The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 17, 1898, Image 3

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S. E. Young & Son.
At the
Ladies Bazaar.
Dress Skirts
New lot jnet received
Bustle lined and Yelveeen bound $1.75
Kitchen Apron?, Nurses Aprons, Sew
ing aprons a Special salo at 15 j.
Shirt Waists
Machas, Percale, Gingham
A line of Summer Tame
and atewChildrens Lawn Hat?.
Fnces Greatly" Reduced.
Quotations for 'July and Sept.
Chicago 79 and.89c.
New York 71 and 75c.
fc'an Francisco 80c for Dec.
Liverpool 6c lower.
Albany 65c..
The victim referred to in the folio
is a granddaughter of Mr. J. W. An
aerson, of this city, and was born in
Albany, where, with her mother, then
Mm D I L n . j i
nvucn vmrrou, etie tormerlv re
sided :
suite, Aiout.. June if Pii,) n;u
aged 9 years, disappeared from her home
ouuui umo giieet xuursday evening.
This morning her dead body was found
in an outhouse several blocks from the
residence of her narentn tk MniHnn
of the body showed plainly thai she had
been outraged, and the marks about her
neck indicated that she had been
strangled to death.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwarri Rill
the child,arrived here about two months
ago from Oakland. Cal Tlmv roniori .
cabin in the rear of 828 South Ohio street.
Thursday evening the child was playing
boois oiuer nine ones near the
We are now in the midst of the college
- commencement season, one of interest to
- a large number, an event in our city life
-deserving the attention it receives.
Every seat was full at the 17. P. church
: yesterday forenoon on the occasion of the
delivering of tha baccalaureate sermon .
- It was presented by Rev. Robert Mc
Lsan of Grants Pass and was an eloquent
forcible effort, full of excellent suggea
"Remember them that are in bonds a s
"bound with them." A sermon on Paul
-as the representative of a successful life
a model man. next to Christ in the glory
-of his character. The great problem is
how to answer Christ's prayer, not to
rgain power and notoriety. Wendall
Phillips lived so that he exists in the
.hearts of the people unlike Webster,
whose selfishness kept him from them.
Savonarola lives because he loved duty
rather than honors, to Paul -kindled a
ure in tne Hearts ot men that has lived
in every one who goes forth armed in the
spirit of the Lord.
The business world is strewn with the
wreckage of men, manv of them educat
ed, because they t ave lived for self, who j
who have tried to pet from the world
rather than to give o it. State educa
tion is for the safety of the state; and
this should be appreciated by those who
are eaucatea. vtnat means this shift
ing of party principle first on one side
then on the other of the same question.
It is the epirit of selfishness for gain.
Tried by fire, every nation nerds fire.
It brings out and develops human power.
Education should be nsed for the right,
though we stand alone.
Examples of those who remembered
those in bonds were Moses, Luther, Liv
ingston, Phillips and Melinda Rankin,
whose works were eloquently por
trayed. The world mania sympathy. Every
body is called cpon Jto give to the world
what they haxbweeivea.nat what Luth
er or Savena rola received.
The sermon was closed with some
Bplendid words to the graduating class.
The M. E. church was filled in the
evening on the occasion of the address to
the young people's societies of the col-
; lege. The subject was God's Saints" as
applied to history and every day life and
the address contained some splendid up
' to-date thouehte, in keeping with the
present difficulties with Spain, the
- speaker justifying: the war in eloquent
' terms, durkg it showing bow the course
- of empires continues to take its way west
ward and presenting the United States
. as the friend of humanity and the ally of
- the downtrodden. Tue prophecy oj
. Spain's greatest . orator Uasteilar, in
- which in 1871-2 he predicted the loss of
Cuba anl Porto' Rico if Spain's policy
- with its colonies wis not changed, was
v presented with great effect.
The exercises closed with a farewell
- address bv Miss Maty Stewart president
of the young ladies society and a response
. Dy air. James emiu oi me senior ciass.
This afternoon at 3 o'cock the regular
commencement program of tne conaery.
- atorv of music was begun and was being
.rendered to an appreciative audience. It
-wa- given in two parts ana was as loi
Iowa :
Concerto in E flat Mjor, Mozart First
piano, Nina Wadswortb; second piano,
- Gertruds Fetter.
Trio, "Praise the Lord," Sudds Mieees
Johnson ana wads worm ana rroi.
Rizoletto de Verdi," Liszt Cecelia
nsrtriiHA Pnttar.
"Camelia and the Rose," Ganz Es
mi Elizabeth Johnson.
Allegro, "sonata Appasebnata, Op
57." Beethoven Nina Jeanette Wads-
. Overture, "Oberon," Weber First
piano, Perry and Johnson, Misses Potter
and Sham.
"Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 2," Liszt
Laura lereesa Bnarp.
'-Theme de Rode," Moreau Emma
Elizabeth Johnson.
"Concerto in G Minor, Op. 25" Men
delssohn Julia Willamina Perry.
L d drees Dr . Z .' M. Parvin.
"Freedom's Song." words bv Dr. Par.
vin, music, Misses Johnson and Perry
Class. Graduates, class of 1898,Artista Coarse
Piano .ecelia Potter, Nina Wads
wortb. '
Post-Graduates Emma Johnson.Julia
Perry, Laura Sharp.
Two Bubglabifs Last evening two
Albany residences were burglarized.
borne one entered the ' residence of Mr
Fred firimmer. went od stairs, took his
nmita from a chair in bis room, and es
caped without being detected. There
was nothing but a bunch of keys in the
pockets, so the loss is small. Besides
the c-ants some iam was taken from the
Some one also entered the residence of
Fred Dawson and captured his clothes,
which tbey took out side and rifled,
leaving them in the yard of the Sisters
academy. They got little for for their
: trouble.
Northern Pacific denot. not far fmm tha
cmia s nome. since then nothing was
seen of her until this morning, when a
female neighbor went into the outhouse
ana saw what seemed to her to be a body.
She notified some men in an adjoining
lumber yard, who went in and aeenred
we oouy. it was tnat of the missing
child. The clothing was torn and dis-
araoged. Discolorationa on the neck in.
dicated strangulation, and there was a
mark on the left temple, as if made bv
some blunt instrument.
The police think thev have the man
who committed the crime. He was ar
rested about an hour after ths girl's ab
sence was noted. The police wanted him
on suspicion of burglary. They found
him in the lumber yard not 50 feet from
tha outhouse. There were blood stains
on his clothes, and when questioned
about them he could give no sat i factory
answer. When today's discovery was
made, the police thought of thia circum
stance. Since then, witnesses have been
found who will swear they saw the man
and the child together on the evening of
her dissapearance and shortly before his
arrest. Toe man gave his name as
Charles Smith, but he is also known to
the police as Higgins.
When the girl's body was found and be
was suspected of that crime, the notice
started to Put him through the sweating
process. They made him account for his
actions and movements on the evening of
the girl's disappearance and his own ar
rest, fie aid not do so in a satisfactory
way. Then he was takon to the under
taker's here the body was being pre
pared tor Dunai, and made to look upon
tne ooay. tie stood the test mentally
He is a man about 23 years of age. Tbe
theory of the police is that the girl had
gone into the outhouse, and tbe man fol
lowed her and accomplished his purpose.
It is said sbe was seen talking to a man
answering the description of the prisoner
a snort time oetore a o clock Thursday
night. The girl was of slender build.and
very beautiful. She was an only child.
ine inquest will take Dla.e Taeedsv
snouid'toe aosoiute Drool oi any one s
guilt be obtained, there will doubtles be
a lynching.
Mrs. Frank Skiff, ot Portland, is visit
ing in the city.
D V S Reid has sold his Eugene DrOD-
erty to F W Osborn for $1050.
Mr G W Wright vnt to Salem today.
to argue an appeal case in the supreme
An Albany Chinaman died Saturday
and was buried in Celestial style yesterday.
Carl Hodes of Corvallis, wss in Albany
yesterday with his 124 gee r bicycle. Jt
was reported that be coa'd not ride it
but he does all the same.
The recent graduates f. om the public
schools were from the 13th grade or high
school department, and not from the 8lh
grade as carelessly stated.
Mrs R E Michener departed today for
Halsey, where sbe will visit a few dava
and then go to Minneapolis. Minn..
where Mr Wic-ener is now t?mporanly
located. Brownsville Times.
Rev. Robert McCiean of Grants Pass.
who deliveree two able sermons in Al
bany yerterday has offered bis aervives
to his church as missionary to go to one
of tbe new fields that will be opened by
tbe conquest of Cuba, Philippine Islands,
Porto Rico and the Lad rones Rev
Mclean waa for eeveral years a resident
of Chili, and is a fluent talker in the
fc panish language and hence will be well
equipped for work at once among these
heathen Spaniards.
The Power
of Schilling's. Best baking
powder is wonderful.
Our Crop Prospects.
Washington, June 10. Preliminary
returns of the spring wheat acreage,
with the two Dakotasin particular sub
ject to revision, indicate a total area
seeded of 16,800,000 acres, which added
to tbe area in winter wheat. 26.200.008
acres, makes a total wheat acreage of
43,000,000, or rather over 8,500,000 acres
greater tnan laat year.
There is an increase of 86 per cent in
Minnesota, 22 in Iowa, 10 in Nebraska,
1 1 in worth Dakota. 8 in South Dakota
13 in Oregon and 20 in Washington
The average condition of winter wheat
is 90.8 as compared with 78.5 at the
corresponding date last year, 81.6 the
corresponding average for tha last ten
; Tbe average condition of spring wheat
is aimoet, it not entirely, unprecedented,
being 100.9. as romnirn with 89 8 in
Jane, 1897, and 92.5, the average for the
past ten years. W early all tbe states of
principal production reach a condition
which exceeds that indicative of a Jail
normal crop. North Dakota reporting
iv,ooutn Dakota 109, Nebraska ioo,
xnaisna 1U2, Minnesota 100, Oregon 101
and Washidgton 97.
An Expert Typewriter Man.
Air Eugene Ulark, of Los Angles, an
expert repairer and rebuilder of alt of
the standard makes ot typewriters,
reached hero yesterday from Eugene,
Ore. Mr Clark comes to us highly re
commended as the following complimen
tary notice taken from the Eugene Reg
ister will indicate :
Mr Eugene Clark ot Los Angeles,
expert typewriter repairer, who has
now been in Eugene for the past two
weeks, is finding plenty of machines
here that need his attention. Anyone
who has visited Mr Clark's room has
gone away convinced that the machines
are in competent hands, as there it no
piece of the mechanism he cannot make.
He now has about twenty nachines in
nis hospital, or awaiting tbeir turn. Mr
Clark has rebuilt an old Bar Lock for
the Register office, making it over so we
eould hardly recognise it as oar old ma
chine, and we can heartily recommend
him as a thorcngh workman and a
trustworthy gentleman."
air Clark is locafd at the "Revert"
where he will be pleased to have any
who may be Interested to call and see
fast how he does bis work.
SLsS ? o ST ST ST-
;r. . . : : : o o .
Judge Boise Elected.
Judge R P Boise has bees elected one
of the judges of this district to succeed
udge Hewitt by 34 plurality above
Judge D'Arcy on tbe same ticket. He
140 ahead in Linn, 82 in Yamhill
and 38 in Tillamook, a total of 260. Mr
D'Arsy is 177 snead in Marion and 49
ahead in Polk, giving a total cf 226.
judge ttoi84 will again take tbe bench
at tbe age of 79 years. He was born in
Massachusetts in 1819, grsdoated from
Williams college in 1843, waa admitted
to the bar in 1848 and came to Oregon
in 1851. He va? chosen prosecuting at
torney in 1852, was one cf the code com
missioners ;n i34, reelected prosecuting
attorney in 1S.-4, was a member of - the
constitution! convention in 1857, and
was appointed supreme iudge of tbe
territory that year, be was tbe first chief
justice of tbe state and in 1864 he was
chosen to tbe supreme bench, serving
until 1870, practicing until 1876 when be
waa elected a supreme judge, in 1880
was elected circuit judge pf this district.
holding it until defeated by Judge Bar
nett in 1892. Mis i riicat career is a
long one.
Coixwak Tbcstees. At a meeting held
at tbe college last Saturday evening the
following: new trustees were elected for
tbe coming two years: w r jrortmiiier.
J Miller, u rj Browneu. J&ev a l
Reed and Rev D M Daveonort. 24 di-
nlomaa were ordered issued. 3 classical,
4 scientific, 10 normal, 2 commercial, 5
musical. MissOlga Hewitt is tne nrsi
graduate from the commercial depart
ment. - :
The juniors always give one of the
most entertaining programs of the com
mencement season. Last night their
orations with with the prise declama
tions made a program of much interest,
bringing out excellent talent and speak
ing for tba splendid training received.
The program was opened with a piano
quartet by Misses Perry, Johnson, Sharp
and Potter, of Salem.
"America in the Future", oration tv
J oseph Edgar Ty ree. Delivered careful
ly and well. The main thought spoke
lor tbe supremacy ot Christianity, ad
vancement socially, great progress in
science, America in tbe lead with this
contibent in her control. Our nolicv
must look beyond our border. America
must be the example for other nations.
A Purposeful lAie." oration bv Marv
T t - . - .
n. otewarc, containing some tnougbt
worthy of remembrance. Joan D Arc
was taken as the text and example of a
life with a purpose. Tha imnortanc of
an aim in life, a quiet fixed determina
tion to do something for mankind was
impressively stated. Florence Nightin
gale, and Frances E. Willard were given
as examples.
"Tbe Conflict cf the Age," oration by
Charles Chiie Bryant, splendidly r re
sented. The conflict is that between
ejpital and libor. The present wage
system cannot meet tbe demands of
advancing civilization. Wealth has been
a menace to nations. The strongest
nations have bad a moral foundation.
miss Johnson was heard in a vocal solo
Yea or No."
The prize declamation conhl waa
here presented. Nell:e Foe bay was
beard in "The Trial of A oner Bar
row," Eiva Whealdon in "The Boat
Race." Ora Barknese in "Clandina ani
Cynthia," and Lottie Ketch am in "How
ATistsrcnas studied Elocution."
Hin bharn and Perrv rendered ih
"Maiden's Prayer" and the dnriainn of
tbe judges on the contest was beard. The
prize as awarded t? elite Fosbay.
a '
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So is the up-to-date stock of
At the Blain Clothing Co's Store
It consists of a large, well assorted stock of men's
youths and boys suits, in late styles, pretty patterns,
properly made, marked at low prices. A fine wool suit
for $5 to $io.
There are several counters of extra cheap clothing for
those wanting rare bargains.
In a Liter to the board of Canvassers
of Marion county P II D'Arcy demands
reMnvass of tbe vote for drcni'
Judge, which gives the office to Judge
Boite. Amon oher things lie says:
'Whereas, I have been reliably infor
med that a representative of indge Boise
was privately closeted with a clerk of
the canvassing board engaged id exam
ining tally sbeeta.etc, connected with the
oonvasaing ol said vol, wiinont toy
knowledge or consent ; and whereas.
there appears to be a discrepancy be
tween vales cast lor Judge Boise and
myself ss at first announced as appears
op rotir footiogs, which have not been
hnaiiy passed upon by yon, amounting
to at least 1C0 votes.
Plated Bask Ball. Brownsville bas
a base ball club that Is decidedly on
the nlav. Last week the oluo de-
faaiwi a nicVpt nine at the nicnic from
Albany two to one, Junction waa ue
feated 60 to 7, Tangent 31 to 19 in a first
time but in a second game Tangent won
24 to 19.
The ratification in Lane county was
ea'.led the golden jubilee. Dr. Kuyken-
dall, elected senator, closed bis speech
with: "When I die, I expect to go to
heaven and enter through a golden gate,
walk the golden streets, play on a golden
harp, wear a go'.den crown, etc.
Was Almost Grazed
t four of the graduates from the O A 0
mis year win be rrom Linn county, to
wits Sarah Morrison of Oakvi'Je, Dora
"Porter ot Shedds and Harvey Bodine of
aj s . .
Hood's Pilla are easy to lake, easylo
. .uuigcBuc-a, biliousness,
Sores on th Limbs cured Dy
Hood' Sarsaparllia Heart and
Lung Troubles Overcome.
I broke oat with ores all over my
limbs, and they caused such intense itch-
Ine I feared I should go crazy. I was also
troubled with a tired feeling. After tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparllia a short time the
itching ceased, and the sores on my limbs
began to heaL I am better In every way
since taking Hood's Barsaparllla." Mas.
JAB. 3. Kehob, McEwen, Oregon.
" Hood's Sarsaparllia has cured me of a
lung trouble and fluttering of the heart,
and since I began taking It my weight
has Increased 20 pounds. It has done my
Stomach good and. I can now enjoy my
meals and eat with comfort. I recom
mend Hood's Samparilla as the best
medicine it Is possible to find." C. W.
Cabbt, Prlmeville, Oregon."
At the U. P. church at 10 a. ra. LorUv
in the presence of a fair sized audience.
tne program waa opened with the
William Tell overture bv Misses Khsrn
Johnsoo.Perry and Potter on two pianos.
L. .:f ii i '
ucauuiuny penormea.
Bev. a. Ju. Keed offered prayer.
Miss Johnson, of Salem, waa heard in
vocal solo, tBeioice Greatly" and twir
afterwards in CmU Diva and Katie.
Urations were delivered as follows :
On account of a serious throat ironhla
Miss Orpha Lain Fisher's oration on
The Power of Imagination." waa omit.
Cbailes Frankiln Cooner. "War from
Two Points oi View " It is one ihinu in
poetry and sculpture, but another thirnr
in reality. It's only right object can be
to secure peace. For glory or conquest
it is wrong. Tbe destructive nature of
tbe present mode of warfare was well de
scribed and - the progress of events to
wards prace.
Julia Pfciry Performed Reethnv.n'a
wra upas, skii'tally, displaying a splen
did talent.
David Hart Gotlieb. The Career of
Spain in tbe Aew World." Tbe discov
ery of America by a Spanish expedition.
cpaniso croemes irom the earliest age,
avarice lor gold, resulting in barbarity
auc sobbery, even too this day, as seen
id iUDa. ine old relation of pride and
honor between Spain and the U. 8. has
given place to hatred and cootemDt.
Soon the history of Spain will cease and
sue win receive tne laie oi Babylon.
-a ninnie oaevis, "Man's Keacb
Most Exceed Bis Graso " The idea
was brought out that tbe aim in life is
what brings success, a b eh mark in view
sieamiy pursued, emphasized by apt il
Lather A. Wllev. "Heroes and Horn
worsnip," a as excused.
The chair of Annas Gaham in I Ca.
Oregon Volunteers, was beautifully dec
orated, bis picture draped with a flag
iaa wiueeta eteumacher, "American
Literature" The subject waa well treat
ed nnder three heads, colonial, revolu
tionary and national, an ezsollent review
ot our literary growth.
si iss Liaura Sharp rendered selections
from Beetboyen and Liszt, well
Mr. Charles Cooper pronounced the
valedictory in a happy manner.
Tbe program was closed with 'the pre
sentation of the grand march from Tann-
bauser by Miss ferry.
bert Wight on "Strength Essential to
Progress, "Liberty" by Ada Morris,
"A new factor in modern civilization '
by Dora Page, "The spirit ot the age by
fcila McCoy. "Out Vive- by jamee
Smick and a chair for Marias Marcelios
Manila bound. Miss Hopkins will deliv
er tbe valedictory and there will be ro
cs 1 solos by Eva French and Prof. Ware
and a coronet solo bv Kay rarvin.
Chicago "CHe and TOe-
New York 83."ic and 75(e.
Lirerpoot 12e toer fcr July. 3c lower
tor Sept,
Hin tranciaco 80c
Albany GSc or tors.
.Mr D'Arcy Not Satisfied.
Mr J R Ream was in Eugene Tester-
day on business.
George Race, son of Earl Race of Sa
lem, was in tbe city yesterday.
Charlie Barr is lying seriously ll at
bis home in this city with diphtheria.
W H Raymond tbe insurance man
baa been in tbe city several days on in
surance business.
J A McFeron bas rented the corner
store in tbe P O block and will move
bis grocery stock into it the lht of July.
P J Smiley, Albany's printing artist,
etarned home this morning after a Sun
day's visit with his wife who is the guest
of Mrs Van Wilsoo. Ecgene Register.
RevJ RX Bell, now of Santa Cruz,
Calif., passed through ton this morn
ing eoroule to tort land, ne win re
turn in a few weeks and may visit
friends bere. Roseburg Review.
In a Cresent bicycle parade at Eugene
S. II. McAlliiter and Miss Mary Skip
won h secured lbs 15 prizes offered by F.
L Chambers for tbe best decorated and.
illuminated Cresent bicycles in tbe parade.
For Ibe s access of the U. of 0. Glee
Club Concert at Kogene Saturday night
tbe Guard rays special credit was due
Miss Joyce Browneil pianist and Miss
Stella Dorria vocalist.
Brakeman S. V. Willis, who wss killed
in tbe accident ifr l n.;la Sunday
noon, was a son ol R. W. Willis, of Rose
burg. Though only 21 he leaves a wife
and child.
The different grand lodges of tbe order
of Masons are in session in Portland this
week. D P Mason, J R Wvatt and and
Mr llammack are in attendance from
this city, and Mrs Mary Kelly from the
.eastern mar.
Mr Ed Hirscb, a well known Salem
politician, hat been appointed post
master at that city for the ensuing four
years, to begin as toon as his commission
arrives. There wss a big strife for the
Mr Kurtz of Salem is visiting with II
M Stone. He is traveling via bike, and
his business is selling prune dryers.
Mr Stone is assisting him thia week.
Two more new boasts are nnder way.
Mr G W Yates is potting op a new reel
deace and bas employed Herman Hot
stien to do tbe carpenter work. Jndge
Barton bas two teams employed bant
ing lumber for his new boose which will
soon be in tbe bands of a skillfol work
man, we didn't learn the name of tbe
Query : Why will people Uke eggs to
Albiiny for IScents when Smith is giving
13 T
Some men are slow to learn anything.
At tbe election last week three ballou
were returned more or less defective.
Oce was marked off as if lb person had
intended to vote for three is a troop.
He voted for the fir.t thne candidates
for Governor snd wbea be came to the
Representative ticket be arrived ibere
all right and voted tor the three nntoa
candidates. Tbe other to ballots were
marked in different wars. The printed
instructions are so plain that itsfwtnt
like aa impossibility for a voter to make
a mistake. We are ot tbe oninion tftas
these mistakes are -made bv nersona
whose eyesis-bt is failine bat do not lik .
to have the Judge make oat their tickets
Some of oar people went to hact
strawberries last Woodsy morning. The
crowd consisted of W Y Shearer. Sam
Morrison, A Y Smith and Morri-
. Thev went bv wav of Albany and
cmeeed over to Cloverdale and found all
the berries tbey wanted and a larve
crowd of people from all Darts of the
state. When the boos hoar arrived we
found a cice shade in which to eat or
We are sorry that "MrK" has decid
ed to drop tbe pencil tor a time. We
hops It will not be long.
Lrrru Ross Bro.
Tas O A C CoxEXcKMt.vT will begin
next Saturday at 8 p m, with a recital
by Misses Nash and Ellis. Rev Garrett
ot Portland will deliver tbe baccalaure
ate sermon on Sunday, on Monday eve
ning tne seniors give aa entertainment.
onTneecay afternoon tbe field sports.
in tbe evening a popular entertainment
under Misses Craw lord and Ellis; Wed
nesday at 9:30 graduating exercises.
Babx Bi-,xid. Tbe barn of G L
Sontherland was burned near Scio. last
evsniog, causing a small Us. Cause
Tuis afternoon tbe members of the
senior class were having a glorious time
in tbe regular class day lestmtjes. The
program consisted of several college
songs sang with a will, remarks by tbe
President Miss Margureite Hopkins, s
history ot tbe class well gotten np by
Miss Zua bkeela, the prophecy by Miss
Ella McCoy, a prophecy on tbe propbet
Mr David Gotlieb, and a planting of tbe
tree by Mr Lather Wiley, a feature of
commencement season that is alwsys
very interesting.
Tonicbt the popular college entertain
ment of tbe season will be presented,
nnder tbe direction of Miss Alice Moses.
and it promises to be one of tbe finest in
tbe history uf tbe college entertain
ments It will consist of the dramatic
toem Peer Gvnt. four nantomi mia with
I songs, a gsroen scene from Mary Stuart,
at If Sarsa- I onft Karoen scene from Mary Stuart,
FxS affsfl ' C. "1 .mi Telephone Romance, scenes from Iliad,
II dOlaJLJ ? parilla! one of the prettiest things ever presented
SS SS n. . n . f h.M iiiit tha RIiv1o.m nM.. - l
Tbe Tslegrsm says sweeping changes
bave been made in the location of Sal
vation Armv officers, and gives a long
list. Capt May and Lieut Flux will be
sent to Albany. Lieut Hacklemtn wlil
go to Ashland.
Mr J B Hermann 2nd assistant light
house keeper at Cape Foalweatber for
the past eight years bas been promoted
to 1st assistant at tbe new light house
just completed at Grays Harbor. Wash.
us passed through Albany today os hit
way to nit new station .
Tbe Statesman it authority for the
newt that the clotbiog stock of E F Neff
insolvent, has been purchased bv W
Hobson of Stayton and Tbos Sims of 6a
lem. These gentlemen will soon take
possession of the stock and open it np
lor tbe public
Mr U G Hayne, who has been work
ing on tbe government workt at Fort
Stevens several years, it in tbe city on a
several weeks visit before returning to
his work. ben he left not a Spaniard
bad been sighted off the mouth ol the
Mr Sutton, of this city, bs received
letter from his son Garfield, who wat on
tbe Baltimore during tbe Manila battle,
in wbicb he givet an account of tbe en
gagement. Gar was the first lieutenant
messenger during tbe tight and was on
tbe bridge, from there taking orders all
over tbe big cruiser instructing tbe
officers of the gum at to tbe range to fire,
Is the best tu fact the One True Blood Purifier,
Bold by all drnglsts. rnce,si six ior j,
. - j, ,-..! era the best after-dinner
HOOU S PUIS pun, aid digestion. SBe.
here and the Bicyclers, a pretty comedy.
A email auiuusiuu ice will DO Charged.
Tomorrow at 10 a. m., tbe regular
commencement exercises of tbe senior
class will be held at the U. P. church.
This Ykaeb Exhibit. The Oregon In
dustrial Exposition will be held In Port
land Sept 22 to Oct 22. It it desired
make the exhibit a big and diversified
one. Space will be free. Address B 8
Pague for particulars.
YHS FOITLAB swrxsTAixiisa-T.
a a
agoou sized soJieoce were hiwhlw
with tbe excellent program pre-
sMtlaaarl Sk ft tka. a. . "! r.
- "pwr noose iaet evening
noder the management- of Miss Alice
Moses. It was unique bat fall of later
al iss Mildred Bannester snd Emms
were neerc u the pretty duet fnxa
Grieg, r-er Gynt, performed well.
oe presentation of pantomimes with
ong accoeapantment was an excelled
wwwwpienaiaiy carried oat in each
7t '7 were aiy i looks up to
i!; ! fr11 ladies owirtet,
"Tit for Uf with song by Eva French,
ernes from Hind b aliaaa a
XrT V. .'- rroenan, Heatoa,
X' HcKechnie, Merrill, Nntting
Scblffler, Stewart. Thorn naon and
ceaidon, with Emma Sox aa nianiat
beautiful thine vimlt mi 7
"The Star Spelled Banner," by Miss
Ora HarkDese with ascng by Mrs Nut
ting. 1 be eardea aria fm.
StoartwiUi Mite Anna Marshall as Eli
zabeth and Mies Ora Uarkness ss Mary
. P1'8" wiy presented. Mtts Ella
McCOy rave a mOOOkhrne. "A Talanhnna
Romance," in a pleasing manner. Miss
lura Pare presented "niammwt ri mm.
moed," with (tool effect. The eater
taioment dosed with "The Bicyclers"
by John Kendricks Banes, ia Harnen
several years am. with Owm zl
Clyoe Bryant, O A Mnlkey, Jos Tyree!
Marguerite Hopkins snd Anna Marshall
in the cast, in which tbey all excelled.
It was a live affair.
Letter Llt.
Following is the list of letters remaluing
in the PostofBce at Albany, Linn county
Oregon, Jane It, 1898. Persons calling
for these letters mast give tbe date on which
they were advertised.
Akin, Miss Elva Johnsor, James
Allen, F M 2 Osborne, Mr W T
Bamburg, Mr ' Pavne, Mrs Nathan
Binder, (ins Stiles. J B
Cooper, Mr Oho figal, Mr A 2
lunn, r E Webber. J
Galleck.J II ires, CV
T. J. Snrxs. P M
Sisters Coinmcncemcnt.
At the opera bouse Tuesday evening
Jane 21. Following it the program.
Orchestra . ' ,
Oveitnre, Masaniello Misses E. Case,
W. Davis.
Salutatory Mies K. Collins.
Come where tba lilies bloom Vocal
Loota Mazourka irio, misses w. Ia
vis. A. Kidders. u. roiey.
Wreck of the Batt:eebip Maine Cho
A Mo'her'a Curse. Drama in three
acts Act I. interludes. "Merrily
Roam." Siring quartette Mi-ses F
Kneclit, A. Train, A. Reed, E. Zeyess.
Act II. Interludes. "Every night
see that Nigger" Chorus.
Act III. Interludes. "Spanish Re
treat" Piano Duett- Misses F, Knccht,
P. Mar ory. fianeu. f antasia.
Woolenhaupt'a Grand March ds Con
oert. Piano Quartette Misses E. Case,
W. Davis, L. MoGbr e, P. Marjory.
Farewell Choral.
Ei.xctd OrriciBB. At a meellnglti
tbe Albany Voluuteert Uat evening the
following officers were elected :
. Charles A Sears, captain.
Fred Bloom, 1st lieutenant.
John Concklin, 2nd lieutenant.
, The other ofllcera will ba appointed
The cjmpany will furnish Albany
quota under tha President's and Gover
nor'! calls,
The members of Ivy Temple are rrqneita
ed t3 meet at tne &, v. u. w . ball Thors
day at a o clock.
Dewey,- , . . ...
Well, we do,
Simonton's Concert band and the eel
ebrated Silwrton band will bead ths pro
There will be s troop of acrobats, jog-
gierw aea speaaiBSS woo WU1 exaiut eo
a public platform.
Master Fraakie Kichter. the nina veer
old piano wizard will astonish oar citi
zens with his wwderfal performance.
ProL Leroy Dellibae. of Chicago, will
mske a balloon aseeasioa snd parachute
Jump. .v
A big free minstrel show will be given
irosn toe stage, witn ths very latest ia
A team of expert bterels riders will
give s fins exhibition, a 4th of July nov
wry, ana were wiu oe many other at
tractions people will wish to see. Those
wbo come to Albany on the coming 4ih
will eet their anonev'e worth. Tbe eela.
orauon will be up to date sad a Manila
victory lor Albany.
tub sxxioas.
Kotwithstaodinr a Wehfont mlat
large audience was present at tbe priact-
raicnatwuis commencement season,
the commencement proper, beld at the
U P church at 10 a m toda. It tha
dosing event of a sacceesfal years work.
ou more man any other spots for At-
r vouege.
ine P roc ram was opened with eone
excellent music bv ths orchestra. toU
osd by prayer by Rev H L Reed.
Tbe orationa pronoancMl vera nl a hiah
character, displaying thoroogh caltiva-
loa. v e rive lost enoneh ta thaw the
pirit of the efforts, an extended araorwla
being impossible.
Aioer nuuam wivht, B. A., "The
Mrengm isenUal to Progress," A rep-
lesestaUve of the Orecon coUecee in the
coming interstate oratorical contest to
take place in Idaho, hit oration waa ol
erucaiar interest. It was splendidly
elivered. dtsplsvinc the ease and con
fidence of experience, and able ia com
position. The central thought was the
need of a well rounded development.
physically, morally, mentally and spiriU
ubiit or ma oeec success.
Manas Breckeuridse NarcellDe.MProa.
penty." omittted on account of Mr Afar.
cellus having enlisted and gone to Man-
iw iw nrig un ooonuy. ID place Ot tOO
oration the "Star Spangled Baaner" was
sung with a win.
Ada Abigail Morris. B. S "Liberty
Aue oeeireior u oert y is innate and ws
it in tverr stare of life, in every field
of action, religious and civil, illustrated
ia tne pages oi 018 lory by many lncid
enta. On oar emblem we bays liblrtv.
iiawruitT, equality.
Dora Franklin Pare. B. A.. "A Kaw
t actor in Modern Civilization." This
?' roved to be a woman, and the manner
n which she bas risen hsndicapped by
uiwij aua prejudice to an enyiaote posi
tion in the events of tbs times, wss well
and fairly portrayed. Ia the home, in
nigner culture, in reitrioa. Sbs bas an
influence that hat advanced wondertnllv.
Mist Pass's home la in Oakland and
daring her six years residence here bas
gained the confidence sad respect of all,
roth for her excellent personal qualities
uu inteuectuai aeveiopement
Ella Leigh McCoy, B A., "The Spirit
of ths Age," Patriotism aa displayed
in tue prompt response of oar young
men to their country's call. Dewey,
ine nero oi the dav. in tba irreateat a-
val battle ia history. This is sn aossl-
nso, rigbteoas war, against ths power
oi miaur, cruelty and seinabnesa. A
timely effort nicely pronounced.
James Philip Smick. "Qui Vive," Col
umbos. We need more Col um buses for
discovery, not of new countries, but in
intellectual research. New thoughts ia
stead oi old thoughts remodeled, i
march on with unfaltering courage, Col
am bases in investigation.
Marguerite Emms Hopkins delivered
tbs aledictory in a pleating manner,
presenting some good thoughts in con
nection with ths closing ol tbs college
course, as well at the strife for knowl
edge and the importance of college edu
cation in suocett in life. Ths effort wss
s bright one that mads a ttong impres
sion on the large audience.
Interspersed were a vocal solo by Mist
Eva French, sweetly rendered, a cornet
solo by Ray Parvin. greatly appreciated
and a vocal solo by Prof Wars display
ing to advantags his fins voice.
The floral offerings were elaborate snd
beautiful, fit tributes to the popular
members of ths clsss, who leave the col
lege with the respect and esteem of fac
ulty and brother students.
Tba diplomas were awarded by Presi
dent iee snd the exercises closed w ltu
benediction by Rev O R 8tevenson.
Will Busy has gone ta Toledo to fid
tbs positioa ot the C A E agent.
Mr. Reason cConaell. of Kinrs val
ley, has been in ths otty.
Prof. A. S. McDooald, coaaty so per-
iateadeat eiect, wss la tae city today.
Hon. Lark Bilyea. of Eaeeoe. will de
liver the 4 lb of July oration at Browns
Hiss Merle Simpson, of Uorvsiiis. is
spec dins' commencement bere ths guest
ol Mias Flo suing.
Deputy TJ S Marshall J A Wilsoa was
ia the city today on bis wsy to Portland
from Soalhern Oregon.
Jodrs Burnett has been appointed
Mayor of Corvsllis to soceeed Meyer
Woodward j art elected coaaty judge.
T. 8 Pills harry, ol Brownsville, has
sold his bosioeei there sad next week
will go to Illinois to snead a year.
J W Staler, area la ting ageat of the
Oregon ian, has beea ia the city a couple
of days, going to Corvrllis this noon.
C O Burkhart. Jos. DubruUs' Dr,
Davis and F Allan are ta Oregoe City
Ueading tbs grand lodge ofths.Wood.
ot tbs
Jos Bethnne. who, while at school
here, became fanrbos as aa Irish female
impersonator, will be ia Oorvallia until al
ter com meocc meet. He is now ia perma-
t boai ores ia Oak. and. uaiu uor-
vallis Time. Formerly of Albany.
bacy man, bat for several years ia the
real estate business Is Astoria, came op
oe Ute overland last night oa a several
days visit ia the coaaty.
Special Sale This Week.
Present all members sad efficers bat
Mayor. Ia his sboesce Ooaocilman
Hopkics waa placed ia the chair.
Tbs following bills wars ordered paid :
W H MiHrr 6, Fosbay & Masoa 15 J5,
N J Hsatoo $12 10, 8 Ooaa IS, Eieclrie
Ught Co. 1135.40, U O Uarkness $33.00.
Farther time was treated the commit
tee ia the matter of a new bridge sad
electric light petitioned for oa Ferry
Ins committee on fire sad water re
ported arraotements being made lor a
team tor ute are aepejunetu.
Ths street commissioner reported:
work on strtets daring pest month $411.-
23. 764 loads ot gravel sad 303 toads ot
dirt hauled.
A petition asked for a firs hydrant st
a . . w-a m
Lyons and vtn streets, neierrea.
interest oa oonas aae tne nm oi juij
eras ordered paid.
Poetpooed matter oi latierai seser in
block 3ft.
Grade stakes oa i errv street were or-
AavaH eoreected.
Ordered repaired stdewaia ao joining
lots between Ellsworth sad Lyon streets
on 7th.
A million witb zio Barnes wss preeea-
ted askinc that tbe bicycle ordinance
ahall be smended so that it shall read
aa Inline ! "
Section S. That it snail oe uiuaw-
ful for any person to ride a bibycle, tn-
r.rl at Telocioede, oa say sidewalk, in
said city, daring the night time, with
out s head or signal light, displayed ia
a coaspiciOUS manner, ana ;n pieia new
such vehicle, bicycle, trtcycie or vel
The matter was discussed witn tne sx-
pressioa ot aa intention to grant toe re
quest sod perhaps f aither amend tbs or
dinance to meet toe needs oi ins occas
Removal Notice .
Tomlinson & Dubruille
Axe now on First street, Al
bany, nearly opposite the Re
vere House, where they haye a
line stock ot double and single
harness, saddles, blankets,
whips, etc., at Low Prices.
The very interesting news comet to
us that ths farmers got ths money and
Jos Loiter tbs experience, A remark
Call for Men.
Governor Lord has Issued a call
men under the second enlistment to
apportioned as follows :
La Grande.....
Tbe Da'.les
. 14
. 14
. 14
. IS
. S3
. 13
. 25
. W
. 12
. 13
. 13
. 13
Judge BoUe Answers.
Judee Boise answers Mr D'Arcy as
Tn the Statesman of this morning
there is s statement signed by V H D'
a. an.t addressed "to the hoard of
..aaai.raeieleetioa for Marion county
"that a representative oi mine waa pri
vately ClOSSiea wuu eier w u
visaing board so gaged ia examining tal
l. ahMta.eto.. cuinected with caavata-
ine of voles." '
T -uh aimnlv. to say throagb vour
naoer that this statement i absolutely
(arse and without any foundation vnat
aver. ;
Mrs.Viereck'a." .
los cream summer gardes .
Aad parlors.
Ics cream .
Ice eream soda "
And lemonade.-
On Ice Cream Freezers,
Oa Eefrigerators,
On Garden Hose,
On Wheel Barrows, -On
Lawn Mowers,
On Garden Tools,
On Oil Stoves,
On Screen Doors and Wire Cloth
hnieStewart & &)i flirtware Co.
Special Sale This Week.
JUNE 10, 1898
6 so
1 oo
i oo
1 6
1 50
1 00
Tbe Beet Granulated Sugar IOO lb sack
Pkgs Lion Coffee
Arboack Coffee
The Beet Brand Floor-every sack guaranteed
Men's fine Tan booss S3 no grade
2S rarda Standard ralirnra If! yds trade
Ladies Fine Oxford shoes .75c, .S5c, $1J, 1 J3, former price from
f 1.00 to 3 00.
Farm Produce Wanted.
Mcl wain's Cash Store
Closing Out Sale.
350 MEN'S
All wool, Salem Mills.basiaess sad dress suits worth from 1 10 to $25 for fi-00 to $9.
75 Youth's Suits worth s to 13 for 12.60 to 6.
75 Boy's Baits worth 3 to V for ft to M-
AU kinds of Goods, New and Stylish, for Men and Boys at
These coods must be closed out at once. Call early for
first choice, as they are going rapidly
W. R. BLAIN, -
West Room, Mcllwain Block.
Ko matter how v u bay you'll receive
voar full equivalent. Quaiity too will
be on tbe right tide of the scale. We
aim to give prompt and moet careful at
tention to all orders whether given ia
person or by mail. This is tbs season
lor canned goods and -ws have a fine
line of ths best to be had both in fruits,
vegetables and meats. Ws can guaran
tee them in every particular. - You will
not be disappointed. Can't we send you.
a few cans assorted tor triat.
Just received several cases fine white
comb hooey at 12 cents per pound
Joseph. Proprietor.
when orationa will be presented by Al-
able case,