago with 200 bead of cat-
tie, tie reports a successful tr p, and
says that cattle are in grsnt demand, at
tne highest prices of the season I rook
Uonnty Journal
O A Phelps. L W Guiss. A B Smith.
F M Brooks, George Cusiter, G W Pal
mer, J O Wolf, E C Patton, M A Mc-
Corkle and F R Anson, as incorporators,
yesterday filed articles of incorporation
of the "Silverton Mining Company."
Tbe principal office of the concern shall
be at Hiiverton and the capital stock is
$10,000 divided into shares of (leach,
I The new officers of the A . O. l. W.
last oigl.t were installed by Deputy
Granc W. M. Ilarker, followed by short
remarks by Mr. Barker. Prof. Le,
County Clerk Crabtree, W. E. Kelly
jtui iroin eaapway and otbers, and re
(rFsbmeotaand sociability.
The following from the Jefferson Re
view snows now our celebration was ap-
preciaieu: i ne lourtn ol J u.y was an
ideal day for a celebration. A trreat
majority of our citizens went to Albany,
where was given as fine a celebration as
we ever attended. Tbe street parade
was particularly good, and tlie program
as advertised was carried out to the
In estate of Jane E. Carter, deceased,
final accounting was set for Jane 9.
In estate or J.J. lute, sppraaera ap
pointed. Real estate,! 1704 JO; personal,
12513.57. ' Personal property ordered
In toardianship of Mary A. Conner et
al, raioors,eeventb account filed.
Id estate of John D. Bateman and
Pbeoe Bateman. will filed. Inventory
fi'ei. Reality, $13,445. Personal prop
erty, $177.
In etate ot James Pearl n't of person
al property confirmed.
Firal report of guardianship of Krankie
M. Rice.
In estate of Etbel Paiker, &mae!
Gar'and appointed adjiioiairat.-r. Bind
$."600. Former I aventory accepied
In eute of John Settle, allowance
made J . T. Settle.
In eeute of Deborah Ewing sale of per
sonal property reported.
In estate of U. L. xlraee 7th account
In guardianship of Grace Paddoch, a
minor, account fi.eJ.
In eotate of Elita Pa let report cf
asle ol reil property filel
riic Teacher .
The normal ioctitote being heid it
Having of great valoe to thot-e attt nding.
Tbe lecture last evening by Rev. Irwin,
of Salem, was oo toe work of teachers
and was listened to with ioterest
Prof- Tree, Prof Torbet and Prof.
Walker in ti.eir several specialties are
greatly assisting Uie county superintend
ent in the class work, which bring out
some excellent abort a Jdrrf.
Among those who have recitred are
Jos e Laselle, Retta Stewart, Irene Nee
lands, Iiertha Shedd. Mrs Thrall. I.itxie
McLeod, Anna Yaoti,Maud Beard, Ethel
ttray, j. w Mi.ler. Frank ward. Asa
Hlrona, Maud Keller, Anna Fortmiller,
Biancn Kioipeon. Anna u
liatnt, J. n. Swann.fahel Coulter .Grace
Stafford, Ethel Kedfi-ld. Zua Skeel. T
t.. alcKnigbt. Amelia Hanpert, r.ine
McDonald. H. C Jordan. N. M.C'em,
Olive Baltimore. EtelU Ward. Lulu
Thornton, Anna Marshall. Mrs. Ham
mer, and Belle Chance.
State Superintendent Irwin has ren
dered a decicion in the case of J. A.
Blackburn et al, appellants, agt. E. A.
Evans, et al. respondents. The case was
brought for the change of the boundary
line of districts 28 and 115. with G. W.
Wright aa attorney for the petitioners,
Superintendent Wheeler denied the peti-
tton.wnereupon tne matter w uppwicu
to the state superintendent andlreversed.
He declares that the refusal to grant
such petition must be found on good and
BunicieuL retusons, una viiui uuub
shown other than his judgment that it
would be for the best interest of said dis
trict, whereas it was shown that it would
be of great advantage to appellant's
children. The case had been before the
state superintendent in another form.
That Tired Feeling is due to impov
erished blood. Hood's Saniaparilla en-
ru;uu aim vitalizes tne blood and elves
strength, energy and vigor. Be sure to
get Hood's.
Hood,8 Pills act easily and promptly on
the liver and bowels. Cure sick beadacb.
Accident on the CAE.
When the excursion train" from the
bay last evening was approaching Blod-
gett about 8 o'clock the flange of one of
the front wheels broke, throwing the car
off on the ties, and the train tore its
way over a trestle. There were about
fifty passangers on board, and some of
them received a bad fright. It took, un
til three o clock this morning to get
things in a condition to resume tne jour
ney and the train arrived here about
4 -.30 o ClocK wis morning.
.Supt. Irwin Tonight.
Tbe Linn County Teacher's Inistute
began, its class work yesterday with a
fair attendance. Such intero&t is being
taken and the work is orotrrasinir satis
factorily with anl increased attendance,
Tonight State Superintendent will de
liver an address at the college chapel
where the institute is being held, to
wmcn tbe public generally is invited.
Attention Volunteers.
' There will be a meeting this evening,
July 12. at 8:30 p m. at tbe armory of I
an volunteers wwuing to us musiereu iu
on Thursday.
At' Public Sale. The stock of goods
and furniture and fixtures of Read l ea-
cock & Cj. were this forenoon pursuant
to notice sold at nubile auction. There
was only one bidder, Mr. W. L. Vance,
to whom the goods were sold on a bid of
fj,100. The store will be opened in s
few days.
The Crop
lUymghae been in" progres. during
the week in all sections of tbe State,
Tbe weather has been ideal and the
greater portion of tbe hay bas been cut;
by the close of tbe current week, practi-
csuy an tne nay win be secured. Gou-
eiderab'y more hj a 1. i.ig baled for
shipment tban in former years. Tbe
hay crop i larger and better tban usual.
Harvesting of tall sown wheat bas com
meuced, and the coming week will find
the fall sown grain harvest well advanc
ed, exeept over tbe Plateau Region
Harvesting ol oats, barley and rye Is in
progress in sorru sections, and will ne-
ome general the coming week. Spring
sown wheat is making a good and rapid
growth Many correspondents are of
tbe opinion that spring-sown whfat will
make as good a crop as the fall-sown
Tie wheat already harvested has
plump berry, the heads are large and
ell nlied. neat Aobis is reported
from many sections west of tbe Cascades,
but damage from them is not expected.
(J berries continue to be plentiful Early
peacbes are ripening rapidly and are
beiog shipped in large quantities. Tbe
tint ripe peacnes tins year came from
Blaiocks, (jiuiam county, in the Uolu la
bia River Yaller. Tbe fruit prospects
continue to be excellent; all reports in
dicate tbat tbe trees are filled lo ever.
bearing, and moie hand pruning will
have to be done.
Tbe summer weather conditions have
set in. From now until autumn, when
the first winter type appears, the weath
er will be more likely fair than rainy.
B. 8. Paoui.
M. VlKlt
bis brother I.niinln K..
. " m-njmr h UIJ Ol
iuer8 wunng his absence RoyPark
er is chief trimmer for the alectrio light,
Mr. Ira Pnelps. for several months
foreman of tbe People's Prers, inthi
City, baS PUrchasfld th trm Pma ari4
ke ''ar". ot ' tomorrow, geltiprf
" taino next week. -M
1 helps is an experiencednewspaper nan
and is as well a first class printer.
From the Statesman'; '
Hon. H. H. Hewitt, nl Allans W
judge of department N'o 2- of the-i stateJ
circuit court ror the third .judicial dis
trict, was a business "visitor . in ' Kalem.
yesterday. Judge Hewitt haengaln gone
into the practice of his profeseion and is
rapidly building up a very excellent bus
iness in A Ibany, and it is safe to say
that in the course of a year he will have
a large a clientelle as be had ' beforfe
going on the bench four years ago. At f.
tuat tune be bad the reputation ot being
interested as co jnsel it every case
brought before the circuit court oi Linn'
county, on one side or the other.-'-' '
': "-' at
tl htp r! t '
' f'wtK.y- trot
CJUDTHING GO. Have the Goods.
- - We have some fine bargains
in our elegant stock SPRING
To reduce our stock we
BSive Bargains
- -5 : i i . .' ' ' -
T all alorig.the line. All
up Mo date finely tailored merchan
dise. YoU need the goods, we need the money and the room
We ought to trade. ;
Tonight and Thnraday fair. aiationafy
temperature. River 1.8 feet.' j ; -
The little town of Antelote. !in. eat-
ern Oregon has been entirely destroted
by are. n :
Eight or en Albany reot)l ' are con
templating trips east on account of the
low rates.
A state warrant held bv a laborer waa
recently stamped Sot par for wanl of
foods.' and at the time- ttsrre waa over
f t ,000,0f0 iD the treasury. . . - .
Tbe funeral of Rev. J. 8, White, of
the Catholic churcb. Salem, will take
place tomorrow at 10 a. m. . Key. Me
tayer ot this city, is there to. attend tbe
A good picture of the Albany ooera
house was taken by Tinkle' while-jtbe
building waa in flames, with" the fire de
part incut playing several streams upon
the flames. It is one worth keeping as a
memento of the occaeten. "
The boiler, of the wrecked steamer
Yaquina City, which went ashore on
South beach, Yaquina bay, several years
ago, bas been recovered, "it was brought1
out over the C A E railroad Saturday,'
and is enroute to Seattle. - .'
The city Coancil thocld now require
carriages to carry lamps nights when in
theatreeta. It is thoroughly establish
ed every a here that a bicycle has just ae
many rights at a wagon on the -public
hignaafe. .j , : e ,
W.H.Eldridge. Chief Clerk . of the
Commissary Ieprtroot,CbckaiiaujTia,
Camp. Geo. ILTomaa in writing to his
wit. at Salem where ah. is via.Ung reia
tiee, fires the ratbns as follows:"! --
14 1 of fresh beef (per day) for 21
data, 4 B of bacca for 10 uays, -and
now they are to bare added s pro-rat ia
of canned ealtnoo, which will greaHr'
help to exbanst tbe atork ia onr canoe r f
ie, while I bey gel a loaf of splendiaY;
bread weigbiog lo ox . beans 2 3 9 oi..
or 1 S 5 1 oi. of lice, fir the earae qnanittr'
"i nomioy ii tuev oo not trant oeaes
They can hare 15. of potatoes. 12 4-3
oa. of potatoM and S 1-6 a. of ooioos.
they can hay. 11 1-5 oi of potatoe. apdl
4-5 oa. of tomatoes. 1 3-5 ox. ct coffee.!
Z 2-5 ox of togar, vinegar, salt, pepper, f
oapand eandle.. Taw is tb. ration
for 1 day aod is a' ways, of the, bei n;
tertai, there ntaally being an excees lelt
which is turned into" the" comtaiseaf y.
This is called! savta and (be iwewiimioM
gives mooey tor it, that erea'im? a com
pany land. Tliis is aaed in boyinz all
sorts of things for the tneswee.
This ration is not what tb. troops ar
sappoaed to have whao ia the field for
tresb beet and oread ar. extra.
Blain Clothing (lo.
r j ,
cHwain Cash Store
The Great 60 Days Clearance Sale.
, , iKbi W. Clarks Thread. . . ...
. 25 yds. Prinu
"". 10 Pkgs. Liqn coffee. .... . . .
fadies Fine Shoe. . . .
"'c-t Mens Fine Shoe..'.
...f 25Masons Fruit Jar
. .. 1 001 in. jan per dozen..
... 1 00.1 Qt -...
1 gallon
i lbs. u
1 25,1
fan per dozen 95
Granulated sugar 1 00
Menwain's Cash Store
; fc x .
Specfat Sale This Week.
May be Extended "
Tbe Portland TeUcram, ia speakiog of
Drotnectire nw railroadi aars: '"i
. - . .
Th. year of 1SS8 til see many ' new
railroad line, commenced, branching ofl
from the main systems, and independ
ent line, to tap new sections of the
rich, fertile state. Tb. first to be start
ed will probably be aa extension of C A
h. to rnoeviile, aed on to connect with
the Oregon Short Lice.
Tbts move bas been contemplated for
some tio. Ia fact, tbe bonds were oat
and ready to duat, with a view to sorb
improvements, when the war cam. oo
and nnrettled tbe promoters' plana. As
Ibe conditions broognt about by tb. war
are rapidly adjusting themselves, bow
ever, the company intends lo posh tbe
TUis road, tapping aa it do, lb.
richest agricultural, timber and miniag
belts ia the tub, will prove a- valnabj.
l.n. and aid greatly in developing . the
. On J.ce Crcim Freeze rg,
OnRefrigerAtor., J
" ' '
On Garden Hose,"
'Gn Iawn Mowers,
-. -
ca On Garden Tools,
On. pi! Stoves,'"
'Oh mtMi. Poors and Wire Cloth
...Mteiart fi Sorware Co.
Special Sale This Week.
1 Sealed bids win be received by the Coan
ly tleik, of Lmn Coanty, Oreeon. nntii 1
o'clock p. nu, July 27th, for labor
aad material required in the remod'.is? and
improving a brick court boose for Linn
County, at Albany, Oregoa. Ail wort to
te completed by Xovetnoer lt, 1SS3. ac
cording to plars and ipttiScstioai oa lie
wits the coanty clerk of Albany aad
Charles H. KarcgriS. architect. Sal-m. af
ter Jaly 13Ui. 411 bics meet be filed with
the Coast T Clerk at Albaay. Tbe County
Cwrt will eonaier hid ai fo!lo-:
Firu. For the tai pletion of tbo ejtire
sieeoad, AH soasoa and carpenter work.
iscindiag material cf brick, tone, lath
aad plastering, cementing, coaere'e, lum
ber, ec
Third. Heating- ad piom'Hn? complete.
Focrth, Gairaaized iron, ttasicg aad
ma. raintinjr.
Tbe swxeatfsl cuctrartc-r wi!l be required
to give aa approved bond for tbe amount of
hiacoBtraet imatedUtely after tbe same is a
warded hiiz,. aader such eoodilioat aa the
co&rtmaar determine aad demand.
The County Court reserves toe right lo
reject any or alt bids.
By order of the Coat;? Court this Sib. day
of July, 1S38.
Iliii "nrrsnL
Aibanr, Cr. Coott C erk.
V7AXTED- To rent 1-50 or 310 acres
v V of pasture land. Address F. 11.
Pfeiffer, Albany.
NYE CREEK cntiag. for rest,
quire at the Druocsar gc.
The Oil Field.
Great intereet is centered in oil GeTda.
Tli. . is Ivs of moeey mad. there-
' Oai 6eld is the Grocery and Hard ware
bosinea. And yon can make lots of
mooey by giving oa yowr orders. We can
ear. von money oa Tinware, a-'so hre a
haryain In Crockery. A car load of the
Slacomb siovewar. to arriv. this week.
-rociisting of -Milk crocks. Water joga.
Bean note. Jan. etc Vf have several
tyres elightlv damaged by Sr. which
there ia lots of mooey in foe tb. buyer.
Call in and inspect oar stock, examine
our goods and prices.
A. Iluslt Home.
Koskbiro Law rKa; From the Re
view. Judge Fullenon is now practic
ing law witb bis cilice in the Marks
build. ng and Ex-County Clerk J. II.
Shape has entered into partnership with
htm. F. W. Benson has dung out his
shingle f.-om Judge Hamilton's old clhce
in The tteview building. Ira li'd lie bas
moved into Brown i Tastin's offic. in
iheTarlordc Wi, sou building. A. M.
("raWfor.l is now practicing alone and
Judge VY. K. Wihis aod Dexier Rice,
city recorder, have farmed a ca-parwer-
ship and occuov oiUei in Uie iarters
buildmir formerly osed hy Wi lis A
Crawford. A new law firm, Byron &
Long, have their offices ia the Taylor A
Wilsoi building. Olfices are being fitted
on in The Review building fir the new
firm ol Coshow A Sheridan, the mem
bere of which are Hon U S. Sheridan,
who will shortly retire from the receiver-
shin of the U. S. land olltce, and Air. u,
P. Coslior, already a prominent attorney
of the city. ....
Copitcl Chimney Sweep.
I Look out lor fire as everything is very
' dry now and is tbe light season to clean
n,.nlace. brick and terra cotta flews
The abnve ".chimny tweep cleans them
iA . .dvu aa the dav tbey were first built
without getting any dirt unon your goods
or carpel r ri'uu, uu .nu, . .
Hima now and leave your orders, aa this
is tbe Best Chimney bweep ever come to
Albany. He cleans one story buildings
50c each flue, two story buildings oc
.aeh flue.
Leave orders with name anr street with
Julius Joseph's Ulnar btore.
Gboroc Stowb, Managef
a A. Bush, the Salem bmker, Vhae re.
turnfd from tb. .art. Accordifag to tb.
Journal he says lb. war interferes witb
alt lines ot buainee. Manufacturers say
they have not made any money for three
years.and many lactones art abut down.
hey say there is two much machinery,
m prove men is made in th. last lew
years do away with more and more bands.
lb. maontactorera ar. asking lor Iretr
trade and an enlarged market . Tb. next
move for tariff revision will com. along
the line of ! restriction, on trade, ana
extension ol trade. We cannot compete
ith countries tbat do not tax raw- ma.
Tbe general impression In tb. east is
that the war depresses business and in
dustry.but that a successful termination
of hostilities may cans, a senary! -"revival
ot trade and the long-expected "-upward
lilt ot real ettate values. -r..
It ts safe to say that no, each crop, of
gram was ever grown as will be produced
this year all over our country. Tbe hay
Finy Five Homes.
There will fifty
young norves tor
Excellent Graham Wafers
at C. E.'Bbownkll'b.
Death of I. N. Griffin. Mr. X. N.
Griffin, residing with his son between
Scioand Stayton, died last Saturday
night July 9, 1898 at tbe age of sixty eight
years. He was well : and favorably
known. Mr. Griffith was a member of
the Masonic order, oy wnom ne was
buried yesterday. He leaves a wife and
eight or ten children. The deceased
came to Oregon in I860.
head of well bred
sale at Mitchell &
Strainev's stables on Ellsworth street, for
a short time. Th's is a rare chance to
secure a good animal at nominal figures.
Letter Mat.
Following is the list of lettoni remaining
m tbe Postoflice at Albany, Linn county
ITncIti Sim ' '
Will be found at Will &
aurk'f, Mao many noyelties and an elegant
line of jowelry, lver ware, cut glass,
watches, clocks, .to. The latest and beat
cooas at satisfactory prices.
A good place to go. fl&3
J. II. Keenv has some fine horses for
ale cheap at Mitchell A Strainey 'a sta
Seeaers Alter Uoid know tbey may
be disappointed, bot teekers after health
take Hood's Srsaoarilla with th. utmost
eonfideoce tbat it will do Hen wonderful
lie Sure You Are RiRht and then go
ahead.- Be sure 70a get Hood's Sarsaparilla ,
and you may confidently expect it will pu
rify your blood and give you appetite and
You Cnn Save 15 Per Cent by buy
Ing Family Syringes during July at Daw
son's little corner urug More, a: cany
Oregon, Joly 12, 1893. Persons calling
for these letters must give the date on which
they were advertised.
Burnes, B Peterson, Ols A. You Cnn Help your doctor by hav
Ourles. Mr. B . II. Raymon, Joe ' n Vour prescriptions filled at our store,
Eason, Mrs. L.ucy waiiace, unarirs r, pure fresh very important when
Rriifir. Charles R. Woods, Mrs. L
Gardner, Mr Archie Wadtle, Miss Rosa
Lanktree, Mrs. S.
T. J. Strrxs. P M'
yuu are seriously sick. Try us and be
convinced ol a fact worth remembering,
at GEO. E. Fish's,
at the lowest 1 rices. Will keep a full
stock of the best
1 jtfi ; 1 :
llvYOU-aK' trauhIed;. with them
take our 12 FT. , WIDE LINOL1UM.
One-dose will effect a permanent
curel' entire
. . r in" i: a . , - i '
medicaHraternity. .
BalLimora Block. 4 . '" . AlDany, ur
Tub Ux'.vrasrrr or Omsbo graduated
last June tb. largest class in us history
Tb. class numbered thirty. The fall
term will beuin Sebtamber 19 h. Stmt
enls who have completed th.tenth grade
branches can enter Uie . sub-ireauman
class. No examination, ar. required for
srad uates of accredited schools. Ktaaon-
able equivalents are accepted lor most ot
tb. required .entrance siutjirs., tjata
logues will be sent free to all- applicants.
Persons deSirfna- tntormation may aa-:
ress tbe president, Seoreury J. J. Mel-4
ton, or Mr. Max A. l'lum, all ol fc.uan,
Oregon. 1 lie course ortered are, those
ol a good university, luer are depart
ments ot modern and anoient languages,
physics, cbemlsuy, biology, geology
English, elocution, advanced engeering-,'
ogy, mathematics and onysicai eaucation
astronomy, logic,' ptiilosonby, psych
oev. mathematics and physical educatit
Music and drawtnr is also tattght. The
tuition u Irae. ..All student, nsv an in
cidental fee of tan dol are yearly. 'Board',
looging, neat ana ugoin mo oonnivory
cost 12.50 per. week. . u:v
Raked goods of.all kinds.: will be. on
hand at A. O. Beanv's new quarters, 1st.
Sti Thiiraduv morninir. . Bread -will be
sent to regular customers unless. Other
wise notified. ' - t"r- '! : !
v-.W. - :' ; 'AVCqPaTtaW'
r ' , ' .. ' i'--V
- Prld. of Albany Soap, J . ' .
- weighs 20 ounces, ,
- and is high grade, for sal. by
. O. E. Bmowkbll.
Me .syu&i mimis
7 j '''V.'.lli
lWltll Vf i it
Glllett'a Pepper box Bluing '
at O. E, Browkiux's.
Rmoyal Notice
z ; " Tomlinson & Dubruille
Are now ' tin Eirst street, At-
bany, nearly opposite the K e
veire H6use;where they have a
fine stock ot double and single
'harness, sadtues,: Dianiiets,
itsOiipsV'ete at Low Prices..
A Tine i&xk of
Second street, between Feiry ant
Broad a: tin atreeta.
BLACKBERRIES at E. Will's ratch
Mack doc, oO cents a dav for picking
for each person. IWrries rather scarce.
n ill open trxlay, July 1st.
Van! Urtler,
j. c. umsrs
Ground rioor
Dental Office.
BroaJalbin, St
Albany, Or
Odd Fel.ow'e Temple, Albany, Or.
Alt work carefully dene under latest
Piano.GrganJoica CuItnrs.Earmouj
Frances G. Ilaaimer.
Hela R. Gilbert,
Tachcrs of Music
Was hington St., near U. P.
bany, Oregon.
All who march, walk or stand, thould
hake into their shoes Allen's Fvot-Eae, a
powder. It cures aching-, tired, soie, swol
len feet, and makes tight or new shoes oisy .
It absorbs moisture, and prevents chafing,
bot,smarting. blistered. sweating feet. All
tbe regular army troops and navy men u-e
it. Volunteer in hot chmatea can't exist
in comfort without it, Ail-n's Foot-Ease
is sold by all drayeiatsaod shoe stares, 25c.
Samples aeot FKEE. address, Al!en S.
Olmstead, LeBoy, N. Y.
Notice is hereby given that funds ate
in band tc pay city warrant Kos '3&7
to 415 Inclusive of the issue of 1897. In
terest on said warrants will ceas. with tbe
date of this notice. -41banv
Or. Dec 29, 1S97.
E. A. Pakkxr,