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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1898)
WO KllSTA!(E.3lS?SSijsr.b" NOTICE OF FINAL SEITLtWiENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor of the laat will and testa meot of B R Cheadle, deceased, have tiled their final aooount in the offioe of the County Coart ti Linn county, Oregon, and the County Court of said oonnty hat fi led Monday, the 6ih day of June, 1893, at the hoar of 1 o'clock p m, and the. County Coart rom at the Court Hons in said county a the time and place for hearing any objections if any to said aoooutt and for the settlement thereof. Dafcd May 6, 1898. j? ' ; D. E. Chkadls. i . - BirdixSt Clair. V ; Itha B. Chkadu. ' Executor. . ADMINISTRATOR'S N0TICE Nuti is herebv given that the under signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of Deborah Ewing, deceased. by the county court ot Linn county, vr, and all neraons having claims against said aatate are notified to present the same, nmrwrlv verified, to the undersigned at bis home about 3K miles south of Alba ny or to L H Montanye at his office n the Strahan fierce brick in Albany, Oregon, -within sir months from thcaate nereoi Albany, Or. Mas 1.JS& ' 4 T. h Mohtantil Taos H McGhkk, Attv for Admr.. ' Administrator EAST AND SOUTH VT ,i ..- r,-t THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Oo. California Kxpraa- Trains Jam Portlaaa Datty Bouta I Sort At I BSbTa Arfcttat. LvfcQ0r SrOO. a.1 1 (Mil I Lv lUi a I Ax Portland Albaa '-'Above trains scop at stations be tween Portland and Salem Tar Marlem Jefferson Albany Tansent. Shedd. Halsey s Eugene ' rwtam, Gmn. Drain. Oakland and all stations from Roseburg south to and 1s- I'JDii b eorwaaa ' saurs Ar Roaabar Lvl TXUs uaunaaaAaea Ln Albanv for Lebanon 8-10 an imn at Albanv from Lebanoa 10i AM Lean Atbaiy for Uebsnon Arrive a AibujtnLbaBoa T ninincr C&M . On OWSll ROUW SECOND-CLASS StEtPIHS CAR! Attaeke4 Mall Tbraswn Traiaa jfmmt ar Ja Bivtalaav. etwees reKTLaas aa csiuuu Man Tl AaTtBzeqt8aaaa7 Alt, Portland CorraUie El e Itora US as I Ar KxprenTnua Dittj (p oivUt 4:f, Li TSOrai Ar 8Wra Ar PortiaDd HcMumnlle Icdepe-denoe ar I v a Lt 1 An Lt4Uah RsfM tirknia on 1a hitwota PorUand. mcnto.nd Sa Frueoeo. N nXr t'.7 Snt tlMa ud Jll oeoQd d. indud-af tliiepoc ' KstMo4tlek9t to ea-V-m pohiU aJ Kwrope to JAP AS. caiHA, HONOLULU and AUSTRA LIA eu be obMined bom K HOXK. Accat Albur orCI WISS . K KOBHLX& . C B KAkKHAX. iWaommr Boo F PA" i Portlaad Ore go ; Portlaad v 0 Depakt TIME SCHEDULES From Portland. AaU7i Fast Mail 8pm Salt Lake. Denver. Ft Fast Worth. Omaha. Kan- Mail eaa City, St Louie, 7 :20 a m Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane riyer ane, aunoeapvuB, o hjm 2pm Paul, Daluth, Mil- 10:05 a m waukee, Chicago, s East- ' l 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All' Sailing dates subject to change. - For San Francisco Sail May. 1. 4, 7. 10. 13, . , . -16,1,22,25, 28. . ; 5 A t ' 7 p ta To Alaska " 1 5 pm. ; " ; ; . .Sau May 8, 16, m. 8 n m COLUMBIA BIVEB 4pm ExSanday . STEAMERS. ExSunday eaturday 10 Astoria ana way 19 p ro, landings. ' ; f . -m WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 pm ExSun. Oregon City, Newbeig, Ex Sun.' tsaiem vi y-Lna a 7am WILLAMETTE AKD 8 -J3D v Toesday, . YAMHILL BTV; Monday, Thurs., Oretton Uiyr, llayton, wed.. and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat i mm WILLAMETTE EI V; 4:30 d ml ; .Tneeay. Portland to Gorralha .Xnoaday Tbur , and Way-Landings; Tbur and bat. and Sat. TLvKiparia' ' LvLewieton 1 :45 a m' SNAKE RIVEB : 5:45 a m Mon.Wed Bipsria to Lewieton Sun.Tue ana en. anainur. V7.H. HUKLBTiBT, ' (an Pa a A aon t C. G. tA WLINGS, . .; . Portland, Or. Agent Albany. ' CO VCAftS' ' CXPtRIEMwB. ax In TRACK MARKS, DaaiOMS. COPYRIGHTS ate. ALrona tenmng a rt-tflh and deaerlpuoa may Suivklraacertaiii. free, whether an tnTantlon u probably patcntuble. Commanlcatlotia atrlctlf aooadeuttaL -04deu tft-Jtj loraeuuriua (muuU ii America. We hare a WaablDgfja offlco. PatenU taken tbrourJl At aim A Co. reeelTe apscul notion in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beanttfallr MmiTntfaoV any Journal, weekly, term, $&JM a raat, ux in.mthn. specimen ooptna and llAJIB JooK ns 1M TLNTs aeut frei. Addreaa MUNN & CO., 301 liraadwar. K,w Yerk. OUR- CAPACITY -IsUntqualed - In theyalley. OUR WORK ---Is Unsurpassed -- We have the best stock to select irom" ana our pncee are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Printer oliuo . iiio -r 1 3 1 LEGAL DIRECTORY AlbanT W R Bilyeo, Foehav A Mason block, JRK Blackburn. P O block. H Bryant;' P O block. Anderson Cannon, P O block . J N Duncan, PO block. t p Ranklaman. Pearr Mock. Judge H H Hewitt, P 0 bjock. Kelly A Curl, bank building. L H Moatanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. TT f! Watann hank building. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank building. Whitney 4 Newport, uuaicx mock . Q W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. 8 H Garland. ! v , . , Brownsville, ...envelopes;.. AIX COLORS V J ALL SIZES. Largest-stock-- Lowest prices SlIffiEY, the Printer. S0SHG8S U Ma Circuit Curt of (is Stmte cr tas Csaisty oTXmm GBTbutnar, ?,aiotin,1 William RnatoB and Georce , Bnstosi ' - Drfaadaata. Xo George Boston the above named de fendant: IK THE NAME OF Tl STATE OF rnnrnnv a vaaniMd taaS' pear and answer the coraplaia -of the above piatnnn. ia vna awm mubio vumr im tha abora entitled eaass Bowoa n! with the clerk of id eowrt, o or befire the tint day at the MXt tegalar tana of amid court, whiea said tens at sa d snort be. giaion tha 27 th day of Jane, 1838, at the eoart honee in the city of Albany. Linn eonaty, Oregon. A ad yea avrwbv further noUfied that if yon fail to - appear ami anawer said aatBalaist as hereby re quired, tbe said plaintiff wiO apply to the eaid coart lar to raoei pnyev w enmnlaint. towit: Fust. For a deoree of aaid ooort iraot ina- raid mortcaco taesitiaswd ia nlaint to be forscloted and the laada there a aaenU -aod, towlV JjO Mmnersa omij ol Beet von tnirtv foar (54) ta.towaahip ante r a . a S 1 onth of range oaa aast of WUlaaaeUa War idua in l ins eoanty. IJregoa, cooiainiaw firtv few and nitv aix one kandredtns r4 an acre to be told and the proceeds thereof to be applied, to tbe paymaa of the eosta and dnbermni'-nti of this suit and the charges of making inch aaie and to the payment of toe sum of (50 attorney's face in aoid xnit, and to tha payment si the anm of $300 ia U H gold coin and inUrett tbnrs&i at Um rato'of 8 D&r cl par aa anm froaa the eeoood dav of October, 1396, until naid. Second. For a deer foreclosing said mortgage and birring yoa and ail persons clatainc by. through siader yoa of ajy rubt, title or iatareat or right or equity of redemption in saui premises or any pan ther ant. Third For a decree that it Ue proooeda I of inch aal be not anf&CMOt to pay all I aaid an ma of aaensy. " that- plaintiff , take I judgment aaUet )afortl t balanr maituss nnoaid after aaid pre needs are I applied . -i -v t - - I This sammons k paUiahed - by order of the Hon H H Htwitt. iudjte of aaid eoart; I eaid ordac being made ' and dated Oa the 12th day of May, 1898. w 4 mutu, Attorney far Plaintiff. DrapeflM Heavy duck for binder drapers, best quality, warp and fiilinff den bin and twisted. 42 inch 40c -and 58 inch 60c ne za incti ana 4U uch a oak. jlio, ii I and 11 ox ranging in price from 16a to AKpsxyaio. : - tw S.E;YOtT3SG&SO!f. Albany, Oregon i hi till 10 "bRhRnnni a iiwwwuaiai EUGENE W. JOHNSON, SoVtar'-aift JLttrb Eiwais IW TerfeAve Walata4BC CHEAPEST POWER Clubbing Rates. T i , an iims t , wt yer.will.giv. to its aubeenbera a 10.000 residence in San Francisco rent ing for t60 a month, a 13.390 U. 8. bond $1,500 gold nngget and hand reds of other tnings.- x oucaa get tbo Examiner and Wkkklt Dxmocbat for S2.50 a vaar. with tha Daily Dkmocsat by mail for earner 15.75. in., advance. Tbe Demo crat wll order only on combinaUon pay nans ,-y f ' - ft z-iCL-iniS REPffBLIO. aemi-weeklv osieoftbe best papers ia the TJnitec states, aad the DaieooBpai inadvanoe or only ii is. , -After yeara of antold naSciiaa from nilaa B W Pnrsell of Knitner-TUla.r. was enrad h a.i0g a single bos of Do Witt's Witch Haze j 4km dieeaies each ee ecu ma. ' V . 9 np es a ta oostiaate acres are read oe-l ov tou tmoaa remari I A I i;onmii t . r - . - . I , I II I A GENTS WANTED FOB "Wig TV. 1 1 M Mr" A IN." incladinir baliloa m seA aiid Und, H'ontains alLabout armies, ii :ieK. 'ort and WArshios ot both natinna and irraphic story of toe great victory of inn jritant uewef; reus everything about fiarDDon. Scale? . Firzhaeb Lee and lend- inn o.mmaiidn, by Hon.- James Bankin irnng,'1n intrepid leader tor Cuba libra in tbe bads ot tttteress. Tbe greatest war book Drblia?ad; 600 lareje Dams: 100 I'erb iiluatrations, many ia ricbrst col ors Has largo . colored ? maps. Biggest boosv highest communions, lowest price: only - C1.75. ; Eaca subscriber receives grand $1 00 premium free. Demand enoe mooaj harvest , for fent; 30 day credit; friibc paid; oatfit free. Write todjv. AddresK, Lbe national Book Concern, uepi. io, ouo ueaxDorn street, Lucago. iCareAtaanSTraie ifarta obtained an all Tut-', rant buainea conducted for Moderata Pee, i I una mo&cu orawlnf orpl: o tn, Waa4Tlae If k patentable free of charge. OnrfeaaotdnatiU' r patent! laeenred. A Paaspblet "How toOb-1 tain fttrati" wttb coat of same in fan D. ani rare tc oonntrtea sent pes. a A. GfiOV & CO. - PaTwr Omec. WaSMinsvee). D. Cj Wa.. DR,J. LJilLL - Physician aad surgeon. Office, First Bt The person who criticises other people in ble businssa ie generally the. one who ie' most criticised by othere. " " , The Indian war veterans deserve ec- ognltion If any body They were the he root of this Fsclfio coast country ana nave made an empire oat it. ' We should always raise our hats to the old pioneers. Ther deserve all the attention that is paid them once a year." Tbe rest of the time tbey have to get In and dig, butoncea yearlhote who can go down to Portland and get treated very nicely. They ought to be treated nicely 566 days in the yeatir?:: The Pendleton E. O. says Joe Simon will probably be the next U, 8. ten. ator from Oregon. Joe Simon will prob ablv be nothing of the kind. The Ore- gonian aaya so and doesn't the OregonUn know. Joe Simon's U. S. senatorial time has not ret arrived. He Is not yet big enough. Were be to be elected to that exalted position be would probably be a second Mark Hanna on a email scale. Jo Loiter, the wheat gambler baa fal- len.andgraatie the fall of Leitor U could almost be beard even upon this Pacific coast. Leiter la the man who cornered wheat in Chicago and received the credit of raising the price eohigu. He did raise it some, but the tact ie that the conditions were ail right for the priced wheat to go up. The big abort axe could do nothing else than make it new, the same as a big crop and a remit nLsnrolns. even the prospect of it. is bound to make the price iau, ee It n at the present time. The) problem is s plain one wnen yon know bow to torn it, bat. the trouble ii that too many peo ple wait and work the example bac wards, and then it is too iate to do mem any good. - . W are very glad that it was Mr. Daw ay that want to Annapo'li a good many years ago to study the batinsss of war. Wo Beaded bint ioet when he waa able to do effective work tor tbe coon try Besides being needed at Manila be ia also needed at Cuba. Sampson and Schley are vary fine ana Brave men, net in Dkxocaat candidly believes that it Dew ey bad eharg of a fleet there ha would bave made things pop long ago. when that strategic board called ba would have failed to hear and before ther bad time to send a courier 1m woo Id hava b peppering the) SpaaUrda at abort range. Tbe character of tha Spaniard ia sack that if yon give bias a single inch ba will cry victory. He needs to be knocked down and stamped upon without nay red tape. The Cleveland Plaindealer givet tbia aa tbe coming orator of tbe corameo ment day. 1 corns not here." He said, ia shrill and flsry tones, "to belittle the beroeeofold. They played their part well on tbs great etaga of Ufa. Tbey were brare asea all of tbaat, and lbs world would aadly maw its Laoaidaa, and its Winkelried. and Its William Tell. Bat " a dramatic pa one, "are they in the sane eat-e-gorf with thai western child of be-TO-ie dee-ti-oy, bo who stsamed into s hoa-tile harbor ' great applaose, "ho wbo faced the enemy without a moment's beeiUUon, more applaase, "he wbo claims tbs rugged lit tle etate of Vermont as his birthplace ' wild applaase, "a commodore yesterday an admiral today " vaeUeroos appiaoae "I refer to that splendid aad resistles child of freedom, George Dewey !" Vig orous and long eoBtinued applause. And then let os look to the gateway ot that ancient city of the beaateona Aatillian iale." Expectant applaase. "Let us look to that devoted baadfal ot picked heroes. Applause Increases. Those heroes dared death in sa awful form. appiaoae waxes stronger, to do their atate aa eternal benefit. Applaase gets vigorons. "I refer, of coarse to that yoang child of dsatiny," aaora spplaa. "that nobis aom at Alabama,' still more applause, "that demigod is blue." great applaase, "ttiat splendid example ot A' mericas manhood. Bkbmond Fesiaon Hobeon!" DeaJeniog aad long continued ap plause, in tbs midst of which tbe happy youth bows again, aad smilingly strides sway. . Watahinaooa Lasttr. - Waahingtoa, Jnas 13, 1898 .' It not surprising that Admiral Saras son shoo Id bavs shown impatience In bis dispatches to Washington because of tbs delay in sending him tbs - troops promised. Be baa bad within tbs last weak ample "cause for Impatience, ays, sad for indignation, too. He destroyed the oav- er fortsat Santiago and had everything ready troops to land, but there were so troop ba eeptarext Goenlsnamo Bay and sSill holds it, for tbs saas purpose, bat tbe troops which ought to have been there to land wets oa transports anchor sd at Tampa, held as bv orders from Washington, on the account of tbe cock and bull story about a feet of Spanish warships being at Havana ready to steam oat and saptnrs tbs troops as sm tbey started, until Sampssa soald detach a number of, bis most formidable sblps sad aand them to convoy tbs troops Santiago. Meanwhile Sampaoa'a ma rines hold all tbs Cuban ground they bavs captured. - Although nothing of ficial taa be obtained, there ia reason to believe that tbs troops sre bow oa their way to Cabs,' ander convoy. The fre quency with which boldnp orders bays been aent from Waabington when 1 portant movements are aboot to be suited, on no better foundation than wild and improbable rumors, presumably of Spanish origin, makes it look as though somebody who baa influence enough to control tbe issuing of orders lias the mis fortune to bave a streak of yellow down his backbone. It cannot be stated to an absolute certainty who tbia individual is, bat, units tbe delays bavs been par poeely made to prolong tbe war, Uisrs is little doubt that he exists. It is only wlere those in command are out of racb ot boldap orders that notable suc cesses bave bean obtained . - , , - Orders bavo been sent to Generals Coppinger and Lee, wbo are to oommaod tbe Porto Blcari army, to get their men ready to start, bat there is no tellias bow msThy bold ap order they win bave to eontead sritb. beorsthsy get off, ' ' Oh yes, Indeed, Indeed 1 , A good jitlle boy is-Tommy Bead J After bsing compelled by the majority of tas H.oase to -get oat .of the wsy ot the . considsration of 4he reolntlon for tbs annexation of Hawaii, 'Czar Bsed has tha audacity to tay, through bis thick and ibln followers, that Ls oyer stood ia tbs way ol tbs majority, or intended toetaad ln tbe way. This comes too Is4 to belp the political irntaas of lbs Jaar axCaar nos - Ha has been I de posed by Mr. "MeKinlsy, and will never again wield the autocratic power ba ba bad. k ,,.,, Tbs fact that the war revenue law provides for tha coinage of tls sllserbnl- lion owned by the government at tbe rate of 11,600,000 a month destroys every argument advanced by tbe gold standard men against the coinage of the seignor- age. The amount to be coined each ! month it lest than was proposed by the silver men, but authorising tbe coinage of any amount was a recognition of the principle advocated by the silver men. It la already announced that the sugar trait and tha Htandaid Oil trust will re fate to pay tax of one and one quarter ot one cent on their gross racelota in excess of 1350,000 imposed by tbe war revenue law, and will go into court to fight the constitutionality of tbe law. It is openly charged on every band that much of the inconvenience that the troops have been put to baa been direct ly traceable to the incompetence of many ot tbe civilians appointed to im port ant staff positions by Mr. McKinley . Secretary Alger now . aayi that in ten daya every man in the army will be pro vided witn ble full equipment for war. Then theie can be no further valid excuse for potteries alone instead of at once fighting the war to a close. There have been ugly reports tram time to time of the lack ot harmony be twaea the fighting branches of. the gov eminent, and upon more than one occa ston Mr. McKinley is eaid to have bad to exercise hie authority to compel them to work together. It it also said that there bave been frequent clashes between Qen. MerritL who ie to command tbe army in tbe Philippines, and Secretary Alger; also between the latter and Gen Miles, who is reported to bave charted Alger with being responsible for the de moralisation be found existing in army matters when be got to Florida. None of these things are pleasant to write, but they explain why things are not moving taster. - Thlnga Worth Reading. Germany prints twice as many books aa Francs. Ths custom of keeping birthdays is many thousand years o.d. rnaraous birthday festivities are mentioned In the Pentateuch. Usorgs EUot generally wrote doubled op oa a sola, bar feet cnrlad under her sots nlllowe and s pad of paper In ber lap. Tbe first poatoffics waa opead in Paris ia 1482; ia Eagland;in 1851, and in Am erica ia 1710. LoasUaais tbe only stats in which the Napoleonic code prevails aad la which the somstoa law of England doss not. Harriet Preacot Spofiord writes any where on bar lap mean while taking animated part la tbs conversation going oa about bar. A minister ia a aflasoori towa has is- trod need tbe novelty of reading war bul letins from the pulpit at interval dar ing tbe services. Two brokers just sent to jail in Eng land for "kiting" commercial paper are aaid to bave floated !0 OOO.OuO of worth less note in six yeara. Anthony Trollops always wrote stand ing up very straight at a high desk with hia watch befors him timing himself to a eertals length of duty. Bombay ia said to be tbe moat dsnsely populated city in ths world. In certain areaa tbe number ot inhabitants is 7$) to tbe acre. Germany's debt has increased from 16.000400 marks in 1877 and nearly 500, 000,000 marks ia 1SS7 to 5. MI. 000, 000 mark at the present time. Copylag ink may be made by dissolv ing a lamp of sogsr in the common ink, used ia tbs proportion of one drachm of tbe former to one oases of tbe latter. A novel sort of window glass baa been invented. Persons on tbs inside of tbe bones can aes tbroach it, bat it 1 opsqas to'tbos oa the outside. Sperioos colas are legally made la Coins. Tbey are need to pat in tbe coffins of tbe dead, aad tbe euperatitioa prevails that tbey make tbe dead hap py. The presentation of ths freedom of city or borough ia England ta now nvsrs eoenplimant which does sot eon far any substantial or exceptional priv Qegea. , G rsatar cxeommnnicaUoo , an unusual punishment la the Church of England baa been proaooaeed by the bishop Litchfield against a clergyman eoavicted of grossly immoral conduct. Until s few days ago two men named Heaven sad Hells were members of tbe St. Louis police force. The former ba resigned and tbe jokers ar taking ad vantage of tbs fact. A prise for aa essay oa "Tbs Duty of Kindnee to Animate," offered by the S P. O. A. to be competed for by London public Bcbool children, brought tbe society 136,465 easaye tbia year. One hundred mile of the railroad to Uganda are now open to traffic. The Brat class fare for that di-tance ia S3 ro- pees (aboot $8), second class 19 rupees, and third class, 3 rupees, 3 annss. German canaries excel all other caoar. ies as stagers ' A canary of Germany has been ksowa to continue a single trill for a minute and a quarter with twenty Change of notes in it. Tbe lantern fly of Surinam, South Am erica, has two sets of eyes, so as lo catcb the light from ail directions. Its light is like that of the ordinary firefly, but it is much more brilliant. Tbe postal service in India extends as far north as Kolghor, a village on the Himalaya. Beyond this point a letter I sent bv a native rnnner, who carries the missive for days ia the split eod of siticx, and delivers it at tbe end of bis ourney as clean as when he received it. Tbe teat of a true Persian carpet that need by the nativee themselvssia to drop a p'eca of red hot charcoal npon it, whicn leaves a sinxed round spot. Ii carpet 1 one of tbe first quality the sinced wool can be brushed off with the band without tbs least trace of the born being afterward discernible. "Lurline, tbe water queen'' who has ust died in London, was tbe seniatlon of three continents ten years ago, at which Urns aba bad fj0,000, every cent of which waa made on the exhibition atage. Lurline waa s Boston girt, and ber name wgs Sally Swift. Oairler pigeons ia China are protected from birds of prey by a little apparatus consisting of tbln bamboo tubes fasteeed to the birds' bodies with thread passed beneath Its wings. A the pigeon flies along tb action of the air through tbe (abas produces s shrill whistling sound which keepa birds of prey at a respectful distance. A proposal to celebrate this year the seven hundredth annlvetsary of the dis covery ot coal in Europe a discovery elaimed to bava been made in 1188 near Liege, Belgium has brought out evi genee from Dr. F. Buttgenbach that tbe first find waa really made in Ilia lu tbe bailu of, the River Worm, north of Aix la Cbapelle. TERMS. Daily Dan ocbat, 25 cents per month 13.00 per advance, 80c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. WniKLY. 11.2ft In advancei 11.50 at end of year: 11.75 for aiwond Tear: t'2 00 for third and preceeding years, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five now subscribers at 15.00. SATURDAY, NIGHT THOUGHTS One could not give thoughts of tbe past week nowadays without saying BOTxetbtng about tbe war. aod that first ot all, for whatever other interest may arise there la nothing just now that compares with tbe present wnr with Spain. Though we are -getting used to it and do not watch for tbe latest with that intense interest that waa observed at first, yet alter all it predominates and we are all tbs time on tbe anxious seat for something that shall be decisive. Ths days drag on and there is some cannonading and it doesn't look as if much bad been done, and yet aa wars go considerable has been accomplished. It ia a fact though that tha government started out on tbe wrong policy, that of delaying matters with the object in view of sscoring peace at an early stage ol proceedings. It Is though, easier to see bow things should be done than to do them ones self. A New York paper has been publishing s chronology of tbe war aod alter nearly all tbe dates are tbe worda "nothing done." When tbe war la over the time will come for a review ot toe management of tbe war and no doubt criticism will fall where it Is due, Now it It the doty ot everybody to lend their best aid in prosecuting lb war to a successful termination. Locally our eity bae beea ia tbe bands of onr college, lt baa been commence ment week tor certain and everything else locally has bad to give way to tbe student. The events of a college com mencement are ot a very entertaining character to the common every day kind of person like tbe Democrat man. Tbe culminating act la tbe effort to secure aa education for the purposes of life, grad uating from a oollegs i of great moment to lbs person interested. Aa the grad uate spreads blmssll In his last oration, it seems sometime aa if be can sever get down from bis graat height, but ba doss and becomes generaly a practical, first class citixen, the best bave, bet ter fitttd for the battle ot lite. Of coarse there are dudes wbo go tbrougb the big eastern college on the strength of their money, bat tbe mass ot tbs graduates are tboss wbo bavs bad to wora uas Trojans to get aa edcention sod they ap nreciate its value. It ia their stock in bads and tbey use it to lbs bast, ad vantage, a may ba seen by the promin- snesol tbs college maa ia professional ssd business life. What a wonderful machine is the bicycle, a revoluttonixer of customs. changing the conditions of things every here, an aanibilator of lime, a health giver, a disease maker, an xhilirator aa aggravator, anything yoa wish, good bad and indifferent, a splendid thing if rightly used, a bad thing it Ud7 seed ut lik lots of other things, yoa s Here it Ie. is forty ruinate it ie ten milee sway. It demaads good road Tbey ate made, and then the farmer will get eves by taking all of it, not all them though. A great thing aod yoa can eay what yoa please about it. fhc Next Legislature. According to the return now In. tb aext legialatar will have 44 republican majority. Ia lb senate there ar republicans and C unionist; bouoe. republicans, 17 unionist. Tbe members by coantitrs, are aa follows: Skxats Baker aad Malheur Wm. Smith, a. Baker and Lincoln Jobs D. Daily, r. Clackamas Gaorg C Broenell, r Clackamas and Marion L. L. PoHr,r Clatsop C. W. Fulton, r Colombia Waabington and Tillamook G. W. Patterson, r Coo, Carry and Josephine CE. Bar moa, r. Crook, Klamath and Lake B- Daly.d Douglas A. W. Beed, r Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco E. B Dolor, d. Grant, Henry and Morrow J. W Morrow, n. Jackson T. Cameron, r. Lane I. D. Iriver, r.; W. Kay ken dell, r. Linn P. R- Kelly, r. J. Clem, a. Marion L. J. Adam, r. N. J. Looney r. Multnomah George W. Bate, r.; J E. Haeellinr, r.; Donald Mackey.r.; Beo Selling, r. and tsx pavers' league ; Joseph Simon, r. Polk-B. F. Mulkey, r. Sherman and Waeco John Mitcbell.r. Umatilla and Union T. C. Taylor, r. Umatilla George W. Pronetel. r. Union and Walla Justus Wade, p. Washington E. W. Balnea, r. Yamhill W. A Howe, r. . Hoes. Biker W. E, Grace, u. Benton R. J. Nichols, r, Benton and Lincoln G. Davis, r, Clackamas Alex. Thompson, r. J. L Erase, r. deorge Knight, a. Clstsop Jot nil Young, r. : C. J. Cur tis, r. Columbia J. E. Hall, r. Coo (ieorge P. Topping, r. Coos an J Curry J. Hnntly, r. Crook J. N. Williarnjou, r. Douglas Conn, u.; Wilson, a.; Won acolt, n. Gilliam & G. Dawson, r. Grant and Harney R . N Donnely, r. Jackson E. V. Carter, r.; E. A. fciher wrn, u.; Mattbew Stewart, r. Josephine James W. Viruie, n. Klamath and Lake W. A. Msnio gill.r. Lsnc F M. Brattain, r.; Ivan Mc Queen, r. ; W. A. Gray, u. Linn D. M. Jones, u.; H. M. Palmer, ; T. J. Whitney, u. Malbeur J. R. Biackabr, u. Marlon W. L. Commins, r j E. H. Flag, r.; A. Lewis, .; J. W. McCullocfa, 5 John McCourt, r. Morrow E. L. Freeland, r. Multnomah J. C. Bayer, r. ; George . Rill, r. ; 8. C, Beech r.; S. Farrell.r.: Peter Hobklrk, r.; R. E. Moody, r.; George T. Myers, r.j J. Thornburn Rom. ,; JohnT. Wbally, r. Polk K. F. Gregg, n. ; J. B Stump, o. Sherman and Wascc J. W, Morton, r. ; Albert 8. Roberts, r. Tillamook and Yamhill J. W. Max well, r. Umatilla L. B. Reeder, r.j J. F. Smith, r.; A. D.Stillmao, n. Union D. A. McAlister, d. ; F. K Stanley, r. Wallowa Peter Fordney, u. Washington Abner Briggs, r. ;ji3f W. Marsn, r. ; J. K. G, Thompson, r. Yamhill 0. Batt. r. : E. F. Lamp-1 son, r, - i TELEGRAPHIC That Fleet. Cadiz, June 18. lbs fleet baa diaap pea red and it la believed its destination Is Porto Rico. In Havana the Government has tak en tbe city's coal supply. A coal famine prevails. Landed all Right. Kingston, June 18. TheMInsnrgents report that tho American expedition landed at Guantanomo yesterday. At their Mercy. Washington, Jane 18. The insur gents have Manila at their mercy and can take it at any time. The Third Expedition. 8an FxANctaoo, Jons 18. Merrit aaya he third expedition will sail July 1. A Peace Conference. Madrid, June 18. A peace confer ence ia beingheld. It is believed tbs queen regentwill abdicate in favor ot infanta Issbela. The Third Expedition. 8am Francisco, Jane 17. The third expedition baa been ordered to sail Jans 26th, from this city to Manila. Just From Manila. Sxattxr, Jans 17 Yokohama ateam r just in reports Manila on tbs verge of starvation. Citisens are terror stricken. hourly expecting bombardment. Big Victory. ' Gcaxtaxamo, June 16. There was heavy bombardment here yesterday by the MarUehead, Texas, and Suanee, The forts were demolished sad the Span iard fled. The insurgents are celebrat ing. Saaae CsiS Week DANTtAGO DX CTRA. TbUrSdaV tlOOO June 16, Rear-Admiral Sampson' fleet Domrjaraea ine Detune at bant ago de Cabs foe the third time at daylight this morning. For hoars tbe ehips poanded tbe batteries at the right and left of the entrance, only sparing Kl Morro, where Li ea tenant iiobaon aad bis companions are in prison. 1 be western bettene aranst which the main aosult was directed, were bad ly wrecked. One waa utterly destroyed. In other many guns were d is moan ted. At bret tbe Spaniard replied neaeionate iv ana wuaiy. Most oi toe guns wi deserted. Not a ship was struck nor a maa in jured on the American. It believed tbe Spaniah loss of life wss besvy. feer Aetberatr "Madrid, Jons 1ft. Admiral Cervers wire tbat be baa provunona enough for the Meet ontil aotama. He aaya : A shell from aa American warship, tailing from a great elevation, struck the Viscera, which, owing to her excellent armor waa not damaged." Eleven vcawel are now blockading ue port oi uavana. Wees Uaa Iaaalar4i Washington, jane 16. A special to the Port from Tampa aaya : At 10 o'clock tonight 3000 horse and mules broke from tbe corrals aod stampeded tliroosh the camp of Oeneral Carpenter' brigade. it waa oars ani ine excitement waa so intense in the District of Colombia camp that it was impo-mUe to learn if any men were hurt. The panic among the men waa tern lie. VareSwaiaa ttaS Madrid, June 16. Csptiaa A anon minister of Marine has returned from Cadis, and ba started for Cartagena. It ia aaeerted tbat an ironclad which has not as yet fieured in anv nulihe list- forms part ui Admiral Camara'e squad ron, it wa again annoanced today tbat the Spanish riet i ie squadron has left Ladia for an unknown declination. T ateaala e Ta C at San Francisco, June, IS. General Merriam, in command of the depart ment ot California left tonight for Van couver barracks for a week'a stay, ia connection with bis datiee as command er of the department of tbe Columbia. He issued an order this morning to the Waahingtoa volunteers, who thought tbey would be sent to Manila oa the next expedition, tUoaing them on tbi coast. anwl4fAei wwwaaaaZ I WAsnncovox. Jane la. Tbe entire Uregon delegaUon recornmeiided to the president Gen. Charles K. Beebe. of Portland, for appointment aa brigsdier- generai in uie votaateer army, and, wuue toe preaiuent made no promise. tbe delegatioo feels sore that General Beebe will be appointed, Siettta; ai al-s Gcaxtaxamo Bav, June 14" The Un- iteo btate mannes. nnder (Jolonel R. W. Uuntingtoo, made their first aggres- aive movement against ine :panisb goer iliaas today and completely routel the enemy. Tbe combined forces rased a Spanish camp five mi! as from tbe American pos ition, destroying the onlv well in .the vicinity and killing about 40 Spaniards vms American marine waa slightly wounded. Two Cubans were killed and four wounded. e A Saoslah aeeessSefsS Madrid, Jane 15. A dispatch from l aptaln General Augnsu, dated Manila, juik o, says: "The situation continnes critical. The enemy surrounded the town. I bave bad our lines drawn cloeer around the city and strengthened at intervale by uvnenea. lorumunitauon ta suu cut. I expect General Monet with reinforce ments, bat I bave no newa front him. The white population of the suburb;, fearing they will be massacred by the rebels and preferring the risk of bom bardment have entered the fortined part of the town and will assist in its de fence. WUI Be AaaexeS Washwotox, June 15. By a vote of 209 to 91 the house adopted ths New land resolution nrovidins- for the aniutx. ation of Hawaii. The debate which waa continued without in temp Lion since Sat urday haa Ka.ii Ann f . . v. i - . j vuv u& uiv uiuvh uvauio r in this congress, the proposes annexa-l uon pcing considered one of great com mercial and Btratmrirt imnnrtaiiK. , it. advocatia and being looked upon by its opponent aa involving a radical depart- aa vv a it. I . i . - - -c.ivui mo mng esiaoiiauea policy ol me country. Will Bteeawage Habeas AlADRln. June 15. ThA wiw-nmant hasauthoried Governor-General Blanco to entertain proposals for an exchange of Lieutenant Hobson. and the other ra-ia- oners Uken when tho M err i mac was sunk off the entrance of the harbor of oanuago ae Uuba. Able week haa seen a coo tinned and terrific tumble in the price of wheat, with the prospects ol rather low price on account ol tbe immenritv of the eron all over tbe world. The indications now are that ths pries next fall in tbia valley may not ba expected to go very much above 60 cant. sness Is caused by torpid over, welch prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and patrUy la tbs stomach. Then follow dUilneis, beadAcoa, nn n. LTLi(Q)e(GJ5 aisonuna, neeveusasss, and. it not relieved, bilious fsver Pills or blood poisoning.- Hood's annulet the itomacb. rouse tha My-, Anna kaajlaha rfltvlnaae. Mlk I stipaUon. tin. is mnta. 8oM ny all druKgl-ta. Lett Cad II Perhaps. WllllVOWtlt Tuna 17 Tim .,1 1 .1 . , ... in. nuiw lit partment bas received the following dis patch from Gibralter : Tbe reserve fleet left Cadiz yesterday. The first 11 passed the rock bound for uartbagena for order ; the last three naa troops on board. This is Admiral Camera's Cadis squadron, and appears to be in the Mediteranean, bound for African shore." Tbe army olUciala were satisfied, on learning today that the Cadis fleet had sailed, that the ships would go to Porto Rico rather than to Cuba.if they crossed to uiia suie. AtftaalU aiAwri.A, June. iz. Spanish rower is crumbling in the Philippine islands, General Pena and a thousand Spanish soldiers were surrendered at Santa Crux. Similar surrenders have taken place at Laguna and at Pampanaga, in which case hardly anybody was killed. ine American can Uke Manila with in 24 hours after the troops arrive. The city ia now at the mercy of the American neet. Will fee Annexe Nxw York. June 17. A snecial to the Herald from Washington says : Vigorous efforts are to be made to get tbe Hawaiian annexation resolution through the senate by the first of next week. Annexation within the next two weeks is now considered so certain tbat the administration is considering plan for formally taking possession ot tbe islands and raising the American flag over them. ; Ben law Meefeaee Kisostok. June. 17. Adwratvh from Manxanillo. province of Santiago de Cuba, received here to today .announced tbe arrival there of the steamer l'raisi- ma Conception, which sailed from King ston about 2 o'clock Thursday morn in if with food supplies for the SpaniArds,and carrying, it ia aaid f 100,000 in gold. Sswatak lAe Ma nam. June. 17. There are a num ber of rumor in circulation as to tbe destination of Admiral Camera's fleet. one that the wars bins are heading for tioeton, witb tbe intention ot bombard ing New England towns, and another tbat the neet isTgotng ;to tbe Philtppi nee. Religions &ervlce. Rev. Beni. Hagtman. of the United Evangelical chorcb, will preach in tbe M. C church Sooth tomorrow at 1 1 a. m. d8p. m. Yoa are invited. Baptist church: Sunday. The Ann ual Association" 10:30 a. m. "Where ar ths Dead until tbe Besarrection?" 7 :45 p. m. Christian church: Mr. Pst'erson of E ogees Divinity Sebool sill preach t 11:00 a.m. and 8 HO p. ta. Snndsy scaooi low a. m. and Ubnctiaa Eade vov at 7 00 p. m. extended to all. A cordial invitation At the C. P. church tbe evangelical rvice ander Rev. C . M. Lane are growing in attendance and interest. There will be eervicc tonight, tomor row morning and evening and every night next week and in fact until further notice. Service at tbe Congregational Church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. In tbe morning Mr. C. II. Walker will "perk on "The Unseen Forces in Chris- . . m. r iwi ti . , , . uad ti anire, i am rHiw wui eptma in tbs evening on "Failing Sight." 8. 8. at 10 o'clock. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. M. E. church : Regular service morn ing aad evening:. Rev. I. N. Van Win R.S, ol uaiaey, will preach in tbe morn ing at 10:30 a. m, and tlie pastor in the evening at 8 p. m bonday cbool at i .30 p. m , Hollowed by tbe junior and Intermedial Leaeae ; tpworln Lecgae at 7 p m. Acordial invitation to all. m. v nx, raator. Presbyterian church : Morning ser vice at 11 a. m.; Sunday acboot at 13:15; Junior C. E at 3:30; Senior C. E. at 6:45; evening terries at 7:45. Subject ot ths morning sermon. "Duty;" even ing "tbe Cnjovt Stewsrd." A cordial invitation U extended to all to attend all tbs services. United Presbyterian . Services at the usual boat. 11 a. m. aad 7:45 p. in. Sabject of morning eermcn. "Christ Lifted Up." 8. S at 2:30; Junior En deavor at 2.30; Senior Endeavor at 6:45. At 7 :45 will be given the Children's Day exercises. Ths program w.U be ren dered by tbs esbbaia. sebool and can be enjoyed by all present. Everybody in vited to all tbs eervice. Baowxsrttxs Mi Leva Scott, of Al bany, if tbe gaset oi Mist Zella Weaver. Ths Star cheese factory pave 20 cent per poand for batter fat ia sailk. Tbat is equal to 40 e-ats per roll for batter. Peter Ham hs parebated the Pi Ha rm ry stock ot goods, and placed Mr. Maade Snyder aod Mis OuisUs Home ia charge, wbo will conduct tbe bailors ia tbs future. Time. A Grxtor Casr or Lore. Prof. John K. Love, a na'ir and highly revpected Linn county voang u an, now reeid' ng ia Drag la eoanty, and Mm Dsiey Mc Mar ry were united in marriage in Eugen last Wednesday, Jane 15. They have tbe best wibe oi many Linn eoanty breeds of ths groom. Lorr. On Tridsy morning, in or near tbs store of S. E. Young, s pair ot spec tacle ia esse. Will tbe finder kindly leave tbe seats at tbs store of T. O. Shaver. Taaisaisa Ratr, At a meeting of thresh ermen yesterday afternoon in this city ths following rate were a reed npon and will be observe J in this county this eoming season: Threshing 4 end 5 cents, oar wet band II .3d .man and team ti.OU. A steamer arrived in San Francisco from Hooolula this morning, hence wail from the Albanv bova will be looked for next Monday morning. Eugene Clark, the tpye wriier surgeon has hia anna fall of machines, which he is repairing to the complete satisfaction oi toe owners. Mr. William Peacock, tbe Cloverdale nptodate ear Jenina artist, bas the lean abwt Tbwa'a thanks for a beautiful boo net of Uavi!and strawberries a whole hill of them. Not many ot the Cuban refugeea in Florida ar enlisting lor the war. This is due, it Is explained, to the fact tbat they are cigarmakera and cannot march. their peculiar employment unfits them for physical labor. They can sit day af ter day rolling cigars without becom ing tired bat few of them can walk moie tiaa a mile without exhaustion. Spain baa heretofore annually expor el to thia country about $2,000,000 worib of oranges, nuts, raiatns and wines, 1 hi year trade will be supplied by ths peopl Of California and Florida. The "lif tree' ot Jamaica is harder to kill than any other specie of wooden known. It continue to grow and thrive for months after it has been uprooted and exposed to the sua. The Austrian government has snlargtd the boundaries of Vienna to such aa ex tent that tb metropolian seals now halt aa large as London twice as large at Pari, and three time aa laige a Berlin. -1ii.iki ni ti.i. Crsu. Ojfci-aaloei tobacco bahlt euro, make vrce .tronc iio-- -ur. We. SI. All (r.ut MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR ViEAK MEN FREE TO ALL MEM OF All AGES MO HOMliT IV ABVAVfrrte. -oTaiaw erfat sppllasre tat selawUSe rera sates seat ea trial te say reliable awssu A worl4-wtto repetatioa baok ot tha offer. Every o be tad to Sappy married Uf removed. Full etrenvth, development sad toe given to every portion ot tb body, "allure. Impeaatble i ag so barrier. j u, i. aoneme. 'i mini i rn saniaoarast. UU.. BUffAU. N. V. MISFITS. Satan now h&e nlentv i a it t T. Satan is colonel of a Texas regiment. A Salem paper boasts tbat no man is rh.?100" "P1;1 L" U advertised in that paper. . . John Wannamaker w II please take notice Both tbe Oregonian and Harry Lane have roasted Ike Patterson, tbe new col lector of customs, whose sppointmont Brif. Zn itic1 MdoPe7rorn Tc Bri Je,uniil he it done worse than brown. Some of our republican exchange are openly kicking becauee they Lave not n.f!id,r the2r ""P'in sdverU. IhSm iffea,Km. HentiBel being one of them. If wbst s newananor a... i.. before an eleetion is a matter of adier- irw.B , u IHn to read politics. Ths new collector of customs, Ike Pat terson, of Salem, is entitled to great cr. dit for having been born in Oregon. It "d inBenton county on September 19, 18.r9. Ike has kent ...... i a w waa- "r b i now about ix feet and ibre lneb- re van ana win hold one of tbe bet pay iog office in the state. Sslem bas not yet decided to celebrate the 4tb, but Is talking tome, the same as it hss for years talked railroad. It sill euu wun a picnic on Marion square. Albany will give a 4th of July ce'.ebra ion with attractions that everybody can see. There will be no side-shows peco ll.. Ia a.M. . 1 . " cvui, :ieuranons, out an open tent for everybody, as it were. The Democrat man is glad to see Ha waii annexed to the United State. It is a good it-laud to have. We need it in our busineea notwitliiUnding our pres ent big territorv. Some Salem men are aaid to be try. : t ... . . iuB u, uwid viauu uaica lor L. b. sen ator. Gatcb ia quite popular in tbe eap- ' tuy, bui oe wui probably not be U 8 senator. There are other. The war revenne bill raised tbe tax on oeer si a barrel, bat in Portland tbe brewer have raised the erica barrel. The saloon keeper don't like tbi There will be lot of fanny thing before tbe expenses of this war are paid. An English preacher bas sent half a guinea to tbe United Slate for the war ! T1 -a. .a . I ""u.i k . .V Wm n Dem1P" the bucket, but the spirit is a wrole uoxaei mil lt shows bow the Encliah wind has set. It will be a rare thing that doesn't get struck by the war tax. Under the new revenue bill all bowling alleys and bil liard room will pay 15 for each ailev or table; telephone end tdesTaoh meaaam aie taxed one cent per message. Don't . bother about the German. They are all tight. There will never be any fcerioas troabie between the United etatee and German?. Don't believe every foolish little minor that tor . One Albany man got frightened because ne saw a statement tbat a German Tes te bad sailed nnder sealed orders and he looked for wsr right off between the - niteo state and Oermanr. A contest of the eieetioa for county clerk will undoubtedly bring oat two side to the matter, as in all each case, and if tbe contest is allowed there will be as many chance for the increase uf the ma jority of Mr Crabtree as for th damw of hi vote. Ia anv event it ia orobable the case will go to the Supreme Court and it will uke some time for the final deter mination of it. Ia the mean time Air Crabtree has a certificate of hi election aod will assume the duties of the office at tbe proper time. . From tbe Pendleton E. O.: Daily for weeks the PorUand Tribune boasted of its "scoops" over the Port land Oregonian aad spoke encouragingly of the large amount of "eomebodv money" it wa ipeedisg for news. The Portland Oregonian answered all ot tbia "gall" with silence and the people barely learned of tbe existence of the vain and foolish Tribace. Tbe Tribune is now dead ; tbe Oregonian is mil piloting tbe new, without brag or blaster. It it auite likely that history will repeet tteelf hereabouts at no distant day. "To ben what doe de loudest cae&Un eeber lays de biggest egg." As h is with hens, so it is with newspaper. Some of oar Oregon exchange are dis cussing tb question whether Mis Goald did r'ght to spend t.CCO r a dog col lar. On one side it U aeseried that it is a god thing a sbe ba piestr of motver tod lt puts it in circulation., and oa the other that it is gross extravagance aad that Rome fell just becaae of that kind oi carrying on. lateyoar chotce. W. S. U'Rea ba soed te Oregon City Lnterprwe for $10,000. D.J"t know U.ere was a paper in the valley tht bad ss much money aa thaw The Democrat doesn't know anvthice aboot thia ra but candidly gny man who goeeinto pol itics should Uke whst cooet at a part of L . I : . . t - ... . . . tuv ruiDrea. 11 IS too OSd tbat tbe POJ- i.i . t i - . . uvau voiiora nas got aowa tbat wav, oat it i too macb a fact. Here is a sample of tne naval pa as the day: lie asked ber if he might kiss hr Deaey lip, and he replied tht he wa strong as Sanireon and she waa bnt weak girl, without the power to tuccess- iuuy resin mm, and then tbe Scblev young thing assumed a defenee'ee atti tuds, end, by 'Evans ! the nautical cuss took sdvantage of her helnlesaneea aud kissed her once for every star in the un ion jack. Aud the next day another naval engagement wss told of in the pe- Governor Budd, of California, haa com muted tho sentence of the trainwrecker, Salter D. Warden, to life imprisonment. The medical board appointed to examine into Warden's menial condition, derided he was insane at the time he wrecked the train bearing Cnited States soldiers, thug causing the death of three soldiers and an engineer. Anions thos hn signed tbe petition tor commutation of the eenteuce were, ex-Pnsident Cleveland and C. P. Huntinston. In hie toast at the banquet of the al- umniof theAlbany college last evenirP';--; Kev. U. L. Iteed told a Dewey incident that ia worm rcpeaung. just before coming to Albanv last year Rev. Keed waa the guest of lev. uoo. Snaldmir in Syracuse, N. Y., and from him he learn ed how close he came to exchanging places w ith Dewey, palling and Dew- ev were uovs toteuier ia erruont. lioth deculeil when young men to go in to the navy and were examined at the same time in competition for the place. Spalding passed the higher examination and was ready to go but his parents ob jected so strenuously that be gave it up and turned hia attention to the minis try. In the meantime after his defeat Dewey had decided to biudy for the ministry, but when Spalding backed out he was able to secure the place and so entered Annapolis and has developed into the hero of Manila, with the eyes ot the whole world uion him, while Spalding is preaching in Syracuse with only local fame. Laundry Notice- Vernon Ramnhas accepted s position with the Albany Steam Laundry ta the absence of Capt. Phillip and will have roll charge of tne delivery wagon. coUec- tina etc All worg wm oe en oai in Bret class order and a liberal patronagi of the public is earnestly solicited. 11 T Dnti rivia mans awAaa U tl a xx illi a Of, uaMtmjjvi 1H3 . S00 PACIFIC UHE. To 111 PoinU last Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping car, luxurious dining can, elegant day coaches, raagnificeat tourist cars i nd free colonist sleepers from the Pa cific to the Atlantic without change. 30TIRBCT AMD CHEAPEST ROOTS T Kootcnny Minfngr SAKCSF, SEW DIXVXR, siocax err-, ssxsos. KAUO, TRAIL. District j ROSRLASDAfr All points in the Okaaagan Country. Ge s pamphlet giving s full description of this wonderful country. Ask tbe agent ror a copy or tbe mining law or unair Columbia. Lowe ratpso and frrvn ETJROPJil Atlantic ateamsbip ine. Canadian Pac. Ry. Cos Koyal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAXADIAX ACSTRAIXAW T RAJfKS U B050vn.ct rui aim acstraua. The shortest lice to the Ccloni. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage. For time table, pamphlets, or say is ormation. call on or address. 3 K STEELE k CO. A(r-nU,Al!any Or. E J COTLE. Ag t, 144 Third ForV and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A. aneonver. H. 1J. ORTHtRII il PACIFIC H.n. i:?j p oilman Sleeping Jargt Elegant Dinig Cars, Tourist Sleeping Car at rani Hinneapolia Pulutb frergo, TO draad forks Crook rtta innip- Beiena aad Batte THROUGH TICKE S. TO .hiesgo Kashington Philadelphia Sew XOrk lOstonandal. foinU East and Sentb Throogti tickdta to Japan aad Ch as. n TaaomaaBd Sortbera Pacific ateamahif Co aa Americas line- For iaformatioa, time card, map snt tick eta call on or write C G Bsrkhart agst, Albany, Or. A D ChariU - A Gea Faaa at Portland- O- DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD TbeScenk Lice 01 lle World To The EiST . la through toorist cars vritbont change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS Liulmge of Eieeriescgi csnino toia 111 psTters T K anoms City ssd Chicago Bsffale and Bos MOXD.YS witioat Sa't Laks Mawsri Pariee aad Caicsga & Altos Rotircad To OmIva. CkicA.0, PatfaJo TUESDAYS Bo, vithOBt ceasa. t-s Sa't Lake and Ckiog Rock 14aad A Facine Ky Ta St Joseph. Kansas Gtr, WEPXSUATi k St L, witBcwtebaae via Salt Like aad Borliag toe) rente To Kansas (Mv aad Si Loais TaCRSDTS wtthoat efcaags. via Sals Lakeaad Mawaeri Pacific Rv A day atepuver arranged at Salt lake aad LVovee , . A Ride tirough the famoaJ C. la-ado Soeeery For ram aed information icqaire of 0 R & K and S P ajenta er addrea R G Xk-bou Gw At, S K Rosses, 251 Waabiutes atree. Denver, Portland OrVe Citocade, Oregon Cet ual &, EASTERN R. R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting st YaouinaBay with tha Sao Francisco & Yatiaifld Baj STEAMSHIP OOMPAST. ' SlBffil uM(lt Rails from Taa nine everv S day for San Francisco, CooEBay.Humboldt Ray. PABS4MOKB ACCOMOOATtOM UOTCaPABSXt Short e-t route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare lrwn Albany and points west tc B&n Francisco Cabix 8 6.0C Btixxags Eoond trip good for 60 days To Coo Bay Oabin Whin $10.01 .eerage. . . 800 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland tod Corvallia, throagh without lay-ever. Leaves Oorrall.s 6:30 a, m. Tuesdays, Thursday and Satu-da, leave Port .and, Yamhill street does. 6:00 a. an. Mondava Wednesday and Frida:. Epwtx Stoks, J O AlA-. Manager Supt Eiver Die IKST HATIO.SAI. Bi. o AiJtAKV, oaaooa riMaa . VloarnaWwt. crLn 8,S,TOl w. inorcM TXAH9ACT9 A OXSatbaniqataaa A"Wl'lT3 XfcFT ubUi te afeatk. lOHT SXCHAXGB aa4 -:asrr?h Bwa.'ar, ao B nw f urk Haa rnaaaee.Chia sa P -iU OL'.tOTIOHt SAPa aaraM tenae 8 I Vevaw a w Laeevea PAOooitwra, fa. Itaurl C. g. runs. ROBERT A. f,lILLEa ATTOaKST AT LAW OSSOOX CTTT, OBXSOX City T'tlca and Land Office Eoslnness. aim eiuy run w uae witn food's iara,atilia.