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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1898)
VOL XXXIII Eater c& Cbe Feat ease at tlkeny. r. ai Beeand-Class Mall MalUii ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 24, 1893. 9 r IinilC nuuiw aad Preprtetag NO 47 y M)) i nil UN 4 f. I A t i - 1 1 y 6- J" 1 6 s I1' V t - I. III "Tffcf - (I ,. .v li; -n5 t i - ii rt. k AVTcgebhIc?rcparatioiircr As similating iteroodandRegula liiig tteStomachs andBcwels csf RomotesDiestion0rful Ttess andRestCoatains r.dther Opiutalorphine nor KUKr&l, NotNabcotic. I. A!xSmnm hmmSttJ. tew Apcrfeet Remedy forConsfin. hon. Sour Slomach.T)iarrhopa J lir i . . norms MHwuisions .reverisrv cess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEWYORK. f JIT ' aw EXACT C0P1T OF VRAPPEB. J? 411 Preparing For tie Battle of Life Where shall it be do? Cer-ainly where the W preptration can be b!. A inj College baa cUimi in this d-'recu'oa that;ca!l for closer inTesrigalion . A Full College Training is of coarse the best Usid. Bat Albanr also effers a snperior Normal Course, and a B jsinew college Uane tht is inferior to noue in the state. Correspondence incited. Fall term open Sept 14, 1898. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., : -President PHOENIX "Stand the ALesuerlorTEN YEARS amonK HIGH GRADB WHEELS. Our PLanix One-Crank made a record for ; itaelf laet sen son - Not One Broken Crank in Oreeon. 1"DBpor l( f ho.?t of !;he Hundreds of Wheela eo!d in these three ,1.2. in' irfni. w880" 18 ht other, are counterle.tihg this crank, but this doe. not Bicycle., eo far we have been nnable to tK far we have been nnable tn agents. But our Second Car is on the Rod. , .....mniiHwun, purcnaeea Hundreds of Urn ikor Ph.;. The (xolden Eagle Bicydee aie bnilt for service and to supply -wheel at a moderate price. -Write For Our Bicycle Caiaiopss, Boltra & tafcangli, igents for iftasj. Oregon Gas Ligbt Heating Olieap Light for Cheap Heat For Cheap Powe For Correspondence Solicited. DS. f . I. ASifflS, Pres. A. H. FREEEKSES, 8C. HAVE YOU BEEN IN Brink's Furnituie Thomas Lately. He has one of the finest tstocks of Furni ture in the valley. He has added Babv Buggies to h s stock. Just call in andy u will rind that his price3 are the ALB AM Y CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. EE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OP- 13 OIT THE WRAPPER OF EYEBY BOTTXE QEV IB ill Castori liMtnli eas-ths kttlM nh. n it not tola la Bilk. Coat alk xyos to tB yoa aaytttBg aba oa ths plea ar araauw taat it iaHJastaa good'sal "wffl umrmnifr a BICYCLES. Racket Get Them Faat Rnon,h t .ni- Get Thm o ""rr J vui the demand .or an honest, dorable MIICIEIL, ISWIS ft STATER CO., Portlani, Oregoc. and Power Company. (hnrch House and Hotel Church, Eouss and Hotel Anything ani EYerythiBg ALL DRUGGISTS store CANDY LOWEST- Proprietor. ALBANY IN 1879. From the Democrat of July 11 to Oct, &atety .Lodge jno. 13. A. o. u. w. was instituted tn Albany July 9, with J. K. Weatherford as the first M. W. The other officers were Geo. Humphrey, P. C'Harper, N. B. Humphrey, D. R. N. Blackburn, C. E. WoWerton, L. Kline. Ed Goin. D. Best, and D. T. Wyman. CanL Humrjhre v was elected president of the Blue Kibbon Club. Mrs. Dunniwav was burned in eiTizv at Jacksonville. Mary Finlayson one of Albany's most popular young ladies, sister of Mrs. J. C. Powell, died on te 17tb. ! , i i L Sig. Fox, A- leadintt business man of the citv. died on the 18t b. , - ' Mrs. C. Houck took charge of the St. Charles Hotel. . . i t Charles R. Templetcn and Hettie Thompson were married Thursday even July 31. J. F. Whiting was Albany's head sign artist. rf " ' " J. B. Wyatt sold his hardware store to D. G. Clark and moved to Portland. Both predecessors of the Stewart A Sox Hardware Co. George W. Cline and Nellie Smith and Robert Murnhv and Susie Cnstar were married on Aug. 3 and G. B. Uaight and Josie uawson on Aug. o. A id cent barber struck Albany, lhe reeular price was 25 cents. The result of the rust was known for certain and the damage was pronounced to be great and things looked pretty gloomy. - i. 2 .. : . ' " ; 1 tie college opened on &ept. 1 under r N. Condit. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goins born on Aug. 24 weighed HW pounds. ' C. B. Montague and Mrs. P. C. Red- path were married at Sodaville on Aug. 27. Wheat was 80 cent. J. T. Tate and sister Laura left for New York City, the former to enter the den tal college the latter to study mnmc lhe first rail was laid on the ulam- ette Valley and Coast Railroad in Cor- vallis at the intersection of Jackson and First streets. W. B. Hamilton had the honor of driving the spike. An interesting letter was published from W. W. Crawford in the east on a trip, -visiting New York, Chicago and other cities besides seeing the famous Niagara Falls. Deer were nlentifuL In a hunting ex pedition Mack Monteith killed 10, John Althouse 6. Nick Sprencer 16. D. B. Monteith 9. Dr. Angie Ford. Albany's lady phsi- cian, moved, to fontanel, where site con tinues to practice, though married to rroi arren lor a good many years. James Smick left this noon for Rose burg. : - i v Mayor Burnett of Corvallis. was in the city today. Governor elect Geer will deliver the 4th of July oration at Portland- Mr. James Crawford of Pendleten. a former linn county man, has been in the citv. Rev. Poling and family returned this afternoon on the Ruth from a ten days visit in Independence. Miss Dean Kitchen of Stayton, grand child of Mr. Jason Wheeler of this city, is one of the graduates from iliamette nivBTsny uua year. Dr. E. J. Page, of Oakland, father of Mise Dora Page of the graduating class of the Allany college, spent the com mencement season in Albany. Henry Clark and Will Hurst, two for mer Albany men are now residing at Sa linas, Calif., where they are working in the big sugar factory. -i., Mr. Perry Raymond postmaster at Al bany for eight years bat a resident of faiem lor about twelve years since then has been appointed f hief deputy of the Salem office by Edward Horsch. He will fill the bill well. Mrs Tin a Keating of Iowa arrived in Albany iaat evening with her child and will spend several months here, in fact until after the war ends. Her husband is now in the army and bound towards Manila, having been a Captain of the N. G. responding promptly to the call of his country. The following pioneers from this coun ty have been attending the meeting of the State Association this week; Jonas Davis, Shedd. 1845: Jason Wheeler, Al bany, 1847; Mrs. M." J. Anderson, Hal Bey, 1847; AshbvPearce, Albany, 1847; Charles Patterson, Oakville, 1849; Wm. M. Powers, Shedd. 1849 ; V. II. Caldwell, Albany, 1832; Mrs. M. J. Love, Harris burg, 1853, 1853; J. B. McFarland, 1852; Masoxic Gbaxd Ix)i)o. The follow ing iann county Masons are attending the grand lodge in session this week in Portland: J.N.Duncan, D. P. Mason and F.E. Alien of Albany, W. A. Ewing of Scio. Peter Heme and O. P. Coehow of Brownsville, E. E. Hammack of Leb anon. W. M. Powers, G. L. Gray and 8. b. Myers ot bhedd. The otneers elected for the ensuing year are : J. B. Cleland, grand master; J. M. Hodson, deputy grand master; W. r. Butcher, senior grand warden ; 11. B. Thielsen, junior grand warden; r . H. AUiston, grand treasurer: J. t. Robinson, grand secre tary (re-elected ) ; Gostaf .Wilson, grand tyier; Jacob Mayer, trustee. Died. Mrs. Kate Worth, mother of Mrs. William Faber of this ; city, died at the home of her daughter early this morning at an advanced age. Her re mains were taken to Lebanon, for bur- al. A son of J. F. Peeblcr. who nas been ill for some time with consumption, died at the home of his father near this city last evening. , ' 1 ell w the Ditch. The three year old son of Doc. Conn was playing on the bridge over the ditch on Third street yesterday afternoon when he fell into uie water and was swept down stream strangling as he went. His' brother was near and jumped in after him, after i cuurb eiuug mill uub jua in time, f Delicate Children They do not complain of anything in particular. They eat enough, but keep thirl and Eale. They appear fairly well, ut have no; strength. . You can not say they ; are really: sick, and so ybuv callj them delicate. , Whatcanbedoneforthem? 5 Our answer is the same that the best physicians have been giving for a quarter of a cen- J tury. uive them seon's Emulsion i s of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo t phosphites. It has most re $ markable nourishing power. K It gives color to the blood. , It v brings strength to the raus 5 cles. It adds power to the nerves. It means robust tt health and vigon Even deli- flesh if given a small amount three or four times each day. x foe. andli.oo; ill drulU. S SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtraiiu, MtW York. t WHEAT. July and Sept. Chicago 79 and 705gC. New York 86? and TS?; -. Liverpool lower anU? higher. , San i rancisco 81 Dec. Albany 60c or less. ' ' The Alumni Reunion . Socially the finest event of the com mencement week is the reunion of the alumni of the Albany college. It was held last evening at the college and was enjoyed by about seventy five, nearly all members of the alumni of the more rc cent years. There are now about one hundred members, of whom many of the older members are now scattered and do not get here on this annual event. This was the silver event of the association, the first graduating class having gone out from the school in 1873. It consisted of Cora Irvine, Weltha Young, -Myra Gaston, Mary Hannon and Kate Conner. Of these two were present last evening and as well sons of each. After a social time of an hour the banquet was enjoved in the large rear ranged hall on the first floor. The tobies were elegantly spread- with a splendidly gotten up feast, according to the menuea consisting of soup, salad, olives, ham, pressed chicken, tongue, Saratoga pota toes, pickles, salted nuts, cheese, ice cream, cake, assorted fruits, coffee and cocoa. It was under charge of the la dies of the Presbvtcrian church and was splendidly served, a credit to their en terprise and good taste. - In taking their seats an address of welcome to the new members was made bv the. resident of the association, Mr alter Peacock full of good suggestions and haotiilv rettnond- ed to by Miss Marguerite Hopkins of the class ot vs. Alter the least Mr l'ercy Young as toast nuustertook charge of matters and an hour and a half was spent in a feast of reason. The first toast was a "quarter of a century " and was splendidly responded to bv Mrs C II Stewart of the class of '73. Miss Mae Pollock responded happjly to the toast "Us," presenting some information about the members of the alumni that was full of interest. Rev II L Reed tot- lowed on "U. 8." , He gave some origi nal 1898 thoughts that were greatly ap preciated. Rev. C, R. Stevenson res ponded to the toast on "7 ' and it is not questionable at all that he kept the au dience m excellent humor for ten or fif teen minutes. , lresident Lee closed giv ing some interesting things about the progress of the college Uie alumni were glad to know, indicating a rapid im provement and progress that is gratify- ing. AH voices joined in "America" and awhile after 1 a. m. repaired in a satis fied way to their homes, rejoicing at the privilege of attending an alumni reunion of the Albany college. LEBANON. From the Criterion: Eli Mayer left this morning for Albanv 10: to attend the bedside of his mother w bo is dangerously sick at that place. W. T. Loofburrow has opened a new store at Lebanon. Mr. Loofburrow is a first class man and we wish him an a bandant success in his new venture. Mr. Grant Dodge of this place and C. Steen and A. I. Blackburn, of Rock Hill, have purchased a new threshing outfit. " " i Mr. H. C. Canfield's family arrived here Friday morning from their former home at Waseca. Minnesota. Mr. Can- field went to Albany Thursday night to meet them. After s(ndtng a few hours looking oveer our little city they left for their future home near Lacotnb. ! J. C. Hardin, of Lacomb. returned from a two month's visit to bis old home in Eastern Tennessee. Mr. Hard in says that he saw nothing to equal the Willamette valley. According to Uie reports of the drum-1 mere who visit this town as well as all other towns of Western Oregon, Lebanon baa the beet electric lights of any town in in the valley. Thursday last while Uie marshal was attempting to arrest a noisy drunk for disorderly conduct, a drummer who thought he knew more than the marshal, interrupted him and was not going to al low him to make the arrest, lie soon decided that it was not his put in and hastily left town. The picnic held at this nlace last Sat urday was a rousing success. Although the morning was somewhat cloudy and bad the appearance of rain, a large num ber of people were on hand bv ten o'clock and still more came later tn the dar. According to a careful estimate there were 3000 present that day. The procession was formed on the public square at 10 'clock under the able management of Dr. J. A. Lamberaon officer of the dav. One of the features, of the parade was a Maccabee lodge team in full uniform. At the Academy grounds m good pro gram was rendered. The absence of the orator of the day, Hon. W. Rigdon, of ak-m, some what shortened the urogram. The races and the amusements were ful ly carried out as advertised. The three hundred yard horse rare was won by Richardson's horse "Pat Mumhev." The pony race was won bv Grant Mil ler s pony, fcam lrtijrger.ol fecio, won the 4-niife bicycle race.- The Jefferson team was victorious in the tug of war contest. The foot race was very close and exciting were oeing nirec enines. u was won by a scratch by Kuey of Albany. Arrested for Burglary. Mr. George Harris was passing the house of Mr. John Hughes in the eastern part of the city yesterday afternoon when he discovered - some one inside. Mr. Hughs and family are in the Dalles, leaving their things stored in the house, so Mr. Harris knew there was some thing wrong. - He went inside and dis covered George Hopper in possession. He had broken open a chest and was helping himself to the contents, A war rant was issued out of Justice Powell's conrt and young Hopper was arrested and this forenoon was held under bonds for the grand jury. Sometime ago he was discovered in another building help ing himself to Uiings, but was allowed to go. It; was only justice this time that the law should be allowed to take its course. Justices and Constables. Following is a list of Justices of tho Peace and Constables elected at the re- cent election : , Dibt. Jckticks - Constables J. C. Powell A. Strainey A. H. Freerkscn W. II Worrell 1 2 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 C. J. Shedd F. G. Powert W. J. Stewart John Norwood W. W. Bailey . G. Lovelee A. P. Flory A. H. Yost T. A. Riggs L. C.Rice R. Shelton i. B. Saltmarsh T. J. Stevens F. M. Powell John Carroll Peter Iewis Paul Magnolia John Smith W. W. Sanders G. W. Morrow C. F. Swank 14 Henry Lyons 14)4 I. Kitchen W. B. Robertson In Brownsville Bailey defeated S. I Barger by 3 majority, at Crawfordsville Riggs defeated W. H. Scott by 2 and at Fox Valley sLyons defeated J. D. Uiatt by 3. Grover Cleveland received 1 vote in Rock Creek for juutice. E.OP Contract. Tuesday's, Salem Journal: "A hop contract was today filed in the county clerk's office by the terms of which Hoefcr & Zorn, Wong Uon, Jim Cook and Benjamin Schwars & Bona agree to deliver to Faber & Neis lt.000 pounds of 1898 bops, at 10 cents piT pound, $750 of which is to lie paid at PICKiniE uinv mm iuo iruiwuucr rrucu the hops are delivered.'? VAN WINKLE VS. CRAB PR EE. J. 8. Van Vinkle, plaintiff and contest ant vs. Frank Crabtree defendant and eontestee is the name of a new suit brought in the circuit court last evening by the 'service of complaint upon the defendant. This is the promised contest by Mr. ' Van Winkle for the offlca ol county clerk, to which Mr. Crabtree hat a certificate: ot election, having on the face of the returns been elected to the position by 1 plurality. The complaint covert fourteen pages It sets forth the nomination of tb DUinl tiff and defendatit.tliat the returns of the judges and clem of election show that tne deiendant received 1921 voles and the piaintitt JVZU, whereat the defendnnt re ceived e lest number and the plaintiff a larger nuu.ber of legal votes, and that enough legal vottt were cast for the plaintiff not counted and enough illegal votes for the defendant counted to change iuo reeun. u uieo SDecioes seoarate v each of the twenty nine presincia of tha county in the following language, with the vote a returned in e h rase : That in nrecinct tha indiraa and clerks of said p'ec.nct, returned at voted for this plaint fl votes, when in truth and In fact he received a greater number of lga votes in ttii nrecinct as the official ballots cast therein will show, and that said judges and clerks in aid precinct remrned as voted for sai-t defendant - votes ben in truth and in fct be received a lees number of le gal votes in sriJ precinct. That tbi nlaintiff ia nn.)il. (a .rt vm mnr. rtvtirii I tarly the number of vote cast lor him in said precinct for the reason that he has been nnable to examine the official bal lots cast therein. (n conclusion the plaintiff demands thai the count? clerk be reouirad to nro. ouce in iuis court on June 28 at 9 a. m all of the ballots cast and voted in said general election and that the court pro- twu wun utia coolest and mate an en tire recount of all the vnta so cast and voted for said plaintiff and defendant and that the court give judgment for plaintiff that he it entitled to the office from July 4, 181'8 end ail the rights, pri vileges eic. ana mat the clerk issue a certificate of election and for tha coal and dUborsement of the action. Blackburn & Duncan, P. R, Kelly. N. . Newport, and A M. (. tenon appear In II.. J t .. . Jc u ioo. n . t. Biiyeu, J. K. Weatherford, H.C. Watson acd J.J. Whitney have been retained by the defendant and will look alter bit Interests. Laeyer Skipworth.of Eageoe, it in the city. Mr. John Morrison left ( Portland this morning on bis bicycle. The Congregational ice cream social advertised tor tomorrow evening has been postponed until the weather is more favorable. Lair Thompson hat returned from Mc Mioavilie, where he has been attending school end will spend his vacation ai borne. Mr Frtd Rate arrived borne ".tt sight from Wallace, Idaho, wbeie be bat been ill for tome lime, and will remain home for awhile. Mr. Edward W. Tilleoo. m Sale pi- aniat, bat ten in the city this week and pltyed at the reonion of the col lege ammni. He ui give leseosi in Al bany during the summer. Willamette Uoie;tv esnlerred honor ary decreet at follows: Associate Justice 0. E. Wolverton. and Attorney 8. T. Richaidton, Doctor of Law ; R. A. H-ri-tsge,Icior of matic; Rev. G. W. Gran nie, o! Salem, Rev S. 4. Strr, of Fores. Grove, and Rev. Day, of Ohio, Doctor of Divinity. Nsxt R. R. vt Oanoox. The Portland Telegram save that Railroad Commis sioner Eddy, who is stopping at the Per kins, thinks tJte.bext railroad built tn Oregon wiU be the extension of the O. C. x E., from its present terminus, at Detroit, 40 miles east of Albany, to On tario, a station on the Oregon Short Line, near the Idaho boundary. This, he says, will open up splendid belt of timber in the Cascades and a vast area of agricultural land in Crook, Grant, and Baker counties. His opinion is that if the war with Spain had not been started, work on tha 300-mile extension would have been begun ere this. Tut U. or O. Commcxcsmcvi. The com men cement at Eugene this week was a marked success, creating great in terest. Spirit and tone it added to the affair by the presence of promintot men as regents, thie year among the another being Henry railing. Judge Bellinger. D. P. Thompson and A. Basb. The commencement orations unlike thot selected by the orttort themselves d.d not teem to be affected by the present war. The Failing prite of 1100 was awarded to Herbert March and the Bee km an prise ot $100 to Clyde Fcgle. Betides the degrees conferred on the graduate! the degree of M of A. waa conferred on B. S. fsgoe of Portland. A New Coujktok. Hot. Isaac Pat terson, of Salem hat been appointed col lector of customs at Portland to succeed Hon. T. J. Bltck, wbo assumed the du ties of the office on July 1. 1893 Mr. Patterson is a wellknown ooUiicUa of Imposing appearance who is on the in side of affairs. Mr. Blsck ropported the pitetdent and hat held the office about a Tear bv virtue of that (act and Portland business men general! would bave liked m bave seen him retain it. He has made a competent official. A High Pricc L. R. Stinton today in slltuted in the Marlon county circuit court a tuit agaiott Marion county for f 100 al leeed to be the balance due him for print ing the ballot t that were osed at the re cent election. Geo. F. Rodger, a mem ber of the recent law graduating class of w IT. ia attornev for Mr. Stinson. In bit complaint.Mr. Stinsoa a.ltgea that on May 24, 1808, be closed an agreement with County Clerk L. V. Eblen by which he was to furnish 60,000 ba'.lots to be tiaAd in the June election at the agreed price of $330. Mr. Slinson presented bit bill for that amount before the connly ennrt and the tame wat cut down to $230 and ordered paid. Salem Journal. Too much any way. Here 40,000 ballots cost only about $lo0. Samtiam Acapioit. The tisth annual commencement exercisti of the Sanliam academy will be held June 10th to the 23tb. The Baccalaureate aermon on June 19. at 11 o'clock a. m., will be delivered at the M. E. church by M. C. Wire, D it ttradnatiiig exercises of the class of '08 will be held at the academy hall at 8 p. m. Friday, Jane jhiu. I.iterarv exerciBes, reunion ana u an nuel of tne society oi me aiumni at ' . . . a C: - ) t Academy nan at o p. p.. oiuroy juue 2Hh. MARRIED. G LOVER CURL. In Albany, on June 15, 1898, at the home or the bride's fa ther County Osmmisstoner Curl, by Rsv. Cane. Mr. Wallace u lover and c LeMattieE.Ourl. The wedding was a very pretty affair, performed in a happy manner in the presence of only a few relatives and Irlends. Mr. and Mrs. Glover immedi ately left for Ilwaco, Wash., where they will reside. They take with them tbe best wishes of many Linn county friends. HORN. MYERS. On Wednesday evening, June 13,1808, in Albanv to Mr. and Mrs. Dun Myers a boy. WHEAT. The bottom seems to have dropped out ui uie market Quotations for July and September t Chicago 75M. 68c. New York 82, fiYA cents. Liverpool 4 ana ZC lower. San Fransivo 79e for Dec. Albany 50c. . . t :. ' , Following is a sample of the unrelia bilitv of panLnrn war nairn ' ' WAHHtNOTOK, June 16 The officials In the war department do not give out any specific information as to w hen General abetter will laud in Cuba, but from cer tain signs ol restlessness exhibited by mem, ic is evident that tiiev won a not be surprised to have some very import ant news wittun the next 24 or 80 noon. Mr. John E. Ualliday eonclndes e ht England, May 8rd, with, "The star and tiripet ere floating high above my house here and I am longing to beer that yon bave knocked the sawdust out of the Spaniards with all their oppressing frauds." Mr. Hallidav Is an English capitalist who was ia tnit pert of tho Un jted Stance about 10 years ago, Corrsl iia Gaiette. . , . . Am S. P. Claim. Mrs. Ida Happertett bat been appointed administratrix of the estate of Geo. HanDertett. dlart Bond in the sura of SIS filed eat in. proved with W. H. Jemleeos and A. t. i com peon at sureties. Anministratrix is authorised to settle e claim for alleged liability ol the a P. Co for $750, which torn said company ia wilting to pay in full witmroi.-riaioateier. si ra. himw tett baa been e resident of Albanv ear- eral years. M r. UapperseUa employe. waa aiiiea ov an accident cn tha s i eeveral years ago. A Big Grange nicnie will ha hhl at sprenger'e grove on Friday Jane 24. M L.. Hay den bee a majority of 3S3 over O. U. Irvine, for proeecatecg attoc ...... .1.- .i: I : i . - . . ut tin wini juuiciaj aiatnct. T . . . t . . . . iH-nion fin ten nas neen elected preai- urai, vn uie vregon rjioneere. uen must nave something. The Prodigal Father was greatly ap preciated last evening by a good sited anuience. Abe troup ia erst class in comedy. . Dell Reed was arreeU-d in Portland on four charge of assault arising out of a man paying too much attention to hie wile to suit bun. 300 Minnesota troops will arrive in Portland about tomorrow on their wav to San Francisco, and will probably peat vnrouga -s.iua.ny aooot cunday. Yesterday at Oregon City Mavor P.arkhart was one of the delegates elect ed from the grand lodge of the Wood men of the World to Ue bead ramp aee ka to be held in S&n Franctaco in Au gust. The Eastern Star lodge la eeeetos at Portland this week elected Madeline Cooklin grand matron. Albanv did not get an office this year. The forts at Eentiagj have eeeia been blown to duet according to the yailow journal reports. If tbi bair.W keens on 'bere will be eoongh deal to start another world. The Boy'e Clob will bold a public so cial next Wednesday night to the Y. M. C. A. hall, at which time they will pre seats fine program and give a lonzt. of ice cream and cake. Ad minion 10 cenU. T. A. Wood was re-elected grand com mander of the Indian War Veterans at the meeting held in Portland thie week and Captain Jason Wbeeier vice grand commander. At the meeting a strong memorial wat addressed to coagrcct ask ing for recognition on the petition roll. The Eastern Oregon and Washington firemen's toarnetneet has fast been held at La Grande. Walla walla won the chsmpionsalp race and tied with La Grande in the bob race, making the last titne ot zi eeconoe. Mr. J P.Cbetber. of Sodaville. baa doneted to the Mineral Springe college at I bat city the hotel property there owned by him, giving a deed to the we. As the property it worth three or four thousand dollar tbit it a remar kably liberal gift. Doc. Queen a traveling printer hat been in the city. When in Texas be waa thrown out of Waxibatcbee and bortly afterwards the town wat half destroyed by a Band storm, tie telle bte as a warning to tonne that talk ol throwing him out. The Caoby Camn Meeting will be held July 1-1 1, tbit year. The EvangelitUc bervicee will be in the charge ot Key. John Naugle (the Peter Cartwrigbtot the Pacific Slope). Serroont oa the Higher Life and Lectures oa the Bible dadv by eminent preachers of the M. E. church. Clean straw for campers, free pasture for bortee. Good board at very , reason able rates. , An Albany ladv baa received a letter from a friend in Paris which tells tn an interesting wey of the feeling towards the United Slates, The sentiment it ell Spanish and it is hatdly sale for a resi dent of the United State to do any- bing but tide ia with Spain eo e'rooe ia the anii-United States spirit, and tbit oa the land of Lafayette. The following comoaniee bave advanc ed the price of beer to $9 a barrel oa ac count of the war tax : Albany Brewing Co , Albany, Capital Brewing Co., Sa lem, uambrtnaa Brewing Con roruaaa, Aortn ractne Brewing Vu., Astoria, Star Brewing Co . Vancouver. Henry weinnara, rortirnd and wuneims Brewery, Sellwood. The State University can afford to be liberal for the state foots the bill, and we, the people pay them. Although el- reatly receiving large salaries tbe regent this week raised the eateries -oi Profs. Lechman, Schmidt, Washburne, Fretdel and Young, $200 each. Prof. Lile $150, and Profs. Glen and Burden $100 each. The appropriation for the musical de partment was increased to tZM a year and Prof. E. II. McAllister was raised to a full proffessorahip. The total receipts irom all sources are sfo.tHt.i-t, estimat ed expenditures $45,341.44. Chckcr Leased. The United Even' gelical Church btve leased from the Universalis! General Convention, tbe Universalis! church property in thie city to be used and exclusively controlled by Rev. Beni. Hart man. si a place ot pub lic worship. As soon as the interior of the church has been put in proper coo ditloo, Mr. Hartmaa, will hold regular services, to which the public will be most heartily welcomed. Announcements will be made later. - Times are dull in Lane county. . The report from Eugene ia this. The present term of circuit court is a record breaker. The jury was discharged this morning without having once been called to' hear a case. The grand jury reported, only one true bill, and in that case the defend ant pleaded guilty ot simple larceny and was fined $25. Arrangements are being made for an excursion train to run from Silverton to Albanv on the 4th of July by the way of Wood burn and Salem, bringing the band and visitors here early in the morn ing and returning in the evening. Ltter L.iat. : :- Following is the list of letter remaiuing in the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county Oregon, Jane 14, 1898. Persons - calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. , Akin, Miss Elva Johnson, James Osburne, Mr W T Pavne, Mrs Nathan Stiles, J B Higal, Mr A 2 Webber, J Hires, 0 V T. J. Stttxs. P M Allen, K h a . Bamburg, Mr Binder, Gus Cooper, Mr Oho Dunn. FE .Galleck, J OUR DEWEY FOURTH. The Hat been tpeclally engaged to I cream in Albany oa the coming 4tb, and be io it with a will. The celebration though will begin on oaiuriiay evening tee sod, tut the great-Americsn bird will be kept con fined until Monday. On Saturday evening July 2nd there wm n iwiisi nigm cnieriainmem ai the opera house to raise funds to help pay the ex pentee of the celebrat ion on the 4th, and oar citizens should tarn oat en- masse as the money will be needed, the regular labecriDtioni not being sufficient. The program will consist of an acrobatic exhibition by a troop of first elate per ioral ers irom rortlead, jagciing, piano pitying dv the wonderful Kicbter dot. also playing bv him on the organ and ail. ophone, violin solos by hie father, dir ector of music of Cordray't theater .songs oy ine tett aoartet in the vanev. etc. Tbit will be made a society affair, and tne program will be a refined one every body wiil be pleated to witness. The ad mission will be oolr 60 cents for reserved reatt, 29 cents in the Ksl'err. Among the eventa of the 4th will be a monster parade in which tha business nm, orders, etc., will participate Mr, F. E. Alien is chairmen of the eom- mittee to get it tin and srill nruh tha baa- On tue 4tb of Julv evening after the many exhibitions of tha after noon Barer- Kraf s darkey minstrels of Salem will give a grand ooen air Mrfnrmanc on tha public platform. Everything on the 4th wm am iree. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W. J. Ortel left fMiMlif far hr uvuiv in rnraanf , . Hon. E. Hofer adilnr nf tha Rlm Journal ia in the city on basineea. Ssttsee Battle Warner anil TMi Ctktna nave retorned from Lebanon. Prof. D. V. 8. Raid, fnrmarlr rJ At. beoy and Eocene, bee been elected nrin. cipei of the Slate Normal school at Wee- ton. Henry Maine, the U A E ear artist, of Toledo, has been ia tne city day itb hie paint broth doing aoma work at the round fcoues. Rockev Mason, mhn haa lw.n ..A. mg the Bishop Scott grammar school in Portland, returned home last evening for the summer holiday season. Mrs 3. K. Weatherford and Mn TV. Kelley returned last ereniee froai tha Metieg of the grand lodge of the East ern Star In Portland. If is Edna Allen retorned laat an ine from Portland aacoeapanied by her brother Frank, who has been attending the Vashoe, W ash eoi lege. Mire Ada Morris and mother wi!! Uaa in a tew daye for Colfax, Wash., where the former parents reside et en advene. ed age. They bave made many friends in Albaoy wbo will regret seein them leave. Mise Dorothy and Mabel Altermatt of Albanr, erect a day in this citv. the gueate of Mies Alice Chandier, eo their way name from Newlerg, where Mies Dorcthj is teacher of eaoekr in the Friend t college. Salem JoomaL Mr. Tboe. Van Seer, nreridect of the Portland University tinea its origin bae accepted the presidency of the Uootaa VMWJSHl 4I VClVltv. I liel .Plll-J Bade in the Portland University has not ytt teea filled. Lieut, Commander Wbewl.r of the In dian war veteran, retorned thie noon from ForCand. where be haa been at tending the grand encampment and the annaarreunion of the Oregon pioneers. Mies Mary Caediff retorned thie noon from the east where at bee spent eever- al montha ia Chicago, Uoumoath, I1L, and St. Joseph, Mo. While in Chicago the took a epecta coarse in elocution. Loren Lanshead is in the ritv en mate to Tombetone, Anson, where be experts to locate. He bae resided in Linn coun ty for eeAeral years and spent his boy hood days tn this oty. Salem Statea J. A. Weaver of Albany ard Dr. Dar- eoport went to Lower Soda oa tbetr wbeew Monday to spaed a week in 1Mb- log. It j rather etraage that they would go to far to fish when pools of weter are so numercus in tbe Taller Express Advance. Be, and Mi. If. M. Gibson arrived ia Albany test evening from lb east where they have beeo for several months. Tbey will remain ia Ail-any several weeka the gneet of their daughter aire. P. A. Yoaag before re.nrniog to their borne in Sea Francisco. Dr.Gibeoa has been unwell for eome time. Mr. C P. Borkhart has re turned from Portland where he bad been to attend the annual reonion of the pioneers of Oregon. Of the twenty six reonion Mr. Barkart has missed onlv one or two. So man in the valley baa bees more thoroughly connected with the growth and upbuilding of this great inland com monwealth Irom its earliest days. J. B. Tillotson, of Albanv. contracted to raise one of II. F. Fishers ware- hmsM and twin work waterdav morn in with a strong force ol men. What is known . h axeboose A wxwi reel and having 30-foot bins, ia to be raised nine feet, Corrallia Times. C. C. McBride was on bis way home to Little Kir last Thnredar. having been over to Oakville to visit bis father, who, it i thought, is approaching death. Mr. McBrtde will arrange to be absent from home for a time and return to Oakville to make the last hoars ot his father as cheerful as possible. CorvalUs Times.- Lint of Patent. Granted to Pacific atatee inventor thie week. Reported by O A Snow A Co. patent attcrneyt, Washlngtcn, D. J Coatee. Olive, Cat, windmill; C A Devis, Pasdena,Ci, dental bridgework ; E Faller.Saa Francisco, UaJ, salety-lock for incanddeecent lampa; A O Garcia, Modesto. Cel. rotary engine : H U Gor- ter. San Francisco. Cel. portable water battery; G E Johnson, Lot angelee. Cel. troiley-wire hanger; OR Kittle, Los Cl, hydrocarbon burner; OOwent, Saa r rancisco. I al, igniter lor expiosive-en-ginet ; R R Parriah, Independence, Ore, nm; OLE Petorin, San Francisco, Cat, lnek R T Raid. Tacoma. telephone sys tem ; A Rix, San Franciseo.Cal, pneo- matie pumping engine; w A autun Marvtville.Cal.aatomatic bote coupling F B Taylor. Tacoma, Wath, signaling de vice; E E Towntend, Capitols, Cal, seat trip mechanism for finshing-tanVa of ot water-cloeeta ; J F Twitt, baa Fran cisco, CaL bicycle-saddle; J H Vanasselt. Seattle. Wash. trolley-ewiteh ; F V? Warren, Sao Francisco, Cal, pencil apll ear. -- For copy of any patent aend 10 cents in postage stamps with date of thlepsper to O A Snow Uo., Washington, V J. Obituary. ' "Mrs. Kate Worth wbo died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Fabtr, la Al bany, Thursday morning, June IS, 1893, of naralvtls. was aged 63 year. The de- caasedleevet six children Joseph, John J. 0. and Ell Mayer and Mrs. J. Mote holder ol thit city and Mr. Faber ot Al bany. She was a native of Germany, coming to tbe United State with ber naranta when 10 veara of age and lot at tnir In Wisconsin. She came to Oregon from Wisconsin in 1S77, and located near Lebanon. Ex prete-Ad vance. Smo that Oooghl - Take warning. It ma lead to Consumption. A 25o bottle of Shiloh't Cure may lave your life. Sold by Fotbiy ft Masou. Kir sssfcss tha tan pare, FiTt'rTlin Abtoiutct Pur saffssl sssssstjs) sVMabWxr a30,B tsr)tT1tsnnta HOME AND ABROAD. Manila twine ia IB cant la Aih.- witb an opward tendency. It is reported at Shanghai that the tserican troona mhn uiU hw. c- r raDciaco ine laat nart of Ma haa rived at Manila. C. M. Janna-v af Fjimiu ana tne neper are kinr nans w uia bwub maout IK. Mr. GaoTM Gallina a nmniu.1 neee men ia Salem for many yeare. has been indicted hv tha mul inn. r.. aoaiiery. J" J v Ed. Olivar. tha tnan k. ak u:r - -. w ..w .wi mu led Pater Vrmi-h tha miU rJ o. ney county, ecveral montha ago, was in- tint bl H 1 L . . . . . uMBaiauguier oy u gran )ory of Harney eonnty bat oa trial waa Till Hottaa tha lt sn. msrshal, while ia Salem thia week ma iuto a bicyclist arith hta kmi vj cyclist refaring to dodge ia the' right di- rvcuua. a am tncycust stanea tn tn do atton ap, bet a solar plexus finished im. Ricveliata nns-ht tn haaw the tame a other people. Tbe Davis honse, at Sodaville, which aa til nail laat oaalr aa ---. f. -Jo in in uregoa I ire Keiiel Ai uon. a. nryaat, adjuster lor tha datioa, informed ns oa Monday that the loaa wnnlrt ha maul ia fall f ...... Advaae. Wa ara aTait tn innM. tha X? x A Id rich bae bought beck the Ceam pioa If ilia and will amtinna tn rain h... Mr. Aldrich ia a fine young man aad a good miller, and bia many friends wot be pleased to learn that be will twmaia in Lebanon. Exntwee-Advaaee. Tbe awooertv of tha Kama Th akna. recently ia Albany wa attached ia 8 lem b tha KiwLharai Puili. company for $1091.20, claimed to be doe them for traatportation from Honstoa, Texae, to Salem. The company claims tnat it waa tbe result of a minnder- standlne. hat tha maaui does not look at It that war. Farmer aroanf !"Vr"M Vuh ana getting uneasy about tbe condition of au wow, say ine retKurua in Dana. Large field of faU-eowa graia ar dying wlthont an anna rant ma. Thn nm d firet end then the stalks. Several fieUtia thie vidaity ar anlicted thie way. end a cane can be discovered, bat it is believed to be esnsed by eom ia visa bte insert. TWai ijliias tha Pinmii'i nLta IV. BrowBtvill Times of thia week haa to rV Of on oi oar tallnar bmnMa an follow: "Immediaiely after dinner, Mr. Gee. f Ulata4,t n( A IK... I J J and delighted tbe areemblage with aa ad dree which wa highly enjoyed. Browatvili waa agaia chosea aa pi Me of meeting for the 1999 pieaie. wbieb. will commence oa the second Wadaeadav ia Inna and mntiana thraa days. - A Fine Bicycle Ride. A very pleasant bicycle ride ia on that may be mad between Albany aad Cor va&ia oa tbe aew track. Tbe DaatocaAT maa did it ia company with Mr. Cieea Irvine. The track though roogh ia place a - fia thing and far aead of a daety even road. Jodcinc from ex pet - perieace tbe proper way to do the thiag le to start from Albany a boat 5 o'clock la the aiiarBOoa when the climate ia at its beettk a good steady, rat of speed don't acorch aad reach tner a boat eVa boar H abort enoogh ia which to oak the trip of U mile from poetoffic to postoffiee by tne cyd-tmeter. get aa lavt- tatiua from Mr. J. H. Simpson to taa, that getting reireahed ready for tbe start home after 7 o'clock, taking your eaee bom ae yoa vxw tn grand scenery at the valley, not missing M u JeSeraea ia tbe distance, aor the graad wheat field along the wey, reaching Albany rejuven ated before lamp lighting time. Corral- lis people ere entitled to credit tor inaac- aratiat thia bkycl track, to lie oa which t a r vol ring pteaaara, bar ring the bogs and getting off yonr wheel when yoa meet a scorcher. PutASg Calu Candidates wbo have not already done so ara requested to cal- at the ofBce oi the county derk and rel cetve tbe it certificates ot election. Paoarr Patmikt. Mr. Calvin Bark hart today received a check from the A O. U. W. for 92,000, tbe beneficiary of ber husband in that order. Thit maa ea the thirty-eizth payment of death loetee la Albany, $72,000 paid to widowt tor tbetr support and eaetenance. tee ncniEscE cp sncp cf ess ia da not only to tha originality and simplicity of the combination, bat also to the care and akiU with which tt ia manufactured by scientific processes known to the CAuroaJOA Fie Srour Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. Aa the genuine Syrup of Fig la man ufac tared by the CAuroiuria. Fis Sracr Co. only, a knowledge oi that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthies imitations manufactured by other par- tie. The high standing' of the CAU roBjriA. n snttrp Co. writh the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which tha genuine Syrup of Fig has given to millions ot familie. xnalrea the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of it remedy. It ia tar la advance of all other laxatives, aa It acta on tha kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating; or vreaken lag them, and it doe not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get it beneficial effect, please remember the name of the Company California fig syrup col rAClot Oal. tarnrvrujE. a. wwr Tea, a. y, What Or A E Salter Says. ." BrjrFAiyO, N T. Gent : From ar personal kaowltdge. gained ia obtervinj; the effect of your ShlHb's Care in ease of advanced Owtipation, I am prepared to say it i the most remarkable Remedy that hat ever bee brought to my atten tion. It hi certainly taved many from Ceneamptio.. Sold by Foshay ; Ma ton. . Beaaly la aiea Dee. Clean blood mean a dean rkin. Ka beauty without H. CaaeareU, Candy Cathar tie clean your blood aad keep it dean, by atirnag up the lazy hver and dnring all im purities from tbe body. Begin to-day te bannrb pimplea, boils, Motehea, blaekhead. and that an-kJy bilious complexion by taking Caacaret-, beauty for tea eenta. All dnig ptU, sttisfaetkm goaxaateed, 10e,2Se,90e. j BMacataTaa Oaaila rnkwti. a, i. a MntM.i . ia,as. JJ C. C. C. (ail. dracgista rWuad money. Oae car load of Phaenix BieveUa already aad another oa the road . A thrill af tarra is ainrinam whan n aeaary eoega of creep saa ads ttreagh the boaa sc ai.kt Set tea terror am. .1- gat to raual attar Oae Hioata Cseb Cere nas beaa adBintatared Sai aad bar laaraleas erefcild J A CanaUBg ' Whooping eouefa b the moat dUranlna taiady; bat it daraiion can be cat short by the ate of the Minoi Comrh Cam. which fs aiaotbe beat kaowa remedy tat eranpead all laag aadbroadal trouble. J. A. Caamring. NO CURE HO PAY. Taz lB taa. am nil J la t OROVP3TASTI5LB44 CHILL TOSIO tn - IfalaaCa fS..I L- I . ... -T- . " --a.i nana IVTtr, la av imply Iron mad (alnioa in tisatslsse tarn. Children lore K, Adalts prefer It wi nwniBaung TOtuear m Me DnluiBWIliJimV.aMlraai,;.. .. ru.k yocr hfe by aegUcting a cold. One attaate Ceogh (mt am nrnattm mU. crooe, grrppe and all throat long trochlea. . au VOAsaing'. TOCUKE ACQLta IS ONE DAT Tact LsiAi. a n 'i .. All 0-nz-iv rfa I tia & a m. r.i Car-. J5e. Ear!" Qma Ba4 Taa .ar f... ..: , . &MUalhBe and if after oriag it yoa donl say e retnm the package aad get rovr ssooey. Said br Foshay A kfaaon What pleaaore is there in life with a KaaA. ache, maatipafaoa aad Ullonrrnea? Thooa- . aada eipaneae them who could became permcMy aeaitfcy by ana g De Witt's litti Katly Boers famoa title pU'.a v. a. uantmiag. Ber Smiley ' Cleaa Priatilge CASTOR I A ! IAiuts sad. (3uiaroa. aear the faaTarf I Provisions, Feed, Etc. OvriD" to the change in prices it is impossible to it tjuote prices for any definite ume. We have Lhe Hammond Co. meats, lard, etc. Will always quote prices as low as we can. Albany Tradiiig Go. ist and Baker Sts. TTri HEW iORK WORLD Xlirice-a-Weelc Edition 18 Pages a Week ... ... 156 Papers a Teat For One Dollar taayemraptaaa The Tbrice-a-Week Edilioa of Taa w loax Wobu is first among all "weekly paper in sise. frequency cf publication and the faeahaea, aeeoracy end variety ol its eot-tears. It has alt tbe merits of a great $$ daily at the price of a dollar weekly. It political aew i prom pt, com plete, accurate aad impartial as all its read era will testify. It w against the monopo lies aad tor the people It print tbe news of ail the world. hv tag special correspondence from all im portant news points oa the globe. It haa orilliaat Uloatratioaa. tories by great antbort, a capilal Samor page, complete markets, departments for the household aad women s work aad other special de partments. We offer Ibia aaeqaaled newspaper and the Dkmocsat toejeAherow vr for t Ofi THE U the Uat and yet simplest type wut anmaisctared, to coammuoa ot tn in Tn tors art. Aa expert stenographs after naing manTJnacbinea, say; "I con aider tbe Yost Writing Machine far super or to any 1 have yet osed Call at th Dxuocsat office and see one of the type wrHert that haa to hare a perfect alhgw atent. AU Typewriters enpphmoretd. r, P. Nottiji. Agent. MB