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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1898)
War Flashes. Every town should bave an anti-dead beat club. There is a field for oae most anywhere. Good adwce to. wheat BpcquJatora to never "overstay" the market. Thatia the word being used and it is a 'pretty good one. Tha secret Is being let oat that the Spaniards really believe they can fight It is about time they showed their hand rmy. Bangor Nsws. v m then, for they have failed to do so ret. The streniith of the Cuban arm u largely in us cause. Salt Lake Herald. Until we catch a Spanish spy in Pitts burg we will not confess to being lalrly treated. Pittsburg Times. "r - The Vovernraent doesn't ' place any ceuBorship' 6n "newr wenMfv aiser snjrs j wauls onejr.-AUapta Conati- tutioo. ' A"':r-' ':' I : It 'has' neen I found that Dr. Mary Wal ker is the only self-made man who bai nnt anrdied for a eeneralshlp in tbe ! The sugar trust doesn't want Hawaii annexed. That ought to be a pointer tor people who are weak on annexation. Wanted, a secretary of war, capable of conducting a big war in an Intelligent manner. Call on the president of the United State. "It is reported that Col. W." J. 'Bryan will probably be assigned to a place un der General FiUhugU Lee in the Cuban campaign. Depend upon it he will do his duty. t Mr. Alger has made more bangles as a After all the law of supply and demand runs things in the wheat market, -and you can't figure anything else out except just before an election. It isn't a good idea to take a stranger Jnld your confidence too fast. He may a wolf in sheens clothing. True, we haven't any too many nice young men, and "et it is well to go just a little alow. Mavbe the vaeation'bt . Sampson and secretary of war than any other scan la J ' ' a I . . . . .ill W"a Schley will not be much to epeaa 01 1 tne service, in me opinion w we this year, but Cevera is sore of not hav- I ocbat wttneut any regara to pontics oe ntinPM!alo nhi Times. !; s oot s Bl man lor tnepiace, ne ,u ... uu..s. . - -t sir . . . . . tk. w n,.t. lor the men who shonld resign ana .give mepieeew steamed into Santiago on the Merrimae The briefest stoiy of the destruction of the Maine was that given by one of the wounded Bailors Well, sir. I was a corkin' it off in my hammock, air, when I beau a hell of a noise. Iben, sir. the nurse says to me, Sifc up and take this. That iaail Iknow, air." We hope the farmers of Oregon have learned one lasting lesson in the past few veare. and that is: keep "out Of debt, There is no occupation so independent as that of a farmer out of debt, and none o .lavish if in debt head over heels. Rural Spirit. They may have learned . n hnt there are as many if not more -v . . mortgages going on record than ever. It la said Praneer Leiter - of wheat tame loet 13,000,000 in his transactions That shows him to he' a young man of colossal brain. It indicates .that a n with a collegiate education stands juet : as good a show in the financial wcrld as the man with only self made advantages. would beartue.!aecriptioB'.,'I& God We Trust," and be too tor $20 worth of gooda anywhere in the world. San Fran alec Call. -2 t With her sailor hat and military belt the summer girl seems dettrm ntd to keep on the good side of both branches of tbe service. Pittsburg Post- i Far. sighted, statesmen are awaiting the teat ot the Fourth ol July before en thusiastically indorsing tbe Anglo-Am-ericau alliance Philadelphia Korth Ainencaa. inr,v . ? I .X : If Kcosevelfe Rough Riders are not permitted to take their broncos to Cuba, bow are they to appear in their specialty in the bull-ring at Havana? Omaha Bee. . , -if.: . v' : Admiral Sampson ia materially asaiat- ins the Soaniards to remember ' lots ol things, the Maine Included.- Chicago News'.""" : , '".. ,.:".': :'".,; It may not be very comfortable IB a Spanish dungeon, but LieuU Hobeoa is soared the anecdotes related by tbe man that knew him when be waa a , boy . Detroit Tribune. . ;; ;.-. ,,. j Situation at Santiago Harbor ia a nut shell. Those who are in are crasy to get out, and thosa who are out are crasy man of a bigger calibre. A thirteen ineb man is needed lost now Instead of about a one inch man. Judge Shattuck after filling the poai tioa of judge since 1862 has resigned and will retire from the bench. When a man reaches the age of seventy ysari.hs should give place to younger men Judge Sbattuck leaves the bench with great honors and tbe entire respect of tbe bar under him. His record been a good one as a judical officer. baa , X MISFITS. . Great is the state university at Eu gene. Reduced fare rates are allowed on the 8 P to those attending commence merit. Generally tha i. i. This year only twelve tickets were Bold. a newspaper man baa atruck it rich : A." V.; R. fiayder of arcMinnville. baa been appointed state statistical agent ot that ilaHaatB...i - a. m . ,r"ru"ou 01 agriculture at a salary of 300 per year." Wonder what be ia going to do to earn so much money. Tbe Cadis fleet has strain returned to Cadis. Practically it ia a myth, and if the United State will take the advice ot the DaxocaaT it will pay ao attention to it unless it is to send a amall fleet 0.verJfnd demolish what little there is ot is. ine Oregon alone can come pretty close to doing it without any joking. a. Portland man, who baa returned from Alaska after a etay of three months there, surprised hia trienda by atating ttiat during that time be had bettered nia condition 11500. He waa told that be bad dona very well, and aaked how he made ao roach 3b bo abort a tim H said what he had seen wae worth $600 to rr ? tu experience would prevent awing again, wnicn waa worth ham to hid, . r Turkey baa tha greatest wreatler ia tbe world. Hia name ia Yooaof, and be ia now ia New York throwing and strangling al comers, none of whom ia anywhere near ia equal. 1 1 ia pleasing to know that Turkey excels ia one thins. She is welcome to excel ia wrestling matches Oregoa continues in the lead. Ia a bona race at Prineville last week the two-year-old Oregon defeated Maid, Mt. uooa ana uewaiiyn with ease. The professional punster ia now in bis elements ,and tha papers are fall ot items about Dewey morna and aver. Hobaon's choice, Sampson's might, Schley's can ning, uamara's locus and plenty of tav ern attempt. lmknD. don't be diecour aged, keep going and some day you may I to get in. Cincbinattl Times-Star Portland people believe they eaa en tertain tea thousand school tsaebera That la a big nndsrtaking, but what city in tbe United States ia bettor able to do it, backed by tbe most proline country in the world. Go ahead veu.Umen, wa will stand by your back and see yon through. nouiblr be able to loee $3,000,000 and . ride in fine carriages and be looked up toby the four hundred.- . - Cowa and stock catt'.e are now selling far above their intrinsic valaa. The best beef cattle are bo higher in the principal markets of the United States tbao they have boen for the past fifteen years, but stock cattle are 100 per cent hieber, and a reaction is bound to come, The cattle brokers all say the price is lower than two months ago on account of the war. Rural Spirit. From the Vorld. At Santiago our navy was opened by as good forts, as good guns, as good gun , ners as Spain-baa acywbere. At Santi aeo. as at Manila and in the San Juan fiasco, our navy came off unscathed. This provet - X That we should have reJueed -Havana and Ssn jnan the first week of tbe war and bo ended. it. ' . . '. 2. That the calling out of a hoguarmy - of volunteers was a coetty mistake. a 3. That Mr. McKiniey can end the The appearance of Col. Frank Salan.of Tennessee, on the, scene of actioun, tends to confirm Gen. Sherman's opinion of war, Washington Post. , Wben-Cerrera left Cape Verde be said: I go to meet the enemy.. It looke now as though he would be the enemj's meat. Gbicago Dispatcb. - . The apparent inefficiency of bis chiefs of com missionary threw Gen. Uilee iato a high stale ot iodigoaHon yesterday. This marks a distinctly forward mora ment in the war. Chicago Tribune. If nothing else, Cervera'a case teaches aat it's wiser never to go intoa thing un less you are reasonably sure bow you ere going o come out. Philadelphia Times. Now that election ia over it is being reported from Washington that the ap propriation for Yaqulna will probably not be made, that there ia a feeling that Oregon baa already beta treated to well and been given too mncb money, Great care was taken that no such port should go out before election. TELEGRAPHIC. : , Reached Santiago. Washington, June 21. It is reliably reported that Shatter reached Santiago Saturday, with bis troops. Hobson and li men are in Mono Castle and all well. Will Leave Saturday. Sam Francisco, June 21. Gen. Mer- rittsaysbe will sail Saturday for the Philippines. Affairs at Manila. Londos, June 20, Papers here say the American troops reached Manila safely, that the insurgents are unable to take Manila alone. Foreigners are leav ing tbe city in neutral vessels. A Stronger Blockade. WASttiNGTOJf, June 20. Sampson has been ordered to reinforce the blockading fleet, on account ot tbe runs that have been made through it. - Food Scarce Sax Jcax, June 20. Food prices have advanced seventy-five per cent on ac count ot the war. If the circuit court docket continues to decrease ia aise there won't be any thing to bold court for. Tbe one given tnis week ta the smallest on record in this county. Tbe seniors of Isssell Female Semi nary have tbe following yell: Wbangt Banal Zinl Yite! Hurrah! Ki-Vi ! Green and White Hullabaloo! Baloo I Belate I LasseU ! Lassell I Kinetv-eurht! The Oregon boya and girls will have w uj again. A Terrible AecMtat LoKoosc, June 21. During the launch ing ot tbe British first-class battle-ship Albion, at Ulackweii tooay.Dy tbe uucu- ess of xork, at which ceremony we United States ambassador, CoL John Hay and Mrs. Hay, Lieutenant-Com mander Wells, United States naval at tache, assisted, tbe displacement of wa ter canaed an immense mass of water to rise on all sides, completely submerging one ot we lower suites oi me vara, anu immersing hundreds of people, it is es timated that 50 persons were drowned. Coeval aiarrttt Sax Fbajccwco. June 21. Despite all announcements General Merrill baa not yet decided whether be will go with tbe next fleet of transports or not. There baa been rumors that the general would sail on tbe Indiana, tbe ear port and a 1 -cine Mail steamer to Hong Kong and thence to Manila, but no plans have as yet been made. atelafaraMBmia Loxdox. June 22. Tbe Havana cor- war withoat delay and without risk a. eooo as be wishes tu do so. just Ths Kid on tbe Portland Commoner gives the following: In de Fifth ward de Pennoyer push voted coc ietd, gamblers, dope bitters and policemen. So a republican tells me. Dat'a notting. , In de Third ward Chinese lottery fiends, bums, jail birds and pimps were voted by de Simon out fit.' I'll be blest it I kin smell de differ ence. 1 '-- -' ' - ; ' ' Dey say de next chief of police is John Minto. bat's sometin' like jumpin from de eauease pan into de fire. "Come back to me,' C!osbeeey, and I won't kick any more, more, more." Dere was eight councilmen runnin in de Eight ward and a n:gger promised to to vote for every one. He marked an X before each eindidate's nama on de bsV lot, an dis way kept his word like white man. - The wealth of John V. Rockefeller has now reachea the sum of. 1224,000,000 and furthermore is increasing at tbe rate of 1,500,000 a month, or $30,000 a day. or $2,083 an boor, or $34.90 a minute, or 57 cet ts every second of time. . 'day and night, Sunday and holidays. ' - 77 ; John D. Rockefeller sleeps 8 hours evacy eight, retiring at 10:30 and rising at 7. Every morning when be gets up be is $17,703 richer than he was when be went to bed. He sits : down at ,8 o'clock and leaves the table at 8:30, in that short half an hour bis wealth has , grown $1,1451.80. -; Oft, Sundry' he goes ' ' to chnrch; and two hoars that be is away from home bis riches have grown $1,1G6. His nightly amusement ia playing the violin. Every evening when be picke np tbe instrument be is $59,000 richer than he was when be laid it down tbe previous night. These facts give s?me idea of the constant growth of this man's fortune. Ex. i 'J'- ) Leiter'S' Record. : A ' Letter's firrt deal in "wheat, April 2, ,1837. ' . I . End of bis campaign, Jo tie 13, 1898. Cheapest purchase-of wheat June 18, j 1898 fUe I t;- f Highest price, May 10, 1898 $i 85. Greatest boldiiiits in cash and future at one titnt-35,000,C0u bu." rf ' , Total sales cah wheat25 000,000 bu . ,. Alleged profit July deal $500,000 : Alleged profit September deal, $720, 000. - Alleged rront Decfmler deal, $3.TO,OC0 Alleged profit May dea!,$l,800,C00. j . rotai,$35o,oco, i.tJ, : K Greatest profit per bushel, 85cv- Y -fj; m Greatest loss, $1. . ; , . Loans from banks pn grain, f 10,000 00&. . - . . ..f .. U','; Share of Chicago bunks, $8,600,000; ! Amount ceb wheat Leiter held st tbe final roundup, figuring on bank loaning basis of 80s. a boehel 14 000,000 bu. . July and September wheat contracted for by Leiter 7,000,060 bu. ; ' ' j Cash what rrarlilefredtcrArmour lS.000.OCO bo. : . ' ; Total holdings of, Uitef June 13, 1898, 10 cash and f mures 22,000,000 bu. , Estimated net loss to. tbe Letters, ?, 000,000.' - The Dkuuvhax uauuoi eo any politics in tbe annexation of Hawaii, and for a number of restona desires to see the annexation take placed We need tbe iaiands in our business of government. For years tbey have been close to us in a social way, practically a part, of oi and tbe time has come to mass them com pletely so. :- '-' a - Our Wondertul Superiority. (From a private letter from, past assistant engineer E. L. Bcatcb of tbe cruiser Baltimore, of Dewey's fleet.) ' We feel that we bave bad a great vic tory here which we ascribe to several causes.,. First, tbe Spaniard ia always behind tbe times. He knew tbat an American fleet was expected, and was so aare of bis tremendous superiority, that be took absolutely no precauiton. Tbe uigbt we ran by tbe forts (in tbe early morning oi the engagVmsnt) tbe Spanish officers were all at a grand ball. The entrance to, the harbor was planted with" torpedoes. He thought tbat waa enough, and bad no patrol, picket-boata. or torpedo-boats on guard. Tbe result is tbat we ran by their magnificent guns guarding the entrance to Manila Bay and were out of range inside before tbe Spaniards knew it. ' . Aootner reason for our . success is due to Commodore Dewey's orders. Not one of tbe ships bad aoy intimation that we would run by tbe forts as we did oa Hi thirty miles away, when the Comma. doe save tbe order. We were by tbe Bpa-?h lot and at the fleet by 5:30 uj. on Suuday, Hay I. Tbey .were tea sr.ii nroog carrying no modern guns 4 in ai.i. h we opposed a superior Beet, of 'x efiio-t carrying 135 gone. Two of bnr nijips were over 3,200 toni diiplace- mt-at, and tbe reel were modern gun boat a - " . - l ui tl-et waa a-eisted by batteries on sltote, armed with modem gens, , which made their guns so peri or in number to oore. ' Ia number of men engaged tbey were undoubtedly far superior to us. - Tbe Span:ards . were absolutely eon fideatof vtcturv. So other outcome was anticipated by them: no preparation was made for a different resuU. I tbiok that their ships, combined with ttieir fort-, msde them equal to ns no far ae powers of offense and . defense were concerned they bad as many mod ern guns approximating to tbe earns -ize as we -bad and more men to fire them. ;Ttiey should have been able to have fired as much, weight of shot in a vpeeified time as we did Every. ahot jfired from . ear fleet- wss debberateiy.teoolly- ani pitilessly aimed. TbeSpanisidefked an enormous namber of times, but With apparently lbs most impracticable aim. - fchells dropped all around our ships. We were in sction for over four hours- Hundreds of shot and shell fell close to ur. Only five or six pierced as and they did no damage. f llie damage done by ' our ships was aightful.- I bsvs visited all of the sunk en Spanish sains, and bad I not seen tbe effect of American marksmanship I would bardi give-credit to reports of it. One amokeslacB of the Caetilla.e 3,300 ton Spanish ship; was struck eight times snd the shells through the hull were so many and soclos, that it is impossible tbat a Spaniard could live on : her deck. The other large ship the Eeina Crietioa, was perforated in the same way. , We didn't employ much tactics . be cause there wasn't much need for them. There were the enemy, and we went for them bullbeadedly, anJ made them ex ceedingly sick.' ,' 'n i ,r ' . , .", ' .Tbe lesson I draw from the fight is ths great , utility ef target practice. . Tbe Spaniard baa none; we bave it every three monibe.- Strength' of nsvies are compared generally ship for (hip. Tbe personnel is just as important. ' ' '- ' I am confident that bad we manned tbe Spanish ships and bad ths Spaniards manned our fleet tbe American side would bave been t victorious as It wss. " The Spaniard certainly was brave, for be stuck to his gam to the last . ' ' Fiom tbe World. Only twice In history have tbe exports of agricultural products from tbs United SUtee reached the value of $700,000,000 For the fiscal rear about to and tbey exceed fSOO.OOO.OOO, and will probably reach $835,000,000, Tbey exceed tbe exports ot tha record breaking year 1S9S by more than $130,- 000,000. They exceed last years exports by mora than $150,000,000. Tbey ex ceed those of tha year before by more than $250,000,000. All this Is money dag out ol tbe soil and poured into tbe laps ot our fanners. At tbe same tuna our ax porta of manu factured products nave incieased ta still greater proportion, while our Imports. representing our purchases from other nations, bave encrmoualy fallen off. So wonder gold eonttcnee to come to us. ao wonder thai foreign boiders of American securities refuse to part with them. "o wonder tbat oar 4 per cents are at a premium of 22 per cent, ia tbe open market la spite of war expenditures and an impending loan of halt a billion dollars. This country la getting neb at a rate utterly unmatched la history Iu Lieut. rtGoeon ttie Spanish govern ment has a prisoner ' of great veins,' a fact tbat seems to be appreciated. - The Spsiiiards had better deal gentjy with bim, for tbe chances are that the United Slates will some day have prisoners na Cervera ani Blanco, and then look, out if a hair on Hobson' head is toucbed. Blanco, tbe autocrat ot Havana harbor baa aent word to th" United States tbat be will ber rafter not recognise any flag oi truce sent out by tbe United Slates but will fire upon it tbe same as npoa the stars and atripes. Foolish some day be will wish to send oat white flag, and if it is treated ia like manner it will be a sorry day for Blanco. Tbe Dkmocxat doesn't wish to be critical, but la its jadgment Havana should bars besn attacked immediately after war was declared, snd with a will and not oa tbe peace plan. Thia is also tbe judgment of shrewd eastern ansa la a position to know tbe situation. Un doubtedly a big mistake baa been made in this respect, Waeaa though better judge later, wbea the preesat policy given a fair trial, wbicb it la entitled to without too much fault finding. Bute Treasurer : Metscban ia being mentioned for the office of United States senator, a position sought by trany vaioly.' Mr. Metschan wi.II not be' able to reach ths coveted position. It would ake a prophet to name the mac. It is icpch easier to name the man who will not be etee'ed than ' tbe man - who will be. Some who will nut be elected are o Simon, 'John II. Mitchell, Binger Herman, H. W. Corbett and Harvey Scott. ta The Pendleton E. O. is tbe moat caetie paper ia Oregon. Tbe following m a sample, and of course ia greatly ex aggerated: Fifty more young lawyers bave been granted certificates by tbe supreme court at Salem to practice the profession Oregon. About all a man baa to do this state is to nee a aw book under bis bead a nigbt or two for a pillow aad ap ply to tbe court for a certificate and ba ia a full fledged lawyer. 11 tbe present output of lawyers in Oregon continues there will be a lawyer to every client, and even then some of tbe client will bave no lawyer. Parodoxical as this may appear, tbia is no josh. TERKS. Dailt DBMOcaaT, 25 cents per month $3.C0 per year ,1a advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Wesxlv, $1.26 In advance; $1.60 at end of TK&ri S1.75 for second rears 20U for third and proceeding vears, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five new subscribers at $5.00. ...... - ,., Bebel aaeeesaes Gibraltar, June, 1ft The captain of a steamer which arrived here today re nnrt that ha aiirhtad the snanish sauad- ron off Cane Gala, a promontory of Spain on the coast of uranaaa lorming me eastern limit of tbe gulf of Algeria. Tbe aaaleh rise Los now, June, 18. The Hong Kong correspondent of the Daily Mail says : The native proclamation of indepen dence will be aigned Monday. Manila ia completely aurrounded by tbe insur gents of whom there are three forces de ployed about tbe city. The Boya Cub. Tonisht. at the G. A. B. ball, tbe Boya Clab will give an entertainment it will oa v to attend . A social time will De nao and besides tbe following program will be rendered: Overture Miss Jovoe BrownelU Short Address-Col. G. B. Montague. Duet Mr. and Mrs. D. V. FoUng. Cornet Solo W.E Simon ton. Music by bimonton'a nana. Mn.ifl he liranioonone. a fur which a del .clous lunch ot lea mam and cake w ill be served . admis sion, 10 cents. TOO MUG RAIN Yes. Why? fDE PLACE TO BUY Tour Urocerlea and Baked Gooda Is at Parker Bros. Everybody knows nlaea ia. Thcv keen a fresh mwiM. nredoee ana oasea goods, ot all kinaa.eeu as prices ana ireai uwtr Iiiba v.. n.a rMpret sans eieve vow mm In life fcut none Uken Into tbe store Of Parker Brae. ...'' It ie a great thing to do well iea. rai ker Bros keep good groeeriee. A loaf of breed is not naco vat jvm want it well maJe. Try Parker Bros. Because it interferes with the sale of our elegant stock SPRING SUITS AND FURNISHINGS. So to reduce our stock we Will Give Bargains all along the line until July 4th. All up to date finely tailored merchan- . dise. - - You need the goods, we need the monev and the ronm We ought to trade. Blain ClOthing Co. Honey to Loan. We bare a block of $40,000 to lean os food farms ia Una aad adjoieing coaot ks. if you hav good security and perfect til W. can f Ornish TOO the coin without ids), as weaeowowaexaaiieatioeof ecurity. O-all oa as or wnte K. K. Stajri-a .0 Albany, Or-g-on. Julius 3 i Gradwoh! the WHEAT. A party of young people of Portland last week were taking a ride in aa old steamer ia tbe river- when tha boat be gan sinking. A tragic scene followed witnmany eueheneeaa "Help, help'." "Save me!" -Tell mother I died think ing of bar," etc A catastrophe was pre vented by tbe fact tbat the water waa on ly two feet deep and noon even got wet. Tbat Cadis Beet Ie again looming up as a myth. Tbe government will do well to pay no attention to it, aa it ia barm lees anyway. It would take only a lew of our cruisers to knock tbe tope off it. 111 ere baa been too much cowardice dis played already over this phantom fleet. Let your motto be : "Lie, Steal, Drink and Swear." When you lie. let it be down to pleasant dreams. When you drink, let it be nothing but pure, cold water, w hen you steal, let it be away from immoral ainociates. W ben you ear, swear tha;; yoa will patronise your bom paper, par your subscription and not send your job work away from home. Ex. For Jnlv and Sent. Cfaieno 74 and 65Wc New York T aad 7le. Liverpool .ve tower. San Francisco 79c Albany 50 to 55c ruxnun. Prol. Swan ton the only teacher who will guaranty to teach any respondent of tbe Times ears : General Linares, in command in province of Santiago de Cuba, telegrapba mat W vessels, supposed to ue carryini the expeditionary force, bave arrived off Santiago de Cuba. General Blanco is sending six battal- lions to protect the coast of the province ot Santiago de Cuba, Great enthusiasm prevails in Havana. aTenat Bar Tt . r v" . . . T at . . agun. .luwua, tuns, . bai l - ... - . - - . Admiral Sampson asy. that the general one "O.wiu open h- ieneral fc halter's " a-, - -z: , ,, 1 - : . L . I frnnflMBOU Bill IIWIT. 4UOB of Santiago deyuo. will neceesariiv. be v,r.K .h txia. iinccviaca wims -n a - . - IB a bitest style, and dances, anouia nw thia nncmrtnmtv. ACaOemV WUI be open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon, for ladies and children fmm Sto5. and eveniucs for ladies and .tiiMBon fmm 7 JO to 10 -JO. Ladies ami rhiklrM taocht at half price. Pri vate lessons riven strictly first dan. Academy of modern dancing A writer in an Exchange says. A coo tract for brown linen uniform for tbe troops baa Just been given out. Thirty thousand suits are to be made by Bierman, Heidelberg & Co., ol New York. Tbsy are clothing manufacturers. The contract price 3.82 a suit . The lat ter consists of a blouse and troussrs. Other bidders offered to tarnish similar suits to tbe government. The bid of Bierman, Heidelberg 4 Co. was the bigheet per suit that waa submitted to tbe quartermaster-general. It ie claim ed that other manufacturers offered to furnish tbe uniforms made of identically tbe asms material at much lower prices. I am informed the lowest bid waa abent f 1.60 less per suit. Aboer McKiniey Is the sgeot and at torney for Bierman, Heidelberg fc Co. Three weeks ago tbe same firm received a contract for 100.000 uniforms blouses snd trousers. Ths representative of a large firm of clothing manufacturers in New Yerk Informed me be would bave taken the eontrsct for $100,000 lees. Beware ot Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. Sucn articles obould never ve used except on prescript ons from repu table phjsicians, as the damage tbey will do is ten fold to tbe (rood you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarran Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is Uken internally, acting direct! upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying hall's Catarrh Cure be sure and get tbe genuine. It is taken internally' and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cbeny &Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall. Family Pills are tbe best. TO CURE A COLD IN ON I DAT. 1 ake laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, all Druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. 25c. Mrs. Chapman, wife of tbe President of tha state university, baa bad the very Bartons charge made against ber, (bat during tbe very entertaining- address of oTotner lmne of ins urvailia Times, on Cuba, made before tbe students of the university ot Oregoa, aha sas reading a book, paytag no attention to tbe address and setting a poor example for tbe ris ing veneration. U ao .Eugene people bave something to talk about tor tbe next week or two. Tbe dispatcb ee report tbe drowning ot a soldier ia CbJckamanga creek, wbicb will remind old veterans who were there 35 years ago of tbe dangerous nature ef tbat stream for bathing purposes. Chic kamauga is aa Indian word, meaning "river of death, so-called because of so many bathers being drowned in iu icy waters. Many soldiers lost tbeir lives therein during tbe civil war, on acoaont of tbe extreme cold a ess of tbe water. Welcome. Here is tbe wsy tbe Prinseville men ie gveeted oa returning home : Bill Da via; who baa been visiting friends ia Jackson county since last April, got back to Priaesvilie Monday afternoon. Bill waa tbe cynosure of all eyes 'n Prineville ee be drove through Main street behind a 25 cent hitched to a 60 cent buggy whose top waa covena wun eoxi e cents' worm of de cayed burlap sackina-. It was tbe rarest preiris schooner that baa visited these parte since tbe days of Joe Meek. There are different wayso! obtaining distinction in thia world. Recently an wa . loauo man aid it try claiming to be a cousin of tbe famous hero of tbe Merri mae. Lieut, Hobson. Xow, brother Ho ler of the Salem Journal asserts that be ia an old friend of Joe Leiter, tbe fallen wheat king of tbe Chicago pit, and fear lessly telegraphs bia old friend sympathy when down. He received the following response: ''So extension needed. I never saw tbe wheat, never had it; never eaw tbe eight million, never had them; so I don't feel tbe loss so badly aa another man would to loee his dinner or a two bit piece." Two brothers from a Korth Missouri county appeared one morning at the por tals ot the St, Joseph insane asylum, one of them to be incarcerated there as a pa tient, tbe other having him in charge as far as the asylum. They were dressed very much alike, and the casual observer on the train would not have detected signs of insanitv in either. When the keeper appeared each initiated that he be bad brought the other. The asylum manager wae in a quandry. He chatted with his visitors until a late hour, and then locked them in a room together. Then be telegraphed tbe authorities at tne town where the brothers Jived : "Two men from your town arrived to day : both dressed alike; one calls him self Bill and talks about constructing an air line to tbe moon ; tbe other goes by tbe name of Dave and advocates the gold standard. Which aball t keep?" Ex change. Uncle Sam Will be found at Willi Stark's, also many no elties and an elegant line of jewelry, silver ware, cut glass, watches, clocks, etc. Tha latest ana best goods at satisfactory prices. A good place to go. If you want a g.ooa and cleat ("oka buy cigara made by our Al bany cigar iactcrv. Mosic Miss Milaroa durmester teacher ot piano or organ. System tbs Mason touch and technique. Residence fifth street, opposite (J P church. We give away choice flower seeds with tea and ooff je, for particulars call on, C. E. Bbowmeu. Tasre are three little thingrtwhioh' do more work than aoy ethar three little things ereatsd they ars tha sot, (tue bee and DeWitts Little Blv Risers, tks )a-t bains the fsmons little pills for ttoraaob sod liver troublte I A Camming Bee the new girdles, the very latest, in French's show window. delayed several days. Reports publish ed in the United States to tbe contrary are pure guesswork. Mm Wunht Tim WasaisoTox, June, 21. Secretary Gage has written a letter to tbe bouse staling that il ia impossible to put the adhesive stamp section of the war rev enue measure in operation on July 1 juvl a kin a tbat tbe time be extended to July 15. Tbe senate finance committee will not recommend any change in the war revue bill. Be 'leg nr'rF LLAix. June XI. Within a stone a throw ot tbe sheriff's office. safe waa robbed of fSSO in gold coin in broad daylight yesterday afternoon. The ker waa A. 11 llaroa, proprietor of a livery stable. Mr. Barnes was out driv ing and tbe man in charge had gone oot for a moment, when tbe thief entered, w reached the padlock lose, and secured the booty. No clue has aa yet been se cured. An taatugeat f lrlr- Hoso Koxtj, June, 20. According to ad vkes from Manila, dated June 17. it was reported there that (ieneral Nonet, in coming southward with SOU) mixed troops from bartacan. 30 miles north of Manila, found tbe railway line blocked, and waa taken by ambuh by tbe in surgents. Fierce fighting ensued, and was earned on for tbieedaTS during which General onet was killed. Tbe native troops joined tbe insurgents, and the Spaniards, who were left about 500 in number, surrendered. eaaela rrUam. Hoxa Koso, June 20. Tbe United States steamer Zafiro, which has just ar rived here, brimrs news from Manila un der date ot June 17, from which it ap pears that Uie insurgent now hold 4uO0 Spaniards, and 1000 native prisoners, to gvther with tbeir arms. at WaalU Mixiia, June, 17-The situation ia unchanged. The insurgents are unable to take Manila, owing to tbeir lack of field guns. They could not take it even if Admiral Dewey admitted, which be wiil not. Tbe report that the United Stales transports from San Francisco have been sighted is not correct. They are expec ted on June 20, The Shafiar Kiae'tM Waswixctox, June 20. No doubt is entertained at either the war or navy de partment that Shaftcre expedition has arrived safely off Santiago by this time As a matter of fact, it ia believed the first transports arrived near the blocka ding fleet Satuaday night. According to the plans arranged for debarkment, the fleet of tramrpors wss to lie in a safe po sition until bampeon cleared the way for a landing. lesPMtaat BUI. Wasaisotox, June 20. The senate committee on the Nicarauga canal today agreed to report a bill providing for the construction of the Nicaragua canal, but on lines very different from' those of tbe bills previously reported. The bill authori sed today practically provides for con struction of the canal by the United States. The Meritime Canal Company is to be continued in existence, but all the stock is to be held by tbe govern ments of the United States, Nicaragua, and Costa llica. . , Wilt mt Excbaage Wasiiisotox, June, 20, Word waa re ceived today from Commodore Watson to the effect that Captain General Blan co eta tea that the Spanish government refuses to exchange Hobson and his men. Will Bara ike Tewa OrrGiMXTAM a, Saturday June 18. Cuban scouts report today that the ia habitantaof Cairuanera have strewn the streets with straw and oil, with the in tention of destroying the city and fleeing to the hills. Camanera lies four miles up tbe bay from Camp McCalla, under the guns of the American ships, and the situation is desperate. Very BealrneUve. OffSaxtiaoo de Cuba, June, 18. A careful inspection of the fortifications along the crest of the bills, defending Santiago harbor since the bombardment Thursday morning shows that the Am erican gunners spread wreck and ruin everywhere. Some of the batteirea were demolished beyond repair. The vultures, which circled over the hills as thick as swallows around a clum ney for houra after the firing ceased, fur nished gruesome evidence of the faulty among the Spanish soldiers. (MUsi LaaJlaa riaaee KisasToa, June, 19. Several attempts to find landing places for the United States troops within a distance of two miles west of Santiago have determined, with rawvinua innuires to the eastward lithat the shore for fifteen miles is. lined -aBml with Spaniards. While thia will not Camming prevent a lanaing ciubo n "w8, mu entail mdaiderablo delay, - as the . surrounding country must be thoroughly shelled and cleared before the troops can land in safety. Baa lbs Bleekads Kingston Jamacia, June, 19. Three large cargoes ot supplies are known to have run the blockode Already, and of food are being smug gled into Havana by way of. the Isle of Pinis, Cienfugos, and other ports on the southwest coast having direct communl-1 oation with the capital. Strictly feueineae FOSHAY k MASOK -Wholesale A Retail BiUBBISTS 1ID BOQISllLlla ataaxr. oaxooa. Pare Drugs aad the finest and Largest Stork ef Stationary ana books us tbe Market. OliYer Pl0lSHei Prices HOPKINS EROS.. Agents. Albany, Oregon. per uVsua French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle. Hookies Brother, ageaU. Beat BicyUe tortus mooey. WUI A Stark. jeweVrv, Try SdtttHes'e Sai ta. aa aaal s- Batas at Viereek's sharing aad hair cutting pariats. Pictures from 75 cents Ie 25 at Longs gallery. Some very pretty late eptodale cases at WUI A StarVe. CreKeet Kcyvlea at llopkias Brother tor oaly 120, (30, f2 aad MX. C B Winn, cue ticket agent. Tkketa to all points ia the east. Crawford A Haratah for photographs Prices from f 1 to VQ per dosra. Be sure sad see tbe anti ret tie ware at Hoc kin Bios, will tea. a Bfatisae. Freak seeds, two packs re for a sicks! si Stewart Sox Hardware uo's. Fresh seed, two nackajres for a nickel at Stewart t cox usru ware ve s. Cyclists eoese around to A BeaaVsaew Ice Cream Parlors after your ride. Crackers are now way dowa ia price, call oa C E Browaell for freak eaes. DetkioM etrswberrtfe and vaaila ice eeam at Viereek's Ice Cream Sam ewe Garden. Raarrs kod, set aad p-at ia Erst data orJeral Viereek's sharing aad hair cot bag parlor Wbea you want a choice steak, a sics rosstor neat oi any kind, call oa henry Sroders. Us keeps the best. Die. H. E. aad U. C B-era office aad real dene ia post ofbos beitdiaf. t-pocial attention given to diseases ef wooes. Tbs best meats of all kinds aad good treatment at tbe Albaev LHeased Beef Company's market, hitt diwa Second street. Good weight aad prompt attend tioa. -Oliver gave the world tbe chilled plow' Aad itkassaseamore snoeey to the farmer of America tlaa any other imclement ever prodocea Genuine Oliver chilled are tne best oa earth. Tbe Oliver is a rroioter of bappt- as oa tbe farm, aad tbe dealer who sella it knows be is luadlieg tbe best. Look out for immttation and touch nothing but tew eesnio roods, msde calv cv Olive Chilled plow work. Sooth Bead, Ik1 C 8. A. : Dealer in -:- 3 : Hard ware, Unckery, Glais- are. Groceries and aJ goods - acji is country stores. SI WILL g SELL GOODS zz FOR CASH 2 m As Low as Anybody. I g- Country produce and eggs ; taken ia exchange " forgooods. ; WMieelW Prof. A. STARK Of WtfJ . Stark. Optical Specialist cGradnate of ths Chicago OpUtalau Is prepared to en mine scipstiScaft Jlratelr. by the latest aad improW saethodsof modem science, aiij who ds Sire to nave their eyes tested. Cusick Block ALaAjrv.Oajteoa. GOOD INSURANCE OR HONE. If you wsnt nothing for your money get ' Belief," hot if you want . "RelialiB tacen bare vour property insured by the lead ing aent of Albany, in companies tbat bave nen in bounces lor years, snd tbat bare money to back tbeir obligations. You cannot get a good article of any kind for not nine, and when yoa want ta eo ranee get "Insuraisce' and not "Re lief." M. SENDERS. "Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. Star Bakery Corner Broadalhin and First St CCXEAQ METO PaOPEIETW -0 ale r- affASBTBk LINN CO- ABSTiUClllANlJjE wcunacy vuregou. 02ks, Bank of Oregon Building. Only set of Abstract of linn Coaaty' Complete set of maps a ltd r-Uta barte reasonable We are assies te de a little gnodi ia th wacid aad oaa tank af ao ptaasaatae btar way ta de H laaa ay rwoaea,iae Oae Miaele Coach Cure as a praveativ ef peeesaaaia. ooaaaiaptioa and otbar m ioa laag SroaHUe U-( lle aegWotod olds J A Caauaia: "Mr 8w.etbeart Weal Dowa With tbe Maine,'' is tne name of a aew aad popular piece of aiusie. Call for a copy at r U Will's. 1 he Evidence ia tne case proves Uood s Sarsaparilla cures rneomalis .dys pepsia, catarrh, that tired feeling, scrofula salt rtasum. soil and all to d diseases. flood a Pills are tbe favorite family catbartio Cure sick headache, break up cold. That Tired Feeling is due to Itnpov- ul 1 1 MmJI. S.MMnll. mm. rtcbe and vi'alix-s the blod and give strength, energy aad visor. Be rite to get Mood's. flood.e Pills act easily aad promptlv oa tbe liver and bowels. Cure sick beadach Ba1 Tri alt aad tsssls tsar ia Awaa. Ta Quit Mwt aaaur and tarasar. aa bmc aaUtt. full a 111., awnr. aad vlaor, take No-To-Baa. U wooder-worker, that soaka waaa atsa strong. All druMlaia, lOoorll. Care fuaraa axd. Booklet aad aaaapla rrea. Adtraaa BwrUnc R-nady Oa, Cbloaeo or Nsw York; The New cat At thestor-ot A ill A Stark Jewelry you will get the facts, aad Facts find a fine stock of goods to select from. It is up todat and includes the best lines of sratch and clocks and all kinds ot jewelry. Tbeir line of silveawarets extra and they have many novelties that will please. Seencra Alter uoid know tbey may be dUappointod, bet seeker after health take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the utmost confidence that it wtll do them wonderful good. Aftar yssrs of eatold aaffailag from nil, B V Pars.ll of Kaitnersville,, wasrartd by asing a aingls bos it ie Witt's Witeb HaaSi Satve elkia diaaaaa saoh a esasaa, raah, pimp! aad obstinate acres are read by ibu i.mous rsmsdy J A ' Albany Market. Wheat 50 cents. Oats 32. Eggs4Mnta BuUer IS to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cents. Hams 11 to IS cenU. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders e to 7 cents. ef ii t r3i Wf"v$ f"a wl i Wjr-? it ZimJZmttmtt grasl eai. as st satas For aae by J - J . Cummiair For Sale One of the finest Improved, best locat ed and most fertile farms in Lion county, situated within two and a bait miles ol Brownsville, small bearing orchard, plenty of small fruit, two bond red acres in grain, fifty acres summer fallow, sev enty acres timber lend, and restore land, 520 acres ta all. Price st.wu. Address or cell oa W. J. Keener Brownsville, Or. HPIRT BldCLE EHPAEIH5 Geieral BJaftsmtting HORSE SHOEING. Strand street, between Fetry and Broadalbia streets. MILLER A STEWART. The Magnolia I aundry-e-- . c simpsou & soiv SteTifM Prices forkfarrta ;; H. F.nerrni Insurance and Collection Aertt Morn?) to loan, warrants bought OtSee in tbs DnMOCKAT building. - -- Yard Uttler, A as latent. J. 0. LITTLSS'S Qroaiid Tioor Dental Office. Broadalbln, St., Albany, Or. COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, Or. All work carefully done under latest methods. STREET-RAILWAY .K0T1CE. The motot on the Albany street rail asy will connect promptly with all train. o aad from tne depot, day and night. Special trips will be n-sde at special , . I. V. Cohn, Conductor, Piaao.Organ.Toica Cxittiire.HarmoD j iIdR.cmirt, 1 rtaMOBaaBr. - Teacher of Musi aihlatoa S 'trwt.nau U PCkOKk, AVlba Or Wood For Sale. Good fir wuod for sale Lv tbe end. fraa 1 to 10 cord. ihTered. for tl 00 to 2.7l per cord. Oa tbe irround. K mite nartk of stel bridge, from II 00 to $2. CO per cord. Call on or address I. VIT. Cantwell Albany Or, ot Mere word at Democbaj oSce. T. O. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. oppesile. Dzkocuat office Will cocetantly kp on band a good steel f prociri. . eh -prodace aad fruit il be sold at biit (rices. lr Adams Cusick Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. TfiEASURER'S N01ICE KO 9 Notice is bereov given that funds ate 3D hand tc rav ritv warrant Kos 367 to 415 Inclusive' ot the issue of 1S97. In terest on a.d warrants will cease with tbe date of this notice. Albany Or. Pec. 29, 1S97. E. A. Pabxck. Treats rer. Siir Eiai Mu. Commenriag May 16th tbe Corv&llie k Eastern R R will resume sale of regujar summer excursion ticsets o asl points. Fare Atbaay to Taquina and remix $3 60, to Newport and return $1. good for return until Oct 10th. to IVtroit and retcra 3, good for return until Oct Slst. For ExcnaDge. 130 seres ot lanl Zhl miles from Toledo, SO acres sood bot'oui Isnd, balance hill snd bench land, one belt mile water front on 1 equina Bay . W ill excapge for property in or near Aioenv. B. F. Jonis. Harness Harness For the best Harness, band sewed and made of tbe best California oak tanned leath er, call at the old stand or Lai isurk- hart. . First clasa work teed. ' guar an- A E Kctchum WANTED. AGEX1S FOR "GLAlV stone, Hia Life and lVilis ir vicee." by Thoa. V. Handford. A won derful story of a glorious career. Over 80U large, radiant pages, liw super o, roe engraving. Kichest, biggest, oes anu only endorsed uGlapstoce took" published. Only $1.60. Comuiisaion, 59 percent. Credit civen. Freieht paid. Outfit free. Drop ail trasu ana dear f xw a raontn wiiu the only true aad good ''Uladtone book." Addreaa Tna Dominion Compant, IVpU. sa, 352-3&0 Uvarbora street, Lnicago. Or. Price's Cream Baking Fowdet World's Fair Highest Award. FruKs. are; Pried Fruit. Tobacco. Sugar. Coffee. Etc Csooctf .Tfe--Qnieriisajc, Veaetue Clears. Spfcea. Tea erytfaiair hat i. apt ta cnod variety andgro eerystore. Hir et p-ae paid for ALL KINDS OF PHODDOI GIEL WAItTED. Ote who i willin to werk and attend to bonnes. - Caul ee M. Senders I OSf. On the col eg campoaTae- Xday afrernoon ataasas parasoi.' Pkase return to tho PsatocsLiT oice. FOR BEN After July 1st good store roofsunow occupied by J A alcFerca. Call oa Mia Woods, above store. GIRL WASTED ta do general boose work, to go to tbe Bay daring the tummer. Inquire at the Uaaocaar omce. F OR SALE. At a bargain. Bar horse 5 rears old. Perfectly sound. Weight 1130 to 1500 lbs. Broke single and double. Inquire at J. A Camming a lrng Store. COR REST. Furnished or furnished" V: DaMOCSAT office. DOXGWAHTOXG CO, Second St near Lvoa street. Albany. Sella Chi nees medicine, Chinese rice. Chinese tea and nit oil. KEJTT. Residence centrally lo cated. Call on Mrs. S. Brenner or at the store of Julius Uradwohl. T70K T70R SALE. A good seeoed band set I of Cooper tool. inquire Houck, 1 st and twker. TO BICYCLE RIDERS. Do roe want a eood bright lbl for your wheel. Use call at the office ot the Oregoa Oas Ligt, Ueatine x Power to, they have the best cn sale ia the market. MIX WAXrKD.-Twenryrnenwaat ed at once at Waterloo to work ss axcien. 1 a ttay and board. CaU at the Waterloo railroad office. STRAWBERRIES. RP strawberries at Bryants patch on the Saaham GOOSKRERR1ES. I will deliver to anv bouse in tbe city, freak gooseber ries for eanning, ia mU or large qaaatt tiee at f cents per gallon. ' Aibsay, Or. LADIES. Royal Tee. cleais the com-pk-xK-n. it ecu oa the biocd. stoMcb, iner and kidney and tts a ln tonic for the whole STm. Magnolia Blossoms cures all kinds of diseases pecul K reTaW. N day. w CrcLKBT.-Try the new Cyclcry. Wheel" rented all hours of he Next door ioGotl,,iBBLAs Kentish Unerriea. iw , tish cherries lor 15 cents a gaL b y leaving orSers with F. W. tnmnburg at S. E. Young's Store. KOTICE OF FINAL SimgWT. Notice ie hereby given that the und. signed administrator of the estate of Jane E CaW,deceased.has filed his final account of said etate,wiUi the clerk ot thecountj court for linn county, Oregon, aad the county court has fixed the 9A day of July, 1398. at the hour cl 10 o'clock a m, to hear object ions, it any, and to settle said account and estate. . . Tbia 9th day of June, 1898. ER M CArmn, - Administrator of the estate of Jane E Carter, deceased. Ao-Xo-JUms T-3X cue? M(a. Goaraotoed tobao aabit care, makes weak